Human powerrats Table. Quantitative powder. Human energy consumption. How to calculate your daily energy costs. Energy costs of physical activity

The energy cost of the human body includes several types of daily energy consumption.

BX - This is the energy that is spent on the operation of internal organs (heart, kidney, respiratory organs, etc.), maintaining the constancy of body temperature, ensuring the necessary muscle tone.

The value of the main exchange is determined at rest, lying, on an empty stomach (the last meal 14-16 hours before the examination), at an air temperature of 20 ° C. The energy of the main exchange for each person is individual and at the same time is quite a constant value. On average, it is 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight in 1 hour. In men with a body weight of 70 kg, the main exchange is about 1700 kcal, in women with a body weight of 55 kg - about 1400 kcal per day.

The magnitude of the main exchange in women is 10-15% lower than in men. In children, the primary exchange is 1.5-2.5 times higher than in adults, and to a greater extent, the less age.

Energy consumption of the main exchange depend on the state of the central nervous system, the functions of endocrine organs, growth, body weight, etc. Stressful states and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland increase the main exchange sometimes to significant values.

Specific dynamic action of food substances (DDD, thermogenic food ) - This is the energy consumption for the complex energy processes necessary for the transformation of the food substances received to the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the magnitude of the main exchange during mixed nutrition rises by 10-15% per day. Food substances have a different ability to improve the main exchange: proteins - by 30-40%, fats - by 4-14%, carbohydrates - by 4-7%.

Physical (muscular) Work is the main factor affecting the daily energy consumption. The magnitude of the energy consumption on muscle activity depends on the intensity of industrial and homework, features of rest. If energy costs under the conditions of the main exchange are on average 1 kkal per 1 kg weight per hour, then in the sitting position - 1.4 kcal / kg / h, in the standing position - 1.5 kcal / kg / h, at easy operation - 1, 8-2.5 kcal / kg / h, with a small muscle work related to walking - 2.8-3.2 kcal / kg / h, with labor associated with muscle work of moderate gravity - 3.2-4 kcal / kg / h, with severe physical work - 5-7.5 kcal / kg / h.

Brainwork - It is characterized by minor energy costs and increase the main exchange by an average of 2-16%. However, in some cases, various types of mental labor are accompanied by muscle activity, so energy costs can be significantly higher. The experienced emotional voltage can cause an increase in the main exchange by 10-20% for several days.

Height and Development of a children's body Energy consumption for growth is an average of 10% of the magnitude of the main exchange.

Energy Balance

Energy Balance the ratio between the energy consumption of the human body and its flow at the expense of food.

Three types of energy balance distinguish:

    energy equilibrium - energy consumption corresponds to its admission, this type of balance is physiological for a healthy adult;

    about tritty Energy Balance - Energy consumption exceeds energy access. It is observed in various types of starvation and is characterized by mobilizing all the resources of the body on energy products to eliminate the energy deficit. At the same time, all food substances, including protein, are used as a source of energy. Not only food protein, but also protein of own tissues of the body, is consumed for energy purposes, which leads to protein deficiency. Insufficient power supply, nutrition leads to a violation of metabolism, a decrease in body weight, reduction of working capacity, etc. In recent years, it has been established that with a reduced mass of the body increases the risk of mortality from cardiovascular and oncological diseases. According to modern data, the negative energy balance is considered as a single complex. protekovo-energy failure (BEN).

    Positive Energy Balance It is characterized by the excess of the energy value of the edible diet over the energy consumption. This type of balance is physiological for children, pregnant women, nursing women, etc. E.negotically redundant food is the main factor of occurrence overweight body and alimentary obesity. The excess body weight is characterized by postposition of excess fat in the body and an increase in the normal mass of the body by 5-10%, an increase in more than 10% is obesity. Obesity according to severity is classified by 4 degrees: i - excess body weight is - 10 - 30%, II degree - 30-50%, C degree - 50-100% and IV degree - 100% or more. Currently, in economically developed countries, the prevalence of overpressure of the body is 50%, and obesity is 25-35%. The consequence of pronounced obesity is the violation of the functions of some organs and organism systems, in addition, obesity is a risk factor and contributes to the early manifestation and progression of atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, the diabetes of the second type, arterial hypertension, gall-eyed disease and a number of other diseases.

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Unregulated energy consumption

Human energy consumption can be adjustable and unregulated. Unregulated energy consumption are energy costs for the main exchange and a specific dynamic action of food. Under the main exchange, they understand the minimum level of energy consumption, which is necessary to maintain the health and vital functions of the body.

The main exchange is determined under the conditions of complete muscular and nervous rest, in the morning on an empty stomach, at a comfortable temperature (20 s). Its value is associated with the individual characteristics of the person (body weight, growth, age, gender, the state of the endocrine system). For example, in women, the main exchange is 5 - 10% lower than in men, and in children - by 10 - 15% higher than in adults (relative to the mass). With age, the main exchange is reduced by 10 - 15%.

The specifically dynamic action of food is manifested in increasing the main exchange, which is associated with the processes of digestion. In the assimilation of proteins, the main exchange rises by 30 - 40%, fat - by 4 - 14%, carbohydrates - by 4 - 5%. With mixed nutrition with the optimal amount of learned products, the main exchange rises on average by 10 - 15%.

Adjustable energy consumption

Adjustable energy consumption are energy costs during various types of human activities. The greatest energy consists of physical work, which is associated with a significant strengthening of oxidative processes in working muscles. For example, during walking, the main exchange increases by 80 - 100%, during running - by 400%. With an increase in the intensity of muscle movements, the level of energy consumption increases.

Methods for estimating energy consumption

There are several methods for estimating human energy consumption.
The most accurate method is direct calorimetry. This method is based on measuring the amount of thermal energy, which is released during the execution of a particular work in special chambers with a high degree of thermal insulation. However, this method requires long observations and does not allow measurements with many activities.

A sufficient improvement of this method made it possible to compare the amount of energy, which is released in the form of heat with the amount of oxygen, which is absorbed by the amount of carbon dioxide, which exhales. As a result, it was possible to substantiate the principle of indirect calorimetry and on its basis to offer a less complex method of evaluating energy consumption. Even more simple and affordable, although less accurate, is an indirect alimentary calorimetry method, in which they calculate the amount of food consumed and monitor body weight.

The calculation of the daily energy consumption can also be carried out with the help of a timing and tabular method (registration of all activities during the day and the determination of their power supply through tables).

To determine the energy consumption during exercise, the method of integrating the heart rate, which is based on the fixation of the heart rate throughout work with the help of equipment.

The conversion of energy and metabolism are essentially a cumulative process. They are closely related to each other, since the metabolism is impossible without energy consumption and, accordingly, it is impossible to transform the energy without a full metabolic metabolism. After all, energy cannot appear either to disappear - it is only modified. Mechanical energy turns into a thermal or vice versa; Under certain conditions, thermal energy turns into mechanical, and electrical energy is in thermal and so on. Ultimately, all types of energy, the human body sends in the form of thermal energy into the environment. In order to have a detailed idea of \u200b\u200bthe amount of energy consumed by the body, it is necessary to measure the amount of heat entering the external environment.

Unit of measuring thermal energy - calories. A large calorie is called the amount of heat spent on the heating of 1 liters of water by 1 ° (one kilocaloria), and the small calorie is the amount of heat consumed on the heating of 1 ml of water for one kilocaloria.

In the conditions of absolute rest, a person spends a certain amount of energy. This consumption is determined by the fact that energy is constantly consumed in the human body, closely related to its normal functioning. A huge amount of energy spends the heart, breathing muscles, kidneys, liver, as well as all other fabrics and organs of the living organism. The energy consumed by the body is at rest, an empty stomach, that is, about 11-16 hours after meals, and at the external temperature of 15-20 ° - this is the main exchange of the body.

The main exchange that flows in a healthy adult is an average of 1 kilocaloria at the rate of 1 kg of mass for 1 hour. If the weight of a person is 75 kg, then the main exchange is calculated as follows 75 * 24 \u003d 1,800 kilocalorius. This is the amount of energy consumed to ensure the livelihoods of the body and the full functioning of all organs. The basic exchange of the body depends on age, gender, human weight and growth. In men, the main exchange is much more than women of similar weight (it also depends on the body structure - depending on how much fat is in it or muscle mass).

Some changes in the main exchange occur in violation of the functioning of the internal secretion glands. For example, the increase in the work of the thyroid gland leads to an increase in the main exchange.

Energy spending in active activity.

The main exchange in most adult healthy people is an average of about 1,800-2100 kcalion. With active muscle activity, energy consumption increases very quickly: and the harder such muscular work, respectively, the more energy consumes. In terms of the amount of energy consumed, people of different professions can be divided into several groups.

  • 1st group. Work in a sitting position that does not require significant muscle movements: as a rule, these are office workers (librarian, office worker, pharmacist, etc.) they spend in about 2 250 - 2,450 large calories.
  • 2nd group. Muscular activity in the sitting position (jeweler, teacher, registrar, etc.) they spend about 2,650 - 2,850 kcaluries.
  • 3rd group. Minor muscle work (doctor, postman, dj, waiter) - about 3,100 kcalo.
  • 4th group. Very tense muscular work (car mechanic, coach, painter, conductor) - about 3,500 - 3,700 kcalion.
  • 5th group. Physically hard work (professional athlete, workshop working) - about 4,100 kcalo.
  • 6th group. Extremely hard work (Shakhtar, Mason) - approximately 5,100 kcalion and even more.

It must be borne in mind that with mental work, a very small amount of energy is consumed. That is why mental work is not a reason to eat chocolates.

Exemplary energy costs in various types of human activities

Kind of activity

kcal / (hour * 1kg mass)

Rest lying (without sleep)
Sitting food
Reading out loud
Driving by car
Written work Sitting
Riding in transport
Printing for a typewriter
Car driving
Paul sweeping
Piano game
Rowing (50 m / min)
Work on the garden plot
Washing manual
Swimming (10 m / min)
Walking on a flat road (4 km / h)
Washing windows
Table tennis
Horseback riding
Gymnastic exercises free
Walking on a flat road (6 km / h)
Running "Trussey" on a flat road
Rowing (80 m / min)
Walking uphill (2 km / h)
Running at a speed of 9 km / h
Walking on a flat road (8 km / h)
Swimming (50 m / min)
Skiing (12 km / h)
Running at a speed of 12 km / h
Running at a speed of 15 km / h
Work ax
Labor activity
work bartender
work carpenter
work at the sports trainer
work bartender
work carpenter
work at the sports trainer
work miner
work at the computer
work Clerk.
fireman work
work Forester
work by the operator of heavy machines
heavy hand tools
care for horses
work in the office
work mason
work masseur
work policeman
study in class
work of a steelwater
work actor in the theater
work truck driver
Business on house
child Care (Swimming, Feeding)
children's games
buying products
heavy cleaning
Moving furniture
transfer boxes
unpacking boxes
games with a child (moderate activity)
games with a child (high activity)
reading sitting
standing in the queue
view telecept
Fitness, Aerobics
aerobics Lekova
aerobics intensive
step-aerobics light
stead-aerobics intense
water aerobics
cycling simulator (average activity)
bicycle simulator (high activity)
rhythmic gymnastics (heavy)
rhythmic gymnastics (light)
type of "Rider" type
rowing simulator (average activity)
ski simulator
stretching (Hatha Yoga)
lifting weight
intensive lifting weights
mountain bike
bicycle 20 km / h
bike 25 km / h
bicycle 30 km / h
bike 35+ km / h
fast dancing
slow dance
american football
walking in nature
horseback riding
rowing on kayak
oriental martial arts
orientation on the terrain
mountaineering (climbing)
roller skating
jumping with rope
running 8.5 km / h
running 10 km / h
running 15 km / h
running in nature
skateboard skateboard
running on skis
san Sport
swimming with a mask and tube
swimming (general)
fast swimming
swimming (Brass)
swimming (Butterfly)
swimming (Roll)
volleyball (game)
volleyball (Competitions)
beach volleyball
walking 6 km / h
walking 7 km / h
walking 8 km / h
fast walk
water skiing
water polo
aqueous volleyball
Work on the cottage
work in the garden (total)
wood cutting
digging holes
folding, carrying firewood
work in the garden (weeding)
placeing Derna
work with lawn mile
landing in vegetable garden
tree planting
work grabli
cleaning leaves
hand cleaning snow
Repair of the house or car
repairing machines
carpentry work
repairing furniture
cleaning drainage
laying carpet or tile

To learn your energy consumption, you need to multiply the coefficient to your weight and the duration of physical activity.

For example, if you weigh 70 kg and engage in intense aerobics for 30 minutes.

You are spent: 7.4 * 30/60 * 70 \u003d 258 kcal.

The human body's energy consumption is composed of energy costs for the main exchange, energy consumption on the specific dynamic effect of food and energy spent on physical and mental work.

Energy consumption for the main exchange and specific dynamic effect of food cannot be regulated by the will of a person and therefore it is customary to belong to unregulated waste of energy. Energy costs for labor activity, sports and other activities depend on the conditions and will of the person and can consciously increase or decrease to significant limits. These energyrators are customary to be called an adjustable waste of energy.

BX. The main exchange is energy that is spent on the work of the internal organs and life-supporting systems of the body. The magnitude of the main exchange is determined in the state of muscular and nervous rest, lying in a convenient position at a comfortable air temperature (20 ° C), an empty stomach (the last meal for 14-16 hours). The energy of the main exchange for each person is individual and at the same time is a sufficiently constant value of 1,700 kcal (7112.8 kJ) for men and 1400 kcal (5857.6 kJ) for women with medium body weight. Approximately at the mean conditions (the average age, the average mass, etc.), you can adopt the value of the main exchange of 4,184 kJ, or 1 kcal, per 1 kg of body weight per hour.

The value of the main exchange is influenced by the floor and age of a person. In women, the main exchange is 10% lower than in men. In children, the main exchange is higher than in adults, and the greater the less age. Exceeding the main exchange in children can reach 15% and more compared with adults. Olders, on the contrary, the main exchange is reduced by 10-15% compared with young.

Specific dynamic action of food substances (DDD).

Under the influence of food intake, the energy consumption increases, which is associated with the enhancement of the oxidative processes necessary for the conversion of food substances in the body. Energy consumption when receiving food is accompanied by an increase in the main exchange. With mixed nutrition, the main exchange rises by 10-15% per day. Food substances have a different ability to improve the main exchange: proteins - on

30-40%, fats - by 4-14%, carbohydrates - by 4-7%.

Energy spent on performing mental and physical work (adjustable energy costs). Determining the costs of energy in the process of labor activity is the volume and nature of muscle work required to perform production processes. The larger the production process is saturated with manual work, which requires physical effort, the higher the cost of energy.

Currently, thanks to the widespread development of mechanization and automation of production processes, the expansion of municipal services in cities and villages, a modern person spends little energy for physical work.

The entire population of our country, depending on the energy consumption due to the profession, is divided into 5 groups. In this case, each group takes into account age and the floor (Table 1).


1. The need for pregnant women (period 5-9 of origin.

2. The need for nursing mothers on average 3200

on average, 2900 kcal, protein -100 g per day, including 60 g of animal protein -112 g per day, including 67 g of animal proteins.

More on the topic of the body's energy costs:

  1. Energy exchange for senseless states of the body
  2. Impact on the body, especially on aquatic, electrolyte, acid-alkaline and energy balance
  3. Hygienic requirements for tempting facilities. Prevention and first aid with thermal impact, sunburn, supercooling, drowning. Nutrition of athletes of various specialization, taking into account the energy and plastic needs of the body.

Labor intensity groups

1st group - Workers predominantly mental labor:

Leaders of enterprises and organizations, engineering and technical workers whose work does not require essential physical activity;

Medical professionals, except surgeon doctors, nurses, nursing;

Teachers, educators, except for sports;

Employees of science, literature and press;

Cultural and educational workers;

Planning and accounting workers;

Secretaries, clerk;

Employees of different categories whose work is associated with significant nervous tension (employees of the control panels, dispatcher, etc.)

2nd group - Employees engaged in light physical labor:

Engineering and technical workers whose work is associated with some physical efforts;

Employees employed on automated processes;

Employees of the radio electronic and clock industry;


Agronomists, zootechnics, veterinary workers, nurses and nurses;

Sellers of industrial shops;

Service sector services;

Communication and telegraph workers;

Teachers, physical education and sports instructors, coaches.

3rd group - Middle workers in labor in gravity:

Machines (occupied in metalworking and woodworking);

Locksmiths, adjusters, adjustments;

Surgeon doctors;


Textiles, shoes;

Drivers of various types of transport;

Food industry workers;

Municipal service and catering workers;

Food sellers;

Brigades of tractor and field brigades;

Railway workers and vodds;

Workers of auto and electrical transport;

Machiners of lifting mechanisms;


4th group - Heavy Labor Workers:

Construction workers;

The bulk of agricultural workers and mechanisters;

Miners on superficial work;

Oil and gas industry workers;

Metallurgists and founders, except persons related to the 5th group;

Employees of the pulp and paper and woodworking industry;

Slingers, rigging;

Woodworking, carpenters, etc.;

Employees of building materials, except persons related to the 5th group;

5th group - Workers engaged in particularly severe physical labor:

Miners employed directly on underground work;


Forest rollers and workers on the cutting of wood;

Masonry, concreteers;


Movers whose work is not mechanized;

Workers engaged in the production of building materials whose work is not mechanized.

The following table shows the energy consumption of adult working-age population (men and women) of various groups of labor intensity. Each of the labor intensity groups is divided into three age categories: 18-29, 30-39, 40-59 years. In determining the needs of energy as an ideal middle body weight, 70 kg for men and 60 kg for women are taken.

Energy consumption by an adult able-bodied population depending on affiliation to various groups of labor intensity (per day).















11, 72
11, 30
10, 67




10, 04
9, 62
9, 20




12, 55
12, 13
11, 51




10, 67
10, 25
9, 83




13, 39
12, 97
12, 34