Animal protection 3. Animal protection. Self-application of knowledge

Lesson type: combined


- the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the awareness of a person's place in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-value comprehension of the child personal experience communication with people and nature;

Problem: Why are certain species of animals disappearing?

Tasks: teach the rules of behavior in nature; name the factors of negative human impact on the animal world.

Subject results

Will learn

To characterize the factors of negative human impact on the animal world;

Work with an atlas-identifier and an electronic application;

Establish relationships in nature;

Rules of conduct in nature.

They will get acquainted with the measures for the protection of the animal world.

Universally training activities(UUD)

Regulatory: use speech to regulate their actions.

Cognitive: use symbolic means to solve problems; establishment of causal relationships;

usage different ways search, collection, transmission of information.

Communicative: formulate your own opinion and position, ask questions; adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others.

Personal results

Formation of the foundations of environmental literacy, rules of conduct in natural environment; pronounced stable educational and cognitive motivation for learning.

Basic concepts and definitions

Red Book; endangered and rare animals; human impact on the animal world; measures for the protection of fauna.

Checking the readiness to assimilate new material

Prove that animals need to be protected.

Animals play a huge role in nature. Without them, many plants would not be able to multiply and settle.

Cutting down the forest or polluting the water in the river, people unwittingly destroy many wild animals, for which the forest or the river is a home. Because of economic activity people and excessive hunting, some animals disappeared forever, while others became rare

Learning new material

Walrus, tiger, golden eagle, flamingo, beetle-beetle ... These and many other species are now in danger. They are included in the Red Book of Russia. People are obliged to save them!

Read the descriptions of animals from the Red Book of Russia. Recognize animals in photos by descriptions.

Walrus- a mighty sea animal. Its length is more than 3 meters, and its weight is about one and a half tons. Walrus tusks - up to 80 centimeters long! They help animals get food from the bottom - sea molluscs, protect themselves from polar bears, and also get out of the water.

Tiger Is a close relative of our domestic cat. Its length is over 3 meters. Strong, dexterous, beautiful beast. Lives in the forests in the east of our country.

Eagle-golden eagle- a large, majestic bird. Its wingspan is up to 2 meters. The golden eagle can soar beautifully for a long time high in the sky, looking for prey.

Flamingo. These amazingly beautiful birds with soft pink plumage live near the water. They feed on crustaceans, insects, seeds of aquatic plants.

Beauty beetle lives in the forests. Its body length is about 3 centimeters. It eats caterpillars dangerous for the forest.

All over the world and in our country, hunting for rare animals is prohibited, and for some species it is limited. Fishing is also limited. Animals are under special protection in reserves, national parks... Helping to protect animals and zoos. When there are a lot of animals of any species in the reserve or zoo, they are moved to other places. This is how we managed to save, for example, a beaver, a sable

Beavers Sable

It is necessary to protect not only rare animals, but also those of which there are still many that have not yet been included in the Red Book. Their life often depends on you, on your behavior in nature.

Comprehension and understanding of the knowledge gained

Friends of nature rules

Using these conventional signs, formulate the rules of behavior in nature. Compare them to the rules in the textbook.

1. We will feed the birds in the winter, and in the spring, with the help of our elders, we will make houses for them.

2. We will not come close to the nests of birds. After all, in our footsteps predators can find and destroy them. We will not touch the nest so that the parent birds do not leave it.

3. In the spring and early summer, in the forest and park, we will not let go of the dog from the leash. After all, she can catch helpless chicks and baby animals.

4. We will not catch and take home healthy chicks and baby animals. In nature, adult animals will take care of them.


Due to the economic activities of people, non-moderate hunting, and human misbehavior in nature, many wild animals are found less and less often, some are included in the Red Book. Hunting for rare animals is prohibited. It is necessary to protect not only the animals themselves, but also the places where they live.

Self-application knowledge

check yourself

1. What role do animals play in nature and human life? 2. Why are many species of wild animals becoming rare? 3. What animals do you know from the Red Data Book of Russia?

4.How should one behave in nature so as not to harm animals? 5. What are people doing to protect animals?

Homework assignments

1.In the book "The giant in the meadow" read the story "Don't catch insects for collections." Pay attention to which insects are included in the Red Book of Russia.

2. Analyze your behavior in nature. Do you always take good care of animals and their environment?

3. With the help of adults, design a baby book "Take care of the animals!" For your younger comrades. On the first page, write what the animals would say to the children if they could speak.


Protection and protection of animals

International Fund for the Conservation of Animals advocates for the conservation of rare species

Singizova Alfinur Vafaevna;

Municipal educational institution average comprehensive school No. 10 MR Uchalinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan;

Teacher primary grades


  • How wonderful this world is!
  • Through the pages of the "Red Book" ...

The form

Multimedia presentation

Academic subject, class

The world around you, grade 3

Title of the topic or section of the curriculum

Section: This amazing nature

Topic: Animal protection

Software tools used to create didactic material

Windows Movie Maker - Slide # 1

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 - Presentation No. 2

Goals, tasks of didactic material

  • supplement and expand the capabilities of the textbook;
  • improve the effectiveness of studying the topic;
  • improve the quality of visibility;
  • make the lesson emotional and memorable.

Presentation number 1 : Demonstration of photographs that will remind of the beauty and richness of the nature of our planet, against the background of E. Morricone's instrumental music "Lonely Shepherd" (edited by J. Last);

Presentation number 2: contains demonstration and illustrative material, accompanied by sound files and explanations, which will make it possible to present the topic in an accessible and exciting way.

Resources of didactic material (video photos, graphics, sound files, links, animation and other effects, etc.)

  • text information;
  • figurative objects (photos, drawings);
  • audio information (music, animal sounds);

Sources of information used (literature, Internet, Center for Central Organizations, etc.)

  • Tselousova T.Yu., Maksimova T.V. Lesson development for the course The World Around. Grade 3. M .: "VAKO", 2005, 320 p. - (To help the school teacher);
  • I'm going to class in primary school: Extracurricular work: Olympics and Mind games: A book for a teacher. - M .: Publishing house "September 1", 2001. - 256s .: ill.
  • Internet

Photo :

photos from the family archive;

Drawings of animals from the Red Book:

Animal sounds:

Information about nature conservation in Bashkortostan:

Music by E. Morricone:

Possibilities of using didactic material:

The teacher in the lesson (indicate the stages of the lesson);



  • introduction to the topic of the lesson;
  • studying a new topic;
  • fixing.


  • fixing.

The presented lesson brings up in children a careful attitude towards the animal world, concern about the fate of nature. Expands children's understanding of measures to protect and preserve fauna. Forms a holistic perception of the surrounding world,

Theme: Animal protection.

Goals: 1) to acquaint children with the Red Book and the animals that are included in it;

Consider the environmental rules that people must follow;

2) develop logical thinking, attention, memory; expand horizons;

3) foster respect for animals, ecological culture


Equipment: computer applications: Presentation # 1 “How beautiful

This world!"; Presentation No. 2 "Through the pages of the" Red Book "...";

"Red Book" (Russia, Bashkortostan), textbooks, workers

Notebooks, cards for independent work (tests, crosswords,

Task for solving the scout problem).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Repetition of the past.

3rd row works independently on cards (test);

1st and 2nd rows - collectively.

At the beginning of the lesson, we will remember what we said about animals in the previous

Lessons. Think and answer the questions:

What is the name of animal science?

Who are animals?

Which supply circuit is correct? (On the desk)

A) pine → woodpecker → bark beetle;

B) slugs → cabbage → toad;

C) rye → mouse → snakes → eagles;

What happens if people kill foxes in the rye → mouse → fox food chain?

Think and insert the missing word:

A) egg → larva → …………. → butterfly (chrysalis);

B) egg → ………… → frog (tadpole);

C) …… → fry → adult fish (eggs).

III. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today we will go on a journey through the pages of the Red Book. The topic of our lesson "Animal protection"

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Introduction to the topic - teacher's lecture(at the beginning of the lesson, I propose to watch Presentation No. 1, then - I enter it into the topic of the lesson)

Presentation # 1.

Indeed: how beautiful this world is! Are not the beautiful creations of nature presented in these photographs and drawings! They would only be admired, amazed at how generous nature is for inventions, if not for one painful circumstance: some of them ended up on the pages of the Red Book

and they are in danger of disappearing from the face of the earth. (Turn on Presentation No. 2, slide No. 1).

Since 1600, about 150 animal species have become extinct on our planet, more than half of them in the last 50 years. Some of them became extinct due to human fault, for example, sea ​​cow, wandering pigeons. These animals are gone forever.

2. Acquaintance with the Red Book.

People realized that it is necessary to protect nature. On this occasion, it was decided to take special measures to save the flora and fauna.

In 1948, in the small town of Fontainebleau on international conference was founded m international union of safeguarding nature and natural resources(IUCN). Its main task was to identify species of animals and plants that were on the verge of extinction and required human care.

At the same time, a special commission for rare species was created. This rescue service has compiled a world list of animals and plants that are at risk of extinction. In this list, it was necessary to indicate the reason for this condition. And scientists decided to call this list the Red Book.

Why do you think they called it the Red Book, and not yellow or blue?

Red is a symbol of trouble, danger, offensive aggression. The Red Book is not a law on nature conservation, these are only facts collected by scientists about animals and plants.

What is the Red Book for?

The Red Book informs us which plants and animals are in danger. She encourages the study of nature. This book warns that this or that animal, plant is in trouble. He must be protected.

Red Book Pages different color... Red sheetscontain information about endangered species, yellow - vulnerable species, white - information about rare species, on gray - about poorly studied, on green - about restored and endangered species of animals and plants.

The compilation of the first version of the Red Book took 14 years. It was later reprinted. Why do you think?

The Red Book is a temporary document, because the living conditions of animals are changing, and all new species may find themselves in a catastrophic situation.

3. Work on signal cards.

Now let's work in notebooks. Use these signs to explain why many species of wildlife are becoming rare.

(Workbook, p. 51, task 2)

4. Through the pages of the Red Book of Russia and Bashkortostan.

Animals play an important role in nature; without them, many plants could not reproduce and disperse. Animals are also needed for people. Why do you think?

Cutting down forests, polluting rivers and seas, people kill many animals. And for animals, forests, rivers, lakes, fields and meadows are a home. Rare steel polar bear, walrus, golden eagle, flamingo, tiger, crane, desman, swan, rose gull and many other animals.

And now we will listen to reports about some of these animals that need protection and are listed in the Red Book (pre-trained students read about the sable - slide number 2 , polar bear - slide number 3, crane - slide number 4, tiger - slide number 5 , pink flamingo - slide number 6, desman - slide number 7, swan - slide number 8).

Some of these animals are included in the Red Book of Bashkortostan. It was published in 1984 and was called "The Red Book of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic". Reprinted in 1987.

In our republic, many nature conservation activities are being carried out. Let's read about it. Slide number 9

And what is a nature reserve, a nature reserve?

In addition to nature reserves and sanctuaries, animal protection and zoos help. (We read an article from the textbook "What is a zoo?"). Thanks to zoos, for example, beavers, bison, otters and badgers were saved.

5. Physical education.

Hamster, hamster, hamster (children swell their cheeks) -
Striped barrel (stroking themselves on the sides).
The hamster gets up early (stretching movements),
Washes the cheeks, rubs the neck (rubbing the face and neck).
The hamster sweeps the hut (movements imitate sweeping)
And goes to charge (marching in place):
One, two, three, four, five (3-4 movements that simulate charging)
The hamster wants to become strong (arm muscle tension).

6. Environmental regulations.

A) - Guys, look at the screen. We received letters by e-mail - complaints from animals. Let's read them and guess who they came from.

Complaint No. 1 (slide No. 10 ). “Oh, and people don't like me. They don't like my voice, and my eyes say they are ugly. They believe that I bring trouble. Is this so? If not for me, some would have to sit without bread. "

Who is this? (Owl - slide number 11).

The owl has been under state protection since 1964. One owl kills 1000 mice over the summer, which are capable of destroying 1 ton of grain.

Complaint No. 2 (slide No. 12 ). “I myself know that she is not a beauty. If I was near, many would jump aside, otherwise they would throw a stone or kick it. For what? The benefit from me is great. "

And who is complaining like that? (Toad - slide number 13).

One toad saves a whole vegetable garden from caterpillars and worms. If there were cockroaches in the house, people brought the toad into the house - and they disappeared.

B) (Slide number 14) It is necessary to protect not only rare animals, but also those of which there are still many that have not yet been included in the Red Book. Their life often depends on each of you, on your behavior in nature. Of course, ruining bird nests, killing frogs, toads, catching bumblebees, butterflies, dragonflies, and destroying anthills is unacceptable! If you run through the forest, make noise, climb trees, you disturb the forest dwellers. This is especially dangerous for them during breeding - in spring and early summer. Many birds, for example, cannot build nests because of this, or they leave the nest in which they have already laid their eggs. It is necessary to protect not only the animals themselves, but also the places in which they live - the environment around them.

C) Working with the textbook (p. 115).

Let's turn to the textbooks on page 115 and read the "Rules of Friends of Nature".

D) - Guys, what do you think, what qualities should a person develop in order to become an ecologically developed person?(students' answers)

Find the answer to the scout problem and learn another word that characterizes such people. (Appendix to the lesson)

Read the resulting word -a responsibility.

I hope that you will be responsible for nature and become responsible people in general.

V. Lesson summary.

Remember what animals we talked about today and solve the crossword puzzle.

Slide number 15, slide number 16, slide number 17

Read the word that came out in the highlighted column. (CARE!)

What does it call for? ( slide number 18)

Take care of nature, and these are animals, plants, air, water, soil ...

Vi. Homework

2. Complete tasks 3,5,7 ( workbook, pp. 52-54)

  • If time remains, the lesson can be completed with the poem "Take care of nature!"
  • If there are no Workbooks, then signal cards (to point number 3 of the lesson) can be drawn on album sheets and put on the board


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Appendices to the lesson

1. Messages about animals

Sable (slide number 2)

Sable is a valuable fur animal. The average body length is 50 cm, weight is 1-1.5 kg. Lives in a deep dark taiga. Lives on one site for a very long time. Leaves it in the most extreme case: in a forest fire, lack of forage, felling of forest.

During the day, the sable sees poorly, but at night it becomes dexterous. Rodents are its main food. Also feeds on chipmunks, hares, lizards, frogs, insects, molluscs. In summer he eats berries, loves pine nuts very much.

The sable has excellent fur that is highly prized. In the distant past, sables inhabited the entire taiga of Tsarist Russia. But then predatory extermination began, and sable stocks fell catastrophically. He was threatened with complete disappearance in nature. Hunting was prohibited.

In 1929, in the Moscow Zoo, the offspring of sables was obtained and they began to be bred on fur farms. Now the total number exceeds 700 thousand heads.

Polar bear (slide number 3)

The polar bear is the ruler of the Arctic. This is the largest predatory animal. He has lived for almost 40 years. He does not have a permanent home. When the time comes for the bear to become a mother, she tears off a den in a snowdrift. Spends 6 months there. A bear has 2-3 babies. Cubs are born helpless. They are slightly covered with white fur, their eyes cannot see, their ears cannot hear, the bear weighs 800 grams, and the body length is 30 cm. The soles of the legs are bare, the claws are transparent, and the nose is pink.

The polar bear feeds on fish, seals, young walruses. Vegetable food is also eaten in small quantities.

Since ancient times, people have hunted polar bears. They use their meat, fat and skins. As a result, their numbers began to decline. This served as an alarm signal. Now their numbers are growing.

Crane (slide number 4)

In total, there are 14 species of cranes in the world, seven live in our country: gray, belladonna, Canadian, Daurian, black, white (or Siberian crane), Japanese. Japanese, Daurian, black and white are included in the Red Book.

Cranes are slender, they have long legs, a long neck, and a large beak. With this beak, they extract insects, seeds, grains of mollusks, small rodents, plant roots, berries, young shoots.

At 2-3 years old, the cranes form pairs and never part. Nests are built on the ground. The crane lays 2 eggs. Chicks, getting out of the egg, already know how to stand on their feet. The eyes are open.

For about two months, the cranes walk in orange and yellow "caftans", and by autumn they fledge and begin to fly.

Tiger (slide number 5)

At the end of the 19th century, there were about 100 thousand tigers. Then their number dropped sharply. Some killed them because of superstition. Chinese and Korean healers paid dearly for the carcass of a tiger, they said that they prepared medicine from different parts of the body for cowardice and weakness, the tiger's claws served as talismans.

The tiger is a large animal. Its body is up to 4 meters long, weighs about 390 kg. This is a lone vagabond. It feeds on large ungulates. The tigress stays in one place only during childbirth and nursing of young animals. She chooses a cave for the nest. She gives birth to 2-4 cubs. Babies are born blind, they are covered with thin fur with stripes. They weigh from 700 grams to 1 kg, the length of a cub with a tail is 40-50 cm. The cubs grow quickly. They live 25-30 years.

Pink flamingo (slide number 6)

This bird has become rare as it has been persecuted for many years for its delicious meat, feathers and down.

Flamingos live 25-30 years. This is very interesting bird... Her body is up to 1.5 m high, weight 4 kg. The female lays 2 eggs white with a greenish tint. The chicks are funny: the legs are thick, red, the beak is straight - also red. They are dressed in gray down. After 3-4 months, they grow to the size of their parents. Their first plumage is gray with a pinkish tinge. Such "dresses" are worn by youngsters for 2 years, and then they dress in a pink outfit.

Desman (slide number 7)

The desman is a small animal, its length is about 20 cm, and its weight is about half a kilogram. The fur is soft, silky, very durable, almost does not get wet, as it is greased.

On land, the desman is helpless. But it swims well, dives, may not appear on the surface for a long time.

Burrows are made on the shore, but the entrance to them is always located under water. They store supplies in burrows and eat caught prey. The desman feeds on animal and plant foods. And he finds it by burying his long proboscis in the silt or helping himself with his front paws.

The desman can be seen in the spring, when the flood drives him out of the shelter. At this time, he becomes prey for a muskrat or mink. Sometimes they die in burrows during floods. Therefore, this little-studied, but very valuable animal is strictly guarded.

Swan (slide number 8)

The swan is one of the largest and most powerful birds. It is a symbol of beauty, purity and tenderness. The swan was sung in epics and legends.

The swan is not a songbird. The mute swan can only cackle slowly. Deaf and solemn sounds are emitted by a whooper swan.

Swans nest on deaf, inaccessible lakes, in the thickest reeds - they are sensitive and careful birds.

The swan is a beautiful and now rare animal, hunting for it is prohibited in our country.

2. Test for independent work

1. Who gives birth to live cubs and feeds them with milk?

A) animals; b) birds; c) fish.

2. What word is missing: egg - …………. - an adult fish?

A) larva; b) fry; c) tadpole.

3. What word is missing: egg - larva - ……………. - butterfly?

A) chrysalis; b) chick; c) eggs.

4. Grasshopper is an insect. Does he go through the pupal stage in his development?

A) all insects have pupae;

B) grasshoppers do not have a pupal stage;

C) an adult insect hatches from an egg of a grasshopper - large and with wings.

5. What time of the year is hunting and fishing prohibited?

A) in the spring; b) in the fall; c) in winter.

3. Crossword

By changing the first letters in these words, you will get new words:

1) Markdown 5) Court 9) Bridle 12) Assimilation

2) Oven 6) Tank 10) Salt 13) Curtain

3) Share 7) Salon 11) Daughter 14) Ram

4) Ode 8) Morse

By changing the first letters in these words, you will get new words with the following meanings:

1) Every student gets it - grade;

2) It happens at the ship or boat - t it;

3) A bird in a cage dreams of her - in Olya;

4) Sometimes delicious, sometimes not - food;

5) It happens biscuit, sand, with cream - cake;

6) They can catch an insect - with achok;

7) They go to the doctor with him - t alon;

8) It happens with woolen things - in Ors;

9) Fast on a horse - e zda;

10) They say that he is without a wand - zero;

11) Dark after day and evening - night;

12) This is usually done with unexplored territories - about taking;

13) Such a fish - from ardina;

14) This is a fighting technique - t aran;

5. The poem "Take care of nature!"

1st reader:

Did you see the swans were shot?

Did you see them fall?

Tell me, what if the birds knew

And if only they understood

That their flight will be farewell

People will shoot them at dawn,

Tell me, would they not fly?

2nd reader:

Probably even if they knew

And even if they understood

It would still soar upward.

After all, the sky is their element!

After all, the sky is their freedom!

After all, the sky is their whole life!

3rd reader:

And in the sky - a flock of cranes,

So sadly spinning above the ground.

Earth ... tell me what would become of it,

When would the birds be silent on it?

4th reader:

Then the sky would be dead.

And - silence in empty meadows,

And maybe ears of bread

Would not spike in the fields.

And do not rook in the fields,

And the swarms of black locusts ...

5th reader:

I don't want a world like this

Where everything is so gray, everything is sad ...

Come to your senses, shudder, man.

Your life is not long on earth.

But what will we leave behind?

And how will we glorify ourselves here?

By a bird killed at dawn?

Are the black forests on fire?

And a huge garbage dump?

Or a fetid atmosphere?

Or a river with dead roach?

Scorched grass fields?

6th reader:

Come to your senses, shudder, man!

You are in debt to nature

And may your century be glorious

Fragrant grass in the meadow.

And the trill of birds, cheerful, ringing,

And the noisy splash of a spring,

And in bunches of thin rowan,

And with the blue eye of a cornflower,

And the fresh scent of herbs

And groves with noise, and oak groves ...

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Slide captions:

Lesson of the outside world in grade 3 on the topic: "Animal protection"

LAY CAVIAR LAY EGGS BIRTH LIVE BABIES insects fish birds reptiles mammals amphibians















Squirrel Woodpecker Beaver Hedgehog Tit Frog


We will feed the birds in the winter, and in the spring, with the help of our elders, we will make houses for them.

Let's not get close to bird nests. After all, in our footsteps predators can find and destroy them. We will not touch the nest so that the parent birds do not leave it.

In the spring and early summer, in the forest and in the park, we will not let go of the dog from the leash. After all, she can catch helpless chicks and baby animals

We will not catch and take home healthy chicks and baby animals. In nature, adult animals will take care of them.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life. Not only should these treasures be protected - they must be opened and shown. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a Motherland. To protect nature means to protect the Motherland! "

TODAY IN THE LESSON: I learned ... It was interesting ... I experienced a feeling ... I want ...

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Open lesson "Animal protection"

Synopsis for an open lesson on the world around us in grade 3 on the topic "Animal protection". Prepared by the primary school teacher Dragknina N.G ...

Outline of a lesson on the subject of "the world around" in primary grades. Topic: Animal protection. Animals of the Red Book.

Lesson objectives: to continue acquaintance with the Red Book, with the animals that are included in it; teach to take care of animals; consider the environmental rules that people must follow; form ...

The role of animals in nature and human life. Animals of the Red Book of Russia. Animal protection 3kl. (surrounding world)

The role of animals in nature and human life. Animals of the Red Book of Russia. Animal protection 3kl. (surrounding world) ...

1. Tell verbally what animals mean to you. Do you have any favorite animals? Write down which ones.

I believe that animals are very important to every person. Pets help a person: they give him food (cows, geese, ducks, chickens, pigs), clothes (sheep), guard him (dogs), help him move long distances (horses, camels), help carry weights (elephants), entertain and delight (cats, dogs, parrots, etc.).

Wild animals are also important to humans. They help maintain balance in nature so that living conditions are favorable for all inhabitants of the Earth. For example, when rabbits were brought to Australia, they began to multiply very quickly, since there were no wolves and no one regulated the number of rabbits. The rabbits began to reap all the vegetation and almost turned an entire continent into a desert.

I like wild animals because they are beautiful and fun to watch. I go to the zoo with pleasure and look at representatives of all animal species without exception.

Cats, dogs, bears, cheetahs, wolf, horse, hedgehog.

2. Number the examples of the negative impact of man on the animal world, expressed by these signs.

Use these signs to explain why many species of wild animals are becoming rare.

  1. Active deforestation is underway and animals are losing their habitats.
  2. Industrial plants pollute environment emissions and sewage and animals suffocate from dirty air and dirty water.
  3. Poachers hunt rare and valuable animals in order to sell their skins, tusks, horns or meat. This reduces the number of animals of this species and may even lead to its extinction.
  4. Fish in rivers, lakes and seas are caught using prohibited methods and without taking into account the spawning period (the period when fish spawn). This leads to a decrease in fish in water bodies and the inability to restore the population.
  5. Catching insects for no reason can also lead to the decline and extinction of the species. While catching butterflies, for example, their wings or legs may break. In this case, even the animal released back into the wild does not survive.
  6. A person very often makes a lot of noise: listening to music on vacation, working with instruments, just talking loudly. Animals are afraid of loud unusual sounds and run away. If a loud sound is heard for several days or months (construction, production), then the animals leave this place and look for another "apartment". This cannot always be done without loss.

3. Mother of Seryozha and Nadia asks if you know the animals included in the Red Book of Russia. Cut out pictures from the Application and place them in the appropriate boxes. Check yourself with the tutorial. After checking the stickers are the drawings.

4. Our sociable Parrot has many friends among birds. He offers you a riddle drawing. What is the name of this amazing bird? Where she lives? What's interesting? If you don't know, look for the answer in additional literature, the Internet.

Mandarin duck or Chinese duck is a small forest duck that can be found on Far East our country. True, by the end of September the mandarin duck leaves the territory of Russia and go to winter in China, Japan and Korea.

The weight of this duck does not exceed 400 - 700 grams. Mandarin duck swim well and can take off from the water almost vertically. From food, Chinese ducks prefer fish roe, worms, seeds of aquatic plants and molluscs.

It is forbidden to hunt mandarin ducks, as they are listed in the Red Book. But now many parks and zoos breed tangerines in their nurseries, because these beautiful bright birds are always popular with visitors.

Write the name of the bird and color the drawing.

5. Write down the rules that are "encrypted" by these symbols. (Give me brief wording.)

Do not come close to bird nests and touch the chicks or the nest itself!

Dogs should not be allowed to approach birds' nests during a walk and ruin them! Keep your dog on a leash while walking!

Do not catch or take home healthy chicks and cubs of other animals!

6.Using additional literature, Internet, prepare a message about one of the animal species included in the Red Book of Russia. Use the general outline of the story about rare plant or an animal that you made in 2nd grade. Write down the basic information for your message, point by point. Indicate the source (s) of information.

Giant shrew

The giant shrew is an animal from the shrew family. This animal lives only in the Far East, in northeastern China and in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. This animal does not live anywhere else in the world. In appearance, the giant shrew resembles a mouse, but it has a more elongated muzzle with a long nose, similar to a proboscis. The body length of this animal is only 10 centimeters, and its weight is only 14 - 15 grams.

Unfortunately, deforestation in the Far East has led to a sharp decline in the number of giant shrews. The fact is that these animals prefer to dig burrows in wooded areas with conifers and broadleaf forests, not swampy and sufficiently moist. Deforestation changes their habitat and makes new generations of shrews unsuitable for life.

Find out what animals other guys have prepared messages about. Listen to and appreciate their performances.

7. Invent and draw on a separate sheet of the poster “Take care of animals!”.

Outline of a lesson on the world around us in grade 3.Topic: Animal protection.Purpose: to systematize knowledge about animal welfare.

Expected results: students will learn to explain why many animals have become rare, how to protect animals, evaluate the actions of people in relation to nature, formulate the rules of nature's friends, analyze, draw conclusions.

Equipment: printouts of tables, texts; illustrations of animals (woodpecker, hawk, squirrel, hedgehog, marten); signs of environmental regulations, computer, projector, interactive whiteboard.

During the classes.

I ... Org moment II ... Knowledge update. Homework check 1. Individual tasks (5 students work with the table completed in the previous lesson)- correlate the meaning of the values ​​of the columns, complementing them

Group of animals

2. Frontal poll - How do animals breed?- Name the animal and the way of its reproduction and development.- How do animals take care of their offspring?III ... Self-determination to activity - Every year there are fewer and fewer animals on earth. A man takes away from his brothers smaller habitats, forage areas. The number of animals is influenced by deforestation, drainage of swamps, pollution of rivers, seas and oceans. It is important to preserve all the species of animals that nature has created over many millions of years.- After listening to the poem, guess what will be discussed in the lesson. Everything, everything in the worldWe need!And no less midgesNeeded than elephants.You can't do without ridiculous monsters,And even without evil and fierce predators.We need everything in the world!We need everyone - who makes honey,And who makes the poison.Bad things for a cat without a mouseA mouse without a cat is no better business.Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone-We still need each other very much.And if someone seems superfluous to us,That, of course, will be a mistake. (Boris Zakhoder)- Yes guys! Today in the lesson we will talk about animal welfare.IV ... Work on the topic of the lesson Conversation Animal protection - What is the importance of animals for plants?(without animals, plants could not settle and reproduce)- What is the meaning of animals for humans?(animals delight us with their beauty, give us the joy of discovery, teach us kindness)- It has always been believed that a person should protect and protect animals, and not kill them. Tell me, do we humans always follow this rule?- Look at the board, why are these animals depicted on it: polar bear, bison, walrus, swan, flamingo?(they are listed in the red book)- What is the Red Book for?(she talks about plants and animals that are in danger)- What are people doing to protect animals?(create reserves, national parks)A reserve is a piece of land or water area that is under state protection. They prohibit any Activity that violates or threatens nature.A nature reserve is an area where certain species of animals and plants are temporarily protected. There are hunting, fishing and other reserves.- Let's get to know some of the reserves.(teacher distributes printouts of texts about reserves. Students prepare messages and speak)Voronezh reserve. This is a forest island in the steppe, where many foxes, ferrets, and deer live. But the reserve is especially famous for its beavers. At the beginning of the century, there were almost no beavers left in our country. Their thick fur was called brown gold. For this fur, beavers were ruthlessly hunted. Then, hunting for these animals was prohibited. They began to be settled in reserves and resettled throughout the country.Astrakhan reserve ... It is home to pelicans and herons. About 100 years ago, bird feather jewelry came into vogue in many countries. Fashionistas paid huge sums of money for hats with bird feathers. The feathers of the egrets were very beautiful. How many birds have died because of this fashion! For several years, there were almost no herons ... only thanks to the complete ban on hunting them, the birds were saved.- Yes, and the bison, and the egret, and the beaver, and many other birds and animals could disappear forever. But people understood in time what a huge danger these animals are in. Understood, and spared no effort to save them.V ... Physical education

We are walking, we are walking

Raise our hands higher

We do not lower our head

We breathe evenly, deeply.

Suddenly we see: by the bush

A chick fell out of the nest

Quietly take the chick

And put it back.

Ahead from behind a bush

Looks sly Fox

We will outwit the fox

Let's run on our toes.

We enter the clearing

We find a lot of berries there.

The strawberries are so fragrant

That we are not too lazy to bend over.

VI ... Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson - Remember, you need to take care of those animals that are not included in the Red Book. These are animals well known to you: squirrel, hedgehog, tit, woodpecker, frogs. Their lives often depend on you. From your behavior in nature.- Let's once again remember what these animals look like.Information about animals is accompanied by illustrations.

Woodpecker. The life of woodpeckers is closely related to forests. These birds are excellent at climbing vertical tree trunks, often hammering them. All woodpeckers are builders. Hollows carved by them, in which woodpeckers breed chicks, subsequently serve as shelters and nesting places for many birds. Woodpeckers are also musicians. These are the only birds in our country that use "musical instruments" to express feelings. dry, resonating bough, on which they briskly beat out their "mechanical song".

Squirrel ... it is an inhabitant of forests and parks. She prefers to live in coniferous forests... These rodents show daytime activity, during which they spend almost all their time in search of food. The squirrel arranges its shelters only in the trees. The squirrel, like any other rodent, has amazingly strong teeth.Hedgehog. it is an animal active at night. He does not like to leave his house for a long time. Hedgehogs spend the day in a nest or other shelter. Nests are built in bushes, holes, caves, abandoned rodent burrows or in tree roots. The common hedgehog is an omnivorous animal. Its food is based on adult insects and caterpillars.Vii ... Consolidation of the studied material Environmental regulations - Now let's check if you know the environmental regulations. Match the rule with the appropriate sign.1. Don't ruin bird nests.2. If you have a dog, do not let it walk in the forest or park. She can easily catch poorly flying chicks and helpless animals.3. Do not catch or take home healthy chicks and baby animals.4. Feed the birds in winter, make birdhouses for them.5. Don't catch butterflies, bumblebees and dragonflies.6. Don't ruin anthills.Completing assignments in TVET P. 51 No. 1, 2,3VIII ... Reflection Burrow of animals, bird's nestWe will never ruin!Let the chicks and little animalsIt is good to live next to us!Don't touch the butterfly!We will always remember -There are not so many of them!- Evaluate your work in the lesson.
I X. Outcome -What new did you learn in the lesson?X. Homework - with. 106-111, TPO p. 52 No. 4-7