Technique unfinished drawings l f Tikhomirova. Tikhomirova L. F. Development of cognitive abilities of children. That's what mom

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

State budgetary professional educational institution

"Chelyabinsk Pedagogical College No. 1"

"Methods for diagnosing personality

younger student"


Cross Ekaterina

Chelyabinsk, 2016



Target: diagnosis of the level of perception in primary school students.

child up to school age 7 drawings are offered, each of which lacks something very important.


"Each of the pictures is missing some important detail, look carefully and name the missing detail." Conducting psychodiagnostics with the help of a stopwatch or a second hand of a clock, it fixes the time spent on completing the entire task.

Evaluation of results:

10 points - the child named all 7 missing items in less than 25 seconds;

8-9 points - the time to search for all the missing items took 26-30 seconds;

6-7 points - the time to search for all the missing items took 31-35 seconds;

4-5 points - the search time for all missing items was 36-40 seconds;

2-3 points - the search time for all missing items was 41-45 seconds;

0-1 point - the time to search for all the missing items totaled more than 45 seconds.


Target : diagnosis of the volume of perception in children of primary school age

On a large sheet of drawing paper, if the teacher is working with the class, or on a piece of paper, if the work is with one child, it is written in large size:

10 words (of 4-8 letters each);

10 three-digit numbers;

10 drawings (book, pen, mug, spoon, apple, square, star, hammer, watch, tree leaf). All this should be arranged in horizontal rows in any sequence.

INSTRUCTIONS : Look at the sheet on which there are words, numbers, pictures. On your piece of paper after getting acquainted with this information for 1 minute, write down what you could perceive, be sure to accurately.

RESULTS EVALUATION: Normal perception - 7+, -2 objects


Target: diagnosis of perceptual features junior schoolchildren

The student is offered a 100-cell table filled with numbers. The task is to count how many times each number occurs from 0 to 9. The time is fixed for which the student counts how many times 0 occurs, then 1, then 2, etc.

Evaluation of results:Take place in the class as a whole. The top 25% and the bottom 25% are discarded. The remaining 50% are students with average perception. Incorrect counting of numbers or slower counting indicates a decrease in perception


Target: diagnostics of accuracy and speed of perception of younger students


Copy the graphic images from the 100-cell table and count:

How many times does the plus sign (+) appear?

How many times does the minus sign (-) occur?

How many times does the division sign (:) occur?

How many times does the equal sign (=) occur?

How many times does the multiplication sign (x) occur?

How many times does a dot (.) occur?

Mathematical definition of levels:

The sum of exactly reproduced graphic images for a certain time (3 minutes) is equal to:

0-21 - low level,

22-42 - average level,

42-62 is a good level.

5. "RIBS"

Target: evaluate elementary figurative representations ml. schoolchild about the world around and about the logical connections and relationships that exist between some objects of this world: animals, their way of life, nature.

Description: First, the child is shown the picture below. It has some rather ridiculous situations with animals. While looking at the picture, the child receives instructions with the following content: “Look carefully at this picture and say if everything here is in its place and drawn correctly. If something seems wrong to you, out of place or incorrectly drawn, then point it out and explain why it is not so. Then you will have to say how it really should be.

Note. Both parts of the instruction are executed sequentially. At first, the child simply names all the absurdities and points them out in the picture, and then explains how it really should be. The exposure time of the picture and the execution of the task is limited to three minutes. During this time, the child should notice as many ridiculous situations as possible and explain what is wrong, why it is wrong and how it really should be.

Evaluation of results

10 points - such an assessment is given to the child if, in the allotted time (3 minutes), he noticed all 7 absurdities in the picture, managed to satisfactorily explain what was wrong, and, in addition, say how it really should be.

8-9 points - the child noticed and noted all the available absurdities, but from one to three of them failed to fully explain or say how it should really be.

6-7 points - the child noticed and noted all the existing absurdities, but three or four of them did not have time to fully explain and say how it should really be.

4-5 points - the child noticed all the available absurdities, but 5-7 of them did not have time to fully explain and say how it should really be in the allotted time.

2-3 points - in the allotted time, the child did not have time to notice 1-4 out of 7 absurdities in the picture, and the matter did not come to an explanation.

0-1 point - in the allotted time, the child managed to detect less than four of the seven available absurdities.

Comment. A child can get 4 or more points in this task only if, in the allotted time, he completely completed the first part of the task, determined by the instruction, i.e. found all 7 absurdities in the picture, but did not have time to either name them or explain how it should actually be.

Conclusions about the level of development

10 points - very high.

8-9 points - high.

4-7 points - average.

2-3 points - low.

0-1 point - very low



Target: diagnostics of the concentration of attention of a younger student

Instruction: “In front of you are 25 tangled lines. You need to mentally trace with your eyes (not with your finger, not with a pen, but with your eyes) the trajectory of each line from left to right and determine where it ends. Where it ends, put down its number. Start with the first line, then move on to the second, third, etc. Only 7 minutes are given to complete the task. If you do not have time, then the remaining lines are counted as errors. Started!” Now check the list of line ends you marked in the right column with the list we give: 6, 3, 22, 23, 8, 21, 19, 16, 10, 20, 8, 11, 25, 1, 12, 4, 2 , 5, 7, 18, 15, 24, 13, 14, 17. Count the number of correct answers and evaluate according to table 4 how many points you received.


Target: diagnostics of the level of distribution of attention of a younger student

Instruction: The teacher gives students the following tasks:

a) write numbers from 1 to 20, while simultaneously counting aloud from 20 to 1. If he immediately starts to stray, he has a poor distribution of attention;

For example: "One, two, I won't go astray, four, five, I won't go astray", etc.


Count errors: maximum - 12, minimum - 0. It is generally accepted that: good distribution of attention - from 0 to 4 errors; average - from 4 to 7; below average - from 7 to 10; bad - from 10 to 13. A sample of the correct count: 1, 2, -, 4, 5, -, 7, 8, -, 10, 11, -, 14, -, 16, 17, -, 19, 20, - , 22, -, 25, 26, -, 28, 29, - (the line replaces numbers that cannot be pronounced).


Target: diagnostics of concentration and stability of attention of a younger student

Instruction: "Encode the table by arranging the characters in it according to the model."

Analysis of results:The number of errors and the time taken to complete the task are recorded.

Grade: High level of attention stability - 100% for 1 min 15 sec without errors. The average level of attention stability is 60% for 1 min 45 sec with 2 errors. Low level of attention stability - 50% for 1 min 50 sec with 5 errors. Very low level of concentration and stability of attention - 20% in 2 minutes 10 seconds with 6 errors (according to M.P. Kononova).


Purpose: diagnosis stability, concentration, volume, switching and distribution of attention of a younger student.

Description: 20 lines of letters, 20 letters each. At the signal "started" it is necessary to cross out all the letters "s" and "m" that occur. Every minute, at the “stop” signal, the student must put a vertical line at the letter at which the signal caught him. The total duration of the work is 3 minutes.

The performance is determined by the formula:

Health = number of lines x number of lines / number of errors

The more performance and less number errors, the more stable is the attention.

To study the switching of attention, you can use the same correction test, but the task for schoolchildren should be given as follows: cross out “v” and “r” on two lines, and “k” and “h” on the third line, then again cross out on two lines "v" and "p", and on the third - "k" and "h", etc.

Result evaluation:

Error percentage = 100 x number of lines mislabeled / total number of lines viewed.


Target: diagnostics of volume, distribution and switching of attention.

CONTENT. In a square with 25 cells, numbers from 1 to 40 are randomly placed. 15 numbers are missing. The subject must cross out in the number row the numbers that are not in the square. Time to work - 2 minutes. During processing, the number of correct answers is counted (pass, correction - error). Equipment: form, demonstration poster, pencils, stopwatch.

INSTRUCTION: in front of you is a square with 25 numbers and a number row of 40 numbers. You need to cross out in the number row the numbers that are not in the square in 2 minutes. Evaluation on a 9-point scale.



Target: determination of the predominant type of memory

Equipment: four rows of words written on separate cards; stopwatch. For memorization by ear: car, apple, pencil, spring, lamp, forest, rain, flower, pan, parrot.

For memorization with visual perception: airplane, pear, pen, winter, candle, field, lightning, nut, frying pan, duck.

For memorization with motor-auditory perception: steamboat, plum, ruler, summer, lampshade, river, thunder, berry, plate, goose.

For memorization with combined perception: train, cherry, notebook, autumn, floor lamp, meadow, thunderstorm, mushroom, cup, chicken.

Research order. The student is told that a series of words will be read to him, which he must try to remember and, at the command of the experimenter, write down. The first row of words is read. The interval between words when reading is 3 seconds; the student should write them down after a 10-second break after the end of reading the entire series; then rest 10 minutes. Invite the student to silently read the words of the second row, which are exposed for one minute, and write down those that he was able to remember. Rest 10 minutes. The experimenter reads the words of the third row to the student, and the subject repeats each of them in a whisper and "writes" in the air. Then write down the memorized words on a piece of paper. Rest 10 minutes. The experimenter shows the student the words of the fourth row, reads them to him. The subject repeats each word in a whisper, "writes" in the air. Then write down the memorized words on a piece of paper. Rest 10 minutes.

The predominant type of memory of the subject can be concluded by calculating the coefficient of the type of memory (C). C = , where a - 10 is the number of correctly reproduced words. The type of memory is determined by which of the rows had a greater reproduction of words. The closer the coefficient of the memory type is to one, the better developed the given type of memory is in the subject.


Target: determining the amount of memory

The child is invited to repeat a few numbers as he heard (direct order).

For example: 13; 4 8 3; 5 7 4 9; 1 6 4 8 6; 2 4 6 3 9 4; 9 4 7 2 5 6 2.

■ Teach your child to listen carefully and try to remember the numbers. Then the task becomes more difficult. The child must repeat the numbers in reverse order. For example: 8 3, the child repeats: 3 8. Number row: 6 2; 1 7 3; 5 2 6 1; 8 2 5 1 9; 3 7 6 1 5 8; 4 6 8 3 7 2 5.

Result The child will show a good level of memory development if he calls:

■ 5-6 digits in direct repetition,

■ 4-5 digits in reverse repetition


Target: study of the features of semantic (logical) memory

Stimulus material- printed short stories accessible in content, in which semantic units are pre-allocated for qualitative and quantitative assessment. Stories for children by L.N. can be used. Tolstoy.

Instruction: "You will be read short story, it contains a number of semantic units (fragments of content), all of them in some logical connection. Listen carefully to the story and then write down the main content for three minutes. Sentences can be shortened while maintaining their meaning. You can't ask questions while you're at work.

Bad watchman.

From one / hostess / mouse / ate / in the cellar / fat /. Then she/ locked/ in the cellar/ the cat/. And the cat / ate / both fat / and meat /, and also drank / milk /".

Evaluation of results:4 points - the child reproduced from memory 80% of the information and more. 3 points - the child reproduced 55-80% of the information from memory 2 points - the child reproduced 30-55% of the information from memory 1 point - the child reproduced 0-30% of the information from memory, or did not make contact, did not understand the instruction, did not accept the task I couldn't organize myself.


Target: to investigate the level of formation of the logical memory of a younger student

You can use the following methodical technique: Read to students three words combined in meaning, while paying special attention to the logical connection that exists between the words.

For research, you can use the following words:

Hunter - bear - lair

Spring - sun - stream

River - fisherman - ear

Holiday - song - fun

City - streets - houses

Hospital - doctor - patients, etc.

Of these tasks, children can be offered any six. After reading six lines aloud, the teacher then offers the student a card on which the first word of each triple is written.

On the basis of the conducted research, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the peculiarities of students' memory, to outline ways that contribute to better memorization, preservation and reproduction of educational material by students.


Target: study of the level of visual memory of a junior schoolchild.

You can use one of the following stitches with letters, signs or geometric shapes:Line presentation time - 5 sec.

INSTRUCTION: you need to look through a series of 10 numbers (10 letters, 10 characters), try to remember them as best as possible. Then it is necessary to reproduce the presented letters, numbers, signs from memory, be sure to keep the order.

DATA PROCESSING:it is considered correct only if the sign under its name is correctly named serial number. A score of 5 or more is considered good.



Target: the study of the ability to generalize.

Equipment: sheet with twelve rows of words like: 1. Lamp, lantern, sun, candle. 2. Boots, boots, laces, felt boots.3. Dog, horse, cow, elk. 4. Table, chair, floor, bed. 5. Sweet, bitter, sour, hot. 6. Glasses, eyes, nose, ears. 7. Tractor, harvester, car, sled. 8. Moscow, Kyiv, Volga, Minsk. 9. Noise, whistle, thunder, hail. 10. Soup, jelly, saucepan, potatoes. 11. Birch, pine, oak, rose. 12. Apricot, peach, tomato, orange.

Research order.The student needs to find in each row of words one that does not fit, is superfluous, and explain why.

Processing and analysis of results.1. Determine the number of correct answers (highlighting an extra word). 2. Determine how many rows are summarized using two generic concepts (an extra "pan" is dishes, and the rest is food). 3. Find out how many series are generalized using one generic concept. 4. Determine what mistakes were made, especially in terms of using non-essential properties (colors, sizes, etc.) to generalize.

The key to evaluating results.High level - 7-12 rows summarized with generic concepts; good - 5-6 rows with two, and the rest with one; medium - 7-12 rows with one generic concept; low - 1-6 rows with one generic concept.


Target: identifying the level of awareness, identifying essential features, the formation of generalizing concepts

(aimed at identifying awareness, identifying essential features)

The boot always has...∙ lace, buckle, sole, straps, buttons

Living in warm places...∙ bear, deer, wolf, camel, penguin

In the year… ∙ 24 months, 3 months, 12 months, 4 months, 7 months

Month of winter… ∙ September, October, February, November, March

Doesn't live in our country...∙ nightingale, ostrich, stork, titmouse, starling

The father is older than his son...∙ often, always, never, rarely, sometimes

Time of day… ∙ year, month, week, day, monday

(aimed at the formation of generalizing concepts)

∙ Perch, crucian…

∙ Broom, shovel…

∙ Summer, winter…

Cucumber tomato…

Lilac, hazel ...


Target: diagnostics of visually effective thinking

Her task is to quickly and accurately cut out of paper the figures drawn on it in Fig. 8 in the six squares into which it is divided, various figures are depicted. This drawing during testing is offered to the child not as a whole, but in separate squares. To do this, the experimenter first cuts it into six squares. The child in turn receives all six squares with drawings (the order of their presentation is marked with numbers on the drawings themselves), scissors and the task of cutting all these figures as quickly and accurately as possible. (The first of the squares is simply cut in half with scissors along the horizontal line drawn in it.)

Evaluation of resultsIn the course of evaluating the results obtained, this method takes into account the time and accuracy of the child's performance of the task 10 points - all the figures are cut out by the child in no more than 3 minutes, and the contours of the cut out figures differ by no more than 1 mm from the given samples. 8-9 points - all the figures are cut out by the child in 3 to 4 minutes, and their contours differ from the originals by 1 mm to 2 mm 6-7 points - all the figures are cut out by the child in 4 to 5 minutes, and their the contours differ from the originals by 2-3 mm. 4-5 points - all the figures were cut out by the child in 5 to 6 minutes, and their contours differ from the originals by 3-4 mm. 2-3 points - all the figures were cut out by the child in 6 to 7 minutes, and their contours differ from the originals by 4-5 mm 0-1 point - the child did not cope with the task in 7 minutes, and the figures cut by him differ from the originals than 5 mm. Conclusions about the level of development 10 points - very high. 8-9 points - high. 4-7 points - average. 2-3 points - low. 0-1 point - very low.


Target: study of the peculiarities of thinking

Two sets of cards were used as experimental material. Proverbs were written on the cards of one set, and phrases were written on the cards of the other. Some of these phrases had nothing to do with proverbs, but they included the words mentioned in the proverbs, while some of the phrases revealed the meaning of the proverbs presented to the child.


Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Feet feed the wolf.

Seven times measure cut once.

The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch it.

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.

Evil does not believe that there are good people.

Know how to make a mistake, know how to get better.

Teaching is light, and ignorance is darkness.


A case is judged by its results.

Chicks grow up in autumn.

one good book more useful to read than seven bad ones.

To make a job better, you need to think about it well.

An evil person does not love a good one.

The error must be corrected.

If you are wrong, then a friend will always prove to you that you are wrong.

Teaching is given more easily during daylight hours.

Idleness makes the day longer.

Before you say something, think. You can't take your word back.

The wolf catches up with his prey, he never sits in ambush.

Cards with phrases and proverbs are laid out in disorder in front of the subject. It is suggested that you read them carefully. After that, the experimenter takes cards with proverbs and presents them one by one to the subject, requiring after each presentation of the proverb to find a phrase that is suitable in meaning in the set available to the child.

The experimenter notes the level in the protocol: “good”, “medium”, “low”.


Target: study of speech creativity

The test is designed for children 7-8 years old who can write and are familiar with the concept of related, cognate words.

Task completion time:task number 1 - 5 minutestask number 2 - 5 minutestask number 3 - 5 minutestask number 4 - 20 minutes

The total test run time is 35 minutes. Conducted with a group of children. Children are offered the following tasks:

Task number 1 . Write down as many words as possible in 5 minutes so that the next word begins with the last letter of the previous one. Continue vocabulary: Address, salute, tulip…….

Task number 2. Compose and write as many words as possible from the letters of the word Pilka (orientation, grouping, plumbing, etc.)

Task number 3. Pick up and write as many words as possible related to the word snow (forest, cloud, rain, table, chair, etc.)

Task number 4. Compose and write the end of the tale: “Once upon a time there was a doctor in the countryside. He had a house, but he didn't have a dog. Once he went on a call to the patient, and instead of a dog he left an inkwell. And just then a thief decided to get into his house ... .. "EVALUATION OF THE RESULTS OF TEST TASKS:In the first, second and third tasks, the number of correctly spelled words is counted. For example, in the second task, it is necessary to ensure that the letters from the word saw are not used twice in one word and that the children make up real-life words. In the fourth task, the child's answer is evaluated on a five-point scale. 1 point - the child refused to complete the task. 2 points - not a single whole sentence was written. Written is a set of phrases or individual words. 3 points - written at least one whole, complete sentence. 4 points - written at least two complete sentences. The sentences are connected by logic and a single idea. 5 points - the fairy tale written by the child has an end. The idea of ​​the work is clearly expressed, the culmination and conclusion can be distinguished. We add up the number of words in the first three tasks and the score for the fourth task and get the total score for the test. You can determine its value from the following table:



Target: allows you to get information about the corresponding cognitive process, namely the definition of concepts (in this case, in contrast to the study of thinking, attention is paid to the possession of a word in the expression of thought, and not to the thought itself)

In this technique, the child is offered the following sets of words:

Bicycle, nail, newspaper, umbrella, fur, hero, swing, connect, bite, sharp.

Plane, button, book, raincoat, feathers, friend, move, unite, beat, dumb.

Car, screw, magazine, boots, scales, coward, run, tie, pinch, prickly.

Bus, paper clip, letter, hat, fluff, sneak, twirl, insert, push, cut.

Motorcycle, clothespin, poster, boots, skin, enemy, stumble, collect, hit, rough.

Before starting the diagnosis, the child is offered the following instructions:

“There are several different sets of words in front of you. Imagine that you meet a person who does not know the meaning of any of these words. You should try to explain to this person what each word means, for example "bike". How would you explain it?

Next, the child is asked to give definitions for a sequence of words chosen at random from five proposed sets, for example, this: car, nail, newspaper, umbrella, scales, hero, tie, pinch, rough, spin. For every right this definition words the child gets 1 point. You have 30 seconds to define each word. If during this time the child could not give a definition of the proposed word, then the experimenter leaves it and reads out the next word in order.


2. Before the child tries to define a word, it is necessary to make sure that he understands it. This can be done with the following question: “Do you know this word?” or “Do you understand the meaning of this word?” If an affirmative answer is received from the child, then after that the experimenter invites the child to independently define this word and notes the time allotted for this.

3. If the definition of the word proposed by the child turned out to be not quite accurate, then for this definition the child receives an intermediate mark - 0.5 points. With a completely inaccurate definition - 0 points.

Evaluation of results.The maximum number of points that a child can receive for completing this task is 10, the minimum is 0. As a result of the experiment, the sum of the points received by the child for determining all 10 words from the selected set is calculated. When repeating the psychodiagnostics of the same child using this technique, it is recommended to use different sets of words, since previously these definitions can be memorized and then reproduced from memory.

Conclusions about the level of development:


Target: assessment of the speech of younger students

The student is asked to write a story based on the picture. The picture shows a household plot.

Evaluation of the result.Good level - the child speaks in full sentences, uses epithets in his speech, he has a good vocabulary. When describing a picture, different parts of speech are used.

Intermediate level - the student composes a sentence slowly, hardly selects the right word, but in general the picture is described.

Low level - the child does not compose sentences well, he has a small vocabulary.


Target: assess the level of coherence of oral speech

Instruction: “Listen carefully to the story. Try to remember its name. First I will tell you this story, and then you will try to tell it to Buratino.

Text example: Two goats Two stubborn goats met on a narrow log thrown across a stream. It was impossible for two to cross the stream; it was necessary for someone to go back, give another way and wait.

Make way for me, said one goat.

Here's another! I was the first to get on the bridge.

Then both of them collided with strong foreheads, grappled with horns and began to fight. But the log was wet: both stubborn people slipped and fell right into the water.

(According to K.D. Ushinsky)


3 points - I remember the name of the story, the retelling is complete, logical;

2 points - did not remember the name of the story; paraphrased, making mistakes, and / or the paraphrase is incomplete;

1 point - did not retell independently, answered auxiliary questions of the speech therapist;

0 points - could not answer the speech therapist's questions.


Target: diagnostics of oral speech of a younger student

I. Sensorimotor level of speech.

1. Phonemic perception: -Repeat the syllables after me as accurately as possible. BA-PA PA-BA SA-SHA SHA-SA SHA-ZHA-SHA-ZHA-SHA-ZHA CA-SA-CA-SA-CA-SA RA-LA-RA-LA-RA-LA

2. Articulatory motility: -Look carefully and repeat the movements after me. * lips in a smile * "shovel" * "needle" * "pendulum" * "smile-tube"

3. Sound pronunciation. -Repeat after me. * dog-mask-nose * hay-cornflower-height * castle-goat * winter-shop * heron-sheep-finger * fur coat-cat-reed * beetle-knives * pike-things-bream * seagull-glasses-night * fish -cow-ax * river-jam-door * lamp-milk-floor * summer-wheel-salt

4. Sound-syllable structure of the word: -Repeat after me. * tanker * astronaut * frying pan * scuba diver * thermometer

II. The grammatical structure of speech.

1. Repeat the sentence. * The bird made a nest. *There are many red apples in the garden. *Children rolled snowballs and made a snowman. * Petya said that he would not go for a walk because it was cold. * On a green meadow, which was across the river, horses grazed.

2.Verification of proposals. -I will name the sentences, and if there are mistakes in some of them, try to correct them. * The dog went into the booth. * A ship is sailing on the sea. *The house is drawn by a boy. *Above big tree there was a deep hole.

3. Compilation of sentences from the words presented in the initial form: * boy, open, door * sit, titmouse, on, branch * pear, grandmother, granddaughter, give * Vitya, mow, grass, rabbits, for * Petya, buy, ball , red, mom

4. Adding prepositions to the sentence. -Now I will read the sentence, and you try to insert the word that is missing in it. * Lena pours tea ... cups. * The buds have blossomed ... trees. * The chick fell out ... of the nest * The puppy hid ... on the porch * The dog sits ... in the kennel.

5. Formation of the noun. in I.p .: -one-house, and if there are many of them, then this is-houses. * one-table, but a lot is ... * chair- * window- * star- * ear- - one-house, but a lot of things? - Houses. * one-table, but a lot of things? .... * chair- ... * window- * star-. ear- ...

III. Vocabulary and word formation skills-The cat has kittens, and the goat has ... * wolf - * ducks - * foxes - * lion - * dogs - * chickens - * pigs - * cows - * sheep -

Formation of adjectives from nouns A) relative: -doll made of paper-paper. * straw hat - * cranberry jelly * ice slide * carrot salad * cherry jam - * mushroom soup * apple jam - * oak leaf - * plum jam - * aspen leaf - B) quality: -If hot day, then the day is hot, and if ... * frost - ... ... * sun - .... * snow - ... * wind - ... * rain - ... C) possessive: - The dog has a dog's paw, and .... *cats-…. *wolf-… *lion-… *bear-… *fox-…

IV. Connected speech.

1. Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures "Bobik". (4-5 pictures). -Look at these pictures, try to arrange them in order and make up a story. A) semantic integrity: B) lexical and grammatical design: C) independence of the task:

2. Retelling the text you listened to. -Now I will read you a short story, listen carefully, memorize and get ready to retell it. "Peas" There were peas in one pod. A week has passed. The pod opened up. Peas merrily rolled into the boy's palm. The boy loaded a gun with peas and fired. Three peas flew onto the roof. Pigeons pecked them there. One pea rolled into the ditch. One sprouted. Soon it turned green and became a curly bush of peas. (the story is presented no more than 2 times) A) semantic integrity: B) lexical and grammatical design: C) self-fulfillment:

Results: IV level of success - 100-80% (120-96 points) - normal course of speech and intellectual development. Level III -79.9-65% (95-78 points) - non-severe speech defect, mental retardation, non-rough onr Level III, elements of onr. Level II - 64.9-45% (77-54 points) - pronounced underdevelopment of speech , insufficiency cognitive activity. Level I - 44.95 and below (53 and below) - gross underdevelopment of all aspects of speech, motor alalia or a complex defect that combines mental retardation and severe speech pathology



Target: diagnostics of the imagination of a younger student

Stimulus material can be any plot picture that is bright enough and has a clear content.

Instruction: Look at the picture. Come up with a name for her. The more names you come up with, the better.

Conduct: Children are shown a plot picture and given time (2-3 minutes) to look at it carefully, after which they are presented with instructions.


Target: determine the level of formation of the imagination of a younger student

Instruction: Children are given individual words. For example: a) book, girl, sofa, cat; b) soap, clothes, comb, umbrella, rain, school. You need to make a coherent story using these words.

Evaluation of results:

Thinking speedstories are evaluated: 2 points - if the child managed to come up with a story for no more than 30 seconds; 1 point - if it took from 30 seconds to 1 minute to come up with a story; 0 points - if in 1 minute the child could not think of anything.

Unusualness, originality of the plotevaluated: 2 points - if the plot of the story is completely invented by the child himself, original; 1 point - if the child brings something new from himself to what he has seen or heard; 0 points - if the child is just mechanically retelling something that he has ever seen

Emotionality of imagesin a story it is evaluated as follows: 2 points - if the story itself and its transmission by the narrator are emotional enough; 1 point - if the narrator's emotions are weakly expressed and the listeners react weakly emotionally to the story; 0 points - if the images of the story do not make any impression on the listener.

Conclusions about the level of development6 points - high; 4-5 points - average; 2-3 points - low; 0-2 point - very low


Target: the study of the originality of solving problems on the imagination.

Equipment: a set of twenty cards with figures drawn on them: an outline image of parts of objects, for example, a trunk with one branch, a circle-head with two ears, etc., simple geometric figures(circle, square, triangle, etc.), colored pencils, paper.

Research order. The student needs to finish each of their figures so that a beautiful picture is obtained.

Processing and analysis of results. A quantitative assessment of the degree of originality is made by counting the number of images that were not repeated in the child and were not repeated in any of the children in the group. The same drawings are those in which different reference figures turned into the same element of the drawing. The calculated coefficient of originality is correlated with one of the six types of problem solving on the imagination. Null type. It is characterized by the fact that the child has not yet accepted the task of building an image of the imagination using a given element. He does not finish drawing it, but draws something of his own side by side (free fantasy). Type 1 - the child draws a figure on the card so that an image of a separate object (tree) is obtained, but the image is contour, schematic, devoid of details. Type 2 - a separate object is also depicted, but with various details. Type 3 - depicting a separate object, the child already includes it in some imaginary plot (not just a girl, but a girl doing exercises). Type 4 - the child depicts several objects according to an imaginary plot (a girl walks with a dog). Type 5 - a given figure is used in a qualitatively new way. If in types 1-4 it acts as the main part of the picture that the child drew (a circle-head), now the figure is included as one of the secondary elements for creating an image of the imagination (the triangle is no longer a roof, but a pencil lead with which the boy draws a picture)


Target: determine the level of imagination of a younger student

The child receives the task in 5 minutes to come up with some kind of game and tell in detail about it, answering the following questions of the experimenter: 1) What is the name of the game? 2) What is it? 3) How many people do you need to play? 4) What roles do the participants get in the game? 5) How will the game be played? 6) What are the rules of the game? 7) How will the game end? 8) How will the results of the game and the success of individual participants be evaluated?

Evaluation of resultsIn the child's answers, it is not speech that should be evaluated, but the content of the invented game. Therefore, the child needs to be helped by asking leading questions, but not suggesting answers.

Criteria for evaluation 1) originality and novelty, 2) thoughtfulness of the conditions, 3) the presence of various roles, 4) the presence of rules, 5) the accuracy of the criteria for assessing the success of the game. For each of these criteria, a child can get from 0 to 2 points. 0 points - the complete absence of a certain feature, 1 point - the presence, but a weak expression of this sign in the game, 2 points - a distinct expression of the corresponding sign in the game.

Conclusions about the level of development10 baals - very high; 8-9 points - high; 4-7 points - average; 2-3 points - low; 0-1 point - very low.


Target: determine the level of development of the imagination of a younger student

Instruction: The child is given a sheet of paper, a set of felt-tip pens or colored pencils and is offered to draw whatever he wants. You have 4-5 minutes to complete the task.

The quality of the drawing is evaluated according to the following criteria:10 points - in the allotted time, the child came up with and drew something unusual, indicating an extraordinary fantasy, rich imagination. The details and images of the drawing are carefully worked out. 8-9 points - the child came up with and drew something quite original, colorful, emotional. The details of the drawing are well done. 5-7 points - the child came up with and drew something that is not new, but carries an element of creative imagination. The drawing has a certain emotional impression on the audience. 3-4 points - the child drew something very simple, unoriginal. Fantasy is barely visible. The details are not very well worked out. 0-2 points - in the allotted time the child did not manage to draw anything or drew only separate strokes and lines.

Conclusions about the level of development10 points - very high; 8-9 points - high; 5-7 points - average; 3-4 points - low; 0-2 points - very low.



Target: determine the level of formation of self-regulation of a younger student

The subject is asked to:“This sheet gives an example of writing sticks: |--||--|||--| etc. Continue writing sticks, observing the following rules:

Write sticks and dashes in the same sequence;

Correctly transfer them from one line to another;

Don't write in the margins;

Write not in every line, but through one.

The time to complete the task is 5 minutes.

The analysis is carried out according to the following criteria:

5 points - the child perceives the task completely and retains it in all components until the end of the lesson; works without being distracted, at approximately the same pace throughout the entire time; if he makes mistakes, he finds them himself and corrects them; does not rush to turn in the work after the signal, strives to check it, does everything possible to ensure that the work is done correctly and accurately.

4 points - in the course of work, the student makes a few mistakes, but does not notice and does not eliminate them; he does not care about the quality of work, its design, although there is a desire to get a good result.

3 points - the child perceives only part of the task, but he cannot keep it to the end in full; gradually (after about 2-3 minutes) the system of signs is broken, mistakes are made, he does not notice them, does not show a desire to improve the quality of work; indifferent to the result of the work.

2 points - the child perceives only a small part of the task, but immediately loses it and writes sticks and lines in random order; he does not notice and does not correct mistakes, he is indifferent to the quality of work.

1 point - the child does not perceive the tasks and writes (or draws) something of his own on his sheet or does nothing.


Target: determine the presence of school anxiety in a younger student

“Now you will invent stories from pictures. Images 1 I don't have the usual ones. Look, they don't have faces. All - both adults and children are drawn without faces (picture No. 1 is presented). This was done on purpose, in order to make it more interesting to invent. I will show you pictures, there are only 12 of them, and you will have to figure out what the mood of the boy (girl) in each picture is and why he is in such a mood. You know that the mood is reflected in our face. When we are in a good mood, our faces are cheerful, joyful, happy, and when we are in a bad mood, we are sad, sad. I will show you a picture, and you will tell me what kind of face the boy (girl) has - cheerful, sad, or something else and explain why he has such a face.

Completion of the task in picture 1 is considered as training. In the course of it, you can repeat the instruction, ensuring that the child learns it.

Then pictures 2-12 are presented sequentially. [Before each presentation, the question is repeated: What is the girl's (boy's) face? Why does he have such a face?

All children's responses are recorded.


Responses to 10 drawings (2-11) are evaluated. Figure 1 - training. Figure 12 performs a "buffer" function and is intended for the child to complete 1 task with a positive answer. At the same time, attention should be paid to rare cases (according to our data, no more than 5--7%), when a child gives a negative answer to card 12. Such cases require additional analysis and should be considered separately.

The general level of anxiety is calculated from the "unfavorable" responses of the subjects, characterizing the mood of the child in the picture as sad, sad, angry, boring. Anxious can be considered a child who gave 7 or more of these answers out of 10.


Target: determine the level of mobilization of the will of a younger student

The student is instructed to:"Here's the album. It has pictures and circles. You need to carefully look at each circle in turn: first at the bottom, then at the top. And so on every page. You can’t look at the pictures ”(the last word is emphasized intonation). The correctness of the task is fixed by the teacher in the direction of the subject's gaze.

Performance analysis is carried out according to the following criteria:

10 points is the highest score. It is set if the student was not distracted by the pictures when completing all the tasks. Failure to meet the conditions for each task reduces the score by 1 point.

High level - 9-10 points.

The average level is 6-8 points.

Very low level - 1-2 points.


Target:identify features of emotional development, the presence of anxiety and aggressiveness.

Stimulus material:a set of cards of 8 colors: gray (0), dark blue (1), blue-green (2), orange-red (3), light yellow (4), purple (5), brown (6) and black (7).

Test method:The child is invited to choose from the proposed series of color cards the most pleasant color for him at the moment, then the most pleasant of the remaining ones - and so on until the last card. The selected cards are turned over by the teacher. The teacher records in the protocol all the cards chosen by the child in positions from 1 to 8. This test is carried out 2 times with an interval of 2-3 minutes. The characteristic of colors (according to Max Luscher) includes 4 primary and 4 additional colors.

Primary colors:

  1. blue - symbolizes calmness, contentment;
  2. blue-green - a sense of confidence, perseverance, sometimes stubbornness;
  3. orange-red - symbolizes the strength of willpower, offensive tendencies, excitement;
  4. light yellow - activity, desire for communication, expansiveness, gaiety.

In the absence of conflict in the optimal state, the primary colors should occupy predominantly the first five positions.

Additional colors:

  1. violet;
  2. brown;
  3. black;
  4. grey.

They symbolize negative tendencies: anxiety, stress, fear, grief. The meaning of these colors (as well as the main ones) is determined to the greatest extent by their mutual arrangement, distribution by positions.

The first choice in the Luscher test characterizes the desired state, the second - the actual one. The performance of the test was evaluated in points when comparing both choices of the child:

1 - Primary colors occupy the first 5 positions. There is no personal conflict and negative manifestations of emotional states.

0.5 - Primary colors occupy mainly the first positions (1,2,3), additional colors are raised to 4, 5 positions. At the same time, the primary colors do not occupy a position further than 7. Anxiety, low degree stress are observed.

0 - Primary colors occupy predominantly positions from 5 - 8. Additional colors are raised to positions from 1 - 5. Strong anxiety and stress, high degree of aggression are observed.

5. "Emotional identification" (E.I. Izotova)

Target:To reveal the features of identification of emotions of various modalities in children of primary school age, individual features of emotional development. To reveal the possibilities of children in reproducing the main emotional states and their verbalization.

Stimulus material:pictograms (schematic depiction of emotions of various modalities), photographs of faces of adults and children with different emotional expressions.

Test method:children were shown images of people's faces, the task of the children was to determine their mood and name the emotion. It was proposed to define such emotions as joy, sadness, anger, fear, contempt, disgust, surprise, shame, interest, calmness.

At first, the children were offered images (photographs) by which it was easy to recognize emotional states, then schematic (pictograms) images of emotional states. The children were asked to correlate the schematic depiction of emotions with the photographic one. After the children named and correlated emotions, the teacher offered each child to depict different emotional states on his face.

The perception of expressive signs (mimic), understanding of emotional content, identification of emotions, verbalization of emotions, reproduction of emotions (expressiveness and arbitrariness), actualization of emotional experience and emotional representations, individual emotional characteristics were assessed. The types of pedagogical assistance that the child needed were also evaluated: indicative (o), meaningful (s), subject-effective (n-d).

All data were recorded in the protocol and evaluated in points.

1 - High level of development of the emotional sphere. The child correctly named all emotional states, was able to correlate pictograms with photographic images. Depicted various emotional states. The child did not need help.

0.5 - The average level of development of the emotional sphere. The child needed meaningful help. The child was able to identify 4-6 emotions, correctly named these emotions and was able to depict them expressively.

0 - Low level of development of the emotional sphere. Two types of assistance were required: substantive and substantive-effective. The child was able to correctly identify, correlate and reproduce up to 4 emotional states.



Target:The technique is designed to assess the attractiveness for the student of the class team


  • “a” - 5 points,
  • “b” - 4 points,
  • "c" - 3 points,
  • "g" - 2 points,
  • "d" - 1 point,
  • “e” - 0 points.

Questionnaire for assessing the attractiveness of the class team

1. How would you rate your belonging to the class?

a) I feel like a member of the class, part of the team;

b) Participate in most activities;

c) I participate in some activities and do not participate in others;

d) I do not feel that I am a member of the team;

e) I study without communicating with other children in the class;

e) I don’t know, I find it difficult to answer.

2. Would you transfer to another class if the opportunity presented itself?

a) Yes, I would very much like to go;

b) Would rather have moved than stayed;

c) I don't see any difference;

d) Most likely, would have remained in his class;

e) I would very much like to stay in my class;

f) I don't know, it's hard to say.

3. What is the relationship between students in your class?

e) Worse than in any class;

e) I don't know.

4. What is the relationship between students and the teacher (class teacher)?

a) Better than any other class;

b) Better than in most classes;

c) Approximately the same as most classes;

d) Worse than in most classes;

e) Worse than in any class;

e) I don't know.

5. What is the attitude of students towards learning in the classroom?

a) Better than any other class;

b) Better than in most classes;

c) Approximately the same as in most classes;

d) Worse than in most classes;

e) Worse than in any class;

e) I don't know.

Processing of results.

All points received by the child for each answer are summed up and interpreted as follows:

  • 25-18 points- a cool team is very attractive for a child. The atmosphere inside the class is completely satisfying for the child. He values ​​​​the relationship with the rest of the children of the team.
  • 17-12 points- the child is well adapted in the class team. The atmosphere of relationships is comfortable and favorable for him. The class team is valuable for the child.
  • 11-6 points- the child's neutral attitude towards the team indicates the presence of certain favorable areas of relationships that uncomfortablely affect the student's sense of his own position in the class. There is a clear desire to either move away from the team, or change their attitude in it.
  • 5 points or less- Negative attitude towards the class. Dissatisfaction with their position and role in it. Possible disadaptation in its structure.


Target:identify likes and dislikes for team members

Stimulus material:two small standard houses are drawn on a piece of paper. One of them, which is larger, is red, and the other is black. As a rule, this drawing is not prepared in advance, but is done in front of the child with a black and red pencil.

Children are given the following instructions:“Look at these houses. Imagine that the red house belongs to you and you can invite everyone you want to your place. Think about which of the guys in your group you would invite to your red house. The guys who you don’t like at all will live in the black house.

Interpretation of resultsThis test is quite simple: the child's likes and dislikes are directly related to the placement of peers in the red and black houses. Particular attention here should be paid to those children who send the bulk of their peers to a black house, remaining alone or surrounding themselves with adults. These are, as a rule, either very closed, uncommunicative children, or very conflicted children, who managed to quarrel with almost everyone.



Students are encouraged to determine their attitude towards classmates,continue with the following sentences:
1. The closest person in the class to me is ...
2. The guys with whom I like to spend my free time from school are ...
3. The guys I would like to hang out with are…
4. The guys I don't hang out with are…
5. The guys with whom I have to communicate out of necessity are ...
6. Guys whose interests are alien to me are ...
7. Guys I hate are...
8. The guys I avoid are…


Target:assess the relationship of students with each other and with the class teacher

Students in the class are invited to act as "photographers" and take a picture of their class. To do this, each student in the class receives a sheet of paper on which he must place all students and class teacher like in a group photo. Each "photo" the student must sign the names of their classmates. Among classmates, he must place his photo and the photo of the class teacher. Analyzing the received photographs, I pay attention to where in the photograph the student places himself, his friends, his classmates and the class teacher, with what mood he does this work.


Target:studying the relationship of students in a team and identifying leaders in the class.

Each student receives a list of the entire class and completes the following tasks.Exercise 1.You have money, the amount of which allows you to buy gifts for only three classmates. Mark who you would like to give a gift to.Task 2.It's been ten years since I graduated from high school. You only got the opportunity to meet three former classmates. Who would you like to meet? Write down their names.Task 3.You won the election, and you have the opportunity to form your own team to work from former classmates. There should be no more than three. Who do you prefer?

BBC 88.835.1

Tikhomirova L. F. Development of cognitive abilities of children.

A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. - 192 p., ill.

The development of cognitive, or intellectual, abilities of the child should be the constant concern of parents, educators, teachers.

The book contains games, tasks, exercises that allow you to successfully develop such cognitive processes in children as perception, memory, attention, which is necessary for their preparation for school and further successful learning and intellectual development.

I8ВN 5-7797-0004-4 © design, "Academy of Development", 1996 © Tikhomirova L. F. „ 1996 © Artists Dusiv M., Kurov V., 1996

I. The development of cognitive processes in preschool children .............................. 5

1. Perception ............................................... ................................................. ........................... 7

Features of perception of preschool children …………………………………. . 8

Games and exercises for the development of perception in preschool children .............................. 10

Diagnosis of the level of perception in preschool children .......................................................... 26

2. Memory ............................................... ................................................. ............................... 34

Features of the memory of preschool children ……………………………………… .. 36

Games, exercises, tasks that contribute to the development of memory in preschool children. age........ 38

Diagnosis of memory in preschool children. ……………………………………... 57

3. Attention ............................................... ................................................. .............................. 64

Features of attention in preschool children ………………………………………. 65

Games and exercises aimed at developing attention in preschool children. Age........... 67

Diagnosis of the level of attention of preschool children ……………………………….81

Conclusion to Part I .............................................................. ................................................. ................ 86

Application................................................. ................................................. ............................. 93

II. The development of cognitive processes in children of primary school. age ........... 119

1. Perception ............................................... ................................................. ........................... 121

Peculiarities of perception of children of primary school age .............................................. 121

Exercises for the development of perception in children of primary school age .............................. 124

Game training for the development of perception and observation among students. junior Cl. ..... 138

Diagnosis of perception in children of primary school age .............................................. 147

2. Memory ............................................... ................................................. ................................. 154

Features of the memory of children of primary school age…………………………………… 154 Tasks and exercises for the development of memory of primary schoolchildren ............................... ............... 158

Game training for the development of memory in primary school students.................................................................. 163

Diagnostics of the memory of younger schoolchildren .............................................. ................................. 172

3. Attention ............................................... ................................................. ............................... 182

Features of the attention of children of primary school age ……………………………….182 Games and exercises for developing the attention of children of primary school age .................. 185

Game training for the development of attention of younger students .............................................. 185

Methods for diagnosing the characteristics of the attention of younger students .................................................... 200

Conclusion to Part II .................................................. ................................................. .............. 209

Application................................................. ................................................. ............................... 211

The previous book, The Development of Children's Logical Thinking, was devoted to the formation of such an important process human consciousness, or psyche, as thinking in children of preschool and primary school age. In this book, we talk about the development of such mental processes as perception, attention, memory, without which it is also impossible to successfully teach a child at school. The chapters of the book contain detailed information about what perception, attention, memory are, what are the features of these mental processes in children of preschool and primary school age, how to assess the level of formation of cognitive abilities in children and what games, activities, exercises can be used to develop them.

All tasks, exercises, games are arranged in such a way that their degree of complexity increases. Therefore, we recommend that parents, teachers involved with children, adhere to a certain sequence when conducting classes.

We remind you that the duration of classes with preschool children should not exceed 20 minutes, the duration of classes with students of the first grade - 30 minutes, the second-fourth grades - 40 minutes.




The basis of perception is the work of our senses. Perception is the main cognitive process of sensory reflection of reality, its objects and phenomena. their direct action on the senses. It is the basis of thinking and practical activity of both an adult and a child, the basis of a person's orientation in the world around him, in society. Based on the perception of a person by a person, relations between people are built.

There are two main substructures in the structure of perception: types of perception and properties of perception.

Types of perception: simple, complex, and special. Special types include the perception of space, time, movement. To more simple species perception of the size, shape of objects, their colors.

Perception properties: volume, integrity, structure, meaningfulness.

Development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers


Perception should be seen as an intellectual process. It is based on an active search for features necessary to form the image of an object.

The sequence of this process can be represented as follows:

A) selection of a specific group of signals from the information flow and the conclusion that these signals refer to one subject;

b) search in memory for a complex of signs close in composition of sensations, then comparing the perceived object with it;

V) subsequent search for additional features of the object, which will confirm the correctness of the result of perception or refute the decision.

Features of the perception of preschool children

The perception of a preschool child is involuntary. Children do not know how to control their perception, they cannot analyze this or that object on their own. In objects, preschoolers notice not the main features, not the most important and essential, but what clearly distinguishes their against the background of other objects: color, size, shape.

The process of development of children's perception at preschool age was studied in detail by L. A. Wenger. In the age period from 3 to 7 years, the child develops the ability to mentally

dismember visible objects into parts, and then combine them into a single whole. A preschool child learns, in addition to the contour, to distinguish the structure of objects, their spatial features and the ratio of parts.

The best results in the development of perception in a preschool child are obtained only when the child is offered for comparison standards that affect the senses (sensory standards). It is with such material standards that the child must learn to compare the perceived object in the process of working with it. Such sensory standards in the perception of form are geometric figures, in the perception of color - the spectral range of colors, etc. Working with standards - the first stage of perception.

IN preschool age children get acquainted with the spatial properties of objects with the help of the eye and orienting-exploratory movements of the hands. Practical actions with perceived objects lead to a restructuring of the process of perception and represent second phase development of this cognitive ability.

At the third stage the external perception of an object turns into a mental one. The development of perception enables preschool children to recognize the properties of objects, to distinguish one object from another, to find out the connections and relationships existing between them.

The tasks, exercises, games we offer will help develop the child's perception, make it more accurate, substantive, structural, and holistic. And this is simply necessary for the development of the intellectual and artistic and creative abilities of each child.

10 Development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers

Games and exercises for the development of perception in preschool children


The proposed game teaches to compare objects with each other, is intended for the development of perception in children of 4-6 years of age.

To play the game, you need to put various small items in a linen bag: buttons of various sizes, a thimble, a reel, a cube, a ball, a candy, a pen, an eraser, etc.


share by touch what these things are. If several children participate in the game, then one child should be asked to describe each object, feeling it, and the second (if there are several children, then all the others) to guess, name and draw the thing according to the proposed description.

A game"Assemble the pyramid" For the development of the perception of a child of 3-5 years of age. The game requires two identical pyramids. One pyramid is intended for the work of a child, and the second will act as a standard.

exercise 1: Ask the child to assemble a gradually tapering pyramid according to the finished standard.


task 2: Organize complex construction according to the standard, that is, the assembly of an irregular pyramid, a tower of an unusual configuration.

Game "DO IT"

For the development of perception of children 4-6 years old, the following tasks can be offered:

a) according to the model, build the same structure from cubes:

b) draw patterns according to the model:

You can repeat the exercises with more complicated figures from cubes, with more complex Patterns.

The white sheet game

It is aimed at developing the perception of the shape of objects in children of 3-5 years of age, as well as the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Figures are drawn on a piece of paper (appendix, pp. 95-97), some are painted over in green, others are only outlined. We have given a task scheme, the child will work with pictures placed in the application.

exercise: Cut out the figures circled along the contour from the sheet, and then close them green figures on another sheet of paper. With the correct location


Designed to develop perception in preschool children.

The child will work with the material posted in the application, according to the proposed task scheme.

There were holes in the beautiful rug. Near the rug there are several patches, of which you need to choose only those that will help close the holes.

Working with the materials of the application, the child can not only select, but also cut out the desired patch to close the hole in the carpet.

1st version of the task:


2nd version of the task:

A game"FIND THE SAME OBJECT" Designed for children 4-6 years old.

The child is offered pictures: a separately drawn standard lamp and several more drawings of lamps, among which the child must find the same as the standard. The task is limited in time, only 30 seconds are given to study the pictures. After that, the child must answer.

For children 4 years old, you can leave the standard in front of your eyes, for older children, the standard should simply be covered with a sheet of white paper. This version of the task will allow developing not only the perception of the child, but also memory, and attention to


5) On which of the pictures

^ E 3) In which picture is the birch above the spruce, but below the hill.

7) In which of the pictures is the road narrower than the river?

Then you can offer tasks of even greater complexity:

1) Show a picture where the girl is bigger than the boy, but smaller than the tree.


3) Show a picture where the ship is closer to the lighthouse and farther from the boat.

O-1 point - very low.


Buy onions, green onions, Parsley and carrots, Buy our girl! Minx and cheat!

We do not need green onions, Parsley and carrots, We only need a girl, Minx and cheat!

(Scottish song)

Little Mary has a big loss:

Her right shoe is missing. In one she jumps And plaintively cries, It is impossible without the other in any way! But, sweet Mary, don't cry for the loss. Boot for right leg We'll sew you a new one Or we'll buy a ready one, But just look, take care! (English song)

Duck, duck, wild goose! I won't invite you to visit. Be sure to come, Yes, and bring a bowl. ^o there is - go. Wherever you have to, sit. (Hungarian song)


Grandfather planted a turnip - a large, very large turnip grew. The grandfather began to drag a turnip out of the ground: he pulls, he pulls, he cannot pull it out.

The grandfather called the grandmother for help. Grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for a turnip: they pull, they pull, they cannot pull it out.

The grandmother called her granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip: they pull, they pull, they cannot pull it out.

The granddaughter called Zhuchka. A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip:

they pull, they pull, they can't pull it out.

Bug called the cat. A cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip: they pull, they pull, they cannot pull it out.

The cat clicked the mouse. A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip: pull-pull - pulled out a turnip!

The story needs to be read over and over again. When listening for the first time, the child's impressions are inaccurate. Usually children follow only the plot, so they miss a lot. With repeated listening to fairy tales, impressions deepen, the child remembers better.


The tale we have presented is simple in plot. For better memorization, you can ask the child a series of questions:

1) What did grandfather plant?

2) Could grandfather pull out the turnip alone?

3) Why couldn't?

4) Who came to the rescue?

5) At what time of the year do the events of the fairy tale take place? When did grandfather plant a turnip? When did he decide to take her out?

6) What does this tale teach? Should we help each other?

Reading and learning with the child the poems of Russian writers about nature, it is necessary to acquaint the child with the seasons. The child should learn well that winter is always replaced by spring, spring - summer, summer - autumn, and autumn - winter. Be sure to talk with the child about what happens in nature in winter (poems by Drozhzhin, Pushkin), spring (poems by Fet, Pleshcheev), summer and autumn (poem by Maykov).

Grandfather Frost walks the street, Hoar-frost scatters On the branches of birches, Walks, shakes his White beard, Stomps his foot, Only crackling comes. WITH. Drozhzhin

Winter road

Through the wavy fogs The moon makes its way, On the sad glades She pours a sad light.

Along the winter road, boring Troika greyhound runs, The monotonous bell Tiringly rattles.

Something native is heard in the coachman's long songs:

That revelry is daring, That is heartache.

A S. Pushkin

The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, the swallow with spring is flying towards us in the canopy. A Pleshcheev

Already all the fluffy willow Spread around, Again the fragrant spring Breathed all around.

A Fet


My bells, Flowers of the steppe! Why are you looking at me, Dark Blues?

And what are you ringing about On a merry May day, Shaking your head among the uncut grass?

A Tolstoy

A golden leaf is already covering Wet earth in the forest... I boldly trample with my foot The beauty of the spring forest.

Cheeks burn with cold

I like to run in the forest, Listen to the crackling of the branches, Rake the leaves with my foot!

For a long time the night frost lies on the leaves, and through the forest the Clarity of transparent skies somehow looks coldly...

Poems by A. Barto, S. Marshak, E. Moshkovskaya, O. Vysotskaya, E. Blaginina can also be read and memorized with children. For the little ones:


They dropped the bear on the floor, Tore off the bear's paw. I won't leave him anyway, because he's good.


The hostess left the bunny, The bunny remained in the rain. I could not get off the bench, Wet to the skin.


We'll build the plane ourselves, We'll fly over the forests. Let's rush over the forests, And then we'll return to my mother.


Our Tanya is crying loudly, She dropped a ball into the river. Hush, Tanechka, don't cry, The ball won't sink in the river!

A Barto

That's what mom

Mom sang a song, Dressed her daughter. Dressed - put on a white shirt. White shirt - Thin line.

Mom pulled a song, Shoe her daughter. I fastened it with an elastic band to each stocking. Light stockings

On my daughter's feet. Mom finished the song, Mom dressed the girl:

Red dress with polka dots, New shoes with legs ... That's how mom pleased - She dressed up her daughter for May!

That's what mom - Golden right!

E. Blaginina

For children of this age, one can also advise reading and memorizing excerpts from K. Chukovsky's poems "Telephone", "The Stolen Sun", "My Dodyr", etc.

For retelling, you can use the story of E. Charushin.


A goat is walking down the street, hurrying home. At home, her mistress will feed and drink. And if the mistress hesitates, the goat will steal something for herself. In the hallway he will devour a broom, in the kitchen he will grab bread, in the garden he will eat seedlings, in the garden he will tear off the bark from an apple tree. What a thieving, mischievous! And goat's milk is delicious, perhaps even tastier than cow's.

A boat is sailing, a boat is sailing, A golden boat, Lucky, lucky gifts, Gifts for you and me.

On the deck the sailors Whistle, scurry, hurry, On the deck the sailors - Fourteen mice.

Floats, sails a boat To the west, to the east, Ropes A sail

cobwebs, petal.


For the development of auditory memory in children aged 4-5-6 years, classes with a group of children can be recommended.

One child names an object. The second repeats the named word and adds some of his own. The third child repeats the first two words and adds a third. The fourth child will have to repeat three words already, and then name his own, etc.

It is advisable to do this exercise repeatedly. From time to time, the number of words that children remember will increase, that is, the amount of memory will increase.

3. For the development of visual memory of preschoolers, you can use special exercises.

To organize work with a child, you will need cards with geometric shapes (a set of cards is given in the application, you only need to cut them and stick them on cardboard).

Time of demonstration of one card - 10 seconds. After showing one of the cards, the child should be asked to reproduce the figures in the order in which they were shown on the card.


Story playback.

The method of reproducing a story can help in diagnosing semantic memory, as well as in developing the semantic memory of a preschool child.

For preschool children, the following options for memorizing stories can be offered:

a) There were children. Mom gave them a rustic horse. The children began to ride the horse and the dog. Rolled well. Suddenly the horse began to ride. The children are watching, and she has a human leg. They called Uncle Vanya, and he repaired the esadka.

b) There was a boy. His name was Vanya. Anya went for a walk with her mother. Vanya ran fast, stumbled and fell. Vanya hurt his leg.

his leg hurt badly. Mom took Vanya

auditory memory.

Method "10 words". The child is credited with 10

words: table, viburnum, chalk, elephant, park, legs, hand,

gate, window, tank

Recall 5-6 words after first reading

testifies to good level auditory mechanics of memory.

Visual memory.

The use of D. Wexler's (1945) technique will enable us to study visual memory in children of pre-El age. The child is offered 4 drawings (see p. 58-59).

For each of the pictures, the child is allowed to watch for 10 seconds. Then he their should be written on a blank sheet of paper.


A) Two crossed lines and two flag -1 score,

correctly located flags - 1 point, etching angle of line intersection - 1 point. The maximum score for this task is 3 points.

58 Development of cognitive abilities of preschool children 1 memory














A set of cards is given in the application. Here we will only name what will be shown on the cards: bread, an apple, a wardrobe, a clock, a pencil, an airplane, a table, a bed, a sleigh, a lamp, a cow, a cat, a rake, a nest, a knife, a tree, a strawberry, a shirt, a car, a cart , moon, sofa, school building, cup, bicycle, house, notebook, lantern.

For preschoolers, words and pictures should be more specific, for younger students - more abstract.

instructions for the child:“Now I will read the words, and in order to remember better, you will choose the appropriate card with a picture that will help you remember the word I have named.”

The first word is spoken, for example, milk. In order to memorize this word, the child must choose a card with a drawing of a cow, etc.

Each word has 30 seconds to choose a card. Many children make this choice

Figurative memory.

This technique is designed to study figurative memory. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the subject is asked to remember 12 images within 30 seconds, which are offered in the form of a table.

The subject's task, after the table has been removed, is to draw or verbally express those images that he remembered the second.

The evaluation of the test results is carried out according to the number of correctly reproduced images. Nor-1 - 6 correct answers and more. The technique can be used both in individual work and in a group.


Observing the behavior of the child during classes in kindergarten, behavior at school, you can find out what types of attention prevail in learning activities child. In addition, one can define and the level of development of the properties of attention: volume, stability, distribution, switching.

By how many objects a child can consciously hold in his mind in a short period of time, they judge amount of attention.

Sustainability of attention is the ability to maintain concentration in activities for a long time, the ability to distract from everything extraneous. The opposite of attention span is distractibility.

Distribution of attention is the ability to perform several activities at the same time.

Switching attention is a conscious transition from one object to another. The speed of switching depends on the individual characteristics of each child.

Features of the attention of preschool children

characteristic feature The attention of a preschool child is that it is caused by outwardly attractive objects. Focused attention remains as long as there is interest in the perceived objects: objects, events, people. Attention at preschool age Rarely arises under the influence of any set goal. Therefore, it is involuntary. 3 -^236

Game "WHAT IS IT?"

It assumes the child's possession of such categories as "in front", "behind", "right", "left".

An adult places 3-4 toys around the child and thinks of one of them, telling the child only its location (in front of you, behind, on the right or on the left).

It is known that the toy lies in front of the boy. What is this?

The toy lies behind the boy. What is this toy?

The toy lies to the right of the boy. What is this?

It is known that the toy lies to the left of the boy. What is this?

The game "what appeared?"

a) Look carefully at both dolls and answer what appeared on the second doll?

To complete the task, ask the child to describe the first doll, then the second. Then let the child compare both dolls according to the named properties.

Differences - 5.


The game "WHAT'S LOST?"

a) Look closely at the kittens. What have they lost?

Ask the child about what is drawn on each kitten. Then he must answer whether the first kitten has everything, then the second one.

b) Look carefully at the rabbits. What have they lost?

To complete the task, you can use a bunny toy. The child should look at the “handle that the bunny has. And then answer the> ask what the bunny has lost.

These games are aimed at the formation of not only the mind, but also attention and perception.

A game"find differences."

Look closely at these two cars. What is the difference?

"I Look closely at these two birds. What is the difference?


Designed for children 4-6 years of age, aimed at the formation of attention and memory. The game can be played with a group of children. You can play with one child.

The first child names a toy. The second repeats this word and adds some of his own. The third child repeats the first two in order and names his own, etc.

If this game is played repeatedly, then the number of memorized words, i.e., the amount of memory, increases from time to time. And the setting that an adult gives to remember as much as possible more words, develops arbitrary attention of children.


having turned the page, we ask him to look just as carefully at a number of the same objects and answer<а вопрос: «Что еще появилось?» Или «Что изме­лилось? »


Method "Find and cross out"


4. Do you have a brother, sister? Who is older?

5. How old are you? How much will it be in a year? in two years?

6. Is it morning or evening? (Afternoon or morning?)

7. When do you have breakfast - in the evening or in the morning? Do you have lunch - in the morning or in the afternoon? What comes first - lunch or dinner?

8. Where do you live? State your home address.

9. What does your father and mother do?

10. Do you like to draw? What color is this pencil (ribbon, dress)?

11. What season is it now - winter, spring, summer or autumn? Why do you think so?

12. When can you go sledding - in winter or summer?

13. Why does it snow in winter and not in summer?

14. What does a postman, a doctor or a teacher do?

15. Why is a bell or desk needed at school?

16. Do you want to go to school yourself?

17. Show your right eye, left ear. What are eyes and ears for?

18. What animals do you know?

19. What kind of birds do you know?

20. Who is bigger: a cow or a goat? Bird or bee? Who has more paws: a dog or a rooster?

21. What is greater than 8 or 5, 7 or Z? Count from 3 to 6. From 9 to 2.

22. What should you do if you accidentally break someone else's item?

Development of useful abilities;

Response score:

1. For the correct answer to all sub-questions of one item, the child receives one point (with the exception of the Control questions).

2. The child may receive 0.5 points for correct but incomplete answers to the sub-questions of the item.

3. Answers corresponding to the question posed are considered correct: “Dad works as an engineer. A dog has more paws than a rooster. Answers are considered incorrect: "Mom Tanya, dad works at work."

4. Control tasks include questions: 5, 8, 15, 22. They are evaluated as follows:

No. 5 - if the child can calculate how much

he is years old - 1 point if he names years from

taking into account months - 3 points;

No. 8 - for full home address with city name - 2 points, incomplete - 1 point;

No. 15 - for each correctly indicated use of school paraphernalia - 1 point;

No. 22 - for the correct answer - 2 points.

5. Item 16 is evaluated together with items 15 and 17. If in paragraph 15 the child scored 3 points and gave a positive answer to paragraph 16, then the protocol indicates a positive motivation for studying at school (the total score should be at least 4).

Evaluation of the results of the conversation: if a child receives 24-29 points, he is considered school-mature, children who scored 20-24 points as a result of the conversation are medium-mature, children who score 15-20 points have a low level of psychosocial maturity.



Each task is scored from 1 (best) to 5 (worst). Evaluation criteria for each of the tasks:

Exercise № 1. Drawing a male figure.

1 point- the drawn figure must have a head, torso, limbs. The neck should connect the head with the body (it should not be larger than the body). On the head - hair (possible) cap or hat), ears, on the face - eyes, nose, | mouth. The upper limbs should end in a hand with five fingers. There must be signs of men's clothing.

2 points - fulfillment of all requirements, as in assessment 1, except for the synthetic method of representation (that is, the head and torso are drawn separately, arms and legs are attached to it). Three missing parts of the body are possible: neck, hair, 1 finger of the hand, but no part of the face should be missing.

3 points - the figure in the drawing must have a neck, torso, limbs (arms and legs, which must be drawn with two lines). Ears, hair, clothes, fingers, feet are missing.

4 points- a primitive drawing of the head with the torso. The limbs (only one pair is enough) are shown in one line.

5 points - there is no clear image of the torso and limbs. Scribble.


1 score - high level of intellectual development;

2 points- average level;

3 points- below the average;

4 points- low level;

5 points- very low.


Development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers APPENDIX

To the game “make a picture” (p. 13).



106 Development of cognitive abilities of preschool children

To the game "remember the pictures" (p. 51).


On the method of mediated memorization (p. 61).

Development of cognitive




It is very important with what question, when considering the picture, adults turn to the child. If the question “What is in the picture?” is asked, then the child begins to list objects. And if the question “What events are shown in the picture?” is asked, then a higher perception, explanation, interpretation is required.

In the process of teaching a student in elementary school, “perception becomes thinking” (Elkonin D. B.). Perception becomes:

a) more analytical;

b) more differentiating;

c) takes on the character of organized observation;

d) the role of the word in the perception of objects and phenomena changes.

The development of perception cannot happen by itself. The role of the teacher and parents is very great, who can organize the activities of children in the perception of certain objects or phenomena, teach them to identify the essential features, properties of objects and phenomena.

Psychological studies have shown that comparison is one of the most effective methods of organizing perception and educating observation. At the same time, perception becomes deeper, the number of errors decreases.

Primary school teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 29"

Poligas Natalya Grigorievna

Diagnosis of perception of younger students

This article contains the most common diagnostics of perception of younger students.


Target: to diagnose the level of perception in younger students.

The child is invited to consider 7 drawings, each of which lacks something very important.


"Each of the pictures is missing some important detail, look carefully and name the missing detail." Conducting psychodiagnostics with the help of a stopwatch or a second hand of a clock, it fixes the time spent on completing the entire task.

Evaluation of results:

10 points - the child named all 7 missing items in less than 25 seconds;

8-9 points - the time to search for all the missing items took 26-30 seconds;

6-7 points - the time to search for all the missing items took 31-35 seconds;

4-5 points - the search time for all missing items was 36-40 seconds;

2-3 points - the search time for all missing items was 41-45 seconds;

0-1 point - the time to search for all the missing items totaled more than 45 seconds.


Target : to diagnose the volume of perception in children of primary school age

On the sheet it says:

10 words (of 4-8 letters each);

10 three-digit numbers;

10 drawings (book, pen, mug, spoon, apple, square, star, hammer, watch, tree leaf). All this should be arranged in horizontal rows in any sequence.

INSTRUCTIONS : Look at the sheet on which there are words, numbers, pictures. On your piece of paper after getting acquainted with this information for 1 minute, write down what you could perceive, be sure to accurately.

RESULTS EVALUATION : Normal perception - 7+, -2 objects


Target: diagnose the accuracy and speed of perception of younger students


Copy the graphic images from the 100-cell table and count:

How many times does the plus sign (+) appear?

How many times does the minus sign (-) occur?

How many times does the division sign (:) occur?

How many times does the equal sign (=) occur?

How many times does the multiplication sign (x) occur?

How many times does a dot (.) occur?






































































Mathematical definition of levels:

The sum of exactly reproduced graphic images for a certain time (3 minutes) is equal to:

0-21 - low level,

22-42 - average level,

42-62 is a good level.


Target: to diagnose the peculiarities of perception of younger students

The student is offered a 100-cell table filled with numbers. The task is to count how many times each number occurs from 0 to 9. The time is fixed for which the student counts how many times 0 occurs, then 1, then 2, etc.

Evaluation of results: Take place in the class as a whole. The top 25% and the bottom 25% are discarded. The remaining 50% are students with average perception. Incorrect counting of numbers or slower counting indicates a decrease in perception

5. "RIBS"

Target: evaluate elementary figurative representations ml. schoolchild about the world around and about the logical connections and relationships that exist between some objects of this world: animals, their way of life, nature.

Description: First, the child is shown the picture below. It has some rather ridiculous situations with animals. While looking at the picture, the child receives instructions with the following content: “Look carefully at this picture and say if everything here is in its place and drawn correctly. If something seems wrong to you, out of place or incorrectly drawn, then point it out and explain why it is not so. Then you will have to say how it really should be.

Note. Both parts of the instruction are executed sequentially. At first, the child simply names all the absurdities and points them out in the picture, and then explains how it really should be. The exposure time of the picture and the execution of the task is limited to three minutes. During this time, the child should notice as many ridiculous situations as possible and explain what is wrong, why it is wrong and how it really should be.

Evaluation of results

10 points - such an assessment is given to the child if, in the allotted time (3 minutes), he noticed all 7 absurdities in the picture, managed to satisfactorily explain what was wrong, and, in addition, say how it really should be.

8-9 points - the child noticed and noted all the available absurdities, but from one to three of them failed to fully explain or say how it should really be.

6-7 points - the child noticed and noted all the existing absurdities, but three or four of them did not have time to fully explain and say how it should really be.

4-5 points - the child noticed all the available absurdities, but 5-7 of them did not have time to fully explain and say how it should really be in the allotted time.

2-3 points - in the allotted time, the child did not have time to notice 1-4 out of 7 absurdities in the picture, and the matter did not come to an explanation.

0-1 point - in the allotted time, the child managed to detect less than four of the seven available absurdities.

Comment. A child can get 4 or more points in this task only if, in the allotted time, he completely completed the first part of the task, determined by the instruction, i.e. found all 7 absurdities in the picture, but did not have time to either name them or explain how it should actually be.

Conclusions about the level of development

10 points - very high.

8-9 points - high.

4-7 points - average.

2-3 points - low.

0-1 point - very low

auditory memory. The volume of auditory memory of a child of 7-10 years old can be determined using the technique of ten words.

10 words are read to the child: airship, paw, apple, thunderstorm, duck, hoop, windmill, parrot, leaflet, pencil.

After that, the child must reproduce the words that he remembered. It is considered normal if the child was able to remember 6 words.

Semantic memory. To diagnose semantic memory, you can use the following technique: slowly read out 10 pairs of words between which there is a semantic connection. Then, after a short time interval, only the first words from each pair are read out. The child at this time should remember the second words. Then he is asked to write down on a piece of paper the pairs of words that he remembered.

You can use the following pairs of words:

noise - water

bridge - river

forest - bear

game - shot

hour - time

table - lunch

ruble - kopeck

oak - acorn

swarm - bee

nail - board

Visual memory. The child is offered to visually perceive the words written in a column on a piece of paper:


Then the child is asked to write down the words that he remembered. 6 reproduced words indicate a satisfactory development of visual memory.


Subject: Anna Root, 4th grade student


This subtest is aimed at identifying the child's range of ideas about the world around him, the ability to reason and justify his conclusions.

Instructions: I asked Anya to answer the following ten questions. She reads the question 1 time, and the girl briefly wrote down the answer in the answer sheet.

Anna's answer

Correct answer

What is the name of the river on which Yaroslavl is located?

What is a couple?

Two people

Two, two, etc.

Name the four seasons?

Summer Winter autumn Spring

Winter spring Summer Autumn

Where does the sun set?

On the west

In the West

What is the stomach for?

Recycle what we eat

digest food

Why does oil or oil float on water?

They are lighter than water

They are lighter than water

Victory Day

Victory Day

What is the approximate height of a person?

1.5 to 2 meters

What is the name of the capital of Ukraine?

Who lives in France?

French people

French people

CONCLUSION: Anya scored 8 points, which indicates a high level of the child's ideas about the world around her, the ability to reason and justify her conclusions.


Instruction: in front of you is a table with a set of letters. At the command “start”, you will have to cross out the letters “A” and “P” in each line, starting from the first top. Work quickly, trying not to miss the named numbers.

Interpretation: The results of the test are evaluated by the number of missing uncrossed characters, by the time it took to complete, or by the number of characters viewed. An important indicator is the characteristics of the quality and pace of execution (expressed by the number of lines processed and the number of errors made for each 60-second interval of work).

Concentration of attention:

K \u003d C2 / P, where:

C - the number of table rows viewed by the subject,

P - the number of errors (omissions or erroneous strikethroughs of extra characters).

K \u003d 289/7 \u003d 41.3

Attention Sustainability:

A = S / t, where

A is the pace of execution,

S - the number of letters in the scanned part of the correction table,

t is the execution time.

A \u003d 400/240 \u003d 1.6

The indicator of attention switching is calculated by the formula:

C \u003d (So / S) * 100, where

So - the number of erroneously processed lines,

S is the total number of rows in the part of the table worked out by the subject.

C \u003d 4/14 * 100 \u003d 28.5

CONCLUSION: as a result of the technique, I determined the average level of the girl's mental pace, stability and fluctuations in attention, switchability, fatigue.

Subtest number 3. Correct mistakes.

This subtest is aimed at studying attentiveness, the formation of the control function.

Instructions: Read this text. Check it out. If you find errors in it (including semantic ones), correct them with a pencil or pen.

The girl worked independently for 7 minutes.


Number of errors that Anya found

Correct number of errors

Old swans bowed their proud necks before him

Adults and children crowded on the shore

Below them was the desert

In response, I nod to him

The sun reached the tops of the trees and hid behind them

Weeds are viable and prolific

I was already asleep when someone called me

On the table was a map of our city

Plane_here to help people

Soon_I succeeded in my car

CONCLUSION: Anya found 8 errors out of 10, which indicates a high level of attentiveness and the formation of the control function.


This subtest is aimed at determining some aspects of speech development: understanding of speech, the formation of written speech, as well as the level of semantic memory.

Instruction: Anya, I will read you a short story, it contains a number of semantic units (fragments of content), all of them are logically connected. Listen carefully to the story and then write down its main content for five minutes. Sentences can be shortened while maintaining their meaning. You can't ask questions while you're at work.

Story: Kazan, 5 September. A big fire last night in Kazan destroyed three buildings located in the city center. 17 families were left homeless. Losses exceed millions of rubles. Rescuing a small child, one worker badly injured his hand.

Raaskaz written by a girl: Kazan, 5 September. A big fire in Kazan destroyed three buildings. Many families were left homeless. Losses were 150 million. When a worker was saving a small child, he severely injured his hand.

CONCLUSION: The girl scored 13 points, which indicates a high level of her speech development, that is, understanding of speech, the formation of written speech, as well as the level of semantic memory.


This subtest is aimed at determining the child's ability to semantic memorization.

Instruction: Now I will read you 10 pairs of words related in meaning. Try to remember them. Then you will need to answer each first word from the pair with the second word.

After the presentation of stimulus pairs: And now I will read the first word from each pair, and you remember the second and write it down in the answer sheet.

noise - water oak - acorn

table - lunch game - shot

bridge - river swarm - bee

ruble - kopeck hour - time

forest - bear nail - board

CONCLUSION: Anna wrote down 9 words (she forgot a couple for the word game), and this indicates a high level of her abilities for semantic memorization.


Instruction: I will now tell you three words, and you connect them together, make up some kind of sentence from them and write them down in the answer sheet. You have 1 minute to complete each sentence.

1) Girl - stream - ball

2) Dog - school - car

3) Citizen - dog - instruction

The girl made:

1) The girl was playing with a ball and accidentally dropped it into the stream.

2) The dog was hit by a car near our school.

3) The citizen with the dog followed the instructions.

CONCLUSION: the girl received 3 points, which indicates a high level of her speech development and the ability to establish semantic logical connections.


This subtest is aimed at assessing the ability to speech synthesis, the ability to establish semantic logical connections.

Instruction: I'll tell you four words, and you connect them together, make some sentence out of them and write it down. You have 1 minute to complete each sentence.

1) Door - room - patient - doctor

2) Dog - cat - tree - roof

3) Paper - pencil - bridge - river

The girl made:

1) The doctor knocked on the door and went into the patient's room.

2) The dog ran after the cat, and she jumped on a tree, and from there climbed onto the roof of the house.

3) The girl picked up a pencil and drew a river and a bridge on paper.

CONCLUSION: the girl scored 3 points, which indicates a high level of her speech development and the ability to establish semantic logical connections.


Instruction: I will name you some two subjects, and you think and write in the answer sheet what is common between them, why are they the same. Try to write as much as possible. No more than 10 minutes are given to complete.



book - notebook

Made of paper, they are written in, they are read, they are taken to school

horse - cow

They are animals, they have 4 legs, they are big

ruler - triangle

With them you can draw lines directly, they are plastic

lake - river

They have water

Sun moon

They glow yellow

sleigh - cart

They can carry people.

rain - snow

They fall from the sky

CONCLUSION: Anna scored 12 points, which indicates a high level of her ability to generalize.


Instruction: Which concept in each of the lists is superfluous and why? No more than 8 minutes are given to complete.

Extra concept

prefix, preposition, suffix, ending, root

Preposition (because it is a part of speech, not a word)

triangle, segment, length, square, circle

Length (this is not a figure)

rain, snow, precipitation, frost, hail

Precipitation (this is rain, snow, hail)

comma, dot, colon, dash, union

oak, tree, alder, poplar, ash

Wood (this is oak, poplar)

Vasily, Fedor, Ivan, Petrov, Semyon

Petrov (This is a surname, not a name)

second, hour, year, evening, week

Evening (this is the time of day)

football, volleyball, hockey, swimming, basketball

Swimming (there is no ball)

plane, ship, equipment, train, airship

courageous, courageous, resolute, wicked, courageous

Evil (bad quality of a person)

CONCLUSION: Anya scored 17 points, which indicates the average level of her ability to generalize and the ability to highlight the excess.


Instructions: Three words are given. The first two are in a certain connection. The third and one of the following are in the same relationship. Find this word and write it on your answer sheet. For example: song: composer = plane: ? a) airfield b) fuel c) designer d) pilot e) fighter The song was composed by a composer, so the answer is a designer, because the designer made (invented, designed) the aircraft. You have 5 minutes to complete the task.


Answer options

Chosen Answer

School: teaching = hospital: ?

a) doctor

b) student

c) treatment

d) institution

e) sick

Song: deaf = picture: ?

a) blind

b) an artist

c) drawing

d) sick

e) lame

forest: trees = library: ?

b) building

d) librarian

morning: night = winter: ?

c) January

term: sum = multipliers: ?

a) difference

b) divider

c) work

d) multiplication

e) division

CONCLUSION: The girl scored 4 points, which indicates a high level of her ability to generalize and the ability to make simple analogies.


This subtest is aimed at studying the basic mental operations at the verbal level.

Instructions: There is a word in front of the brackets, and 5 more words in brackets. Find and underline two words from those written in brackets that are most significant for the word before the brackets. No more than 7 minutes are given to complete the task.

1. Garden (plant, gardener, dog, fence, earth)

2. River (shore, fish, mud, fisherman, water)

3. Reading (eyes, book, picture, print, word)

4. Game (chess, players, fines, rules, punishments)

5. Forest (leaf, apple tree, hunter, tree, shrub)

6. City (car, building, crowd, street, bicycle)

8. Hospital (garden, doctor, room, radio, patients)

9. Love (roses, feeling, person, city, nature)

10. War (airplane, guns, battles, soldiers, guns)

CONCLUSION: the girl scored 7 points, which indicates the average level of basic mental operations at the verbal level.


This subtest is aimed at studying the level of mastery of program knowledge in mathematics, the ability to reason.

Instruction: I offered the girl to solve problems and write down the solution and the full answer. You have 8 minutes to solve. Individual assistance to the child is allowed.

The guys found 10 white mushrooms and 8 boletus. They put all the mushrooms in baskets, 9 mushrooms in each. How many baskets did you need? (Two baskets)

The girl decided:

Answer: It took 2 baskets. (4 POINTS)

The famous chimes on the Spasskaya Tower were installed 704 years after the founding of Moscow. In what year was it, if in 1997 Moscow turned 850 years old?

Ostvet: The clock on the tower was installed in 1851. (2 POINTS)

CONCLUSION: The girl received 6 points, which indicates an average level of mastering program knowledge in mathematics, the ability to reason.

GENERAL CONCLUSION: after conducting all the methods and calculating the total score, it turned out that the girl scored 100 points, and this indicates her high level of intellectual development and readiness to move to the middle link.