7 colors in the human aura. What is an aura and how can you see it? Aura brown

At the word "aura" we imagine for ourselves something mystical and unattainable for an ordinary person. Our mind is not able to fully capture the entire essence of this concept. Only after a long and deep penetration into the secrets of the energetic forces of the Universe can one understand the meaning, as well as the power of our aura.

It is generally accepted that human aura Is a cocoon of energy that surrounds the entire body. The cells of our body secrete their own strength, which has individual characteristics: color, shape. The ability to see radiation is possessed by selected people.

We are all different. This also applies to the aura. Its density and color depends on a set of qualities, emotions, thoughts, possibilities. The defining moment in this is the activity of the human chakras.

The first mentions of the aura are found in the monuments of ancient times. We can say that with the advent of intelligence, people immediately found out that there is an energy field for everyone. This field emanates from the body and is a luminous radiation.

Those who had the ability to clairvoyance could see it. In subsequent years, a lot has been written about Aura. scientific works... Famous artists and craftsmen used it in their creations.

Gradually evolving science has provided a clearer explanation for a previously mystical concept. Scientists have determined that the human aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living organisms. In other words, a person's aura is his.

As already mentioned, the individual characteristics of a person give an impetus to the formation of radiation characteristics. That is, the color of the aura, its density, as well as the direction of the rays depends on the state of the organism, on current experiences and on the level of development.

Due to its unique properties, the human aura is able to protect us from negative influences. This is a defense mechanism that repels bad thoughts, envy, corruption. But this mechanism does not always work. What does it depend on?

We ourselves are destroying our aura without even knowing it. When we get irritated, quarrel with loved ones, gaps or even holes appear in our energy defenses.

To avoid such events, you need to monitor your behavior, your thoughts and inner content. When talking, you should not waste your life force, it is better to be restrained and pronounce words deliberately.

Like fingerprints, the human aura is completely unique. There are similar to each other, but the same do not exist. The spirit individually accumulates and absorbs the effects of the Universe, therefore, the radiation of energy is unique.

Some auras have an accumulation of morbid energy, anger and destruction. To protect yourself from adverse influences from them, you need to monitor the state of balance.

Who can see the aura

When discussing the composition and appearance of the aura, many controversies arose. This was due to the fact that it is visible only to highly sensitive natures who have a connection with the Cosmos. Some people see part of the radiation and argue that the whole essence of the aura is manifested in this.

Due to insufficient development of psychic vision, they are not able to fully capture the delicate and beautiful fullness of the aura. They only see the gross component. Without thinking about the lack of facts, they are completely sure that their vision is the real essence.

In fact, the human aura has a huge number of forms and manifestations. She has balance and harmony. The level of sensitivity of nature and the fine organization of the mind make it possible to cognize the power of radiation.

V recent times a theory appeared that the energy field is an extension of a material body. But to assert this fact is not very appropriate. After all, we do not believe that the sun's rays are the physical part of the luminary. So in this case.

The human aura comes from the principles of the human body, but is not part of these principles. In total, we have seven beginnings (chakras). Each has its own energy.

The rays that emanate from the seven principles are similar in nature to X-rays. Ordinary people are unable to see them. Those who have a higher spiritual organization and developed psychic senses are able to distinguish the aura emanating from the six principles.

But last start accessible only to the Higher Forces, a person is not able to reach such a high level. The sensibility of mental sensations can be gradually developed, strive for the highest sources of knowledge and skills. But you should not be guided only by your own vision and draw conclusions about the aura and its composition. To master the truth, one should listen to people who have reached the heights in union with the Universe.

How to see a person's aura

There are special exercises that help to reveal the ability to see the aura. First of all, you will be able to analyze your own energy radiation and get to know yourself. Also, information about the auras of the people around you will become available to you.

The human aura has several layers. The first one, which is closest to the body, has a bright color and is easy to see. Almost everyone who followed the recommendations was able to identify this layer. It is called ethereal.

Next comes the astral shell. Its appearance is different from the first layer. The density is much less, it is scattered. Not everyone can see the astral shell. There is never a clear boundary between layers. They constantly interact, interfere with colors, move from one position to another.

Get help from someone you know and trust. Let him guide you through the following steps. Ask him to stand near the wall. It is desirable if the background surface is light and uniform, ideally completely white. Excessive patterns, drawings, posters will distract and interfere with concentrating on the instructions.

So, a person stands in front of you at a distance of 45 to 60 centimeters in front of the wall. Watch out for lighting - there should be no direct sunlight, and also avoid artificial sources. You are three meters from the object.

The condition of the object is very important, so tell him to keep everything in balance and calmness: thoughts, breathing, muscles. Let him rock the body a little.

Your eyes should not be focused on the physical manifestation of the object. Try to look at the wall as if through the body.

Gradually, you will notice a blurry light around the body. Its width is about one centimeter. This is the first layer - the human etheric aura.

Don't be surprised and don't stop. The next step is to see the light behind the subject. It is colored yellow or silver. The structure will not be uniform everywhere, the aura is rather changeable and not symmetrical.

It happens that the first time it is difficult to catch the light around the body. It depends on the person himself. Some distinguish colors instantly, others only after a few exercises.

To develop a mental organization, one should work with different objects.

If you regularly work on your sensuality, soon you will clearly distinguish a strip of light up to half a meter wide. Most likely, it will be scattered, and the color will be darker than that of the first stripe. This next layer is astral.

How to see your own aura

You can examine your aura in front of a mirror at a distance of half a meter. There should be no distractions behind you. Let it be a wall. If this is not possible, hang up an ordinary white sheet.

Watch your muscles, your breathing - everything should be calm and measured. Sway slightly. Look at the background behind you, concentrate on it.

Over time, you will see a faint and thin line of light that sways with your body. To help the lighting help to see the aura better, make sure that the light is natural, not bright, not direct.

It doesn't matter what you wear.

Gradually you will be able to change base colors auras. You will be able to observe this change. Thanks to this new skill, you will have the opportunity to harmonize your wardrobe with your aura.

The colors of the human aura. The meaning of colors

It has long been proven that each color has its own characteristics and unique characteristics. That is why, after analyzing the colors of the aura, one can come to the corresponding conclusion about emotional state a person, about his health, about mental balance.

The meaning of aura colors

  1. Purple

Corresponds to individuals who are well versed in the spiritual realms, who have contact with the Higher Beginning. People with such an aura easily learn the secrets of their body, comprehend the truth of the world around them and open up to absorb superknowledge. The location of the purple color falls on the pituitary gland.

  1. Blue color

These are people with great knowledge in science. Their mental organization is rather subtle and vulnerable. Harmonious with the natural forces of nature. Blue is distinguished around the pineal gland.

  1. Blue

It is located in the brain, and accordingly indicates a high level of intelligence and powerful logical abilities. Depending on the shade, you can judge the character of a person. Lighter colors mean that the person has a pure soul and thoughts. But the dark ones talk about excessive thinking in different topics, about suspicion.

  1. Green color

People who are harmonious and calm have this color. Such natures often become doctors, they like to bring people joy. Only now the dark tones of green indicate a person's dishonesty. It can be seen in the neck area.

  1. Yellow

If the color is bright, sunny, then a person is such. These are people who can cheer up at any moment, bring joy and love into the situation. And if the color is dark, then here we can talk about the envy of nature. You can see it in the chest area.

  1. Orange color

Located in the stomach area. Speaks about a good general condition of the body, about physical fitness. If the color is unclear, then one can judge about the low development of mental abilities.

  1. Red color

Indicates a hot-tempered and passionate nature, loving life. People whose aura colors have a darker red tint, have an angry disposition, often quarrel. Its location is in the area of ​​the reproductive system.

Features of the human aura

  • All aura colors have their own characteristics. The brighter and purer the color of the aura, the purer the human soul. Dark and muddy elements, on the contrary, speak of negativity in the soul and low desires in thoughts.
  • The situations that surround us directly affect the aura. The more happiness, joy around, the better our energy becomes. The human aura absorbs everything and absorbs it.
  • If you have the ability to see the aura, you can recognize the person in advance.
  • The composition and colors of the aura depends on what kind of people you will communicate with.
  • To keep your aura intact, watch your behavior and your words.

How to see an aura in 10 minutes?

In this video, Reiki Master Evgenia Dolgorukaya will teach you to see a person's aura in 10 minutes.

Let your aura shine with all the colors of the rainbow!



Esotericists have long recorded the existence of an energy cocoon around the physical body of a person, called the aura. It differs in different color shades, characteristic. In a patient, this phenomenon gradually fades away until it disappears completely on the eve of death. The aura of a person, colors, the meaning of its coverings, contribute to the identification of the causes of spiritual and physical illnesses, a better understanding of people. The predominant shades define the traits that make up the personality.

Aura color: the meaning of different shades

Knowledge of the characteristics of the energy shells of people will allow you to interact with others in a new way. Strangers will cease to be a mystery, because the aura echoes the character of a person. One shade is more often the predominant shade, but the energy cocoon usually consists of different colors... What is their significance?

  • Red talking about leadership qualities, selflessness and ambition, increased sexuality. But darker shades indicate a desire to dominate others and a hot-tempered character.
  • Be wary of people whose aura dark red and blurred with muddy stains. They are prone to aggression, they are distinguished by cunning. They strive to get pleasure at someone else's expense.
  • Lilac color characterizes heroic and fair people. They do not know fear and always go ahead in their personal life and in business.
  • Aura scarlet shade characteristic of those who are proud of themselves for no reason.
  • Pink the color symbolizes love. It is always pleasant to communicate with such people. They know how to maintain a conversation and lavish goodwill around.
  • Orange colors characterize active humanists, self-confident. If there is a golden hue, then people are good at self-control. But green blotches in such an aura speak of conflict and the ability to provoke quarrels.
  • Yellow color is characteristic of creative individuals with high intelligence.
  • Green the aura distinguishes people who are able to challenge fate. They often have a healing gift.
  • Blue color is formed around a person endowed with intuition. Such people are young at heart throughout their lives. For this reason, they love travel and often change their place of residence.
  • Purple aura color - meaning: a person is distinguished by high spirituality and a craving for mystical knowledge. However, it is often not physically developed.
  • Large-scale plans tend to come up with individuals with an aura. silver colors. They are creative, honest and noble people. Not capable of evil deeds.
  • White the background distinguishes those who are pure in spirit. This is a man-peacemaker, unable to pass by someone else's misfortune, without providing all possible help. Such people often participate in charitable programs, go to developing countries to help the local population.

Among uninitiated people, there is an opinion that only psychics are capable of distinguishing the energy cocoon around the figure of a living creature or object. Esotericists know techniques that allow everyone to learn to see their own or someone else's aura.

Parapsychologists argue that the depiction of animals in unnatural colors by children indicates that at a tender age a person is able to see more than just the physical shell. Over the years, material values ​​are superimposed on the perception of the surrounding world. The child loses the ability to see the energetic components of reality. There are several techniques to regain lost abilities.

Seeing your own aura is not too difficult.

  1. Position yourself at a distance of about 50 cm from the mirror, positioned so that the background reflects a solid light background. The lighting shouldn't be too bright. It is also impossible to succeed in the dark.
  2. Relax every part of your body. Inhale and exhale evenly. Subsequently, you will begin to notice that the aura increases as the lungs are filled with air.
  3. Slightly swaying the body from side to side helps to concentrate.
  4. Take a closer look at the reflection of the wall surface behind you. Walk your eyes over the outline of the figure.
  5. After a while, a weightless shell will begin to appear around it, moving with the body.

After visualization of the aura, it becomes possible to change its color to the desired one. It should be remembered that this will greatly affect the character and fate of a person. Take these techniques seriously, trying not to harm yourself or those around you.

How to see a person's aura? For better development it is best to start this ability with the energy sheath of small objects. Move consistently to plants and animals. The result will be the development of a third eye that can easily distinguish the auras of other people.

By developing the ability to see the aura, a person gets the opportunity to change his own destiny and learn to help others. The method of improving such abilities in oneself is best chosen by referring to the subconscious. A good knowledge of the topic "Human Aura: Colors, Meaning" will avoid many misunderstandings and personalities. People who are greedy or quarrelsome are easily distinguished by the shades of the energy background that surrounds the physical body. Such knowledge is irreplaceable for spiritual self-development and knowledge of the depths of one's personality.

Colors can influence a person's mood and condition. In psychology, there is even a whole section that deals with treatment with the help of color - color therapy.

People use colors in clothes and interiors to express themselves and create the right atmosphere.

There are those that energize, such as yellow, red, orange. Others, on the other hand, are calming and can even inspire sadness - for example, blue, gray.

The meaning of flowers in the human biofield

The colors of the aura convey a more or less stable state and mood of a person. Let's see what they mean.

It speaks of the presence of a great vitality of a person, his leadership qualities, the ability and desire to take responsibility. Such people are courageous, decisive, but they also have disadvantages. They can be irritable, arrogant, arrogant, and even aggressive, especially when there is a cloudy tone in their aura.

If such a person directs energy in the right direction, then usually he is creative in solving life problems, energetic and mobile, cheerful. His charisma and charm is capable of influencing huge masses of people, he can be an excellent orator, public figure.

In personal relationships, such a person is passionate and sexually attractive, has a powerful attraction. He usually has a lot of fans and adorers.

However, if red is not the main one in the aura, but appears temporarily, this, as I wrote in the previous article, may indicate the presence of acute pain, an inflammatory disease. As well as strong emotions of anger or irritation.


It means love of life, openness, a positive attitude towards others. The owner of an orange biofield is somewhat similar to a person with a red aura, but he has a softer character. He is drawn to people, usually talkative and emotional, but these emotions are not harsh.

This is a sensitive nature, such a person can be emotionally unstable and often the state of his affairs depends on his mood. Nevertheless, he has a rather big vitality.

In personal relationships, he is empathic, friendly, but vulnerable.

Dark orange, cloudy color - arrogance, ambition, fussiness.


Optimism, benevolence, activity, psychic abilities.

The character of such a person often contains "childish" traits. Of course, there are both pros and cons to this. On the one hand, he is trusting, spontaneous, open and, like a ray of sunshine, gives his light to those around him. He has a lot of ideas, good imagination.

On the other hand, he can show frivolity, easily succumb to various temptations, in his youth he can be addicted to drugs and alcohol.

The yellow tint has an ambiguous interpretation. It is believed that the aura of highly spiritual people is of this color, but it is also attributed to fraudsters. I think this is due to the fact that some people can use their insight and extraordinary abilities for the purpose of deception and for their own benefit. Everything here, of course, depends on the person.

Spiritual teachers, gurus, saints have a golden hue of the aura. In paintings, they are often depicted with a yellow halo around their heads.

Green color

Foliage, grass, nature - all this symbolizes green. A pleasant, without impurities and turbidity, green color indicates that a person has developed compassion, love for all living things, and he is endowed with the ability to heal. Such people make good doctors, healers, diagnosticians.

In personal relationships, such a person is tolerant, compassionate and responsive. However, he does not hover in the clouds, but, on the contrary, is in close contact with the material world, and is able to enjoy life.

He also defends the weak and the sick, and his style of relationship can be called maternal - he patronizes, takes care of, protects and is able to forgive even strong insults for a very long time.

Blue and blue

Such a person is serious and responsible since childhood. He has developed intuition, a desire for knowledge, insight. People with blue aura often have special abilities to telepathy.

However, they are also characterized by silence, isolation, a heightened sense of loneliness. Their temperaments are usually melancholic. They have a philosophical mindset, high intelligence, and at the same time a low need for communication, which over the years can lead to some isolation.

However, such people are faithful in love and friendship, and are often monogamous. They treat their loved ones very responsibly, help and support them, and a friend can always turn to such a person for wise advice.


This color is most often present in the aura of a person prone to mysticism and possessing paranormal abilities. Such people are very spiritual, insightful and prone to clairvoyance.

The high mobility of nervous processes provides them with a sensitive and flexible response to the environment. However, severe stress is contraindicated for them. These people see what most do not see, and not everyone can cope with such a flow of information, therefore, under unfavorable conditions, their nervous system can malfunction, and they may even develop a mental disorder.

These people are very independent, they have their own, often extraordinary vision of the world, and therefore it is not easy in personal relationships and love with them. They are constantly in search, their goals are global, and they feel their responsibility not only for their loved ones, but often for all of humanity at once. Of course, this can create certain difficulties in the relationship.

A child with a purple aura needs sensitive and competent upbringing. Such children are very sympathetic and vulnerable. Their unusual abilities attract the attention of people, however, it is important that arrogance and heightened pride do not develop in the character of such a child.

White or transparent

The color of purity, purity. It can mean the birth of something new: ideas, plans for creative projects. Such a person is humble and usually silent. People with a white aura are good diagnosticians - thanks to their clear perception, they are able to see the "true color", the essence of a person. Of course, this is if they develop their natural gift.

In personal relationships, such people are balanced, merciful, and never seek to compete with a partner. They are honest, sincere, and considerate. Despite the fact that they subtly feel and see the hidden, they do not always voice their observations.

Often white in the energy field accompanies other colors, and then you need to look at them already. For example, I sometimes see a combination of white and yellow in my biofield.


To be honest, I have never seen black color in the aura either in myself or in other people, but some diagnosticians claim that this is the case. Someone thinks that this is the color of death or serious illness. Others talk about the protective properties of black.

Probably, it is better to interpret it proceeding from the context, that is, from the situation of a particular person. In my opinion, black indicates a certain secrecy of character. He may also speak of repressed aggression as a result of trauma. The person himself may not be aware of this aggression.

Friends! I have described the most common and most interesting primary aura colors. As for other shades and combinations, then, if necessary, you can ask about them in the comments - I will answer.

An associative way to see an aura

As I said in the previous article, the color of the energy can change depending on changes in a person's character, environmental conditions, and even mood. However, we can notice one, the brightest and most stable, which has been the main one for quite a long time. It is he who gives the most complete picture of a person.

It can be "caught" even by those people who do not set themselves the special task of seeing the aura, because it is felt on an intuitive level.

In order to "see" him, you just need to close your eyes and imagine some familiar person. The color or shade that occurs when you associate with him, with a high probability, is the main color of his aura.


On this I will probably finish my article. Hope you like it. Write comments, share your experience.

And I do not say goodbye to you - see you in the next post!

With warmth to you,

Red: light, delicate, bright color, pure red color indicates that a person is in love, full of energy, and vitality. In such an aura, red means physical activity, ambition, courage, joy.
Dark red color is inherent in people with a lack of energy, physical and emotional fatigue; materialism.
Crimson: sexuality and passion.
Dirty red with dark stains speaks of a person's selfishness, the ability to fall into a rage, greed for pleasure.
A dull brick red in arrogant, arrogant people.

A hard brown color in the aura of people who are selfish, down-to-earth, jealous and greedy.
Orange: emotion, sociability and openness, at the same time discipline and competence, the color of pride and ambition.
Bright orange: strong emotions, fun, optimism.
Dark orange: Indulging in weakness.
Cloudy orange: irritability.
Reddish orange: wanting to impress
on others, vitality.
Yellow: intelligence, mental plane.
Bright yellow: high intelligence, willpower, cheerfulness.
Gold (Gold): huge life potential, high intelligence and great abilities, wisdom, the ability to share knowledge with others
Pure gold: bright mind.
Golden yellow: prosperity and material prosperity.
Yellow-red: willpower, swiftness, determination, vitality.
Lemon yellow: clear mind.
Mustard yellow: deceit and dishonesty.
Turbid yellow: lack of clarity of thought, confusion in thinking, fears.
Green: healing and harmony.
Bright green: philanthropy and cordiality, good health, friendliness.
Emerald green: mercy, compassion and forgiveness.
Muddy green: envy, deceit, jealousy, heartache, fear
Blue: creativity, healing, self-expression, gentleness, tenderness.
Bright blue: loyalty, adherence to high ideals.
Sky blue: spirituality, dynamism ,.
Turquoise - peacefulness, tenderness, charisma.
Dark blue: wisdom.
Blue: Strong intuition and self-confidence.
Bright blue: caring for others, responsibility, spiritual illumination ..
Cloudy blue: frustration, depression, negative thoughts.
Purple: spirituality, harmonization of personality, achievement of lofty goals, access to open paths of life, patronage of light forces.
Amethyst: spiritual illumination.
Purple: philanthropy, altruism, healing.
Purple with silver is the highest degree of knowledge and experience available to man.
Ultramarine -indigo: immobility, mystery, delicate fragrance.
Dark purple, with dirty stains: fears, vampirism, illness, depression.
Magenta: pride, passion for show.
Pink tones - kindness, compassion for others, love.
White: purity, kindness, perfection and spiritual illumination. Powerful space protection and patronage of "light forces" (spiritual mentors, Guardian Angel). The presence of white in the aura makes a person protected from any negative influences, life's troubles and hardships. Silver: idealism.
Gray - melancholy, boredom, despondency, depression, self-doubt, suppressed fears and resentments, anxiety; bright gray: selfishness, lack of imagination.
Black: anger, anger; black holes in the aura - health problems, an indicator of painful areas, impaired energy (damage, evil eye, etc.).

Flowers arrangement:

Left side of the body
The vibrations on the left side represent the female introverted principle.
We receive this energy at the present moment. And it depends only on us how we will be able to dispose of it, building our future
RED color means that life energy is flaring up in you, you are gaining physical strength or fight something. Be discreet and mindful of your limits.
Orange color on the left shows that the energy of life, creativity, sexual desire or new transformations in business and affairs flares up in you. Be sensible and try to maintain your inner balance.
YELLOW color on the left indicates that you may have to think about and search for new directions in life or work. You are strong, confident, able to act effectively in practice, you know what you want. Use your energy as efficiently as possible, but don't overstrain yourself intellectually.
GREEN is the color of harmony and peace. You open up to new energies and events, you walk the path of soul development with joy and trepidation. You stand at the origins of a Divine source that can bring joy and comfort to you and through you to other people.
BLUE color to your left is a sign of purity of soul, inner intelligence and good taste. You are intuitive and have your own special inner world, often filled with spiritual or creative search. Perhaps you have to comprehend what is happening to you on a more subtle, intuitive level.
PURPLE. If there is a purple color to your left, then you are endowed with a special, unique sensitivity or the gift of capturing energies that are inaccessible to others. Your inner life is more important to you than the outer vanity. You have talent and personal strength. But do others always understand this?
WHITE. If there is white energy at the entrance to the left, then your inner perception is heightened, sometimes the tension reaches the limit, preparing to reach a new level of spiritual or creative experience. This is the energy of meditation and enlightenment. Treat her and yourself with care.

This energy reflects the inner state of your personality, gives an idea of ​​what is going on in your thoughts, how you react to the surrounding reality.
The RED color above your head indicates that you are obviously currently absorbed in earthly affairs, constantly encountering manifestations of the material world. You will need strength, courage, faith in yourself.
ORANGE. A balanced fiery orange in the center indicates that you have a craving for an eventful life, vivid experiences, and a cheerful company. Strong emotions and inner purity govern your actions.
YELLOW. If there is a lot of yellow around your head, then you are a great thinker. At the moment, you are feeling energized. You are ready to lead and take full responsibility. Try to find time for creativity and meditation as this will greatly expand your horizons in life.
GREEN in the center means that you radiate around you the energy of calmness, measuredness and acceptance of everything and everyone. You see your role in "service", always ready to give compassion and love to those who need them. Intuition and inner knowledge help you.
BLUE. The glow of blue overhead is a sign of a person's high spiritual and personal aspirations, combined with intelligence, gentleness, devotion to high ideals, although sometimes aloofness from real life and the daily pressing needs of loved ones.
PURPLE. A purple glow overhead is rare. This suggests that your ability for intuitive perception is now sharpened. You are able to forget about worldly things and devote yourself to higher matters. You are open to inspiration and creativity, just do not forget about earthly tasks.
WHITE color in the center, which combines a harmonious rainbow of other colors, indicates that you are now expanding the boundaries of your consciousness. You are aware of these high energies, you are interested in penetrating into the nature of the Divine and the secrets of life.

Right side of the body
The vibrations of the right side represent a masculine, active, extroverted principle. We are giving this energy at the present moment to the world around us. This is the impression that our loved ones have about us.
The RED color on the right means that you are active and seem to be a bundle of energy around you, a person alive and sexually attractive. But this can also be caused by excessive stress and fatigue, the desire to seem like someone instead of being yourself.
ORANGE on the right, if it is clean, indicates that others see you as a creative, free-thinking, sexually attractive person. You can encourage others and share your life force with them.
YELLOW on the right shows that work and society require a lot of energy and strength from you. You have the ability to convince others and achieve your goals. Reason and logic help you. Just don't get stuck in your smart protective shell for too long.
The GREEN color on the right is the color of a true healer and peacemaker. You have a calming effect on people, share your tenderness and love with them. There is no aggression and money-grubbing in you. Think it might be useful sometimes to learn to say no?
BLUE. If there is a blue color on the right, then in your environment you are a source of calmness and wisdom. You know how to maintain inner balance even in difficult, emotionally stressful situations. Working with subtle energies and personal creativity is not difficult for you. This aura is ideal for a healer.
PURPLE. If pure purple is streaming on the right, then you have deep insight into the essence of human nature and understand the world intuitively, seeing a part of it hidden from many. Sometimes your loved ones may complain about your inconsistency and unpredictability, which is also characteristic of your upward-striving nature.
WHITE. Smooth, glowing White color means that you have a large supply of spiritual energy and know how to use it. It is the color of wisdom and enlightenment. You are very close to the Divine source and understanding of your mission. Be careful if this vibration brings you a lot of stress. Are you ready to live with this high quality energy?

Information center "Know thyself". Kazan.

Esotericists can usually observe the thin energy shell of every living being on their mental screen due to their inner vision.

Although alternating waves and streams of light stripes are also a human aura, colors, the meaning of the shades of the biofield and the possibility of changing the palette are of interest to mediums most often. With proper experience, you can see energy in a variety of tones, noticing slight color transitions, so a separate characteristic of the aura color is important.

What does the color of a person's aura say?

Each person has an individual aura color and a combination of different tones, since the character of any person is also special. And the color of the biofield just indicates the characteristics of the subject, his interests and inclinations, his physical condition. The color of the energy around the body can also tell about a person's specific thoughts and dreams.

However, it is worth noting the fact that the perception of the color of the biofield is different for all psychics and even scientists dealing with this issue. It is quite difficult to establish a specific aura shade the first time with 100% probability.

What do the colors of a person's aura mean? As a rule, any shade reflects, firstly, the immediate state of the body, or rather, the thin and physical shell. Secondly, a colorful biofield always correlates with the specifics of temperament. Therefore, it is useful to recognize the color not only of your aura, but also of the energy of the people around you. This skill speeds up communication, helps to avoid conflicts and to determine the attitude of society towards you.

The aura always demonstrates the real nature of a person, his intentions, so that an esotericist who knows how to determine the color of the etheric shell, it makes no sense to lie.

The part of the aura that is located above the head, with its shade, suggests the nature of the individual's thoughts. In turn, the palette around the chest and back refers to emotion.

Interestingly, the color of the interlocutor's aura can even intuitively tell a person how to build a conversation and relationships. Of course, the chemical compatibility of people is very important, but energy-color also plays a significant role. It is believed that each color accumulates in an area that corresponds to a particular energy chakra responsible for emotions or thoughts.

In deciding what color of the aura means, it is important to understand that one shade group cannot be better or worse than another. It is impossible to say for sure that a particular biofield palette is considered correct. However, there are colors that are called the most natural and common for people.

Of course, individual tones of energy can indicate a person's shortcomings, but at the same time, the brightness and transparency of the aura can neutralize such nuances, speaking of the benevolence of the individual and his state of happiness. In this case, it is worth focusing not so much on a specific color as on the degree of clarity and lighting.

There is also a scientific explanation for the significance of the color of the aura. The shade of the biofield, which is observed by mediums or special devices, is the vibration frequency of the light wave. Red, for example, has long and slow waves, and as it goes into orange, gold or green, the indicators change. That is, the wave becomes fast, light and short, more acceptable for the human eye. But purple or blue is difficult to see, because they have the highest vibrational frequency.

If you really want to know what colors of the aura are, it is worth starting the diagnosis from the head and shoulders zone, since it is the easiest place to notice the energy.

In this case, the biofield has a color around the entire body. One of the colors is considered the main one, since it is closer to the body and does not move more than 3-10 cm.Most people also have a mixture of shades, when, for example, a yellow base is combined with an emerald tone or orange that is close to the spectrum. Then, just as unexpectedly, a “purification” of the aura may occur, and it will again acquire a noble pure shade.

In the practice of studying the color spectrum of the energy shell, an important place is given to the distinction of the aura by its type.

For example, the astral or external aura is the brightest and most noticeable shell for a person. Intrinsic or ethereal, on the other hand, is more difficult to detect.

If, for example, a violet hue is leading in it, the person clearly has spiritual potential.

There is also a classification of the biofield according to the lower layers of energy around a person. The etheric body is the aura of the physical shell that indicates the level of health. It is believed that this level is transparent, but covered with transverse hairs, which are located depending on the movement of prana flows in the subject's body.

To discern such an aura, one must have a minimum level of psychological vision, and even animals are able to find a person by pieces of the etheric body. This is followed by the aura of the emotional shell. Studying what auras are in a person, one should remember that this layer resembles a clot of steam, a cloud or a foggy curtain in the shape of a body outline. In this case, the shade can be any, it all depends on our feelings and experiences at a particular moment in time.

The last is the layer of the lower mental or the aura of Prana. This is also a cloud, which, with insufficient spiritual development, remains gray, but with the growth of a person as a person, it becomes multi-colored. True, people without extrasensory abilities will still see Prana transparent, perceiving it together with streams of heated air.

Deciphering the colors of a person's aura by their exact location

Center of the aura and body

It is here that the main shade of the biofield is located, which never changes. This basis is an individual color type, the dominant color for a long time. According to the available colors of this part of the aura, the inner aspirations of a person, dreams and feelings are determined. Most people who are interested in the color of the biofield just occupy the central aura of a person.

What color can this part of the energy be if it reflects the experiences of the individual, mental processes and reactions to the world around him?

  • White testifies to the expansion of conscious boundaries and a persistent interest in the nature of the Creator and the secrets of life.
  • Purple appears in the center of the aura rarely and speaks of heightened intuition. A person has in his intentions service to higher matters with the rejection of worldly vanity and is open to inspiration.
  • Sky blue indicates high aspirations of a spiritual sense, which are combined with gentleness, remoteness from the realities of life, devotion to a high ideal, intelligence.
  • Emerald speaks of the energy of calmness and acceptance. The person shows love and compassion, while using internal knowledge from intuition.
  • Gold reflects the status of a great thinker who feels a surge of strength. The individual loves to take responsibility and lead.
  • Fiery red shows a craving for a busy lifestyle, emotional explosions, fun companies. Any action is governed by the experiences and the inner purity of the subject.
  • Red testifies to the complete immersion of a person in earthly affairs. There is a lack of courage, inner strength, self-confidence.

Left half of the torso

Here is the so-called introverted pole, the passive area (sometimes it is called feminine), the energies of which the individual receives from outside and absorbs himself. It is believed that the energy that is received here and now, but will be realized in the next moment of life, accumulates here. Colors in this part of the aura speak of future events and possible changes. Sometimes a person himself can feel what is the true meaning of the shade on a given part of the biofield. In this area of ​​the body, the color of the aura always has a meaning for the future:

  • Red talks about the accumulation of physical data and the need for caution.
  • Orange calls for prudence and peace of mind in the face of business change and creative energy growth.
  • Yellow hints at the search for fresh vectors of development in work and life in general, shows the need for maximum use of energy, but without intellectual overstrain. A person with such a color in the aura knows what he wants and can be effective in confident practical actions.
  • Green portends harmony and peace. A person is on the verge of new events, his soul is actively developing, and he meets it with joy and trepidation. Ahead is the Divine source of peace.
  • Blue suggests to rethink the present with the help of intuition. This shade speaks of the good taste of the individual, his intelligence and pure soul. The special inner world of such a person is filled with spiritual search.
  • Purple indicates a high level of sensitivity and the ability to capture inaccessible layers of energy. External chaos is not very important for such an individual, but this is not always realized in his society.
  • White speaks of an exacerbation of internal perception, high tension, reflecting the approach of a new creative experience. The energy of enlightenment and meditative states is accumulated.

Right half of the body

This pole is opposite, it is responsible for activity and extroversion. Shades show the image that models the world in contact with the individual. Actually, energy is accumulated here, which is now intended for the environment. Therefore, the color speaks about the level of vibration of the subject in the world. Here, individual character traits can be reflected in which a person is described by people from the outer circle.

As a rule, the left and right parts of the aura do not match in color, if the person is able to manifest his feminine traits in different ways and stronger qualities. It is not difficult to guess what the colors of a person's aura mean in such a masculine pole:

  • Scarlet expresses the image of a real bunch of active energy. People around them perceive a person as sexually attractive, alive in every sense, but at the same time sometimes stressful and artificial.
  • Orange indicates the creative status of the individual in the eyes of others. Subject appears to be alert and free-minded.
  • Sunny area of ​​the aura demonstrates a large amount of strength and energy that is absorbed by work and society. A person knows how to convince, to achieve their goals with the help of logic and reason.
  • Bright shade of grass shows the image of a peacemaker and a real healer who calms the environment, shares love and tenderness with it. The person is not aggressive, but does not know how to answer “no”.
  • Cornflower blue and the tones of the same palette speak of personality as a source of wisdom and peace for the outside world. Even in emotional situations, a person maintains harmony, easily working with subtle energy and creative flow.
  • Amethyst shade and colors close to it remind of the subject's ability to comprehend the essence of human nature, to understand the world with the help of intuition. The environment sometimes laments the inconstancy and spontaneity of such an individual.
  • Snow white then n refers to a large store of spiritual energy in a person. The individual knows about his mission, he is wisdom.

Heart area

The shades in this part of the torso indicate the subject's ability to love and be loved. How does an individual express a deep feeling, how does he experience it? The color of this part of the biofield tells about all this.

Field around the head

Any beliefs also have their own color, which affects this part of the aura. The level of mental activity, the development of the mind, is determined by the shades of this zone. Also, colors reflect specific life goals and principles of the worldview picture.

What does the color of the aura mean in separate layers?

Initial layer

The etheric body belongs to the first chakra and is responsible for the autonomous tasks of the human body. There is a great connection with painful sensations and a sense of physical pleasure. This part of the aura represents celestial or grayish streams of light and energy, along which blue highlights move.

If a person is most sensitive in life, this layer is light bluish, and if it shows rigidity, the aura is gray. The chakra color will match.

Second level

The second level of the aura contacts the emotional sphere of the individual's life. The emotional body associated with feelings does not have a specific color of a person's aura. It is not difficult to understand what such a statement means, because here we are dealing simply with light.

A pure glow speaks of the subject's peace of mind, and turbidity and dirt accompany negative emissions, a state of confusion. The clearer the expressed feeling, the more transparent and brighter the aura, while the dark and dim body of emotions is associated with vague feelings and doubts.

The chakras of this layer are colored in the color of the energy that creates vortices around, for example, in red, emerald, yellow, milky shades, etc.

Third level

The third layer of biofield is associated with the linearity of thinking, its mentality. From the outside, such a mental body appears as yellow rays falling from the head and shoulders. When a person is busy with an active thought process, this layer of the aura becomes more saturated and bright.

Sometimes, in the flow of this solid golden color, you can find other shades - this is a reflection of individual mental images.

Fourth layer

The layer, like the corresponding chakra, speaks of the heart. Deciphering the color of a person's aura in this part testifies, of course, to the ability to love both individual individuals and all of humanity.

This astral body is a cluster of light clouds, the shade of which coincides with the emotional body. Pinkish blotches are feelings of love. The heart chakra itself can be completely pink.

It is interesting that with a sincere and mutual relationship between loving people one can observe a pink arc between the hearts, as well as a glow of the same color in the pituitary gland, where the aura begins to pulsate.

The fifth level

The fifth veil refers to the connection with the Creator and higher powers, speaks of the responsibility of man. Here we can speak of the etheric double of the individual, in which all forms of the physical plane are hidden.

Since we are talking about a kind of negative, specific colors are not defined here, it is just a silhouette with voids for organs.

Sixth level

This layer is identified with unearthly love in the context of the divine principle outside the usual existence. A celestial or celestial body works in a person during meditation, spiritual ecstasy, opening with a stream of unconditional love.

For psychics, this part of the aura is represented by a flickering stream of light in pastel colors. Opal, mother-of-pearl, silvery, gold shades are observed.

Seventh layer

The layer speaks about the cognition of the Higher Mind, the balance of physical and spiritual essences. The casual or keteric body is represented by a golden light with a clear amount of pulsation.

Eighth and ninth level

There is also a cosmic plane - the 8th and 9th levels of the aura, the highest chakras above the head of a person. Such layers of the biofield have been studied very little, so it is impossible to say exactly what color they can be.

Human biofield color: changes

It is no secret for esotericists that a person's aura changes periodically, therefore, a stable color color cannot be established the first time. Why do some shades replace each other, while others fade or saturate over time? In fact, the biofield is simply sensitive to the physical and spiritual parameters of the individual.

Of course, a harmonious person will have a multi-colored and very bright aura, but in modern world it is very difficult to achieve a balance of mental strength.

Everything that a person thinks during the day, everything that he says, changes the energy field. Even the rhythm of breathing affects this characteristic. Interestingly, each emotion that an individual experiences during the day has a different color:

  • If the subject is angry, the aura turns red. When aggression is directed outward, sparks and lightning pierce the biofield, and if the emotion is hidden, a scarlet spot matures in the throat area and slowly disappears if the feeling is not too strong. Otherwise, the red color moves to the back, and then to the heart. Irritation or frustration also turns the aura into a dark red field, but with a very vague edge and broken vibration.
  • Fear or phobia stains the aura grayish white, in this case, the biofield begins to be covered with needles. Envy and anger make a person dirty green. The color intensifies near the head and shoulders, and then goes down to the bottom. The dark green color appears only from sadness.
  • The state of love adds pink hues to the aura, which come from the chest area, as well as white and gold tones from the crown. Spiritualization is associated with the abundance of purple and yellow flowers in the biofield.

It's not just internal stimuli that work with the aura. The people with whom we communicate during the day, their biofields are also very powerful in the practice of changing the color of our energy. The color of the aura changes with the food and drink we shake. Also, the biofield is sensitive to sunlight, to the energy of animals, plants and even ozone. All this affects the shades of the aura.

It is believed that even the biofield reacts to clothing in a timely manner. Therefore, by the way, some people like only specific colors in their wardrobe, which are in harmony with their aura, highlight the necessary emanations. Many psychics even refuse to consider the aura through a person's clothes, because unnatural colors can flood the biofield with other shades, block the true nature of energy. Even a neutral tone of a blouse can significantly worsen the aura, making it very dull.

If it seems to you that you have studied well the colors of the human aura and their meaning, the photos of the biofield of sick people will significantly surprise you. Indeed, physical ailments reflect on energy much faster and more intensely. These can be individual blackouts of a khaki shade from small infections, orange and scarlet holes from the active development of a virus or bacteria.

When a person experiences pain in some organ of the body, this place in the aura almost always changes color, but at the same time it acquires a specific shape and angularity. Chronic diseases make the aura brown-gray, migraine changes the biofield of the head. In mortal patients, the aura expands, stains in a sky-blue color, slipping with silvery sparks.

Interestingly, the color of your aura can be changed quite deliberately. This is useful not only for the development of supernatural abilities, but also for healing your body, improving your well-being.

How to change the shade of the biofield

There are certain exercises that can change the shade of the biofield:

  1. Rendering the desired color... Try to project a suitable aura color onto yourself as often as possible, and over time, the basic shade of energy will change, albeit for a short time. You can also imagine yourself in an energy cocoon painted in the desired color. Sometimes people imagine that the color changes gradually, while others paint themselves mentally with a brush or a spray can of paint.
  2. Mastering the breathing technique... The aura increases with each exhalation of a person. You can count from 1 to 30 by breathing in air every 2 numbers. After the number 20, pause in breathing and start counting quickly. This practice will release energy, and when you return to normal breathing, the aura can become much brighter.
  3. Do yoga... Eastern practices make each movement more precise and dense, which affects the vibration of the biofield. The spectrum of energy during regular sessions begins to change towards the subtle worlds - towards violet, blue, green.
  4. Change your diet... Meat products and everything that has animal nature, make the aura dull and cloudy.

Aura Color Chart



Purple Passion for the mystical and cosmic, success in the spiritual realm. Patronage from the side of light forces. With dark divorces - vampirism, depression. A shade of purple - altruism, justice, heroism.
Blue A sign of wisdom, gentleness, piety, harmony with nature. A person owns himself, has the power of will. Bright blue is responsibility and concern for people, and a muddy shade is depression and disappointment. Aqua color - peacefulness and reliability.
Blue Developed intelligence, good logic, intuition skills (with a pure shade). If the color is dark, the person is dreamy or suspicious.
Green A balanced person who knows how to calm and heal. Versatile personality (if the shade is clear and light). When the color is dark, jealousy, low deception and deceit are possible. Bright green - politeness, tolerance and tact. Emerald - mercy and forgiveness.
Yellow The main signs are optimism, kindness, love, and the power of intelligence. If the color is dark, the person is envious or greedy. Yellow-red is determination and willpower, and the color of mustard is deceit.
Red Ambition, sexual power, sensuality. A cloudy shade speaks of anger. Red-orange is the vitality and the drive to impress people.
Pink A symbol of modesty, tenderness, unrequited love, balance between spiritual and material. Light pink - altruism.
Brown Manifestations of selfishness and greed, stinginess and greed, strong materialism, anxiety. Brown-red - ambiguity of thoughts, kidney disease, and yellow-brown - laziness and carelessness.
Gold Development of the higher self, stay in harmony. A sign of great spiritual enlightenment, love of yoga, the ability to share knowledge. Golden orange - self-control.
Orange These colors of the aura have an inspirational designation. He is an energetic person with physical stamina and signs of power. Can be proud, ambitious. Darkness or turbidity of color - to low intelligence.
Silver Strong energy, a tendency to change, versatility., Idealism.
Gray The influence of fear and horror (if the shade is cadaverous), selfishness, depressing thoughts. Dark tones speak of depression, depression, melancholy, energy leakage.
Black Negative thoughts, malicious intent, vindictiveness and hatred. Health problems, the likelihood of the evil eye or damage.
White The likelihood of a serious illness, addiction to drugs or medicinal components for arousal. Protection from negativity.
Turquoise Dynamics, great excitement, charisma combined with tenderness. A person programs situations by influencing others. The ability to perform several tasks at once, low fatigue.
Indigo Immobility, sacrament, piety, spirituality. Philosophy and religion, refined imagination.

The aura of a person, colors, the meaning and forms of which are of interest to many esotericists, is still inaccessible for full research. One can only guess how the shades of the biofield affect us and whether they can be changed.

It is believed that each of the individuals comes to this world with three primary colors of energy: gold, pink and blue. This is the purest aura that gradually weakens under the influence of the outside world. However, if you develop willpower, reason and intuition, you can keep the shade of the biofield in its original state.