Ecology and children. Ecology for the smallest (Education in a preschool educational institution) Ecological education of younger students

Galina Golikova
Article: "The Kid and the Environment"

The world of nature! This is the enchanting look of paint

this and fresh air, invigorating, inspiring

new forces in us. This and untold wealth

which people should take care of and increase ...

Valova Z.G.

Moisenko Yu. E.

Nowadays, more than ever, the question is acute environmental education of children... How to educate children to respect nature? Taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, which include impressionability and emotional responsiveness, through compassion, empathy, which help the child to enter, as V. A. Sukhomlinsky said "Into the life of another living being from the inside", to feel someone else's pain as your own, to enter toddler into the surrounding world of nature so that every day he would discover something new for himself, so that he would grow up as a researcher, so that his every step would be a journey to the origins of miracles in nature, ennoble the heart and temper the will.

Ecological education is a direction of preschool pedagogy, which differs from the traditional one - acquainting children with nature. During preschool childhood, in the process of purposeful pedagogical influence in children, it is possible to form the beginning ecological culture - consciously - the correct attitude to phenomena, objects of living and inanimate naturethat make up their immediate environment during this period of life. Consciously - the correct attitude is developed under the condition of close contact and various forms of interaction between the child and the plants and animals available in the room, on the site of the kindergarten and in the child's home. In other words, each creature must have its own "house" which has everything for his life.

Starting from kindergarten, the educator must put into the child's consciousness a respect for nature and ecology of the native land... Children already in senior preschool age easily acquire knowledge of ecologyif the classes are conducted in an accessible and fun way.

The beginning ecological parenting is some rules from childhood (you cannot pick flowers, you cannot walk on the lawns, you cannot offend animals)... Children should be taught not to remain indifferent to a broken branch. During conversations or walks in nature, children need to be explained that taking care of the nature of our native land, we further take care of ecology and about our Earth as a whole. After all, preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person's personality, his value orientation in the world around him. Preschoolers, due to the peculiarities of their age, very organically perceive all the knowledge that is associated with nature. After all, small children feel like a part of nature, they have not yet developed a consumer attitude towards it. Therefore, the main task is to make sure that the feeling of an inseparable connection with the world around us, which arose in early childhood, remains for life.

In summer, the territory of our kindergarten is especially beautiful, the abundance of bright, fragrant flowers attracts the attention of not only people, but also insects. Here is a convenient moment where you can tell and clearly show about the life of insects, about their benefits. With proper guidance from the observation of the environment, the child begins to understand what is good and what is bad. Systematic observation in nature teaches children to be attentive. Any observation is cognitive activity, requiring attention, concentration, mental activity from children, therefore it is short-lived. The pedagogical communication of the educator with the children takes cognitive coloration: the teacher asks clear, specific questions, directing children to search for information, listens to their answers, responds kindly to each message. And most importantly, he praises for the correct answer, encourages further information search with praise. The observation cycles, accompanied by the educator's cognitive communication with the children, develops their observation ability, a persistent interest in nature, forms distinct concrete ideas about the morphological and functional features of plants and their relationship with the environment.

It is important for a teacher to teach children to see to appreciate the quiet beauty of a tiny wildflower, a hardworking ant or a spider on a forest path, to hear the enchanting sounds of nature - birdsong, rustle of leaves and grasses, the murmur of water ... Teaching children to see the beautiful is difficult. If the teacher himself sincerely loves nature and treats it with care, he will be able to convey these feelings to children. Children are very observant and sensitive to the words, mood and actions of an adult, they quickly see the positive and imitate their mentor. Love for nature means not only a certain state of mind, the perception of its beauty, but also its understanding, its knowledge.

One of the ways to convey to the child all the beauty of the world around him is a fairy tale. A fairy tale not only entertains, it unobtrusively educates, acquaints the child with the world around him, good and evil. She is a universal teacher. In our work with children, we use the works of N.A. Ryzhova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, which help to understand nature and human relationships with it. In an entertaining way, they introduce children to natural phenomena, their interconnections, with some concepts ecology, problems of human influence on nature and many others. So, raising children to love nature, the ability to perceive its beauty is one of the important tasks of a kindergarten. In this work, his first assistants should become parents.

As a result of purposeful work on environmental upbringing and education there have been changes in the actions and behavior of children. Preschoolers began to consciously relate to natural resources, to all living things more attentive, hardworking and observant, which is reflected in their drawings and stories. Emotionality, enthusiasm of children convinces that work on environmental parenting is very important and gives good results. This work helps to foster love for the native nature and respect for it.

“All efforts in education will be in vain,

until you teach your pupils

love the field, birds and flowers ” (D. Ruskin)

Olga Balashova
Ecology and children

In our time, people are faced with a variety of environmental issues... To avoid adverse effects on the environment, not to do environmental errors, do not create situations dangerous to health and life, modern man must have at least elementary environmental knowledge... Experience shows that it is difficult to persuade and re-educate an adult with already formed views. The generation brought up on the slogans “To conquer nature, take wealth from it”, with difficulty rebuilds to a new type of relationship “man-nature”, realizes the intrinsic value of nature as such. Until now, nature has often been assessed only in terms of benefits or harm to humans. Form a man with a new one, ecological type of thinking is possible only from early childhood. Therefore, an extremely important link in the system of continuous ecological upbringing and education is working with preschoolers. It is during this period that a person forms ideas about the world around him, and it is very important that these ideas also include an understanding of the relationships existing in nature, i.e. ecological knowledge... The elements ecological upbringing is now included in the programs of many kindergartens, however, they are often scattered, random in nature. It is necessary that knowledge on ecological topics were interconnected, constituted a single system in which the initial, simpler stages of training are the basis for subsequent, more complex, generalizing. Ecological education and upbringing cannot be limited to individual classes, holidays, work on personal plot... There must be a "core" - a complex environmental studiesthat the preschooler will receive. And all games, observations, excursions, etc. are of an applied nature, serve to assimilate this complex of knowledge. Ecological education is not the same as environmental education, it includes the latter, but is not limited to it. Environmental education is undoubtedly essential in preschool age. Its purpose is to develop in children a respectful attitude towards nature, teaching the rules of behavior in the forest, on the river. Ecological upbringing involves the formation of an appropriate worldview in the child, obtaining elementary environmental knowledge... In our opinion, the goal and objectives ecological education of preschoolers can be defined based on the classical understanding of the term “ ecology"... This term was first coined by the German zoologist E. Hennel in the century. While ecology considered as part of biology. Ecology Is the science of the relationship of living organisms with the environment and with each other. Therefore, the task ecological education should be formed in a person (including a preschooler) understanding the existing relationships between living organisms (for example, fitness from environmental factors to certain conditions, dependence on environmental factors) and the idea that living organisms in nature do not exist separately from each other, but form a variety of ecosystems (forest, lake, swamp). Children should also get acquainted with the development of living organisms, with seasonal changes in their lives. This approach to the study of nature, that is, from the point of view of existing relationships, allows children to logically understand the human influence on the environment. It's one thing if a child is simply told that it is "bad" to destroy trees in the forest. And it is completely different when a child knows how many animals and plants are associated with this tree, and he himself can explain what will happen to them after the disappearance of the tree. You can simply say that you cannot make a fire in the forest, but you can explain that the soil is a living earth in which many living organisms live, plant roots, and many of them die due to the making of fires. IN last years the word " ecology", “ecological education ”have become so fashionable that they are often used completely for other purposes, forgetting about their meaning. Expressions such as "good" or "bad" should not be used ecology... Itself ecology as science cannot be good or bad. And here ecological situation in the city, the settlement can be favorable or unfavorable for a person. Ecology has long gone beyond biology. She is closely related to many others sciences: geography, history, economics. therefore ecological education also means familiarizing children (within the framework of social classes) with elements of other sciences. Experience shows that even when teaching older children, the emphasis is mainly on the study of wildlife. Much less attention is paid to the inanimate. In the classroom ecological it is necessary to give the subject and elementary geographical knowledge, to pay attention to the diversity of not only living, but also inanimate nature. One of the tasks ecological education - the formation of a child's idea of \u200b\u200ba person not as a master, conqueror of nature, but as a part of nature that depends on it. It is necessary to eradicate the consumer attitude towards nature. Most children currently have preschool age a clear division of animals into good and bad, evil and good, harmful and useful has been formed. Many works of art and cartoons also contribute to this. In many of them, predators are portrayed as evil, bad. They want to eat "good" hares, piglets, etc. As a rule, hares defeat wolves and remain alone in the forest, without evil predators. Many children are convincedthat a beast of prey is bad, it is not needed in nature, and that the most beautiful forest is a forest without wolves. Even in some teaching aids for working with preschoolers, you can find the division of living organisms into harmful and useful ones. This approach is anti-ecological, it distorts the idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of the roles of animals in nature, of the dependence of animals on each other. From point of view ecology in nature there are no good or bad, harmful and useful. Each animal, plant does its job, plays its role in nature. Needed equally all: both wolves and hares. A forest without predators will no longer be a balanced ecosystem and, in the end, will begin to degrade. Therefore, one of the important tasks ecological education - the development of an equally careful attitude towards all living beings, regardless of whether you like them or not. In preschool age, mastering the basics environmental knowledge is the most promising, since it is at this age that the child perceives nature very emotionally, draws attention to such features of nature that an adult will not notice. The child is able to wonder at what surrounds him, ask a lot of questions about plants and animals. He perceives animals as equals, sympathizes with them, empathizes with them. It is this feature younger age should be used to the fullest extent possible in order to environmental education... Basics classes ecology should not be boring, scientific. The main ecological the child can learn concepts through a wide variety of forms. It is also important to use the desire of children to fantasize. Skillful presentation of works of children's literature, development ecological content for traditional games, excursions, composing fairy tales, stories, observation in nature and in living corners, winter gardens - all these forms allow you to introduce children to many environmental laws... It is very important to use land... Here you can create ecological trail, an alpine slide, a "living Red Book", a flower bed with plants - clocks, plants - barometers, fragments of local landscapes. The same traditional plant beds can be used, paying attention to the adaptation of the grown plants to the environment, monitoring their growth, influence environmental factors on the development of plants, telling about the homeland of cultivated plants. All these and other forms of work can be used to explain the material in a variety of sections. ecology... One of the main principles of drawing up training programs for ecological the topic should be an integrated approach. Ecological preschool education must be carried out in special classes. However, the elements children environmental knowledge can receive in the classroom in mathematics, music, speech development, labor training, fine arts. But not all literature on nature can be used for purposes environmental education... For example, there are many poems about the forest, in which the authors urge to protect the forest just because it gives people berries, mushrooms, nuts. This is a purely consumerist approach, when a person views nature through the prism of his own benefit, forgetting about his intrinsic value. They can be considered only for one condition: After reading the poem, the teacher explains what such conquest subsequently led to. For ecological education can involve not only stories, poems about nature, but also ordinary fairy tales, famous children's works. Poems and fairy tales of B. Zakhoder can serve as excellent illustrations to explain the material. For educational purposes, you can use separate sections of the book “Why Much” (Dietrich, Yurin, Komurnikova, 1992, atlases “The World and Man”, “The World Around Us.” In preschool age, children have a completely natural desire not only to see everything, but also to touch hands.This desire must be used for the presentation of material on ecology... Children can be allowed to touch collections of stones, animal fur, bark of different trees, teach how to identify clay and sand by touch, and give them the opportunity to conduct various experiments. In addition, you need to connect ecological education with aesthetic. For example, you can use sculpting, drawing, paper cutting. In the course of explaining the material by the teacher children can together with him sculpt studied objects from plasticine (such as the globe, various animals)... Much attention is paid to and drawing: children can receive special assignments to help them master the material. In such complex classes, they learn additional information about the color, shape, characteristics of various objects. Pictures about nature are used in speech development classes, and the discussion of the picture should fit into the program environmental studies... Many kindergartens use natural materials for various crafts. Working with children to create mosaics, paintings from natural material, the teacher can explain which seeds of which plants they use, why they are of the same shape and color, which animals help the plants to spread these seeds, etc. A variety of visual aids are needed for the lessons. It can be both special pictures about nature, and paintings, collections of stones, shells, plant seeds, herbarium, play material. However, one should not, however, collect collections of butterflies and beetles with children, as this contradicts the principles environmental education... The elements environmental education, upbringing should be present even when teaching children of younger preschool age, when children get acquainted with individual animals and plants. Very often these animals, plants are depicted in pictures separately from each other, on a white background, and the child gets the impression that they exist in emptiness and are not connected with each other. Having received the first knowledge about living and inanimate nature, about parts of plants, animals, children preparatory groups can already learn in the classroom on special environmental programs... Such classes should serve as a generalizing stage of the previously acquired knowledge, and the knowledge itself acquires new quality: served already at a higher ecological level... Lesson topics should cover such large sections ecology, as ecological factors and living organisms, the relationship of living organisms with each other, ecosystems. Besides, children should get the first idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties environmental factors(water, light, temperature conditions, the globe, geographical maps. Environmentally friendly competent behavior in nature presupposes the study of the appropriate rules, orientation elements, familiarity with the sources ecologicalhow to behave during environmental accidents... Because the ecological preschool education is only the initial stage in the system of continuous education and upbringing, the program environmental knowledge in kindergarten should be linked to appropriate programs for junior schoolchildren... At primary school age children continue to study the basics ecology, but already at a higher level, with the involvement of new factual material and the expansion of the topic, moreover, some of the lessons in kindergarten and lessons at school may coincide in topic. This will contribute to a better consolidation of the material and create a good basis for further study of natural science subjects. An important aspect ecological parenting is working with parents: conversations, lectures on ecology and environmental health situation in the area, excursions ecological trail, assistance in equipping the site, joint participation in ecological holidaysexplaining to parents the purpose of the principles environmental education of children... The connection with the school can be expressed in the fact that primary school students in labor lessons can make simple aids for classes in ecology in kindergarten, hold joint exhibitions of drawings with preschoolers. Teachers can also be helped by students of pedagogical schools, institutes, stations of young naturalists, committees for the protection of nature, ecological centers, nature conservation societies, local history museums, libraries. To conduct classes on ecological the subject matter, the educator must receive appropriate training at a school, university, or retraining at an institute for advanced training of workers public education... In the manual environmental Education "Invisible Air" Ryzhova N. A. there are materials to familiarize children with such a component of nature as air. The "Air" block, like other blocks of the program, includes several topics related to each other. Each topic offers different variants activities, including music, art classes, observation on walks, at home and in the kindergarten, games, etc. If the kindergarten has ecologist, work on the program is organized as follows way: ecologist conducts basic classes on the topic and coordinates his work with educators. Educators conduct games, observations in groups, on walks, give assignments to children and parents, read and compose fairy tales, stories on the topic. As necessary and possible, a teacher of fine arts, physical education, music is connected to the work.

In addition to playing activities, it is very important to involve children in research work - carrying out the simplest experiments and observations. The experiments somewhat remind the children of magic tricks, they are unusual, and most importantly, the guys do everything themselves. This work is well done in a dedicated (albeit small) laboratory room. It is necessary that in the classroom each of the children has everything necessary to carry out the work. Research work helps to develop the child's positive interest, his ability, creativity, ability to think logically, to generalize. Therefore, at the beginning of the experiments, it is necessary to invite the children to express their hypotheses about the expected results. And at the end of the work, be sure to discuss them. Many kindergartens are now allocated for holding environmental classes, special rooms, classes. This is very good, just do not forget that classes should correspond to the developmental level of preschoolers and not turn into imitation of school lessons. We must try to conduct free conversations with the children, in which they will actively participate. In this case, you do not need to require them to take a "school" pose and raise their hand to answer. It must also be remembered that in the classroom children must do something, because preschoolers poorly perceive information by ear. Plus, you don't always have to sit at tables. Many activities involve a free environment. It is one thing to conduct experiments and draw, design, and quite another to read books, compose fairy tales. The latter is best done on a carpet or a cozy sofa. We must try to use all the child's senses for learning. To do this, you can use the “box of sensations”, with the help of which children can guess the objects in it. It is also necessary to remember the need for constant contact between the child and nature. It is he who forms his emotional attitude to the world around him, without which it is impossible environmental education... Famous teacher Jan Amos Kamensky wrote: “… It is necessary to teach so that people, as far as possible, acquire knowledge not from books, but from heaven and earth, from oaks and beeches, that is, they know and study the things themselves, and not only other people's observations and testimonies about things”. From ecological situation in the region, in the country as a whole and even in specific house our health largely depends. It is also important to show that the state of the atmosphere in some way depends on the actions of each of us, even a child, and not only the leaders of plants and factories. It is also important to remember that you should not overload preschoolers with negative information. It is very important to involve in problems ecology and environmental raising children and their parents. Adults are more difficult to work with than preschoolers. Parents have so many of their own momentary problems that ours, in their opinion, are abstract ecological problems are of little interest. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to show them how close our whole life is, the health of children is associated with ecological culture... Within the framework of the program “Our Home is Nature”, preschoolers, together with their parents, grandmothers, and grandfathers, are assigned tasks to explore their apartment.

You can offer parents a research project “ Environmentally friendly house "... As part of this project, they can study their home, learn about the need to choose furniture, carpets, wallpaper, not only from the point of view of beauty, but also health safety, and about creating a favorable microclimate. You can also organize a joint trip of children with their parents to the nearest park or square, let dad or mom prepare a mini-excursion, a game for the children, make a video about trees, snowdrops, you can choose a topic as you wish. Under the program "Our Home - Nature", many preschool institutions are currently operating in different regions Russia. There are also some forms of work on environmental education of older preschoolers. The possibility of sensory cognition, the accumulation of specific information about plants, animals, phenomena of inanimate nature puts observation among the most significant methods. With its help, the child learns not only the external parameters of natural objects (color, structure, etc., but also their relationship with the environment. Observation as a method of working with children is most often used in everyday life in the form of cycles, including a number of different observations of the same object. How observation is incorporated into other forms work: classes, excursions, walks, promotions. Observation is also important in that it underlies various activities aimed at cognition or practical transformation of nature (work on caring for plants and animals, visual activity and children's stories based on impressions, inspection of natural objects, filling out calendars, etc.). Therefore, special attention is paid to the preparation of cycles, the selection of techniques for their implementation. We can say that the formation of preschoolers began ecological culture is based primarily on observation. An important method ecological education is a word, its correct use in different forms work with children (stories, poems, etc.)... Particular attention should be paid to such a form of work as knowledge of a complex, generalizing and deepening cognitive type, on which generalized ideas about natural phenomena, an understanding of the relationships in nature, natural processes, and the perception of works of art are formed in children. In this case, the logic of constructing a conversation between a teacher and children is of the greatest importance - a clear sequence of questions that helps children understand cause-and-effect relationships, formulate conclusions, make generalizations, and transfer knowledge to a new situation. Practical activity of preschoolers is of key importance. New form ecological upbringing can be considered environmental actions in which kindergarten staff, older preschoolers and their parents participate. Actions are socially significant events aimed at preserving natural objects, improving the living conditions of people. Their behavior may be associated with well-known dates, general holidays ("Earth Day" - April 22)... Promotions are complex events that involve different methods of working with children. Their importance in ecological education is extremely great: participation in real practical matters that go beyond the life of a kindergarten has an impact not only on the consciousness of the people who prepare and implement them, but also on the consciousness of the surrounding population.

Ecology for a child is associated with flowers, plants, pets. Before carrying out environmental education, it is necessary to talk with children about the stars, water, air, sun.

Ecology for preschool children is butterflies, grasshoppers, ants, beautiful flowers.

Life science

Nature is the common home for all living things. A person should treat them with care, not allow the destruction of harmony and unity.

Ecology for a child is a complex subject, so the teacher talks about its importance and significance during classes. The teacher notes that there is a connection between mosquitoes, butterflies, edible and poisonous mushrooms, wolves and bunnies.

Children's poets about nature

Boris Zakhoder has wonderful poems about ecology for children. Here is an excerpt from his work:

Everything in the world

The world needs

Needed no less than elephants ...

Man cannot live in modern world without application natural resources... These verses about ecology for children are a reason to think about the fact that beauty and harmony in nature depends on a person.

Station play

We offer a scenario on ecology for children of primary school age. Within the framework of the decade of ecology, you can play an interesting game of stations.

The journey to the country of "Ecoholics" begins with the division of the guys into four teams. They choose a captain, come up with a name and emblem related to the environment.

Each group is given a route sheet, which indicates the sequence of the "ecological path". Children must answer all the questions, then they can get to the country of “Ecoholics”.

The first station called "Sounds of Nature"

Guys have to guess the singing of a nightingale, a sparrow, a magpie, a crow. For each correct answer, they receive one point.

The second station is called "Guess Me"

The children are offered riddles dedicated to wildlife:

  1. Yellow and warm, but not chicken (sun) ..
  2. In winter and summer, one color (tree).
  3. Red Natasha in a green shirt (strawberry).

For the correct answer, the team is awarded 1 point. The ecology quiz is conducted by high school students.

The third station - "Take care of the forest!"

The children are offered an ecology quiz dedicated to the rules of behavior in the forest. The guys tell what you can and cannot do while walking through the forest.

The fourth station - "Reincarnation"

Each group is invited to imagine itself in the role of a bird or an animal, to show the features of behavior. Those present must guess which image the team member represents.

The event for children on ecology ends with summing up, rewarding, presentation of prizes, certificates, gifts.

Rules of conduct in nature

The Ecology for Children program involves conducting thematic conversations, role-playing games, quizzes that allow children to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between man and wildlife.

For example, at one of the classes, the guys formulate the rules of behavior in the forest:

  • do not catch and do not bring home young birds and animals;
  • protect frogs, as they eat insects;
  • do not destroy beetles, dragonflies, butterflies;
  • do not ruin anthills;
  • do not break branches on trees;
  • do not leave trash in nature.

It is with these rules that the science of ecology for a child begins. If from early childhood the children are positively disposed towards the world around them, the Earth will become their friend for life.

In order for the ecology to become a guide to life for a child, the teacher should talk about how important it is to eat right, take care of and protect animals, and drink clean water.

Making feeders

Every autumn, national parks in the Russian Federation offer various contests within the framework of the “March of Parks” for pupils of kindergartens and educational institutions. For example, schoolchildren create a scene about ecology, which is associated with the life of birds. Then, together with their parents, they create houses and bird feeders. The finished scene about ecology is shown to other children to show the importance and timeliness of measures aimed at protecting nature.

The project "We choose life!"

The topic of ecology for children of senior school age is implemented through project activities. We offer a brief introduction to the material devoted to the formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.

Project goals:

  • drawing attention to the problem of drug addiction among youth;
  • finding out the level of awareness on this issue;
  • consideration of the classification of narcotic substances, the mechanism of their action on the human body;
  • identifying the causes of this phenomenon in the youth environment;
  • acquaintance with possible consequences drug use

Project writing methods:

  • abstract;
  • anonymous sociological survey;
  • research;
  • iCT application

The project is aimed at raising the awareness of young people on the problem of drug addiction. It presents theoretical material on the classification of drugs, methods of administration, the mechanism of their action on the body. The project has a practical block - a sociological mini-survey. Some reasons for the phenomenon of drug addiction among youth are considered, the consequences of drug use are clearly shown.

A different way of life of young people - without drugs (on the example of the activities of a research club) is demonstrated, visual photographs of children who have found the meaning of their lives in research activities are presented. The draft contains conclusions on the problem.

This material can be used in conversations on the prevention of drug addiction among young people.

If a person is respectful of himself, he will be able to protect wildlife, take care of plants and animals.

Among the interesting activities that can be offered to children, we highlight separate waste collection. The teacher connects the parents of his pupils to this action. Dads and mothers by their example form the child's correct attitude towards waste disposal. Paper waste is stacked in one box: paper, cardboard. The second box is for plastic and the third is for metal waste. Such events contribute to the formation of the younger generation's responsibility for waste, methods of its disposal, and the rationality of recycling.

Ecology project

An interesting option for instilling an interest in ecology is project activities... We offer a fragment of the student's work "Fountain for the Teacher", dedicated to the preservation of the psychological health of teachers.

Introduction. There are three things that you can look at endlessly: fire, water, stars. Transparent streams of water overflow and hurry somewhere. Such relaxation is not only pleasant for the soul, but also has a beneficial effect on health. Children can play for hours in a regular rain puddle. The air near the reservoir is always clean, fresh, cool. The murmur of the fountain relieves stress, calms, makes you forget about worries.

We propose to add a piece of wildlife to the school by installing small fountains on the tables of school teachers. Such an unpretentious device will bring in professional activity teacher harmony and peace. In addition to the aesthetic function, the homemade tabletop fountain also has a practical purpose, as it is an excellent air humidifier.

What is the relevance of the topic? It is necessary to create all conditions for the relaxation of teachers, so that representatives of this complex profession can relax during changes, tuning in to new labor exploits. A tabletop fountain will be a great stress reliever, a stimulus for teachers to be positive.

Purpose of work: creation of a tabletop fountain for the relaxation of school teachers.

Work tasks:

  • develop a design for a tabletop fountain;
  • create a working model based on the project;
  • draw conclusions and make recommendations on the research problem

Research object: liquid properties.

Working methods:

Main part. The first fountains appeared in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Initially, they were used not only for beauty, but also for watering crops and ornamental plants. Water has such a beneficial effect on nervous system human, that in some clinics, contemplation of streaming water is used as one of the methods of treatment for depressive disorders.

During a difficult working day, any teacher dreams of relaxation, the opportunity to forget about their problems and worries. Not everyone has the opportunity to relax on the seashore, lake, to indulge in thought. We suggest considering a homemade indoor fountain as a great way to relax. Water flowing from such an unpretentious device is able to calm the psyche and have a beneficial effect on health. Table fountains can also become an excellent prevention of occupational diseases of teachers associated with the respiratory system. To begin with, a desktop relaxation tool was designed.

Our fountain consists of a water bottle, drip tubes and a container where water will accumulate. We chose the jet nozzle option to maximize the humidification of the classroom.

The principle of operation is based on Pascal's law. When a bottle of water is squeezed, pressurized water begins to move through the tube. A nozzle is attached to the other end of the tube. The water flows under pressure in streams into a container we have decorated in a floral style. To ensure the circulation of water, we used the law of communicating vessels. To solve the problem, a reverse injection was made into the bottle using a tube from a medical dropper.

Conclusions. In this research work provides guidelines and instructions for self-creation fountain at home to improve the environmental situation and human health in general.


Environmental education of the younger generation is an important task facing preschool educators and teachers general education schools... In order to fully form a respectful attitude towards wildlife in the younger generation, teachers develop programs for the environmental education of the younger generation. Within the framework of such programs, thematic cool watch, hiking trips, contests, quizzes.

Little age is perhaps the most curious age, when the world seems large, wide, spacious, and so many amazing things fit in it.

The books of the Samokat publishing house will acquaint the kid with different ecosystems. From them, the child will be able to learn that there is another world outside of his densely populated habitat. Rather, the worlds, because there are four ecobooks from Catherine Ville!

This series from "Samokat" is great news for those parents who are very concerned about safety environment... And the thing is that a series of illustrations by Catherine Ville is 100% organic. The publishers proudly tell us that the print run of this book alone saved as many as 11 large trees from destruction.

My little garden. Catherine Ville

Catherine Ville in her books introduces the little reader to the four ecosystems. Let's take a look at the forest first.

So that we do not get lost among the mighty pines and oaks, as many as three guides are sent with us on an introductory journey: a fox, a squirrel and a badger.

First of all, the animals tell where they live - vooon among these trees and mosses. Squirrels live, for example, in hollows, foxes and badgers - in deep burrows.

It's very, very interesting in the forest, because every corner of this place is different. In the forest you can find oaks, maples, acacias, spruces, junipers, and alder. Try, guess what kind of leaves it is, what tree is it from? Parents can explain how important trees are to us. But after all, not only us - the fruits and seeds that trees give, different animals and birds eat.

And what else do the animals eat? That's right, mushrooms and berries. But, exploring the world, you need to be very careful, because both mushrooms and berries can bring not only benefits and pleasure, they can also be dangerous to health, poisonous.

Together with the squirrel, we set off on a short forest trip further and notice a big bump! See how happy the squirrel is to meet you - she hugs a bump, whose seeds are her favorite delicacy. In addition to cones in the forest, you can find acorns, rose hips, and chestnuts.

But whoa ... what is that noise? Who says that from there, on the next page? Aha ... a whole squad of unseen animals and insects! It will be very interesting for the kid to get acquainted with a hare and a raccoon, with an owl and a bat. And learn a lot of interesting things from the pages of the ecological book.

This is not the end of the text, click on the number 2 to go to the next page.

Oksana Lyaskina
From the work experience "Ecological development of young children"

Ecological development of young children

(of work experience)

Currently, due to environmental degradation, there is a need to increase ecological literacy of every person, regardless of his age and profession... Environmental protection, a rational attitude to nature have become a real problem of the century. And education at preschool children responsibility for the fate of nature in their native region, attracting children to all possible assistance in its protection is one of the most urgent tasks of today.

In preschool childhood, the foundation of concrete ideas about nature is laid, the foundations are formed environmental awareness... Therefore, it is very important that children receive reliable knowledge and ideas, acquire the skills of a benevolent attitude towards nature.

Searching for ways ecological education of preschool children

Ecological education is the formation of a person's ability and desire to act in accordance with the laws ecologywhich he learned in the learning process.

Ecological education is the resultant of all aspects of education - mental, moral, patriotic, aesthetic, physical, labor. But, having received the necessary amount of knowledge and having a desire to do the right thing, a person does not always realize his potential in real life.

As a result of research by L. S. Ignatkina, N. N. Kondratyeva, S. N, Nikolaeva, A. M. Fedotova and others, it was recognized that ecological education of preschoolers is the formation of children respect for natural phenomena and objects that surround them and with which they get acquainted in preschool age... It is found that in preschool age it is possible to form a differentiated idea of \u200b\u200bliving and non-living. It is necessary to instill in children kindness, responsibility towards nature and people living nearby.

Often, due to the lack of such knowledge, the guys cannot choose the correct line of behavior. It is necessary to ensure that this job became attractive to children.

My main goal work:

Creation of favorable conditions for.

To achieve the goal, she outlined the following tasks:

1. Promote the accumulation of vivid impressions of nature by the child; enrich ideas children about plants, animals, humans, as well as about inanimate objects found in the immediate environment. Learn to pay attention, examine, examine, listen, name what he saw, convey features with a voice, in movements. Recognize objects and phenomena in nature, in pictures, distinguish them, name them.

2. Develop emotional responsiveness and variety of experiences children in the process of dealing with nature: benevolence, admiring the beauty of nature, curiosity when meeting objects, surprise, empathy, empathy.

3. Involve children to elementary research activities to study the qualities and properties of objects of inanimate nature.

4. Involve babies in feasible activities for caring for plants in a corner of nature.

5. Foster love for native land, the ability to behave correctly in nature;

Work on environmental education should start with younger age... Method of forming elements ecological culture in preschoolers should take into account psychological and physiological characteristics children of this age... This means that the educator must return to the same object. (to the same concept) repeatedly and each time add to the existing children knowledge something new.

First level of familiarization children with nature is the lowest. It provides for familiarization with individual facts. (objects, phenomena, processes, labor operations) out of touch with each other. When organizing the pedagogical process at this level, children acquire a certain amount of knowledge about the structure and properties of living and inanimate objects, master the necessary labor operations. Only at the first level, the learning process is built in groups younger age... This is explained as a small life experienceand peculiarities of thinking childrenwhich in this age is visual - effective.

Based on its work took a general education program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by M.A.Vasilyeva and a partial program, according to which works our preschool "Love and know your land".

I chose sections from the program, taking into account age characteristics of childrenwhich contribute to the expansion of children of elementary ecological knowledge.

In each section, I have selected the topics most familiar to the children of this age... With considering age characteristics developed class notes, plan work with parents... And the result of our the work was ecological leisure, entertainment, creation of thematic albums and productive activities children.

Work on environmental education is carried out in different forms: individual, subgroup, frontal form of classes, walks, didactic games environmental content... Leading activities children of younger preschool age is a GAME.

In the traditional method of acquaintance children play with nature as a method, ecological education is little represented. In recent years developed a number of recommendations for using game techniques in environmental education.

In this regard, we have indicated the need for a deeper and more versatile study of the game method when familiarizing children with nature... This is due to the search for the most rational and effective ways education of preschoolers, with the introduction of game techniques into the practice of teaching and upbringing junior schoolchildren, the use of new types of gaming activities.

During ecological education of young children groups use different methods: visual (observation, demonstration); practical (game, labor); verbal (teacher stories, reading works of art, conversations) and experimental (experience) .

To maintain interest children to activity I use:

Poems and riddles;

Game tricks;

Illustrative - visual material;

Modeling method;

Games "Good bad";

Fairy tales of an educational nature, because fairy tales are more pleasant and accessible to children for development cognitive abilities.

One of the conditions for cognitive child development in the preschool educational institution is the correct organization and environmental development subject-spatial environment, which should contribute not only to cognitive, aesthetic and moral developmentbut also the formation ecologically competent behavior in nature, safe both for nature itself and for the child.

Ecological development environment is a concept, which designate special places in kindergarten, where natural objects grouped in a certain way, and which can be used in the pedagogical process children.

For the educational space to act as developing the educational environment, in the course of the interaction of its constituent components, it must acquire certain properties, such as flexibility, continuity, variability, integration, openness, an attitude towards joint active communication of all subjects of the educational process.

Eco-developing kindergarten environment should promote:

cognitive child development;

ecological and aesthetic development;

health improvement of the child;

the formation of moral qualities;

the formation ecologically competent behavior;

greening different types children's activities.

By creating ecological development environment, it is necessary to take into account the period of study, seasonality.

Model environmental subject-development environment of our group includes the following components: corner of nature, corner of experimentation, center didactic game, book corner, visual and demonstration material, group space design, theater activity corner.

In education ecological culture plays an important role kids experience... Child junior preschool age sees the world around him With eyes and hands... The need to act with objects, play with them indomitable: the child wants to take everything in hand, to try out the object in action. Small child learns the world by principle: what I see, with what I act, I know.

The group has an experiment corner where children can spend experiments with water and sand... Also, with the help of parents, a lot of material was collected on development of tactile sensations; acorns, cones, walnuts, beans, peas and more. With the help of exercises in the sensorimotor corner, I help children to look at the surrounding nature in terms of tactile study of forms, "Birth" images and as a consequence development creativity and expression.

To acquaint children with nature, to cultivate love for her primarily helps the corner of nature, where houseplants... Children see the plants of the corner of nature every day, under my guidance they are happy to water the flowers in accordance with the designations on the pots (signs are pasted on the pots about the measure of the plant's need for sun, water, rules of care), they observe, take care of them. Children of our younger groups try to remember difficult plant names, care rules.

Job in a corner of nature forms practical skills of relationship with nature, enriches ideas children about plants, develop emotional responsiveness and variety of experiences. To consolidate the material, a lepbook was made on the topic "Houseplants"

On the windowsill there is a mini vegetable garden, where onions, parsley, dill, and beans grow in elegant plastic bottles. Our nature corner also has a layout "Korovkino village", which contains the layout of a wooden house, a fence and figures of pets. Our children are passionate about playing with animal figures, playing out various situations. At least such communication is very important for the child. Therefore in educational activities I widely used visual aids, objects that the child can pick up.

In order to enrich knowledge children in my work on environmental I use upbringing fiction natural history content.

It helps me to teach children look deeper into the world around us, look for answers to many questions. Children like reading fairy tales about animals very much, they listen carefully, remember, but they find it difficult to tell. But theatrical activity, which I like to do with children, helps me to cope with this problem. younger age.

Theatrical activities continue to introduce children with the outside world, develops interest in the world of animals, brings joy to children. They transfer their knowledge to independent theatrical activities, using a tabletop, puppet theater, and a corner for dressing up. Children like to show fairy tales, to be artists, embarrassment goes away, even the most shy child performs with pleasure. In this type of activity, correct speech is formed. children, the dictionary is replenished and activated and of course memory develops, Attention.

Play is the main activity preschool children... It is of great importance for the intellectual child development, to clarify his knowledge of the environment. Therefore, in its work use a variety of games: didactic, ecological, board-print games, verbal, mobile, plot-role, simulation games, construction.

Observations are the most important source of knowledge about nature. Observations of one cycle are carried out sequentially - from simple to complex. Targeted walks around the kindergarten, on your site, observing the work of adults, older preschoolers, all this expands the horizons children... They develop an important skill in children is to look, see, draw conclusions and generalizations. Repeated observations of the same place in different time years and under different lighting conditions (sunny day, cloudy, fog, twilight, etc.)... The very first observations I organized with children: due to temperature changes - it's warm, cold, hot outside; for precipitation - it is snowing, raining, etc. At the same time, I did not just state the facts, but used various techniques to hold attention children on this or that phenomenon.

Feature ecological upbringing consists in the great importance of a positive example in the behavior of adults. Therefore, I not only take this into account myself, but also pay considerable attention to work with parents... Only by relying on the family, only through joint efforts, we can solve the main task - raising a person with a capital letter, a person environmentally friendly... IN working with parents on environmental education of children, I useas traditional forms ( parenting meetings, consultations, conversations, and non-traditional (ecological games, visiting open events)

My work experience showed, what work you should always start with a survey, individual conversations. Important in work with his family has such a direction as the vision of achievements in childrenso everyone children's works are posted, are exhibited at a stand where parents can evaluate the creative abilities of their child, compare with works, crafts, drawings of others children... Well, the most important thing is ecological upbringing is the teacher's personal conviction, his ability to interest the entire team, to awaken children, educators and parents the desire to love, protect and preserve nature and thereby be a model for imitation among colleagues, parents and preschoolers.

The result of my work on the formation of environmental ideas among younger preschoolers showed positive results. Level up ecological culture and knowledge children; children learned to consciously and correctly relate to objects and phenomena of nature. In the process of direct observation of nature into consciousness children a clear and accurate idea of \u200b\u200bobjects and phenomena of nature was formed, that in living nature everything is interconnected. Kids listen with interest to stories about animals and plants, ask questions that interest them. During walks and excursions, children began to show great interest in the life of birds and insects. They have become more careful about trees, anthills and other living things. Parents took an active part in creating conditions for environmental education of children: design and breakdown of flower beds on the site; purchase of plants in a corner of nature, educational games.

My work experience showsthat purposeful, systematic work on environmental education of younger preschoolers, in an interesting, entertaining form, will help children see all the beauty of nature, reveal all its secrets and laws, bring up kindness in children, a responsible attitude towards the world around them.


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