A positive result for chlamydia during pregnancy. Chlamydia during pregnancy: routes of infection, symptoms, treatment. Chlamydia manifestations during pregnancy


Chlamydia is one of the sexually transmitted diseases, a dangerous infection that has a detrimental effect on pregnancy.

Chlamydia during pregnancy is fraught with unpleasant consequences for the mother, and the fetus can die in the womb.

This sexually transmitted disease is very contagious for women and men, it affects the genital and urinary system, rectum, and eyes.

The disease can be asymptomatic for a long time, causing harm to the organs of the reproductive system, urinary system, etc. Respiratory chlamydia, which affects more often children, is rare. It is confused on the basis of common acute respiratory infections (ARVI). The virus is transmitted through the respiratory tract (airborne droplets) from the carrier of the infection.

Causes of the disease

The causative agent - the bacterium Chlamydia, more often affects a person (inherent only to him) a type of bacterium - chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia trachomatis).

Newborns can get this infection from their mother. In this case, it can affect any organs of the child, but more often it is the lungs. There is a high probability of infection with respiratory chlamydia in a child during the passage through the birth canal by the mother herself or through contact with non-sterile objects or the hands of staff.

From venereal diseases, chlamydia is extremely contagious. The immune system suppresses infection if a small amount of chlamydia is ingested. Where does this infection come from? Infection can occur through vaginal, anal, oral sex, during childbirth from an infected mother, and very rarely through household items... With unprotected sex, the risk of contracting chlamydia is 50%.

In external environment the bacterium dies quickly. However, in crowded places (swimming pools, saunas, beaches), household contamination is possible. Hygiene standards must be observed.

When infected incubation period- 1-3 weeks. However, a person can live for a very long time without suspecting that they are infected. The disease proceeds without obvious symptoms. Chlamydia colonies feel at ease inside the cell, using it as an incubator. Chlamydia can survive in epithelial cells from 3 to 6 years. And only analyzes can show their presence in the body.


About 60-70% of women do not suspect that they are infected with chlamydia, which initially does not show any symptoms. And the primary, in the form of mucous vaginal discharge, may not attach importance. Watch out for alarming symptoms of infection:

  • mucopurulent discharge (foul-smelling, yellowish) from the vagina;
  • moderate pain in the areas of the external and internal genital organs;
  • itching in the genitals and burning when urinating;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen (especially with the onset of pregnancy).
  • increased pain before menstruation;
  • bleeding during the intermenstrual period.

There may be a slight increase in temperature, general weakness.

Symptoms are similar to many infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, so only a doctor can specifically determine their origin. The main thing is not to ignore these symptoms in order to start treatment on time.

Why chlamydia is dangerous during pregnancy

At chronic chlamydia can get pregnant, but how to maintain pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. In the first trimester of pregnancy, chlamydia leads to plantar insufficiency, as a result of which nutrition and oxygen supply to the fetus is reduced.

Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) leads to defective formation of the child's organs and systems. And in severe cases, it ends with fetal freezing or miscarriage. If this was avoided, then the baby may be born with muscle tone, pathology of the nervous system.

Flaw nutrients leads to the birth of an infant with low weight, anemia and vitamin deficiency. In the later stages, the liver and pancreas, kidneys of the child can be affected.

During childbirth, the baby gets an infection from a mother with chlamydia. To mitigate these risks, you must go throughchlamydia treatment during pregnancy.


Previously, doctors could not establish the presence ofchlamydia in the blood and during pregnancydiagnose this disease. Cases of miscarriages and freezing of pregnancy were inexplicable. Currently, immunological and serological research methods make it possible to diagnosechlamydia during pregnancy and consequences for the childreduce by applying adequate treatment.

To make an analysis for chlamydia during pregnancy, a biological material is taken from a woman: discharge from the vagina, urethra, cervix (smears). The procedure is painless and not dangerous to the fetus.

Chlamydia affects the development of the fetus. To determine whether the fetus is infected, an analysis of the amniotic fluid is taken. The manipulation is carried out by monitoring the child's condition with a special ultrasound device, with minimal risk to him. The procedure is prescribed only if necessary, if there is a fear of intrauterine infection of the child. If it is established that the fetus is infected, then the treatment of chlamydia in pregnant women is carried out in order to protect the child from serious consequences.

Additional diagnostics are also carried out (tests are taken) to determine if a woman has other infections (gonococcus, herpes, syphilis, HIV), which happens not rarely. Need to analyze chronic diseases(kidney, liver) so that the drugs prescribed for the treatment of chlamydia do not worsen the general condition of the woman.

Only a professional doctor can prescribe a comprehensive treatment for chlamydia during pregnancy and monitor its results. It is not easy to select the necessary drugs, taking into account the pregnancy and the patient's individual indicators. You cannot engage in self-medication. Not all drugs can be used, you cannot decide for yourself how to treat the disease.


Lasts from 3 weeks, carried out under medical supervision. All sexual partners should be treated at the same time.

The course of complex therapy includes antibacterial and antifungal drugs, vitamin complexes, immunomodulators.

Local antimicrobial agents are also used, especially if the patient has a discharge from the urethra.

Chlamydia and pregnancy

Start treatment after 20 weeks of pregnancy. If there is a suspicion of infection of the fetus in the womb - after 12 weeks. Chlamydia cannot be completely killed during pregnancy. Treatment is necessary to stop the process of their reproduction, prevent infection of the fetus and reduce the negative effect of the disease on the child.

After childbirth, you must undergo an effective course of treatment. Then take tests to check the effectiveness of the treatment. A month later, they undergo repeated tests to make sure that the disease has been defeated. But, remember that this does not exclude re-infection, since immunity to chlamydia is not produced.

Do not use tetracycline antibiotics when treating a pregnant woman, which, when side effects, can affect the development of the fetus. Macrolide group preparations are more suitable.

Treatment can help with a single dose of antibiotics to which chlamydia is susceptible. But more often a longer complex treatment is required using:

  1. Antibiotics (erythromycin, ofloxacin amoxicillin).
  2. Immunomodulators. When laboratory tests indicate the presence of disorders in the immune system, drugs are prescribed to increase immunity.
  3. Enzymes. Enzymes during treatment chlamydia a use during pregnancy for:
  • normalization of the permeability of cell membranes;
  • reducing an allergic reaction to drugs used in treatment;
  • analgesic and decongestant effects;
  • enhancing the therapeutic effect of antibiotics;
  • improving blood circulation in peripheral vessels;

After the end of the course of treatment, vitamins and enzymes are prescribed to restore the body.

After treatment of chlamydia, the body does not acquire immunity and re-infection is possible.

Is it possible to get pregnant with chlamydia

What to do if a woman becomes pregnant and is diagnosed with chlamydia upon registration. In 10% of such patients, it is diagnosed in the antenatal clinic. Chronic chlamydia during pregnancy must be treated. This disease can lead to miscarriage, miscarriage, premature birth. Babies are born prematurely and can contract chlamydia from the mother.

Chlamydia live in the reproductive cells of a woman, gradually spreading to the epithelial tissues of the urogenital organs, the lower part of the small intestine, in pregnant women it penetrates the amniotic membranes, affecting the fetus. If the infection chlamydia a during pregnancy found in blood , then it is necessary to treat chlamydia during pregnancy.

Before conceiving a child, a couple should be checked by a venereologist for diseases such as chlamydia. Because they can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus and very often proceed without obvious symptoms. A person may not suspect for many years that he is a carrier of this infection, especially if the process of the course of the disease is chronic.

Is it possible to get pregnant after chlamydia

Chlamydia causes significant harm to the internal organs of a woman, even if it does not show vivid symptoms. Sometimes the disease can lead to irreversible consequences and the inability to become pregnant (infertility) or ectopic pregnancy.

Will there be pregnancy after treatment? It depends on the degree of damage to the woman's reproductive organs. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the uterus (endometriosis), which reduces the possibility of embryo attachment to the uterine wall and pregnancy. If a woman has cured the disease without complications and is completely healthy, pregnancy after chlamydia can safely occur.

To minimize the risk of getting a sexually transmitted infection, you need to: control your sexual behavior, avoid casual sex, use condoms, visit a doctor and get tested for chlamydia. To be examined (for both partners) when planning a pregnancy.

Chlamydia is one of the sexually transmitted infections.

This disease provokes the development of an inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system. Often during pregnancy, the disease is asymptomatic, but, nevertheless, it can cause complications during gestation or childbirth.

Against the background of a physiological decrease in immunity, the likelihood of infection increases, as well as the activation of chronic infections, therefore, a woman may develop acute chlamydia during pregnancy. The consequences for the child, as well as for the mother, depend on the extent of the spread of the disease.

The clinical symptoms of the disease can vary considerably. The following options for the course of chlamydia during pregnancy are possible:

  • Chronic, persistent infection. This option is characterized by asymptomatic infection with periodic development of exacerbations.
  • Acute chlamydia.
  • Asymptomatic carriage of chlamydia.

Also, the clinic of the disease directly depends on which part of the genitourinary sphere is involved in the inflammatory process. With the involvement of the lower sections, the disease proceeds according to the clinical variant of urethritis and vulvovaginitis. Patients note the development of pain, itching and burning during urination, as well as the appearance of pathological discharge.

Symptoms of erosion and pseudo-erosion of the cervix are represented by pathologically increased bleeding, the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract.

In the case of inflammation of the cervical canal, appendages and uterine wall, women note painful sensations in the lower abdomen, lower back, as well as pain during sexual intercourse. Often the inflammatory process leads to an increase in temperature, general weakness and an increase in symptoms of intoxication. Chlamydia, which develops during pregnancy, can lead to a number of complications from the mother's body.

Most often, the disease provokes the development of:

  • Pseudo-erosion or true erosion of the cervix. With the development of infections of the genital area in women, the causative agent of the disease penetrates into the cervix and stimulates the formation of erosive defects. Further, the erosion itself becomes the entrance gate for the further spread of the disease in various ways (hematogenous, lymphogenous, contact).
  • Endometritis (inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus).
  • Salpingo-oophoritis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries).
  • Chlamydial urethritis. The mucous membrane of the genitourinary system is the most favorable place for the reproduction of chlamydia at one of the stages life cycle pathogen. Therefore, chlamydial urethritis is a frequent complication of chlamydia during pregnancy and can lead to the development of undesirable consequences during gestation and for the child.
  • Cervicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal). The development of the inflammatory process is very often due to the previous formation of erosive defects.
  • Colpitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa).

The consequences of chlamydia for the fetus

Given that the disease can lead to a complicated bearing of a child, chlamydia should be diagnosed as early as possible during pregnancy. The consequences for the child are represented by infection of the respiratory system, pneumonia, chlamydial conjunctivitis and otitis media.

Chlamydia can provoke the development of placental insufficiency. This pathological condition leads to the development oxygen starvation fetus (hypoxia). Therefore, after birth, a child may lag behind in physical and psycho-motor development. Parents often focus on the fact that the child is lethargic, often sick and does not succeed in school.

Chlamydia during pregnancy leads to serious consequences for the child, therefore, treatment should be prescribed even during the gestation period. The main thing in conservative therapy is the appointment of antibacterial agents. It is very important to use only those medicines that do not pose a danger to the health of the child. The appointment of immunomodulating drugs is effective. With timely and high-quality treatment of the disease, a normal course of both current and subsequent pregnancies is possible.

During the carrying of a child, the woman's body is weakened by the course of the infectious process. Therefore, pregnancy can be considered aggravated by a concomitant disease.

Due to the negative effect of chlamydia on the body of the mother, fetus and the course of pregnancy, there is a high risk of developing:

  • Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).
  • Premature birth.
  • The development of placental abruption.
  • Premature rupture of fruit membranes.
  • Polyhydramnios.
  • Weakness of labor.
  • Prematurity.

Also, chlamydia during pregnancy is dangerous because during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal, the child can become infected with this infection. This is due to the fact that the baby's immunity is not sufficiently developed to resist the disease. In order to prevent the development of this disease, pregnancy should be planned and examined by a gynecologist in a timely manner.

It is recommended to examine all those in contact with a patient with chlamydia, as well as all women after termination of pregnancy and childbirth. Medical workers should carry out sanitary and educational work, since every woman leading sex life.

Women, faced with the disease, ask themselves: what is the danger of chlamydia during pregnancy? Chlamydia is a very dangerous sexually transmitted disease that adversely affects all vital organs. In case of damage to the female genital organs by chlamydia, it becomes very difficult to become pregnant naturally, but if it did work out, then a negative effect on the child will be inevitable. If the disease is not detected at the initial stage of development, then it will be almost impossible to bear the child.

This disease is diagnosed in 10% of girls and women registered with antenatal clinics. This level of detection is due to the fact that chlamydia in most of the reported cases can be practically asymptomatic.

Due to the influence of various factors, such as taking antibiotics, hypothermia or overheating, the aggressiveness of pathological microorganisms is dulled. Such factors affect the environment fertile for the reproduction of chlamydia, and the characteristic symptoms against the background of pregnancy can go unnoticed. The symptoms of chlamydia may not be associated with the presence of a disease, but with changes in the body during pregnancy.

Treatment of a disease during pregnancy is a rather complicated and very dangerous process, since during this period it is strongly discouraged to take medications, especially antibiotics.

This is due to the fact that taking such medications significantly increases the risk of fetal development disorders, miscarriage and frozen pregnancy. Nevertheless, it is impossible to ignore the developing pathological process. According to studies, girls and women who, for whatever reason, did not receive timely treatment, faced serious complications:

  • spontaneous miscarriage (rejection of the fetus by the mother's body);
  • numerous ruptures of the birth canal;
  • discharge or leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • intrauterine hypoxia.

At the same time, the influence of the diagnosed disease in the mother has a critical effect on the state of the child's body and can lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Danger of chlamydia for the mother

The consequences of chlamydia in pregnant women are colossal. The main and most serious danger for the expectant mother is the ability of the disease to cause a number of complications:

  • increased toxicosis (in comparison with a healthy body), which can lead to significant depletion of the mother's body, thereby affecting the supply of nutrients to the child;
  • varying degrees of anemia, which subsequently affects not only the mother's body, but also the fetus;
  • polyhydramnios of varying severity. At the first stage, in most of the registered cases, critical hypoxia is observed. At the second stage of polyhydramnios, in more than 50% of cases, fetal death occurs in the womb. In the third and most difficult form, a rupture of the uterus occurs;
  • frozen pregnancy and miscarriage (in the initial stages);
  • inflammation of the amniotic membrane;
  • inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus;
  • premature birth with a possible fatal outcome for the child;
  • weak or absent labor.

Pathways of infection from mother to child

In addition to the fact that the disease adversely affects the state of the body of the expectant mother, it can also cause a lot of serious complications for the fetus and its intrauterine development. There are two from the mother:

  1. Antenatal. In this type, infection occurs in utero even before the potential onset of natural labor. Infection occurs through the placenta and the amniotic fluid becomes infected. After infection of the liquid, microorganisms infect all the mucous membranes of the child (eyes, mouth and genital mucosa). When the amniotic fluid is swallowed by a child in the womb, chlamydiae enter the baby's body and infect internal organs... This route of infection is also called vertical and is considered the most dangerous for the life of the fetus.
  2. Intranatal. In this type, infection occurs according to the same principle as most sexually transmitted diseases, that is, through contact with an infected area. In the case of transmission, this occurs during the process of giving birth to a child and passing it through the birth canal. This method is considered safer than antenatal, since infection occurs only on the mucous membranes without chlamydia entering the baby's body. If the entire pregnancy of the mother was under the close supervision and control of doctors, and intrauterine infection was avoided, then doctors resort to protecting the child during childbirth - they prescribe a planned cesarean section.

Danger of chlamydia to the fetus

On early dates the pathological process can lead to the following complications:

  • at the initial stages, this pathological process in the mother's body can lead to serious placental insufficiency, as a result of which the development of the baby stops, and fading occurs;
  • placental insufficiency due to the development of chlamydia causes severe hypoxia in the fetus, as a result of which the fetus does not have enough oxygen for proper development. At best, this can lead to muscle failure after birth, and at worst - to serious disorders of the development of the central nervous system;
  • lack or delayed treatment can cause chlamydia to interfere with the supply of the fetus with the nutrients needed for proper development. With a slight disruption of supply, this will lead to the birth of a baby with insufficient body weight, vitamin deficiency, in the worst case - to critically developed anemia.

At a later date, the disease can lead not only to various kinds of fetal developmental pathologies, but also infect the child himself.

Chlamydia can affect the internal organs of the baby in the womb: liver, pancreas and kidneys, which will cause increased danger to the life of the fetus. The life of a child directly depends on the severity of the diagnosed disease in the mother. However, chlamydia infection is not limited to intrauterine infection.

The developing disease in the mother can be transmitted to the child during the passage of the baby through the birth canal. Pathological microorganisms can enter the mucous membranes of the eyes, genitals and nasopharynx. Conjunctivitis and chlamydial pneumonia can become the consequences of this kind of infection.

In some cases, the mother may have a baby with a congenital form of this disease. In this case, the disease manifests itself in the child as encephalopathy, accompanied by convulsive seizures, Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome (ascites, acute peritonitis are diagnosed).

It is in order to avoid serious complications in the mother and child, after the detection of such a disease in the body, it is important to immediately begin treatment. Under no circumstances can you self-medicate on the advice of friends and relatives, it must be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, observing all the prescriptions without exception. This is how you can reduce the harm done to your child's health.

Chlamydia treatment is carried out starting from the second trimester, short courses antibiotic therapy to minimize the harmful effects of drugs on the child. There is also a second method of emergency treatment for chlamydia - a single dose of drugs against chlamydia. But this method is used extremely rarely during pregnancy, since the risk of unwanted complications is extremely high and is completely unjustified.

Therefore, experts are inclined to drug treatment antibiotics, while the drugs are selected as sparing as possible, especially when there is a need for long-term administration of drugs, are taken together with immunomodulators.


Thus, it can be noted that a disease such as chlamydia cannot be ignored under any circumstances, since it can cause irreparable harm not only to the health of the mother, but also to the health of the unborn child. If a future mother is diagnosed with chlamydia at the initial stages of its development, treatment should be started as soon as possible under the close supervision of a doctor and all his prescriptions should be followed. It is from the timely started treatment that the health, and most importantly, the life of the child will depend. Therefore, you can not avoid the mandatory delivery of tests, you should carefully monitor your health.

Pregnancy is a very important and long-awaited moment for every woman. They carry under the heart new life and, of course, the state of the baby is the first thing that worries them. Therefore, today we will consider a very important topic: chlamydia and pregnancy.

Today we know many infectious and viral diseases... These also include one of the most common infections - chlamydial infection. This is one of the most insidious and dangerous diseases, but it is most dangerous while carrying a child.

Next, we will consider what kind of danger chlamydia carries during pregnancy, we will discuss the most important and exciting point for all women: is it possible to get pregnant with chlamydia and talk about the principles of treatment of chlamydia in pregnant women.

Let's start with what chlamydia is. Chlamydia is a microorganism that can be transmitted from an infected person with a fairly close relationship with him. The infection can be in the patient's body for a very long time and gradually pass into the stage of chronicity. In turn chronic chlamydia during pregnancy causes various complications and consequences.

During pregnancy, chlamydia can be very dangerous not only for the pregnant woman, but, of course, for the fetus. After all, intrauterine infection can provoke sad consequences.

Chlamydia infection and its causes

Consider how chlamydia can be transmitted during pregnancy?

As with other infections transmitted from an infected person, chlamydia is also transmitted through close intercourse with a sick person. Bacteria enter the human body and first of all sit on the mucous membrane.

The incubation period for infection can last approximately 21 days. Microorganisms have the ability to enter a dormant mode (in the L-form), and are transmitted from cell to cell during reproduction. Thus, the disease can live for years in the body, which makes a person a carrier.

We examined the causes of the disease, now we will consider the ways of transmission of chlamydia in pregnant women.

Chlamydia during pregnancy is transmitted in several ways:

be careful

Among women: pain and inflammation of the ovaries. Fibroma, fibroids, fibrocystic mastopathy, inflammation of the adrenal glands, bladder and kidneys develop. As well as heart and cancer.

  1. With any type of sexual intercourse - the most basic, most often the only way of transmission.
  2. Contact is the least common way (for example, during gynecological surgery, if safety measures are not followed).
  3. Vertical (from mother to baby through the placenta or during labor) transmission.
  4. Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene (using shared linen or towels).
  5. The presence of other genital infections (ureaplasma, gonorrhea, etc.)

As a carrier, women have no idea what danger they pose to both themselves and their partner. And chlamydia in pregnant women is also dangerous for the unborn baby.

Most of all, young girls and guys leading an active intimate life who do not follow general hygiene, often change their sexual partners.

Signs of chlamydia during pregnancy

The disease is most often asymptomatic or with blurred symptoms. Therefore, any signs matter.

The symptoms of chlamydia in women can be different. But there are certain symptoms that a woman needs to be extremely attentive to.

If any of the following symptoms occur, you should consult a specialist.

Disease symptoms:

  1. Itching, burning in the perineum (inside or outside).
  2. The appearance of pathological discharge (profuse purulent, mucous or yellowish with an unpleasant odor).
  3. Pain and burning when urinating.
  4. Fever and fever.
  5. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  6. Inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and appendages (colpitis, cervicitis, oophoritis, endometritis).
  7. Inflammation of the urethra (urethritis).
  8. Inflammation of the vaginal mucous membranes (vaginitis).

These signs of chlamydia may resemble the symptoms that occur with other, less dangerous diseases. Therefore, first of all, you should consult a doctor.

Consequences of chlamydia for pregnancy

Any woman understands that this disease affects the course of pregnancy. In this connection, a pregnant woman has a very exciting question: what is the danger of chlamydia in women during pregnancy?

Here we can say: the effect of infection on pregnancy is unambiguously unfavorable. Chlamydia in a woman can cause various complications and irreparable consequences. After all, the disease affects not only the pregnancy itself, but also the fetus.

Consequences on the part of the mother:

  1. Inflammatory lesion of the pelvic organs (inflammation of the uterus and uterine appendages).
  2. Premature birth.
  3. Damage to several organs: inflammation of the urethra, damage to the organs of vision and disease of the joints.
  4. Miscarriages.
  5. Freezing pregnancy for short periods.

From the side of the fetus:

  1. Delayed development of fetal organs.
  2. Intrauterine infection of the fetus.
  3. Fetal hypoxia.
  4. Intrauterine fetal death.
  5. Congenital chlamydia.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before starting therapy, any specialist will recommend going through a specific list of studies. Timely diagnosis can have a beneficial effect on the course of treatment and recovery. In the best case, tests should be taken before planning a pregnancy.

Research plan:

  1. PCR is the most effective and most sensitive method. For research, a vaginal scraping is taken.
  2. ELISA - based on enzymatic reactions, the determination of antibodies to chlamydia. Detects chlamydia in the blood during pregnancy
  3. Determination of the presence of specific antibodies, for which the patient needs to donate blood for Ig G and M, which indicate at what stage the disease is. The reliability of the result is 60%.
  4. Bacterial culture for chlamydia is one of the most important diagnostic methods. Detects infection by 90%, and in addition, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of the grown colonies to antibiotics.
  5. General analysis of a vaginal smear for microflora, but this method is the least effective.

Only after carrying out all the diagnostic investigations, the doctor will prescribe a treatment regimen.

From whom:

For the past few years I have been feeling very bad. Constant fatigue, insomnia, some kind of apathy, laziness, frequent headaches. I had problems with digestion too, in the morning bad smell from mouth.

And here is my story

All this began to accumulate and I realized that I was moving in some wrong direction. Began to lead healthy image life, eat right, but this did not affect my well-being. The doctors, too, could not really say anything. It seems like everything is normal, but I feel that my body is not healthy.

After a couple of weeks, I came across an article on the Internet. literally changed my life. I did everything as it was written there and after a few days, I felt significant improvements in my body. I began to get enough sleep much faster, the energy that was in my youth appeared. The head no longer hurts, there is clarity in consciousness, the brain began to work much better. Digestion has improved, in spite of the fact that I now eat at random. I passed the tests and made sure that no one else lives in me!

Chlamydia rarely occurs alone, more often it is detected together with other infections, for example, with ureaplasma. In this case, the disease has more complex symptoms. But this and the infection is considered a disease of newborn children, but as we found out, children are infected mainly from the mother. And therefore it must be originally from the mother.

In women, it manifests itself in the form of various diseases of the genitourinary organs, although ureaplasma alone does not have any pronounced symptoms, since it is a conditionally pathogenic flora. All symptoms are manifested against the background of infection.

Chlamydia treatment

The treatment regimen is exclusively prescribed by your doctor. Only after examination, test results, the doctor can draw up a treatment regimen for you. He will tell you in detail:

  • the effect of the disease on your body;
  • what signs should you pay attention to;
  • how to treat chlamydia;
  • and, of course, how to treat.

Chlamydia treatment during pregnancy is a long and important process. The scheme is assigned individually for each individual with great care.

Self-medication always leads to more dangerous consequences.

IMPORTANT! Chlamydia can be treated during pregnancy after the 20th week of pregnancy. Only if necessary, the doctor can start therapy earlier.

As a rule, complex therapy is prescribed according to the following scheme:

  1. Treatment with antibacterial drugs.
  • macrolides - azithromycin (sumamed, zomax), erythromycin (eracin), clarithromycin (klacid, fromilid), josamycin (wilprafen);
  • tetracyclines - doxycycline (unidox solutab, vibcin);
  • fluoroquinolones - ciprofloxacin (cyfran, ciprinol, ciprobid), ofloxacin (zanocin, ofloxin).
  1. Local therapy:
  • antibacterial ointments - tetracycline ointment, erythromycin ointment;
  • candles with a therapeutic effect: dalacin (cream and candles can be used), betadine, neo-penotran;
  • suppositories with antiseptic action: geksikon, longidaza;
  • suppositories for the normalization of the vaginal flora: vagilak, lactozhinal, lactagel.
  1. Antimycotic drugs: fluctstat, diflucan.
  2. Means for general hygiene: epigen spray and epigen gel, vagilak gel.
  3. Preparations for the normalization and restoration of intestinal flora:
  • duphalak;
  • linex;
  • bifiform;
  • hilak - forte.

Healing control

Chlamydia treatment during pregnancy lasts about 3 weeks. And only after full therapy, you can pass control tests to identify infection microorganisms. Tests are taken approximately 3 weeks after the end of treatment. In the results of scrapings, chlamydia should not be detected, and there should be low titers in the blood (there may only be signs of an already transferred infection).

Prevention refers to the actions that need to be taken in order to avoid infection. These actions include:

  1. Condom protection during intercourse.
  2. Compliance with personal hygiene (do not use a shared towel, linen).
  3. Avoid constantly changing partners.
  4. Annual preventive examination and testing for various infectious diseases(everyone who is sexually active should take tests), because not only women are carriers.

If a woman takes care of her health in advance, visits specialists, undergoes examinations, and takes tests at least once a year, then she will be able to avoid infection and such consequences.

IMPORTANT! This prevention should be followed not only by the woman, but also by her partner. The decision to have healthy children must be mutual!


Summarize! The most important thing you should know:

  1. You need to be examined and take the necessary tests BEFORE planning a pregnancy.
  2. In any case, as well as during pregnancy, treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Only a doctor can draw up a treatment regimen and choose the right medicines.
  3. Prevention should be carried out by both partners.
  4. In case of infection or with any suspicious symptoms, it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor's office.

Timely identification and adequate treatment can lead to complete recovery, without episodes of complication.

As a carrier of the disease, you endanger not only yourself, but also your partner and the unborn baby. If everything is done correctly and on time, then there will be no problems with pregnancy and bearing.

What causes the disease

Chlamydia can be transmitted to living conditions... On given path transmission accounts for no more than 5% of infections. Chlamydiae during pregnancy penetrate into the amniotic fluid, after which they affect the fetus. Infection is facilitated by ingestion of amniotic fluid.

it is possible, however, the disease must be cured before conception. This is the only way a woman will have every chance of giving birth to a healthy child. During the planning period of pregnancy, it is necessary to pass the appropriate tests. If the pregnancy has already begun, such an examination is included in the standard scheme of its management. Chlamydial infection is currently being treated without any consequences for the unborn child.

Bacteria enter the human body through close contact with the mucous membranes of the infected. After a while, they infect immune and epithelial cells, where they stay for 3-5 years. After a few days, human immunity recognizes the causative agent of the infection and begins to produce. As a result, an acute inflammatory process occurs. Its intensity can vary.

How does an infection manifest during pregnancy?

In most cases, the disease is latent. This is why chlamydia is dangerous. More than half of women are unaware that they are infected. In other cases, chlamydia has mild symptoms:

The signs described above may indicate not only chlamydia, but also other infections of the genitourinary system. There are no typical signs that help to recognize the disease. However, this is not a reason to refuse the survey. The presence of the above unpleasant sensations should force a woman to see a doctor.

What is the danger of the disease

With the wrong treatment, chlamydia has a negative effect on the body of a woman and her unborn child. Against the background of this infection, an inflammatory process develops in the small pelvis, which can result in peritonitis. is one of the most common complications of chlamydia. In this case, the joints and organs of vision are affected. Narrowing of the urethra contributes to the disruption of the processes of urine excretion.

Increased muscle tone is one of the least dangerous complications found in a child born to a patient with chlamydia. In other cases, severe lesions of the central nervous system are detected. With pronounced hypoxia, the child is born dead. The consequences for the child can manifest itself in the form of a lack of nutrients. The fetus is low in weight and has signs of iron deficiency anemia.

In the later stages, chlamydia penetrates the child's body. Most often, damage to the digestive and excretory systems... The risk of death depends on the severity of the disease. Timely treatment can help reduce the risk of complications.

Congenital chlamydia in children is manifested by:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • convulsive syndrome.

Most dangerous consequence chlamydia is Fitz-Hugh-Curtis disease, which combines hepatitis, ascites and peritonitis.

How is the disease detected

It is not difficult to identify chlamydia in the blood during pregnancy at this stage in the development of medicine. Immunological and serological tests can detect both the infectious agent itself and antibodies to it. To begin with, a swab is taken from the vagina, cervix or urethra. If the test result is positive, a blood test is performed.

In certain cases, it is necessary to know if the fetus is infected. For this, amniotic fluid is taken. Pregnant women are afraid of this procedure, but it is not considered dangerous for the unborn child. The material is taken under ultrasonic control. There is a certain risk, but it is assessed as insignificant. Amniocentesis allows you to detect the disease in time and protect the child from its negative consequences.


Treatment of chlamydia during pregnancy begins with the identification of concomitant infections that are no less dangerous than the underlying disease. It is necessary to conduct tests for:

  • syphilis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • herpes;
  • cytomegalovirus.

Based on their results, a comprehensive therapeutic scheme is drawn up. Equally important is the diagnosis of non-communicable diseases such as kidney or liver failure. The use of drugs can negatively affect the general condition of the body and disrupt the functions of internal organs.

Therapy should be supervised by a physician. Do not stop it after the symptoms of infection have disappeared. Chlamydiae remaining in the body develop resistance to the antibiotic used, which makes it almost impossible to completely get rid of the disease. Not all drugs used to treat chlamydia are suitable for pregnant women. For example, antibiotics of the tetracycline series are contraindicated, which have a large amount side effects... The safest are macrolides.

It is strictly forbidden to take medications on your own. Only an experienced specialist can select the most safe medicines for the mother and child.

It may imply a single dose of a drug to which chlamydiae are hypersensitive. Complex therapy includes the intake of enzymes and immunostimulants. All medicines are selected taking into account the characteristics of the body, the duration of pregnancy and the presence of certain symptoms. Immunomodulatory agents are not always used. The need for their reception is determined by the results of the immunogram.

Enzymes play an important role in eliminating chlamydial infection. With their help, the permeability of cell membranes is normalized and the risk of occurrence allergic reactions for drugs. In addition, enzymes have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. To determine the effectiveness of treatment, control tests are carried out.

Preventive measures

It implies the rejection of casual intimate relationships and the use of barrier methods of contraception. A condom should also be used when a woman is unsure of her husband's health. Regular tests for chlamydia are required. The disease during pregnancy is not uncommon, it is found even in women living in normal social conditions.