General characteristic of human abilities. How to reveal the abilities? Applications include

Chapter 23. Abilities


General characteristics of human abilities. The concept of ability. Definition of abilities on B. M. Tsplov. The ratio of abilities and successful learning. Human ability and development. Classification of abilities. Characteristics of general abilities. Theoretical and practical abilities. Training and creative abilities.

Levels of development of abilities and individual differences. The main classification of the level of development of abilities. Congenital deposit and genotype. Development of deposits as a socially determined process. Potential and relevant abilities. The ratio of common and special abilities. Giftedness. Compensation abilities. Mastery and talent. Genius.

The nature of human abilities. The first theories of abilities. Phrenology. The concepts of the abilities of F. Gallet and F. Galton. Twins method in the study of abilities. The role of the peculiarities of education in the development of abilities. The concept of abilities K. A. Gelwee. The biosocial nature of human abilities.

Development of abilities. The main stages of the development of abilities. The role of the game in the formation of abilities. Features of family upbringing and development of abilities. Conditions of MAC-ROSRSDA and the development of abilities. Problem career guidance. Classification of professional suitability and classification of professions, but E. A. Klimov.

23.1. General characteristics of human abilities

Very often, when we are trying to explain why people who are in the same or almost the same conditions achieve different success, we appeal to the concept abilities Believing that the difference in the successes of people can be explained by this. The same concept is used and then when the reasons for the rapid assimilation of knowledge or the acquisition of skills and skills of one people and long, even painful learning of others are investigated. What is the ability?

It should be noted that the word "ability" is very widely used in a wide variety of practices. Usually under the ability to understand such individual features that are the conditions for the successful implementation of any one or more activities. However, the term "ability", despite its long-standing and widespread use in psychology, many authors are interpreted ambiguous. If you summarize all sorts of options at present approaches to the study of abilities, they can be reduced to three main types. In the first case, under the abilities, the combination of all sorts of mental processes and states understand. This is the most wide and oldest interpretation of the term "ability". From the point of view of the second approach, the abilities understand the high level of development of general and special knowledge, skills and skills that ensure successful implementation.

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man of various activities. This definition appeared and was taken in the psychology of X / TP-X1X centuries. And often meets now. The third approach is based on approving that the ability is that it is not coming down to knowledge, skills and skills, but ensures their rapid acquisition, consolidation and efficient use in practice.

In domestic psychology, experimental studies of abilities are most often built on the basis of the last approach. The famous domestic scientist B. M. Teplov made the greatest contribution to its development. It Allocated the following three main signs of the concept of "ability".

First, under the abilities are understood individually and psychological features that distinguish one person from the other; No one will talk about the abilities where it is about properties in respect of which all people are equal.

Secondly, the abilities are not called any individual individual characteristics, but only those related to the success of any activity or many activities.

Thirdly, the concept of "ability" does not boil down to those knowledge, skills or skills that have already been developed from this person.

Unfortunately, in the daily practice of the concept of "ability" and "skills" often identify, which leads to erroneous conclusions, especially in pedagogical practice. A classic example of this kind can serve as an unsuccessful attempt by V. I. Surikov, who later became the famous artist, enroll in the Academy of Arts. Although the outstanding abilities of Surikov manifested themselves quite early, the necessary skills and skills in his drawing had not yet. Academic teachers denied Surikov in admission to the Academy. Moreover, the Inspector of the Academy, reviewing the drawings presented by Surikov, said: "For such drawings, you even need to ban the academy to go." The mistake of the Academy teachers was that they failed to distinguish the lack of skills and skills from the absence of abilities. Surikov did prove their mistake, mastering for three months the necessary skills, as a result of which the same teachers found it this time worthy of enrollment to the Academy. .

Despite the fact that the abilities are not reduced to knowledge, skills and skills, this does not mean that they are not related to knowledge and skills. From the abilities depend easier and speed acquisition of knowledge, skills and skills. The acquisition of the same knowledge and skills, in turn, contributes to the further development of abilities, while the absence of relevant skills and knowledge is a brake for the development of abilities.

Abilities, considered B. M. Heat, cannot exist otherwise as in a constant development process. The ability that does not develop, which in practice the person ceases to use, is lost over time. Only due to constant exercises associated with systematic classes such as complex types of human activity, like music, technical and artistic creativity, mathematics, sport, etc., we support and develop appropriate abilities.

It should be noted that the success of any activity depends not on any one, but from a combination of various abilities, and this is

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this, which gives the same result, can be provided in various ways. In the absence of the necessary accuracy in the development of homasics, their deficiency can be replenished due to the higher development of others. "One of the most important features of the psyche of man," wrote B. M. Tennov, is the possibility of extremely broad compensation for some properties by others, as a result of which the relative weakness of any one ability does not at all exclude the possibility of successful performance of even such activities that are most closely related to This ability. The missing ability can be compensated for other, highly developed at this person. "*.

There are a lot of abilities. In science, the attempts of their classification are known. In most of these classifications, natural, or natural, abilities are distinguished primarily (based on their biologically determined) and specifically human abilities that have social and historical origins.

Under natural The abilities understand those that are common to humans and animals, especially the highest. For example, such elementary abilities are perception, memory, the ability to elementary communication. Thinking from a certain point of view can also be considered as the ability, which is characteristic not only for a person, but also for higher animals. These abilities are directly related to congenital deposits. However, human deposit and animal deposit is not the same. A person has abilities on the basis of these deposits. This occurs in the presence of elementary life experience, through the mechanisms of learning, etc.. In the process of human development, these biological abilities contribute to the formation of a number of other, specifically human abilities.

These specifically human abilities are made to divide on general and special top intellectual abilities. In turn, they can be divided into theoretical and practical, educational and creative, subject and interpersonal, etc.

TO common The abilities are made to attribute those that determine the successes of a person in a wide variety of activities. For example, this category includes mental abilities, subtlety and accuracy of manual movements, memory, speech and a number of others. Thus, under general abilities understand the abilities peculiar to most people. Under special The abilities are implied by those that determine the success of a person in specific activities, for the implementation of which the accumulation of special kind and their development are necessary. Such abilities include musical, mathematical, linguistic, technical, literary, artistic and creative, sports, etc. It should be noted that the presence of general abilities does not exclude the development of special abilities, and vice versa.

Most of the problems of the ability problems converge on the fact that common and special abilities do not conflict, but coexist, mutually complementing and enriching each other. Moreover, in some cases a high level of development of common abilities can act as special

* Psychology. / Ed. prof. K. N. Kornilova, prof. A. A. Smirnova, prof. B. M. Teplova. - ed. 3rd, recreation. and add. - M.: Stockedgiz, 1948.

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abilities with respect to certain types of activities. Such interaction with some authors is explained by the fact that common abilities, in their opinion, are the basis for the development of special. Other researchers explaining the relationship of common and special abilities, emphasize that the division of abilities on common and special is very conditional. For example, almost every person after the course of learning can add, multiply, divide, etc., so mathematical abilities can be considered as common. However, there are people who have these abilities are so highly developed that we begin to talk about the presence of mathematical talent, which can be expressed in the rate of assimilation of mathematical concepts and operations, the ability to solve extremely complex tasks, etc.

To the number of common human abilities, we fully attribute abilities manifested in communication, interaction with people. These abilities are socially determined. They are formed in humans in the course of his life in society. Without this group of abilities, a person is very difficult to live Among yourself Similar. So, without speeching as a means of communication, without the ability to adapt in the society of people, that is, to correctly perceive and evaluate the actions of people, to interact with them and establish a good relationship in various social situations, the normal life and mental development of a person would be simply impossible. The lack of such abilities in a person would be an insurmountable obstacle on the way to turning it from a biological creature into social.

In addition to the separation of abilities on general and special, it is customary to divide the ability to theoretical and practical. Theoretical and practical abilities differ from each other in the fact that the first predetermine the tendency of a person to abstract-theoretical reflections, and the second to specific practical actions. Unlike general and special abilities, theoretical and practical most often do not combine with each other. Most people have or one or other type of abilities. Together they are extremely rare, mostly gifted, versatile people.

There is also a division on training and creative abilities. They differ from each other that the first define the success of learning, assimilation by the person of knowledge, skills and skills, while the second define the possibility of discoveries and inventions, creating new items of material and spiritual culture, etc. If we try to determine which abilities from This group is of greater importance for humanity, then in case of recognition of the priority of one over others, we most likely to make a mistake. Of course, if humanity was deprived of the opportunity to create, it is unlikely that it would be able to develop. But if people did not have educational abilities, the development of mankind would also be impossible. Development is possible only when people are able to assimilate the entire amount of knowledge accumulated by the previous generations. Therefore, some authors believe that educational abilities are primarily common abilities, and creative - special, determining the success of creativity.

It should be noted that the abilities not only jointly determine the success of the activity, but also interact with each other, providing an influence of each

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on a friend. Depending on the presence and degree of development of the abilities included in the complex of the abilities of a particular person, each of them acquires different. Such a mutual influence turns out to be particularly strong when it comes to interdependent abilities, jointly defining the success of the activity. Therefore, a certain combination of various highly developed abilities determines the level of development of abilities in a particular person.

23.2. Levels of the development of abilities and individual differences

In psychology, the following classification of the levels of development of abilities is most common: ability, gifts, talent, genius.

A number of stages are held in the process of their development in the process of their development, n in order for some ability to rise in its development to a higher level, it is necessary that it is already quite framed at the previous level. But for the development of abilities, it should be initially a certain base that is constituted plug. Undercuts are understood as the anato-physiological features of the nervous system, which constitute the natural basis for the development of abilities. For example, the design features of various analyzers can act as congenital deposit. So, certain characteristics of auditory perception can act as a basis for the development of musical abilities. The deposits of intellectual abilities are primarily manifested in the functional activity of the brain - its greater or lesser excitability, the mobility of nerve processes, the speed of education of temporary ties, etc., i.e., that I. P. Pavlov called genotype -congenital features of the nervous system. For such properties include:

1) the power of the nervous system in relation to the excitation, i.e. its ability to withstand long, not detecting the proceedable braking, intense and frequently repetitive loads;

2) the power of the nervous system in relation to braking, i.e. the ability to withstand long and frequently repeated brake influences;

3) the balance of the nervous system in relation to excitation and braking, which manifests itself in the same reactivity of the nervous system in response to excitative and braking influences;

4) the lability of the nervous system, evaluated by the rate of occurrence and termination of the nervous process of excitation or braking.

Currently, a 12-dimensional classification of the properties of the human nervous system, proposed by V. D. Nsbylitsyn, is most often used in differential psychology. It includes 8 primary properties (power, mobility, dynamism and lability in relation to excitation and braking) and 4 secondary properties (equilibrium on these basic properties). It has been proven that these properties may relate both to the entire nervous system (its general properties) and to individual analyzers (partial properties).

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It should be noted that these congenital anatomy-physiological features of the structure of the brain, senses and movement organs, or congenital deposits, and determine the natural basis of individual differences between people. According to I. P. Pavlova, the basis of individual differences determine the prevailing type of higher nervous activity and the features of the ratio of signal systems. Based on these criteria, three typological groups of people can be distinguished: artistic type (the predominance of the first signal system), the thought type (the predominance of the second signal system) and the average type (equal representation).

The presence of various congenital deposits in the representatives of a particular group dedicated to Pavlovy. Thus, the main differences between the artistic type from the mental manifestation in the field of perception, where for the "artist" is characterized by a holistic perception, and for the "thinker" - crushing it into separate parts; In the field of imagination and thinking from "artists" there is a predominance of figurative thinking and imagination, while for "thinkers" is more characteristic of abstract, theoretical thinking; In the emotional sphere of artistic type, it is distinguished by increased emotionality, and for representatives of the thought type, more peculiar, intellectual reactions to events.

It should be emphasized that the presence of certain deposits in humans does not mean that he will develop certain abilities. For example, a substantial prerequisite for the development of musical abilities is a thin hearing. But the structure of the peripheral (auditory) and central nervous apparatus is only a prerequisite for the development of musical abilities. The brain structure does not provide for which professions and specialty related to musical hearing may arise in human society. It is also not envisaged that the area of \u200b\u200bactivity will choose for themselves and what opportunities will be provided to him for the development of his deposits. Therefore, to what extent a person will be developed, depends on the conditions for its individual development.

Thus, the development of deposits is a socially determined process, which is associated with the conditions of education and the peculiarities of the development of society. The depositors are developing and transformed into the ability, provided that the company has a need for certain professions, in particular where it is a thin musical hearing. The second essential factor in the development of the deposit is the features of education.

The depositors are nonspecific. The presence of a certain species in the human chambers does not mean that at their base in favorable conditions, some particular ability must develop. Based on the same and the same deposit, various abilities may develop, depending on the nature of the requirements for activities. So, a person with a good hearing and a sense of rhythm can become a music performer, a conductor, a dancer, a singer, a musical critic, a teacher, a composer, etc. At the same time, it is impossible to assume that the deposits do not affect the nature of future abilities. So, the peculiarities of the auditory analyzer will affect those abilities that require a special level of development of this analyzer.

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Based on this, we must conclude that the abilities are largely social and formed in the process of concrete human activity. Depending on whether or there is no conditions for the development of abilities, they can be potential and relevant.

Under potential abilities are understood by those that are not implemented in a specific form of activity, but are able to actualize when changing relevant social conditions. To current abilities, as a rule, include those that are needed at the moment and are implemented in a specific form of activity. Potential and relevant abilities are an indirect indicator of the nature of social conditions in which human abilities are developing. It is the nature of social conditions that impedes or contributes to the development of potential abilities, provides or does not ensure their transformation into topical.

As you already know, the abilities are understood as individual features that are related to the success of any activities. Therefore, the abilities are considered as the main properties of the individual. However, no separate ability can by itself ensure successful performance. The success of any activity always depends on a number of abilities. Observation alone, no matter how perfect is perfect, is not enough to become a good writer. For a writer, observation, figurative memory, a number of thinking qualities, abilities associated with a written speech, the ability to focus and have a number of other abilities are paramount importance.

On the other hand, the structure of any particular ability includes universal or common qualities that meet the requirements of various activities, and special qualities that ensure success in one form of activity. For example, studying mathematical abilities, V. A. Kruttz-Kiy found that for the successful implementation of mathematical activities it is necessary:

1) active, positive attitude to the subject, a tendency to engage in them, moving at a high level of development to passionate passion;

2) a number of character traits, primarily hardworking, organization, independence, purposefulness, perseverance, as well as sustainable intellectual feelings;

3) presence during activities favorable for its implementation of mental states;

4) a certain fund of knowledge, skills and skills in the relevant area;

5) Considering the requirements of this activity individually and psychological features in the sensory and mental spheres.

At the same time the first four The categories of listed properties should be considered as the general properties necessary for any activity, and not consider them components of the abilities, since otherwise the components of the abilities should The interests of I. tendency, character traits, mental states, as well as skills and skills.

The last group of qualities is a specific, defining success only in a specific form of activity. This is explained by the fact that these qualities,

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first of all, they are manifested in the specific sphere and are not associated with the manifestation of abilities in other areas. For example, judging by the biographical data of A. S. Pushkin, a lot of tears shed in a lyceum over mathematics, but not a significant success showed; D. I. Mendeleev in school was distinguished by great success in the field of mathematics and physics, and in language subjects had a solid "unit."

Special abilities should also include musical, literary, scenic, etc.

The next level of development of abilities is giftedness. It is called a peculiar combination of abilities, which provides a person with the possibility of successful implementation of any activity.

In this definition, it is necessary to emphasize that not a successful performance of activities, but only the possibility of such a successful implementation. For the successful implementation of any activity, not only the presence of an appropriate combination of abilities, software and mastering the necessary knowledge and skills are required. Whatever phenomenal mathematical gifts had a person, but if he never studied mathematics, he will not be able to successfully fulfill the functions of the most ordinary specialist in this area. Giftedness determines only the possibility of achieving success in a particular activity, the implementation of this possibility is determined by the extent to which the appropriate abilities will be developed and what knowledge and skills will be acquired.

Individual differences in gifted people are found mainly in the direction of interest. Some people, for example, stop in mathematics, others - on history, third - on public work. Further development of abilities occurs in specific activities.

It should be noted that two groups of components can be distinguished in the ability structure. Some occupy a leading position, while others are auxiliary. Thus, in the structure of the visual abilities, the leading properties will be a high natural sensitivity of the visual analyzer - a sense of line, proportion, shapes, lighting, color, rhythm, as well as sensor quality artist's hands, highly developed shaped memory, etc. It can be attributed to the auxiliary qualities art imagination, emotional mood, emotional attitude to depicted, etc.

The leading and auxiliary components of the abilities form unity, ensuring the success of the activity. However, the structure of abilities is a very flexible education. The ratio of leading and auxiliary qualities in the specific ability of different people is not the same. Depending on what quality in humans is the leading, the formation of auxiliary qualities required to perform activities occur. Moreover, even within the same activity, people may have a different combination of qualities that will allow them to be equally successfully fulfilling this activity, compensating for shortcomings.

It should be noted that the absence of abilities does not yet mean unsuitable person to carry out this or that activity, since there are psychological mechanisms for compensation for missing abilities. Often

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it is necessary to engage in activities not only to those who have the ability to her, but also those who do not have them. If a person is forced to continue to occupy this activity, it consciously or unconsciously compensate for the lack of abilities, based on the strengths of his personality. According to E. P. Ilina, compensation can be carried out through acquired knowledge or skills, or through the formation of an individual-typical style of activity, or through another, more developed ability. The possibility of broad compensation of some properties to others leads to the fact that the relative weakness of any one ability does not at all exclude the possibility of successful performance of activities, the most closely related to this ability. The missing ability can be compensated in very wide limits to others, highly developed in this person. It is probably that this ensures the possibility of successful human activity in a wide variety of areas.

The manifestation of the abilities is always strictly individually and most often unique. Therefore, to reduce the gifts of people, even engaged in the same activity, is impossible to the set of specific indicators. With the help of various psychodiagnostic techniques, you can only establish the presence of certain abilities and determine the relative level of their development. Why relative? Because no one knows absolute thresholds, or levels of development, tone or other ability. As a rule, judgment is made for a particular person by comparing its results with the average results of one or another sample of the surveyed. This approach to the assessment of abilities is based on the use of quantitative methods.

Characterizing the ability of a person often allocate such a level of their development as skill i.e. perfection in a specific form of activity. When they talk about man's skills, first of all mean his ability to successfully engage in productive activities. However, it does not follow that skill is expressed in the appropriate amount of ready-made skills and skills. Mastery in any profession implies psychological readiness for creative solutions of emerging problems. No wonder they say: "Mastery is when" what "and" as "come at the same time," emphasizing that there is no gap between the awareness of the creative task and finding the ways to solve it.

The next level of human abilities - talent. The word "talent" is found in the Bible, where the measure of silver, which the lazy slave received from Mr. At the time of his absence and preferred to burrow into the ground, instead of putting into circulation and make a profit (hence the saying "To burn his talent in the ground" ). Currently, under talent, they understand the high level of development of special abilities (musical, literary, etc.). Just like the ability, talent manifests itself and develops in activities. The activity of a talented person is distinguished by the fundamental novelty, the originality of the approach.

The awakening of the talent, as well as the abilities in general, is socially due. What tranquility will receive the most favorable conditions for

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In 1884, Galton organized an anthropometric laboratory on the London International Health Exhibition, where any visitor, paying three pence and filling out the questionnaire, could test its intellectual abilities and determine its muscular strength, weight, growth, etc.

In the process of its research, Galton came to the conclusion that artificially maintaining intellectual potential in human society is necessary, which was a prerequisite for the development of teachings about Eugene.

full development depends on the needs of the era and the characteristics of specific tasks that are facing this society.

It should be noted that talent is a certain combination of abilities, their totality. Separate isolated ability, even very highly developed, cannot be called talent. For example, among outstanding can find a lot of people both with good and bad memory. It's related with That in the creative activity of a person, memory is just one of the factors on which its success depends. But the results are ne. will be achieved withoutthe flexibility of mind, rich imagination, strong will, deep interest.

The highest level of development of abilities is called genius. ABOUT Ingeniousness say when creative achievements of a person make up a whole era in society's life, in the development of culture. Ingenious people are very small. It is believed that in the entire five thousand history of civilization there were no more than 400 people. A high level of gifting, which characterizes genius is inevitably associated with an extraordination in various fields of activity. Among the geniuses, which made such universalism, can be called Aristotle, Leonardo Da Vinci, R. Descarte, G. V. Leibnitsa, M. V. Lomonosov. For example, M. V. Lomonosov reached outstanding results in various fields of knowledge: chemistry, astronomy, mathematics and at the same time he was an artist, a writer, tongue, who perfectly knew poetry. However, this does not mean that all the individual qualities of the genius are developed in the same extent. The genius, as a rule, has its own "profile", some side dominates in it, some abilities are brighter.

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23.3. Nature of human abilities

The nature of human abilities still causes enough rapid spores among scientists. One of the most common points of view leads its history from Plato. The authors who hold this point of view argue that the abilities are biochealed and their manifestation of entirely depends on inherited characteristics. Education and education can only change the speed of their appearance, but they will always be shown in one way or another. As evidence of this point of view, the facts of individual differences, which are noted in childhood, are used when the impact of training and education seemingly could not be decisive. So, for example, Mozart's musical gifold was found in three years, Gaidna - four. Talent in painting and in sculpture manifests itself somewhat later: Rafael is at eight years, Wang Dequean is ten.

A peculiar development of the concept of inheritance of abilities is the assumption about the relationship of human abilities with the mass of its brain. As you know, the brain of an adult will weigh an average of about 1400. The determination of the mass of the brain of outstanding people showed that their brains Somewhat more average. Thus, the brain mass I. S. Turgenev is 2012, the brain D. Bairon is 1800 g, etc. However, subsequently this assumption turned out to be insolvent because it is possible to bring no less examples of celebrities whose brain was less than average values. For example, at the famous Chemist Y. Libiha brain weighed 1362 g, and the writer A. France - 1017, moreover, it turned out that the biggest and heavy brain - more than 3000 g - turned out to be a mentally backward person.

With the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inheritance of the ability and the doctrine of Franz Gall, the named phrenology (from Greek. rhrenos - "mind", logos - "Teaching"). Frangologists tried to trace the dependence of the mental characteristics of a person from the outer shape of the skull. The main idea was based on the fact that the cerebral cortex consists of a number of centers, in each of which a certain human ability is localized. The degree of development of these abilities is directly dependent on the values \u200b\u200bof the corresponding parts of the brain. Based on special measurements, a phrenological card was drawn up, where the skull surface was divided into 27 sections, each of which corresponded to a certain individual feature. Among them were "cones of abilities" to music, poetry, painting; "Bugry" ambition, misappropriate, courage, etc. However, this approach was insolvent. Numerous openings have shown that the skull does not immediately repeat the shape of the cortex of the brain, therefore the definition of cones and colors of the skull of mental and moral features of a person is anti-scientifically and groundless.

The works of Francis Galton, who explained the inheritance of abilities based on the principles of the evolutionary theory of Ch. Darwin was widely. Analyzing the biographies of outstanding figures, Galgon came to the conclusion that the improvement of human nature is possible only by deriving on the basis of the laws of heredity of the race of particularly gifted, mentally

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physically developed people. Continuing the line of Halton, in the XX century. The cat determined the degree of gifting of famous people by the number of lines allocated to them in the encyclopedic dictionary, and allocated about 400 people whose high abilities are traced in several generations.

It should be noted that these approvals are not devoid of grounds. The story of the family of German musicians of Bakhov is especially impressive. For the first time, large musical abilities in it were manifested in 1550. The family of the family was the Bulkhek V. Bach, who, as noted by T. Rib, in his work "Heredificate of mental properties", took the soul after working with music and singing. He had two sons, with them a continuous series of musicians known in Germany for two centuries begins. There were about 60 musicians in the Bakhakh family, of which more than 20 are outstanding.

It was also established that the great-grandmother L. N. Tolstoy - Olga Trubetskaya, and the great-grandmother A. S. Pushkin - Evdokia Trubetskaya, were native sisters. The five largest representatives of German culture are poets Schiller and Gölderlin, Schelling and Hegel philosophers, and the physicist Max Plank was related: they had a common ancestor - Johann Kant, who lived in the XV century.

In one of the research carried out in order to study the role of heredity in the development of abilities, the musicality of children was determined, whose parents were either musical or nomuzical *. Below are the results of this study (Table 23.1).

Table 23.1.

The dependence of musical abilities in children from the musical gifting of parents

It should be noted that the data given in the table illustrating the role of hereditary factors, do not take into account the role of the environment in which children were brought up. And we well know that the development of abilities is largely determined by the role of the environment in which the person lives and acts. Modern studies carried out using twin The method allows you to more accurately assess the role of environment and heredity in the development of abilities. The essence of the twin method is a targeted study of twins. Thus, in a number of studies, the indicators of the abilities of one-egg (monosigital) twins and simply brothers and sisters (so-called Sibs) were compared. It was found that the abilities and the level of their development inside mono-zigo pairs coincide in 70-80% of cases, and in 40-50% in pairs of SIBS. These studies made it possible to argue that the abilities, or at least the deposit, are most closely connected with heredity. However, there is still an unanswered question that is more important for the development of abilities - a medium or heredity.

* Rubinstein S. L.

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The answer to this question tried to give A. Bas and R. in their works. The pool, which studied individual characteristics. homozygous (having identical heredity) and heterozygous (possessing different heredity) twins. A comparative study of homozygous twins, which lived and brought up in different families, shows that their individual psychological and behavioral differences are not increasing, and most often remain the same as children who have grown in the same family. Moreover, in some cases, individual differences between them even decrease. Gemini children who have the same heredity, as a result of separate education, are sometimes more similar to each other than if they are brought up together. This is explained by the fact that the children-one-year, constantly located next to each other, almost never manage to deal with the same thing and between such children rarely develop quite equal relations.

In favor of the hereditary nature of the abilities, numerous dynasties of artists, artists, sailors, doctors, teachers are also evidenced. However, most likely, in most cases, it is necessary to speak not only about biological, but also about social heredity. The child goes in the footsteps of the parents not only because of hereditary predestination, but also because since childhood he learned and loved their profession. Therefore, in domestic psychological science, it is customary to consider the concept of the hereditary nature of the abilities very interesting, but not explaining all the facts of the manifestation of abilities.

Representatives of another point of view believe that the features of the psyche are entirely determined by the quality of education and training. So, still in the XVIII century. K. A. Helvetius proclaimed that by education you can form genius. Supporters of this direction refer to cases where the children of the most backward and primitive tribes, having received appropriate training, no difference from the educated Europeans. Within the framework of the same approach, they are talking about cases of social isolation leading to a shortage of communication, in particular, the so-called "Mowgli Children". These cases are proof of the impossibility of human development itself outside society. In favor of this approach, the facts of mass development of some special abilities in certain cultures are also indicated. An example of such a development was discovered in the study of sound hearing, which was conducted by O. N. Ovchinnikova and Yu. B. Hippenrater under the direction of A. N. Leontyev.

Sounded hearing, or perception of the height of sound, is the basis of musical hearing. Exploring this perceptual ability with the help of a special method, scientists discovered a strong underdevelopment of it about one third of the adult Russian tests. As it should be expected, the same persons were extremely non-links. The use of the same method to the Test-Vietnamese gave the opposite results: all of them were in the indicators of sound hearing were in the group of the best. For other tests, these subjects also discovered 100% of musicality. These amazing differences find an explanation in the peculiarities of Russian and Vietnamese: the first refers to the timbre, the second to the tonal languages. In the Vietnamese language, the sound height carries the function of senselessness, and in Russian such a function at the height of speech sounds

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not. In Russian, as in all European languages, the phonemes differ in their voice. As a result, all the Vietnamese, mastering their own speech in early childhood, simultaneously develop a musical rumor, which does not happen to Russian or European children. This example shows the role of environmental conditions and exercises in the formation of abilities.

The final output of this concept was the provision that every person can form any abilities. Adhering to this view, American scientist W. Ushby argues that the abilities are defined primarily by the program of intellectual activity that was formed in a person in childhood. In accordance with its program, some people solve creative tasks, while others are able to fulfill only what they have taught them. Currently, adherents of this concept in the United States create special centers of "growing" gifted children. Thus, in the Philadelphia Institute of the best use of the human potential, the lessons for the development of children starts from four to five years, believing that the road every minute and the brain cannot be allowed to "idle".

In turn, life observations and special studies suggest that it is impossible to deny the presence of natural prerequisites. Without recognizing the congestion of abilities, domestic psychology does not deny the lags of the challenges and the characteristics of the brain structure, which may be conditions for the successful implementation of certain activities.

In the domestic psychology, such prominent scientists, such as B. M. Teplov, V. D. Nebylitsyn, A. N. Leontyev, and others, were engaged in a compressed position, which established in domestic psychology, can be characterized as follows: human abilities in nature biosocial.

Thus, heredity is of great importance for the development of abilities, since the peculiarities of the anatomy-physiological structure of the human nervous system largely determine its deposit. But, on the other hand, the deposits themselves do not mean that the person will develop appropriate abilities. The development of abilities depends on many social conditions. These include the characteristics of the education, the need of society in a particular activity, features of the education system, etc.

23.4. Development of abilities

Any deposit, before turning into abilities, must pass a big way of development. For many human abilities, this development begins with the birth of a person and, if he continues to deal with the types of activities in which the corresponding abilities are developing, does not stop until the end of life.

In the development of abilities, several steps can be distinguished. Each person in its development takes periods of increased sensitivity to one or another effects, to the development of one or another type of activity. For example

Chapter 23. Abilities 549

measures, a child at the age of two or three years, the oral speech develops intensively, in five to seven years he is most ready for mastering reading. On average and older preschool age, children enthusiastically play role-playing games and discover the emergency ability to reincarnate and gain in role. It is important to note that these periods of special readiness for mastering special types of activity sooner or later end, and if any function has not received its development in a favorable period, then subsequently its development is extremely difficult, and it is not possible at all. Therefore, for the development of the abilities of the child, all the stages of its formation as a person are important. You can not think that at an older age, the child will be able to catch up.

The primary stage in the development of any ability is associated with the ripening of organic structures necessary for it or with the formation of the necessary functional organs on them. This is usually due to the period from birth to six to seven years. At this stage, the work of all analyzers, the development and functional differentiation of individual sections of the cerebral cortex are perfect. This creates favorable conditions for the beginning of the formation and development of a child of common abilities, a certain level of which acts as a prerequisite for the subsequent development of special abilities.

At the same time, the formation and development of special abilities begins. Then the development of special abilities continues at school, especially in junior and middle classes. At first, various kinds of children's games help the development of special abilities, then educational and labor activity begins to have a significant effect on them.

As you already know, the games of children perform special 4) fluctuations. It is games that give an initial impetus to the development of abilities. In the process of games, many motor, design, organizational, artistic and visual and other creative abilities occur. Moreover, an important feature of the games is that in them, as a rule, not one develops, but at once a whole complex of abilities.

It should be noted that not all types of activity that the child is engaged in is that the game, modeling or drawing, are of the same value for the development of abilities. The most promotes the development of abilities creative activity, which makes the child think. Such activities are always associated with the creation of something new, the discovery of new knowledge, the discovery of new opportunities in itself. It becomes a strong and effective incentive to exercise it, to the application of the necessary efforts aimed at overcoming emerging difficulties. Moreover, creative activities strengthens positive self-esteem, increases the level of claims, generates self-confidence and a sense of satisfaction from achieved success.

If the activity performed is in the zone of optimal difficulty, i.e. at the limit of the child's capabilities, it leads to the development of his abilities, implementing that L. S. Vygotsky called zone of nearest development. Activities that are not within this zone in a much swelling degree contribute to the development of abilities. If it is too simple, it provides only the implementation of existing abilities; If it is overly complex, it becomes impracticable and, therefore, also does not lead to the formation of new skills and skills.

550 part IV. Psychic properties of the person

As you remember, the development of abilities largely depends on the condition to be implemented by deposit. One of these conditions is the features of seed education. If parents show care of the development of the abilities of their children, then the likelihood of detecting in children any abilities is higher than when children are provided to themselves.

Another group of the conditions for the development of abilities determine the features of Mac-ROSRSDA. Macroser is considered to be the features of society in which the person was born and is growing. The most positive factor of macros is the situation when society is concerned about the development of abilities from its members. This concern of society can be expressed in constant improvement of the education system, as well as in development. Professional systems Orientation of the younger generation.

The need for vocational guidance is due to an extremely relevant problem with which every person faces is the problem of choosing a vitality and professional self-determination. Historically, two concepts of the vysotazni were developed, which French psychologist A. Leon called the diagnostic and educational. The first is diagnostic - brings the individual of the profession to the definition of its professional fitness. The consultant with tests measures human abilities and by comparing them with the requirements of the profession makes conclusion about its suitability or unsuitability of this profession.

By many scientists, this corporation guidance concept is estimated as mechanistic. It is based on the ability of both stable formations that are little susceptible to environmental influences. Subject within the framework of this concept is given a passive role.

The second is educational - the concept is aimed at preparing an individual to professional life, on its self-determination in accordance with the planned educational effects. It is the main importance in it is attached to the study of the development of the individual in the process of mastering different types of activities. Significantly less place in it occupy test tests. However, the personal activity of the subject, the possibility of its self-determination, self-development and self-education is underestimated. Therefore, in domestic psychology, a comprehensive solution to solving this problem is suitable. It is believed that the solution of the problem of Nrofornetsin is possible only when both approaches are units of one chain: the definition of the abilities of the individual and help him in preparation for the future profession.

Considering the ratio of the abilities of the profession requirements, E. A. Klimov allocated four degrees of professional fitness. The first is unsuitable for this profession. It can be temporary or practically insurmountable. The second is suitability for a particular profession or a group of them. It is characterized by the fact that a person has no contraindications in relation to a particular area of \u200b\u200blabor, but no testimony. The third is the compliance of this area of \u200b\u200bactivity: no contraindications, it has some personal qualities that clearly comply with the requirements of a certain profession or a group of professions. Fourth - calling for this professional field of activity. This is the highest level of human suitability.

Chapter 23. Abilities 551

Klimov in the interests of the vocational guidance work was developed and implemented as a questionnaire classification of the profession. The basis of the classification proposed by them was the requirements that the profession makes it imposed on a person. For example, it is possible to distinguish the activities that are generally characterized as a "man-man" relations relationship systems, "Nature Man", etc.

In any case, the forecast for the suitability of the individual to this or that activity should be based on the provision on the development of abilities in activities. S. L. Rubinstein as follows as follows the main rule of the development of human abilities: "The development of abilities is performed by the spiral:

the implementation of the possibility that represents the ability of one level, opens up new opportunities for the further development of higher-level abilities. The human belief is determined by the range of new features, which opens the implementation of cash "*.

Control questions

1. What do you know about human abilities? Give the definition of abilities on B. M. Teplov.

2. What is the ratio of abilities and successful learning?

3. What are you knowing the classification of abilities?

4. Give the characteristics of general human abilities.

5. What levels of development of abilities do you know?

6. Expand the essence of the classification of the levels of development of abilities (abilities, gifts, talent, genius).

7. What do you know about the problem of the ratio of congenital and socially determined qualities of a person and their role in the formation of abilities?

8. What are potential and actual abilities?

9. What is the relationship between common and special abilities?

10. What is the biosocial nature of the abilities?

11. What are theories and concepts of abilities you know?

12. Name the main stages of the development of abilities.

13. Expand the role of the game in the formation of abilities.

14. How do family education features affect the development of abilities?

1. Artemieva T. I. Methodological aspect of the problem of abilities. - M.: Science, 1977.

2. HippenReuter Yu. B. Introduction to general psychology: a course of lectures: a training manual for universities. - M.: Chero, 1997.

* Rubinstein S. L. Problems of general psychology. - M.: Pedagogy, 1976.

3. Spring V.N. Psychology of general abilities. - 2nd ed. - SPb.: Peter, 1999.

4. Kruttsky V. A. Psychology of the mathematical abilities of schoolchildren. - M.: Enlightenment, 1968.

5. Kuzmina N. V. Abilities, gifts, teacher talent. - L., 1985.

6. Leithes N. S. Mental abilities and age. - M.: Pedagogy, 1971.

7. Leithes I. S. Abilities and gifts in childhood. - M.: Knowledge, 1984.

8. Some R. S. Psychology: textbook for stud. Higher. Ned. studies. Vehicles: in 3-kN. Kn. 1: General basics of psychology. - 2nd ed. - M.: Vlados, 1998.

9. Rubinstein S. L. Basics of general psychology. - SPb.: Peter, 1999.

10. Warm B. M. Selected Proceedings: in 2 tons. T. 1. - M.: Pedagogy, 1985.

Do you know what abilities in psychology exist? Not? Let's consider this question in this article. It is known that in psychology, the category of abilities is considered one of the most difficult. It dissolves in such psychological concepts as skills, knowledge, personal qualities, intelligence, mental processes, and so on.

So, we will study the nuances, of which are the most important provisions of the generality characteristic.

The abilities differ from other psychological phenomena for three basic features:

  1. The abilities are personal psychological qualities that distinguish one person from the other.
  2. These are just the qualities on which the fruitfulness of actions depends.
  3. Abilities cannot be attributed to knowledge, skills and skills already developed by the individual, although they contribute to the ease and speed of their acquisition.

Abilities in psychology are characterized by quantitative and high-quality faces. In high-quality face, they are familiar with the symptomy of the psychological properties of a person who ensure the success of its actions. The quantitative parameter involves identifying the level of adarability.


Interestingly, the abilities in psychology are structured. In this structure, their two basic groups are noted - common abilities and special. They are developing and formed on the basis of deposit. In fact, these are functional and morphological signs of the system of the nervous and the whole organism, which are allocated in the form of basic prerequisites for the ripening of talent.


Abilities in psychology have another common position: three qualitatively different levels of their representation are known - these are simple abilities, talent (giftedness) and genius. A dilemma about the degree of heritage of best practices in their theory is very important, but not yet solved. It is believed that the development of talent is inseparable from the change in the individual in principle.

The gift affects the nature of the creation of personal features, while at the same time experiencing an impact on the part of a man being created. This is a dual update. In general, the concept of "ability" in the general device of psychological concepts is in an intermediate location between the groups of personality and activity.

Psychology and pedagogy

The problem of creative abilities in psychology has always blinked the minds and with practical, and from the theoretical side. Faced with the manifestations of bright tissues, we admire and surprise them. Almost everyone wants to find out the potential of their abilities. But how to develop them, reveal? Why do they have them, and others do not have them?

What are the abilities? Let's get better in this category, and for this we will consider three approaches: scientific, life and etymological.

  • An ordinary approach to the term "ability". In our daily conversations, we often use the concept of "ability" not only for people, but also in relation to objects. For example, the expression "Diamond can cut the glass" is used to designate quality, properties. We lay the same meaning when we notify anyone who surprised us skills (the moment the moment, the recreation of the melody, deft work and so on). In everybody practices, we call any skills and skills of people who have, regardless of whether they are acquired or congenital, complex or elementary.
  • Approach to the concept of "talent" from an etymological point of view. In Russian-speaking sensitive dictionaries, the term "Darovyt" is very often associated with other terms - "talented", "gifted" and is used as their synonym. It follows that giftedness has a different threshold of manifestation. Explanatory dictionary of V. Delo word "capable" defines as "suitable for something or inclined, shutty, dexterous, comfortable, suitable." In the same book there are other terms: "promote" and "adolescent." Pusually call a resourceful and quirky person. He knows how to speak, arrange, manage with the case. In fact, here the term "capable" is identified only through an analogy with success in practice and is equal with the concept of "smart".
  • Scientific attitude towards the term "ability" differs from everyday life a narrower value. In science, talent is classified for congenital (from deposit) and acquired (from skills, skills, knowledge).

Study of talent

Giftedness (like a person as a whole) is investigating all sorts of sciences - philosophy, medicine, sociology and other. But none of them consider so versatile and deeply the problem of talents like psychology. In addition, it should be noted that for pedagogy more than for other sciences, it is important to study the abilities of each individual.

The types of abilities in psychology play a significant role. After all, it is through them a person turns into a subject of activity in society. In fact, developing talent, people reach their vertices in both personal and professional sense.

The levels of development of abilities in psychology were studied by many domestic scientists. S. L. Rubinstein, N. S. Leitehes, B. M. Teplov and others contributed to science. Today, V. D. Sadrikov and V. N. Druzhinin are occupied by these issues.


In a person's life, the abilities and deposits play a huge role. Psychology allocates two directions in this area. The first is the psychophysiological, studying the links of the basic properties of the deposits (nervous system) and mental common talents of a person (work V. M. Rusalov, E. A. Glubva).

The second direction is engaged in the study of skills in the game, individual, educational and employment activities (active approach A. N. Leontiev). This direction mainly studies the activity determinants to improve talent, and the role of the deposit is either not studied, or simply interpreted.

In general, in the parameters of the school S. L. Rubinshtein (K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, A. V. Broulklinsky), a half-way point of view was formed on the probing of inflammatory problems. Scientists who support it considered a talent that occurs in a person on the basis of deposits, as an improvement in the ways of activity. In general, in science, the concepts of "deposit" and "abilities" are clearly distinguished.

Macrolls refer to congenital physiological and anatomical qualities of the brain, nervous system, movement and sense organs, the functional features of the human body, which constitute the natural database of the development of his skills.

What basis for development use abilities in modern psychology? Of course, these are the deposits that people are from nature. Those deposits that have not developed at that time disappear without a trace. Many know cases when babies, getting into the lands of animals, do not get the opportunity to develop their donations, and then they lose them forever.


So, we considered the types of abilities in psychology. Moving further. It is known that the dating is the personality-psychological qualities that distinguish one personality from the other, which depends on the basis of accuracy.

It should be noted that another Soviet core A. V. Petrovsky figuratively equated talent to the grain, which still needs to be formed. After all, as abandoned grain is considered only the likelihood of transformation into a colossus under certain conditions (weather, humidity and soil structure), and the man's dating is called only a chance for obtaining skills and knowledge under suitable conditions.

Such chances are transformed into reality as a result of persistent work. In foreign and domestic science there are various interpretations of the structure and types of abilities, but the most generally accepted is to be considered the allocation of talent by type of activity.

But it is interesting to study the abilities and deposits? Psychology - very entertaining science! In general, the abilities call the sustainable qualities of people who determine the successes achieved by them in a variety of activities. For example, there is a talent for the acquisition of knowledge, which is determined by the quality and speed of the masses of the skills. There are also mathematical, musical, literary, engineering, artistic, organizational and colossal number of other tags.


What are the good intellectual abilities? Psychology and this talent is studying. But now we come to the structure of the talent on the other hand. As a result, we will identify two types of testes, which are considered from the point of view of development: current and potential. A potential gift is called the likelihood of personality development, which manifests itself when new problems requiring lightning solutions appear in front of it.

It should be noted that human improvement depends not only on its psychological parameters, but also on the social environment in which these potentials can be implemented or not implemented.

In fact, in this option they talk about existing dating. This can be explained by the fact that not everyone can realize its own potential skills in the ratio with its psychological nature. After all, there may be no objective conditions and opportunities. So, you can bear the verdict that current abilities are only part of potential.

The composition of the gift

Properties of abilities in psychology have a wide variety. That is why the talent is structured for special and general donations. Common abilities are called those that equally show themselves in various kinds of human activity. These include, for example, the degree of common spiritual development of the individual, its attentiveness, learning, imagination, memory, speech, performance, manual movements.

Special abilities are called talent to certain types of activities: musical, mathematical, linguistic.

Of course, the composition of each talent, making a person suitable for the implementation of any activity, always includes certain ways of activity and operations by which this activity is performed. And therefore, as S. L. Rubinstein said, no gift is considered relevant, real, until the system has absorbed the system of applicants for socially accumulated operations. From this point of view, a certain talent is always a confusing system of action, methods and operations.

Basics of abilities

Man's abilities in psychology are considered as a certain object that has a basis. This basis is laid in a person genetically, it depends on the deposit. For example, people tend to master a logical mentality and a self-rugge speech.

And what are group abilities? These are the skills that are grouped and develop on the basis of common and special deposits. Man chooses a profession in 16-18 years old. It is at this age that the personality changes the structure of the tissue, professional abilities are manifested. In general, as the skill develops, the range of probability is narrowed, but the dating specialization increases.

The development of abilities in psychology occurs during the activity. Here the contact between skills and talent plays an important role. These two parameters are not identical, but they are coordinated.

In accordance with the mass professions of production and material work, the structure of personnel skills can be represented as follows:

  • Universal skills - mostly operability (and guaranteeing her personal qualities - accuracy, responsibility). The creation of this component of the tank is associated with human training as a subject of labor (primarily its value-motivational sphere).
  • General donations - "Generic" diverse possibilities of people who are the result of their universal livelihoods in a certain historical second and in a certain culture.
  • Special skills - Dictated practice non-standard quality or the level of development of highly professional parameters requiring certain long-term activity for its development, special training.


It is very interesting to study cognitive abilities. Psychology, they directly associate with adarability. Consider the same details of this concept. The emergence of this term relies on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "gift" - the highest deposits that nature awards one or other people. The depositors are based on heredity or on the peculiarities of intrauterine development.

That is why giftedness needs to be understood as an indicator of a high level of skills based on natural predisposition. It is known that N. S. Leithes notes that in reality it is sometimes difficult to track whether the skills are more than the result of targeted education (self-development) or they are the embodiment of the deposit.

In general, the science has established an understanding of this term, which indicates a higher than most people, the level of development of abilities, especially if we are talking about kids. It is known that the levels of such adarability are genius and talent.

The difference in talent and abilities was very detailed by the co-authors of I. Akimov and V. Klimenko. They stressed that there is no quantitative, but a qualitative difference between the genius and talent. First, they have a different feeling of peace. And secondly, the product of the talent activity is originality, and genius is simplicity.

And yet V. Klimenko and I. Akimov believe that the genius does not appear from nowhere. It is born from talent as a result of many years of work on quality.

A different point of view states that genius and talent are not stages that this is completely dissimilar psychological qualities. After all, if a talented individual can apply his talent, and may not be applied, then the brilliant is actually a hostage of its genius: it cannot but work in that direction in which it is gifted. In fact, for him, the punishment is considered to be imprisoned. Very often giftedness is called "deviation", although positive.

B. M. Teplov

And what can we tell the psychology of the abilities of Teplov? It is known that B. M. Heat is an outstanding domestic psychologist with a world name.

He is a brilliant experimenter and theorist, a researcher of individual differences, abilities and individuality. He wrote the book "Psychology of musical abilities", in which he proposed a new structure of musical talents, including such components as a mandatory components as a lade and rhythmic feeling, giftedness to arbitrary operating with auditory musical representations. This book is the main work in his creative heritage, first published in 1947.

By the way, the psychological analysis of the phenomenon of musicality suggested by the psychological analysis of the unity of emotional responsiveness to music and the combination of synchronous musical abilities.

So, the following levels of talent development are distinguished:

  • reproductive;
  • creative;
  • reconstructive.

It should be noted that the results of empirical tests show: creative ability and reproductive have a completely different nature. That is why they are developing independently of each other, in each of them you can find independent levels of development.

The problem of abilities were engaged in B.M. Heat, kk. Platonov, A.N. Leontiev, L.S. Vygotsky, V.N. Druzhinin. Do: V.A. Kruttsky, and others made their contribution to the study of the abilities of N.S. Leithes, V.N. Meatishchev, etc.

Teplov B.M., It believed that in the concept of "ability" there are always three traits: "First, under the abilities, there are certainly the individual and psychological features that distinguish one person from the other. Secondly, the abilities are not called any individual individual characteristics, but only those related to the success of any activity or many activities. Thirdly, the concept of "ability" does not boil down to those knowledge, skills or skills that have already been produced from this person. "

W. Platonova KK Another approach to the concept of abilities: "The ability is the quality of personality that determines the success of mastering certain activities and improvement in it."

By Shadrikov V.D., "The abilities are the properties of functional systems that implement individual cognitive and psychomotor processes (perception, memory, thinking, etc.), which have an individual measure of severity, manifested in the success, and the qualitative originality of performance." At the same time, each ability determines the implementation of many types of activities, including first mastered. The success of any activity is based on a combination of a number of abilities, individually peculiar to every person.

By Rubinstein S.L. "Under the ability in a more special sense of the word, a complex education is usually understood, a complex of mental properties that make a person suitable for a certain, historically underdevelopment of social useful activities."

From the foregoing concepts about the abilities from the point of view of various authors, it can be said that a person is not born capable of any activity, its abilities are formed, develop, develop in properly organized relevant activities, during its life under the influence of training and education. Abilities - a lifetime, not innate education.

Types of abilities.

There are different points of view on the question of the types of abilities.

For example, if you take a point of view on this question Shadrikova V.D, then he has an understanding of the abilities as the properties of functional systems that implement individual mental functions allowed it to form a hypothesis regarding the problem of general and special abilities. It lies in the fact that "a person from nature is endowed with common abilities. Nature could not afford luxury to lay special abilities for each activity. Any activity is mastered on the foundation of common abilities that develop in this activity. Special abilities There are general abilities that have acquired feature features under the influence of activity requirements. "

Shadrikov V.D. Separately allocate spiritual abilitiesSuch under which the "unity and relationship of the natural abilities of the individual, transformed in the process of activity and vital activity, human abilities as a subject of activity and relations, as well as the moral qualities of a person as a person. Spiritual abilities grow from general abilities - this is the highest stage of the development of abilities. "

Leontyev A.N. It suggests a clearly distinguish between a person two kinds of abilities: "First, natural or natural abilities, based on its biological; Secondly, specific abilities Human, which have social and historical origins. Natural abilities are common in humans and animals. This kind of ability is associated with deposits, but not identical to them. Natural abilities are not the challenges themselves, but what is formed on them (for example, the formation of conditional relations). Specific human abilities are neoplasms that are emerging in individual development, and not to identify and modify what is laid in heredity (for example, speech, musical, design, etc.).

From point of view Kruttsky V.A.., Individual human abilities still do not guarantee successful fulfillment of complex activities. For successful implementation, hosting any activity requires a certain combination of individual, private abilities forming unity, or as the abilities ensemble say. Kruttsky distinguishes the ability of training and creative. Educational abilities associated with the assimilation of already known ways of performance of activities, acquisition of knowledge, skills and skills. Creative skillsassociated with the creation of a new original product, with the finding of new ways to perform activities. Sharply separate training and creative abilities. There are no grounds: educational activities include elements of subjective creativity. He also distinguishes mental and special abilities. General mental - These are the abilities that are necessary for performing not some one, but many activities. These include, for example, such qualities such as mental activity, criticality, systematization, speed of mental orientation, focused attention, etc.

Special abilities - These are the abilities that are necessary for the successful implementation of some particular activity - musical, mathematical, structural and technical, etc. These abilities are the unity of individual private abilities.

Platonov KK It highlights elementary and complex abilities, which in turn are divided into common and private.

Elementary commonthere are abilities to separate properties of reflection forms as elementary, inherent in all individuals, but not equally to mental activities. For example, the ability of judgment, imagination, emotional memory, etc.

Elementary private The abilities are individual properties (features) of the individual, formed on the basis of the individual-peculiar generalization of the respective mental processes, as too elementary, but not all inherent mental activities. For example, pronounced intelligence, kindness, courage, emotional and motor stability, etc.

Complex common There are ability to work, to communicate, speech, learning, to upbringing, moral, legal abilities peculiar, although not equally, to all people.

Sophisticated private (special) are professional and similar abilities.

Each of us has the ability to certain activities. How to recognize them, and then develop? At what age do they begin to manifest? What kind of types are there? Does it happen that the ability is only one, or, mostly, there are several of them? Is it possible to say that the abilities are congenital qualities, or they still can appear throughout life? What do they differ from the deposits and inclinations? The article contains answers to the questions.

What is the ability?

Abilities are the properties of the personality, allowing to successfully engage in a certain type of activity. They develop from the deposit in the process of learning and practice. Abilities and deposit - not the same thing. Abilities - the result of the development of deposits, which are due to heredity. These are congenital features of anatomy or physiology that contribute to the best results than ordinary people. The depositors are due to genes that are transmitted from generation to generation.

An athlete family can easily be born a child who will also devote himself to sports. The son of the famous culinary will probably go in the footsteps of the Father. And the daughter of the actress herself will try himself with a big scene. And, most likely, she also gets to break through in this profession. Although the child's genotype is formed under the influence of the genes of both parents. Even a real genius can be born not the most developed heir, if the mother will get less "ingenious" genes.

The abilities and deposits are interrelated, But have different nature. We get the depositors before birth, and the skills need to be developed. For example, someone has a deposit challenge. They will not turn into abilities, if this person lives all his life in the steppe or desert. The task of adults, as you can quickly identify the deposit of your child to help him implement them.

On the basis of abilities, inclinations are developing - preference relative to certain activities. That is, the more interesting to do. The inconsistencies are an important factor in the development of personality.

The following important concept is giftedwhich depends on the combination of different abilities to achieve vertices in a certain profession. Giftedness does not guarantee success, but provides opportunities for its achievement.

What types of abilities are?

Answering the question of which there are abilities, psychology, like science, allocates several classifications. According to one of them, the abilities are common and special. In the first case, we are talking about features that allow it to achieve success in many activities. For example, developed intelligence, and toastfulness will be equally useful both in science and journalism, politics and other professions. In the second case, it is implied by a predisposition to a specific lesson. This may be the ability to clearly distinguish sounds or tonality that helps in music, or the ability of a person to visualize their thoughts on canvas.

Most often, general and special skills are interrelated. For example, someone has the talent of the artist, but in this he has been helped by developed spatial and figurative thinking, which are wider concepts.

Also, human abilities are such species:

  • Intellectual;
  • Constructive technical;
  • Logical and mathematical;
  • Creative;
  • Literary;
  • Musical;
  • Physical;
  • Interpersonal communicative.

Intellectual Determine the ability to absorb new information, reproduce it in a specific situation. Especially significant role they play for students, students and scientists.

Constructive and technical allow you to create new mechanisms or improve existing ones. Inherent in people whose hands are not only "golden", but also grow from there, from where it is necessary.

Logic-mathematical Not only are relevant for mathematicians, but also for economists, accountants, programmers, as well as people who are fond of gambling.

Creative Depend on the level of development, the ability to visualize their thoughts or. They are helpful even on a domestic daily level when they have to originate from various non-standard situations.

Next go literaryThough even and are also covered by purely writing paraphy, from original SMS messages to prose or poetry.

Musical The same ancient as humanity itself. The ability to feel the rhythm, reproduce the melodies itself, always appreciated the same high.

Physical allow you to most effectively use the capabilities of your body. They are applicable in many areas, from dancing to sports or military training.

Interpersonal communicative characterize the level of development, the ability to establish connections. They are particularly effective for businessmen, politicians, public figures, journalists, psychologists.

How to develop abilities?

Since the skills appear from deposits only in the learning and practice process, then regular training is required or exercises.

  • Firstly, It should be understood what they are. As mentioned the wound, this may be useful. It is necessary to understand what I like, what I would like to do. If we are talking about children, then they are not always easy to form their thoughts. Therefore, adults must carefully observe the behavior of his child. Pay attention to the lessons that cause him the greatest interest.
  • SecondlyIt is important to collect as much information as possible. For example, it is obvious that there are boxing deposits. It is necessary to learn about this direction of sports as much as possible, to understand its prospects, danger. Having all the "for" and "against", think further. To find out whether there are nearby sections, ask for reviews about coaches, etc.
  • ThirdlyOf course, proceed to learning and practice. After all, without the theory, the practice does not know where to move, but without practicing the theory - an empty sound. This is true, both for sports and literature, science or any other discipline. The theoretical part helps to get the necessary knowledge, and practice gives invaluable experience.

Abilities are a good foundation for further success.But not a guarantee of it. For their implementation, long-term selfless work is needed. One thing to detect the ability to something, and another to develop it and improve it. But it is in labor that decent people appear who managed to raise their abilities to the level of talent or even genius. So, even the most capable person should at first "roll up the sleeves", then enjoy the fruits of his works.

Abilities allocate many definitions. Imagine two concepts reflecting the essence of the conceptual provisions of the problem of abilities in Russian science.

Abilities - This is the cumulative psychological quality of the individual, which makes up a system of predispositions for certain types of activities and, which is a necessary prerequisite for its successful implementation.

Abilities - This is an individual personality property, which manifests itself in concrete activities and characterizes it from the speed, quality and ease of execution.

Abilities are:

Such a complex of properties that is found not only and not even so much in knowledge, skills and skills, as in the dynamics of their acquisition and development, i.e. - How fast, deeply, easily and firmly absorbed knowledge, skills and skills.

Abilities have high-quality and quantitative characteristics. The quality of the ability is determined by the answer to the question: what abilities have a personality, quantitative - how much are they high? Each ability performs in the complex with others. Therefore, the success of activities can be carried out in various ways. This is due to compensatory capabilities of the personality.

Compensation of some abilities with the help of the development of others is a wonderful property that can be successfully used in the pedagogical process. Research B.M. Teplova showed that even the absence of absolute musical hearing can not serve as the basis for refusing to develop musical abilities. It was possible for the subjects to develop a complex of abilities, which compensated for the person absence of absolute hearing.

The qualitative certainty of the abilities allows the personality to choose a profession, finding out which the abilities inherent in it correspond to the preferred type of activity. To do this, it is necessary to determine the quantitative parameters of personal abilities. Measurement of abilities, representing them in a quantitative form - the long-standing dream of psychologists working in the field of career guidance and pedagogy. Unfortunately, the methods of these measurements are far from excellence.

Structure of abilities.

As already noted, the abilities are manifested in the complex of mental properties. A separate mental property cannot provide productivity even one type of activity, not to mention many. Successes in drawing cannot be implemented in artistic creativity, if there is no corresponding sensually emotional susceptibility of the world and the originality of its intellectual representation. The presence of phenomenal memory does not automatically do other personality abilities more outstanding than usual. Each ability is the integrity, the structural unity of the abilities included in it.

For example, the structure of management ability involves the unity of the following personal abilities: the ability to control themselves, a clear and stable value system, a clear personal goal, the ability to self-development, the ability to quickly solve problems, the ability of creativity, the ability to influence people, the ability of a clear understanding of the specifics of management work, Ability to train, the ability to allocate the team. The 10 abilities presented (mental properties) of the manager not only do not exhaust all elements of the management ability structure, but each of them separately has an equally complex structure.

Management capacity in this case acts as a general one that meets the requirements of many activities at once. The components of its abilities are called special, corresponding special types of activities.

In psychology, it is customary to allocate common and special abilities. Special abilities - Abilities for certain types of activities (mathematical abilities, musical abilities, pedagogical, etc.). General abilities - This is the ability to develop special abilities.

The most common abilities can be called objective, cognitive, ability to communicate. Within the framework of the first two types of abilities, IP Pavlov allocated three types of personality characters determined by common abilities: artist, middle type, thinker.

The objective, cognitive and ability to communicate are infinite classification capabilities. Of particular interest is the quantitative typology of abilities: gifts, skill, talent, genius.

Odarity Most of all related to deposits and inclinations. The greatest degree of personality predisposition to a certain type of activity discovered in its successful implementation is called god. Giftedness is the source and prerequisite for the formation of skill, talent and genius.

The second degree of severity of the ability is the skill (although there are other points of view). It is typical for most people who have successfully learned all the wisdom of their profession. Mastery - the expression of the professional maturity of the person.

Talent - The highest degree of manifestation of abilities. This ability in the square: first, the source of talent is the gifting, based on the benefit on the system of deposit, and secondly, the talent is the product of skill and hard work. Talent is the top of the skill, his creative framing. Mastery is based on knowledge, skills and skills, talent - on creativity.

Genius - the highest degree of creative giftedness. The brilliant person is the personification of the Spirit of the Epoch, so they are attributed to such natural and spiritual grounds, which are deprived of ordinary people. No wonder in the ancient Greek mythology of genius is a spirit spirit, accompanying a person in life and guiding his activities.

Genius is creators. They create new directions in the minds of the epoch, make revolutions in science and art, create a new ideology. As a rule, a person recognizes the genius after his death (phrase: "There is no prophet in his fatherland," this is confirmed), since the society is not yet ready to recognize and understand an outstanding idea. Later, the creation of genius uses the whole world, all of humanity, recognizing this particular value of the discovered discovery.

Abilities - the concept of dynamic. They are formed, develop and manifest themselves in activities. Consider factors affecting the development of abilities.

Prerequisites for the development of abilities are maxi (inclinations) as biologically conditioned personality predispositions to relevant activities.

The social conditionality of the development of abilities is expressed depending on the determination of the latest social demands of society, the content and level of cultural development, the needs and interests of the individual (for example, today is relevant, the development of human communicative abilities) is relevant.

The impertility of the development of abilities is related to the formation of a physical organization (nervous system, physical appearance, secretory apparatus), with periods of formation of cognitiveness and socialization. The development of abilities is thus accompanied by the formation of all sides of the physical, mental and social organization of the personality.

The formation of special abilities occurs in the sensitive (favorable) periods of human life (the abilities are laid in the pre-school period, develop intensively in the school period and are actively formed in the youth).

So, summing up, it can be argued that each person is unique and peculiar. His uniqueness is manifested and refers to individual identity features: temperament, nature and abilities.