Connection sun moon in natal map. Physiology and health. Available to calculation

29.04.2016 16:00

In the continuation of an article about individuality, let's try to figure out how to work out the sun.

To begin with, learning the article answer thoughtfully and seriously to questions. They will help you understand how long the sun principles are disclosed, as far as you understand your sun.

Studies or correction of the qualities of the Sun is a question about our vocation. This is the task associated with the search for its individual destination. This is not related to the profession, if the sun is not a signifier of the respective houses in the natal map. You can deal with completely different things in the outside world, but follow the inner path, its inner sun. The unreveloped sun is manifested as the absence of his opinion, its life position. This is a serious problem for very many modern people who borrow other people's beliefs and life attitudes. And live, relying on the authoritative opinion of the respected people.

Another bright topic in the karmic potential of the Sun is the topic of egoism and selfish love. The characteristic of the Sun is the luminosity, the spread of creative energy beast. And the light falls on everything equally, it is not elected. The sun is still done with his rays, it just shines. If the Sun is weakened and disharmoniously, a person unconsciously closes the source of his spiritual "I", fearing that his forces are not enough, his feelings will not be understood. He behaves not as a candle that illuminates everything around, but selectively, as if a pocket flashlight. Here is a direct connection with a sense of self-confidence. A strong, well-worked sun does not need an external source. Such people simply behave as if they have the right to be themselves, even if the whole world is against them. This is a genuine opportunity to make decisions, and not to live like a leaflet in the wind.

Castaneda has an example of such a life position, he calls his "way with heart." All roads in life end in the same way. But one life choice, one way "makes a trip to him enjoyable, as much as you go on it, you are with him one whole. Another way will make you curse your life. One way makes you strong, the other weakens you. " The sun is associated with a heart, with heart chakra, the incorrect use of solar energy leads to disorders in the work of this important muscle. The sun is the central object of our microcosm, and its study is one of the main tasks. When we get to this level, genuine meaning and genuine goals appear in life. We actually discover what you have to do.

The harmonious sun gives internal stability and spiritual independence, good vital energy, internal dignity and independence, honesty, decency, creative powerful potential and a variety of talents.

The disharmonious sun gives a strong need to be special that the person goes to seem special. This is a vanity, a tendency to tinsel and pomp, to external effects, to self-affirmation at the expense of other people.

Where and how is the sun feel in a person's life?

Solar influence is felt by a person when he says "I want" in the sense of "I have the intention to achieve"; However, the Sun concerns not only the nature of such initiatives of a person, but also the circumstances of his life under which they arise. Sun position in the horoscope shows:

  • what external circumstances require the inclusion of his will;
  • what situations force him to manifest initiative and activity.

The principle of will (sun) should be distinguished from the principle of operation and manifestation of energy (Mars); In itself (solar) initiative may not be crowned with any external or internal actions; However, the sun is primary: if a person lives, obeying someone else's will or initiative, he will not be able to realize his identity and fulfill his karmic program.

Sun studies - Let Freedom

The study of the Sun is associated with an increase in the true freedom of will, which at two lower levels of the development of the solar principle is illusory, and the third and fourth gradually becomes freedom of creative participation in the process of evolution of the universe.

Layout levels of the Sun.

First level

At the first (lower) level of the Sun Stretch, a person perceives himself as a whole, does not divide his life for individual actions. It does not distinguish conscious solar impulses from unconscious lunar. Two meanings of the word "want" and "intends" to merge into one. At this level, a person is a puppet of karma and its own subconscious mind; His actions are not conscious, and the will is dictated by Egregor and the subconscious.

Level two

Here, a person is able to distinguish his needs and intentions, and if it does not allocate exactly exactly, at least, emphasizes its will and initiative in the overall life stream. This allows him to meaningfully approaching the problem of finding his place in the world and the correct behavior in life situations, for his will now be partially managed by him, and it may (to some extent) consciously limit his needs if they are conflict with his intentions ( Balancing of solar and lunar principles). However, at this level, a person remains a puppet of Karma, since his will fully owns Egregor.

Level Third

A person is aware of the highest and lowest beginning, interpreting them or psychologically (that is, recognizing and feeling the presence of the programs of subconscious of various levels), or religious (that is, feeling the opportunity to go on a more or less spiritual path, closer to God or further from him ), and gets the opportunity (at least partially) a conscious choice of Egregor, which he will serve. Now the will, dictated by the man of Egregor, does not pass by his attention: catching the corresponding impulse, he says: " But I do this on the direct class of God"- and usually very proud that he won such honor.

Fourth level

A person partially sees the karmic consequences of his volitional acts and begins to understand the structure of karma, karmic programs and egregors, with them related, as well as in its own subconscious. Here, his will increases dramatically and the requirements for accuracy and subtlety impact on the world increase. At some point, the nature of the volitional acts, which are increasingly informed acts, is changing qualitatively (then the egregor through a person receives the most accurate information and the possibility of the most subtle impact on the situation).

Human power levels over the world and

The solar principle of will continues the principle of power, which should be understood in two senses: external and internal, that is, the authorities over the world and on themselves. The levels of human power over the world and on themselves are interrelated and largely determined by its level of vision, which, in turn, is closely related to the evolutionary level. You can select four levels of power, which consistently receives a person as its evolutionary development and which are directly related to its elaboration of the Sun (see above).

First level

At the first level of study, man is a slave of his desires. Here the level of power over himself is negligible and there is no vision of the subconscious motivations of their internal gusts and desires. Accordingly, the authorities over the outside world of such a person are very small, since he cannot either think about nor into life any serious decision, being unable to confront the chaos of his subconscious, which necessarily at some point will betray him from any selected direction Movement. Such people do not take serious participation in karmic programs (since unreliable) or are fully controlled by Egregor. At this level, the inner life for the person himself is invisible, and the external picture of the world is illusory.

Second level

At the second level, the study of the Sun receives a minor power over himself, at first, mainly primitive suppression or displacement of some subconscious programs. Due to this, he appears the opportunity to put life goals and perform quite complex and extended programs in time, in the course of the implementation of which he appears the possibility of creativity, and at the end there is a feeling of increased power over the world. It often increases the situation in the administrative (military, political) hierarchy. Characteristic of this stage, a feature of self-consciousness is:

  • the separation of egoistic subconscious programs from a program to achieve a certain external goal, on which all the will of a person is directed;
  • absolute and non-critical acceptance of this external goal as part of the deep essence of this person; He belongs to her, as in Rock, imperatively expressed fate.

In fact, this goal puts an egregor man, but retains him a certain freedom of action (and creativity) on a life path and leaving the struggle with the lower programs of the subconscious of the person himself. At this level, the power over the subtle world is not yet, excluding a thin layer, directly concerning the main activity of a person. But a feeling of a karmic program appears as a sequence of rather long and difficult acts that need to be made to achieve something significant in the outside world. The sensations of the law of karma as universal boundanness of events and thoughts at this level are not yet, but there are some separate insights and reading information from fine plans (spontaneous vague foresight of the future, etc.). At this level, a person can charge a separate karmic program (and give an area for its implementation), but his conscious consent to participate in it egregor does not ask, implanting instead in the depths of the subconsciousness relevant goal.

Third level

At the third level, a person begins to understand the nature of power; Before him, it begins to come true that his whole psyche is connected with each other: the lower programs are necessary for the normal functioning of the highest, and aware of the highest goals and ideals do not really, and the essence of only intermediate stages in his life, and besides His Personal Property, and generated with the participation of Egregar and within the framework of the overall evolutionary development program, as well as many more private karmic programs relating to its surroundings. At this level, a person gets the first hint of realizations and to some extent consciously forms its ideals and higher goals. At the same time, the feeling of communication between the inner and the outside world and the keys to the methods of influence on the outside world by internal work, which fundamentally changes the nature of the human power over the world; Gradually formed knowledge about the magical power of thought.

Fourth level

At the fourth level of the Sun Study, a person gets access to the depths of the subconscious and begins to understand the intricacies of karmic programs acting around it. At this level, it really sees the action of the principle of "knowledge - power", which allows it to be insignificant (energy) impacts to produce very large changes in both the external and fine world. In other words, a person receives a conscious magical power over the world and may interfere in the personal initiative to intervene in karma of other people, teams, influence any egregors, change subtle structures, etc. True, karma's return strikes beat on it (in case of careless impact) is much stronger.

Strong sun in the horoscope

The Sun manages Lvom: That is, the will controls energy and is a source of power. The strong sun gives a person, to oppose the straight will of which is very difficult, even if it is not supported by any additional circumstances. The lion also gives the Sun of the quality of stability, stability in the presence of both external and internal interference.

The Sun cultures in Aries: the development of the solar principle gives a person new energy opportunities, which, however, require reflection and mastering, that is, they need to learn to manage, otherwise they quickly dry out. Management of powerful forces requires big attention, subtlety and flexibility.

The Sun symbolizes the father, the father's figure and the main, the most imperative (not leaving the choice), karmic programs, who are coming in this life to a person. These programs will give him will, courage, durability, but also require the same, and otherwise the person breaks and burns, that is, loses its independent existence, becoming someone else with an appendage or turning off from a vitality.

A person who has the sun is stronger than the rest of the planets, is distinguished by great authoritarianism; As a child, he instinctively respected authorities, sought them to imitate and, perhaps, studied the biographies of outstanding people in order to achieve the same victories and heights. His ambition does not remain unsuccessful, even if he does not achieve essential posts or results: in any case, he enjoys respect for those who are surrounding for a certain inner force, which may not be expressed clearly, but everything is intuitive; It is felt that if a person has not achieved a lot, then only because the tasks they set themselves were too complicated.

Since the sun is the planet of the external manifestation, therefore the goals and objectives to which the will of the Sun man directed are always concrete-practical character, they are clearly visible.

The life of a person with a strong sun can be painted by Egregor by the clock, and maybe in minutes. In any case, it constantly takes part in very hard karmic programs, on which there is no power on the low and middle evolutionary level (it will say: the circumstances are constantly stronger than me), and at a high evolutionary level it turns out to be quite harsh. This is a common position for the so-called strong world of this: dictators, rulers, major chiefs, in the word, community leaders with hard egregor. At a low level, it may be servant, holy observing the will of his Mr. and waking up with his dog; At a high level of evolutionary development, a sunny man can be anyone: a psychologist, a writer, a preacher, sainting, but still he will broadcast the will of his egregor, and you can or accept it and go after him, or go out in a completely different way: the third It is not given here.

Weak sun in the horoscope

The weak position of the Sun does not mean a low evolutionary level of man. The weak sun means that the person does not intend to participate in imperative karmic programs. However, its level of study of the Sun can be highly high, and it can take part in an arbitrarily responsible and tense programs, but its role will not be too important in them: the Egregor is not very intention. At a low evolutionary and energy level, this means not so much weakness as indifference to what is happening and internal irresponsibility. Man is not connected to any egregor. Such a person is difficult to create a significant obstacle to karmic programs around him and he almost never arises intention to do this; But he lives in relative security from karma returns.

At a higher evolutionary level, the weak sun means greater freedom of life and creativity and the lack of external incentives for their constructive use; Here, in some extent, stressful aspects of other planets, especially the Sun Dispositor, indirectly activating the will. However, it should be understood that at a fairly high evolutionary level, a person no longer needs to be pushed towards spiritual development and space cooperation.

Sun with harmonious aspects

The harmonious sun means that a person is a favorite of his bosses, subordinates and egregors. It is natural for him to submit to authorities (on his way there are always not too hard) and a sufficiently soft leadership of the lowermost, while he is often lucky in life, and the obviously incorrect or risky ideas do not touch it. The sun (along with Mars and Saturn) is a fairly rigid planet, so the harmonious aspects of the sun do not mean the threats of human passivity: he will perform all their karmic duties, but he will not be aspiracted to turn inside out and do everything possible in unbearable conditions; The latter will calmly wait, knowing that they are short-lived.

At a higher evolutionary level, the harmonious sun gives great creative abilities that are permanently implemented throughout the life of a person; This is a person who is capable of everything and capable of engaging in everything that happens around him; However, not all of it interests. But that he will be interested in, he quickly understands, and in all its activities there is a talent or even the Divine Presence; Another thing is that he will not do too much.

Sun with non-harmonic aspects

The striking sun means high confidence of fate to a person: he was included in the simultaneous and disharmonic karmic program at the same time and hoped very much that he:

  • it will not be offended;
  • will be shattered in his karmic program;
  • perform your program or at least make more harmonious.

Almost this means troubles, restrictions and deprivation, starting from early childhood, bad relationships with father or stepfather or the absence of a father's figure, heavily worried.

In such cases there are two behaviors:

  • the fierce of life accompanied by a narrowing of consciousness, an increase in egoism and the subsequent restriction of karmic liability;
  • a person is trying to expand consciousness and oppose the cruelty of fate softness and kindness, pay good for evil. This path often leads to self-actualization, a person finds his place in a rather difficult life and avoids fierce.

At a higher evolutionary level, a person comprehending his bitter experience, after a while begins to understand that fate requires something in every situation of something quite definite, which often does not coincide with what he wants, but also not always directly contradictive. Further, he understands that his first volitional impulse in any situation is usually false, but contains rational grain that should be found, and it is precisely it leads to its harmonious permission.

What do you need to learn a person with the amazed sun?

A man with an amazed sun should be learned not only to block his inappropriate and late initiative, but also to find a way to transform into an acceptable and adequate. To do this, it is necessary to stand on an impersonal position, that is, objectively assess the situation and itself in it, which is quite difficult, given the strong ambitious ambitions of the affected sun.

In another embodiment of the program of the affected Sun, a person with sufficient energy comes to the service of the hard egregor (this is called "to sell the soul of the devil") and broadcasts the disharmonious program through itself, becoming a black teacher. Then he is beginning to be tormented by the thirst for power, hatred and thirst for destruction, which it realizes through his students or subjects. This is an option of a despot or a dictator, endowed with a certain power in the vicinity of his karmic program and almost completely devoid of freedom of will - puppets of their egregor.

The article uses the materials of the authors:

K. Daragan.

A. Underwater

The sun is the most important element of the horoscope, indicating the human core, his life and creative potential.

Everyone knows in which sign they have the sun, and identify themselves with this zodiac sign. But in the horoscope there are other planets. Most people do not know their provisions that does not interfere with the planets to influence the owners of horoscopes. Planets affect each other, entering into harmonious or conflict relationships. The latter are often called lesions. The sun can be affected. The problems of a person with the affected sun depends on which planet is striking him.

Moon in conflict with the sun Gives emotional impassable, a person is not easy to express himself and adapt to others. He may have a difficult childhood, family problems, conflicts between parents or a loss of one of them. In adulthood, a person has problems in relations with the opposite sex, it is difficult for him to create and save the family.

Mercury and Venus never affect the sun, they are close to the luminaries and can only be connected to it. The sun can affect them, its own energy "turning" their own. Such planets call "burnt". It does not bear special troubles, but a person, in whose horoscope they are, it is difficult to be objective.

Mars in conflict with the sun Makes a person too hot-tempered, impulsive, unable to hide his irritation. It often conflicts with others, heavily cleaned energy and constantly falls into dangerous situations.

Jupiter in conflict with the sun gives bloated self-conceit, the desire to achieve a lot, without bothering the observance of the discipline. A person loves to attract attention to the dismissed generosity, wants everyone to be respected, but often falls into stupid stories.

Saturn in conflict with the sun Gives life, complete obstacles and adversity. It is difficult for a person to realize himself, everything is given by the price of incredible effort and sometimes too late. He has a weak health, the nature is impermanent, problems with one of the parents and with a senior child are possible.

Uranus in conflict with the sun Forms an eccentric, capricious personality, full of original, but rarely feasible ideas. Such a person lacks patience and discipline.

Neptune in conflict with the sun It can form a personality with an unstable psyche, lazy and belligent, with a burden of all kinds of secrets and unusual states. A person may not be moderated by mystics, religion, and may hit a banal drunkenness or drug addiction.

Pluto in conflict with the sun May contribute to the birth of tyrana, prone to violence and thirsty unlimited power over people or vice versa, victims of violence. He studies and uses magic, hypnosis and other techniques of influence on people or himself becomes a victim of negative impact.

The affected sun more often gives problems from character flaws. But the story knows many outstanding people with such a sun. And in the usual life, a non-harmonic luminaries, many does not prevent you from being good people, successful and even happy. So, everything is corrected, if on time and seriously do it.

(Soul Indicator).

The study of the location of the Sun in the horoscope allows you to get information about the outside of a person, its energy and the main features of his behavior, about everything concerning his father, health, ability to leadership, and the depth of knowledge of their inner "I". The Sun represents people engaged in public administration working in churches and churches associated with trade in gold and employed in the industries related to health care, as well as those who are famous and popular. The sun is the king of the planets, it gives all the heat and light (visible). Thus, the position of the Sun in the horoscope allows you to see how powerful, this person is influential and how noble, who realized him may be. At the same time, it is necessary to check the condition of houses related to these qualities, for example, pay attention to the 9th house and the Sun to learn about the degree of spiritual awareness of the person, and the 10th house and the sun, to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhis professional status.


Om Namo Bhagavate Ramacandraya

There are many mantras for different names of the Sun - Surya, Savitar, Adidia, Ravi, Mithra, Varuna, Ariaman, Pushhan, Indra and Agni.

  • Home Mantra name - "Om Suryya Makha!"
  • Home Bija Mantra ("Seed" Mantra) - "Om Sum!" (Pronounced with long "y")

Another effective "seed" mantra of the Sun - "Ram" (Pronounced with long "A"), the name of the frame - Avatars Vishnu. It strengthens the connection of a person with Divine Light. You can also use a mantra " Oh."For this sound is considered to be the sound of the sun. The sun is the quintessence of all vowels. Another effective mantra - " Hrrim"(Pronounced long and" and "). It radiates the golden radiance of the heart. These mantras are advisable to pronounce on Sunday, in the bright time of the day (at sunrise, at noon or at sunset).

Mantras of the Sun.

  • Bija Mantra Surii (Sun):

Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaaya Namah

  • Surya Stotra Mantra:

Japaa KusumasamkaAsham Kaashyapeyam Mahahyutim
Tamo Rim Sarvapapaghnam Pranato Smi Divaakaram

  • Gayatri Mantra Surgei (Sun):

Om Bhaaskaraaya Vidmahe Mahaatejaaya Dhimahi
Tanno Suurya Prachodayaat.

Astrological indicators

Relationships with planets:

  • friends with Moon, Mars and Jupiter
  • enemies with Venus and Saturn
  • neutral with Mercury

With an ascende in Aries, Lev, Scorpio or Sun, the Sun is a beneficial planet. In these cases (provided that the sun is not weakened) with the help of astrological healing tools, it is possible to strengthen positive solar quality - the ability of the leader, independence, the power of intelligence and disorder.

Sun in houses

If at the time of the birth of a person, the sun takes:

  • Ascendent - a person will love battles, will be slow in work, it will not be observational and ruthless; But if Aries will be ascending sign (Ascendant in Aries) and the sun will take it, a person will become rich and will suffer from eye diseases; If the lion is ascending sign (Ascendant in Lev) and the sun will take it, a person will not see at night if the scales are ascending sign and the sun will be in them, the person will be blind and poor; If the cancer is ascending and the sun will be in it, the person will have a stain in his eye.
  • The 2nd house - the man will be very rich, his wealth will be taken by the king and he will suffer from diseases on his face.
  • The 3rd house is a smart and powerful.
  • The 4th house - man will be amazed by sadness and mental suffering.
  • The 5th house - he will not have sons and will be poor.
  • The 6th house - a person will be powerful, but will be conquered by the enemy. If the sun takes the 6th house from Ascendent, the enemies of the person will meet with ruin. According to Satyacharya, such a person will be free from enemies, diseases and grief, but the text has the support of Yavanacharya and Suchidhwaja.
  • The 7th house - a person will be disgraced in the hands of women.
  • The 8th house - a person will have few sons and blind.
  • 9th house - a person will have sons, wealth and comfort (but). According to another version, a man born with the sun in the 9th house will not have either sons nor wealth. Satyacharya says that such a person will do evil affairs, will be amazed and will achieve a modest position in life.
  • The 10th house - a person will live in comfort and will be powerful.
  • The 11th house - man will be very rich.
  • The 12th house - he will become an apostate.

When determining the impact of the planets in some houses from Ascendent, in determining the nature of such houses should be taken into account: whether there are several planets at home, are their signs friendly, hostile or neutral signs, or these are their own homes, or their exaltation signs and the like (but). In addition, in accordance with Satyacharya, favorable planets enhance at home, while harmful weakens them; But for the 6th, 8th and 12th houses there is a reverse case (b).


(but) In accordance with Garga, the planet in his exaltation, Mulatrician, the monastery or in friendly signs enhance the houses occupying them; Planets in their hostile or overwhelming signs weaken the houses occupied by them; The planets in their neutral signs do not enhance and do not reduce the houses occupying them.

(b) That is, if a favorable planet occupies the 6th house, the enemies will meet with ruin, if the malicious planet occupies it, the strength of enemies will be increased. Again, if a favorable planet occupies the 8th house, a person will be released from dangers in life if a malicious planet occupies it, the dangers in life will increase. Finally, if a favorable planet occupies the 12th house, a person will not have any losses if the malicious planet occupies it, then the number of losses will be increased.

This view is in accordance with Svalp Jataka.

If planets with good properties occupy their marks of exaltation, such properties are fully expressed. If they occupy their Mulatriacon (but) signs, only three-quarters of such impacts manifest; If they occupy their homes, half of their impact will manifest; If they occupy their friendly signs, one quarter of such impacts will manifest; If they occupy their hostile signs, less than one quarter of such impacts will come true; If the planets occupy the signs of their fall or if there is a burning planets (b)Good impacts will completely fail.

The bad effects of the planets, if they occupy the signs of their fall or if there is a burning planets, will be fully expressed. If the planets occupy their hostile signs, then by three quarters; If they occupy their friendly signs, they will manifest themselves half; If they occupy their signs, then one quarter; If they occupy their Mulatriac signs, then less than a quarter of a bad effect will come true. If the planets occupy their marks of exaltation, the planets will not happen.

Sun in the signs of the zodiac

Born with the Sun:

  • in the sign of the Aries, but not in the degree of exaltation, it will be widely known and talented, it will travel a lot to own small wealth and wearing weapons. If a person is born with the Sun in the degree of exaltation, he will be very rich, commander in the army, will have greater fame and fame;
  • in the Taurus sign will sell clothes, perfume and other items, it will be bad to belong to women, will be skillful in music, vocals and playing musical instruments;
  • in the sign of the twins, there will be a trained diploma, it will be an astrologer and will be rich;
  • in the sign of cancer, there will be an independent and cruel, poor who makes the work of other people and will suffer from tired traveling;
  • in the sign of the lion will live in the forests, mountains and pastures, it will be strong and stupid;
  • in the sign of the Virgin will be a writer, an artist, literary publisher and mathematician, will have extensive knowledge, his body will be like female;
  • in the sign of the weights will love to drink and produce alcohol, it will be a wandering nature, an alchemist, will make bad actions;
  • in the sign of Scorpio, it will have a fierce character, frivolous in work, will make money by the actions related to poison or its earnings will not go to him, unusually skillful in handling arms;
  • in the sign of Sagittarius will respect the wise men, rich and independent, medicine and sculpture will be trained;
  • in the Capricorn sign will be involved in cases that do not correspond to his life position will be ignorant, the seller is not very good things, a little rich, greedy and enjoying other people;
  • in the sign of Aquarius, it will be engaged in the affairs of his life status, poor, there will be no sons and property;
  • in the sign of the fish, wealth on water-related products will be popular with women.

When the sun and the moon are connected in one sign during a person's birth, he will have moles and birthmarks in accordance with the distribution of zodiac signs on the body of the Kalapurushi.

If at the moment of the birth of a man's sun, the sign of the sun and the ruler of this sign was strong, the results described above are fully implemented. If two conditions were strong, the results will come true. If only one condition was strong, they will only come true and if none of the three conditions were strong, the interpretation leading above will not be implemented.

Best status

Physiology and Health

In the human body, the Sun is responsible for:

  • vocal cords
  • the upper part of the back and the spine as a whole
  • vitality as a whole - the general state of human health, body forces
  • bone body fabric
  • a heart
  • version strength
  • metabolism (metabolism)
  • vision
  • right eye in men and left in women

Signs of the Strong Sun.

The strong sun in the horoscope speaks of the ability of self-awareness, the ability to find support in itself and in God, which is always with us.

People who have a strong sun in a horoscope will have a strong physique, a strong body and good health, an attractive appearance is a large round face and, as a rule, medium height, dark hair and dark skin color.

In addition, the strong sun gives clear life principles, self-confidence, prosperity, high social status, popularity, quality of the leader and the ability to lead people.

The strong sun speaks of respect for others, the feeling of self-esteem, pride, generosity, nobility, generosity and sincerity, gives ambitions and talents.

The sun is responsible for vision, and if a person is spiritually developing, he gains the ability to see subtle reality. In the highest manifestation, the Sun gives a transcendental vision.

Signs of weak sun

The main symptoms of the weakness of the Sun are lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem or disrespect. A person does not appreciate himself in dignity, he has a negative image of "I," he is not able to achieve success and recognition. It is heavowless and fearful, subject to fear and doubts. He lacks targets and motivation, it depends on others in emotional and material terms. He acquires a sense of own personality only with a loaf on other people (most often - relatives and friends), and it is difficult to work independently. The father of such a person most likely was not easy fate.

At the physical level, a person suffers from lack of energy. He pale and anemian, he has cold hands and legs, poor digestion and poor appetite, weak or rare pulse, weak heart and poor blood circulation. Possible swelling, the accumulation of liquids and mucus, the total hypofunction of organs and the nervous system. It is not excluded weakened vision. Such a person may have too fragile bones and exposure to arthritis. Organism low resistance; In particular, this man is defenseless in front of the cold and dampness.

A weak or negative aspects affected by the Sun says that a person will be selfish, excessively proud, arrogant, extravagant, will strive to dominate other people and dream of power. Such a person will not have the support of his kind, he will wander and experience humiliation from relatives.

If the influence of the Sun is not harmonious, then the person appears the following health problems: weak eyesight, circulatory problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, weak bones, epilepsy, headaches.

Such people are distinguished by low vitality, increased irritability, the inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis) in them proceeds in severe.


The sun can mean elevated temperature, fever, eye and teeth disease, neuralgia.

  • Immunity diseases
  • Heart patterns, arrhythmia
  • Various curvatures of the spine
  • Weak eyesight
  • Fever
  • Anemia
  • Total weakness
  • Problems with hair growth
  • Pallor skin

Upay (harmonization methods) Sun Energy

  • Early rise is a very favored rise in Brahma-Mukhurt - a period 40-45 minutes before sunrise, to devote this time to communicating with God
  • Walking in the Sun (before Zenit)
  • Cultivation of the qualities of the Sun in goodness
  • Completion of post and ascetic on Sundays
  • The execution of the complex of Surya Namaskar in the morning
  • Decide Sunday spiritual practitioners

Sun in Gunah

Sattva Rajas Tamas
  • a responsibility
  • nobility
  • generosity
  • generosity
  • joy in activity
  • self-esteem
  • humanism
  • pottleness
  • determination
  • self-discipline
  • willpower
  • the ability to manage without using punishments
  • cheerfulness from abundance of internal happiness
  • innovation
  • respect for yourself and other
  • loud team voice
  • attentiveness to the Council
  • sincerity
  • early rise with joy
  • non-day enthusiasm
  • feeling thanks
  • conceptual thinking
  • desire to be the center of attention
  • "Artificial" smile
  • pride
  • impulsiveness
  • striving for power
  • desire to manipulate, exploit
  • dependence on the opinions of others
  • ambitiousness
  • self-assumption
  • responsibility only for the benefit
  • obsessive desire to assist
  • unwillingness to listen to the opinions of others
  • terry egoism
  • irresponsibility
  • desire to enjoy
  • inability to keep promise
  • enjoyment from other people's suffering
  • hostile to peace and people
  • claims
  • long anger
  • arrogance
  • diffidence
  • aimless life
  • the desire to go to your goal "on the heads"

additional information

If at the lowest Sun presents the ego or the image of "I", then at the highest level it is true, divine "I" (Atman).

The main task of the Sun is the permission of the identity problem. Our true personality is conscious as such, and not in any other item, with whom we identify ourselves. All we are identified with, it is only forms of darkness. The genuine our nature is the ability to shed light on the existence, and not at all those objects that illuminates the light of our consciousness.

Our true being is being in the world. It itself is light. To gain true light, you need to turn inside yourself. Every external light, which we reflect, only overshadows our soul, however, it would be nor.

The sun gives a person vitality and awareness of his inner "I". It also gives strength and ability to quickly make decisions.

Requires respect for the Father. If there is no respect for the Father - the solar aspect is closed in life (the same refers to stepfather, boss, government).

Symbolizes the male divine aspect.

The energy of the sun is rigid, but noble.


To strengthen the sun, a person must develop independence and courage in himself, fight with his fears. It should highlight the bright light all the dark caches of his consciousness. He must learn to appear in public without satellites. He must learn to stay alone. He must more often take the initiative and take on the role of the leader.

It is necessary to spend more time outdoors during the bright sun and take sunny bath daily (about twenty minutes). It is necessary to get up early in the morning and greet the sun - the best prayer or mantra of the solar deity, at sunrise, at noon and at sunset. It is also necessary to perform a daily yogic "Worship of the Sun" ("Suryya Namaskar").

Profession and occupation

  • kings, kings
  • officers
  • administrators
  • leaders, strategies
  • commander
  • doctors
  • rich famous people
  • great actors
  • dramaturgures


To strengthen the sun, you need to meditate on the image of a red or golden solar bowl located in the heart area. It should be preferred with bright, clean, transparent and warm colors - predominantly red, yellow, gold, light brown and orange colors. Avoid dark colors, as well as dark places and landscapes; In particular, muddy, opaque tones and all shades of gray and black.

View of yoga

To establish a connection with your highest "I", it is advisable to make meditations and practicing a knowledge yoga. The main task here is to establish a sense of identity with its inner essence as a pure consciousness. We must learn to distinguish the lower "I" from the highest. It is necessary to find the origins of the mental image "I" in the divine light of my heart.


The sun together with the moon is responsible for the 6th chakra (Ajna). This chakra is located in the center of the forehead, in the third eye area.

Day of the week


Direction and place

It is extremely favorable to sleep on the eastern side and have an entrance to the dwelling on the east. Even have at least one window to the east and the opportunity to watch the sunrise daily - this is already a big plus.

Natal card (horoscope) - This is an astrological map of the birth of a person built at a specific date, a specific time and a concrete geographical place of his birth.

At the moment of the birth of a person each of the eight planets Solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and two lights (Sun moon) are in a particular sign of the zodiacing one of the twelve (Sectors in the horoscope, resulting in the rotation of the earth around their axis). Between the elements of the horoscope there are angular interrelations (measured in degrees) called. The angular relations between interplanets (luminous) and their position in the signs of the zodiac and houses of the horoscope are mainly formed by the character of a person, and also define its fate.

In the Natal Map (horoscope) of the person empires (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptun, Pluto) and shining (sun, moon) of the solar system, are designed to one plane, the center of rotation of which is land (geocentric astrology). The sun, the moon and personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) are responsible for the person's personal subsystems (respectively, ego, emotions, thinking, love + beauty, physical and sexual energy). The rest of the planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) are considered social and modify the influence of personal planets through aspects with them, and their positions in the houses of the horoscope. All planets fall into certain signs of the zodiac and (sectors resulting from the rotation of the Earth around their axis). The influence of houses in astrology is associated with the influence of the environment and society on a person in the process of its growth, education and development (accordingly it is not congenital, but acquired characteristics). The influence of the signs of the zodiac, in contrast to the influence of houses, congenital and gives the character of a man. Congenital characteristics and a certain type of temperament. Home countdown is conducted from Ascedent - horizon points at the moment of the birth of a person and the beginning of the 1st house of the horoscope. The ascedent describes the personality of a person (how he wants to show himself to other people) and the power of influence on a person is equal to the power of the influence of the sun and the moon. Opposite asceedent point horoscopecalled Descecedient.She is He is the beginning of the 7th house of the horoscope responsible for partnerships and marriage. Descecedent and his ruler (the planet of the Zodiac Signation in which Dessertent is located) describe the sphere of human relationships with other people and the sphere of marriage. All planets have certain angular provisions among themselves (aspects) and energy planets are modified by these aspects.

So, we have shining and planets located in the signs of the zodiac and houses and having aspects among themselves (tense and harmonious). All this is difficult to interact with each other and describes the character and temperament of a person, as well as his fate. The strongest, according to the elements of the horoscope, are the sun, the moon and the ascedent. The sun is responsible for the internal self-satisfaction of the person (ego), the moon for emotions, and the ascedent for the individual (from the ancient Russian word Leschin, i.e. mask), which man wants to demonstrate others. In essence, the ascedent is an external human personality shell, and the sun and the moon is its contents. This troika is the basis of the character of a person. It is considered (and quite reasonable) that in a pair of the moon-sun for children and women is more manifested by the moon, and for men - the sun. The ascedent is equally expressed in men and women. It is with consideration of the position of the ascedenta, the sun and the moon, as well as aspects to these elements of the horoscope and you need to begin deciphering a natal card first. This is the basis of a horoscope, which is then increasing everything else when considering a natal map.

The interpretation of all-elements of a natal card separately and interrelations with each other and helps to recreate the full picture of the personality, character and a possible future person.
For these two links, you can read the analysis samples by the professional astrologer of the Natal Map of an adult and a child: and.
In addition to the description of the temperament, the characteristics of the character, talents, the strengths and weaknesses of the personality, as well as the life spheres, to which the special attention of the Horoscope's owner is attracted and in which it can achieve the greatest success and achievements, long-term and short-term and short-term. Under this link, you can read a sample of astronoprognosis on the topic

Decoding designations in natal map

In the outer circle of the natal map, 12 zodiac signs are placed, the notation of which is the following:

The internal and outer circle of a natal card is divided into, each of which is responsible for a certain sphere of human life (personality, material wealth, the nearest contacts, family, love, etc.) The beginning of the first house coincides with the AS Natal Card Ascendant (the opposite point - DS , Descened). Another important point of the map is the middle of the sky MC (the opposite point - IC). The AS-DS and MC-IC lines are the main energy axes of the Natal Map, are the beginning of the most important houses (1-person, 4-family, 7th marriage, 10-career) and are very important in its interpretation.

Metal: Gold, copper.
Day: Sunday.
Color: yellow orange.
Direction: East.
Abode: A lion.
Exaltation (Exaltations): Aries.
Exile: Aquarius.
Fall: Scales.
Friendly planets: , .
Hostile planets: , .
Organs: Heart, brain, eyes, bones, lungs and stomach.
Diseases: Weak Vision, Headache, Bone Weight, Heart Diseases.
Events: Observing (loss) of health, success (failure), fame (shame), popularity (positive and negative).
Designations in the map: Q.


The most characteristic feature characteristic of which no more planet is possessed, is the need and ability for self-expression, to individual creativity that is not related to external reasons and circumstances. It is the Creator of everything that is on Earth. It is creativity and is the principle of the sun.


Every creativity requires implementation, and one of the properties of the Sun is the need to be, and being an individual, differing from the rest of the living, the need for external expression. Consequently, the function of the Sun is the creative realization of individuality.


Traditionally, the Sun is considered a center and a source of life, the basis of integrity, the symbol of inspiration, active and hot planet of the external manifestation.
Therefore, it is associated with the need and desire (intent) of creative realization of individuality.
If so, the role of the Sun is to be a primary creative impulse of individual manifestation.

Significator of organs and diseases

The sun is an indicator of life processes in the body. It is responsible for human energy potential, indicates heart disease, circulatory disorders, faint, impairment of vision; associated with the spinal cord and the front fraction of the pituitary.

Classification of Hubera

The most common problems in the Natal Map associated with the Sun are difficulties with self-consciousness, management of themselves, setting goals and their achievements, independence and autonomy, objectivity and self-improvement.

general characteristics

The sun is the most important luminous, the focus of vitality. Determines the health and well-being of the born. Reports a creative impulse, ideals - the desire for power, influence, power. The negative signs of the Sun manifests itself in egocentrism, disregard for other people's interests, in painful pride.

Just as all the planets in our solar system rotate around the Sun, we get our goal of life from the Sun in our. The sun is our ego, our "inner child" that makes the final decisions. It sends us, and it can be considered "boss" in a natal map, especially in men.

The position of the main luminaries in our has a fateful meaning, for example, the happiest people on Earth, those who have no pronounced tense. Although at the same time you might think that the features of their character may be "soft-walked", because through the sun we teach our "ego", strengthen our life "ridge". It is important to remember that the sun represents our inner mind, and not instinct.

As for the other night shining, the moon, the Sun always reflects the present, while the moon pours past into our lives, through feelings and emotions.

The sun expresses our psychological bias, superior to its actions. You can think to dream, imagine feelings and images according to your moon and other plantes of a natal card. But the sun is what you are, in the present physical world, this is a totality of your real actions, actions, provisions.

The Sun manages all lighting, just also controls public recognition and self-esteem, covering who we are. It also clarifies the characteristics of any planet, which falls under its aspect, and reveals its entirety. For example, if the sun and Jupiter have a favorable aspect, then the goodness and positive characteristics of Jupiter will shine under the caring light of the sun. And the power of Jupiter, if not lifting the "Olympus", it will move significantly on the social staircase.

The symbol of the sun is known since ancient times, and deciphered as a symbol of "individualization". Because the luminaire represents the archetype of the hero, the story of which can be read as a mythological character, which must overcome all the difficulties and obstacles in its path, which beyond him by the planets of a natal card, formed intense aspects with the Sun.

Strong sun

The desire to be significant is the main driving force of this person. It will be important for a person to dominate surrounded and the situation. The greatest part of energy is spent on what respect and reverence can bring. This will serve as the main criterion in solving whether it is necessary to perform this or that action.

Some will demand respect from others, others will be satisfied with self-esteem. Most would prefer to have little and the other in a harmonious ratio. Temperament and abilities will ensure the desired position.

Active and initiative personality, a person is often involved in various stories of itself (consciously) not wanting.

Harmonious Sun.

Constant luck and protection; Quiet character, as well as a big charm. The tendency to laziness and self-deception, as well as to the passive deception of others (the unwillingness to disperse the false impression that the surrender.

Weak Sun.

Lack of active life position. Unwillingness stand out, attract attention.

Arrested sun

Strokes of fate, the impossibility of harmonious realization of their own will. It should be initiative, but at the same time very attentive and careful in relation to what is happening in itself and in the outside world.

Highly affected by the sun

Vanity, egocentrism, the desire to impose their own opinion.

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