Experiments with indoor plants in the middle group. Experiments with indoor plants in kindergarten. Does the seed breathe produce warmth?


1 Experiments with indoor plants v kindergarten The educational value of nature can hardly be overestimated: communication with nature has a positive effect on a person and awakens the best feelings in him. Her role is especially great in the upbringing of children. The correct ideas about nature, received in childhood, create a solid foundation for further cognition, love and respect for it. Children before school age show great interest in the world around them. There is not a single object or phenomenon to which they would remain indifferent. Satisfying curiosity, not suppressing interest in learning about the world, forming the necessary ideas about it, instilling the skills of active and independent thinking is an important task of working with children. Plants of the nature around us do not have a green cover for almost half a year, and without leaves and flowers, they lose all attractiveness for children. Houseplants are good observation material. They stay green all year round have all characteristic signs plants, which makes it possible to awaken the interest of children in learning, to activate the emotional and sensory sphere, to obtain scientific knowledge. Taking care of indoor plants, children always try to understand why everything happens the way it is and not otherwise. Answers and guesses can be both correct and the most incredible, sometimes fantastic. They serve as an occasion for discussions, disputes, encouraging children to think, compare, remember, and most importantly, to look for the right solution. To get answers to many questions, the children and I began to conduct experiments on indoor plants. To do this, the group created a research center "why". Using various literature, we selected topics for research using indoor plants. Before conducting the experiment, we determine the problem that needs to be solved and then the way to correctly solve it. In the process of research, children learn to use the necessary materials, set up experiments, observe what is happening with the object, explain, explain what is happening, draw conclusions. Thanks to research activities, children have learned to receive explanations for their many "why" (why flowers are drawn to the sun, have aerial roots, wither and shed their foliage). By supporting the life of plants, they learn to preserve beauty, prolong flowering, life, and as a result - benefit and joy to others and to themselves: now

2 try not to pluck flowers from lawns and flower beds. And with what regret they notice withered leaves, stems, try to bring the plants back to life! The pupils use the knowledge gained during the research in their daily care of indoor plants in a corner of nature. RUNNING FOR LIGHT PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: To establish that the plant needs light and it is looking for it. MATERIALS: Indoor plant Begonia speckled. Place the plant by the window for three to four days. Turn the plant 180 degrees and leave for another three to four days. RESULTS: The leaves of the plant turn to the window. Having unfolded, the plant changes the direction of the leaves, but after a while they turn again to the light. WHY? The plant contains a substance called auxin, which helps to elongate cells. Auxin accumulation occurs on the dark side of the stem. Excess auxin causes the cells on the dark side to grow longer, causing the stems to grow towards the light. This movement is called phototropism. Photo means light, tropism movement.

3 PLANT RESPIRATION PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: Find out from which side of the leaf the air enters the plant. MATERIALS: Potted flower, petroleum jelly .. Spread a thick layer of petroleum jelly on the upper surface of several leaves .. Spread a thick layer of petroleum jelly on the lower surface of several leaves .. Observe the plant every day for a week .. Is there any difference between the leaves coated with Vaseline top and bottom. RESULTS: The leaves, on which the petroleum jelly was applied from below, wilted, while the others did not suffer. WHY? The holes on the lower surfaces of the leaves - stomata - serve for the movement of gases in and out of the leaf. Vaseline closed the stomata, blocking access to the leaf for carbon dioxide necessary for its vital activity and preventing excess oxygen from leaving the leaf.

4 EVAPORATION OF WATER BY PLANTS. PURPOSE: To acquaint children with how a plant loses moisture through evaporation. MATERIALS: Potted plant, plastic bag, sticky tape .. Place the packet on a part of the plant and attach it securely to the stem with adhesive tape .. Put the plant in the sun for 3-4 hours .. See how the packet has become from the inside. RESULTS: Water droplets are visible on the inner surface of the bag and it seems as if the bag is filled with fog. WHY? The plant absorbs water from the soil through the roots. Water goes along the stems, from where it evaporates through the stomata. Some trees evaporate up to 7 tons of water per day. When there are many of them, the plants provide big influence on temperature and humidity. The loss of moisture by a plant through the stomata is called transpiration.

5 THE PLANT NEEDS LIGHT PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: To lead children to the conclusion about the need for light for plants. Find out why green plants growing in the ocean don't live deeper than 100 meters. MATERIALS: Two small identical green plants in pots, dark cabinet. Place one plant in the sun and hide the other in a cupboard .. Leave the plants for a week .. Compare then their color .. Swap the plants .. Leave the plants for a week too .. Compare the plants again. RESULTS: The plant in the closet has become paler in color and wilted, and the plant in the sun is green as before. When the plants were reversed, the yellowed plant began to turn green, and the first plant became pale and withered. WHY? In order for the plant to turn green, it needs a green substance, chlorophyll, which is necessary for photosynthesis. For photosynthesis to take place in a plant, they need light. When there is no sun, the supply of chlorophyll molecules is depleted and not replenished. Because of this, the plant turns pale and sooner or later dies. Green algae live at depths of up to one hundred meters. The closer to the surface, where the most sunlight, the more abundant they are. At a depth below one hundred meters, light does not pass, so green algae do not grow there.

6 WHAT ARE THE ROOTS OF TUNDRA PLANTS? PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: To learn to understand the relationship of the structure of roots with the characteristics of the soil in the tundra. MATERIALS: Germinated beans, damp cloth, thermometer, cotton wool, transparent high capacity .. Name the characteristics of the soil in the tundra (permafrost) .. Find out what roots should be in order for plants to live in frozen ground .. Place the wet cotton wool in a transparent high container. Place the sprouted beans on a thick damp layer of cotton wool .. Cover with a damp cloth and place on a cold windowsill .. Observe the root growth and direction for a week. RESULTS: The roots began to grow to the sides, parallel to the bottom of the container. WHY? The earth in the tundra thaws only at the surface, and then it is frozen and solid. Therefore, the roots grow only in thawed and warm earth above the permafrost, and there is nothing alive in the permafrost

7 AIR ROOTS. PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: Reveal the relationship high humidity air with the appearance of aerial roots in plants. MATERIALS: Scindapsus, transparent container, with a tight lid and water at the bottom, grate .. Find out why there are plants with aerial roots in the jungle (in the jungle there is little water in the soil, the roots can take it from the air) .. Consider airborne roots of monstera .. Consider the plant scindapsus, find buds - future roots. Place the plant in a container with water on the wire rack .. Close the lid tightly .. Observe for a month the appearance of "fog", and then drops on the lid inside the container (like in the jungle) .. The emerging aerial roots are examined and compared with the monster and other plants ... RESULTS: This suggests that the plant is adapted to take water from the air, although we did not water it. And then you need to put this plant in the room like other plants. The plant lives as before, but the roots on the plant have dried up. WHY? In the jungle, there is very little moisture in the soil, but there is a lot of it in the air. Plants have adapted to take it out of the air with the help of aerial roots. Where there is dry air, they take moisture from the ground.

8 THE PLANT WANTS TO DRINK EXPERIMENTAL PURPOSE: To highlight factors external environment necessary for the growth and development of plants. Lead children to the conclusion that plants need water. MATERIALS: Two balsam flowers, a sprinkler with water .. Find out from the children if the plants need water .. Put two balsams in the sun. Water one plant, but not the other .. Observe the plants and draw a conclusion .. Water this plant and observe for another week. RESULTS: The watered flower stands with leaves, green and resilient. The plant, which was not watered, wilted, the leaves turned yellow, lost their elasticity, sank to the bottom. WHY? The plant cannot live without water and can die. \

9 WHAT THE PLANT SEED OUT PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: To establish that the plant produces oxygen. Understand the need for respiration for plants. MATERIALS: A large glass container with a sealed lid, a stalk in water or a small pot with a plant, a splinter, a match .. Find out why it is so easy to breathe in the forest (assuming that plants emit oxygen for human breathing) .. Place a pot with a plant in the container ( or a stalk) .. They put it in a warm place (if the plant gives oxygen in the jar it will become more) .. After 1-2 days, check with the children if oxygen has accumulated in the jar. Check with a lighted torch. RESULTS: Observe a bright flash of a torch in the container immediately after removing the lid. WHY? Plants release oxygen, which burns well. We can say that plants are needed by humans and animals for respiration. UP OR DOWN PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: To identify how gravity affects plant growth. MATERIALS: Indoor plant, stand .. Place the flower and pot on its side on the stand. Within a week, observe the position of the stem and leaves. RESULTS: Stems and leaves turn upward. WHY? The plant contains a growth substance, auxin, which stimulates plant growth. Due to the force of gravity, auxin is concentrated in the lower part of the stem. This part grows faster, the stem extends upward.

10 WHERE IS BETTER TO GROW? THE PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: To establish the need for soil for plant life, the effect of soil quality on the growth and development of plants, to isolate soils that are different in composition. MATERIALS :. Cuttings of tradescantia, black soil, clay, sand .. Together with the children choose a soil for planting plants .. Children plant cuttings of tradescantia in different soil .. Observe the growth of cuttings with the same care for them for two weeks. They make a conclusion .. They transplant cuttings from clay into black soil and observe them for two weeks. RESULTS: The plant does not grow in clay, but the plant does well in black soil. When transplanted into black soil, the plant has good growth... In the sand, the plant grows well at first, then lags behind in growth. WHY? In black soil, the plant grows well, because there are many nutrients. The soil conducts moisture and air well, it is loose. In the sand, the plant first grows because there is a lot of moisture in it for the formation of roots. But sand contains few nutrients that are essential for plant growth. Clay is very hard in quality, water passes very poorly into it, there is no air and nutrients in it. Literature: 1. Janice Van Cleave. Two hundred experiments, biology.-Moscow: Dybina O.V. Unknown nearby: Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. / Compiled by O.V. Dybina.-M.: TC "Sphere" Plan of the program of educational work in kindergarten: Toolkit for educators. / Comp. N.V. Goncharova .- SPb .: "Akident" .- 1997

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Entertaining experiences for children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions

In my work, I teach children to see the soul of nature. Children's experimentation helps to reveal and understand it better. Preschoolers are interested in learning secrets the surrounding nature in an interesting, unusual shape... These experiments will be useful to a wide range of preschool teachers educational institutions to study the cognitive activity of children. Good luck and new achievements.


Target: To acquaint children with the conditions necessary for plant life.
Theme: The need for moisture for plant growth.
The purpose of the experiment: To lead children to the conclusion about the need for moisture for plant growth.
Material: two onions, two jars: one empty, the other filled with water.
Experience content: Germinate the bulbs in a dry jar and in a jar of water. After 5 days, the first shoots appeared on the bulb standing in a jar of water.
Conclusion: For plant growth, moisture is needed.

Theme: The need for light for plant growth.
The purpose of the experiment: To lead children to the conclusion about the need for light for plant growth.
Material: two calla plants.
The content of the experiment: Place calla plants: one far from sunlight, the other well lit. The calla, on which the light fell, has a straight stem, and the calla, far from the sunlight, bent towards the sunlight. This movement in plants is called photosynthesis (photo is light, tropism is movement).
Conclusion: For the normal growth of plants, you need a sufficient amount of sunlight.

Theme: The need for plants to be fed with organic fertilizers.
Purpose: Lead children to an independent conclusion about the need to feed plants.
Material: eggshell, water, glass; two identical uzambar violets.
Experience content:
1. We make organic feeding: pour 3 eggshells with 0.5 l of a glass of water, leave for 2 - 3 days.

2. Pour one violet with water with eggshells, the other with plain water.
3. We observe their growth: the violet, which was watered with water with eggshells, blooms for a long time, and the violet watered with ordinary water for no more than two weeks.
Conclusion: Plants need feeding.

Theme: The need for heat for plant growth.
Purpose: Lead children to the conclusion about the need for heat for plant growth.
Material: two balsams.
Experience content:
1. Place one balsam in a room where t is from 8 to 10C.
2. Place the second balsam in a room where t is from 18 to 22C.
3. We observe: after 5 days, the leaves of the balsam standing in a room with a low air temperature began to turn yellow and crumble. Balsam, which is under normal temperature conditions, has not undergone any changes.
Conclusion: For normal growth and life of the plant, warmth is needed.

Theme: Sufficient and excessive watering.
Purpose: To prove the difference in the moisture requirement of plants.
Material: watering cans, water, flowers: cactus, uzambara violet, ficus.
Experience content:
1. Put the cactus, uzambara violet, ficus and water for 5 days with the same amount of water.
2. After 5 days observe the changes: the cactus has not undergone any changes; ficus - the earth began to bloom in the pot, the leaves were down; violet uzambar - weeping earth, leaves crumble - the flower disappears.
3. Having considered the habitat and the necessary methods of watering, we draw a conclusion.
Conclusion: For normal growth and development, each plant needs individual watering.

Theme: Plants are a living organism capable of drinking water.
Purpose: Prove that plants "drink" water.
Material: colored ink, knife, two glasses, water, white flowers (rose, chamomile, carnation).
Experience content:
1. Pour red and blue ink into two glasses. We dilute ink with water in glasses so that there is half a glass.
2. Carefully cut the stem of the flower in half so that the length of the cut is slightly more than the height of the glasses.
3. Place each cut flower in a glass of any ink. After a while, the stem and flower turn red and blue color, the water in the glasses has decreased, leaving streaks on the glass.
Conclusion: Empirically proved that plants "drink" water.

Theme: The soil. Dependence of plants on soil.
Purpose: Lead children to the conclusion that the most favorable soil for plant growth.
Material: three pots: with soil, with clay, with sand; beans seeds.
Experience content:
1. Simultaneously we plant the sprouted bean seed in a pot with clay, sand and soil.
2. Water and observe: after 8 days bean sprouts appeared in a pot of soil, weak sprouts appeared in a pot of sand, and seeds did not sprout in a pot of clay.
3. After another 8 days, the seeds wilted in a pot of sand (had a faint green color). Two additional leaves have appeared in the pot of soil. Beans develop and grow
Conclusion: Empirically, we were convinced that the soil is most favorable for plant growth. She has all the necessary nutrients for plant growth.

Experiments and experiments in biology

Why are experiments needed

Experience is one of the complex and time-consuming teaching methods that allows you to identify the essence of a particular phenomenon, to establish cause-and-effect relationships. The application of this method in practice allows the teacher to simultaneously solve several problems.

Firstly, experimental activity in the classroom in creative associations of children allows the teacher to use the rich possibilities of experiment for teaching, developing and educating students. It is the most important means for deepening and expanding knowledge, contributes to the development logical thinking, developing useful skills. The role of the experiment in the formation and development of biological concepts, cognitive abilities of children is known. Klimenty Arkadievich Timiryazev also noted: "People who have learned observations and experiments acquire the ability to pose questions themselves and receive actual answers to them, finding themselves at a higher mental and moral level in comparison with those who have not attended such a school."

When setting up and using the results of the experience, students:

  • get new knowledge and acquire skills;
  • convinced of the natural nature of biological phenomena and their material conditioning;
  • check in practice the accuracy of theoretical knowledge;
  • learn to analyze, compare the observed, draw conclusions from experience.

Moreover, there is no other more effective method education of curiosity, a scientific style of thinking among students, a creative attitude to business, than attracting them to conduct experiments. Experienced work is also an effective means of labor, aesthetic and environmental education students, a way to get acquainted with the laws of nature. Experiencing fosters a creative, constructive attitude towards nature, initiative, precision and accuracy in work.

Of course, not all educational and educational tasks are fully achieved as a result of experimental work, but a lot can be achieved, and especially in educational terms.

Secondly, experimental work is a means of enhancing the cognitive and creative activity of students in class. Children become active participants in the educational process.

Thirdly, experimental work contributes to the emergence and maintenance of the research interest of students, and allows in the future to gradually include children in research activities.

But experimental work is only useful when it is carried out methodically correctly, and children see the results of their work.

These guidelines are addressed to teachers working with children of primary and secondary school age. Distinctive feature of the data guidelines is their practice-oriented nature. The collection contains recommendations on the organization of experimental activities in various departments: plant growing, biological, department of ecology and nature protection.

The expected results from the use of the presented recommendations will be:

  • the interest of teachers in the organization of experimental activities in the classroom in children's creative associations of ecological and biological orientation;
  • creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity and interest in research activities among students in the classroom in children's creative associations of ecological and biological orientation.

Requirements for conducting experiments

The following requirements are imposed on biological experiments:

  • availability;
  • visibility;
  • cognitive value.

Students should be familiarized with the purpose of the experiment, armed with knowledge of the technique of its implementation, the ability to observe an object or process, record the results, and formulate conclusions. It should also be borne in mind that many experiments are lengthy, do not fit into one lesson, require the help of a teacher in their implementation, understanding the results, and formulating conclusions.

The setting of the experiment must be organized so that there is complete clarity of the results and no subjective interpretations can arise.

In the first lessons, when the students do not have the necessary stock of knowledge and skills to set up experiments, the setting up of the experiments is done in advance by the teacher. Cognitive activity At the same time, students are of a reproductive-search nature and is aimed at identifying the essence of experience, formulating conclusions using answers to questions. As students master the technique of laying out experience, the proportion of search increases, and the degree of their independence increases.

Preliminary work is of great importance for students' understanding of the experience: defining the goal and technique of laying the experience, posing questions that help to identify the essence of the experience and formulate a conclusion. It is important that learners see the inputs and outcomes of the experience. Demonstration experiments, which are used to illustrate the teacher's story, play an important role in teaching. Demonstration of the experience is most effective when combined with conversation that makes sense of the results of the experience.

Experiments in which students take an active part are especially of great cognitive and educational value. In the process of studying this or that question, it becomes necessary to get an answer to the problem with the help of experience, and students on this basis themselves formulate its goal, determine the laying technique, put forward a hypothesis about what the result will be. In this case, the experiment is of a research nature. When performing these studies, students independently learn to acquire knowledge, observe experiments, record the results, and draw conclusions from the data obtained.

The results of the experiments are recorded in the observation diary. The entries in the diary can be arranged in the form of a table:

Also in the observation diary, students make drawings that reflect the essence of the experience.

Experiences for classes in the crop production department

Useful tips for a young naturalist when conducting experiments with plants

  1. When starting experiments with plants, remember that working with them requires attention and accuracy from you.
  2. Before the experiment, prepare everything you need for it: seeds, plants, materials, devices. There should be nothing superfluous on the table.
  3. Work slowly: haste, haste in work, as a rule, lead to poor results.
  4. When growing plants, take good care of them - weed on time, loosen the soil, fertilize. With poor care, do not expect a good result.
  5. In experiments, it is always necessary to have experimental and control plants, which must be grown under the same conditions.
  6. Experiments will be more valuable if you record their results in an observation diary.
  7. In addition to the entries, make drawings of the experiments in the observation diary.
  8. Draw and write a conclusion.

Experiments for classes on the topic "Leaf"

Target: identify the plant's need for air, respiration; understand how the respiration process occurs in plants.
Equipment: houseplant, cocktail tubes, petroleum jelly, magnifying glass.
Experience progress: The teacher asks if plants breathe, how to prove that they breathe. Students determine, based on knowledge about the process of breathing in humans, that when breathing, air must enter the plant and leave it. Inhale and exhale through the tube. Then the hole of the tube is covered with petroleum jelly. Children try to breathe through the tube and conclude that petroleum jelly does not allow air to pass through. It is hypothesized that plants have very small holes in the leaves through which they breathe. To check this, smear one or both sides of the leaf with petroleum jelly, observe the leaves daily for a week. A week later, they conclude: the leaves "breathe" with their underside, because those leaves that were smeared with petroleum jelly on the underside died.

How do plants breathe?

Target: determine that all parts of the plant are involved in respiration.
Equipment: transparent container with water, leaf on a long stem or stem, cocktail tube, magnifying glass
Experience progress: The teacher asks to find out if air passes through the leaves into the plant. Suggestions are made on how to detect air: children examine the cut of the stem through a magnifying glass (there are holes), immerse the stem in water (observe the release of bubbles from the stem). The teacher with children conducts the "Through the Sheet" experiment in the following sequence:
  1. pour water into a bottle, leaving it empty for 2-3 cm;
  2. insert the leaf into the bottle so that the tip of the stem is immersed in water; tightly cover the opening of the bottle with plasticine, like a cork;
  3. here they make a hole for the straw and insert it so that the tip does not reach the water, fix the straw with plasticine;
  4. standing in front of the mirror, suck the air out of the bottle.
Air bubbles begin to emerge from the submerged end of the stem. Children conclude that air passes through the leaf into the stem, since the release of air bubbles into the water is visible.
Target: Establish that the plant emits oxygen during photosynthesis.
Equipment: a large glass container with a sealed lid, a stalk of a plant in water or a small pot with a plant, a speck, matches.
Experience progress: The teacher invites children to find out why it is so easy to breathe in the forest. The students assume that plants release oxygen, which is necessary for human respiration. The assumption is proved by experience: a pot with a plant (or a stalk) is placed inside a high transparent container with a sealed lid. They are placed in a warm, bright place (if the plant provides oxygen, there should be more of it in the jar). After 1-2 days, the teacher will ask the children the question of how to find out if oxygen has accumulated in the jar (oxygen is burning). Observe the bright flash of the flame of the splinter introduced into the container immediately after removing the lid. Draw a conclusion using the model of dependence of animals and humans on plants (animals and humans need plants for respiration).

Is photosynthesis taking place in all leaves?

Target: prove that photosynthesis occurs in all leaves.
Equipment: boiling water, begonia leaf ( back side painted in burgundy), white container.
Experience progress: The teacher offers to find out whether photosynthesis occurs in leaves that are not colored in green (in begonia, the back of the leaf is colored burgundy). The students assume that photosynthesis does not occur in this leaf. The teacher invites the children to place the sheet in boiling water, examine it after 5-7 minutes, and sketch the result. The leaf turns green and the water changes color. It is concluded that photosynthesis occurs in the leaf.


Target: detect the presence of phototropism in plants
Equipment: cardboard box with a lid and partitions inside in the form of a labyrinth: in one corner there is a potato tuber, in the opposite - a hole.
Experience progress: Place the tuber in the box, close it, put it in a warm, but not hot place, with the hole towards the light source. Open the box after the potato sprouts emerge from the hole. Consider, noting their direction, color (shoots are pale, white, curved in search of light in one direction). Leaving the box open, they continue to observe the color change and direction of the sprouts for a week (the sprouts now stretch in different sides, they turned green). Students explain the result.
Target: set how the plant moves towards the light source.
Equipment: two identical plants (balsam, coleus).
Experience progress: The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that the leaves of the plants are turned in one direction. Set the plant up to the window, marking the side of the pot with a symbol. Pay attention to the direction of the leaf surface (in all directions). After three days, notice that all the leaves are drawn towards the light. Turn the plant 180 degrees. Mark the direction of the leaves. The observation is continued for another three days, a change in the direction of the leaves is noted (they again turned towards the light). The results are sketched.

Does photosynthesis take place in the dark?

Target: to prove that photosynthesis in plants occurs only in the light.
Equipment: indoor plants with hard leaves (ficus, sansevier), adhesive plaster.
Experience progress: The teacher offers the children a riddle letter: what will happen if no light falls on part of the sheet (part of the sheet will be lighter). The assumptions of children are tested by experience: part of the sheet is sealed with a plaster, the plant is placed to a light source for a week. After a week, the patch is removed. Children conclude: without light, photosynthesis in plants does not occur.
Target: determine that the plant can provide nutrition for itself.
Equipment: plant pot inside a wide-mouth glass jar, sealed lid.
Experience progress: Inside transparent large capacity children place a cutting of a plant in the water or a small pot of a plant. The soil is watered. The container is hermetically closed with a lid, placed in a warm, bright place. The plant is monitored for a month. They find out why it did not die (the plant continues to grow: drops of water periodically appear on the walls of the jar, then disappear (the plant feeds itself).

Evaporation of moisture from plant leaves

Target: check where the water disappears from the leaves.
Equipment: plant, cellophane bag, thread.
Experience progress: Students examine the plant, clarify how water moves from the soil to the leaves (from the roots to the stems, then to the leaves); where does it disappear later, why does the plant need to be watered (water evaporates from the leaves). The assumption is checked by putting a plastic bag on the piece of paper and securing it. The plant is placed in a warm, bright place. Notice that the inside of the bag "fogged up". A few hours later, after removing the bag, water is found in it. Find out where it came from (evaporated from the surface of the leaf), why water is not visible on the remaining leaves (the water evaporated into the surrounding air).
Target: set the dependence of the amount of evaporated water on the size of the leaves.
Experience progress: Cut the cuttings for further planting, place them in flasks. The same amount of water is poured. After one or two days, the children check the water level in each flask. Find out why it is not the same (a plant with large leaves absorbs and evaporates more water).
Target: to establish the relationship between the structure of the surface of the leaves (density, pubescence) and their need for water.
Equipment: ficus, sansevier, dieffenbachia, violet, balsam, plastic bags, magnifying glass.
Experience progress: The teacher suggests finding out why ficus, violets and some other plants do not require a lot of water. Experiment: put on the leaves different plants cellophane bags, tightly fixed, observe the appearance of moisture in them, compare the amount of moisture when evaporated from the leaves of different plants (dieffenbachia and ficus, violet and balsam).
Complication: each child chooses a plant for himself, conducts an experiment, discusses the results (it is often not necessary to water a violet: pubescent leaves do not give, retain moisture; dense ficus leaves also evaporate less moisture than leaves of the same size, but loose).

What do you feel?

Target: find out what happens to the plant when water evaporates from the leaves.
Equipment: a sponge dampened with water.
Experience progress: The teacher invites the children to jump. Finds out how they feel when jumping (hot); when it's hot, what happens (sweat comes out, then it disappears, evaporates). Suggests to imagine that the hand is a leaf from which water evaporates; moisten a sponge in water and run it along the inner surface of the forearm. Children convey their feelings until the moisture disappears completely (they feel cool). Find out what happens to the leaves when water evaporates from them (they cool).

What changed?

Target: prove that when the water evaporates from the leaves, they cool.
Equipment: thermometers, two pieces of cloth, water.
Experience progress: Children examine the thermometer, note the readings. Wrap the thermometer in a wet cloth and put it in a warm place. What is supposed to happen to the readings. After 5-10 minutes, they check, explain why the temperature dropped (when water evaporates from the tissue, cooling occurs).
Target: to reveal the dependence of the amount of evaporated liquid on the size of the leaves.
Equipment: three plants: one - with large leaves, the second - with ordinary leaves, the third - a cactus; cellophane bags, threads.
Experience progress: The teacher suggests finding out why plants with large leaves need to be watered more often than with small ones. Children choose three plants with leaves of different sizes, conduct an experiment using an unfinished model of the dependence of the size of leaves and the amount of water released (there is no image of the symbol - a lot, little water). Children perform the following actions: put bags on leaves, fix them, observe changes during the day; compare the amount of evaporated liquid. They draw a conclusion (the larger the leaves, the more they evaporate moisture and the more often they need to be watered).

Experiments for lessons on the topic "Root"

Target: identify the reason for the plant's need for loosening; prove that the plant breathes with all organs.
Equipment: a container with water, the soil is compacted and loose, two transparent containers with bean sprouts, a spray bottle, vegetable oil, two identical plants in pots.
Experience progress: Students find out why one plant grows better than another. Consider, determine that in one pot the soil is dense, in the other - loose. Why is dense soil worse? They prove it by immersing the same lumps in water (water passes worse, there is little air, since less air bubbles are released from dense earth). Clarify whether the roots need air: for this, three identical bean sprouts are placed in transparent containers with water. In one container, using a spray gun, air is pumped to the roots, the second is left unchanged, in the third, a thin layer of vegetable oil is poured onto the surface of the water, which prevents the passage of air to the roots. They observe the change in seedlings (it grows well in the first container, worse in the second, in the third - the plant dies), draw conclusions about the need for air for the roots, sketch the result. Plants need loose soil to grow, so that the roots have access to air.
Target: find out where the root growth is directed during the germination of the seed.
Equipment: glass, filter paper, pea seeds.
Experience progress: Take a beaker, a strip of filter paper and roll a cylinder out of it. Insert the cylinder into the glass so that it rests against the sides of the glass. Using a needle, place several swollen peas between the glass wall and the paper cylinder at the same height. Then pour some water on the bottom of the glass and put it in a warm place. On the next lesson, observe the appearance of roots. The teacher asks questions. Where are the root tips directed? Why it happens?

Which part of the spine perceives the action of gravity

Target: find out the patterns of root growth.
Equipment: bar, needles, scissors, glass jar, pea seeds

Experience progress: Attach a few sprouted peas to the bar. Cut off the root ends of two seedlings with scissors and cover the saucer with a glass jar. On the next day, the students will notice that only those roots that have remained tips have bent and began to grow down. The removed rootlets are not bent. The teacher asks questions. How do you explain this phenomenon? What does this mean for plants?

Buried root

Target: prove that roots always grow downward.
Equipment: flower pot, sand or sawdust, sunflower achenes.
Experience progress: Put a few sunflower seeds soaked for 24 hours in a flower pot on wet sand or sawdust. Cover them with a piece of gauze or filter paper. Students observe the appearance of roots and their growth. Draw conclusions.

Why does the root change direction?

Target: show that the root can change the direction of growth.
Equipment: tin can, cheesecloth, pea seeds
Experience progress: Put a dozen swollen peas in a small sieve or low canning jar from which the bottom has been removed and tightened with gauze, cover them with a layer of two or three centimeters of wet sawdust or earth on top and place over a bowl of water. As soon as the roots penetrate through the holes of the gauze, place the sieve at an angle to the wall. After a few hours, students will see that the root tips are bent towards the gauze. On the second or third day, all the roots will grow, pressing against the gauze. The teacher asks students questions. How do you explain this? (The root tip is very sensitive to moisture, so when in dry air, it bends towards the gauze, where the wet sawdust is).

What are roots for?

Target: prove that the roots of the plant absorb water; clarify the function of plant roots; establish the relationship between the structure and function of the roots.
Equipment: a stalk of geranium or balsam with roots, a container of water, closed with a lid with a slot for the stalk.
Experience progress: Students examine cuttings of balsam or geranium with roots, find out why the roots are needed by the plant (the roots fix the plant in the ground), whether they absorb water. An experiment is carried out: the plant is placed in a transparent container, the water level is noted, the container is tightly closed with a lid with a slot for the cutting. Determine what happened to the water after a few days (there is little water). The assumption of children is checked after 7-8 days (there is less water) and the process of water absorption by the roots is explained. Children sketch the result.

How can you see the movement of water through the roots?

Target: to prove that the roots of a plant absorb water, to clarify the function of the roots of plants, to establish the relationship between the structure and function of the roots.
Equipment: balsam stalk with roots, water with food coloring.
Experience progress: Students examine cuttings of geranium or balsam with roots, clarify the functions of the roots (they strengthen the plant in the soil, take moisture from it). What else can roots take from the earth? The children's assumptions are discussed. Consider food dry dye - "food", add it to water, stir. Find out what should happen if the roots can take not only water (the roots should be painted in a different color). After a few days, the children sketch the results of the experiment in an observation diary. Clarify what will happen to the plant if substances harmful to it are in the ground (the plant will die, taking harmful substances along with the water).

Plant pump

Target: prove that the root of the plant absorbs water and the stem conducts it; explain the experience using the knowledge gained.
Equipment: a curved glass tube inserted into a 3 cm long rubber tube; adult plant, transparent container, tube holder.
Experience progress: Children are encouraged to use an adult balsam plant on cuttings, put them in water. Put the end of the rubber tube on the stump remaining from the stem. The tube is fixed, the free end is lowered into a transparent container. Water the soil, observing what is happening (after a while, water appears in the glass tube and begins to drain into the container). Find out why (water from the soil through the roots reaches the stem and goes on). Children explain using knowledge about the functions of stems roots. The result is sketched.

Live piece

Target: Establish that the roots have a supply of nutrients for the plant.
Equipment: flat container, root vegetables: carrots, radishes, beets, activity algorithm
Experience progress: Students are given the task: to check if root crops have a supply of nutrients. Children determine the name of the root crop. Then they place the root vegetable in a warm, bright place, observe the appearance of greenery, sketch (the root vegetable provides food for the leaves that appear). The root crop is cut to half the height, placed in a flat container with water, placed in a warm, bright place. Children observe the growth of greenery, sketch the result of observation. The observation is continued until the greens begin to wither. Children consider the root crop (it has become soft, lethargic, tasteless, there is little liquid in it).

Where do the roots go?

Target: to establish a connection between the modifications of plant parts with their functions and environmental factors.
Equipment: two plants in pots with a pallet
Experience progress: The teacher suggests to water two plants in different ways: cyperus - in a tray, geranium - under the root. After a while, the children notice that cyperus roots have appeared in the pallet. Then they examine the geranium and find out why the geranium does not have roots in the pallet (the roots did not appear, since they are attracted by water; the geranium has moisture in the pot, not in the pallet).

Unusual roots

Target: to reveal the relationship of increased air humidity with the appearance of aerial roots in plants.
Equipment: Scindapsus, transparent container with a tight lid with water at the bottom, grate.
Experience progress: The teacher invites children to find out why there are plants with aerial roots in the jungle. Children examine the plant scindapsus, find buds - future aerial roots, place the stalk on a lattice in a container with water, close it tightly with a lid. Watch for the appearance of "fog" for a month, and then drops on the lid inside the container (like in the jungle). The aerial roots that have appeared are considered, compared with other plants.

Experiments for classes on the topic "Stem"

In which direction does the stem grow?

Target: find out the characteristics of the growth of stems.
Equipment: bar, needles, glass jar, pea seeds
Experience progress: Attach 2-3 pea seedlings with a stem and two first leaves to a wooden block. After a few hours, the children will see that the stem is bent upward. It is concluded that the stem, like the root, has directional growth.

The movement of the growing organs of the plant

Target: find out the dependence of plant growth on light.
Equipment: 2 flower pots, grains of oats, rye, wheat, 2 cardboard boxes.
Experience progress: Sow two dozen seeds in two small flower pots filled with wet sawdust. Cover one pot with a cardboard box, close the other pot with the same box with a round hole on one of the walls. In the next lesson, remove the boxes from the pots. Children will notice that oat seedlings that have been covered with a cardboard box with a hole will tilt towards the hole; in the other pot, the seedlings will not bend over. The teacher asks students to draw a conclusion.

Is it possible to grow a plant with two stems from one seed?

Target: to introduce students to the artificial production of a two-stem plant.
Equipment: flower pot, pea seeds.
Experience progress: Take a few peas and sow them in a soil box or small flower pot. When seedlings appear, cut off their stems at the very surface of the soil with a sharp razor or scissors. After a few days, two new stalks will appear, from which two stalks of peas will develop. New shoots emerge from the axils of the cotyledons. This can be verified by carefully removing the seedlings from the soil. Artificial production of two-stem plants is also of practical importance. For example, when growing makhorka, the top of the stems of the seedling is often cut off, as a result of which two stems appear, on which there are much more leaves than one. In the same way, you can get two-headed cabbage, which will give a higher yield than one-headed cabbage.

How does the stem grow?

Target: observing the growth of the stem.
Equipment: brush, ink, pea or bean sprout
Experience progress: Stem growth is possible using labels. Using a brush or a needle, apply marks on the stem of sprouted peas or beans at the same distance from each other. The trainees should trace after what time, on which part of the stem the marks will move apart. Record and sketch all the changes that occur.

On what part of the stem does the water move from roots to leaves?

Target: Prove that the water in the stem moves through the wood.
Equipment: stem cut, red ink.
Experience progress: Take a piece of stem 10 cm long. Dip one end of it in red ink, and suck a little through the other. Then wipe the piece with paper and cut it lengthwise with a sharp knife. On the cut, students will see that the wood of the stem is colored. This experiment can be carried out differently. Put a twig of a houseplant fuchsia or tradescantia in a jar of water, lightly tint the water with red ink or ordinary blue.After a few days, children will see that the veins of the leaves turn pink or blue. Then cut a piece of the twig along and see which part of it is colored. The teacher asks questions. What conclusion will you draw from this experience?

Up to the leaves

Target: prove that the stem conducts water to the leaves.
Equipment: balsam stalk, dye water; birch or aspen bars (unpainted), flat container with water, experiment algorithm.
Experience progress: Students examine a balsam stalk with roots, paying attention to the structure (root, stem, leaves) and discussing how the water from the roots gets to the leaves. The teacher suggests checking, using colored water, whether water passes through the stem. Children compose an algorithm of experience with or without an intended outcome. A hypothesis is put forward for future changes (if colored water flows through the plant, it should change color). After 1-2 weeks, the result of the experiment is compared with the expected one, a conclusion is made about the function of the stems (water is drawn to the leaves). Children examine unpainted wooden blocks through a magnifying glass, determine that there are holes in them. Find out that the bars are part of the tree trunk. The teacher offers to find out if water passes through them to the leaves, lowers the blocks with a cross section into the water. Finds out with the children what should happen to the bar if the barrels can conduct water (the bars should get wet). Children watch the bars get wet, the level of water rise up the bars.

Like the stems

Target: show the flow of water through the stems.
Equipment: cocktail tubes, mineral (or boiled) water, water container.
Experience progress: Children examine the straw. Find out if there is air inside by immersing it in water. It is assumed that the tubule can conduct water, since it has holes in it, like in the stems. Having immersed one end of the tube in water, they try to easily draw air from the other end of the tube; observe the movement of water upward.

Spare stems

Target: to reveal how the stems (trunks) can accumulate moisture and retain it for a long time.
Equipment: sponges, unpainted wooden blocks, magnifying glass, low containers with water, deep container with water
Experience progress: Students examine the blocks of different wood species through a magnifying glass, talk about their different degrees of absorption (in some plants, the stem can absorb water just like a sponge). The same amount of water is poured into different containers. Bars are lowered into the first, sponges are lowered into the second, left for five minutes. They argue how much more water will be absorbed (in a sponge - in it more space for water). Observe the release of bubbles. Check the bars and sponges in the container. Clarify why there is no water in the second container (everything has been absorbed into the sponge). Raise the sponge, water drips from it. Explain where the water will last longer (in the sponge, since there is more water in it). Assumptions are checked before the bar dries (1-2 hours).

Experiments for classes on the topic "Seeds"

Do seeds absorb a lot of water?

Target: find out how much moisture the germinating seeds absorb.
Equipment: Graduated cylinder or glass, pea seeds, cheesecloth
Experience progress: Pour 200 ml of water into a 250 ml measuring cylinder, then put the pea seeds in a gauze bag, tie it with a thread so that the end of it remains 15-20 cm long, and carefully lower the bag into a cylinder with water. To prevent water from evaporating from the cylinder, it is necessary to tie it on top with oiled paper. The next day, remove the paper and by the end of the thread remove the bag with swollen peas from the cylinder. Let the water drain from the bag into the cylinder. The teacher asks students questions. How much water is left in the cylinder? How much water did the seeds absorb?

Is the pressure force of the swelling seeds great?

Equipment: cloth bag, flask, pea seeds.
Experience progress: Put pea seeds in a small bag, tie it tightly and put it in a glass or in a jar of water. The next day, it will be found that the bag could not withstand the pressure of the seeds - it burst. The teacher asks the students why this happened. You can also put swelling seeds in a glass flask. In a few days, the force of the seeds will tear her apart. These experiments indicate that the strength of the swelling seeds is great.

How heavy can the swelling seeds lift?

Target: find out the strength of the swelling seeds.
Equipment: tin can, weight, peas.
Experience progress: Pour one third of the pea seeds into a tall, perforated tin can; put it in a pot of water, so that the seeds are in the water. Put a circle of tin on the seeds and put a weight or any other load on top. Observe how heavy the swelling pea seeds can lift. The students record the results in the observation diary.

Do germinating seeds breathe?

Target: Prove that germinating seeds emit carbon dioxide.
Equipment: glass jar or bottle, pea seeds, torch, matches.
Experience progress: Pour pea seeds into a tall bottle with a narrow neck and close tightly with a cork. In the next lesson, listen to the assumptions of the children about what kind of gas the seeds could have released and how to prove it. Open the bottle and prove the presence of carbon dioxide in it with a burning torch (the torch will go out, since carbon dioxide suppresses combustion).

Does the seed breathe produce warmth?

Target: Prove that seeds generate heat when they breathe.
Equipment: half-liter bottle with cork, pea seeds, thermometer.
Experience progress: Take a half-liter bottle, fill it with slightly "pecked" seeds of rye, wheat or peas and plug it with a cork, insert a chemical thermometer through the hole in the cork to measure the temperature of the water. Then wrap the bottle tightly with newsprint and place in a small box to avoid heat loss. After a while, the trainees will observe a rise in the temperature inside the bottle by several degrees. The teacher asks the students to explain the reason for the increase in the temperature of the seeds. Record the results of the experiment in the observation diary.


Target: find out which organ first emerges from the seed.
Equipment: beans (peas, beans), damp cloth (paper napkins), transparent containers, sketch using plant structure symbols, activity algorithm.
Experience progress: Children choose any of the offered seeds, create conditions for germination (warm place). A damp paper napkin is placed tightly against the walls in a transparent container. Soaked beans (peas, beans) are placed between the napkin and the walls; the napkin is constantly moistened. The changes occurring are observed daily for 10-12 days: the root will first appear from the bean, then the stalks; the roots will grow, the upper shoot will grow.

Experiments for classes on the topic "Reproduction of plants"

Such different flowers

Target: to establish the features of pollination of plants with the help of the wind, to detect pollen on flowers.
Equipment: catkins of flowering birch, aspen, flowers of coltsfoot, dandelion; magnifier, cotton ball.
Experience progress: Students examine flowers, describe them. Find out where the flower may have pollen, and find it with a cotton ball. They examine flowering birch catkins through a magnifying glass, find similarities with meadow flowers (there is pollen). The teacher invites children to come up with symbols to represent the flowers of birch, willow, aspen (earrings are also flowers). Clarifies why bees come to flowers, whether plants need it (bees fly for nectar and pollinate the plant).

How do bees carry pollen?

Target: to identify how the process of pollination occurs in plants.
Equipment: cotton balls, two-color dye powder, flower mock-ups, insect collection, magnifier
Experience progress: Children examine the structure of the limbs and bodies of insects through a magnifying glass (shaggy, covered, as it were, with hairs). The cotton balls are thought to be insects. Simulating the movement of insects, balls touch the flowers. After touching them, "pollen" remains on them. Determine how insects can help plants in pollination (pollen adheres to the limbs and bodies of insects).

Pollination with the help of the wind

Target: to establish the features of the process of pollination of plants with the help of the wind.
Equipment: two linen bags of flour, a paper fan or fan, birch earrings.
Experience progress: Students find out what flowers are in birch, willow, why insects do not fly to them (they are very small, not attractive for insects; when they bloom, there are few insects). The experiment is performed: they shake the bags filled with flour - "pollen". Find out what it takes to get pollen from one plant to another (the plants must grow close or someone must transfer the pollen to them). Use a fan or fan to "pollinate". Children come up with symbols for flowers that are pollinated by the wind.

Why do fruits need wings?

Equipment: lionfish fruits, berries; fan or fan.
Experience progress: Children examine fruits, berries and lionfish. Find out what helps the lionfish seeds to disperse. Observe the "flight" of lionfish. The teacher offers to remove their "wings". Repeat the experiment using a fan or fan. Determine why maple seeds grow far from their native tree (the wind helps the "wings" to carry seeds over long distances).

Why does a dandelion need "parachutes"?

Target: to identify the relationship between the structure of fruits and the way they are distributed.
Equipment: dandelion seeds, magnifying glass, fan or fan.
Experience progress: Children find out why there are so many dandelions. They examine a plant with ripe seeds, compare dandelion seeds with others by weight, observe the flight, the seeds fall without "parachutes", make a conclusion (the seeds are very small, the wind helps the "parachutes" fly far away).

Why does a burdock need hooks?

Target: to identify the relationship between the structure of fruits and the way they are distributed.
Equipment: burdock fruits, pieces of fur, fabric, magnifying glass, fruit plates.
Experience progress: Children find out who will help the burdock to scatter its seeds. Break the fruits, find seeds, examine them through a magnifying glass. Children ask if the wind can help them (the fruits are heavy, there are no wings and "parachutes", so the wind will not carry them away). Determine whether animals want to eat them (the fruits are tough, prickly, tasteless, the box is hard). They call what these fruits have (tenacious hook spines). Using pieces of fur and fabric, the teacher, together with the children, demonstrates how this happens (fruits cling to fur and fabric with thorns).

Experiments for classes on the topic "Plants and the environment"

With and without water

Target: to highlight the environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants (water, light, heat).
Equipment: two identical plants (balsam), water.
Experience progress: The teacher offers to find out why plants cannot live without water (the plant will wither, the leaves will dry out, there is water in the leaves); what will happen if one plant is watered, and the other is not (without watering, the plant dries up, turns yellow, leaves and stems lose their elasticity, etc.). The results of observing the condition of the plants, depending on the watering, are sketched within one week. Make up a model of plant dependence on water. Children conclude that plants cannot live without water.

In the light and in the dark

Target: to determine the environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants.
Equipment: bow, box made of sturdy cardboard, two containers with earth.
Experience progress: The teacher offers to find out with the help of growing onions, whether light is needed for plant life. Cover part of the onion with a cap made of thick dark cardboard. Sketch the result of the experiment after 7-10 days (the onion under the hood became light). Remove the cap. After 7-10 days, the result is again sketched (the onion turned green in the light - it means that photosynthesis (nutrition) takes place in it).

Warm and cold

Target: to highlight favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants.
Equipment: winter or spring branches of trees, rhizome of coltsfoot with a part of the soil, flowers from a flower bed with a part of the soil (in autumn); a model of plant dependence on heat.
Experience progress: The teacher asks why there are no leaves on the branches outside (it's cold outside, the trees are "sleeping"). Suggests to bring branches into the room. The students observe the change in the buds (the buds increase in size, burst), the appearance of leaves, their growth, compare with the branches on the street (branches without leaves), sketch, build a model of the dependence of plants on heat (plants need heat for life and growth). The teacher suggests finding out how to see the first spring flowers as soon as possible (bring them into the room so that they feel warm). Children dig up the rhizome of the mother-and-stepmother with a part of the soil, transfer it to the room, observe the time of the appearance of flowers indoors and outside (indoors, flowers appear after 4-5 days, on the street - after one to two weeks). The observation results are presented in the form of a model of the dependence of plants on heat (cold - plants grow slowly, warm - grow quickly). The teacher proposes to determine how to extend the summer for flowers (bring flowering plants from the flower bed into the room, digging the roots of plants with a large clod of earth, so as not to damage them). Students observe the change in colors in the room and in the flower bed (in the flower bed, the flowers have withered, frozen, died; indoors, they continue to bloom). The results of observations are presented in the form of a model of the dependence of plants on heat.

Who is better?

Equipment: two identical cuttings, a container of water, a pot of soil, plant care items.
Experience progress: The teacher offers to determine whether plants can live long without soil (they cannot); where they grow better - in water or in soil. Children put geranium cuttings in different containers - with water, earth. Observe them until the first new leaf appears; The results of the experiment are formalized in the observation diary and in the form of a model of plant dependence on soil (for a plant in the soil, the first leaf appears faster, the plant gains strength better; in water, the plant is weaker)

How fast?

Target: to identify favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, to substantiate the dependence of plants on the soil.
Equipment: twigs of birch or poplar (in spring), water with and without mineral fertilizers.
Experience progress: The teacher invites students to determine whether the plants need fertilization and choose different care for the plants: one is to water with plain water, the other is water with fertilizers. Children mark containers with different symbols. Observe until the first leaves appear, monitor growth (in fertilized soil, the plant is stronger, grows faster). The results are presented in the form of a model of the dependence of plants on the richness of the soil (in a rich, fertilized soil, the plant is stronger, grows better).

Where is the best place to grow?

Equipment: cuttings of tradescantia, black earth, clay with sand
Experience progress: The teacher chooses the soil for planting (black soil, a mixture of sand and clay). Children plant two identical tradescantia cuttings in different soil. Observe the growth of cuttings with the same care for 2-3 weeks (the plant does not grow in clay, in black soil - the plant is good). A stalk is transplanted from a sandy-clay mixture into black soil. After two weeks, the result of the experiment is noted (the plants show good growth), they are drawn up in a diary and the model of the dependence of plant growth on the composition of the soil.

Green figurines

Target: to establish the need for soil for plant life, the effect of soil quality on the growth and development of plants, to identify soils that are different in composition.
Equipment: watercress seeds, wet paper towels, soil, activity algorithm
Experience progress: The educator offers a riddle letter using an unfinished algorithm of experience with unknown seeds and asks to find out what will grow. An experiment is carried out according to the algorithm: several paper napkins, laid on top of each other, are soaked in water; put them in cookie cutters; seeds are poured there, distributing them over the entire surface; the wipes are moistened every day. Part of the seeds is placed in a pot with soil and sprinkled with soil. Watch the growth of watercress. Plants are compared and a solution is drawn up in the form of a model of the plant's dependence on environmental factors: light, water, heat + soil. They conclude: in the soil, plants are stronger, live longer.

Why do flowers wither in autumn?

Target: to establish the dependence of plant growth on temperature, amount of moisture.
Equipment: a pot with an adult plant; a curved glass tube inserted into a 3 cm long rubber tube corresponding to the diameter of the plant stem; transparent container.
Experience progress: The teacher offers students to measure the temperature of the water (warm water) before watering, pour the stump remaining from the stem, on which a rubber tube is preliminarily put on with a glass tube inserted and fixed into it. Children watch the flow of water from a glass tube. They cool the water with the help of snow, measure the temperature (it has become colder), water it, but water does not flow into the tube. They find out why the flowers wither in autumn, although there is a lot of water (the roots do not absorb cold water).

What then?

Target: to systematize knowledge about the developmental cycles of all plants.
Equipment: seeds of herbs, vegetables, flowers, plant care items.
Experience progress: The teacher offers a riddle letter with seeds, finds out what the seeds turn into. During the summer, plants are grown, recording all changes as they develop. After collecting the fruits, they compare their sketches, draw up a general scheme for all plants using symbols, reflecting the main stages of plant development: seed - sprout - adult plant - flower - fruit.

What is in the soil?

Target: to establish the dependence of the factors inanimate nature from living (soil fertility from rotting plants).
Equipment: a lump of earth, a metal (from a thin plate) plate, an alcohol lamp, the remains of dry leaves, a magnifying glass, tweezers.
Experience progress: Children are encouraged to view forest soil and soil from the site. Children use a magnifying glass to determine where the soil is (there is a lot of humus in the forest). They find out on which soil the plants grow better, why (there are more plants in the forest, in the soil there is more nutrition for them). The teacher, together with the children, burns the forest soil in a metal plate, pays attention to the smell during combustion. Tries to burn a dry leaf. Children determine what makes the soil rich (there is a lot of decayed foliage in the soil of the forest). Discuss the composition of the soil of the city. Clarify how to find out if she is rich. They examine it with a magnifying glass, burn it on a plate. Children come up with symbols for different soil: rich and poor.

What's under our feet?

Target: To lead children to understand that the soil has a different composition.
Equipment: soil, magnifying glass, spirit lamp, metal plate, glass, transparent container (glass), spoon or stirring stick.
Experience progress: Children examine the soil, find plant remains in it. The teacher heats the soil in a metal plate over a spirit lamp, holding a glass over the soil. Together with the children, she finds out why the glass has fogged up (there is water in the soil). The teacher continues to heat the soil, suggests determining by the smell of smoke what is in the soil (nutrients: leaves, parts of insects). Then the soil is heated until the smoke disappears. Find out what color it is (light), what has disappeared from it (moisture, organic matter). Children pour the soil into a glass of water, mix. After the soil particles have settled in the water, the sediment (sand, clay) is considered. They find out why nothing grows in the forest on the site of fires (all nutrients burn out, the soil becomes poor).

Where is longer?

Target: to find out the reason for the preservation of moisture in the soil.
Equipment: plant pots.
Experience progress: The teacher suggests watering the soil in two pots of the same size with an equal amount of water, placing one pot in the sun, the other in the shade. The children explain why the soil is dry in one pot and moist in the other (the water evaporated in the sun, but not in the shade). The teacher invites the children to solve the problem: it rained over the meadow and forest; where the ground will stay wet longer and why (in the forest, the ground will stay wet longer than in the meadow, since there is more shade, less sun.

Is there enough light?

Target: identify the reason for the fact that there are few plants in the water.
Equipment: flashlight, transparent container with water.
Experience progress: The teacher draws the attention of children to indoor plants located near the window. Finds out where plants grow better - near or far from a window, why (those plants that are closer to the window - they get more light). Children examine plants in an aquarium (pond), determine whether plants will grow at a great depth of water bodies (no, light does not pass through the water well). To prove it, they shine through the water with a flashlight, specify where the plants are better (closer to the water surface).

Where will plants get water faster?

Target: to reveal the ability of different soils to pass water.
Equipment: funnels, glass rods, transparent container, water, cotton wool, soil from the forest and from the path.
Experience progress: Children examine the soil: determine where is forest and where is urban. They consider the algorithm of the experiment, discuss the sequence of work: put cotton wool on the bottom of the funnel, then the test soil, put the funnel on the container. The same amount of water is measured for both soil. Water is slowly poured over a glass rod into the center of the funnel until water appears in the container. Compare the amount of liquid. Water passes through the forest soil faster and is better absorbed.
Output: Plants will get drunk faster in the forest than in the city.

Is water good or bad?

Target: select algae from the variety of plants.
Equipment: aquarium, elodea, duckweed, houseplant leaf.
Experience progress: Students consider algae, highlighting their characteristics and varieties (grow completely in water, on the surface of the water, in the water column and on land). Children try to change the habitat of the plant: the begonia leaf is lowered into the water, the elodea is raised to the surface, the duckweed is lowered into the water. They observe what is happening (elodea dries, begonia rots, duckweed folds a leaf). Explain the characteristics of plants different environments growth.
Target: Find plants that can grow in the desert, savannah.
Equipment: Plants: ficus, sansevier, violet, dieffenbachia, magnifying glass, plastic bags.
Experience progress: The teacher invites children to prove that there are plants that can live in the desert or savannah. Children independently choose plants that, in their opinion, should evaporate little water, have long roots, and accumulate moisture. Then the experiment is carried out: they put a cellophane bag on the sheet, observe the appearance of moisture inside it, compare the behavior of the plants. They prove that the leaves of these plants evaporate little moisture.
Target: Establish the dependence of the amount of evaporated moisture on the size of the leaves.
Equipment: glass flasks, cuttings of dieffenbachia and coleus.
Experience progress: The teacher invites children to find out which of the plants can live in the jungle, forest zone, savannah. Children assume that plants with large leaves can live in the jungle, taking a lot of water; in the forest - ordinary plants; in the savannah - plants that accumulate moisture. Children, according to the algorithm, perform the experiment: they pour the same amount of water into flasks, place plants there, mark the water level; after one or two days, a change in the water level is noted. Children conclude: plants with large leaves absorb more water and evaporate more moisture - they can grow in the jungle, where there is a lot of water in the soil, high humidity and hot.

What are the roots of tundra plants?

Target: to understand the relationship of the structure of roots with the characteristics of the soil in the tundra.
Equipment: sprouted beans, damp cloth, thermometer, cotton wool in a high transparent container.
Experience progress: Children name the peculiarities of the soil in the tundra (permafrost). The teacher suggests finding out what the roots should be so that plants can live in permafrost. Children conduct an experiment: they place the sprouted beans on a thick layer of damp cotton wool, cover them with a damp cloth, put them on a cold windowsill, and observe the growth of roots and their direction for a week. They draw a conclusion: in the tundra, the roots grow to the sides, parallel to the surface of the earth.

Experiments for classes in the biological department

Do fish breathe?

Target: to establish the ability of fish to breathe in water, to confirm the knowledge that air is everywhere.
Equipment: transparent container with water, aquarium, magnifier, stick, cocktail tube.
Experience progress: Children observe the fish and determine whether they are breathing or not (watch the movement of the gills, air bubbles in the aquarium). Then they exhale air through a tube into the water, observe the appearance of bubbles. Find out if there is air in the water. The algae in the aquarium is moved with a stick, bubbles appear. Observe how the fish swim to the surface of the water (or to the compressor), capture air bubbles (breathe). The teacher leads children to understand that breathing of fish in water is possible.

Who has what beaks?

Target: to establish the relationship between the nature of the diet and some features appearance animals.
Equipment: a dense lump of earth or clay, dummies of beaks from different materials, a container with water, small light stones, tree bark, grains, crumbs.
Experience progress: Children-“birds” choose what they want to eat, select the beak that is necessary in size, shape, strength (made of paper, cardboard, wood, metal, plastic), “get” their food with the help of the beak. They tell why they chose just such a beak (for example, a stork needs a long beak to get food out of the water; a strong hooked beak is needed by birds of prey to tear and split prey; thin and short - to insectivorous birds).

How easy is it to swim?

Equipment: models of legs of waterfowl and ordinary birds, a container with water, mechanical floating toys (penguin, duck), wire leg.
Experience progress: The teacher offers to find out what the limbs of those who swim should be. To do this, children choose layouts of legs that are suitable for water birds; prove their choice by imitating paddling. Consider mechanical floating toys, pay attention to the structure of the rotating parts. For some toys, instead of blades, they insert contour paws made of wire (without membranes), launch both types of toys, determine who will swim faster, why (paws with membranes rake off more water - it is easier, faster to swim).

Why do they say "like water off a duck's back"?

Target: to establish a connection between the structure and the way of life of birds in the ecosystem.
Equipment: chicken and goose feathers, containers with water, fat, pipette, vegetable oil, "loose" paper, brush.
Experience progress: Students examine goose feathers and downy chicken feathers, moisten them with water, find out why water does not linger on goose feathers. They put vegetable oil on the paper, moisten the sheet with water, see what happened (the water rolled down, the paper remained dry). They find out that waterfowl have a special fatty gland, with the fat of which geese and ducks lubricate their feathers with their beaks.

How do bird feathers work?

Target: to establish a connection between the structure and the way of life of birds in the ecosystem.
Equipment: chicken feathers, goose feathers, magnifying glass, zipper, candle, hair, tweezers.
Experience progress: Children examine the feather of a bird, paying attention to the rod and the fan attached to it. Find out why it falls slowly, whirling smoothly (the feather is light, since there is a void inside the rod). The teacher offers to wave the feather, to observe what happens to it when the bird flaps its wings (the feather resiliently springs, without disengaging the hairs, preserving the surface). The fan is examined through a strong magnifying glass or microscope (there are protrusions and hooks on the feather grooves that can be firmly and easily aligned with each other, as if fastening the surface of the feather). They examine the down feather of a bird, find out how it differs from the flight feather (the down feather is soft, the hairs are not interlocked, the rod is thin, the feather is much smaller in size). Children discuss why birds have such feathers (they serve to preserve body heat). A bird's hair and feather are set on fire over a burning candle. The odor is the same. Children conclude that human hair and bird feathers have the same composition.

Why do water birds have such a beak?

Target: to determine the relationship between the structure and the way of life of birds in the ecosystem.
Equipment: Grain, duck beak mockup, water container, bread crumbs, bird illustrations.
Experience progress: The teacher in the illustrations of birds covers the images of their limbs. Children choose waterfowl from all birds and explain their choice (they must have beaks that will help them get food in the water; stork, crane, heron have long beaks; geese, ducks, swans have flat, wide beaks). Children find out why birds have different beaks (stork, crane, heron need to get frogs from the bottom; geese, swans, ducks - to catch food by filtering the water). Each child chooses a beak layout. The teacher suggests using the selected beak to collect food from the ground and from the water. The result is explained.

Who Eats Algae?

Target: to reveal the interdependencies in the wildlife of the ecosystem "pond".
Equipment: two transparent containers with water, algae, shellfish (without fish) and fish, magnifying glass.
Experience progress: Students examine the algae in the aquarium, find separate parts, pieces of algae. Find out who eats them. The teacher divides the inhabitants of the aquarium: in the first jar he places fish and algae, in the second - algae and mollusks. During the month, children observe changes. In the second jar, the algae are damaged, and shellfish eggs have appeared on them.

Who is cleaning the aquarium?

Target: to reveal the relationship in the wildlife of the ecosystem "pond".
Equipment: aquarium with "old" water, shellfish, magnifying glass, a piece of white cloth.
Experience progress: Children examine the walls of the aquarium with "old" water, find out who leaves traces (stripes) on the walls of the aquarium. To this end, they run a white cloth along the inside of the aquarium, observe the behavior of the mollusks (they move only where plaque remains). Children explain if shellfish interfere with the fish (no, they purify the water from mud).

Wet breath

Equipment: mirror.
Experience progress: Children find out which way the air passes when inhaling and exhaling (when inhaling, air enters the lungs through the respiratory tract, when exhaling, it leaves). Children breathe out onto a mirror surface, note that the mirror has fogged up, moisture has appeared on it. The teacher asks the children to answer where the moisture came from (along with the exhaled air, moisture is removed from the body), what will happen if animals living in the desert lose moisture when breathing (they will die), which animals survive in the desert (camels). The teacher talks about the structure of the camel's respiratory system, which helps to preserve moisture (the camel's nasal passages are long and sinuous, moisture settles in them during exhalation).

Why is the color of animals lighter in the desert than in the forest?

Target: to understand and explain the dependence of the appearance of an animal on factors of inanimate nature (natural and climatic zones).
Equipment: fabric in light and dark tones, mittens made of drape black and light color, a model of the relationship between living and inanimate nature.
Experience progress: Children find out the temperature characteristics in the desert in comparison with the forest zone, comparing their position relative to the equator. The teacher invites children to the sunny, but cold weather put on mittens of the same density (drape is better): on one hand - from light fabric, on the other - from dark; substitute your hands for the sun, after 3-5 minutes compare the sensations (in a dark mitten, your hand is warmer). The teacher asks the children about what colors should be in the clothes in the cold and hot seasons in humans, the skin in animals. Children, based on the actions performed, conclude: in hot weather, it is better to have clothes in light colors (it repels the sun's rays); in cool weather it is warmer in dark (it attracts the sun's rays).

Growing babies

Target: to identify that the food contains the smallest living organisms.
Equipment: containers with a lid, milk.
Experience progress: Children assume that the smallest organisms are in many foods. In the warmth, they grow and spoil the food. According to the beginning of the experiment algorithm, children choose places (cold and warm) where they put milk in closed containers. Observe for 2-3 days; sketch (in warmth, these organisms develop rapidly). Children tell what people use to store food (refrigerators, cellars) and why (cold prevents organisms from multiplying and food does not spoil).

Moldy bread

Target: to establish that certain conditions are necessary for the growth of the smallest living organisms (fungi).
Equipment: plastic bag, slices of bread, pipette, magnifier.
Experience progress: Children know that bread can go bad - tiny organisms (molds) begin to grow on it. They compose an experiment algorithm, place the bread in different conditions: a) in a warm, dark place, in a plastic bag; b) in a cold place; c) in a warm, dry place, without plastic bag... Observations are carried out for several days, the results are examined through a magnifying glass, and they are sketched (in humid warm conditions - the first option - mold has appeared; in dry or cold conditions, mold does not form). Children tell how people learned to preserve bread products at home (they keep them in the refrigerator, dry rusks from bread).

Suction cups

Target: to reveal the peculiarities of the way of life of the simplest marine organisms (anemones).
Equipment: a stone, a suction cup for fixing a soap dish on a tile, illustrations of mollusks, anemones.
Experience progress: Children look at illustrations of living marine organisms and find out what kind of life they lead, how they move (they cannot move themselves, they move with the flow of water). Children find out why some marine organisms can remain on rocks. The teacher demonstrates the action of the suction cup. Children try to attach a dry suction cup (not attach), then moisten it (attach). Children conclude that the bodies of marine animals are moist, which allows them to attach well to objects with the help of suction cups.

Do worms have respiratory organs?

Target: show that a living organism adapts to environmental conditions
Equipment: earthworms, paper napkins, cotton ball, odorous liquid (ammonia), magnifying glass.
Experience progress: Children examine the worm through a magnifying glass, find out the features of its structure (flexible articulated body, shell, processes with which it moves); determine if he has a sense of smell. To do this, cotton wool is moistened with an odorous liquid, brought to different parts of the body and the conclusion is drawn: the worm smells the whole body.

Why did shell fish disappear?

Target: to identify the reason for the emergence of new species of fish.
Equipment: model of shell fish, shark made of flexible material, large container with water, aquarium, fish, symbol.
Experience progress: Children examine the fish in the aquarium (movement of the body, tail, fins), and then the model of the shell fish. An adult invites children to think about why the shellfish disappeared (the shell did not allow the fish to breathe freely: like a hand in a cast). The teacher invites children to come up with a shell fish symbol and depict it.

Why didn't the first birds fly?

Target: to identify the structural features of birds that help them stay in the air.
Equipment: wing models, weights different weight, bird feather, magnifying glass, paper, cardboard, tissue paper.
Experience progress: Children look at illustrations of the first birds (very large bodies and small wings). The materials for the experiment are chosen: paper, weights ("bodies"). Wings are made of cardboard, tissue paper, wings with weights; check how different "wings" are planned, and conclude: it was hard for large birds to fly with small wings

Why were dinosaurs so big?

Target: to clarify the mechanism of adaptation to the life of cold-blooded animals.
Equipment: small and large containers with hot water.
Experience progress: Children examine a living frog, find out its way of life (offspring hatches in water, finds food on land, cannot live far from the reservoir - the skin must be wet); touch, finding out the body temperature. The teacher says that scientists assume that dinosaurs were as cold as frogs. During this period, the temperature on the planet was not constant. The teacher finds out from the children what the frogs do in winter (hibernate), how they escape from the cold (burrow into the silt). The teacher invites children to find out why dinosaurs were big. To do this, you need to imagine that the containers are dinosaurs that have heated up from high temperature... Together with the children, the teacher pours hot water into the containers, touches them, pours out the water. After a while, the children again check the temperature of the containers by touch and conclude that the large jar is hotter - it needs more time to cool down. The teacher finds out from children what size dinosaurs were easier to fight with the cold (large dinosaurs kept their temperature for a long time, so they did not freeze in cold periods, when the sun did not heat them).

Experiences for classes in the department of ecology and nature protection

When is summer in the Arctic?

Target: to identify the features of the manifestation of seasons in the Arctic.
Equipment: globe, model "Sun - Earth", thermometer, measuring ruler, candle.
Experience progress: The teacher acquaints children with the annual movement of the Earth: it goes through one revolution around the Sun (this acquaintance is best done in winter in the evening). Children remember how on Earth day is replaced by night (the change of day and night occurs due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis). They find the Arctic on the globe, mark it on the layout with a white outline, light a candle in a darkened room that imitates the Sun. Children, under the guidance of a teacher, demonstrate the action of the model: they put the Earth in the "summer at the South Pole" position, note that the degree of illumination of the pole depends on the distance between the Earth and the Sun. Determine what time of year it is in the Arctic (winter), in Antarctica (summer). Slowly rotating the Earth around the Sun, they note the change in the illumination of its parts with distance from the candle, which imitates the Sun.

Why doesn't the sun go down in the Arctic in summer?

Target: to reveal the features of the manifestation of the summer season in the Arctic.
Equipment: layout "Sun - Earth".
Experience progress: Children under the guidance of a teacher demonstrate on the model "Sun - Earth" the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun, paying attention to the fact that part of the annual rotation of the Earth is turned towards the Sun so that the North Pole is constantly illuminated. Find out where at this time on the planet will be a long night (the South Pole will remain unlit).

Where is the hottest summer?

Target: determine where the hottest summer is on the planet.
Equipment: layout "Sun - Earth".
Experience progress: Children, under the guidance of a teacher, demonstrate on a model the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun, determine at different moments of rotation the hottest place on the planet, put conventional icons. Prove that it is the hottest place in the equator region.

Like in the jungle

Target: identify the causes of high humidity in the jungle.
Equipment: Layout "Earth - Sun", map climatic zones, globe, baking sheet, sponge, pipette, transparent container, device for monitoring the change in humidity.
Experience progress: Children discuss the temperature characteristics of the jungle, using the model of the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun. They are trying to find out the reason for the frequent rains by looking at the globe and the map of climatic zones (the abundance of seas and oceans). An experiment on saturating the air with moisture is set up: water is dripped from a pipette onto a sponge (water remains in the sponge); put the sponge in water, turning it over in the water several times; raise a sponge, watch the water flow down. Children, using the actions performed, find out why it can rain in the jungle without clouds (the air, like a sponge, is saturated with moisture and can no longer hold it). Children check the appearance of rain without clouds: water is poured into a transparent container, closed with a lid, placed in a hot place, observed for one or two days the appearance of "fog", spreading of drops on the lid (water evaporates, moisture accumulates in the air when it becomes too a lot, it rains).

Forest - protector and healer

Target: to identify the protective role of forests in the forest-steppe climatic zone.
Equipment: model "Sun - Earth", a map of natural and climatic zones, indoor plants, a fan or fan, small pieces of paper, two small trays and one large one, containers for water, soil, leaves, twigs, grass, watering can, tray with soil.
Experience progress: Children find out the features of the forest-steppe zone, using a map of natural and climatic zones and a globe: large open spaces, warm climate, the proximity of deserts. The teacher tells the children about the winds that occur in open spaces and imitates the wind with the help of a fan; offers to pacify the wind. Children make assumptions (it is necessary to fill the space with plants, objects, create a barrier out of them) and check them: they put a barrier made of indoor plants in the path of the wind, place pieces of paper in front of and behind the forest. Children demonstrate the process of soil erosion during rains: they water a tray with soil (the tray is inclined) from a watering can from a height of 10-15 cm and observe the formation of "ravines". The teacher invites children to help nature preserve the surface, prevent water from washing out the soil. Children perform actions: soil is poured onto a pallet, leaves, grass, branches are scattered over the soil; water is poured onto the soil from a height of 15 cm. It is checked whether the soil has eroded under the greenery, and the conclusion is drawn: the vegetative cover holds the soil.

Why is it always damp in the tundra?

Experience progress: Children find out the temperature features of the tundra, using the model of the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun (when the Earth rotates around the Sun for some time, the Sun's rays do not hit the tundra at all, the temperature is low). The teacher clarifies with children what happens to the water when it hits the surface of the earth (usually part goes into the soil, part evaporates). Asks to determine whether water absorption by the soil depends on the characteristics of the soil layer (for example, whether water will easily pass into the frozen soil layer of the tundra). Children perform actions: they bring a transparent container with frozen ground into the room, give it the opportunity to thaw a little, pour water, it remains on the surface (permafrost does not allow water to pass through).

Where is faster?

Target: to explain some of the features of the natural and climatic zones of the Earth.
Equipment: containers with water, model of the tundra soil layer, thermometer, model "Sun - Earth".
Experience progress: The teacher asks the children to find out how long it will take for water to evaporate from the soil surface in the tundra. For this purpose, long-term observation is organized. According to the activity algorithm, children perform the following actions: the same amount of water is poured into two containers; mark its level; containers are placed in places different in temperature (warm and cold); after a day, changes are noted (in a warm place there is less water, in a cold one - the amount almost did not change). The teacher proposes to solve the problem: it rained over the tundra and over our city, where the puddles will last longer and why (in the tundra, since in a cold climate, water evaporation will take place more slowly than in the middle lane, where it is warmer, the soil thaws and there is where the water can go ).

Why is there dew in the desert?

Target: to explain some of the features of the natural and climatic zones of the Earth.
Equipment: Container with water, lid with snow (ice), spirit lamp, sand, clay, glass.
Experience progress: Children find out the temperature features of the desert, using the model of the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun (the Sun's rays are closer to this part of the Earth's surface - the desert; the surface heats up to 70 degrees; the air temperature in the shade is more than 40 degrees; the night is cool). The teacher asks the children to answer where the dew comes from. Children conduct an experiment: they heat the soil, hold glass cooled by snow over it, observe the appearance of moisture on the glass - dew falls (there is water in the soil, the soil heats up during the day, cools at night, and dew falls in the morning).

Why is there little water in the desert?

Target: to explain some of the features of the natural and climatic zones of the Earth.
Equipment: model "Sun - Earth", two funnels, transparent containers, measuring containers, sand, clay.
Experience progress: The teacher asks the children to answer what kind of soil there are in the desert (sandy and clayey). Children explore the landscapes of sandy and clay soils of the desert. They find out what happens to the moisture in the desert (it quickly goes down through the sand; on clay soils, without having time to penetrate inside, it evaporates). They prove it by experience, choosing the appropriate algorithm of actions: fill the funnels with sand and wet clay, compact, pour water, place in a warm place. Make a conclusion.

How did the seas and oceans appear?

Target: to explain the changes occurring in nature, using the previously obtained knowledge about condensation.
Equipment: container with hot water or heated plasticine, covered with a lid, snow or ice.
Experience progress: Children tell that the planet Earth was once a hot body, around it there is a cold space. They discuss what should happen to it when it cools, comparing it with the cooling process of a hot object (when the object cools down, warm air from the cooling object rises up and, falling on a cold surface, turns into a liquid - condenses). Children observe the cooling and condensation of hot air upon contact with a cold surface. They are discussing what will happen if a very large body, a whole planet, cools down (when the Earth cools down, a multi-year rainy season has begun on the planet).

Living lumps

Target: Determine how the first living cells were formed.
Equipment: container with water, dropper, vegetable oil.
Experience progress: The teacher discusses with the children whether all living organisms that live now could appear on Earth at once. Children explain that neither a plant nor an animal can immediately appear out of nothing, they suggest what the first living organisms could be, observing single specks of oil in the water. Children rotate, shake the container, consider what happens to the spots (they combine). They conclude: perhaps this is how living cells unite.

How did the islands and continents appear?

Target: explain the changes taking place on the planet using the knowledge gained.
Equipment: a container with soil, pebbles, filled with water.
Experience progress: The teacher invites children to find out how islands, continents (land) could appear on a planet completely filled with water. Children find it out by experience. They create a model: water is carefully poured into a container filled with soil and pebbles, it is heated with the help of a teacher, they observe that the water evaporates (with the warming of the Earth's climate, the water in the seas began to evaporate, the rivers dried up, and dry land appeared). Children sketch observations.

In the process of forming children's ecological consciousness I use the program of N.A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature", I take into account the recommendations, I use various methodological means.

V educational process preschool institution experimentation is the teaching method that allows the child to model in his mind a picture of the world based on his own observations and experiences.

The main advantage of the experimenting method is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object under study, about its relationship with other objects with the environment.

So, conducting experimental research activities on the example of indoor plants, children learned how plants breathe, why it is necessary to wipe dust not only from the outside of the leaf, but also from the inside.

The experiment helped to find out from which side of the leaf the air enters the plant.

We took a flower in a pot and spread a thick layer of Vaseline on the bottom surface of 1 leaf. The top surface of another leaf was also smeared with a thick layer of petroleum jelly. We watched the leaves.

Three days later, the leaflet, on which the petroleum jelly was applied from below, began to fade, while the other did not suffer.

The holes on the underside of the leaves are used to move gases in and out of the leaf. The Vaseline blocked the air from entering the sheet.

To show how water rises through the root along the trunk, an experiment was performed. They took a plate with tinted water, dipped in a hygroscopic material - gauze. We watched how the water gradually rises up, coloring the material higher and higher. She explained to the children that the roots have fine hairs through which water is absorbed.

We immediately went on to experiment directly with a houseplant: A balsam twig (with green leaves) was placed in a container with tinted water (using manganese) and we observed how the leaves gradually began to turn red.

Thus, concluding that the plant drinks water from the root, and through the root, moisture enters the rest of the flower.

Experienced - research activities helps to determine what the plant needs to live.

They took two identical geranium flowers with the children; one was placed on the sunny side of the window, the other in the shade. A day later, they noticed that the leaves of the geranium, which stood in the sun, began to dry out. This suggests that this flower loves shade more. Compared to a flower that stood in the shade - its leaves looked healthy and fresh. To prevent the plant from dying, they urgently transferred it to the shade and watered it abundantly. A similar experiment was done with heat-resistant flowers - cacti.

14. Here, on the contrary, the flower, which stood on the sunny side, felt very good, and the cactus, which stood in the shade, and was abundantly watered, began to wither.

With the children, they concluded that before caring for the plants, it is necessary to find out the homeland of its origin, because improper care can lead to the death of the flower.

There are many violets in our group - white, pink, lilac. But there are those that have not bloomed yet. And we decided to find out what is needed for our flowers to bloom. Again they took two identical flowers, and began to look after. Only one was simply watered and dust was removed, and the other was more thoroughly cared for: they made sure that no direct sun rays, loosened the ground, removed dried leaves, organized proper watering. And within a week we noticed the first flowers.

Now we carefully monitor our indoor plants, create favorable conditions for them, and they delight us with their beautiful bright colors.

Thank you for the attention.

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teacher MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1" Birch ",

Uryupinsk Volgograd region, Russia

Simple experiments with plants

Scientific little discoveries: how plants drink water With this simple and fun experiment, you can explain and show children how plants drink water. The experience does not require special adaptations, and its clarity speaks for itself - the child will remember this for a long time, and most likely - he will ask to repeat the experiment again and again! You will need: - Chinese cabbage; - food coloring; - jar; - water.


Crystal growing has two benefits! The first is sweetness for children, and the second is the study of chemistry, children will remember for the rest of their lives a fun, tasty, sweet, colorful chemical reaction... You will need ingredients: wide-necked jars or glasses, wooden skewers, clothespins, food colors, flavorings, a lot of sugar and a lot of patience!

You will need:
proportion - 10 glasses of sugar to 4 glasses of water. Pour 4 cups of water into a saucepan and add 4 glasses of sugar, put on fire (note that our solution will increase in volume, take a larger pan), bring to a boil over medium heat and add the rest of the sugar, stirring regularly. When the sugar is all dissolved, set the pot away from the heat for 15 minutes.

While our solution cools down, let's prepare the sticks.
Soak them in water, then put in sugar to start the formation of crystals, sticks are wet - sugar will stick. After that, be sure to let the sticks with adhered sugar dry completely, if the sticks are even slightly damp - you will not succeed when you put them in a hot sugar solution, all the sugar will crumble and new crystals will have nothing to grow on.

Pour sugar syrup into glass jars or glasses, add food coloring. Slowly dip the sticks into the solution and secure with clothespins. Please note that the sticks do not touch either the bottom of the jar or each other, there must be a distance between them for crystals to grow.
Place the jars in a warm or sunny place. The crystals will be ready in a week.

Simple experiments with water

Simple experiments with air