Experience of working with public educational institutions in a comprehensive school. Experience of working with children with disabilities teacher N.V. Kondratyeva

Children with disabilities health is one of the most vulnerable categories of children. The social circle of such children is small. System only additional education can provide them with the opportunity to fulfill their potential.

I have been working with such children for 10 years. In my presentation, I shared my experience of working on the "Commonwealth" program



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"Description of the experience of working with children with disabilities" Teacher of additional education Yaganova L.V. MBOU DOD DDT GO ZATO Fokino

The world of the “special” child is interesting and shy. The world of the “special” child is ugly and beautiful. Awkward, sometimes strange, good-natured and open. The world of a "special" child. Sometimes he scares us. Why is he aggressive? Why is it so closed? Why is he so scared? Why doesn't he speak? The world of a “special” child is closed from the eyes of strangers. The world of a "special" child-admits only its own

"UNTIL NEW MEETINGS ..." Children with disabilities are one of the most vulnerable categories of children. The social circle of such children is small. Only the system of additional education can provide them with the opportunity to realize their potential. I have been working with such children for 10 years. For effective work, I have developed the "Commonwealth" program aimed at forming the foundations of a comprehensive solution to the problems of children with disabilities: the development of intelligence, thinking, memory, a sense of beauty, hand motor skills.

"UNTIL NEW MEETINGS ..." The program has 4 main blocks: "Paper fantasy", "Crafts from beads", "Soft toys", "Embroidery", this allows you to choose a technique for the child, taking into account age characteristics and taking into account the student's illness. During the school year, additional topics may be introduced, the number of hours by topic will change based on the individual capabilities of the child. When drawing up work program I must take into account: the desire of the child and his parents; the capabilities of the child, the state of his health; ...

"UNTIL NEW MEETINGS ..." Purpose: Social rehabilitation and adaptation of children with disabilities, the acquisition of certain working skills. This allows you to make the most of the child's capabilities, contributes to a better knowledge of the world around, makes it possible, overcoming difficulties, to believe in your own strength. In my work I use two forms of classes: home - this is when the teacher comes to the family; classes in the main group of children attending the children's art house. At home, I conduct classes together with the involvement of one of the family members. It is not easy to conduct classes as the children I work with on this moment have severe health problems: one child with mental disabilities, the second has physical problems associated with skin disease

"SEE NEW MEETINGS ..." My main task is to open every child from the creative side. All work with disabled children is carried out in compliance with certain psychological and pedagogical conditions: taking into account the existing social experience of the child; unconditional acceptance of the child as a person; taking into account opportunities, interests, needs, individual characteristics; creating a situation of success. I select the material for classes so that the children do not feel tired. In the classroom, I alternate various types of activities. The constant search for new forms and methods of organizing the educational process allows you to make work with children more diverse, emotionally and informationally rich.

"BEFORE NEW MEETINGS ..." Based on my experience, I can say that such methods and forms of education are effective, the use of which is based on the implementation of the child's motivational sphere: the development of self-awareness, self-affirmation in society, the formation of self-esteem, the need for communication with peers. I choose teaching methods, methodological techniques, taking into account knowledge and practical skills. In my work, I use the following pedagogical technologies; health-preserving (physical education, visual gymnastics, finger gymnastics), play I believe that you need to start working with such children with the formation of a positive emotional mood. This works when I use conversational forms of communication. Meeting children always starts with trusting and friendly communication. Each child works at his own pace, in accordance with his capabilities. I try to give them more independence.

"UNTIL NEW MEETINGS ..." A disabled child who is not involved in additional education does not develop life skills that allow him to exist with his own peculiarities in adult life, so the purpose of my work is not only to acquaint children with different types and creativity, but also to develop their skills and abilities to work with various materials, in various techniques. Ultimately - to teach children a full-fledged lifestyle, to enjoy this life, not paying attention to their illness. All classes are educational in nature. When conducting classes, I take care of the mood and performance of children, create a special atmosphere of attention and trust. At the end of each lesson, I fix the children's attention on the achieved result. A positive assessment of the child's work is an important incentive for him. Deficiencies should be noted, but praise should both precede and conclude the assessment.

"TILL NEW MEETINGS ..." The individual characteristics of children make it difficult for them to be independent, and this, as a result, gives rise to lack of confidence in their abilities. My task is to help them overcome difficulties: not to be afraid to take on a new business, to express their opinion, to be decisive, confident, courageous. All classes are practice-oriented. This expands the possibilities of acquiring practical experience of the child, the formation and development of new life skills and abilities. Such children are psychologically “younger than their age”. Thinking them more concretely; they find it difficult to think about abstract things. Memory, attention is weakened. It is more difficult for them to master the educational material, and they quickly forget it. Children get tired quickly. They get tired of listening, playing, going somewhere, doing any monotonous work. They have weak self-control, This promise is quickly forgotten, the prohibition is violated. But these children are kind and sympathetic, although they can be aggressive and stubborn. They are very sensitive and touchy. They are highly influenced by both good and bad.

"SEE NEW MEETINGS ..." Each child requires an individual approach. In the classroom, increased attention to the implementation of safety rules is required. A pupil can study this program for several years, but each academic year in this case, I propose other products for making. In the classroom, I give a minimum of theory, it all comes down to practical activity, which is due to the characteristics of children in this category. But the material is taken the most elementary, feasible. Being engaged in arts and crafts, children acquire, as it were, a second sight: in their work, they learn to see a unique beauty, an image. The ability to understand and feel the beauty is not only a certain criterion, an indicator of the level of a child's development, it acts as a stimulus for the development of his own creative abilities. This is especially important when working with children with disabilities.

"UNTIL NEW MEETINGS ..." I believe that children with disabilities are as capable and talented as ordinary children. They only need to be given the opportunity to show their capabilities and be supported - both by teachers and by the family in which they are brought up. A child experiencing an unforgettable, happy creative experience cannot remain the same. The emotional memory of this will force him to look for new creative approaches, will help to overcome the inevitable crises that arise in their daily life.

Recommendations for the teacher of additional education on the development of the personality of a child with disabilities 1. Treat the child calmly and kindly, just like other children. 2. Consider the individual capabilities and characteristics of the child when choosing forms, methods, methods of work in class. 3. Compare your child to himself and not to other children.

Removal of fear - "It's okay ..." Hidden instruction - "You remember that ..." Advance payment - "You will succeed ...", "You can ..." Say it sincerely and confidently. Strengthening the motive - “We need this for ...” (“As you read better, you can find answers to your questions in the book”). Pedagogical suggestion - "Go ahead ... High appreciation of the detail -" This part turned out great for you ... "(" Today you spoke well about ..., answered questions, etc. ") Methods of forming a situation of success 4. Create a subjective experience of success in the child.

5. Help your child feel his intellectual worth. Technique: Celebrate your child's accomplishments, not failures. Make mistakes normal and necessary. Build a belief in success. Concentrate on the successes already achieved in the past (in the last lesson you could do ..., you can do it now). 6. Give the child the opportunity to make a choice, decide for himself, express his point of view.




Organization of work with children with disabilities and their socialization

in the educational space of the school (from work experience)
One of the promising tasks in the development of the education system is the creation of an educational environment that ensures the availability of quality education for children with disabilities and ensures their socialization. Children with disabilities are children whose health conditions impede the development of educational programs outside the special conditions of education and upbringing. The group of children with disabilities is extremely heterogeneous. This is primarily determined by the fact that it includes children with various developmental disorders. The most important priority in working with such children is an individual approach, taking into account the specifics of the psyche and health of each child. The organization of teaching children with disabilities at school raises many questions from teachers and parents. How to teach a child if he or she has health problems or mental developmental features that do not allow them to fully learn, go through an educational program without difficulties? Should a child with disabilities go through a regular education program or should there be a special program? Many parents prefer not to take a special child to school, while others, on the contrary, believe that a child in a mass school is better socialized. Teachers can often be at a loss and face for the first time the situation of teaching a child with disabilities. Children with disabilities currently do not need to study in special institutions, on the contrary, they can get a quality education and adapt to life in a regular comprehensive school... This will be useful not only for children with developmental problems, but also for ordinary healthy children. Studying together with children with disabilities, healthy children will be able to develop tolerance and responsibility. This means that the school should be designed to educate any child. Someone needs a separate educational program, someone needs a tutor, an elevator or a ramp. All this can be summed up in one term, inclusion, inclusive education. Inclusive education is teaching children with disabilities in modern educational institutions together with healthy children or in specially created classrooms. Our school, municipal budgetary general educational institution"Secondary School No. 1" has some experience in organizing education for children with disabilities. In particular, with students with mental retardation. IN 2014 academic year a class for children with mental retardation was assembled at the school. The class was completed from the 3rd year of study. Accordingly, children of the 3rd and 4th grade studied. Children were not ready for school and experienced difficulties in mastering general education programs, had
a high degree of pedagogical neglect, anxiety, deviation of intellectual and personal development... In order to organize the educational activities of my students, I had to study the peculiarities of the psychological development of children with advanced developmental rehabilitation through special literature, distance seminars, personal observations, close cooperation with a psychologist, social teacher. All this helped me to understand that the pathology of these children in the mental sphere is manifested in the lagging of cognitive processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking. Children quickly got tired, had a low level of perception, did not know how to listen and hear the teacher. Having identified a problem for myself, I began to look for ways to solve it. Painstaking work began on organizing the educational process for children with mental retardation. In May 2016, these children successfully completed primary school and moved to the second level of education. At the primary school graduation party, my children were no different from their peers in the parallel class. They performed on stage with great success, recited poetry, sang, and participated in performances. And the incendiary "Lezginka" did not leave anyone indifferent. The festive program lasted over an hour. Moreover, the entire festive program from the beginning to its completion was led by the children themselves. The created learning conditions allowed children to adapt to school life, they became active, a desire to learn was formed, and self-esteem increased. Currently, all the conditions for teaching children with developmental problems are spelled out in the federal state educational standard for primary general education of students with disabilities. Introduced September 01, 2016. Our school is one of the first comprehensive schools in the city, which implements the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO HVZ. On the basis of the school, a class for children with disabilities was formed (according to the TPMPK recommendations for parents) according to option 7.1. (for children with mental retardation). This was preceded by systematic work. Regulatory documents were studied. The following were carried out: - the administrative council, where it was decided to participate in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO HVZ; for students with disabilities. ”Through parent class and general school parent meetings, the parent community was informed about the main issues of the introduction of the federal state educational standard for non-educational institutions for disabilities, the opinion of parents was studied, and the needs were identified.
- a plan of measures was developed and approved to ensure the introduction and implementation of the federal state standard of primary general education for students with disabilities; - bank formed normative documents various levels (federal, regional, municipal); - amendments and additions were made to the charter of the educational institution in the part of the section "Aims and objectives of activities budgetary institution": The subject (main types) of activities of a budgetary institution is the implementation of adapted basic general education programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education." As part of the implementation of the action plan to ensure the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO HVZ, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO HVZ job descriptions employees of educational institutions participating in the implementation of the FSES NOE HVZ, an analysis of the material, technical and personnel conditions for the implementation of the FSES NOO HVZ was carried out, an information environment was provided through the school website, information stands, parenting meetings, remote communication is carried out with the federal website of the Ministry of Education and Science in terms of relevant information for work on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO HVZ. Developed, approved and implemented: - an adapted basic general education program of primary general education of students with mental retardation, option 7.1 .; - correctional and developmental program "Rainbow over your head". Provided psychological and pedagogical support for students. Today, 15 children with mental retardation are studying in my class. Intellectually, my students are not inferior to their peers, they just grow up more slowly, think slower, they need more attention, care, kindness, warmth, love, understanding. My task is to create such conditions under which their talents and abilities were revealed. I organize the educational process according to the traditional system. I plan and conduct lessons with mandatory physical exercises, visual gymnastics. I have determined for myself the following principles of organizing work with children with mental retardation: - everyday use of visualization in order to activate cognitive and speech activity; - maximum reliance on the game, as the child's still leading activity; - stimulation cognitive interest various methods of entertaining (tasks with elements of the game, entertaining exercises, riddles, tasks-jokes, elements of theatricalization, etc.); - maximum use of auditory, visual analyzers. The most important thing in my work is not to impose on children my opinion about the solution to the problem, but to give children the opportunity to express their point of view, listen to the opinion of a neighbor, and find the right solution in conversation.
I try not to use the expressions "No!" "Wrong!" Let the student think independently, make his little discoveries. Children studying in the class have their own and only their own inherent qualities and level of development. Therefore, I offer assignments of a differentiated nature, taking into account the individual characteristics of children, creating a situation of success for everyone, since each of them must move forward at his own pace and certainly with success. When working with children with advanced learning disabilities, the emotional mood in the lesson plays an important role. Therefore, an essential condition for achieving positive result in teaching, I consider the provision of psychological comfort for children, ensuring their emotional well-being. One should not despair that at some stage of learning, children do not know something or have forgotten something. Every time, it seems that everything needs to start over. Children with CRD have slowed down the reception and processing of information, short-term memory, unstable attention. Therefore, I do not load the children "in full", but I give educational material in small parts. I build an explanation through reasoning, I use personal experience children, using visual material, simple memos, diagrams, instructions. I select tasks that the child can complete. This increases interest in the material being studied, increases its self-esteem, improves mood, and forms a positive attitude towards educational work. One should not think that the tasks are given quite easy, which do not require the student's mental activity. Working with such children requires a lot of attention, patience, perseverance and faith that everything will work out. I try to teach my parents these qualities. I work with parents as with equal participants in educational relations. I make it clear to parents that they are responsible for the successful education of their children. Often parents try to do something for their children, imitating quick external success: they will draw the drawings for the children, then they will do the craft themselves, or they will write a whole line in the recipe, button up their coats and tie their shoes so as not to wait for the child to get dressed himself ... Such help actually only gets in the way and does not give positive results. Parents come for every child every day. And each of the parents asks, "How's mine today?" I invariably try to praise everyone “Today he is great!”, And then, having reassured the parents, I draw attention to what else needs to be worked on and what needs to be discussed with the child. Every week at the end of the week, as required, I conduct consultations for parents on the issues of education and upbringing that have arisen. To help parents see their child in a new side for him, I conduct joint class activities, participate in school-wide activities. I involve them in solving school problems. In working with parents, I form in them an idea of ​​their own child as a personality, having its own perception of the world, its own worldview.
And even though we haven't learned much yet. But we already know how to hear the school bell, prepare for the upcoming lesson, put things in order on the desktop, slowly read syllables, try to write naughty letters as best as possible. I am sure that a warm and comfortable environment created by the administration, teaching staff, parents in our school, built on trust, love and responsibility, will help all children quickly adapt to the educational process. And in four years they will leave the class confident in themselves and in their success, reading, able to work on themselves, and most importantly happy. I want to end my speech with a quote from Sh. Amonashvili's book “Hurry up, children, we will learn to fly !:“ There are no children born by chance. Not a single Traveler of Eternity is born by chance. Every child is a phenomenon in earthly life. He was born because he had to be born. He was born because the world lacked him! "

Implementation of ideas for inclusive education of children in primary school
In the process of studying junior schoolchildren the teacher faces particular difficulties in developing the learning skills of individual students in the class. As a rule, these are children with disabilities. There are three such children in my class.
The largest and most widespread category of disabilities is children with mental retardation (MHD). Teacher primary grades will be able to provide such children with qualification assistance and create specialized learning conditions in the classroom in accordance with their special educational needs.
Such specialized conditions are created by organizing a unified educational environment for students with different mental health capabilities. It should be focused on strengthening, maintaining and developing health, disclosing the individual abilities and capabilities of each student, including those with DPD.
The environment must be created by including in educational process additional help from various specialists (psychologists, defectologists, speech therapists, neurologists), as well as teachers of additional education, heads of sections and circles. Such conditions have been created in our school. Neurologists and psychotherapists give their consultations and recommendations for the education and upbringing of such children after being examined by a medical and pedagogical commission.
As a class teacher, I agree with the support specialists and parents on an individual route-plan for working with the student, where I present a register of the child's difficulties with an indication of the problems that specialists need to work on (i.e., characterize cognitive processes, features of written speech, behavioral features, etc. etc., reflected in the psychological and pedagogical characteristics). Having coordinated and familiarized the parents with the working hours of the school's specialists, she organized the educational process. During the academic year, I took advanced training courses on the topic: “
After studying special documents, taking PC courses, I made an algorithm for the teacher's actions when working with children with mental retardation.
Create motivation for yourself and your students in the classroom and psychological attitude to students with DPD. Classmates need to behave correctly with these children, help and support them, communicate with them, and play. The formation of positive motivation associated with achieving success in educational work, mastering new knowledge and methods of obtaining it, establishing and maintaining good relations with others, opening up to children the personal meaning of activity is a necessary condition for correctional and developmental education. Also, correctional and developmental education requires the formation of goal-setting abilities in schoolchildren in learning activities
To study the medical documentation of each student, the recommendations of the Psychological and Pedagogical Commission (PMPK), draw up a plan for further correctional work and draw up an individual adaptive program.
Adjust the curriculum and educational-thematic planning in order to highlight topics that are required for study by students with DPD (mandatory minimum), without which their further assimilation teaching material will be impossible. To do this, you need to focus on the basic level of the standard. The content of some topics of the program can be mastered by students with DPD at the level of general ideas (recognition).
Consider the creation of complex conditions for the development of children with mental retardation and effective work with them: remedial classes to fill knowledge gaps; consultations with parents (weekly); drug treatment(know what drugs the student receives and their effect); lesson with specialists (psychologist, defectologist, speech therapist); classes in the system of additional education. Correction of individual developmental deficiencies is carried out in individual group lessons. These can be general developmental classes for the correction of memory deficiencies, attention, the development of mental activity, the consolidation of sounds set by the speech therapist in speech.
Develop a system of organizational assistance for students with CRD, i.e.:
- to put children in the classroom in accordance with its characteristics;
- to exclude all distractions as much as possible: remove manuals, paintings, exhibitions, etc from the nearest visibility zone;
-to teach him to prepare only the necessary things for the lesson;
- to achieve the presence of bookmarks in textbooks and teaching aids;
- put a checkmark where you need to start work, carry out a sample with a pencil;
- check the entry homework in the diary;
- appoint student assistants from among normally developing students;
- if possible, adhere to a constant schedule and regime of the day;
- set a clock or a timer (to distribute time) when performing independent tasks, etc.
- diagnostics of behavior and communication characteristics of children. Spontaneous games: games for non-verbal communication. Communication games.
6. Develop lessons taking into account the peculiarities of mental activity of students with DPD, thinking over the activities of the whole class and students with DPD in the lesson. Build a lesson in accordance with the dosage of the load, finding tasks with the pace of activity and measures of assistance in completing them, changing types of activities, taking into account fatigue, ways of switching students with mental retardation.
I will give an example of a Russian lesson on the topic "Separation soft sign»In grade 2, during which students with CRD are included in the work of the whole class.
At the beginning of the lesson, propaedeutic tasks are performed for the development of thought processes (comparison, exclusion of unnecessary things, generalization). On the board the letters: n, k, t, a, s, n; oh, u, u, a, s, e and I invite the children in each group to find an extra letter and explain their choice. In the course of such work, students prepare for the perception of a new topic, and children with DPD remember the concepts of vowel sounds and letters denoting two sounds. Then, comparing words in pairs such as: field-and-salt, salt-and-salt, students with DPD can answer the question: "Is the pronunciation of these words different?" The result of completing this task for students with DPD may become the idea that some words in Russian are written with a soft separating sign.
Next, I propose to perform an exercise aimed at forming knowledge about in what cases a dividing soft sign is written. Pupils with DPD at this time can use the support in the form of a ribbon of letters and perform the exercise on an equal basis with other students.
Analyzing the corresponding rule, the student can use the support cards, where it is written in the form of a diagram. Thus, visual reinforcement occurs (visual-active thinking is better developed in students with CRD). This card can also be used for oral answers.
When acquainting with vocabulary words for the same purposes, you can use pictures - isographs (see Appendix No. 1), in which you can see dangerous places in the word. Then the student visually remembers them.
In the course of work to consolidate the spelling of words with a dividing soft sign, it is possible to reduce the volume of the task for students with DPD, but at the same time give them the instruction to do their part of the work correctly and accurately.
An exercise that requires inflection, children with CRD can be performed in pairs with strong students who are attached to them. When writing these words, you can add visual support, for example, a cardboard soft sign, which they will move around the words. This soft sign will be an external support and remind them of the correct spelling of the word.
When checking what has been written, it is useful to use a punch card with a window, which moves over the written word. For the final consolidation of the material, the text of the ready-made rule with missing semantic parts is used: students read the rule and orally add individual necessary words. Thus, they have a coherent story.
7. Teach students to use various supports for answers, in independent work; plan of a coherent story, questions, card-schemes, pictures, key words, ready-made answers with missing factual data, rules with missing words and semantic links, problems with a solution in which there are no numerical data, words for references, etc. ... Develop an assessment system taking into account the dynamics of development of schoolchildren with mental retardation. Qualitative (verbal) assessment, backed up in the form of chips, icons, emoticons; using a ten-point ladder of success according to different criteria (accuracy, correctness, calligraphy, etc.), evaluating each task separately; keeping notes in a notebook about what the student has done and what to work on; portfolio, etc .. 9. To specially prepare schoolchildren with learning problems for control and test works: give similar exercises in the lesson, include factual and speech material test assignments in other preliminary work, to give individual similar tasks at home. Based on the results of the control work, it is necessary to keep records of the individual dynamics of development, taking into account the number of errors, their nature, etc., to plan individual work on the errors.
10. Suggest individual homework assignments: the same exercise as everyone else, but a smaller, lighter, or completely individual assignment. Develop the ability to work according to the algorithm or first get acquainted with the topic of the next lesson, prepare a presentation with parents, etc. Special work in the classroom is devoted to the correction of insufficiently formed skills and abilities: correction of calligraphy (the ability to see a line, observe the size of letters, connect them correctly), reading techniques (fluency, fluency, expressiveness), cursive writing, correct copying, the ability to plan and retell what has been read, and etc. In some cases individual sessions are necessary for teaching the techniques of using individual didactic aids, diagrams, graphs, a geographic map, algorithms of action according to certain rules, patterns. No less important is individual training in memorization techniques for individual rules or laws, poems, multiplication tables, etc.
11. Include students with DPD in a pair (preferably with a stronger student) and group work, project activities, where he performs a feasible task or a separate part of it, leading to the achievement of an overall result.
12. Take into account fatigue, satiety with the activities of students with DPD, change the type of activity, arrange pauses for active rest and relaxation, direct their energy in a useful direction (for example, ask to wipe the board during the lesson, distribute or collect notebooks, etc.).
13. Create a successful situation for students with DPD in which they can demonstrate their strengths.
14. The task of special correctional work is to help children with mental retardation to master a variety of knowledge about the world around them, to develop their observation skills, to form the ability to independently acquire knowledge and use it. Correctional and developmental activity in the educational process is built taking into account the rate of mental development and the rate of assimilation. It is important to take into account the unevenness of the manifestations of the student's cognitive activity and rely on those types of activity in which this activity is most easily evoked, gradually extending it to other types of activity, to look for types of tasks that awaken his need for cognitive activities... An important point in the organization of the system of correctional and developmental education is the dynamic observation of each child. A special role is assigned to the protection and promotion of the health of students. Describe the forms and activities in the diary of observations and correction. The organization of the educational process in the system of correctional and developmental education should be carried out on the basis of the principles of correctional pedagogy and implies on the part of specialists a deep understanding of the main causes and characteristics of deviations in the mental activity of the child, the ability to determine the conditions for the intellectual development of the child and ensure the creation of a personal developmental environment, In the context of specially organized training, children with mental retardation are able to give significant dynamics in development and acquire many knowledge and skills that normally developing peers are gaining on their own.
I would like the leaders of the educational institution to have more tangible support for moral and material, as well as for equipping an office for teachers in whose class there are children with disabilities.
The aim of the research is to study the system of correctional and pedagogical assistance to children with mental retardation. Research objectives: 1. Expand the concept of mental retardation and the problem of providing assistance to children with special educational needs. 2. Describe the system of correctional and pedagogical assistance to children with mental retardation. 3. Disclose the specifics of the organization special assistance children with mental retardation in conditions preschool institutions general type Research methods - theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem. 1. The concept of mental retardation and the problem of rendering assistance to children with special educational needs The systems of rendering assistance to persons with various types of developmental disorders are closely related to the socio-economic conditions of the existence of society, with the policy of the state in relation to children with a legislative framework that determines the pricing nature of education and the level of requirements for graduates of special education institutions. The first to receive help from the state were children with profound mental and physical development back in the middle of the 18th century. End of XIX- the beginning of the XX centuries. became the beginning of the systematic education of mentally retarded children. And since the mid-50s. XX century. the attention of scientists began to attract children with mental retardation (PD). The mental retardation is a violation of the normal pace of mental development, as a result of which a child who has reached school age continues to remain in the circle of preschool, play interests. B.I. Bely, T.V. Egorova, V.I. Lubovsky, L.I. Peresleni, S.K. Sivo-lapov, T.A. Fotekova, P.B. Shoshin and other scientists note that in children with mental retardation, there is a lag in the formation of perception, insufficiently formed visual analytical-synthetic activity. Initially, the problem of MAD was considered in the context of learning difficulties in school-age children. This group included children with learning disabilities, calling them children with learning disabilities or children with learning disabilities. Physicians who have also studied children with similar disabilities have come to the conclusion that the difficulties experienced by children are primarily associated with the consequences of brain damage in the early stages of a child's development. Therefore, they called such children children with minimal cerebral dysfunctions. The emergence of difficulties in children was considered in the teacher and with social positions... These scientists saw the origins of the delay in the mental development of a child in the social conditions of his life and upbringing. Children requiring special education to overcome the consequences of these unfavorable social conditions were defined by them as unadapted, pedagogically neglected (or socially and culturally deprived).
The success of correctional work with a child with mental retardation both in a preschool educational institution and at school is ensured by many components, among which pedagogical interaction with the family plays an important role. The specifics of the organization of the educational process for children with advanced developmental education is found in the structuring of the material, the method of teaching it. The construction of the content of educational material in the system of correctional and developmental education is carried out on the basis of the following principles: strengthening the practical orientation of the studied material; highlighting the essential features of the studied phenomena; reliance on the child's life experience; orientation towards internal connections in the content of the studied material, both within the framework of one subject, and between subjects; the need and sufficiency of the volume of the studied material; introduction of correctional methods of enhancing cognitive activity into the content of curricula.
Appendix # 1.

From the experience of a teacher of a special (correctional) class with children with disabilities (HH)

I, Olga Anatolyevna Pugacheva, teacher of a special (correctional) class. Graduated from Kursk State University in 2009.

At the moment, I am a part-time master student, Kursk state university, Industrial Pedagogical Faculty. In December 2014, I plan to defend my master's thesis on the topic: "Formation of an inclusive educational environment of the school (based on the material of basic education)

Work experience in the position held for 3 years.

In my work, I am guided by the following documents:

    RF Law "On the Education of the Russian Federation"

    The curriculum of special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, approved on 10.04.2002., No. 29/2065-p.

    An approximate regional basic curriculum of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, approved by the order of the Kursk region of 02.06. 2004 No. 846 "On approval of the basic curriculum of special (correctional) educational institutions, classes of VIII types"

    Model provision on a special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 2000, No. 212 and of December 23, 2002, No. 919.

    Methodological letter of the Ministry of Defense "On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions of I-VIII types" dated 26.12.2000.

    The concept of the "Special Federal State Standard for General Education of Children with Disabilities", developed by the IKP RAO, 2009

I develop work programs in accordance with programs for special (correctional) classes edited by V.V. Voronkova.

In the 2014-2015 academic year I am class teacher 6b and 7b of special (correctional) classes. In these classes I teach lessons: writing and speech development, reading and speech development, vocational training, physical education.

When working with children I use Traditional learning technologies in correctional work are the main ones. They are based on the constant emotional interaction of the teacher and students. Traditional technologies allow enriching the imagination of students, causing them an abundance of associations associated with their life and sensory experience, stimulate the development of students' speech.

I believe that one of the ways to modernize traditional technologies is to introduce elements of developmental education into them and the integration of information and developmental methods and forms of education. I use explanatory and illustrative technologies in the classroom system and in extracurricular activities... The result of their application is saving time, saving the strength of the teacher and students, making it easier to understand complex knowledge.

Innovative technologies. To keep up with the times, students with disabilities need to master the basics of computer literacy.

In the educational process, I use:

Use of multimedia presentations in lessons and extracurricular activities;
- test technologies (presentations);

Audiovisual technologies;

The advantages of computer technologies are: individualization of the educational process, activation of students' independent work, development of self-control skills, development of cognitive activity, especially thinking processes.

An individual approach is carried out to some extent in all existing technologies.

Compensatory learning technologies. The compensating elements (means) of the rehabilitation space include, first of all, love for the child (care, humane attitude, warmth and affection); understanding children's difficulties and problems; acceptance of the child as he is, with all his advantages and disadvantages, compassion, participation, necessary help, teaching the elements of self-regulation (learn to learn, learn to control yourself).

I believe that equally important are various types of pedagogical support in the assimilation of knowledge:

Learning without compulsion (based on interest, success, trust); a lesson as a system of rehabilitation, as a result of which each student begins to feel and realize himself capable of acting rationally, setting goals and achieving them;

Adaptation of the content, purification of educational material from complex details and unnecessary variety;

Simultaneous connection of hearing, vision, motor skills, memory and logical thinking in the process of perceiving the material;

Using the indicative basis of actions (reference signals); additional exercises;

Optimality of the tempo from the position of complete assimilation, etc.

The correctional and developmental technologies that I use contain a combination of innovative technologies with traditional methods and forms of teaching, which gives a new effect in improving the educational process, and therefore, the educational activity of students, their knowledge acquire new qualities.

I spend my work with the speech therapist Lyudmila Nikolaevna Tsygankova and the teacher psychologist Natalia Viktorovna Konova. Tsygankova L.N. works with my children throughout their training in a special (correctional) class.

When working with students' parents, I actively use such forms of interaction as parental meetings, collective meetings between parents and school teachers (Sokolova OT Dolzhenkova I.Yu. Bildina E.N.). I use individual forms, namely conversation, intimate conversation , home visits, individual errands, correspondence, telephone conversation.

Children with disabilities can enroll in the following educational institutions of the Kursk region:

    Kursk vocational boarding school (VIDEO)

    Regional budgetary educational institution of primary vocational education vocational school № 26 named after K.K. Rokossovsky, Zolotukhinsky district, Kursk region. (Professions: pastry chef, installer of sanitary systems and equipment, office worker (secretary)

    Institution of secondary vocational education "Kursk Assembly College" (Professions: Painter, plasterer, construction joiner, carpenter, green construction worker)


Difficulties in working with students with disabilities are associated not only with serious illnesses and frequent absenteeism due to illness, which, of course, affects the learning process and the assimilation of the material, but also with the contradictions between the increased requirements for the quality of education and medical limitations in training. associated with a decrease in the normative teaching load.

The motivation of children with disabilities to learn is undoubtedly reduced due to the state of health. I do not always get the expected return, positive dynamics of learning outcomes. But this makes the work of a teacher of a special (correctional) class, everyday, painstaking, sometimes invisible to others, does not become less significant than the work of a teacher who works with healthy, motivated students.

It is necessary to ensure that the students do not have an overload, plan time for rest during the educational process. Build a lesson based on the child's capabilities: someone needs to work more orally, developing speech, someone needs to write, developing hand motor skills, and someone needs to touch everything.

Of course, students with disabilities want to prove themselves in various competitions, olympiads. Everyone needs to show the results of their work, to feel their success. My students take part in competitions such as:


Child with limited opportunities health (HVZ)

From work experience primary school teachers of the highest category Perevedentseva Maria Viktorovna with children with disabilities.

I have been working with children with disabilities for 10 years. I have experience with the category of children with mental retardation. One girl caused a particular difficulty with this category of children. I will tell you about the experience of working with a child of DPD. She came to me in the 1st grade. At first, she was withdrawn, there were signs of psychosis and an aggressive state, it was difficult for her to learn the curriculum, her attitude to learning was negative. For a year she studied like an ordinary child. It was very difficult for her and for us. She was very often sick. In addition to colds, she had many other diagnoses. The girl also had vision problems. With the girl's mom, we quickly found mutual language and worked together.

I would like to note that Anna quickly adapted in the classroom, and soon her bouts of neurosis almost stopped, if they were, then very rarely. The difficulty of learning was also in the fact that she has a very slow pace of activity. In writing she made specific mistakes: elements of letters are disproportionately increased or decreased, omission of letters, replacement of letters, rearrangement of syllables, etc. There are many corrections and blots in her works. With difficulty I learned the rules for marking the boundaries of a sentence.

Taking into account all the difficulties of learning, I had a conversation with Anna's parents, arguing all the positive aspects of the "special" position of the child in the class, and we decided to send the girl to the PMPK. She continued her studies, but already as a student with disabilities. It should be noted that many children even began to envy her because of the excessive attention from the teacher.

The following approaches are used in working with children with disabilities:

1. an individual approach;

2. preventing the onset of fatigue;

3. activation of cognitive activity;

4.conducting preparatory sessions;

5. enrichment of knowledge about the world around;

6. correction of all types of higher mental functions: memory, attention, thinking;

7. manifestation of pedagogical tact.

For children with mental retardation, correctional classes are organized, which are aimed at compensating for the developmental deficiencies of children, filling the gaps in previous education, overcoming the negative features of the emotional and personal sphere, normalizing and improving educational activities, increasing self-esteem, efficiency, active cognitive activity.

Now Anna is in the 5th grade. She has a fairly well-developed speech, sometimes there is no logic in the presentation of the text, but the topic of the story is present, and she uses her entire vocabulary to describe a particular subject or plot.

When preparing homework, she is creative, especially when doing projects. Exactly at project activities all her cognitive and creative potential... Creativity is present in her music lessons, and after school hours. She does not attend additional circles. V primary grades loved to participate in all class and school activities. And here she is completely no different from other children. After all, in extracurricular activities everyone is equal.

In junior school age such children have a desire for creative activity, there is an attachment to some adults.

For myself, I have highlighted the following tasks of pedagogical support:

    to identify the interests, inclinations, abilities, opportunities of students for various types of activities;

    to help in the search for "myself";

    create conditions for the individual development of the child in the chosen area;

    develop the experience of creative activity, creative abilities;

    create conditions for the implementation of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities;

    develop experience informal communication, interaction, cooperation;

    expand the framework of communication with society;

    develop an action plan for the development of the creative abilities of children;

    create a favorable subject-developing environment for the social development of the child;

    create conditions for the development of a positive attitude of the child towards himself, other people, the world around him, the communicative and social competence of children;

    development of new ways of education, pedagogical technologies aimed at individual development of personality, creative initiation, development of the skill of self-navigation in information fields;

    the formation of students' universal ability to set and solve problems to solve problems that arise in life - professional activity, self-determination, daily life;

    offer the student a range of options and help him make choices;

    providing each child with equal starting opportunities in realizing their interests;

    an increase in the number of children actively involved in creative and intellectual activities;

    possession of a complex of diagnostic techniques;

    building a child support program, attracting additional education teachers, parents to parents in its implementation;

    monitoring the effectiveness of the maintenance program and building a new one, if the first program is ineffective;

    love for a child and, as a result, acceptance of him as a person, empathy, tolerance and patience, the ability to forgive;

    expectation of success in solving the child's difficulties, willingness to provide assistance and direct assistance in solving difficulties, refusal of subjective assessments and conclusions;

    recognition of the child's right to freedom of action, choice, self-expression, self-expression (the right to want and do not want);

    encouragement and approval of independence, and confidence in his strengths, stimulation of introspection, reflection;

    recognition of the child's personal equality in dialogue and solving his own problem;

    the ability to be a comrade, partner, symbolic protector for the child;

    systematic implementation by teachers of introspection, self-control, reflection.

Belief in the child's capabilities, love for him, regardless of his problems, contributes to the formation of a positive attitude towards himself and other people, provides a sense of self-confidence, trust in others. The cooperation of a teacher, psychologist, speech therapist in providing joint assistance to a child is the basis of all correctional work.

A big plus is that such a child was not isolated in a specialized room, but given the opportunity to be a full-fledged member of society.