For how many children can mushrooms. Champignons Children: Pros and cons of mushroom dishes for small gourmets. Condition is not critical

Is it possible to give mushrooms and from what age?

Gourmets love mushrooms for their taste and a special fragrance. It's all about natural flavors that are present in this product. In addition, mushrooms, especially dried, contain a lot of protein, which is a building material for the human body, vitamins of groups in, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

Doctors in turn advise carefully to treat mushrooms and do not abuse them. They also recommend parents not to hurry to acquaint their kids with this product. How old can you give mushrooms to children? According to doctors, children under three years old this product is categorically contraindicated. Some experts advise you to wait for a child 5, 6, and better than 7 years old, and only then introduce mushroom dishes into the diet. The most careful insist on the fact that you can get acquainted with such a specific product for children not earlier than 12 years.

Why not give fungi kids from an early age?

The fact is that the mushrooms have a porous structure and absorb themselves as a sponge, various substances from the ground, water and air. Due to the fact that the state of the environment is far from perfect, primarily toxins and salts of such heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, mercury, etc. If the adult body is able to cope with a small amount of harmful substances, which is not formed Children's gastrointestinal tract will suffer.

Mushrooms are considered severe food due to the large content of fiber. She scores the intestines and does not give absorbing vitamins and minerals. Also in this product is chitin. This substance is contained in the shells of many arthropods and makes it strong. Even an adult is difficult to cope with coarse fiber and chitin. In children under 7 years old, it is simply not enough enzymes in the intestines to digest such food, so any fungal dishes can cause indignant of the stomach or poisoning. In addition, there are often cases of an allergic reaction.

What mushrooms can be given first?

Preference is worth paying mushrooms grown in industrial conditions - champignons and cherries, as they do not contain harmful substances. Forest mushrooms must be treated with great care. Places to collect should be environmentally friendly.

Start giving a child mushrooms with minimal volumes. For example, make a mushroom sauce or add some fungi into meat broth. Later you can cook vegetable stew or cutlets with a small addition of mushroom minced meat. If the child does not want to try an unknown product, do not insist.

It is impossible to give small children salty, pickled and fried mushrooms. Marine, salt and fat will give an additional burden on the children's body.

Forest mushrooms allowed for baby food must be 1 or 2 categories. To the 1st category includes white mushrooms, the Ryzhiki real and freight are real. 2 group includes champignons, brewer, butter, boosions, pink waves, aspen freight, whitening, dubboviki. Other mushrooms are forbidden to use in baby diet. Although recently they cease them to be divided into categories, doctors still recommend adhere to this classification against children.

Mushrooms must be crushed and well prepared. Communicable thermal processing, in no case cannot give them a child in the raw form.

Many mothers and dads rush to acquaint the baby with something new and unknown, including food. However, in some cases, excessive inuction can only harm children's health. Up to 3, and even better to 5-7 years old, you do not need fungal dishes in the diet. His body may well do without them.

Tags :, the digestion of the child is still not enough to digest mushrooms without consequences. Children's organisms do not produce the desired amount of protein processing enzymes, which is contained in mushrooms. Therefore, the child can even poison edible and absolutely safe for adult mushrooms. Such poisoning proceeds very hard, six, six, and about thirty acquire serious diseases, which lead to disabilities.

Hats mushrooms collect hazardous heavy metal connections capable of influencing the child's body in small quantities. The combination of several hazardous substances can cause serious consequences, so you should not buy mushrooms from unverified grandmothers in the markets, collect them in the forests near the roads and highway.

Nursing mothers should be refracted from the use of forest mushrooms. In some cases, the toxins that have fallen into the milk caused poisoning in breast babies.

Roast wet summer or long drought leads to the fact that the metabolism of mushrooms changes, which means that their composition changes. They begin to accumulate toxins in adult doses for adults. However, the same doses may irreversibly affect the child's body.

Nutritionists believe that the lower age plank for the introduction of mushrooms in the diet is seven years. From this age, children with proven champignons or oysterns. Up to seven years, even completely safe mushrooms can cause unpleasant consequences, since the digestive system will not cope with them.

In addition to the difficulties of digestion and absorption, some mushrooms can cause serious allergies. First of all, this refers to raw materials.

Mushroom poisoning

From the moment of poisoning, before the manifestation of the first symptoms, it can pass from one to the nine-ten o'clock. At first there are sharp pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, then nausea arises, vomiting, which causes dehydration of the body. The child's skin acquires an unnatural pallor, fingers and lips blue. Then the terrible headaches begin. Cramps may begin. After the first symptoms appear, it is very important to call "ambulance". Before the arrival of the child's doctors, you need to take warm water, try to provoke vomiting to purify the stomach from toxins. After that you need to give activated. Further treatment should be carried out in the toxicology separation.

How old is mushrooms allowed to enter into the diet? What is this product useful? What do specialists recommend?

The health of the kid largely depends on how high-quality and correct will be its power. And not all products from the diet of adults will be useful to children. Therefore, many parents want to know how many years you can eat mushrooms and what Pediatricians think about this. There are various opinions about this, but still specialists are united in one: at an early age, the child should not give such heavy food.

Useful properties of mushrooms

Mushrooms man eats up for a long time. This useful and tasty product has a unique chemical composition, which is worth considering in more detail. The favorite "Forest Meat" beloved by many gourmets includes:

  • protein substances. Actually, precisely because of them, the product is considered forest and vegetable meat. At the same time, the mushroom protein is absorbed poorly due to the hard-free fiber;
  • carbohydrates. Included in the product, but practically not digested, again due to the fiber contained in mushrooms;
  • fats. These substances in significant quantities are available in the rims, champignons, white mushrooms - it is these varieties that are easiest to be assisted by a children's organism;
  • sugar substances. Provide original pleasant taste;
  • smithful substances. The most saturated with their freight, the waves are varieties with sharp, specific taste. They are not recommended for children, especially for the first dating product;
  • minerals are made in abundance: it is phosphorus and potassium, magnesium and iron, copper and manganese;
  • vitamins: A, D, C, PP and Groups B. By the number of vitamins from the subgroup in "Forest Meat" exceeds cereal. In white mushrooms, brezers, whales, chanterelles and boomines are contained niacin;
  • enzymes. Useful components included in edible varieties. They accelerate the splitting of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Most of all enzymes in champignons;
  • organic acids. Contribute to strengthening immunity.

An animal glycogen starch is also a particular value, which is part of the product, lecithin, amino acids, antioxidants and ß-glucans.

Product Calorie kcal. Proteins gr. Fats gr. Carbohydrates gr.
White mushroom 34 3,7 1,7 1,1
Podberezoviki 20 2,1 0,8 1,2
Boosynoviki 22 3,3 0,5 1,2
Oily 19,2 0,9 0,4 3,2
Groove 18,5 1,8 0,8 1,1
Champignon 27 4,3 1 1
Lisuki 19 1,5 1 1
Waves 24,5 2,5 0,75 1,7
Ryzhiks 22,3 1,9 0,8 2
Veshinski 38,89 2,98 0,96 5,36

At what age can you give mushrooms?

Doctors are definitely against the inclusion of mushrooms from the forest in the children's diet. And if nevertheless parents want to diversify the child's menu, then for these purposes it is recommended to use only aligned species. So, from what age you can feed the baby with mushroom dishes:

  • Until 2 years - mushrooms can not be for children!
  • It is allowed from 2 years old. Introduction to the diet of the baby of mushroom sauces from oyster or champignon. The chitin content in these varieties is minimal.
  • From five years, you can carefully include mushroom ground seasonings in the children's menu, as well as dishes with fine-dry mushrooms. These dishes can be offered a child no more than two times a month.
  • To seven years, when the formation of a child's digestive system is completed, the children's diet can be expanded with oyster and champignon dishes.
  • The most conservative doctors to the question to how many years can not have fungal dishes for children, call age 10 years, especially if the child has even the slightest deviations in health.

Important! Patients and weakened children giving mushroom dishes is strictly prohibited!

Why do children do not mushrooms?

Can children give mushrooms? Any pediatrician will be categorically against the introduction of children of this product into the diet, especially wild grades. And the reason for such a ban is explained as follows:

  1. With all the utility of "forest meat" for adults, the chemical composition of the product is very dangerous for the children's body. The fact is that the mushrooms contain a special resistant substance - chitin, which is not absorbed by even an adult organism. This substance interferes with normally absorbed and other nutritional components of the product. By the way, it is from chitin consisting of clay arthropods. The human stomach is not under power to cope with this substance, and even more so the stomach of the child. Often this element causes intoxicating a children's body.
  2. Another good reason for the prohibition is that the mushrooms are essentially a sponge absorbing the colossal amount of harmful substances from the outside - from the atmosphere and soil. And since the ecology is far from being perfect, it is terribly even to imagine that it may be in the body of the baby, who dismantled such gifts of nature. And these are heavy metals, pesticides and radionucleides. Moreover, thermal treatment does not affect these substances.
  3. The third and most important reason explaining why children can not mushrooms are doubtful in their edible. There are often cases when even the most experienced mushrooms were mistaken, which led to tragic consequences. Especially dangerous to buy from hand, in this case, edible and poisonous mushrooms can easily be easily in one basket. Or maybe they were assembled along the motorway or in the industrial zone, where they absorbed all harmful substances. Therefore, do not risk your health and health of children!

How to introduce into the children's diet

Like any new product, mushrooms enter into a children's diet in minimal volumes. It can be a mushroom sauce or meat broth with finely chopped oyster. A little later, suggest the cake or vegetable stew with mushrooms. For cooking children's dishes, use only mushroom hats. And, of course, do not insist if the dish does not like the child.

As for fried, salted and pickled mushroom dishes, they can not be given to small children. Marinades, salt and fats are an additional burden on a non-deformed digestive system of the child.

Thermal treatment is always mandatory, in the raw form to give the product to children can not. Of the forest mushrooms allowed for children's nutrition, give preference to varieties 1 and 2 categories. The first category mushrooms are: white, real freight and rims. The second category includes: champignons, butter, duboviki, pink waves, whitens, stabber, aspen, groove. Other varieties in baby diet use is prohibited.

Types, tastes and consequences

How do mushrooms affect the children's body? The general trend of influence can be analyzed by the example of the most popular varieties.

  1. White, Boroviki, brewer and boost. They are considered the best for the preparation of various dishes and conservation. In thermal treatment, part of the beneficial substances will be destroyed, but in general, the product is nutritious and useful. Children's organism is absorbed normally.
  2. Raw or bruising. Passing the heat treatment, this variety is almost completely destroyed and loses its taste. Useless product.
  3. Oil, freight and champignons. The most optimal preparation varieties are: retaining and taste, as well as most of the most useful substances. Children's champignons are especially useful, who have a delicate taste, and there are no heavy fats and proteins, harmful substances. Due to the large carbohydrate content, the children's body will receive a "clean" energy necessary for normal growth and development.
  4. Chanterelles, waves, rims and oysteries. Since these varieties do not grow on the cleanest soils, the question of their utility is controversial. Children give them not recommended.

Poisoning, symptoms and first aid

Poisoning mushrooms in children, unfortunately, not uncommon. What kind of symptoms pay attention to parents in suspected by the poisoning of mushrooms in a child:

  • dizziness, weakness in the body;
  • abundant salivation;
  • increasing abdominal pain, diarrhea;
  • narrowing of pupils;
  • the yellowness of the skin;
  • headaches and hallucinations, fear;
  • spasms, convulsions.

Sometimes the temperature rises, this suggests that the poisoning of a bacterial nature. Such poisoning is successfully treated and rarely ends with fatal outcomes.

What to do in case of child poisoning mushrooms

  1. Do not panic!
  2. Easy to call "ambulance".
  3. Prior to the arrival of the "ambulance" poisoned to bite the blanket, blanket, you can put the heating plates. It is necessary in order to quickly collapsed poisonous gelvellic acid.
  4. To try to find out which mushroom ate the baby, if it happened while walking.
  5. Call an artificial vomiting in a child with plenty of drink, pressing the root of the tongue with clean fingers or a small spoon.
  6. Absorbent, for example, activated carbon, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  7. To drink hot tea.
  8. Put the belly with warm water.
  9. In no case do not give anything acid so as not to provoke the rapid absorption of toxic substances into the body.

Even if the child became easier, do not refuse hospitalization to a medical institution where you can get a laboratory study and get all the assistance in this case.

Mushrooms: delicious or dangerous?

A delicious and useful product - mushrooms, for a children's body can be too heavy and dangerous. Is it worth the sake of dubious delicacy from the forest to risk health and the life of the child? Parents need to think about it. And if you still decide to include mushrooms in the children's diet, let it be guaranteedly proven and aligned varieties. Love and take care of your children!

Mushrooms prepare a wide variety of delicious dishes. Many people love to collect them themselves, saline, marinate, fry, make mushroom pies. But this is not the easiest for the stomach food. In addition, they can cause severe poisoning. Is it possible to prepare mushroom dishes to a child? Most professionals believe that the later the kids will get acquainted with them, the better. In any case, it is categorically prohibited to include them in the children's diet. The child of the older mushrooms can only be given in the form of a soup. In salty and fried form they are harmful.


What is useful mushrooms

Mushrooms are sources of Vitamins A, C, PP Group B. They contain many valuable trace elements: calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and others. They are rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids. There are substances needed to increase immunity, improvement of metabolism. Most of the beneficial substances are in the hats. The legs are practically no nutritional value. In addition, they are chitin, a rough fiber, which is not digested in the stomach of man.

Note: The chicken egg protein is absorbed in the body by 99%, the protein contained in beef is 75%, and the mushroom protein is only 3%. Therefore, to obtain a sufficient amount of protein, you need to eat them so much that it can lead to poisoning.

What harm mushrooms

Parents have the right to decide themselves, from what age to give mushrooms to the child. Only at the same time to take into account the harmful effects of them on the body of the kid:

  1. Hitin is a hindrance for the absorption of nutrients. In addition, it can enhance the allergic effect of other products.
  2. Mushrooms are easy to poison. Many of them have extremely poisonous twins: false whale, false white (so-called satanic). Therefore, feed the child with mushrooms collected on its own, especially dangerous.
  3. The body of mushrooms has a porous structure, so they, like a sponge, absorb harmful substances from the soil and dust, which significantly increases their toxicity.

Before cooking dishes, forest mushrooms are recommended to boil 3 times to 15 minutes, merging water. It helps to get rid of chemicals absorbed by them. But the poisons during heat treatment are not destroyed. But the nutritional value after such boiling is significantly reduced.

Rules of preparation and consumption

  • you can not use mushrooms purchased on the market, as there is no confidence that they are assembled in an environmentally friendly area;
  • large mushrooms need to be finely cut, and the child needs to teach them thoroughly chew them: so they will faster to digest in the stomach;
  • it is not recommended to give a child salty, pickled mushrooms, as they contain salt and vinegar;
  • with frying, a large number of carcinogens are formed, so the fried mushrooms do not give kids;
  • they can be introduced into the diet, not more often than 1-2 times a week, in small portions in the form of soup or sauce, which can be used with buckwheat, potato mashed potatoes without adding oil.

Can I use mushrooms in children's nutrition (the opinion of specialists)

On the issue of the use of mushrooms in baby food there is no consensus even among specialists. The rich content of the useful substances, taste, as well as the traditions of their widespread eating - these are the pros. But there are a lot of minuses. The main one is the increased probability of poisoning.

Pediatrician E. Komarovsky

Dr. E. Komarovsky believes that mushrooms can be included in the nutrition of kids older than 2 years, but not more often 1 time per week (with potatoes or in the form of soup). These must be champignons or oysteries. He notes that many parents doubt that they can bring harm to the child. At the same time, refer to their grandmothers who ranched to children with forest mushrooms, nothing bad happened. It reminds such parents that the environmental situation over the past decades has changed much for the worse. In addition, no one led to the consideration of child mortality associated with the use of mushrooms.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about whether you can give fungi to children

Gastroenterologist Dmitryakova G. N. (Department of Children's Diseases of FPO ZGMU)

At the age of 3 years, the digestive bodies in the kids are not developed so much to digest hard digestible substances contained in the mushrooms: "A child has a minor enzyme the triggelazes that cleaves the carbohydrates of mushrooms," he emphasizes Dmitryakov. Therefore, it does not recommend giving them aged less than 7 -8 years. At the same time, there are healthy children who do not have heart diseases, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract.

Deputy Head of the Department of Sanitary Supervision of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor on the Lipetsk region E. Khvenchuk

He says that up to 12 years old, children can not add mushrooms in salads, pizza, prepare soup from them. Toxicity is preserved even after cooking.

Doctor E. Malysheva, leading TV shows "Live Great"

She considers mushrooms, no matter where they are collected, one of the most dangerous products for children. The content of toxins is too large, even if they are grown in their own vegetable garden. They should not be given to children under 12 years old.

Video: Dangerous for children Products

Mushroom poisoning

The risk of poisoning mushrooms for a child, especially small, is always. Danger exists in the use of fresh products and canned. Even quite harmless to adult, they can be poisonous for the baby, the body of which has increased sensitivity to toxins. Some products enhance their poisoning effect. For example, it is not recommended to drink sour juice, as the acid enhances toxicity.

The first signs of poisoning mushrooms are a metal taste in the mouth, nausea, severe vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. With severe poisoning, convulsions, hallucinations appear, the narrowing of pupils occurs. In suspected poisoning, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of the ambulance is made of stomach, enema, give a drink activated carbon. Ambulance doctors need to be accurately explained to the cause of poisoning to help the help be most effectively.

Video: Forest Mushroom Poisoning

Tip: The systematic inclusion of mushrooms in the child's food can lead to the appearance of gastritis. Kids are unlikely to evaluate the taste features of mushroom dishes, and get useful substances are much easier from other products (meat, fish, vegetables and fruits). At least up to 7 years old (the formation of the digestive system ends to this age), and even better - up to 10 years old mushrooms should not be given.

Fried, salty and pickled mushrooms are an attribute of any festive table. Such dishes are considered a real delicacy, without which it is difficult to imagine an adult diet. However, many parents are wondering, since how many years you can eat mushrooms to children. After all, this is pretty heavy food for a child, sometimes causing serious health effects.

The benefits and harm of mushrooms for children

Among other things, these gifts of nature possess powerful hepatoprotective properties

Many people consider mushrooms absolutely useless food, but it is not. They contain a large amount of protein, vitamins D, groups B, C, A and RR, iron, zinc, potassium and selenium. In addition, the product is rich in special biological substances that contribute to the strengthening of immunity. Due to its antioxidant properties, it helps to remove toxins from the body and prevents the penetration of free radicals.

But despite all positive qualities, mushrooms are considered a rather dangerous product, especially for children. Often from parents you can hear the statement that this product cannot be applied to the children's body, because many of themselves ate him, being children. On the one hand, they are right, but do not lose sight of the fact that recently the ecological situation has deteriorated sharply. Mushrooms have a porous structure like a sponge absorbing all toxins and harmful substances. It is especially acute that the children's body reacts to this, the digestive system of which is not fully formed.

Due to the hygroscopicity of mushrooms and their ability to absorb heavy metals, the potential danger for children is very large

The product includes many chitinic connections that are very poorly digested. It is important to remember the possibility of poisoning with false or conditionally edible mushrooms. It is possible to reduce the risk of intoxication only with the collection of forest gifts in an environmentally friendly place and subsequent thorough culinary processing. It is impossible to buy mushrooms on the market, and it is advisable to use only young mushroom hats, but not fried and not pickled ones. In the diet, they are introduced gradually, starting with seasonings, light sauce or soup.

What mushrooms and at what age you can give kids

Each pediatrician has its own opinion on this. Some allow you to enter mushrooms in the menu from 2 years old, while others categorically prohibit it to use them up to 10 years. Almost half of the specialists insist on the introduction of forest gifts in the period from 2 to 5 years, but also not everything is unambiguous.

It is important to introduce mushrooms gradually, starting with cultural varieties

Starting to get acquainted with the gifts of the forest best with champignons, oyster, oil, smrachkins and weak. They almost do not contain complex proteins for digestion and are better absorbed by a young organism. In second place in the content of the contents of the useful substances are subboles, boroviki and boominess. They are not only rich in vitamins, but also contribute to their rapid and complete learning. The least useful for a baby chanterelle, rhybers and raw materials.

How to introduce into the children's diet

To begin with, it is better to try champignons and only as a dry seasoning to porridge and soups. Then they gradually add to sauces, soups or meat broths. Champignons can be replaced with weak, boring or oils, but using only their caps. No need to listen to reviews of neighbors and acquaintances about the time of introducing mushrooms. Each child has an organism individually, and what is good for one, it will not at all suit the other.

Soup - a dish from which you can start entering the mushrooms into the diet of the child

A little later, if the adaptation to the new product was successful, you can add it in boiled form to stew vegetables or prepare cutlets. In no case cannot feed children fried, pickled, raw and salty mushrooms. After all, the digestive system of a small child is not prepared for the use of vinegar and salt. Therefore, the product should be only boiled, and in several waters, and no more often 1-2 times a month.

What to do in case of poisoning

To choose a child can even with all edible mushrooms if they eate them in large quantities or incorrectly cooked. Although more often to intoxication gives the use of poisonous (false) or conditionally edible mushrooms.

Having tried one small piece, the child risks poison, but not critical. Lost, weak abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea can be observed. The signs of medium severity poisoning include all the same symptoms plus abundant salivation, the narrowing of pupils, a very strong thread in the stomach.

For heavy poisoning, poisonous mushrooms are characteristic:

  • confusion of consciousness;
  • the yellowing of the skin;
  • painful, incessant vomiting;
  • severe weakness;
  • headache;
  • increased pressure.

With the inxication of the Made of the Moon to the described symptoms, convulsions, change in pupils, hallucinations, increased sweating, excitation are added.

Parents should know how to provide the first help the child in poisoning mushrooms

With the development of a child of such a state, parents should not be in panic, but to act coolly and competently. First of all, it is necessary to call an ambulance, but as long as it arrives, try to make a stomach wash. For this, the child gives a drink as much as possible and pressed the finger or the tip of the spoon on the root of the tongue to cause vomiting. Then you need activated carbon from the calculation of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

The baby must be pretty bitten and put it with the heating places, because the high temperature is destructive effect on globelic acid, provoking severe intoxication. At the same time, the child will sing hot sweet tea, make a cleansing enema. These activities must be made before the emergence of emergency.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky: at what age do children give mushrooms?

Give mushrooms to your children and when, every parent decides itself, but it is worth listening to the opinion of the competent specialist. It is not necessary to hurry with the introduction of forest gifts to the diet to avoid heavy health consequences. The body's body is not adapted to digest such food, so you have to observe extreme caution. Fried and salty mushrooms fall under the ban, and boil them should be as long as possible. Do not rely on the experience of parents or acquaintances, and the introduction of the mushrooms menu will have to treat as much as possible.

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