Can there be nuts on an empty stomach? The benefits and harm of walnuts, the use of partitions, tincture and oil when it is necessary to eat on an empty stomach of nuts with honey

Walnut is incredibly useful, it is not for nothing that it is called a source of life. Different parts of the tree are used in folk and official medicine, cooking and cosmetology. The benefit of the product is difficult to overestimate!

But it is worth remembering, there are contraindications, we will pay attention to the most important aspects of the issue of the benefits and the dangers of walnut for the human body.

This powerful tree with an empty crown has very useful fruits - walnuts. Not many know what particular the benefits bring oily kernels. But in order not to harm for the body, you need to know how much you need to eat them.

In addition to the fact that walnuts are tasty delicacy and ingredient for many dishes, what is the benefit of them in addition to the nutritional value?

The gaughs of walnut, along the outlines resemble the brain, symbolic, the product really positively affects the work of the brain, increases the tone and stimulates memory. Walnut helps to eliminate the problems of the nervous system and the symptoms of stress, normalizes sleep.

Walnut 65% consists of fats, nevertheless, he:

  • normalizes cholesterol, sugar and blood insulin levels,
  • supports the optimal chemical composition of blood,
  • cleans and restores the elasticity of the walls of the vessels,
  • eliminates problems in the work of the heart.

Nuts are useful in atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension.

Despite the high caloric content of walnut, with regular use, it contributes to the burning of fats and build muscle mass. Nuts normalize work and significantly reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.

The popularity of walnut in urology is due to its positive effect on potency. The product eliminates the symptoms of prostatitis, stimulates the production and improves the quality of the seed fluid, and greater the benefits of male organism bring young nuts Or in tandem with honey.

For women, the product is especially useful in periods of pregnancy planning, tooling the fetus and during feeding.

If you include walnut in your food diet, you need to ask what and to whom it can be harmful. Curly coder fetal cores have a number of contraindications and about it in detail.

Despite the huge benefit of walnut, sometimes he can harm Contraindications:

  • allergies to protein or walnut, in critical cases, the use of the product can lead to anaphylactic shock;
  • walnut cannot be used with diseases such as eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria, diathesis, psoriasis, there is a risk of exacerbation;
  • the product helps to cope with overweight, but it contains a lot of calories, independently include walnut in the diet for weight loss;
  • the product is useful in indiscriminate stomach, but it is contraindicated in the case of an acute form of intestinal disorder, complications are possible in the form of colitis;
  • pancreatitis, increased blood clotting, acute form of gastritis and intestinal disorder, colitis and stomach ulcers.

It is impossible to eat darkened and molded nuts, they began the process of developing dangerous toxin.

Walnuts having a powerful stock of vitamins, minerals, fats and amino acids, it is necessary to know when it is better to eat and there should be a day portion. Pour natural product in the morning or in the evening - read below.

Walnut calorieen, it is recommended to use it until lunch. So that the body has enough time to spend all calories. Otherwise, it will remain in stock in the form of unnecessary kilograms. Checking the nucleists should be very carefully.

The daily rate of product consumption for a healthy person is no more than 5 nuts or 100 g.

Systematic use of walnut is a guarantee:

  • healthy body,
  • excellent immunity
  • and preserve youth!

In the treatment of diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding, the amount is coordinated with the doctor. Excess daily rate may even harm a healthy person.

In conclusion, summarize. Walnuts can, how to benefit and harm for the human body. If there are doubts whether to include the product in the daily diet and how much you need to eat per day, it is better to consult with a specialist.


Nuts and honey themselves are very useful, but if you combine these two ingredients, it turns out a real bomb. 400 grams of such a means can replace the full meal and fully saturate the body with all the necessary substances.

But it is worth remembering that nuts with honey brought only the benefit of them need to be made correctly and properly use, observing the dosage.

The classic nuts recipe with honey includes walnuts, so the table presented shows the composition of this particular product.

  • Antioxidants;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Pantoten;
  • Folate;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Useful micro and macroelements to which iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc relate to;
  • Also as part of Möday can be found fructose and glucose.


  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Oily oil, which includes glycerides;
  • Vitamin K and P;
  • A huge amount of protein;
  • Amino acids.

The concentration of all listed substances is high enough, so honey nuts are considered one of the most useful products. In addition to Walnuts, you can use almonds, pistachios, cashews, etc. It is also recommended to prepare nuts with honey with the addition of various dried fruits or lemon, which are able to enrich the composition and make the tool even more useful.


Honey is an excellent conductor for all trace elements that are part of walnuts, thereby enhancing their useful properties. Such a means is used as auxiliary treatment with various diseases, but most often nuts with honey are used to replenish spent physical, nervous and mental forces.

  • beneficially affects the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • is the prevention of a heart attack;
  • relieves fatigue and gives the forces of organisms;
  • increases mental activity;
  • bodriti well;
  • improves mood;
  • removes headaches during migraine;
  • improves sleep;
  • helps with constipation and improper intestinal operation;
  • regular use increases chances of conception;
  • stimulates female sexual attraction;
  • also, such a means is very useful for men, because nuts are natural aphrodisiac. With it, the amount of sperm and blood circulation in the genitals is improved;
  • honey with nuts restores the body of a woman after childbirth and significantly increases the amount of breast milk;
  • no matter how strange it seemed, but honey nuts can be used during a diet. Thanks to its ability to improve the appetite, eaten by the spoon, such a product will help to breakfast well, while maintaining satiety for a long time;
  • also, when the body does not receive the usual calorie quotier, it begins to experience stress, and honey nuts can help remove the nervous tension.

It is worth noting that each nut is used to achieve a specific purpose:

  1. Walnuts are used to restore the body after diseases and various kinds of overvoltages. Such a means helps to increase the body's resistance before infections, besides, walnut is considered the best tool to improve potency;
  2. Almonds well affect the condition of the heart and blood vessels, it also has a choleretic property;
  3. Scientists argue that the regular use of the hazelnut helps in the fight against oncological diseases. It can even;
  4. Peanut helps the body to fill the lost forces;
  5. Cedar nuts help increase appetite and fill the body with a large number of vitamins.

This product is very useful for children. Thanks to it, immunity is enhanced, fatigue is removed, attentiveness and memory improves. Honey nuts help the child to improve school performance and strengthen the body resistance to various diseases, especially such a means during epidemics.

Children often appear allergies or another negative reaction, so parents should closely monitor children's health and introduce such a means gradually.


In addition to the huge number of advantages, under certain conditions, nuts with honey can cause harm to the body. To avoid this situation, you need to know all existing contraindications:

  • serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lung diseases;
  • chronic heart disease;
  • the presence of stones in the bustling bubble or kidneys, including chronic or acute cholecystitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • the presence of any skin diseases;
  • if a person is inclined to extensive weight, the use of nuts with honey can lead to an extra kilogram;
  • allergies may arise into individual components;
  • due to the large amount of sugar, such a product can not eat people with diabetes mellitus.

When eating nuts with honey with the presence of these diseases, their exacerbation may occur and deterioration of the body's condition. It is also worth remembering that in a day you can eat no more than 500 grams of such a product, otherwise the following complications may arise:

  • increase almonds;
  • the appearance of rash in the oral cavity;
  • spasm of vessels and strongest headaches appear.


Following the classic recipe, Nuts with honey are preparing from walnuts, the use of other raw materials and add different components is also allowed:

  1. 600 grams of solid, purified walnuts are poured with 300 milliliters of fresh honey and insist in a cold place for 14 days;
  2. 100 grams of Kuragi are soaked for 30 minutes, then dried and crushed, It is also necessary to turn half a lemon into Cashitz, peeled from peel and seeds. This mixture adds 40 grams of almonds and walnuts. At the last stage, 3 tablespoons of honey add 3 tablespoons. The resulting product needs to be laid at least 10 days;
  3. 200 grams of Kuragi, 200 grams of raisins and 200 grams of prunes are challenged with boiling water, wash under running water and crushed together with a half purified lemon. The resulting mixture is connected with 200 grams of whole walnuts and 250 milliliters of honey. Before use, the mixture must be kept in a cold place for 2-3 weeks;
  4. It is necessary to take 100 grams of almonds, cashews, peanuts and 50 grams of walnut. The resulting assorted is dried in a pan, stirring constantly. After cooling, the mixture is shifted into the bank, and poured 200 milliliters of honey and give it to breed 1-2 weeks;
  5. One of the simplest recipes will be a mixture of 100 grams of cedar nuts and 100 milliliters of honey, it must be insistant 2-3 days;
  6. 200 grams of purified hazelnut fry in a frying pan, cool and mixed with 100 milliliters of honey and insist in a dark place at a cool temperature of 7 days;
  7. To prepare delicious sweets, it is necessary to mix in deep dishes 200 grams of purified whole nuts with a tablespoon of melted cream oil and 3 tablespoons of honey. Then the mixture is laid out on the parchment and are sent to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. At the same time, nuts periodically stir so that they are not burned. And after the delicacy is withdrawn from the oven, it continues to stir, so that nuts do not stick.

There are several tricks, following which the cooked tool will be as useful as possible:

  • it is best to acquire crude nuts and natural honey;
  • nuts either are not crushed at all, or slightly break their hands;
  • it is recommended to mix nuts with honey only with wooden objects;
  • a glass can is used as a container;
  • first, nuts are folded into the bank, and then poured with honey;
  • the lid is taken to construct from paper or parchment;
  • most often, such a means insist in the refrigerator or in another cool place, the waiting time on average is 1-2 weeks.

If honey nuts use for medicinal purposes, then some rules should be followed:

  • it is best to eat one teaspoon of a mixture in the mornings on an empty stomach, breakfast after 30 minutes;
  • the duration of the course of treatment is 1 month.

Children give no more than half a teaspoon per day.

Honey with nuts is not only useful, but also a very tasty tool. However, it is necessary to remember the presence of contraindications and be sure to comply with the dosage.

So that the body is healthy, it is necessary to eat correctly. The first meal is very important, so it is desirable to ensure that it falls into an empty stomach. After all, many products and drinks are not recommended to use an empty stomach, but not everyone knows about it. Among unwanted - fresh juices from citrus and citrus, coffee, yogurt themselves and other products.

A full breakfast will give good well-being and charges energy for the whole day. And this will help food that can be used on an empty stomach .

20 best products that can be on an empty stomach

Honey contains a lot of useful vitamins and components. This product is not only delicious, but also helps to strengthen the immune system. Especially useful product of beekeeping on an empty stomach - the use of honey in the morning helps to wake up the body after sleep and charge it with cheerfulness, as well as intensify the vitality and brain work.

Useful components of honey are well absorbed when dissolved in warm water, but dissolving honey in hot water, we destroy the healing properties of the product.

In general, the honey drink is useful not only in the morning, but before bedtime.

2. Oatmeal

This is one of the safest products for food digestion. And all thanks to the unique properties of oatmeal to curl the stomach and remove it from the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid. Oatmeal also contains a large amount of fiber, which helps to reduce cholesterol.

3. Rice porridge

Rice is a natural absorbent that helps to clean the body from harmful slags and toxins, strengthens the heart and nervous system, removes excess salts. He also envelops the walls of the esophagus and the stomach, which is very useful to people who suffer from ulcers or gastritis. It should be remembered that the most useful components contains an unlightened brown rice.

4. Dredged wheat grains

This unique product is very useful to eat in the morning. The gentle grade is not in vain called the elixir of life - wheat contains a large amount of vitamins E and B, calcium, folic acid and magnesium, helps to run the operation of the digestive organs, stabilizes the metabolism, displays toxins. On an empty stomach enough to use 2 tablespoons of grains.

5. Warry

Buckwheat porridge contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, iron, protein, and gently affects the host of the intestines, so perfect for breakfast.

6. Corn porridge

This cereal has a pleasant taste and fragrance. Not in vain it is called the queen of the table - after heat treatment, the corn croup saves all useful properties. Such porridge positively affects the nervous system, normalizes the intestinal microflora, removes harmful substances and heavy fats, strengthens the immune system. Nutritionists recommend using cornpall for breakfast to better saturate the body for the coming day.

7. Wheat porridge

Those who wish to get rid of excess weight without harm to health, nutritionists recommend to use wheat porridge not only in the morning, and at any other time of day, since it is low-calorie, but at the same time very nutritious. Wheat cereals and bran contain a lot of quite useful for the intestine. In addition, such a porridge has a beneficial effect on the vessels, removes toxins, strengthens the immune system.

8. Eggs

This product is for breakfast like to use many, and not in vain - the eggs are very nutritious: they contain useful lecithin, vitamins of group B, D, and A, light protein, and do not irritate the gastric mucosa. And to use better boiled eggs and omelet with stewed vegetables than the glazing fried on the oil.

9. Whole-grain bread without yeast

10. Right sandwich

It is not recommended to use white bread sandwiches with sausage and cheese. But cereal bread or whole grain bread is an excellent choice. You can add a loaf with a slice of low-fat cheese, greens, boiled chicken breast or a piece of baked fish. And if there is a properly cooked homemade jam, then a delicious breakfast is provided!

11. Stew vegetables

Raw vegetables, such as tomatoes and cucumbers, are not recommended on an empty stomach, but stewed - just right: they do not damage the gastric mucosa, but on the contrary stimulate the peristaltics. For those who follow their figure and weight, this is an excellent choice. From canned vegetables on an empty stomach also better refuse.

12. Vegetable SUP

Vegetable soup useful to use an empty stomach. This option is well suited to those who wake up late. Such a light dish perfectly learns and has a beneficial effect on the host of the intestine, cleanses the stomach from toxins and activates its functioning. Nutritionists recommend including vegetable soups into the diet to those who suffer from gastritis or ulcers.

13. Steam fish cutlets

Dietary fish cutlets for a couple are well suitable for breakfast. The benefits of fish for the body are indisputable: it contains a lot of useful elements - calcium, iron, selenium, phosphorus, iodine, protein. Fish dishes contribute to a decrease in cholesterol levels, saturated with a protein, improve vision, increase the life expectancy. And the cutlets cooked for a pair are easily absorbed and not irritated to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

14. Curd casserole

Such a dish will like everyone who does not like fresh cottage cheese. And he must be in the diet! Therefore, the casserole is an excellent way out, because the cottage has many useful substances, especially indispensable for our organism. From a huge number of recipes, everyone can choose breakfast in the shower. The casserole is well absorbed, it does not cause problems with digestion and quickly saturates, and in combination with fruits and nuts, it will be a favorite sweet bowling dish.

15. Baked apples

Excellent breakfast option - baked apples. This dish is especially useful to people who have problems with stomach and digestion. Instead of sugar, put in the middle of the fruit honey and walnuts - such a mix will saturate the body with a mass of useful substances. According to doctors, baked apples are useful in dysbacteriosis, help to get rid of the constipation and improve digestion after surgical interventions on the abdominal cavity.

16. Homemade Muesli

Of course, Muesli can be bought in the store, but it is better to cook their homes and to your taste - it will be more useful and healthier. You can take oatmeal, honey, plowed walnut, apple, lemon and water as ingredients. The proportions can be taken at will. Such a dish is much more tastier than simple oatmeal, and contains a lot of useful vitamins and microelements, which improve the operation of the digestive organs and charge the energy.

17. Walnut

If you need to eat quickly, nuts will come to the rescue. When using their empty stomach, the digestive system will work much better. Walnut contributes to the normalization of the acidity of the gastric juice, and the heart and nervous system are strengthened with regular use, the work of the brain is improved.

18. Blueberry

This northern forest berry is useful to regularly use in the morning. It contributes to both vision, bone strengthening, cleansing the intestines from slags, normalizes metabolic processes in the body. It is also useful to use blueberries as a prophylactic remedy for thrombus and infarction.

19. Prunes

Most nutritionists advise to use prunes of an empty stomach to help the digestion process in the morning. This tasty dried fruit contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins that will give a charge of cheerfulness and energy for the whole day. This is a wonderful replacement of chips and crackers that contain many harmful components and chemistry in their composition.

20. Watermelon

This delicious and all beloved berry is an excellent breakfast option. Watermelon gives the body the right amount of fluid, so it can be used on an empty stomach. It also contains lipikon, which is necessary for the health of the heart and excellent vision. Very useful regularly there is a watermelon with those who suffer from anemia. But pears and beloved by all bananas on an empty stomach is not recommended.

What drinks best drink an empty stomach

Most of us believe that it is best for breakfast to drink coffee or freshly squeezed juice from an orange, but it is rooted incorrectly! Citrus contain fruit acids, which, when entering an empty stomach, can lead to gastritis, allergies and ulcers. It is harmful to the hungry stomach and coffee, as it is annoying the mucous membrane. These drinks are better to drink during the day.

Also on an empty stomach can not drink carbonated drinks and cold water - they violate and make it difficult to the process of digestion.

Useful drinks on an empty stomach:

  • On the hungry stomach nutritionists advise to drink a glass of water Room temperature is either warm - it activates the intestines and helps digestion. If the stomach is healthy, you can add lemon juice into the water.
  • Honey drink is useful. The main thing as has already been said - not dissolve honey in hot water.
  • You can also drink a cup of invigorating tea for breakfast. - Green, fruit or herbal.

Many know about the benefits of nuts with honey and potential harm of the product, but few people pay due attention to the correctness of the preparation and reception. But this mass has quite bright properties and in its efficiency can be compared with some drugs. Before entering the healing product in its diet, you should familiarize yourself with its features. Otherwise, instead of the desired improvement of health, new problems will have to solve.

Chemical composition of the classic nut-honey mixture

The classic recipe for a honey and nut mixture involves the use of walnuts and any kind of liquid honey. In some cases, additional ingredients are introduced into the composition, but the combinations of these two products are sufficient to count on receiving positive results for both men and beautiful ladies.

Such substances deserve special attention as part of honey:

  • Vitamins of group V.
  • Minerals.
  • Glucose and.
  • Natural antioxidants.

Their action will be complemented by chemical compounds present in the composition of walnuts:

  • Vitamins C, K and R.
  • Fixed oils.
  • Protein substances.
  • Amino acids.

This only at first glance it seems that the useful components are not so much. In fact, combinations of these substances launch important chemical reactions, which leads to therapeutic effects. Even the basic recipe for nuts with honey allows you to obtain the results for which you can calculate only when using drugs.

Use of nuts with honey for the body

Honey in the composition of the unique mixture properties acts not only as a source of useful substances, but also a conductor. Its physical data allow multiple times to enhance the effectiveness of biologically active ingredients. Even in the absence of testimony, the mixture can be obtained from it, which is enough for a whole day.

Regardless of which recipe is used to prepare nut-honey mass, it will give such results:

  • Elimination of minor problems in the work of the heart and blood vessels. The elasticity of vascular walls rises, the heart muscle strengthened. This contributes to stimulating the work of the heart, reducing the risk of infarction. Unpleasant tingling behind the sternum cease or become much less common.

Tip: protein, which is rich in walnuts, is very different from an analogue of animal origin. It is faster and fully absorbed by the body, providing muscle fibers with building material. Therefore, athletes should not replace this basic ingredient with some other nuts.

  • Normalization of the psychological state.A mixture of nuts and honey can be used as natural antidepressants. They restore the supply of internal forces, improve the mood, return the vigor of the spirit. Mass elneps the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome and activates the brain.
  • Elimination of certain types of disabilities.Nutritional mixture normalizes the processes of digestion, which helps to fight constipation. Still mass increases appetite, which is very important when a body weight deficiency. Systematic or coursewood use of nuts with honey eliminates insomnia and reduces headaches during migraine.
  • Strengthening immunity.Thanks to the abundance of vitamins and the ability to gently purify the intestines, a nut-honey dessert increases the protective properties of the body. For this reason, it is recommended to include adults and children in the diet before starting the seasonity of the cold.

The billet on the basis of natural products perfectly quenches the hunger and satisfies the needs of the body in sweet. If you enter it in the menu, you can abandon the mass of delicious, but not very useful products and dishes that negatively affect health.

Use of nuts with honey for men and women

Honey, combined with nuts, has a special impact on the reproductive system of women and the male organism. If you use a sweet dish as a medicinal product, you can solve a number of problems.

Nut-honey mixture for women useful for such reasons:

  1. Mass enhances the sexual attraction of fine sex representatives.
  2. It increases the likelihood of conception and even contributes to healing from certain types of infertility.
  3. The product is useful for nursing mothers. It not only enhances the lactation without changing the composition of milk, but also helps to recover faster after pregnancy, childbirth.

No less useful composition for men. It stimulates blood circulation in the intimate zone, which allows you to count on the restoration of a number of fastened functions. The course intake of nuts with honey enhances the sexual attraction, normalizes the sexual function, improves the composition of the seed fluid, increasing the activity of spermatozoa.

Nuts with honey in dietology

Having studied the benefits and damage nuts with honey, you can proceed to their introduction into the diet. Many women arrive in confidence that sweet and calorie mass can be used to reduce weight. This is a myth that is not confirmed by practical results. Quite the opposite, the violation of the product use of the product may cause extra kilograms. So that this does not happen to those who are trying to lose weight, you need to clearly comply with the following rules:

  1. You should not add products to classic recipe that will add calorie to it.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to eat only honey with nuts, even if it is possible to stay in the framework of daily caloric content. Such experiments lead to the development of allergies, gastritis, the emergence of burns on the mucous membrane of the mouth.
  3. Regardless of the diet you need to eat no more than 1 tablespoon of nuts with honey, drinking them with a glass of pure drinking water.
  4. Only after half an hour after receiving the composition you can proceed to breakfast. During the day, there is no mass in any quantities.
  5. After exiting a diet, it is necessary to continue to eat honey for about the same scheme for about a month. This will not break from proper nutrition.

This approach to nutrition is relevant for men and for women. To some extent, it even improves the efficiency of the diet. The mood does not deteriorate, the stressful situations do not occur, the hunger does not torment so much.

Nuances of eating nut-honey mixture

To start treating the composition of honey and nuts, it is not enough to choose a suitable recipe, prepare a mass and turn it on in the diet. You need to learn several rules, which will help reduce all potential risks and get from folk therapy only benefit:

  1. Nuts for the composition should be in the shell. It is necessary to clean them immediately before the compound of the components. Honey take natural, liquid, with apiary. Popular honey mousses today are not suitable!
  2. Do not grind nuts, there will be more benefit from whole. If you want to divide them on large pieces, it should be done with your hands. But the partitions are emitted.
  3. In the process of preparation, metal containers and tools cannot be used.
  4. The finished mixture should bloom in the refrigerator within 2-4 weeks. Cover it is better not by the caproic lid, but homemade, of paper.
  5. A nut-honey mixture is used in the morning, an empty stomach, 1 tea or tablespoon.
  6. After the month of receiving the product, you need to take a break in 2-3 weeks.

If you want to add auxiliary ingredients, you need to work with the same scheme. Just do not use more than 4-5 components. Many in this case does not mean well.

Honey harm with honey

The violation of the recommended dosages and rules for the use of nuts with honey can lead to the development of a number of side effects. They are different - from the appearance of signs of allergies, which never had before rapid weight gain. In addition, before the start of therapy, you need to be convinced of the absence of contraindications. These include:

  • A tendency to a weight set.
  • Diabetes.
  • Acute and some chronic diseases of the digestive organs.
  • A history of allergy on food.
  • Chronic heart disease and vessels.
  • Problems with respiratory authorities.
  • Stones in the kidneys or a bustling bubble, inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the joints.
  • Any dermatitis and pathological skin rashes.

The exclusive healing properties of walnuts are known for a long time. The fruits of this tree were recommended to use for treatment and hippocrates, and Avicenna. The richest composition of the useful substances that contain walnuts make it a universal medicinal product, including for the stomach, or the basis for creating them, ingredient culinary dishes.

Walnut has beneficial properties that have a positive effect on the body.

Beneficial features

Walnuts and other parts of this plant are widely used due to unique filling with vitamins, acids, microelements and other components. They found use in medicine and to get rid of gastric agers.


The volume of utility substances reaches 95% of the mass of the fetus. Nuts contain everything you need to maintain the body in the tone: proteins, fats and carbohydrates - up to 20, 77 and 15%, respectively. On a day, it is enough to use about 5 - 6 purified nucleoli (30 g). Such a number of nuts, for example, contains a daily need for omega-3. The cores of fruits accommodate indispensable amino acids, antioxidants. The thin skin of the nut fill up to 90% of the phenol (including the main acidic derivatives), tanning ve

The composition of walnuts includes a large number of useful substances

society and flavonoids. Ripe walnut fruits are rich:

  • carotene;
  • essential oil;
  • elagova, Galovoy and Linolenic acids;
  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins of groups B, A, K, E (in the form of gamma-tocopherol), C, PP;
  • quinon, yuglon;
  • gallotanins, Sitosterons, etc.

Table 1. The content of the useful substances in Walnut Walnut.


Walnut bones have increased fat content (up to 65%). In 100 g of substance contained 15.24 mg of protein, 6.7 mg of fiber. All the same 100 g cores will bring 650 kcal to the body. Therefore, when they are introduced into the dietary menu, a diet should be reduced, the energy value of which is replaced by nuts (for example, meat, etc.). At the same time, the properties of the nut pulp, while respecting the measure, do not lead to a massac. Nuts that give a feeling of rapid saturation are allowed to use at least once a week.

Action on gastric secretion

Nuts, getting into the stomach, optimize microflora composition, improving metabolism. The most important factor in influence on the digestive system is the normalization of the secretion of gastric juice. This phenomenon takes place both in lengthy and at once reception. Against this background, it is noted to stop pain and reduce dyspeptic manifestations.

Treatment of walnuts of gastric diseases

The ailments of the digestive system are amenable to therapeutic effects of various types of walnut wood raw materials. This applies to both chronic diseases and temporary states.

Ulcerative disease

It is characterized by periodic exacerbations during which nuts are not recommended to eat nuts. Before use of the designated diet during periods of remission, they should be chopped. They are used as a regenerating and reinforcing agent to eliminate the inflammatory process.

Seasonal manifestations (spring and autumn) characteristic of the disease well propagate the use of an empty stomach in the morning from 5 to 6 nuts cleaned on the eve in the evening. The duration of therapy is 1 month (it is important to not exceed the dosage). Such treatment of the illness is accompanied by simultaneous liver recovery.

The next recipe implies use:

  • 4 - 5 pieces of lemons;
  • 1st kg of kuragi;
  • 1st kg of raisins;
  • 1 kg of chief walnuts.

The ingredients are crushed, thoroughly mixed with 1-kg of honey and placed in glass jars. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator (before use it is stirred). It is accepted on the 1st tablespoon three times during the day 0.5 hours before meals. The course lasts until the end of the mixture. It is permissible to repeat a month later.

Effective healing drug - Nut milk. For the preparation of grinding 20 g of nut nuclei, pour 0.1 liters with heated boiled water. The solution is thoroughly shaken and filtered. Then it is added to it from 1st to 2 dessert spoons of honey. The liquid is drunk on a 1st teaspoon 30 minutes before meals from 5 to 6 times during the day.

Inflammation of the stomach

Nuts of nuts are used with inflammation of the stomach

The inflammatory process in the stomach reliably and promptly breaks the alcohol tincture. For preparation for 1 liter of alcohol, the kernel of 30 nuts of dairy ripeness is required. Walnut pulp is crushed to thin "circles" and poured with alcohol. The solution insists 14 days in a dark place at a temperature of about 20 degrees.

Then the means is fastened, bottled into the glass containers, is blocked. It is drinking in volume from the 1st dessert to the 1st tablespoon three times during the day before meals in 30 minutes. Pre-dose dilute ½ cup of water. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor.


The recipe consisted in the previous paragraph disseminates therapeutic effect on the stomach disorder. Recommended when diarrhea use the leaves of the walnut tree. It will take from 1st to 2 dessert spoons of dry crushed leaves. They are brewed in the 1st cup of steep boiling water. After cooling, the decoction is filtered and drinking ½ cups for a day 2 - 3 times.

The modified recipe assumes to create a binder effect to use in terms of 1: 1: 2 (unit unit - 1 tablespoon) dry crushed leaves: raspberries, currants, walnuts. The mixture of components is brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water, focused after cooling and is accepted similarly to the previous recipe.


In order to treat, not only ripe nuts are used. Use green fruits and peel, roots, bark and wood foliage, shell and inner partitions, etc. They are used to prepare tinctures, brazers, trousers, compresses and food.

Partitions of walnuts

From partitions of walnuts prepare therapeutic tincture

The separation plate existing in the nut core is usually ejected. However, this is a healing component applied from many diseases. For example, the alcohol tincture on partitions contributes to the treatment of colitis. For its preparation, 3 tablespoons of crushed partitions and 0.2 liters of vodka will be required. The raw material is poured with vodka, insists in the dark from 7 to 10 days. Then, after polling, the infusion is taken from 3 to 4 times during the day 10 drops, diluted with the 1st tablespoon of water. After the course duration of 2 months colitis will retreat.

The decoction on the water is prepared from ½ cup of ground partitions, which are poured with 3 glasses of water. The mixture is boiled 10 minutes. After cooling and filtering, the decoction is bottled in the container and stored in a cool place. It is accepted by ½ cup before meals in 30 minutes.