Project activity is a form of organization of extracurricular activities. The specifics of project activities in extracurricular work in primary school. Analysis and synthesis. Judgments, inferences, conclusions

Method of projects in educational and extracurricular activities students.

Computer science teacher and project activities Yury Kholodulin, State Budgetary educational institution Samara region average comprehensive school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union I.D. Buzytskova s. Nizhnee Sancheleevo of the Stavropol Municipal District of the Samara Region

2016 g.


Although someone else's knowledge can teach us a thing or two,

You are wise only by your own wisdom.

M. Montaigne


Problem: Peculiarityfederal state educational standards of general education - their activity-oriented nature, which makes the development of the student's personality the main task. Modern education is rejecting the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities; the wording of the GEF indicatereal activities ... Under these conditions, the traditional school, which implements the classical model of education, has become unproductive. Before me, as well as before my colleagues, the problem arose - to turn traditional education aimed at the accumulation of knowledge, skills, skills in the process of developing a child's personality.

Relevance: per last years there have been significant changes both in the demand for the education system at the regional level and in the content of education specified by the federal component.

The development of the labor market, the emergence of new professions that require various combinations of knowledge, skills, competencies, the prospect of frequent changes in the sphere of labor application requires updating the goals of not only professional, but also general education. The projection of real changes that are taking place in the economy, in social sphere society is the complication of the educational space of the school.

One of the priority directions of the regional educational policy in the Samara region proclaimed the reorientation of the education system to a competency-based approach. Competence as a result of education is expressed in the mastery by students of a certain menu of methods of activity in relation to the subject of influence. Such a set of mastered methods of activity should be the subject of employers' request and be socially in demand, which will allow the student to be adequate to typical situations at the exit from school.

Target: transform the educational process so that the school creates spaces for the implementation of the main stages of the formation of the competencies of schoolchildren in educational and extracurricular activities, through the use of the project method, as one of the competence-oriented educational technologies.


    Develop the ability to independently think creatively and use it in practice;

    Develop interest in understanding the world, the essence of processes and phenomena;

    To form the interests, inclinations of students, to give the student the opportunity to try himself in different types activities;

    Form a habit of free self-expression, self-confidence;

    To form skills of dialogue communication and social interaction;

    To increase the level of training and the quality of knowledge;

    Organize interaction between parents and children, authorities and children, parents and teachers.

Kuranova Tatyana Aleksandrovna teacher of informatics at
Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Ilyinsky secondary school" OrekhovoZuevsky
municipal district of the Moscow region.
V modern world it is necessary to think for the future and
the near future, analyze the past. One of the methods
used by me in lesson and extracurricular activities is a project
method. In extracurricular activities, there are all opportunities for development
design thinking with the help of a special type of student activity -
project activities.
Application of the project method in extracurricular activities for
computer science is dictated by the peculiarity of the subject: there is always a computer and
performing various tasks becomes an integral part of the lesson.
The project method is based on the development of students' cognitive skills,
skills to independently design their knowledge and navigate
information space. On the one hand, this is a set of techniques,
operations of mastering a certain area of ​​practical or
theoretical knowledge of various fields. On the other hand, this is the way
organization of the process of cognition. To achieve a result, you need
teach children to think independently, using knowledge from
different areas, the ability to predict results and possible
effects different options decisions, the ability to establish a causal
investigative connections. I use the project-oriented method
group independent activity of students, which students
perform for a certain amount of time. Project method
always assumes a solution to some problem, the way of implementation depends
from the student and his capabilities.
I set myself tasks:
Help students learn techniques that will expand
acquired knowledge independently, i.e. to teach how to quickly implement
search for information, structure it, find the optimal
processing algorithm.
Promote development creativity students.
Create conditions for the formation of adequate self-esteem among students.
Promote the formation of sociability, the ability to work in
I use the following steps to work on a project:
Stage 1 Goal setting
Stage 2 Planning
Stage 3 Selection of verification methods
Stage 4 Execution
Stage 5 Project defense

Projects implemented in grade 5: drawings and drawings in graphic
editors, tables
Projects implemented in the 67th grade: creative printed works in
text editors.
The first topic, the study of which is not complete without the use of
method of projects, - "Text editor". Children develop skills
using a text editor not only to create text, but also to
execution of drawings and diagrams, creation of interior models, etc.
Knowledge gained from studying various editors,
allow you to apply skills in various subject areas. I originally
in extracurricular activities I use meta-subjectness, integrate with
math, literature, student health, with different grades we
discuss what interests them in a particular area and in accordance with this
creating a project. Very easy to work with fifth grades, they come from
elementary school with a desire to work, this is how they think
projects. Students independently think over the topic, select
information, develop the structure of the site. With other classes already
more difficult they have to be directed to select entire lists so that they
have chosen an interesting topic for themselves. The project encourages students to: show
intellectual abilities; show moral and communicative
quality; demonstrate the level of knowledge and general educational
skills; demonstrate the ability to educate themselves and
self-organization; to goal setting.
The result of work on a project is a product that
developed by the project team members to resolve the set
Problems. At the final stage, the project requires the presentation of its
product. She has its own strict timetable - for a performance of 710 minutes and
about 5 minutes - answers to questions on the topic. The creative team prepares
annotation or abstracts of his project development, introduces it
jury representatives. Visual aids are also a spectacular move in defense
project. Psychologists have proven that from visual information a person
perceived 55%, from audio - 12%, therefore, if you combine audio and
visual presentation, then the audience will perceive up to 65% of the submitted
Application of project activities in extracurricular activities
allows students to fully comprehend and assimilate educational material,
forms the independence and initiative of schoolchildren.

The priority value in the age of informatization is information. Analysis modern stage the state of society testifies to the rapid development of computer technology, information and communication technologies, their active implementation in the structure of professional activities of specialists of various profiles. This objective process of social development leads to increased competition in the labor market, prompting all specialists to master new technologies for collecting, searching and processing information. The path to success in many areas is access to information and the ability to work with it, and not only in the native language.

How to teach children to navigate in a huge information space in the classroom-lesson system, where the main source of information is the teacher and the textbook? How to make sure that the desire to study the language does not fade away, but, on the contrary, grows? How can we help children who want to study a subject more deeply, without increasing the number of teaching hours and without transferring these children to a separate class or school? These are the questions that I have prioritized for myself.

The main goal of teaching a foreign language, taking into account modern trends updating the content of education - the formation of communicative competence, related goals (educational, upbringing, developmental) are implemented in the process of realizing this main goal.

Having studied modern pedagogical technologies, I came to the conclusion that the most complete implementation of these goals and objectives corresponds to complex organization of project activities for schoolchildren.

Of course, in order to organize the above activities, a detailed study of the project method was required from me.

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. As a pedagogical idea, technology and practice, it emerged in the first third of the twentieth century. This method reflected the approach to education of the American philosopher and teacher J. Dewey (1859–1952,), as well as his student V.Kh. Kilpatrick. Dewey proceeded from the fact that the role of childhood is not limited to preparing for future adult life. Childhood itself is a full-fledged period of human existence. This means that education should provide not only knowledge that an adult will need in the future, but also knowledge, skills and abilities that can help a child today in solving his pressing life problems. To achieve this, learning must be learner-centered and based on student interests and needs. personal experience child. The main task of education is the actual study of the surrounding life. Teacher and students walk this path together, from project to project. The teacher can suggest new sources of information, or he can simply direct the students' thought in the right direction for an independent search. But as a result, students must independently and in a joint effort solve the problem by applying necessary knowledge sometimes from different areas, to get a real and tangible result. Thus, the problem acquires the contours of a project activity. The project that the students perform should arouse their enthusiasm, captivate them, come from the heart. Any action performed individually, in a group, with the support of a teacher or other people, children should independently plan, perform, analyze and evaluate. Naturally, they must clearly understand the purpose of the project. To complete each new project (conceived by the child himself, a group, a class, independently or with the participation of a teacher), it is necessary to solve several interesting, useful and related real life tasks. The child is required to be able to coordinate his efforts with the efforts of others. To succeed, he has to acquire the necessary knowledge and with its help to do specific work. An ideal project is one that requires knowledge from various fields to solve a whole range of problems. Solving specific life tasks, building relationships with each other, learning about life, the guys received the knowledge necessary for this life, and not in a discrete form, but already synthesized, as it is in real life, they learned to learn independently.

The project method has found wide application in many countries of the world, mainly because it allows to organically integrate the knowledge of students from different fields while solving one problem, makes it possible to apply the knowledge gained in practice, while generating new ideas.

A distinctive feature of the project method from the traditional approach is that the educational process is built not in the logic of the subject, but in the logic of activity, which has a personal meaning for the student, which increases his motivation to learn. The complex nature of activities in project-based learning creates conditions for the balanced development of the basic physiological and psychological functions of schoolchildren. The admissibility of the project at an individual pace creates opportunities for the development of the personality of students, contributes to an increase in personal confidence in each participant in project training.

Having studied in detail the attitudes of various researchers, practicing teachers to the project method, I adhere to the following basic requirements for using the method projects nominated by E.S. Polat:

  • The presence of a problem / task that is significant in the research, creative sense, requiring integrated knowledge, research search for its solution (for example, the study of a demographic problem in different regions the world; creating a series of reports from different parts of the world on one issue; the problem of the influence of acid rain on environment, NS.).
  • The practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results, for example, a report to the relevant services on the demographic state of a given region, factors affecting this state, trends in the development of this problem; joint publication of a newspaper, almanac with reports from the scene; forest protection in different localities, action plan, etc.).
  • Independent (individual, pair, group) activity of students.
  • Structuring the content of the project (indicating the phased results).
  • The use of research methods that provide for a specific sequence of actions:
    • definition of the problem and the research tasks arising from it (use of the "brainstorming" method, "round table" in the course of joint research);
    • hypothesis of their solution;
    • discussion of research methods (statistical methods, experimental, observations)
    • discussion of ways to design the final results (presentations, defense, creative reports, views, etc.).
    • collection, systematization and analysis of the data obtained;
    • summing up, registration of results, their presentation;
    • conclusions, the advancement of new research problems.

I adhere to the general didactic typology of projects presented in the following table.

By type of activity Research; creativity; role-playing; informational; practice-oriented
By subject matter area Monoprojects; interdisciplinary projects
By the nature of coordination Projects with open, explicit coordination; hidden coordination projects
By the nature of contacts Internal; regional; international
By the number of participants Personal; paired; group
By the duration of the Short-term; average duration; long-term

In the process of organizing project activities, I encountered various problems that had to be solved.

One of them is the combination of the project method with the classroom system. I am convinced that project activity is most effective if it can be connected with the program material, significantly expanding and deepening the knowledge of the guys in the process of working on the project. Extracurricular activities occupy a significant place at the same time, and the connection between lesson and extracurricular activities is one of the ways to develop and maintain interest in the subject, because the overwhelming majority of projects begin and end in the lesson.

Another problem is project management, because when using the project method, the teacher's role changes to different stages project execution. The teacher acts as a consultant, assistant, observer, source of additional information, coordinator, organizer of cooperation. Thus, the teacher, with overall project management, should be able to perform different functions or combine them. This is the difficulty in project management. Control and the necessary assistance should be provided systematically, as students should see the teacher's interest in their activities.

One of the important questions that arose before me in the process of work was the assessment of the project, because it is very difficult to evaluate creativity. I have defined different criteria for evaluating projects, which will be presented below. The problem was that the methods of assessment were in conflict with the official procedure for assigning marks for student work. Evaluation criteria may differ and vary depending on the type and purpose of the project, the age of its participants. I offer the following criteria and methods for assessing the project:

Table 1. Methods of assessment.

Table 2. Criteria for evaluating the project.

1. The correspondence of the selected facts and phenomena to the chosen topic.
2. The logic and sequence of their presentation.
3. Independence and adequacy of the choice of funds.
4. The significance and relevance of the problems raised, their adequacy to the topic under study.
5. Ability to present the results of the research carried out on the oral defense of the project.
6. Ability to answer the questions of opponents, conciseness and reasoning of the answers of each member of the group.
7. The nature of communication and mutual assistance of the project participants.
8. The activity of each project participant in accordance with his individual capabilities.
9. Compliance of the content of the report with the completed project activities.
10. Ability to explain scientific foundations the project, the independence of its implementation.
11. Aesthetics of the presentation of the results of the project.
12. Practical use design product.
13. The quality of notes and visuals.
14. Use of knowledge from other sciences and academic subjects.
15. Evidence of decisions made, the ability to argue their conclusions, conclusions.
16. Completeness of knowledge on the topic.
17. Originality of the project solution.
18. A culture of speech.
19. Drawing knowledge from other areas.
20. Language literacy.
21. Ability to use information technology.

For evaluating work in a Power Point presentation, I developed the following criteria:

Table 3.

F.I. project participant

Project theme

Project completion rate

Possession of technology
Power point

final grade

Characteristics of the project

Criteria for evaluation
interesting original creative



Relevance of the selected facts to the chosen topic

Logic and sequence of presentation of the material

Ability to present work on oral defense

1 (surname, name) (title)

As you can see from the tables above, there are different criteria and assessment methods, which of them to use is a teacher's choice.

The implementation of projects involves the creation of a specific product; it can represent various forms of documentation:

The activities related to participation in all-Russian and international telecommunication projects are of great interest to schoolchildren.

Under the educational telecommunications project E.S. Polat defines "joint educational, cognitive, research, creative activity of partner students, organized on the basis of computer telecommunications, having a common problem, goal, agreed methods, methods of activity aimed at achieving a common result of joint activities"

The main idea of ​​organizing and conducting INTERNET - contests, forums, chats, Web-discussions, teleconferences for adolescents and youth is the implementation of an activity-based approach to learning.

"Network" pedagogical technologies contribute to the formation of a fundamentally new information educational environment (INTERNET - environment), providing ample opportunities for educational activities, significantly affecting the redistribution of roles between participants educational process(emphasis on self-realization, self-actualization, self-education). Using the INTERNET environment is a powerful tool for individual, group and collective communication and learning.

The introduction of this technology into the educational process makes it possible to solve a complex learning objectives and educational tasks. Learning objectives: to teach to use information from various sources; teach to expand and deepen knowledge in a given subject area; teach the method of top-down design. Educational: to teach interaction in a team; teach self-esteem; teach to justify and defend their position; to teach the ability to see the prospects for the development of their activities.

To the most popular types of INTERNET projects can be attributed:

  • free correspondence;
  • information exchange;
  • electronic meetings;
  • exchange of local solutions to the problem;
  • joint observations;
  • study of the general and special in any subject area;
  • preparation of joint publications;
  • participation in the game simulation modeling;
  • implementation of unique joint projects;
  • creation of databases;
  • social projects.
  • the release of electronic newspapers;
  • development of virtual excursions and travel;
  • organization of virtual school museums;
  • organization of the activities of Web-studios, etc.

The organization of telecommunication projects requires special and sufficiently thorough training, both for teachers and students.

For us, the first step towards mastering information and communication technologies was participation in the distance learning Olympiad in English-2006, which was organized by the Center for Creative Initiatives “Snail” in Omsk. The Olympiad was dedicated to the traditions and holidays of Great Britain, teams from different cities of Russia took part in it. Over the course of a month, a team of four students under my guidance completed various assignments.

The deadlines for the assignments were strictly regulated, all assignments were performed in English. Tasks and answers were sent to the team's email address (e-mail). At the end of each round, the team received the correct answers, and could also familiarize themselves with the answers of the opponents. Thus, the students received not only good language practice, but also rich, interesting material about the culture of the English people; learned to work harmoniously in a team; choose the necessary material in a huge stream of information. In addition, the learning process was fun and interesting and was significantly different from what students usually do in class. At the end of the Olympiad, all participants received diplomas from the organizers. Now our students are active participants in distance competitions and Olympiads.

Analyzing the experience of participation and organization of project activities in the field of communication technologies, I highlight the following conditions for the success of the project:

  • Possession of modern information technologies, both by students and by a teacher.
  • The ability to access the Internet (and the ability to use it).
  • Having good writing computers at school.
  • Students and teachers have a home computer.
  • The ability to check and correct work at school (access to the computer class, the presence of a media room, etc.)
  • Organization and coordination of activities on the part of the teacher, provision of systematic advice. Students must see the teacher's interest in their activities, otherwise the project will fail.
  • Practical significance (since only in this case the project is personality-oriented).
  • Teacher's desire to study project work, as it requires additional personal time of the teacher.

As you know, the goal is considered achieved (and the project is implemented) when students receive (or learn) something new as a result of their work.... As a result of work on projects, students have improved their knowledge not only in the field of English language but also geography, history and computer science. Moreover, we received great inner satisfaction from the work done.

Finally I would like to emphasize that, on the one hand, the use of the project method is fraught with distortions in the curriculum, because it is impossible to fit all the required knowledge into a single project. On the other hand, the advantages of this system of classes are also obvious: high motivation, enthusiasm and interest of children, the connection of acquired knowledge with real life, identification of leaders, development of cooperation and scientific curiosity, self-control, better consolidation of knowledge, conscious discipline of the group, etc. Having studied numerous publications by teachers who use the project method, and based on my own experience, I came to the conclusion that this method destroys the school routine. Practice has shown high efficiency of implementation design technology in the educational process, since work on a project and its subsequent defense in front of an audience stimulates internal cognitive motivation , promotes:

  • formation of search engine skills and research activities;
  • obtaining good subject knowledge due to hard work on solving the problem, multiple discussions and defense of your position;
  • increasing the activity and independence of students;
  • mastering the skills to organize, plan and carry out the solution of the problems that have arisen;
  • the student's awareness of the values ​​of joint work;
  • increasing the desire for reflection and collective analysis of the work performed;
  • developing positive intrinsic motivation to learn foreign languages;
  • aesthetic education;
  • the formation of a high information and general culture of future specialists of the modern information society.

It is this pedagogical technology that allows one to shift the emphasis from the process of passive accumulation of the amount of knowledge by the student to mastering various methods of activity in the conditions of the availability of any information resources, which undoubtedly contributes to the active formation of a creative personality capable of solving non-traditional problems in non-standard conditions.

The implementation of the project method led my students to the following positive results:

  • Maintaining motivation to learn a foreign language.
  • The possibility of in-depth study of the language for students who are able and willing to study it, without assigning them to separate classes (schools)
  • Improving academic performance in the subject.

Experience with the use of the project method allows me to assert that the project method can be widely used in the practice of teaching any subject, at any stage of study, including primary school with any learning model, as it contributes to the all-round development of the child.

I consider it relevant to address the problem of organizing project activities in the context of updating the content of education.

Project activities in educational work

In modern methodological literature, there are several types of educational projects that can be used in Russian lessons:

  • informational,
  • role
  • practice-oriented
  • creative
  • research
Depending on the substantive and content side of the project, one can single out monoprojects and interdisciplinary projects:
Information project is aimed at collecting information about some object, phenomenon in order to analyze it, generalize and present it to a wide audience. For example, biographical data of one or another writer or poet, the creation of a book, a description of a part in the Russian language. Such projects include "Speech portrait of a schoolchild," SMS as a new speech genre "," Peculiarities of statements in direct youth communication "," Language of entertainment programs ".
As an example of this type of projects, an algorithm for the work of 6th grade students on the topic: "Is the image of Lefty Leskov modern?"

Problem Are the Russian people talented?

Justification There is not enough information about whether craftsmen such as Leskov's "Lefty" survived in Russia. Who are they? What do they do? Attitude towards them in society.

What to do? Collect information about modern craftsmen, be able to briefly talk about their achievements. Create a colorful presentation

How? Using ICT

What i need to get?(result) Students' presentations about the modern Lefty. Oral presentation to the class at this topic... To form patriotic personality traits, communication, information competence, general educational skills, research skills.

In a role-playing project, students take on the roles of literary or historical characters, fictional heroes. For example, staging an episode of any work, a fairy tale in the Russian language. As role play one can present an analysis of the fables of IA Krylov, for example, on the topic “The linguistic expressiveness of the fable of IA Krylov“ The wolf in the kennel ”.

A practice-oriented project in the Russian language is aimed at the social interests of the project participants. For example, why are the rules for the Russian language studied, is knowledge of the rules useful in life? The result of the development of the topic "The reasons for the appearance of neologisms in the Russian language" may be a selection of materials "Neologisms of the twentieth century." The organization of a practice-oriented project can be considered on the example of a lesson on the topic: "Paronyms".

Objective of the project: organize purposeful activity of students, in the process of which their knowledge is updated, linguistic competence is formed.


  • to form general educational skills and vocabulary skills;
  • teach interaction when working in a group;
  • to raise cognitive interest to the study of linguistic phenomena;
  • contribute to the preparation for the exam in the Russian language;
Fundamental question: is it difficult for a foreigner to learn Russian?

Problematic question: how to distinguish words similar in language?

Project questions:

  • what are paronyms?
  • what dictionaries are there?
  • what is the need to develop a dictionary of paronyms?
  • do you have enough knowledge and skills to complete the project?
  • why create another dictionary?
  • what new do we learn in the process of project activities?
Stages of work on the project:
  • Introductory lesson.
  • Technological.
  • Dictionary creation.
  • Project defense as part of an extracurricular event.
Distribution of roles in the project team:
  • a student is a subject of his own activity, a researcher and a creator;
  • teacher - partner and coordinator of the student's personal creative activity;
  • parent is an assistant who maintains motivation and ensures the independence of the child in the implementation of project activities;
  • librarian - consultant and expert.

A creative project involves the most free and unconventional approach to the presentation of results. Creative and role-based projects have something in common, for example, “Modern Russian literary language in our life".
The organization of a creative project can be considered on the example of a literature lesson in grade 6 based on the story of V.P. Astafiev "Vasyutkino Lake". By offering tasks such as choosing proverbs on a specific topic, compiling a catalog of these proverbs for certain sections, compiling a dictionary of phraseological units, a dictionary of Siberian dialects, I give students the opportunity to obtain the necessary information from various sources, communicate with other participants in the mini-project, outline an action plan and see the result of their work in the design of small reporting works.
Project activity in the Russian language includes the relevance of the chosen topic, indicates the tasks of the project, the obligatory advancement of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, discussion of the results obtained and their distribution by duration.

Mini-projects can be created in one lesson. For example, "Tale of some part of speech", "Tale using indefinite pronouns", on such projects I work in groups.

Short-term Russian language projects take two to four lessons. For example, “Lessons in Kindness. My image of a teacher ”(based on the work of V. Rasputin“ French Lessons ”).

Weekly projects are carried out in groups. The eighth-graders' project “That was the time of rebellious storms” turned out to be deep and meaningful. This project was launched in the course of studying the novel by Alexander Pushkin “ Captain's daughter". The subject of the research is the historical image of Emelyan Pugachev. The students were asked the fundamental question: is Pugachev a villain and impostor or a people's defender? The advancement of various kinds of hypotheses gave rise to deep research. One group considered the role popular uprising under the leadership of Pugachev, the image of the leader in history. The other is the image of Pugachev in the historical chronicle of AS Pushkin "The History of Pugachev" (Pugachev appears as a national hero, the true leader of the peasant uprising). The third group worked on the topic "Perception of Pugachev by the Grinevs" (based on the novel by Alexander Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter").

For successful work at the presentation stage, you need to teach children to concisely express their thoughts, build a logically coherent message, prepare visibility, develop a structured manner of presenting the material. Here you need the techniques of introspection and reflection. In this regard, the role of the teacher, who generalizes, summarizes, and evaluates, significantly increases. Undoubtedly, an important result of the students 'work is the evaluation of the results, where the project participants share their opinions, the teacher assesses the students' activity, creativity, quality and volume of use of sources.

Project activities outside school hours

Research project

Organization of project activities outside school hours has a number of advantages. There is more freedom in the choice of project topics, there are no time limits for their implementation. Having become familiar with the project method in the classroom, students are more bold to take on research work, competently carry out it and successfully defend their projects at any level.
However, it is not always easy to prepare a research project: you need to interest the student (choose an interesting topic for him), select the appropriate scientific literature with him, teach how to work with the book, view all materials on the topic on the Internet. And the most important thing is to make the student believe in himself, to prove that his performance will be the most interesting.

When choosing a research topic, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • the research topic should be of interest to the student not only today, but also in the near future: he should see the possibility of implementing the knowledge gained during the research;
  • relevant and original;
  • should suggest a solution to any urgent problem, have scientific or practical application;
  • specific: the aspect of the analysis, the subject of research and the material must be strictly defined. Common topics provoke descriptiveness and declarativeness in their disclosure.
Otherwise, the project may turn out to be lightweight and superficial.
The general idea of ​​organizing project activities outside school hours in high school is as follows: it is a search for a solution to an interesting "life" problem for which knowledge is required. The implementation and execution of such projects provides for the integration of knowledge in various subjects.
  • When working on a project, the teacher draws up an approximate work plan.
  • Choosing and formulating a topic.
  • Selection of literature (at least 5 - 8 sources).
  • Selection and systematization of material, drawing up a plan.
  • Determination of the relevance and significance of the work.
  • Allocation of the object and the subject of research.
  • Goal setting and task formulation.
  • Formulation of the research hypothesis.
  • Determination of research methods (analysis of literature on the topic, observation, questionnaires, etc.).
  • Work on the project (teacher's advice): Processing, analysis and systematization of materials on the research topic.
  • Registration of research results. Preparation of a report, submission for verification.
  • Preparing to defend the project.
  • Project defense (presentation)

All work must meet the criteria for research activities:

  • Relevance of the selected study.
  • Qualitative analysis of the state of the problem, reflecting the degree of familiarity of the author with current state Problems.
  • Ability to use known facts and knowledge beyond the school curriculum.
  • Possession of special and scientific apparatus by the author.
  • Formulation and argumentation of their own opinion.
  • Practical and theoretical significance of the research.
  • Clarity of conclusions summarizing the study.
  • Competence in the design of the work: it must be clearly structured and meet the requirements.
The main components of the work system:
  • study of the project method at the theoretical and methodological levels;
  • inclusion of training projects in the thematic planning of the lessons of the course;
  • preparing students for work on an educational project;
  • involvement of students in the creation of projects in various academic subjects, the use of interdisciplinary connections;
  • the use of collective, group and individual activities;
  • organization of monitoring the formation of design skills;
  • diagnostics of the level of development of design skills;
  • assessment of the performance of pedagogical tasks as a result of the educational project;
  • participation in work scientific and practical conferences school, municipal and regional levels;
  • organization on the basis of the school of regional seminars for teachers of informatics on the content of design and research activities of students;
  • generalization of the experience of teaching schoolchildren in the project method as a way of educational activity.
  • Thought-activity: advancement of ideas, problematization, goal-setting and task formulation, hypothesis advancement, question formulation (search for a hypothesis), hypothesis formulation, reasonable choice of a method or method, path in activity, planning one's activities, introspection and reflection.
  • Presentation: construction of an oral report on the work done, the choice of methods and forms of a visual presentation of the results of activities, the preparation of a visual presentation of the results of activities, the preparation of a written report on the work done.
  • Communicative: listen and understand others, express yourself, find a compromise, interact within the group, find consensus.
  • Search engines: find information in catalogs, conduct contextual search, in hypertext, on the Internet, formulation of keywords.
  • Informational: structuring information, highlighting the main thing, receiving and transmitting information, presentation in various forms, orderly storage and search.
Justification of the choice - these forms of work increase the efficiency of both the lesson and the student's work, save time, which makes it possible to pay more attention to the development of skills, allow the use of different forms of learning, which makes the learning process more interesting, allow you to change in a short time different kinds activities, consolidate and develop general educational skills and skills of independent work, activate cognitive activity, improve the quality of knowledge.

The more freely schoolchildren have design skills, the more actively they use the project method to organize independent educational cognitive activities.

Introducing the project method into the classroom system of organizing the educational process, the following should be taken into account:

  • Project-based teaching, introduced into the already existing subject class-lesson system of organizing the educational process, cannot and should not replace meaningful subject teaching.
  • Project-based learning should be built on the principles of coexistence and complementarity in relation to the subject system.
  • By the time the first project is completed, students should have formed the elements of project activities as separate skills, at least at the most elementary level. You can start working on a project only when students can work on almost all stages on their own or with a little advice.
  • It is necessary to organize such educational projects that would solve the problems of mastering the program material.
  • Educational projects implemented in academic year, there can't be many.
In no case should the learning process be left unattended, control by the teacher should be constantly carried out over the work of students. But the teacher acts more as an organizer of independent active cognitive activity of students, a competent consultant and assistant. This role is much more difficult and requires a higher skill from the teacher.

Focusing on global goals education system and taking into account the specifics of the subjects I teach "Russian language" and "Literature", I define the goal: to prepare graduates who own modern technologies and, therefore, are able to adapt to a rapidly changing world.

In my activities, I assign a large role to project technology, assuming that if the project method is applied as a planned and permanent component of the educational process, then conditions will be created for:

  • increasing the mental activity of students and the acquisition of skills logical thinking on issues related to real life;
  • speech development of students, improvement of communicative competence in general;
  • development of individual characteristics of students, their independence, the need for self-education;
  • changes in the role of the teacher in the educational environment;
  • a more effective solution to the problems of education, development and upbringing of the student's personality
Project activity becomes the leading one in the lessons of the humanitarian cycle in high school. But you can count on its success when you manage to build the work on material that is meaningful for students. The most difficult is the process of manifesting and clarifying the interests of the student, jointly formulating the concept of the future project with him. In high school, projects in the Russian language can act as integrating factors, their goal is the practical application of the accumulated knowledge in various subjects.

I start the work on organizing design and research activities in the classroom with diagnostics to study the interests, inclinations and design skills of students.

This allows students to comprehend the skills acquired in other lessons and through other forms of educational and cognitive activity and combine them into a way of organizing educational work. But such diagnostics can be used if students have already completed projects and are familiar with the algorithm for carrying out this type of activity. The proposed survey can be carried out at the beginning and at the end of the project creation.

I would like to note that the degree of activity of students and teachers when working on a project at different stages of activity is different.

In a curriculum project, students must work independently. However, the role of the teacher is undoubtedly great in the first and last stages of project development. The fate of the project as a whole depends on how the teacher plays his role at the first stage in formulating and substantiating the relevance of the chosen topic. Here there is a threat to reduce the work on the project only to the formulation and implementation of the assignment for the students' independent work.

At the last stage (formulating conclusions and assessing the results obtained), the role of the teacher is great, since students cannot make a generalization of everything that they have learned or researched, draw a bridge to the next topic, or come, perhaps, to unexpected conclusions that the teacher will help to make with his rich life experience, scientific outlook, analytical thinking. During the implementation of the project, my role is to organize independent cognitive, creative and practical activities of students.

When assessing the success of a student in a project or research, it is necessary to understand that the most significant assessment for him is public recognition of his solvency (success, effectiveness). Any level of results achieved is worthy of a positive assessment.