Hepatitis A vaccinations: vaccination scheme, side effects, contraindications, reviews. Complications after vaccination from hepatitis in hepatitis A vaccination to children consequences

Graft from hepatitis in 1 month rarely proceeds with severe side effects. The most typical consequences include a local response to the injected drug. A little less often is the common response of the body in the form of ailment and low lifting of body temperature. The second vaccination is carried out a month after the primary administration of the drug.

Hepatitis B refers to serious infectious diseases of viral origin, which primarily affects liver cells and exhibits high resistance to many antiviral drugs.

There are various forms of hepatitis flow, for example, with sharp symptoms of jaundice or hepatic insufficiency. The disease can lead to the development of cirrhosis and liver cancer.

The form of the vaccination agreement is given back in the maternity hospital. If consent was signed, then re-vaccinating the newborn in one month. In infants, the immune system is underdeveloped and illness often leads to difficult consequences. If you start the scheme at this time, then the effectiveness from it will be much higher.

The reaction after the introduction of the vaccine in all children is different. It all depends on the overall health of the child at the time of the procedure and work of immunity.

Vaccination, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, is not compulsory. Any adult can write a refusal to conduct vaccination. Therefore, the question is: whether to instill the baby from hepatitis, is solved by parents on their own.

Normal child reaction to vaccine

Parents, worrying about the health of the baby, are often interested, what reaction to the vaccination hepatitis B is considered normal? Ideally, no changes in the behavior and condition of the child should not be. For too sensitive children, the following symptoms may appear:

  • lifting the body temperature, but not higher than 37, 5 degrees;
  • increased sweating;
  • painful sensations in the place where the drug was injected;
  • reduced appetite, capriciousness, restless sleep in the first two days after vaccination.

All other reactions that result in more than one day belong to the pathological group. It can be a rash, high body temperature, nausea, frequent joining, articular pain.

If severe vomiting has appeared, convulsions, the state speaks of the beginning of a infectious process that is not associated with vaccination.

Most children suffer a vaccine well. After approximately 3-4 weeks, immunity is formed and the protective reaction of the organism on the disease is included.

The consequences of vaccinations from hepatitis in children

Doctors assure that all modern vaccines that are supplied to hospitals have high security and efficiency. The adverse reactions to the vaccination hepatitis are noted very rarely.

General malaise

In newborns, the vaccination usually passes easily, painlessly and rarely causes adverse reactions. Weakness appears in the body, drowsiness, a little headache. The baby becomes irritable, dustily crying, does not break away from the chest, falls asleep and sleeps only on his hands, the sleep is intermittent, often the baby wakes up with crying.

For advice to a specialist, you must contact if the signs of general ailment do not pass more than two days and other alarming symptoms have joined.


Since newborn thermoregulation processes are not adjusted, the body is susceptible to any environmental changes.

  • The temperature of the infants after vaccination from hepatitis does not exceed 37.5 degrees. The rise is fixed 6-7 hours after vaccination, which is a normal response of immunity to alien bodies.
  • The average degree of post-rate reaction is characterized by a temperature lift to 38.5 degrees and requires the use of antipyretic agents.
  • In severe cases, the measurement on the thermometer exceeds the mark of 38.5 degrees.

Seal and redness in cross-places

Another common side effect after vaccination from hepatitis in newborns is a local reaction. It develops due to the increased sensitivity of the body to the main component of many vaccines. The injection site swells, blushes, compacted, with a slight pressing pain appears. Symptoms are exacerbated if water got into the place of the injection.

The reaction is considered normal if the swelling and seal do not exceed 6-7 cm, and the redness is not more than 8 cm. After the drug goes into the blood, the inflammation goes by itself (about about a week). It is not recommended to put compresses and apply ointment.

Hazardous complications after vaccination from hepatitis B

Despite all precautions and, when taking into account all possible contraindications, there is always a percentage of the development of complications. To complications after vaccination from hepatitis include:

  • heavy allergic manifestations, such as urticaria, anaphylactic shock, severe rash throughout the body, myocarditis, arthritis;
  • noded erythema;
  • body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • strong muscle and articular pains;
  • neurological disorders.

Vaccination prevents liver diseases caused by hepatitis A and B. Numerous studies have shown that the vaccination does not affect the development of jaundice in newborns, but even reduces the risk of its development. Therefore, no liver treatment is required after the procedure.

To avoid all these complications, you need to comply with all the recommendations of the doctor. Two days after vaccination it is impossible to water the place of the injection, you can not be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother of new products and it is better to abandon the walk on the street. During the week, it is not recommended to give Vitamin D.

Hepatitis B is a dangerous disease with great risk of liver cirrhosis and cancer, representing the threat to the health and life of the child. In the majority of children infected with hepatitis, the disease passes from an acute form into a chronic stage.

What vaccine from hepatitis B is applied?

To generate stable and good immunity to the disease, you need to make three vaccinations. Vaccines can be combined (include additional components), and there is also another type of monovaccin.

In our country, vaccines against hepatitis of Russian and foreign production are used:

  • Biovak.
  • Bube Kok (prevents such diseases like a pertussus, hepatitis, tetanus and diphtheria).
  • Regian.
  • Recombinant yeast vaccine.
  • Endzheriks V.
  • Ebribovak.

Both imported and Russian vaccines are characterized by high reliability and security, all of them are interchangeable. The difference can only be in the components components, so doctors recommend putting vaccinations within the course of the same manufacturer.

Where do the vaccination of the newborn?

Grafting does not require special training. Before the procedure, the doctor examines the child, measures the temperature, listens to the chest. If there is no deviations in the child's health state, then the direction is given to the vaccination office.

Injections can be administered intramuscularly in the thigh or shoulder. In a special syringe, 1 ml of the drug is gaining. It is impossible to enter the skin to enter the drug, as this reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine and causes a strong local response.

Babies and children under three years of age are injected into the thigh. It is here that muscles that are close to leather are best developed. All this helps prevent severe local reactions. Children over three years old and adult injections are made in the shoulder.


The child's procedure is examined for contraindications. If any deviations are detected, the doctor signs a medical outlet that may be temporary or permanent. Vaccinations in such cases often lead to complications:

  • If there is intolerance to bakery yeast, then the drug can not be administered. In this case, the body's reaction to the vaccination from hepatitis can manifest allergies.
  • Heavy portability of the previous vaccination.
  • Contraindication is the acute flow of any disease.
  • If the child was born with an insufficient body weight, then the vaccination can not be done until it drops 2 kg.
  • Diathesis (vaccinated only after rash subsides) and other allergic manifestations.
  • Disorder of the digestive tract.
  • Malignant blood diseases.
  • Oncological diseases.

Although vaccination against hepatitis A is absent in the list of mandatory vaccinations and is placed in the calendar of events performed on epidemic testimony, to face the need to make such a vaccination can every child. Why is it needed and what about such vaccination should be known to parents?

Calculate the calendar vaccinations

Specify the birth date of the child

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 January 29 January 31, January 31, April 29 / May June 2020 2019 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2012 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2006 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Shape calendar

Arguments "for"

  • Vaging a child from hepatitis A, you will help him avoid a long disease and recovery. Since there is no special therapy for such a disease (medications only support the liver and reduce intoxication), the week or even months leave for recovery.
  • For most people, after the introduction of 1 dose of vaccine, high protection against the hepatitis A. virus is formed during the month.
  • Serious negative reactions to such a vaccine is practically not observed.
  • Vaccination against hepatitis A is included in national calendars of countries such as USA, China, Israel, Argentina and others.
  • It is especially important to vaccinate from hepatitis and children who have liver diseases, because the acquisition of this infection may end up with very difficult complications.
  • Vaccines are usually represented by syringe doses, so there are no errors in the dosage of drugs.

Arguments "against"

Although extremely rare, but vaccination against hepatitis A may be accompanied by the appearance of adverse reactions - both local and systemic.

What is dangerous disease?

The virus affects the liver and can cause both a light form of hepatitis A and a rather severe disease. Since it is transferred from a person to a person, as well as through contaminated food and water, there are often outbreaks and epidemics of this type of hepatitis, especially in children's teams.

Although, in contrast to other types of hepatitis, this infectious disease does not cause chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis, but hepatitis A can significantly weaken health with a long flow. In addition, there is a lightning form of such hepatitis, causing acute liver damage and frequent fatal outcome.

Young children (under 6 years old) hepatitis and rarely leaks in hard form, but for older children and adults, the disease can be strongly hitting the liver and represent a danger to life.

More risky to infect such hepatitis children who:

  • Are in a closed collective;
  • Live next to a sick person;
  • Live in a hostel;
  • Not provided with purified drinking water;
  • We arrived in the region, where high incidence of hepatitis A.


Vaccination against hepatitis A is not carried out if:

  • There is intolerance to the components of the vaccine;
  • There was a pronounced reaction to the previous introduction;
  • In a child, a sharp disease - can be vaccinated in two or four weeks after recovery, and if the baby has a light ARVI or an acute intestinal infection, you can enter the vaccine as soon as the body temperature is normalized.

Safety vaccine

The safety of drugs protecting from hepatitis A is considered high. Since even after one-time introduction, in 30 days in 99% of children, protection against the hepatitis A virus is formed, the vaccines effectively suppress the outbreaks of such an infection. In addition, the introduction of hepatitis vaccine and does not affect the introduction of any other vaccines.

Possible complications

Reactions to the introduction of a vaccine from hepatitis A practically does not happen. Even if they appear, they proceed easily and quickly pass. For 48 hours after the injection, local changes may appear (short-breaking pain, redness, swelling), as well as lethargy, weakness, fever, extremely rare nausea and headaches.

Preparation before vaccination

We also instill healthy children, so it is important to make sure that the child is missing about the child. To do this, the baby should inspect the pediatrician and draw conclusions, is it safe to conduct immunization from hepatitis A.

The minimum age of the child and the frequency of vaccination

Vaccination against hepatitis A can be held for children over 1 year old.In our country, it is carried out on epidemiological reasons, for example, when an outbreak of the disease in a children's team, a trip to the area with a high morbidity or infection of a close relative.

Scheme vaccinations

The most commonly used twofold vaccination, since it provides a longer immunity from hepatitis A. After the introduction of one dose of the drug, protection for 12-18 months is formed - during this period, the introduction of the vaccine is recommended to repeat. The optimal time for revaccination is considered to be 6-12 months from the first introduction of the vaccine.

Where do the injection?

Vaccine against hepatitis A is introduced intramuscularly. If the baby is small, the place for the injection is choosing the muscle of the thigh, and the older children can be introduced into the deltoid muscle. The introduction of the vaccine into the buttock muscle is not practicing today. Some drugs can be administered under the skin, but at the same time intravenous injection is categorically contraindicated.

What to do with negative reactions after vaccination?

Usually the vaccination is transferred very easily, and if side effects appear, then they are expressed weakly and pass for 48 hours without treatment. The resulting fever can be eliminated with the help of antipyretic drugs. If local changes arose, the injection place to rub and treat drugs should not be processed.

Hepatitis A (other names - jaundice, Botkin's disease) is an acute infectious disease of the liver, the occurrence of which is provoked by a certain virus. It is transmitted through the contaminated food and water, with direct contact with the patient. About 10 million people are infected annually.

The disease is not dangerous, however, in the absence of medical timely assistance, heavy liver failure can develop, which can lead to a coma and fatal outcome. In some cases, there is a serious lesion of biliary tract. Doctors are united that the prevention of the disease lies in timely vaccination. Therefore, the vaccination from hepatitis A today is guaranteed and practically the only method of protection against this disease, although it is not obligatory. Doctors recommend it to put it in certain cases when there is a direct threat to infection.

Features of vaccination

Despite the fact that the vaccination from hepatitisa and children in many countries are not in the calendar of mandatory vaccinations, but all doctors recommend doing it. It is especially desirable in certain cases when the child has a great risk of infection, namely:

  • before resting on the sea, traveling to hot countries (here the distribution of infection is very wide, therefore the chance to infect high): Vaccination is carried out in 2 weeks before the trip so that immunity will have improved in a small body;
  • if the kid has a man who has hepatitis A: the vaccination is done within 10 days from the moment of contacting with a carrier of a dangerous virus;
  • when diagnosing diseases such as hemophilia or serious liver pathology.

Before vaccination, blood is examined for the presence of antibodies in it. If they are available, this means that the child was either already vaccinated, or had overdone with this disease. In this case, he will not be able to infected: twice hepatitis A is impossible to get sick, since the immunity against this infection is produced in the body for life. So the absence of antibodies in the blood is a direct indication for vaccination.

As for age, vaccination against hepatitis and the child is set, starting from 1 year. It is intramuscularly produced - most often in the kid's shoulder. One vaccine is usually not enough to produce persistent, long-term immunity against infection. Therefore, after 6-18 months, doctors recommend to make another injection. Deciding for vaccination, parents should know what the reaction of a small organism for this vaccination will be the norm, according to medical data, and which will indicate violations and failures in the health of the baby.


The interest of parents is clear, which before vaccination want to know how the vaccination from hepatitisa is transferred to be ready to be ready for surprises and be aware of how to react to a certain change in the state of the kid. Most often, there are no reactions on imported drugs (for example, a chavriix vaccine), while domestic funds (Gep-A-in-Vacv and others) may cause such side effects as: as 3-4 days.

  • nausea, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • easy malaise;
  • loss of appetite;
  • in the presence of an allergic reaction (itching or urticaria), you can give the baby antihistamine (but exclusively with the permission of the doctor);
  • irritability, capriciousness, anxiety;
  • weakness and pain in the muscles;
  • local reaction at the injection site: redness, swelling, itching, sealing, light pain, numbness (these symptoms should not scare and misleading parents: the injection site cannot be lubricated or close the plaster, but you do not need to be afraid);
  • increasing the temperature: It is allowed to give an antipyretic child if the thermometer shows a mark above 38 ° C for several hours.

All these side effects of vaccinations from hepatitis A are considered to be the norms of the norm and do not require medical intervention. They do not affect the health of the child and pass very quickly: during the week a maximum. After noting his baby after vaccination, these changes, parents should not panic: you need to gain patience and wait. During the week after injection, these symptoms will disappear, and the baby will be joyful and healthy, as before.

If still some of the side effects hold too long or expressed very pronounced than parents scare, it's better to tell about it on the first reception from a pediatrician. After inspection, the doctor dispels doubt and give useful recommendations. But most of the children still at all at the vaccination from hepatitis and do not react. The stories about the terrible consequences that occur when the anti-phantic drug is introduced into the children's body, often too exaggerated. Complications are possible extremely rarely and only in case of non-compliance with contraindications.


Before making a vaccination from hepatitis and the child, the doctor conducts an examination for the presence of antibodies against this infection in the kid's blood and to identify contraindications for vaccination. It cannot be carried out in the following cases:

  • increased sensitivity (individual intolerance) components of the injected drug;
  • the acute period of all diseases: at the time of vaccination, the baby must be absolutely healthy, and this applies to chronic pathologies;
  • bronchial asthma.

All these contraindications are mandatory for vaccination against hepatitis A, since otherwise you can face the development of pathologies that will become a serious violation of child health in the future. Since there is a survey before vaccination, the risk of complications is minimal, and yet this fact becomes the reason why parents refuse to instill a kid from this disease.


Among the complications after vaccinations from hepatitis A call:

  • svetka Quintka in the individual intolerance to the components of the drug introduced the drug against hepatitis A: This may lead to a fatal outcome in the absence of timely assistance;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, slowing down the process of recovery, deterioration of the general condition;
  • liver failure;
  • beneficiation of the nervous system: meningitis, neuritis, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis;
  • violations in the work of the cardiovascular system: vasculitis, reduced blood pressure;
  • failure in the functioning of other organs: lymphoenopathy, erythema;
  • coma;
  • fatal outcome.

Despite the seriousness of all the above complications after the vaccination from hepatitis A, the parents should not be feared and refused because of this from the necessary and useful vaccination. If your child is in the risk group, it is necessary to instill that the undesirable infection bypasses the small side, not yet formed the body. The consequences of the child's health disease develop much more often than complications after vaccination.

However, hepatitis A in the children's body is dangerous not only by this. Often a child tolerates infection in a light form, asymptomatic, but in the meantime is a carrier of a dangerous virus. It can be infected from him at that moment any adult contacting him. In the already formed organism, the disease proceeds much in a more severe form, which is a potential danger until death. Therefore, it is much more practical to instill a baby from infant age and forget about hepatitis and forever.

All types of hepatitis affect liver cells. However, the hepatitis virus does not destroy these cells, but only uses for its replication. Hepatitis and differs from his "counterparts" only by the fact that it does not go into a chronic form.

Hepatitis A is fully cured, and the body maintains immunity to it. But modern medicine makes it possible to form a persistent immunity, not ill.

Of course, the observance of hygiene and constant disinfection of clothing and household items exclude the possibility of infection with hepatitis A. But this does not guarantee that, hitting poor countries with a low level of life, where a huge number of adults and adults are sick, and a person is not infected. Create inner powerful protection in this is the purpose of vaccinating from hepatitis A and B. from hepatitis from so far there is no vaccine.

What is hepatitis ah?

This viral infection is also called Botkin's disease, as at the end of the XIX century he announced that jaundice is the result of the inflammation of the liver. In all the symptoms, it is similar to other viral hepatitis - B and C. Headache, jaundice, nausea, feces are observed, and the urine is darkened. Often there is pain in the stomach and accompanying vomiting pain.

However, Botkin's disease can flow sluggishly, and parents do not know often that their child is sick. And liver cells at this time are subject to a virus attack.

The hepatitis virion contains a simple RNA, surrounded by a protective sheath - capsid.

Virion makes the liver multiply himself. And all the work of this body is now aimed at helping the hepatitis virus, and not to work for the benefit of the body. When the liver refuses to work, the child can die. Therefore, the vaccination from hepatitis and children are made in all developed countries, according to the state established by the state.

How is the virus transmitted?

The hepatitis A virus is transmitted to the fecal-oral way. Through the unwashed children's toys, water, ordinary household items. The one who is sick is most infectious at the end of the incubation period - even before the appearance of jaundice.

The virus itself is quite racks. Its capsid protects RNA from the destructive effects of the acid medium. It is known that if you influence the virion with heat in 180 ° C, it will live another hour. With a comfortable room temperature, the virus can live a few decades. In those countries where the level of hygiene is low, hepatitis A takes the lives of so many children.

Grafting children and adults

Hepatitis A vaccinations cause the body to produce antibodies that are stored for a long period and protect against the present virus. The mass immunization of the population in the Russian Federation began since 1997. It was then that the tests for testing the domestic vaccine ended and was confirmed that it was safe for children and adults.

Russia uses several basic vaccines:

  • "Gep-A-in-Vac" - inactivated vaccine, which means the introduction of a non-living virus.
  • "Havrix-720" - vaccine for children;
  • "Havrix-1440" - for adults;
  • "Avaksim";
  • "Vakta".

Vaccine "Twinrix" combined. It is used to form immunity against hepatitis A and V. It is quite acceptable at the same time (one day) to make injections and vaccines against hepatitis, and other vaccines. The only exception is a vaccine against tuberculosis (BCG).

There is also an immunoglobulin vaccination that contains already formed other people's antigens. Immunoglobulin vaccination is done when a person has to go abroad for 1 month and he needs a high protection of the body from hepatitis.

But if there was a contact with an infected person and urgently need to take measures of prevention, then immunoglobulin serum is introduced. It differs from the vaccination and the rapid excretion from the body. Such serum will act from 12 to 24 hours. Although serum acts for a short time, it is very effectively coping with infection, while it is completely safe.

Types of vaccines. Reviews

Developed several types of vaccines. The main vaccines that are used everywhere and are considered safe: inactivated (killed viruses) and attenuated, that is alive. But there are still synthesized vaccines, their main component is the selected proteins from the causative agent of the disease. Inactivated chemical hepatitis viruses and cannot lead to illness. This is their main advantage. But many synthesized vaccines are still in the experimental studies.

The most commonly done using an inactivated vaccine vaccine from hepatitis A. Reviews of it in the medium of doctors are mostly positive. It is an effective method of preventing the disease.

Vaccination from hepatitis A. Vaccination scheme

In order for a strong and long-term immunity to hepatitis in the child's body, you need to make 2 vaccinations. After administration of 1 dose of the drug, it will be waited for about 6 months. Then, if there were no allergic reactions or complications, then vaccination is repeated.

Now children starting from 12 months to 18, according to the approved vaccination scheme, you need to vaculate. Adults are vaccinated if analyzes show that there are no antigens to this disease in the blood. Or people enter the risk group or, for example, leaving for countries with a low socio-economic level of development. According to statistics, vaccination reduces the risk to get hepatitis A by 30%.

Possible complications

In fact, the risk of complications after vaccination is very small. All modern vaccines are cleaned of unnecessary impurities; They pass to the same thorough check. But sometimes some components of drugs that the body could not accept, can cause some side effects. Many doctors insist that the children are extremely necessary vaccine from hepatitis A. Side effects are usually lungs. But complications for the liver after transferring the disease is much harder for the child.

Usually to normal physiological reactions to the introduced drug of domestic production are:

  • general weakness;
  • muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • short temperature concept;
  • vomiting or diarrhea;
  • itching, redness and small swelling at the injection site.

After vaccination against hepatitis, there may be other complications that require urgent appeal to the doctor:

  • meningitis and other damage to the nervous system;
  • swelling quinque;
  • some failures in the work of other organs;
  • vasculitis;
  • coma.

With the introduction of immunoglobulin, pain in the injection site, myalgia and temperature is slightly higher than the norm.

Parents should be aware that it is necessary to give the antipyretic, only when the temperature is lifted above 38 0s. But severe complications from vaccinations from hepatitis A - rare exceptions, not a rule.

In the manufacture of many challenged specialists check all risk factors and try to save drugs from unnecessary preservatives. Perhaps the future vaccines will be absolutely safe for health, but so far we are still on the path of research.

Although the side effects are listed quite serious, yet the risk of a child to die from the disease is no less than from the effects of the vaccine. And the parents of young children need to weigh the risks twice to take the final decision.

How are vaccinated?

Before vaccination, parents should be consulted with a pediatrician. It is important to find out: what kind of vaccine reaction is considered normal; Other will be a reason to appeal to the doctor.

The child must be explored. The priority task of the pediatrician before vaccination is to find out how much the child is subject to this disease and is herself allergic to the components of the vaccine. Without this study, the vaccine is impossible to enter the one-year-old baby. And remember that vaccinations from hepatitis are allowed only for children older than a year. Earlier the therapist has no right to do it.

For completely small children, vaccination occurs by introducing the drug into the front of the thigh. Elder children and adults injection produce in the muscle on the shoulder.

Who is in the risk group?

Graft from hepatitis and adults, which in the risk group should be carried out immediately. If an adult becomes infected with a child, he will endure the disease is much heavier.

Referring to the risk group such categories of citizens:

  • people with liver damage;
  • those who work with infected animals;
  • teenagers living temporarily in other countries;
  • living in same-sex marriages;
  • educators in the nursery;
  • catering workers.

Vaccination from hepatitis A children who have passed the tests under the leadership of Versberger showed amazing efficiency. The vaccine was drove for children under 16, and 100% of the children under study received unequivocal immunity. Then there were another trials in Thailand, and immunization success also inspired scientists. The effectiveness of the vaccination was estimated at 97%. Therefore, if there is a real risk to get infected, it is not worth refusing to vaccine.

Vaccine action

What happens in the body after the administration of the drug? Vaccinations from hepatitis A give protection against viruses for 10-20 years of life. But it does not protect the drug itself, and our cells are antibodies that begin to actively produce the immune system when an alien dangerous virus enters the body. Therefore, inflammation in place of the injection is a completely understandable and permissible reaction.

Antibodies are preserved in the body for a very long time. Some of them can be revealed 6 months after the suffering disease. Other types of antibodies are stored in the blood even after years.


Any vaccine (live, non-fat or synthesized) is a drug that cannot be called harmless. Like any medical device, vaccines are thorough checks. After all, the vaccination from hepatitis and children first should be safe.

And, accordingly, to the medical preparation, there are instructions and contraindications to the vaccine. Who can be fatally dangerous vaccination from hepatitis e? Contraindications are as follows:

  1. The tendency to allergies or allergies to the introduction of the first dose of the drug.
  2. Any inflammatory processes in the body. The vaccine can be introduced only uniquely healthy person.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Malignant neoplasms.

If there are no contraindications of anyone (or the child) physically normally developed, there are no reasons for the vaccine. Immunity is formed in a child from 6 months, when the immune defense of the mother, transmitted during childbirth, is exhausted, and up to 12 years. This is a long process and a very important period.

Over the years, in its body should form as many antibodies as possible, so that it can not be afraid of his life and health, contacting people and leaving resting abroad. But the vaccination from hepatitis and adults will not be superfluous.

It is for these reasons that two-time vaccination is carried out to protect the body to strengthen. But if a child has a negative reaction to the vaccine, the next injection is prohibited.

Check or not to vaccinate

But there is no definite answer to the question: do the vaccinations from hepatitis and the child are healthier? Parents should know all the information about the vaccine and make a decision for a child. After all, parents are responsible, not doctors.

The main problem is that vaccine sometimes is incorrectly stored during transport. As a result, its efficiency is reduced or in all parameters it is subject to disposal. But because of its high cost, throwing a spoiled product refuse. And it is this problem that needs to solve doctors and parents.

There were times when viral hepatitis turned out to be as massive disaster as the plague, cholera, including. Today, the vaccination is reliably protected from heavy liver damage. Vaccination against hepatitis is obligatory in our country for newborns. However, many parents are worried because of complications, reactions to the vaccine. Is it dangerous?

Normal child's reaction to hepatitis vaccination

There are no safe pharmaceutical preparations. On any vaccine, the body corresponds to an individual reaction. This is normal. Especially often local reactions may occur: redness, itching, muscle seals at the vaccination location, a small pain when touched. Such symptoms are developing after the introduction and living, and non-living vaccines are about 10 out of 100 children. However, after a few days, there is no trace from them.

Normal post accmineous reactions are also considered:

a slight increase in temperature; reinforced sweating; Easy headache; temporary deterioration of appetite; Restless sleep; diarrhea; feeling of weakness; Proming alert state.

In general, the vaccination from hepatitis into the vast majority of newborns, babies and adults tolerate easily. After about a month, immunity is formed, the protective effect of the drug begins. Very often, vaccination proceeds completely without any symptoms. However, if nausea appears, reaching vomiting, feverish state, cramps, should be aware of: such sharp symptoms have no relation to vaccination. Sometimes vaccination coincides with the beginning of a disease, and you need to look for a true diagnosis.

Seal and redness in cross-places

Such a hepatitis vaccination reaction may occur due to the high sensitivity of the body to aluminum hydroxide, which is part of many vaccines. It should be perceived as a norm if the swelling, the seal of the injected muscles is no more than 7-8 cm. There is no need to make any compresses, treat this place ointments. The vaccine will gradually go into the blood, and the bump will soon dispel the sam.

Temperature after vaccination from hepatitis

Such a side effect is observed only at one of the 15 vaccinated people. A similar reaction to the vaccination from hepatitis more often occurs in newborns, babies, because in young children the mechanism of thermoregulation is still very imperfect. Permissible post-specific reactions can be:

weak - when climbing temperatures up to 37.5 degrees; mean - if the thermometer readings do not exceed 38.5 degrees, and the signs of intoxication are expressed moderately; Strong - with the heat of the body above 38.5 degrees, significant symptoms of intoxication.

As a rule, the temperature rises after 6-7 hours after the injection is a sign of the active response of the immune system on foreign viral components of the vaccine. Often, the temperature rise is additionally intensified under the influence of external factors: stuffy or, on the contrary, cold air, stressful state. It returns to normal after 2-3 days. Apply the antipyretic agents should only be used at temperatures above 38.5 degrees.

The consequences of vaccinations from hepatitis in adults

muscle pain; Strong allergy, anaphylactic shock; Acute hepatic insufficiency.

Since the data of manifestations are extremely rare, their potential probability should not be a reason for refusing to vaccinate. In the absence of vaccination, the risk of infection with such an infectious disease as hepatitis is much more dangerous. The disease rapidly acquires a chronic shape, to cure, which is completely extremely difficult. Viral hepatitis is slightly complications that are incompatible with life: cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Weakness and dizziness

Occasionally such symptoms may also be a reaction to the vaccination from hepatitis. In this case, you should save the body from everyday loads, give it a rest. It is important to have a full dream. It is useful to strengthen the nervous system with vitamin and minerals. If you fail to eliminate annoying factors, you need to try to change your attitude towards them. Ensuring dizzy helps an effective preparation of Betaderk.

General malaise

First of all, such a reaction to the vaccination should not be taken panic. Often, impressionable people immediately begin to think that something terrible happens to them. It is necessary to calm down and control your emotions, avoid conflict situations. Especially since very heavy ailments do not allow themselves to be aware of themselves alone. Faster to get out of such a state helps the strengthening of immunity. Do not necessarily do it with medicines:

It is worth remembering the satisfied morning gymnastics, water procedures. Useful lemons with honey, fishery, infusion of rosehip, lime tea.

Hazardous complications after vaccination from hepatitis in

A healthy person such a body reactions do not threaten. However, some states and diseases can sometimes provoke the development of severe complications. It:

acute allergic reaction to any vaccination that has happened earlier; predisposition to cramps, more often found in newborns and babies up to 3 years; chemo and radiation oncotherapy; Immunodeficient diseases, AIDS.

In the number of dangerous reactions to vaccination include:

Allergic pathologies: urticaria, erythema, dermatitis; swelling quinque; myocarditis; serum disease; arthritis; Glomerulonephritis; anaphylactic shock. Malgia (severe pain in the muscles, joints). Peripheral neuropathy (increased tactile sensitivity or its loss, numbness of limbs, paralysis of the eye or facial nerves, etc.).

Such the body reactions come about one of 200 thousand vaccinated people. Sometimes approval appears that the vaccine vaccine vaccine increases the risk of developing sclerosis. According to the WHO study conducted in 50 countries, it has been proven that there is no such relationship. Hepatitis vaccines do not have actions on neurological deviations available in vaccinating people.

How to estimate the intensity of the reaction to the hepatitis vaccine

It is important to distinguish well-permissible post-welcome reactions from side effects. Often parents mistaken them. What is the main difference between them? If you make a vaccination with regard to contraindications, the state of human health, compliance with the rules of injection, one or another reaction to it through a few days passes itself, without the help of a doctor.

The duration and intensity of the vacuum phenomena depends on the two main terms:

composition and quality of the drug; individual characteristics of the human body.

Why doctors warn that 3 days after vaccination can not wet the place of the injection? Water may worsen the state. Assessing how intense the reaction to the vaccination should be taken into account all the symptoms in the complex. The correct indicator in which you can navigate - the body temperature. Easy reaction - the thermometer will not show 37.5 degrees above. If the temperature of more than 38.5 degrees is a strong degree, and medical care is needed.

Video: Complications and reactions to vaccinations

We conclude a discussion of issues related to vaccination against hepatitis in and some nuances of this procedure, the features of the introduction of vaccine and possible side effects and complications from it. We talked about infant vaccination schemes, it's time to discuss other possible options for vaccinations, including adults.

How do vaccination adolescents and adults

An adult can be hidden at any time, at his own request or by testimony, including the conditioned nature of the work. This uses a standard vaccination diagram in the form of "zero-one-six months". The first vaccination put on the day of the appeal, the second in a month from the moment of the first vaccination, the second one - after one month from the moment the first, and the third - six months after the first vaccination. If you have started immunization from hepatitis B, it is necessary to spend all three vaccinations (three injections), otherwise the immunity to hepatitis is simply not formed and the person will be simply unearned or the vaccination does not count at all. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the scheme for timing.

Contraindications available

Vaccination against hepatitis B will be banned only by those people who will have allergic reactions to the yeast bakery. These are such reactions that occur when taking all yeast bread and confectionery, beer or kvass, yeast products. If the allergies on the yeast are not available, but at the previous introduction of the vaccine there were strong allergic reactions, then the following doses of the vaccine are no longer entered through the medical woman. The presence of allergic reactions to other substances and antigens, the presence of so-called "diathesis" and skin allergies are not by themselves contraindications for vaccination, but for the course of vaccination, you need consultation with an allergist and selection of adequate time for vaccinations outside the exacerbation or if necessary administration under the cover of drugs.

Be sure to abandon vaccinations during periods of development of acute colds or any other acute infectious diseases, before their complete recovery. Then you need to wait two more weeks and only then conduct vaccination. After transferred meningitis or other severe lesions of the nervous system, the Medwoman from vaccinations impose for a period of six months. In the presence of severe somatic diseases, the vaccinations are selected individually in the steady of remission, as the pathology of the internal organs or systems does not apply to contraindications to vaccination, if they are out of the process of exacerbation of the process. Also, the patient's detection of hepatitis viruses in the blood is not contraindicated to vaccination, simply the vaccination in this case will be meaningless and useless. It is important to remember that very carefully and only under careful medical control introduces the drug to those children who have systemic autoimmune diseases in the form of multiple sclerosis or systemic red lupus. The question in such cases is solved individually with the immunologist.

Possible reactions to vaccinations

Vaccination against hepatitis B refers to fairly easily tolerated vaccines. Basically, the introduction of vaccination causes responses in the field of administration of the drug, as a reaction to the injection itself and tissue damage, as well as the reaction to the injected substance. At the injection site, a small redness or a small red nodule may occur, the unpleasant sensations in the region of the injected drug during the limb of intense or fast movements, when the muscle is reduced. Such reactions are usually determined by the presence of aluminum hydroxide in the vaccine, it gives about 10-20% of people, including children. It is quite normal and passes independently without any interventions from the outside and forms immune responses.

With the introduction of hepatitis vaccine in about 5% of children and adults, such as the reaction to its introduction, such as elevated body temperature (usually up to 37.5 degrees, not higher), development of general ailment and light weakness, developing chairs or sweating, head Pain, redness or light skin itch. Almost all possible reactions to vaccinations can be formed for about the first day-two after the administration of the drug, and then the reaction itself, without interference there are from outside two days. In rare, isolated, cases, heavier reactions to vaccinations may occur, which will refer to vaccination complications. It may be the development of urticaria or severe rash, pain in the muscles or joints, the development of nodal erythema. To date, such effectiveness of vaccines are achieved that they provide vaccination with a reduced vaccine dosage and to the almost complete exception of preservatives, which can significantly reduce the risks of adverse reactions and allergic manifestations. Modern vaccine preparations from hepatitis in much safer previously used, although it is still necessary to take into account side effects and contraindications.

Complications of vaccination

Despite all precautions and accounting of all possible contraindications, it is always worth talking about possible complications of vaccination. Although they have a low probability, they still can be in children or adults. The complications of this particular vaccination should include such conditions as the development of anaphylactic shock and the development of a strong urticaria, the occurrence of rash on the skin, exacerbation of the processes of allergies to yeast preparations and substances. Such complications are unforeseen - allergies may occur on any drug, while the frequency of them varies within one case by 300 thousand gravated, these are very rare complications. That is why, it is always said that the next 30 minutes after vaccination, it is necessary to strictly control the state of graft and monitor its well-being.

One of the opinions that I had to hear about the vaccination against hepatitis in is that its use provokes or increases the risks of the disease of such pathology as dispelled sclerosis, progressing the damage to the nervous tissue. However, the global studies of WHO specialists conducted by more than fifty countries of the world showed such a relationship between vaccinations from hepatitis B and multiple sclerosis. The vaccination this can not have any mergers on any of the neurological diseases, it cannot neither enhance them, not provoke, not develop.

Development of local sealing from vaccination

Usually, seals from this vaccination occur when it is introduced into the buttock, where many adipose tissue and the drug getting into the muscle, but in other fabrics. At the same time, the drug with its carrier, aluminum hydroxide, will be for a long time to disappoint about the reserve, securely fixing at the base. Such administration of vaccines are tested with dense nodules and tubercles, which are absorbed very long and slowly. This is explained by low blood supply in the field of fatty tissues and slowly washing the drug from the cells, and the presence of aluminum hydroxide itself maintains the presence of inflammatory tissue reactions. And therefore the seal will be kept until there is a complete absorption of the drug and care to blood. You should not worry about the inflammatory process in the field of drug administration, this is a normal body reaction to the introduction of a foreign substance, and the reaction is aseptic (not purulent), which increases the absorption of the drug into the blood. Gradually vaccine and its base are absorbed into the blood and are derived, which reduces the local process. However, with such an introduction, immunity can be weakened and defective, since vaccination technique is violated.

Temperature reactions to vaccination

If a vaccine against hepatitis B is introduced, then usually an increase in temperature occurs in the first few hours from the moment of its use, within the eight hours from the moment of injection. This is due to the formation of an immune response to the introduction of foreign viral particles. Usually, this temperature is low and does not require any measures to reduce it, it passes on its own for two to three days. When the temperature is raised above 38.5 degrees worth consulting a doctor to eliminate the beginning of the disease against the background of vaccination. In the remaining cases, the temperature does not need to be shot down and carry out any medicinal measures. Typically, an increase in temperature is from one person from twenty, and it is insignificant. Often to the development of fever also significantly affects the external environment and a stress factor from visiting the clinics and injection as such, especially in children.

After vaccination, the observation lasts three days, at this time, if there is no temperature, you can walk and bathe as usual, but not to enter new products and not to change the situation, do not go beyond the city. The place of vaccinations can be wet, it does not require any methods.

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The World Health Organization Division on the control and prevention of infectious diseases calculated that before the launch of a program of universal immunization in infancy against hepatitis V. About 100,000 children under ten years old, born from uninfected mothers, acquired a virus. Hepatitis B is potentially dangerous to the life of a disease caused by a specific virus. This can lead to inflammation and damage to the liver. The disease can occur without symptoms or with sharp short-term manifestations that may include:

jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eye proteins); pain in the joints; abdominal pain; Itching red rashes on the skin of the body.

The virus during life can be completely eliminated from the body of most infected adolescents and adults. Only about 2-6% of infected older children and adults is determined in the blood throughout life. They are carriers of the virus and can transmit it to other people. Approximately 30 percent of children infected with hepatitis in develops chronic disease: the younger child, the greater the likelihood that infection will become a chronic process. The consequences of this may include:

chronic liver diseases; cirrhosis of the liver; liver cancer; Hepatic insufficiency.

There is no specific medication from this infectious disease. About one quarter of patients with chronic hepatitis like B die from cirrhosis or liver cancer until the age of 40 years. Among them are many children who do not live to adult life. Of about 1.25 million Russians with chronic hepatitis B, 20-30 percent were infected in childhood and infant age.

Hepatitis Vacation Indications

Vaccination against hepatitis B is a nationwide program. All newborn children and persons from the risk group are subject to it. The main indications for vaccinations from hepatitis B are to reduce the risk of infection and transferring a virus from a person to a person.

In childhood, children are often infected with:

breast milk from infected mother; contact with blood, saliva, tears or urine infected family member; medical manipulations with impaired integrity of the skin; Blood transfusion.

However, the following groups of children are subject to a special risk of infection:

living in areas with high levels of infection; living in families with chronic hepatitis; living in children's institutions; receiving hemodialysis; Children receiving certain blood products.

Contraindications for vaccination from hepatitis

Due to the fact that most children do not have high risks of hepatitis B infection, and the duration of the immunity obtained as a result of the vaccination is not known, some parents ask questions to medical professionals about the need and effectiveness of vaccination against hepatitis V. Some of them also continue Doubt the safety of the vaccine.

It should be known that there are certain contraindications for vaccinations from hepatitis V. Children should not be harvested if they have allergies to bakery yeast or thimerosal. Also, the intolerance of individual components that make up the vaccine. In 2003, the study showed that the vaccine is safe and effective for children with bronchial asthma, even those that enjoy inhalers for hormone therapy.

Temporary contraindications against the vaccination of hepatitis B are poor well-being of a baby, an increased body temperature, a liquid chair or vomiting, any manifestations of colds. After the cessation of all symptoms, vaccinations can be made 14 days later. Prerelevant overall analysis of blood and urine.

Side effects and complications after vaccination from hepatitis in

Although most children do not experience any side effects from vaccinations against hepatitis B, the most common symptoms of this state are the following:

fatigue or irritability in 20 percent of children; soreness at the injection site, lasting one or two days, approximately one of the eleven children and adolescents; Fever from weak to moderate in one of 14 cases of vaccination.

Other, less common complications after vaccination against hepatitis B include:

hyperemia, inflammation, swelling, pain or itching at the injection site; strong fatigue or weakness; dizziness and headache; Temperature 37.7 ° C and higher.

Other rare vaccination reactions include:

overall feeling of discomfort or muscle pain; pain in the joints; rash on the skin or scars that may arise several days or weeks after receiving the vaccine; Fucetitude vision or other changes in visual sensations; Muscular weakness or numbness and tingling in hand and legs; back pain and stiffness or pain in the neck and shoulder; diarrhea or abdominal spasms; nausea or vomiting; increased sweating; sore throat or runny nose; strong skin itching; decreases or disappearance of appetite; sudden redness of the skin; swelling of glands and lymph nodes in the axillary region or neck; Insomnia or drowsiness.

Although allergic reactions are rare, but if they occur, ambulance needed. In the vaccination office there must be a first-aid kit for anaphylactic shock. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include:

redness of the skin, especially around the ears; Eye swelling, face, or nasal mucosa; Itching, especially the hands and legs; sudden and severe fatigue or weakness; Difficulty breathing or swallowing.

Preparation of a child to vaccine from hepatitis

Most children are afraid of injection, however, there are simple methods for the weakening of the fear of the child. Psychological preparation of a child to vaccine against hepatitis is needed. Before visiting the vaccine office, parents must take the following steps:

Tell children what an injection and what sensations are experiencing a person. Explain the baby that unpleasant sensations are short-lived. Explain to children that the injection will help them not become patients. Take a child's favorite toy or blanket. Never threaten to children, telling them, they will get an injection. Read the vaccine information and ask the doctor's questions. During vaccination, parents must do the following: Keep the baby. Support visual contact with the child and smile. Speak gently and soothing with the child. Try to distract the child, showing drawings or interesting items for it. Sing the songs or tell the child an entertaining story. Teach the child to focus on something else, and not on the injection. Help your child take a deep breath. Let the child cry. Keep calm.

How to hold the child during injection

It should be known that the safety requires a clear fixation of the baby's body during injection. A sharp movement of a child can lead to the needle breaks. Parents can choose the appropriate method of holding a child during injection. These methods allow parents to control and fix the child's hand, while the nurse makes an injection. For babies and children of nursery, the following may be effective:

The child sits on his knees from his parents. The hands of the child are behind their backs of parents held under the hands of the parent. The legs of the child are between the femors of the parent and are fixed with the other hand of the parents.

With older children, the following positions can be effective:

The child sits on his knees from his parents or stands in front of a sitting parent. The parent clashes the child. The feet of the child are between the feet of the parents.

What to do after vaccination from hepatitis

After injection, parents must do the following:

Keep and stick baby or feed baby breasts. Talk to soothing and encouraging. Praise your baby. Collect your doctor about possible side effects. Use a cool compress, wet rag to reduce soreness or swelling at the injection site. Check the child for rash over the next few days.

In addition, parents must remember the following:

Child losing appetite for the first 24 hours after vaccination. The child should drink a lot of liquid. The doctor may prescribe aspirin do not contain painkillers for a child.

Hepatitis B is a severe pathology that provokes the development of cancer, liver cirrhosis. Especially hard is the disease in the kids (it often ends fascinated). Most children have hepatitis chronized and causes inconvenience throughout life. Immunization is carried out for the prevention of infection. Many people have a reaction to, which may be the norm or complication.

Normal reaction to the vaccination of hepatitis in newborns in 1 month

The first is placed in the first 24 hours after the birth of the baby.

Thoughtful parents are always worried about the health of their child and with the appearance of unpleasant symptoms after vaccination, hurry to the reception to the pediatrician.

But any vaccine is capable of provoking a certain reaction, which is considered the norm.

So, sensitive kids are permissible such changes in the state:

  • redness in the zone of injection;
  • pain at the injection site;
  • caprises, crying.

The temperature has risen

Such a vaccination reaction is observed in 5% of children. Temperature usually rises 6-7 hours after immunization. As a rule, the thermometer shows no higher than 37.5 degrees.

In more sensitive persons, the temperature may increase to 38.5.

Hyperthermia is easily hampered by antipyretic drugs.

Medicines are used only at high thermometer. Norma hyperthermia passes on its own after 2-3 days.

An increase in the temperature of the organism's response to penetrate alien bodies, the beginning of the formation of specific immunity is explained.

Observed redness at the injection site

Flashing the place of the injection may be due to allergies on alumina hydroxide, which is present in the vaccine. This reaction is found in 10-20% of cases. Often, a similar symptom manifests itself after entering the injection zone of moisture. Red and small swelling is absolutely safe and pass on their own.

Hand hurts at the injection site

After staging in the hand, a minor pain can be felt, which is intensified when pressing.

This phenomenon is considered to be a permissible consequence of a specific reaction of soft tissues on the introduced preparation.

Wine or cool the injection place, it is prohibited to process it with ointments. Parents should protect the injury zone from trauma, choose safe games and positions for child, do not wear synthetic and cramped clothing.

When the pain of pain, you need to try to distract the baby. As a rule, discomfort passes several days without treatment.

Recently, children under two years of injection are made in the thigh, and more elder faces and adults - in hand (in the shoulder area). These places are considered the most suitable.

Baby climbs and crying

After vaccination against hepatitis in the kids, sometimes becoming capricious, constantly cry, they have a dream. It occurs during the first day after vaccination and can persist for several days. Restless child behavior is explained by the headache against the background of increasing temperature. The state is normalized on your own short time.

Heavy complications after vaccination in children

In addition to the normal reaction in the form of a short-term increase in temperature and soreness of the injection site, the child may encounter severe post-specific complications. The risk of side effects is higher in immunization in the presence of contraindications, violation of the rules for the preparation and technology of manipulation.

Children can develop such:

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • increase temperatures up to 40 degrees;
  • neurological disorders;
  • myocarditis;
  • strong articular and muscle pain;
  • arthritis;
  • erythema noded;
  • hives.

Some parents are experiencing that the vaccination from hepatitis in can cause a jaundice or jaundice. These concerns are groundless. Vaccine, on the contrary, strengthens immunity and reduces the likelihood of these diseases. Therefore, after the vaccination, taking drugs for the treatment of the liver is not necessary.

Vaccine manufacturers are constantly working to improve the composition of drugs against hepatitis B, try to reduce the dose, eliminate preservatives in order to minimize the risk of developing adverse reactions. If, after the recently conducted immunoprophylaxis, the child appeared convulsions, severe vomiting, then this may mean the presence of some infectious process that is not associated with vaccination.

Side effects occur with a frequency of 1 time per 100 thousand cases.

The side effects of vaccinations from hepatitis in adults

The organism of adults is stronger than in children, therefore side effects after vaccination develop less frequently. Most often local reactions in the form of redness, irritation, swelling in the injection zone are observed. A person may feel a sense of helping, dizziness, weakness. In this case, it is recommended to take an antihistamine drug. It is also useful to strengthen the immune system.

To severe side reactions include:

  • strong allergic manifestations (anaphylaxis, swelling);
  • muscle pain;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • paralysis of the eye or facial nerve;
  • myocarditis.

Such complications are extremely rarely found: one person is from 200 thousand vaccinated. Therefore, it is not worth refusing to vaccinate. Infectious hepatitis in much more dangerous than post-excitation phenomena: can lead to death.

Enhance the risk of side effects of such conditions:

  • AIDS;
  • a tendency to cramps;
  • radiation or chemotherapy;
  • diarrhea;
  • taking alcohol on the eve or on the day of immunization;
  • acute allergic reaction to the previously introduced vaccine.

There is an opinion that the vaccine from hepatitis B increases the likelihood of the appearance of multiple sclerosis. But WHO studies conducted in 50 countries of the world revealed that such a relationship is missing and the vaccination does not have a negative impact on the neurological deviations that are available in humans.

How to avoid unwanted consequences after the introduction of the vaccine

Vaccination is a big stress for a children's and adult organism. And no one can predict, or no side reactions arise after the administration of the drug from hepatitis V. There are a number of tips that will help minimize post-specific complications. To avoid unwanted consequences from the introduction of vaccinations, all the recommendations of the Doctor regarding training must be observed, to pass the necessary surveys (to pass blood and urin on the analysis), to properly apply to the injection site.

Do not vaccinate children and adults, with such states:

  • heat;
  • neuritis;
  • schizophrenia;
  • meningitis;
  • insufficient body weight;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • general malaise;
  • the presence of infectious or viral disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • vasculitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypertension;
  • intolerance to vaccination components;
  • chronic pathologies in the aggravation phase.

Now, people who have a tendency to allergies, it is necessary to take an antihistamine drug on vaccination day, and exclude chocolate, citrus, tomatoes from the menu, containing dyes and preservatives from the menu.

For two days it is impossible to water the placement of the injection. If immunization has been conducted in a newborn, then a nursing mother should not be included in the diet new products, it is desirable to abandon walks on the street. Within 7 days, Vitamin D is not necessary to give infant

The body is weakened. Therefore, it is worth avoiding crowded places to not infect any infectious viral disease. It is also recommended to avoid physical exertion and emotional shocks for some time. If a person had a side reaction to other types of vaccinations, after immunization against hepatitis B, it is worth a medical institution for a while. As a rule, severe post-specific complications are developing a couple of hours after the administration of the drug.

Thus, hepatitis B is a severe disease that often leads to disability and death. Especially bad pathology is amenable to treat in childhood. Immunization is performed for prevention. Graft from hepatitis B, in most cases is transferred well. But some people face the advent of negative symptoms. A slight increase in temperature, weakness, painting the place of the injection is the normal reaction of the body to the introduced drug. Heavy complications in the form of glomerulonephritis, anaphylactic shock, myocarditis, etc. are very rarely developing. Often, the reason for side effects is non-compliance with the rules of preparation, manipulation and care for the zone zone.