Medicines for intestinal infection: review preparations. Medicines from intestinal infections in adults and children The most sought-after cure forces from intestinal infections

Viruses and bacteria from the huge world of microbes in most cases are confused with each other. However, they have fundamental differences. Infectious processes caused by bacterium and virus, and, accordingly, medications for their treatment are also different. It should be noted that at the initial stages of the development of the science of microbes, when there was no evidence base of the role of microorganisms in the formation of many diseases, all of them were called the same - viruses. Next, as scientific research has been carried out as separate nosological species.

Bacteria - single-cell microorganisms, which are characterized by a cytoplasmic membrane with a cytoplasma, a nucleus-like structure (nucleotide) and organelles. The nucleotide has DNA, there are genetic information in coded form. On their basis, RNA is formed, which serves as a matrix for the formation of a protein.

Viruses are not cellular structures, their internal structure is extremely elementary. They can be in thousands of times less than the bacteria. It can be considered solely through an electron microscope. The virus is structurally represented as one or two DNA or RNA molecules surrounded by a special shell. Viruses are fixed on the cell shell, while destroying it. Then, the virion pushes deoxy or ribonucleic acid through the damaged damage to the cytoplasmic content of the cell, after that it proceeds to the mass reproduction of the new viral DNA, subsequently the outgoing and seeking the next host.

Viruses affect all types of cells. There are those that affect bacteria and even live viruses. There are intermediate species between the bacteria and the virus. They have a bacterial structure, however, as viruses fall into intracellular space.

One of the most common occasions to appeal to the urologist today are urinary infections (MPI) that should not be confused with STIs. The latter are transferred to the sexual way, while MPI is diagnosed at any age and arise for other reasons.

Bacterial damage to the organs of the excretory system is accompanied by strong discomfort - pain, burning, frequent urges to empty the bladder, highlighting the pathological secret from the urethra. In case of severe infection, intensive feverish and intoxication symptoms are possible.

The optimal treatment option is the use of modern antibiotics, which allow you to get rid of pathology quickly and without complications.

The urinary infections include several types of inflammatory processes in the urinary system, which includes kidneys with ureters (they form the upper departments of the MVP), as well as the bladder and urethra (lower departments):

  • - Inflammation of the parenchyma and a cup of kidney system, accompanied by painful sensations in the lower back of various intensities, as well as pronounced inxication and feverish symptoms (lethargy, weakness, nausea, chills, muscle and articular pain, etc.).
  • - Inflammatory process in the bladder, the symptoms of which are frequent urge to urinate with the accompanying feeling of incomplete emptying, sharp pain, sometimes blood in the urine.
  • Ureretrite is the defeat of the urethra (so called the urethra) by pathogenic microorganisms, in which purulent discharge appears in the urine, and urination becomes painful. Also marked constant burning in urethra, dryness and cutting.

The reasons for urinary tract infections may be several. In addition to mechanical damage, pathology occurs on the background of supercooling and decreased immunity, when a conditional pathogenic microflora is activated. In addition, often infection occurs due to non-compliance with personal hygiene when bacteria fall into the crotch urethra. Women sick much more often men almost at any age (the exception is the elderly).

Antibiotics in the treatment of MPI

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the infection has a bacterial nature. The most common pathogen is the representative of enterobacteria - an intestinal wand, which is detected in 95% of patients. S.Saprophyticus, protea, Klebsiella, Entero and.

Also, the disease is often caused by a mixed flora (association of several bacterial pathogens).

Thus, even before laboratory studies, the optimal option in infections of the urogenital system will be the treatment of a wide spectrum antibiotics.

Modern antibacterial drugs are divided into several groups, each of which has a special mechanism of bactericidal or bacteriostatic action. Some drugs are characterized by a narrow spectrum of antimicrobial activity, that is, destructively affect the limited number of varieties of bacteria, while others (a wide spectrum) are designed to combat different types of pathogens. It is the antibiotics of the second group that are used to treat urinary tract infections.


The first ABP open-owned by a person was quite a long-universal antibiotic therapy. However, over time, pathogenic microorganisms mutated and created specific protection systems, which demanded the improvement of medical preparations.

At the moment, natural penicillins have practically lost their clinical significance, and instead they use semi-synthetic, combined and inhibitory antibiotics of the penicillin row.

The urinary infections are treated with the following drugs of this series:

  • . The semi-synthetic preparation for oral and parenteral use, acting by bactericidal due to blocking the biosynthesis of the cell wall. It is characterized by rather high bioavailability and low toxicity. Especially active in relation to the protea, Klebsiel and the intestinal sticks. In order to increase the resistance to beta lactamases, the combined Ampicillin / Sulbaktam ® is also prescribed.
  • . According to the spectrum of antimicrobial action and efficiency, it is similar to the previous ABP, but it is characterized by increased acid resistance (not destroyed in an acidic gastric medium). Its analogs and, as well as combined antibiotics for the treatment of the urogenital system (with clavulanic acid) - amoxicillin / clavulanate ®, ®, are used.

Recent studies revealed a high level of uropatogen resistance to ampicillin and its counterparts.

For example, the sensitivity of the intestinal stick is slightly over 60%, which indicates the low efficiency of antibiotic therapy and the need to apply ABP of other groups. For the same reason, practically not used in urological practice and antibiotic sulfonamide ().

Recent studies revealed a high level of uropathogen resistance to ampicillin ® and its counterparts.


Another group of beta-lactams with a similar effect, differing from penicillins with increased resistance to the destructive effects of the produced pathogenic flora enzymes. There are several generations of these medical preparations, and most of them are intended for parenteral administration. The following antibiotics are used from this series for the treatment of the genitourinary system in men and women:

  • . Effective drug from inflammation of all urinary organs for reception inside with a minimal list of contraindications.
  • (CEKLOR ®, ALLATICET ®, Taratsof ®). Refers to the second generation of cephalosporins and is also used orally.
  • And its analogues Zinacef ® and. Available in several dosage forms. Even children of the first months of life can be appointed due to low toxicity.
  • . Sold in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution that is introduced parenterally. Replays are both Rostephin ®.
  • (Cefobid ®). The representative of the third generation of cephalosporins, which, in urinary infections, is appointed intravenously or intramuscularly.
  • (Maxipim ®). The fourth generation of antibiotics of this group for parenteral applications.

The listed drugs are widely used in urology, but some of them are contraindicated by pregnant and nursing.


The most effective antibiotics for today's urinary infections in men and women. These are powerful synthetic drugs of a bactericidal action (the death of microorganisms is due to the violation of the synthesis of DNA and the destruction of the cell wall). Refer to highly toxic antibacterial agents. Poor tolerated patients and often cause undesirable effects from the therapy.

Contraindicated patients with individual intolerance to fluoroquinolones, patients with CNS pathologies, epilepsy, persons with kidney pathologies and liver, pregnant, nursing, as well as patients under 18 years old.

  • . It is accepted inside or parenterally, well absorbed and quickly eliminates painful symptoms. It has several analogues, including Cyprinol ®.
  • (, Tarivid ®). Antibiotic fluoroquinolone, widely used not only in urological practice due to efficiency and a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action.
  • (). Another drug for oral, as well as in / c and per / m use. Has the same testimony and contraindications.
  • Ploksacin ® (). It is also effective in respect of most aerobic pathogens, parenterally accepted inwards.

These antibiotics are also shown, since they act on intracellular microorganisms better than previously used tetracyclines. A characteristic feature of fluoroquinolones is a negative effect on the connecting fabric. It is for this reason that drugs are forbidden to be used until 18 years of age, during periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as persons with a diagnosed tendinite.


The class of antibacterial agents intended for parenteral administration. The bactericidal effect reaches the inhibition of protein synthesis mainly gram-negative anaerobes. At the same time, for drugs of this group, quite high rates of nephro- and outotoxicity are characterized, which limits their scope.

  • . The second generation of aminoglycoside antibiotic antibiotic drugs, which is poorly adsorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and is therefore introduced intravenously and intramuscularly.
  • Neretilmetsin ® (Non-Comanion ®). Refers to the same generation, possesses a similar effect and list of contraindications.
  • . Another aminoglycoside, effective in the infections of urinary tract, especially complicated.

Due to the long-lasting period of the semi-listed, the listed preparations are used only once a day. Appointed children from an early age, but nursing women and pregnant women are contraindicated. The antibiotics-aminoglycosides of the first generation in the therapy of infections of the IWE are no longer used.


The antibiotics of a wide range of action in the infections of the urogenital system with a bacteriostatic effect, which manifests itself in relation to both gram-positive and gram-negative microflora. In this case, the resistance in pathogens is practically not formed.

These preparations are intended for oral use, and food only increases their bioavailability. Nitrofurantoin ® (trade name Furadonin ®) is used to treat MWP infections (Furadonin ®), which can be given to children from the second month of life, but it is impossible to pregnant and nursing.

A separate description deserves a thrometamol antibiotic, not referring to one of the groups listed above. It is sold in pharmacies under the trade name of a monulela and is considered a universal antibiotic with the inflammation of the urogenital system in women.

This bactericidal agent for uncomplicated forms of inflammation of the MWP is assigned to a one-day course - 3 grams of phosphomycin ® once (according to readings -Furno). It is allowed to use at any time of pregnancy, practically does not give side effects, can be used in pediatrics (from 5 years).

Cystitis and Urertrit

As a rule, cystitis and a nonspecific inflammatory process in the urethra canal flow at the same time, therefore there are no differences in their therapy with antibiotics. With non-complicated forms of infection, the drug selection is.

Also, with a non-complicated infection in adults, 5-7 fluoroquinolone daily course (Ophloxacin ®, Norfloxacin ® and others) is often assigned in adults. The reserve are amoxicillin / clavulanate ®, Furadonin ® or MONURAL ®. Complicated forms are treated in the same way, but the course of antibiotic therapy lasts at least 1-2 weeks.

For pregnant women, a collection of choice is a monulela ®, beta lactams (penicillins and cephalosporins) can be used as an intentive. Children are assigned a seven-day course of oral cefalosporins or amoxicillin ® with Kalolian Clavulanate.

Additional Information

It should be borne in mind that complications and serious course of the disease require mandatory hospitalization and treatment with parenteral drugs. Ambulatory is usually prescribed drugs for receiving inside. As for folk remedies, it does not have a special therapeutic effect and cannot be a substitute for antibiotic therapy. The use of infants and braveraging grasses is permissible only in coordination with the doctor as an additional treatment.

Medicinal preparations most often used to treat infectious diseases in newborns are listed in Table. 53-1.

Side effects of antibiotics

Allergic reactions (generalized and local).

Toxic effects (hematological, neurological, nephrological, hepatotoxic, gastrointestinal and others, including manifested in katamase).

Side effects associated with the biological effects of antibiotics (reaction of Yarisha Herxhaimer, hypovitaminosis, dysbiosis, cross-infection and superinfection, including candidiasis), secondary immunodeficiency.

The side effects of aminoglycosides (Table 53-2) The toxicity of aminoglycosides increases with renal failure (80-90% of the injected drug is derived by the kidneys), severe hypoxia, brain circulation disorders, simultaneously appointing furosemide.

Overtoon (noise in ears, dizziness, reduction of hearing due to the lesion VIII pair of cranial nerves) and neurotok-sacchability (headache, lethargy, neuromuscular blockade with respiratory depression, muscular twenty) are developing with long-term preservation of peak concentrations of gentamicin and triacin in serum more than 10 μg / ml (kanamycin and amikacin - more than 30 μg / ml), and residual, that is, before the next introduction, more than 2 μg / ml (kanamycin and amikacin - more than 10 μg / ml). The frequency of these side effects in the premature, receiving aminoglycosides more than 4 weeks, according to different authors, ranges from 2 to 7% the least differentoxy aminoglyoside - neutylmicin, followed by ascending follows Tobramycin, Sizomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin.

Nephrotoxicity (grainy cylindruria, erythrocyturia, proteinuria, oliguria, an increase in the concentration of urea in the blood) is noted in 2-10% of patients who received aminoglycosides. Taking into account the above when appointing newborn aminoglycosides, it is recommended to monitor their concentration in the blood (the same applies to chloramphenicol).

The presynaptic mechanisms (the release of acetylcholine from the presoprept endings) in newborns, especially premature, not yet sufficiently mature, therefore aminoglycosides can cause them a strip-like effect: muscle weakness, respiratory impairment. With the appearance of these disorders, intramuscularly neostigmine methyl sulfate (9 μg / kg or 0.018 ml / kg of 0.05% solution intravenously), calcium gluconate (2 ml / kg body weight of 10% solution, but not faster than 1 ml / min) The background of pre-intravenous administration of atropine (18 μg / kg or 0.018 ml / kg 0.1% solution). L.S. Stahunsky et al. In 1991, a total threshold audiometry was carried out in 146 children aged 3.5-7 years who received in the neonatal period of aminoglycosides (gentamicin - in 75.6% of cases, Canamycin - by 17.5%).

The hearing loss is revealed only in 2 children (1.4%), and they were premature, were born in a state of severe asphyxia and transferred numerous children's infections. Side effects of Vancomycin

The nephrotoxic effect (increasing the concentration of creatinine in serum) is noted in 5% of newborns who received vancomycin, but when gentamicine simultaneously, the indicator reaches 35%. There is no rethoxicity in Vancomycin. The rapid intravenous administration of vancomycin can lead to arterial hypotension, bradycardia (and even shock newborns), the appearance of rashes on the neck (red neck syndrome), head, limbs that are associated with the release of a large number of histamine. Preliminary administration of antihistamine preparations and a decrease in the rate of infusion (one dose should be administered for at least 1 h) prevent the occurrence of these side effects.

Side Effects of Chloramphenicola

Even with the introduction of standard doses of chloramphenicol (25 mg / kg), the newborn concentration of the antibiotic in the blood is unpredictable. Abroad, consider it necessary to monitor the concentration of the drug in the blood, especially in newborns.

At the concentration of chloramphenicol in serum, more than 25 mg / l occurring hypochromic, hyphegenerator anemia, thrombocytopenia, anorexia, the weight gain decreases. Therefore, before and against the background of the treatment of chloramphenicol, it is necessary to control the content of the reticulocytes in the blood. At the concentration of chloramphenicol in the blood of more than 50 mg / l after 24 hours, a "gray collapse" occurs (metabolic acidosis, abdominal bloating, abundant green chair, hypothermia, respiratory disorders, gray skin painting). The frequency of aplastic anemia is 1 to 20,000-40,000 patients receiving chloramphenicol, and does not depend on the dose of the drug and the duration of its use, that is, develops only in persons with hereditary predisposition. Chloramphenicol should not be prescribed newborns if safer alternative drugs are available. It should be remembered that at present, 50-70% of Schigell strains, 3050% of Salmonella strains and 70% of Escherichi strains are resistant to Chloramphenicol. Table 53-1.

: doses (mg / kg or ed / kg) and intact frequency


1 The optimal doses of aminoglycosides and vancomycin should be determined on the basis of their serum concentration (especially in children with a body weight of less than 1500 g). In children with body weight, less than 1200 g during the first week of life, drugs are appropriately administered after 24 hours. The doses of aminoglycosides may differ from the recommended depending on the specification of the manufacturer attached to the package.

2 When meningitis, large doses are prescribed. Some experts recommend large doses and under meningitis caused by Streptococcus Group V.

3 Safety for infants is not installed. When appointing carbopenmes, the newborn is preferable to use Meropene.

4 Ceftriaxone is not prescribed with hyperbirubinemies, especially premature

5 Tikartillain is contraindicated with violation of the kidney functions.

6 Chloramphenicol should not be appointed newborns if safer alternative drugs are available. Doses are given for children without disrupting the functions of the liver and kidney

7 For the prevention of candidiasis in children with ENMT in the orient (with a high frequency of fungal diseases associated with the use of invasive procedures), fluconazole is prescribed at a dose of 3 mg / kg 2 times a week.

Table 53-2.

(in adults, in the flying Lo 3 \u200b\u200bmonths zozoznaya significantly less frequently)

Application of antibiotics in renal failure

Data on the use of antibacterial drugs in renal failure is given in Table. 53-3.

Table 53-3.

and their excretion from the body in children with severe renal failure before conducting PD or during it (Neonatal Formulary // BMG. - 1998.)

Antibacterial therapy of infectious diseases in newborns (Table 54-4)

54-4. Empirical antibacterial therapy of infectious diseases in newborns

Disease options Preparations of choice Alternative drugs
Congenital Ampicillin
(ampicillin + sulbactam) + aminoglycoside micin!)
Amoxicillin Ceftazidim + aminoglycoside
(amoxicillin + clavulanation Erythromycin, azithromycin (with Miko-
acid) + aminoglycoside plasma etiology)
Benzylpenicillin (with syphilitic
Early fan The same Cefotaxim + aminoglycoside (not genta-
associated pneumonia micin!)
(VAP) in children of the first 3 days Ceftazidim + aminoglycoside (not gene
life tamicin!)
Late Vap. Ceftazidim + aminoglycoside (not genta- Vancomycin + aminoglycoside (not genta-
micin!) micin!)
Cefoperazone + aminoglycoside (not genta-
micin!) Meropem
Ore-hospital in children late
neonatal period:
medium-heavy Amoxicillin In suspected chlamydial or
(Amoxicillin + Clawulanic Acid) mycoplasma etiology azithromycin
Cefuroxime, Cefotaxim, Ceftriaxone or clarithromycin
heavy Ampicillin Cefotaxim,
(ampicillin + sulbactam) + ceftriaxone + aminoglycoside (not
aminoglycoside gentamicin!)
Amoxicillin Vancomycin
(Amoxicillin + clavulanation Linezolid
acid) + aminoglycoside
Oxacillin + aminoglycoside cefuroxime
Ampicillin + aminoglycoside Cephalosporin III
generations + aminoglycoside (not genta-
Late micin!)
Cephalosporin III of generation (cefotaxim, CarboxyPenicillins + aminoglycoside
ceftriaxone) + aminoglycoside Glycopeptides.
Complete-headed sepsis:
umbilical Carbapenes
Cephalosporin II or III Glycopeptides.
generations + aminoglycoside Aminoglycosides (not gentamicin!)
skin, rinofaringleal Aminopenicillin + aminoglycoside Glycopeptides.
Cephalosporin II. Linezolid
generations + aminoglycoside
rinofaringeal, from-hegeneral Cephalosporin III Carbapenes
generations + aminoglycoside
glycoside (not gentamicin!)
Cephalosporin III generation Cephalosporins IV generation + amino
+ aminoglycoside + metronidazole glycoside (not gentamicin!)
Inhibitor protection Carboxypyenicillins inhibitory
aminopenicillin + aminoglycoside strapped + aminoglycoside
uruppsis Cephalosporins III generation
Aminoglycosides Carbapenes
Hospital sepsis: Cefalosporin with antsingenic effect + aminoglycoside inhibitor inhibitors of carboxypenicillin + aminoglycoside Carbapenemmicarbalenems + Vancomycin or Linezolid
abdominal Cephalosporin III generation with antsingenic effects + aminoglycoside + metronidazolinhybeth+ aminoglycoside Cephalosporin IVPoles + Metronidazolecarbalenemia + Metronidazole
pettopetterization Glycopeptides + aminoglycoside Linezolid + aminoglycoside
pulmonary (Ivl-Associated) Cephalosporin with antsingenic effect + aminoglycoside (not gentamicin!) Inhibitor-proof carboxypenicillin + aminoglycoside (not gentamicin!) Karbenhem + Vancomycin Lincoosamide
Different diseases
Vesikopustules Toilet skin, oxacillin, amoxicillin, ampicillin (optimally both protected, i.e. with inhibitors (I-lactamas), generation cephalosporins
Pemphigus Also
Enterocolit Amoxicillin + Clawulanic Acid, Cefotaxim, Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidim
Meningitis In early early: ampicillin (200 mg / (kgxut) + aminoglycoside). Under late beginnings: Cefalosporins III of generation or carbapenes (Merolene) + aminoglycous (non-gentamicin!) + In case of suspected staphylococcal etiology - Vanco-Micenzin, linoxolid, with suspicion of candidal etiology - fluconazole, amphotericin in
Necrotizing enterocolitis, peritonitis Cefotaxim (ceftriaxone) + aminoglycoside (not gentamicin!) + Metronidazole or ceftazidim + aminoglycoside (not gentamicin!) And vancomycin or linesolid
Conjunctivitis Eye drops (0.5% solution of chloramphenicol and erythromycinic eye ointment, or 20% sulfacetamide) + Macrolides orally or intravenously with chlamydium or benzylpenicillin intravenously with gonococcal conjunctivitis
urinary trapes Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid, Cefotaxim (Ceftriaxone), Ceftazidim
Ommalitis Oxacillin + aminoglycoside (not gentamicin!), Amoxicillin + Clawulanic acid + aminoglycoside (not gentamicin!)
Osteomyelitis, Arthritis Oxacillin + aminoglycoside (not gentamicin!), Vancomycin, linesolid

Antifungal drugs (Table 53-5)

Table 53-5. Doses and the incidence of antifungal drugs (recommendations of the Committee on Infectious Diseases of the American Academy of Pediatrics // Red Book. - 27 ed. -2006.)

A drug Path of administration Daily dose Adverse reactions
Amphotericin B. Intravenously 0.25-0.5 mg / kg with an increase in carrying to 0.5-1.5 mg / kg; each dose is introduced within 2 hours; Supporting therapy dose - 0.5-10 mg / kg once a week Fever, chills, flebits, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, headache, arterial hypotension, kidney dysfunction, hypokalemia, anemia, heart rate arrhythmias, anaphylactic reactions, neurotoxicity
Intrathekal No. 0.025 mg, increasing the dose to 0.5 mg, twice a week Headache, dysfunction of gastrointestinal tract, arachnoiditis / radiculitis
Amphotericin in liposomal- ^ 12 Intravenously 3-5 mg / kg, introduced within 1-2 hours Fever, chills, other reactions associated with amphotericin B, but smaller nephro and hepatotoxicity
Clotrimazole, Orally 10 mg 5 times during the day (the tablet is slowly absorbed in the mouth) Dysfunction GPC, hepatotoxicity
Fluconazole. Intravenously 3-6 mg / kg once a day (up to 12 mg / kg with severe infections) Skin rash, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Hepatotoxicity, Stevenson Syndrome, Anaphylactic Reactions
Orally 6 mg / kg once on the first day and further 3 mg / kg once in an orofrint and esophageal infection, 612 mg / kg with systemic candidias; 6 mg / kg as supporting therapy in children with HIV infection and cryptococcal meningitis
Flucitozin orally 50-150 mg / kg, divided by 4 receptions after 6 h (the dose is adjusted with renal failure) Bone marrow suppression; Dysfunction of the kidneys, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatotoxicity, neuropathy, hallucinations, stupor
Ketokonazole, 3. Orally Children: 3.3-6.6 mg / kg 1 time per day Adults: 200 mg 2 times a day 2 days, then 200 mg 1 time per day Hepatotoxicity, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, anaphylactoid reactions, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, gynecomastia, adrenal failure
Nystatin Oral intravenous Breastfish children: 200,000 ... 4 times a day after meals Children and adults: 400 000-600 000 000 ° C 3 times a day after eating: 6-8 mg / kg every 12 hours in the first day, then 7 mg / kg every 12 adults: 6 mg / kg every 12 hours in the first day, then 4 mg / kg every 12 hours Dysfunction GPC, skin rashes
Vorikanazole. Orally Children: 8 mg / kg every 12 hours in the first day, then 7 mg / kg every 12 h Adults: less than 40 kg - 200 mg every 12 hours on the first day, then 100 mg every 12 hours; more than 40 kg -400 mg every 12 hours on the first day, then 200 mg every 12 h Vision disorders, photosensitive rashes, liver dysfunction
1 Safety for newborns is not installed.

2 For children under 2 years old, a safe dose is not installed. Limited information on applying newborn

Table 53-6. Doses and the incidence of antiviral drugs (recommendations of the Committee on Infectious Diseases of the American Academy of Pediatrics // Red Book. 27 Ed. - 2006.)

A drug Indications Path of administration Age Dose
Acyclovir12. Herpety encephalitis Intravenously From 3 months to 12 years 60 mg / kgxut) in 3 administration within 14-21 days
Neonatal herpes Intravenously From birth to 3 months 60 mg / (kgxut) in 3 administration within 14-21 days
Windshore Patients with Normal Immune Note4 Oral intravenous Over 2 years old 80 mg / kg in 4 receptions for 5 days (maximum dose 3200 mg / day) 30 mg / (kgxut) in 3 administration of 7-10 days or 1500 mg / m body surfaces in 3 administration for 7-10 days
Windmage in patients with immunodeficiency4 intravenously Any age 30 mg / (kgxut) in 3 administration of 7-10 days or 1500 mg / m2 body surface in 3 administration for 7-10 days
Herpes Slide Intravenously Any age As in patients with
patient S. immunodeficiency with windmill
normal orally Over 12 years old oSP
immunity 4000 mg / day in 5 receptions in
for 5-7 days
Herpes Slide Intravenously Up to12 years 60 mg / (kgxut) in 3 administration in
patients S. for 7-10 days
Intravenously Over 12 years old 30 mg / kgxut) in 3 introduction to
7-10 days
Herpety Intravenously Up to 12 years old 30 mg / (kgxut) in 3 administration in
infection in patients for 7-10 days
with immunodeficiency
(local, Intravenously Over 12 years old
progressive for 7-10 days
orally Over 2 years old 1000 mg / day in 3-5 receptions for
7-14 days
Prevention orally Over 2 years old 600-1000 mg / day in 3-5 receptions in
herpety the course of risk period
infections in patients
with immunodeficiency
Herpes- Intravenously Any age 15 mg / (kgxut) during the period
seropositive risk
the patients
Genital herpes, orally Over 12 years old 1000-1200 mg / day in 3-5 receptions
first clinical 7-10 days. For children: 40-80
episode mg / (kgxut) in 3-4 receptions in
for 5-10 days (maximum
- 1 g / day)
Intravenously 15 mg / (kgxut) in 3 administration in
for 5-7 days
Genital herpes, orally Over 12 years old
recurd 1000-1200 mg / day in 3-5 receptions in
for 3-5 days
Recurrent orally Over 12 years old
genital I. 800-1200 mg / day in 3 receptions
skin for several months (up to
herpes in persons with 1 year)
frequent relapses
long therapy
; Any shape
herpes (local,
generalized) u
patients S.
Amantadin Influenza A. orally 1-9 years old
(treatment and pro- 5 mg / (kgxut) (no more than 150
filact) mg / day) in 2 reception
Famciclovir Genital herpes orally older than 9 years
With body weight up to 40 kg - 5
mg / (kgxut), with a mass of the body more
Episodically recurrent 40 kg - 200 mg / day in 2 reception;
wick alternative prophylaxis
genital herpes with body weight more than 20 kg - 100
mg / day
Daily therapy orally
immunosuppressants 750 mg / day in 3 receptions for
adult doses 7-10 days

Intestinal infections as a sudden and acute violation of the body's work affects the effect of not only the main affected systems, but also on the body as a whole. How to warn them, overcome which medicines from intestinal infection will be effective, you need to know now, so as not to face this trouble face to face.

Types of intestinal infections

All variety of intestinal infections absorbs only four types of pathogens:

  • Infections - among these distinguishes viruses that affect the main organs of a person (polioviruses, Coksaki A and B viruses, enteroviruses) capable of causing paralysis, hit the central nervous system, liver and have a direct threat to the life of the body. As well as viruses that are limited to intestinal symptoms: diarrhea and gastroenteritis of varying degrees of severity (rotaviruses, intestinal adenoviruses, asteroviruses and coronaviruses).
  • Bacterial intestinal infections - enterotoxins are played in bacterial intestinal infections, which are highlighted by bacteria in the process of their livelihoods (intestinal wand, salmonella, Shigella, Irani, Klebsiella). Regardless of the peculiarities of the processes occurring in the intestines, any of the pathogens causes a diarrhea syndrome with the elimination of water from the body and washing out both harmful and beneficial substances. Leads to impaired water and electrolyte balance.
  • Fungal intestinal infections are more often caused by the fungi of the genus Candida.
  • Protozoic infections - giardiasis, amoebiasis.

The determination of the pathogen plays an important role in choosing a medication from poisoning or intestinal infection.

Symptoms in intestinal infections

Depending on the degree of poisoning, the type of pathogen and the number of poisoning substance entering the body, and the symptoms will vary from vividly pronounced to diseases with scarce symptoms of a general nature. Intestinal symptoms are common to many intestinal infections.

  • Diarrhea is the first explicit manifestation of intestinal infection. It has the form of unformed carriage masses of various nature (from cascidular, abundant watery, before the isolation of a poor number of hung masses with an abundance of mucus, blood elements). Diarrhea manifests itself from three times a day and enhanced and is heard during the severity of the disease.
  • Publishers are also a variant of the development of an intestinal infection, with them watery cavalous masses cannot exit due to the formation of honey plugs. The delay in the root masses in the lumen of the intestine leads to the opposite suction to the organism of poisoning components and the manifestation of the overall reduction of immune forces.
  • Increase temperature - up to 37.5 at the initial stages of the disease, up to 38.5-39 with acute or non-diagnosed disease.
  • The general weakness, fatigue - an increase in the circulating blood of poisoning toxins leads to the development of general intoxication of the body.
  • The feeling of fragments - as the consequences of the inflammatory process in the body and the fight against it. Accompanied by increased temperature.
  • Abdominal pain - more often sharp, spasming character, temporarily passing into the phase of rest, and then repeated with more frequent frequency.
  • Nausea and vomiting - as an example of an inflammatory process that has already managed to disseminate in the body with a stream of poisoning toxins.

In the acute course of the disease, a frequent diarrhea of \u200b\u200bsymptoms becomes more pronounced, pain is enhanced, the intestinal syndrome is exacerbated and brings even more inconvenience. And the need to use medicines from intestinal infections increases.


The diagnosis of intestinal infections is to survey and laboratory research methods.

Treatment is based on the elimination of the blood circulation of pathogenic organisms and toxins, they have formed. It is directed against the causative agent as the causes of the disease and is inextricably linked to the diagnosis. Treatment is directed not to suppress symptoms, but to eliminate hazardous substances and the restoration of the body's forces in general.

Depending on the severity of the disease can be carried out at home or in the hospital, under the supervision of medical staff.

It is to use a sick medication from intestinal infections, abundant drinking to restore water balance and the overall strengthening of the body due to reinforced power with the necessary set of trace elements and vitamins.

Treatment of intestinal infections by folk remedies

The funds of traditional medicine are good for intestinal infections with unfinished symptoms, in the absence of a stages of exacerbation.

  • Herbic herbs decoction - one and a half tablespoons of crumpled grass pour boiling water with a glass, warm on a water bath, and then dilute the resulting decoction to the original state. Use at least three times a day, two days, the decoction to store in the refrigerator.
  • The decoction of the oak bark - 10 g of oak bark pour a glass of boiling water, boil 20 minutes and use 5 times a day before meals.
  • Help to remove the symptoms of heralds from the root of Aira or Altea.

Also as a medicine from intestinal infections, various grass fees can be applied (Olkhovy cones, the root of the laptop, nettle leaves).

Emergency facilities for intestinal infections

Emergency assistance is necessary in acute intestinal infections with pronounced diarrheal and intoxication syndrome: during defecation from eight times a day, including during cholera, when the carte masses acquire the view

In this case, an indispensable medicine from intestinal infections is:

Medicine from intestinal infection for children

With acute intestinal disorders in children up to three years, treatment requires immediate intervention of specialists. With a light severity of the course of the disease, when there are no pronounced pain symptoms, nausea and vomiting, the diarrhea is weakly expressed (2-3) times a day, feces Cashitz-like, with a small amount of mucus impurities, can be carried out at home.

It is very important to choose a medicine from intestinal infection for children, since their body is very weak and even easy dehydration can lead to irreparable negative consequences.

In addition to the standard restoration of the water-salt balance, the following drugs from the intestinal infection are used:

  • "Smekt" - powder for the preparation of suspension, is used for children from the moment of birth, eliminates intestinal symptoms, including bloating. Up to 1 year -1 Packet 1 time per day, over two years old - up to 3 bags per day.
  • "StopDair" is a ready suspension, suitable for children from 2 months of life, applies 1 dimensional spoon 1-2 times a day.
  • "Enterogel" - a sorbent of pasty consistency, applies in children up to 1 year 5 (ml) 2 times a day.

In case of inhuman, but frequent defecation as a medicine from intestinal infection, biological products are used (Lazidophil, Linex, Enterozermina).

Prevention of intestinal infections

  • Clean hands. Clean vegetables and fruits used in food.
  • Compliance with the rules of cooking.
  • Sufficient thermal processing of meat products and eggs.
  • Strengthening immunity. The use of drugs for the prevention of intestinal infections: Biofirdumbacterin biopreparations, "acilakt", "Enterozermina".

Many people wonder if there are medicines for the prevention of intestinal infections. As such, they are not, it will be enough to comply with the above recommendations.

Factors predisposing to infection

  • An organism relaxed by the disease.
  • The body with impaired in the composition of intestinal microflora under dysbacteriosis.
  • Hereditary factor.
  • Incorrect meals

Medicines from intestinal infection at sea

Medicines for intestinal infections for the treatment and prevention of diseases, while staying on vacation, it is better to choose already in ready-to-use form. For children, this will be suspensions "Nifuroxazid", "Stopdair", "Enterozermina" - a liquid enriched with alive bacteria in vials. For adults, capsules and tablets "Coal activated" are suitable. Powder "REGIDROON" in poisoning accompanied by severe vomiting.

Help with acute intestinal infections and organism poisoning

Medicine against intestinal infection is prescribed exclusively by the doctor. One can only provide first aid to the patient.

It is in the reciprostation, the use of drugs aimed at eliminating infection from the body, urgent hospitalization into an ambulatory to provide adequate treatment to complete recovery. In no case do not drown the symptoms of adoption of anesthesia. The appearance of blood streams in the feces indicates the severity of the disease and requires urgent treatment.

Medicine selection priorities

What medicines from intestinal infections to apply, choose to you. Pay attention when choosing to drug forms of drugs, especially if it concerns young children. Recently, doctors increasingly pay attention to such a medicine as "enterofuril", it is produced in capsules and in the form of a suspension, has a small number of side effects.

At the beginning of treatment and easy degree of manifestation of the disease, leave a choice for the simplest drugs: "Activated coal", "Smekt". No need to overload the body with chemical compounds.

Medicines for an intestinal infection in adults will be stronger than in children.

Choose a comprehensive treatment of different orientation: restoration of the water-salt balance, elimination of bloating, pain), strengthen the body with the use of lively useful microorganisms from biological products, maintaining the intestine.

But not only infections can help. Do not forget about proper nutrition, as often products, if they are not stored incorrectly, can cause intestinal disorders and poisoning.

The main drugs for the treatment of the urogenital system - antibiotics. Before appointment, we need to pass urine sowing for sterility, and determine the reaction of microorganisms obtained from it to antobacterial drugs. Without sowing, it is better to use a wide range of action. But some are distinguished by nephrotoxicity (toxic influence on the kidneys), for example, "gentamicin", "Polymixin", "Streptomicin".

Treatment of infections antibiotics

Under the inflammation of the urinary tract, the antibiotics of the cephalosporin group - "Cephalexin", "Cefaclor", "Cefpin", "Ceftriakson" are used. At the inflammation of the kidneys, penicillin semi-synthetic - "oxacillin" and "amoxicillin" is also used. But it is better for urinary infections - treatment with fluoroquinolone - "Ciprofloxacin", "Opleloxacin" and "Gatifloquescin". The duration of the use of antibiotics for kidney diseases - up to 7 days. During complex treatment, preparations with sulfenylamide - "Biseptol" or "Urosulfan" are used.

Vegetable uroantispetics

"Kanefron" in case

In urology, vegetable uroantispets are used both the main attending substances and as auxiliary. « Kanefron "- an excellent agent for the treatment of a disease of the genitourinary system. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, causes a diuretic effect. It is used inside in the form of droplets or dragee. "Kanephron" includes a rosehip, rosemary leaves, gold male and rosemary. With the inflammation of the kidneys, they are prescribed 3 times a day of 50 drops of medication or 2 dragees. Men is considered the best tool in the treatment of urinary infections.

Vegetable UricTeptics - an excellent means to treat the disease of the genitourinary system.

"Phytolysin" is a means of infections of the genitourinary system, contributes to the lightweight outlet of the stones and derives pathological agents from the urinary tract. Oils of mint, pine, orange, sage and vanillin are added to the preparation. Take anti-inflammatory after meals 3 times a day, 1st h. L. on half a cup of warm water. The kidney disease passes within a month. It is manufactured as a paste to obtain a solution. The composition of "phytolizin" - extracts:

  • horsetail;
  • parsley;
  • birch leaves;
  • porneviki dusty;
  • fenugreek;
  • jester;
  • bulbs of the onion bows;
  • golden
  • bird Highland grass.

Medicines for the relief symptoms of inflammation of the urogenital system

The inflammation of the urinary tract is beginning to be treated with drugs that focus inflammatory symptoms and restore the functionality of the urinary tract. Basic medications for the genitourinary system - "Papaverin" and "But-Shpa". Doctors recommend that antibacterial agents are recommended after the course of spasmolitics. Parallel is treated with pills that have no properties of nephrotoxicity.

In diseases of the urogenital system, paracetamol is used. Daily dose - 4 times at 650 mg. When receiving paracetamol, drink plenty of water to ensure normal hemodynamics. Instead of paracetamol, "Ibuprofen" is shown. Daily dose - 4 times at 1200 mg. Other medicines for the relief of symptoms: "Ketanov", "Nimesulid", "Cefecon" and "Baratgin". The decision in the therapy by nephrotoxic drugs is justified, and therapy is appointed only after the doctor's advice.


Antispasmodics remove pain, but do not affect the cause of the disease.

Antispasmodic drugs improve urine outflow and relieve pain. Popular tablets are the same "Papaverin" with "but-shpa" and "Bencyclan" with "drootaverin". "But-shpa" is produced in the form of tablets and a solution. Dosage - no more than 240 mg per day. "No-Shpu" is strictly forbidden to take in cardiac and liver failure. Additionally, it is allowed to take "Kanefron" - it has both antispasmodic and antiseptic effect.


Diuretics - diuretic products. Diuretics should be treated with accuracy. They are able to cause renal failure and complicate the disease. Therapy applies only after the doctor's appointment. Basic drugs with urinary tract infections: "Diiouver", "Hypothiazide", "Furomeisid" and "Aldakton". Dose - 1 tablet per week. To preserve in the body of water equilibrium, calcium, potassium, hydrochloric solutions, and hemosorption and hemodyiasis are taken in the body of water equilibrium. Often, with kidney disease, doctors prescribe multivitamin preparations to increase immunity.

In case of disease in men and women, kidney and urinary tract, you need to drink brazers, which contain vitamins: rosehip, birch tree leaves, rowan, leaf currants, dear. Doctors prescribe polyvitamin preparations, which include a complex of trace elements with vitamins. Medical preparations for improving immunity during kidney diseases - Alvittil, Aerovita, Askorutin, Tetrafolevit, Milgamma. In parallel with vitamins, minerals are taken, such as selenium and zinc.