How to germinate soy at home and how it is useful. Sunflower sprouts - about benefits and harm, how and when to take what seedlings are the most useful for the body

Today, few people do not know about the benefits of germinated wheat, those who use it regularly talk about improving well-being, cure many diseases and even the appearance of new teeth. The last fact is not proven by scientists, but it is regularly written on many healthy nutrition forums. The study of germinated wheat grains was engaged in yoga, naturopaths and scientists, none of them doubtedly in an exclusive healing influence of seedlings on the human body.

Why is it useful to germinated wheat

Wheat grains contain a large amount of beneficial substances in themselves, but for the most part these substances are in the inactive, "canned" phase. At that time, when the grain is ready to score a sprout, it mobilizes all its contents in order to invest all the necessary substances for active growth in the sprout. Moreover, active substances are balanced in such a way as to ensure their maximum assimilation. Therefore, germinated wheat is not just a useful product, it is a biologically active natural supplement, practically having no contraindications and a fully absorbing organism.

At the time of germination, fats are converted into useful fatty acids, and starch becomes maltose. Protein substances located in the grain are disintegrated by amino acids, then on nucleotides. That which was not learned by the body, again decays on various bases that are necessary for the construction of nucleic acids, which in turn are the basis of genes. Our body appears material for recovery and cure from some diseases.

Together with these transformations, enzymes, vitamins and minerals are actively synthesized. Thus, our body gets ready for assimilation material, he does not need to split proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and vitamins and minerals fall into us in a balanced easily-friendly form, in contrast to such complexes from the pharmacy.

Than rich germinated wheat

The nutritional value of germinated wheat grains is enormous. The highest concentration of biologically active substances is in beans with a sprout of 1-2 mm. They contain various fatty acids, ash, soluble and insoluble dietary fibers, 8 essential amino acids and 12 replaceable. They are rich in minerals, including rare: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc. The use of germinated wheat satums by many vitamins, especially important for us vitamins B, vitamins of youth C and E, in addition, in sprouts a lot of vitamin PP. The gentle wheat does not contain sugars, which makes it particularly useful for people suffering from diabetes.

The benefits of germinated wheat for the body

Gestroinated wheat grains with long-term use are capable of creating a real miracle with the body. Live food establishes the correct functioning of organs and metabolic processes in the body. The total tone is improved, the body resistance increases to infections, the immunity rises, the metabolism is normalized. Live food fills the body with energy and power. There is a germinated wheat useful to all from the young and before old years. Especially use is recommended in the following cases:

  • When exhausted, lowered immunite, after illness. The seedlings greatly restore the vitality and increase the body's resistance to many infections. They are recommended to eat during periods of flu epidemiys, as well as after diseases for the rapid restoration of the body.
  • With long stress and depressions. Gestroinated grains contain a large amount of substances that are beneficial affecting the nervous system.
  • In extrasion or violation of sexual function. In some cases, with prolonged use it is possible to cure from impotence.
  • With elevated blood cholesterol. Swords are saturated with magnesium, which helps to reduce pressure and eliminate cholesterol from the blood.
  • In case of violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. A large amount of insoluble fiber stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates constipation, cleanses the body from slags, radionuclides and toxins. The soluble fiber restores the intestinal microflora and absorbs bile acids, and also contributes to the withdrawal of cholesterol.
  • With violation of metabolism and obesity. Gestroined wheat, not very calorie. It balances the metabolism, which contributes to the best tender of food. This product quickly saturates and comes rid of the feeling of hunger. But, using germinated grains, it is desirable to abandon bakery products.
  • If there are various neoplasms in the body. The germing wheat is good prevention of the development of cancer tumors. The experience of many people suggests that long use of seedlings contributes to the resolution of the cyst, fibrome, mi and polyps.
  • With different inflammatory processes in the body.
  • With bad eyesight. After a few months of daily use of germinated wheat grains, an improvement in vision is observed. In many cases, in a year, vision is completely restored.
  • With diabetes. The absence of sugars in a gentle wheat makes this food absolutely safe for diabetics, in addition, germinated grains normalize the function of the thyroid gland and facilitate the course of the disease.

Gentle wheat grains is unique complex at the rejuvenation of the whole organismBecause they stimulate restorative and cleansing processes in our body. This contributes to the rich content of vitamins of youth and enzymes in seedlings. 50-100 g of germinated wheat per day will return to you healthy skin and complexion, strengthen your hair, nails and teeth. Present strength and energy.

How to germinate wheat grain

When choosing grain for germination, pay attention to the fact that it should be sufficiently ripe, without extraneous impurities, completely healthy, unacceptable stains on the grain or the presence of pests. Then, separate the grains from the flew. Fill the desired amount of grain with water, rinse it and drain the garbage and the pop-up wheat. Dead grains should not be much, otherwise, most likely, all grain from this party is old or weak, it will not bring much benefit. From one piece of dry grain after germination, two are obtained, that is, if you put a barrier spoon, then in the consequence you will be taking 2 tablespoons of germinated wheat grains.

For germination, use dishes from natural materials, glass, clay or porcelain. Do not eat not sprouted grains, there is no benefit in them.

Pre-soaking is usually done in the evening or in the morning. The grain lies in the water of 5-8 hours, then this water must be drained, rinse thorough grains until light clean water begins with them. The first water is always poured, it contains poisons that were used in the cultivation of wheat, as well as those formed at the time of activation of the grain in water before germination.

Water that you merge at subsequent rinsing is very useful. It can be washed, you can drink it and add to soups, it will be very useful to room plants.

When germination, grain should be flushed at equal time intervals 3-4 times a day with cool water. It is necessary in order to prevent the growth of mold fungi and provide grains with fresh moisture. Prepared to use grains with seedlings in 1-2 mm. At night, the germination is intensively, consider it before soaking.

We can germinate wheat in several ways:

  • In a deep plate, the steer of gauze in several layers, the wheat grains are poured over a smooth thin layer after pre-soaking, and on top of another layer of gauze. Then it is necessary to pour cool boiled water so that it slightly covered the grain. Put the plate into a light warm place, but not in the sun and do not forget to change the water so that the grains are wet, in clean water all the time. Water should not be too much, otherwise wheat will begin to mold. Depending on the grain variety, they will warm in 1.5-2 days.
  • It is even easier to germinate wheat in a small pitch. For this, the bed in it is one layer of gauze and pour grains. Put the corticle on the glass with clean water so that the grains touches the water, but did not swam in it. 3-4 times a day, water in the glass needs to be changed.
  • And the easiest way. Nowadays, in the stores of natural goods there are several types of grain steros.

How to eat germinated wheat grain

The daily recommended rate of germinated grains is 50-100 grams. Use them raw, preferably immediately after germination. It is permissible to store germinated wheat in the refrigerator no more than a day. Eat day portion is better in the morning to get a charge of cheerfulness for the whole day. 100 grams of germinated grains can also be a great lunch, but do not eat them overnight, the stomach will be hard to cope with such food during sleep.

Sustained wheat can be eaten as part of salads or porridge, and you can leave it with an independent dish. It is very important to carefully chew it up to the state of liquid cashem. If it seems difficult, you can grind it in a blender or meat grinder.

The seedlings are well combined with any food, except for dairy products. In combination with beekeeping products, an allergic reaction is possible over time. Tastier just add wheat into a green salad or grind together with dried fruits or nuts.

Recipes with the addition of germinated wheat

  • Kissel. Very useful kissel from germinated wheat grains. Grains skip through a meat grinder and fill with water. Boil 2-3 minutes, then give it in half an hour. Strain and enjoy a drink.
  • Cookies. Skip the meat grinded grains, dried fruits and nuts. Form from the resulting mass of the cutlet and cut them in the grains of poppy or sesame. Put in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
  • Infusion of germinated wheat grains. Infusion can be added to soups and porridge, it is very useful for the skin of the face and hands, you can do hair masks with it. Mix of infusion with honey good remedy for diseases of the respiratory organs. To prepare a tablespoon of germinated grains, pour the glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, boil infusion for 15 minutes, then strain.
  • Regebelk. This Italian Kvass is prepared from half a glass with a grinding wheat and 6 cups of pure water. Pour the seedlings with water in a glass decanter or a bank, take a decanter. Close the gauze and leave for 2-3 days. When "kvass" is ready, strain it from the grains. For the next portion, use the same grains.
  • Bready. Sneaking wheat skip through the meat grinder, add some water. You can add a ground marine cabbage, passioned onion or nuts. Form the loaf and fry them in a skillet with a small amount of olive oil.
  • Wheat Milk. One glass of seedlings pour 4 cups of pure water and stir the mixture in a blender. You can add raisins or nuts to the milk. Perfect liquid. Keep it in the refrigerator no more than 2 days.


Contraindications of germinated wheat are not much.

  • It is not recommended to use the patients with a gastric ulcer or duodenum.
  • Do not give it to children under 12 years old.
  • Sprouted wheat people with an allergic reaction to gluten are contraindicated.
  • At the beginning of the reception course, dizziness, weakness, liquid chair may occur. Within 2-3 days, these symptoms must pass. Also possible increased gas formation, especially when combining wheat with dairy products.

The use of seedlings conquer increasingly popular in people leading a healthy lifestyle. The special value of the seedlings is that they are "live food." This is a holistic living organism with all natural biological properties and in the phase of maximum vital activity.

The usual dry grain is at rest. When soaking, the water launches the germination mechanism (respiration, fermentation) is activated. But the second day significantly grows the number of vitamins and trace elements: grain is ready to give all the forces on the formation of roots and sprouts. At this stage, the maximum value of sprouted grain.

Seedlings carry a huge energy potential. Regular use of seedlings stimulates the metabolism, increases immunity, normalizes acid-alkaline balance, helps to purify the body from slags and effective digestion, slows the aging processes.

What to germinate?

The most popular wheat seedlings, rye, oats, buckwheat, lentils, chickpeas, mash, pumpkin seeds, sunflower, sesame, flax, milfly and amaranth (this list is not exhaustive).

Contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, E and folic acid. Vitamin E is digested only in the presence of fats, so it is advisable to use some vegetable oil with seedlings. Recommended in the treatment of chronic colitis, gastritis and gastroduodenites. The fiber (grain shell) normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and has a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora. Wheat seedlings improve the work of blood and nervous systems, are shown in the treatment of allergies, diabetes and obesity. Improve the condition of the skin and nails, restore the color of the gray hair.

It contains a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, there is also fluorine, silicon, sulfur, vanadium, chrome, copper, selenium, molybdenum. It contains more vitamin E than wheat grains, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, K, P, folic acid. In terms of wheat seedlings, vitamin and mineral failure compensate for vitamin and mineral failure, stimulate the intestinal work, increase the peristaltics, normalize the microflora, have a slightly relaxing effect, contribute to the cleansing of the body from slags.

Characterized by the optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins of Group V. Oats contains a lot of soluble fiber, vitamins E and K, is a source of calcium, iron, magnesium, sulfur, silicon, chromium, zinc, fluorine, iodine. Seeding oats have enveloping, choleretic and diuretic effects, contribute to the removal of toxins. They can be used as a tonic, a sliding and anti-inflammatory agent. Showing in hypovitaminosis, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with iron deficiency anemia, the depletion of the nervous system, diabetes, help recover after the disease.

Swords of green buckwheat Contain phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, boron, silicon, vanadium, iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum. Rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, E, K and Carotin. Excellent seeds of all other crops on the concentration of routine - bioflavonoid, which has the ability to improve the condition of blood vessels, strengthening the thin walls of the capillaries (are recommended for diseases of the vessels and infectious diseases associated with the damage to the vascular system (measles, scarylatine, angina, typhus).

Contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, boron, fluorine, silicon, sulfur, manganese, copper, molybdenum, vitamins B1, B3, B5, biotin, B6, folic acid. A large amount of vitamin C makes lentil sprouts, irreplaceable for the prevention of influenza and colds. Thanks to the large content of potassium, these seedlings are recommended for atherosclerosis and heart rate disorders. They also provide normal metabolism and full operation of the nervous system, improve digestion.

Contain vitamins B1, B3, B5, biotin, B6, folic acid, from valuable trace elements - Bor, silicon, manganese, iron, rich in fiber. This is a good prophylactic agent against influenza and colds, useful seedlings for those who have overweight problems (have low calorie content - only 120 kcal / 100 g). The use of seedlings of chickpeas has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, the health of the muscles, bones, the condition of the teeth and the water content in the tissues. They improve the skin condition and complexion. Nut and thyroid gland with a lack of iodine in the body.

They are the source of amino acids necessary for humans, slowly digestible carbohydrates, fats, vitamin C, group vitamins, provitamin A. Also contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc. The groaned beans of Mash contributes to the normalization of metabolism, has a soothing effect, it has antimicrobial activity, sugar-nitrogenous and diuretic action, is a good tool for the prevention of viral colds. Recommended for gastritis with reduced acidity, with atherosclerosis and violations of the heart rhythm.

Swords of pumpkin seeds They contain a wide range of useful substances and trace elements: phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, selenium, as well as calcium, silicon, chromium, cobalt, copper, vitamins B1, B2, E, folic acid, carotene. The seedlings of pumpkin seeds have an active anthelmintic effect, with regular use normalize the bile separation, activate the aqueous and salt exchange, they are activated by the reproductive system of men and women, it strengthens the memory, reduces fatigue and irritability, normalizes sleep.

Swords of sunflower seeds Contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, iodine, fluorine, silicon, chrome, manganese, cobalt, copper, molybdenum. Are one of the richest sources of vitamin E, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, biotin, folic acid, contain vitamins D and F. Swords normalize the acid-alkaline balance of the body, strengthen the nervous system, prevent the formation of thrombus, improve the state of the mucous Shell of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended for complex treatment of ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenum in the remission stage, atherosclerosis. Promote memory preservation, good vision, improve the condition of the skin and hair.

The calcium content is superior to many food products, also contain potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3. Microelements are part of the sesame needed by a person for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, the work of the stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines. They are shown in the treatment of fractures and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, women are needed during pregnancy and feeding the child, children during the period of intensive growth and shifts of teeth.

It contains a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, and by the amount of calcium are comparable to seed seeds, contain vitamins E, K, F, B1, folic acid, carotene. Spesties of flax effectively purify the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate digestion, enhance the peristaltics, absorb toxic substances, have a soft laxative effect. Recommended to strengthen bone tissue, with osteochondrosis of the spine, osteoporosis, in the treatment of fractures, as well as in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

These contain vitamins A, D, E, K, F, as well as macro- and trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, aluminum, vanadium, chrome, manganese, zinc, selenium and copper. Flavonoids contained in seedlings are powerful antioxidants that impede damage to healthy cells. Rollard is a highly efficient hepatoprotector, it protects the liver, stimulates the regeneration of hepatic cells, activates the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, has a beneficial effect on the work of the kidneys, has an anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.

contain vitamins B1, B2, E, D, phosphorus, calcium, rutin, phospholipids, bile acids, a large amount of amino acids (especially lysine), as well as the most important components - squalene (suppresses the growth of cancer cells, increases immunity) and phytosterols (reduce the level Cholesterol in the blood). The seedlings normalize the hormonal system and improve the metabolism, improve the function of the kidneys and liver, reduce the manifestation of toxicosis, normalize urine and blood indicators; Mildly affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, the cells and epithelium are restored, pathogenic microorganisms are suppressed.

Increase in indicators during seed germination

During the germination of seeds, the amount of vitamin C and the total antioxidant content (maximum value for the fifth day) increases. The tables present the values \u200b\u200bof indicators in descending order.

Number of vitamin C.

Lentils 45.17 mg / 100g
Mash 42.32 mg / 100g
Schuput 34.67 mg / 100g
Nut 31,90 mg / 100g
Pumpkin seeds 31.06 mg / 100g
Milshchophack 23,15 mg / 100g
Buckwheat 17.32 mg / 100g
Len 14.44 mg / 100g
Sunflower seeds 14.38 mg / 100g
Oats 13.82 mg / 100g rye 9,68 mg / 100g
Wheat 8.40 mg / 100g

How to germinate?

For most grains / seeds, a standard scheme is suitable:

1 Singing the culture and rinse with cold water, remove damaged and deformed grains - they are unsuitable for germination.

2 in deep wide dishes (plate or container) pour a culture and pour water so that the water covers the grain for several centimeters, because The grain during swelling will increase in size. Study for 6-8 hours (you can at night). Exceptions: rye is soaked for 3-3.5 hours, Holozer Oats 2-3 hours, buckwheat for 30 min - 1 hour.

3 After 6-8 hours to merge water (it contains spores of mold fungi and organic acids formed during germination) and rinse the grain thoroughly in the sieve. Share a flat layer in the dishes and cover the wet marley on top. You can use a glass jar - in this case, the grain is poured onto the bottom of the banks and covers with a polyethylene (making holes for air) or gauze in it.

4 rinse in cold water 2-3 times a day (buckwheat and flax need to rinse more often, because they excrete mucus). Sprouts appear after 1.5-2 days. Rinse with cold water before use.

1 The easiest way to germinate sunflower seeds, nuts, mash and wheat are the most unpretentious and grateful cultures.

2 It is necessary to closely follow the state of the seedlings so that they do not fall asleep or did not start. If, after the germination of any grains, there is an unpleasant smell or visible traces of mold comes, they should be immediately thrown together with gauze.

3 To save time, you can purchase a special extensor (sprater).

4 The seedlings are used in the foods: when "the grains" are punched "small sprouts of white or greenish color and when (planted in the ground) is sprouted - green shoots.

To obtain the spruts Use wheat seedlings, buckwheat and sunflower (crude). On the working surface (tray or shallow pot) fall asleep the soil in front of the peat and placed on it the seedlings, folding on the surface evenly. Sunflower seeds need to deepen, since their root system is poorly developing. After her sowing on top, the second tray is placed or covered with a plastic film for 2-3 days. Then the sprouts are placed in a well-lit place for another few days. Green sprouts contain the maximum amount of useful substances when they grow from the surface of the soil by 10-20 cm or their "age" is up to 10 days. It is desirable to eat them preferably no later than 20 minutes after cutting and 30 minutes before meals, carefully chewing. It is not recommended to mix green sprouts with hot food.

5 Store ready-made seedlings need no more than 5 days in the refrigerator. The seedlings perfectly complement salads, they can be added to pate, and germinated wheat - in candy from nuts and dried fruits.

6 Treaties to the extensive cultures, like full-fledged organisms, pay attention and do not allow a negative relationship, and they will provide you with the charge of energy, give cheerfulness and strength!

Supporters of healthy food are often inclined to replace animal food vegetable. However, in this case, many are faced with the problem of compensation of proteins and other useful substances in the body. Today, there are already quite a few products of plant origin, which can partially replace animal proteins for those who do not use it for any reason. One of these products is a glowed soybean about which will be discussed.

Soy sprouts

Soy is a bean product, for many centuries is grown in China, she received popularity in European countries only in the XIX century.

Soy sprouts are used in the preparation of various dishes and salads, depending on the origin of the beans, taste qualities may differ. In the treated form, they are similar to taste with asparagus, slightly sweet, without a pronounced flavor and taste, in the fresh - have a bitter note.

In appearance, the seedlings resemble a gentle wheat and look like small beans with long white sprouts.

Did you know? Initially, soybean was considered the food of the poor in Asian countries. At the same time, the product was subjected to long fermentation before use to reduce the content of phytohormones and toxins.

Composition of the product

Soy is incredibly popular in the USA, Europe and around the world due to a rich unique composition.


The soybean itself is rich in vitamins, but when germinating beans, the concentration of some increases. Thus, the vitamin C appears in the gentle grain, it rises almost 2 times the content of vitamins of the group B and vitamin E, and Vitamin K. is also present.


In addition to vitamins, soy seedlings include an optimal set of mineral substances, sugars and fiber: magnesium, sodium, potassium, manganese, zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorus.


In terms of its composition, soy is predominantly protein product: proteins in 100 grams of the product contains on average 13.1 g, fats - 6.7 g, carbohydrates - 9.6 g.

At the same time, fatty acids are included in the composition, especially polyunsaturated (linoleic acid), which are not produced by the human body and come only from external sources.

Calorie Product

The calorie content of soy seedlings is rather low: 100 grams of the product contains 141 kcal, which is about 5.5% of the daily calorie rate.

Video: Useful properties of soy sprouts

The benefits of gestured soybeans

The ratio of vitamins and minerals in soy sprouts makes a product very useful for many organism systems:

  1. First of all, thanks to antioxidants, vitamin C and selenium, soy helps strengthen the body resistance to infections and viruses, strengthens immunity.
  2. Magnesium, which is part of the product contributes to the normalization of the work of the nervous system, vessels, displays bad cholesterol, nourishes the brain cells.
  3. Folic acid has a beneficial effect on the bleale system.
  4. Soy sprouts are low-calorie food, contribute to the cleansing of the intestines and are ideal for people who hold diet.
  5. Isoflavones that are part of the product regulate the human hormonal background, stimulate the reproductive function, reduce the negative manifestations of Klimaks in women.

Harm germinated grains

Of course, like any product, soy sprouts have contraindications that need to be remembered:

  1. Soy-sowed is categorically not recommended to children under 12 years old - this is due to the fact that the phytoestrogen contained in it can negatively affect the sexual ripening, violating the natural hormonal balance.
  2. People suffering from thyroid disease should also abandon this product before consulting a doctor, since soybeans contributes to a decrease in the content of iodine and without complying with additional prevention measures may entail a violation of the body functions.
  3. In diseases of the pancreas and peptic diseases of the stomach, urolithiasis from Soy Rosts worth refrain.
  4. With great care and only after consulting with a gynecologist, you can use soy of pregnant women - with the slightest hormone on hormonal problems, the product needs to be canceled immediately.
  5. When lactation, soybeans should be treated with caution. If before that you did not use them in food, you should not start, and if the body is already familiar with the product, you can try first a small number of sprouts and trace the condition of the child. In the absence of allergies and gases, the baby portion can be slightly increased, but not exceed the daily rate.

How to choose and whether to store sprouts

When buying ready-made, already separated soy seeds, you need to carefully choose the product:

  1. First of all, pay attention to the appearance and smell - sprouts should be fresh in appearance, without strangers, without mud impurities, perfectly clean and juicy.
  2. The length of the stalk should not exceed 1 cm, otherwise there is a risk of running on the "old" product that is not carrying substantial benefit.
  3. The finished product in the store must be in the refrigeration compartment. After buying, you can also store grain only in the refrigerator.

Important! Soybean preserves its benefit over several days (the maximum concentration of useful elements in the first 48 hours), after which the growth of the plant begins, and the nutritional properties are gradually decreasing.

How to germinate grain at home

According to the experienced consumers of the separated soybeans, the best way to get the most useful product is to germinate soybeans alone.

Features of choice

In order for Soy's grocessed to please you with fresh sprouts and was safe for eating, you need to carefully choose the feedstock. It is known that soy beans are treated with various substances that may be dangerous to health.

First of all, it concerns seeds that are designed not for culinary purposes, and for sowing - in this case, they can pre-treat growth stimulants and antibiotics. For this reason, buy soybeans only in specialized stores or pharmacies, where it passes the appropriate control.

The grains need to go through, throwing damaged, and then pour cold water to determine their suitability. If the grains pop up, you can boldly throw them away - they will not sprout.

Rules of germination

In order for the seeds well sprout, you need to stick to the basic rules:

  1. The grains should be well washed (you can rinse them in a weak solution of manganese, and then rinse in cold water several times).
  2. Sprouts are actively developing in the dark.
  3. The seed should germinate in high humidity and good aeration, water should not be stated in Tara.

For germination, craftsmen offer to use a variety of remedies. Most convenient to do this in a flower pot: it has drainage holes, through which the excess water merges, and it is convenient to arrange it on the kitchen table.

For this, the prepared seeds fall asleep into the pot, watering with cold water and covered with a dense dark cloth. Subsequently, grain should be watered every 2-3 hours, and for the third day you can get a great harvest of seedlings.
Some apply a rather unusual way: they germinate soybeans in boxes from under the juice. To do this, the prepared seeds are poured into the washed box, pour water and cut the container in several places in the corners to provide drainage.

In this case, often watering the grains are not necessary, it is enough twice a day to pour cold water and allow it to drain. In both cases, the germination of most seeds takes place for 3 days. The finished product before use in food must be rinsed in cold water. If within 48 hours the seeds did not give germs, they should not be eaten.

How delicious cooking soybean: cooking salad

Since soybean is germinated in conditions of constant humidity and heat, besides the sprouts, pathogenic bacteria can begin to develop in it, so it is impossible to develop raw seedlings.

To avoid possible poisoning, the product is subjected to blanching in boiling water no more than 30-60 seconds to maintain maximum nutrients.
Soy sprouts are used in various dishes (side dishes, sandwiches, salads) both in fresh and in a fried form. Of course, the most useful product that has undergone minimal heat treatment, so you will get acquainted with the recipe for simple and nutritious salad, irreplaceable in the season of viruses and colds.

Required ingredients

  • soy sauce;
  • balsamic vinegar (can be replaced by usual);
  • ground black pepper;
  • chile pepper flakes;
  • garlic (1-2 teeth);
  • sunflower oil.

Important! People suffering from hormonal violations and children should not use soy sprouts without consultation with the doctor due to the high content of phytogormon in them.

Step by step list of action

  1. We wash the sprouts of soybeans with cold water, put in the prepared deep dishes.
  2. Pour the seedlings with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes, then drain the water.
  3. Pour sprouts by soy sauce to taste, evenly distributing.
  4. Add balsamic or ordinary table vinegar.
  5. Sprinkle with black pepper and thoroughly mix the sprouts with marinade.

Friends, germinated wheat - it is just a storage of nutrients, vitamins, amino acids, micro and macroelements. In addition, it is a real living food in which the energy of life is contained. In this article we will find out:

What is the benefit of seedlings and wheat sprouts?

What diseases treats (or simply prevents) germinated wheat?

How to germinate and use wheat at home?

Many of us heard about the germination of wheat and the benefit that the wheat seedlings and sprouts give us. Often, germinated wheat is considered to be a panacea, which can hardly heal any disease. Of course, it is somewhat exaggerated, but the useful properties of seedlings / sprouts of wheat are not claimed.

The article consists of three sections: In the first we will study the benefits of germinated wheat, in the second we will learn to grow seedlings, but in the third we will deal with green sprouts. So, let's start with the study of useful properties.

What is the benefit of germinated wheat?

Let's deal with why it is so useful to eat seedlings and wheat sprouts.

Everything is simple! In germination, the grain is awakened in hibernate. The energy of life that was hidden in the grain is released. A sharp surge of a wide variety of biochemical reactions occurs. After all, a new life begins! You need a lot of strength to survive in the outside world. Therefore, with germination of grain, the content of beneficial substances is significantly increased. If earlier most of the vitamins and useful elements were in inactive and difficult form, now their number increases and the seedlings becomes extremely useful and nutritious for a person. And the synergistic effect still occurs, that is, the useful substances in the proposals complement and strengthen each other's action.

This is real food, which gives us energy and health.

By the way, if the seedlings are not eaten, it makes sense to turn them into 20-centimeter sprouts. Useful properties from such a transformation are also increasing - for example, now the proportionated wheat contains up to 70% chlorophyll connected with carbohydrates. Chlorophyll protects, cures, cleans, participates in the formation of human blood. Do not worry, all useful (vitamins, micro- and macroelements, amino acids, fiber, etc.) from wheat seedlings goes into sprouts, so the positive effect of sprouts and seedlings is largely similar and differs only in detail.

In general, the composition of the germinated wheat is fabulously rich, and the body will definitely find in the sprouts of wheat what it is necessary for him. Below is published big, but not a complete list of what this gift of nature can help each of us.

  1. strengthens immunity, strengthens the protective properties of the body
  2. cleans the body
  3. slows down aging processes
  4. improves metabolism
  5. prevents vitamin and mineral failure
  6. promotes slimming
  7. it has antioxidant properties
  8. prevents chronic fatigue
  9. ensure the consequences of stress
  10. improves skin condition
  11. normalizes the work of the thyroid gland
  12. restores hair, their color, density (perhaps even getting rid of the seeds)
  13. eliminates nail fragility
  14. improves eyesight
  15. helps to recover after disease
  16. restores female and men's sexual functions
  17. normalizes and cleans the intestinal microflora
  18. blocks inflammatory processes
  19. struggles with tumors and other and other neoplasms
  20. activates and normalizes the work of all organism systems (blood, digestive, nervous, musculoskeletal, etc.)

Notlabo, isn't it? Indeed, germinated wheat in the form of seedlings and sprouts has amazing medical and strengthening properties.

From myself I want to notice that regular eating sprouts contributes to an increase in free energy. This is exactly what I was missing, and that was what I received. Such is an individual approach. Each person will find in gentle wheat what its body needs. After all, it is our natural leakage, and sin cannot be used by such useful properties.

Friends, if I managed to be interested in the benefit of germinated wheat, then below you can familiarize yourself with the detailed instructions for cultivation. Separately - for seedlings, separately - for sprouts. Baister!

Wheat seedlings. How to germinate and use?

1) Find wheat for germination. It should be called it. For germ! For the usual wheat is usually treated, that is, processed by harmful chemistry. There are two signs that wheat is etched. The first - wheat does not germinate in two days. The second - when soaking on the surface, a rainbow film appears. It is impossible to use such wheat for meals. It is important! It is necessary to find wheat specifically for our purposes, that is, for germination. Such wheat is environmentally friendly, it can be bought in supermarkets, in pharmacies, in the departments of healthy nutrition and online stores.

2) Take the required amount of grain (day rate per person is 50 - 100 grams). If there is a husk or bad grain (damaged, unhealthy or moldy), remove them.

4) Soam wheat in porcelain, enameled, glass or plastic dishes. You need to pour it with clean water. Water over the grains should be no more than 2 centimeters so that wheat can breathe. The optimal temperature for germination is in the area of \u200b\u200b20 degrees. If the temperature is higher, then the watch is preferably after 12 change the water to fresh.

5) After 24-30 hours you will see white seedlings. If their length is 2-3 millimeters, then it's time to eat them. But please do not hurry, it is better to thoroughly rinse the seedlings with water. Now the seedlings are fully prepared for use!

Guys, you can glance videos on germination, too, everything is very clear and clearly explained and shown.

That's all, friends. The process of germination of wheat is very simple and fast, there should be no difficulties with this. To make the grain, it is possible to remove them into the refrigerator (store no more than 3 days in glassware, without water, do not close tightly, rinse once again). Well, it is better not to keep seedlings, but eat them immediately to get a maximum benefit from living food.

By the way, the use of wheat seedlings. It all depends only on your imagination. Swords can be used by adding them to salads, cereals, soups, etc. You can just eat so much. The main rule is do not expose to the sephelter heat treatmentotherwise their useful properties are lost.

Wheat sprouts. How to raise and eat?

The germinated wheat is used not only in the form of seedlings 2-3 mm., And in the form of full sprouts with a length of 20 centimeters. Let's consider the process of obtaining wheat sprouts in steps. The first 3 points coincide with the cultivation of seedlings, well, and then we learn how to get green sprouts.

1) Find wheat for germination. It should be called it. For germ!

2) Take the required amount of grain. If there is a husk or bad grain (damaged, unhealthy or moldy), remove them.

3) Rinse wheat to germinate with running water (for example, through a sieve). Well, or just pour water in the bucket or pan and drain. The grain, which, after thorough mixing, was not drowned, it is unlikely that they can do in the future, so they can be thrown out.

4) Soak the grain in porcelain, enamelled, glass or plastic utensils for 12 hours. The optimal temperature for germination is in the area of \u200b\u200b20 degrees.

5) Buy round transparent plastic containers with a volume of 1 liter (a height of ~ 10 cm), they roll a good wet ground for 1-2 centimeters, after a trip. In containers should not be swamp, just wet land. Make small openings of ~ 5 mm in containers covers so that the wheat can be planted.

6) Pour clumsy 12 hours ago on the table and remove damaged. Once again wash and pour them into one layer in containers on a wet land. Sprinkle with a thin layer of dry soil and slightly compact it. Close the containers with holey lids and put on the windowsill, where there is more sunlight. Landing completed!

7) When the wheat sprouts reach 10 centimeters and rush into the lids, remove the lids and under the roots of the plastic circle 2 centimeter height cut out from a plastic bottle. How to do it? Just carefully pull for all the sprouts, and they will raise dry ground with their roots. Then put the cut plastic ring on the bottom of the container. Fill this ring half water. Ready! Do not allow dryness, every day replenish the water level at the bottom of the container, removing the sprouts from the can.

8) When wheat sprouts reach 20 centimeters, you can eat them into food. Congratulations! Cut the upper half of the sprouts (~ 10 cm) and eat. The lower way will shoot up to the same level (~ 20 cm), then cut the sprouts already under the root. You can, of course, to cut only half, but the sprouts become not so juicy and coarse. Bon appetit, friends.

But another couple video about the cultivation of wheat. A little different, but the principle itself is the same.

How to use wheat sprouts? Green sprouts can be eaten, after eating and together with food.

And you can still make cocktails in a blender, for example, adding all sorts to our no less useful greenery.

The main rule is do not expose wheat heat treatmentotherwise their useful properties are lost. To get a maximum of a useful effect, sprouts are recommended to eat immediately after cutting. And the sprouts are very important (in principle, like any other food).


Wheat sprouts (or seedlings) is a real living food. Food, which gives us and health, heals from diseases and improves well-being. It is easy to grow easily - it is enough to spend this process once, and in the future everything will be obtained on the machine.

The main use of germinated wheat is that it is a living (biogenic) nutrition. Living enzymes, alive chlorophyll, live vitamins, live fiber - all this works in a complex for the improvement of our body. In addition, the living food contains so far a little-studied powerful bioenergy (energy of life), and it is fully transmitted from a living sprout to a person.

A list of diseases that takes this natural leakage, very wide. And more importantly, each person will find wheat in sprouts exactly what its body needs. Personally, I received extra energy. Such a personal approach. And that's fine!

Dear Sizhoz readers, please write feedback on your experience in the use of germinated wheat. If any questions about the seedlings and sprouts arise, then do not hesitate, ask. Stay with us, fast meetings!

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They save from allergies, get rid of excess weight and help cure the stomach, improve blood, increase immunity - some healers are attributed to germinated grains (in scientific - sprouted) truly fantastic properties. Of course, in many respects they exaggerate, because sprouts are not a medicine and not bad, but simply a balanced "live" food. If you compare the quality of dry grain and germinated, then the second will be much more useful. The fact is that when the seed begins to slander, after a long hibernation, the exchange processes wake up, the growth zone begins to work and the number of biologically active substances - enzymes, micro and macroelements, antioxidants, vitamins increases. In a word, like a loving mother tries to give her child, all the best, so seed generously shares with green sprouts the most valuable nutrients.


From benefit to harm

Naturopaths divide dishes on bioeert, bioactive and biogenic. The first is the thermally processed food (borsch, cutlets), in which the minerals, amino acids and fats with carbohyded are preserved.

Bioactive is dried, frozen or raw products stored in the refrigerator. They remain part of the vitamins and enzymes. And only in biogenic food (these are seedlings, recently demolished eggs or ripped vegetables from beds) Useful substances are at the maximum. However, the line between the three categories is quite subtle, and the "live" seeds can easily become empty and even dangerous.

Rubbing from the store

Today you can buy germinated wheat, rye, oats, corn, beans, peas, lentils and soy in the usual supermarket. The main thing is not to run into a spoiled product, because the warm and wet environments in which the seeds and grains grow, ideal for reproduction of bacteria, and including those like Salmonella. Therefore, buy only in proven places, see that the sprouts look fresh and juicy and unpleasant smell. They must lie in the refrigeration compartment and be absolutely clean. Choosing a "lively" product, do not strive to purchase long stems, because the smaller the process, the more biologically active substances in them. The perfect size is up to 1 cm. Then the greens become more fragile and withered: no soil, and the nutrient seed reserves are dried. As a rule, gigantic overgrowths are nothing but a sealing product, which simply did not have time to sell.

Plant grain in ... Bank

If you want to eat with the freshest sprouts, grow them yourself. The easiest way to find grains of wheat and rye, however, they should be designed specifically to create the routing, and not for sowing (the latter can be treated with chemicals). There is even special dishes for the extension, but you can use the usual glass jar. First, override the seeds, then rinse them in a very weak solution of manganese and several times under the crane. Then fill in the grains a third of the banks and fill the filtered water for two thirds of the dishes. Close the glass gauge gauge and leave it in the room for 8-10 hours (but not in the sun). After that, drain the water and rinse the seeds several times (gauze remains). Then put the jar in a bowl of sideways, so that the neck looks down, and the bottom is upstairs, and pour some water into the plate. Thus, you will create the optimal conditions of humidity and aeration. In general, grains during the germination should not be too dry or overwhelmed, otherwise they can moldy. As soon as the seeds proceed, rinse them again, drain the water, close the can with a lid and remove into the refrigerator. It is necessary to use seedlings for 5 days, rinse every day with cold boiled water.

Opinion of a specialist

Alexey Dobrovolsky, nutritionist

If you have a vitamin B deficiency (dry skin, brittle hair and nails), use germinated seeds not in the form of additive to salad, but as its basis. But the sprouts must be introduced into the diet. The maximum that is worth consuming per day is 50 g, children are twice as fewer. Try to carefully chew hard shells of the grains and remember that germinated legumes (soybeans, beans, peas, chicks) enhance the intestinal motorcy and can cause gas-education.


From lettuce to dessert

If you think that germinated grains are a new time product advertised by the adepts of a healthy lifestyle, then you are mistaken. Spruts actively used the ancient Chinese and the Egyptians, our ancestors-Slavs also prepared beer, cereal and kissels from it. A new round of interest in sponsors appeared in the 1930s in America thanks to Hippie and fashion for vegetarianism.

Salad with "Tails"

In order not to kill all the living things that are in germinated grains or beans, try to use them in the raw form. Just one handful of sprouts, abandoned in a salad, will make your dish more useful and enrich it with new taste: Agree, see the grains with "tailings" - the product is very unusual. Sustained seeds can be added to fresh vegetables. For example, cut the cucumbers, tomatoes, Bulgarian peppers, celery greens, soda on a large grater carrot and pour a little germinated wheat grains, peas or beans. As a refueling, use lemon juice, any vegetable oil, sour cream or soy sauce.

Vitamin Cake

If your loved ones confuse the appearance of sprouted grains in the salad or you do not like their harsh, make a sweet vitamin dessert from crushed sprouts. For this, 3 tbsp. Spoons of germinated wheat and 3 tbsp. Spoons of walnuts skip through the meat grinder and mix with 1-2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey. Put the resulting mass on the plate layer to 1 cm. Add a grated apple, then a mixture of crushed dates and raisins. Vitamin mini cake can be decorated with nuts.

Glass noodles with soy

Sprouts in hot dishes are losing most of their useful qualities, but they give them new shades of taste. These treats in Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai cuisines are especially popular. To prepare a glass noodle with shrimp and soy sprouts, first roast the chopped garlic on olive oil (3 heads), then add 300 g of shrimps and cilantro and extinguish more than a minute. Put the prepared glass noodles into the pan, mix everything, add 3 tbsp. Spoons of soy sauce and a handful of separated soybeans. Prepare a couple of minutes and serve on the table.

What is the difference between sprouts?

In general, the composition of the separated grains and beans is about the same: 6-20% protein, 1-9% fat, 60-88% of carbohydrates (sugar and starch), 1-4% of fiber, 1-3% of vitamins and minerals. However, each view has its own characteristics.


The grains contain 26% protein, and the number of antioxidants during germination increases 11 times and reaches its maximum for the fifth day. It is from the green sprouts of wheat prepare a cult drink of yogis and stars of show business (Madonna, Richard Gir, Victoria Beckham) called "Vitgrass". The juice has a classic herbal tint and a little sweet taste.

Proteins in rye grains are less than in wheat - 13%, but overall their action looks like: they help improve intestinal motorcy and normalize its microflora.

In buckwheat seeds, there is a maximum amount of routine - bioflavonoid, which helps to strengthen the walls of the vessels.

In the beaus of chickpeas, or Turkish pea, contains as much as 30% protein. At the same time, it has a very low calorie (a little more than 100 kcal) and a pleasant nut flavor.

In the sunflower seeds there are quite a lot of fat (about 60%), but it is unsaturated, therefore it does not harm vessels. Spring seeds are suitable for desserts.

In sesame seeds, so much calcium that he even surpasses in this plan some cheese varieties. Therefore, germinated grains advise to add children, pregnant women and those who are restored after fractures.