Questions. How is chronic chlamydia in women manifest? Chlamydia in men chronic form of treatment system

If not to treat acute chlamydia, which proceeds with bright symptoms and can be recognized even by the patient himself, then a chronic form of the disease occurs. Treatment This form of illness is difficult, since the causative agent of the disease produces immunity to some antibacterial drugs, and to those that are the basis of all therapy. If you leave chlamydia and at this stage, there is a high risk of damage not only to the genital system, but also the respiratory organs, as well as hearts and blood vessels.

The initial infection of chlamydia in the overwhelming majority occurs in sexual path. Moreover, the transfer of chlamydia (causative agents of the disease) can occur not only with classic sexual contact - the disease is also applied to the air-droplet. If within two months from the date of infection, the sharp shape of chlamydiosis was not cured or at least not taken under control, the chronicle develops.

Causes of the transition of disease in chronic form:

  • Erroneous diagnosis.
  • Wrong selection of medicines.
  • Stability of chlamydia to used drugs.
  • Violation by the patient's treatment regimen.

Often people passing the course of therapy take the disappearance of symptoms for the complete disposal of the disease. They interrupt treatment without "removing" at the same time from the body a dangerous infection. As a result, the disease continues to develop in a hidden form, the transition to chronic chlamydia is the question of time.

Sometimes the development of the ailment occurs unnoticed. The fact is that chlamydia even in acute form sometimes proceeds asymptomatic.

Symptoms of chronic chlamydia

Symptoms of the disease differs in men and women. At the same time, to detect a disease in chronic form without a medical examination is quite difficult - the signs are practically not manifested.

Signs of chlamydia in women

Symptomatics is actively manifested only if the disease caused a serious decrease in the level of immune protection of the body. These symptoms include:

  • strong burning in urination;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen, and they can manifest themselves both in the state of complete rest and during physical exertion;
  • blood selection from the vagina.

Please note that even if the selection is completely without blood, then the changes are not difficult to change. In addition, they are accompanied by a sharp unpleasant odor.

A much striking sign of chlamydia is the emergence of other concomitant diseases:

  • cervicitis;
  • erosion of the uterus;
  • cystitis;
  • coligation.

Also high probability of adhesions in the fallopian tubes. The worst consequences of chronic chlamydia - cervical cancer and infertility. In these cases, the symptoms are bright, and before that the disease in the overwhelming majority can be detected only on the gynecological examination or by passing tests in the laboratory.

Signs of chlamydia in men

Representatives of strong sex Even the sharp form of chlamydia in 45-47% of cases are submitted asymptomatic. The chronic form most often proceeds and without signs. At the same time, a man remains a potentially dangerous carrier of infection for its sexual partner. If symptoms and appear, they look like this:

  • the temperature rises to 37.5, especially in the morning and evening hours;
  • there is an increased fatigue and general weakness in the muscles;
  • the first droplets of urine when visiting the toilet mernive, and the process of urination is accompanied by burning;
  • in the morning hours there are vitreous and purulent allocations from the urethra;
  • urethra swell slightly and acquires a reddish hue;
  • with ejaculation, bloody impurities are possible in sperm.

All these symptoms can be bright and in the chronic form of the disease, but they manifest themselves in short periods of time, most of the course of the disease does not bother anything. But there is one exception - with chronic chlamydia, representatives of strong sex almost continuously feel unpleasant feelings in the lower back.

If women have a large "set" of concomitant diseases, then men are limited to cystitis and prostatitis.

Scheme of treatment of chronic chlamydia

Scheme Treatment of the disease, both in men and women are based on suppressing the activity of infection and on its complete removal from the body by taking antibiotics. At the same time, the treatment of chronic form of the disease is longer and heavy, since the causative agent of the athway has already managed to develop immunity to some medicines.

Treatment in men

Before starting therapy, the doctor conducts a study of the activity of chlamydia, and also assesses the overall condition of the body:

  • the ability of the immune system to resist microorganisms;
  • the presence or absence of diseases of the liver, pancreas, kidneys and gallbladder (it is through these organs that the antibacterial components from the body occurs);
  • is there a microbiocenosis gastrointestinal tract.

The overall state of the urogenital system is also evaluated. After that, analyzes are conducted to establish the features of chlamydia in each case of the disease.

After that, antibacterial drugs are prescribed by the doctor. Among them can be:

  • tetracyclines: "Dorix" (from 11,748 rubles), "Unidox Soluteab" (340 rubles), "Vibreamicin" (about 950 rubles);
  • fluoroquinolones: "Lummlock" (469 rubles), "Rovamycin" (from 1,089 to 1,634 rubles), Opleloxacin (from 31 to 194 rubles), "Levostar" (357 rubles);
  • macrolids: "Sumamed" (from 219 to 1,114 rubles), Vilprafen (from 540 to 686 rubles), Hemomycin (from 143 to 304 rubles).

Sometimes in the treatment of chronic chlamydia, antifungal agents are used. Among them are "Fluconazole" (from 32 to 298 rubles), Pimapucin (from 163 to 534 rubles).

Treatment in women

The general principle of therapy is no different from the "male" option - the reception of antibiotics. But there are a number of differences yet. The ladies should be made by more "slaughter" doses of drugs, since in their organisms the infection is better leaving, and therefore resistance to antibacterial drugs is much higher. At the same time the therapy itself is somewhat longer.

Fixed assets for the treatment of chronic chlamydia in women:

  • "Vilplerafen" (once a day 2 grams for 14 days). Price from 540 to 686 rubles;
  • "Rovamycin" (3 units 3 times a day during the week). Price from 1,089 to 1 634 rubles
  • "Tetracycline" (once a day one and a half grams for 14 days). Price from 77 to 80 rubles.

Special efficiency is the drug like "Clindamycin", price from 184 to 595 rubles. Take it according to the scheme 3-4 times a day at 0.3 grams for 7 days. At the same time, sometimes one reception is enough to fully eliminate all the symptoms, but, of course, this does not mean to get rid of the disease itself, so it should not be interrupted.

Women are much worse than men tolerate this disease. Therefore, for full recovery after cure, it is necessary to undergo a course of reception of drugs to increase the resistance of immunity, as well as vitamin complexes. Sometimes doctors together with the admission of antibacterial agents recommend physiotherapy. In addition, after the completion of the course of treatment, an additional examination should be underway to the accompanying chlamydiosis of infection.

Chronic chlamydia sometimes leads to such sad consequences as infertility and cervical cancer. The treatment is complicated by the fact that at the launched stage of the disease, the symptoms quite rarely show themselves, so it is possible to identify a disease only in clinical conditions. You can learn about the reasons and the flow of this disease, looking at this video.

Reading time: 11 minutes

Causative agent

In the role of the causative agent of chlamydia, men and women are the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. She is fixed and lives inside the cells. Every year about a million people infect her, men make up more than half. The total number of illness approaches billion, prevails the male floor. According to statistical data, from 5 to 15% of people living with sex life, sick chlamydia.

The infection is dangerous with its manifestations and complications, they include:

  • prostatitis;
  • impotence;
  • inflammation of the egg and its appendages;
  • narrowing of the urethra;
  • defeat joints;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • pain pain.

Another danger of chlamydia is the ability to move in L-forms, i.e. In the sleeping state. In this case, the reception of antibiotics does not exert substantial influence on the pathogen, the infection remains in the host body. With a weakening of immunity, the disease is aggravated.

There are 9 types of chlamydia, a threat to human health represents a third of them:

  1. Chlamydia trachomatis. Causes STD.
  2. Chlamydia Pneumonia. If you get into the body, attacks the lungs, causing pneumonia, especially in children, young people and in bored teams (nursing homes, schools, prisons, etc.).
  3. Chlamydia psittaci. Transmitted from parrots. Causes pneumonite - specific inflammation in the lungs.

All chlamydia can occur not only in the form of a pronounced infectious process, but also subclinically, i.e. With a small number of symptoms.

Causes of occurrence

The causes of infection with chlamydia can be:

  1. Lack of barrier methods with sexual intercourse with the "unverified partner".
  2. Reducing the protective reserves of the organism (in immunodeficiency states).
  3. The hidden course of the disease (without clinical signs) from a partner.

The mechanism of development of chlamydia in men

Because of this lifestyle of the microorganism, the symptoms of the disease at the beginning are nonspecific, which makes it difficult to diagnose.

Clinical symptoms

The signs of chlamydia in men can be traced according to certain symptoms.

For the disease, it is characteristic:

  1. Itching in the urethre.
  2. Burning, pain when urinating (urine can have a muddy shade).
  3. Light, almost colorless selection of urethra.
  4. Redness and small swelling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe yetra outlet.
  5. Eveniness, sharp pain, local temperature rise in the scrotum area.
  6. Pain in the scrotum, rectum.
  7. Paints in lumbar and sacral areas, and even in the lower limbs (along the sedation nerve).
  8. Possible Triad Reuters: Ureretrite, Conjunctivitis and Arthritis. It is amazed, as a rule, one of the major joints, most often, on the one hand. (for example, knee, hip or ankle).
  9. Discomfort with a defecation act (characteristic of the direct intestine and prostate).

Possible Triad Reuters: Ureretrite, Conjunctivitis and Arthritis. It is amazed, as a rule, one of the major joints (for example, a knee, hip or ankle). Often the patient concern only joints and he turns to therapists, rheumatologists. Therefore, it is important to always remember that chlamydia is able to affect not only the urogenital tract, but also joints.

Diagnosis of the disease

  1. You can identify chlamydia using the following methods:
  2. PCR is the main analysis, sensitivity and specificity - 100%. Finding the DNA of the causative agent. Performance period - 2-3 days. For him, strokes from the ureas canal or scraping from the pharynx are taken.
  3. ELISA is the definition of antibodies in the blood allocated by the body in response to the introduction of chlamydia. Appear 10-20 days after infection. Accuracy of no more than 60%, due to the fact that antibodies are preserved for a long time after treatment and is not always clear, this is a new round of the disease or immune memory.
  4. Cultural method - sowing on the nutrient medium of the material obtained from the scope or smear. The most time consuming and expensive, the results need to wait a few days. Determines the sensitivity of chlamydia to antibiotics for selection of therapy.
  5. The immunofluorescence reaction is a complex method requiring experience and professionalism of the Contractor. The painting of the material obtained during the scraping or smear is carried out, after which the bacteria begin to glow under the microscope. Accuracy of no more than 50%.

Early Stage Treatment

For the effective treatment of chlamydia, men must affect the causative agent of the disease.

With the primary acute process, the good results showed antibacterial preparations from the group of macrolides ("azithromycin", "Clarithromycin", "Josamamicin", "Midekamycin") and tetracycline ("doxycycline").

However, treatment with drugs from a number of tetracycline antibiotics has a number of disadvantages:

  1. The course of treatment for 1 week does not allow to achieve the desired result. According to studies, the recurrence of the disease occurs in 15-20% of cases under this treatment scheme.
  2. The elongation of the taking time of the receptions up to 14 days is dangerous by the re-development of infection in 15% of cases.
  3. Treatment for 21 days allows to avoid relapses, as there is an impact on 7 cycles for the development of the causative agent of infection. However, such a long scheme is inconvenient for patients: often there is a violation in the reception of antibiotics. Passing tablets, the irregularity of their use can lead to the formation of resistance (stability) of chlamydia to this drug. In addition, long-term intake of drugs can provoke the development of fungal infection, as well as digestive disbeliosis. For the prevention of these complications, it is necessary to prescribe antifungal drugs (Nystatin, "Lev Room", "Ketokonazole"), as well as Eubiotics (Linex).

Given the above disadvantages of antibiotics from the tetracycline group, the most convenient is the treatment of macrolides.

The drug "Azitromycin" ("Sumamed") has especially high efficiency.

Advantages of the drug « Azithromycin " :

  1. A convenient treatment diagram is a single reception of 1 g of "azithromycin".
  2. The effect of the drug lasts 10 days even after a single dose (this effect is created at the expense of the half-life).
  3. A simple scheme ensures 100% execution of the doctor's recommendations.
  4. "Azitromycin" is last preserved in the inflammatory process of tissues.
  5. Low percentage of side effects.
  6. The antibiotic affects intracellular causative agents due to the ability to accumulate inside the cells (in particular, phagocytes). This is very important in the treatment of chlamydia, as chlamydia is completely dependent on the host cell.

Treatment of chronic chlamydia

The chronic form of the disease is much more difficult to be effective and dangerous by the emergence of relapses.

Preference is also given to antibiotics from a group of tetracycline and macrolides.

The following treatment schemes are effective:

  1. Continuous reception of "doxycycline" of 200 mg 2 p / day for 28 days.
  2. The pulse-therapy method lies in the 3-fold appointment of tetracyclines for 10 days with a break for 7 days. This scheme allows to affect the stable intracellular strains of bacteria, affecting all development cycles.
  3. Reception of "azithromycin" 500 mg 2 times a day for 5 days (or 7 days with a long, often recurring the flow of the disease).

Be sure to use the use of etiotropic treatment:

  1. Eubiotics ("Linex", "Bifiform")
  2. Anti-chandomic drugs (Nystatin, Fluconazole).
  3. Immunomodulators ("Polyoksdonius", "Interferon Alpha").


Prevention will help to avoid chlamydia:

  • use of barrier contraception;
  • refusal of indiscriminate sexual bonds;
  • annual examination in planned procedure of sexually active people, incl. - with unconventional orientation;
  • with complaints and suspected illness - immediate appeal to the venereologist;
  • refusal of intimate relations during the treatment of chlamydia, otherwise you can infect a partner.

Consequences of chlamydial infection for men

In addition to pain in the affected organs and tissues, there are also remote consequences:

  1. Chlamydial infection in 30% is the cause of male infertility.
  2. With a long-term course of the disease without proper treatment, the formation of chronic pelvic pain syndrome is possible.
  3. Chlamydia can cause erectile dysfunction (when the prostate infection is distributed).

Chlamydial infection is very "insidious", since in most cases practically asymptomatic either "disguised" in the form of a banal cystitis and urethritis. However, the consequences of this disease can be extremely serious.

The absence of timely treatment of chlamydia can cause irreversible changes in the reproductive function (development of infertility). For this reason, it is necessary to observe the principles of "protected" sexual intercourse, and in case of anxiety symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor to appoint competent and effective treatment.

Useful articles

Chronic chlamydia is a very common disease, and its treatment is of serious difficulties. This is due to the frequent recurrences of the disease after the course of antimicrobial therapy passed.

To understand whether it is possible to cure this ailment, it is necessary to identify the nature of the disease.

Chlamydia arises due to infection with chlamydias that exist in two types.

The first of them provoke an ornithous infection in people, birds and animals. And the second (the most dangerous) view (chlamidia trachomatis) possesses 15 varieties, two of which are able to hit the urinary system and cause urogenital chlamydia in humans.

In its class, chlamydia occupy an intermediate stage between bacteria and viruses. This is the reason for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic chlamydia is very difficult compared to standard bacterial infections.

In addition, the specific picture of inflammation in the urogenital system in acute chlamydia is similar to other sexually transmitted diseases, for example, with ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis or gardnerellosis. But the process is much less pronounced, and patients are extremely rarely sent to the doctor, because the symptoms practically do not deliver discomfort.

As a result, the disease is transformed into a chronic sluggish form. It can be in the body over the years, stimulating the development of complications in man.

Basic signs of infection

To suspect the presence of acute chlamydia, a person needs to carefully relate to himself and not ignore new suspicious manifestations or features of his body. The incubation stage occurs in about 10-20 days. A sick person from the urethral canal appear specific vitreous allocations. In addition, itching and burning in the morning when urinating.

One of the symptoms is a slight increase in body temperature. Occasionally a person marks the general weakness of the body and some apathy.

Even in the absence of treatment, the signs of invasion with chlamydia disappear after 14 days, while the infection is drained in the body to the nearest suitable case in order to change itself again.

Probable complications

In the presence of chlamydiasis, women are formed the failures of the reproductive system. The most dangerous consequences include occlusive changes in the fallopian tubes.

Chronic chlamydia in women causes the following possible complications:

  • urgent childbirth;
  • premature childbirth;
  • spontaneous miscarriage;
  • non-prompt pregnancy.

40-50% of newborn children detected infection. It appears due to the passage of the child by the generic paths of the mother infected with chlamydia. But there are cases of intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Launched chlamydia provokes Reiter's disease. This complication, which is characterized by simultaneous damage to the joints, eyes and urogenital organs:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • urethritis;
  • arthritis.

Reather syndrome, leading to disability, are more often a man.

In a special study, it was found that patients with impairment of immunity in 65% of cases are cured from chronic infection due to immunocorrection (without using antibiotics), that is, a spontaneous cure of the body occurs. But it is necessary to take into account that the purpose of immunomodulators and immunostimulants can be carried out only after an immunological integrated examination. This is due to the fact that 66% of infected people have lymphocytes react to the effect of immunomodulators.

The choice of methods of treatment and drugs to restore health

With an inflammatory process in the active stage, a whole series of medicines is needed for full-term treatment. The treatment diagram for each patient is selected individually, in accordance with the symptoms and results of analyzes (general analysis of blood and urine, immunogram, liver samples, bakposev, PCR and IFA results):

  1. Antimicrobial preparations. The main role in the elimination of chlamydial invasion is taken. Basically, two types of antibiotic are actively used simultaneously. The dosage and duration of the course depends on the stage of the disease. For competent selection of the maximum suitable antibacterial agent, in addition to the culture method in laboratory diagnostics, it is advisable to conduct an antibioticogram. Data on the sensitivity of the antibacterial medicine to the pathogenic microorganism is extremely important for the attending physician.
  2. Enzymotherapy. Another method of getting rid of chlamydia using specialized mixtures, including enzymes of animal and vegetable origin in its composition. Enzymotherapy has a beneficial effect on the immunity reactions and the reparative processes of the organism. The use of enzyme complexes contributes to an increase in the concentration of the drug in the focus of infection, stimulates the work of the kidneys and liver, reduces intoxication, speeds up recovery. Vitamins, synergists and various antioxidants occupy no last place in the treatment scheme, since the use of the means of this type enhances the immune response in response to the infectious agent.
  3. Hepatoprotectors. Tools that increase the resistance of the liver to the toxic effect of antibiotics. Increase the neutralizing characteristic of the liver. A large amount of hepatoprotectors has simultaneously anti-inflammatory, immox-corrective and antioxidant properties, which is undoubtedly desirable to support and protect the liver.
  4. Probiotics. Protect the intestines from dysbiosis and antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Therefore, when striving to cure chronic chlamydia, it is desirable to use preparations with probiotic action.
  5. Immunostimulation. One of the most important components of the treatment of chronic chlamydia is immune funds. If there is no decent immune response to the introduction of microbes into the body, then the antibiotic alone does not cure the patient completely. In a full-fledged course of therapy, the immunomodulators and drugs that stimulate the immune system follows from the first days.

Methods of therapy

Tactics eliminating chronic chlamydia depends on the manifestation of clinical signs, types of complications and bacterial infections. If the chlamydia is burdened by inflammation of the organs in the small pelvis in women and the scrotum in men, as well as the inflammatory process proceeds atypically, the following scheme is recommended.

Initially, antibiotics, immune preparations, vitamins, antioxidants should be taken. A week later, it is necessary to connect antimicotic drugs (antifungal) and systemic enzyme preparations.

Recovery stage

  • reception of hepatoprotectors;
  • according to the indications, physiotherapy is possible in the form of ultrasound and laser-magnetic effects;
  • use of local procedures (microclism, baths with chlorhexidine or perfluorine solution).

Recovery methodology for sluggish process:

  • immunotherapy;
  • 14 days need systemic therapy;
  • local treatment;
  • a week later, antibiotics and antifungal medicines are prescribed;
  • in parallel with antibiotics, it is recommended to use multivitamine complexes and antioxidants;
  • then hepatoprotectors, physiotherapy, hyaluronidase preparations are being introduced into the scheme.

Chronic chlamydia is a fairly insidious disease, and it is easier to try to avoid infection than it is subsequently treated. But to despair to a person, if he still became a carrier of bacteria, it is not worth it. With the adequate and competent approach of the doctor who takes into account all the features of the disease, it is possible to complete the illness from the illness.

The term "chronic" is made to separate chlamydia, which flows over two months from the moment of infection, regardless of the methods of treatment and characteristic symptoms inherent in the process of invasion. Provoke the development of this venereal disease, which is today one of the most common, chlamydia bacteria. Chronic - this is most often launched chlamydia, which has developed against the background of the absence of adequate or incorrectly applied treatment. Conservative therapy, which is aimed at eliminating pathogenic microflora, is based on the use of a comprehensive approach, including a reception of two or more drugs. The use of the medication of one species is not effective and can cause aggravation of the patient's condition.

Chronic form of chlamydia develops as a result of chlamydia

Features of chronic chlamydia

The incubation period, that is, the phase of the introduction of chlamydia bacteria in the structure of healthy cells, followed by their infection, is usually from several days to several months. After the indicated period, as the tissues of pathogenic microflora damage, the characteristic symptoms of chlamydia, expressed in the appearance of itching, soreness, inflammatory processes, is possible. However, the asymptomatic flow of an infectious disease is not excluded.

Chronic chlamydia in men, as well as women, develops no earlier than two months from the date of infection, provided that there is no adequate therapy. The main feature of the chronic form of pathology is the absence of characteristic symptoms, which forces the patient to seek medical attention. Thus, most of those infected simply do not recognize the disease.

As a result of the disease, a man may lose the ability to fertilize

Also, among the peculiarities of chronic chlamydia can be attributed to the risks that the specified pathology entails the specified pathology, namely:

  • Against the background of long-term inflammatory processes in the field of small pelvis organs, men arise for adhesive processes, leading to the overlapping of semennikov, violation of the functioning of the reproductive system and subsequent infertility.
  • Similar adhesive processes in the field of small pelvis organs can also lead to the obstruction of the uterine pipes and become the main cause of infertility.
  • The use of one drug in chronic chlamydia entails the rapid adaptation of microorganisms to the drug, which is fraught with a deterioration of the patient's condition.

Chronic chlamydia leads to infertility

  • Against the background of a long-flowing chlamydia, the development of inflammatory processes is possible not only in the field of sexual and excretory system, but also in the organs of a small pelvis, vision and so on.

Important! In most clinical cases, the likelihood of such a phenomenon is high as re-infection with chlamydia. In order to avoid similar after the completion of the course of treatment, it is necessary to pass tests for the identification of chlamydia.

Clinical picture

In contrast to the acute stage of chlamydia, the course of chronic form of the disease occurs most often against the absence of a clinical picture or the appearance of insignificant disturbing symptoms that patients are often taken for signs of other pathologies. Chronic asymptomatic chlamydia in women and men are especially dangerous, so the patient may not suspect of infection for a long time, which is fraught with the lesions of the internal organs.

The flow of chlamydia is accompanied by pains in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt

However, the symptoms of chlamydia can still express themselves, and most often it occurs against the background of exacerbation periods or a significant reduction in the immune forces of the body. These include such, for example, as:

  • The appearance of the discharge or a significant increase in their quantity, a change in color and smell.
  • The appearance of painful syndrome in the field of the lower abdomen, groin and lower back.
  • The appearance of bloody streaks in the urine or biological discharge. This symptom is quite rare and manifests itself in exceptional cases, indicating a strong damage to the body.
  • Development in women and men of inflammatory pathogenesis diseases: prostatitis, urethritis, cervicitis, collision, eryosia of the cervix and others.
  • The burning and a sense of discomfort during the commission of urination and sexual intercourse.

Chlamydia can be an impetus for the development of prostatitis

Also, such symptoms are not excluded as the deterioration of general well-being and the decrease in immunity. Against the background of chronic chlamydia, the patient becomes sluggish, in some cases the appetite decreases, weakness and fast fatigue appears. Each of the indicated signs, especially against the absence of other diseases, is a direct prerequisite to make analysis and timely identify chronic or acute chlamydia.

Features of treatment

The main feature of the use of conservative therapy aimed at eliminating chlamydia is the relative stability of bacteria to used antibiotic drugs. It is due to the duration of the disease or, more likely to use insufficiently effective drugs. Often it is precisely for this reason that some patients may have signs of pathology after treatment.

It is also quite difficult to fully cure the one who used potent drugs to treat other inflammatory processes or venereal diseases. But the treatment of chronic chlamydia in those persons who used effective antibiotic drugs were particularly complicated, but did not cure the disease to finally either not be convinced of the complete elimination of pathogenic microflora. In such a situation, chlamydia may remain in healthy cells, which will run the infection process again and again.

Therapy of chronic chlamydia requires a reception of a complex of drugs

Thus, the effective treatment of chroniosis in chronic form often includes the reception of several preparations of a wide range of action, the definition of the species of which is carried out by conducting analyzes on the sensitivity of bacteria to the current components of the medication.

Important! In addition, it should be noted that an important point of therapy of chronic chlamydia is to conduct analyzes after treatment. Those who have cured chlamydia once, it is recommended to conduct analyzes after at least a month after treatment.

Effective treatment schemes

The main feature of the treatment of chlamydia in men and women in chronic form is not the selected drug, but a competently constructed treatment regimen. According to the reviews of practitioners, the effectiveness of the therapy used can be reduced at times if the correctly selected drug, to which the maximum sensitivity of the virus strain is detected, is taken by patients in small doses.

Take drugs with certain frequency

The duration of the treatment of chlamydia, to become infected with more than just, should not exceed fourteen days. After two weeks from the moment of the beginning of the reception of the antibiotics of the bacteria, the primary sensitivity to the drug is lost and coated with a characteristic protective sheath that protects microorganisms from the negative effect of the drug.

Accordingly, the process of treatment of chlamydia is based on a strict consequence of several basic rules, including:

  • Use of various drugs or combination of medicines. As a rule, this approach is chosen exclusively when the chronic form of chlamydia is detected. Change of drugs occurs during non-one, but several courses. This rule makes it possible to eliminate virus resistance.
  • In order to fully cure an infectious disease, the reception of significant doses of the drug is required, regardless of what kind of drug use is used.

In the treatment of chronic chlamydia, various preparations are used in significant dosages.

  • Treatment is recommended only during the acute stage of chlamydia. As a rule, in the remission stage, the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics is significantly reduced, that is, their use is not effective.
  • The favorable outcome of treatment is possible only if the patient will strictly comply with the admission schedule prescribed by the attending physician.

Thus, the process of treatment of chlamydia in chronic form is not only longer, but also quite complicated. Do not forget that after the course of treatment, you should make sure that there are no living bacteria in the blood. The remaining virus will provoke a relapse of the disease, to get rid of which will be much more complicated.

Long flow of chlamydia, often against the background of the lack of adequate treatment, due to the difficulties in the diagnostic process, can lead to a strong decrease in the immune forces of the body. In this case, the disease will be cured not only for a long time, to complete pathogenic microflora, the reception of immunomodulating drugs that increase the body's resistance will be necessary.

Against the background of reduced immunity, the treatment of chlamydia can delay and complications appear

According to medical statistics, the complete curing of chronic chlamydia occurs around half of the entire mass of clinical cases of morbidity. In the rest of the situations, the stage of persistent and relatively resistant remission occurs, which can last over the back of the absence of a characteristic clinical picture.

In fairness it should be noted that almost always the incurability of chlamydia is the result of the negligence of the patient, the unauthorized interruption of the course of treatment or the reception of drugs is not at the set time interval. Accordingly, in order to prevent possible recurrences and completely eliminate the pathogenic microflora, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescriptions of the attending physician, as well as to eliminate the independent reception of medicines.

That sobody represents chronic chlamydia - it will be told about this in the video:

Chronic chlamydia in a man is a consequence of changes in the form of the disease. In other words, the chronic type of chlamydia is developing during the transition from the acute phase, in the absence of adequate treatment.

Due to the fact that symptoms of chlamydia are often practically not manifested, the disease is not easily diagnosed on time and simply goes into a sluggish chronicle.

First of all, the chlamydiosis affects the urinary system of a man, or rather the urethra. That is why the first signs may be in the form of urethritis. Moreover, the diagram of the development of the disease may have different paths.

What is dangerous chronic chlamydia

However, the main thing is that it is necessary to know the danger of the chronic form of the disease in men in the fact that it suffers:

  • Urethra.
  • Seeds
  • Panking eggs.
  • Prostate.

Of the complications that can be diagnosed with chlamydial lesion, vesiculitis is marked and.

In addition, the launched chlamydia in chronic form can cause the inflammatory process in the kidneys.

In rare cases against the background of the chronic flow of the disease, the Reiter syndrome can develop.

This systemic disease, in which arthritis, conjunctivitis and urethritis occurs at the same time.

Without appropriate treatment, the scarring of urethra can develop, as a result of which it narrows.

Symptoms of chronic flow of chlamydia

The first signs of the disease begin to appear in a man about 7-20 days after infection.

The most frequent way of infection - through unprotected sexual contact, the rest of the infection are extremely rare.

Symptoms are in the form of nonspecific acute urethritis. Here you can mark the following symptoms:

  • Luggage when urination.
  • Itching in the field of entrance to urethra.
  • Pain and discomfort may appear in the scrotum.
  • A feeling of malaise in the testicles.

It should be noted that all the symptoms after a while simply disappear and no longer bothers a man.

However, in some cases, the above-mentioned signs of chlamydia can also include lifting temperature, feeling of chronic fatigue and ailments and other similar symptoms.

The disappearance of all signs does not mean that the disease has gone, simply immunity could form all the symptoms for a while, and chlamydia passed safely from the acute chronic shape.

Before approaching the selection of treatment, it is necessary to put an accurate diagnosis, the fact is that the chronic type of chlamydia in a man is very similar to the manifestation:

  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Gonorona.
  • Mycoplasmosis.
  • Some diseases of the small pelvis organs.

Treatment of chlamydia in men, drugs

Therapy for acute and chronic type of disease is carried out using antibiotics.

The basis of tetracycline drugs for men speak here. It:

  • fluoroquinolones
  • macrolids

Acute and chronic chlamydia can be cured with such means.

If there is a need for other treatment, the scheme can be adjusted, and several combined action preparations will be used in it, which should cure the disease once and for all.

For example, it can be used.

Such a treatment scheme is calculated by a course for 10-14 days. If the case of chlamydia is no longer just in chronic form, but in the started state, the course will be extended for a month.

In order to improve immunity, treatment scheme may assume use:

  • Multivitamin complexes.
  • Natural adaptogens.
  • Immunostimulating drugs.

Together with the reception of antibiotics, which should cure the disease, it will also be necessary to take preparations with bifi and lactobacteriums.

The need for such complex treatment is due to the fact that the antibiotic is destroyed by the useful intestinal microflora, and it must be restored.

You can use:

  • Bifidobacterin
  • Lactobacterin
  • Linex.

In the event of a balance in the intestine, which leads to problems with digestion, enzyme preparations can be appointed:

  • Mezim
  • Creon
  • Pancreatin,
  • Esssential Forte,
  • Heptral
  • Rezalyut

Naturally, during the course of treatment it will be necessary to observe a certain diet, eliminate alcohol.

The mandatory condition of cure is the reception of drugs with both sexual partners, otherwise not to speak about a positive forecast.

Consequences of chlamydia for men

Chronic chlamydia is dangerous for a man with its complications that may have extremely negative consequences.

We have already said that in men against the background of unpuck chlamydia, urethritis may occur, at which the narrowing of the urethra occurs, and this is a direct direction for the operation.

The second unpleasant complication is chronic prostatitis. It is on this background that a man can become fruitless, and if not cured the chronicle of prostatitis, that is, the chance to become an impotent.

Orchoepididimitis is an inflammatory process in the appendages of testicles. In this case, there is also a risk of infertility development.