Exercises for charging in the army. Military body: preparing for the army

Do you want to start every morning with a good mood, good thoughts and cheerfulness? Then meet every new dawn with charging! Even the lightest physical activity improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, and promotes the production of the hormone "joy".

Morning exercises suppress stress, improve concentration, tone muscles and give you a boost of energy for the whole day!

There is an opinion that if you devote 20 minutes daily to morning exercises, then you lose 10 hours a month, 120 hours a year, which is 15 working days! Meanwhile, this time can be used more productively.
Do you agree with this ???

So, to stay awake and refreshed all day, start your morning with a set of exercises. When you wake up, smile at yourself and the world, stretch and slowly get out of bed, wash yourself with cool water, freshen up after sleep, brush your teeth and start exercising. You can play your favorite music.
Exercise at a calm pace. Watch your breath, it should be deep and calm.

The purpose of morning exercises is to stretch your muscles and joints, and not strain the body. First, do a light warm-up, and then proceed directly to the charging itself.

The morning warm-up is designed to stretch your joints. It is best to start at the neck, gradually working downward.

A set of exercises for morning exercises

Start with the following exercises:

  1. Turns of the head to the right and left, rotational slow movements, tilts back and forth.
  2. Rotational movements of the shoulder joints, first with the right, then with the left, and then with both. Straighten your arm and draw as large an imaginary circle as possible. You can make "scissors". Rotate the elbow and wrist joints.
  3. Move on to warm up your body. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and tilt right and left, back and forth, rotate your pelvis, and then your upper body.
  4. Squat 10 times, rotate your knees and feet.

Now your body is fully awake, you can start more serious loads.

Let's get down to stretching and gymnastics:

1. Exercises for the press: perform a minimum of 5 torso lifts without lifting the shoulder blades and the same amount of full trunk lift.
2. Spread your legs at a distance of 15 cm, stand on your toes, inhale, and sharply lower your heels to the floor, exhaling. Repeat 20-25 times. Then walk around and run.

3. Stretching exercises:

  • put your legs as wide as possible, bend your right leg at the knee, straighten your left and roll onto your left, bending it parallel.
  • Sit on the floor, spread your legs wider and stretch towards your toes.
  • "Bridge".
  • Lie on the floor and roll over onto your stomach, bend your knees and try to grab your ankles with your hands.

4. Push-ups. If possible, do several types of push-ups:

  • Pushups.
  • Vertical push-ups - you need to stand on your hands, use the wall as a support. Bending your arms, touch the floor with your head.

5. Stretch! Stand up straight with your arms up and exhale. Stand with your right foot on your toes and stretch your left hand up. Then with the other leg and hand. Repeat several times.

Now normalize your breathing, take a shower and have breakfast!

The complex and sequence of exercises can be changed. The main thing is that morning exercises bring you pleasure.

Complex of morning exercises for soldiers

And here's another set of floor exercises by the Ministry of Defense, which soldiers perform every morning:

All exercises are performed for 16 accounts.

  1. Rise on your toes, clench your fingers into a fist, slowly raise your hands forward, then up, placing your palms inward. Look up, stretch.
  2. Get down on your feet, bend your arms with force, press your elbows to your torso, fists to your shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, look forward.
  3. Raise your hands up, clench your fingers into a fist, placing your palms inward, bend over, look up.
  4. Connect the toes of your feet, sit down to the full on your feet, bringing your knees together, place your palms on your hips, and take your shoulder blades to the sides.
  5. Without spreading your toes, stand up and, putting your hands in front of you, spread them to the sides and jerk back to failure. Palms forward, clenching your fingers into a fist, bend.
  6. Reconnect the toes of your feet, sit down to the full on your feet, bringing your knees together, place your palms on your hips, and move your shoulder blades to the sides.
  7. Stand up with a sharp jump, place your legs on a wide step, placing your hands on your belt.
  8. Extend your left arm and take it to the side and back to the limit, while rotating your body. Palms forward, clenching your fingers into a fist, look at the left hand.
  9. Turn your body straight, place your hands on your waist.
  10. Repeat exercise number 8 only for the other pair of limbs.
  11. Get up to the starting position.
  12. Lean forward sharply, touching the floor with your fingers, do not bend your legs, palms back.
  13. Straighten up, raise your arms forward, take them to the sides and with a jerk backward until it stops. Palms forward, clench your fingers into a fist.
  14. Again, lean forward sharply, touching the floor with your fingers, do not bend your legs, palms back.
  15. Jump to a marching position.

Everything! Now your morning will be really good, and your mood will be great!

We have already talked with you in a separate article. It's time to talk about a shorter period of life - a week. I will say right away that the weeks themselves are extremely similar to each other.

Therefore, I will group the most similar days to each other and analyze them in detail. Weekdays first, then weekends. Let's take a look at the daily routine in the army right now.

The daily routine in the army

Of course, dividing the days of the week into micro groups is arbitrary. Officially, there is no division. Everyone has the right to figure out how to divide them. Someone does not divide at all. I worked out the following scheme for dividing the days of the week according to my experience of service:

  • Bath days.
  • Common days.
  • Weekend.

The first two types relate to everyday life, and the latter is not worth commenting on yet. We will analyze the weekend in detail at the end of the article. Let's go in order.

The daily routine in the army. Bath days: Monday and Thursday

The word "bath" comes from "bath". Previously, soldiers washed in the baths 1-2 times a week. The number of bath days has remained unchanged now, but we do not have the bath itself.

Therefore, the bath is replaced with a shower, but the very name "bath days" is still actively used in the colloquial speech of military personnel of all ranks. You can't get away from tradition!

So, what is the peculiarity of bath days in relation to other types? Let's figure it out from the very beginning.

06.00 - rise

At the entire location of the company sounds the command order: "Company, rise", after which each soldier is blown up and quickly gets ready for morning physical exercises.

Upon returning to the company after charging, we divide into approximately two halves. The first - first make their beds, then go to wash. The second, on the contrary, wash first. We do this in order not to create a large queue at the sinks.

06.30-07.00 - making beds and morning toilet

At 07.00, the entire company is already standing on the central aisle wearing the required uniform and preparing for the morning inspection.

07.00-07.20 - morning examination of the appearance of military personnel

In 20 minutes, the squad leaders conduct a morning inspection of all servicemen of their squads, and, therefore, the entire company.

Your appearance and the availability of necessary things with you are checked.

For example, the cleanliness of the breeches, the neatness of the uniform, the length of the hair on the head, the smooth shaving of each soldier, and much more are often checked. The same thing is checked every day, so there is no need to panic here.

You will go through this once, and then you will know and observe everything you need to know. Moreover, during the morning examination, servicemen are given time to eliminate the noticed imperfections in appearance.

One of the important parts of the morning examination is the registration by the company duty officer of all servicemen who need to go to the infirmary. We are very worried about the sick and take care of them. Nobody here wants the whole company to get sick. If you cough, blow into the infirmary. The temperature has risen - blow into the infirmary.

“And there is nothing to be heroic! You will endure now, and tomorrow you will infect your comrade. " This is how we are taught.

07.20-08.00 - breakfast

We have breakfast in the dining room with the whole company. And even more precisely - to everyone. Take turns. We come to the dining room in turn and have breakfast, respectively, also in turn. I will write a separate article about food in the army, because it also has a lot to tell. Overall, good!

To do this, on Mondays, there is a general institute divorce and a flag raising on a large parade ground.

An army-style divorce is an event on a large / small parade ground, when all units of the institute / battalion gather, greet the chief, listen to a speech, or hold important events (for example, awards ceremonies).

A solemn raising of the flag of the Russian Federation and the performance of the Anthem of Russia by military personnel can also take place on the large parade ground.

After the end of the planned events, all units alternately march in front of the chief to the accompaniment of a military orchestra or artificial musical accompaniment (music in the speakers on the parade ground).

On Thursdays, in turn, from 08.00 to 09.00 there are morning exercises and divorces on the small parade ground.

08.00-09.00 - divorce and raising the flag on the large parade ground on Mondays / morning exercise and divorce on the small parade ground on Thursdays

Morning exercise is a half-hour activity aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge and developing skills on specific topics of the class.

Sometimes they are carried out after serious jambs of a platoon / company in order to eliminate such jambs in the future. An example for jambs is a bed making machine.

Sometimes morning exercises are replaced by morning information. Usually once a week. Then the company sits down in the information and leisure room and listens to the latest news in the country and in the world over the past week.

09.00 - 14.00 - training sessions (pairs)

The schedule is:

  • 09.00-10.45 - I pair.
  • 10.50-12.40 - II pair.
  • 12.50-14.00 - III pair.

In fact, according to the schedule, the 3rd pair goes longer. But it is deliberately shortened in order to return the company to the barracks, build it on the central aisle and hold the next event.

14.00-14.20 - control check

It is very important to understand that in the army there are 2 events similar in meaning, but different in meaning and name. it control examination and evening verification... I will talk about the latter later.

The meaning of the control check is clear from the name. The company officer checks the presence of military personnel. Is everything in place? And if not, then where is it.

14.20-15.00 - lunch

Another one of the most beloved events every day. Lunch may be a little delayed, because they really give a lot to eat. And we are happy about it!

15.15-15.30 - divorce

This divorce, unlike in the morning, takes place on a small parade ground and not for the entire institute, but for our battalion. It is conducted by the battalion commander or, in the absence of the latter, by his deputy.

15.30-18.00 - sauna day events

And here is what distinguishes Monday and Thursday from the total mass of days. These are bath days, which means that after lunch we will go to wash / shave / do personal hygiene. A little time for yourself will not hurt.

18.00-18.20 - control check

Another control check on the central aisle in the barracks. We check if everyone managed to do everything that was needed. That is, they brought themselves and their appearance in complete order.

18.20-19.00 - dinner

I wanted to write that this is the final pleasant event for the day, but no ... There is one more thing. Want to know which one? - Read on! ;-)

19.00-21.00 - time of personal needs

Wash, shave, iron, hem, darn. You can go on verbs endlessly.

Recently, they began to actively go to the company gym at this time. Half an hour or an hour of free time a day can be carved out right here. And nowhere else.

21.00-21.15 - watching the TV program "Time"

I don’t like that. I don't like watching TV, at all. But in the army, it doesn't matter what you love and what you don't. There is such a word - it is necessary.

21.15-21.35 - evening walk

We dress, build up and go out into the street. We walk around the territory as part of a company and sing marching songs. We already have 5 of them in our company. We are learning a few more.

At the same time, those who smoke can be taken to the smoking room to smoke. But this is not about me. At this time, I just stand on the sidelines with the guys who do not smoke. We communicate on different topics.

21.35-21.45 - evening verification

And here she is. Evening verification, not another check. So what is it?

After a walk at the command of the company officer on duty "Company, for evening verification - BECOME" the deputy platoon commanders line up their units for verification. The company officer on duty, having built the company, reports to the foreman about the formation of the company for evening verification.

The chief of the company or a person replacing him gives the command "SMIRNO" and proceeds to the evening verification. At the beginning of the evening verification, he names the military ranks, the names of the servicemen, who are credited for their feats in the list of the company forever or as honorary soldiers. Hearing the name of each of these servicemen, the deputy commander of the first platoon reports: "Such and such (military rank and surname) died a heroic death in the battle for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland - the Russian Federation" stock ".
After that, the foreman of the company verifies the personnel of the company according to the list of names. Hearing his last name, each soldier replies: "I am." Squad leaders are responsible for those who are absent.
For example: "On guard", "On vacation".
At the end of the evening verification, the company foreman gives the command "VOLNO", announces orders and orders in the part concerning all servicemen, the outfit for the next day and makes (clarifies) the combat calculation in case of alarm, in case of fire and other emergencies, as well as in case of sudden an attack on the location of a military unit (subunit).

Understood? Verification is a sacred military ritual and dates back to the Great Patriotic War. It was then that it was invented and began to be actively used.

Soldiers must know the names of the heroes of our time. I respect and honor this event very much. Therefore, I cringe when the next orderly, standing on the bedside table, says the wrong command: "Rota, stand for an evening check!"

22.00 - hang up

But on the contrary, I love the command of the same day-to-day “Company, lights out”! After her, everyone scatters to their sleeping places and go to bed. The most enjoyable moment of every day ...

The daily routine in the army. Regular days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

If you have read the entire article up to this point, then I can congratulate you. You have read over 1,500 words. That is why I do not want to describe in detail these ordinary days as well. Moreover, they are not much different from the baths.

Let's talk about the differences.

08.00-08.40 - morning training in the RChBZ on Wednesdays

Wednesday - NBC day. This means that Wednesday is the only day of the week when we all get our gas masks in the morning, put them on and wear them all day.

No, no, you misunderstood me. We put on not on the face ... We put on bags with gas masks on the shoulder. :-)

But we put on the head already at the command of "Gaza!"

The correct execution of this particular command is practiced at the morning training session on the RCBZ every Wednesday.

Yes, and during the day it can be repeated several times. Therefore, Wednesday is the day of maximum concentration!

15.30-18.00 - training sessions

Yeah. These are not bath days. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, we have couples here.

These are, in fact, all the main differences between bathing and ordinary days.

Moving on to the most interesting ...

The daily routine in the army. Days off: Saturday and Sunday

The schedule for both days is developed in the week before their coming.

Usually Wednesday. On Wednesday, the schedule for the next weekend is being worked out, printed and approved.

It has ongoing events and changes every week. I also suggest going in order!


06.00-15.30 - similar to regular days

Wake up, exercise, inspection, breakfast, couples before lunch, lunch, return to the company. And then ...

15.30-15.55 - summing up the results of the week

Summing up is carried out in the following format.

The company is seated in the central aisle or in the information and leisure room, after which the company commander or his deputy for work with personnel summarize the results.

The best and worst military personnel are marked. By discipline and knowledge. Sometimes they are singled out for sports. For example, a week ago I was marked for the better, because I ran the 3rd from the platoon a distance of 1 kilometer.

After that, priority tasks for the next week are designated and those responsible are assigned to the premises of the barracks for further activities of the park and business day.

16.00-18.00 - implementation of activities of the park and business day

In general, if you translate from Russian into Russian, it will turn out like this: "Saturday = subbotnik".

Generals everything that we see. And the barracks, and the territory on the street, assigned to the unit.

And so every week ...

In parallel with this, creative people are engaged in the development of their skills. Namely - the release of combat sheets. About what it is, I will write a separate article on creative implementation in the army. (Yes, yes. That's enough here too!)

18.10-22.00 - similar to regular days

With one very important exception. It is on the weekend that you have the opportunity to watch a good army movie on TV.

This happens during the period 19.00-21.00. In private time. Everyone is invited to the information and leisure room, where they watch a cool movie. Last Saturday we watched the film "We are from the future."


Have you ever heard that there is a weekend in the Russian army now? No? Then now know. There are! Only they are very special. Army.

And if you are one of those people who, like me, heard about this before reading this article, then get ready to find out the whole truth about the routine of a typical weekend in the army.

07.30 - rise

That's cool! The most beautiful moment of the week is the "lights out" command the night before on Saturday. Wonderful because you are aware of the amount of time you can sleep: as much as 9 and a half hours!

Only lines from the song of a famous performer come to my mind with the words: "Probably this is my paradise ..."

What do you think? Are we going to exercise? No matter how it is! No charging on Sunday. The only morning of the week without morning physical exercises.

Therefore, from the very rise to breakfast, we are busy making beds and morning toilet.

07.30-08.30 - morning toilet and inspection
08.30-09.00 - breakfast
09.00-09.30 - watching the TV show "I Serve Russia"
09.30-10.00 - legal informing of military personnel

For half an hour we sit in the information and leisure room and listen to what we can and should do and what we cannot do. An example of a topic of legal information: "Responsibility of servicemen for theft of weapons, ammunition."

10.00-11. 00 - mass sports work

A whole hour of sports! On a weekend! Do you understand what I mean?

The following exercises were performed on the last Sunday:

  • Pulling up on the bar.
  • Raising your legs to the bar.

I pulled up 19 times. Little, because they did it with fixing the position from the bottom. As expected. Nevertheless, the second in the number of times in the company. The first did 20, but I didn’t manage to do it. Next time I will definitely be the first!

11.00-13.00 - watching documentaries

There is one long film, there are several different ones. The point is that we are watching war documentaries. Have you seen any? Maybe you will advise? I will offer it next Sunday.

14.30-15.00 - lunch
15.30-16.30 - sleep

An hour of sleep. It happens and helps.

16.40-17.20 - conversation with personnel

At this time, the officer is conducting a conversation with us on various topics. Not about something that comes into his head, of course.

An example of a conversation topic: "Intense combat training is a guarantee of strong military discipline."

17.30-18.10 - hour of the soldier's letter

Favorite event of all nonresidents. We write letters to our family and friends. I once wrote and sent 2 letters to my grandmother. He still keeps it. And I am her letter too.

18.10-22.00 - similar to Saturday

Watching a movie in private time is also included in the program.
In total, over the weekend we watch at least one documentary and two feature films.

Well, how do you like the day off? Better than civilian?

I miss sports. But I found a way out. I described this way out in the article ““.

P.S. I think it's enough to load you with our daily routines in the army. I think I have painted it in detail.

The main thing is to understand that all days / weeks are extremely similar to each other. The activities that I described above are held with me and my comrades every week. Very rarely something out of the ordinary happens!

Well, how do you like it? Would you like living with such a daily routine in the army? Share your opinion in the comments right now. It is very interesting to me!

We are waiting for your comments,

The army is, first of all, considerable physical activity, so you need to prepare for service from this very point. Peeling potatoes, scrubbing toilets and wrapping foot wraps - you will have time to learn all this later. But a frail body in the army is not forgiven to anyone. What do you need to do in order not to look like a "black sheep" on the parade ground or during a march?


They begin to drive soldiers in the army in the morning - they call this exercise. Only it lasts not 10 minutes, like at home, but at least half an hour. Paratroopers and marines work in the morning for an hour and a half. Exercising for them becomes a full-fledged workout.

Therefore, get used to the rhythm of the army while still at home - get up at six in the morning and run to the sports field. Start with a warm-up - walking, slow running, light arm, torso, and leg exercises. Then go to the horizontal bar, parallel bars and the wall bars.

Here is a specific example of army exercise if there are no gym equipment nearby:

1) walking with a gradual acceleration of 50-60 meters;

2) slow running for 400-500 meters;

3) brisk walking with a gradual deceleration of 100 - 150 meters,

4) performing exercises for the muscles of the arms, trunk and legs in motion;

5) push-ups in the lying position (15 times);

6) jumping on the spot (40 - 50 jumps);

7) walking 400 meters in combination with exercises performed in motion;

8) running 1500 meters (9-10 minutes);

9) walking 150-200 meters in combination with muscle relaxation exercises.

10) If there is a body of water nearby, in summer you can additionally swim 200 - 250 meters

If possible, supplement this complex with exercises on simulators. And be sure to imitate punching and kicking, even if you don't have a punching bag or makiwara at hand.

If you train with a partner, practice relay races with him, shuttle running. Run cross-country runs and 100-meter runs, alternating them on the days of the week. The army standard for a three-kilometer cross-country is excellent - 11 minutes 55 seconds. Three summer months of such loads - and you will reach this figure.


To assess the conscript in post-Soviet armies, four control exercises were selected:

- pull-up on the bar (12 times is "excellent")

Rise by coup

Lifting a 24 kg kettlebell sequentially with each hand without rest for the number of times. In that
the exercise has two weight categories (70 kg and over 70 kg), the minimum number of kettlebell lifts with the weakest hand is 8 and 12 times, respectively;

Complex strength exercise: first, we make inclinations from a prone position, touching our socks with our hands, then we immediately push up from the floor. Both stages last 30 seconds and are performed one after the other - without interruption.

Pulling up

What if you do not even reach the standard by 12 times? Learn to!
Immediately, we note that the pull-up is counted if the chin rises above the crossbar, and the body is then fixed for 1 - 2 seconds. The legs should not help the body by swinging the body and giving it momentum. But bending and raising the legs are not considered a mistake.

To reach the army standard, you need to start pulling up 2-4 times a week -
the specific frequency depends on your level of training. Just make sure that you do a total of a certain number of repetitions in a week. For a beginner, this is 20-30, but you need to strive for 60-100 pull-ups. Do not forget to give yourself days of rest if you feel that you are very exhausted. Do two to four sets in one workout.

In theory, 7-8 weeks should be enough for you to reach 12 reps. Before the test day, take two days of rest, performing at this time only light exercises "to tone".

If you are so over-trained that you cannot pull up even once, you will need a partner or a special trainer - a vertical block for developing your back. It completely mimics pull-ups.

When using this machine, choose a weight with which you will be comfortable doing at least 10 reps. Add pancakes gradually until their weight is equal to your body weight. Then feel free to switch to the horizontal bar.

Rise by coup

First, you have to learn how to pull up and do some abdominal exercises, as well as your back flexors. If you are not able to raise your legs on the horizontal bar with a "corner", then lifting with a coup will not work.

This exercise is performed on the bar. It is necessary to pull yourself up slightly, raise your legs to the crossbar and, turning around it, come out into focus on straight arms. The position of the stop is fixed on straight arms for 1 - 2 seconds. You can go down in an arbitrary way.

This exercise is important because it characterizes the level of general strength readiness of the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and trunk.

Complex exercise

Since the complex consists of two parts, it is better to train them separately.

To bend the body from a prone position, you will need a mat or tatami - that is, you will need a gym. It is better to vary the training load from set to set - from 10-15 to 30-40 times. This will increase your weekly output, just like pull-ups.

To increase the number of push-ups, the same scheme applies as for pull-ups. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the volume of the exercise in one lesson is brought up to 200 times. Then the task can be considered completed.

Exercise is a set of physical exercises performed, as a rule, in the morning, in order to warm up muscles and joints. Charging is a must in the army and sports camps. Usually, charging can be done outdoors, at the gym, or at home.

Charging for preschool children

2.Rising on toes, raise your hands up, then, lowering on your heels, cross your arms over your chest (3-4 times)

3.from the initial position, the legs tilt apart to the side, alternately to the right and left, one hand on the back of the head, the other slides along the leg in the direction of the slope (4-5 times in each direction)

4.from the starting position, legs shoulder-width apart turn the body to the side, simultaneously spreading the arms, then, returning to the starting position, lean forward, freely lowering the arms (5-6 times in both directions, alternately)

5.from the starting position, the legs are apart, the arms are brought behind the head, squat with arms extended forward and return to the starting position (4 - 6 times)

6. holding the stick in outstretched hands, sequentially raise and lower arms (3-4 times)

7.walking with a stick fixed behind the back with arms bent at the elbows (10-20 sec.)

8.From the initial standing position, the ball is held in outstretched arms above the head, lowered down, followed by a blow on the floor and caught

9.tossing and catching the ball while walking (5-6 times)

10.walking between toys (10-20 sec.)

11. jumping on one leg - on the right and on the left alternately (10-15 seconds) with the transition to walking

12.from the initial position, legs apart, hands are lowered and clasped into the lock, raise their hands up, then, having relaxed, lower them down, at the same time bending over, and hold between the legs (3-4 times)

Charging for women

1.walking in place (20-30 sec.)

2.from the initial position of the legs together, the hands are pubescent along the body, raise the arms up, then bend forward, freely lowering the arms (3-4 times)

3.from the starting position of the socks together, the arms are pubescent along the body, raise the arms up, while simultaneously pulling the leg back, then the arms are lowered and pulled back, at the same time bringing the leg bent at the knee forward (4-6 times for each leg)

4.from the initial position of the legs together, the arms on the belt are tilted to the side, while simultaneously withdrawing the leg and raising the opposite arm up (4-6 times in each direction)

5.from the initial position, the legs are together, hands on the shoulders, the body is tilted forward, taking one hand back and up, with the other hand touch the toe of the opposite leg

6.Sitting on a chair with elbows laid back and legs extended, they bend, then, leaning their hands on the back of the chair, squat down and return to their original position (4-6 times)

7. standing on your knees and resting your hands on the floor, pull one leg back and up, then, bending at the knee, hold it forward, trying to touch the knee to the opposite hand (4-6 times for each leg)

8.Lying on your back, bending your legs, carry out dilution and reduction of the legs (4-6 times)

9.Lying on your back, perform leg movements that imitate cycling (6-8 times)

10.from the starting position, kneeling and resting his hands on the floor, turn the body to the left, pulling the hand in the same direction, return to the starting position, then the same in the other direction (3-4 times in each direction)

11.from the initial lying position with legs bent at the knees and arms pulled back, they move to a sitting position, then, leaning forward and taking one hand back, touch the toe of the opposite leg with the other hand, return to the starting position (4-6 times for each hand)

12.the initial position of the legs together, hands on the belt, clasping the fingers in the lock, raise the outstretched arms up, then return to the starting position (3-4 times)

13. jumping in place: legs and sides - together (10-20 sec.)

14.walking in place with a gradual slowing down of the pace (15-20 sec.)

15.from the starting position, the arms are pubescent, the legs together raise their arms to shoulder level, while simultaneously pulling back the outstretched leg, and return to the starting position, then the same for the other leg (3-4 times)

Charging for men

1.walking in place (20-30 sec.)

2.from the starting position, the legs are together, the arms are lowered, raise the arms, while simultaneously pulling the leg back, and return to the starting position, the son-in-law is the same, pulling the leg back (3-4 times)

3.arms to the sides, feet shoulder-width apart, rising on toes, swing the right leg to the left, while simultaneously pulling the left hand in the opposite direction, return to the starting position, then the same with the left foot to the right, etc. ( 6-8 times in each direction)

4.from the starting position, the legs are together, the arms are lowered, raise the arms up, then squat, pulling the arms back, and return to the starting position (4-6 times)

5.From the initial position of the legs together, the arms are lowered, tilt the body to the side, while simultaneously moving the leg to the side of the slope and raising the opposite arm up. The other hand is brought behind the back, then returned to its original position (3-6 times in each direction)

6.from the starting position, the legs are wide apart, the arms are lowered along the body, tilt the body forward, while spreading the arms to the sides, then return to the starting position (4-6 times)

7.from the starting position of the arms to the sides, the legs squat together, taking the leg to the side, then return to the starting position (4-6 times in each direction)

8.from the initial position of the legs together, the hands on the belt turn the body to the side, simultaneously raising the arms up, then return to the starting position (4-6 times in each direction)

9.from the initial position of the legs to the sides, the arms are lowered along the body, take the leg to the side, while raising the arms to the sides and up, then return to the starting position (4-6 times in each direction)

10. squat, putting their hands on their knees, then, straightening their legs, try to touch the floor with their hands (6-8 times)

11.from the initial position of the legs together, the arms are lowered, raise the arms up, at the same time pulling the leg back, then, lowering the arms and taking them back, bring the leg forward (4-6 times with each leg)

12.from the initial position, the legs to the side of the arms are lowered rise on the toes, the arms are raised up, then, leaning forward, they try to touch the toe of the opposite leg with their hand, the other hand is wound behind the back (6-8 times with each hand)

13.from the initial position, the legs are apart, the hands are pubescent along the body, they make abducting movements with the hands: with one hand - up and back, the other - down and back, then change the position of the hands (6-8 times)

14. jumping in place (20-30 sec.), Gradually turning into walking (10-20 sec.)

15.Rising up on toes and spreading arms and sides, bend forward, at the same time bending your knees and crossing your arms (3-4 times)

Charging for older women

1.walking in place (20-30 sec.)

2.Holding the back of the chair, raise your hand up, at the same time pulling back the leg of the same name, and return to its original position, then the same for the other arm and leg (3-4 are glad)

3. holding on to the back of the chair with both hands, rise on toes, then roll down onto the heels and return to the starting position (6-8 times)

4.Holding the back of the chair, one hand is pulled to the side, while turning the head in the same direction (3-4 times in each direction)

5. holding the back of the chair at a distance of a step, make a "lunge" forward, transferring the weight of the body to the bent leg, and return to the starting position, then the same for the other leg (3-4 times)

6.from the starting position standing in front of the chair, legs together, hands on the belt raise the leg, holding one hand on the chair, and put it on the chair, then return to the starting position (3-4 times for each leg)

7.Squatting down and holding the back of the chair at a distance of a step from it, rise, straightening the legs to the arms, and stretch the torso parallel to the floor (4-6 times)

8.Sitting on a chair, spread the handlebars to the sides, then, bending and elbows, bring them to the chest (3-4 times)

9.Sitting on a chair, tilt the torso to the side (3-4 times in each direction)

10.Sitting on a chair, raise your arms up, bend down, then lower them down, while lifting your leg bent at the knee, and, clasping your knee with your hands, pull your leg to your stomach (3-4 times for each leg)

11.Sitting on a chair, spread their arms to the sides, then lean forward, while stretching their legs, and with one hand touch the toe of the opposite vagi (5-6 times for each hand)

12.Sitting on a chair and putting their hands with their elbows laid back on the belt, they bend, then, without changing the position of the hands, they make a circular motion, bringing the elbows forward (3-4 times)

13. walking at a calm pace (20-30 sec.)

14.from the starting position, the legs are together, the arms are lowered when they rise on their toes, slightly moving the arms to the sides, return to the starting position (3-4 times)

Charging for elderly men

Walking in place (20-30 sec.)

1 and 2 - from the starting position of the legs together, the hands on the belt rise on toes - inhale, while simultaneously spreading the arms to the sides, palms up, and return to the starting position - exhale (4-6 times at a slow pace)

3 and 4 - holding the back of the chair at a distance of a step from it, squat - exhale, then straighten - inhale (6-8 times at a slow pace)

5-7 - from the initial position of the legs together, hands up the body turn to the right, spreading the arms to the sides, palms up, look at the palm of the right hand - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale, then the same in the other direction (4-6 times in medium pace)

8 and 9 - from the starting position, sitting, legs apart, hands resting on the floor behind, raise the pelvis - inhale and return to the starting position - exhale (6-8 times at a slow pace: recommended for trained people)

10-12 - from the starting position lying on the back, arms extended along the body, bend the knees and pull them to the chest, then the legs are pulled up at a right angle to the body and slowly lowered (5-6 times at a slow pace, breathing is even)

13 and 14 - leaning with outstretched arms on a chair at a distance of a step from it, they bend their arms at the elbows and touch the chair with their chest, simultaneously turning their head to the side - exhale, then, straightening their arms, return to their original position (6-8 times with a turn of the head then in one, then the other way, average pace)

15 and 16 - from the starting position, the arms are bent at the elbows, the hands are relaxed; running in place for 30-40 seconds, vigorously working with the arms and raising the legs high, with a transition to slow walking in place

Morning exercises for pregnant women

Morning exercises a set of exercises to develop strength and endurance

After completing this complex, it is necessary to perform exercises for active relaxation and stretching of the main muscle groups.
1. In an emphasis on the table (gymnastic bench), flexion and extension of the arms with lifting one of the legs (8-10 or 12-15 times at an average pace and with acceleration, see a).
2. Lying in the support, bend and unbend your arms (8-10, 12-16 times, see b).
3. Do push-ups in the same way, but with raising one of the legs (6-8 and 10-12 times, see c).
4. Squatting on one leg and standing up (6-8, 10-12 times, see d). 5. Quick squats and standing up (5-6 times, pause 2-3 s and 2-3 more times, see e).
6. Lying on your back, perform movements with straight legs such as a crawl in a vertical plane, crossing and spreading legs in a horizontal plane, then raising the legs and pelvis until the toes touch the floor behind the head (1-2 minutes), with short pauses of 2-3 c (see e).
7. Lying on your back, grab a medicine ball with your feet, lift it by bending your legs (6-8, 10-12 times, see g).

Morning Exercises - Series 3 - Dumbbell Exercises

1. O. c, dumbbells in both hands. Spreading your arms to the sides, stretch and bend - inhale, lowering your arms - exhale (8-10 times, see h).
2. O. s, hands with dumbbells below. Perform circular movements with your hands up, back and down (8-10 times in one direction and the other, see and).
3. The same, take your arms back with dumbbells and swing them over your head (8-10 times, see k).
4. The same, spread your arms to the sides - inhale and, tilting the body down to one of the legs, exhale (8-10 times to each leg, see l).
5. The same, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells below. Tilt the torso to the right and left, hands with dumbbells slide along the torso and thigh (8-10 times in each direction, see m).
6. The same, alternate fast squatting and slow standing up, hands with dumbbells forward and vice versa - slow squatting and fast standing up (10-15 times, see n).

Morning Exercises - Series 4 - Barbell Exercises

1. Jerk of the barbell from the chest, squatting with a barbell on the shoulders, lunges with a barbell on the chest (see o, p, c).
2. Twisting the weight on the stick (see p).

Morning Exercises - Episode 5 - Relaxation Exercises

1. After exercising with dumbbells, be sure to perform shaking with relaxed hands. Relaxation of one hand with tension of the other and vice versa (6-10 times, see y).
2. Jumps on one leg with relaxation and shaking hands, shoulder girdle and other leg (30-40 s, see f).

Skipping rope exercises to develop endurance, speed and agility

Jumping alternately on each leg (30-40 s each), for one jump, have time to roll the rope 2 times (10-16 times), jumping with the rope moving forward and backward (30-50 s), alternating slow execution of jumps with fast and maximum fast (2-5 min, see t, x).

These series of exercises can be used in addition to basic morning exercises.

Morning work-out

Morning gymnastics bullet shooter

Achieving high sports results in shooting, as in other sports, depends not only on the impeccable mastering of shooting techniques and psychological preparation, but above all on the physical capabilities of the athlete.

Morning exercises are an important part of an athlete's physical training. As practice has shown, it is important not only as a health-improving measure, but also in the selection of appropriate exercises as part of special physical training, i.e. a tool that promotes the development of certain physical qualities necessary for the shooter.

It is known that systematic morning exercises are an effective means of preparing the human body for the upcoming working day. It allows you to activate a person's activity after a night's sleep, gives vigor, strengthens health. However, many shooters, including highly qualified ones, do morning exercises from time to time. Some are simply lazy, and many frankly say that they do not know how to compose a set of exercises for themselves that would contribute to the development of the necessary qualities and tone up the "awakened" body.

Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, abdominal muscles, ankle joints, and coordination exercises are very important for the shooter.

Special muscle relaxation exercises will help instill a more rational use of strength and increase endurance.

During shooting, the athlete is in a static position for a considerable time, therefore, corrective exercises should be provided in morning exercises.

The shooter often has to hold his breath, so the exercise process sometimes occurs in conditions of oxygen deficiency. Therefore, the arrow needs to be included in morning exercises, exercises that enhance the activity of the respiratory system.

The proposed article provides approximate sets of exercises, compiled taking into account the above requirements.
It is advisable to perform each exercise 4-6 times, depending on the sex, age and physical capabilities of the student, as well as on the complexity of the exercise.

Before starting the complex, as well as at the end of it, it is recommended to walk for 30-40 seconds indoors and walk and run for 1-2 minutes if gymnastics is performed outdoors. It is very useful to include elements of rhythmic gymnastics or fast dances in morning exercises.

Walking and running should be started at a slow pace, gradually increasing it, and at the end slowing it down again.

You can use other exercises with simulators in front of a mirror to control your actions.

From the exercises proposed below (see the figures), it is possible to compose complexes of morning exercises, which the athlete and his coach consider the most rational for carrying out in a certain period of preparation.

After morning exercises, self-massage and water treatments are very useful.

Approximate morning gymnastics complexes

I complex (exercises 1-10)

1. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - hands up, hands are relaxed; 2 - stand on toes, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 3-4 — stand on full feet, turn your hands with palms down and slowly lower them into and. n. - exhale.

2. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - hands up, left leg back, hands relaxed - inhale; 2 - hands down and back to failure, left leg forward and up to failure - exhale; 3 - put the left leg, stand on toes, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat with right leg back.

3. I. p. - leg stand shoulder-width apart. 1 - right hand on the belt, left behind the head - inhale; 2 - bend forward, arms to the sides - exhale; 3 - straighten up, bend your arms in front of your chest - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat, raising the right hand behind the head, the left - on the belt.

4. I. p. - the main rack. 1 - stand on toes, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - bend over to the right, lifting the left leg to the left, the right hand on the belt, the left behind the head - exhale; 3 - put the left leg, stand on toes, the left hand on the belt, the right hand behind the head - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat lifting the right leg to the right.

5. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - bent left leg up, right arm up, left back, clench fists - inhale; 2 - bend forward, left arm up, right back, left leg back on the toe, bend right - exhale; 3 - straighten up, bent left leg up, left hand on the belt, right behind the head - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat lifting the bent right leg up.

6. I. p. - the main stand. 1 — left leg to the side, stand on toes, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - turn the body to the left, crouch down, pushing back the right leg - exhale; 3 - stand on your toes, turning your body to the right, bend your arms in front of your chest - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat with right leg aside.

7. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - stand on toes, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - sit on your toes, arms forward - exhale; 3 - stand on your toes, hands behind your head - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale.

8. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - stand on toes, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - bend forward with a swing of hands inward - exhale; 3 - sit on your toes, arms forward - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale.

9. I. p. - the main stand near the chair. 1 - put your left foot on a chair, bend, arms to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - lean forward, arms forward and down, hands together - exhale; 3 - straighten up, hands behind the head - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat with your right foot on the chair.

10. I. p. - sitting on a chair, hands on hips. 1 — lean back in a chair, arms down and to the sides, legs forward, socks are pulled — inhale; 2 - bend the left leg, pressing it to the chest, - exhale; 3 - lean back in a chair, arms down and to the sides, legs forward and to the sides, socks pulled out - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat, pressing the right leg to the chest.

II complex (exercises 11-20)

11. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - stand on toes, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - hands forward, palms down, hands to connect; left leg with the toe pulled up, standing on the full foot of the right leg - exhale; 3 - put your left leg, stand on your toes, hands behind your head - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat lifting right leg up.

12. I. p. - leg stand shoulder-width apart. 1 — hands through the sides up, fingers intertwined with palms up - inhale; 2 - turn the body to the left, bend over, arms down, turn the body to the right - exhale; 3 - straighten up, arms up, turn the torso in and out. p. - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat turning the torso to the right.

13. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - stand on toes, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - bend forward, left leg back ("swallow") - exhale; 3 - straighten up, put your left leg, stand on your toes, hands behind your head - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat lifting right leg back.

14. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - bent left leg up, toe pulled, hands on the belt - inhale; 2 - left leg forward, bend over, arms extended forward, hands connect - exhale; 3 - put the left leg, stand on toes, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat lifting the right leg forward.

15. I. p. - the main rack. 1 - left leg back to toe, left arm up, right back, clench fists - inhale; 2 - transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, the toe of the right leg is pulled, hands behind the head - inhale; 3 - transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, hands to the sides, palms down - exhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat with right leg back.

16. I. p. - the main rack. 1 - stand on your toes, hands up - inhale;

2 - sit on your toes, arms back - exhale; 3 - stand up, left leg forward, toe pulled, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat lifting right leg forward.

17. I. p. - leg stand shoulder-width apart. 1 - hands forward; 2 - hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 3 - bend your arms, clenching your fists, - exhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale.

18. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - left leg back to toe, arms up - inhale; 2 - transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, the toe of the right leg is pulled, arms out to the sides, palms down - exhale; 3 - transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, hands behind the head - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat with right leg back.

19. I. p. - lying in an emphasis on a chair or other support. 1 - go down on bent arms, left leg up - inhale; 2 - and. p. - exhale; 3 - go down on bent arms, right leg up - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale.

20. I. p. - sitting on a chair, hands on hips. 1 - lean back in the chair, arms to the sides, legs forward - inhale; 2 - bend your arms to your shoulders, clenching your fists, left leg up - inhale; 3-4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat lifting right leg up.

III complex (exercises 21-30)

21. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - hands up, left leg back on the toe - inhale; 2 - swing the left leg forward and upward, hands down through the sides, clap the palms under the leg - exhale; 3 - put the left leg, stand on toes, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat with the right leg swing.

22. I. p. - leg stand slightly wider than shoulders, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the left, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - lean forward, arms down - exhale; 3 - straighten up, turning the body to its original position, hands behind the head - inhale; 4 - and. p. - exhale.

23. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - left leg back to toe, hands to the right - inhale; 2 - transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, arms to the left, the toe of the right leg is pulled - exhale; 3 - transfer the weight of the bodies to the right leg, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat with right leg back.

24. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - stand on your toes, hands up - inhale; 2 - spring squats, arms swing back, the shoulder girdle is relaxed - exhale; 3 - straighten up, hands up, then to the sides with palms up, stand on toes - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale.

25. I. p. - the main stand. 1 — lunge to the left, hands behind the head — inhale; 2 - turn the body to the left, bend forward, arms down - exhale; 3 - straighten up, turning the body to its original position, hands on the belt - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat, lunging to the right.

26. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - stand on toes, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - bend forward, touch the floor with your hands, swing your left leg backward - exhale; 3 - straighten up, stand on your toes, hands behind your head - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat with the right leg swing.

27. I. p. - leg stand shoulder-width apart; 1 - swing arms to the left, right arm up, left to the side - inhale; 2 - swing arms crosswise, bend forward, right hand to the side, left forward - exhale; 3 - straighten up, right hand up, left - back, clench fists - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat starting with a swing to the right.

28. I. p. - the main stand. 1 - left leg back to toe, left arm up, right to the side - inhale; 2 - swing the left leg forward, right arm forward, left to the side - exhale; 3 - put your left leg, stand on your toes, hands behind your head - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat with right leg back.

29. I. p. - the main stand facing the chair. 1 - stand on toes, hands to the sides, palms up - inhale; 2 - sit down on a chair, left leg back - exhale; 3 - put your left leg, straighten up, stand on your toes, bend your arms in front of your chest - inhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale. Repeat with right leg back.

30. I. p. - the body is thrown back in the chair, the legs are forward, the arms are relaxed. 1 - hands up; 2 - arms to the sides, palms up, legs to the sides - inhale; 3 - legs together, bend forward, touch the shins with the hands - exhale; 4 - and. n. - exhale.

Army charge

There is a widespread belief that a healthy sport is not needed, but it still will not help a sick person.
We adhere to the point of view of V.V. Mayakovsky, who proclaimed:
Train your muscles, breath and body for the benefit of military affairs!

We hope that the material on the topic will eventually benefit those who will serve, serve and have long served in the army.
Be healthy!

Exercise 1.
A set of floor exercises No. 1 (Fig. No. 1) Performed on 16 accounts.
"One-two" - rising on toes, clench your fingers into a fist, slowly raise your hands forward, then up, palms inward, look up, stretch.
"Four" - straighten your arms up, fingers clenched into a fist, palms inward, bend over, look up.
"Five" - ​​connecting the toes of the legs, sit down to failure on both feet, knees together, palms on the hips, elbows to the sides.
"Six" - stand up (do not spread the socks of your feet), raising your arms forward, spread them to the sides and back to failure (with a jerk at the end of the movement), palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist, bend.
"Seven" - sit down to failure on both feet, palms on the hips, elbows to the sides.
"Eight" - stand up with a jump, legs apart at a wide step, hands on the waist.
"Nine" - unbending the left arm and simultaneously with turning the body to the left, move the hand to the side and back to failure, palm forward, fingers clenched into a fist, look at the left hand (do not move the legs).
"Ten" - turn your torso straight, hands on your belt.
"Eleven" - unbending the right hand and simultaneously with the turn of the body to the left, take the hand to the side and back to failure, palm forward, fingers clenched into a fist, look at the wrist of the right hand (do not move the legs).
"Twelve" - ​​turn your torso straight, hands on your belt.
"Thirteen" - sharply lean forward until the fingers touch the floor, palms back (do not bend your legs).
"Fourteen" - straighten up, raising your arms forward, take them to the sides and back to failure (with a jerk at the end of the movement), palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist.
"Fifteen" - sharply bend forward until your hands touch the floor, fingers clenched into a fist, palms back (do not bend your legs).

Exercise 2 A set of floor exercises No. 2 (Fig. 2). Performed on 16 accounts.
Starting position - marching post.
"One-two" - forcefully pull your hands back to failure, unclench your fingers, palms forward and rising on your toes, slowly raise your arms to the sides, then up, palms inward, stretch, look up.
"Three" - lowering on both feet, bend your arms with force, press your elbows to your body, fists to your shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, look straight.
"Four" - make a wide lunge to the left with a sharp extension of the arms to the sides, palms down and turning the head to the left.
"Five" - ​​put the left leg to the right with a push, bend your arms with force, press your elbows to the body, fists to the shoulders, connect the shoulder blades, look straight.
"Six" - make a wide lunge to the right with a sharp extension of the arms to the sides, palms down and turning the head to the right.
"Seven" - put the right leg to the left with a push, bend your arms with force, press your elbows to the body, palms to the shoulders, connect the shoulder blades, look straight.
"Eight" - jump to stand feet apart at a wide step, hands up, palms with a clap over the head, tilt the body back.
"Nine" - sharply bend forward to failure, hands between your legs, palms together (do not bend your legs).
"Ten" - without stopping, straighten up, raising your arms forward, turn your body to the left and with a sharp movement spread your arms to the sides and back to failure, palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist (do not move your legs).
"Eleven" - without stopping, turn the body straight, connect the palms of the hands and lean forward sharply to failure, hands between the legs, palms together (do not bend the legs).
"Twelve" - ​​without stopping, straighten up, raising your arms forward, turn your body to the right and with a sharp movement spread your arms to the sides and back to failure, palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist (do not move your legs).
"Thirteen" - without stopping, turn the body straight, join the palms of the hands and lean forward sharply to failure, hands between the legs, palms together (do not bend the legs).
"Fourteen" - straightening, with a jump, bring your legs shoulder-width apart (feet parallel) sit down to failure, arms forward, palms down.
"Fifteen" - jump to put your legs apart at a wide step, arms up to the sides, palms inward.
"Sixteen" - jumping marching posture.

Exercise 3. A set of floor exercises No. 3 (Fig. 3). Performed on 16 accounts.
Starting position - marching post.
"One-two" - rising on toes, unclench your fingers and slowly raise your hands forward, then up to the sides, palms inward, look up, stretch.
"Three" - lowering your hands forward, take an emphasis squatting, connect your knees and socks, palms parallel.
"Four" - with a push, straightening your legs back, take an emphasis lying.
"Five" - ​​bend your arms, raise your left leg to failure, turn your head to the left.
"Six" - to straighten your arms, take an emphasis while lying down, turn your head straight.
"Seven" - bend your arms, raise your right leg to failure, turn your head to the right.
"Eight" - straighten your arms, take an emphasis lying down, turn your head straight.
"Nine" - with a push of the legs, take an emphasis while sitting down, connect the knees and socks, palms parallel.
“Ten” - leap up straight and stand with your legs apart at a wide step, bend your arms behind your head, press your palms to the back of your head (right top), elbows to the sides and back to failure, look straight.
"Eleven" - tilt your body to the left (do not bend your legs).
"Twelve" - ​​without stopping, tilt the body to the right (do not bend your legs).
"Thirteen" - without stopping, straighten up and tilt the body back, arms to the sides and back to failure, palms forward (do not bend the legs).
"Fourteen" - without stopping, tilt your body forward until your fingers touch the ground with your palms back (do not bend your legs).
"Fifteen" - straightening, perform a jump upward bending legs together, arms to the sides, palms forward and take the "Boards" position (half-squat position on both feet, heels together, toes and knees apart, arms forward to the sides, palms inward, look straight ).
"Sixteen" - drill post.

According to the daily routine for conscripts approved by the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the rise of personnel takes place at 7 o'clock in the morning. Exactly ten minutes later, morning physical exercises begin in all units and subdivisions of the Russian army. Its duration is 50 minutes.
Already 7 months after taking office on June 3, 2013, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the level of physical training in the Armed Forces "in spite of the measures taken, we are not satisfied."
In Soviet times, physical training was no better. The rise was carried out an hour earlier than today - at 6 in the morning, but the second item of the daily routine was also physical exercises. However, there is a lot of evidence that real physical exercises were replaced by completely different, little like morning exercises, exercises.
Morning exercise "kamchedals"
The Kamchatka Peninsula is known for the fact that 9 months of the year there is real winter. A former serviceman of the Strategic Missile Forces told the Zvezda TV channel about how morning exercises were carried out in one of the units in the early 80s:
“I served in an automobile company. In winter, there were two types of morning exercises in our unit. The first type of exercise was the most favorite - we lined up on the parade ground, and ... went for a walk around the territory of the unit - to trample the snow. In the dark, among the huge snowdrifts, with the collars of overcoats raised and the “ears” of caps tied tightly under the chin. The most pleasant entertainment in this case was always the oncoming column of a communications company or hozrota. We walked past each other in silence, but you could smile, or even wave your hand to someone you know, ”recalls private reserve Kuzma Lemeshev.
The second type of winter morning exercises was the most common - snow removal.
“During the night, snow fell knee-deep, no less. The graders had time to clear only the road to the cafeteria before breakfast, so the rest of the work fell on ours. Each received a BSL - a large sapper shovel, which we called a shovel. In terms of the energy expended, it was not just morning, but also "daytime" and "evening" exercises. True, once there was a table tennis competition, I even have a photograph in my demobilization album. Two years of service in Kamchatka were credited to the officers as six, to us - for two, but both we and they returned to the mainland as "kamchedals" hardened in service. It seemed to us then that it sounds proudly, ”says Lemeshev.
"Chinese balls" and "mass grave"
Each soldier has his own memories of morning exercises. They depend on the level of physical fitness that he was able to get before the army. There are also original names, such as, for example, "Chinese balls" - the most terrible exercise, after a long performance of which the legs literally give way, and the head begins to spin. It is performed approximately in the following way: you squat down and start jumping up and down. Once you do 150, and that's it, it hurts to walk. "Mass grave" is when the whole company hugs, throws their hands on each other's shoulders and begins to squat. Those who are weaker begin to pull the system down after a dozen or so.
But the usual exercises in the army are carried out, as they say, to the point of exhaustion. Pull-ups, push-ups, "stand on one and a half" (this is when you freeze in a static position in the lying position) - all this requires some kind of physical fitness.
Deck volleyball
Probably, according to tradition, morning exercises in our army are carried out not in gyms, in the open air, but on the parade ground. One of the many stands always depicts the poses that a soldier must take during training. In Soviet times, officers and warrant officers, as a rule, did not take part in morning exercises. The only exceptions were in the navy.
In an exclusive interview to the Zvezda TV channel, a reserve lieutenant colonel Nikolai Goretov told about his service in the Black Sea Fleet: “I got to the navy by conscription. He served on the large anti-submarine ship Kerch. In the early seventies, morning exercises were a must. It was not fashionable to be weak, as they say now, so after a few months I calmly did a handstand ”.
Nikolai Dmitrievich claims that officers and warrant officers always took part in morning exercises, of course, except for those who were on duty. According to the retired sailor, seagulls did not like physical exercises very much: "I do not know why, but it was during the exercise that seagulls, like dive bombers, flew right over our heads."
Volleyball was the favorite sport at Kerch. A net was installed directly on the upper deck.
“Once, from a strong blow, the ball flew overboard. The American aircraft carrier "Saratoga" was next to us, and a ball swam in its direction. The Americans began to quickly launch the boat, and we - the launch. But when they realized that their boat would descend faster, someone quickly lowered the six-oared yawl. We leaned on the oars and swam to the ball first. So we won a small but very pleasant sporting victory over our potential adversary in the midst of the Cold War, ”Goretov recalls.
Army Physical Training Secrets
The main secret of army physical training is the complete absence of any secrets. In addition to the optional morning exercises, all conscripts, one way or another, part with their extra pounds. And by the end of the service, everyone, without exception, easily do push-ups and pull themselves up on the horizontal bar. A strict daily routine, regular meals and, whatever one may say, fresh air have the most positive effect on physical fitness. Perhaps this is precisely the main secret of charging in the Russian army - yesterday's boys turn into real men.