Omega 3 in bodybuilding. Food or fish oil? Fish oil application

First of all, what is Omega-3? These are unsaturated fatty acids, which, on the one hand, are not reproduced in the human body on their own, and on the other, with their lack, the risk of developing a number of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system increases.

Many will be surprised, they say, “never heard of any acids and lived somehow,” which will be fundamentally wrong. Firstly, the benefits of Omega-3 for the body were noticed for a long time, only then they did not use synthesized food additives in the form of concentrated fatty acids, but ordinary fish oil, which we will talk about later. Surely each of us in childhood had to try this useful "muck", and so - improving brain function, cleansing the cardiovascular system, increasing metabolism and strengthening the immune system, here is an incomplete list useful properties Omega-3.

Thus, you do not need to be a prophet to understand that fatty acids undoubtedly have a positive effect on the overall tone of our everyday life, which means that in sports, the achievements of a person taking Omega-3 supplements will be significantly higher than the average athlete. And this difference is felt especially clearly in strength sports, where a lot depends on the functionality of the circulatory system, which supplies muscles with oxygen and removes lactic acid (a product of muscle breakdown), thereby giving you more strength and endurance "in reserve".

A short list of Omega-3 functions

  • - The metabolism is increased by stimulating the circulatory system, reducing blood viscosity and removing cholesterol plaques.
  • - General brain functions are improved. Since the fabric nervous systemSince the brain is composed of more than 60% fat, it is easy to understand the importance of fatty acids for mental health in general.
  • - The mood improves, the vitality rises. Omega-3 is a natural source of energy that does not contribute to fat gain.
  • - Appetite decreases, weight normalizes. Mostly due to improved patency of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which some of the carbohydrates do not have time to be processed into adipose tissue.
  • - Improves the secretion of hormonal glands and testosterone, which is so important in sports.

Of course, there are other beneficial properties that fatty acids have, but I decided to list only those that are most obvious and whose normalization or improvement in functions can be tracked without being a microbiologist. But let's talk about which foods contain the most omega-3 fatty acids.

Fatty acids in food

Of course, it is much more convenient to consume fatty acids in the form of nutritional supplements or, in the old fashioned way, to take fish oil before breakfast, but in order to promote healthy eating I will still give some examples of foods with the highest Omega-3 content.

  1. Any seafood. Fatty acids are found in high amounts in fish, shellfish and seaweed, but it should be borne in mind that we are talking only about fresh products, since after freezing and long-term storage, Omega-3s oxidize and take completely opposite effects, becoming more harmful than beneficial to health.
  2. In flax seeds, as well as in flaxseed oil, which (although few people know about it) can be bought in almost any pharmacy for ridiculous money. When buying it, pay attention to the expiration date, the tightness of the closure with the lid. And also to ensure that the jar is opaque. Only under such conditions will fatty acids retain their beneficial properties.
  3. Walnuts... This type of nut is generally very high in fat, and if you mix 100 grams of crushed nuts with 50 grams of honey, then this homemade "medicine" will fulfill the full functions of omega-3 nutritional supplements. But you will have to eat it at least 100 grams per day, and divided into 2-3 doses.

Fish oil as a source of Omega-3

You may have noticed that I have not included fish oil in the list of the most saturated with fatty acids. Why?

Elementary: Fish oil, like seafood, cannot contain fatty acids in their "alpha stage" for a long time.

And if we take into account the fact that, in comparison with ordinary fish, fat is also processed, then it turns out that when we buy fish oil, we get nothing more than just oxidized fatty acids, without any useful properties. Of course, this does not apply to "fresh" fish oil, but its service life is extremely short and is calculated in days, if not hours.

On the other hand, it is fish oil that is most easily absorbed by the body, and it needs to be consumed significantly less than even conventional food supplements in the form of capsules. As a result, we have the following: when using fish oil, do not stock up for future use, but use only fresh products, only then will it be beneficial.

Daily Value Omega-3

Another pleasant surprise for those who like to accurately calculate their diet and from time to time "feed" their body with various useful vitamin complexes and food supplements. Fatty acid intake is not calculated by body weight, but depending on your goals:

  • To maintain the normal functions of a healthy body, it is enough to consume 2-3 grams of fatty acids per day. And this is about 200-300 grams of sardines or one and a half kilograms of tuna.
  • To stimulate muscle growth, you will need at least 3 but not more than 5 grams of Omega-3.
  • To lose weight and normalize weight, you will have to consume within 5-6 grams of Omega-3 per day.


So, in the end, I would like to add only that taking Omega-3 fatty acids, you not only strengthen your body, but also become a different person: healthier, more resilient and strong! What do you think, is it worth a couple of hundred rubles and 2 minutes to take a pill? The answer is obvious.


Hello friends! Vitaly Okhrimenko is on the line, and I am sincerely glad to see each of you on the other side of the monitor.

Omega-3 in sports nutrition

Of course, a component as useful for bodybuilding as Omega-3 was included in the list of components by some manufacturers of sports nutrition. Here are the main

  1. Fish Oil from Universal Nutrition.
  2. Biotech Omega 3 /
  3. EFA Lean Gold Gel from Labrada.
  4. Vaporize from MAN.
  5. Flaxseed Oil Softgels from Optimum Nutrition.
  6. Animal Omega from Universal Nutrition.
  7. Lipidex from SAN.


Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are not easily desirable, they are a must for athletes of all stripes. And do not be afraid of this word: "fat" even if you are actively involved in fitness and are afraid of every fat percentage.

Firstly, Omega-3 replenishes the body with a terribly small amount of fat, and secondly, these fats are an excellent source of energy and do not carry any harm to the relief contours of the pumped up muscles. These fats will hardly turn into fatty deposits.

Omega-3 will be beneficial for both weight gain and weight loss and body drying. In addition, omega-3 fats in bodybuilding perform a number of important functions: from removing cholesterol to improving mood and vitality. Agree, playing sports when there is not enough mood or vitality is somehow not very good.

Thanks for your attention, friends. Hope it was helpful!

Respectfully, Vitaly Okhrimenko.

One Comment on Omega-3s in Bodybuilding | Food or fish oil? ""

    interesting article! I'll show my son to my son, maybe he'll take the mind

Recent studies have shown that supplements based on fish oil (also known as omega-3s) are more effective than popular cholesterol-lowering drugs in combating conditions such as chronic heart failure. This is a disease in which an enlarged heart does not pump blood well.

As a result of research, scientists have found that the effectiveness of drugs that reduce the level in the treatment of chronic heart failure is no greater than that of a placebo. In the meantime, fish oil supplements have been shown to relieve symptoms of chronic heart failure more effectively than placebo or cholesterol-lowering medications.

It is still unknown why fish oil can reduce the symptoms of chronic heart failure, but experts suggest that these fatty acids increase good cholesterol and strengthen tissues that are themselves made up partly of fatty acids.

Why do we need this?

Let's say this discovery is interesting and informative, but what do all these fish oil and omega-3 fatty supplements have to do with you if you don't have chronic heart failure and are not a scientist?

The fact is that fat is an essential component of any diet, especially the diet of a bodybuilder or athlete. But when it comes to any kind of diet, most of the attention is paid to proteins and carbohydrates.

People generally think that the lower the fat content, the better. As a result, many bodybuilders disrupt body fat levels, which can indirectly lead to poor athletic performance and achievement, and most importantly, subsequently affects overall health.

A broad view of fats

Before we delve deeper into this subject, let's take a look at fats from a different perspective. Composed of fatty acids that bind to a basic structure, fats can be divided into two types: unsaturated and saturated.

Unsaturated fats (atoms not fully saturated with hydrogen, with double bonds), known as "good fats", are found in foods such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oil.

Saturated fats (atoms completely saturated with hydrogen, no double bonds), known as "bad fats", are found in meat and dairy products. Studies have shown that all diets rich in saturated fat are also rich in calories and cholesterol, and all of these "ingredients" are associated with big problems health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

In general, fats are one of the main components for the normal functioning of the body, if only because some vitamins can be absorbed only in the presence of fats. In addition, many important components of the body, such as cell membranes, require fats to function properly. This is not surprising, since our body is a set of complex mechanisms and processes in which fats, along with proteins and carbohydrates, are the main macronutrient.

Don't neglect fats

So, if you are a bodybuilder who avoids fat at all costs, you are making a fatal mistake.

First, a lack of fat slows down fat metabolism and, in general, the metabolism in the body. Since fats are a necessary component of any diet, if they are lacking in the body, the latter will begin to take emergency measures. Most likely, the body will try to hold out on existing fats and use them sparingly, which will make it very difficult to get rid of a few extra pounds and fat deposits.

Secondly, too limited fat intake slows down the entry of vitamins and minerals into the body, which are absorbed only with fats. This means that the benefits of food and nutritional supplements will decrease significantly.

Fats play an important role in the complex processes of the body, so a lack of them can lead to the failure of many processes - from metabolism to the absorption of vitamins.

Know the measure of your fat intake

Despite all of the above, do not consume excessive amounts of fat. As mentioned earlier, diets high in fat (especially saturated fat) can contribute to obesity, heart disease, and a host of other problems.

In terms of bodybuilding, excessive fat intake leads to an accumulation of fatty tissue that hides the muscle definition. It is the presence of such fat that distinguishes the amateur bodybuilder, who only occasionally visits gym, from a professional bodybuilder. Therefore, it is important to correctly understand the whole process and, depending on the desired result, consume the optimal amount of fat for you.

What is adipose tissue?

Adipose tissue, or just fat, is loose connective tissuecomposed of fat cells. Its main task is to store energy in the form of fat, but it also serves to protect the body from cold and shock absorption.

How much fat do we need?

How much fat do we need? If someone thinks that there is such a magic number, or the ideal amount of fat that we should eat, then he does not understand anything about proper nutrition. The required amount of fat for a person depends on body weight, level of physical activity, expected results from bodybuilding, genetic predisposition and a host of other factors.

Only general recommendations can be given. For example, a man weighing about 80 kilograms, leading an active lifestyle, exercising 4-5 times a week, should consume about 2600-2700 calories per day in order to maintain the same shape. About a quarter of these calories (650-675) should come from fat. Based on the fact that there are 9 calories in a gram of fat, it turns out that you need to consume 72-75 grams of fat per day.

What's more, saturated fat should make up less than 10 percent of all fat. It turns out that over 90 percent should be "good fats" such as omega-3 and omega-6, obtained from fish, nuts and vegetable oil. This amount of fat will ensure the proper functioning of our body. And only after this condition is met, you can already think about building muscle mass or weight loss.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, which have been the subject of research in fish oil supplements, belong to the group of unsaturated fats and are considered the most healthy type of fat. If it is not always possible to obtain omega-3 fats from food, then dietary supplements are a good alternative.

For example, flaxseed supplements, whether in liquid or capsule form, are about 6 times richer in omega-3 fats than fish oil supplements. In addition, cod liver supplements are rich in vitamin A, and their use with other vitamin supplements can lead to vitamin A supersaturation. Also, some fish oil supplements have been found to contain negligible amounts of mercury, whereas such problems do not arise with flaxseed supplements. ...


The results of studies on the effectiveness of omega-3 fats in treating patients with chronic heart failure do not directly address the specifics of bodybuilding, but they do touch on the topic of health, which certainly affects the body's ability to build muscle tissue or fight excess fat.

Supplements based on fish oil or flaxseed ensure that all processes in the body work properly, starting with absorption nutrients and ending with a healthy work of the heart. Therefore, people whose diet does not contain enough omega-3 fats should take special supplements so that the body does not experience a shortage of "good fats".

Omega-3 - a group of unsaturated fatty acids that are not reproduced in the body, and with their deficiency, various biochemical and physiological disorders occur.

Omega-3s that are essential include α-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), all of which are polyunsaturated.

Omega-3 and bodybuilding

Without a sufficient intake of Omega-3 fatty acids in the body, it is impossible to achieve the desired results in sports, be it weight loss, muscle gain, or increased strength. With a lack of essential fatty acids, your performance will always be lower than it could have been. This article will talk about "good" fats, more specifically about omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, what role they play in sports and how to get enough of them.


Although omega-3 fatty acids have been known as essential ingredients for normal growth since the 1930s, it has only been in the last few years that their full health benefits have been realized. Recently, new technologies have brought to light ethyl esterified omega-3 fatty acids such as E-EPA and combinations of E-EPA and E-DHA. They have gained attention for being highly refined and more effective than traditional Omega-3s. They are available in Europe as a sports supplement.

The beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system became well known in the 1970s after research carried out by scientists. The subjects in the study consumed large amounts of seafood fats in order to identify their negative health effects, but, in fact, not a single cardiovascular disease was identified. The high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, widely consumed by Eskimos, helps to reduce the concentration of "bad" fats, which are the main causes of high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes and many other diseases.

September 8, 2004, U.S. The Food and Drug Administration has officially recognized the efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids, and stated that "inconclusive but well-founded studies show that consumption of EPA and DHA fatty acids reduces the risk of coronary heart disease." Nowadays, almost all official health care institutions agree on the beneficial properties of omega-3 fatty acids, and not only associated with cardiovascular diseases, but many others.

With the full recognition of the importance of Omega-3 fatty acids for health, a large number of supplements and sports nutrition based on Omega-3 began to emerge. Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Spectrum of effects of Omega-3

Omega-3s have a wide range of beneficial effects that are key to bodybuilding. We list only the main ones:

  • Increased metabolic rate.
  • Accelerate the growth of lean muscle mass and reduce fat. They can be used for both weight loss and weight gain.
  • Increasing insulin sensitivity by slowing down the movement of food contents along gastrointestinal tract... Thus, carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly without creating concentration peaks that cause desensitization of insulin islands.
  • Improving the rheological properties of blood, due to a decrease in viscosity, as a result of which blood pressure decreases, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, the formation of blood clots, strokes and heart attacks decreases.
  • Improves overall tone and endurance.
  • They are precursors of prostaglandins - natural anti-inflammatory biologically active blood components. Prostaglandins reduce pain and inflammation that always accompany intense exercise. Thus, the destruction of muscle tissue after training is reduced, and the recovery time is shortened.
  • Improves brain function, cheers up. The brain substance is 60% fat, and especially needs omega-3 fatty acids to function properly.
  • Leaves skin soft and clean.
  • A healthy source of energy with no risk of fat gain.
  • Enhances the production of hormones, including the most important testosterone in bodybuilding.
  • Suppress the release of harmful cortisol.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are also necessary in the following situations: functional disorders of the central nervous system, accompanied by a decrease in the level of mental energy and intellectual functions, chronic fatigue, rehabilitation after acute cerebrovascular accidents; rehabilitation after a heart attack, angiopathy; osteomyelitis, bone fractures, trophic ulcers; autoimmune diseases; glomerulonephritis; pregnancy; skin diseases, cosmetic programs, cancer prevention, etc.

Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio

Clinical studies have recently shown that the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 (especially linoleic and alpha lipoic) fatty acids also plays an important role. However, these data require confirmation, since subsequent tests did not establish such a correlation.

Both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential, that is, a person can get them only from food (including sports nutrition). Omega-3 and Omega-6 compete for the same enzymes, so the ratio of these fatty acids will influence the ratio of eicosanoids (their metabolic followers are hormones, neurotransmitters and cytokines) such as prostaglandins, leukotrienes, thromboxanes, which means that will have a significant effect on the entire body.

Omega-6 metabolites can significantly increase inflammatory responses (especially Arachidonic acid), in contrast to Omega-3. It follows from this that in order to maintain the balance of biologically active substances, Omega-3 and Omega-6 must be consumed in certain proportions. The recommended ratios range from 1: 1 to 4: 1 Omega-6: Omega-3. It was calculated that these proportions are evolutionarily the most adequate.

Nowadays, farmed meat contains high amounts of omega-6 and small amounts of omega-3. Cultivated vegetables and fruits also contain lower amounts of omega-3s than wild plants. In the last 100-150 years, the amount of omega-6 in the diet has increased significantly also due to great use in food of vegetable oils such as corn, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed and soybean. The reason for this was the recommendation to replace saturated fats with vegetable oils to lower blood cholesterol levels. Consumption of fish and seafood rich in omega-3 fats has been significantly reduced. In the modern Western diet, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is in the 10-30: 1 range, instead of the required 1-4: 1.

This fact explains why Omega-3 fats receive special attention.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats in food

In fact, the only complete source of omega-3 fats is seafood (excluding pharmaceuticals). In the above oils, omega-3 fats are found in the form of alpha-linolenic acid, and in fish and seafood in the form of eicosapentaenoic and decosahexaenoic fatty acids, which are just the most useful and active. Of course, in the body, alpha-linolenic acid can be converted into eicosapentaenoic and decosahexaenoic acids, but this process is not very effective, especially in the elderly, with diabetes, etc.

Unlike omega-3 fats, omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in almost all vegetable oils. Omega-6 fats are also found in small amounts in many other foods, such as fresh vegetables, therefore, we do not experience a lack of omega-6 fatty acids. Sunflower and corn oil do not contain omega-3 fats at all, but they have too much omega-6.

Nuts and seeds are good sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, but only omega-6 fats. If you look at the comparison tables for omega fats in nuts, you will see that omega-3s are found in negligible amounts.

Plant Sources of Omega-3

Many authors write about the incredible benefits of flaxseed oil, which is the richest in Omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, flaxseed oil contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats in an ideal ratio. Unfortunately, these authors forget about one feature of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, they have one significant drawback - they are extremely susceptible to oxidation. Oxidation occurs especially quickly when fats are heated and when interacting with air. As a result, a huge number of free radicals are formed, which have many negative reactions to the entire body.

Flaxseed oil does contain a lot of Omega-3 fats, but, unfortunately, it oxidizes too quickly. The number of peroxides, that is, lipid oxidation products, is enormous. Such oil will do the body, along with free radicals, much more harm than good. This oil will oxidize too quickly even if the bottle is left in the refrigerator.

In Russia, flaxseed oil can be easily bought at a pharmacy, and, for example, in France, the sale of flaxseed oil in bottles is prohibited due to the too high level of peroxides. Therefore, decide for yourself whether you need it or not (for example, in Germany, Switzerland, England, the USA, it is freely sold in supermarkets).

If you still decide to buy it and eat it, then be sure to check the expiration date (6 months from the date of spin) and make sure that it is in a light-protected container (for example, dark brown plastic bottle). The smaller the bottle you buy, the better. Store in refrigerator for up to 30 days after opening.

Omega-3 fats are also found in flax seeds (in this state, polyunsaturated fats are more stable), oat germ, wheat germ. You can find them in health food stores or in regular supermarkets in the health food section. They should always be kept in the refrigerator and used only fresh, otherwise you risk saturating your body with free radicals instead of omega-3 fats.

Camelina is a valuable source of plant-based Omega-3s. It has a high content of carotenoids (0.5-2.0 mg%), vitamin E (40-120 mg%), and phospholipids (0.8%). As a result, unrefined camelina oil is superior in oxidation resistance to other vegetable oils high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. The main value of camelina oil is a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids: 35-39% linolenic (Omega-3) and 14-22% linoleic (Omega-6). Thus, unrefined camelina oil is devoid of the disadvantages of flaxseed oil, while maintaining its advantages.

Clinical studies show that daily consumption of 30 g of camelina oil significantly reduces the content of low density cholesterol in blood plasma compared to the consumption of canola and olive oil.

Soybean oil, pumpkin seed oil, hemp oil, and walnut oil also contain omega-3 fats. Unfortunately, all of these oils contain 3, 4, 5 times more omega-6 fats than the omega-3 fats we are sorely lacking. As we recall from the previous lines, omega-3 and omega-6 fats compete with each other for the same enzyme systems, therefore, the more such oils you eat with huge amounts of omega-6, as well as sunflower and corn, the more difficult omega -3 fats to realize their beneficial effects in the body. By consuming these oils, you load your body with omega-6 fats even more.

Omega-3 fatty acids and brain health

The treatment of depression, anxiety and stress with omega-3 fatty acids is currently receiving close medical attention. Approximately 60% of the brain is fat. And the main part of it is omega-3 fatty acids. When there is a shortage of these in the diet, other types of fats take over their work in the brain. As a result, the health of brain cells is impaired. So, for example, the membrane of every brain cell becomes rigid, and it takes more time for electrical impulses to be transmitted from one cell to another. This means that the process of transmitting messages between brain cells slows down.

As a result, you cannot think clearly and your memory becomes clouded. In such cases, depression and anxiety can also develop. Studies have shown that increasing the proportion of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet helps to avoid these problems.

Based on this data, the American Heart Association recommends eating two to three fish meals a week. The best in terms of omega-3 fatty acids are wild salmon, mackerel, notothenia, cod, halibut, rainbow trout, crustaceans, sardines, herring and tuna. Additionally, omega-3s are found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, canola oil, tofu, and flaxseed. However, they are different from those found in fish oil. This is, in addition to EPA and DHA, the third type of omega-3 fatty acids - ALA. To be useful, ALA must be converted in the body to EPA or DHA. When you eat flaxseed or get ALA from some other source, only 5% of ALA is converted to EPA and DHA. Moreover, for this to happen, you must be completely healthy and get enough nutrients.

Most people cannot get that 5% in full. Although flaxseed and other sources of omega-3 fatty acids (with the exception of fish) have certain benefits, they cannot replace EPA and DHA. I recommend to my clients to eat five fish dishes a week. And when they are on the road and they do not have the opportunity to eat fish, I advise them to consume capsules with fish oil.

Oxidation of Omega-3 Fatty Acids by Heat Treatment

Many authors note that the greatest danger to omega fatty acids is heat while cooking. One can disagree with this, since Omega-3 fatty acids are found in oil that has been subjected to repeated heating. Dr. Frank Sacks, Professor of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health has studied this issue separately, and also believes that heat treatment is not a major factor in oxidation. Long-term storage outdoors when exposed to rays poses a significant hazard. sunlightwhen everything predisposes to the oxidation of omega-3 fatty acids. Keep food covered in a cool and dark place.

Fish oil as a source of omega-3 fatty acids

When you buy fish oil, you may not actually get enough omega-3 fatty acids, says Rufus Turner, a lipid scientist at Crop & Food Research. He and his colleague Dr Carlene McLean researched commercially available fish oils. They found that the samples contained different levels primary and secondary oxidized fatty acids. Moreover, oxidized fatty acids have been found to have a carcinogenic and pro-inflammatory effect. They have an almost completely opposite set of actions compared to omega-3 fatty acids: they increase the risk of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, hypertension, etc. Dr Turner says that, unfortunately, the content of omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil is not constant, and there is a much greater propensity for oxidation than vegetable fats or other animal fats. The oxidation of fish oils begins at an accelerated rate immediately after extraction, and continues actively throughout the storage period.

Fish oil for muscle growth

Fish oil can also help build muscle. According to a study published in the Journal of the International Society for Sports Nutrition in 2010, muscle gains were seen after six weeks of fish oil supplementation (3-4 grams per day). The results obtained showed that fish oil has a positive effect on protein synthesis in muscle cells, and an increase in the cells themselves was also noticed.

How much fish oil should you take per day

There are many different opinions about how much fish oil to take per day. The American Heart Association recommends a low dose of 0.5 to 2 g per day, while others recommend 1 g for every percentage of body fat. However, a moderate and optimal intake is 1–2 g of fish oil with food 2–3 times a day.

Daily Value Omega-3

  • To improve health and normalize cholesterol levels, it is enough to take 1-1.5 g of Omega-3 per day
  • When doing bodybuilding, a dose of 2-3 g daily is required to increase muscle mass.
  • When losing weight, take 3-4 g of Omega-3
  • No appointment break required

Sports nutrition and omega-3 fatty acids

So it becomes clear that modern man It is very difficult to get enough omega-3 fatty acids from regular food. In addition, it becomes difficult to store foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids - often you risk exposing your body to an attack of active radicals, causing major damage, instead of the beneficial properties of essential fatty acids.

Dietary combining food to create the optimal ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is also almost impossible. Not everyone wants to eat fish 4-5 times a week. And given the high fat content of omega-3-rich fish meat, you can interfere with the formation of a beautiful and slim figure, as well as relief muscles. But there is a way out, currently the sports nutrition market presents a very wide variety of supplements with omega-3 fatty acids. Scientists have taken great care to protect Omega-3s from oxidation and have added antioxidants such as Vitamin E, Astaxanthin and others.

Popular sports supplements

  • Fish Oil by Universal Nutrition
  • EFA Lean Gold Gel by Labrada
  • Lipidex by SAN
  • Vaporize by MAN
  • Flaxseed Oil Softgels by Optimum Nutrition
  • Animal Omega by Universal Nutrition

According to analysis, nearly a third of supplements contain fewer fatty acids than the manufacturer claims.

Without a sufficient intake of Omega-3 fatty acids in the body, it is impossible to achieve the desired results in sports, be it weight loss, muscle gain, or increased strength. With a lack of essential fatty acids, your performance will always be lower than it could have been. This article will talk about "good" fats, more specifically about omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, what role they play in sports and how to get enough of them.

Spectrum of effects of Omega-3:
Increased metabolic rate
Increasing insulin sensitivity by slowing down the movement of food contents through the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly without creating concentration peaks that cause desensitization of insulin islands.
Improving the rheological properties of blood, due to a decrease in viscosity, as a result of which blood pressure decreases, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, the formation of blood clots, strokes and heart attacks decreases.
Improves overall tone and endurance.
Promotes weight loss by reducing appetite.
They are precursors of prostaglandins - natural anti-inflammatory biologically active blood components. Prostaglandins reduce pain and inflammation that always accompany intense exercise. Thus, the destruction of muscle tissue after training is reduced, and the recovery time is shortened.
Improves brain function, cheers up. The brain substance is 60% fat, and especially needs omega-3 fatty acids to function properly.
Leaves the skin soft and velvety.
A healthy source of energy with no risk of fat gain.
Enhances the production of hormones, including the most important testosterone in bodybuilding.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are also needed in the following situations: functional disorders of the central nervous system, accompanied by a decrease in the level of mental energy and intellectual functions, a state of chronic fatigue, rehabilitation after acute disorders of cerebral circulation; rehabilitation after a heart attack, angiopathy; osteomyelitis, bone fractures, trophic ulcers; autoimmune diseases; glomerulonephritis; pregnancy; skin diseases, cosmetic programs, cancer prevention, etc.

Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio:

Clinical studies have recently shown that the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 (especially linolenic and alpha lipoic) fatty acids also plays an important role. However, these data require confirmation, since subsequent tests did not establish such a correlation.

Both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential, that is, a person can get them only from food (including sports nutrition). Omega-3 and Omega-6 compete for the same enzymes, so the ratio of these fatty acids will influence the ratio of eicosanoids (their metabolic followers are hormones, neurotransmitters and cytokines) such as prostaglandins, leukotrienes, thromboxanes, which means that will have a significant effect on the entire body.

Omega-6 metabolites can significantly increase inflammatory responses (especially Arachidonic acid), in contrast to Omega-3. It follows from this that in order to maintain the balance of biologically active substances, Omega-3 and Omega-6 must be consumed in certain proportions. The recommended ratios range from 1: 1 to 4: 1 Omega-6: Omega-3. It was calculated that these proportions are evolutionarily the most adequate.

Nowadays, farmed meat contains high amounts of omega-6 and small amounts of omega-3. Cultivated vegetables and fruits also contain lower amounts of omega-3s than wild plants. In the past 100-150 years, the amount of omega-6 in the diet has also increased significantly due to the large consumption of vegetable oils such as corn, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed and soybean oils. The reason for this was the recommendation to replace saturated fats with vegetable oils to lower blood cholesterol levels. Consumption of fish and seafood rich in omega-3 fats has been significantly reduced. In the modern Western diet, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is in the 10-30: 1 range, instead of the required 1-4: 1.

This fact explains why Omega-3 fats receive special attention.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats in food:

In fact, the only complete source of omega-3 fats is seafood (excluding pharmaceuticals). In the above oils, omega-3 fats are found in the form of alpha-linolenic acid, and in fish and seafood in the form of eicosapentaenoic and decosahexaenoic fatty acids, which are just the most useful and active. Of course, in the body, alpha-linolenic acid can be converted into eicosapentaenoic and decosahexaenoic acids, but this process is not very effective, especially in the elderly, those with diabetes, etc.

Unlike omega-3 fats, omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in almost all vegetable oils. Also, omega-6 fats are found in small amounts in many other foods, for example, in fresh vegetables, so we do not experience a lack of omega-6 fatty acids. Sunflower and corn oil do not contain omega-3 fats at all, but they have too much omega-6.

Nuts and seeds are good sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, but only omega-6 fats. If you look at the comparison tables for omega fats in nuts, you will see that omega-3s are found in negligible amounts.

Plant sources of Omega-3:

Many authors write about the incredible benefits of flaxseed oil, which is the richest in Omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, flaxseed oil contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats in an ideal ratio. Unfortunately, these authors forget about one feature of the polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, they have one significant drawback - they are extremely susceptible to oxidation. Oxidation occurs especially quickly when fats are heated and when interacting with air. As a result, a huge number of free radicals are formed, which have many negative reactions to the entire body.

Flaxseed oil does contain a lot of Omega-3 fats, but, unfortunately, it oxidizes too quickly. The number of peroxides, that is, lipid oxidation products, is enormous. Such oil will do the body, along with free radicals, much more harm than good. This oil will oxidize too quickly even if the bottle is left in the refrigerator.

If you do decide to buy it and eat it, then be sure to check the expiration date (6 months from the date of spinning) and make sure that it is in a light-proof container (for example, a dark brown plastic bottle). The smaller the bottle you buy, the better. Store in refrigerator for up to 30 days after opening.

Omega-3 fats are also found in flax seeds (in this state, polyunsaturated fats are more stable), oat germ, wheat germ. You can find them in health food stores or in regular supermarkets in the health food section. They should always be kept in the refrigerator and used only fresh, otherwise you risk saturating your body with free radicals instead of omega-3 fats.

Camelina is a valuable source of plant-based Omega-3s. It has a high content of carotenoids (0.5-2.0 mg%), vitamin E (40-120 mg%), as well as phospholipids (0.8%). As a result, unrefined camelina oil is superior to other vegetable oils with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in oxidation resistance. The main value of camelina oil is a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids: 35-39% linolenic (Omega-3) and 14-22% linoleic (Omega-6). Thus, unrefined camelina oil is devoid of the disadvantages of flaxseed oil, while maintaining its advantages.

Clinical studies show that daily consumption of 30 g of camelina oil significantly reduces the content of low density cholesterol in blood plasma compared to the consumption of canola and olive oil.

Soybean oil, pumpkin seed oil, hemp oil, and walnut oil also contain omega-3 fats. But do not rush to rejoice. You shouldn't have thought that you would buy yourself a bottle of pumpkin seed oil, drink it a tablespoon a day, and you will be happy. That is, the issue of saturating the body with omega-3 fats will be resolved. No, it will not.

Unfortunately, in all of these oils the amount of omega-6 fats is 3, 4, 5 times higher than the content of omega-3 fats, which we are sorely lacking. As we remember from the previous lines, omega-3 and omega-6 fats compete with each other for the same enzyme systems, therefore, the more such oils you eat with huge amounts of omega-6, as well as sunflower and corn, the more difficult omega -3 fats to realize their beneficial effect in the body. Consuming these oils will further load your body with omega-6 fats.