How to teach a child to write letters. How to teach a child to write: working methods, useful games. The stage of learning to write in block letters

Modern pedagogy is increasingly leaning towards early learning methods. If earlier children learned to read and write when they entered school, now parents are trying to teach their child to write at a younger preschool age. What is the optimal age? How to teach a child to read and write and not harm? Let's try to figure it out in order.

When to start teaching your child to write?

Writing is a complex process. Teachers insist that there is no rush to learn cursive letters and numbers. A preschool kid is simply not ready for this, and here's why:

  • Fine motor skills of the hands are not developed, there is a slowdown in the coordination of neuromuscular regulation and vision, ossification of the phalanges of the fingers has not reached its final stage. That is, the child's physical and mental state is not ready for calligraphic writing!
  • Each sign has its own writing algorithm. If parents do not have special pedagogical education, it will not be possible to help children draw letters technically correctly. Most likely, they will learn the wrong spelling sequence and will have to be retrained in first grade.
  • Early start of training threatens with bad handwriting. To develop a beautiful handwriting, a child needs to spend a lot of time. At preschool age, children perceive any information through play. It is unlikely that they will be able to concentrate on writing the same symbols for a long time.
  • Children are poorly guided in notebooks. Experts insist that writing is difficult for preschoolers, because they have not yet mastered such concepts as left-right, close-far, top-bottom. As a result, the child does not stick to the line when writing letters and numbers.

In organizing calligraphic writing, not only the teaching technique is important, but also the correct seating of the child at the table, the position of the hands, notebooks, the ability to perceive information, the sequence of its presentation.

However, you can work with children! To make it easier for the student to learn to write in the first grade, the preschool period should be devoted to preparing for the development of writing.

The optimum age for literacy classes is 4.5–5 years old. If you start practicing during this period, then by the age of 5-6 the preschooler will be ready to write printed letters, and by 6-7 - capital letters.

On the other hand, the complete disregard of preschool education by parents threatens that the child simply does not want to learn in the future. It will be difficult for him to perceive new information and learn new skills. He may lag behind his classmates. Teachers admit that if a child is not taught basic skills before the age of 6-7, they will have difficulty working with prescriptions. Such children, for example:

  • They do not know how to hold a pen;
  • They are not familiar with the workbook;
  • Turn it the wrong side, upside down for convenience;
  • Draw letters and numbers that are too small or large.

Conclusion: it is possible and necessary to deal with the five-year plan, however, preparation for writing should take the lion's share of the process, and not actively mastering it.

How to organize the process of teaching writing?

There is one general rule for classes with children 5 years old: all tasks should be asked and performed in a playful way. However, already at this age it is necessary to teach the future student discipline. Have him sit down for lessons every day for 10-15 minutes. You can't force! Especially if the child does not succeed. Better to put aside the difficult place and come back to it later.

Follow these guidelines to help children complete assignments correctly:

    • Teach your toddler to properly hold his back at the table. Show how the workbook should be laid (at an angle relative to the baby's chest), how to hold a pen or pencil.
  • Skip letters and numbers. Start with simple elements: sticks, hooks. You need to go to the closure of the lines smoothly. Draw circles and ovals. Make sure that the baby places the symbols strictly in the cage.
  • Do not be afraid of dictations. Only dictations are needed not classical. The child is not yet able to reproduce the whole text. But he will master the dictation on the account completely, for example, "two cells down, five cells to the left" and the like.
  • Shade. Shading will help children to move their hand correctly under visual control. Let the kid learn to move a pencil or pen horizontally, vertically, diagonally.
  • Color the pictures. The exercise does not apply to writing, but it teaches you to use your hand, to moderately press the pen on the paper. More coordination appears in hand movements.
  • Use carbon paper. Choose a simple drawing and ask the kid to "interrupt" the image on paper. Through this interesting, simple exercise, your child will learn to write with a firm, confident hand.

In parallel with writing, engage in the development of small motor function.

The following exercises have a good effect:

We write correctly: attention to the letter!

The child should be aware of what is written. He needs to learn which letters to write before he begins to transfer them into a notebook. In other words, he needs to memorize the alphabet. He should be guided by how this or that symbol looks. To simplify the task, buy ready-made recipes. They, as a rule, have examples of how the sign should look, and the algorithm for its writing is shown in detail.

Explain to your child what a line is. All symbols must be within its boundaries, not below or above. Literacy lessons can be done as a game. Invite your child to compare what is written with living and nonliving objects around him. For example, "O" looks like a sun, a lifebuoy, an inflatable balloon, and "C" is like a crescent moon, "U" is like a slingshot. Thanks to this, the child will remember the letters faster.

As you master a new symbol, show your child how to write it. Repeat the algorithm several times until he remembers the sequence. Be sure to comment on your actions, for example, “We are now learning how to write letters and numbers. This is the letter C. We draw the line from top to bottom, smoothly, without closing the line. "

You can first "register" the sign in the air. Take the baby by the brush and draw the necessary lines with him. Let him repeat after you yourself. Then go to the notebook. Wrap your hand around his brush and help draw the symbol. After that, the kid must complete the task on his own.

To make the little student more comfortable, adhere to these rules:

  • Praise the way your child draws letters. Cheer up! This is a difficult skill that cannot be mastered in one day. Be patient.
  • Don't scold your baby. If you get angry, he may lose any desire to learn for a long time.
  • Do not hurry. Children are different by the type of nervous system. Your little one may need more time to memorize. But in the process, he will develop good visual and muscle memory.
  • Start with simple tasks. If it is difficult for the baby, take a "step back" and offer him a simple exercise, such as connecting dots or dashed lines.
  • Give your baby room to take action. Encourage self-reliance. Don't rush to draw a line instead.

How to choose a recipe?

As mentioned above, copybooks are a great helper for parents. The modern market is littered with all kinds of literacy aids. For a kid to be able to learn to write, you need to know what a good writing should look like. Below are the general requirements for benefits of this kind:

  • The character pattern should be repeated 3 times in a line, and not 1-2 times only in the first line. When writing, a preschooler focuses on a symbol that catches his eye. And when filling out the recipes, he will not look at the upper letters, but at those that he has already written himself. If he did not print them neatly enough or with errors, each subsequent character will look worse. That is why it is important that the typographic letter is repeated as much as possible and in all lines.
  • It is important that the writing begins not with full-fledged letters, but with icons. The manual should go from simple to complex. In this case, it will be much easier for the baby to come to the desired result. In addition, simple tasks bring positive emotions from success, which will additionally motivate the preschooler to learn.
  • As mentioned above, choose writing with printable characters, and only when the letters begin to be given to the child easily, go to uppercase characters.
  • Focus on age. Sometimes the manuals indicate the age of the preschooler. Notebooks for younger children differ in that there are more pictures, games may be present. In manuals for older children, there are syllables, and not just individual symbols. Often, authors insert rhymes in which the desired letter is often found. You can memorize them at your leisure.

Learning numbers

Getting started writing mathematical signs, you need to learn how to count to 10. When studying numbers with a child, it is important to decompose them into elements. It will be easier for a preschooler to remember the algorithm for writing them. When explaining the technique to your baby, be sure to point out the key points in this process. In order for him to successfully master it, he will need the following skills:

  • Free orientation in the workbook. The kid should know the right and left side, the upper and lower limits of the cells, the lines.
  • Understanding the boundaries of the cell. He should easily find its center point, corners, sides, their midpoints.
  • Visual division of the cell into four squares.
  • Ability to write with a slant. Show the child the slope by conventionally drawing a diagonal line.

Only after acquiring the listed skills, the student is ready to perform more complex tasks - writing numbers.

Choosing the right recipe with numbers

The manuals in which letters and numbers are printed are similar to each other. They are compiled according to the same principle. When choosing useful recipes, you need to be especially careful. It is desirable that they be structured as follows:

  • The main symbols come first. They should be highlighted (in black or bold) and clearly visible. The baby will be guided by them, performing the next exercise.
  • Then there should be three symbols with a dotted line (or with a paler paint). The child will circle these numbers with a pen.
  • Then there is an empty space. The student must repeat the symbol himself without the dotted line. The first characters in the line will serve as a guideline for it. The option when bold example numbers are printed at regular intervals throughout the line is ideal. It will be easier for the kid to "grab" them visually.

Algorithm of writing on the example of "0" and "1"

It is important to explain to the student that the height of the sign always coincides with the height of the cell. In writing, it occupies almost all of its cavity. The right side of the sign is in contact with the cell. Let's get acquainted with the writing technique using the example of zero and one:

  • "0". We visually find a point in the center of the cell. We make a half oval to the right. Then we draw a diagonal line to the middle of the lower side of the cell. We end the movement with a wavy line at the top. And we connect the line.
  • "1". Place the dot a little higher from the center of the cage. Then draw a line from the center point to the top right corner. Draw a diagonal line to a place that is conventionally located in the middle of the lower limit of the cell.

So, you can study letters and numbers with your child before school. The optimal age is 4.5–5 years with a gradual transition from printed to capital letters at 6–7 years of age. Any training during this period should take place easily and naturally. Use play when introducing new and reinforcing old information or skills.

Focus on your baby's mood. Never force him to study and do not drag out the lessons for a long time. 10-15 minutes of regular exercise every day is enough to master basic writing skills, which will help further your studies in the first grade.

"Write different letters twith a feather in a notebook
They teach at school, atchat at school, uchat at school ... "

Looking in the notebook of her child, a schoolboy, every second mother asks the question "How to teach a child to write beautifully?" And what do we generally mean by beautiful handwriting, is it needed at all? Is it necessary to teach a preschooler to write so that a beautiful handwriting is formed at school?

More and more often we are faced with the problem of poor handwriting in children. The trend is this: writing by hand today is less and less. Abstracts and reports typed on a computer at school, notes on a printed basis at the institute, SMS instead of letters in envelopes, e-cards instead of traditional congratulations on paper ... But! Nobody has canceled the writing lessons yet! The sufferings of first-graders who bowed their heads over the copybooks are familiar to every parent. We will try to figure out how to help schoolchildren and teach children to write beautifully, competently and accurately.

Why does a child have difficulty learning to write

Teaching a child to write is much more difficult than teaching him to read. It is a fact! First, let's figure out what causes the greatest difficulties in learning to write:

  • New requirements.

For a long time, the child has to maintain the same posture (sit at a desk, you cannot get up, turn around), look in one direction and at the same time constantly strain the brain. He is unaccustomed to the activity that he masters (writing), he must constantly monitor his actions, which have not yet been brought to automatism.

Do I need to teach my child to write before school

Most psychologists point out the benefits of early child development, but with one significant caveat. “The sphere of early development includes only what the child can learn playfully, without effort. And everything that requires persistent, systematic work from him is in the exclusive competence of the school. "

Teaching a child to write at home before school is a sensitive issue. Firstly, not every parent can boast of their own beautiful handwriting and knowledge of calligraphy. Therefore, most likely she will not be able to show a decent example of how to write correctly and beautifully. Secondly, it was noticed that children who learned to write at an early age quickly deteriorate handwriting. This is because the hand is not yet strong.

Teaching a child to write is easy, you can do it at either four or five years old. BUT! For the handwriting to be beautiful, you need to work out the skill for a long time and persistently, and for kids this is an impossible task purely in physical terms. As a rule, having learned how to write letters, the child begins to use this skill at his own discretion. Parents will no longer be able to stop or control this process. It turns out that the kid will start to write whatever and how at random, as it will be more convenient for him and for what he has enough strength. The handwriting will start to deteriorate and in this form will be fixed as a skill.

Dear parents, take your time to teach your child to write before school! Let the teachers do it. Believe me, no one has finished school yet without being able to write. Everything has its time!

1. Pay attention to the child's workplace. Adjust the height of the table and chair. The child should not reach up to write a line or, conversely, bend into three deaths due to the fact that the table is almost at knee level. The chair should not creak or wobble - this is unnerving and distracting. It is better if it is not on casters (or fix them so that they do not go). The workplace should be in order: no distracting toys, unnecessary items. The light should fall from the left (for right-handers) and from the right (for left-handers). It is recommended to turn on not only the desk lamp, but also the overhead light.

2. Select the correct handle. It should not bend, be too thick or, on the contrary, thin for a child's fingers. Try to choose a pen without various embossed protrusions, buttons that will distract (you really want to press the button once again). The nib should be of medium thickness and the ink should not smudge. It is better to have several handles, because they have a "habit" of getting lost at the most inopportune moment.

Make sure that the child holds the pen correctly: with three fingers - thumb, forefinger and middle, not lower than 1.5–2 cm to the tip of the rod (you can use something to outline this level so that the child does not forget). If you hold the pen too low, you cannot see what you are writing, it is difficult to control the connections between letters, line height, etc. Special nozzles have appeared on sale that fit the most common standard pen. They are made in the form of funny animals and tell kids where to put their fingers.

Some children grip the pen strongly (even their fingers turn white) or when writing, they press hard on the pen. The hand gets tired quickly, it is difficult for a child to write fluently. Explain (and show) that the fingers should be slightly extended, the index should not bend. No need to strain your hand and fingers too much! In order to train your muscles, you need to write more often on a vertical plane (with chalk on a blackboard, imitate writing in the air). The elbow should be relaxed, but the shoulder muscles should be made to work.

3. Make sure that the notebook lies correctly: the middle of the worksheet is slightly to the right of the middle of the baby's chest; the lower left corner is slightly lowered and the upper right corner is raised. In this position, you do not need to reach the beginning or end of the line, it is easier to observe the correct slope of the letters, the hand moves freely in the desired direction.

4. Very often, parents make a lot of mistakes due to the fact that they do not know the school requirements for keeping notebooks. You can ask the teacher to draw up a Memo, which will clearly describe how many cells / lines to retreat, how to write down the number, how to draw up certain tasks.

What tasks to offer children to teach them to write beautifully, competently and legibly?

The following exercises help to develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination:

  • coloring drawings with small details;
  • point-by-point tracing, shading, completing symmetrical and missing elements;
  • modeling from plasticine, clay, mastic, salt dough;
  • weaving from beads, stringing beads on a cord;
  • embroidery;
  • work with small details of the constructor (for example, "Lego");
  • collecting designs from matches, mosaics, puzzles;
  • macrame;
  • cutting with scissors;
  • tear-off applique;
  • origami and other types of design and modeling.

The list goes on. Any hobby that requires precise finger movements will do. It is important that the lesson brings joy to the child - this is a guarantee that it will be performed efficiently, with desire and for a long time.

Straight road is not the shortest, take a detour

  • Do not force your child to write more than the teacher instructed.
  • Consider the physiological characteristics of the child. The phalanges of the fingers, the bones of the wrist, and the ends of the fingertips have many cartilaginous joints. The hand gets tired quickly, needs frequent rest. Take breaks, finger exercises, physical exercises.
  • Be smarter, come up with new motivators.
  • Do not scold, praise more for the seemingly insignificant victories. Pick the most beautiful letter you have written and praise for it.
  • Use games.

We play director. Cut up small pieces of paper or take a stack of stickers. Invite your child to race with you to put his signature (name, you can name and surname) on each piece of paper. Emphasize that the “director's” signature must be legible. Important! Use a ballpoint pen rather than a pencil or felt-tip pen, which does not require as much pressure as when writing with a regular pen. Little trick: do not overtake the child, give him the opportunity to practice properly.

Writing skill is acquired once and lasts a lifetime (as well as the skill of cycling, swimming). Naturally, the skill is dulled because it is "unnecessary" (for example, if we type on the keyboard, our handwriting becomes worse), but after a short training session, it resumes. Even an adult has a chance to improve handwriting (if desired, of course). Set an example for your child! You can learn to write in copybooks together! Buy an extra set - and go ahead! If you fail to achieve perfect handwriting, do not be discouraged. The main thing is that it is legible.

Dear Readers! Does your child have handwriting problems? How do you teach your child to write beautifully? Is handwriting important at all or shouldn't you pay special attention to its "beauty"? We are waiting for your thoughts in the comments.

Today's requirements for the skill set of first graders are becoming increasingly complex. If a preschooler has not managed to learn how to read or write, it will be much more difficult for him to master the school curriculum. And constant failures will discourage him from any desire and deprive him of motivation for further studies. How to teach a child to write letters and not discourage him from learning?

Before you start learning

The writing skill is one of the most difficult for a child to master. It requires him to have many previous skills, so there is no point in teaching a baby to draw letters in calligraphic handwriting, as soon as he turns 3: he simply will not be prepared for this.

So what needs to be done before teaching a child to write letters? Give him the same preliminary skills: teach him how to sit at the table without hunching, not nodding into a notebook, not propping up the table with his chest, show how to hold a pen correctly, evenly pressing on it while writing, help build a rich vocabulary.

Before learning to write, a child must:

  • know all the letters of the alphabet, understand what sounds are recorded with their help (the letter "El" is the sound [l]);
  • know the difference between block and uppercase letters;
  • distinguish between vowels and consonants;
  • determine by ear the number of words in a sentence, syllables in a word, highlight the necessary sounds in it;
  • find a stressed syllable in a word.

That is, it is wiser to first teach a preschooler to read, and then to write. After all, he must understand what exactly he writes, and most importantly - why it is needed. Not knowing how to read, the child will not be able to write a single word or even a syllable.

Make sure your baby is comfortable working out. Choose a desk and chair so that it is comfortable for your child to sit. The chair should be with a back. Provide your kid with quality writing materials. The pen should not be too large, not heavy, the paste in it should be written clearly, with contrast, but not smear or leak. There must be a lamp on the table that illuminates the notebook on the left (or on the right, if the child is left-handed).

At what age can you teach children to write?

From the above, it is clear that preparation for writing should not begin at all in the last year before school (especially not in the last couple of months!), But much earlier. Then the baby will go through the stages of psychological and physical training harmoniously, without overexertion, without a race for a quick result (after all, you need to be in time over the summer, otherwise it will be even more difficult later). In this case, haste is too much stress on a small organism, which, at least, will cause a child's disgust for learning in general. And the handwriting in such a “early” case is unlikely to be beautiful.

If a preschooler starts mastering writing, when he already deftly uses a pen or pencil, can perform complex movements in coordination, hold attention and show perseverance for at least 15 minutes, then the graphic results (that is, the writing itself) will be much better. To do this, you need, first of all, to develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements of the working hand (it does not matter whether it is right or left).

It is possible to purposefully develop the baby's pens in this direction from the age of 3, when it makes sense to acquaint him with the simplest coloring pages, felt-tip pens, pencils. Such activities will gradually prepare the hand for correct writing (first of all, the child will learn to limit the length of the drawn line, draw lines in different directions). Let the young artist try to create his own paintings. Already at this stage, it is important to teach the kid how to hold writing instruments correctly.

In addition, the following activities to develop fine motor skills help prepare your hand for writing:

  • modeling from plasticine, clay, dough;
  • work with cereals, beans, peas;
  • drawing with your fingers on semolina, flour, a layer of cereal;
  • mosaic, constructors;
  • cutting with scissors;
  • sand games;
  • origami;
  • lacing.

But parents should remember the age of the child and not drag out such activities for more than 15 minutes.

Do not start teaching your child to write "suddenly" at an early age (3-4 years). Perhaps this will give you a reason to once again boast to your friends of the abilities of your child, but scientists have established that in this case he will not have a beautiful handwriting, since the development of the necessary centers of the brain is forced.

Step by step

In order for a preschooler to understand the difference between printed and capital letters, you can buy him a special poster, where both are depicted side by side. At the initial stage of learning to write, it will be easier for a child to write exactly printed letters, and when the hand becomes dexterous enough, you can move on to mastering capital letters.

Studying letters with a child, it is necessary to explain to him that each letter has a name and a sound, which it means in writing or when reading. He also needs to know that there are consonant and vowel letters (which can be sung, pulled with a voice). To do this, you can practice singing vowels to various funny melodies. Let the baby try to sing the consonants and make sure that this is not possible. So he will quickly learn the difference and will not confuse sounds.

In order for the child to memorize letters faster, you need to select for him examples of words that begin with them. Let him remember these words himself.

You can teach a preschooler to determine the number of words in a sentence or syllables in a word with the help of simple games. Let, for example, clap, hearing each new word, syllable. The kid will learn to determine the stressed syllable if he "calls" every word. Read more about this.

Moving on to the recipes

After the preschooler begins to paint quickly and beautifully, acquires the first drawing skills, you can begin writing lessons with prescriptions. The very first recipes for preschool children usually contain many simple tasks that help to develop hand motor skills to write the basic elements of letters: straight and oblique lines, hooks, loops, arcs. The kid will trace straight and wavy lines, various patterns, pictures, geometric shapes. First, you will have to circle the solid lines, then the dotted (or dotted) lines. And then the child will be able to display the proposed elements himself according to the pattern in the copybooks. Children usually like this kind of "drawing". And if the parents also praise for every little success, the incentive for further efforts is provided.

Already in grade 1, the child will be required to maintain the size and slope of the letters. But at this age it is quite difficult to do this, children are still poorly oriented on the page. Therefore, to make it easier for them to display letters evenly and beautifully, writing-books are usually issued in a thin line with an oblique lining. The recipes are designed according to the same principle. This ruling helps the child learn to feel the size and slope of the letters, which contributes to the correct formation of the handwriting.

For a writing session to be effective, parents should remember the following:

  • You need to conduct classes regularly. Daily exercise for 10 minutes will be more beneficial than weekly exercise for half an hour.
  • If the child is upset or unwell, there is no need to exercise.
  • Tasks should become more difficult gradually, from simpler to more and more complex. You cannot jump from tracing straight lines to writing out the letter Zh at once.
  • It is better to organize classes in the form of a game or competition, and not boring sitting over the removal of hooks and squiggles.
  • In case of failure, you can not scold the baby. Better to invite him to try again, with mom's help.
  • Any successes, even small ones, are cause for praise. For a child at any age, this is a good incentive.
  • In order for him to have enough strength and perseverance, it is important to observe the mode of sleep and wakefulness, nutrition and walks in the fresh air.

So, teaching writing skills should be phased, systematic, feasible and interesting for the baby. Then he will come to school with a good base. And this is the key to his success in learning, high self-esteem, and positive motivation.

All parents want to see their child smart and developed beyond his years. Therefore, mothers try to teach their children to write even before the time when kindergarten teachers or school teachers begin to do it. What do you need to know to help the little one to master such a difficult science as writing?


If a mother wants to know how to teach a child to write, she should remember that preliminary preparation is important in this matter. So, the baby should start working with his hands from the age of two. For this, plasticine, a paint pencil are suitable - everything, thanks to which the child will learn to hold an object in his hand. So the baby's pen will not quickly get tired when they begin to teach him to write, and the child will not be new.

First lessons

It is worth noting that the very first lessons will be quite difficult, because the child needs to be explained that writing is an interesting and also very useful skill. First, mother must show by her own example how to hold a pen correctly and how to use a hand to move on paper. If the kid cannot do such actions on his own, you need to hold his pen with your hand and make a couple of pen strokes (this is what teachers do in elementary school).

The next thing to pay attention to for those who are interested in how to teach a child to write: the student must initially hold the writing object correctly. So, if the kid does it wrong, it will be much more difficult to retrain him. It is worth remembering that the pen should lie on the upper phalanx of the middle finger, the pen is fixed with the thumb and forefinger, the tip of the pen should be directed towards the shoulder. Only in this position will the child's hand not get tired, and the handwriting will eventually turn out to be calligraphic and accurate. Again, mom must first demonstrate herself how it should look.

You need to start teaching writing with very short lessons so that the child's hand does not get tired. First you need to draw various curls and sticks on paper. Therefore, it is important to start drawing with the child as early as possible, so that during learning to write everything is easier.

You can show the kid a couple of times how certain elements of the letters are written, then let him write them in the lines himself. In this case, the child must be monitored and corrected when he makes incorrect movements with his hands. When the elements are pretty calligraphic, you can start writing the letters. This process will take a long time, so parents will have to be patient. When the child normally begins to reproduce letters in writing, you can try to put them into syllables and words. The first tasks will not be too voluminous, but over time it will be necessary to gradually increase the number of words.

Right left

While figuring out how to teach a child to write, you can come across the following advice: you should not force the kid to write with only his right hand, as the teachers demanded in Soviet times. And this is true. The child should be comfortable learning, and if it is convenient for him to hold a writing object in his left hand, so be it. Mom also shouldn't look for additional clues on how to teach a left-handed child to write. Such children are normal, they are no different from those who like to write with their right hand, so the rules for babies are exactly the same. However, there is one small nuance: if the right-hander should not be disturbed by unnecessary objects on the right hand, then the left-hander - on the left. That's the whole difference.


The next piece of advice on how to teach a child to write: you need to acquire for him those items with which he will be happy to learn. So, the kid should like his pen. Let it be beautiful, colorful, with the symbols of your favorite hero. By the same principle, you need to buy a notebook. Then the kid will be happy to sit down to study.

Support and encouragement

All kids need praise. Even when the job is not done as well as we would like. You should also not expect quick results from your baby. Learning to write is much more difficult than, for example, reading. Therefore, a mother needs to be patient and encourage her child in any situation. Only seeing the support of parents, the baby will not lose the desire to continue to study.

If a mom is looking for clues on how to teach her child to write quickly, interesting lessons may come to her aid. Only by being fully interested will the child be happy to finish one business and move on to another. So, you can plan a small dictation and a letter for one lesson, for example, to dad. Having quickly dealt with the dictation, the kid will write more confidently, and he will have an additional incentive to write again and again.

How to help your child master the skill of beautiful and competent writing. Features of teaching left-handers to write.

The struggle of parents for the beauty of the lines in children's notebooks takes a lot of time and effort, is accompanied by tearing out sheets, repeated rewriting of works, while the child loses faith in his own strength, lowers his self-esteem, and begins to hate writing. Proper preparation of the child's hand for writing and a few simple recommendations will help to avoid these problems.

At the beginning of their education, children experience tremendous physical and emotional stress when writing assignments in a recipe or notebook. The situation is complicated by the low endurance of children to static loads.
What will help a child learn to write beautifully?

The handles with rubberized thumb and forefinger grooves contribute to the formation of the correct grip. These pens are available for right-handers and left-handers.

Special training attachments will help your child learn how to hold the writing instrument correctly

Good development of fine motor skills of the fingers is very important. This will help work with clay, plasticine, salt dough, a small designer, buttoning or unbuttoning buttons, tying laces, weaving from ribbons, elastic bands, beads.

How to teach a child to quickly write letters and numbers in writing? Reasons for Slow Writing

  1. Children with difficulties in the development of motor skills, coordination of movements and spatial perception have a very slow writing speed. The slowness of the letter in this case is secondary, the problem is resolved by eliminating the listed reasons
  2. Insufficient automation of the writing skill. At the first stages of learning to write, it is very important for a child to be aware of the movement, see the line, its middle, feel the distance, and determine the starting point of movement. And in this period, the pace of writing cannot be forced, otherwise the child will not have time to fix the correct way of writing the letter or its element, and subsequently “remaking” the incorrect graphic skill is much more difficult
  3. Individual feature of the child. Most often, such children not only write slowly, but also move slowly, they say, dress. You should rather come to terms with such a feature than fight. A sluggish child who is rushed to write faster is more likely to sacrifice the quality of writing elements, which will lead to the gradual reinforcement of the misspelling and poor handwriting.
  4. Fatigue or decreased performance. For children of preschool and primary school age, it is very important to observe the daily routine, alternate between lessons at the desk and breaks with warm-up or outdoor games, the continuous duration of work should not be more than 10-15 minutes

The optimal writing speed for six-year-olds is 4-6 characters per minute, for seven-year-olds - 4-9 characters per minute.

How to teach a child to write capital letters correctly?

  • The first step is preparing your hand for writing. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills, modeling, drawing, origami will help with this. A great wrist exercise is to be able to make a ball with one hand by crumpled up a newspaper page. You can arrange a competition between children or make newspaper balls for a while
  • The second stage is hatching and coloring. When doing this, make sure that the child correctly grips the writing instrument (pen or pencil)
  • The third stage is work in writing, prescribing points, straight and oblique lines, hooks, ovals
  • The fourth step is to write capital letters. At first, the letter is written element by element, while it is important to pronounce the name of the element for better comprehension and memorization

How to teach a child to write accurately? Problems and methods of their elimination

  • If the letters have the wrong slant or the elements are not parallel. The reason for this may be the wrong position of the child at the table or the wrong position of the notebook.
  • If there are problems in the execution of rounded elements (too sharp or, on the contrary, flattened), wavy or jagged straight lines. Your child needs to strengthen the muscles of the hand, improve fine motor skills
  • If the child does not respect the intervals between words (words in a line are crowded or vice versa, the distances are too large), writes in the margins or does not finish writing to the end of the line, skips lines, writes letters in a mirror image. This indicates insufficient development of spatial perception.

Instead of pointing out ugly letters or blots, use positive motivation. Emphasize the most beautiful elements in the line and praise the child for their efforts. Offer to evaluate the work together. Choose the most beautiful element and appoint it as queen or king by drawing a crown over it. It is important not only to admire a correctly written element, but also to describe what the “beauty” is: it does not go beyond the line, a beautiful oval, a smooth hook, etc.

How to teach a child to write without mistakes?

  • If the child misses letters in words. The reason lies in the insufficient development of phonemic hearing, sound-letter analysis of the word. The child needs to pronounce the word in syllables when writing in an undertone. It is useful to write more under dictation, while the systematic nature of the classes is important: let it be small dictation in two or three sentences, but every day
  • If the child makes mistakes in spelling that he is familiar with. This means that the child does not know how to apply the rule, it is required to bring the skills of applying the rule to automatism: to parse words with spelling, write dictionary dictations for this or that rule, or perform training tasks, for example, insert missing letters into words and be able to explain your choice

Children with speech disorders require special attention. If spelling defects appear in the letter, you cannot do without the help of a speech therapist.

How to teach a child to write in a wide ruler?

When switching to writing in a notebook with a wide ruler, the child is faced with the difficulty of independently controlling the width, height and inclination of the letters. As a result, the following problems arise:

  • too large letters, sometimes even the whole line
  • narrowed letters
  • very small letters
  1. You should not force the transition to a wide ruler until the full automation of the writing skill in a notebook in an oblique line
  2. For a smooth transition, invite your child to write letters or words in a notebook in an oblique ruler, but not in the working line, but in a wide space. It is close in size to a line in a wide ruler, but oblique lines will make it possible to control the slope
  3. Sew the combo notebook, alternating the sheets in a slanting and wide line. Have the child first write a letter in a narrow line, and then do the same on an adjacent page in a wide line. Thus, the child will see before his eyes an example of writing a letter
  4. At first, a zebra leaf in an oblique line, which is placed under the worksheet, will help to observe the correct slope in a notebook in a wide line

How to teach a child to write in English?

  • You can start writing uppercase English letters when the child has mastered the alphabet and the writing of block letters (large and small)
  • Writing will help in mastering the writing of written English letters.
  • Special English recipes contain samples of writing both individual elements - lines, hooks, ovals, and letters of the English alphabet
  • After you have mastered the spelling of the letters of the English alphabet, you can begin to study the compounds of English letters in words. This will further increase the writing speed.

How to teach a left-handed child to write?

There are special writing rules for left-handed people:

  • The notebook should lie on the table with an inclination to the right, the lower right corner of the page should be at the level of the middle of the chest
  • It is necessary that the elbow of the left hand protrudes slightly beyond the edge of the table, the left hand moves freely over the page from top to bottom, and the right hand lies on the table and holds the page. In the classroom, the left-handed child should sit to the left of the neighbor
  • Write letters by element, for example, first an oval, then an oblique line, a hook. In the intervals between writing elements, the child will be able to relax his hand and rest
  • Don't rush the child. At the initial stage of the formation of the writing skill, a left-handed person writes at a speed of 4-6 characters per minute. Gradually, the skills will become automatic and the writing speed will increase.
  • If a left-handed child writes slowly, bring this to the attention of the teacher. Let him be given a little fewer tasks. This will be true, since it is harder for a left-handed child. Agree, it is better to write one line, but with high quality, than to write a lot, but at random
  • It can be difficult for a left-handed child to navigate a line: first, mark the left margin with a red pencil, and the right margin with blue. Do this until the child stops confusing the direction and learns to write from left to right.

VIDEO: How to teach a child to write?