Gallbladder diarrhea orange. Gallinous diarrhea - what to do? What to do to restore after removal of the gallbladder

Hylogenic diarrhea is called a frequent diluted abundant watery stool of greenish or yellow, arising due to excessive bile intake in the rectum.

Abundant secretion of water (it comes out with wheel masses) directly into the bowel cavity - an integral sign of this disease.


The beginning of this disorder is often preceded by diseases such as:

  • GCB (Breast-stone disease),
  • hypokinesia biliary tract,
  • change the thickness of the wall of the gallbladder,
  • operations on resection of the small intestine and cholecystectomy.

In progression, the disorder of the bile separation in humans appear first episodic attacks of diarrhea with yellow-green feces. These phenomena, the cause of which in violating the work of important internal organs, may be accompanied by pain in the right bottom of the peritoneum. Pains appear when palpation ascending and blind intestine.

The nature of the disease is chronic, however, not progressive.

The reasons

The bile in the root masses to meet with an absolutely healthy person should not, its appearance signals about the beginning of some serious illness.

This substance can occur in the analysis of the baby's feces up to 2 months of life, then it will be already a deviation from the norm.

The main reasons why bile falls in feces is considered:

  1. Dysbacteriosis is an abnormal state of the human body, when most of the normal microflora can be supplanted with intensively multiplying pathogenic harmful microorganisms. These bacteria are completely able to influence the function of processing bile, due to which it falls into the rectum is untreated, in its constant form. The above state is very dangerous (especially small children), so it is necessary to proceed to treat it immediately;
  2. Acute poisoning of the body may also cause an excessive amount of bile in cartoons. In this state, the body cannot process all the generated substance, and it enters the intestines in its original form at a huge speed;
  3. A variety of gallbladder diseases, liver and biliary tract;
  4. Hyboid diarrhea has such signs: the yellow-green frequent liquid chair, a sharp deterioration in general well-being, weakness, fast weight loss, pain in the right side and hypochondrium. The bile is brightly highlighted on a common background of feces, it is, in addition to what can exit independently, also covers the intestinal walls with a thin layer.


Restore the primary functioning of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts is the main task in the treatment of wireless diarrhea.

Since its main reason is the ingress of bile acids in the intestines and its irritation, then to improve the operation of bile ducts, chopper drugs (hepaben) may be prescribed. Their composition includes fumarin - alkaloid, contributing to the removal of spasm in the gallbladder. Due to it, it is normalized by the flow of rigging acids into the intestines. Also in similar preparations, the high content of the hepatoprotector of silimarine. This substance effectively improves the overall operation of the liver cells and can significantly increase the qualitative composition of bile, has antioxidant, membrane-stabilizing and cytoprotective effects, contributes to the removal of free radicals and toxins from the liver, the regeneration of its cells and the activation of protein synthesis.

The course of adsorbing medicines (enterosgel) is prescribed to patients in the treatment of bile diarrhea in the event that bile enters the cavity of the empty intestine outside the meals. These medicines bind and remove toxic substances, strengthen the intestinal mucous membrane, increase the protective properties of local microflora and normalize peristaltics. Doctors advise adsorbing medicines are advised several hours after meals (in the so-called interpirate period).

When the abdomen appears, the meteorism (when pathological malicious microorganisms and bacteria are multiplied in the intestines) - antibiotics are prescribed satellites. Treatment with antibacterial agents is selected individually based on the patient's condition, the course is usually about a week. After the end of antibiotic therapy, for the normalization of the intestinal microflora, probiotics (Linex) must receive patient for about a month.

In most cases, after a week, a properly designated complex therapy, diarrhea ceases, and bile from the feces disappears. For faithful diagnostics, it is necessary to consult a doctor - it will put the correct diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Diarrhea with biliary is a warning state that is quite a reasonable explanation. Such an intestinal disorder is called biliary or wireless diarrhea. Changing the shade of defecations is the first symptoms of the ejection of the bile in the intestine and the corresponding thing that the body signals the existence of pathology, the development of the disease. The oversaturation of the content in the digestive system of bilirubin can occur in adults and children. You need to know why such symptoms arise and how to deal with them.

The mechanism of the origin and development of the painful state

An important property of bile is the processing of food entering the stomach, to split fats.

With the above problems with the organs of the digestive system, excessive selection arises and uncontrolled chili release. As a result, the intestinal mucosa irritates, diarrhea with bile appears.

Excessive level contributes to the strengthening of the secretory process, impaired suction.

Gallgone diarrhea is influenced by such elements as:

  • Amino acids.
  • Immunoglobulin.
  • Phospholipids.
  • Cholesterol.

But bilirubin, having a yellow shade, which sees the patient in feces in this process, is an important role in this process.

Causes of liquid stool

Breakfast diarrhea (wireless diarrhea) has its own prerequisites. In infants most often this state occurs due to the intolerance to this or that product, the development of dysbiosis.

In adults, the reasons for diarrhea with bile is much more serious:

  1. Infections, viral diseases.
  2. Imbalance microflora of intestines (presence of pathogens). As a result, the yellow liquid is not processed by the gastrointestinal bodies, is derived by naturally and bile diarrhea appears.
  3. Product poisoning. Due to the high speed of reducing the intestines and food promotion, the liquid does not have time to be processed.
  4. Excessive use of strong alcoholic beverages leads to a violation of the operation of the digestive system in an adult and the effects of toxins on the body.
  5. Overbinding fatty products that affect the increase in intestinal peristals, this leads to the fact that a bile diarrhea appears.
  6. Crohn's disease, in which a benign granulomas that interfere with normal functioning are growing in the GSTO bodies.
  7. Surgical intervention in the intestinal area (most often of the iliac).
  8. Cholecystectomy - the removal of the gallbladder is the root cause of what the diarrhea with bile is formed.
  9. Bubble diseases (gallway disease, cholecystitis, tumors, etc.) lead to the dysfunction of this organ.
  10. Congenital anatomical pathology of the gallbladder, biliary ducts.
  11. Discinesia at which there is dysfunction of removal paths (insufficient or excessive selection of bile in the intestines.)
  12. Colecia, in which there are no contracting properties of the bubble.

Medical therapy

If a biliary diarrhea detected, the therapy should be aimed at restoring the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Emergency treatment of diarrhea After removing the gallbladder lies in the stopping of a yellow mucus in a thick intestine.

To do this, a set of events is being made:

  1. Prescribed choleretic drugs, urgently help improve the performance of bile ducts to eliminate diarrhea with bile.
  2. To remove spasmodic seizures, discomfort and pain in the epigastric region are prescribed hepaben (alkaloid fumarin). Preparations of this group normalizes the outflow of acids in the intestines, improves the health of the liver. Prescribe to drink 1 medicine capsule per day before meals.
  3. Sorbents - preparations for the treatment of bile diarrhea, which help to restore the performance of the peristaltics, remove toxic substances, strengthen the intestinal mucosa. The most common and more affordable means in diarrheal therapy with bile - activated carbon, as well as a smect, enterosgel.
  4. If there is a suspicion of the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine or there is a high temperature, nausea, vomiting is prescribed intestinal antiseptics (nifuroxazid).
  5. To restore the health care gastrointestinal organs after treatment, prescribe probiotic drugs, normalizing intestinal microflora. Take "bifiform", "Linex", etc. It is necessary for a month.
  6. After resection parts of the intestine, the treatment of diarrhea lies in the reception of the drug "Okreotide", which significantly reduces the speed of the secretion of electrolytes and water in the bowel cavity.
  7. The liquid stool with bile after cholecystectomy is eliminated using the "cholestiramine".

Important! Only a qualified doctor, after the diagnosis and determination of the cause, should prescribe diarrhea with bile, when the drugs are chosen correctly, after 3-4 days, the chair comes back to normal.

Recipes of alternative medicine

What to do and how to restore the body at home? With the development of hyologic diarrhea, therapy can be carried out not only by drug preparations, but also with the use of folk recipes.

Diarrhea bile causes different, but many natural tools help independently of them, sometimes even more efficiently pharmacy drugs and significantly cheaper:

  1. Effectively works with red rowan juice (2 art. L.) Drink 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day. This tool has an antimicrobial effect, has many medical properties, gently envelops the intestinal walls. In addition, the juice has a huge amount of nutrients, acids that have a beneficial effect.
  2. The ground natural root of drinking (1/2 h. L) flooded with 1 glass boiled warm water, take the medicine every 3-4 hours.
  3. Effective means to stop diarrhea with bile - finely cut the bark of oak (50 g), pour 400 ml water, cook 10 minutes on weak heat. Take a recipe for 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. After 24 hours, diarrhea must pass.
  4. Food paint starch allows you to quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the wireless diarrhea. For this you need 1 tsp. Raw materials dilute in 250 ml of water, drink 1/4 cup every two hours.
  5. To treat the diarrhea will help a mixture of fruit juice (300 ml), sea salt (1 tsp. L.) And honey (1 h. L.). To another container pour water with food soda (200 ml to 1 h.). Drink 2 throat alternately from each glasses.
  6. Remove the uncomfortable symptoms, pain and spasms will help the infusion of the Flowers of the Hypericum (100 g) and boiled warm water (400 ml). Cook raw 10 minutes, insist half an hour, strain. So that the tool felt quickly - take in warm form 2 times a day after a defecation.
  7. To treat a liquid stool with bile, walnut helps well. For this, 100 g of purified raw materials pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes. The resulting decoction to use 1 cup per day.
  8. Grind the medium pear purified from the peel, pour 300 ml of boiling water, wrapped in heat and insist for 6 hours. Drinking 50 ml in 30 minutes before meals. This recipe will help fasten the diarrhea chair after removing the gallbladder, enrich blood vitamins, eliminate microbes, pathogenic. In addition, the means enhances the protective functions of the body.
  9. Olhi cones are well helped with a hirological diarrhea, eliminate abdominal pain. To do this, in 1 cup of boiling water brew and insist 1 tsp. harvested raw materials. Ready to drink 100 ml 3 times a day.
  10. The recipe with the use of wormwood has an instant attachment effect. Preparation is to 1 h. L. Herbs pour vodka, insist to light green shade and drink 20 drops 3 times a day.

Regardless of the selected funds it is worth understanding that the use of any medicinal plant has its pros and cons. Therefore, the preservation of natural raw materials is best to consult with the doctor to avoid the appearance of side effects. If the bile diarrhea is observed the temperature is increased, for 1-2 days and there is no condition improvements, it is necessary to stop home treatment, contact a specialist and make a more efficient therapy scheme.


Ball-name disease, bubble inflammation - unpleasant symptoms that have consequences. Compliance with limited power mode is the most important rule for recovery.

Among the allowed products:

  • Turkey.
  • Chicken.
  • Degreased kefir, cottage cheese.
  • Dietary varieties of fish.
  • Scrambled eggs.
  • Porridge.
  • Steamed vegetables.

Forbidden products for cholecystitis and associated symptoms are the following:

  • Confectionery.
  • Baking, snob.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Fried and fat, sharp dishes.
  • Alcoholic beverages.

Portions must be small, each volume does not exceed 1 cup. When improving and normalizing the feces, some products in the diet can be neatly introduced after consulting a doctor.

Observing uncomplicated rules, it is easy to prevent the risk of developing wireless diarrhea, reduce its symptoms. Recommendations of a specialist, diet and qualified medical treatment will help restore the body after it passed his hand diarrhea.

Diarrhea or diarrhea is an unformed and frequent chair. Often this is accompanied by reinforced intestinal peristalsis. If the diarrhea is yellow, it means that in it is bile. It is oversaturated with a bilirubin content due to liver pathology or enhanced decay of red blood cells. So the body shows the presence of any disease.

In the infants, the yellow chair can be observed in the first two months, until the operation of the gastrointestinal tract is adjusted. The main reasons for diarrhea with biliary can be considered:

  1. Dysbacteriosis when pathogenic microorganisms begin to push out the normal intestinal microflora. These bacteria do not affect the processing of bile, and therefore it appears in feces. This painful condition needs to be treated.
  2. Acute food poisoning when bile does not have time to recycle in the body and passes through the digestive tract too fast.
  3. Diseases of the gallbladder.
  4. Hylogenic diarrhea, in which the color of the greenish or bright yellow feces. Weakness, weight loss and pain is observed. Bile is not only in the wheel masses, but also covers the intestinal walls.

In the process of treatment, you must pass the assigned analyzes assigned to the doctor and take certain drugs.

Diarrhea with bile after alcohol

Alcohol is a real poison for the body. Its frequent use violates metabolic processes and leads to diarrhea. If you get a delicate drink in the body, it sucks his stomach, then it is absorbed into the blood and dissolves. The walls of the stomach are damaged, and this does not give it the opportunity to suck other useful substances. Alcohol remains in it in a small concentration, but for a long time. All other products the body is trying to bring out, leading to diarrhea. Meanwhile, alcohol destroys capillaries, and periodic abdominal pain arise.

The recovery process occurs within three days. It is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible, except for milk. Food should not be fat. In the future, the use of alcoholic beverages should be refused.

Diarrhea with bile treatment

Treatment of diarrhea with bile must be carried out after consulting and under the control of the doctor. To reduce intoxication, sorbents are prescribed, which will not allow toxins to be absorbed into the blood. With drugs, slowing down peristaltics, you need to be extremely attentive, since the delay of infected feces can cause an increase in the inxication process.

After passing the necessary analyzes, they use drugs to restore intestinal microflora or if necessary, the course of antibiotics.

Of particular importance is the observance of the correct diet. Food must be primarily easy. You need to drink water, binders and enveloping drinks, herbal infusions. Eat little by little and several times a day. Refrain from the use of fresh fruit, vegetables, fried and acute food. In terms of prevention, follow personal hygiene rules.

Diarrhea with bile in a child

The main danger of diarrhea in children with bile is rapid dehydration of the body. It is harder to fill it than an adult, since children drink water poorly. Kids with such a diagnosis are recommended to send to hospital. The reasons for diarrhea with biliary can be:

  • intestinal infections;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • viral cold infections;
  • stresses and excitement

The treatment regimen is aimed at restoring water-salt balance and adherence to a diet, which depends on the cause of the disease.

In the treatment I use antibiotics, antiodeary drugs, enterosorbents, drugs with zinc content, as well as probiotics and prebiotics.

Diarrhea and vomiting with bile

Vomiting with bile and diarrhea is often observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the organs of which are first exposed to toxins. This contributes to the use of large quantities of nicotine and alcohol. The body reacts to this pain in the stomach, so the first thing you need to make it washing with warm water of at least one liter. For additional protection, accept activated carbon. After you do not need to eat for three hours. Drink mineral water without gas.

The reason for the disorder may be a neurological violation. In this case, in addition to consultation with the gastroenterologist, you need to contact a neurologist.

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Drinks on the go, long-term emotional stress, the use of low-quality products lead to a violation of the digestion process, the first sign of which is diarrhea.

The number of acts of defecation exceeds 4 - 5 times a day, calted watery, often frothy, has a sharp unpleasant odor. The color of feces can be from dark yellow to brown.

If the chair acquires a pronounced yellow or green shade, a pathology is developing in the body, the main symptom of which is a biliary diarrhea.

Violation of the liver or gallbladder requires immediate treatment, so when a characteristic symptom is detected, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of diary with bile

For children under 3 months, diarrhea with bile is a normal phenomenon, since the digestive system of newborns is finally not formed.

During this period, the intestine of the intestines by bacteria that constitutes microflora occurs. The insufficient number of enzymes acts as a natural reason, according to which the infants are observed a biliary diarrhea.

Food poisoning is the main reason for the change in the quantitative and high-quality bacterial composition of the intestinal microflora.

The characteristic symptoms of intoxication are:

  • diarrhea with bile;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • catching pain in the abdomen;
  • increased gas formation;
  • burst in the intestines.

In case of poisoning, the motorcy of the digestive organs increases, the bile does not have time to take part in the process of digesting food, therefore is removed unchanged.

As a hazardous effects of intoxication, dehydration is dehydrating, therefore, in the case when the patient is observed a bullion diarrhea, the body temperature rises and vomiting begins, it needs to take the absorbent in a properly calculated dosage, to provide abundant warm drink to restore water-salt balance, and deliver The medical institution for the survey and identification of the cause of pathology.

Dysbacteriosis is one of the most common states associated with digestion disorders. Specialists call the following reasons for the disorder of the microflora balance:

  • long-term reception of antibiotics, hormonal drugs;
  • sharp change in the diet or power mode;
  • long emotional stress;
  • infectious pathology of the organs of the digestive tract;
  • glice invasions, etc.

Diarrhea with bile arises against the background of enzyme failure, as a result of which the bile does not proceed.

The food lump falls into the thick bowel in the untreated state, the fermentation and rotting processes begin.

If dyason causes dysbacteriosis, feces have a dark color and a sharp smell.

Gallgone diarrhea can be observed after alcohol poisoning. Abuse of alcohol-containing drinks leads to a violation of metabolic processes in the body, damage to the gastrointestinal organs.

After using alcohol, the affected walls of the stomach are not capable of sucking the useful substances, so food is unchanged in the lower intestinal deposits, where it is removed from the liquid chair.

Hyboid diarrhea

One of the pathologies under which a gallbral diarrhea is observed is a Hyboid diarrhea - digestion disorder due to irritation of the mucous intestines with bile acids.

The disease is dangerous in that late or incorrect treatment leads to chronic, so the patient becomes dependent on the medicine throughout life.

The main reasons for the development of pathology are the following states:

  • after removing the gallbladder, the secret from the liver ducts is displayed in the intestines, which leads to the fact that the patient has a bile diarrhea, it is impossible to stop this process, so the state goes into chronic;
  • malabsorption - syndrome in which the useful substances are not absorbed by the intestinal walls, the complications are pathological disorders of metabolism;
  • operational interventions or intestinal functional disorders.

The characteristic symptoms of pathology is diarrhea with bile of pronounced yellowish-green color, in the feces you can see a mucus, sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, increasing during defecation, nausea, lack of appetite and weight loss, dryness and pallor of skin.

If the Hybogenic diarrhea is observed against the background of the intestinal infection increases the body temperature.


Medicinal preparations designed to facilitate symptoms can only be appointed by the attending physician after a complete examination and identifying the reasons for which diarrhea appeared.

Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since incorrectly chosen means can lead to stagnation of the carts, which will aggravate the patient's condition.

In case diarrhea is a consequence of dysbacteriosis, treatment is made according to the following scheme:

  • antimicrobial drugs impede the development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • for the restoration of the intestine microflora, probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed;
  • vitamins contribute to the fill with the useful substances in the body.

The prevention of dysbacteriosis is fractional balanced nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, consumption of a large number of fermented milk products, which include bifidobacteria.

Antibiotics treatment should be carried out in parallel with the reception of bifidumbacterin, boform or lines.

Treatment of food poisoning, which caused diarrhea includes the following activities:

  • receiving an absorbent that displays toxins;
  • abundant warm drink, replenishing fluid loss;
  • starvation in the first day after intoxication;
  • the gradual input of the usual products in boiled or cooked pair.

If the poisoning is accompanied by an uncontrollable vomiting, snag-like pains and an increase in body temperature, the patient should provide first aid and deliver it to an infectious compartment.

Treatment of intoxication is carried out in a hospital.

The prevention of poisoning is a thorough compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, washing the hands after visiting public places, the purchase of products in stores, where the expiration date and the commodity neighborhood corresponding to the heat treatment is observed.

Hylogenic diarrhea treatment is made only under the control of specialists.

The first aid in the acute state is to receive absorbents, ensuring the patient with an abundant drink, receiving solutions that restore the salt balance.

The main task of integrated therapy is to reduce the negative effect of bile on the intestinal mucosa.

To this end, the patient, depending on the individual indications and related pathologies, is prescribed the following drugs:

  • Activated carbon, polysorb, enterosgel and carbollane bind molecules of aggressive secrets among themselves, reduce their activity, remove toxins;
  • Since useful substances are removed from the intestine from the intestines, antibiotics are prescribed regardless of the cause of pathology, patients prescribe a wide range of action;
  • Allohol, oxafenamide or cycvalon - choleretic drugs that have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diluting bile action;
  • Probiotics and prebiotics contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora, restoring the balance of useful and pathogenic microorganisms.

Folk remedies for diarrhea with biliary

Taking a decision on the methodology of diarrhea therapy Many patients make a decision to use "Babushkina" recipes, since the components of the decoctions and infusions are natural, and it is possible to prepare any composition at home.

However, it should be remembered that each stage of treatment should be agreed with the doctor, since folk remedies may cause an allergic reaction.

The most effective compositions in the treatment of diarrhea with biliary are:

  1. 3 large spoons of chamomile flowers and sage, taken in equal proportions, poured with two glasses of boiling water, leave cool. Take an infusion before each meal.
  2. Tea from the bark of oak and chamomile has an anti-inflammatory action, relieves pain. For preparation 3 large spoons of wood crust are placed in a metal container, adding 250 ml of cold water. The mixture is placed on the fire and bring to a boil, after which a spoonful of chamomile flowers are suited. Warm tea drink 100 ml twice a day.
  3. Rice decoction is one of the most popular means for diarrhea. Rice is boiled in a large amount of water for 40 minutes, after which the grains are removed. The resulting jelly-shaped liquid takes 2 - 3 small spoons every 60 minutes.

Of great importance in the treatment of diary with biliary plays a diet. Fatty, fried dishes, smoked and marinades, mushrooms, salt fish, confectionery and carbonated drinks are excluded from the ration.

Once a day, it is necessary to use the strained rice or oat porridge.

Useful video

Speaking of a bile diarrhea, mean diarrhea with feces, which includes bile, as a result of which Kal acquires an obvious yellow shade. A bile diarrhea arising from a child whose age does not exceed 12 months, should be perceived as a norm, given the functional features of the baby digestion system. However, this phenomenon in adults causes certain concerns and is considered a pathological process.

Causes of biliary feces

In adults injured diarrhea with bile arises against the background of the disturbed functionality of the gallbladder, liver, problems with biliary ducts and the activity of the digestive system.

The main reasons that cause diarrhea with biliary include:

  • Infectious or viral diseases.
  • Dysbioma characterized by a disorder of equilibrium intestinal microflora, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms begin to be actively multiplied by violating the functionality of the digestive system. As a result, the bile cannot be recycled by the body in due measure, which leads to the acquisition of yellow tint feces.
  • Food intoxication and the impossibility of recycling bile intestine, since the amount of its abbreviations increases, and the food is too actively moving along the digestive system.
  • The poisoning of alcoholic beverages, which is why the body is affected by poisons and the functionality of the digestive organs is disturbed.
  • Permanent presence in the menu of fatty dishes that enhance the intestinal peristalsis, which leads to the formation of a liquid chair.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder, as a result of the development of which the body functionality is violated.
  • Crohn's disease, in the presence of which in the digestive system, inflammatory processes are developing with the formation of nodes in the form of a granuloma, resembling its kind of benign neoplasms.
  • Removal of certain sequined sections.
  • Conducting cholecystectomy at which the gallbladder is removed.

If the considered phenomenon occurs as a consequence of the violated activities of the gallbladder, they are talking about the development of a hywed diarrhea.

Causes of Hyboid Diarrhea

Pathology occurs with excessive volumes of bile acid incoming in the intestine.

Usually such a phenomenon is observed in the case of:

  • Conducted extensive removal of the iliac and thin intestinal part.
  • Inflammatory processes affecting the iliac intestinal area.
  • Discinesia, in which the functionality of the gallbladder is disturbed, its ducts.
  • The wrong structure of the gallbladder.
  • Inflammation occurring in bubble and ducts.
  • The presence of malignant neoplasms.

In the development of these diseases, the period of arrival of bile in the intestine is inconsistent with the penetration of the food authority. Often, briccolotic acid is produced much earlier than the use of food, which leads to irritation of the mucous layer and provokes the development of diarrhea.

With the hypertension of the bubble, increased bile production occurs. When it is superfluous, the secretory process is enhanced and the possibility of suction by the intestine is worse, which leads to the sludge of the chair. Lack of bile can be caused by blockage of ducts under the influence of inflammation, formed stones, neoplasms in the bubble.

Signs of hoecogen diarrhea

Despite the fact that it is the yellowed or greenhouse with a large number of mucus primarily causes suspicion of the resulting disease, hyboid diarrhea has other symptoms to which include:

  • Soreness localized on the right side of the ileal region.
  • Pains are distinguished by their regularity, increasing in the defecation process.
  • It is possible to form nausea.
  • Dizziness may appear.
  • In some cases, the body temperature increases, although this increase is slightly.

But some symptoms and complaints of victims for the diagnosis are not enough. To confirm assumptions, it is necessary to assign coloscopy. When it is conducted in the event of the development of pathology on intestinal walls, an increased accumulation of mucus is observed. In case of study, an excessive amount of bile acid is found.

Treatment of pathology

Therapy of the bile diarrhea is a set of measures, which are necessary for at least seven days.

As treatment prescribed:

  • Application of adsorbentswhich help neutralize bile acids during the period when the food entered the body moves into the intestine. Espex, activated carbon and enterosgel, as well as the analogues of these drugs are especially popular. Menses against diarrhea make it possible to neutralize toxins, penetrating the intestines, enveloping the walls of the organ. As a result, the level of protection against irritation increases, the removal of harmful elements from the body is accelerated.
  • For the balance of admission to the gastric stomach and food takes choleretic pharmaceuticalsThe composition of which includes alkaloid furamin with antispasmodic properties. Thanks to him, it is possible to stop spasms in the bubble and bile ducts, limit the penetration into the intestines of excess bile. This medicine and its analogues include additional elements normalizing liver operation. Sometimes the reception of such drugs must be taken from several months to several years.
  • To restore the microflora organ and subsequent support assign reception of prebiotics and probiotics.

The reception of pharmaceutical drugs is carried out against the diet, after cholecystectomy, it is necessary to completely abandon fried products. The menu should contain only steam, boiled or stewed dishes. Attention focuses on protein food, giving preference to eggs, cooked sick, boiled chicken, omets and fish dishes. In the event of a bile diarrhea, experts recommend to eat mucous rice and oatmeal.