Show the traversed route on android. My Tracks - For those who are constantly on the move. Installation of the program and distributions

"," html ":"

I wanted to record the route of my movement on Yandex Maps, so that later I could go back along it. We rode through the fields and forests, got lost and could not find our way back. Because Yandex maps route is laid only on roads, but there are no roads there. Tell me if there is any way out of this situation?

"," contentType ":" text / html ")," proposedBody ":(" source ":"

I wanted to record the route of my movement on Yandex Maps, so that later I could go back along it. We rode through the fields and forests, got lost and could not find our way back. Because Yandex maps route is laid only on roads, but there are no roads there. Tell me if there is any way out of this situation?

I wanted to record the route of my movement on Yandex Maps, so that later I could go back along it. We rode through the fields and forests, got lost and could not find our way back. Because Yandex maps route is laid only on roads, but there are no roads there. Tell me if there is any way out of this situation?

"," contentType ":" text / html ")," authorId ":" 324315022 "," slug ":" 58331 "," canEdit ": false," canComment ": false," isBanned ": false," canPublish " : false, "viewType": "old", "isDraft": false, "isOnModeration": false, "isSubscriber": false, "commentsCount": 4, "modificationDate": "Mon Jul 06 2015 19:32:00 GMT +0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) "," showPreview ": true," approvedPreview ":(" source ":"

I wanted to record the route of my movement on Yandex Maps, so that later I could go back along it. We rode through the fields and forests, got lost and could not find our way back. Because Yandex maps route is laid only on roads, but there are no roads there. Tell me if there is any way out of this situation?

"," html ":" I wanted to record the route of my movement on Yandex Maps, so that later I could go back along it. We rode through the fields and forests, got lost and could not find our way back. Because Yandex maps route is laid only on roads, but there are no roads there. Can you tell me if there is any way out of this situation? "," ContentType ":" text / html ")," proposedPreview ":(" source ":"

I wanted to record the route of my movement on Yandex Maps, so that later I could go back along it. We rode through the fields and forests, got lost and could not find our way back. Because Yandex maps route is laid only on roads, but there are no roads there. Tell me if there is any way out of this situation?

"," html ":" I wanted to record the route of my movement on Yandex Maps, so that later I could go back along it. We rode through the fields and forests, got lost and could not find our way back. Because Yandex maps route is laid only on roads, but there are no roads there. Can you tell me if there is any way out of this situation? "," ContentType ":" text / html ")," titleImage ": null," tags ": [(" displayName ":" routing "," slug ":" marshrutizatsiya "," categoryId ":" 53785443 "," url ":" / blog / mapsapi ?? tag = marshrutizatsiya "), (" displayName ":" API 2.1 "," slug ":" api-2-1 "," categoryId ":" 150007750 "," url ":" / blog / mapsapi ?? tag = api-2-1 "), (" displayName ":" GPX "," slug ":" gpx "," categoryId ":" 10615816 "," url ":" / blog / mapsapi ?? tag = gpx ")]," isModerator ": false," publishCount ": 1," commentsEnabled ": true," url ":" / blog / mapsapi / 58331 "," urlTemplate ":" / blog / mapsapi /% slug% "," fullBlogUrl ":" "," addCommentUrl ":" / blog / createComment / mapsapi / 58331 ", "updateCommentUrl": "/ blog / updateComment / mapsapi / 58331", "addCommentWithCaptcha": "/ blog / createWithCaptcha / mapsapi / 58331", "changeCaptchaUrl": "/ blog / api / captcha / new", "putImageUrl": " / blog / image / put "," urlBlog ":" / blog / mapsapi "," urlEditPost ":" / blog / 56a91be0b15b79e31e0cbbaa / edit "," urlSlug ":" / blog / post / generateSlug "," urlPublishPost ":" / blog / 56 a91be0b15b79e31e0cbbaa / publish "," urlUnpublishPost ":" / blog / 56a91be0b15b79e31e0cbbaa / unpublish "," urlRemovePost ":" / blog / 56a91be0b15b79e31e0cbbaa "draft / removePost", "urlTemplates "/ blog / mapsapi /% slug% / draft", "urlRemoveDraft": "/ blog / 56a91be0b15b79e31e0cbbaa / removeDraft", "urlTagSuggest": "/ blog / api / suggest / mapsapi", "urlAfterDelete": "/ blog / mapsapi "," isAuthor ": false," subscribeUrl ":" / blog / api / subscribe / 56a91be0b15b79e31e0cbbaa "," unsubscribeUrl ":" / blog / api / unsubscribe / 56a91be0b15b79e31e0cbbaa "," urlEdit "blogPostabape31c edit "," urlForTranslate ":" / blog / post / translate "," urlRelateIssue ":" / blog / post / updateIssue "," urlUpdateTranslate ":" / blog / post / updateTranslate "," urlLoadTranslate ":" / blog / post / loadTranslate "," urlTranslationStatus ":" / blog / mapsapi / 58331 / translationInfo "," urlRelatedArticles ":" / blog / api / relatedArticles / mapsapi / 58331 "," author ":(" id ":" 324315022 ", "uid" :( "value": "324315022", "lite": false, "hosted": false), "aliases" :(), "login": "akv "," display_name ":(" name ":" "," avatar ":(" default ":" 0 / 0-0 "," empty ": true))," address ":" / get-yapic / 0 / 0-0 / islands-middle "," isYandexStaff ": false)," originalModificationDate ":" 2015-07-06T16: 32: 53. 000Z "," socialImage ":(" orig ":(" fullPath ":" ")))))">

The abundance of all kinds of sports applications in the Google Play Store may well shock a novice user. But at the same time, most people do not really need all these measurements of calories, heart rate and acidity in the stomach. Often, the only relevant parameters are distance, time and speed at which the route was completed. If you are one of those people, and you absolutely do not need extra functions, then you should pay attention to a simple open source sports app from Google.

We are talking about the old and proven My Tracks, localized in the Russian-language store as "My Tracks".

Naturally, the app will need access to track your location via GPS. The user is only required to turn on and stop the recording of the route, and the rest of the data will be entered into the statistics automatically. "My Tracks" will calculate the distance, speed and time of the route, and then offer to save it for general statistics. During the saving process, the user can assign a unique name to each route, its type (jogging, cycling, and so on), as well as add his own small description.

You can see the results visually on the graph, or through summary statistics.

You can share your achievements through popular social services, and if desired, the user can save the route in one of the universal formats for its further export, or transfer it to the Google map service.

If the user wants to receive additional data about the state of his body during exercise, then "My Tracks" supports the Zephyr HxM and Polar WearLink heart rate monitors.

Sport is definitely the most profitable investment of time and energy, and if you are looking for a simple and minimalistic tool for monitoring your activity, then “My Tracks” is perfect for you.

Yandex.Navigator is one of the most popular navigators for Android OS in Russia. The application boasts rich functionality, an interface entirely in Russian and the absence of intrusive ads. Also, an indisputable plus can be called the fact that it is absolutely free. The rest of the article will tell you how to use Yandex.Navigator on your smartphone.

After reading the material below, you will learn how to set up the navigator, get directions online and offline, and use its additional tools in case of unforeseen situations on the road.

Step 1: Installing the App

To download Yandex.Navigator to your Android smartphone, follow the link below, click on the button "Install" and wait until the application is downloaded to your smartphone.

Step 2: setup

  1. In order for the navigator to be convenient to use, you need to customize it for yourself. Therefore, after installation, go to Yandex.Navigator by clicking on the application icon on the desktop of your smartphone.
  2. On the first launch, two requests for permission to access the application to geolocations and a microphone will pop up on the screen. For correct operation of Yandex.Navigator, it is recommended to give your consent - click "Allow" in both cases.
  3. After you confirm the permissions, the map opens with an arrow icon indicating your location.

  4. Then click on the button "Menu" in the lower right corner of the screen and go to "Settings"... First, there will be a column of settings related to the map. Let's consider only those of them that really affect the use of the navigator.
  5. Go to the tab "Map view" and choose between standard street and road map or satellite. Everyone sees maps differently, but schematic maps are more convenient to use.
  6. To use the navigator offline, go to the menu item and click on the search bar. Next, select the proposed maps of countries, regions, territories, cities and numerous provinces, or use the search, writing the name of the area you need.
  7. To change the icon of your location, go to the tab "Cursor" and choose one of the three options.
  8. Another important setting column is "Sound".
  9. To select the language you are interested in, in which the navigator will show you the route and other information about the road, go to the appropriate tab and click on one of the proposed languages. Then, to return to the settings, click on the arrow in the upper left corner.

  10. To select a voice assistant, go to the tab "Speaker" and choose the voice acting you are interested in. In foreign languages, there will be standard male and female voices, and six positions are available in Russian.
  11. For complete convenience, it is advisable to leave the other three items on. Voice activation helps you plan your route without leaving the road. It is enough to pronounce the destination address after the command "Listen, Yandex".

This concludes the basic settings for the convenience of using the navigator. There will be a few more points at the bottom of the parameter list, but they are not so significant as to draw attention to them.

Step 3: Using the Navigator

After that, you just have to go according to the announcer's instructions. But don't forget that this is a technique that can sometimes be wrong. Watch the road and traffic signs carefully.

Yandex.Navigator can also show traffic congestion so as not to get stuck in a traffic jam. To activate this function, in the upper right corner, click on the traffic light icon. After that, the roads of the city will become multi-colored, which indicates their congestion at the moment. Roads come in green, yellow, orange and red - the gradation goes from free roads to long-term traffic jams.

For the convenience of the user, the developers of Yandex.Navigator have added a function for specifying comments on road events that are available to any driver or pedestrian who is not indifferent to accidents. If you want to add an event, click on the triangle icon with a plus inside.

A list of pointers will immediately open at the top of the screen, which you can place on the map with any comment. Whether it is an accident, road repair, cameras or any other incident, select the desired sign, write a comment, move the pointer over the desired place and click "Install".

Then a small pointer will be visible on the map at this location. Click on it and you will see information from the user.

Recently, a function for displaying parking lots has appeared in Yandex.Navigator. To activate it, click in the lower left corner on the button in the form of an English letter "P".

Now on the map you will see all the parking spaces available in the locality where you are. They will be highlighted with blue stripes.

At this step, the main work with the navigator ends. Additional features will be discussed below.

Step 4: Work offline

If you don't have the Internet at your fingertips, but you have a working smartphone with a GPS receiver, then Yandex.Navigator will help you to get to the desired point in this case. But only on condition that the maps of your area have already been downloaded to the smartphone or the route you have built in advance has been saved.

With the available maps, the route building algorithm will be similar to the online mode. And in order to save the required route in advance, click on the button "My places".

The next step is to specify your home and work address, and in the line Favorites add those addresses where you often go.

Now to use the application offline with preloaded maps, say the voice command "Listen, Yandex" and specify or manually select the place where you want to get a route.

Step 5: working with tools

The menu has a group of tabs called "Instruments", and a few of them may be of use to you. They work only with an active Internet connection on your Android smartphone.

This concludes our instructions for working with the application. There are many interesting and long-standing solutions of this kind, but Yandex.Navigator bravely keeps among them in good standing with many users. Therefore, feel free to install it on your device and enjoy it.

The app from - My Tracks will be useful for those who constantly monitor the time and distance. Whether you are driving or cycling, walking or running, the app is suitable for all these purposes.

Track recording

In order to record and find out the route, time and distance, you just need to launch the application and click on the record, before that, turn on GPS in the settings or from the program menu. When finished, click on stop.

View and track information

After recording the track, you can find out all the basic information from the three available sections of the application: Map - here you can view the route from its beginning to the end.

In the graph section, information about changes in altitude and speed is available. For example, it will be useful for cyclists. Speed, distance total time, average speed are in the statistics section. There is also a time in motion point in case you stopped for some reason and the average speed is calculated only when you were on the way. The maximum speed is also there.

The created tracks can be published to (and thus shared with friends). The ability to export track data will always allow you to have a copy on your memory card. The map is adjusted by the color of the track depending on the speed of low or high. It is possible to turn on voice notifications, dividing markers after a certain time. Bluetooth sensors are connected.


The application is simple and functional, and of course free, like most programs from Google Inc.