HCG blood test for how long it shows. On what day after conception, pregnancy can be determined by hCG. When can pregnancy be determined by hCG?

The dynamics of the development of pregnancy based on the results of tests for hCG.

  • Our medicine obliges patients to take a lot of different tests to determine the state of health or ill health
  • Several decades ago, we were surprised by the ability of doctors to speak outright about the absence / presence of pathologies or diseases.
  • Now, with the development of Internet resources, access to the study of material related to the appointment and decoding of various tests and analyzes is open
  • We can familiarize ourselves with it in detail or superficially and ask questions to doctors. Although they really don't like the last moment, and at times - annoying

What is HCG? When to do the test?

laboratory worker examines blood for hCG

Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG for short, is a specific hormone that is produced in the body in the presence of abnormal cell growth of the reproductive system.

Its most common use is to determine the fact and duration of pregnancy. Also, women take a test for the amount of hCG:

  • to understand how the baby develops in the womb
  • for suspected tumors
  • to assess the quality of the performed artificial termination of pregnancy
  • in the presence of threats of miscarriage

Men are assigned an analysis to determine the absence / presence of testicular tumors.

HCG consists of 2 elements:

  • alpha particles
  • beta particles

According to the amount of beta-hCG in the blood in laboratory conditions, the presence of pregnancy is established, or vice versa - its absence.

When a woman is in an interesting position, the chorion, the shell of the fetus, is responsible for the production of hCG. It regulates the growth and development of the unborn baby in the mother's body while the placenta is formed, which will take over these functions.

Chorionic gonadotropin also regulates the hormonal levels of a pregnant woman. It controls and stimulates:

  • production of hormones progesterone, estrogen
  • the work of the corpus luteum in the ovaries
  • normal development of the baby in the womb in the first trimester

The nausea that plagues many women early in pregnancy is due to an increase in the concentration of hCG in the body.

Chorionic gonadotropin is already detected in the blood through:

  • week after fertilization
  • a couple of days after a delay in menstruation

In urine, it appears a couple of days later.

It is worth noting that all pharmacy pregnancy tests show an increased concentration of hCG, or the absence thereof.

HCG blood test - transcript: table

the girl conducts a blood test for the level of hCG
  • If you are assigned to donate blood for hCG, then do it in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • The unit of change in the hCG level is mIU / ml - the international unit per milliliter. In the body of a non-pregnant woman, the indicator of chorionic gonadotropin ranges from 0 to 5 mIU / ml
  • From the moment the ovum is attached to the wall of the uterus, the female body begins to increase the production of chorionic gonadotropin. On average, its number doubles every day or three.
  • This trend continues up to 9-11 weeks of pregnancy. Then the indicator decreases and is fixed at a specific level.

The approximate dynamics of changes in the amount of hCG in the body of a pregnant woman looks like this:

HCG rates by week. Table

Indicator (from the date of the last menstruation) Minimum Maximum
Non-pregnant women 0 5,2
3-4 weeks 15 157
4 - 5 weeks 102 4871
5 - 6 weeks 1111 31502
6 - 7 weeks 2561 82302
7 - 8 weeks 23101 151002
8 - 9 weeks 27301 233002
9 - 13 weeks 20901 291002
13 - 18 weeks 6141 103002
18 - 23 weeks 4721 80102
23 - 41 weeks 2701 78102

Note that the work of the body of each particular woman is very individual, therefore, check the results obtained with the specialist who is observing you.

HCG rate by day from conception

blood in a syringe for hCG analysis
  • Each laboratory has its own standards and norms for decoding analyzes, including hCG in the blood
  • On the other hand, due to the difference in the calculation of the gestational age, differences in the results of the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin are also possible.
  • The obstetric period is always longer than the embryonic one, since it is counted from the first day of the last menstruation

HCG rate by day from conception. Table

Date after conception (ovulation), days Minimum Maximal.
7 2 11
8 3 19
9 5 22
10 8 27
11 10 46
12 16 66
13 21 106
14 28 171
15 38 271
16 67 401
17 121 581
18 221 841
19 371 1301
20 521 2001
21 751 3101
22 1051 4901
23 1401 6201
24 1831 7801
2401 9801
26 4201 15601
27 5401 19501
28 7101 27301
29 8801 33001
30 10501 40001
31 11501 60001
32 12801 63001
33 14001 68001
34 15501 70001
35 17001 74001
36 19001 78001
37 20501 83001
38 22001 87001
39 23001 93001
40 25001 108001
41 26501 117001
42 28001 128001

How hCG grows during pregnancy

the doctor writes the result of the hCG analysis on a card
  • Chorionic gonadotropin protects the fetus from the attacks of the maternal organism. The latter in the first days and weeks perceives the first as a foreign body and tries to get rid of it, push it out of itself
  • Therefore, hCG affects areas of the brain that inhibit the immune system of a pregnant woman. At the same time, this hormone takes control of the production of those substances that the embryo needs for successful development and life.
  • Such a responsible mission of hCG is accompanied by its doubling every one and a half to two days 5-7 days after conception. The doubling dynamics persists up to 10-11 weeks of pregnancy. After the rate decreases to a certain point and remains until the end of pregnancy

From the tables above, it is clearly seen in the numerical values ​​of the change in the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin.

HCG with a frozen pregnancy

the girl is upset with the test results for hCG
  • Fading of pregnancy more often occurs in the first trimester, rarely at a later date
  • Due to the fact that the ovum remains attached to the wall of the uterus for some time, hCG is produced. Its concentration increases slightly until the moment of embryo detachment and its release

HCG for ectopic pregnancy

the girl takes blood for hCG in the laboratory
  • The membrane of the embryo during an ectopic pregnancy produces the hormone gonadotropin in a significantly smaller amount than when it is normally located in the uterus
  • You will not see the doubling dynamics every 2-3 days. Nevertheless, the increase in the level of hCG remains, only at a much slower pace.
  • Sometimes it happens that an increase in the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin has a negative tendency. That is, instead of an increase, there is a clear insignificant decline

HCG by day for twins

picture of twins on ultrasound
  • Are you holding the results of the analysis for hCG in your hands and see that the indicators fluctuate around 5mIU / ml? It means that the pregnancy has not yet occurred or you are in a hurry to conduct research.
  • If you compare the dynamics of changes in human chorionic gonadotropin with a table of its growth and see that for a particular week your data is twice as large, there is a high probability of multiple pregnancy
  • Thanks to the hCG data, you can be diagnosed with a double one much earlier than an ultrasound analysis
  • The approximate numbers of changes in the amount of hCG in the blood during multiple pregnancies, see the table below. The starting point is the first day of the last period
  • Pharmacy pregnancy tests are able to "feel" hCG in urine when it is equal to or greater than 25 mIU / ml. That is, approximately 13-14 days after ovulation, or after 2-3 days of delayed menstruation. In this case, the pharmacy test will show you a weak second strip.
  • In turn, a blood test for hCG will give a more reliable result, since it is able to capture the pregnancy hormone in a concentration of 5 mIU / ml. Therefore, you can donate blood for the first time a week after ovulation and repeat the procedure after 2-3 days.
  • HCG after IVF

    girl after IVF hopes for pregnancy

    If, with a natural onset of pregnancy, it is enough to undergo several tests for the level of hCG, then after IVF, regular monitoring of the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin is the key to the success of the procedure and a good development of pregnancy.

    For IVF, doctors use embryos:

    • three-day
    • five-day
    1. Therefore, the amount of hCG in the body of a pregnant woman is slightly different. For example, after replanting a three-day embryo, the pregnancy hormone has slightly higher values ​​than a five-day one.
    2. You can easily find tables of norms and ranges of hCG values ​​after embryo replanting by the IVF method on the open spaces of the Runet, as well as from the doctor who carried out this procedure.
    3. If you have successfully completed the IVF procedure, be prepared for the first two weeks for constant monitoring of your condition. As soon as the level of human chorionic gonadotropin reaches 100 mIU / ml, you can be congratulated on your pregnancy.

    Video: blood test for hCG

    Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that begins to be produced in a woman's body during pregnancy. First, its production occurs by the tissues of the embryo, and then by the placenta. The concentration of hCG in urine gradually increases. This hormone is important for both the woman and the fetus.

    The role of the hormone in the female body

    The presence of hCG in the body is natural for a non-pregnant woman, but its concentration is negligible. The norm contains 0-5 mU / ml. The active release of the hormone begins immediately after the zygote enters the uterine cavity. This happens 5-7 days after conception. The maximum concentration is reached at 9-10 weeks of gestation. The hormone is involved in:

    • Activation of the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum - an important hormone in the body of a pregnant woman. The corpus luteum performs this function until the 13th week, and after that the placenta is formed and this function is assigned to it. Without progesterone, it becomes impossible for the fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus. The hormone also prepares the uterus itself for enlargement by making the walls of the organ elastic.
    • Suspension of the follicle maturation process. In the ovary, they are dormant throughout the entire line of gestation.
    • Stimulates the development of interstitial cells in a male fetus. They are found around the coiled seminiferous tubules in the testicular stroma and are responsible for the secretion of steroids during puberty.
    • Preventing the mother's immune system from reacting to the baby's body. This is especially important in the presence of Rh-conflict, when the Rh of the mother's blood differs from the Rh of the child.

    Gonadotropin is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy at all stages, as well as to maintain the condition of the mother during this period. An increased or decreased noise level is an indication for a complete examination of a woman and a fetus.

    What affects hormone levels?

    HCG indicators are individual for each individual case, but more often they are in the range of acceptable values. Sometimes the change in hormone concentration may not be related to pregnancy.

    An increase in the level of gonadotropin in urine during the perinatal period can be due to the following reasons:

    • multiple pregnancy - the concentration increases in proportion to the number of embryos,
    • the presence of an extra chromosome in the child's DNA - Down syndrome,
    • preeclampsia of varying degrees,
    • fetal hypoxia,
    • development of malformations of internal organs in a baby,
    • diabetes,
    • taking hormonal drugs containing a gestagen.

    It should be borne in mind that, according to the analysis and ultrasound data, the doctor may incorrectly set the date. In this case, the increased gonadotropin is quite justified.

    HCG can grow even in the absence of fertilization. The most common cause is the formation of tumors of the uterus and appendages. The presence of the hormone in the urine may also indicate the growth of neoplasms from the embryonic tissue. There is an increase in the level of hCG while taking drugs containing this particular hormone, as well as some time after an abortion or artificial childbirth. Sometimes normal ovulation is the cause.

    The concentration of hCG can not only rise, but also fall. This is a wake-up call and may indicate serious deviations. A decrease in hormone levels indicates:

    • fetal freezing or intrauterine growth retardation,
    • growth of the fetus outside the uterine cavity,
    • the threat of termination of pregnancy,
    • fetoplacental insufficiency,
    • detachment of the placenta,
    • death of a child at a later date.

    All these factors need to be considered. If a pregnancy test for hCG level shows a positive result even in the absence of sexual activity in a woman, you should urgently consult a doctor for advice.

    Laboratory methods for determining the hormone in urine

    Analyzes for hCG are performed if monitoring of the dynamics of intrauterine development of the fetus is required, as well as if there is a suspicion of a tumor of the genital organs. Investigate urine for gonadotropin even if there are signs of a frozen pregnancy, and ultrasound does not determine the baby's heartbeat. The indication for the analysis is also the absence of menstruation. In addition, it is used to understand how well an induced abortion was performed.

    The main method of laboratory examination of urine for hCG is the detection of the hormone using a specialized reagent. According to its concentration, the specialist determines the duration of pregnancy. If it is higher or lower than normal and does not correspond to the ultrasound time, the patient is assigned an additional examination. This is done in order to find out the reason for the deviation. For analysis, blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach.

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    Preparation for the test

    For the results to be correct and consistent with the real clinical picture, it is necessary to prepare your body for the collection of biomaterial. Any irregularities in preparation can lead to false results and repeated tests.

    Women who donate biomaterial should not:

    • have sex the day before,
    • physically exert yourself (hard work, playing sports, etc.),
    • consume alcohol and drugs, as well as smoke.

    The biomaterial is collected in the morning in a sterile container. In the morning urine, the content of hormones is slightly higher, which increases the likelihood of detecting hCG even in the early stages of pregnancy.

    Normal hormone levels

    A sensitive test for the hCG hormone will show confirmation of pregnancy 7-9 days after conception. If your period has not started, and the test remains negative, it is worth repeating it after a few days. Every day after conception, the level of hCG in the urine doubles, and closer to 14 weeks begins to grow rapidly.

    The normal level of hCG in urine by days from conception is presented in the table:

    The value of hCG in urine by day after fertilization

    Day after conception Min. value in honey / ml Wed value in honey / ml Max. value in honey / ml Day after conception Min. value in honey / ml Wed value in honey / ml Max. value in honey / ml
    7 DPO 2 4 10 25 DPO 2400 6150 9800
    8 DPO 3 7 18 26 DPO 4200 8160 15600
    9 DPO 5 11 21 27 DPO 5400 10200 19500
    10 DPO 8 18 26 28 DPO 7100 11300 27300
    11 DPO 11 28 45 29 DPO 8800 13600 33000
    12 DPO 17 45 65 30 DPO 10500 16500 40000
    13 DPO 22 73 105 31 DPO 11500 19500 60000
    14 DPO 29 105 170 32 DPO 12800 22600 63000
    15 DPO 39 160 270 33 DPO 14000 24000 68000
    16 DPO 68 260 400 34 DPO 15500 27200 7000
    17 DPO 120 410 580 35 DPO 17000 31000 74000
    18 DPO 220 650 840 36 DPO 19000 36000 78000
    19 DPO 370 980 1300 37 DPO 20500 39500 83000
    20 DPO 520 1380 2000 38 DPO 22000 45000 87000
    21 DPO 750 1960 3100 39 DPO 23000 51000 93000
    22 DPO 1050 2680 4900 40 DPO 25000 58000 108000
    23 DPO 1400 3550 6200 41 DPO 26500 62000 117000
    24 DPO 1830 4650 7800 42 DPO 28000 65000 128000

    There are also hCG rates for each week of pregnancy. It is on them that the process of development of the child in the womb is monitored.

    The values ​​of the average concentration of HCG in urine by weeks of pregnancy are presented in the table:

    Average values ​​of hCG in urine by weeks of pregnancy

    Week of pregnancy HCG rate in honey / ml
    1–2 10-170
    2-3 105-3100
    3-4 1960-27300
    4-5 11300-74000
    5-6 31000–128000
    6-7 27500–237000
    7-11 21000–300000
    11-16 15000–60000
    16-21 10000–35000
    21-38 10000–60000

    In a non-pregnant woman, the amount of the hormone should be no more than 5 mU / ml. If the hCG content is higher than this value, it is necessary to retest after a few days. Deciphering the results will help to understand whether fertilization has occurred or not.

    Home tests for hCG

    It is not at all necessary to be tested in a laboratory to confirm or deny pregnancy. You can also do the test at home; for this, pharmacy chains offer a wide range of tests. They are differ in sensitivity to the hormone, as well as in the way they are used.

    Sometimes it happens that the test is positive, and the laboratory test for hCG is negative. This can be due to poor test quality or problems in the development of the child.

    Types of pregnancy tests

    The tests have one control strip that turns color anyway. The second strip appears only if the hormone is present in the urine.

    There are several types of tests:

    • The test strip is the simplest option on the market. Due to its low cost and ease of use, it is the most popular. The strips are usually packaged in individual pouches, each with a control zone coated with a gonadotropin sensitive reagent. The analysis takes only a few minutes. The strip is dipped in morning urine until a certain mark and after 5 minutes the result is observed.
    • Tablet PCs have higher sensitivity and are much more expensive. Such rapid tests can detect pregnancy much earlier. The tablet itself consists of a plastic case and a hole with a material impregnated with a reagent. Urine is applied to this hole using a pipette.
    • Inkjet - easy to use, have high sensitivity. To get the result, simply substitute the dough rod under the stream of urine. Due to the high content of the reagent, it makes it possible to carry it out very early.
    • Systems with reservoirs - have a special container for sampling biomaterial. The only difference with the previous tests is that they are convenient to use.
    • Electronic - tests of a new generation. Thanks to the latest technology, they not only detect the hormone, but also determine its concentration. The test is equipped with a small electronic display that will indicate the gestational age. The only drawback is the high cost.

    Reading 7 min. Views 1.1k.

    Chorionic gonadotropin, with which the onset of pregnancy and the conditions for its course are determined, is contained not only in the body of the expectant mother. However, few know what functions this hormone performs and when men have to donate blood for hCG.

    Why is this analysis needed?

    The HCG pregnancy test is a reliable test performed by many biochemical laboratories. HCG is needed not only to detect the onset of pregnancy before delay. This method allows you to determine with almost 100% certainty all the nuances of fetal development in the early stages. Doctors recommend doing it three times during the entire period of pregnancy. For women who have problems carrying a child, this analysis is prescribed more often.

    Knowing how many days after conception can be examined, a woman can determine a possible pregnancy in the early stages. When the choice is between the hCG test and the urine test, the first option is superior to the second. You can donate blood for hCG 10-12 days after conception.

    In the case of test strips, a fertilized egg can be determined no earlier than 3 days after the delay (3 weeks after intercourse). This is justified by the fact that the hCG content in the blood is much higher than in the urine. To get accurate test strip results, you must wait until the protein level in your blood is high. In addition, pregnancy tests often show incorrect results, which cannot be said about testing for hCG in the blood.

    How often do you have a blood test?

    Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

      Only as directed by the attending physician 31%, 1959 votes

      Once a year and I think that's enough 17%, 1063 vote

      Only when I'm sick 16%, 1002 vote

      At least twice a year 15%, 940 of votes

      More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 720 of votes

      I monitor my health and rent once a month 6%, 385 of votes

      I am afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 257 of votes


    When can I take

    Many women do not know on what day after ovulation blood can be donated. Despite the fact that the analysis of hCG shows accurate and reliable results, you should not do it the next day after conception: it is still too small for analysis. The test will be able to determine the level of the hormone in the blood only after a couple of weeks. And if a woman does the first blood test for hCG before the delay at her discretion, then it is better to take subsequent tests as directed by a doctor.

    There are a number of cases when you need to be tested for hCG:

    1. To diagnose a possible pregnancy in the early stages.
    2. In the case of an abortion, the test must be taken 2 days after the termination of the pregnancy. This will confirm the result of the operation performed, as well as determine the success of the curettage.
    3. With a frozen and ectopic pregnancy.

    Study preparation rules

    At home, using test strips, you can independently determine if you are pregnant. As for the blood test, you need to take it only in the laboratory. If a woman wants to be tested for hCG, then on what day it is right to do it, it is better for her to check with the doctor. In order for the result of the study to be reliable, gynecologists recommend adhering to certain training rules.

    Women who donate hCG the day before the examination need to be less nervous, stay calm, avoiding depressive and stressful conditions. As for physical activity and sports, it is recommended to postpone them to another day. Nutrition also needs to be paid attention to: limit the use of salty, smoked and fatty foods.

    A blood test for protein is taken early in the morning. You cannot have breakfast on the day of blood donation: the stomach must be empty. The interval between meals and examination should be at least 8 hours. In addition, on this day, you can come to the laboratory a little earlier to give the body a rest and recover. Observing the same rules as for donating in the morning, you can donate blood for hCG in the evening, a blood test will show reliable results. However, you should consult your doctor before doing this.

    HCG blood test - when will the test show pregnancy? Probably every woman knows about the analysis for this hormone, even if she herself has not yet faced the need to take it.

    And it is not surprising, because it is this test, even earlier than pharmacy tests, that helps to identify and state the fact that conception has already occurred. For some of the girls, this will be a pleasant surprise, for some - not very much, but the fact remains: if hCG in the blood rises, this may indicate pregnancy.

    But the growth of hCG can begin not only during pregnancy, and this is already an alarming signal. Therefore, let's take a closer look at the question of when the analysis indicates conception, and what should be the norms of the "pregnancy hormone" in girls whose egg fertilization has not been identified.

    What is the procedure, why is it assigned and what role does it play?

    What is the name of a blood test for pregnancy? The answer to this question is known to every girl who passed the biomaterial to determine the concentration of hCG. This is a specific and, one might say, unique protein hormone, which begins to be actively produced by the membrane of the embryo after its implantation. Normally, it can be contained in the human body - moreover, both women and men - in minimal quantities.

    The indicators of this substance are of great importance in oncology, since the hormonal element is extremely sensitive to tumor processes. Especially malignant. But, nevertheless, a hCG blood test is often carried out with a suspicion of pregnancy, since it is he who, earlier than modern, hypersensitive, rapid tests, helps to identify the fact of conception.

    Why is hCG research done in pregnant women?

    What is hCG analysis during pregnancy, and why is it performed? The test is necessary not only when there is only suspicion, but the very fact of fertilization of the egg remains unconfirmed. A routine test for this hormone is taken by all expectant mothers without exception.

    Indications for donating blood for the determination of hCG during pregnancy are:

    • identification of conception at its initial stages;
    • control over the course of the gestational period;
    • confirmation or refutation of the onset of an ectopic pregnancy;
    • identification of pathological processes in trophoblast tissues;
    • monitoring the course of gestation with the threat of premature termination;
    • assessment of the state of the embryo after a course of treatment aimed at preserving gestation.

    Also, a situation when it is necessary to donate blood for pregnancy to detect the concentration of hCG is the need for early detection of genetically determined abnormalities of the embryo. The gonadotropin test is one of the most accurate studies that show the degree of risk of developing chromosomal abnormalities long before a full-fledged fetus is formed.

    Also, a blood test for pregnancy in the early stages is necessary to detect tumor diseases. In this case, we are talking about neoplasms in the trophoblast area, and such deviations, alas, happen quite often.

    HCG after IVF

    HCG in IVF pregnancy is a very important test. It is he who shows how successful the artificial insemination procedure was. As for the time of the increase in hormone indicators, it is no different from that during the natural onset of pregnancy. We will talk further about when a blood test for hCG shows pregnancy.

    Interpretation of the results of hCG in pregnant and non-pregnant patients

    So, we comprehensively considered the topic of what hCG is during pregnancy, and why a test for the content of this hormone in the blood of an expectant mother is needed. But it is important to understand that a laboratory procedure is prescribed for non-pregnant women, and even men. What is it for?

    As already noted, chorionic gonadotropin is a highly sensitive substance that is used in modern oncology as a tumor marker. So, the norm of hCG in non-pregnant women is less than 5 IU / L of blood. With an increase in these indicators, we can talk about cancer of the ovaries or other internal organs. In men, with the content of this hormone from 3 IU / l, we can talk about cancer of the testicles or other gonads.

    Thus, judging by the level of hCG, if there is no pregnancy, it is possible to identify serious diseases that require compulsory treatment. Therefore, the gonadotropin test is carried out not only for expectant mothers - it is important for women who are not expecting a child, as well as for males.

    HCG indicators in pregnant women

    The decoding of the data obtained during the analysis of hCG during pregnancy is carried out by a gynecologist. As a rule, the level of the hormone is measured in international units per liter of blood, but some doctors convert the values ​​into the generally accepted unit of MoM. After that, the result is interpreted by the doctor, based on the new figures.

    The hCG index during early pregnancy depends on when the blood was donated. The level of the substance begins to be calculated from the day of conception. The rates can be specified both in detail, by day, and in general terms, by week.

    The value of hCG at the detection of pregnancy at 1.5 - 3 weeks is 6.0 - 760 IU / l. As the unborn baby grows, the hormone index also increases. However, after a certain amount of time, the process of increasing its level stops and then begins to regress.

    When will the test show conception?

    Now let's move on to the question that worries women most: on what day will the hCG test show pregnancy? Let's consider it from the point of view of the fertilization process.

    So, when the ovum and the sperm merge, conception occurs, and then the resulting ovum is implanted into the mucous wall of the genital organ. This process can take from 7 to 14 days, but for every woman, depending on the physiological characteristics, it can happen a little earlier or later. And when this happens, the concentration of hCG will immediately begin to increase. A blood test will show the beginning of the gestational period at the end of the first to the beginning of the second week after conception.

    What hCG is observed during pregnancy? If in non-pregnant patients its content is less than 5, then in the first days after fertilization of the egg, the indicators will already be higher than this figure (from 6 IU / l).

    Summing up

    The protein hormone chorionic gonadotropin is one of the most important indicators of the normal course of the gestation period. We figured out when he indicates that conception has already occurred, and what should be the rate of hCG without pregnancy.

    For analysis for this hormonal element, it is best to take a venous blood test. Of course, this substance also appears in the urine of a pregnant woman, and it is on this that the principle of operation of pharmacy pregnancy test strips is based. But it is much easier to detect an increased level of protein in the blood, so if you suspect that you are in an "interesting position", do not hesitate to visit your doctor. It is quite possible that very soon he will delight you with very pleasant and long-awaited news!