Dry slimming after childbirth: Causes of problems and ways to gain weight. Weight during breastfeeding I am gaining weight when breastfeeding

Lose weight after delivery seeks most young mothers. Is it possible to lose weight ... baby breastfeeding? Can! But the results will be tangible only if you act correctly. Take advantage of our advice.

Some believe that the weight itself decreases during breastfeeding, others think that while feeding, it is difficult to return to the form. Neither those nor others are completely right.

Food nursing mom: how to lose weight during breastfeeding

Method number 1. Reduce volumes

It takes less, but more often. Forget the rule "is for two" . No need to increase portions, volumes and quatory calories twice. For good lactation, enough extra 400-700 calories per day (depends on the physique). Everything that will miss the baby, the body will take away from the reserves of the mother of the mother - and isn't we strive for this?

Method number 2. There is less but more often

If a nursing mother makes big breaks between food acceptors, a hormonal effect occurs that affects the production of milk. Its body is filled with energy that is taken from all reserves, which reduces insulin production and affects the level of thyroid hormones. This leads to a decrease in prolactin - a hormone controlling the amount of milk produced.

When you feel a sense of hunger, you are inclined to eat something from the "prohibited" series. Instead, it is necessary to distribute the number of calories consumed in the day between six eating treatment during the day.

Method number 3. Reduce calorie consumption

During the lactation, you need to eat well, which means - balanced. The diet should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates. And consume a flour, sweet, salty and fried with an excuse "For a child" is not worthwhile - extra kilograms will "grow" to the figure. To stick to the diet during feeding is completely safe if the daily number of calorie consumed does not fall below 1800, and you continue to use a variety of food.

Method number 4. Competently snack

Think before snacking. Instead of chips or ready-made puffs in bags, prepare wholegrain oatmeal. This is an excellent breakfast for nursing mothers who are trying to lose weight. The oatmeal retains the feeling of satiety for a long time and maintains a permanent insulin level. Vegetables containing starch, such as baked potatoes or sweet tomatoes, too, can help satisfy your craving for carbohydrates. Brown and wild rice - great eye range or snacks.

With the problem of constipation, with which many mothers face, you can cope, consuming decoction from dried fruits (Kuragi, prunes).

Method number 5. Fuck out

Breastfeeding contributes to an increase in appetite, and the hungry, devoid of sleep young mothers tend to satisfy their gastronomic craving with ordinary carbohydrates. But using them, it is quite difficult to reset the weight. When normal, healthy adults are deprived of a full sleep, they usually increase the consumption of carbohydrates (sweet, flour), thereby compensating for a lack of a night rest.

Method number 6. Do physical exercises

Charging, fitness and swimming will help you return the shape after childbirth and during lactation. But it is better to wait 6-8 weeks before you start or resume serious training mode. If you are planning intense exercise, eat complex carbohydrates for half an hour before classes. Starch-containing vegetables will help avoid reducing milk generation. Choose the type of physical exertion that is more like.

For example, quick walking with a newborn baby will help burn an average of 500 calories. This physical activity plus a smaller "harmful meal" will lead to a tangible weight loss.

A sharp reduction in weight is unsafe for reproductive health.

Method number 7. Don't have pressure

Striving for an ideal figure, looking at the "glossy" mammies, dangerous. It is important to accept yourself! During the birth of the child, everything in the body is expanding: hidden, chest. Within 9 months, the body gained weight, and now he needs to give almost the same time to get rid of it and return the same shape. Just ignore the overweight, at least during the first 2 weeks after delivery, and within 6-8 weeks do not take sharp attempts to lose weight after delivery. At this time it is better to focus on a newborn baby and not worry about weight loss.

During pregnancy, the future mother is gaining some number of kilograms - so arranged by nature. The baby inside you grows - and he needs nutritious resources that will now have to get if the future mother is powered by one sheet of salad per day, and the slightest breeze takes it into the blue Dali!

After childbirth, during breastfeeding, the main problem for most young mothers also remains the problem of weight with which they are desperately struggling. There are many weight reduction techniques during breastfeeding, which use millions of mothers.
But if there is a problem of weight loss during breastfeeding - it is logical that there is also the reverse side of the medal. That is, the problem of weight gain during breastfeeding. Yes, moms who dream of gaining weight when breastfeeding, less - and it is a problem. Internet shot articles on the topic: "How to lose weight during breastfeeding?". But articles on the opposite topic, unfortunately, is negligible. We will try to fix this injustice and help those young moms for whom the question weight set when breastfeeding He became a serious problem.

Causes of weight loss when breastfeeding

Not in vain, breastfeeding is considered an effective way to combat extra kilograms after delivery. Women wishing to lose weight after the birth of the baby, doctors advise in mandatory breastfeeding - this is not only useful for mom and child, but also contributes to weight loss! Yes, during breastfeeding, a young mother usually wakes up a brutal hunger and she is ready to chew round days. Yes, and do sports immediately after delivery (especially, cesarean section) doctors do not recommend.

Is it really possible to lose weight in such conditions?As it turns out, you can! And for this there are several serious reasons.

Firstly, during milk generation, about 500 calories are burned daily. Moreover, these are only additional calories - not counting calories, burned additionally - for physical activity, walks, maintaining vital activity and even imagine, watching TV! So, when breastfeeding, a woman may well afford additional delicacy without harm to the figure.

SecondlyWhen breastfeeding is intensively reduced the volume of the hips. This is usually happening after about three months after childbirth. And in the period 3-6 months after delivery, especially intensive weight loss begins. Of course, when taking into account that you feed the baby breasts.

Thirdly, After childbirth, you start moving a lot - even if you do not engage in a daily charge, like before childbirth. Usually all the care of the breast child lay on the shoulders of mom: the young dad is constantly at work and comes home tired, and grandparents can not always be attracted to the care of a child. In this regard, the many hours of walking, ironing, standing by the slab, cleaning, changing diapers, night feeding, frequent in young mothers, insomnia and bathing the baby lay on the shoulders of a young mother. It is not surprising that life in such a rhythm contributes to weight loss!

FourthThe postpartum period is very unstable in hormonal plan, and the internal organs can fierce. Therefore, if you are very thin after delivery, you feel no matter or lying on the sofa with round days, because you have the opportunity to hire a nanny and the help of the household - and the weight is still out of the way - consult a doctor. Unnecessary weight loss during breastfeeding may indicate problems with hormonal background or with a gastrointestinal tract.

Well, of course, you should not write off the heredity and natural constitution. If your mom after childbirth is much lost, and you are from nature thin - it is not surprising that you will quickly come to a prefeedy form after childbirth. But learn, we are talking only about those cases when you eat what you want, without limiting yourself and without applying hard diets - and still do not get better. In all other cases, the method does not work.

There are several useful tips that will help you gain weight when breastfeeding.

1. Eat often and gradually

This is a universal advice for anyone who wants to normalize their weight. Often the impossibility of gaining weight when breastfeeding is explained by the banal lack of time to get normally, calmly sit down and eat. If you are afraid to forget about the next meal - put alarm clock so that he reminds you of this. Eat as much as possible and gradually. And do not swallow food, without burning, and start your meal in a good spirit of the Spirit forgetting about all the problems and without thinking about how to have time to stroke all the lingerie and still cook dinner to the arrival of her husband. Own health is more expensive than this.

The well-known fact: protein and bread help to recover even the most slender from nature. Yes, it is not a fact that you will become a woman with a weight "under the century" - yes you, it is probably not necessary. But to round your forms and gain weight when breastfeeding such a diet will help you. Just observe in all measure - you should not lean on meat in the morning, at lunch and in the evening - excess protein is also very harmful to the body.

3. Diverse your menu with fresh vegetables and fruits or vitamin complexes

To normalize weight, you need a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins that can be easily obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. The only thing that should be taboo is allergenic products. If your child has a rash - eliminate the product-allergen from your diet. If you do not have the opportunity to use a lot of fruits and vegetables, you can gain weight when breastfeeding can be used with the use of vitamin complexes. But you should choose a vitamin complex for myself only in coordination with your doctor to not harm.

4. Observe sleep mode

We understand that having a small child, observe sleep mode is extremely difficult. In this case, try to ask someone from your relatives or friends to sit with the child until you rest. It is explained by the fact that to gain weight when breastfeeding without at least 6-8 hours of sleep is impossible per day. If the lack of sleep is caused by your insomnia - try starting taking easy calming on the night. It may be a dyeing extract. But before starting the reception of this or that drug, consult with a specialist. Some vegetable sedatives can be allergens for the baby.

If no recipe helps you gain weight when breastfeeding, consult a dietary doctor, a gastroenterologist or an endocrinologist. Perhaps the reason for some inner diseases. And comfort yourself when you stop breastfeeding - weight will definitely come back to normal. In the meantime, in your milk, the tiny particle of you is very much! And for this you can wait a bit.

Breastfeeding weight (GW) Maybe some moms first disappear, because in the first months it still keeps the kilogram decent and scored during pregnancy, but then if you regularly feed the baby chest, not last kilograms go about themselves. Let's figure it out and consider all questions related to weight with breastfeeding. Everything has its time You have just gave birth to a long-awaited baby, the joy there is no limit - finally it happened! Now I want to return my former figure as soon as possible and get into your favorite tight jeans, but it was not here ... kilograms do not hurry to leave you. Believe me, there is nothing wrong with that, it is necessary to restore the body's forces gradually, because he has not yet come to himself, the hormonal perestroika is still continuing, so it's too early to take some steps to lose weight. In the first months after giving birth, it is more difficult to reset unnecessary, because the body "gathered" to feed the kid to his chest milk, and that the milk was larger and thicker, he puts each piece of food into the crust and then do not rebuild him. Even if you suddenly stop breastfeeding, the body uses additional cyocalories to generate milk. There are no super strong diets to you, you just harm yourself and in the end you get even more. In the first months, it is better to spend all the forces on the gradual restoration of the body - try to sleep anymore, walk, rest, eat everything, but in moderation and then over time, the weight of breastfeeding will have to decrease and you slowly, but you will return to your former shape. Breastfeeding weight reduction If you perfectly started the lactation, feed your milk and baby, you can congratulate you, you are all excellent, you are healthy and, it means to 4 - 6 months will definitely begin to discharge weight. Although it is worth a reservation, the weight of 80% of women decreases, there are cases that the weight is growing, but this later. So, these 80% of nursing mothers are reduced by an average of 500 grams or 1 kilogram per month. It is possible to reduce and control your weight with light gymnastic exercises, yoga, joint classes with kids, but in no case with restriction in food. 2500-3000kkal per day. Just think, because now you spend your energy not only on yourself, but also on your favorite karapus. One main criterion for losing weight during is a refusal of sweet and bread-bull. Yes - yes, it is from sweet! And he wants him so much ... As for the total nutrition, it is better to use vegetable oil from fats, it is better to get proteins in the form of fish, cottage cheese and low-fat meat (beef), carbohydrates everything in porridge. They are satisfying satisfying, but competently, then the weight with GW will decrease quickly. We draw your attention if you feed the breast for a long time - 1.5 - 2 years, then your weight can fluctuate that large, then in a smaller side and it is quite normal. Finally, the weight comes to normal when you finish breastfeeding. Action Plan for reducing (normalization) Weight with breastfeeding:

  1. Try to rest more, because excess weight can accumulate from daily fatigue;
  2. Ridd up wisely. Eat everything in sufficient quantities, but do not forget that the last meal must be no later than 4 hours before sleep. Refuse sweet and buns with buns;
  3. Be active. Longer walk, dance to the music, wear a child in your hands and dance with him, play, in one word, move with every opportunity;
  4. Take the gymnastics, you can, together with the baby. If the birth has been successful, no health problems are observed, then start classes after 2-4 weeks after childbirth. Remember, very intensive classes can reduce lactation;
  5. Do stimulating blood circulation and blood supply;
  6. Use the contrast shower. Yes, that is, according to alternately replacing the cold shower on the hot, you are stimulated and the metabolism is improved, which helps to get rid of fat pillows faster.
  7. Visit spacons. Who allows time and money. Spa - procedures have a beneficial effect on the organism of the young mammy.

Observe all the above items and weights with breastfeeding will gradually come to normal. In general, the main thing is that the kid rose strong and healthy on your delicious and nutritious breast milk, so first think about him, and then about the figure. If you have something to add, be sure to write to us!

Good all the time of day!

In continuing the theme of the motherhood, I would like to devote your feedback to the nutrition of a nursing mother. It is the nutrition that, since any - is stress for the body, and for a nursing mothers, moreover, it can also lead to a reduction in breast milk, a decrease in calorie content - to weakness, fatigue and irritability.

Weight loss during the time is only a pleasant addition to this diet, but not the goal.

In the family, I came up with a mark on scales of 80 kg (on account ranked with a weight of 57 kg).

After giving birth, I immediately threw off the 15 kg due to the fact that I was made by the Caesarean section, I needed to restrict himself in food for some time. Then began a period of breastfeeding, the diet expanded a little, but in order to prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract at my child, he was still limited.

At the time of feeding, I approached 65 kg weighing.

Commandments of a nursing mother:

1. Power must be full and balanced. All you eat gets into the child's body with milk.

2. The diet should be healthy, useful and natural. You can eat the simplest food, but try to diversify your menu.

3. In your daily diet must be proteins, healthy fats, correct carbohydrates.

4. Drink everything, but in moderate quantities. Every day, enter a new product in the diet and see if the child has allergic reactions and problems with digestion.

5. Drink small portions, but more often. And half an hour before feeding, drink a glass of water to enhance the production of milk.

I also led a special notebook, the so-called food diary. In Him, I recorded products that have eaten and in what quantity. A similar diary burned me very much, when analyzing products, if suddenly the daughter appeared allergies and problems with digestion.

In the period of breastfeeding, I drose:

1. Kefir, who is produced on that day, in which I bought it.

2. Insurgent shop cottage cheese (cooked cheese and casserole)

3. Dry cookies, bought for diabetics or children's.

4. Boiled or baked low-fat meat, I eaten beef, chicken breast, sometimes just cooking her for a couple. Also prepared meatballs and meatballs.

5. Crated compote from dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots), prunes did not use so as not to cause gas formation in babes.

6. Baked, boiled low-fat fish (pike perch, cod). Kushal 1-2 times a week.

7. Saw tea with condensed milk (to increase the lactation and fatness of milk)

8. Buckwheat and oatmeal on the water.

9. From the fruits, I drose green apples and bananas no more than 1 pc. a day per hour before feeding.

10. Potato mashed potatoes on water, but with the addition of butter.

11. From Sweet, I went to the marshmallow and marmalade in limited quantities.

12. Boiled sausage in very small quantities.

13. Wheat and rye bread

14. Macaroni from solid wheat varieties

15. 10% sour cream

17. Goat Milk.

The amount of fluid per day I had 2 - 2.5 liters, in this figure I also included soups.

When I wanted to drink, I saw clean non-carbonated water.

1. Chocolate, cupcake, ice cream

2. Bean, cabbage

3. Rice, pearl cereals

4. Food fried on oil

5. Smoked products

6. Mineralo with gas and other carbonated drinks

7. Acute seasonings and spices, including garlic and onions, as they give a specific taste of breast milk

8. Citrus, grapes

10. Strawberry, Tomatoes, Red Apples, Pomegranates and Other Red Fruits and Vegetables

The leaders among the allergens according to the power supply of the RAMS are:
1st place: cow's milk
2nd place: Fish
3 place: eggs.

Thanks to the elementary rules set forth above, I managed to maximally reduce the appearance of intestinal colic in my child.

During breastfeeding (6 months), I increased the caloric content of the day diet to 2000 kcal. At such a nutrition for half a year I threw off 5 kg and so far, holding the rules of proper nutrition, they do not gain them. My weight is 60 kg.

Elementary exercises (squats, press, tilting to the parties) were added to all of the above, and walked a lot. I bore on June 5, so all summer was at my disposal.

But the most important thing is that I have on the way to a slender figure - this is motivation. No, not to become slimmer, it was already a pleasant side effect, and not harm her child, keep milk and protect the daughter from gas formation, allergies and other troubles, directly dependent on breast milk.

Joy you!

During lactation, the efficiency of metabolism increases, since the number of recommended calories can be overestimated. To reduce everything during the feeding of a child, you need to find the number of calories you need.

Weight during breastfeeding

Secure weight reduction program

She will be able to provide you with your child normal nutrition. Nursing mothers are recommended to consume 2000 calories per day, food supply must be balanced. If there is a smaller calorieness, most of the nursing mothers will not receive the required amount of calories to ensure good health and health.

Put in front of you the target, the real goal will gradually reduce the weight of 1 kg per month, and if you had extra weight before pregnancy, it is necessary to reduce a little more, and less than 1 kg, if your weight was less than the norm.

Physical exercise

On the day you give one hour of its time with physical exertion. It must be such physical exertion that would deliver you pleasure and do not allow you to be separated with the child, then you most likely you do not leave classes. For the mother, a convenient view of the physical activity can be walking with a child in a sling adaptation, at least an hour per day. Fast walking when the child is in the sling burns 400 calories. Then the physical activity and a small use of other food, with a shortage of 500 calories per day, and a week 3,500 calories, will reduce your weight at 400 grams per week. Exercise needs to be engaged after feeding the child, because after this chest is empty and will not be so heavy. With a significant physical activity you need to wear a bra, which will well support the chest, and so as not to rub your nipples, use soft gaskets.

An ideal type of physical activity is swimming. Some women doing exercises for more than two days a week complained that they had a milk had decreased. In the exercises in which the shoulders work, for example, when jumping through the rope can increase in breast milk, the content of lactic acid and children are reluctant to suck such milk after practicing mothers. Therefore, feed the child before class, it will be better for the child and for mom. And each nursing mom can be advised by such a type of physical activity, which is suitable for this woman.

Fix the results

If you are slowly losing weight, feel good, while the child looks satisfied and growing well, breast milk does not decrease, it means that you gain the number of calories you need.

When a nursing mother has a "ideal weight," it should use extra 500 calories every day, while not adding in weight. Such a digit depends on whether your weight was insufficient or redundant, and also depends on your physique. If a week you lose in weight more than one pound, then you can eat less than you need. You need to consult with a consulting doctor either with a gentle nutrition doctor. And if you perform the scheduled program and still gain weight, probably, you eat a lot.