Work program for the Russian language 10 11. Use of punctuation marks (2 hours)

Kushchevsky district of the Krasnodar Territory

(territorial, administrative district (city, district, town)

municipal budgetary educational institution secondary general education

school №33 im. Litvinova P.S.

(full name of educational institution)


the decision of the pedagogical council

dated ________ 2015 protocol No. 1

Chairman _____ O.G. Gutarenko

signature of the head of the educational institution


In Russian_________________________________________________

(specify subject, course)

Level of education (grade) basic general grade 10-11_______

(primary general, basic general education with grades)

Number of hours ____136_____

Teacher Ozhinkova A.Yu.

The program was developed on the basis Programs of the course “Russian language. 10-11 grades.

1. Explanatory note

Working on the course "Russian language" grades 10-11 is compiled in accordance with

Federal component of the state standard of general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 05.03.2004, No. 108).

The program of the course "Russian language" grades 10-11 N.G. Goltsova. Moscow " Russian word» 2012.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Component of the State Educational General Secondary Education, the subject "Russian Language" is studied from the 10th to the 11th grade. According to the Curriculum of MBOU secondary school No. 33 named after. Litvinov in grades 10-11, the program is designed for 136 hours and is focused on the use of a textbook for grades 10-11 educational institutions edited by N.G. Goltsova and I.V. Shamshin.

The purpose of the course is to repeat, generalize, systematize and deepen the knowledge of the Russian language acquired in basic school.

2. general characteristics educational subject.

The program meets the standard of basic general education in the Russian language, the social order of parents; built taking into account the principles of consistency, scientific approach, accessibility and continuity; contributes to the development of communicative competence of students; provides conditions for the implementation of practical orientation, takes into account age psychology students.

The material is presented in large blocks and is logically structured in such a way that its assimilation is most effective, the relationship between the various sections of the science of language is clearly visible and an idea of ​​the Russian language as a system is formed. The completeness and accessibility of the presentation of theoretical information, the nature of the selection of material for exercises, the variety of types of tasks are aimed at achieving the educational, educational, informational goals outlined in the Standard, and at the formation of communicative, linguistic, linguistic, cultural competencies as a result of mastering the content of the course "Russian Language" .

Theoretical information is systemic, generalizing in nature, their volume and features are subject to the formation of specific practical skills and abilities (spelling, punctuation, stylistic), primarily the skills of correct writing, as well as the skills of analyzing and systematizing information. The development of a culture of speech, literary taste and linguistic outlook as a whole is ensured.

Understanding and practicing these skills and abilities is provided by a large number of exercises offered in the textbook on all topics.

The program includes topics such as "Basic principles of Russian spelling", "Basic principles of Russian punctuation". They are very important when repeating spelling and punctograms, as they provide a conscious approach to the material being studied.

The topics "Combination of punctuation marks", "Optional punctuation marks", "Individual-author's punctuation" draw attention to such features of Russian punctuation as variance in punctuation marks, their ambiguity and multifunctionality. In a literary text, punctuation marks perform a special semantic and expressive function, therefore, when analyzing a text, along with the analysis of vocabulary, morphology, syntax, attention should also be paid to punctuation analysis.

The tasks facing the course "Russian Language" in high school can be successfully solved if all types of language analysis are used in the classroom and in independent work. Phonetic, morphemic, word-formation, morphological, syntactic types of analysis are based on previously acquired knowledge. A large place is given to spelling and punctuation analysis, which provides solid knowledge and improves the quality of literate writing, the culture of language proficiency, improves the skills and abilities of the normative use of language tools.

In accordance with modern requirements of a communicative orientation in teaching the Russian language, the program provides for the analysis of texts of different genres for linguistic, stylistic and other types of linguistic analysis. For the development of speech, such types of work as retelling, summarizing, writing abstracts, writing miniature essays and other creative tasks are used.

Efficiency of work is ensured by a combination of work in the classroom and outside the classroom, as well as properly organized independent work. Practice shows that knowledge obtained independently is more durable than knowledge obtained through passive perception.

If in grade 10 phonetics and graphics, vocabulary and phraseology, word composition and word formation, grammar and spelling are repeated with some clarifications and additional specification of what was studied by students in grades 5-9, then in grade 11 knowledge of syntax and punctuation is systematized , ideas are expanding and concepts are deepening in style, and speech activity permeates the entire course, not limited to specifically specified paragraphs.

The place of the subject in the curriculum.

In MBOU secondary school No. 33 named after. Litvinova P.S. according to the School Curriculum, the academic year is 34 weeks, therefore, the study of the Russian (native) language at the stage of secondary general education is given time in the amount of 136 hours, including:

The increase in the number of hours in the curriculum of the school is aimed at: a) repetition and systematization of the educational material studied in the basic school; b) the development of oral and written speech of students; c) to prepare students for the exam.

Grade 10

Introduction (1h)

Russian language among the languages ​​of the world. Richness and expressiveness of the Russian language. Russian writers about the expressiveness of the Russian language.

Russian language as a state language Russian Federation and the language of interethnic communication of the peoples of Russia.

Russian language as one of the world languages.

literary language as highest form the existence of a national language.

Vocabulary. Phraseology. Lexicography (10h)

Basic concepts and basic units of vocabulary and phraseology.

The word and its meaning. Single meaning and polysemy of words. Figurative and expressive means of the Russian language. Homonyms and their use. Paronyms and their use. Synonyms and their usage. Antonyms and their usage. The origin of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language. Vocabulary commonly used and vocabulary that has a limited scope of use. The use of obsolete vocabulary and neologisms.

Phraseology. Phraseological units and their use.


Phonetics. Graphics. Orthoepy. (2h)

Basic concepts of phonetics, graphics, orthoepy.

Sounds. Sounds and letters. Alternation of sounds, phonetic and historical alternations.

Orthoepy. Basic rules for pronunciation.

Morphemics and word formation (7h)

Morphemic analysis of the word.

Word formation. Morphological ways of word formation. The concept of a word-building chain.

Non-morphological ways of word formation.

Word-building dictionaries.

Word-building analysis.

Morphology and spelling (48h):

Basic concepts of morphology and spelling, the relationship of morphology and spelling (1h):

Principles of Russian spelling.

Checked and unchecked unstressed vowels in the root of the word (7h):

Alternating vowels in the root.

The use of vowels after hissing. The use of vowels after C.

The use of letters E, E, E and the combination of YO in various morphemes.

Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants.

Spelling of unpronounceable consonants and combinations of MF, TC, ZhCH, STCH, ZDCH.

Spelling of double consonants.

Spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes (3h):

Prefixes PRE- and PRI-.

Vowels AND and Y after prefixes.

The use of b and b (1h):

Use of capital letters (2h):

Word hyphenation rules.

Parts of speech

Noun (6h)

The gender of nouns. Distribution of nouns by gender. Nouns of the general gender.

Definition and ways of expressing the gender of indeclinable nouns and abbreviations.

The number of nouns.

Spelling of case endings of nouns.

Variants of case endings.

Spelling of compound nouns.

Composite names and their spelling.

Adjective (6h)

Adjective as a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives: qualitative, relative, possessive adjectives.

quality adjectives.

Adjectives are relative and possessive.

Features of the formation and use of possessive adjectives.

Transition of adjectives from one category to another.

Numeral name (3h)

The noun is a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of numerals. Features of the use of numerals of different categories.

Morphological analysis of numerals.

Declension of numerals.

Pronoun (2h)

Verb (3h)

The infinitive as the initial form.

Transitivity / intransitivity of the verb.

Reflexive verbs.

Morphological analysis of the verb.

Spelling of verbs.

Participle as a special verb form. (4h)

Signs of a verb and signs of an adjective in participles.

Morphological analysis of participles.

The formation of the sacraments.

Spelling of participle suffixes.

gerund as a verb form. (1h)

The formation of adverbs.

Morphological analysis of adverbs.

Transition of gerunds into adverbs and prepositions.

Adverb (2h)

Morphological analysis of adverbs.

Vowels at the end of adverbs.

Adverbs for hissing.

Continuous spelling of adverbs. Separate spelling of adverbs. Hyphenated spelling of adverbs.

Lexico-grammatical groups and grammatical features of words of the state category.

Official speeches(6h)


Preposition as an auxiliary part of speech.

Features of the use of prepositions.

Morphological analysis of prepositions.

Spelling of suggestions.

Conjunctions and allied words

Union as an official part of speech. Union words.

Morphological analysis of unions.

Spelling unions.


Particle as a service part of speech.

Discharges of particles.

Morphological analysis of particles.

Particle spelling. Separate and hyphenated spelling of particles. Particles NOT and NI, their meaning and use. Fusion and separate spelling particles He and NI with different parts of speech.


Morphological analysis of interjections.

Spelling of interjections.

Functional and stylistic features of the use of interjections.


R.R. Essay-reasoning on the text (task type C).

R.R. Presentation with a creative task.

Control testing on the topic "Spelling".

Test work on the topic "Spelling of nouns"

Control testing on the topic "Spelling of adjectives"

Test work on the topic "Spelling participles"

Control testing on the topic "Spelling of verbs, participles, gerunds and adverbs"

Final control work.

Grade 11


Introduction (1 hour)

Basic concepts of syntax and punctuation. Basic syntactic units. Basic principles of Russian punctuation. Punctuation analysis.

Phrase (2 hours)

Offer (1 hour)

Simple offer (16 hours)

Homogeneous members of a sentence

Complex sentence (13 hours)

Sentences with someone else's speech (3 hours)

Use of punctuation marks (2 hours)

combination of punctuation marks.

2. CULTURE OF SPEECH (4 hours)

3. STYLISTICS (8 hours)



R / R Control presentation with a creative task

R / R Control essay-reasoning on the text read (task type C)

Control testing on the topic "Homogeneous members of the proposal"

Control testing on the topic "Simple complicated sentence"

Test. Text analysis with a creative task

Control testing on the topic "Complex sentence"

Control testing on the topic "Syntax and punctuation"

Control text analysis with a creative task

5. Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities

Grade 10

Sections, themes

Number of hours

Working programm


Russian language among the languages ​​of the world. Richness and expressiveness of the Russian language. Russian writers about the expressiveness of the Russian language. The Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation and the language of interethnic communication of the peoples of Russia.

Russian language as one of the world languages. Literary language as the highest form of existence of the national language.

The concept of norm literary language. Types of norms of the literary language. Norms and culture of speech.

The concept of functional varieties (styles); the main functional styles of the modern Russian literary language.

Vocabulary. Phraseology. Lexicography

Basic concepts and basic units of vocabulary and phraseology. The word and its meaning. Single meaning and polysemy of words. Figurative and expressive means of the Russian language. Homonyms and their use. Paronyms and their use. Synonyms and their usage. Antonyms and their usage. The origin of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language. Vocabulary commonly used and vocabulary that has a limited scope of use. The use of obsolete vocabulary and neologisms. Phraseology. Phraseological units and their use.


Phonetics. Graphics. Orthoepy.

Basic concepts of phonetics, graphics, orthoepy. Sounds. Sounds and letters. Alternation of sounds, phonetic and historical alternations. Orthoepy. Basic rules for pronunciation.

Morphemics and word formation

Basic concepts of morphemics and word formation. Word composition. Morphemes are root and affixal. The base of the word. Bases derivatives and non-derivatives.

Morphemic analysis of the word.

Word formation. Morphological ways of word formation. The concept of a word-building chain. Non-morphological ways of word formation.

Word-building dictionaries. Word-building analysis.

The main methods of formation in the modern Russian language.

Morphology and spelling

Spelling. Principles of Russian spelling

Basic concepts of morphology and spelling, the relationship of morphology and spelling. Principles of Russian spelling.

Morphological principle as the leading principle of Russian orthography. Phonetic and traditional spellings.

Checked and unchecked unstressed vowels in the root of a word.

Alternating vowels in the root. The use of vowels after hissing. The use of vowels after C. The use of the letters E, E, E and the combination of YO in various morphemes. Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants.

Spelling of unpronounceable consonants and combinations of MF, TC, ZhCH, STCH, ZDCH. Spelling of double consonants.

Spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes.

Prefixes PRE- and PRI-.

Vowels AND and Y after prefixes. The use of b and b. The use of capital letters. Word hyphenation rules.

Spelling of vowels and consonants in various morphemes

Spelling. Spelling prefixes

Use of ъ and ь

Use of capital letters

Parts of speech. Noun

The noun is a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns.

The gender of nouns. Distribution of nouns by gender. Nouns of the general gender. Definition and ways of expressing the gender of indeclinable nouns and abbreviations. The number of nouns.

Morphological analysis of nouns.

Spelling of case endings of nouns. Variants of case endings.

Vowels in suffixes of nouns.

Spelling of compound nouns. Compound names and their spelling


Adjective as a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of names are adjectives. quality adjectives.

Comparative and superlative degrees of qualitative adjectives. Synthetic and analytical forms of degrees of comparison. Stylistic features of simple (synthetic) and complex (analytical) forms of degrees of comparison.

Full and short forms of qualitative adjectives. Features of the formation and use of short adjectives in modern Russian. Synonymy of short and full forms in the function of the predicate; their semantic and stylistic features.

Adjectives are relative and possessive. Features of the formation and use of possessive adjectives. Transition of adjectives from one category to another.

Morphological analysis of adjectives.

Spelling of the endings of adjectives.

Declension of qualitative and relative adjectives.

Spelling of suffixes of adjectives.

Spelling Н and НН in adjective suffixes.


The noun is a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of numerals. Features of the use of numerals of different categories. Morphological analysis of numerals.

Declension of numerals.

Spelling of nouns.

The use of nouns in speech.

Features of the use of collective numerals.


Pronoun as a part of speech. Discharges and features of the use of pronouns.

Morphological analysis of pronouns.

Spelling of pronouns. The meaning and features of the use of the pronouns YOU and YOU. Features of the use of reflexive, possessive and definitive pronouns.

The verb is a part of speech. Basic grammatical categories and forms of the verb.

Transitivity / intransitivity of the verb. Reflexive verbs. The mood category of the verb. Indicative mood, subjunctive (conditional), imperative. Features of education and functioning.

Two stems of verbs. Formation of the verb.

Morphological analysis of the verb. Spelling of verbs.


Participle as a special verb form. Signs of a verb and signs of an adjective in participles. Morphological analysis of participles. The formation of the sacraments. Spelling of participle suffixes.

Н and НН in participles and verbal adjectives.

Transition of participles into adjectives and nouns.


gerund as a verb form. The formation of adverbs.

Morphological analysis of adverbs. Transition of gerunds into adverbs and prepositions.

An adverb is a part of speech. Classes of adverbs.

Morphological analysis of adverbs. Vowels at the end of adverbs. Adverbs for hissing. Continuous spelling of adverbs. Separate spelling of adverbs. Hyphenated spelling of adverbs.

Lexico-grammatical groups and grammatical features of words of the state category. Homonymy of words in the category of state, adverbs in -o, -e and short adjectives cf. unit

Morphological analysis of words of the category of state.

Service parts of speech

Preposition as an auxiliary part of speech. Features of the use of prepositions.

Morphological analysis of prepositions. Spelling of suggestions. Unions and allied words Union as a service part of speech. Union words.

Classification of unions by meaning, use, structure. Subordinating conjunctions and allied words.

Morphological analysis of unions. Spelling unions. Particle as a service part of speech. Discharges of particles.

Morphological analysis of particles. Particle spelling. Separate and hyphenated spelling of particles. Particles NOT and NI, their meaning and use. Continuous and separate spelling of particles He and NI with different parts of speech.

Interjection as a special category of words. Interjection and onomatopoeic words.

Morphological analysis of interjections. Spelling of interjections. Functional and stylistic features of the use of interjections.

Thematic distribution of hours

Grade 11

Sections, themes

Number of hours

Working programm


Basic concepts of syntax and punctuation.Basic syntactic units.Basic principles of Russian punctuation.Punctuation analysis.


Classification of phrases. Types of syntactic connection.

Syntactic analysis of the phrase.


The concept of a proposal. Classification of proposals.

The sentences are simple and complex.

Simple sentence

Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement. Types of proposals for emotional coloring. Proposals are affirmative and negative.

Types of proposals by structure. Two-part and one-part sentences.

main members of the proposal. A dash between subject and predicate.

Common and non-common offers.

Secondary members of the sentence. Complete and incomplete sentences.

A dash in an incomplete sentence. Connecting dash. Intonation dash.

Word order in a simple sentence. Inversion.

Synonymy of different types of simple sentence.

Simple complicated and uncomplicated sentences. Parsing a simple sentence

Homogeneous members of a sentence

Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members.

Punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

Punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous applications.

Punctuation marks with homogeneous members connected by non-repeating unions.

Punctuation marks with homogeneous members connected by repeating and paired unions. Generalizing words with homogeneous terms. Punctuation marks for generalizing words.

Separate members of the sentence

Punctuation marks for isolated members of a sentence.

Separate and non-isolated definitions. Separate applications.

isolated circumstances. Separate add-ons.

Clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of the sentence.

Parallel syntactic constructions.

Comparative punctuation marks.

Punctuation marks for words and constructions that are not grammatically related to the sentence

Punctuation marks in appeals.

Punctuation marks for introductory words and phrases.

Punctuation marks" for plug-in constructions

Punctuation marks for interjections.

Affirmative, negative, interrogative-exclamatory words.

Difficult sentence

The concept of a complex sentence.

Punctuation marks in compound sentences.

Syntactic analysis of a compound sentence.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with one subordinate clause.

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence with one subordinate clause.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses.

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses.

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence. Comma and semicolon in non-union complex sentence. Colon in non-union complex sentence.

A dash in a non-union complex sentence.

Syntactic analysis of a non-union complex sentence.

Complex sentences with different types of connection.

Synonymy of different types of complex sentence.

Sentences with someone else's speech

Ways of transmitting someone else's speech. Punctuation marks in direct speech.

Dialogue punctuation. Punctuation marks for quotes.

The use of punctuation marks

combination of punctuation marks.

A culture of speech

The culture of speech as a branch of the science of language that studies the correctness and purity of speech.

Correct speech. Standard of the literary language.

Types of literary language norms: orthoepic, accentological,

Word-building, lexical, morphological, syntactic, stylistic norms.

Qualities of good speech: purity, expressiveness, relevance, accuracy, richness.

Types and types of oratorical eloquence. Oratory and tact.


Stylistics as a branch of the science of language that studies the styles of language and styles of speech, figurative and expressive means. functional styles. Classification of functional styles. Scientific style. Formal business style. Journalistic style. conversational style. Features of literary and artistic speech.

Functional-semantic types of speech: narration, description, reasoning.

Analysis of texts of different styles and genres.

From the history of Russian linguistics

M.V. Lomonosov, A.Kh. Vostokov, F.I. Buslaev, V.I. Dal.

Ya.K. Grotto. A.A. Chess. L.V. Shcherba. D.N. Ushakov. L.V. Shcherba. D.N. Ushakov. V.V. Vinogradov. S.I. Ozhegov.

6. Description of educational, methodological and logistical support of educational activities.

Educational and program materials:

Exemplary program of basic general education in Russian

language for educational institutions with Russian as the language of instruction.

Public Education No. 8, 2005

2) Collection of normative documents. Russian language. Federal component of the state standard. Federal basic plan. Moscow. Bustard. 2006

3) Programs for secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums "Russian language grades 5-11", compilers: M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lvov, M.S. Soloveichik - M .: Bustard, 2002

Educational and theoretical materials:

1) Russian language: Grammar. Text, Speech styles: Textbook for 10-11 cells. general education institutions / A.I. Vlasenkov, L.M. Rybchenkov. - M: Enlightenment, 2005

2) Goltsova N.G., Mishcherina M.A. Russian language. Grades 10-11.: TID Russkoe Slovo - RS LLC, 2007

3) Grekov V.F. Manual for classes in the Russian language in senior classes / V.F. Grekov, S.E. Kryuchkova, L.A. Cheshko. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002

4) Rosenthal D.E. Russian language: Collection of exercises in the Russian language for applicants to universities. - M .: Bustards, 1995

Educational and practical materials:

1) Milovidova I. We check our literacy. Tests. / I. Milovidova. M.: Iris LLC, 2008

2) Tsybulko I.P. Russian language. Training tasks / I.P. Tsybulko, S.I. Lvov, V.A. Kokhanov. – M.: Eskimo, 2009

3) Unified State Exam 2009: Control and measuring materials: Rus. lang. / IN AND. Kapinos (head), S.I. Lvova, L.I. Puchkova and others; Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. - M.: Enlightenment, 2009

Educational and reference materials:

1) Russian language: A large reference book for schoolchildren and applicants to universities / T.M. Voiteleva, K.A. Voilochkova, N.A. Gerasimova and others - 2nd edition - M .: Bustard, 1999

2) Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu., Dictionary Russian language / Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradova - M .: Azbukovnik, 1998

Municipal educational institution

secondary school №1

named after Ivan Nechaev

g.p. Chistye Bory village of Buisky municipal district

Kostroma region

Reviewed by MO teachers


Protocol No.___

"___" ________ 201__


Deputy director for water resources management

___________ /

"___" ________ 201__


Order No.

"___" ________ 201__

Working programm

In Russian


10-11 grades

Sokolova Ludmila Konstantinovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature.

Explanatory note

The work program on the Russian language in high school is compiled in accordance with:

    with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, order March 52004 of the year N 1089)

    exemplary educational program in the Russian language (Order No. 1/15 dated April 8, 2015)

        • Regulations on the work program of the training course, subject, discipline (module) MOU secondary school No. 1 g.p.p. Chistye Bory of the Buisky municipal district (Order No. 108 of "22" 12. 2011)

    Validity (relevance, novelty, significance).

    An important feature of the proposed program is the fundamental novelty of approaches to the implementation of the teaching of the Russian language in grades 10-11. Coming to the fore competency-based the approach on the basis of which the content of this work program is structured, aimed at the development and improvement of communicative, linguistic, linguistic (linguistic) and cultural competencies.

    The work program is based on currently relevant ideas personality-oriented and activity approaches to teaching the Russian language. A feature of such training is the synthesis of the linguistic, speech-cogitative and spiritual development of high school students, the establishment of a relationship between the processes of learning and using the language.

    The content of the program is aimed at implementing the unity of the process of mastering the basics of linguistics and the process of forming communicative skills, which implies not only the assimilation of linguistic knowledge by students, but also their mastering the elements of the modern theory of speech communication in order to form their skills for the appropriate use of language means in various areas of communication.

    This version of the work program, which is entirely based on the federal component of the state standard for secondary (complete) general education, differs from the author's program by A.I. Vlasenkova, L.M. Rybchenkova in that it additionally includes topics prescribed by the federal component of the standard:

"Spheres and situations of verbal communication"

"Components of the speech situation"

"Culture of educational, scientific and business communication"

"Culture of colloquial speech"

"Culture of Public Speech"

"Information processing of the text"

"Forms of the existence of the Russian national language (literary language, vernacular, folk dialects, professional varieties, jargon, slang"

"Norms of the literary language, their observance in speech practice" "Synonymy in the system of the Russian language"

"Dictionaries of the Russian language and linguistic reference books, their use"

"Mutual enrichment of languages ​​as a result of the interaction of national cultures" "Compliance with the norms of speech behavior in various areas of communication."

    A striking feature of this program is its practical orientation. At the senior stage of education (grades 10-11), teenagers show interest in choosing a procession, vocational guidance, and make plans for the future. In this regard, one of the tasks of teaching at this stage is the development and improvement of students' ability to verbal interaction and social adaptation. The proposed work program provides for the deepening and expansion of knowledge about the language norm and its varieties, the communicative qualities of speech, the norms of speech behavior in various areas of communication.

Target training course - further development and improvement of the functional literacy of students at the senior level of education, which involves the deepening of students' ideas about the language system and the development of their communicative, linguistic and cultural competencies.

Tasks learning Russian in high school:

    mastery of functional literacy, the formation of students' concepts of the system of styles, figurative and expressive possibilities and norms of the Russian literary language, as well as the ability to apply knowledge about them in speech practice;

    mastering the ability to express a personal position and one's attitude to the texts read in detailed, reasoned oral and written statements of various styles and genres;

    mastering the skills of complex analysis of the proposed text;

    mastering the possibilities of the language as a means of communication and a means of cognition to a degree sufficient for obtaining professional education and further self-education;

    mastering the skills of evaluating one's own and someone else's speech from the standpoint of compliance with language norms, improving one's own communication skills and speech culture

    education of a creative, proactive competent citizen of Russia

    education of a citizen and a patriot, the formation of an idea of ​​the Russian language as a spiritual, moral, cultural value of the people, awareness of the national identity of the Russian language;

    the formation of functional literacy among students in the broad sense of the word, which is necessary for school graduates for successful self-realization and socialization, expressed in the successful solution of communicative and cognitive tasks;

    the study of language as a means of expressing thoughts, feelings and experiences of a person, contributing to the development of communication skills;

    consolidation and expansion of knowledge about the text, improving the skills of constructing and compiling texts;

    further mastering the functional styles of speech with the simultaneous expansion of students' knowledge about styles, their features, rules of use;

    mastering the skills to identify, analyze, compare, classify linguistic phenomena and facts, taking into account their various interpretations;

    application of acquired knowledge and skills in their own practice;

    development and improvement of students' ability to verbal interaction and social adaptation;

    development of speech and thinking of students on an interdisciplinary basis;

    formation and improvement of basic information skills: reading and information processing of texts of different types, styles and genres, working with various information sources.

Since children with different levels of learning in the subject, with individual developmental characteristics study in the classes of high school, the content of the educational material, in the forms of organization of educational activities, there is a differentiation regarding children with disabilities and gifted children.

Description of the place of the subject "Russian language" in the curriculum

The total number of hours devoted to the study of the subject:

for 2 years (grades 10, 11) - 68 hours

per year - 34 hours (grade 10), 34 hours (grade 11)

by trimesters (grades 10, 11) - 1 trimester - 24 hours, 2 trimester - 22 hours, 3 trimester - 22 hours

Grade 10 - 1st trimester - 12 hours, 2nd trimester - 11 hours, 3rd trimester - 11 hours

Grade 11 - 1st trimester - 12 hours, 2nd trimester - 11 hours, 3rd trimester - 11 hours

per week (grades 10, 11) - 2 hours

10th grade - 1 hour per week

11th grade - 1 hour per week

General characteristics of the subject "Russian language"

Course structure

The Russian language is represented in the working program by a list not only of those didactic units that reflect the structure of the language, but also those that provide speech activity. Each thematic block of the program includes a list of linguistic concepts that denote linguistic and speech phenomena, indicates the features of the functioning of these phenomena and names the main types of educational activities that are worked out in the process of studying these concepts.

In the educational process, the indicated blocks are inextricably interrelated or integrated, since the processes of understanding the language system and personal experience of using the language in certain conditions, situations of communication are inextricably linked with each other.

There are three end-to-end content lines that ensure the formation of these competencies:

In the educational process, these content lines are inextricably interrelated and integrated. When studying each section of the course, students not only receive relevant knowledge and master the necessary skills and abilities, but also improve the types of speech activity, develop various communication skills and also deepen the idea of ​​the native language as a national and cultural phenomenon. With this approach, the process of understanding the language system and personal experience of using the language in certain situations of communication are inextricably linked. That is why the sequence of sections of the course and the number of hours allocated for the study of each of them is approximate.

The teaching of the Russian language in grade 10 is based on the repetition and consolidation of knowledge gained over the years of study in grades 5-9, and in grade 11 a systematic course of the Russian language is studied with elements of practical style, students' knowledge of orthoepy, spelling and punctuation is systematized

The specifics of the subject, the most important concepts of the course

Main directions development of students by means of the subject "Russian language":

Language competence (i.e. the awareness of schoolchildren in the system of their native language) is realized in the process

Formation of language intuition among high school students;

Acquisition and implementation of knowledge about the native language in order to

providing orientation in the language system necessary for the formation of speech skills.

Linguistic competence is formed through knowledge about the Russian language as a science, about the methods of this science, about the stages of its development, about outstanding linguists. Communicative competence (i.e. schoolchildren’s awareness of the peculiarities of the functioning of their native language in oral and written forms) is realized in the process

Mastering functional literacy. (Functional literacy is understood as the student's ability to freely use reading and writing skills for the purpose of obtaining information from the text, that is, for understanding and transforming it and for the purpose of transmitting such information in real communication. Functional literacy is also the ability to use various types of reading: studying, viewing, introductory; the ability to move from one system of methods of reading and understanding the text to another, adequate to the given purpose of reading and understanding and this type of test (reading flexibility);

Further mastery of the Russian language (expansion of active and passive vocabulary, more complete mastery of the grammatical structure of the Russian language, mastery of the system of stylistic varieties of speech, mastery of language norms);

Mastering productive skills and abilities of various types of oral and written speech: the culture of public speech, colloquial speech, written speech;

Mastering spelling and punctuation, further development of relative spelling and punctuation literacy based on the minimum spelling and punctuation rules provided for by the standard and the development of spelling and punctuation skills;

Development of the ability to apply spelling and punctuation skills in one's own written speech;

Mastering the skills of understanding and analyzing texts of different types and genres, orientation in the text, among which the most relevant is the ability to adequately perceive a literary text.

Cultural competence is formed through knowledge of the cultural and educational potential of the Russian language, its close connection with history, spiritual culture, the mentality of the Russian people, through knowledge of the history of the language and its place among other languages ​​of the world, compliance with the norms of speech behavior in various areas of communication.

The program is based on the following principles:

    the principle of considering and studying language units on a syntactic basis.

It involves considering the facts of the language as elements of a sentence in which their main features are realized, new meanings and possibilities appear in the transfer of meaning, in the expression of emotional and stylistic coloring;

    the principle of a semantic approach to a sentence as a syntactic unit.

Assumes the definition of the function of syntactic units performed by them in the text,

requires an analysis of the interaction of various units of the language - syntactic, lexical,


    the principle of a communicative approach to language learning.

It involves the activation of the speech-cogitative activity of students, teaching the language through communication and understanding of current speech genres, analysis of language material from function to form, highlighting the text as the main communicative unit;

    the principle of studying language units on a text basis.

It involves consideration of language units in the structure of the text from the standpoint of their text-forming functions. The text-forming function is understood as the ability of language units to participate in the creation of a text.

The implementation of the approaches and principles stated above is possible provided that the main tool in the study of the Russian language in grades 10-11 is the text.

General educational skills, skills, methods of activity

Russian language course for high school is aimed at improving the speech activity of students on the basis of mastering knowledge about the structure of the Russian language and the peculiarities of its use in different communication conditions, on the basis of mastering the basic norms of the Russian language, speech etiquette. The content of the training is focused on the development of the student's personality, the upbringing of a cultured person who knows the norms of the literary language, is able to express his thoughts and feelings in oral and written form, and observe the ethical standards of communication.

In the process of learning the Russian language at a basic level, the following are improved and developed: General Skills:

Communicative (possession of all types of speech activity and the basis of the culture of oral and written speech);

Informational (the ability to carry out bibliographic searches, extract information, the ability to work with text);

Organizational (the ability to formulate the purpose of the activity, plan and implement it).

As a result of studying the Russian language, the student must


    connection of language and history, culture of the Russian people;

    meaning of concepts: speech situation and its components, literary language, language norm, speech culture;

    basic units of the language, their features;

    orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, spelling and punctuation norms of the modern literary language, norms of speech behavior;

be able to

    exercise speech self-control, evaluate oral and written statements in terms of language design;

    conduct linguistic analysis of texts of various styles; use the basic types of reading;

    extract the necessary information from various sources

    process information different ways(analysis, generalization, classification, systematization, comparison);

    convert information from one form to another (text, summary, table, diagram, plan, etc.) and choose the form that is convenient for you;

    create oral and written monologue and dialogic statements of various types and genres;

    to apply in the practice of speech communication the main orthoepic, lexical, grammatical norms of the modern Russian language;

    observe the spelling and punctuation norms of the modern Russian literary language in the practice of writing;

    observe the norms of speech behavior;

    analyze and evaluate one's own and other people's speech in terms of language norms;

    choose the type of reading depending on the purpose of reading and the nature of the presentation of the material.

    take notes on oral and written sources, annotate and abstract educational, educational-scientific and literary-critical articles;

    use the basic techniques of information processing of oral and written text;

    use the acquired methods of information processing of oral and written text.

Description of the value orientations of the content of the subject "Russian language"

Value orientations of the content of the subject "Russian language"

One of the results of teaching the Russian language is the comprehension and internalization (assignment) of the system of values ​​by students.

The value of good- awareness of oneself as part of the world in which people are connected by countless connections, including through language; awareness of the postulates of moral life (be merciful, do as you would like to be treated).

The value of communication- understanding the importance of communication as a significant component of the life of society, as one of the fundamental elements of culture.

The value of nature is based on the universal human value of life, on awareness of oneself as a part of natural world. Love for nature is both a careful attitude towards it as a human habitat, and the experience of a sense of its beauty, harmony, and perfection. Education of love and respect for nature through the texts of fiction and popular science works of literature.

The value of beauty and harmony- awareness of the beauty and harmony of the Russian language, its expressive possibilities.

The value of truth- awareness of the value of scientific knowledge as part of the culture of mankind, insight into the essence of phenomena, understanding of the patterns underlying social phenomena; prioritization of knowledge, establishment of truth, knowledge itself as a value.

Family value. Understanding the importance of the family in human life; awareness of one's roots; the formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the family, relatives, mutual responsibility, respect for elders, their moral ideals.

The value of labor and creativity- awareness of the role of labor in human life, development of organization, purposefulness, responsibility, independence, value attitude to work in general and to literary work, creativity.

The value of citizenship and patriotism- awareness of oneself as a member of society, people, representative of the country, state; a sense of responsibility for the present and future of their language; interest in their country: its history, language, culture, its life and its people.

The value of humanity- awareness of oneself not only as a citizen of Russia, but also as part of the world community, for the existence and progress of which peace, cooperation, tolerance, respect for the diversity of other cultures and languages ​​are necessary.

The focus of the Russian (native) language class on the formation of communicative, linguistic and linguistic (linguistic) and cultural competence is reflected in the structure of the exemplary program


General information about the language

Language as a system. Language and society. Language and culture. Language and history of the people. Russian language in the Russian Federation and in modern world: in international communication, in international communication. Forms of existence of the Russian national language (literary language, vernacular, folk dialects, professional varieties, jargon, slang). The role of language in society. History of the development of the Russian language. Periods in the history of the development of the Russian language. The place and purpose of the Russian language in the modern world. Stylistic functions of obsolete forms of the word Functions of the Russian language as a subject. Active processes in the Russian language at the present stage. Problems of language ecology. Language units. Their relationship. Phoneme, morpheme, word, part of speech, phrase, sentence, text. The culture of speech as a branch of linguistics.

Phonetics. Orthoepy. Spelling

Language units. Their relationship. Phoneme, morpheme, word, part of speech, phrase, sentence, text. The concept of open and closed syllables. Features of Russian word stress. logical emphasis. The role of stress in poetry. Expressive means of Russian phonetics. The euphony of speech. Sound as a means of expression. Generalizing repetition of phonetics, graphics, orthoepy, spelling. Basic norms of modern literary pronunciation and stress in Russian. Norms of the literary language. Principles of Russian spelling. phonetic analysis.

Vocabulary and phraseology

The lexical system of the Russian language. The ambiguity of a word. Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms. Russian lexicon from the point of view of its origin: original Russian words, old Slavic words, borrowed words. Russian vocabulary from the point of view of its sphere of use: dialectisms, special vocabulary. Interstyle vocabulary, colloquially - household and book. Active and passive vocabulary. Spheres of use of Russian vocabulary. Native Russian and borrowed vocabulary. Russian phraseology. Dictionaries of the Russian language. Lexical and stylistic synonymy. Synonymy in the system of the Russian language. Visual possibilities of synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, homonyms. Contextual synonyms and antonyms. gradation. Antithesis.

Morphemics and word formation

Ways of word formation. Expressive vocabulary. Word-building analysis.

Morphology and spelling

Difficult questions of spelling н and нн in suffixes of nouns, adjectives and adverbs. Spelling н and нн in suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives. Difficult questions of spelling endings of different parts of speech. The spelling is neither and nor with different parts of speech. Particle discrimination is not and neither. Spelling of adverbs. Soft sign at the end of words after hissing. Spelling of verbs. Spelling of participles. Generalized repetition. Continuous, separate and hyphenated spellings. Principles of Russian spelling. Morphological analysis of parts of speech.

Speech, speech communication, functional styles of speech

Speech is an activity. Types of speech activity: reading, listening, speaking, writing.

Speech communication and its main elements. Types of verbal communication. Spheres and situations of verbal communication. Components of a speech situation. The culture of colloquial speech.

Monologue and dialogic speech.

Creation of oral and written monologic and dialogic statements of various types and genres in the scientific, socio-cultural and business spheres of communication. Mastering the experience of speech behavior in formal and informal situations of communication, situations of intercultural communication . Functional styles (scientific, official business, journalistic), colloquial speech and the language of fiction as a variety of the modern Russian language.

Main types of essays.

Text. Text features.

Types of reading. The use of different types of reading depending on the communicative task and the nature of the text.

Information processing of the text. Types of text transformation. Analysis of the text in terms of the presence in it of explicit and hidden, main and secondary information.

Linguistic analysis of texts of various functional varieties of language. Language and speech. Basic requirements for speech: correctness, accuracy, expressiveness, appropriateness of the use of language means. Analysis of artistic and scientific - popular text. Speech analysis of the text. Types of text abbreviations (plan, theses, extracts).

Scientific style of speech

The main genres of scientific style: report, abstract, article, theses, summary, review, extracts, abstract and other main types of compositions.Improving the skills and abilities of creating texts of various functional and semantic types, styles and genres. Lexical and syntactic features of the scientific style. Neutral, general scientific and special vocabulary. term and terminology. Analysis and classification of terms. Terminological dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias. Dictionaries of the Russian language and linguistic reference books. Use of scientific style tools. Culture of educational - scientific and business communication.


Syntax and punctuation

Intonation and its role in a sentence. Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence. Some cases of agreement between the predicate and the subject. Nominative and instrumental cases in the predicate. A dash between subject and predicate. Management with words that are close in meaning. Homogeneous members of the sentence and punctuation with them. Punctuation marks for homogeneous members of a sentence. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Separate definitions. Synonymy of simple sentences with separate definitions. Applications and their separation. Separation of circumstances. Separation of add-ons. Clarifying sentence members. Punctuation for introductory and plug-in constructions. Punctuation in requests. Word-sentences and the allocation of interjections in speech. Order of words in a sentence. Syntactic synonymy as a source of richness and expressiveness of Russian speech. Syntactic analysis of a phrase, simple and complex sentences, sentences with direct speech.

Journalistic style

Features of publicistic style. Features of the journalistic style and the means of emotional expressiveness used in it. Culture of journalistic speech. Public speaking. Composition of a public speech. Culture of scientific and business communication. Features of speech etiquette in the official business, scientific and publicistic spheres of communication. genres of journalistic style. Travel sketch, portrait sketch, problem essay. Oral presentation. Report. Discussion. Presentation of a journalistic style with elements of an essay. Culture of public speech. Spheres and situations of verbal communication. Components of a speech situation.

Art style

General characteristics of the artistic style. Literary language and the language of fiction. Differences between the language of fiction and other varieties of the modern Russian language. The main features of artistic speech. Types of paths and stylistic figures. Lesson-practice. Lyric analysis. Presentation of the text of the artistic style. Sources of richness and expressiveness of Russian speech. Forms of existence of the Russian language (literary language, vernacular, jargon, slang). Figurative and expressive possibilities of morphological forms and syntactic constructions. Stylistic functions of word order. The main types of trails, their use by masters of the artistic word.

General information about the language

Language as a system. Basic levels of the language. Interrelation of various units and levels of language. The norms of the modern Russian language, their description and consolidation in dictionaries, teaching aids, reference books. The role of masters of the artistic word in the formation, development and improvement of language norms. Outstanding domestic scientists - linguists. Information processing of the text.


Systematization of knowledge, skills in the section “Phonetics. Graphics. Orthoepy". Repetition. Morphology and spelling. Repetition. Word formation and spelling. Coherent oral statements, essays, essays (their preparation and defense) on issues of the Russian language and literature, on outstanding scientists - Russianists, on social and ethical topics. The culture of colloquial speech.

Planned personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the subject "Russian language"

personal results mastering the Russian (native) language program by graduates of the basic school are:

Formation of respect for the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, which is the basis of Russian identity and the main factor of national self-determination;

Raising respect for the culture, languages, traditions and customs of the peoples living in the Russian Federation;

Development of competencies of cooperation with peers, children younger age,

to speech self-improvement;

Adults in educational, teaching and research, design and other activities;

Understanding the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the Russian people, which determines the role of the native language in the development of the intellectual, creative abilities and moral qualities of the individual, its significance in the process of obtaining school education;

As a phenomenon of national culture;

The desire for a sufficient volume of vocabulary and learned grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the process of verbal communication; the ability to self-assessment based on observation of one's own speech.

Metasubject Results

Regulatory UUD

The graduate will learn:

Independently determine goals, set parameters and criteria by which it can be determined that goals have been achieved;

Choose the way to achieve the goal, plan the solution of the tasks;

Cognitive UUD

The graduate will learn:

Go beyond the scope of the academic subject and carry out a targeted search for opportunities for a wide transfer of means and methods of action;

Build an individual educational trajectory;

Change and maintain different positions in cognitive activity;

Apply acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in Everyday life;

Master all types of speech activity

Communicative UUD

The graduate will learn:

When carrying out group work, be both a leader and a team member in different roles;

Deployed, logically, accurately express your point of view using adequate

(oral and written) language means;

It is advisable to interact with other people in the process of verbal communication, joint performance of any task, participation in disputes, discussions of topical issues; - own national and cultural norms of speech behavior in various situations of formal and informal interpersonal and intercultural communication.

    use the main normative dictionaries and reference books to evaluate oral and written statements in terms of compliance with language norms.

A graduate at the basic level will have the opportunity to learn:

    analyze, when evaluating one's own and someone else's speech, the language means used in the text in terms of the correctness, accuracy and appropriateness of their use;

    to distinguish the language of fiction from other varieties of the modern Russian language;

A graduate at an advanced level will learn:

    to perceive linguistics as a part of universal humanitarian knowledge;

    consider language as a multifunctional developing system;

    recognize levels and units of language in the presented text and see the relationship between them;

    analyze the language means used in the text in terms of the correctness, accuracy and appropriateness of their use in assessing one's own and other people's speech;

    to note the differences between the language of fiction and other varieties of the modern Russian language;

    use the synonymic resources of the Russian language to more accurately express thoughts and enhance the expressiveness of speech;

    have an idea about the historical development of the Russian language and the history of Russian linguistics;

    express agreement or disagreement with the opinion of the interlocutor in accordance with the rules of dialogic speech;

    to differentiate the main and secondary information, known and unknown information in the listened text;

    conduct an independent search for textual and non-textual information, select and analyze the information received;

    evaluate the stylistic resources of the language;

    maintain stylistic unity when creating text of a given functional style;

    possess the skills of information processing of read and listened to texts and present them in the form of abstracts, abstracts, annotations, abstracts;

    create reviews and reviews of the proposed text;

    observe a culture of reading, speaking, listening and writing;

    observe the culture of scientific and business communication in oral and written form, including when discussing debatable problems;

    comply with the norms of speech behavior in colloquial speech, as well as in educational, scientific and official business areas of communication;

    exercise speech self-control;

    improve spelling and punctuation skills based on knowledge of the norms of the Russian literary language;

    use the main normative dictionaries and reference books to expand the vocabulary and the range of language tools used;

    evaluate the aesthetic side of a speech statement in the analysis of texts (including fiction).

A graduate at an advanced level will have the opportunity to learn:

    conduct a comprehensive analysis of language units in the text;

    identify and describe the social functions of the Russian language;

    conduct linguistic experiments related to the social functions of the language, and use its results in practical speech activity;

    analyze linguistic phenomena and facts that allow ambiguous interpretation;

    characterize the role of the forms of the Russian language in the formation and development of the Russian language;

    analyze the texts read and listened to and present them in the form of a report, article, review, summary;

    to carry out a complex linguistic analysis of the text in accordance with its functional, stylistic and genre affiliation;

    critically evaluate oral monologue text and oral dialogic text;

    to speak to an audience with texts of various genres;

    exercise speech self-control, self-assessment, self-correction;

    use linguistic means, taking into account the variability of the modern Russian language;

    analyze the communicative qualities and effectiveness of speech;

    edit oral and written texts of various styles and genres based on knowledge of the norms of the Russian literary language;

    determine ways to improve their own communicative abilities and culture of speech.

Educational - thematic plan at the general educational (basic) level:

Grade 10

Vocabulary and phraseology (content line: the formation of linguistic and linguistic competencies)

The composition of the word and word formation (content line: the formation of language and linguistic competencies)

Morphology and spelling (content line: the formation of language and linguistic competencies)

Speech. Speech communication. Functional styles of speech (content line: formation of cultural competence)

Scientific style of speech (formation of communicative competence; cultural competence)

Educational - thematic plan at the general educational (basic) level

Grade 11

Repetition (formation of language and linguistic competencies)

Grade 10







date fact

General information about the language (7 hours)

The role of language in society. History of language development. Periods in the history of language development.

Understanding the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the Russian people;

formation of respect for the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation

Have an idea about the main functions of the language, about the role of the Russian language as a national language, about the connection between the language and culture of the people, about the role of the native language in the life of a person and society;

R.R. Oral reports about three periods in the history of the Russian language.

Respect for the Russian language and pride in it;

respect for the culture, traditions and customs of the peoples living in the Russian Federation

Set your own goals;

choose the path to achieve the goal;

adequately express their attitude to the facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to what they read, heard; the ability to speak to an audience of peers with short messages, a report, an abstract; participation in disputes, discussions of topical issues

Mastering the basics of scientific knowledge about the native language; understanding the relationship of its levels and units;

be able to operate with terms in the analysis of a linguistic phenomenon;

have an idea of ​​the social essence of the language.

Be able to observe the norms of the Russian literary language in your speech

Work with the text of K.D.Ushinsky

possession of different types of reading (search, viewing, introductory, studying) of texts of different styles and genres

Be able to perform a multidimensional analysis of the text in terms of its main features and structure, belonging to

certain functional varieties of language, features of language design, the use of expressive

means of language;

Functions of the Russian language in schooling(as a subject and means of education)

Understanding the decisive role of the native language in the development of the intellectual, creative abilities and moral qualities of the individual, its significance in the process of obtaining school education

Compare the result of the activity with the goal set in advance;

application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in everyday life; the ability to use the native language as a means of acquiring knowledge in other academic subjects

Be able to operate with terms in the analysis of a linguistic phenomenon;

have an idea of ​​the social essence of the language

Language and culture.

Culture of Russian speech.

respect for the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation

Communicatively expedient interaction with people around in the process of verbal communication, joint performance of any task, participation in disputes, discussions of topical issues; mastering the national and cultural norms of speech behavior in various situations

Russian language in the modern world. The concept of "world" language. Functions of the Russian language as a state language.

Respect for the Russian language and pride in it

Application of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities of the analysis of linguistic phenomena at the interdisciplinary level (at the lessons of a foreign language, literature, etc.);

the ability to extract information from various sources, including the media, educational CDs, Internet resources;

To know the role of the Russian language as the national language of the Russian people, the reflection in the language of the culture and history of the people;

be able to explain with the help of a dictionary the meaning of words with a national-cultural component

Active processes in modern Russian. Problems of language ecology.

The desire for speech



change and maintain different positions in cognitive activity;

To know the role of the Russian language as the national language of the Russian people, the reflection in the language of the culture and history of the people;

be able to explain with the help of a dictionary the meaning of words with a national-cultural component

Phonetics. Orthoepy. Spelling. (4 hours)

Generalizing repetition of phonetics, graphics, orthoepy, spelling.

The desire for speech



development of competencies of cooperation with peers;

To be able to observe the basic rules of spelling and punctuation in the practice of writing, to observe the basic pronunciation, lexical, grammatical norms of the modern Russian language in the practice of verbal communication; perform spelling and phonetic analysis

Basic norms of modern literary pronunciation and stress in Russian. Norms of the literary language.

The desire for speech



Compliance in the practice of speech communication with the main orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, stylistic norms of the modern Russian literary language;

express your point of view in a detailed, logical and accurate way;

To be able to observe the basic pronunciation, lexical, grammatical norms of the modern Russian language in the practice of verbal communication; perform spelling and phonetic analysis

Principles of Russian spelling. Repetition: orthograms in the root, phonetic analysis.

Compliance with the basic rules of spelling and punctuation in the process of written communication;

To be able to operate with terms in the analysis of a linguistic phenomenon. Have an idea of ​​the social essence of the language

Control test work on the topic "Repetition: phonetics, orthoepy, spelling"

The ability for self-esteem.

To know the theoretical material in the section, to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Check the degree of assimilation of the material covered.

Vocabulary and phraseology (6 hours )

Repetition on the topic "Vocabulary".

Synonymy in the system of the Russian language.

Striving for self-improvement of one's speech

be able to extract information from various sources, freely use linguistic dictionaries, reference literature

Spheres of use of Russian vocabulary (dialectisms, special vocabulary). Native Russian and borrowed vocabulary.

The desire for speech



respect for the culture, traditions and customs of the peoples living in the Russian Federation

The ability to exercise verbal self-control in the process of educational activities and in everyday practice of verbal communication; the ability to evaluate one's speech in terms of its content, language design;

Be able to extract information from various sources, freely use linguistic dictionaries, reference literature;

Active and passive vocabulary: archaisms, historicisms, neologisms.

Adequately express your attitude to the facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to what you have read, heard, seen;

Know the areas of use of Russian vocabulary;

be able to extract information from various sources, freely use linguistic dictionaries, reference books,

Russian phraseology. Lexical and phraseological dictionaries.

Awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language

The ability to compare and compare speech utterances in terms of their content, stylistic features and language means used

in the implementation of group work, be both a leader and a member of the team in different roles;

Know the areas of use of Russian vocabulary, the concept of phraseological units;

Be able to extract information from various sources, freely use linguistic dictionaries, reference books, identify phraseological units (idioms) - stable combinations of words

R.r. Preparation for the presentation with a creative task.

R.r. Control creative presentation.

A sufficient amount of vocabulary and acquired grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the process of verbal communication

Compare the result of the activity with the goal set in advance;

adequate listening comprehension of texts of different styles and genres; possession of different types of listening (selective, fact-finding, detailed);

Find and correct speech errors in your own texts and those proposed for analysis;

be able to follow the basic rules of spelling and punctuation in the practice of writing

Morphemics and word formation (4 hours)

Generalizing repetition of previously studied on the topic

Morphemics and Word Formation


The ability to transform, store and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening

Ways of word formation

The desire for speech improvement


Mastering the methods of selection and systematization of material on a specific topic; the ability to conduct an independent search for information; the ability to transform, preserve and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening

Know the types of morphemes: root, prefix, suffix, ending, word stem, alternation of sounds in morphemes, the main ways of forming words.

Be able to produce morphemic and derivational analysis of words

R.r . Expressive word-formation means

Awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language;

respect for the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation

The ability to evaluate one's speech in terms of its content, language design;

Know the basic expressive means of word formation.

Be able to select and organize language tools in accordance with the topic, goals, scope and situation of communication

Practical exercises on the topic “Morfemics. Word formation".

Compliance in the practice of speech communication with the main orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, stylistic norms of the modern Russian literary language; compliance with the basic rules of spelling and punctuation in the process of written communication;

Know the types of morphemes: root, prefix, suffix, ending, word stem, alternation of sounds in morphemes, the main ways of forming words.

Be able to apply knowledge of morphemic and word-formation in the practice of spelling

Morphology and spelling (6 hours)

Generalized repetition of parts of speech. Systematization of knowledge about grammatical features of different parts of speech. Morphological analysis of significant and service parts of speech.

Know language units, conduct various types of their analysis, parts of speech, their morphological features.

To be able to observe the basic rules of spelling and punctuation in the practice of writing, to distinguish between parts of speech, their morphological features.

Difficult questions of spelling of suffixes of different parts of speech. Н and НН in suffixes of nouns, adjectives, adverbs.

Understanding the decisive role of the Russian language in the development of intellectual abilities

The ability to determine the goals of the upcoming educational activities (individual and collective), the sequence of actions, evaluate the results achieved and adequately formulate them orally and in writing;

To be able to observe the basic rules of spelling and punctuation in the practice of writing, to distinguish between parts of speech, their morphological features.

Spelling Н and НН in participle suffixes, verbal adjectives. Difficult questions of spelling endings of different parts of speech.

Understanding the decisive role of the Russian language in the development of intellectual abilities

To be able to observe the basic rules of spelling and punctuation in the practice of writing, to distinguish between parts of speech, their morphological features.

The formation of adverbs and their use in speech. Spelling of adverbs. Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of different parts of speech.

Awareness of the need to master the Russian language

Mastering the methods of selection and systematization of material on a specific topic; the ability to conduct an independent search for information; the ability to transform, preserve and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening;

be able to observe

in the practice of writing the basic rules of spelling and punctuation;

Distinguishing between NE and NI particles. Spelling soft sign after hissing in various parts of speech.

Awareness of the need to master the Russian language

Application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in everyday life;

Know the basic spellings learned earlier.

be able to observe

in the practice of writing the basic rules of spelling and punctuation

Dictation with a grammar task in the section "Morphology and spelling"

The ability for self-esteem.

Understanding the decisive role of the Russian language in the development of intellectual abilities

Compare the result of the activity with the goal set in advance;

adequate listening comprehension of texts of different styles and genres; possession of different types of listening (selective, fact-finding, detailed);

Speech. Functional Speech Styles (3 hours)

Language and speech. Text, its structure, types of its transformation. Abstracts, synopsis, abstract, annotation.

Awareness of the need to master the Russian language

Adequate understanding of the information of oral and written messages (communicative setting, text topic, main idea; main and additional information);

Possession of different types of reading (search, viewing, introductory, studying) texts of different styles and genres;

Know the concepts of "language" and "speech", the basic requirements for speech, the features of oral and written speech.

Be able to determine the topic, the main idea of ​​the text, analyze the structure and linguistic features of the text; exercise speech self-control; evaluate your speech in terms of its correctness

Functional styles of speech. The main features of colloquial, scientific, official - business styles. Genres of formal business style.

Know the concepts of "language" and "speech", the basic requirements for speech, features of oral and written speech, types of speech, styles of speech, linguistic features of styles, the concept of text, features of the text.

Be able to extract the necessary information from various sources,

The main features of journalistic and artistic styles.

genres of journalistic style.

Set and formulate own tasks in educational activities;

Know the scope of publicistic and artistic style, tasks

for journalistic and artistic styles, the main genres.

To be able to distinguish between a journalistic style of speech, an artistic style of speech, determine their genres, compose independently texts of journalistic and artistic styles

Scientific style of speech (4 hours)

Scientific style. Its lexical, morphological and syntactic features.

Understanding the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the Russian people,

Know the linguistic features of the scientific style.

To be able to compose texts of different types, to determine the linguistic features of the scientific style of speech.

Culture of educational - scientific and business communication. Dictionaries of the Russian language and reference books.

Awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language

Freely use dictionaries of various types, reference books, including those on electronic media;

Be able to extract information from various sources, freely use linguistic dictionaries, reference literature. Lexical and phraseological dictionaries

Final control test work.

Understanding the decisive role of the Russian language in obtaining a school education

Compare the result of the activity with the goal set in advance;

Improve and edit your own texts;

Be able to apply the studied spelling; observe the basic rules of spelling.

Be able to find grammatical and speech errors, shortcomings, correct them;

Know the basic spellings learned earlier.

Analysis of test results. Systematization and generalization of what was studied during the year.

Independently determine goals, set criteria by which it can be determined that the goal has been achieved;

application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in everyday life; the ability to use the native language as a means of obtaining knowledge in other academic subjects; application of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities of the analysis of linguistic phenomena at the interdisciplinary level

Know the basic norms of the Russian literary language.

Be able to apply the studied spelling; observe basic spelling rules

Calendar - thematic planning for the subject "Russian language"

Grade 11








Syntax and punctuation

(6 o'clock)

Generalizing repetition (dash between subject and predicate, separate definitions, separation of applications, punctuation marks with homogeneous members of the sentence)

striving for speech self-improvement;

formation of respect for the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation;

Independently determine goals and choose the way to achieve them; observance in the practice of speech communication of the main orthoepic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic norms of the modern Russian literary language; compliance with the basic rules of punctuation in the process of written communication;

Be able to compose sentences with separate definitions, find sentences with separate definitions in the text, put the necessary punctuation marks in sentences with separate definitions and applications.

Know the conditions for setting a dash between the subject and the predicate.

Be able to put a dash between the subject and the predicate.

To be able to detect homogeneous members in a sentence, distinguish between simple sentences with homogeneous members and complex sentences with a non-union or coordinative connection.

Generalizing repetition (isolation of circumstances, additions, clarifying members of the sentence). Normative construction of phrases and sentences of different types.

Understanding the decisive role of the Russian language in obtaining a school education;

striving for speech self-improvement; respect for the Russian language as the main factor of national self-determination;

Compliance with the basic rules of punctuation in the process of written communication;

plan the solution of the tasks;

Know the syntax and punctuation of a simple sentence, the types of sentences by the presence of main members, sentences with separate secondary members and punctuation marks in them.

To be able to produce a structural and semantic analysis of sentences.

Principles and functions of Russian punctuation. Semantic relations between the parts of a complex sentence. Associative compound sentence.

Striving for speech self-improvement;

understanding of the decisive role of the native language in the development of intellectual, creative abilities

Mastering the methods of selection and systematization of material on a specific topic; the ability to conduct an independent search for information; the ability to transform, preserve and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening;

Know the concept of "complex sentence", types of complex sentences.

Be able to determine the type of complex sentence, observe punctuation rules.

Syntactic synonymy as a source of richness and expressiveness of Russian speech. Restructuring complex sentences into simple complicated ones and vice versa, matching identical options.

Awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language; respect for the native language, pride in it; the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language

Independently determine goals, set criteria by which it can be determined that the goal has been achieved;

the ability to create oral and written texts of various types, styles of speech and genres, taking into account the intention, addressee and communication situation;

To know the concepts: "syntactic synonymy", "SPP", "main clause", "subordinate part", types of subordinate clauses.

Be able to replace simple sentences with a separate definition by a sentence with a subordinate clause, distinguish between NGN sentences with a clause clause and simple sentences with a separate definition.

Types of parsing (phrases, simple and complex sentences, sentences with direct speech)

Understanding the decisive role of the native language in the development of intellectual, creative abilities

The ability to determine the goals of the upcoming educational activities (individual and collective), the sequence of actions, evaluate the results achieved and adequately formulate them orally and in writing;

To be able to produce a structural and semantic analysis of sentences, to distinguish between the studied types of simple sentences, to draw up diagrams, to place punctuation marks, to skillfully use syntactic synonyms

Test in the section "Syntax and punctuation" (test)

Understanding the decisive role of the Russian language in obtaining a school education

The ability to determine the goals of the upcoming educational activities, the sequence of actions, evaluate the results achieved

Know the principles of Russian punctuation.

Know how to properly punctuate a sentence

Journalistic style of speech (6 hours)

Features of publicistic style. Analysis of a journalistic text (identification of lexical, grammatical, compositional features of style, linguistic means)

Awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language; respect for the native language, pride in it; the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language;

respect for the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation;

When carrying out group work, be both a leader and a team member in different roles;

mastering the methods of selection and systematization of material on a specific topic; the ability to conduct an independent search for information; the ability to transform, preserve and transmit information obtained as a result of reading

Know the scope of the journalistic style, tasks

speech, language means, characteristic

for journalistic style, the main genres.

genres of journalistic style. Travel essay, portrait essay, problematic essay.

Awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language; respect for the native language, pride in it; the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language

The ability to create oral and written texts of various types, styles of speech and genres, taking into account the intention, addressee and communication situation;

The ability to freely, correctly express one's thoughts orally and in writing, to comply with the norms of text construction

To be able to distinguish between the journalistic style of speech, determine its genres, compose independently texts of the journalistic style

R.r. Composition (selection of the genre of journalistic style)

Expanded, logically and accurately express their point of view using adequate written language means;

the ability to create oral and written texts of various types, styles of speech and genres, taking into account the intention, addressee and communication situation;

The ability to freely, correctly express one's thoughts orally and in writing, to comply with the norms of text construction

Be able to write your own journalistic style texts

R.r. Oral presentation. Report. Discussion.

Spheres and situations of verbal communication. Components of a speech situation. Culture of public speech.

The ability to self-assessment based on observation of one's own speech.

Deployed, logically and accurately express their point of view using adequate oral language means;

Know the features of oral presentation, the rules for compiling a report, the rules for conducting a discussion on the proposed topic.

R.r. Preparation for the presentation of a journalistic style with elements of an essay

A sufficient amount of vocabulary and learned grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the process of verbal communication;

The ability to transform, store and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening

R.r. Statement of journalistic style with essay elements

A sufficient amount of vocabulary and learned grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the process of verbal communication; the ability to self-assessment based on observation of one's own speech.

Compare the result of the activity with the goal set in advance;

the ability to transform, preserve and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening

Know the linguistic features of the journalistic style.

Be able to recite the proposed text from memory, maintaining the stylistic features of the original text, apply spelling and punctuation rules

Artistic style of speech (6 hours)

General characteristics of the artistic style

Awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language; respect for the native language, pride in it; the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language as a phenomenon of national culture; striving for speech self-improvement;

Possession of different types of reading (search, viewing, introductory, studying) of texts of different styles and genres

To be able to distinguish the artistic style of speech, determine its genres, find means of speech expressiveness.

Types of tropes and stylistic figures

Awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language; respect for the native language, pride in it; striving for speech self-improvement;

Mastering the methods of selection and systematization of material on a specific topic; the ability to conduct an independent search for information;

Types of tropes and stylistic figures (continued)

Forms of existence of the Russian language (literary language, vernacular, folk dialects, jargon, slang)

Respect for the native language, pride in it; striving for speech self-improvement;

Mastering the methods of selection and systematization of material on a specific topic; the ability to conduct an independent search for information;

To be able to distinguish the artistic style of speech from other styles, determine its genres, find means of speech expressiveness in the text

R.r. Lesson - practice. Analysis of a literary work

A sufficient amount of vocabulary and learned grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the process of verbal communication; the ability to self-assessment based on observation of one's own speech.

Choose the way to achieve the goal, plan the solution of the tasks;

adequately express their attitude to the facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to what they read, heard, saw;

Know the scope of use, speech tasks, language means, characteristic

for art style, main genres.

To be able to distinguish between the artistic style of speech, to determine its genres, to find the SRV, to compose texts of the artistic style on their own.

R.r. Preparation for the presentation of the text of the artistic style.

A sufficient amount of vocabulary and learned grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the process of verbal communication;

The ability to reproduce the listened or read text with a given degree of curtailment (plan, retelling, synopsis, annotation);

The ability to create oral and written texts of various types, styles of speech and genres, taking into account the intention, addressee and communication situation

Know the concepts of "paragraph", "text topic", "micro-topics"; the role of the paragraph in expressing the author's thought

To be able to divide the text into paragraphs, to formulate micro-themes of the text, the topic of the text

R.r. Artistic style text presentation with essay elements

A sufficient amount of vocabulary and learned grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the process of verbal communication; the ability to self-assessment based on observation of one's own speech.

Set and formulate own tasks in educational activities and life situations;

the ability to reproduce the listened or read text with a given degree of curtailment (plan, retelling, synopsis, annotation);

The ability to create oral and written texts of various types, styles of speech and genres, taking into account the intention, addressee and communication situation

Know the linguistic features of the artistic style.

Be able to recite the proposed text from memory, maintaining the stylistic features of the original text, apply spelling and punctuation rules

General information about the language (4 hours)

Norms of the modern literary language (orthoepic, accentological, lexico-phraseological)

Understanding the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the Russian people, which determines the role of the native language in the development of intellectual and creative abilities

The ability to freely and correctly express one's thoughts orally and in writing, to comply with the norms of text construction (logicality, consistency, coherence, relevance to the topic, etc.); adequately express their attitude to the facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to what they read, heard, saw;

Norms of the modern literary language (grammatical, stylistic, spelling, punctuation)

Understanding the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the Russian people, which determines the role of the native language in the development of intellectual and creative abilities

The ability to freely and correctly express one's thoughts orally and in writing, to comply with the norms of text construction (logicality, consistency, coherence, relevance to the topic, etc.)

To be able to observe the basic rules of spelling and punctuation in the practice of writing, in the practice of verbal communication - the basic pronunciation, lexical, grammatical norms of the modern Russian language

Test work (preparation for the exam)

Understanding the decisive role of the Russian language in obtaining a school education

The ability to determine the goals of the upcoming educational activities,

sequence of actions, evaluate the results achieved;

compare the result of the activity with the goal set in advance;

R.r. Outstanding scientists - linguists (student reports)

Understanding the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the Russian people, which determines the role of the native language in the development of intellectual and creative abilities

Go beyond the scope of the academic subject and carry out a targeted search for opportunities for a wide transfer of means and methods of action;

the ability to speak to an audience of peers with short messages, a report, an abstract; participation in disputes, discussions of topical issues using various means of argumentation

Know the features of oral presentation, the rules for compiling a report on the proposed topic.

Be able to write a report, conduct a discussion in accordance with the rules.

Repetition (12 hours)

Systematization of knowledge in the section “Phonetics. Graphics. Spelling"

The desire for speech



Compliance in the practice of speech communication with the main orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, stylistic norms of the modern Russian literary language; compliance with the basic rules of spelling in the process of written communication;

Know the basic spellings learned earlier.

To be able to observe the basic rules of spelling and punctuation in the practice of writing, observing the basic pronunciation, lexical, grammatical norms of the modern Russian language in the practice of verbal communication; perform spelling and phonetic analysis

Repetition. Morphology. Spelling.

Understanding the decisive role of the Russian language in obtaining a school education

Mastering the methods of selection and systematization of material on a specific topic; the ability to conduct an independent search for information; the ability to transform, preserve and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening

Know the parts of speech, their morphological features, the morphological principle of spelling.

Be able to identify parts of speech, use spelling in writing

Repetition. Word formation. Spelling.

The desire for speech



respect for the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation;

Mastering the methods of selection and systematization of material on a specific topic; the ability to conduct an independent search for information; the ability to transform, preserve and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening

Know the ways of word formation, spelling rules that regulate the spelling of morphemes.

Be able to conduct derivational analysis of words, apply spelling rules in writing

Repetition of speech styles (popular science, journalistic, official business)

Understanding the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the Russian people, which determines the role of the native language in the development of intellectual and creative abilities

The ability to create oral and written texts of various types, styles of speech and genres, taking into account the intention, addressee and communication situation;

To know the scope of use, the tasks of speech, the language means characteristic of popular scientific, journalistic, official business style.

Repetition of speech styles (artistic, colloquial)

Understanding the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the Russian people

The ability to create oral and written texts of various types, styles of speech and genres, taking into account the intention, addressee and communication situation;

To know the scope of use, the tasks of speech, the language means characteristic of the artistic, colloquial style.

Be able to define style data elements.

The culture of colloquial speech. Culture of public speech.

The need to preserve the purity of the Russian language;

respect for the culture, languages, traditions and customs of the peoples living in the Russian Federation;

Communicatively expedient interaction with people around in the process of verbal communication, joint performance of any task, participation in disputes, discussions of topical issues; mastering the national and cultural norms of speech behavior in various situations

To know the role of the Russian language as the national language of the Russian people, the reflection in the language of the culture and history of the people;

To be able to observe the basic rules of spelling and punctuation in the practice of writing, in the practice of verbal communication - the basic pronunciation, lexical, grammatical norms of the modern Russian language

Final control work. Preparation for the exam (test)

Understanding the decisive role of the Russian language in obtaining a school education

Independently determine goals, choose the path to achieve the goal, plan the solution of the tasks;

the ability to exercise verbal self-control in the process of educational activities and in everyday practice of verbal communication; the ability to evaluate one's speech in terms of its content, language design; the ability to find grammatical and speech errors, shortcomings, correct them;

Know orthoepic, spelling, morphological, word-formation, grammatical norms of the Russian language.

Be able to observe the norms of the Russian literary language in oral and written speech

Final examination (continued)

Understanding the decisive role of the Russian language in obtaining a school education

Set and formulate own tasks in educational activities and life situations;

the ability to exercise verbal self-control in the process of educational activities and in everyday practice of verbal communication; the ability to evaluate one's speech in terms of its content, language design; the ability to find grammatical and speech errors, shortcomings, correct them;

To be able to observe in the practice of writing the basic rules of spelling and punctuation, lexical, grammatical norms of the modern Russian language

R.r. Control essay on text

Respect for the Russian language, pride in it, the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language as a phenomenon of national culture

Set and formulate own tasks in educational activities and life situations;

the ability to evaluate one's speech in terms of its content, language design; the ability to find grammatical and speech errors, shortcomings, correct them

To be able to exercise speech self-control; evaluate your speech in terms of its correctness, find grammatical and speech errors, shortcomings and correct them; improve and edit your own texts

Information processing of the text

The desire for speech



Mastering the methods of selection and systematization of material on a specific topic; the ability to conduct an independent search for information; the ability to transform, preserve and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening

Know the types of information processing of the text:

plan, theses, synopsis, abstract, review, annotation, extracts.

Know the techniques of abbreviation of the text and be able to use them in practice.

Analysis of control work. Correction of knowledge.

Understanding the decisive role of the Russian language in obtaining a school education

The ability to evaluate one's speech in terms of its content, language design; the ability to find grammatical and speech errors, shortcomings, correct them

Be able to find grammatical and speech errors, shortcomings and correct them; improve and edit your own texts

Systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills in the Russian language

Respect for the Russian language, pride in it, the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language as a phenomenon of national culture

Compliance in the practice of speech communication with the basic orthoepic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic norms of the modern Russian literary language; compliance with the basic rules of punctuation in the process of written communication

Know orthoepic, spelling, morphological, word-formation, grammatical norms of the Russian language.

Be able to observe the norms of the Russian literary language in oral and written speech

Resource support of the educational process

2. Federal basic curriculum and exemplary curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing programs of basic general education.

printed manuals

1.C. I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language. -M.: ONIKS, 2008

2.K. S. Gorbachevich. Norms of the modern Russian literary language. - M.: Enlightenment, 2001

3.B. P. Zhukov. A. V. Zhukov. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. - M .: Education, 1989

4.D. N. Ushakov, S. E. Kryuchkov. Orthographic dictionary. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988

5. Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms of the Russian language. St. Petersburg: OOO Victoria Plus, 2005

6.L.Yu.Komissarova, I.V.Tekucheva. A short guide to the Russian language for students in grades 5-11. - M.: BALASS, 2005.

Screen and audio aids

Audio recordings

Multimedia (digital) educational resources:

Methodical materials online : a ) Reference and information portal "Russian language" The portal was created in 2000 and contains a lot of useful information about the Russian language
b) Publishing house "First of September", - the newspaper "Russian language" and the site for the teacher "I'm going to the lesson of the Russian language." - newspaper "Literature" and a site for the teacher "I'm going to a lesson in literature."
c) Slovennik - The site is addressed to everyone who teaches Russian. Introduces Internet resources in the field of teaching the Russian language: there are links to educational sites, addresses of publishing houses that produce educational literature, libraries. A special section is devoted to the problem of remote testing.
d) - the curriculum archive contains many different programs, presentations, manuals, abstracts.

Teaching aids (ICT facilities)

Multimedia Projector, Multimedia Projector Screen, Scanner, Printer

Control and evaluation materials

Forms of control:



Test tasks

Complex text analysis.

Number of control and evaluation works:

General education level

Grade 10 - 3 control and evaluation work (test work on the topic "Repetition: phonetics, orthoepy, spelling", control presentation with a creative task, final test work)

Grade 11 - 2 control and assessment work + trial exam in preparation for the exam

(test work on the section "Syntax and punctuation", control essay on the text, final test control work: preparation for the exam)

Subject - oriented learning technologies

The common goal of all technologies is, firstly, the achievement of guaranteed results in training (or education); secondly, their repeatability and reproducibility. At the same time, with the least expenditure of time, money, physical and intellectual forces. But technology also has its own specific purposes. It should be noted that at present, within the framework of various pedagogical theories, concepts, methods, different variants namesake pedagogical technologies. It happens that the name and technology is given by the name of the theory or concept of this or that author.

Subject - oriented learning technologies

Technologydifferentiated learning

Differentiation is carried out not due to the fact that some students are given a smaller amount of material, while others are given more, but due to the fact that, by offering students the same amount of material,

The teacher orients them to different levels of requirements for its assimilation.

When differentiating students according to one level or another, the teacher needs to rely on the following:
general level learning, student development, individual features of mental development (memory, thinking, cognitive activity);
- individual characteristics of the student (inclination to the humanities or the exact sciences);
- the inability of the student to master the subject for one reason or another (except for mental development);
- the student's interest in a particular subject.

A differentiated approach allows, in the conditions of a class-lesson system, to realize the creative possibilities of all students. At the same time, work with strong students should not go along the path of increasing the amount of material being studied, but along the path of a variety of tasks. For instance:
1) compiling texts of dictations
2) compiling task cards for the material being studied
3) compiling summary tables for work in the lesson
4) writing linguistic fairy tales (miniatures)
5) work with additional literature
6) verification of individual tasks performed by students who have a lower level of training
7) performing the duties of a group work consultant
8) work as a "teacher" (conducting a fragment of the lesson).
Children with learning difficulties, on the contrary, receive feasible tasks. Thus, without experiencing stress, they reach a basic level of learning. For example, if the whole class writes a dictation, then weak students perform tasks on cards.

Concentrated Learning Technology

a special technology for organizing the educational process, in which the attention of teachers and students is focused on a deeper study of each subject by combining lessons into blocks.

The purpose of concentrated learning is to improve the quality of education and upbringing of students through the creation of an optimal organizational structure of the educational process, the convergence of learning with the natural psychological characteristics of human perception.

The main means of achieving the set goals using concentrated training are singled out.
1. The material is studied in large blocks.
2. The multiplicity of variable repetition plays a special role.
3. Successful assimilation of the material is helped by supports that are constantly used in training. When compiling supports, symbols, drawings, double, triple notation are used, color and font play a special role.
4. When explaining new material, pronunciation in pairs is mandatory: students listen more carefully, because they will need to repeat it, and have the opportunity to pay attention to what they might have missed during the teacher's explanation.
5. Mutual learning contributes to better assimilation of the material, since students learn 90% of what they teach themselves.
6. Didactic games are used in the classroom, which enable students not only to more successfully learn the material, but also to relax.
7. Dictionary work plays a special role in mastering literate writing.

University technologies of teaching at school

In the teaching of the Russian language at school today, technologies based on the system of education traditionally considered university have found their place and firmly established: lessons-lectures, lessons-seminars, lessons-workshops, lessons-tests, etc.

Using the university lecture technology of teaching in high school, teachers who combine lectures with seminars work most successfully. This system of education is called lecture-seminar.

Seminar with a predominance of independent work of students students or groups are offered a choice of several tasks of different levels of complexity. The work lasts about 20 minutes. The seminar ends with a collective discussion of the results of the group's activities and the implementation of exercises that consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills.
In the modern school, practical lessons, or practical lessons, have become widespread, including in the Russian language and literature.
A practical lesson, as a rule, is held at the end of the study of a topic in order to systematize and generalize knowledge.

Another form of classes that came from the university to the school is the test lesson. This lesson is held when it is necessary to repeat and summarize the studied material not only on the main topic of the program, but also for a quarter or for the entire academic year, as well as when monitoring students' knowledge.

So, having considered the main university pedagogical technologies that are used in the modern school when teaching the Russian language and literature - lectures, seminars, workshops, tests - we can conclude their undoubted value: they provide the mental activity of everyone student, develop his independence, increase the authority of knowledge

The priority tasks of personality-oriented technologies in pedagogy are to form and develop the intellect and speech of students, to develop critical and creative thinking.
Technologies of student-centered education
Pedagogical workshops
Modular learning
Project method
Learning as research

Gaming technologies

To connect didactic (educational) and gaming tasks, the rules of the game are necessary. They organize the behavior of the players, provide the players with equal conditions.
An obligatory structural element of the game is its result. The result can be visual (won, guessed, completed); less noticeable (enjoyed, interested in the issue). Among The variety of games that are used in working with children at school are distinguished: role-playing (plot-role-playing) and didactic games.

Dialogue technologies for teaching the Russian language

The main purpose of interactive technology in the process of dialogic communication in the classroom, students are looking for different ways to express their thoughts, to master and uphold new values.
Dialogue in the classroom is a special didactic and communicative atmosphere that helps the student not only master the dialogic way of thinking, but also provides reflection, develops the intellectual and emotional properties of the personality

Computer technologies in teaching the Russian language

At the beginning of the 21st century, multimedia and Internet technologies have become widespread in our lives, which makes it possible to use them as a means of education, including teaching the Russian language and literature.
Information technologies allow any teacher to achieve high learning outcomes using a certain “package” of didactic and technical means.
Currently, programs focused on the use of computer and Internet technologies, created by scientists and subject teachers, can be divided into three large groups:
- information and training
- testers.

Under this program, it is also possible to train students with mental retardation (ZPR), with disabilities (HIA), individually. Training is conducted at the same time, according to the same thematic plan. The volume of educational material and the control of its assimilation is adjusted by the teacher depending on the characteristics of the students. When organizing a lesson, the main emphasis is on corrective work.

Explanatory note

The work program for grade 10 is based onthe author's program of the course “Russian language. For grades 10-11 of educational institutions "N.G. Goltsova (“The program of the course “Russian language. For grades 10-11 of educational institutions”, - M .: Russian word, 2014).Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

This program is designed for studying the Russian language in grades 10-11 at the basic level and is based on 1 hour per week: grade 10 - 34 hours, grade 11 - 34 hours. The course should provide a higher level of language training for students and contribute to the perception of the language as a system.The sample program also uses a Russian language course to achievegoals that ensure the implementation of personality-oriented, cognitive-communicative, activity-systemic approaches to teaching the Russian language.

The teaching of the Russian language in grades 10-11 is aimed at achieving the followinggoals:

education of a citizen and a patriot; formation of the idea of ​​the Russian language as a spiritual, moral and cultural value of the people; awareness of the national identity of the Russian language; mastering the culture of interethnic communication;

development and improvement of the ability to verbal interaction and social adaptation; information skills; skills of self-organization and self-development; readiness for work, conscious choice of profession;

mastering knowledge about the Russian language as a multifunctional sign system and social phenomenon; language norm and its varieties; norms of speech behavior in various spheres of communication;

mastering the skills to identify, analyze, classify linguistic facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity; distinguish between functional varieties of language and model speech behavior in accordance with the tasks of communication;

application of the acquired knowledge and skills in their own speech practice; increasing the level of speech culture, spelling and punctuation literacy.

The subject "Russian Language" in grades 10-11 has a cognitive and practical orientation, that is, it gives students knowledge about their native language and forms their language and speech skills. These are the special purposes of his teaching. At the same time, the “Russian language” also fulfills general subject tasks. The special goals of teaching the Russian language in the 10th grade are the formation of language, communicative and linguistic competence. Language competence is realized in the process of solving the following cognitive tasks: the formation of a scientific and linguistic worldview, equipping students with the basics of knowledge about their native language, developing the language and aesthetic ideal. Communicative competence is realized in the process of solving the following practical problems: the formation of strong spelling and punctuation skills, mastering the norms of the Russian literary language and enriching the vocabulary and grammatical structure of students' speech; teaching students the ability to coherently express their thoughts orally and in writing. As a result of learning, students should freely use it in all public areas of its application. Linguistic competence is the knowledge of students about the very science of "Russian language", its sections, the goals of the scientific study of the language, elementary information about its methods, stages of development, about outstanding scientists who made discoveries in the study of their native language.

The purpose of the course is to repeat, generalize, systematize and deepen the knowledge of the Russian language acquired in basic school.

The program covers all sections of the course "Russian language", but the main attention is paid to grammar, spelling and punctuation in their relationship and interaction. This provides for the presentation of material in large blocks, which will help students to better understand the relationship between various sections of the science of language and present the Russian language as a system.

The system of arrangement of the material, the completeness of the presentation of theoretical information, the nature of the selection of material for exercises, the variety of tasks are aimed at achieving the educational, educational, informational goals outlined in the State Standard, and at the formation of communicative, linguistic, linguistic, cultural competencies as a result of the content of the course "Russian language" . The program is notable for its practical expediency and is aimed at developing practical skills, primarily the skills of correct writing.

In accordance with modern requirements of a communicative orientation in teaching the Russian language, the program provides for the analysis of texts of different genres for linguistic, stylistic and other types of linguistic analysis. For the development of speech, it is planned to write summaries, miniature essays, write theses and other creative tasks. The work program provides for the following distribution of educational material by class:


Vocabulary. Phraseology. Lexicology

Phonetics. Graphics. Orthoepy.

Morphemics and word formation

Morphology and spelling

Syntax and punctuation

A culture of speech.


From the history of Russian linguistics

Forms of control

oral communication on a linguistic topic;

laboratory work;


presentation with a creative task;


complicated and creative cheating;

complex text analysis

The study of the Russian language in high school at the basic level is aimed at achieving the following goals:

upbringing citizen and patriot; formation of the idea of ​​the Russian language as a spiritual, moral and cultural value of the people; awareness of the national identity of the Russian language; mastering the culture of interethnic communication;

development and improvement ability to speech interaction and social adaptation; information skills; skills of self-organization and self-development; readiness for work, conscious choice of profession;

development knowledge about the Russian language as a multifunctional sign system and social phenomenon; language norm and its varieties; norms of speech behavior in various spheres of communication;

mastery of skills identify, analyze, classify linguistic facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity; distinguish between functional varieties of language and model speech behavior in accordance with the tasks of communication;

application acquired knowledge and skills in their own speech practice; increasing the level of speech culture, spelling and punctuation literacy.

The achievement of these goals is carried out in the process of improving communicative, linguistic and linguistic (linguistics), cultural competences.

General learning skills, skills and activities

As a result of mastering the content of secondary (complete) general education, the student gets the opportunity to improve and expand the range of general learning skills, skills and activities. The proposed heading has a conditional (exemplary) character. The mastery of general skills, habits, methods of activity as essential elements of culture is a necessary condition for the development and socialization of schoolchildren.

cognitive activity

The ability to independently and motivatedly organize their cognitive activity (from setting a goal to obtaining and evaluating the result). The use of elements of cause-and-effect and structural-functional analysis. The study of simple real connections and dependencies. Determination of the essential characteristics of the object under study; independent choice of criteria for comparison, comparison, evaluation and classification of objects.

Participation in project activities, in the organization and conduct of educational and research work: putting forward hypotheses, testing them, mastering techniques research activities, elementary forecasting skills (the ability to answer the question: “What will happen if ...”). Independent creation of cognitive activity algorithms for solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature. Formulation of the obtained results.

Creation of own works, ideal and real models of objects, processes, phenomena, including the use of multimedia technologies, the implementation of the original idea, the use of various (including artistic) means, the ability to improvise.

Information and communication activities

Search for the necessary information on a given topic in sources of various types. Extracting the necessary information from sources created in various sign systems (text, table, graph, diagram, audiovisual series, etc.), separating the main information from the secondary, critically evaluating the reliability of the information received, transferring the content of the information adequately to the goal (concisely, completely, selectively). Translation of information from one sign system to another (from text to table, from audiovisual series to text, etc.), the choice of sign systems is adequate to the cognitive and communicative situation. The ability to fully substantiate judgments, give definitions, provide evidence (including from the contrary). Explanation of the studied provisions on self-selected concrete examples.

The choice of the type of reading in accordance with the goal (introductory, viewing, search, etc.). Free work with texts of artistic, journalistic and official business styles, understanding their specifics; adequate perception of the language of the media. Possession of text editing skills, creating your own text.

The use of multimedia resources and computer technologies for processing, transmitting, systematizing information, creating databases, presenting the results of cognitive and practical activities.

Ownership of the main types public speaking(statement, monologue, discussion, controversy), adherence to ethical standards and rules for conducting a dialogue (dispute).

Reflective activity

Understanding the value of education as a means of developing a culture of personality. Objective assessment of their educational achievements, behavior, traits of their personality; taking into account the opinions of other people when determining one's own position and self-esteem. The ability to correlate the efforts made with the results of their activities.

Possession of the skills of organization and participation in collective activities: setting a common goal and determining the means to achieve it, constructive perception of other opinions and ideas, taking into account the individuality of partners in activities, an objective determination of one's contribution to the overall result.

Evaluation and adjustment of one's behavior in the environment, implementation of environmental requirements in practical activities and in everyday life.

Awareness of one's national, social, confessional affiliation. Determination of one's own attitude to the phenomena of modern life. The ability to defend one's civic position, to formulate one's worldview views. Making a conscious choice of ways to continue education or future professional activity.


Spheres and situations of verbal communication. Components of a speech situation.

Evaluation of communicative qualities and effectiveness of speech ** .

Development of monologue and dialogic speech skills.

The use of different types of reading depending on the communicative task and the nature of the text.

Information processing of the text.

Improving the skills and abilities of creating texts of various functional and semantic types, styles and genres.

Educational and scientific, business, journalistic styles, colloquial speech, the language of fiction. Their features.

Culture of educational, scientific and business communication (oral and written forms). Writing a report, abstract, theses, reviews. Drafting business documents various genres (receipts, powers of attorney, resumes).

Culture of public speech **.

The culture of colloquial speech.

The science of language.

The place of linguistics in the circle of scientific disciplines **.

Language as a sign system and social phenomenon.

Natural and artificial languages ​​**.

The main functions of the language.

Russian language in the modern world.

Forms of existence of the Russian national language (literary language, vernacular, folk dialects, professional varieties, jargon, slang).

Norms of the literary language, their observance in speech practice.

Literary language and the language of fiction **.

Interrelation of various units and levels of language.

Synonymy in the system of the Russian language.

Russian language dictionaries and linguistic reference books; their use.

Improving spelling and punctuation skills and abilities.

Linguistic analysis of texts of various functional varieties of language.

Interrelation of language and culture.

Reflection in the Russian language of the material and spiritual culture of the Russian and other peoples.

Mutual enrichment of languages ​​as a result of the interaction of national cultures.

Compliance with the norms of speech behavior in various areas of communication.

3) problem-based learning;

4) test technologies;

5) cooperation

As a result of studying the Russian language at a basic level, the student must


basic functions of the language; connection of language and history, culture of Russian and other peoples;

meaning of concepts: speech situation and its components, literary language, language norm, speech culture;

features of each type of speech activity;

orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, spelling and punctuation norms of the modern Russian literary language; norms of speech behavior in the socio-cultural, educational and scientific, official and business spheres of communication;

be able to

exercise speech self-control; evaluate oral and written statements in terms of language design, the effectiveness of achieving the set communicative tasks;

analyze language units in terms of correctness, accuracy and appropriateness of their use;

conduct linguistic analysis of texts of various functional styles and varieties of language;

listening and reading

use the main types of reading (introductory-studying, introductory-review, etc.) depending on the communicative task;

extract the necessary information from various sources: educational and scientific texts, reference literature, the media, including those presented in electronic form on various information media;

speaking and writing

create oral and written monologues and dialogic statements of various types and genres in the educational and scientific (based on the studied academic disciplines), socio-cultural and business spheres of communication;

observe the spelling and punctuation norms of the modern Russian literary language in the practice of writing;

observe the norms of speech behavior in various areas and situations of communication, including when discussing debatable problems;

use the basic techniques of information processing of oral and written text;

use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life for:

awareness of the Russian language as a spiritual, moral and cultural value of the people; familiarization with the values ​​of national and world culture;

development of intellectual and creative abilities, skills of independent activity; self-realization, self-expression in various areas of human activity;

increasing vocabulary; expanding the range of language and speech means used; improving the ability to self-esteem based on observation of one's own speech;

improving communication skills; development of readiness for speech interaction, interpersonal and intercultural communication, cooperation;

self-education and active participation in the industrial, cultural and social life of the state.

Requirements for the level of training of graduates

As a result of studying the Russian language, the student mustknow/understand:

connection of language and history, culture of Russian and other peoples;

meaning of concepts: speech situation and its components, literary language, linguisticnorm, culture of speech;

basic units and levels of the language, their characteristics and interrelation;

orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, spelling and punctuationnorms of the modern Russian literary language; norms of speech behavior in socialbut-cultural, educational-scientific, official-business spheres of communication;

be able to:

informational and semantic processing of the text in the process of reading and listening values:

adequately perceive information and understand the readable and audited text, comment and evaluate the information of the source text, determine the position of the author;

be aware of the communicative goal of listening to the text and, in accordance with this, organize the listening process;

be aware of the linguistic, graphic features of the text, the difficulties of its perception and independently organize the reading process, depending on the communication active task;

extract the necessary information from various sources: educational and scientificarticles, reference literature, mass media, including those presentedin electronic form on various information carriers;

freely use reference literature on the Russian language;

transmit the content of the listened or read text in the form of expandedand concise plans, full and concise retelling, diagrams, tables, theses, summaries, abstracts,annotations, messages, reports, abstracts; it is appropriate to use citation;

. use information from the source text of other activities (when compilingworking materials, when fulfilling project assignments, preparing reports, re- ferats);

creation of oral and written speech statements:

create oral and written monologue and dialogic statementsvarious types and genres in the educational, scientific, socio-cultural and business spheres of scheniya;

formulate the main idea (communicative intention) of your statement, develop this idea, convincingly argue your point of view;

build the composition of a written statement, ensuring the consistency and coherence of the presentation, choose language tools that ensure the correctness, accuracy and expressiveness of speech;

express their position on the issue raised in the read or listened text, evaluate the artistic features of the original text;

own the main genres of journalism, create their own written textsproblems of a character on topical socio-cultural, moral, ethical, social and everyday topics, to use a variety of grammaticalforms and lexical richness of the language;

create an oral statement on linguistic topics;

master the techniques of text editing, using the possibilities of lexical andgrammatical synonymy;

evaluate the speech statement based on the received speech knowledge;
analysis of text and language units:

conduct different types of language analysis;

identify and analyze language units in terms of correctness, accuracy and appropriateness of their use;

analyze texts of various functional styles and varieties of language withpoint of view of content, structure, stylistic features, the effectiveness of achieving the set communicative tasks and the use of figurative and expressive
means of language;

compliance with language norms and rules of speech behavior:

apply in the practice of verbal communication the main orthoepic, lexical, grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language;

observe the studied spelling and punctuation norms in the process of writing;

effectively use language units in speech;

observe the norms of speech behavior in the socio-cultural, educational and scientific, official and business spheres of communication;

participate in disputes, disputes, discussions, possess the ability to prove, defendto express one's point of view, to agree or disagree with the opponent's opinion in accordance withwii with the ethics of speech interaction;

to fix the observed violations of the norms in the process of listening, to distinguish between gram-mathematical errors and speech defects, tactfully respond to speech errors inthe statements of the interlocutors.

Elements of pedagogical technologies

1) student-centered learning;

2) health-saving technologies;

3) problem-based learning;

4) test technologies;

5) cooperation

Grade 10 (34 hours)

Introduction 1 hour

Russian language among the languages ​​of the world. Richness and expressiveness of the Russian language. Russian writers about the expressiveness of the Russian language. Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation and the language of interethnic communication of the peoples of Russia. Russian language as one of the world languages. Literary language as the highest form of existence of the national language. The concept of the norm of the literary language, types of norms. Norm and culture of speech. The concept of functional styles; main functional styles of the modern language.

Vocabulary. Phraseology. Lexicography 3 hours + 1 credit

Basic concepts and basic units of vocabulary and phraseology. The word and its meaning. Single meaning and polysemy of words. Figurative and expressive means of the Russian language. Homonyms, paronyms and their use. Synonyms, antonyms and their use.

The origin of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language. Vocabulary commonly used and vocabulary that has a limited scope of use. The use of obsolete vocabulary and neologisms.

Phraseology. Phraseological units and their use.

Phonetics. Graphics. Orthoepy 2 hours

Basic concepts of phonetics, graphics, orthoepy. Sounds. Sounds and letters. Alternation of sounds, phonetic and historical alternations. phonetic analysis.

Orthoepy. Basic rules for pronunciation.

Morphemics and word formation3 hours.

Basic concepts of morphemics and word formation. Word composition. Morphemes are root and affixal. The base of the word. Bases derivatives and non-derivatives. Morphemic analysis of the word. Word formation. Morphological ways of word formation. The concept of a word-building chain. Non-morphological ways of word formation. The main methods of formation in the modern language. Word-building dictionaries. Word-building analysis

Morphology and spelling 7 hours + 1 credit

Basic concepts. Relationship between morphology and orthography. Principles of Russian spelling. Morphological principle as the leading principle of Russian orthography. Phonetic and traditional spellings. Checked and unchecked unstressed vowels in the root of a word. Alternating vowels at the root of a word. The use of vowels after hissing and Ts. The use of the letters E, E, YO and the combination of YO in various morphemes. Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants. Spelling of unpronounceable consonants and combinations MF, ZCH, TC, ZhCH, STCH, ZDCH. Spelling of double consonants. Prefixes PRE- and PRI-vowels And and Y after prefixes. The use of b and b. The use of capital letters. Word hyphenation rules.

Noun 2 hours +1 k.r.

The noun is a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns. The gender of nouns. Distribution of nouns by gender. Nouns of the general gender. Determination of the way of expressing the gender of indeclinable nouns and abbreviations. The number of nouns. Morphological analysis of nouns. Case and declension of nouns. Spelling of case endings of nouns. Variants of case endings. Vowels in suffixes of nouns. Spelling of compound nouns. Composite names and their spelling.

adjective 2 hours

Adjective as a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives: qualitative, relative, possessive adjectives. Features of the formation and use of possessive adjectives

quality adjectives. Comparative and superlative degrees of qualitative adjectives. Synthetic and analytical forms of degrees of comparison. Stylistic features of simple (synthetic) and complex (analytical) forms of degrees of comparison. Full and short forms of qualitative adjectives. Features of the formation and use of short adjectives in the modern language. Synonymy of short and full forms in the function of the predicate; their semantic and stylistic features. Transition of adjectives from one category to another. Morphological analysis of adjectives. Spelling of the endings of adjectives. Declension of qualitative and relative adjectives. Features of the declension of possessive adjectives into -II. Spelling of suffixes of adjectives. Spelling Н and НН in adjective suffixes.

noun 1 hour

The noun is a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of numerals. Features of the use of numerals of different categories. Morphological analysis of the names of numerals. Declension of nouns.

Spelling of nouns. The use of nouns in speech. Features of the use of collective numerals.

Pronoun 1 hour

Pronoun as a part of speech. Discharges and features of the use of pronouns. Morphological analysis of pronouns.

Spelling of pronouns. The meaning and features of the use of reflexive, possessive and definitive pronouns.

Verb 2 hours

The verb is a part of speech. Basic grammatical categories and forms of the verb. The infinitive as the initial form of the verb. The aspect category of a Russian verb. Transitivity / intransitivity of the verb. Reflexive verbs. The mood category of the verb. Category of verb tense. Indicative mood, imperative, subjunctive (conditional). Features of education and functioning. Morphological analysis of the verb. Conjugation of verbs. Two stems of verbs. Formation of verbs. Spelling of verbs.

Communion 1 hour

Participle as a special verb form. Signs of a verb and signs of an adjective in participles. Morphological analysis of participles.

The formation of the sacraments. Spelling of participle suffixes. Н and НН in participles and verbal adjectives. Transition of participles into adjectives and nouns

Participle 1 hour

The participle as a special verbal form. The formation of adverbs. Morphological analysis of adverbs. Transition of gerunds into adverbs and prepositions.

Adverb 1 hour

An adverb is a part of speech. Classes of adverbs. Morphological analysis of adverbs. Spelling of adverbs.

Vowels at the end of adverbs. Adverbs for hissing. Continuous spelling of adverbs. Separate spelling of adverbs. Hyphenated spelling of adverbs.

State category words. Lexico-grammatical groups and grammatical features of words of the state category. Homonymy of words in the category of state, adverbs in -o, -e and short adjectives cf. units h. Morphological analysis of words of the state category

Functional parts of speech 3 hours + 1 credit


Preposition as an auxiliary part of speech. Features of the use of prepositions. Morphological analysis of prepositions.

Spelling of suggestions.

Conjunctions and allied words. Union as an official part of speech. Union words. Classification of unions by meaning, use, structure. Subordinating conjunctions and allied words. Morphological analysis of unions.

Spelling unions

Particles as a part of speech. Discharges of particles. Morphological analysis of particles. Particle spelling. Separate and hyphenated spelling of particles.

Particles NOT and NI, their meaning and use. Continuous and separate spelling of particles NOT and NI with different parts of speech.

Interjection as a special class of words. Interjection and onomatopoeic words. Morphological analysis of interjections. Spelling of interjections. Functional and stylistic features of the use of interjections

11th grade (34 hours)

Syntax and punctuation 1 hour

Basic concepts of syntax and punctuation. Basic syntactic units. Basic principles of Russian punctuation. Punctuation analysis.

Phrase 1 hour

Classification of phrases. Types of syntactic connection. Syntactic parsing of phrases

Offer 15h + 2 kr.

The concept of a proposal. Classification of proposals. The sentences are simple and complex. Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement. Types of proposals for emotional coloring. Proposals are affirmative and negative. Types of proposals by structure. Two-part and one-part sentences. main members of the proposal. A dash between subject and predicate. Common and non-common offers. Secondary members of the sentence. Complete and incomplete sentences. A dash in an incomplete sentence. Connecting dash. Intonation dash. Word order in a simple sentence. Inversion. Synonymy of different types of simple sentence

A simple compound sentence. Homogeneous members of the proposal. Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members. Punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous applications. Punctuation marks with homogeneous members connected by non-repeating unions. . Punctuation marks with homogeneous members connected by repeating and pair unions

Generalizing words with homogeneous members of the sentence. Punctuation marks for generalizing words.

Separate members of the proposal. Punctuation marks for isolated members of a sentence. Separate and non-isolated definitions. Standalone applications, add-ons. isolated circumstances. Clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of the sentence.

Parallel syntactic constructions. Comparative punctuation marks.

Punctuation marks for words and constructions that are not grammatically related to the sentence. Punctuation marks in appeals. Punctuation marks for introductory words, phrases. Punctuation marks for insert structures. Punctuation marks for interjections. Affirmative, negative, interrogative-exclamatory words.

Complex sentence 6 hours + 2 rubles

The concept of a complex sentence. Compound sentence. Punctuation marks in compound sentences. Syntactic analysis of a compound sentence.

Complex sentence. Main and subordinate clauses. Types subordinate clauses. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with one or more subordinate clauses. Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses.

Associative compound sentence. punctuation marks in unionless proposal. Semicolon in non-union complex sentence. Colon in non-union complex sentence. A dash in a non-union complex sentence. Syntactic analysis of a non-union complex sentence

Period. Punctuation marks in a period. Synonymy of sentences from different types of compound sentences.

Sentences with someone else's speech 1 hour

Ways of transmitting someone else's speech. Punctuation marks in direct speech. Dialogue punctuation. Quotes. Quote punctuation marks

Use of punctuation marks 1 hr.

combination of punctuation marks. Question and exclamation marks. Comma and dash. Ellipsis and other punctuation marks. Parentheses and other punctuation marks. Quotation marks and other punctuation marks. Optional punctuation marks. Author's punctuation marks.

Culture of speech 1h.

Language and speech. The culture of speech as a branch of the science of language that studies the correctness and purity of speech. Correct speech. Standard of the literary language. Norms of the literary language: orthoepic, accentological, derivational, lexical, morphological, syntactic, stylistic. Spelling and punctuation rules. Speech error. Qualities of good speech: purity, expressiveness, relevance, accuracy, richness. Types and types of oratorical eloquence. Oratory and tact.

Stylistics 1 hour + 2 credits

Stylistics as a branch of the science of language that studies the styles of language and styles of speech, as well as figurative and expressive means. Style. Classification of functional styles. Scientific style. Formal business style. Journalistic style. conversational style. Art style. Text. The main features of the text. Functional-semantic types of speech: narration, description, reasoning. Analysis of texts of different styles and genres.

From the history of Russian linguistics 1 h.

M.V. Lomonosov, A.Kh. Vostokov, F.I. Buslaev, V.I. Dahl, Ya.K. Grot, A.A. Shakhmatov, L.V. Shcherba, D.N. Ushakov, V.V. Vinogradov, S.I. Ozhegov

Calendar-thematic planning. Grade 10.

lesson number

Lesson topic

date according to the plan

date fact

A word about the Russian language.

The word and its meaning.

Figurative and expressive means of the Russian language.

The origin of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language

Control test.

Sounds and letters


Control dictation.

Word composition.

Word formation. Formation.

Principles of Russian spelling

Orthograms at the root of the word.

The use of vowels after hissing and C.

Spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes.


The noun is a part of speech. Spelling of case endings of nouns

Vowels in noun suffixes

Control test on the topic

adjective as a part of speech

Spelling of endings and suffixes of adjectives

The noun is a part of speech. Declension of nouns.

Pronoun as a part of speech. Pronoun spelling

Verb as a part of speech. Spelling of verbs.

Participle. Spelling participle suffixes

General participle.

An adverb is a part of speech. Spelling of adverbs

Preposition as an official part of speech

Conjunctions and allied words.

Particles as a service part of speech.

Interjection as a special category of words


Error Analysis


Literature For students

Goltsova N. G. Russian language. Grades 10-11: Textbook / N. G. Goltsova,I. V. Shamshin, M.A. Mishcherina - M.: Russian word, 2014.

V.F. Grekov, S.E. Kryuchkova, L.A. Cheshko Manual for classes in the Russian language in grades 10-11 / M .: Education, 2008

Vladimirskaya G. N. Exam preparation simulator. Russian language. 10-11 cells./G. N. Vladimirskaya, S. I. Raisky. - M.: New textbook, 2004.

3. Vlasenkov A. I. Russian language: Grammar. Text. Speech styles: Proc. for 10-11 cells.general inst. / A. I. Vlasenkov, L. M. Rybchenkova. - 13th edition. - M .: Enlightenment- nie, 2007.

Deikina A. D. Russian language. Handout. Grade 10 / A. D. Deykina. - M.: Bustard, 2006.

Deikina A. D. Russian language: Textbook for high school / A. D. Deikina,T. M. Pakhnova. - M.: Verbum-M, 2002.

Issers O.S. Tests. Russian language. Grades 10-11 / O.S. Issers, N.A. Kuzmina. - M.: Bustard, 2005.

Kozlovskaya M.V., Sivakova Yu.N. Russian language: Text analysis: A guide for preparingfor the unified state exam / M. V. Kozlovskaya, Yu. N. Sivakova. - St. Petersburg: SA-GA, ABC Classics, 2005.

A culture of speech. Test tasks for applicants and schoolchildren / Dunev A.I., Efremov V.A., Chernyak V.D. - St. Petersburg: SAGA, ABC Classics, 2004.

Mazneva O.A., Mikhailova I.M. Workshop on the style of the Russian language. Tests andassignments: A manual for high school students. - M.: Bustard, 2006.

Malyushkin A.B. Complex text analysis. Workbook. 10-11 cells. - M.: TC"Sphere", 2004.

Nikitina E.I. Russian speech: Development of speech. Grade 10: Textbook. - M.: Dro- fa, 2006.

Pakhnova T.M. Russian language. Handout. Grade 11. - M.: Bustard, 2006.

Potapova G.N. Russian language: Spelling. Syntax and punctuation. Complextext analysis. 10-11 cells. Didactic materials. - M.: Bustard, 2002.

Puchkova L.I., Gosteva Yu.N. Preparing for the Unified State ExamRussian language: 10-11: Grammar. Speech. - M.: Education, 2006.

Trostentsova L.A., Shkhapatseva M.Kh. Punctuation without secrets: A guide for high school students and applicants. - M.: Bustard, 2002.

For the teacher

N. G. Goltsova, M.A. Mishcherina Russian language grades 10-11. The book for the teacher. - M.: Russian Word, 2009.

M.A. Mishcherina, N. G. Goltsova Russian language grades 10-11. Lesson planning. - M.: Russian word, 2007.

Vlasenkov A.I., Rybchenkova L.M. Guidelines for the textbook “Russian language: Grammar. Text. Speech styles. 10-11 grades. - M.: Enlightenment, 2004.

Vlasenkov A.I., Rybchenkova L.M. Didactic materials for the textbook "Russianlanguage: Grammar. Text. Speech styles. 10-11 grades. - M.: Enlightenment, 2004.

Deikina A.D., Pakhnova T.M. Guidelines for the use of textbookska "Russian language: A textbook for high school" when studying the subject at the basevom and profile levels. - M.: Verbum-M, 2004.

Ippolitova N.A., Knyazeva O.Yu., Savvova M.R. Russian language and culture of speech: Courselectures / Ed. ON THE. Ippolitova. - M.: TK Velbi, publishing house "Prospect", 2007.

Kolokoltseva T.N. Workshop on the style of the Russian language: Textbook. - Vol-gograd: Publishing house of VGPU "Change", 2006.

Moskvin V.P. Stylistics of the Russian language. Theoretical course: Textbook. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGPU "Change", 2005.

Kosmarskaya I.V., Rudenko A.K. Russian language. Tests and tasks on the culture of speech. - M.: Aquarium LTD, 2001.

Gallinger I.V. A culture of speech. Norms of the modern Russian literary language. - M.: Enlightenment, 1994.

Rosenthal D.E., Golub I.B. Secrets of style. - M.: Ralph, 1996.