Youth and youth policy. Open Library - Open educational information library Alternative youth

The concept of "youth" as the definition of the socio-demographic group takes its beginning from the end of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX centuries. Before that young people, they did not recognize as a special social group. Up to end XIX. A century problems of youth treated through the problems of the development of the individual, the education of a citizen of historically concrete society, which has found a scientific expression in pedagogy, philosophy, the psychology of the Renaissance, new time, Western philosophy XVII-XVIII centuries. Actualization of theoretical studies of young people, the creation of independent concepts of age had to be at the beginning of the 20th century and developed in the sociological theories of young people.

Youth as special social Group It was recognized on objective signs that determine the existence, development and change of all parties to this social education.

Source position life cycleCoinciding with youth and related to the preparation process for adult functions appeared in the process of transition from a traditional society to the industrial. The socialization process in a traditional society is carried out by transmission from generation to generation of values, activities, means and objectives of which centuries existed as sustainable samples and social norms. IN modern conditions The need for qualitatively other ways to prepare and incorporate individuals to society has increased.

Therefore, today it is impossible to study young people or only from the point of view of sociology (socio-demographic group), or only from the point of view of the cultural approach (spiritual values \u200b\u200band ideals of youth). This makes the study process one-sided. The yield lies in the conjunction of two approaches into a single inextive sociocultural approach.

The concepts of youth in the sociocultural aspect began to develop in the 50s XX century. Such researchers like G. Shelsky, K. Mannheim, and Telbrook, S. Eisenstadt. In the domestic literature on youth issues, a sociocultural approach does not always receive proper objective lighting.

To date, in the circles of sociologists, a look at the youth as a reference, socio-demographic group, the most important signs of which most authors consider the age characteristics and related features of the social situation, as well as those and other socio-psychological qualities, which allows to speak About the multi-level analysis of young people as a social phenomenon.

However, the question of the final definition of the concept of "youth" remains discussion. Scientists share various approaches to the subject of study - from the position of sociology, psychology, physiology, demographics, etc.

Researchers Vishnevsky Yu.R., Kovaleva A.I., Lukov V. A. et al. Allocate as the most typical approaches found in scientific literature, the following:

  • - Psychological: youth is the period of development of the human personality between "Puberty" (sexual maturity) and "Maturity" (full maturity);
  • - Socio-psychological: youth is a certain age with its biological and psychological relations, and as a result of this, all the peculiarities of the age class;
  • - Conflictological: youth is a difficult, full stress and an extremely important period of life, a long conflict between individual and society, a problem stage in the development of man;
  • - Role: youth is a special behavioral phase in a person's life when he no longer plays the role of a child, and at the same time is not yet a full carrier of the role of "adult";
  • - subcultural: young people are a group with its own way of life, life style, cultural standards;
  • - Stratification: Youth is a special social and demographic group, limited to age frameworks, with specific positions, status, roles;
  • - Socialization: youth is a period of social growth, primary socialization;
  • - Axiology: youth is a socially significant, important stage of a person's life cycle, it is at this stage that the system of value orientation of individuals, special plain, aspiration, optimism occurs.
  • - age;
  • - socio-historical;
  • - sociological;
  • - spiritual and cultural;
  • - socio-psychological;
  • - Cultural.

Thus, within the framework of the considered approaches, there are many definitions of young people reflecting to a greater or less degree of certain aspects of life and qualitative characteristics of this social group.

Youth is inherent in a higher degree of satisfaction with life, which is associated with greater confidence in their own forces, orientation to the implementation of personal goals and interests, to achieve and success. Young people are peculiar to commitment to the values \u200b\u200bof individualism, personal initiative and independence.

Success for a significant part of young people is characterized by the achievement of high material status. Higher education as a condition for success is valued less. However, in the consciousness of youth prestige higher education Compared to the average very high.

The attitude towards the work is very contradictory. On the one hand, the youth basically does not count the work towards the list of the most significant values. This is partly due to the abolition of the ideology of the special social significance of labor and labor education. However, a big role for many plays an interesting job. At the same time, the main motive of young people explaining the choice of their workplace is the possibility of getting more income. This is due to the weakening in the youth consciousness of the relationship between money and work in its work.

Most of the representatives of today's youth are dismisted with a rather important role of the family, considering it an indispensable condition for happiness. Cohabitation as a way to organize family relations is largely inferior to marriage. Most believes that children are a prerequisite for family happiness. Among the main factors ensuring the sustainability and stability of the family, young people call the following: respect and support between spouses, marital loyalty, satisfaction with sexual relations, worthy income, normal housing conditions, accommodation separately from parents and willingness to discuss problems arising between spouses. The trend is gaining momentum, according to which the role of women in the material support of the family increases. It can be noted the increased role of material factors in the functioning of a youth family.

Value orientations determine the spiritual stem, express its attitude to the world and to themselves, have an impact on the focus and content of social activity, fill life with meaning, represent the main channel of assimilation by the person of the spiritual culture of society, the transformation of cultural property in incentives and motives of practical behavior, are The system-forming element of the worldview. Youth Family Social Educational

In a broad sense, young people are a combination of group communities formed by age-related features and related activities. I.S. Kon defined young people as "a socio-demographic group allocated on the basis of the aggregate of age characteristics, singularities of social status and determined by one or other socio-psychological properties." The definition of the concept of "youth" is interrelated with the characteristic of generic relations in society, with its social structure, including layers, masses and social groups. In this definition, a clear structure is built, the initial link of which is the "generation", then the "class" (or "stratum") and, finally, the young part of the class - the youth.

Such a conclusion has an important methodological value to determine the concept of "youth." At the same time, researchers proceed from the fact that in the system of public relations the youth does not occupy a special place, distributing between different classes and social groups of society, possessing in one way or another class signs. This does not denote social features Youth, determined by age, socio-psychological, physiological signs, specific interests, needs and value orientations. In accordance with this, the question of its age boundaries has a certain value for sociological study of young people. Currently, there are three main approaches in determining these boundaries.

The first, the so-called demographic approach considers young people as a special part of the population, i.e. As people born in a certain year and at a certain time included in labor life. Chronological boundaries in this case from 18 to 30 years.

The second approach is statistical, where temporal indicators are taken as the basis for determining the age limits medium duration Life and length of time from the birth of parents before the birth of their children. In accordance with this, the age of youth is determined by a period of 14 to 30 years.

The third approach is sociological, when the age framework is determined by the essence of the object of the study, i.e. A specific detachment of young people characterized by certain professional, educational, socio-psychological signs. Most researchers restrict these frames by age from 16 to 30 years, although in some cases the boundary is allowed to 33 and even up to 40 years.

Adhering to the whole sociological approach to the definition of the concept of "youth", it should be noted that this social group reflects complex differentiation social Life modern society. Apparently, therefore, various studies characterize the internal structure of young people from different points of view.

Usually in sociology, youth are divided into the following age groups:

  • a) students of incomplete and full secondary schools;
  • b) young people aged 16 to 19 years;
  • c) aged from 20to 24 years;
  • d) from 25 to 30 years.

Based on this, it can be argued that the concept of "youth" includes the following groups of the younger population, separated from the place in public labor.

  • - Production workers. Mechanizers, farm workers, transport workers, builders. Basically, they have a special education based on courses and represent a rather numerous group of youth. Although it is 2 times less than among people over 30 years old, it cannot be taken into account, among other things, from the point of view of consumption of public goods.
  • - Persons engaged in unskilled and manual labor are still a rather numerous group of youth. Although it is 2 times less than among people over 30 years old, it cannot be taken into account, among other things, from the point of view of consumption of public goods.
  • - Technology, technical staff. Actively growing youth layers in the face of computerization of labor and the emergence of new professions for the maintenance of modern technology.
  • - A special group of youth is managers, realtors, agronomists, zootechnics, as well as production organizers and specialists various spheres farms. In this group, the highest level of secondary and higher education.
  • - IN lately Another group of youth is actively formed - scientific and creative intelligentsia. Its number should include medical workers, teachers and workers of national education, culture. In this group, the largest percentage of brain leaks.
  • - Pupils youth are not homogeneous in its age composition and structure. First, these are schoolchildren who are studying in secondary educational institutions. Secondly, students of colleges, lyceums, vocational schools. Thirdly, students of secondary professional and higher educational institutions, students on various forms (in person, internally, in absentia). The age limits of this group of young people from 14 to 30 years, their needs are very diverse.

So, young people are such a part of the population (aged 14 to 30 years old), which is associated with modern lifestyle, is involved at least in one of the types of life and labor and is a carrier and consumer of all modern forms of culture

Special value for modern youth is the opportunity to engage in loved things. As a specific socio-demographic group, youth is characterized in addition to the age framework, the presence of a certain place in the structure of society, as well as the peculiarities of social development and development. As part of features young generation You can allocate basic and minor. The main characteristics include physiological, psychological, age and socio-class. These characteristics are inherent in all young people. The minor signs flow out of the main and manifest themselves depending on the activities, the place of residence and the social status of a young man.

N.F. Holly allocates the following objective circumstances, which determine the special role of youth in society:

  • · Young people plays an important role in national economic production, because is the only source of replenishment of labor resources;
  • · Young people are a carrier of the intellectual potential of society, it has large abilities for labor and creativity in all spheres of life;
  • · Young people are able much faster than other social groups, mastering new knowledge, skills, professions, thanks to which it has a big social and professional perspective.

The role of youth as an object and subject in the historical development process of society also has its own specifics. Upon joining public life, a young man is the object of social impact of the surrounding external environment: Families, friends, educational institutions, etc. As he matured, he learns and begins to engage in creative activities, becoming a subject of socio-economic, political and social transformations.

Young people are a special social and demographic group playing its indispensable role in society. Youth is the only source of replenishment of labor resources, the carrier of the intellectual potential of society. It is more capable of adapting in new conditions, the study and learning of new knowledge and skills. Value orientations of young people cannot not affect the life of society as a whole.

Aggressive amateur

It is based on the most primitive ideas about the property hierarchy based on the cult of persons. Primitivism, clarity of self-affirmation. Popular in the environment of adolescents and young people with a minimum level of intellectual and cultural development.

Stacking (FR. Epater - amazed, amazing) amateur

It is based on the challenge standards, canons, rules, opinions both in ordinary, material forms of life - clothing, hairstyle and in spiritual - art, science. "Challenge" aggression on itself from other persons to "notice" (punk-style, etc.)

Alternative amateur

It is based on the development of alternative systemically contradicting generally accepted patterns of behaviors that become an end in itself (hippie, krishnaitis, etc.)

Social amateur

Aims to solve specific social problems (environmental movements, movement for the revival and preservation of cultural and historical heritage, etc.)

Political amateur

Aims to change the political system and the political situation in accordance with the ideas of a specific group

Accelerating the pace of development of society determines the increase in the role of young people in public Life. Obill with social relations, youth modifies them and under the influence of transformed conditions itself is improved.

The problems of Russian youth, in their essence, are the problems of not only the modern young generation, but also the whole society as a whole, which depends not only today, but also tomorrow of our society. These problems, on the one hand, are interconnected and proceed from the objective processes occurring in modern world - Processes of globalization, informatization, urbanization, etc. On the other hand, they have their own specifics mediated by the modern Russian reality and the youth policy pursued in relation to young people.

The most relevant problems for modern Russian youth, in our opinion, are the problems associated with the spiritual and moral sphere of being. The process of the formation of modern Russian youth occurred and proceeds in the conditions of breaking "old" values soviet period and formation new system Values \u200b\u200band new social relations. In the conditions of the systemic crisis of the modern Russian society and its main institutions, which affected all areas of vital activity, socialization institutions (family and family education, education systems and education, institutions of labor and work, army), the state itself. Active planting and substitution of the foundations of existence civil society Standards of the consumption company, the upbringing of a young man, not as a citizen, but as a simple consumer of certain goods and services. There is a tendency to dehumanization and demoralization of the content of art, (lowering, deformation, destruction of the image of a person), the substitution of the values \u200b\u200bof the value of high culture averaged samples of mass consumer culture, reorienting young people from collectivist spiritual values \u200b\u200bto mercenary and individual values. This, as well as the lack of a clearly formulated national idea and unifying ideology, the development strategy of the consolidation society, insufficient attention to the cultural development of the population, the inconsistency of the state youth policy naturally leads us to extremely negative consequences.

Against the background of the ideological uncertainty of young people (the absence of the ideological foundations of the ideological and socio-cultural identification), the commercialization and negative impact of the media (forming the "image" of subculture), the incessant spiritual aggression of the West and the expansion of mass commercial culture, planting standards and the psychology of consumption society, occurs Primaptization of the meaning of human being, the moral degradation of the individual and a decrease in the value of human life. There is a blundering of the value foundation and traditional forms of public morality, the weakening and destruction of the mechanisms of cultural continuity, the threat to the preservation of the identity of the domestic culture, reducing the interest of young people to the domestic culture, its history, traditions, to native identity carriers.

Speaking about the youth sociocultural environment, of course, it is impossible not to note and its certain positive features. Modern youth as a whole is very patriotic, believes in the future of Russia. It is expressed by the continuation of changes in the direction of increasing the socio-economic well-being of the country, the creation of civil society and the legal state. She wants to live in a great country, providing a worthy life to its citizens, respecting their rights and freedom. "The youth is easier to adapt to new economic conditions, it has become more rational, pragmatic and realistic, focused on stable development and constructive work." . It has much greater freedom to choose profession, samples of behavior, satellites of life, thinking style, compared with its peers 20-30 years old. But this, as they say, one side of the coin.

The other side shows that the continued " time of Troubles"Most sharply reflected on the young generation. Our society will grow rapidly, there is a reduction in the number of young people, the number of young families, the number of born children. Each new generation of young people turns out to be less healthy than the previous one, the disease "moved" from old age into youth, putting a threat to the genophobe nation. The socio-economic burden on jobs in order to ensure the lives of all generations has increased; The intellectual potential of young people, innovative opportunities for society is rapidly reduced. Young people turned out to be the most socially disadvantaged part of society. There is an obvious conflict between the interests of young people and the real possibilities of social mobility. There was a sharp differentiation and social polarization of young people, based on property separation, social origin and its own social status of young people. Having social, age and subcultural signs of different communities, they differ in material opportunities, value orientations, image and lifestyle. The question arose about the life prospects of young people: its creative self-realization (education, profession, career), welfare, the possibility of financially to ensure its future family. There is problems of the employment of young people, the deterioration of its material and domestic situation, the availability of education. The youth environment has become a dangerous criminogenic zone. There was a sharp rejuvenation of crime, the strengthening of its group nature, an increase in the number of "female" crimes and crimes committed by minors. Each new generation of youth in comparison with the previous generations on the main indicators of social status and development: much less spiritually and culturally developed, more immoral and criminally, are distant from knowledge and education, less professionally prepared and oriented to work.

In a society, where material well-being and enrichment become the priority objectives of its existence, culture and value orientations of young people are appropriately formed. In the sociocultural values \u200b\u200bof modern youth, consumer orientations prevail. The cult of fashion and consumption is gradually and gradually seizes the consciousness of young people, acquiring a universal nature. Begins to prevail the tendency to strengthen the process of standardization of cultural consumption and leisure behavior approved by the passive consumer attitude towards culture. It should not be noted and emphasized the apoliticalness of young people, which soberly and without false hopes assesses the attitude towards himself from the state and society, as indifferent and frankly consumer. "77% of respondents believes that: -" When they need to remember us. " Maybe therefore the modern young generation was closed in his own Mirka. Young people are absorbed in the internal problem of survival in a complex and cruel time. They seek to get that culture and then education that will help to survive and succeed. " .

According to the results of surveys of the public opinion fund, 53% of young Russians held in 2002 on the question: "What life goals, in your opinion, most often puts them modern youth? ", First of all, noted her desire to achieve material well-being and enrichment; in the second place (19%) - education; Third Russian (17%) - work and career. (See Table. 1). Analysis of the data indicates a clear pragmatic and rational position of the youth, its desire to achieve material well-being and a successful career, interrelated with the possibility of obtaining good vocational education.

Table 1. "The goals of modern youth"

For modern youth, in general, it is characterized by changing the direction of life orientations from the social (collectivist) component to individual. "The personal value position of young people is not correlated with the values \u200b\u200bof the political ideology, which they prefer." Material well-being began to be valued much higher than freedom, the value of remuneration began to prevail over the value of interesting work. Among the public problems, most disturbing young people are currently in the first place such problems as: crime growth, price increase, inflation, increased level of corruption of power structures, strengthening inequality of income and social inequality, separation on rich and poor, environmental problems , the passivity of citizens, their indifferent attitude to what is happening. Issues experienced by young people, the problems of material security and health are put forward on the forefront, although the orientation on healthy image Life is not actively being formed.

The dominant in the system of values \u200b\u200bof modern youth is money, education and profession, business career, the opportunity to live in their pleasure (see Table 2).

Table 2. Distribution of the basic values \u200b\u200bof young people .

According to the results of an expert study conducted in 2007 by the Pitirim Sorokina Foundation, the hierarchy of the dominant values \u200b\u200bof young Russians is built as follows:

Material well-being.

Value "I" (individualism).

Career (self-realization).

At the same time, analyzing the current state of Russian society, it was noted that the place of values \u200b\u200bin Russia is largely occupied by anti-precision. Among the value installations dominating today in russian society The following anti-precision experts were noted:

The cult of money;

Indifference and individualism.


Describing the youth consciousness and system of values \u200b\u200bof modern Russian youth, sociologists allocate:

Mostly entertaining and recreational orientation of its life values \u200b\u200band interests;

Westernization of cultural needs and interests, displacement of national culture values \u200b\u200bby Western samples of behavior and symbols;

The priority of consumer orientations over creative, creative;

Weak individualization and selectivity of culture associated with dictate of group stereotypes;

Extinititial cultural self-realization;

Lack of ethnocultural self-identification.

The dominance of consumer value orientations is inevitably reflected on life Strategy young people. These analysis of the results conducted in 2006-2007 the Department of Sociology of Youth MSU them. M.V. Lomonosov Sociological studies among students showed that: "Currently in a youth environment, in society you can meet ambiguously estimated life principles. The data obtained allow us to conclude about disadvantages in a youth environment and require a more detailed study. Attention is drawn to a rather high degree of indifferent youth to such traditionally negative phenomena as adaptation, indifference, unprincipledness, consumerism, idle lifestyle and their positive assessment. " (See Table 3).

Table 3. List of phenomena found in a youth environment

All of the above problematic features of the modern youth socio-cultural environment unambiguously indicate an alarming trend in the deep and systemic social degradation of a significant part of modern Russian youth, in particular, and the whole society as a whole. The youth environment clearly copies and mirrors displays all the most significant processes occurring in our society. The systemic crisis, in which our society and the state still remains clearly and clearly not formulated the national idea and have not determined their development strategy, led to the loss of their own existence and immediately affected the youth environment. In it, as in modern Russian society, in general, unambiguously, there is no uniformly established system and hierarchy of values. At the same time, you can observe the coexistence of two processes: both the continuity of traditional values \u200b\u200bhistorically inherent in our society and the formation, the mass distribution of new liberal (consumer) interests, the celebration of antigencies. Improvement of the youth environment that carries out the formation of value orientations of modern Russian youth, maybe in our opinion, carried out by improving the system, forms, methods of carrying out youth policy in the Russian Federation.

Social organization (from Franz. Organization, from Late. Organizo- I inform the slender type, arrange) - historically established ordered system of activity of society, people; The historically established ordered system of social relations, for example, economic organization society, military organization of society, political organization societies, etc.

The main difference social organization The social institution is that the institutional form of social relations is enshrined by the norms of law and morality, and the organizational form includes in addition to institutional and ordered relationships, but which are not yet fixed by existing standards.

Similar information.

The concept of "youth" as the definition of the socio-demographic group originates from the end of the XVIII - early XIX centuries. Before that young people, they did not recognize as a special social group. Up to the end of the XIX century. The problems of young people were considered indirectly, through the problems of the development of the individual, the upbringing of a citizen of a historically concrete society, which found the scientific form of expression in philosophy, pedagogy, the psychology of the Renaissance, New Time, Western philosophy of the XVII - XVIII centuries. The actualization of theoretical studies of young people, the creation of independent concepts of age accounted for the beginning of the XX century. and developed in the sociological theories of young people. Youth as a special social group was recognized for quite objective basics, under which it is customary to understand those major aspects and relationships that determine the functioning, the direction of the change and development of all other parties to this social education. The conference of young people in the sociocultural aspect began to be developed in the 50s. XX century Such researchers, like G. Shelsky, K. Mannheim, A. Telbrook, S. Eisenstadt.

To date, in the circles of sociologists, a look at the youth as a reference socio-demographic group, the most important signs of which most authors consider the age characteristics and related features of social status, as well as those and other socio-psychological qualities, which allows to talk about multi-level Analysis of young people as a social phenomenon. One of the researchers of the problems of the young generation S. N. Iconnikova allocated three levels of the description of young people as a social phenomenon:

─ Individually psychological - correlation with a specific person;

─ Socio-psychological - a description of the most significant properties, qualities, interests of individual groups;

─ Sociological - a description of the place of youth in the system of material and spiritual production and consumption in the social structure of society.

Young people as part of society are studied by various humanitarian sciences. Discussion about the definition of youth, the criteria for allocating it in an independent group has a long history. Scientists share various approaches to the subject of study - from the position of sociology, psychology, physiology, demographics, etc., as well as the traditions of classification, formed in various scientific schools.

Researchers Vishnevsky Yu. R., Kovaleva A. I., Lukov V. A. and others. Allocate as the most typical approaches found in scientific literature, the following:

─ Psychological: youth is the period of development of the human person between "Puberty" (sexual maturity) and "Maturity" (full maturity);

─ Social and psychological: youth is a certain age with its biological and psychological relations, and as a result of this, all the peculiarities of the age class;

─ Conflictological: youth is a difficult, full stress and an extremely important period of life, a long conflict between individual and society, a problem stage in the development of man;

─ Role: youth is a special behavioral phase in a person's life, when he no longer plays the role of a child, and at the same time is not yet a full carrier of the role of "adult";

─ Subcultural: youth are a group with its own way of life, life style, cultural standards;

─ Stratification: Youth is a special socio-demographic group limited to age frameworks, with specific positions, status, roles;

─ Socialization: youth is a period of social growth, primary socialization;

─ Inracticist: youth is one of the three states of the soul inherent in each person. "Parent" - Orientation for regulatory behavior, "adult" - Orientation for adoption of adult decisions, "youth" -spontanity, immediacy;

─ Axiology: youth is a socially significant, important stage of the human life cycle. It is at this stage that the system of valuable orientation of individuals is the formation;

─ Subjective: youth is a special globility, aspiration in the future, optimism;

─ Procedural: Young are those who are not completed, is not integrated, is in a state of formation, formation.

In accordance with these approaches, scientists are attempting attempts to make and unify "signs" of young people as a social phenomenon. Based on the analysis of the works of Russian authors, the following signs of young people can be distinguished:

─ age;

─ socio-historical;

─ sociological;

─ spiritual and cultural;

─ socio-psychological;

─ cultural;

Thus, the distinguishing social quality of each new generation of youth (or its individual groups) is determined by the peculiarities of the personal, subject and procedural parties to its specific historical existence due to the ability to inherit, reproduce and improve the social structure of society. Youth is a socio-demographic group allocated on the basis of the aggregate of age characteristics (approximately 16 to 30 years), singularities of social status and certain socio-psychological qualities. Youth is a certain phase, a stage of a person's life cycle and biologically universal. Youth is a period of choosing a profession and its place in life, developing outlines and life values, choosing a satellite of life, family creation, achieving economic independence and socially responsible behavior.

Features of the social status of youth:

Transitional position.

High mobility.

Mastering new social roles (employee, student, citizen, family man) related to status change.

Active search for your place in life.

Favorable prospects in professional and career plan.

Typical for youth is an association into informal groups that are characterized by the following features:

Emergence on the basis of natural communication in specific conditions of the social situation;

Self-organizing and independence from official structures;

Mandatory participants and differing from typical, adopted in society, behavioral models that are aimed at the implementation of unmet for the usual forms of life needs (they are aimed at self-affirmation, giving social status, gaining protection and prestigious self-esteem);

Relative stability, a certain hierarchy among participants in groups;

The expression of other value orientation or even the worldview, stereotypes of behavior uncharacteristic for society as a whole;

Attribution, emphasizing belonging to this commonality.

Depending on the features of young people, youth can classify youth groups and movements:

    Aggressive activities

It is based on the most primitive ideas about the property hierarchy based on the cult of persons. Primitivism, clarity of self-affirmation. Popular in the environment of adolescents and young people with minimal level of intellectual and cultural development.

    Stacking activities

It is based on the challenge standards, canons, rules, opinions both in ordinary, material forms of life - clothing, hairstyle and in spiritual - art, science. "Challenge" aggression on himself from other persons to "notice".

    Alternative activity

It is based on the development of alternative systemically contrary to generally accepted models of behaviors that become an end in itself.

    Social activity

Aims to solve specific social problems (environmental movements, movements for the revival and preservation of cultural and historical heritage, etc.).

    Political activity

Aims to change the political system and the political situation in accordance with the ideas of a particular group.

Youth social problems that are the subject of scientific analysis are divided into two large groups. The first includes specific youth social problems: determining the essence of young people as public Group, features of its social status (status), roles and places in public reproduction of society; establishing criteria for its age boundaries; study of the characteristics of consciousness (needs, interests, values) and methods of activity of the younger generation; study of the specifics of the process of socialization of young people, their socio-professional orientation and adaptation in the team; Analysis of social aspects of informal youth associations and movements.

Another important area of \u200b\u200bscientific analysis is the problems that are generallyociological and at the same time either predominantly relate to young people (problems of education, family, marriage), or find specific manifestations in the youth environment (the peculiarities of education, the development of the social and political activity of young people, its role and place in the structures of power, the specificity of social contradictions and conflicts, etc.). Numerous studies make it possible to conclude enough common fundamental contradictions inherent in modern risk societies faced young people:

    wealth and poverty,

    the increase in the possibilities of self-realization and unemployment,

    global subculture and abundance of countercultitors,

    education and complete illiteracy,

    the value of health, the cult of sports and drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism - they are a consequence.

Among the youth problems of the Russian risk society are allocated:

    reduced real life level,

    significant stratification in the level of the material situation,

    growth of morbidity, including especially dangerous diseases,

    deterioration of the state of the educational infrastructure and quality of educational services,

    high unemployment,

    the crisis of a young family

    commercialization of culture,

    the growth of confusion and crime in the youth environment.

Under conditions, when the risk turns into a common foundation of modernity, the risk-risk of young people becomes promising. Its result was a reasonable conclusion that the dominant risk in behavior models is the overall characteristic of modern young generations, and the risk is one of the essential properties of young people as a social group. At each stage of its development, the Company imposes certain requirements for the younger generation expressed in the form of public norms, values, morality, etc., and also provides various opportunities for successful integration into public structures.

The problems faced by young people are associated with the position of young people in the social structure, characterized primarily by transition and instability. Social processes that occur in modern times, only aggravate these problems. Factors affecting the situation of youth:

    Economic factors most affect the situation of young people. In its mass, youth is not sufficiently secured materially, has no own housing, it is forced to rely on the financial assistance of parents. The desire to get an education pushes the beginning of work on more mature age, and the lack of experience of events prevents the receipt of highly paid positions. The wage of young people is much lower than the average wage, extremely small and student scholarship.

If, in periods of social stability, these problems can generally be solved or mitigated, then in the crisis period they are significantly complicated. In a situation of economic recession, the number of unemployed in the youth environment and young becomes becoming more difficult to achieve the state of economic independence.

    Spiritual factors are no less important. In modern times, the process of loss of moral landmarks, the erosion of traditional norms and values \u200b\u200bis intensified. Youth as a transitional and unstable social group is most vulnerable to negative trends in modern times. Thus, the values \u200b\u200bof labor, freedom, democracy, interethnic tolerance are gradually distinguished, and consumer attitudes towards peace come to the world, intolerance to someone else's, the studies come to replace these "outdated" values. Characteristic of the youth tracked charge in crisis periods is distorted, acquiring cruel and aggressive forms. At the same time, avalanche-like criminalization of young people occurs, the number of young people with social deviations, such as alcoholism, addiction, prostitution, is growing.

The most important problem of the spiritual plan remains the problem of "fathers and children", associated with the conflict of youth values \u200b\u200band the older generation.

But there are also deeper, hard-determined and, perhaps, more significant reasons for suicide in children. To the question: "What could cause a suicide of a teenager?" Schoolchildren usually begin to talk about problems at school, misunderstanding parents, conflicts with friends, loneliness, emptiness of life ... Suicide because of the twos and exam have become so frequent in Rossi that it's time to beat the alarm. In the meantime, the society reacts very sluggish on this misfortune, and the parents with their zeal to the violent training of their children, only create a favorable situation for the voluntary parting of children with life. Studying the problem of suicide among young people shows that in a number of cases, adolescents were solved for suicide to draw the attention of parents, teachers to their problems and protested such terrible effect against the silent, indifference, cynicism and cruelty of adults. They are solved for such a step, as a rule, closed, vanished by the nature of adolescents from the sensation of loneliness, their own unnecessaryness of stress and loss of the meaning of life. Timely psychological support, good participation, rendered to man in a difficult life situation, would help avoid tragedy.

Young people, on the one hand, is an unprotected group, which is rather a destabilizing force in society, and on the other - this is a generation on which the future of the country depends on. Such a special status of young people give rise to a need for adequate youth policy, capable of solving or mitigating any problems, as well as to send creative potential to the creative potential of young people.

The youth- This is a socio-demographic group allocated on the basis of the aggregate of age characteristics (approximately 16 to 25 years), singularities of social status and certain socio-psychological qualities.

Youth is a period of choosing a profession and its place in life, developing outlines and life values, choosing a satellite of life, family creation, achieving economic independence and socially responsible behavior.

Youth is a certain phase, a stage of a person's life cycle and biologically universal.

Features of the social status of youth

Transitional position.

High mobility.

Mastering new social roles (employee, student, citizen, family man) related to status change.

Active search for your place in life.

Favorable prospects in professional and career plan.

Youth is the most active, mobile and dynamic part of the population, free from stereotypes and prejudices of previous years and possessing the following social and psychological qualities: the instability of the psyche; internal contradiability; Low tolerance (from lat. Tolerantia - patience); The desire to stand out, differ from the rest; The existence of a specific youth subculture.

Typical for young people is to unite in informal groupswhich are characterized by the following features:

Emergence on the basis of natural communication in specific conditions of the social situation;

Self-organizing and independence from official structures;

Mandatory participants and differing from typical, adopted in society, behavioral models that are aimed at the implementation of unmet for the usual forms of life needs (they are aimed at self-affirmation, giving social status, gaining protection and prestigious self-esteem);

Relative stability, a certain hierarchy among participants in groups;

The expression of other value orientation or even the worldview, stereotypes of behavior uncharacteristic for society as a whole;

Attribution, emphasizing belonging to this commonality.

Depending on the features of the self-identity of young people, you can classify youth groups and movements.

Aggressive amateur.It is based on the most primitive ideas about the property hierarchy based on the cult of persons. Primitivism, clarity of self-affirmation. Popular in the environment of adolescents and young people with a minimum level of intellectual and cultural development.

Eupuding (FR. EPATER - amazed, amazing) amateurness. It is based on the challenge standards, canons, rules, opinions both in ordinary, material forms of life - clothing, hairstyle and in spiritual - art, science. "Challenge" aggression on itself from other persons to "notice" (punk style, etc.)

Alternative amateur.It is based on the development of alternative systemically contradicting generally accepted patterns of behaviors that become an end in itself (hippie, krishnaitis, etc.)

Social amateur.Aims to solve specific social problems (environmental movements, movement for the revival and preservation of cultural and historical heritage, etc.)

Political amateur.Aims to change the political system and the political situation in accordance with the ideas of a specific group

Accelerating the pace of development of society determines the increase in the role of young people in public life. Obill with social relations, youth modifies them and under the influence of transformed conditions itself is improved.

2. Typology of political regimes.

Political regime - a set of methods for the implementation of power and achieving political goals.

Characteristics of the political regime:

· Rights and freight of man,

· Implementation methods state power,

· The nature of the relationship between the state and society,

· Availability or lack of opportunities to influence political decisions,

· Ways to form political institutions,

· Methods for developing political decisions.

2. Classification of political regimes

Lecture 4.

Types of youth amateurness.

Aggressive amateur -It is based on the most primitive ideas about the property hierarchy based on the cult of persons. Primitivism, clarity of self-affirmation. Popular in the environment of adolescents and young people with a minimum level of intellectual and cultural development.

Eupuding(amazed, amazing) independence -It is based on the challenge standards, canons, rules, opinions both in ordinary, material forms of life - clothing, hairstyle and in spiritual - art, science. "Challenge" aggression on itself from other persons to "notice" (punk-style, etc.)

Alternative amateur -Based on the development of alternative systemically contrary to the generally accepted models of behavioral, which become an end in force (hippie, krishnaitis, etc.)

Social amateur -Aims to solve specific social problems (environmental movements, movement for the revival and preservation of cultural and historical heritage, etc.)

Political amateur -Aims to change the political system and the political situation in accordance with the ideas of a specific group

Modern humanity is a complex ethnic structure, which includes several thousand ethnic communities (nation, nationality, tribes, ethnic groups, etc.), distinguished by both the number and level of development. Most modern countries polyethnic.As part of the Russian Federation, more than a hundred ethnic groups, including about 30 nations.

Ethnicity - ϶ᴛᴏ Historically established on defined territory Sustainable set of people (tribe, nationality, nation, people), possessing common features and stable features of culture, language, mental warehouse, self-consciousness I. historical memory, as well as awareness of their interests and all, of its unity and differences from other similar entities.

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