Formation of mental readiness for school. Psychological readiness for school learning. Formation of interest in cognitive activity

On the relevance of the problem of readiness for school education, the fact that still in domestic pedagogy and psychology has a variety of points of view on the relationship of the components of the child's psychological readiness to school (motivation, arbitrariness). However, each of the components is necessary and requires accounting in the process of preparing a child to systematic learning in school.

Traditionally, three aspects of school maturity are distinguished: intellectual, emotional and social. About intellectual maturity says the ability of a child to focus on, establish links between phenomena and events, etc. Emotional maturity is manifested in the weakening of impulsive reactions to events and in the ability to do not always perform attractive work (arbitrariness of behavior). Social maturity implies the need for communicating with peers, the ability to listen and fulfill the instructions of the teacher; Subjend your behavior established by the rules.

The problem of psychological readiness for school education is widely developed in the writings of domestic and foreign psychologists (L. I. Bowovich, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, A. L. Wenger, N. I. Gutkina, E. E. Kravtsova , N. G. Salmina, Y. Yiurak, Vitzlak, J. Piaget, etc.). Specialists in the field of age psychology (L. S. Vygotsky, E. E. Kravtsova, N. G. Salmina, M. I. Lisin, N. N. Fadyakov, etc.) believe that child readiness for school should be judged by Criteria that reflect the features of his psyche as a whole and are neoplasms that have arisen in its gaming activities, but prepared the transition to the study.

Psychological readiness for school arises no earlier than 7 years, on the border of preschool and younger school age on the periodization of domestic psychologists. This age coincides with the crisis of 7 years. Preschoolers who are systematically prepared for school training to the detriment of traditional children's classes, are not only psychologically ready for school, but also are not mentally developed.

In-depth work on the formation of readiness for school education in children of senior preschool age leading for a long time. During my work in kindergarten, great experience has been accumulated on this issue.

For the implementation of this problem in the conditions of a preschool educational institution, I first analyzed the psychological, pedagogical literature on the problem of readiness for the school education of children of senior preschool age, including the experience of famous domestic psychologists in the designated topic, L. S. Vygotsky, L. I. Bowovich , A. N. Leontiev, N. I. Gutkina, etc.

Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the following conclusions made.

By the end of the preschool childhood, the most important neoplasm in the psyche of the child is ready - readiness for school learning. It provides the transition to a schoolboy's position, which involves not only the learning of knowledge, but also a cardinal restructuring of the entire lifestyle of the child. Readiness includes several components: personal, cognitive, communicative. By 6-7 years, a general positive attitude towards school is formed, the interest in the school content of classes, recognition of the teacher's authority, developing cognitive interests, develop actually training motives of activities. All this constitutes the neoplasm of the personality and self-consciousness of the child - an inner position, which is expressed in the desire for admission to school.

Having studied and systematizing psychological and pedagogical literature, set itself a practical goal: to realize specific work methods for the formation of readiness for school education in children of senior preschool age and evaluate their effectiveness.

The following tasks were solved:

  • To diagnose in the preparatory to school group.
  • Develop a set of activities to form a readiness for school education in children of senior preschool age.
  • Create recommendations for parents.

In practical work, I tried to focus my attention not on the forcing learning skills, but on the development of mental functions that ensure the learner and the health of children. After all, with the arrival of school, the physical activity on the body increases. A often a pleasant child is knocked out from the new rhythm of life, he has to catch up with the missed. Additional mental and physical activity heavy for a child, he can lose faith in his strength.

Our kindergarten has certain opportunities for forming a senior pre-school age readiness for schooling: in the preschool institution there is a musical, sports halls, a gym; Pacifics of the teacher psychologist, local history; Ozostudia, methodsAbinet, mini-planetarium.

The pedagogical team works on the comprehensive program "Childhood" V. I. Loginovoy, as the main and uses other partial programs (for example, a "correctional and developing program for children prepared for school of the group" T. G. Syrians, etc.).

Social environment promotes development cognitive activity, forms certain ideas about loved ones and specific facts of public life and labor.

The methodological office organized a mini-library for children and parents to prepare children for school training. For work in the pedconet there is a rich methodical material and benefits.

I use the benefit of I. N. Agafofov "Preparing for School", intended for comprehensive training for children to school. It includes: psychological training; preparation for testing; Exercises for the development of attention, memory, thinking, thin motility hands, phonderatic hearing. The manual is provided with methodological recommendations for working with it in children's preschool institutions and in the family. The material is provided in a gaming, entertaining form, with plenty of illustrations, which makes a book attractive for children.

In kindergarten, there is a close successive connection with the school.

Formation of readiness from senior preschoolers to school-learning is a large, systematized pedagogical process. He demands from the educator mastering versatile knowledge in this field and study the most effective methods Work to sit down, as well as promoting pedagogical knowledge among parents.

In work on the formation of readiness in children of senior preschool age for school training, parents are great assistants and allies.

To identify the level of preparedness for school education in children of senior preschool age, I conducted a diagnosis in the group preparatory for school.

Twenty-four children took part in the survey. I used the following techniques: "sequence of events" (A. N. Bernstein); "The overall orientation of children in the outside world and the reserve of household knowledge" (R. S. Nemov); "Yes,", "Domik" (N. I. Gutkin). Among the parents were conducted by survey.

In the process of diagnosis, at the beginning of the school year, not all children of the senior preschool was identified a rather high level of readiness for school training.

An analysis of parental survey showed that parents do not have sufficient knowledge to prepare a child for school training.

Taking into account the results of the diagnosis, I was compiled a set of measures consisting of games and exercises as the most effective methods that contribute to the successful mental development of children.

With children were held various types of games and exercises:

  • Logic games.
  • Games, expanding the horizons and the vocabulary of the child.
  • Games, developing attention and memory.
  • Games that develop a motor's motorcycle.

Exercises for the formation of a positive attitude to school: "Four elements", "remember order", "parrot", "mood in color", "running associations", "image of objects", "mirror", "mood in color", "pairs words "," BIP "and others.

Selected games and exercises conducted both in class and in independent activities of children. The game "disappeared subject" was difficult for some children, so it was necessary to offer children to apply the way to memorize according to the scheme of the phased formation of mental actions proposed by P. Ya. Halperin. Playing children threw a loss in the game, the children followed each other, helped the replicas to execute the rule of the game. For the guys, together with the skills coming to them, the interests of the activity of the competition appeared on the skills.

Working with parents consisted of conversations, consultations, pedsoves, parental assembly, etc. Conduct with parents of thematic conversations, individual and group consultations ("How to prepare a child for school and what program to learn?", "When easy to learn"?, Etc.) made it possible to expand their knowledge to prepare their children to successfully study at school. For parents, the thematic folder-campaign was issued, which included reports on parent meetings, test "Is your child ready to school?", Consulting materials, description of specific games and exercises. Working with parents gave certain results: mutual understanding was achieved.

As a result of work, I was convinced that the methods of work on the formation of readiness for schooling in children of senior pre-school age are effective. When re-diagnostics at the end of the year, positive changes were revealed in the level of development in children: verbal and logical thinking; horizons and vocabulary; arbitrary attention and memory; Motoriki. All children learned to listen to an adult, clearly express their thoughts. Steel is more attentive, more accurate, contact. The workplace contains in order. The guys hold the pencil correctly and the pen, they confidently draw and pose, use scissors, know how to make a story in the picture. The independence of children increased and the necessary quality of the future student.

Thus, the results of the diagnosis at the end of the school year have shown that the level of readiness for school training in all children of senior pre-school increased significantly. The overall positive dynamics of the formation of prerequisites for training activities was 32%. Kids have formed qualities corresponding to the "portrait" of an ideal first grader: the desire for communicating with peers; Desire to learn (be able to read, write, count); good health; Emotional mood (anxiety, motivation of their actions, etc.;); competent speech, a coherent presentation of their thoughts; striving for cooperation with adults; developed arbitrary behavior; curiosity and desire for discoveries; Well formed coordination of movements and graphic skills.

I believe that the readiness for school training is the most important result of the education and teaching of the child in kindergarten and family.

Dear Parents!

  • tear respect for your child as a person;
  • keep the benevolent emotional atmosphere in the family;
  • develop and maintain the child's interest in learning;
  • encourage progress ("You can, you are capable of"), do not focus on failures in training;
  • do not require any price only high results;
  • explain how important it is to get new knowledge and develop your abilities;
  • strictly follow the day mode.
  • make out-of-day family walks on weekends, trips to nature, if possible, organize a pool visit;
  • conduct relaxation gym using nature audio records (lying on the back in a relaxed condition with eyes closed, 10 minutes).

In the future, I plan to work on this problem, paying more attention to the consulting work with my parents.

Bibliographic list

  1. Gutkin, N. I. Psychological readiness for school: studies. benefit. - 4th ed., Pererab. and addition. / N. I. Gutkin. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2006. - 208 p.
  2. Kadisheva, N. A. When easy to learn / N. A. Kadysheva // Pre-school education and training - an application to the magazine "Education of schoolchildren." - 2009. - № 10. - C.1-6.
  3. Kulakovskaya, V.I. Child and School / V. I. Kulakovskaya // A child in kindergarten. - 2008. - № 5. - p.6-9.
  4. Merkulova, I. V. First grader of the XXI century / I. V. Merkulova // Preschool pedagogy. - 2003. - № 4 (13). - C.11-13.
  5. Mokan, D. G. Kindergarten and School: continuity in work // Child in kindergarten. - 2004. - № 2. - P. 63-68.
  6. Monina, G. B. Psychological aspect of the preparation of a child to school / G. B. Monina // Preschool pedagogy. - 2006. - № 3 (30). - P.64-65.
  7. Sazonova, A. A. Diagnostics of the psychological readiness of the child to school / A. V. Sazonova // Preschool pedagogy. - 2003. - № 1 (10). - C.10-15.

Marina Chittorkina
Program for the formation of psychological readiness of children 5-7 years in preparation for school education

Committee of Education and Science Administration Novokuznetsk

Department of Education by Kuibyshev district Novokuznetsk

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten № 114"


Formation of psychological readiness

Children 5 - 7 years old when preparing for school education

Novokuznetsky City District

Explanatory note

the end preschool period is the time of the so-called school maturity. Admission B. school marks the beginning of a new age period in the life of the child - the beginning of the younger school agewhose leading activity is becoming training.

Child readiness for school - This is a complex complex of certain psychophysical states, skills, skills and health. From how child prepared for schoollargely depends on how successfully it will pass training at school.

There are various views on definition readiness for learning. However, most scientists recognize the fact that training can be effective only in the case when the first grader has the necessary and sufficient for quality learning. Child arriving in schoolIt must be mature in physiological and social terms, it must achieve a certain level of mental and emotionally volitional development.

Back in the 1950s, L. I. Bozovic noted that it consists of a certain level of development of mental activity, cognitive processes, readiness to arbitrary regulation of his cognitive activity and social Position schoolchildren.

A. V. Zaporozhets adhered to similar views (1986, who believed that readiness for school training represents a whole system of interrelated qualities of a childhood personality, including the features of its motivation, the level of development of cognitive, analytical - synthetic activities, degree formed mechanisms of volitional regulation of actions, etc. The ideas of this approach are reflected in the works of N. I. Gutkina (1993, which also emphasizes the determining role of motivation in preparedness of children to school. Special attention by the author pays arbitrariness, the weak development of which is considered as the main prerequisite of difficulties arising from school learning.

In the works of L. A. Wenger and A. L. Wenger (1994, D. B. Elkonina (1994) as the most important parameters psychological readiness of children for learning called next: Presence of prerequisites for formation learning activities (the ability to focus on the rules system, the ability to listen and fulfill the instructions of an adult, the ability to work on the sample determined by the achievement of a new level mental regulation; Development of visual - figurative and logical thinking, motivational and emotional spheres of personality.

Thus, the concept « child readiness for school» , comprehensive, multifaceted and covers all areas of his life.

The problem is different prepared children significantly complicates their adaptation to new conditions school Life, complicates the organization of the educational process. One of the most common causes school not allowed is that many children "Male" psychologically, that is, not ready for school learning, new livelihoods, system requirements that school presents to the student.

Organization pre-school training - The task of all adults surrounding the child. It is important that during this period parents and teachers preschool educational institution united their efforts to raise the future schoolchildren.

In system preparation of preschoolers for school training Actual is the organization of a teacher - psychologist of educational activitieswho help forming and developing in children schoolboy - significant skills, adapt them to school learning.

To date, there has been a need to build the system preschool and predischool Education through creating conditions for equal start level children upon admission to school. To ensure each child an equal start, which will allow him successfully learning at school, it is necessary to standardize the content in a certain way. preschool education In any educational institution, the child did not receive him.

Psychological readiness for school learning - a holistic education involving a fairly high level of development of the motivational, cognitive, emotional-volitional and communicative spheres of the child. Loge in the development of one of the components psychological readiness entails the lag of development of others, which determines the peculiar transition options from pre-school childhood for younger school age.

Psychological readiness of a child for school learning - This is one of the most important results. mental development during preschool childhood. High living requirements for the organization of upbringing and learning make you look for new, more efficient psychological-Pedagogical approaches aimed at bringing methods learning In accordance with the requirements of life. In this sense, the problem preparedness of preschoolers for school training Acquires special importance.

Program assumes classes with children preparatory group(5 - 7 years) once a week. The duration of such classes is 30 - 35 minutes. The optimal number of participants is 8-10 people. Program Designed for 22 classes.

purpose programs: formation of readiness for school learning and positive attitude to school.

Tasks programs:

Development of cognitive processes;

Development of arbitrary behavior;

Development of communication skills, cooperation in the group of peers and when interacting with other people;

Development of the emotional sphere, the introduction of a child into the world of human emotions;

Development of speech, vocabulary, shallow motility;

- formation Motivation of teachings and interest in the process itself learning.

Before conducting correctional classes and after completing the course of classes, diagnostics were carried out preparatory children's readiness Groups on the following methods:

Questionnaire for parents (Attachment 1)

Diagnostics school readiness. N. Pavlova, L. G. Rudenko (Appendix 2)

II. Used psychodiagnostic techniques

Questionnaire for parents

purpose: Parents will independently be able to objectively evaluate preparation of your child to school.

Diagnostics school readiness. N. Pavlova, L. G. Rudenko.

purpose: diagnostics psychological readiness of children 5 -7 years to school learning.

List of equipment K. program:

Demonstration and methodical materials - poster for exercise "Orientation in space", set of pictures for exercise "What first, that then", "Remember, draw", "Guess, whatever your name", 10 pictures for exercise "What disappeared", chalk and. d.

Disposable materials by number children - counting sticks, simple and color pencils, sets "Learning to consider", forms with tasks, blanks for test "Does the child want to go to school.

Tape recorder with a recording of calm music - "Sounds of the rain", "Sounds of nature", "Sea breeze" etc.

Gaming material - ball, bell, tangle thread, hedgehog, etc.

Program for the formation of psychological readiness of children 5 - 7 years in preparation for school education divided by six blocks:

Introductory block programs -"Meet - this is me!" Directed to the creation psychologically Favorable atmosphere of trust and adoption, establishing emotional contact with children. The block includes classes aimed at acquaintance with children, the establishment of rules and rituals in classes, and also includes introductory diagnostics. childrenaimed at learning the group in order to adjust programs. At this stage of work, emotional contact is established, implying emotional interaction with the child on the basis of the levels of an affective organization available to it, and the emotional tone of the child is raised due to the above-mentioned levels that are as follows as possible.

Communicative block - "Let's live in peace!". The goal is formation and the development of communicative skills: Listen to each other, install contact, maintain a conversation. Development of constructive communication skills with children and adults. Using appropriate receptions ( psychocorrection games, fairy tales, didactic exercises et al.) children are formed Socio-adequate ways of interaction with the surrounding world. In this block, children get acquainted with fairy tales. Talking the fairy tale to children, it is necessary to express genuine emotions and feelings, as the children feel very thin feel exaggerated and deception. Highlights must be allocated by the corresponding intonation of the voice, volume or pause. At this stage of implementation programs in children is formed Communicative skills: Play each other and understand, establish contact, develop communication skills in various situations.

Cognitive block - "What surrounds me".

purpose: Development of informative psychic processes - perception, memory, attention, imagination; Development of the intellectual sphere - mental skills, clear-effective, visual-shaped, verbally logical, creative and critical thinking, as well as the creation of conditions for the establishment of an internal position schoolchildren. For this block, exercises for the development of cognitive processes were selected. In the classes, riddles are used as an introduction to the topic discussed, a link between the exercises and the means of emotional unloading. Radiation of riddles is excellent mental gymnastics.

Motivational block

Purpose - formation in children of motivesMoving to teaching. Here preschool children expand your idea of schoolWhat new duties will appear in school; learn about the system of requirements imposed school and teacher. Motivational readiness - the presence of the children of the desire to go to school, interest in school, the desire to know the new one. For forming motivational readiness for school Riddles were used on school subject , selected games on school subject.

Emotional-volitional block. The main thing in the development of emotional-volitional ready to school It is assigned to the upbringing of motives to achieve the goal (not afraid of difficulties, the desire to overcome them, not to abandon the intended goal). Children need to learn to manage their behavior (in the lesson, during change, maintain performance for one lesson and during school day, as well as be able to manage your emotions. For the development of the emotional-volitional sphere, fairy tales were used, considering paintings, listening to music.

Final block - "See what I can!" - solves the problem of identifying the level of assimilation programs Considering the final monitoring procedures. For final lessons Chicken games and exercises aimed at repetition of knowledge and consolidation of skills and skills received by children during the course of classes.

IV. Structure of classes

1. The introductory part consists of a permanent ritual of the start of classes; The beginning of the classes is a kind of ritual so that children can tune in to joint activities, communicate, wish each other, something pleasant.

Rituals of the start of classes - "Magic Tree", "I'm glad to see you", "Echo", "Compliments", « Good morning» (Appendix No. 3)

Rules of work in the lesson. At the beginning of each session, children are given a set of attention, mutual respect, patience and are pronounced Rules of behavior in class. one. "Respect yourself and others children» (Do not talk to the class if it is not related to the fulfillment of the task; listen carefully to other guys) 2. "Don't yell, even if you know the right answer" 3. "Raise your hand, if you want to answer the question or ask something" 4. "We are working together" 5. "Apply to the guys by name.

2. The main part is directed on the:

Development of communicative skills.

Development of cognitive processes;

Development of the emotional sphere.

In the main part of the lesson are built in entertaining, gaming form And using games for the development of thinking, memory, attention, imagination, speech.

Physical pauses are widely used to improve the coordination of motion, posture, performance, graphic dictates for the development of shallow motors of the hands and spatial imagination, workout of the eyelash.

Great role of mysteries in child learning. In the classes, riddles were used as an introduction to the topic under discussion, a binder between the exercises and the means of emotional unloading. Radiation of riddles is excellent mental gymnastics. Gaggage of the riddles is developing mental activity, intelligence, speed of reactions; Promotes the expansion of knowledge about the world around.

Special attention was paid to fairy tales. Fairy tales for school adaptation. Admission B. school - This is a new stage in the life of the child. Many children with trembling and excitement step threshold schools. This solemn event is sometimes overshadowed by anxiety, inappropriateness. To avoid negative emotions in future first-graders, help them in adaptation to schoolThe following is offered fairy tales: Creation "Forest schools» , "Bouquet for teacher", "Funny fears".

Tales on the relationship of students to attributes school Educational environment. For some school children Attributes are an additional motivating factor. The proposed fairy tales have an existing impact on learning activities, teach children Cope correctly school supplies, adequately treat them, develop accuracy and independence: "We collect a portfolio", "Magic Apple".

Fairy tales on the attitude of students to lessons, classes. Adequate attitude to the results of its activities allows children to understand the logic of the process learning, direct dependence of the assessment from the spent or learned material. This can be facilitated by the following fairy tales: « School marks» , "Sloth", "Cheating", "Prompt".

Fairy tales of health problems of fatigue, irritability caused by the load on the hand, restricting the child's stay in air, excessive enthusiastically with television transmission or playing a computer, find permission in the following tales: "Graft", "Deceptional rest".

Tales O. school conflicts. These fairy tales are aimed at correction. aggressive behavior. Irritable or aggressive reactions can be a way of leveling emotional discomfort caused by those or other events school Life. Professional caution at such moments is necessary. The proposed fairy tales allow you to arise emotional resonance that promotes the discharge of negative emotions and developing effective behavioral strategies in certain school situations: "Yabeda", "Tail", "Fights", "Friendly Country".

In conclusion, the fairy tale "Pride schools» .

3. Relaxing exercises are directed to the removal psycho-emotional tension, suggesting the desired mood, behavior. (Appendix No. 5)

4. The final part consists of the generalization of the skills and summing up and the end of the end of the classes. Rituals ending occupations - "Circle of friends", "Outfast friendship", "Solar races", "To all, everyone goodbye!", "Good Wish". (Appendix No. 4)

The concept of readiness of the child to school training. The main theoretical approaches in considering the problem of preparing children to school. Pedagogical means of formation of pre-school components of readiness for training in school in a kindergarten.

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Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Federal State Educational Institution

higher professional education

Volgograd State Socio Pedagogical University (FGBOU VPO "VGSPU")

Faculty of pre-school and primary education

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education

Course work

in the discipline "Pedagogy"

direction 050100 "Pedagogy"

Formation of readiness for school training in children 6-7 years


Kuntushenko Lina Gennadievna

III Course G. PBZ-32

scientific adviser

Bobrysheva I.V., Cand. Ped.

Volgograd 2014.


Our term paper is devoted to one of the most up-to-date topics of modern children's psychology and pedagogy, finding effective paths Forming components to school. A huge number of books, articles, collections are dedicated to this problem, a grown number of methods of studying the level of readiness of a child to school learning is proposed. Studying the problem of the formation of readiness for school, such scientists were engaged in and deal with such as LS Vygotsky, J. Piaget, D.B. Elkonin, E.E. Kravtsova, E.A. Arkin, A.N. Leontiev and others. The problem of psychological readiness for school for psychologists is not new. In foreign studies, it is reflected in the works studying the school maturity of children. (A. Kern 1951; S. Bread 1957; Ya. YiSela 1970; A. Analystasi 2001; Y. Shvantsar 1978, etc.)

However, despite the abundance of the material that exists on this problem, there is a rooting error that the readiness for school is the luggage of knowledge and skills that the child managed to purchase during the years of preschool childhood, including the ability to read and count. In the formation of this approach of future students, the schools themselves took part, arranging the testing of children before entering the first class. And parents, instead of giving a child in a timely manner, knowledge necessary for his age, to acquaint him with the peculiarities of the surrounding world, fastening the information received during the Games, they simply have children to fill all kinds of tests. Parents perceive the child as a jar, which can be filled with knowledge and the main task of which is care about not to spill these knowledge.

Our challenge is to figure out what means "be ready for school", what qualities are needed by the future first-grader in order to adapt to new conditions and be able to perceive the proposed material. The relevance of the problem of research is that now very high living requirements for the organization of upbringing and learning are forced to look for new, more efficient psychological and pedagogical approaches aimed at bringing training methods in line with the requirements of life.

purpose term paper - search for effective means of forming a preschooler components of readiness for school learning in a kindergarten.

The object of the study is an educational process in kindergarten.

The subject of the study is the formation of readiness for school training in a kindergarten.

Due to the goal of the goal, we were put forward by the hypothesis: if the educator systematically diagnoses the identification of knowledge, skills and skills and organizes correctional work with children based on the results of the diagnosis that is the base for the design of the educational process based on an individual differentiated approach, then children are formed in children Necessary level of readiness for successful assimilation educational material At school, provided that the correctional work will be entered into the grid of classes twice a week in the form of special games, classes, making children to subgroups in the I and II and II and Half of the day (respectively, 1 subgroup - in the first half of the day, 2 subgroups - in the II Half day) or with the whole group of children at the same time.

In our work we put the following tasks:

1. To study psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of formation from pre-school readiness for school education.

2. To identify pedagogical tools for the formation of readiness for school training.

3. Diagnose the level of formation of readiness components for school training in pupils of the experimental group.

4. Test a diagnostic and correctional program for the formation of readiness for school education in children 6-7 years.

The main methods of research: theoretical analysis of scientific literature; Observation, conversation, testing.

Base of experimental research: pre-school educational institution Kindergarten №285, Krasnoarmeysky district, Volgograd.

Chapter 1. The problem of forming the preparedness of children to school training in psychological and pedagogical literature

1.1 The concept of the readiness of the child to school training. The main theoretical approaches in considering the problem of preparing children to school

One of the important issues of the child's entry into school life is his readiness for school. Currently, there are a large number of definitions and classifications of the readiness of the child for school training. The most solid to us is the classification proposed by R.V. Ovcharova. It highlights a special, psychological and physical readiness. To the psychological attitude: personal and socio-psychological, intellectual, emotional-volitional. In our work, we will consider psychological readiness for school training.

Of great interest in this issue is related to the fact that the readiness for schooling is the most important neoplasm for preschool age. Being the result of the development of the child during the first seven years of life, it provides the transition to the position of a schoolboy and acts as a necessary foundation for mastering the school program.

In the historical aspect, the study of readiness for learning was originally considered as a pedagogical problem. Teachers dealt with this problem since public educational institutions appeared (Ya.A. Komensky, K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Simonovich, etc.)

One of the first to the problem of the formation of the readiness of children to school, I was called Komensky. He believed that systematic school learning should be started from a seven age, if a child has strong knowledge in various fields of the world: mathematics, grammar, geography; ability to logical reasoning, the ability to correctly set questions and give accurate answers; Interest in school and training activities. K. Shushinsky also wrote about the fact that the main directions of preparation for the beginning of systematic learning should contribute to the development of the child's ability to focus on one subject, listen to what they say to, express their thoughts with full offers.

But neither Ya.Komensky, nor K. Shushinsky, nor other teachers did not introduce the concept of "readiness for learning. For the first time, the concept of "psychological readiness for learning" was proposed by A.N. Lyontiev.

A. Leontyev believed that the basis of psychological readiness is "manageable" behavior, that is, not just fixed in the skill, but consciously controlled behavior. This control, according to A. Leontyev, does not require special attention. "The student must behave in the lesson properly - to sit at the desk right, do not spin not to chat with his legs, in a word, for a minute" not forget ", no matter how absorbing his attention is that the teacher tells in the classroom."

According to A. Leontyev, the "managed" behavior implies three points:

To the actions of the child headed by motives;

In order for the behavior, the motif hierarchy was installed, their coenses;

To important, socially valuable motives have become stronger and suppressed, subordinate random motivations and desires.

The problem of readiness for school was studied as in our country and abroad.

Foreign authors studying school maturity there is no clear and unequivocal definition of this concept. So, according to A. Analystasi, school maturity is mastering the skills, knowledge, abilities and other behavioral characteristics necessary for the optimal level of learning school program.

J. Schvazara more accurately determines school maturity - as an achievement of such a degree in development, when a child "becomes able to take part in school learning." As components of readiness for learning in school, Y. Schvazar allocates mental, social and emotional components. According to S. Gidbank and A. Karen, entering the school, the child should be mature in mental, emotional and social relations. They allocate several signs that determine the components of school maturity allocated by them. S.Shtrebel and A.Kern believe that intellectual maturity can be judged by the following signs:

Differentiated perception (perceptual maturity), including the selection of the shape and the background;

Concentration of attention;

Analytical thinking, expressed in the ability to comprehend the main links between phenomena;

Logical memorization;

Sensor coordination;

Skill to reproduce the sample;

Development of fine movements of the hand.

About emotional maturity say:

Reduction of impulsive reactions;

The possibility of a long time to perform not very attractive occupation.

On social maturity testify:

The needs of the child in communicating with peers and the ability to submit their behavior of the laws of children's groups;

The ability to fulfill the role of a student in schooling sites.

According to Ya.irayek, the achievement of school maturity in all components of the psychological structure depends on the factors that affect the somatic and mental development of the child.

This is an organic (stimulating nature of the environment, an emotional atmosphere, actually mental activity, systematic education and training) factors.

Thus, it can be said that in the works of foreign psychologists of foreign psychologists, a child ready for school, represents not only as a set of knowledge and skills sufficient to assimage the school program, but also as capable of interacting in a group of peers, to obey the requirements of the school schedule and teacher. That is, a child entering school, according to foreign psychologists, has sufficient social, intellectual and emotional maturity.

In domestic psychology, theoretical study of the problem of psychological readiness for school learning is based on the works of L.S. Vigotsky. She was engaged in classics of children's psychology L.I. Bozovic, D.B. Elkonin and continue to engage in well-known modern specialists L.A. Wenger, N.I. Gutkin, N.V. Nizhegorodtseva, V.D. Shadrikov, E.E. Kravtsova et al.

In the modern work of domestic psychologists, there are several definitions of the concept of "psychological readiness for school". They can be found in the works of N.I. Gutkina, N.V. Nizhny Novgorod, V.D. Shadrikova. These authors propose to consider psychological readiness for school learning as multicomponent education.

N.I. Gutkin believes that psychological readiness for school is the necessary and sufficient level of the child's mental development for mastering them the school program in the conditions of training in the peer group.

N.I. Nizhegorodtsev and V.D.Shadrikov note: psychological readiness is a complex structural and systemic education, which includes personal motivational and volitional spheres, elementary systems summarized knowledge and ideas, some training skills, abilities, etc.

Thus, psychological readiness is a complex integrated education, which is a level of mental development of a child, which will allow him to successfully absorb the school curriculum, obey the requirements of the school charter and teacher.

In domestic psychology, there were different approaches to the study of the readiness of children to school. The first approach includes studies aimed at the formation of the preschool age of skills and skills needed to study at school. The possibilities of expanding the volume of knowledge, skills and skills that children can master in preschool age can be seized. It works A.M. Leushina, L.E. Zhurov and others. Research A.M. Muleshina was aimed at studying the ability of preschoolers to learn elementary mathematical knowledge. L.e Zhurov was engaged in studying the possibility of learning preschoolers diploma.

These works have shown that by specially organized classes, you can successfully teach preschoolers of the beginning of mathematics and diplomas, significantly improving their preparation for school training.

The second approach includes the study of the genesis of individual components of educational activities. So in the works of T.S. Komarova, the influence of fine creativity was studied. V.G. Nechaeva and A.N. Davidchuk were engaged in the study of constructive creativity: constructing on the show and on the plan (at V.Nachava); According to the sample and under the conditions (A.Davidchuk) when the educator in verbal form sets out the requirements for building. That is, preschoolers can be taught to act according to the sample, listen and fulfill the instructions of an adult, to evaluate their work, forming those skills that will be useful to them in the school learning process.

The third approach includes work in which psychological readiness is considered as a complex of certain mental qualities that are the most important prerequisites for successful inclusion in school life. Is not it. Bozovic allocated two components that affect the success of learning and determining readiness for learning activities are intellectual and personal. Personal readiness implies the formation of the "internal position of the schoolboy" - when the child expresses the desire to learn.

M.I.Lysina considers communicative readiness for school learning as the main condition for the formation of a state of general readiness for training and is the basis of development in children of mental and volitional abilities. Among the authors who studied the communicative component, Ya.L. Kolominsky can be allocated, E.O. Sirnov, E.E. Kravtsov.

Ya.L. Kolomminsky proposes to expand the concept of "school readiness" with a new aspect - "Social and psychological readiness", which he considers as a readiness for the interaction of the child with others.

G.G. Kravtsov and E.E. Kravtsov also allocate in psychological readiness the scope of communication of the child with adults and peers as the most important. As indicators of readiness for school, they consider three spheres: attitude to adult, to peers and to themselves.

E.O.Smirnova proposed to consider the situation of organized school learning as a situation of communication, where an adult and a child join certain relationships is a student and teacher relationship.

1. The presence of the child the ability to perceive the adult as a teacher, to obey its requirements, comply with the norms and rules of school life.

2. A certain level of communication with peers: the formation of the ability to act jointly with others, to give up in some circumstances and not to give up in others, to defend their position.

M.I. Lisina, E.O. Smirnov allocate two forms of communication of the child with adults, which consistently replace each other during preschool age: incoming and informative and incoming personality. The highest form of communication with adults - incoming personality, when the child applies adequately to adult as a teacher. The incoming of communication of such a child allows him to focus on the task given by the adult teacher, and subordinate his actions to his instructions, the child changes the way of decision, asking how to do it correctly, after promotion he has confidence in his actions. Thus, the presence of a child entering school, the incoming personality form of communication determines its communicative readiness for school.

The study of emotional-volitional readiness for school D.B. Elkonin, A.V.Porozhets, N.I. Gutkin, E.O.Smirnova and others. Scientists. They indicate that the sufficient level of development of the child of the emotional-volitional sphere - important side Psychological readiness for school. After all, school life requires a child of a clear fulfillment of certain rules of behavior and independent organization Activity and without sufficient development of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child will not be able to fulfill the rules of school regulations, follow their behavior in the lesson, organize their activities.

N.V.Nizhegorodseva and V.D. Shadrikov share educational and important qualities into two groups - basic and leading. Basic combine such qualities as: exercise motives, figurative thinking, logical thinking, Elementary speech, mathematical knowledge and skills. Leading qualities have a direct and direct impact on the success of the learning material of the software. These are: exercise motives, visual analysis, learning, verbal mechanical memory, the ability to take a learning task, graphic skills. They believe that it is for the development of these qualities to pay attention to the organization of diagnostic and correctional work.

After analyzing the approaches to the consideration of psychological readiness for school existing in domestic psychology, it can be concluded that some researchers (A.M. Leusin, L.E. Zhurova, TS Komarova, A.N. Davidchuk, V.G. Nechaeva et al.) Pay great attention to either the formation of components of educational activities or the development of those skills and skills that are necessary at school. In their works, a technique is proposed, with which the tutor can organize classes, but the theory is given little attention. In the works of other authors (L.I. Bozovich, E.E. Kravtsova, N.V. Nizhegorodtsevaya, V.V. Sadrikova et al.) An analysis of neoplasms of preschool age, the requirements for the child of the school in accordance with the Law on Education R.F., and GEF pre-school education, and is determined by the complex of mental qualities that are the most important for successful learning and adaptation to new activities.

All authors converge that psychological readiness for school is a complex comprehensive education consisting of several components: intellectual, emotional-volitional, personal and motivational, communicative readiness. All these components are important in general, so that the study is successful, adaptation to new school conditions has passed faster.

1.2 Pedagogical tools for formation from preschoolers of components of readiness for training in school in a kindergarten

The main task of a kindergarten is to promote the general development of the child, to form cognitive interests from him. Therefore, work methods differ from those used by teachers at school. In kindergarten, it does not adapt to the learning system, and learning to the child: his interests, to the activities peculiar to him. Learning in kindergarten is keen, and there is no problem of failure to fail. In school, the child should adapt to systematic, hard learning. .

The child, coming from kindergarten, come across a change in its social status. The emotional comfort, which he experienced in kindergarten, close relationships with educators is replaced by the regulation, ordering, standardization of his personality. The school sharply decreases the number of informal contacts with children, the role positions of the child are rigidly fixed, communication with the teacher becomes distant.

To form a psychological readiness from the child to school, you do not need to send it ahead of time. He needs diverse interesting lifein which he acquires a comprehensive gaming experience, learns to communicate and interact with adults and peers, has the ability to be musitizing, drawing, designed. It must move much and diverse, develop the coordination of movements and strengthen the shallow motorcy. All this will be his psychological preparation for school.

Over the past few decades, children have noted the acceleration process (acceleration of development). In this regard, the traditional crisis of seven years, the appearance of which serves as one of the readiness of the child's readiness to school, began to occur earlier - in 5-6 years. On the modern stage human development process acceleration changes reverse process - Deferation (development slowdown). Therefore, a pre-school leap in mental development arises in children by 1.5-2 years later - aged 7-8 years. Now, coming to school, even at a seven-year-old, children without passing the necessary path of biological development of the brain in particular, are not ready for it and psychologically, experiencing significant difficulties in the process of adapting to the requirements of the school and the conditions of the educational process.

Allocate three main lines for which preparation for school should be carried out.

First, this is a general development. By the time the child becomes a schoolboy, its general development should achieve a certain level. This is primarily about the development of memory, attention and especially intellect. And here we are interested in both his knowledge of knowledge and ideas and the ability, as psychologists say, act in the inner plan, or, in other words, to produce some actions in the mind;

Secondly, this upbringing skills arbitrarily controlled by itself. At the child of preschool age, bright perception, easily switchable attention and good memory, but how to arbitrarily manage them, as it should not be able to. He can for a long time and in detail to remember some event or a conversation of adults, perhaps not intended for his ears if he attracted his attention to him, but will focus on a long time on what he does not cause direct interest. It is difficult for him. Meanwhile, this ability is absolutely necessary to work out by the time of admission to school. As well as the ability to make a wider plan - not only what you want, but also what you need, though, maybe, and I don't really want to or do not even want at all;

Thirdly, the formation of motives that encourage to teach. This does not mean that natural interest that guys-preschoolers for school show. We are talking about the upbringing of real and deep motivation, which will be able to become the most reason for their desire to acquire knowledge. The formation of the motives of the teachings and a positive attitude towards school is one of the most important tasks of the pedagogical team of kindergarten and family in the preparation of children to school.

The work of the teacher of a kindergarten for the formation of the motives of the teachings and a positive attitude towards school is aimed at solving three main tasks:

1. Formation of children of the right ideas about school and teaching;

2. Formation of a positive emotional attitude to school;

3. Formation of learning experience.

Currently, there are various types of pre-school education programs involving in one degree or another, the formation of readiness for training in children. Imagine some of them.

The "Childhood" program is based on a comprehensive-thematic principle of building an educational process, which is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bintegrating the content of different educational regions around one general themewhich at a certain time (week) becomes unifying, for example, "our favorite toys", "our kindergarten", "my family", "seasons". The choice of the topic takes into account the interests of children, the tasks of the development of education, current phenomena and bright events (seasons, holidays). Humanistic in the direction of the program allows the teacher, relying on age criteria, take into account the different pace of development of children and implement an individual approach to them.

The program "from birth to school" edited by N.E.V.Vaksa, TS Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

The program is designed in accordance with applicable federal state educational standards (GEF, Order No. 1155 of October 17, 2013.).

The program is built on the positions of humane personality attitude towards the child and is aimed at its comprehensive development, the formation of spiritual and universal values, as well as abilities and integrative qualities. A special role in the program is given to gaming activities as leading in preschool childhood. Leading goals of the program:

Creating favorable conditions for a full-fledged childhood childhood child.

Formation of the basic culture of the personality.

Comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics

Preparation for life in modern society, School training.

Our kindergarten №285 of the Krasnoarmeysky district works under the childhood program, in addition to the program use various forms and methods of work: excursions to school, talking about school, reading stories and learning the poems of school themes, viewing pictures reflecting school life and conversations on them, drawing school and plot role-playing games to school.

Conclusions on the first chapter

The analysis of the literature on the problems of psychological readiness for school learning allows us to talk about the great importance of this problem for various specialists (teachers, psychologists, speech therapists) working with children of the preparatory group of kindergartens. Psychological readiness for school is the most important result of preschool childhood. It provides a transition to a schoolboy's position and is a necessary foundation for mastering the school program.

School and kindergarten - two adjacent elements in the education system, and their task is to provide high-quality psychological and pedagogical support, which allows not only to overcome difficulty people who arise from the child, but also to ensure their prevention. Here, the organization of timely assistance from medical professionals and children's clinics, correctional and psychological assistance of kindergartens and school, mobilization of effort and, of course, understanding and cooperation with parents, with the child's family, which is a direct link in working with children. The multi-term problem of continuity between kindergarten and school requires a constructive dialogue of all interested socio-administrative groups and structures.

So, pedagogical tools for the formation of pre-school components of readiness for training in school in the pupils of the preparatory group of kindergarten are different. First of all, the teacher adheres to the program on which a kindergarten works, which took the basis of its educational process. It is important not to forget that adequate for preschool age training is a game, so the educator must allocate those children who begin to lose interest in the game, and those who play at the primitive level. For the first children, the performance of special tasks, instructions of "their affairs in the group" will be useful. They must be more painted with drawing, modeling, applique, design. Make them should not be made. At the training sessions, such children should be offered tasks that have a type of educational task, giving a productive result.

For children, higher level games that are more interested in playing (make a performance in the children's theater with the distribution of roles, in the game of the game to offer the child to make the missing item itself), the game along with the educator. In the classroom, it is necessary to offer children to the tasks that have game attractive moments, more often to praise them, not to blame for failure, compares in their favor. During classes to make more pauses - musical, physical education. The material, when explaining, it is desirable to crush into small portions, to organize his assimilation in the game associated with one common idea ("Traveling around the country of diplompes", "the kingdom of mathematical traps").

Chapter 2. Formation of psychological readiness for school education in the pupils of the preparatory group of the pre-school educational institution

2.1 Diagnostics of readiness for school education in children 6-7 years

In our work, we will consider psychological readiness as an extremely important and significant aspect and within it four components of the child's readiness for school learning: intellectual, emotional-volitional, personal (motivational) and communicative we have diagnosed the formation of components of readiness for training in school at the pupils of experimental Groups.

To identify intellectual readiness, we used the approximate test of the school maturity of Corene-Jirasek; To identify the emotional-ski component, the N.Gutekina "Domik" method was used, the "Conversation about school" methodology was determined by the Personal (motivational) readiness for school; To identify communication readiness, a technique "Form of communication of a child with adults" was used (M.I. Lisin).

The intellectual component of psychological readiness is the least studied. For its assessment, the approximate test of the school maturity of Corene-Jirasek is most often used. This test identifies the overaffectual level of children 6-7 years. External simplicity and speed test, availability detailed description The actions of the child, assessed by one or another point, made this test attractive not only for psychologists, but also for teachers, including for educators of kindergartens; On this test, there were categorical conclusions about the readiness / unpretentiousness of the child to school. Meanwhile, the Kern-Jirasek himself emphasized that if good results on this test reliably predict the high success of learning, then the bad result does not possess such an indicative ability. This does not mean that low test results do not give psychodiagnostic information at all. They are a reason for increased attention to the child, the strengthening of emotional and pedagogical support at the very beginning of education, and in some cases (with particularly low results) - carry out an in-depth psychological examination. The approximate test of the school maturity of Corene-Jiraseca consists of three tasks:

1) drawing a male memory figure;

2) handling written letters;

3) handling a group of points.

Purpose of the study: the definition of functional readiness for school learning (psychomotor maturity): the development of a fine motor hand and coordination of vision and movement of the hand (i.e. the skills necessary for mastering the letter), the ability to imitate the sample and concentrately, without distracting, working for some time over not a very attractive task; Definition B. general features Intellectual development of the child (drawing of a male memory figure).

Material: Blank, on the front side of which should contain data about the child and left free space for drawing a figure of a man, on the turnover, in the upper left side, a sample of written letters is placed, and a sample of a group of points is placed in the lower left part. The right side of this side of the sheet is left free to play the samples by a child.

The core-yirase test can be used both in the group and individually.

Research Procedure: The study is carried out with a group of children. Time is about 10-13 minutes. Instructions for use of the test (Appendix 1).

Processing and analysis of results:

The result of each task was evaluated on the five-point system (1 - the highest score; 5 - a lower score), and then the total result of three tasks was calculated. The development of children who received in the amount of three tasks from 3 to 6 points is considered as "school-mature", from 6-9 points "Middle - mature", from 9 to15 - below the norm.

Methods "Domik" N.I.Gutkin

To study the arbitrary sphere of the preschooler, we used the N.Gutkin "House" method, which is a task to draw a picture depicting a house, separate parts of which are composed of uppercase letters.

The purpose of the study: to identify the ability of the child to navigate in its work on the sample, the ability to accurately copy it, to identify the features of the development of arbitrary attention, spatial perception, sensorotor coordination and fine motility hands.

In this sense, the "House" methodology can be considered as analogue of tasks No. 2 and 3 of the test of A. Kerne - Ya. Yirasek (handling written letters and handling a group of points), and the closest results of the "Domik" technique gives the Kerna test number 2 YiSerase. However, the "Domik" method allows you to identify the features of the development of random attention, since the results of the results are taken into account only of "attention errors", while the core-yirase test does not allow to determine, for example, which caused poor quality assignment: poor attention or poor Spatial perception.

Material: Blank, on the left side of which a picture is placed, depicting a house, separate parts of which are composed of elements of capital letters. The right side of the form is left free to reproduce a sample child (Fig. 2.1).

Criteria for assessing the results obtained (for children from 5 years 7 months. Up to 6 years 7 months):

1) 0 points - a high level of arbitrary attention;

2) 1 - 2 points - the average level of arbitrary attention;

3) 3 - 4 points - level below average;

4) More than 4 points are a low level of development of random attention.

Processing and analysis of results.

Since this technique is clinical and does not have

regulatory indicators, the results obtained according to it are not interpreted from the point of view of normality - the abnormality of the child's development, and from the point of view of the characteristics of its sensorotor development.

Methods "Conversation About School" TA Nezhnova

The purpose of the study: according to the method of T.A.Nezhnova "Conversation about school" we identified personal (motivational) readiness for school, which implies the attitude of the child to educational activities, as a socially significant case and desire to acquire knowledge. The background of the emergence of these motifs is the general desire for children to go to school and the development of curiosity. The attitude towards ourselves as a student, that is, they found out the level of formation of his "internal position of the schoolchildren" when the child dreams of school and expresses the desire to learn.

Material: List of Questions, Protocol.

The procedure consists of three stages: motivational, indicative and executive. The procedure for conducting a survey protocols in Appendix 3.

Methods "Form of communication of a child with adults" (M.I. Lisin)

Communicative readiness for school is determined by the presence of an incoming personality form of communication.

The diagnosis of communication forms was based on the "Form of communication of a child with adults" (M.I. Lysina) with the organization of three situations, each of which was optimal for identifying one of the three main forms of communication: a game for situationally business communication, a conversation for The book is for incoming and cognitive communication and a trust conversation with the child about interesting people for him - for incoming personality communication.

In order to determine which form of interaction is interesting to a child, you need to ask what he wants to do more with adults: play with toys, read a new book or talk about something. If the child chose or could not decide on the form of interaction, it is important to spend all 3 types of interaction with one child and start better with a joint game. Method Observation in the experimental (modeled) situation:

If a child has chosen a situational business communication, we use a joint game. Criteria for a joint game:

1. One or together with adults

2. Does the partner oriented on the partner and takes into account his interests

3. Does this activity be fond of or prefers to play alone

The procedure for the game in Appendix 4.

In order to find out whether the child is capable of incoming and informing communication with adults, we are talking on the book read (discussion of read or told by adults).

Criteria on the conversation:

1. Participation of an adult and baby equally

2. Hobbies of the child, whether questions ask and what

3. Duration of conversation

The procedure for conducting in Appendix 4.

To clarify the ability to incoming personal communication, we use a conversation with a child "in souls" (about his relationship with friends, about your favorite book). The main condition is an adult equal participant, no visual support and topics are associated with real events from the life of a child about people, actions, relationships. Criteria for conversation:

1. Is the child's child's opinion interesting

2. Does it matter to him that his assessment coincides with the opinion of an adult

Approximate questions in Appendix 4.

To identify the levels of development of the child's communication, it is necessary to compare its activity and interest in different situations of interaction: when he more often turned to an adult when he showed the maximum concentration for himself, in what situation he felt most freely and relatively and compared the behavior of a child in different situations.

Indicators - (1 option)

1. Choosing a situation of communication

2. The activity of the child in different situations: his talkativeness, the ability to manifest the initiative and develop the topic of communication

3. Sensitivity to the words and action of a partner, the ability to hear the statements of the other and adequately respond to them.

4. The general interest and mood of the child: its concentration on the topic of communication, discrepancy, emotional comfort

5. The time during which the child may (want) to communicate.

Indicators - Activity, Sensitivity, Interest (2 options)

1. Full absence of this quality or weak severity

2. Unstable quality manifestation

3. Strong grade quality

Second phase

Testing diagnostic and correctional work on the formation of intellectual, and emotional-volitional components of the program of the Gutkina program, in working with the children of the experimental group developed on the basis of the test of the Vitzlak "The ability to study at school", designed for children of 5.5-7 years. The correctional program for the formation of the communicative component is based on theoretical materials of L.S. Vygotsky and O.A. Karabanova. In addition, the classes included tasks for the formation of the "internal position of the student". Classes were conducted from February 2014 to May 2014.

The goal is to search for effective means of forming a pre-school component of readiness for schooling in a kindergarten. The material used in the forming experiment: didactic games on classification, seriation, reasoning, memorization, attention, movable, role-playing for communication; Riddles, tasks, games, on improving the motivational interest in school training.

Third stage

Conducting the re-diagnosis of the level of formation of components of readiness for school learning from the pupils of the experimental group. The goal is to check the effectiveness of the forming experiment. For re-diagnostics, the same techniques were used as at the first stage of the study.

The re-examination of the readiness for school was held at the end of May 2014. The results of the first stage of the study of the intellectual and emotional-volition components of readiness for training in the school of children of the experimental group to the formative experiment are presented in the table.

Table 2.1 Number of children with a predominance of intellectual and emotional and volition components of readiness for school training

Results of the dough "House"

The results of the estimated test of school maturity of Corene-YiSerase

Drawing a male figure

Copying words

Sourcing points

5 points N.

5 points N.

5 points N.

Legend: B - high level, C - average level, n - low level

From the table it is clear that according to the results of the dough "Domik" N.I. Gutkina

1 - a child (Diana B.) showed a high level of development of random attention;

4 - baby (Dima S., Nina B., Vanya L., Nastya Z.) showed the average level of arbitrary attention;

5 - children (Anya S., Dasha K., Danil P., Arina K., Arthur A.) showed a low level of development of arbitrary attention.

Not all children are well focused on samples, not all children have a copy ski abuse. We can talk about the insufficient development of arbitrary attention, sensorotor coordination.

Consider the second we conducted an estimate test of the school maturity of Corene-Jiraseca consisting of three tasks.

Task 1. Figure Male Figure.

The task was estimated on a five-point system. The test allows you to determine in general terms the intellectual development of the child

7 children showed the average level

2 baby showing low levels

Task 2. Copy words. The test identifies the ability of the child to imitate the sample. Determine whether the child can concentrately, without being distracted to work for a while over the task not very attractive for him.

1 baby showed high level

2 baby showing the average level

7 children showed low levels

Task 3. Suiting a group of points

9 children showed high levels

1 baby showed low level

The intellectual development of children under the total result of three tasks of the test of Corene-Jiraeques showed that four of the children "school-mature" (Anya S., Dima Sh., Arina K., Nastya Z.), four children "Mid-Mature" ( Nina B., Dasha K., Danil P., Diana B.) and two children are developing below the norm (Vanya L., Arthur A.).

The results of the primary study of the personal and motivational component of the readiness of the "internal position of the schoolchildren" in a conversation about the school T.A.Nezhnova:

In 6 children (Anya S., Dima S., Nina B., Arina K., Diana B., Nastya Z.) The prevalence of category A responses is indicated that their internal position is of meaningful.

4 children (Dasha K., Danil P., Vanya L., Arthur A.) The predominance of category B, which speaks of the orientation of these children to pre-school activities, on formal parties to learning.

The results of the study of communicative readiness and identifying the leading form of communication on the method of "the form of a child's communication with adults" (M.I. Lisin) are presented in the table.

Table 2.2 Number of children with a predominance of different forms of communication with adults in conventional points, per child

Prevailing form of communication

Amount of children

Indicators used to diagnose communication forms

Total scores

The procedure for choosing situations

Object attention in the first minute of experience

Level of comfort

Features of speech statements

The desired duration of experience

Business communication (joint game)

Cognitive communication (viewing and reading book)

Personal communication (conversation on personal topics)

On average for all forms of communication

The results presented in Table 2 show differences in the behavior of children when communicating with adults in five indicators, in three different situations: in games, in conversations on the book and when talking on personal topics. Four children (Dasha K., Danil P., Vanya L., Arthur A.) The situational-business communication prevailed: they mostly chose the game, and all the signs taken by us had the highest values \u200b\u200bwith their toys. They agreed to read books, but quickly distracted. Offer to talk on personal topics caused an embarrassment or direct failure in children. In three children (Arina K., Diana B., Dima S., Nina B.) with an incremental and informative communication revealed a persistent desire for cognitive communication about the world of things and natural phenomena. They neglected with game contacts, and the personal conversation was supported with difficulties. In two children (Anya S., Nastya Z.) prevailed incoming personality communication. They were dramatically different from the test two previous groups in that they expressed a special tendency to incoming personal contacts in any proposed situation: children could sometimes choose a game or reading books, but soon they tried to organize a conversation about themselves, friends, about the relationship between people. It also turned out that children who prefer situationally-business communication are generally relatively little conversation and have a general reduced level of communicative activities. They are characterized by the well-known standard of communication, which is weakly changing when the circumstances modifications. Apparently, it is no coincidence that these children were the smallest and sensitivity, and initiative in relations with adults. Children with incoming forms of communication significantly differed from the first group with two signs: their talkativeness, as well as dynamic, flexibility, communicative activity, significantly changing in accordance with the modification of communication conditions.

Summary Table of Data Preparedness Components Table 2.3

The name of the child

School readiness components

School readiness




i will make a personal.

will contribute.

will contribute.

not Sform.

will contribute. - Business

not forming.

will contribute. - Business

not forming.

will contribute. - Business

will contribute.

not forming.

will contribute. - Business

will contribute.

i will make a personal.

shk.z. - School-mature, cf. - Medium-ripe, N.N. - Below norm

The level of readiness for learning in school children can also be seen on the histogram below (Fig.2.2).

In the figure, we see that 1 child with a high level of readiness, 4 children have a medium figure, 2 children - a low indicator, in 3 children the level of readiness for training in school below the norm.

The results of the diagnosis allowed to choose the directions of correctional and developing work (2.2. The second chapter).

To assess the effectiveness of the implemented program, we conducted a re-diagnosis of preparedness of preschoolers of the experimental group to school. Results of the III study stage are presented in the table.

Table 2.4 The level of formation of readiness components for the training of children of the experimental group before and after the formative experiment

The name of the child

School readiness components

Level. Ready. to schools.



Personal "Internal Schoolchild Position"


after F.E.

after F.E.

after F.E.

after F.E.

after F.E.

i will make a personal.

i will make a personal.

will contribute.

i will make a personal.

will contribute.

i will make a personal.

not forming

will contribute. - Business

will contribute.

not forming

will make it Business

will contribute.

not forming

will make it Business

will contribute.

will contribute.

i will make a personal.

not forming

will make it Business

will contribute.

will contribute.

i will make a personal.

i will make a personal.

i will make a personal.

From the table, it can be seen that after the formative experiment 4 child with a level of readiness as "medium-mature" raised their level of intellectual readiness to "school-mature", two with the indicators "below the norm" increased the readiness component to "medium-mature".

The emotional-volitional component has become high in five children, in three times with a low level rose to medium.

The personal component of the "Internal Position of the Schoolboy" was formed at all guys.

The communicative component after the formative experiment in four children with an incoming-business form of communication was formed as "incoming-cognitive", in four as "incoming personality", which is a sign of their communicative readiness for school training.

Show the results of the experiment on the histogram

As we see on the histogram, there are no children with low levels of readiness: 5 children have high levels of readiness and 5 children have an average level of readiness.

Analysis of the results of experimental research make it possible to say that our hypothesis finds confirmation. So a comparative analysis of the development of the components of psychological readiness for the training of children of the experimental group before and after the formative experiment showed that correctional and developing work had a positive impact on the level of readiness of preschoolers for school training.

2.2 Diagnostic and correctional program for the formation of readiness for training in school in children 6-7 years

The diagnostic and correctional program for the formation of intellectual and emotional and volition components of readiness was developed by N.I. Gutkina on the basis of the test of the city of Vitzlak "The ability to learn school." The program for the formation of the communicative component was based on the theoretical materials of L.S. Vygotsky and O.A. Karabanova. The classes also included tasks for the formation of the "internal position of the student". The tasks included in the program are designed for children of 5.5-7 years. The goal is to develop a thinking, the development of speech, the ability to learn, the formation of personal and motivational interest in school training, the communicative qualities of classes were conducted 2 times a week to 30 minutes. The formative experiment was carried out from February to May 2014 on the basis of the kindergarten No. 285 of the city of Volgograd in the preparatory group. Kindergarten works on a comprehensive educational program of education and development of children of preschool age "Childhood" (author's team under the guidance of T. Babaeva). One of the components of the tasks is the formation of components of readiness for school: personal, emotional-volitional, intellectual, communicative. These tasks are solved in the process of various activities of children: cognitive, gaming, labor, artistic, which makes it possible to carry out their comprehensive development and education, training for school learning. To achieve the goals of the program in kindergarten, all conditions have been created: there is a sports, music chairs, necessary equipment, visual materialThe distribution material, developing zones are created in groups. The institution employs: a psychologist, speech therapist, social teacher, music leader, physical education instructor.

It is clear that the solution of the goals marked in the program and the tasks of education is possible only with the purposeful influence of the teacher to the child from the first days of his stay in a preschool educational institution. From pedagogical mastery Every teacher, his culture, love for children depends on the level of general development, which reaches the child, the degree of moral qualities acquired.

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IN modern world Requirements for children entering the first class school, grow every year. According to the modern Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, ensuring the continuity of preschool and primary general education, in children by the end of preschool age, independence should be formed in various activities; Positive attitude towards peace, work, other people and oneself; The ability to negotiate and resolve conflicts; The ability to obey the rules and social standards; Imagination must be developed, primarily in the game; oral speech; Large and small motility; curiosity; The child must master the initial information about himself about the environment. The successful formation of all these and many other personal qualities and the development of preschooler mental processes leads to the formation of prerequisites for training activities.

Not all children who begin learning at school are ready for a new stage of their lives. Lack of timely diagnosis of pre-school children's readiness for school children and late or insufficient correctional work with such children can lead to the problem of school deadaption.

Thus, the problem of readiness of children to school learning is relevant today.

The readiness of children to school is a problem, the study of which many scientists are engaged in different countries. Among them are foreign psychologists, such as Anna Anastasi, Alois Yiurak, and domestic psychologists, for example, Lydia Ilyinichna Bajovich, Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, Irina Yuryevna Kulagin.

Many foreign and domestic psychologists are being studied by the problem of readiness of preschool children to school children.

Anna Anastasi in his works is considering readiness for school as the acquisition of the necessary skills and skills, knowledge, motivation and other traits of behavior, thanks to which the student can extract the maximum benefit from school learning.

Yang Yirasek in his studies allocate three components of the school readiness: intellectual readiness (including differentiated perception, aimed at the concentration of attention, analytical thinking, etc.), emotional readiness (achieving relatively good emotional sustainability and learning motivation) and social readiness (need Baby to communicate with other children, the ability to obey the rules of children's groups).

Lydia Ilyinichna Bajovich Undeadancy to school understands "not only the corresponding level of development of the cognitive activity of the preschooler, but also the level of development of its motivational sphere and thereby its attitude to reality."

Lion Semenovich Vygotsky became one of the first Soviet psychologists who put forward an idea that intellectual readiness for schooling depends not from the quantitative reserve of the ideas of the child of the preschool age about the world around the world, but on the degree of development of mental processes. From the point of view of L.S. Vygotsky, a child who has achieved a certain level of development of mental processes can be called ready for schooling. This level consists of the abilities of the child to allocate the main and meaningful in the phenomena of the surrounding world, to find when comparing the similarity and difference of reality phenomena; In the ability to analyze reality, build logical reasoning, leading to the right conclusions about the subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world. An equally important criterion for readiness for schooling is the ability of a child to follow the course of the teacher's reasoning and capture causal relations explained by the teacher.

Thus, according to L. S. Vygotsky, "Being ready for school-learning means, first of all, have the ability to generalize and differentiate objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in the relevant categories."

According to Irina Yuryevna Kulaginina, "Psychological readiness for school is a complex education, which assumes a rather high level of development of the motivational, intellectual sphere of arbitrariness." Kulagin I.Yu., like many other psychologists, highlights the three components in the structure of psychological readiness for school: personal (motivational), intellectual readiness for school learning and the willingness of the sphere of arbitrariness. Under personal readiness for school training Kulagina I.Yu. It understands the development of the cognitive need of preschool children and the formation of arbitrariness of actions, the ability to follow the specified rules and standards. Intellectual readiness for schooling includes the development of thought processes. Under the development of mental processes, the ability to analyze, summarize, compare objects, classify them on a given feature, to find similarities and differences, detect the causes of certain phenomena and draw conclusions based on causal relationships. In addition to the development of mental processes, intellectual readiness includes the development of memory, imagination, the speech of the child of preschool age. Kulagina I.Yu. It notes that psychological readiness for school is a holistic education, and the insufficient development of one component will attract the problems of forming psychological readiness for school learning in general.

Leonid Abramovich Wenger determines the readiness for school as a set of personal qualities of the child of preschool age, which includes motivation or personal readiness, volitional and intellectual readiness.

Nina Josephovna Gutkin understands psychological readiness for school as a readiness for the assimilation of a certain part of the culture included in the content of education in the form of educational activities, and is a complex structural and system education that covers all sides of the children's psyche. It includes: Personal-motivational and volitional spheres, elementary systems of summarized knowledge and ideas, some training skills and abilities. This is not the amount of insulated qualities and properties, but their holistic unity.

According to the encyclopedic dictionary on psychology and pedagogy, psychological readiness for school is a complex of mental qualities necessary for a child for the successful start of training at school. These qualities can be divided into components:

1) Motivational readiness - a positive attitude to school and the desire to learn;

2) mental or cognitive readiness - a sufficient level of development of thinking, memory, and other cognitive processes, the presence of a certain stock of knowledge and skills;

3) volitional readiness - a fairly high level of development of arbitrary behavior;

4) Communicative readiness - the ability to establish attitudes with peers, preparedness for joint activities and attitude to adult as a teacher.

Domestic and foreign psychologists share psychological readiness for school learning into several components. In the work, the basis is the classification of Irina Yuryevna Kulagin, who divided psychological readiness for school training for three aspects: the motivational sphere, the sphere of arbitrariness and the intellectual sphere.

Motivational or personal readiness implies attitude to study as a socially significant case and the desire to actively participate in this matter.

The condition for the formation of motivational readiness for school learning is, first of all, the desire of preschool children to go to school. At first, this desire can be external: the desire to get a bright backpack, beautiful stationery, the need for new emotions, a new setting, the desire to acquire new friends. Gradually, preschool children begin to attract no external attributes of school life, but internal needs, first of all, the desire to get new knowledge. A large role in the formation of the desire for school life is played by the attitude of adults to educational activities as much more significant and useful activity than the game.

Another condition for the formation of the motivational side of psychological readiness for school learning is the desire of preschool children. The desire to obtain a new social role, the role of the student. Children of preschool age strive to rise to a new stage of development, grow in the eyes of more younger children and compare in a social situation with schoolchildren.

The following condition for the formation of the personal side of the psychological readiness of preschool children to school children is a cognitive need that is fully impossible to satisfy at home or in kindergarten.

If children of preschool age have a personal motivation for schooling, it will facilitate the development of the sphere of arbitrariness. Children of preschool age with developed educational motivation seek to fulfill the rules of school, listen to the requirements of the teacher, try to control their behavior at school. Thus, the first condition for the formation of the sphere of arbitrariness of the psychological readiness of children of preschool age for school education is the presence of educational motivation.

By the end of the preschool age, children can realize the goal of their actions, schedule an approximate action plan, to make efforts to perform actions to achieve the goal, overcome obstacles to the goal. The need to overcome the difficulties and subordination of their actions to the goal contributes to the development of the arbitrariness of mental processes. Preschool children begin to consciously control their behavior, internal and external actions. So, the second condition for the formation and development of the sphere of arbitrariness of psychological readiness for school education is the development of the ability to plan their activities and manage their behavior.

The sphere of arbitrariness in preschool children is formed with direct assistance to an adult. Parents, educators form the concepts of "necessary", "you can", "it is impossible." The awareness of these concepts and the subordination of the rules is the third condition for the formation of the sphere of arbitrariness. Based on these rules in preschool children, such important features of nature are formed as responsible and discipline.

Another condition for the formation of the sphere of arbitrariness in children of preschool age is the right organization of adults of children, taking into account the difficulties of the tasks and time, assigning them to their execution.

Intellectual readiness for school learning is the third, no less important component of the psychological readiness of preschool children to school. Intellectual readiness of children is related to the development of thinking processes, namely, with the skills of children, analyze, summarize, compare items and phenomena of the surrounding world, classify them, to identify causal relations between phenomena, draw conclusions. In addition, the intellectual readiness of preschool children to school-learning is determined by an increased level of development of mental processes: differentiated perception, arbitrary attention, meaningful logical memorization, fracturing of verbal-logical thinking.

The most important condition for the formation of the intellectual sphere of the psychological readiness of preschool children to school-age - is systematic classes with adults. Without the help of an adult child of preschool age, it will not be able to navigate the time, space, the nearest social environment, natural environment. Even with a large set of knowledge about the world around the world in preschool children, a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture of the world will not be formed. Adult helps children of preschool age systematize and summarize existing knowledge.

In addition to issuing ready-made knowledge about the world, adults must create for children problem situations, ask questions that encourage the mental activity of children. The development of adults of cognitive needs of the child and the creation of conditions for the active mental activity of children of preschool age is the second condition for the formation of an intellectual scope of readiness for school education.

The third condition is the formation of an intellectual sphere - the orientation of adults on the zone of the nearest development of children. The implementation of this condition ensures the development of the psyche and intelligence of the child.

The results of the theoretical studies carried out by us allow us to draw the following conclusions.

The problem of readiness of preschool children to school learning was interested in many researchers, both foreign and domestic.

Most fully, in our opinion, Irina Yuryevna Kulagin has determined psychological readiness for school education. In its works, psychological readiness for school education is as complex education, which involves the development of the following areas of personality: intellectual, motivational and spheres of arbitrariness.

Children develop intensively during preschool childhood, both physiologically and psychologically. The following age factors can be distinguished, affecting psychological readiness for school:

a) the features of the development of attention (the concentration increases, the amount of attention, increases the degree of sustainability; the allocation of attention is still poorly developed; attention is involuntary);

b) the features of the development of memory (an increase in the volume of memorization of verbal information, the development of memory arbitracy);

c) the features of the development of thinking (the verbal-logical thinking is beginning to develop under the condition of systematic learning);

d) Features of the development of speech (it is more complicated, in the speech of children of preschool age, complex proposals, summarized concepts, are more common.

Psychological readiness for schooling in children of preschool age does not arise spontaneously, but is formed when performing a number of conditions.

Conditions for the formation of motivational readiness for school education:

1) the desire of preschool children to go to school;

2) the desire of preschool children's desire to obtain a new social role of the student;

3) the cognitive need that is fully impossible to satisfy at home or in kindergarten.

Conditions for the formation of the readiness of the sphere of arbitrariness for school education:

1) the presence of educational motivation;

2) the development of the ability to plan their activities and manage their behavior;

3) the awareness of the concepts "necessary", "it is possible", "not" and subordinate to the rules;

4) The right organization of adults of children, taking into account the difficulties of the tasks and time to be performed by children, assigning them to their execution.

Conditions for the formation of intellectual readiness for school learning:

1) systematic classes with adults;

2) the development of adults of cognitive needs of the child and creating conditions for the active mental activity of children of preschool age;

3) the orientation of adults on the zone of the nearest development of children.

The conclusions made by us served as the basis for a practical research on the topic of work.

Irina Yurievna Kulagin, like many other psychologists, distinguishes three components in the structure of psychological readiness for school: personal (motivational), intellectual readiness for school learning and the willingness of the sphere of arbitrariness.

For the successful diagnosis of readiness of preschool children to school, all three spheres of psychological readiness for school learning should be examined in preschool age.

Methodology 1. Methods "Motivational preferences" is selected for the study of the motivational sphere of readiness of preschool children to school. Its author - Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Soldiers, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Defectology and Special Pedagogy of the State Humanitarian University of Technology. Methods for the purpose to identify the coexlation of the motives of educational, labor and gaming activity. Children are invited to consider 9 pictures on which the boy and the girl perform various actions. On three pictures, these actions belong to the game, on three - to the teaching, on three to work. At the first stage of research, children are invited to choose 3 pictures with the most attractive activities and postpone them aside. At the second stage, children need to choose several pictures with undesirable actions (the number of pictures for choice is not limited, children can attribute to undesirable actions and all the remaining pictures). If after the second stage of the study there are pictures, then the third stage comes. On it, children should divide the remaining pictures on more and less attractive.

Methods "Motivational preferences" allows you to identify the presence of a dominant motive at a child - a gaming, labor or training.

The choice of cards with the image of the actions of training activity is estimated at two points for each chosen card. The choice of cards with the image of work activities is estimated at one point for each selected card. The choice of cards with the image of the actions of gaming activity is estimated at zero points. After the survey is completed, the scores are summed up and form a final score.

Methods 2. For the study of the intellectual sphere of readiness of preschool children, the technique of Alexander Nikolayevich Bernstein "Setting a sequence of events" is selected. The study is intended for individual work with children. Children are invited to consider 6 plot pictures related in meaning, but confused by each other by the sequence of events. Children need to catch the plot, lay out the pictures correctly and make a story on them.

If children independently established the faithful sequence of pictures, amounted to a logically true story, then a high level of development of the intellectual readiness for school learning is diagnosed.

If the children independently established the correct sequence of pictures, but could not make a logically correct story without the help, then the average level of development of the intellectual sphere of readiness for school learning is diagnosed.

If children could not draw up a faithful sequence of events, refused to draw up a story or could not make a story even with the help of an adult, or tried to describe it from each other without communication with the rest of the pictures, then a low level of development of the intellectual sphere of readiness for school learning is diagnosed.

Methods 3. To study the sphere of arbitrariness of the readiness of preschool children, Nina Josephovna Gutkina "Domik" was chosen to school. Children are invited to draw a house made from geometric shapes and elements of capital letters. In the course of the work of the child, you must fix the following: a) what kind of hand the child draws; b) how the child works with the sample; c) quickly or slowly draws; d) is often distracted while working; e) what makes and what questions ask; e) Does his drawing with the sample be checked after the completion of work.

Processing research results is carried out by calculating points accrued for errors: 1) the absence of any part of the figure (4 points); 2) an increase in the details of the figure twice and more (3 points for each enlarged part); 3) incorrectly depicted part of the figure (3 points); 4) the incorrect location of parts in the pattern of drawing (1 point); 5) deviation of direct vertical and horizontal lines (1 point); 6) lines breaks (1 score for each gap); 7) Sealing lines on each other (1 point for every sealing).

Interpretation of results: 0 points - well developed sphere of arbitrary; 1-4 points - the average development of the sphere of arbitrary; More than 4 points - the weak development of the sphere of arbitrariness.

The diagnostic program of the study is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of diagnostic tools

Methodology name

The purpose of the methodology

Criteria for evaluation

1. "Motivational preferences" D.V. Soldati Studying the motivational sphere of readiness of preschool children to school Sports of the motives of educational, labor and gaming activity
2. "Establishing a sequence of events" A.N. Bernstein Study of the intellectual sphere of readiness of preschool children to school The development of intelligence: the ability to understand the plot, lay out pictures correctly and make a story on them
3. "House" N.I. Gutkin Studying the sphere of arbitrariness of pre-school children's readiness for school education Random

So, in conditions when the requirements for children entering the first school class are growing. In children, by the end of preschool age, independence should be formed in various activities; Positive attitude towards peace, work, other people and oneself; The ability to negotiate and resolve conflicts; The ability to obey the rules and social standards; Imagination must be developed, primarily in the game; oral speech; Large and small motility; curiosity; The child must master the initial information about himself about the environment. The successful formation of all these and many other personal qualities and the development of preschooler mental processes leads to the formation of prerequisites for training activities.

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Ovcharenko Inna Alexandrovna
teacher primary classes MKOU SOSH №25 with WEOP G. Rossosh Voronezh region

Formation of the child's psychological readiness for school training

This material is a study conducted to determine the psychological readiness of children for school training. In this development, theoretical information and methods for the diagnosis of psychological readiness for learning are collected and summarized. Presented material is intended for educators of kindergartens, teachers of primary classes, psychologists, students.
The problem of the psychological readiness of the child to school training is relevant.
With the receipt of the child to school comes a completely new stage of his life. And to this stage, it must be quite prepared. First of all, the child should be ready to fulfill serious activities that gives him not only new rights, but also imposing difficult duties. The little schoolboy has the right to count on respect for those around him and itself is obliged to systematically fulfill all the tasks of the teacher, to behave in accordance with the school regulations, regardless of whether he wants it to this moment or not. The level of his readiness for learning depends on what kind of learning, which program will be chosen by the teacher.
The high demands of life to the organization of education and training are forced to look for new, more efficient psychological and pedagogical approaches aimed at bringing methods for learning in compliance with life requirements. In this sense, the problem of readiness of preschoolers for school training is of particular importance. It is connected with its decision to define the objectives and principles of organizing training and education in preschool institutions. At the same time, the success of the subsequent training of children in school depends on its solution.
The issue of psychological readiness for school education was quite widely considered in the domestic psychology L. S. Vygotsky, L.I. Bozovich, D. B. Elkonin developed theoretical basis Problems.
The problem of research is how the psychologist is to determine the level of child's readiness for school training and, if necessary, to help develop the qualities and processes that differ in low levels.
Analysis of the development of a child to school is necessary in order to know which requirements will not be excessive for him, will not lead to a deterioration in the state of health, violation of socio-psychological adaptation and learning difficulties.
A child coming to school first has a contradiction between the increased requirements associated with the assimilation of the content of education, and its capabilities, sufficiently limited, to master this content.
Hypothesis . With competently created conditions, it is possible to ensure the best readiness of children to school learning, to a certain degree, adjust the unpretentiousness to school training.
Object research The features of the process of developing preschool children are characteristics.
Subject of study - Features of the main components of the psychological readiness of children for school training and the possibility of forming missing qualities.
Purpose It is the study of the child's psychological readiness for school training and determining the possibilities of correctional and developing classes for the formation of a child's psychological readiness for school training.
To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
1. Determine the essence of the concept of "psychological readiness of a child to school learning"; deepen theoretical knowledge on the problem of the content of psychological readiness.
2. To identify individually - the psychological features of the readiness of children for school training.
3. To analyze the possibilities of correctional and developing classes for the formation of the child's psychological readiness for school training.
The methodological basis of the study was the works L.S. Vygotsky, L.I. Bozovic (about the essence of the psychological readiness of children for school education), A.N. Leontiev (on the role of leading activities in the development of the psyche of children).
To solve the tasks, theoretical methods were used: the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature revealing the state of the problem under study, and empirical methods: observation, conversation, testing, analysis of pedagogical experience with preschoolers in the MOU DOD House of Children and Youth of Rossosh.
The construction of a psychologist's work system is impossible without knowledge of the theoretical foundations and patterns of the development of the child - a preschooler. The problem of psychological readiness for school training is quite widely considered in domestic psychology. Admission to school marks the change of the social position of the child a preschooler Transformation of the entire social situation of its development.
Domestic psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, L.I. Bowovich, D. B. Elkonin), considered the theoretical foundations of the problem.
One of the first L.S.Vigotsky formulated the idea that the readiness for school learning on the part of the intellectual development of the child is not so much in the quantitative reserve of ideas, but in the level of development of intellectual processes, i.e. In the quality features of children's thinking. According to L.S. Vygotsky, to be ready for school learning, it means first of all possess the ability to generalize and differentiate objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in the relevant categories [26, p.210].
In a complex of psychological readiness for school, a special place is given to the development of arbitrariness.
L. I. Bozovic developed the ideas of hp Vygotsky and considered a comprehensive education, which includes a certain level of development of mental activity, cognitive interests, readiness for the arbitrary regulation of cognitive activity and the social position of the schoolchild. L. and .. Bozovich the most important component of readiness considered motivational. She highlighted two groups of exercise motives: a) motives related to the need for communication;
b) Motives associated with intellectual activity needs.
The synthesis of the motives of these two groups and forms, according to the author, "the internal position of the student.
The child coming to school should be ready not only to absorb knowledge, but also a new way of life, which is associated with the transition to school age.
D.B. Elkonin and his staff allocated several parameters of learning activities that actually relate to components of arbitrariness:
1) the ability to consciously obey the rule;
2) the ability to focus on a specified system of requirements;
H) the ability to listen carefully speaking, reproduce tasks,
proposed orally;
4) the ability to independently perform a task based on visual
Perception of the sample.
The arbitracy of 6-7 years has not yet formed, arbitrary behavior is a neoplasm of younger school age.
A. I. Zaporozhets includes the readiness for school learning motivation, the level of development of cognitive and analytical synthetic activities and the degree of formation of mechanisms of volitional regulation.
This position is close to the ideas of L.I. Bozovic.
In normally developing preschool children, cognitive activity, aimed and prompting cognitive task begins to form. During this period, children appear a new qualitatively peculiar level of cognitive need.
Determining the personal readiness of the child to school, it is necessary to identify the specifics of the development of the sphere of arbitrariness. The arbitrary behavior of the child is manifested when performing requirements, specific rules asked by the teacher, when working on the sample. Therefore, the features of arbitrary behavior are traced not only when observing the child on individual and group classes, but also with the help of special techniques.
Identifying the psychological readiness of children for school training is impossible without information that parents and educators of kindergarten can provide. The methodology "Questionnaire for parents and educators" will help the teacher in working with future first graders.
The questionnaire may include the following sections:
1. Features of the child's personality, his behavior in children's
2. Performance during classes.
3. The condition and nature of memory.
4. Features of thinking.
5. Speech development.
6. The assimilation of the kindergarten program.
7. Deviations in health.
After analyzing the questionnaires, the psychologist should take a special observation of children, quickly tosing, irritable, restless, to allocate students in a special group with lack of speech development, development of cognitive processes.
The motivational readiness of the child to school training can be explored using a talk about the attitude towards school, teaching (Appendix 1).
The most affordable of the child's readiness testing techniques for school learning is the core test - Jiraeques.
The core-yirasek test includes a drawing part and verbal part.
The drawing part consists of three tasks that are proposed to perform children:
1. Draw a person's figure (man).

2. Copy from the stencil an unfamiliar combination of strokes (the phrase "she is given tea" or "he ate soup").
Z. Copy from the stencil of ten drawn points, placing them alone under the other at an equal distance vertically and horizontally.
The test of Kerna YiSerase gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of overall development of the child, its eyelasier, spatial orientation, the ability to imitate, about the degree of development of shaped memory, complex coordinated movements of the hand, on the development of motility, about the leading hand. All this is necessary when teaching a child at school.
The verbal part consists of questions that reveal awareness of the world, the level of development of cognitive processes, mental operations.
When determining the readiness of the child to school, you can use the tips of the psychologist A.L. Hanger.
Jobs A.L.V.Verger "Dorisuy Mushka Tails" and "Draw Handles for Umbrellas". And mouse tails and handles are elements of letters. Such testing will help the teacher to identify those children who require more attention.
Test "Draw the pattern" will allow you to check how children know how to listen.
Children draw a pattern under the dictation of the teacher: "Two cells to the right, one - down, etc."
The difficulties of performing such tasks show the insufficient development of motor functions and mechanisms for coordination of movements, violation of spatial perception. It is important to pay attention to the pace of the child's work. In children, the pace of work is slow, strokes are uneven, unsure, the slope is badly observed. When forming a letter skill, such children need to pay special attention.
"The readiness of the child for school learning" is an integrated figure, and each of the tests gives an idea of \u200b\u200ba certain side of the child's readiness to school.
Two techniques D.B. Elkonin - A.L.Verger are widely used to determine the arbitrariness of actions - A.L.Verger: Graphic dictation and "sample".
By performing the task "Graphic dictation", the child on a sheet into a cell from the pre-points set by the ornament, following the instructions of the psychologist. A psychologist dictates a group of children, in which direction and how many cells need to carry out lines, and then suggests to trigovy the dictation of the "pattern" to the end of the page. The graphic dictation allows you to determine how precisely the child can perform the requirements of the adult, the data is orally, as well as the ability to independently perform the tasks of the visual perceived pattern.
The method of "Sample and Rule" involves simultaneous following the sample in its work (the task is given to draw exactly the same pattern as this geometric figure) and rule (stipulate condition: it is impossible to carry out a line between the same points, i.e. connect the circle with a circle, a cross with a cross and a triangle with a triangle). The child, trying to perform the task, can draw a figure similar to a given, neglecting the rule, and, on the contrary, focus only on a rule, connecting different points and without referring to the sample. Thus, the technique reveals the level of child orientation on complex system requirements.
The study of the characteristics of the intellectual sphere can be started with the study of the memory - a mental process that is inextricably linked with mental. To determine the level of mechanical memorization, use the "memorization of 10 words" techniques, for example: year, elephant, sword, soap, salt, noise, hand, gender, spring, son. The child, listening to the whole number, repeats the words he remembered. Can be used (in difficult cases) Re-playback - after additional reading of the same words - and deferred playback, for example, hour after listening. L.A.Verger gives such mechanical memory indicators characteristic of six-seven age: the first time the child perceives at least 5 words out of 10; After 3-4 readings reproduces 9-10 words; After one hour, no more than 2 words reproduced earlier; In the process of serial memorization of the material, "failures" appear when, after one of the readings, the child remembers less words than before and later (which is usually a sign of overwork).
Methods A.R.Luria "Pictogram" allows you to identify indirect memorization, mental development, the degree of possession of generalizing concepts, the ability to plan their actions. The child is given a task to remember the words with the help of drawings: to each word or phrase, he himself makes a concise pattern, which then will help him this word reproduce it, the drawing becomes a means to help remember the words. For memorization, 10 words and phrases are given, such as, for example, a truck, a smart cat, dark forest, day, cheerful game, frost, capricious baby, good weather, strong person, punishment, interesting fairy tale. 1-1.5 hours after listening to a number of words and create the appropriate images, the child gets his drawings and remembers for what the word he did each of them.
The level of development of spatial thinking is detected different ways. Effective and convenient Methodology A.L. Venger "Labyrinth". The child needs to find the way to a specific house among others, the wrong paths and dead end of the labyrinth. In this, it is helped by shaped specified instructions - by what objects (trees, bushes, colors, mushrooms) it will pass. The child must navigate in the labyrinth itself and the scheme that displays the sequence of the path, i.e. Task solutions.
Other common techniques that diagnose the level of development of verbal and logical thinking are the following:
1. "Explanation of complex paintings": a child show a picture and ask to tell what is drawn on it. This technique gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow true the child understands the meaning of the depicted, can it allocate the main thing or is lost in separate items as well as its speech is.
2. "Event sequence" is a more complex technique. This is a series of plot pictures (from 3 to 6), which show the steps of a familiar child action. He must build the correct row from these drawings and tell how events developed. Series of pictures can be in content of varying degrees of difficulty. The "sequence of events" makes it possible to see the same data as the previous method, but, in addition, an understanding of causal relationships is revealed here.
Generalization and abstraction, a sequence of conclusions and some other aspects of thinking are studied using the subject class method. The child is groups of cards with inanimate objects and live creatures depicted on them. Classified various objects, it can allocate groups on a functional basis and give them generalized names (for example, furniture, clothing), maybe on an external attribute ("all large" or "they are red"), on situational signs (a closet and dress are combined into one group, Because "dress hangs in the closet").
When selecting children in schools whose training programs are significantly complicated and enhanced requirements (gymnasium, lyceums) are made to intelligence, we use more difficult techniques. Complex thinking processes of analysis and synthesis are studied in determining the children's concepts, interpretation of proverbs. The famous method of interpretation of proverbs has an interesting option proposed by B.V. Zeigarnik. In addition to the proverb ("not all of that gold, which glitters," "not a swarm of the pit to another, you will fall into it," etc.), the child is given phrases, one of which in meaning corresponds to the proverb, and the second does not match the meaning, externally Reminds. For example, the proverb "Do not sit down" phrases are given: "You don't need to take into account that you don't know" and "in the winter they go to the sleigh, and in the summer on the cart." The child, choosing one of two phrases, explains why she comes to the proverb, but the choice itself shows brightly, a child is focused on substantive or external signs, analyzing judgments.
The definition of readiness for school can be carried out by a small number of techniques; In case of doubt, other similar techniques can be connected, detecting the same processes.
Determining the psychological readiness for school education, it is necessary to clearly understand why we do it. You can allocate the following goals that need to follow when diagnosing school readiness:
1. Understanding the peculiarities of the psychological development of children in order to determine the individual approach to them in the educational process.
2. Detection of children who are not ready for school learning, in order to carry out a developing work with them aimed at preventing school failure.
3. The distribution of future first-graders by classes in accordance with their "zone of the nearest development", which will allow every child to develop in optimal mode.
4. Delay for one year of the beginning of the training of children, not ready for school training (perhaps only in relation to the children of the six-year-old).
Following the diagnostic survey, small groups and development classes can be created in which the child will be able to prepare for the top of systematic education at school.
Analysis of the content of the Early Group
Development of the child "Harmony".

The study of this problem was carried out in the group of early development "Harmony" by MOU DOD House of Children and Youth of the Rossoshansky Municipal District.
The main goal of the creation of the Harmony Group: the development of preschool children necessary skills required for their social adaptation to the conditions of future school life, the development of the children and the norms of communication with peers and adults, helping children in identifying and developing their individual peculiarities in preschool age.
The program of the "Harmony" group is designed for one year of study for children 5-7 years. Classes are held 2 times a week. The duration of each lesson is 30 minutes. The child is credited to the group on the written consent of the parents. Group number 16 people. Classes are held in a specially equipped office, where there is a training and gaming zone.
The program of the "Harmony" group consists of subroutines:
- "River",
- "Building",
- "The world",
- "Educational games",
- "Dance World",
- "Merry notes."
Study of readiness for training in the school of children visiting the Harmony group was held in January and April 2012. Four children participated in the study.
To determine the changes in the level of development of cognitive processes, the arbitrariness of logical connections, the motility is given a characteristic of children by Methodist Dudu Suede I.E.
Lisa G. 6 years, visits d / s No. 13, engaged in the speech therapy group, is brought up in a full family.
Very active child. The group is the leader. In class carefully listens to the teacher, clearly fulfills the requirements. Speech is developed. Gives full answers. Has a big vocabulary. Leading hand is right. Small Motoric Brushes is developed at a sufficient level. Remembers quickly. When describing the subject allocates essential signs. Able to choose words for the logical completion of the chain. Lisa is physically developed, all movements are coordinated, likes to draw, dance, play moving games.
Nikita R. 6 years old, visits d / s No. 18, is brought up in a full family.
Movable child. The classes fulfills the requirements of the teacher, but can not focus on one object for a long time, often distracted. One of the first answers questions. Speech is developed. Leading hand is right. Well developed visual memory. Able to quickly allocate the desired object from several. Owns the spatial concepts of "left", "right", etc. Changes find an occupation of interest.
Nikita Z. 6 years old, does not attend D / s, brought up in a full family.
There is no activity in classes. Attention scattered. Leading hand is right. Small Motoric Brushes is not developed enough, the line draws insecure. It is quickly tired, so does not fulfill the requirements of the teacher to the end. The questions are responsible mainly monosyllary. It has a small margin of words. Remembers slowly. When performing drawings, only a simple pencil often uses. Attracts the attention of peers with a set of unrelated phrases than causes laughter. He has deviations in health (according to parents). On change, complaints often come from children to poor behavior of Nikita. With difficulty in performing tasks, it tries to get away from reality.
Valya G. 6 years old, does not attend d / s, brought up in a full family.
Calm, balanced child. In activity, it does not show activity, but listens carefully and fulfills the requirements of the teacher. Leading hand is right. All tasks perform slowly. On change often plays one. Able to compare. Very shy. The questions are responsible for the same one. Difficulties arise when drawing up a story in the picture. He loves calm games and draws with pleasure.
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