Cognitive development work program senior group. Cognitive development work program for preschool children. from "__" ____________ 2015

Working programm on cognitive development for children 6-7 years old

The work program for the educational area "Cognitive Development" was developed on the basis of
General education program of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution child development center kindergarten No. 43 "Yablonka" in accordance with
- Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in Russian Federation» (Accepted State Duma December 21, 2012; Approved by the Federation Council on December 26, 2012)
- The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155)
- Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the preschool educational organizations"(approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26)
- Order of organization and implementation educational activities for the main general education programs - the educational program of preschool education (approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014, Moscow)
The program is aimed at creating the following psychological and pedagogical conditions:
personality-oriented interaction of adults with children;
full communication of the child with peers, older and younger children;
development of developing pedagogical technologies, corresponding to the age and based on the assimilation of cultural means of activity at a certain age;
development of a developing object-spatial environment that provides communicative, playful, cognitive, speech, physical, creative activities of children in accordance with age;
the possibility of choice for all subjects of education (teachers, children, parents (legal representatives)) of educational programs, pedagogical technologies and activities. In accordance with Article 64 (clause 1) of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (No. 273-FZ, dated December 29, 2012). The program is also aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children, and the correction of disorders in physical and mental development.
The educational program provides for the versatile development of children aged 6-7 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main educational areas: physical, social and communicative, cognitive and artistic and aesthetic. The program ensures that pupils achieve readiness for school.
Continuous directly educational activity for children aged 6-7 is based on the program "Childhood", the program determines the content and organization educational process for preschoolers and is aimed at the formation of a common culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children.
The main educational program of the institution was developed on the basis of the “Exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education “Childhood” / T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogobiridze, O. V. Solntseva; processed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as partial and copyright programs:
1. S.N.Penina, I.Yu.Musatova "Live Mathematics";
2. Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.L., Sterkina R.B. Fundamentals of safety for preschool children. M.: Education, 2007.
The work program of the educational area "Cognition" includes three interrelated blocks:
development of elementary mathematical representations;
environmental education;

Acquaintance with the surrounding world.
Senior preschool age is classified by modern pedagogical science as the most optimal age for education and training.
Preschoolers of 6-7 years old master the ability to characterize an object, phenomenon, event from a quantitative, spatio-temporal point of view, to notice similarities and differences in shapes and sizes, which is manifested in children's interest in modeling, the use of generally accepted and proposed by them symbols.
Children show a special interest in numbers as signs of numbers, writing them, using them in different types practical activities, games in the search for treasures with a sketch of moves and counting the distance.
In the educational program of a preschool institution, which determines the content and organization of the educational process for preschoolers, and is aimed at forming a common culture, developing physical, intellectual and personal qualities, forming the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success, maintaining and strengthening the health of preschool children, correcting deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children, a large place is given to the development of practical connections, dependencies, simple patterns. It is these aspects of the child's development that are reflected in a separate educational area of ​​the program - "Cognition".
Integration in the preparatory group for school consists in the use by the child of cognition techniques (survey, quantitative and qualitative assessment, comparison, generalization) in various types of productive children's activities in order to cognize or clarify connections and dependencies in visual activity, natural history, constructive (from sand, various designers), as well as in musical and social activities.
The main objectives of the program:
To develop independence, initiative, creativity in the child's search for variable ways
To assist in the independent discovery by children of connections and dependencies between objects, including those hidden from direct perception (by properties and relationships: part and whole, correspondence and similarity, order of location and sequence).
Encourage preschoolers to justify and prove the rationality of the chosen method of action (change; check by selecting similar objects, using the appropriate terminology: increase, decrease, divide into parts, connect, change shape, location on a sheet, etc.)
To promote the manifestation of research activity of children in independent math games, in the process of solving problems of various types, striving to develop the game and search for results with original, original actions (in their own way, at the level of age capabilities).
Development of sensory culture
To form in children an idea of ​​​​the system of sensory standards of shape, color, size standards, time duration, material standards.
To support the desire of children to use the system of exploratory actions when examining objects to identify their features, determine the qualities and properties of the materials from which the objects are made.
Contribute independent use children mastered the standards for the analysis of objects, compare the object with the standard, notice their similarities and differences for several reasons.
Encourage children to accurately designate the features of objects and materials with a word, to name survey actions.
Improve analytical perception, stimulate interest in comparing objects, understanding their features and purpose.
The development of horizons and cognitive research activities in nature
To develop a cognitive interest in nature, the desire to actively study the natural world.
Support the manifestation of selectivity of children in the interests and preferences in the choice of natural objects.
Enrich children's ideas about the nature of their native land and various natural areas, about diversity natural world, the causes of natural phenomena, the peculiarities of the existence of animals and plants in the community, the interaction of man and nature.
To support the manifestation of the initiative of children in independent observations, experiments, heuristic reasoning on the content of the read cognitive literature. To develop the independence of children in cognitive research activities, to notice contradictions, to formulate a cognitive task, to use different methods of testing assumptions, to apply the results of research in different types of activities.
To enrich the independent experience of practical activities for the care of animals and plants of the kindergarten site and the corner of nature. To support children in observing environmental rules, to involve them in elementary environmental activities.
To educate moral feelings, expressed in empathy with nature, and aesthetic feelings associated with the beauty of the natural world.
To educate the basics of a humane-valuable attitude of children to nature through an understanding of the value of nature, an orientation towards helping living beings, the preservation of natural objects of the immediate environment, and the manifestation of responsibility for one's actions.
The main methods are:
organization of practical activities of children;
productive activities;
the game in all its manifestations and types;
project activity;
creating problem situations;
heuristic conversations;
"one" day event;
fantasy activity;
keeping a diary of observations.
To master the elements of logic, the structure of statements using the negation of “not”, individual words and combinations with the inclusion of unions “and”, “or”, “if (change), then ...;
To master the composition of numbers from two smaller ones, counting in pairs, 3, 4, 5 each, dividing sets into equal and unequal groups, increasing and decreasing in the number of elements: games and exercises, independent activity using Kuizener's colored counting sticks;
To master the skills of transforming volumetric and flat structures, the independent use of individual techniques in various activities, the manifestation of ingenuity and ingenuity in puzzle games, in the course of solving logical entertaining tasks;
For independent detection and justification of the relationship between the total number of objects and their number in each of the received groups, the size of the measure, size and numerical result, the number of coins and the amount, and in other situations.

I. Explanatory note

1.1. Regulatory framework
— Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. No. 273 - Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation";
— Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”;
- "Federal state educational standard for preschool education." Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155 Moscow.
- by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 30, 2013 No. No. 1014 "On approval of the procedure and implementation of educational activities in the main general educational programs of preschool education", the main educational program of MBOU secondary school No. 70 (preschool groups), the Charter of MBOU secondary school No. 70.

1.2. The content of the educational process in the preparatory group.
The content of the work program corresponds to the main provisions of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy and ensures the unity of educational, developmental and teaching goals and objectives. When choosing teaching methods, preference is given to developing methods that contribute to the formation of cognitive, social sphere development.
The content of the educational process is built in accordance with the exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "Childhood": Exemplary main general educational program of preschool education. T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva and others - St. Petersburg - 2014.
A distinctive feature of the program is that it is aimed at developing independence, cognitive and communicative activity, social confidence and value orientations that determine the behavior, activities and attitude of the child to the world. The program was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. The "Childhood" program effectively implements the ideas of developmental education continuously and successively from preschool education to graduation secondary school.
The work program of the preparatory group of MBOU secondary school No. 70 in Lipetsk ensures the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the direction: cognitive development

1.3. Tasks.
Tasks of educational activity
- To develop independence, initiative, creativity in cognitive and research activities, to support manifestations of individuality in the research behavior of the child, the selectivity of children's interests.

— Enrich ideas about people, their moral qualities, gender differences, social and professional roles, the rules of relationships between adults and children
- Contribute to the development of children's self-confidence, awareness of the growth of their achievements, self-esteem,

- To develop tolerance towards people of different nationalities.

1.4. Age and individual characteristics of children of the seventh year of life.

A child on the threshold of school (6-7 years old) has stable social and moral feelings and emotions, high self-awareness and realizes himself as a subject of activity and behavior. The behavior of the child begins to be regulated by his ideas about what is good and what is bad. The ability to emotionally evaluate one's actions is directly related to the development of moral and moral ideas. The child experiences a sense of satisfaction, joy, when he does the right thing, well, and embarrassment, awkwardness, when he breaks the rules, he does badly. The general self-esteem of children is a global, positive, undifferentiated attitude towards themselves, which is formed under the influence of an emotional attitude on the part of adults. By the end of preschool age, there are significant changes in the emotional sphere. On the one hand, children of this age have a richer emotional life, their emotions are deep and varied in content. On the other hand, they are more restrained and selective in emotional manifestations. By the end of preschool age, they form generalized emotional representations, which allows them to anticipate the consequences of their actions. This significantly affects the effectiveness of arbitrary regulation of behavior - the child can not only refuse unwanted actions or behave well, but also perform an uninteresting task if he understands that the results obtained will bring someone benefit, joy, etc.
Of great importance for children 6-7 years old is communication with each other. Their electoral relations become stable, it is during this period that children's friendship is born. Children continue to actively cooperate, at the same time they also have competitive relations - in communication and interaction, they seek, first of all, to prove themselves, to attract the attention of others to themselves. By the age of 6-7, the child confidently owns the culture of self-service and the culture of health. In games, children of 6-7 years old are able to reflect rather complex social events - the birth of a child, a wedding, a holiday, a war, etc.
Children of this age can take on two roles during the game, moving from one to the other. They can interact with several partners in the game, playing both the main and the subordinate role.
Continues further development motor skills of the child, building up and independent use of motor experience. Ideas about oneself, one's physical capabilities, and physical appearance are expanding. Walking, running are improved, steps become uniform, their length increases, harmony appears in the movements of arms and legs. The child is able to move quickly, walk and run, keep the correct posture. On their own initiative, children can organize outdoor games and simple competitions with their peers.
At the age of 6-7 years, there is an expansion and deepening of children's ideas about the shape, color, size of objects. The child is already purposefully, consistently examining external features items. At the same time, he focuses not on single signs, but on the whole complex (color, shape, size, etc.).
By the end of preschool age, the stability of involuntary attention increases significantly, which leads to less distractibility of children. The concentration and duration of the child's activity depends on its attractiveness for him. Boys' attention is less stable. At the age of 6-7 years, children's memory capacity increases, which allows them to involuntarily memorize a fairly large amount of information. Girls are distinguished by a greater volume and stability of memory. The imagination of children of this age becomes, on the one hand, richer and more original, and on the other, more logical and consistent. It no longer looks like the spontaneous fantasizing of children. younger ages. When inventing the plot of the game, the theme of the drawing, stories, etc., children of 6-7 years old not only keep the original idea, but can think it over before starting the activity. At this age, the development of visual-figurative thinking continues, which allows the child to solve more complex problems using generalized visual aids (diagrams, drawings, etc.) and generalized ideas about the properties of various objects and phenomena.
The ability to successfully perform classification actions is largely due to the fact that in the seventh year of life speech is more and more actively included in the thinking process. The use of words by a child (following an adult) to denote the essential features of objects and phenomena leads to the appearance of the first concepts. The speech skills of children allow you to fully communicate with a different contingent of people (adults and peers, acquaintances and strangers). Children not only pronounce correctly, but also distinguish phonemes (sounds) and words well. Mastering the morphological system of the language allows them to successfully form quite complex grammatical forms of nouns, adjectives, verbs. In his speech, the older preschooler increasingly uses complex sentences(with coordinating and subordinating connections). Vocabulary increases at 6-7 years of age. In the process of dialogue, the child tries to answer questions exhaustively, he himself asks questions that are understandable to the interlocutor, coordinates his remarks with the remarks of others. Another form of speech is also actively developing - monologue. Children can consistently and coherently retell or narrate. By the end of preschool childhood, the child is formed as a future independent reader. The craving for a book, its content, aesthetic and formal aspects is the most important result of the development of a preschool reader. Musical and artistic activity is characterized by great independence. The development of cognitive interests leads to the desire to gain knowledge about the types and genres of art (the history of the creation of musical masterpieces, the life and work of composers and performers).
In productive activities, children know what they want to portray, and can purposefully follow their goal, overcoming obstacles and not giving up their plan, which is now becoming more advanced. They are able to portray anything that arouses their interest. The created images become similar to the real object, recognizable and include many details. The technique of drawing, modeling, and application is being improved and complicated. Children are able to design according to the scheme, photographs, given conditions, their own design of buildings from a variety of building materials, supplementing them with architectural details; make toys by folding paper in different directions; create figures of people, animals, heroes of literary works from natural material. The most important achievement of children in this educational area is the mastery of composition.

1.5. Information about pupils.
Contingent of pupils:
In total, the preparatory group "Ladushki" is attended by 23 pupils.
The group operates in the mode of a five-day working week with a 12-hour stay of children
(from 7.00 to 19.00 hours).

Information about the families of pupils:
22 children are brought up in complete families;
Incomplete family-1
Large families - 2
There are no families at risk.

1.6. Features of the implementation of the educational process.
When organizing the educational process, the principles of integration of educational areas are taken into account in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils (physical development, social communication development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development).
The organization of the educational process is based on a complex - thematic principle with a leading gaming activity, and the solution of program tasks is carried out in various forms of joint activities of adults and children, as well as in the independent activities of children. The following are used as adequate forms of work with preschool children: experimentation, conversations, observations, solving problem situations, games, etc. Project activities are introduced into the educational process.
Educational activities, depending on the program content, are carried out frontally, in subgroups or individually. Teachers are given the right to vary the place of implementation of directly educational activities, depending on the educational, developmental and educational tasks set, the interest of children.
Due to the fact that in preschool groups the sports hall is combined with the music hall, work on physical development children, with favorable weather conditions, year-round is carried out on the sports ground of preschool groups. The educational process is carried out according to two modes in each age group, taking into account the warm and cold periods of the year.
In order to provide graduates of a preschool institution with equal starting opportunities for education in primary school in preschool groups the following conditions are observed:
– choice of programs and technologies, methods and techniques pedagogical activity carried out on the basis of an analysis of the level of development of the children of the group;
- educators and specialists working with children aged 6-7 are familiar with the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in schools, attend classes, invite primary school teachers to preschool groups, conduct joint activities as part of the implementation of the tasks of the continuity of preschool and primary general education.
- organization of walks for children of senior preschool age provides for the possibility of providing individual assistance to the child in physical, social - personal, cognitive - speech and artistic - aesthetic development;
— a system of counseling on the main areas of child development has been organized for the parents of pupils; interaction with the families of children on the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education is carried out from 7.00 to 8.30 and from 17.00 to 19.00.

1.7. Daily routine, OD structure (class schedule, motor mode).

cold season

Time Regime moments Activities of children and teachers
07.00 – 08.40 Reception of children, inspection, duty Individual work with children, games
08.25 – 08.35 Morning exercises Physical activity 10 min

08.35 – 08.40 Hygienic procedures Education of cultural and hygienic skills.
08.40–09.00 Breakfast Education of a culture of eating.
09.00 – 09.30
09.40 – 10.10
10.20 – 10.50 NOD According to the schedule
(during breaks - motor activity 10 minutes
10.50 – 12.30 Preparation for the walk, walk. Physical activity
Independent activity, games.
12.30 - 12.40 Return from a walk, games
12.40 – 13.10 Preparing for dinner, lunch Education cultural gig. skills, food culture
13.10 - 15.00 Daytime sleep. Sleep preparation, music therapy
15.00 – 15.10 Getting up, air procedures.
Invigorating gymnastics. Air procedures, physical activity
15.10 – 15.30 Snack Education of cultural and hygienic skills
15.40 - 16.10 GCD, leisure. Implementation of GCD in an individual form.

16.10 - 16.55 Children's independent activities. Games
16.55 – 17.15 Preparing for dinner, supper Education cult. gig Skills
17.15 - 19.00 Preparation for a walk, walk, going home Games, conversations with parents.

Warm season

Activities of children and teachers Time

Reception of children on the street, games, morning exercises in the fresh air, independent activities
Preparing for breakfast, breakfast
Independent activity, games, music. classes
Preparation for a walk, walk (games, work, observations), physical education classes outdoors
Return from a walk, independent activity, preparation for dinner
Sleep preparation, sleep
Lifting, tempering procedures, independent activity.
Preparing for afternoon tea
Games, independent activity, reading thin. literature
Preparing for dinner, dinner
Preparing for a walk, walking, going home

08.30 — 09.00
09.00 — 09.50
09.50- 12.10

12.20 – 12.50
12.50– 15.00
15.00- 15.30

15.30 – 15.50
15.50 – 17.20

17.00 — 17.20
17.00 – 19.00

1.8.Organization of the subject-spatial environment.

When a child moves into the preparatory group, his psychological position begins to change: for the first time, he begins to feel like the eldest among the children of the kindergarten. It is important to support this feeling with such an organization of the environment in which the child will actively show cognitive activity, independence, responsibility, and initiative. The educator should more often involve older preschoolers in creating the environment, asking for an opinion on upcoming actions to change the environment, and involve them in the process of transformation itself.
characteristic feature older preschoolers is the emergence of interest in problems that go beyond personal experience. Through books and objects, the child gets acquainted with animals and plants of distant countries, with customs and appearance different peoples and eras, with diverse genres of painting and other forms of art.
The space of the group is preferably “broken up” into small semi-enclosed micro-spaces (in which 3-6 people can be at the same time), placing the racks with their butt against the walls and fixing them well. Children, together with the educator, according to their own plan, change the spatial organization of the environment several times a year. Small screens, wooden or metal frames and fabric cuts, large modular material or ordinary cardboard boxes are also suitable for this purpose. big size, painted or pasted over with a film.
The subject-play environment is built so that children can participate in all the variety of games: plot-role-playing, building-constructive, directing, theatrical, folk, round dance, educational, in games with ready-made content and rules, in outdoor games and sports entertainment.
IN role-playing games children reflect various plots: household (shop, family), labor (building a house, doctor, school), public (holidays, travel), the content of favorite literary works and films. Attributes of games for older preschoolers are more detailed. The size of equipment and toys is better than small - for playing on the table. Large outdoor equipment is also acceptable if children play actively and for a long time. Most of the equipment is stored in boxes that have a picture and inscription to recognize the game, the children themselves determine which games they will play. Only those games that children play are "deployed"; games can last for days or even weeks. The group must contain a box with waste material, plastic and cardboard packaging, waste paper, fabric, fur, leather, cardboard, and other materials for the manufacture of missing attributes during the game. It is desirable to include albums, homemade books describing the sequence of making various toys to expand the content of games, scissors, glue, adhesive tape, felt-tip pens and other materials.
You need a place to act out the plots in the director's game (it can be made from a large cardboard box by cutting out two surfaces like a stage), a set of toy characters about the size of an adult's palm, junk material and tools, as well as some sample diagrams, photos of sets and puppets.
In the group, a special place and equipment is allocated for the game library. These are didactic, educational and logical-mathematical games aimed at developing logical action comparison, logical operations of classification, seriation, recognition by description, reconstruction, transformation, orientation according to the scheme, model, for the implementation of control and verification actions (“Does it happen?”, “Find the artist’s mistakes”), for following and alternating, etc. For example , for the development of logic, these are games with Gyenes logical blocks, "Logic train", "Logic house", "4th extra", "Find differences".
Mandatory notebooks on a printed basis, educational books for preschoolers. There are also games for the development of counting and computational skills.
It has been observed that older preschoolers who can play different games with the rules, successfully master learning activities At school. There is a huge variety of games with rules, these are lotto, dominoes, and route games (“walkers”).
The main selection principle is that games should be interesting for children, be competitive in nature, cause a desire to play even without the participation of an adult.
An important task is the development of phonemic hearing. To this end, the teacher can offer the children during the day to pick up objects and toys whose names begin with a certain sound, or this sound is in the middle or end of a word. To develop coherent speech, stimulate imagination and creativity, 5-6 frames (cardboard or wooden) and many pictures cut from old magazines are placed in the literacy center. Let the child dig through the bale, select several different pictures and arrange them in frames in a certain sequence, come up with and tell a story from these pictures.
Visual activity is one of the most favorite for older preschoolers. In addition to the usual materials (paper, cardboard, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, brushes), it is necessary to include schemes-methods for creating images using a variety of techniques. It is desirable to have step-by-step cards reflecting the sequence of actions for creating any image from clay, paper, and other materials. Homemade books and albums will also help preschoolers in the manufacture of any designs and crafts. Nearby or in other places of the group, a place should be allocated for demonstrating the work created by the children. You can mount children's work not only on the walls, but also hang it from the ceiling with threads, filling the airspace of the group with work.
The organization of independent everyday work activity dictates the need to create creative workshops that allow children to work with fabric, wood, paper, fur, and other materials.
When organizing children's experimentation there is a new task: to show children the various possibilities of tools that help to cognize the world, for example, a microscope. If the conditions in the kindergarten allow, it is advisable for older preschoolers to allocate a separate room for experiments using technical means. And in the group, leave only a small part of the equipment for experimenting with materials, balls, suspensions, water, natural materials.
An important role in the development of the child is given to constructive activity. To do this, constructors and building sets made of different material(plastic, wood, metal), floor and desktop, with various different ways fixing parts, different thematic focus. In addition to the sets themselves, it is necessary to include in the group's environment a variety of sample building schemes, photo albums (with photographs of architectural structures and children's buildings), notebooks for sketching schemes of structures created by children.
Along with fiction reference, educational literature, general and thematic encyclopedias for preschoolers should be presented in the book corner. It is advisable to arrange the books in alphabetical order, as in a library, or by topic (natural literature, folk and author's tales, literature about a city, country, etc.).
It should be remembered that the spine of a 5-7 year old child is very sensitive to deforming influences. In those places of the group where children maintain static postures for a long time, it is necessary to consider warm-up methods (darts, ring throws, skittles, sersos, basketball hoops, targets and balls for throwing, bells for pulling, collars for crawling). The teacher supports the child's attempts to properly organize their own activities, teaches the elements of warm-up and relaxation with the help of special attributes.
Older preschoolers begin to become more interested in the future schooling. It is advisable to allocate a learning area so that the atmosphere of the group is close to the learning environment of the class: put tols in rows, hang a blackboard. In the future, this will help to some extent to adapt to the learning environment of the classroom.
An important task is the development of reflection, the formation of adequate self-esteem. It is necessary to show children the growth of their achievements, to arouse in them a sense of joy and pride from successful independent actions. To do this, it is important to record the success of the child with drawings or pictograms.
The ability to plan is very useful to the child both at school and in life. The plan is fixed in various ways, recorded by the educator, indicated by signs, pictures). To do this, the group must have a list of children's names, placing a card with a plan in front of each name. This is easy to do with adhesive tape, or by fixing a piece of white wallpaper on the wall (on which to keep notes), as needed, scroll the wallpaper to a clean place.
It is necessary to develop in the child ideas about their own capabilities and strengths, to teach them to know themselves using self-observation. There are various ways to do this. For example; the labels “I am growing” are an occasion for discussion, who is taller, who is lower, how many centimeters the child has grown in a month, in three months, who is growing faster, who is slower. It is advisable to discuss with the children every month a topic related to the child, his interests. For example, “My family”, “Self-portrait”, “What I like and dislike”, “I can, I want to learn ...”, “My favorite holiday”, “What I like and dislike about myself”, “My friends ”, “My dream”, “How I spend my day off” and others. These topics should not only be discussed, but also recorded, sketched, and photographed. You can involve parents in this by offering to make a family newspaper. Such newspapers are hung out in a group, children look at them with pleasure, compare their ideas, hobbies, preferences with others.
Attract older preschoolers the possibility of changing the image, appearance. To do this, you can add mirrors, make-up paints, wigs made of threads, old tights, details of clothes for adults to the group. For example, such as a hat, tie, long fluffy skirt, sunglasses, shawl, stewardess cap, captain's cap.
For older preschoolers, the opportunities for learning about their native land and country are expanding. The coat of arms of the city, the region in which the children live, the coat of arms and the flag of the country are entered into the group. Newspapers are made about how preschoolers travel to their native places with their parents, what impressions they got during these trips, what they remember the most. The location of the kindergarten is marked on the map of the country, as well as those places (in the country, in the world) that the children of the group have visited. And next to it you can attach children's stories about these places, about people and their customs, photos. Together with the children, you can make layouts that reflect the content that preschoolers get to know (a village, an ancient settlement, the Petrovsky Assembly).
At the senior preschool age, the educator continues to expand the area of ​​social and moral orientations and feelings of children. The group is given a place in which pictures are constantly posted with various situations reflecting the actions of people and options for responding to it (“+” - right, perhaps, “-” it is undesirable to do so). Games are offered in which children construct the emotional manifestations of people, for example, "Designer of emotions". It needs a base (lining) and a set of parts that make up a person's face: face oval, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth. Details are presented in 4-5 options. The child “picks up” a person’s face and identifies it emotional condition, age, gender, character, makes up a creative story about the resulting image.

II. Volume of educational load.

Calendar study schedule
Content Group
Senior preschool age (from 6 to 7 years old)
Number of groups 1
Adaptation period -
Start school year 01.09.2014
End of the academic year 05/30/2015
Vacation period 12/29/2014
Duration of the academic year
(week), total, including:
37 weeks
1 half year 17 weeks
2 semester 20 weeks
The duration of the school week is 5 days
Number of ODs per week 14
Duration OD 30 min.
The maximum break between OD 10 min.
The volume of the weekly educational load (OD)
(excluding additional educational services): 7 hours.
1 half a day 7 a.m.

2nd half of the day -
Summer recreation period from 06/01/2015 to 08/31/2015

Group of senior preschool age of general developmental orientation
from 6 to 7 years old

Educational activities Duration of educational activities Number of educational activities per week
Communication (development of speech and literacy) 30 min 2
Formation of elementary mathematical representations 30 min 1
Formation of a holistic picture of the world 30 min 2
Physical culture 30 min 3
Music 30 min 2
Artistic creativity (drawing/sculpting/appliqué) 30 min 3
Design / manual labor 30 min 1
The volume of the weekly educational load (GCD) (excluding additional educational services): 1 half a day 7 hours 14
2nd half of the day — —
total 7 h 14
Total 7 h 14

III. Perspective - thematic planning with final events.

Options for the final event
Interaction with parents

1 week Autumn.

1. Day of knowledge.
2. Golden autumn has come to visit us.
3. What did autumn give us.
4. Labor of people in autumn.
5.Nature in autumn

1. Folklore holiday "Why I love autumn"
2. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials.
3. Involving parents in the design of the hall for the day of knowledge.
4. Joint production of crafts from natural material.

2nd week Pantry of nature.

1. Vegetables, fruits.
2. Vitamins strengthen the body.
3. Mushroom kingdom.
4. Green pharmacy.
5. Dangerous gifts of nature (OBZH).

1. Cognitive travel game"For health to plants"
2. Theatrical performance "I want to be friends with nature"
3. Making a herbarium of medicinal plants.

3 week Family and family traditions.

1.Our names and surnames.
2.Professions of my parents.
3. How do we relax.
4. My grandparents.
5. Traditions in our family.

1. Creation of a family album "Mom, dad, me - Friendly family».
2. Musical entertainment "Family is happiness, family is joy, family is life on earth"
3. Drawing up a family tree "Me and my family"
4. Round table "Parents - an example for a child"

4 weeks My city.

1. History of the emergence and development of the city.
2. Memorable places of the native city.
3. Folk crafts of our region.
4. Natural and animal world of the Lipetsk Territory.
5. Famous people of our region.

1. Excursions to the memorable places of the city.
2. Quiz "Connoisseurs of the native city"
3. Creation of the album "My family's contribution to the development of the city"

1 week Home country

1. The country in which we live
2. Culture and traditions of the Russian people
3. Moscow is the capital of Russia
4. The theme of the Motherland in Russian literature
5. The nature of our country.

1. Exhibition of works "My Motherland"
2. Competition of readers "My native land"

Making joint works with children for the exhibition "My Motherland"

Week 2 Safety week.

1. Take care of yourself.
2. Let's talk about security.
3.What to do if you are lost.
4.Help services.
5. How to behave on the street.

1. Entertainment "Safe World".
2. Exhibition of drawings "I am a pedestrian."
3. Making joint works with children for the exhibition "The Road through the Eyes of Children"
4. Conversation with parents "Safety on the street"

3 week Corner of nature in kindergarten.

1. Why do we need plants.
2. How to care for plants.
3. Indoor flowers.
4. A plant is a living being
5.Our aquarium.

1. Theatrical leisure "Green friend"
2. Exhibition of crafts " beautiful fish in aquarium".
Photo exhibition "My home corner of nature"

4 week Labor of adults. Professions. We help adults.

1. Journey to the country of professions.
2.Observation of the work of the seller, cashier, driver.
3. Professions of rescuers.
4.Professions of my parents.

Project "All works are good"
Help parents to create a project.

5 week Kindergarten

1Kindergarten - the country of childhood
2. Who looks after us in kindergarten.
3. My favorite toys.
4. What do I like to do in kindergarten.
5. Me and my friends.

Creation of the album "Kindergarten - a magical land"
Participation in the creation of the album "Kindergarten - a magical land"

1 week Nature around us.

1.Live and inanimate nature.
2. Nature of Russia.
3. How a person protects nature.
4. Natural phenomena.
5. Animals from different countries.

Take care of your planet quiz.
Issue of the ecological newspaper “Touch nature with your heart”

Week 2 Our good deeds. Lessons of politeness and etiquette.

1.Magic words.
2. Let's compliment each other!
3. What is friendship?
4. Our mood.
5. Good deeds.

1.Staging of the fairy tale "Two greedy bear cubs"
2. Leisure "Lesson of friendship"
Issue of the newspaper "Culture of Behavior"

3 week week Decorative and applied arts.

1. Russian folk toys.
2. Golden Khokhloma.
3. Gzhel.
4. Dymkovo fishing.
5. Cheerful town.

1. Entertainment "City of Masters"
Making crafts with children for the exhibition "Russian Matryoshka"

Week 4 Friends of Sports.

1.Sport is life.
2. What sports do you know?
3. Favorite sport.
4. We are friends with physical education.
5. Olympics.

1. Game-competition "Name the sport"
2.Consultation for parents "Sport is very important for life."
3. Leisure "Mom, dad, I am a sports family"

1 week Zimushka-winter.

1. The season is winter.
2. Winter fun.
3. Ice is solid water.
4. Winter transformations.
5. Safety rules in winter.

1. Entertainment "Oh, you are a winter - winter"
2. Physical culture leisure "Zimushka-winter"
Participation in the entertainment "Oh, you are Zimushka-winter"

Week 2 The world of objects, technology, mechanisms, inventions.

1. Technique-assistant of a person.
2. We are inventors.
3. Dangerous items at home.
4. Household appliances.
5.Journey into the past of objects.

Project "Technology of the Future"
Help parents in the implementation of the project.

Week 3 We are friends of wintering birds.

1. Wintering birds.
2. How to help birds in winter.
3. Bird dining room.
4. Making bird feeders.
5. Take care of the birds.

Project "How our feathered friends live in winter"
Help in the manufacture of feeders.

Week 4 Getting ready for the New Year holiday. Winter wonders.

1. The history of the emergence of the New Year.
2. Getting ready for the New Year.
3. New Year's costumes.
4. Hello fairy tale!
5. What is Christmas time?

1. Exhibition of drawings "Hurries to us New Year»
2. Holiday "New Year's Carnival"
3.Help parents in organizing a New Year's party.
4. Participation in the holiday.

2nd week Game week.

1.What games do you know?
2. My favorite games.
3. Sports games.
4.Summer and winter Games.
5. Games in the family circle.

A dramatization game based on the fairy tale "How the sun and frost quarreled"
Consultation for parents "Game as a form of organizing the life and activities of children"

3 week Folk culture and traditions.

1. Life and traditions of the Russian people.
2. Russian folk holidays.
3.National Russian costume.
4. Russian folk art.
5. Russian hut.

1. Exhibition of drawings "Russian folk tales».
2.KVN "Journey to the world of the past"
3. Creation of the album "Clothes of Russian people in the old days."

4 week Week of knowledge, or Miracles in a sieve.

1. Natural resources of the earth.
2. How the caves appeared.
3. What are houses for? What are they?
4. Who are insects? Why do insects have mustaches?
5. What are the dolls?

Quiz "I want to know everything"
Advice for parents "Raise children to be inquisitive"

1 week Art and culture.

1. Who are the artists?
2.What is graphics and painting?
3.What do you know about museums?
4. What is music?

Exhibition of objects from home collections "What museum objects tell about"
Visiting museums with children

2nd week Journey through countries and continents.

1. What is a journey?
2.Our Earth.
3.Journey to the North Pole.
4. Round the world trip.
5. Travel to Africa.

Making a map of the world with the image of heroes of works of art - representatives of different countries, photos of summer holidays from family albums. Advice for parents "Traveling with children"

3rd week Defenders of the Fatherland.

1.Our Motherland.
2. Defenders of our Motherland (from a hero to an artilleryman).
3.Our army is strong.
4. Military equipment.
5. Military parade.

Entertainment "Defender of the Fatherland Day"
Participation in the entertainment dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

4 week traffic rules. Country "Traffic light"

1. A pedestrian crosses the street.
2. Observation of the movement of cars.
3. Safety on the road.
4. Observation of the work of the traffic police.
5. Road signs.

Entertainment according to traffic rules "The best pedestrian"
Road safety advice

1 week International Women's Day.

March 1.8 - the first spring holiday.
2. Dear mommy, my mommy.
3. My beloved grandmother.
4. How are you like your mother?
5. What does mom love the most?

1. Making gifts for mom.
2. Holiday "Mother's holiday"
Participation in the holiday

Week 2 Spring has arrived!

1. Journey to the spring forest.
2.Poems about spring.
3. What is spring.
4. Life of animals and birds in spring.
5. Spring worries of a person.

Vernissage "Spring is coming red and singing a song"
Help in making birdhouses

3 week Man and animal world.

1. Wild animals.
2. Pets.
3. Do you know how to handle animals?
4. The work of a farmer, livestock breeder.
5. Dangerous contact with animals.

1. Exhibition of children's works "My favorite animal"
2.Project " Animal world Russia"
Help in creating a project.

Week 4 Book Week.

1. What is an epic?
2. What is a fairy tale?
3.Poetic genre.
4.Why do we need a library?
5. Production of books.

1.Excursion to the library.
2. Literary leisure "Visiting Charles Perrault"
Making baby books with children and organizing an exhibition in kindergarten.

1 week health week

1. World healthy lifestyle life.
2. Keep your health yourself.
3.Our bodies.
4.Healthy food.
5. medicinal plants.

Entertainment "April Day"
Advice for parents "How to keep children healthy"

2nd week Space.

1. Cosmonautics Day.
2. The conquest of space.
3. Earth and other planets.
4. Profession-astronaut.
5. Stars and constellations.

1. Quiz "Space flights"
2. Exhibition of crafts "This mysterious space"
Making crafts with children for the exhibition.

1. Acquaintance with the holiday.
2. Earth is our common home.
3. The Red Book of Animals and Plants.
4. Forest and man.
5. Security environment.

1. Production of the "Red Book"
2.KVN "We are friends of nature"
Assistance in the preparation of the "Red Book"

4 week Unity and friendship of the peoples of the planet Earth.

1. Peace on the whole planet.
2. Children of different countries, customs.
3. About friendship and friends.
4. We are all different, we are all equal.
5. Where I would like to visit.

Entertainment "Country Igralia"
Create a book with the customs and costumes of different peoples.

5 week In the garden, on the river, in the river, lake, swamp

1. What is a river, a lake.
2. What is a swamp
3. The inhabitants of the water.
4. Plants of reservoirs.
5. Travel around the world

KVN "Who lives in the garden, in the meadow" Consultation for parents "Beware of water"

1 week Day Great Victory.

1.Great Patriotic War.
2. Story - a conversation about Victory Day.
3. Acquaintance with the military branches.
4. Great commanders of Russia.
5. What is heroism?

Holiday "Victory Day remember grandfathers"
Participation in the holiday "Victory Day remember grandfathers"

2nd week Experiences and experiments

1.Clean and dirty air.
2. What is made of what.
3.Production of paper.
4. Actions of the magnet.
5. Why do objects move.

Entertainment "A magician came to us"
Assistance in creating a corner for experimentation.

3rd week Rights of the child.

1. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
2.Your rights.
3.Your duties.
4. What does the word "protection" mean?
5. What rights were violated in famous fairy tales.

Project "My Favorite Activity"
Consultation for parents "Rights of the child"

Week 4 Back to School

1. What is the school for?
2. What do I expect from the school?
3. How to be a good student?
4. How to find many friends.
5. School life.

Design and presentation of the guide “What a first grader needs to know (how to become a first grader?)
Assistance in the design of the guide.

To develop independence, initiative, creativity in cognitive and research activities, to support the manifestations of individuality in the research behavior of the child, the selectivity of children's interests.
- Improve cognitive skills: notice contradictions, formulate a cognitive task, use different methods of testing assumptions, use variable methods of comparison, based on a system of sensory standards, streamline, classify objects of reality, apply the results of cognition in different types of children's activities.
— To develop the ability to be included in a collective study, to discuss its course, to agree on joint productive actions, to put forward and prove one's assumptions, to present joint results of knowledge.
- To educate a humane-valuable attitude towards the world based on the child's awareness of some of the connections and dependencies in the world, the place of a person in it.
- Enrich ideas about people, their moral qualities, gender differences, social and professional roles, the rules of relationships between adults and children
- Contribute to the development of children's self-confidence, awareness of the growth of their achievements, self-esteem,
- Develop self-control and responsibility for their actions and deeds.
- Enrich ideas about the native city and country, develop civil-patriotic feelings.
– To form ideas about the diversity of countries and peoples of the world, some national characteristics of people.
- To develop interest in certain facts of the history and culture of the native country, to form the beginnings of citizenship.
-To develop tolerance towards people of different nationalities.
The content of educational activities
Development of sensory culture
Distinguishing and naming all colors of the spectrum and achromatic colors; 5-7 additional tones of color, shades of color, mastering the ability to mix colors to obtain the desired tone and shade.
Distinguishing and naming geometric shapes (rhombus, trapezium, prism, pyramid, cube, etc.), highlighting the structure of flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes. Mastering the classification of figures according to external structural features (triangular, pentagonal, etc. Understanding the relationship (with the help of a teacher) between flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes.
Comparison of several objects according to 4-6 main features, highlighting similarities and differences. Understanding the characteristics of the properties of materials (different types of paper, cardboard, fabrics, rubber, plastics, wood, metal), their conscious choice for productive activities.
Formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people
People (adults and children). Understanding the diversity of social and professional roles of people. Mastering the rules and norms of communication and interaction with children and adults in various situations.
Understanding the expectations of adults regarding children - their behavior, knowledge, actions, personal qualities, schooling.
Mastering the universal norms of behavior - everywhere children respect their elders, love their parents, take care of babies, protect all living things, protect the weak.
Mastering the child's ideas about himself - his name, patronymic, surname, nationality, age, date of birth, address of residence. Mastering ideas about one's family: name, patronymic, professions of parents and close relatives, memorable events, family traditions. Mastering ideas about the characteristics of your body, which must be taken into account in Everyday life.
Formation of primary ideas about the Small Motherland and Fatherland, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.
Mastering ideas about the hometown - its coat of arms, street names, some architectural features, sights Understanding the purpose public institutions, different types of transport. Mastering ideas about the places of work and rest of people in the city, about the history of the city and prominent citizens, the traditions of city life.
Mastering ideas about the native country - its state symbols, president, capital and major cities, features of nature. Demonstration of interest in vivid facts from the history and culture of the country and society, some outstanding people of Russia. Mastering poems, songs, traditions of different peoples of Russia, folk crafts. Manifestations of desire to participate in the celebration public holidays and social actions of the country and the city.
Mastering ideas about the planet Earth as a common home for people, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world - elementary ideas about the diversity of countries and peoples of the world; features of their appearance (racial origin), national dress, typical occupations. The realization that all people strive for peace, want to make their country rich, beautiful, protect nature, honor their ancestors. Mastering some national melodies, songs, fairy tales, dances of the peoples of the world. Awareness of the need to show tolerance towards people of different nationalities.
The child discovers the world of nature
Observation as a way of understanding the diversity of the natural world on Earth (plants, fungi, animals, the nature of the native land and various climatic zones), highlighting the features of their appearance and life, individual originality and uniqueness. Ideas about celestial bodies and luminaries.
Independent (individual and in a team with peers) experimentation to identify the properties and qualities of objects and materials of inanimate nature (light, stones, sand, clay, earth, air, water, etc.) using different methods of testing assumptions, formulating results.
Comparison of objects and phenomena of nature according to many signs of similarity and difference, their classification.
Identification of the favorable and unfavorable condition of plants (withered, turned yellow, etc.) selection of appropriate methods of assistance.
The development of ideas about the life of plants and animals in the environment, about the variety of signs of adaptation to the environment in different climatic conditions(hot climate, desert, cold climate).
Establishing the cyclical nature of seasonal changes in nature (the cycle of the year, as a successive change of seasons).
Ideas about the growth, development and reproduction of animals and plants as a sign of the living. The sequence of stages of growth and development, its cyclicity on concrete examples.
Generalization of ideas about wildlife (plants, animals, humans) based on essential features (moving, eating, breathing, growing and developing, multiplying, feeling).
Accumulation of ideas about the city as a community of plants, animals and humans, about the planet Earth and near-Earth space. Understanding that the Earth is a common home for all plants, animals, people.
Mastering the peculiarities of behavior in nature of a cultured person (a person knows and follows the rules of behavior aimed at preserving natural objects and his own health), about human environmental protection (He protects the forest from fires, plants young trees in cut down places, creates reserves).
Disclosure of the diversity of values ​​of nature for human life and satisfaction of its various needs (aesthetic value, practical, health, cognitive, ethical). An elementary understanding of the inherent value of nature (plants and animals do not live for humans, every living being has the right to life).
Making assumptions about the causes of natural phenomena, reasoning about the beauty of nature, exchanging guesses about the significance of nature for humans, compiling creative stories, fairy tales in environmental topics.
Conscious application of the rules of interaction with plants and animals in the implementation of various activities.
First steps in mathematics. We explore and experiment.
Mastering the ability to characterize an object, phenomenon, event from a quantitative, spatio-temporal point of view, to notice similarities and differences in shapes and sizes, to use signs, diagrams, symbols, both generally accepted and proposed by children.
The manifestation of special interest in numbers, as signs of numbers, in their writing, use in various types of practical activities. Mastering the composition of numbers within the first ten.
Mastering the ability to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems for addition and subtraction.
The manifestation of the ability to practically establish connections and dependencies, simple patterns of transformation, changes (including cause-and-effect in rows and columns); solving logical problems.
The manifestation of the ability to foresee the end result of the proposed changes and express the sequence of actions in the form of an algorithm.
Type of activity: FTsKM


Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "My hometown of Lipetsk" A. A. Vakhrushev "Hello world!"
2. Theme "Soon to school" Gorbatenko O.F. "Complex classes with children 4-7 years old." – Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.
3. Theme "Who am I?" Blinova G.M. "Cognitive development of children 5-7 years old". - M .: TC Sphere, 2006. - S. 4-7.
4. Theme “Reading O. Driz “When a man is six” O. V. Driz “When a man is six”.


Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Animals are our friends" Semenaka S.I. "Lessons of Kindness". – M.: Arkti, 2002.
2. "Take care of nature" A. A. Vakhrushev "Hello world!"
3. "Journey into the past" A. A. Vakhrushev "Hello world!"
4. Theme "On the streets of our cars, cars ..." Belyaevskova G.D. "Rules traffic for children 3-7 years old "- Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.


Date Topic title Source
1. Theme " Late fall» Gladysheva N.N. "The work program of the educator" - Volgograd: Teacher: IP Grinin L.E., 2014.
2. Theme "The Kingdom of Plants: Trees, Shrubs, Herbs" Dybina O.V. "The unknown is near." - M .: TC "Sphere", 2001.
3. “I am a citizen of Russia” A. A. Vakhrushev “Hello world!”
4. Theme "Good and evil deeds" Semenak S.I. "Lessons of Kindness". – M.: Arkti, 2002.


Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Winter" Skorolupova O.A. "Winter". - M .: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2010.
2. Theme "What is culture" Nikolaeva S.O. "Classes on the culture of behavior with preschoolers and younger students"- M.: Vlados, 2005
3. Theme "We are friends of wintering birds." A. A. Vakhrushev "Hello world!"
4. Theme "Preparing for the New Year" Gorbatenko O.F. "Complex classes with children 4-7 years old." – Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.


Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Magic circle" Dybina O.V. "The unknown is near." - M .: TC "Sphere", 2001
2. Theme "Culture of the native Lipetsk region" Zhukova R.A. "Legal education" - Volgograd: ITD "Coripheus".
3. Theme "Freezing of liquids" Dybina O.V. "The unknown is near." - M .: TC "Sphere", 2001


Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "In the theater" Nikolaeva S.O. "Classes on the culture of behavior with preschoolers and younger students" - M .: Vlados, 2005.
2. "Getting on the road ......" "Traveling through countries and continents" A. A. Vakhrushev "Hello, world!"
Gladysheva N.N. "The work program of the educator" - Volgograd: Teacher: IP Grinin L.E., 2014.
3. Theme "Russian heroes" Mulko I.F. The development of ideas about a person in history and culture ”- M .: TTs Sphere, 2005.
4. Theme "Safety on the road" Volchkova V.N. "Cognitive development" - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2005.


Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Woman - hard worker" Gorbatenko O.F. "Complex classes with children 4-7 years old." – Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.
2. Theme "Our Earth" Volchkova V.N. "Cognitive development" - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2005.
3. The theme of "Doctor of the Forest" Voronkevich O.A. "Welcome to ecology!" - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2006.
4. Theme “Great people. A.S. Pushkin» Gorbatenko O.F. "Complex classes with children 4-7 years old." – Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.


Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Sport is health" Volchkova V.N. "Cognitive development" - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2005.
2. Theme "This mysterious space" Volchkov V.N. "Cognitive development" - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2005.
3. Theme “Earth. Space” Dybina O.V. "The unknown is near." - M .: TC "Sphere", 2001
4. Theme "Learning to understand the feelings of other people" Semenaka S.I. "Lessons of Kindness". – M.: Arkti, 2002.
5. Theme "Natural fossils of the Earth" Gorbatenko O.F. "Complex classes with children 4-7 years old." – Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.

Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Day of the Great Victory" Gladysheva N.N. "The work program of the educator" - Volgograd: Teacher: IP Grinin L.E., 2014.
2. Theme "Invisible - air" Volchkova V.N. "Cognitive development" - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2005.
3. Theme "I have the right" Zhukova R.A. "Legal education" - Volgograd: ITD "Coripheus".
4. Theme "Soon to school" Zhukova R.A. "Legal education" - Volgograd: ITD "Coripheus".

Type of activity: FEMP(formation of elementary mathematical representations)

Date Topic title Source of methodological literature
1. "Numbers 1-5 Repetition" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (125p.)
2. "Numbers 1-5 Repetition" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (128s.)
3. "Number 6. Number 6" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (133 p.)
4. "Number 6. Number 6" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (137p.)

1. "Longer, shorter" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (141p.)
2. "Measurement of length" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (143p.)
3. "Measurement of length" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (147p.)
4. "Measurement of length" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (150p.)
5. "Number 7. Number 7" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (154 p.)

Date Topic title Source
1. “Number 7. Number 7 "L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (160p.)
2. "Number 7. Number 7" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (160s.)
3. “Heavier, lighter. Compare by weight "L.G. Peterson" One step, two steps ... "Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (160p.)
4. "Measurement of mass" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (160p.)

1. "Measurement of mass" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (175p.)
2. "Number 8. Number 8" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (179p.)
3. "Number 8. Number 8" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (183p.)
4. "Number 8. Number 8" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (187p.)

1. "Volume. Comparison by volume "L.G. Peterson" One step, two steps ... "Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (192p.)
2. "Measurement of volume" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (196 p.)
3. "Number 9. Number 9" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (200p.)

1. "Number 9. Number 9" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (204 p.)
2. "Number 9. Number 9" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (208 p.)
3. “Square. Measurement of the area "L.G. Peterson" One step, two steps ... "Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (212p.)
4. “Square. Measurement of the area "L.G. Peterson" One step, two steps ... "Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (212p.)

1. "Number 0. Number 0"
L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (220p.)
2. "Number 0. Number 0" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (225p.)
3. "Number 10" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (229p.)
4. “Ball. cube. Parallelepiped "L.G. Peterson" One step, two steps ... "Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (233p.)

1. "Ball. cube. Parallelepiped "L.G. Peterson" One step, two steps ... "Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (233p.)
2. "Number 10" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (229p.)
3. “Pyramid. Cone. Cylinder" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (237p.)
4. “Pyramid. Cone. Cylinder" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (237p.)
5. "Symbols" L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011. (242 p.)

1. Consolidation of the material covered by L.G. Peterson “One step, two steps ...” A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - “Juventa”, 2011
2. Consolidation of the material covered by L.G. Peterson “One step, two steps ...” A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - “Juventa”, 2011
3. Consolidation of the material covered L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011
4. Consolidation of the material covered L.G. Peterson "One step, two steps ..." Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. - "Juventa", 2011

Type of activity: experimental - experimental
Month Experimental Game

September"Why is it dirty in autumn"
"We make koloboks"
"Funny Boats"
"That's what foam!"
"Shiny Lumps"
"Different legs run along the path"
"Wonderful bag"
"Shadow Games"
"Shadow Games"
"Colored water"
"Making figurines"
"Where does the wind blow?"
"Decorate the Christmas tree with icicles"
January"Colored Snow"
"The snow is melting"
February"Footprints in the snow"
"Paper Whirlwind"
"What is the nose for?"
"Where does the wind live?"
March"Ears on top"
"Warm Stone"
“We make patterned paths from sand”
"Nimble Fingers"
April"Let's dry the handkerchief"
"Merry Travelers"
“What are the eyes for?”
May « sun bunnies»
"Power of the Wind"
"Helping Hands"

Activity: nature

Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Talk about summer"

2. Theme "What are insects"
T. M. Bondarenko " Practical material for the development of educational areas "

3. Theme "Planet Earth in danger"
T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"

4. Topic “What is nature? Living, inanimate nature"
T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"

Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Medicinal plants - means of healing the body"
T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"

2. Theme "Charging the aquarium"
T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"

3. Theme "Why polar bears do not live in the forest"
T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"

4. Topic "How plants prepare for winter"
T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"


Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Conversation about the mole"

T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"
2. Theme "Moisture-loving and drought-resistant indoor plants"

T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas
3. Theme "Inhabitants of our corner of nature»
T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"
4. Theme "Conversation about autumn"

T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"


Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Conversation about the forest" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"
2. Theme "Oak and pine" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material for the development of educational areas"
3. Theme "Wolf and fox - forest predators" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"
4. Theme "Observation of a cat and kittens" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material for the development of educational areas"

Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Who is the boss in the forest" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"
2. Topic: Conversation "I am a person" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"
3. Theme "Comparison of wild and domestic animals" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material for the development of educational areas"
4. Topic Conversation "What do we know about birds" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"

Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "The story of the ecological pyramids" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material for the development of educational areas"
2. Theme " bactrian camel desert" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"
3. Theme "Wintering of animals" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"
4. Theme "How to know the winter" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"

Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Water around us" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material for the development of educational areas"
2. Theme "Properties of water" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material for the development of educational areas"
3. Theme "Who lives in the water" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material for the development of educational areas"
4. Theme "What grows in water" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material for the development of educational areas"


Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Spring care for indoor plants» T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"
2. Theme "Conversation about earthworms" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"
3. Theme "The Red Book is a signal of danger" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material for the development of educational areas"
4. Conversation "My native land - reserved places" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"

Date Topic title Source
1. Theme "Acquaintance with the properties of air" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material for the development of educational areas"
2. Topic "Noses are needed not only for beauty" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material for the development of educational areas"
3. Theme "The sun is a big star" T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material for the development of educational areas"
4. Theme "Conversation about spring" summarizing T. M. Bondarenko "Practical material on the development of educational areas"

Type of activity: Cognition (construction / manual labor)

1. "Giraffe" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-232 p.
2. "Airplanes" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. OO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-234 p.
3. "Needle bed" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. OO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-246 p.
4. "Microdistrict of the city" Kutsakova L.V. "Design and art work in kindergarten." - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - S. 95-96.

1. "House of my dreams" Kutsakova L.V. "Design and art work in kindergarten." - M .: TC Sphere, 2005. - S. 95. 240s.
2. Volumetric toy made of straw "Bull" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-235 p.T.M.
3. Composition "Flowers in a vase" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material for the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-236 p.
4. "Ship" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material for the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-238 p.
5. Toy from the whole shell "Fish" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material for the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-237 p.

1. Weaving from straw braids "Pleteshok" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-239 p.
2. "Freight transport" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-243 p.
3. Planar composition of plants on a circle. TM Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-240 p.
4. "Puppy" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-242 p.

1. Origami "Herringbone" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-233 p.
2. "Bridge" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-248 p.
3. Mosaic plot from eggshell "Chicken hatched from an egg" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-249 p.
4. "Christmas toys" Lishtvan "Design", S. 132-135.

1. "Bunny" (Magic Stripes) T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-244 p.
2. Panel from scraps "Ship" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-251 p.
3. "Two-story building" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-252 p.

1. "Gnome" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-250 p.
2. "Theater" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-256 p.
3. "Aircraft for pilots - defenders of the Fatherland" T.M. Bondarenko "Organization of directly educational activities in the preparatory group of the kindergarten", - Voronezh: IP Lakotsenina N.A., 2012. - P. 234-235.
4. "Bags for secrets" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. OO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-255 p.

1. "Napkin" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-258 p.
2. "Pigtail" (oblique weaving) T.M. Bondarenko Practical material for the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-259 p.
3. "Flowers from cotton pads" Summary of the educator.
4. "Fairytale House" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material for the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-261 p.

1. Origami "Fly agaric" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material for the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-263 p.
2. "Cockerel" (chasing) T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-262 p.
3. "Composition of fruit seeds" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material for the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-265 p.
4. " Train Station» T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-265 p.
5. "Dove" Lykova I.A. Art work in kindergarten. - M .: Publishing House "Color World", 2012. - P. 56.

1. Rag doll "Spin" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material for the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-266 p.
2. Origami "Gingerbread Man" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material for the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-268 p.
3. "House for a doll" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-270 p.
4. "Souvenir of branches and roots" T.M. Bondarenko Practical material for the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. NGO "Knowledge" LLC "Method", 2013-269 p.

IV. Planned results of mastering the program by children aged 6-7

Child Achievements
(“What makes us happy”) Causes concern and requires joint efforts of educators and parents
— Differs in breadth of outlook, interestingly and enthusiastically shares his impressions.
— Organizes and carries out cognitive and research activities in accordance with their own plans.
- Shows interest in the objects of the surrounding world - symbols, signs, models, tries to establish various relationships; owns a system of standards, performs sensory analysis, highlighting differences in similar objects, and similarities in different ones. - Can purposefully observe objects for a long time, highlight their manifestations, changes in time.
- Shows a cognitive interest in his family, social phenomena, in the life of people in his native country. Asks questions about the past and present life of the country.
- Tells about himself, some traits of his character
- Decreased cognitive activity, cognitive interest is not manifested.
- The outlook is limited, ideas are poor and primitive.
- Speech passivity is characteristic in the process of examination and experimentation.
- Has a meager amount of ideas about himself, his loved ones, reluctantly answers questions about them.
- Social ideas about the social world, people's lives and about themselves are limited, superficial.
- Does not show interest in the present and past of the life of his native country, does not seek to talk about these topics.
- Has extremely limited social ideas about the world, other countries, the life of different peoples.

V. Social partnership with parents
The implementation of the program is fully possible only if there is close cooperation between the kindergarten and the family. Joint activities contribute to the establishment of trusting relationships with parents, which has a positive impact on the state of the pedagogical process.
Goal of the work- to make parents active participants in the pedagogical process, helping them to realize responsibility for the upbringing and education of children.
The following principles are the basis for the joint activities of the family and the preschool educational institution:
- a unified approach to the process of raising a child;
— openness of the preschool institution for parents;
- mutual trust in the relationship between teachers and parents;
- respect and kindness to each other;
— a differentiated approach to each family;
equal responsibility of parents and teachers.
Functions of the educational institution with the family:
familiarization of parents with the content and methodology of the educational process;
psychological and pedagogical education of parents;
involvement of parents in joint activities with children and teachers;
assistance to families experiencing any difficulties.
The system of interaction with parents includes:
- familiarizing parents with the results of the work of preschool educational institutions in general parent meetings, analysis of the participation of the parent community in the life of the preschool educational institution;
- familiarization of parents with the content of the work of the preschool educational institution, aimed at the physical, mental and social development of the child;
– participation in the preparation of plans: sports and cultural events, the work of the Parents Council,
- purposeful work promoting public preschool education in its various forms;
- teaching specific techniques and methods of raising and developing a child in various types of children's activities at workshops, consultations and open classes.
An important part of the system of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family is not only participation in the upbringing and development of children, but also in self-government - open views of various types of activities, individual and group thematic meetings of parents with representatives of the administration.

VI. References and Logistics

Author Title Publisher
Bondarenko T.M. Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Educational area"Artistic creativity": A practical guide for senior educators and teachers of preschool educational institution Voronezh: OOO "Method", 2013
Bondarenko T.M. Practical material on the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Educational area "Knowledge": A practical guide for senior educators and teachers of preschool educational institution Voronezh: OOO "Method", 2013
T. R. Kislova "On the way to the alphabet" Guidelines for educators, speech therapists; under scientific Ed. R. N. Buneeva, E. V. Buneeva Izd. 4, -M.: Balass, 2011.-208 p. (Educational system "School 2100". Comprehensive program "Kindergarten 2100")
A. A. Vakhrushev, E. E. Kochemasova, I. V. Maslova, Yu. I. Naumova, Yu. Akimova, I. K. Belova, M. V. Kuznetsova Hello world!. Guidelines for educators, teachers and parents. M.: Balass, 2013.- 496s. (Educational system "School 2100")
T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva and others. One is a step, two is a step .... M.: Publishing house "Yuventa", 2011.-256 p.
T. A. Falkovich, L. P. Barylkina Childhood: An exemplary educational program for preschool education A.I. Herzen, 2014. - 321
L. G. Gorkova, L. A. Obukhova The development of speech, preparation for mastering the letter M .: VAKO, 2005. - 288 p. (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate).
E. V. Barinova Scenario of classes in integrated development preschoolers M.: VAKO, 2005-160 p. (Preschoolers: teach, develop, educate).
I. A. Ponomareva, V. A. Pozina Acquaintance with polite words: a guide to children's etiquette for teachers of kindergartens and early development schools Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2012.-93 p.
I. L. Geychenko, O. G. Isavnina Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations M .: MOZAYKA-SINTEZ, 2012.-64 p.
T. P. Tryasorukova Proverbs and sayings - for preschool children St. Petersburg: PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2012.- 64p.
A. A. Zaitseva Gymnastics for fingers - for girls and boys Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2012.- 31 p.
T.B. Serzhantov Modular origami: heroes of favorite fairy tales M.: Eksmo, 2013.- 64 p.
Auth. comp. S. D. Tomilova A complete reader for preschoolers with methodological tips for teachers and parents M .: Iris-press, 2004.- 144p.
N.N. Gladysheva, Yu. B. Serzhantova The work program of the educator: daily planning for the program "Childhood". Moscow: AST, 2013. - 702 p.
E. A. Martynova, I. M. Suchkova Detailed long-term planning for the program "Childhood" Volgograd: Teacher: IP Grinin L. E., 2014. - 445p.

1. Explanatory note.

3. Targets.

5. Educational and thematic plan.

6. Forms for summing up the results of work with children under an additional educational program.

7. Methodological support of the program.

1. Explanatory note.

The Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 27, 2012 No. 273 highlights the main guidelines for updating the content of education within the framework of a preschool institution. It gives an orientation to the personal originality of each child, to the development of the abilities of each person, expanding the horizons of the child, transforming the objective environment, ensuring independent and joint activities of children in accordance with their desires and inclinations.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education", the content of the educational area "Cognitive development" includes experimental activities of preschool children.

This work program for additional education is a regulatory and managerial document of an educational institution that characterizes the system for organizing the educational activities of a teacher for the development of experimental activities of children.

The work program for additional education is built on the basis of taking into account the specific conditions, educational needs and developmental features of preschool children. The creation of an individual pedagogical model of education is carried out in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards for preschool education.

Relevance of the program is that children's experimentation as a form of activity is not widely used in practice, although it is an effective means of developing important personality traits such as creative activity, independence, self-realization, and the ability to work in a team.

Such qualities contribute to the successful education of children at school, and participation in the pedagogical process on an equal basis with adults - the opportunity to design your life in the space of a kindergarten, while showing ingenuity and originality.

Experimental activity is aimed at the child's need for knowledge of the world around him, at new impressions that underlie the emergence and development of inexhaustible research (search) activity. The more diverse and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops.


Children are by nature researchers of the surrounding world, therefore the organization of children's experimentation is aimed at creating conditions in which objects most clearly reveal their essence, hidden in ordinary situations.

The most important condition for the formation of knowledge about the relationships in nature is the presence in children of a certain stock of factual information obtained as a result of sensations and perceptions of objects and phenomena. Establishing relationships that exist in nature helps the child explain the observed phenomenon, and therefore understand it.

To establish by children the causes of certain phenomena, connections and relationships between objects or phenomena, elementary experiments are used.

Satisfying his curiosity in the process of active cognitive-exploratory activity, the child, on the one hand, expands his ideas about the world, on the other hand, he begins to master the fundamental cultural forms of ordering experience: cause-and-effect, spatial and temporal relationships that allow linking individual ideas into a coherent picture.

At senior preschool age, children achieve great success in mastering knowledge about nature. They learn not only facts, but also quite complex patterns underlying natural phenomena. Experimental work arouses a child's interest in research, develops mental operations (analysis, classification, generalization), stimulates cognitive activity and curiosity, activates perception educational material familiarization with natural phenomena, with the basics of mathematical knowledge and with ethical rules in the life of society. Everyone knows that an important criterion in preparing a child for school is the education of his inner need for knowledge. And experimentation is the best way to form this need through the development of cognitive interest.

The legal basis for the development of the work program is:

        • Law on Education 2013 - Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education" dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155.
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in the main general educational programs - educational programs of preschool education."
  • Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 N 26 "On approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations ".

The program is designed taking into account the implementation of the integration of educational areas:

Social and communicative development:

  • Introduction to the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults.
  • The formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation.
  • Development of social and emotional intelligence.
  • Formation of readiness for joint activities.

Cognitive development:

  • Development of interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation.
  • Formation cognitive activities, the formation of consciousness.
  • The development of intellectual speech and general abilities child.

Speech development.

  • Speech as a means of communication and culture.
  • Enrichment of the active vocabulary.
  • The development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech.
  • Improvement of intonational expressiveness of speech, diction.
  • The development of speech creativity.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

  • Music perception.
  • Development of productive activity of children.

Physical development.

  • Proper development of gross and fine motor skills.
  • Preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health.

Program additional education on cognitive development "Know-ka" is compiled for children 5-6 years old.

2. Goals and objectives of the program implementation. Program implementation principles.

Purpose of the program: To promote the formation and development of children's cognitive interests through experimental activities.

Main goals:

Educational tasks:

  • Stimulate the activity of children to resolve the problem situation.

Development tasks:

  • Develop the ability to examine objects and phenomena from different angles,

detect dependencies.

  • Develop mental operations, the ability to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions.
  • To develop fine finger motor skills in children, through finger gymnastics, to carry out self-massage of the hands with non-traditional objects, etc.

Educational tasks:

  • To promote the upbringing of independence, activity.

Achieving the set goal and solving problems is carried out taking into account the following principles:

1. The principle of compliance of the content and methods of organizing classes with the age and functional characteristics of preschool children.

2. The principle of complexity - in each lesson it is necessary to pay attention to the solution of each of the tasks.

3. The principle of consistency - only as knowledge is accumulated, and skills and technology are mastered, the content of the classes expands and deepens.

4. The principle of compliance of the form of organization of classes with the leading type of activity of children of this age group- game.

5. Gradual, dosed presentation of the material.

6. Development creativity all children and individual abilities of each.

7. The principle of taking into account personal characteristics.

8. The principle of a developmental approach (based on the idea of ​​L. S. Vygotsky about the "zone of proximal development"), which consists in the fact that education should lead the development of the child.

9. The principle of a multifunctional approach, which provides for the simultaneous solution of several tasks in the structure of one lesson.

10. The principle of consciousness and activity of children, which means that the teacher must provide for activation techniques in his work cognitive abilities children. Before the child it is necessary to set cognitive tasks, in the solution of which he relies on his own experience. This principle contributes to a more intensive mental development of preschoolers and provides for the child's understanding of the material and its successful application in practical activities in the future.

11. The principle of visualization, which ensures close interconnection and broad interaction of all analyzer systems of the body in order to enrich the auditory, visual and motor images of children.

3. Targets.

As a result of mastering the content of the program for additional education in cognitive development "Know-ka" it is expected:

  • the formation of stable natural science knowledge and ideas among pupils;
  • the formation of research skills, as well as independence in the process of experimental activities, the application of knowledge in practice.
  • the formation of the ability to empirically prove the properties of water (transparent, odorless, has weight, has no shape);
  • the formation of the ability to experimentally prove the properties of air;
  • the formation of the ability to experimentally prove the properties of sand;
  • the formation of the ability to empirically identify the properties of objects, mass, size;
  • formation of the ability to draw conclusions based on the results of experiments based on previously obtained ideas and own assumptions;
  • mastery of various ways of cognition, including experimentation, contributing to the development of an active, independent, creative personality.

4. Syllabus. Practice mode. List of children.

The program of additional education on cognitive development "Know-ka" was developed on the basis of methodological recommendations:

Implementation period: The program is designed for 1 year of study.

The implementation of the program is designed for 30-32 calendar weeks, and includes 2 lessons of direct educational activities per week, 8 lessons per month, 60-62 lessons per year. The duration of one lesson in the senior group is 25 minutes. (according to SanPiN). When organizing classes on cognitive development, it is important to remember that in order for children to successfully master skills and abilities, it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their desires and interests.

Forms of study:

  • experimentation;
  • conversations;
  • solving problem situations;
  • experiences;
  • research activities ;
  • classes;
  • group and individual work;
  • collective creative work;
  • work with parents.

Teaching methods:

  • visual;
  • practical;
  • explanatory and illustrative;
  • publication of information on the website of MBDOU, group;
  • creating a game situation;
  • pronunciation of sounds;
  • conversation;
  • showing the educator;
  • display of video materials, illustrations;
  • observation.


5. Educational and thematic plan.

  1. "A child in the world of search" O.V. Dybin. - Sphere, M.2005
  2. "The unknown is nearby. Entertaining experiments and experiments for preschoolers" O.V. Dybin. - Sphere, M. s. 2013
  3. Young ecologist. Program environmental education in kindergarten S. N. Nikolaev. – Mosaic Synthesis, M. 2010
  4. "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. – Mosaic Synthesis, M. 2014
A week Lesson topics. Program content Literature
I 1. "Sand country" With. 5.
2. "Why does sand flow well?" With. 45.
II 3. "Clay, what is it?" With. 5.
4. "Magic Stuff" With. 45.
III 5. "Sand and clay are our helpers" With. 5.
6. "Properties of wet sand" With. 5.
IV 7. "Wind and sand" With. 5.
8. Hourglass With. 5.
I 9. "Stubborn Air" With. 52.
10. "Search for Air" With. 5.
II 11. "Wind in the Room" With. 5.
12. "What's in the bag?" With. 35.
III 13. "Sailing Races" With. 5.
14. "Inflate the balloon" With. thirty.
IV 15. "Dry out of water" With. 52.
16. "Air expands when heated" With. 5.
I 17. "How does sound travel?" With. 54.
18. "Why does everything sound?" With. 40.
II 19. "Where does the echo live?" With. 54.
20. "Where does the voice come from?" With. 40.
III 21. "Ship" With. 41.
22. "How to make the sound louder?" With. 54.
IV 23. "Box with a secret" With. 54.
24. “Why did Mishutka squeak? With. 54.
III 25. "Where does water come from?" With. 51.
26. "What properties?" With. 51.
IV 27. "Helper Water" With. 51.
28. "Making colored ice cubes" With. 28.
I 29. "How many ears" With. 55.
30. "Check your hearing" With. 55.
II 31. "Our helpers are eyes" With. 55.
32. "Big - small" With. 55.
III 33. "Whose eye is sharper?" With. 55.
34. "Taste it" With. 55.
IV 35. "Identify by smell" With. 55.
36. "Recognize by voice" With. 55.
I 38. "Solid - Liquid" With. 22.
39. "How to measure heat?" With. 54.
II 40. "How similar?" With. 25.
41. "Delicious experience" With. 54.
III 42. “Where did the water go? With. 4.
43. "The sun dries things" With. 54.
IV 44. "How a thermometer works" With. 4.
45. « The water cycle in nature» With. 4.
I 46. ​​"Attracted - not attracted" With. 53.
47. "Magnetic Forces" With. 53.
II 48. "How to see magnetic forces?" With. 53.
49. "Two magnets" With. 53.
III 50. "We are magicians" With. 39.
51. "Unusual Paperclip" With. 53.
IV 52. "Draw a magnet or not" With. 53.
53. "Soaring Plane" With. 53.
I 54. "Wood, its qualities and properties" With. 55.
55. « Paper, its qualities and properties» With. 50.
II 56. "Fabric, its qualities and properties" With. 52.
57. "Glass, its qualities and properties" With. 47.
III 58. "Glass Relatives" With. 23.
59. "Metal, its qualities and properties" With. 48.
IV 60. "Rubber, its qualities and properties" With. 48.
61. "Plastic, its qualities and properties" With. 49.

6. Forms for summing up the results of work with children under an additional educational program:

  • exhibition;
  • contest;
  • festival of arts and crafts;
  • reporting exhibitions;
  • reporting concerts;
  • open lessons;
  • holding a master class among teachers.

7. Methodological support of the program.

  1. "A child in the world of search" O.V. Dybin. - Sphere, M.2005
  2. "The unknown is nearby. Entertaining experiments and experiments for preschoolers" O.V. Dybin. - Sphere, M. s. 2013
  3. Young ecologist. The program of environmental education in kindergarten S. N. Nikolaev. – Mosaic Synthesis, M. 2010
  4. "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. – Mosaic Synthesis, M. 2014

Svetlana Lapshina
Calendar-thematic planning. Educational area "Cognitive development" (middle group)

Educational area« cognitive development»

Target: development of cognitive interests and cognitive abilities of children, which can be subdivided into sensory, intellectual- cognitive and intellectual and creative



Development of cognitive interests of children, expanding the experience of orientation in the surrounding, sensory development, development of curiosity and cognitive motivation; imagination development and creative activity

Development of perception, attention, memory, observation, the ability to analyze, compare, highlight the characteristic, essential features of objects and phenomena of the world around

Development the ability to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena.


Formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of the objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, causes and effects, etc.).

The ability to establish the simplest connections between objects and phenomena, to make the simplest generalizations

Acquaintance with the environment social world, expanding the horizons of children, the formation of a holistic picture of the world.

Formation of primary ideas about the small motherland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays.

Formation of elementary ideas about planet Earth as a common home of people, oh diversity countries and peoples of the world.

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts, primary ideas about the main properties and relations of objects of the environment peace: shape, color, size, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time.

Acquaintance with nature and natural phenomena.

Formation of primary ideas about natural the diversity of the planet Earth. Formation of elementary ecological ideas. Formation of an understanding that a person is a part of nature, that he must preserve, protect and protect it, that everything is interconnected in nature, that human life on Earth largely depends on the environment environments.


Education of the ability to behave correctly in nature. Education of love for nature, the desire to protect it.

Training plan.

Organized educational activities(quantity)

week month year

Calendar - thematic planning for cognitive development

Month Week Topic Knowledge and skills


Autumn Viewing autumn landscapes, illustrations

Di "What grows in the garden"

"To the fruit garden"

"Hello, autumn"

"Autumn get-togethers. Talk about pets".

Develop in children, interest and love for their native nature, its beauty, awaken aesthetic feelings; educate the ability to observe natural phenomena

Clarify the idea of ​​the names, shape, taste, color, smell of fruits, their places of growth.

Learn to establish the simplest connections between natural phenomena (it got colder, the insects disappeared)

Expand your understanding of the life of pets in winter time of the year. To form a desire to take care of pets.

I am a man in the world Photo exhibition “My favorite place in the city”

« Migratory birds»

"Into the forest with a basket"

"My friends". Fix the name of the hometown, home address. Instill in children a sense of love for native land.

Expand knowledge about migratory birds and their young.

Continue to introduce children to mushrooms.

Learn to distinguish between edible and non-edible.

Develop attention and observation.

Form a concept "Friend", "friendship", cultivate positive relationships between children, encouraging them to do good deeds.

My city is my country Target walk "What is the street".

"Multi-storied forest"

"Journey with a Forester"

"Passing the Ecological Path". form elementary representations about the street convert children's attention to houses, buildings for various purposes, sidewalk, roadway. To consolidate knowledge about the name of the street on which the kindergarten is located;

Learn to compare and name distinctive features. Expand your understanding of the forest.

Consolidation of children's knowledge about the gifts of the forest, about plant diversity teach respect for nature.

Show the objects of the ecological trail in the autumn. Build respect for nature. To give elementary ideas about the relationship between man and nature

New Year "Christmas lace"

"Hello zimushka - winter!"

"Wintering Birds"

"Visiting grandfather naturalist" (ecological trail in winter). Learn to notice characteristics, changes in the weather.

Continue to introduce children to the seasons.

Continue to acquaint children with wintering birds, their appearance, habits. Learn to look at the structure of a bird, the traces that birds leave in the snow.

Expand children's ideas about winter natural phenomena. Learn to observe natural objects in winter. To give elementary concepts about the relationship between man and nature.

Winter "New Year's Carnival"

"Zimushka - winter"

« Winter forest. Trees" invert attention to the colorful decoration of the hall, groups.

Cultivate a sense of belonging to the life of the kindergarten, the country.

To give elementary concepts about the meaning of the celebration of the New Year.

Continue to introduce various types trees. Learn to distinguish trees by the color of the bark, the shape of the leaves, the fruits.

Defender of the Fatherland Day Photo exhibition "My dad is a protector"

"We're going, we're going, we're going..."

"I will serve in the Army" To form a sense of respect for the defenders of the Motherland, develop patriotic feelings.

Continue to acquaint children with the profession of a driver.

Show the meaning and importance of the profession for other people.

To cultivate respect, love and gratitude for people who defend the Motherland from enemies.

March Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions Examining photos, albums of parents at work.

"Earth is our common home"

"Journey to visit the armchair".

"Journey into the past of clothes". Fix the name of the professions of the parents.

Develop interest in the native land, in folk traditions.

Introduce children to the purpose of household items (stool, chair, armchair). Develop retrospective look at things. Learn to identify certain features of objects (parts, shape)

To acquaint children with the meaning and functions of clothing items necessary for human life. Learn to establish a connection between the material and the way the garments are used; lead to the understanding that a person creates garments to facilitate life. Develop the ability to navigate the past clothes.

April Spring Conversations using visual material "Spring came"

"Spring is coming to us..."

"Heaven and earth are friends"

"Visiting the Mistress of the Meadow" Teach children safety rules, clarify knowledge about where to go address if you're in trouble.

Strengthen children's knowledge of the seasons.

Learn to name the main signs.

Develop observation, love for nature.

Learn to establish the dependence of the state of nature on the change of seasons. Expand children's understanding of diversity of insects. To consolidate knowledge about the structure of insects. Build respect for nature. Learn to solve riddles about insects.

May View video clip "Walking on hometown»

"On Parade with Grandpa"

Examination of reproductions on the topic of war, medals, orders, plot pictures on the topic "Victory Day".

"Planting an onion". Cultivate love for your city, street, home

Give a concept: who are the townspeople.

Give an idea about the holiday dedicated to Victory Day.

To cultivate respect for war veterans, love for the Motherland.

Expand children's understanding of the conditions necessary for growth and plant development(soil, moisture, heat and light)

Calendar-thematic planning on the formation of elementary mathematical representations

Month Week Topic

Knowledge and skills

September One and many, large and small, circle To consolidate the ability to compare the number of objects; compare familiar objects by size; consolidate knowledge of the geometric figure circle

Orientation in space Teach children to navigate in space: above, below, above, below; distinguish between left and right, practice counting within 2, distinguish and name the numbers 1 and 2

Account by exemplary. Seasons. Left, right Count by exemplary; consolidate knowledge about the time of year; learn to navigate on a piece of paper

Establishing a correspondence between the number and quantity of objects. Big, smaller, smallest. Square. Learn to establish a correspondence between the number and the number of objects. Continue to learn to compare objects in size, use these words in speech. Form the idea that the squares can be of different sizes.

October Diagnostics

Quantity and account.


Form. Color.

Orientation in time; in space. To reveal children's knowledge about the form, quantity, size. Reveal the ability to lay out objects in ascending order. Reveal ideas about different time periods; ability to navigate in space.

Account by exemplary, comparing numbers 4-5. Parts of the day. Left, middle, right. practice comparing two groups of objects. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​parts of the day. Continue to learn to designate in words the position of objects in relation to oneself.

Acquaintance with the number 1. Left, middle, right. Consolidation of knowledge about the circle, square. introduce with the number 1 as a sign of the number 1. Learn to understand the sequence of arrangement of geometric shapes. To consolidate the ability to determine the spatial arrangement of objects in relation to oneself.

November To consolidate knowledge about the number 1. Big, smaller, small, the same size. Triangle. Learn to correlate the number with the number of objects. Consolidate knowledge about the number 1. Consolidate the ability to compare familiar objects in size. Form the idea that triangles can be of different sizes.

Acquaintance with the number 2. Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Closer, further. Get to know number 2. Learn to differentiate concepts "yesterday", "Today", "Tomorrow", "far", "close". Teaches to understand learning task and do it yourself

Consolidate knowledge about the number 2. Short, long. Oval. Consolidate knowledge about the number 2. Learn to guess riddles based on visually perceived information. Form the idea that the ovals can be of different sizes.

Introduction to numbers 3. Correlate the number with the number of objects. Seasons. introduce with the number 3 as a sign of the number 3. Continue to learn to correlate the numbers 1,2,3 with the number of objects. Strengthen children's knowledge of the season (autumn).

Consolidation of knowledge about numbers 1,2,3. High Low. To consolidate the ability to write numbers 1,2,3. Develop attention when comparing two similar drawings.

December Correlation of the number of objects with a figure. Comparison of numbers 3-4. Wide narrow. Rectangle. Learn to solve math riddles. practice comparing two groups of objects. To consolidate knowledge about the geometric figure of a rectangle, to find it among many others.

Account by exemplary, comparing adjacent numbers, establishing equality. The position of objects in relation to themselves. Circle, oval. Learn to establish equality between two groups of objects. Learn to count objects exemplary. Continue learning to determine polo

motion of objects in relation to itself. Develop visual attention. Learn to understand the learning task and perform it independently.

Acquaintance with the number 4. Large, smaller, smallest. introduce with the number 4 as a sign of the number 4. Learn to relate objects to each other in size and designate with words.

January Consolidation of knowledge about numbers 1,2,3,4. Left, right. Continue to learn to correlate the numbers 1,2,3,4 with the number of objects. Learn to determine and designate in words the position of an object relative to itself

Consolidation of knowledge about numbers 1,2,3,4. Far close. Learn to guess riddles that contain numbers. Form spatial representations. Learn to correlate the number with the number of objects.

February Top, bottom, left, right, under. Square, rectangle. Seasons. Form ideas about spatial relationships (left, right, top, bottom, under, in front, in the middle). Strengthen knowledge about geometric shapes. Strengthen knowledge about the seasons.

Acquaintance with the number 5. Left, middle, right. Get to know the number 5, learn to write the number 5 in dots. To form the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently

Consolidation of knowledge about the number 5, comparison of numbers 4-5. Correlating the shape of objects with geometric shapes. Quickly, slowly Strengthen the ability to count within 5. Learn to correlate the number with the number of objects. Learn to equalize groups of objects when objects are at different distances. Learn to see geometric figures in the contours of surrounding objects.

Introduction to ordinal numbers. Top right corner, bottom right corner. Teach ordinal counting within 5, distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting, answer correctly to questions: "How many?", "what's the score?". Learn to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Consolidation of knowledge about the ordinal account, the independence of the number from the spatial arrangement of objects. Development of the eye. Continue to teach ordinal counting, distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting, answer correctly questions: "How many?", "what's the score?"; compare objects of different sizes in size and combine them on this basis, use these words in speech.

March Independence of the number from the size of objects. Parts of the day. Consolidation of concepts "wide", "narrower", "the narrowest". Learn to understand the independence of numbers from the size of objects. To learn to compare objects in width, highlighting signs of similarity and difference, to combine objects on this basis. Learn to solve logic problems.

Consolidation of knowledge about the numbers 1,2,3,4,5, correlation of numbers with numbers. Yesterday Today Tomorrow. Ball, cube, cylinder. Learn to count exemplary and reproduce the same number of items. To consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes circle, oval, rectangle, square. introduce with geometric bodies ball, cube, cylinder. To form the ability to understand the learning task and perform it independently.

Consolidation of knowledge about ordinal numbers. Establishing a correspondence between the number of objects and the figure. Continue to teach ordinal counting (within 5, distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting, answer correctly to questions: "How many?", "what's the score?"; learn to correlate a number with a numerical card and the number of objects. Strengthen knowledge about geometric shapes.

Establishing a correspondence between the number of objects and the figure. Left, middle, right Learn to indicate in words the position of an object on a piece of paper. Contribute development visual attention. To form the ability to understand the learning task and perform it independently.

April Score by exemplary, consolidation of knowledge about ordinal numbers.

Left, right. Establishing a sequence of events Consolidate ordinal counting skills (within 5, distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting, answer correctly to questions: "How many?", "what's the score?"; learn to correlate the number of objects with a number. Learn to sequence events.

Independence of the number from the spatial arrangement of objects. Mathematical riddles. Development of the eye. Development of attention. Learn: correlate the figure with the number of objects; solve mathematical riddles; compare objects of different sizes in size; highlight similarities various items and unite them on this basis; solve logical problems to establish patterns.

Consolidation of knowledge about the ordinal account. Determination of the spatial arrangement of objects in relation to oneself. To consolidate the ability to designate in words the position of objects in relation to oneself. Strengthen ordinal counting skills (within 5, distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting, answer correctly to questions: "How many?", "what's the score?".

Consolidation of knowledge about numbers 1,2,3,4,5. Ordinal account. Orientation on a sheet of paper. Consolidate knowledge about numbers from 1 to 5. consolidate the ability to see geometric shapes in symbolic images. Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Examination of children.

Quantity and account. geometric bodies. Logic task. Strengthen the ability to correlate the number with the number of objects. Contribute development visual attention. To consolidate the ability to see geometric bodies in the contours of surrounding objects.