What will happen if not to sleep for 1 year. What will happen if you do not sleep at night and what harm will it bring to a person? What will happen if you don't sleep all night: the consequences for the body

We experience an acute shortage of time and try to solve the problem in different ways. Someone shortens the clocks spent on favorite friends and hobbies, and someone visits the thought: "And if you don't sleep all night?" What will happen in this case, consider further.

Duration of healthy sleep

First of all, let's remember how much a healthy dream should last. For an adult, its duration is 6-8 hours, but it all depends on the characteristics of the body. There are also such people who are enough 5-hour holidays. Children tend to sleep longer, but with age, its duration is reduced.

Causes of insufficient night rest

1. Physiological features.

Thus, the lack of night recreation can really become a serious problem for the body. Insomnia will definitely affect human health. It is better not to experience yourself for strength, not asked: "And if you don't sleep all night, what will happen?" - And allocate enough time on regular sleep in the last clock.

We decided to find out what will happen if you don't sleep seven days.

First day

If a person does not sleep a day, then no serious consequences for his health will cause it, but a long time of wakefulness will lead to a collection of circadian cycle, which is determined by the setting of human biological watches.

Scientists believe that approximately 20 thousand neurons in the hypothalamus respond for biological rhythms of the body. This is the so-called suprachiamatic core.

The circadian rhythms are synchronized with the 24-hour light cycle of the day and night and are associated with brain activity and metabolism, therefore even a daily delay in a dream will lead to a minor violation in the work of the body systems.

If a person is not sleeping for a day, he, first, will feel fatigue, secondly, he may have problems with memory and attention. This is due to the violation of the neocortex functions responsible for the memory and ability to learn.

Second-third day

If a person does not go to bed two-thro days, then a violation of coordination in movements will be added to fatigue and memory problems with memory, serious problems with the concentration of thoughts and visual concentration will begin. Due to the depletion of the nervous system, a nervous tick may appear.

Because of the violation in the work of the frontal share of the brain, the person will start losing the ability to creative thinking and focusing on the task, it will become monotonous, clispusted.

In addition to the "brain" complications, a digestive system will also begin "rebel". This is due to the fact that a long time of wakefulness activates in the body a protective evolutionary mechanism "Turning or running".

A person will enhance the development of leptin and the appetite will increase (with addiction to salty and fatty food), the body, in response to the stressful situation, will launch the function of preserving fats and generating hormones responsible for insomnia. A person, oddly enough, in this period will not be easy to fall asleep, even if he wants.

Fourth-fifth day

On the fourth and fifth day without sleep, a person can start appearing hallucinations, it will become extremely irritable. Five days after a person, a person will slow down the work of the main brain sites, neural activity will be extremely weak.

Serious disorders will be observed in the parietal zone responsible for logic and mathematical abilities, so the solution even the simplest arithmetic tasks will be an unbearable task for a person.

Because of violations in the temporal share responsible for speech abilities, a person's speech will become even more incomplete than the third day without sleep.

Already mentioned hallucinations will begin to occur due to failure in the work of the prefrontal cortex of the brain.

Sixth seventh days

On the sixth seventh days without sleep, a person will have little similar to himself at the beginning of this sleepless marathon. His behavior will be extremely strange, hallucinations will be both visual and auditory.

At the official record holder in insomnia, the American student Randy Gardner (did not sleep 254 hours, 11 days), on the sixth day without sleep, syndromes, typical of Alzheimer's disease, were strong hallucinations and paranoia appeared.

He took a road sign for man and believed that the leading radio station wants to kill him.

Gardner had a strong tremor of the limbs, he could not talk to himself, the decision of ordinary tasks put him in a dead end - he just forgot that he had just been told and what was the task.

By the seventh days without sleep, the body will experience serious stress of all organism systems, brain neurons will be low-active, the heart muscle is worn, immunity due to the passivity of T-lymphocytes will almost cease to resist viruses and bacteria, the liver will experience huge loads.

In general, such experiments with health are extremely dangerous.

Message What will happen if you don't sleep a week appeared first to smart.

With the onset of the night, most of us fit into warm comfortable beds and immersed in the world of dreams. A healthy dream is a need for a person, during this time the body has time to restore the strength and recharge the energy the next day. Full and long sleep has a positive effect on immunity, nervous system and psyche. What will happen if not to sleep for a long time and how many people are able to live without a night rest?

Duration of healthy sleep

To begin with, we will understand how much time you need a person to completely restore your strength. There is a simple rule of the three eights - on labor activity, day leisure and sleep should leave exactly eight hours a day. Also, the individual features of each organism should also be taken into account. Someone will have enough five hours of sleep for cheerfulness, and someone from the lack of sleep will feel strong discomfort.

The duration of night rest depends on several parameters: the degree of physical or mental load, the age of man and the floor, the current state of health.

According to scientific research with age, we spend much less time to sleep. For example, a newborn baby must sleep for almost 20 hours. The installed standard of healthy sleep for adults is 7 or 8 hours a day.

Day without sleep

Almost every one of us at least once in life was forced to break the schedule of his sleep. With such situations, workable citizens are faced, forced to work in the night sphere or students while preparing for exams. What happens to the body? Nothing terrible will not happen, the day without sleep will not cause a serious damage to human health.


  • violation of attention and concentration;
  • feeling breakdown and fatigue;
  • drowsiness.

It should be noted that after a day of wakefulness on the second day there may be problems with a falling. Special harm to the sleepless night will bring students especially before the exam. The next day the brain activity will decrease, inattention increases. Therefore, the chance to get a good mark is significantly reduced.

Ideal assistants in such a situation are hot coffee and invigorating shower.

Two days without rest

Serious consequences should be expected from a longer insecurity. If you have not slept two days, it will negatively affect not only brain activity, but also on other systems of the body. In particular, this concerns the digestive gastabase, in some cases nausea, vomiting, dizziness and diarrhea are observed.

Symptoms of a two-day lack of sleep:

  • reduced brain activity;
  • mind processes slow down, attention and concentration will deteriorate;
  • motor functions are violated, trembling are observed;
  • the speech is distorted;
  • there is nervousness.

Such problems are solved full and long-term sleep.

Three days without sleep

  • a man appears nervous tick, nervousness increases;
  • decreases appetite;
  • the chills begins, the hands become cold;
  • focusing at one point;
  • scattered attention and loss of concentration;
  • dips in time. The person begins to be lost in time and space due to the constant Drema. This is caused by the disconnection of certain zones of the brain. You may not notice how the desired turn went or drove your stop;
  • memory disorder.

4 days of wakefulness

After four days without sleep, the brain activity is significantly reduced by more than 60 percent. The organs and systems of the body are serious stress:

  • confusion of consciousness and violation of coordination of movements;
  • the appearance of trembling and weakness;
  • severe irritability and aggression appears;
  • the appearance is worse, bruises appear under the eyes and wrinkles. Freshness of skin is lost.

You will rather be like an old man or addict.

5 days without sleep

From the fifth day of wakefulness, problems with mental health begin. People have panic attacks, hallucinations, paranoia and nonsense. Significantly weakens neural activity and entire parts of the brain are disconnected. Increases sweating and cardiac rhythm. A person will literally see dreams in reality due to the confusion of consciousness, a sense of reality is lost.

You are unlikely to solve the most simple mathematical problem, because the work of the dark part of the brain is strongly disturbed.

Week without rest

It should be borne in mind that the lack of sleep during the week is very dangerous and can lead to a fatal outcome. All organism systems are on the verge and are experiencing the strongest stress. A strong tremor appears, coordination is disturbed, it is difficult to disassemble. There is a nervous tick, limbs can arbitrarily twitch. The body is source and appear signs of schizophrenia.

Death. Torture and experiments

Scientists, after the experiments, a maximum period of existence without rest was established - 19 days. The person is able to hold out a week, but after that the irreversible consequences begin in the body.

In the history, interesting cases were recorded, a resident of Vietnam Tai NGOs suffers from severe illness and not sleep for 38 years. But the most maximum record earned the Englishman Yustas Burnett, who was closed her eyes 56 years in a row.

Forced deprivation of a sleep man was used as torture, but later it was refused from such a way, because after a long wakefulness, hallucinations and insanity were observed.

In 1940, Russian scientists conducted an experiment on the psyche of a person. The group of prisoners was locked in one chamber for 15 days, while they were forbidden to sleep. Mute offered to cancel the measure of restraint and release after the experiments. A gas stimulator was served in the room, which did not give them to sleep. Soon the experimental began to behave aggressively and experienced the dependence on gas. For 14 days in the room, complete silence reigned, scientists decided to enter the camera, but the subjects pounced on the military. None of the prisoners lived before his liberation, everyone died during the experiment.

Do not feel your body, let him deserved rest. Long-term existence without sleep will not lead to anything good for health and psyche.

Everyone, probably, at least once in life, but one night did not sleep. Whether it was connected with night parties smoothly overgoing the next day or with preparation for the session, or it was a working need - usually, if possible, a person, if he did not sleep all day, tries to catch up overnight. But there are cases when there is no possibility to sleep 2 days in a row or even 3 days. Emergencies at work, Zeietnotes at the session and account for 2-3 days not to sleep. What will happen if you don't sleep for a long time?

Sleep is a vacation of the body, he is responsible for processing and preserving information, restores immunity. Previously, the lack of sleep was used as torture to extract secrets. However, recently specialists have provided a report to the US Senate, which is impossible to trust such evidence, since in the absence of sleep in people come hallucinations and they sign false recognition.

If not to sleep 1 day, nothing terrible will happen. A single violation of the day mode will not lead to any serious consequences, if you certainly do not decide to spend the next day. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. For example, if a person got used to such a schedule of work, when after the night shift remains still working during the day, he simply attains this watch next night.

During the next day after a sleepless night of the day, the person will be felt by the drowsiness, which can be slightly facilitated by a circle of coffee, a breaking, a slight deterioration of the concentration of attention and memory. Some feel a small chills. A person may suddenly fall into sleep in public transport, sitting in line for a doctor, for example. The next night there may be difficulties with a falling asleep, this is due to an excess of dopamine blood, but sleep will be strong.

Definitely one if you ask the type of type: What if you won't sleep all night on the eve of the exam? The answer is one - nothing good. The sleepless night does not contribute to the brain readiness to the loads. The mental process, on the contrary, will be slowed down, intellectual abilities will decrease. Dispelness and inattention - satellites of a carotid state. Of course, a person will get worse to look - the skin will be gray, there will be bags under the eyes, some thoughtfulness of the cheeks will appear.

Experts note that only the first 24 hours of sleep is enough and the brain activity begins. German researchers noted the appearance of symptoms of light schizophrenia: a distorted sense of time, sensitivity to light, improper color, incoherent speech. The emotional background begins to change; The longer the person does not sleep - the exaggeration becomes emotions, the laughter is replaced by unfortunate sobs.

If you don't sleep 2 days in a row

Of course there may be such situations when you have to sleep 2 days in a row. It is already a more severe condition for the body, which can affect the work of the internal organs and it will manifest itself not just drowsiness, but also a failure of work, for example, a gastrointestinal tract. From heartburn to diarrhea - gamma experienced sensations can be very diverse. At the same time, the person will increase the appetite (the obvious advantage will be given to salted and fatty food) and the body, in response to stress, will launch the functioning of hormones responsible for insomnia. Oddly enough, in this period, the person will fall asleep even with a great desire.
After 2 sleepless nights in the body, glucose metabolism is disturbed, the work of the immune system is worse. A person becomes more open to influence viruses.

After two sleepless nights, the strongest person will be:

  • scattered;
  • inattentive;
  • he worsen the concentration of attention;
  • intellectual abilities will decrease;
  • will be more primitive speech;
  • worsters coordination of movements.

If not to sleep 3 days

What will happen if not to sleep all nights 3 days in a row? The main sensations will be the same as after the sleepless two days. Wosted coordination of movements, the speech will deteriorate, nervous tick may appear. This condition is characterized by loss of appetite and light nausea. The experimenter will have to be constantly wounded - he will have chills, hands will be frown. There may be such a state when the look focuses on a particular point and it becomes difficult to restore.

It must be said that in the conditions of the long-term impossibility of sleeping, a person begins to experience the states of failures - when it turns off for a while and then again comes to himself. This is not a superficial sleep, the person simply disconnects the controlling sections of the brain. For example, it may not notice how the 3-5 stations in the subway were slipped or when walking down the street, not to remember how he passed the path of the path. Or suddenly to completely forget about the goal of the trip.

If 4 days do not sleep

What will remain from the human brain, if not to sleep 4 days - it is not clear. After all, if you don't sleep, the ability to process information decreases by a third, two days of wakefulness will take 60% of human mental abilities. After 4 days, it is not a span on the mental abilities of a person, even if he is 7 spans in his forehead, it does not have to count on, it begins to be confused, a strong irritability appears. Plus, the trembling of the limbs appears, the feeling of body's loss and the appearance is very much worse. A person becomes like an old man.

If not to sleep 5 days

If 5 days do not sleep, hallucinations and paranoia will come to visit. It is possible to start panic attacks - the reason can serve as the most nonsense. During panic attacks, cold sweat appears, sweating is studied, the heart rhythm rises. After 5 days without a dream, the work of important areas of the brain slows down, weakens neural activity.

Serious violations will occur in the parietal zone, which is responsible for mathematical abilities and logic, so a person will hardly be able to fold even 2 plus 2. In this situation, it is not at all surprising that if you don't sleep with a speech for so long. Disorders in the temporal share provoke its incompleteness, and hallucinations will begin to occur after the function of the functions of the prefrontal cortex of the brain. It may be visual hallucinations similar to dreams or sound.

If not to sleep 6-7 days

Few people are capable of such an extreme experiment with their own body. So, let's see what will happen if not to sleep for 7 days. The person will become very strange and will impress the addict. It will be impossible to communicate with him. In some people who resolved on this experiment, Alzheimer's disease syndromes, strong hallucinations, paranoid manifestations appeared. The record holder on insomnia, a student from America, Randy Gardner, there was a strong trembling of the limbs and he could not even produce the simplest addition of numbers: just forgot the task.

After 5 days without sleep, the body will experience the strongest stress of all systemsThe neurons of the brain become lowactful, the heart muscle is wearing, which is manifested by painful sensations, immunity due to the passivity of T-lymphocytes ceases to resist viruses, the liver also begins to experience huge loads.

Oddly enough, after such a long state, not sleep, all the symptoms will disappear after the first 8 hours of sleep. That is, a person can sleep 24 hours after a long wakefulness, but even if he is wondered after 8 hours the body almost completely restores its functions. This is, of course, in the event that experiments with sleep unite. If you constantly rape your body, without giving it a relaxed two-thro day, it will end this by a whole bouquet of diseases, including cardiovascular, and hormonal systems, gastrointestinal tract and, of course, a psychiatric plan.

List of references:

  • Kovrov G.V. (Ed.) Quick Start Guide on the Clinical Somnology M: Medpress Inform, 2018.
  • Poluktov M.G. (Ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National Memory Guide A.N. Wain and Ya.I. Levina M.: "Medforum", 2016.
  • A.M. Petrov, A.R. Giniatulin Neurobiology of sleep: Modern view (Tutorial) Kazan, GKMU, 2012.

First day

If a person does not sleep a day, then no serious consequences for his health will cause it, but a long time of wakefulness will lead to a collection of circadian cycle, which is determined by the setting of human biological watches.

Scientists believe that approximately 20 thousand neurons in the hypothalamus respond for biological rhythms of the body. This is the so-called suprachiamatic core.

The circadian rhythms are synchronized with the 24-hour light cycle of the day and night and are associated with brain activity and metabolism, therefore even a daily delay in a dream will lead to a minor violation in the work of the body systems.

If a person is not sleeping for a day, he, first, will feel fatigue, secondly, he may have problems with memory and attention. This is due to the violation of the neocortex functions responsible for the memory and ability to learn.

Second-third day

If a person does not go to bed two-thro days, then a violation of coordination in movements will be added to fatigue and memory problems with memory, serious problems with the concentration of thoughts and visual concentration will begin. Due to the depletion of the nervous system, a nervous tick may appear.

Because of the violation in the work of the frontal share of the brain, the person will start losing the ability to creative thinking and focusing on the task, it will become monotonous, clispusted.

In addition to the "brain" complications, a digestive system will also begin "rebel". This is due to the fact that a long time of wakefulness activates in the body a protective evolutionary mechanism "Turning or running".

A person will enhance the development of leptin and the appetite will increase (with addiction to salty and fatty food), the body, in response to the stressful situation, will launch the function of preserving fats and generating hormones responsible for insomnia. A person, oddly enough, in this period will not be easy to fall asleep, even if he wants.

Fourth-fifth day

On the fourth and fifth day without sleep, a person can start appearing hallucinations, it will become extremely irritable. Five days after a person, a person will slow down the work of the main brain sites, neural activity will be extremely weak.

Serious disorders will be observed in the parietal zone responsible for logic and mathematical abilities, so the solution even the simplest arithmetic tasks will be an unbearable task for a person.

Because of violations in the temporal share responsible for speech abilities, a person's speech will become even more incomplete than the third day without sleep.

Already mentioned hallucinations will begin to occur due to failure in the work of the prefrontal cortex of the brain.

Sixth seventh days

On the sixth seventh days without sleep, a person will have little similar to himself at the beginning of this sleepless marathon. His behavior will be extremely strange, hallucinations will be both visual and auditory.

At the official record holder in insomnia, the American student Randy Gardner (did not sleep 254 hours, 11 days), on the sixth day without sleep, syndromes, typical of Alzheimer's disease, were strong hallucinations and paranoia appeared.

He took a road sign for man and believed that the leading radio station wants to kill him.

Gardner had a strong tremor of the limbs, he could not talk to himself, the decision of ordinary tasks put him in a dead end - he just forgot that he had just been told and what was the task.

By the seventh days without sleep, the body will experience serious stress of all organism systems, brain neurons will be low-active, the heart muscle is worn, immunity due to the passivity of T-lymphocytes will almost cease to resist viruses and bacteria, the liver will experience huge loads.

In general, such experiments with health are extremely dangerous.

Message If you do not sleep a week: what will appear first to smart.