13 weeks pregnant with twins what's going on. Features of multiple pregnancy. If you are pregnant with twins

And the first days after conception. Twins, as you probably already know, are different, and what kind of babies you will have depends on these first weeks. To begin with, twins can be monozygotic and multiple.

If you have identical twins, the pregnancy began with the fertilization of one egg, if it is polygonal, this means that there was double ovulation.

Multiple twins (dizygotic)

The first week of pregnancy with twins according to the obstetric calendar is the time immediately after the last menstruation, the time when the follicles in the ovaries ripen, of which at the end of the second week.

In the middle of the cycle, eggs are released during ovulation. Normally, there should be only one egg, but sometimes two or even more of them mature. The reason for this lies either in the natural fertility of a woman, or in the fact that pregnancy is artificially stimulated. For example, if clostilbegit was prescribed for this purpose, most women have multiple pregnancies.

There is also a third mechanism, also man-made. In case of infertility, IVF, in vitro fertilization is used. During such a pregnancy, not one, but several embryos are usually implanted into the uterus, since this way the chances of successful pregnancy development become higher. It is not a fact that one embryo will be able to implant, if there are two of them - the probability will increase 2 times, three - it is already clear ...

Because the procedure is expensive, doctors usually try to increase the chances of success in every way. IVF - pregnancy, twins have become almost synonymous due to this. Multiple pregnancy with IVF is often the presence in the uterus of not two, but three, five or more embryos, and this is not very good, because in such conditions it is almost impossible to endure everyone. Considering that this is a hard-won multiple pregnancy suffered by a woman, records are not needed, and part of the embryos is usually ... removed from the uterine cavity, reduced, only the strongest and healthiest remain, no more than two.

It is important to note that children born from multiple pregnancies always differ in appearance, they do not look alike, even if they are children of the same sex, for example, girls, they will be like sisters and no more.

Perhaps also the birth of children of different sexes, a boy and a girl (the so-called royal twins, which received this name due to the fact that in royal families the appearance of such twins meant there was no competition for the throne, it was an ideal case for the royal family).

Identical twins (monozygous)

The likelihood of multiple pregnancy if only one egg ovulates, paradoxically, also exists. And this will be a pregnancy with twins, that is, twins, similar to each other like two drops of water.

How do you get twins like this?

After fertilization, it is 3-4 weeks according to the obstetric calendar, the egg begins to divide. A whole organism will have to grow from just one cell. The very first cells are pluripotent, that is, literally each of them can give life to an entire organism.

The first week after ovulation, the egg makes its way from the ovary through the fallopian tube to the uterus, and fertilization occurs along the way. The begun cleavage of the egg while on the way can lead to the fact that instead of one embryo, two, and in rare cases, three will begin to develop.

This ability to give life to a whole new organism is retained in cells at the stages of blastula and morula, right up to immersion in the endometrium, and even then, when extraembryonic structures (the future amnion and chorion) begin to form, the embryo still has a chance to split into two.

With incomplete separation in the later stages, Siamese (accrete) twins are obtained.

If the division into identical and multiple twins is important from the point of view of the genetics of children, the anatomical classification of twins is more important for the obstetrician.

Twins are different in relation to the structure of their placentas and membranes, and this affects not only the course of pregnancy, but also childbirth. Anatomical features are closely related to the mechanism of the birth of twins, but they do not indicate it, since in one and in another case, the structure of twins may be similar.

Here we will not touch on Siamese twins closely, this is a separate big story, it is better to consider the cases of normal, ordinary twins.

Babies can have one placenta for two, these twins are called monochorionic. If there is only one placenta, then this is definitely identical twins, you can rest assured that your twins will look like two peas in a pod and will be born of the same sex.

If there are two placentas, then such twins can be both identical and double.

How does this happen?

Probably, you understand everything about the mechanism of formation of two placentas in case of multiple twins, two different embryos - two placentas, but how do you get two placentas with identical twins?

Everything is very simple.

These twins separated very early, while traveling through the fallopian tube, and were implanted separately. In addition to the fact that children can have one or two placentas, they can also be in one or two amniotic sacs, that is, their fetal membranes can each have their own (this happens most often, and such twins are called diamniotic), or be one shell for two (monoamniotic twins).

It is clear that, depending on the combination, twins can be divided into monoamniotic monochorionic, diamniotic dichorial and diamniotic monochorionic. Let's make a reservation right away that there can be no monoamniotic dichorionic twins, this does not happen.

Often from this period misadventures begin with constant hospitalizations in the maternity hospital for preservation. Treat this philosophically, at least you will rest. There are still 10 weeks before maternity leave, and a couple of weeks in the hospital is just an opportunity to pause, giving the babies all the time.

Pregnancy 19 weeks twins

The onset of the 19th week of pregnancy is the time when babies gain half of their height at birth (almost 25 cm), and 300 grams of weight, this is 1/10 of how much they will gain for childbirth. Then they will actively grow, the organs are all already developed and functioning.

The central nervous system and lungs begin the most active development, the twins are preparing for birth. They are still very thin, the skin is thin and red, covered with fluff and a layer of grease. While the weight is gaining through the development of organs and muscle tissue, the time for fat accumulation will come later.

Although the eyes of the children are still closed, they are already able to distinguish between light and darkness. The sensitivity of the skin is well developed, there is an individual pattern on the fingers, and the fluff gradually begins to fade, remaining thick on the shoulders and back.

Vegetation appears on the head, the first head of hair, babies have eyebrows and eyelashes.

The twins feel the presence of each other; even in utero, an attachment is formed that will last for life. If the pregnancy is monoamniotic, the twins have the opportunity to touch each other, which they do, feeling not only themselves, but also their neighbor. With diamniotic twins, babies are isolated by the membranes, but this does not mean that they do not feel each other's movements and do not interact in any way in utero.

After giving birth, the twins will remain attached to each other, and you will not find anything better than keeping them in the same crib for the first months, because this way they will behave calmer.

It is interesting that the biological rhythms of children are synchronized even in utero, they move at the same time and sleep at the same time. And these rhythms may not coincide with my mother's at all.

Pregnancy 20 weeks twins

That's half of the pregnancy behind us. For you, perhaps even more, because few pregnant women carry twins up to 40 weeks, in most cases twins are born before 37 weeks.

The twins are even bigger now, and you can feel their movements. Most of the time children spend in a dream, and when they wake up, they do what they exercise, as the space still allows, and swallow the surrounding amniotic fluid.

Their intestines are already working, digesting cells of peeled skin from the amniotic fluid, but nothing is excreted anywhere, all waste products accumulate in the large intestine, children will get rid of them after childbirth. This original stool is dark olive green, almost black, and is called meconium.

And babies also urinate in the amniotic fluid, which is part of the circle of their renewal. During the day, amniotic fluid changes its composition several times.

I must say that with twins, there is such a problem as polyhydramnios in one of the fetuses. How does this happen?
If there is a connection between the placentas, a vessel, the so-called shunt, blood can be released in greater quantities to one child. This leads to the fact that he urinates more, and ... grows faster. As a result, a difference in weight is formed between children and moderate polyhydramnios in one of them. It cannot be cured, but this situation does not pose a particular danger, the second baby after childbirth will certainly gain its weight.

21 weeks pregnant with twins

There are only 7 weeks left until maternity leave, but you already want to finish everything. You are now looking after children's things, the family is preparing for the appearance of two babies.

Your tummy no longer allows you to even bend over to fasten your shoes, and you have adapted to shoes while sitting.

Your little ones have gained almost 400 grams each and they are now very active. At this time, almost all pregnant women feel the movements. The strengthened bones and the rapidly maturing nervous system of the child allow him to perfectly coordinate movements, the first reflexes work. If you touch the baby's foot, he will pull back the leg and squeeze his fingers, if he touches the cheek, he will stretch and try to grab with his mouth what touched him.

Kids now not only hear well, their eyes began to open. Of course, vision is still a problem, they only distinguish vague shadows, but there is still nothing to look at.

22 weeks pregnant with twins

The weight of twins at 22 weeks of gestation is already 400 grams, length 27 cm, with ultrasound, a difference in weight and height may be found, often one of the twins is larger than the other. This is normal and there is no cause for alarm.

It's already quite hard for you, your stomach has risen 25 cm above the level of the pubis and begins to restrict breathing. You quickly gain weight, children grow up - you inevitably get fat.

If you have more than two children, it is even harder for you. But let's digress a little. The most prolific pregnancy happened in 1971, 15 babies were born! And if their mom did it, couldn't you?

23 weeks pregnant twins

Your little ones have gained almost half a kilogram of weight. They still have very little chance of survival in case of premature birth, but in a month they will be quite viable.

You look good now, pregnancy beautifies you. Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, your hair and skin have improved, but now you have many risks associated with the fact that you are carrying twins.

How long have you been to the dentist? Often women do not have enough calcium, and this affects dental health. Your back and legs may bother you. Back pain is common due to the redistribution of load, and the legs may even swell. Now you may already be diagnosed with anemia.

Follow all your doctor's orders.

Pregnancy 24 weeks twins

At 24 weeks of gestation, twins weigh about 600 grams each.

Maturation of the lungs began, they formed most of the alveoli, air sacs, and now the production of surfactant, a substance responsible for their expansion after childbirth, began.

Your body is now being tested for strength. Pyelonephritis, varicose veins, anemia, gestosis and many other troubles occur more often and are more severe with twins.

Often, babies do not choose the correct position before childbirth, and very often there is a placenta previa and associated bleeding.

The belly grows, it grows very quickly, every day it is more difficult for you to walk and it is more difficult to breathe. Heartburn and nausea, constipation is also a consequence of uterine pressure, try to eat more often and in small portions.

Complications of multiple pregnancies are diverse and dangerous, try to think less about them. Remember only the symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

If your stomach hurts or even just pulls, this pain does not release when you lie down, and it happens more often 5 times per hour,
- if any unusual discharge from the genital tract appears,
- if you have a fever or pain when urinating,
- if you notice swelling or too fast weight gain,
- if you have a headache, there is a feeling of irritation from the light.

Twins 25 weeks pregnant

There are 3 weeks left before maternity leave, but most of the pregnant women are kept in the last weeks. And you also have the opportunity to get rid of the morning rises to work early by using your right to take another leave immediately before maternity leave.

Your babies have begun to accumulate fat, they will need it immediately after birth to keep them warm. This is a special, brown fat that will burn, giving energy, in the first days after childbirth, reimbursing the baby's needs in the period when the nutrition has not yet been adjusted. This fat is deposited on the tummy and between the shoulder blades, the arms and legs are still thin, and the skin is wrinkled and red.

The time will soon come to round up and accumulate white, real fat.

Now the formation of nerve connections is underway, the formation of the nervous system in twins is underway. The organ of balance matures and the senses are formed, vision and hearing are becoming more and more perfect.

The twins are now starting to produce their own antibodies for the first time, and the immune system is working. The nutrition of the expectant mother is important, because right now the origins of future allergies in children may be laid.

26 weeks pregnant twins

At 26 weeks of gestation, the fundus of the uterus with twins rises by 30 cm or more from the pubis. This means that it has practically filled the abdominal cavity, moving and squeezing the digestive and respiratory organs, which causes natural discomfort.

Your heart is now overworked, your blood volume has increased by 60%, and your lungs have nowhere to turn, which may cause shortness of breath. You find it difficult to find a sleeping position and even pillows are of little help. Be patient, most of the way is behind.

Your twins now weigh 800-850 grams, they are already quite cramped, although for now they can change their presentation, turning in the uterus. Often, with twins, children do not lie correctly, and because of this, a cesarean section has to be done. Special gymnastics can partly affect the position of the kids, but there is little hope for it.

27 weeks pregnant with twins

It is hard for you to walk and breathe hard, the kicks of babies are sensitive, your uterus is actually already resting on the ribs. What to do, two kids - double weight, and they gained almost a kilogram each.

More than half of twins are born prematurely, and from that time on, the chances of health and well-being are great.

Despite the fact that you have a multiple pregnancy, the signs of a threatened premature birth are the same as during a normal pregnancy. These are regular abdominal pains of a girdle nature.

Very often, childbirth begins with premature rupture of amniotic fluid, and proceeds rapidly. We advise you not to leave the house without an exchange card and avoid walking alone.

You're going on maternity leave next week.

Have you got your emergency suitcase ready? Is everything ready for the arrival of babies in your life? Was the dowry collected?

28 weeks pregnant with twins

Parental leave for multiple pregnancies begins earlier, you will be given a sick leave already 84 calendar days before the expected date of birth, in addition, postnatal leave is allowed for 110 days. Add up these numbers, if you give birth earlier, your postpartum leave will be lengthened by the number of unused days.

28 weeks is a kind of milestone, starting from which you can calm down a little about the risk of premature birth. Your babies are already viable, although you need to be aware that they will be in the hospital for many days before you can take them home if labor begins now.

Twins weigh over a kilogram each, and now it's time for you to rest.

Any woman is afraid of childbirth, and a pregnant woman is even more afraid of twins, and this is not surprising, because it is obvious that such childbirth will not be easy. Tune in to the fact that you are likely to be offered a cesarean section.

29 weeks pregnant with twins

Now your twins will gain weight every week.

Now children already have a height of 37 cm from head to heel, and the weight of each of them reaches 1200 grams. Now, the difference in the weight of babies may be more and more significant, one can weigh 1000 grams, and the second 1300.

You are now experiencing all the same sensations as women during a full-term pregnancy. And they added about the same weight, 10-11 kg, if not more. The back, pelvic bones, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe symphysis, can be very sore, the body prepares for childbirth.

30 weeks pregnant with twins

Your twin babies are fully formed. The boys' testicles are in the scrotum, the children began to actively round up, the growth in length slowed down. It is normal that they move less and less now, it just becomes quite crowded in the uterus.

The weight of children reaches 1350-1400 grams, the amount of amniotic fluid is about a liter for each, and now it will decrease every day.

The twins' brains are sufficiently developed to ensure spontaneous breathing and maintenance of body temperature in the event of premature birth, and the gastrointestinal tract is now ready to independently digest food. The arms and legs of the babies no longer seem as thin as before, now they have begun to actively store fat, and the first thing that has become rounded is ... the cheeks of the twins. The fact is that a fat pad in the cheek area is vital for sucking, which means that it must be created first.

31 weeks pregnant with twins

The weight of the children has reached about one and a half kilograms. Most likely, your twins have already chosen a position for childbirth, but they still spin and kick a lot, although activity has already begun to decline. Every day they get stronger, and these pokes and kicks are quite painful.

You seem just huge to yourself. The abdomen with multiple pregnancies reaches its maximum size by 31-32 weeks, and is very disturbing. It is hard to breathe, you feel pain under the ribs, and you cannot lie quietly on your back even for five minutes, dizziness sets in. But it will soon feel better, the stomach will go down before giving birth.

The last ultrasound is due next week, if you haven't already. If at the last ultrasound you found out the sex of the children, they will tell you whether spontaneous childbirth is possible. There are situations when a planned cesarean section is the only correct decision. For example, when the placenta is present or one of the fetuses is transverse to the uterus.

32 weeks pregnant with twins

The time has come for the last ultrasound scan during pregnancy, twins will now be assessed not only in terms of development and the presence of possible deviations and diseases, but also as an object of future childbirth. Usually, children by this time are identified with presentation and lie with their heads down. The state of the placentas and their location are assessed, childbirth is predicted.

It should be noted that when twins are admitted to the maternity hospital for the birth itself, as a rule, ultrasound is also carried out, according to the results of which the final decision on the tactics of childbirth is made.

Children weigh approximately 1600 grams each. Now the uterus is so crowded that a natural defense mechanism is activated, weight gain becomes slower than during a normal pregnancy. Your twins will weigh less than the average children during a normal pregnancy, and at the same time, the maturation of all organs and systems of babies is accelerating, the twins may be born prematurely and they are preparing for this.

33 weeks pregnant with twins

Your doctor now wants to see you every week, and that's no surprise. Childbirth may start unexpectedly, now you have a high risk of gestosis and other complications, your health needs constant monitoring.

Your babies could add up to 1800 grams, their height is about 43 cm. They now look about like ordinary newborns, differing only in thinness. The skin is smoothed, nails grow on the fingers and toes, the fluff on the body has almost disappeared, and on the head, on the contrary, hairs grow.

Gemini actively develop their senses. They can see and respond to bright light directed at the anterior abdominal wall, they are frightened by harsh sounds and taste amniotic fluid. Their main occupation, as before, is to suck whatever they have to.

Sleep and wakefulness replace each other, the activity of the brain is clearly recorded on the electroencephalogram. Your children are already dreaming ...

34 weeks pregnant with twins

You are probably already tired. Tired of a big belly, of waiting, of pain in the back and legs, in the pelvic bones ... You are tired of endless tests and visits to the doctor, the walls of maternity hospitals are boring. It is possible that the stomach has already dropped. The head of one of the twins descends into the small pelvis, it becomes easier to breathe, but at the same time there is a problem of constipation, or it is aggravated if it has already happened before.

Your twins train the respiratory system with breathing-like movements. Fruit heartbeat approximately 120 beats per minute. Sometimes babies hiccup, you feel it like a rhythmic twitching in the stomach.

They move less and less every day, their weight can already reach 2 kg, and of course, they are very cramped. If they are born this week, chances are you can take them home quickly. In most cases, twins do not even need an incubator at this time.

35 weeks pregnant twins

That's all. You can consider your mission completed and calmly wait for the birth. As a fact, from this week of pregnancy, in the absence of other diseases, all newborns survive and have no health problems. If the delivery is without trauma and hypoxia, you will take them home immediately from the hospital.

We hope that you have already prepared everything you need for your twins and for yourself in the hospital.

36 weeks pregnant twins

Your weight with multiple pregnancy by the end of it could increase by 15-17 kg, and of course, these weeks are very difficult.

Childbirth with multiple pregnancies is usually planned, which means that now you should already be in the hospital under the supervision of doctors.

We can only be glad that you did it and reached the end, very soon you will be able to take your crumbs in your arms.

Pregnancy and twins are not an easy test for any woman, and if you have multiple pregnancies, caesarean section may be the method of choice for childbirth with about 70% chances. If you are planning another pregnancy, do not worry about this, pregnancy after twins is quite possible, and it does not matter whether you gave birth yourself or had a cesarean, you just need rest to restore strength and health.

The first trimester of your pregnancy is ending, behind anxiety and dangerous periods. You probably have already registered with the antenatal clinic, passed the necessary tests. Toxicosis became much less pronounced, and, possibly, completely disappeared. Hormonal balance is gradually established, you have become calmer, more balanced.

After the end of toxicosis, your appetite has significantly improved, and now is the time to draw up an optimal nutritional regimen so that the baby receives all the necessary substances, and you do not gain excess weight.

Your tummy is still invisible, but you need to remember that tight clothes can squeeze it and interfere with the baby. Therefore, trousers with a narrow belt must already be abandoned.

How many months have passed? Week 13 is the first week of the fourth obstetric month of pregnancy, or the last week of the first trimester. You have crossed the barrier, and basically all of the baby's organs are formed. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby's weight is about 15-20 grams, and his height is 6.5 - 8 cm.

What's happening?

The size of the uterus has already increased so much that its upper pole is clearly felt over the pubic bones. If you lie on your back, you can easily feel it in the form of a rounded formation. The kid is now about the size of a peach. The placenta continues to form. Sometimes after long walks, you may feel unusual fatigue, a feeling of heaviness in your legs. Try to dose your physical activity, but not be too passive.

Fetal development at 13 weeks of gestation

Your baby is developing incredibly actively now. Despite the fact that he is still so small, he already has milk teeth, the bone skeleton is actively forming, and mom must definitely include additional calcium in the diet.

The gestation period of 12-13 weeks is the period when the baby's pancreas begins to produce insulin - the most important hormone that regulates glucose metabolism. Other endocrine glands are also formed.

The kid increases his height every day. His body still looks disproportionate, because the head is much larger than the body. But already now the rate of increase in the head does not exceed the growth of the body as much as before. Your baby is already actively moving, despite the fact that you still do not feel the movement. Muscle tissue is forming in him, and active movements are necessary to strengthen it. While the movements are quite chaotic, however, the baby may well move in the uterus, swim up to its walls. The periods of sleep and wakefulness change quickly, and only during sleep does the baby rest, gain strength.

The development of the gastrointestinal tract progresses: at this stage of pregnancy, the villi of the mucous membrane are laid - the most important elements of digestion. The baby's intestines are completely sterile throughout pregnancy, and only after the first attachment to the breast will he receive beneficial bacteria that will colonize the intestines and will facilitate digestion and absorption of nutrients.

By the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, the baby develops facial muscles, a sucking reflex is formed. He already knows how to move his lips. The formation of the face continues: the eyes gradually move from the lateral parts of the head to the center, and the ears move from the neck.

The baby's brain is improving. Now on its surface there are still no convolutions, but the places of their formation are already being laid - small grooves.

At this stage, eggs are laid in girls. Now there are several million of them, this number will decrease by birth.

The baby's skin is still very thin, pink, through which the blood vessels are clearly visible. Subcutaneous fat does not accumulate yet. Only in the third trimester will the active accumulation of adipose tissue begin.

At 13-14 weeks of pregnancy, sound-reproducing structures are laid, the vocal cords are practically formed.

Photo of the baby at the 13th week, ultrasound

Mom's feelings

Future mothers at this time note a significant improvement in well-being and mood. Firstly, the toxicosis of the first trimester has already passed, and if some of its manifestations remain, then they no longer cause such discomfort as before. Your appetite has improved and you can indulge in culinary delights. Try to keep them useful.

Usually, by this time, a screening ultrasound has already been carried out, and you know that everything is in order with the baby. And this is the most important thing for every woman. In the early stages, most mothers do not share with the surrounding features of their situation, but now your condition is becoming more noticeable. The tummy at the 13th week of pregnancy is still invisible, but a change in gait, sometimes - facial features, change of clothes to looser ones, your high spirits, refusal of heels for many becomes understandable.

You may already notice that age spots appear on the face. Do not worry - after pregnancy, they disappear very quickly without a trace. Also typical is the darkening of the strip from the navel to the pubic bones, areoles on the mammary glands, and the genital area. Such changes are associated with changes in the synthesis of pituitary hormones.

You listen more and more to your well-being, your bond with your baby is becoming closer. At this time, emotions are already forming in the children, and it is very important that mommy speaks more with the baby, stroking the tummy, which is even beginning to round.

Already at this time, your mammary glands are preparing to feed your baby, and you can notice how they have increased. Now you need to wear comfortable underwear without a frame that does not squeeze your breasts or disrupt circulation. Special underwear for pregnant and nursing mothers is very convenient.

If your health allows, sign up for sports activities for pregnant women. You need to maintain a sufficient level of physical fitness in order to be in shape for childbirth, recover well, and avoid unpleasant complications. Also try to walk a lot in the fresh air, and if friends invite you to the nature outside the city, do not refuse!

If you are pregnant with twins

Multiple pregnancies at this time may still be no different. If you have pumped-up muscles of the press, then the tummy may still be invisible, although very soon it will round up. Mom, expecting twins, must also strictly monitor food, enough rest, walk. Enjoy this easy pregnancy as you will soon feel the double workload. Your tummy will grow faster than that of moms carrying one baby, the load on your back will be felt. Start wearing a support bandage in time - this will help relieve pain in the back area, pressure on the bladder.

Pain and discharge in the 13th week of pregnancy

The end of the first trimester of pregnancy is defined by most mothers as an easy and pleasant period, not overshadowed by painful sensations. At this stage of pregnancy, any painful sensations should alert the expectant mother.

The uterus is not yet large enough to cause pain due to the compression of adjacent organs. Sometimes, you may experience a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Lie down for a while, rest, and if the sensations persist, be sure to consult a doctor. At this time, the increased tone of the uterus is quite common.

Normal during the period of gestation is a short-term increase in the tone of the uterus. However, constant hypertonicity is dangerous for the baby. If you experience a period-like painful sensation, see your doctor. You will be given appropriate treatment to help prolong your pregnancy and prevent miscarriage at 13 weeks of gestation.

Correct diet

The manifestations of toxicosis have already noticeably decreased, your appetite has improved, and despite the fact that you want to eat a lot and not always the most useful, you need to control your diet very carefully. First of all, you need to make such a diet so that the baby gets all the nutrients he needs, while not gaining excess weight. In fact, everything is very simple. You need to remove as much as possible from the menu "unnecessary" foods: those that contain light carbohydrates and at the same time have a minimum of nutritional value. Eliminate or limit white bread as much as possible, replace it with whole grain. Remove pasta from the diet, preferably potatoes. The side dishes familiar to many need to be replaced with more healthy cereals, vegetable dishes.

Your diet should be rich in protein products, because it is the amino acids that make up proteins that are the basis for building all the cells of the body. Meat is not the only source of protein (and now you should give preference to dietary meat - poultry, rabbit, veal). Protein is found in large quantities in dairy products, especially in cottage cheese, in combination with valuable trace elements and vitamins.

Constipation is a common problem in pregnant women. They mainly occur from the second trimester, when the uterus compresses the intestines. But it is advisable to start their prevention now. Make it a rule to start your breakfast with a glass of kefir with prunes. This simplest method is neglected by many, but it really significantly improves the condition of the intestines. Your diet should include foods such as dried apricots, bananas, kiwi, bran. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Necessary examinations and examinations

Usually, at this stage of pregnancy, a woman is already registered with an antenatal clinic, and now you need to visit a doctor once a month. At this time, an ultrasound scan can be performed. The first screening ultrasound examination should be performed at 11-13 weeks of gestation, the optimal period is 12 weeks. Ultrasound at 13 weeks of pregnancy is carried out in order to exclude gross malformations, chromosomal pathology. At this time, there is still an opportunity to conduct genetic research. In case of detection of severe pathology, termination of pregnancy is possible.

The second reason that it is optimal to carry out ultrasound in this period is the fact that now, with an ultrasound examination, a specialist will determine the gestational age of the fetus with an accuracy of 2 days. In some difficult situations, obstetricians rely on this age. After all, there are situations when the mother cannot give the exact date of the last menstruation, for example, in the case of certain diseases, or if there were spotting at the initial stages of pregnancy.

The study at this time is carried out with a vaginal sensor. On the monitor, you can already see your baby, distinguish where his head, body, arms and legs are, the doctor will show you how his heart beats. But the gender at 13 weeks of pregnancy cannot yet be determined with 100 percent accuracy. The genitals are still forming. But on the second ultrasound, they will tell you exactly who you are waiting for - a boy or a girl.

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Questions - answers

What do brown discharge say at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

This is an alarming symptom that indicates the threat of termination of pregnancy. The brown color of the discharge is due to blood leakage, and if such a symptom is found, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help for prescribing treatment that will prevent the termination of pregnancy.

At 13 weeks of pregnancy, my stomach hurts - not too much, but from time to time after the load there is a feeling that the uterus is tense. This is not dangerous?

The sensations described by you are characteristic of the increased tone of the myometrium. This may be normal if such sensations are not too intense and quickly pass when you lie down and rest. However, to exclude the threat of termination of pregnancy, it is better for you to be examined.

I developed unpleasant pulling sensations in the lumbar region, temperature at 13 weeks of pregnancy. What does it mean?

Such symptoms are characteristic of pyelonephritis. This disease very often occurs in pregnant women, since immunity is somewhat reduced, and the risk of bacterial inflammation is high. You should definitely see a doctor, as pyelonephritis requires timely adequate antibiotic therapy.

After the load, my lower back hurts a lot at 13 weeks of pregnancy. This is the second pregnancy, and the first one also had pain, but closer to the middle of the pregnancy. How can pain be relieved? Can pain relievers be taken?

Lumbar pain during pregnancy is not always related to back stress. This may be a symptom of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, so you need to see a doctor to rule out such a pathology. Pain can be a symptom of nerve root inflammation, and in this case, special treatment is also indispensable. And you cannot take painkillers on your own - only those that the doctor prescribes are safe for the baby. If such causes of pain are excluded, you should try to get more rest. However, it is categorically impossible to lie for days. Go to gymnastics for pregnant women - you will be shown special stretching exercises, strengthening the back muscles, which will need to be done regularly. Light massage also helps. You can ask relatives for a daily massage or sign up for a massage course at the clinic.

Week 13 is the last week of the first trimester of pregnancy, or the first week of the fourth obstetric month. The main achievements of the period are the restoration of hormonal balance, a decrease in the symptoms of toxicosis. The unborn child has already formed all the organs, their functioning is improving. The main tasks at this stage are the formation of an optimal diet in order to meet all the needs of the growing fetus and not gain excess weight, as well as a smooth transition to a measured course of life, clothing style, and new habits.

Fetal development at 13 weeks of gestation

At this stage of pregnancy, the unborn child grows at a high rate. The general proportions of his body are changing just as quickly - until recently, the huge, in comparison with the body, the head does not grow as fast as the body. Soon, the fruit will acquire the proportions familiar to us, inherent in small children. There is still no fatty tissue, which will begin to build up only in the third trimester. The baby's body is covered only by the skin through which the blood vessels shine through.

The face of the fetus becomes more expressive, the chin and nose stand out, the eyes and ears take their place. The developed nervous system allows the child to make arbitrary movements, grimace, yawn, smile. The rudiments of all milk teeth have formed in the mouth, the vocal apparatus is actively developing, and a sucking reflex has appeared.

Fetal parameters at 13 weeks:

    Weight - 15-25 g;

    CTE (coccygeal-parietal size) - 8-9 cm.

If you monitor the baby's activity, you can see that he has periods of sleep and wakefulness, and wakefulness is quite active. The movements of the fetus cease to be chaotic, it seems that they have become more orderly and more precise. Such opportunities are provided to him by the constantly improving musculoskeletal system.

At 13 weeks, an important event occurs - the genital tubercle differentiates into the penis in boys, or the clitoris in girls. Depending on gender, the fetus develops a prostate gland or ovaries, which take their intended place in the pelvic cavity. At this stage, the female fetus has the rudiments of about 2 million future eggs. After the birth of the girl, their number will decrease.

Fetal organ development:

    In the intestine, villi are formed, it occupies a permanent place in the abdominal cavity;

    The diaphragm rises, raising the respiratory organs, esophagus;

    The pancreas begins to produce its own insulin, which is responsible for glucose metabolism;

    The baby's heart works so intensively that it can pump over 20 liters per day;

    In place of future ribs, cartilaginous tissue is formed, which is subsequently transformed into bone.

The child's psyche begins to develop - the first reactions to touch and pain, loud sounds, temperature changes appear. The fetus has the ability to distinguish the taste of food, the nutrients of which enter the mother's blood, and then through the umbilical cord into the fetus. Specialists in prenatal psychology claim that even such a tiny child feels the emotional state of the mother, feels when they communicate with him, and is even able to determine whether the mother wants him to be born, or the pregnancy is unwanted.

Video about what happens to the fetus, its size, sensations, proper nutrition and much more:

The upper pole of the enlarged uterus is located above the pubic bones. It has already gone beyond the limits of the small pelvis and is easily felt in the supine position in the form of a dense rounded formation. A growing uterus can cause mild negative sensations to a pregnant woman, as the ligaments that support her are under increased stress.

Uterus parameters:

    Height - 13 cm;

    Width - 10 cm.

Measuring the height of the uterine fundus from this date will be a common procedure when visiting an antenatal clinic. These results will be entered into the pregnant exchange card.

Sometimes a woman experiences unusual symptoms when a short-term tension is felt in the lower abdomen, less often mild cramping pain. This is the uterus toning, and soon relaxes again. Such contractions will be repeated until the very birth, only they will become less frequent, and the uterus will be soft and elastic.

To let go of such "training fights", it is enough to lie down and rest a little. Such conditions are provoked by walking in high heels, carrying weights, stressful situations. Your doctor may recommend papaverine suppositories or Ginipral.

What does ultrasound show?

If until now the obstetrician-gynecologist has not prescribed the first planned ultrasound examination of the fetus, then at this time it should be done. The best time to do it is between 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Indicators obtained during the study:

    Gestational age;

    Probable due date;

    The condition of the uterus and placenta;

    Number of fruits;

    The size of the fetus, its activity, developmental features;

    The presence or absence of prerequisites for chromosomal developmental abnormalities.

Since this week it is possible to assess fetal malformations, ultrasound is included in the screening program carried out every trimester of pregnancy.

The first developmental screening of a child is carried out to identify genetic and chromosomal abnormalities. It includes an ultrasound scan and a biochemical blood test for signs and. During ultrasound examination, the thickness and transparency of the collar zone, the presence and size of the nasal bone, the presence or absence of visible developmental defects are determined.

If the results of the study determine a high risk of abnormalities or chromosomal abnormalities, the woman is sent for a consultation with a geneticist and for an additional in-depth examination. It is not necessary that the high risk of developing pathology will be confirmed, the results of screening should not be interpreted as a definitive diagnosis.

Hormone Tests and Double Test

Testing blood for hCG and for the blood plasma protein PAPP-A allows you to timely identify the risk of trisomy 21 and trisomy 18 (Down's syndrome and Edwards syndrome) during screening. Progesterone levels are determined medically. At this stage of pregnancy, its level is 8.9-468.4 nmol / l.

Twin pregnancy

While the course of a multiple pregnancy is no different from the usual sensations of this period. It may last a little longer, although it is not felt by all women. The size of the uterus and abdomen during twin pregnancy may be slightly larger at this time. The increasing load on the tissues of the peritoneum and spine will not be as significant if the expectant mother will wear a support bandage.

How the stomach and mammary glands change

The body of a pregnant woman continues to change, the abdomen acquires a roundness, the waist is somewhat smoothed. Pregnancy is still invisible, but tight clothing already hinders movement, restricts blood circulation and breathing. You should get away from shaping underwear and clothes, switch to a looser wardrobe made from natural fabrics.

The chest continues to grow. On it, as well as on the skin of the abdomen, the first "stretch marks" - striae may appear. To prevent their appearance, you need to wear comfortable bras that firmly support the chest, prenatal bandage. Wearing a bandage will positively affect a woman's well-being, relieve pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

The most important achievement of 13 weeks is that most pregnant women who have previously experienced symptoms of toxicosis practically do not feel them. The hormonal balance was established, mood swings, excessive sentimentality, irritability over trifles disappeared. The high spirits of a woman are noticed by both relatives and colleagues at work. These changes, combined with a change in the style of clothing and footwear, gait, appearance, make it clear to others about the change in the status of the expectant mother.

The woman became less worried that the pregnancy could end in a miscarriage. Concerns about the child's health after the first ultrasound also diminished. Perhaps the expectant mother has established emotional contact with the baby. Thanks to this, the pregnant woman stopped feeling anxiety and uncertainty, which has a positive effect on her well-being.

Age spots may appear on the skin of the face, neck and chest. You should not worry about this - after giving birth, there will be no trace of them. A change in the activity of the pituitary gland leads to a darkening of the areola of the mammary glands, the epidermis of the external genital organs, the strips of skin on the abdomen from the womb to the navel.

Due to a decrease in bowel tone and pressure on it by the pregnant uterus, a woman may feel a problem with regular bowel movements. Constipation occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, a violation of the diet (the predominance of fats and carbohydrates in the menu). Since laxatives are prohibited during pregnancy, you need to regulate the stool with the use of plant fiber, actively move.

Perhaps the expectant mother feels an increased gas formation unusual for her earlier. For you need to exclude legumes, cabbage, black bread from the menu, more often use fermented milk products.

Pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, requires urgent medical advice. If it has the character of spasms, accompanied by the discharge of blood from the vagina, this is a symptom of spontaneous abortion. A miscarriage that has begun can be stopped if you seek emergency help in a timely manner.

Cramps and pain during urination can be a symptom of cystitis. If it is complicated by pyelonephritis, there is severe pain in the projection of the kidneys, high temperature joins the pain symptoms.

Pain with cramps in the leg muscles most often occurs at night. It occurs due to a lack of trace elements, most often there is not enough potassium and calcium. A woman should inform her doctor about this so that the obstetrician-gynecologist can recommend vitamin and mineral complexes.

Headache may appear at 13 weeks of gestation due to a significant increase in circulating blood volume and increased stress on blood vessels. Since it is not recommended to take painkillers during pregnancy, you need to use safe methods of elimination: rest in a cool ventilated room, cool compresses, taking herbal decoctions.

The safest composition:

    Pharmaceutical camomile;

Excessive consumption of lemon balm increases the risk of bleeding, as it thins the blood. If the doctor does not prohibit, with a severe headache, it is allowed to take drugs containing paracetamol.

Vaginal discharge and bleeding

The nature of the discharge has changed somewhat - their volume has increased, they have become more liquid. This is how the effect of estrogen appears, which began to prevail at this stage of pregnancy. If there is pus in the vaginal discharge, inclusions like cottage cheese or flakes, they have a greenish or yellow color, an unpleasant odor, the woman may have got a sexually transmitted infection, or.

Bloody discharge from the vagina does not always indicate the beginning of the termination of pregnancy. A small amount of red or brown discharge after intercourse or a pelvic exam in the mirrors may be a symptom. This pathology should definitely be treated after childbirth.

Other causes of atypical discharge:

    Abdominal injury, fall blow;

    Placental abruption;

    Placenta previa;

    Weakness of the vascular walls, violation of their integrity due to an increase in blood volume.

Any atypical discharge requires careful diagnosis and treatment if necessary.

With a decrease in the symptoms of toxicosis, a woman's appetite significantly improves. Changes in the body require high-calorie and light nutrition, it is important to provide the fetus with the necessary "building material" for full development, and not to gain excess weight. Excessive body weight is an unnecessary load on the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system.

You need to exclude easily digestible carbohydrates from your menu, replacing them with vegetable and dairy dishes. It is advisable to eat less white bread and muffins, potatoes and pasta.

It is important to provide the growing fetus with enough protein. These are rabbit meat, poultry, fish, veal, cottage cheese, lactic acid products.

To prevent constipation, you should eat kefir with prunes for breakfast, more often eat kiwi, bananas, add bran to dishes, include fresh vegetable salads, juices, dried fruits, seaweed and fresh fruits in the menu.

Alcohol and nicotine - effects on the fetus

Although many organs of the fetus are already laid at 13 weeks, alcohol and nicotine have a pronounced toxic effect on it. Internal organs, central and peripheral nervous system, organs of hearing and vision - all can become a target of toxins. The brain is especially vulnerable, which at this time is experiencing a time of intensive growth and the formation of cerebral convolutions.

Both alcohol and nicotine penetrate the placental barrier and enter the body of the unborn child immediately after consumption.

Sex life

The only contraindication for sexual intercourse may be low placenta previa. In this case, sex becomes the cause of massive bleeding and termination of pregnancy. In other cases, intimate relationships can bring a woman a surge of emotions that is useful at this stage of pregnancy and an improvement in her mood.

The libido of a pregnant woman, which has decreased during toxicosis, returns to its previous level, or increases due to the influence of hormones, so sex life should not stop.

Video about sex during pregnancy, structural features of the child's body:

Special problems

Hormonal changes, changes in the microflora of the vaginal environment lead to the activation of the fungus that causes candidiasis, or thrush. It is accompanied by cheesy discharge of a yellow-green color, itching in the vagina, burning sensation in the external genital area. The antenatal clinic doctor will recommend a safe treatment for vaginal candidiasis. It is important to differentiate it from sexually transmitted diseases.

Taking care of your health, timely screening, following the doctor's recommendations will help you spend 13 weeks with benefit. You need to make adjustments to your diet, take care of comfortable clothes and shoes, devote more time to walking in the fresh air.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology was obtained from the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development (2010). In 2013 completed postgraduate studies at N.N. N.I. Pirogova.

The news that a woman will soon become a mother is perhaps the most memorable event in her life. A woman's reaction to multiple pregnancies does not always evoke positive emotions. Most often, a married couple experiences fear, shock and a sense of uncertainty.

Feelings of confusion and discouragement are a completely normal reaction to pregnancy with twins, as parents understand that they have a double responsibility. As a rule, very soon a married couple gets used to this news and is looking forward to the birth of babies.

Multiple pregnancies proceed somewhat differently than a single baby pregnancy. This article will reveal all the features of the course of pregnancy with twins by week. Thanks to the information received, the pregnant woman will feel more confident and know what to expect.

How to understand the term "multiple pregnancy"?

Multiple pregnancy

Many people, hearing the words "twins" and "twins", do not really understand how they differ from each other. If we recall the school course in human biology, then we know that the formation of an embryo occurs after the fusion of two gametes (male and female germ cells).

If in a woman's menstrual cycle two eggs ripened at once, which were subsequently fertilized by two different sperm, then we are talking about conceiving twins. It is important to understand that fertilization occurs with two different sperm, which have a completely different genetic set of chromosomes. Twins can be born of different sexes, have different heights, eye and hair color, and be not very similar to each other. This pregnancy is called dizygotic.

If during the cycle there was the maturation of one egg fertilized by one sperm, then either one embryo or the conception of identical twins is obtained. Sometimes such hormonal disruptions occur in a woman's body, when the egg is divided into two absolutely identical halves. These two female cells are fertilized by the same sperm, resulting in twins. The set of chromosomes in these children is exactly the same.

These are necessarily same-sex babies, very similar to each other, have a hereditary predisposition to the same diseases, have moles and birthmarks on the same part of the body. Even the characters of identical twins are very similar. This pregnancy is called monozygous. Obstetricians-gynecologists can easily identify monozygous and dizygotic pregnancies using ultrasound.

Why do multiple pregnancies happen?

Not everyone is given such happiness

Despite the constant development of obstetrics and gynecology as sciences, doctors and scientists still cannot indicate the exact cause of multiple pregnancies. Below are the predisposing factors for conceiving more than one baby.

Heredity... This factor is most important. Most often, multiple pregnancies are transmitted to women through the maternal line, that is, if a woman has had cases of twins and twins in her family. Most often, this feature is transmitted through one generation, but exceptions are possible.

Infertility treatment... After treatment of the secondary form of female infertility, it is common to conceive more than one embryo. This fact is due to the intake of hormonal drugs that stimulate the maturation of several germ cells at once. If they are all fertilized with sperm, then multiple pregnancies result.

IVF procedure... The method of artificial insemination in 60% of cases ends with multiple pregnancies. This factor is due to the transfer of several embryos into the woman's uterus at once. Several embryos do not take root and die, and 2-3 continue to grow and develop successfully in the uterus. Sometimes doctors carry out the reduction (removal) of excess embryos, leaving one or two babies in the uterus.

Despite the constant improvement of scientific methods and deep knowledge of obstetricians and gynecologists, it is not yet possible to accurately predict the conception of monozygotic twins.

How does a multiple pregnancy go?

Carrying twins is associated with certain risks

Having studied the pregnancy calendar for multiple pregnancies and carrying one child, a woman will not notice much of a difference. The development of babies in both cases occurs at almost the same time. A feature of the difference between multiple pregnancies and normal pregnancies is the development of complications. Mothers who are carrying several babies at once face complications more often.


    Iron deficiency anemia is more common with multiple pregnancies. This is due to the increased need for iron in mothers and children. For the prevention of such a complication, the expectant mother, for the purpose of prevention, is prescribed iron preparations from the first days of pregnancy;

    Toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy (preeclampsia) - often develops in multiple pregnancies. Protein appears in the urine of the expectant mother, and blood pressure indicators reach high levels;

    Placenta previa is a common complication of multiple pregnancies. It is characterized by the location of the placenta in such a way that the entrance to the uterus is blocked;

    Fetoplacental insufficiency - since the placenta performs "double work", it prematurely aging and wear out, as a result of which children are deficient in oxygen and nutrients;

    Presentation of fetuses - children in the uterus are located in such a way that natural childbirth becomes impossible and the woman is prescribed a cesarean section;

    Delayed development - as a result of insufficient blood supply to the placenta and the supply of nutrients to the fetus, the development of children often does not correspond to the gestational age;

    Dissociation of development - this complication of multiple pregnancy is characterized by a lag in the development of one of the fetuses. This is due to a kind of deprivation of nutrients in one of the children in favor of the second. If treatment is started on time, then, as a rule, nothing threatens the life and health of the baby;

    The risk of developing anomalies and defects - with multiple pregnancies occurs much more often than when carrying one child;

    The risk of premature birth.

In the first trimester of pregnancy (first 12 weeks), a fifth of women with multiple pregnancies experience the phenomenon of the death of the ovum. In this case, one embryo remains in the uterine cavity and continues to grow and develop, while the second freezes, stops developing and decreases in size (involutions). Such involution does not harm the developing fetus at all.

Ultrasound of two fetal eggs

After 12 weeks of pregnancy with multiple pregnancies, the risk of premature birth and amniotic fluid discharge is especially high. One third of all multiple pregnancies end in miscarriage or premature birth.

To prevent miscarriage and premature birth, a woman carrying twins is prescribed medications to relax the muscles of the uterus throughout pregnancy. If taking muscle relaxants does not give the expected effect, then the expectant mother will be hospitalized in the maternity ward. A woman is in the hospital either until the birth itself, or until her condition stabilizes and the threat of miscarriage disappears.

Often during pregnancy, a woman complains of violations and abnormalities in the work of the heart and blood vessels. During the period of bearing one baby, the load on the cardiovascular system doubles, and when bearing two fetuses, it triples! Failures in the work of the heart can lead to negative consequences for babies growing in the womb.

Gynecologists strongly recommend that pregnant women seek medical help in a timely manner for any abnormalities in the work of the heart. A woman must understand that she is responsible not only for her health, but also for the lives of her children, and the slightest delay can lead to sad consequences.

It has already been noted above that with multiple pregnancies, the risk of developing iron deficiency in the mother's blood increases many times. When carrying several fetuses at once, the tissue of the placenta has a large mass, in contrast to the placenta of a singleton pregnancy. This leads to an increase in placental blood flow and a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

In women who carry more than one fetus in the womb, in most cases labor begins early. Gynecologists believe that the main reason for this complication is the overstretching of the muscle fibers of the uterus. Women carrying twins should be especially careful to monitor their well-being and health, and if there are any complaints, seek immediate medical attention.

Multiple pregnancies are at risk, therefore, gynecologists are especially closely monitoring women carrying twins. Such women need to visit a doctor more often, to have urine and blood tests more often. Many expectant mothers are outraged by the need for frequent attendance, but one should not neglect the recommendations of the gynecologist, because the health of babies is much more important than temporary inconveniences.

How is multiple pregnancy recognized?

The main thing is to find out about multiple pregnancy in time.

This question, perhaps, worries many women in whose family there were cases of multiple pregnancies. From the first days of pregnancy, the expectant mother is interested in signs by which you can find out how many fruits she carries under her heart. The most reliable way to determine multiple pregnancies is to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist's office.

An experienced specialist can accurately diagnose multiple pregnancies from as early as 4th obstetric week of pregnancy. Already from this period, the woman's uterus is enlarged twice as much as during pregnancy with one fetus.

There are wives who are trying to independently determine by some signs whether their pregnancy is multiple. It is important to understand that there are no reliable signs indicating multiple pregnancy. Until the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, multiple pregnancies can be talked about based on the size of the uterus, and from the 13th week the woman is prescribed an ultrasound scan. During this study, you can tell with accuracy how many fetuses are developing in the uterus.

There are cases when, during the first ultrasound scan, the doctor sees on the monitor screen two fetal eggs, one of which subsequently freezes and only one child is born. Less often, it happens that on an ultrasound scan, the doctor sees only one fetal egg, and on the next study, two fetuses are found. This happens if one fertilized egg overlaps the second, but when the embryos grow a little, they are clearly visible on the monitor screen during an ultrasound scan.

Many women mistakenly believe that multiple pregnancies can be diagnosed if they undergo a blood test for the triple test for hCG, alpha-fetoprotein and estriol. Such a test is done to confirm the fact of pregnancy and early detection of malformations of the embryo, but this analysis does not always help to determine whether the pregnancy is multiple.

How does a multiple pregnancy proceed? Features of childbirth with multiple births

It has already been said above that when carrying more than one fetus, the expectant mother is forced to visit the gynecologist's office more often. With a successful pregnancy, a woman, starting from the 13th week, should come to see a doctor every 10 days. Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother must attend the consultation at least once every 7 days.

Obstetricians-gynecologists pay special attention to weight gain of a pregnant woman. When carrying one fetus, the total increase at the time of delivery is usually about 12 kg. If a woman is carrying twins, then by the time of childbirth, the weight gain should be no more than 15 kg. The expectant mother should carefully monitor the kilograms and in no case should she gain excess weight. Every extra kilogram gained while carrying twins can greatly complicate the course of pregnancy and the condition of growing babies in the womb.

During the gestation of several fetuses, a woman should be prepared for the fact that at any time she may need to go to the maternity ward for conservation. Obstetricians-gynecologists prefer not to risk the lives of children and the health of a woman, therefore, at the slightest deviation in the course of multiple pregnancies from the norm, the expectant mother is offered hospitalization in the maternity hospital.

Two weeks before the expected date of birth for multiple pregnancies, a woman is sent to the hospital. The woman is invited to immediately take with her all the necessary things for herself and the children, as well as documents. From the 37th week of pregnancy, labor can begin at any time, and it would be wise if the woman is under the supervision of doctors at this time.

Methods of delivery in multiple pregnancies are still a topic of discussion among doctors. There is no specific method for all women with twins. The method of delivery for multiple pregnancies is selected individually for each pregnant woman, depending on the following factors:

    How was the pregnancy?

    How does a woman feel;

    How the kids developed and grew;

    Whether there is placenta previa or fetuses.

Anxious wait

Obstetricians pay great attention to the presentation of the baby who should leave the uterus first. If the fetus is in breech presentation, then doctors prefer delivery by cesarean section. With natural childbirth, babies can get stuck with their heads in the birth canal, which often leads to the death of the fetus.

Often with multiple pregnancies during childbirth, an anomaly of labor occurs. This pathology is characterized by the weakness of the generic process, or, conversely, impetuosity. Both are bad for the mother and children, therefore, to prevent the development of complications, doctors use medications that adjust the intensity of labor.

In addition to medication, there are other methods of managing childbirth. For example, with weakness of labor after the birth of the first fetus, the fetal bladder is pierced to a woman, and then the interval between the birth of twins is significantly reduced. If both fetuses show signs of severe oxygen starvation, then the question arises of an emergency caesarean section.

In contrast to pregnancy with one child, childbirth with multiple pregnancies always begins earlier than expected by 2-3 weeks. And in this case, wise nature took care of the kids. During the gestation of two children at once, the formation of a suffractant (a substance that helps the lungs of children to open up after birth) in fetuses occurs earlier than in a singleton pregnancy. This fact suggests that premature birth with multiple pregnancies poses less danger and risk of complications to fetuses than premature birth when carrying one baby.

In addition, scientists noted an interesting fact. The adaptation period in monozygotic twins is more difficult than in dizygotic children. Identical babies are more likely to suffer from postpartum jaundice and chronic bronchitis against the background of prematurity.

The onset of the birth process with multiple pregnancies is not much different from the usual singleton pregnancy. Most often, a woman leaves amniotic fluid, and their amount is much greater than when carrying one child.

Due to polyhydramnios, the muscle fibers of the woman's uterus are stretched, which subsequently threatens the woman in labor with primary weakness of labor. To prevent this complication, obstetricians try to open the fetal bladder at the very initial stage of labor, when the cervix is \u200b\u200bajar a few centimeters.

Due to the fact that childbirth with multiple pregnancies is often accompanied by the risk of complications, doctors prefer to administer epidural anesthesia even with natural delivery. This is necessary in order to be able to urgently carry out a cesarean section if something goes wrong during childbirth, without wasting time on anesthesia.

The postpartum period of a woman with multiple pregnancies is not at all different from the recovery after the birth of one child. And even breastfeeding of both babies is quite possible. The newly minted mother only needs to get used to her new status a little and show patience and skill.

Many couples expecting twins often worry about the weight of their babies at birth. All concerns about excessively low body weight in twins at birth are just an exaggeration. If a woman's pregnancy proceeded normally, and the children developed according to the gestational age, then the birth weight differs by only 400-500 grams from a newborn from a singleton pregnancy. The subsequent development of twins is also no different from a newborn from a singleton pregnancy.

The whole truth about government payments for the birth of twins

All expectant mothers know that after the birth of a child, the state provides material assistance for a certain period of time. In multiple pregnancies, women often wonder about the amount of payment at birth.

If a family has two or three children at the same time, then a lump sum is paid for each newborn child. In order to receive financial assistance, parents of babies must provide the local labor administration with a certificate stating that at the time of birth, the spouses are not officially employed anywhere.

If during pregnancy a woman worked officially, then in order to receive payments for children, she needs to contact the accounting department of her enterprise. The list of documents and certificates required for payment must be clarified at the place of receipt of material benefits. If the parents are students, then the payment of the allowance is made at the place of study.

In addition to state payments of childbirth benefits, there are also regional payments. Such assistance is provided at a time, and the amount depends on the region of residence. To get a regional benefit payment, you need to contact your local social protection authority.

If a woman gave birth to a child out of wedlock and has the status of a single mother, then in order to receive payments, she must provide documents confirming the absence of a father from children. A woman can get such a certificate at the registry office when registering newborns.

Residents of Russia should know that at the birth of the second, third and subsequent babies, the family has the right to receive maternity capital.

Parents must complete all documents on time

In multiple pregnancies, maternity capital is paid for the second baby. To receive this type of financial assistance, a married couple must apply to the pension fund located at the place of registration of their residence. The following list of documents must be submitted to the pension fund:

    Application for obtaining maternity capital, filled out according to the sample;

    Original and photocopy of the applicant's passport;

    Originals and copies of newborns and existing children;

    Child's Russian citizenship certificate;

    Original and copy of the pension insurance certificate.

The state does not provide additional benefits for multiple pregnancies, however, if there are other children in the family, in addition to twins, the family automatically receives the status of a large family and receives all the benefits that are due in such cases.

Don't worry about unnecessary bureaucratic red tape with documents. The process of registration of all certificates and benefits will end very soon, and you will enjoy parenting. All this will still be, but for now, get used to your position and enjoy every day of pregnancy so that no troubles can darken your happiness from waiting for your babies.

Here is a brief guide to consider when choosing a daycare:

1. Get more than one list

There are many choices out there, Moms will decide about the type of childcare they want.

Moms might find that the top choice is already ordered.

If you have looked around and found several places that are full, Moms can put the name on the waiting list.

May require a deposit to reserve a place or write on the waiting list.

But Moms will be happy when Little is there.

2. The nearest environment / around

Does Moms need daycare that is closer to work or closer to home? Tips for Choosing a Good Daycare For Your Child

Ideally, Moms want to be close to everything, but also requires the intervention of other families.

Do a search about daycare and home, whether the distance is as you wish or not.

3. Food

When pregnant, maybe Moms don’t worry too much about this because they care more about breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.

But in the next six months, Moms will need to ensure that the food served at childcare is not worrying.

Is the food made from organic? Can it be consumed if your child has certain allergies?

Mothers Milk is the best food for babies. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and is recommended for as long as possible.

Growth milk is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of healthy children over 1 year of age and cannot be given to babies.

Mothers Milk is the best food for babies

Mother using the Mother’s Milk pump? If so, there’s no harm in knowing whether there is a risk or danger of a manual electric breast pump.

Getting exclusive breastfeeding is certainly one of the best things for babies, where through breastfeeding, babies get the nutrients they need.
For this reason, exclusive breastfeeding is medically recommended.

However, in practice breastfeeding is certainly not an easy matter. Mothers Milk is the best food for babies.
Because there are some obstacles that can be experienced by mothers.
One of them when the mother is sick or starting to go back to work.

For conditions like this, so that the process of giving Mother’s Milk can run well, the Mother, of course, requires a Mother’s Milk pump.
However, did you know that there are actually several risks or dangers of electric or manual breast milk pumps?

No, this information does not mean we advise you not to use Mother's Milk pumps again.
As with everything, it never hurts to always know all the information.
That way, Mother can find ways or avoid all risks that can be caused. Including the danger of electric or manual breast milk pumps.

Here are some of the side effects or dangers of electric and manual breastfeeding pumps that you may not know about:

the danger of electric breast pumps. Mother's Milk is the best food for babies.
Risks that can be obtained ...

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Well being is a state of physical, mental and social properly-being during which disease and infirmity are absent. An NRI should strategy the Central Adoption Resource Authority, which is governed by the Ministry of Women & Little one Development, Authorities of India, to apply and complete the procedures to adopt.

Optimistic parental self-efficacy can act as a protective issue against the development of postnatal mood problems (Barnett, Fowler, & Glossup, 2004; Milgrom, 1994; NSW Health, 2008a). This is important as a result of postnatal mood problems resembling melancholy are known to have hostile outcomes that have an effect on ...

At preschool your child will be taught through play-based programs designed and delivered by certified academics. Early musical engagement can both spark artistic expression and assist academic inquiry and is a foundational experience that goes hand in hand with children’s early growth. It lists the brand new household identify, the date and place of the kid’s delivery, and the ages of the adoptive parents on the time the child was born.

One other current article in a European medical journal describes submit-vaccination reviews of myopericarditis (irritation of each the pericardium and the guts muscle) and other autoimmune disorders and presents two extraordinarily believable mechanisms by which vaccines could cause autoimmune reactions.â € In the Vaccine Harm Desk, nevertheless, the only place where cardiac symptoms are talked about is in reference to anaphylaxis â € ”with the desk's notes indicating that there aren't any specific pathological findings to verify a prognosis of anaphylaxisâ € â €” and most autoimmune diseases are additionally conspicuously absent.

Of course, as your child grows they will need much less and less sleep every day. One research confirmed a 166% enhance in hospital breastfeeding success after implementing a 12-hour delay in child’s first tub in comparison with those bathed within the first couple hours.

Markedly completely different from the modern period, historical adoption practices put emphasis on the political and economic pursuits of the adopter, four offering a authorized software that strengthened political ties between rich households and created male heirs to handle estates.

Despite the white foster mother and father ’argument that they had offered security and loving care for the kid, the grandparents’ declare to Child D was superior. No appointment wanted, open to households with youngsters age zero to 6. Yearly approximately 50,000 adults die from vaccine preventable ailments in the United States.

Many women find they’re exhausted in the first trimester. They may consider the chance that your baby has a vaccine-preventable illness, which may have an effect on what checks they do. If your little one has a vaccine-preventable illness, precautions can be taken in order that the disease does not spread to others.

For example, administration of the vaccine in separate spaces and shut statement, and reassurance before and after vaccination could also be helpful 2 These individuals with susceptible situations or life stressors who are more likely to develop PIV may want special attention.

Utility: The PC's role is to scale back conflict between parents by providing father or mother schooling, steering, and coaching; facilitating dialogue about kids’s needs and parenting priorities; acquiring info for mediating disputes as they come up; arbitrating choices as necessary; encouraging compliance with courtroom orders; and growing strategies to enhance the communication between mother and father and facilitate constructive parenting, as applicable.

After about ten weeks of gestational age, the embryo turns into often called a fetus At the beginning of the fetal stage, the chance of miscarriage decreases sharply. This simple-to-learn guide gives information and steerage that parents need to maintain their youngster safe online.

Notable among its early members was Charles Wilkins who printed the first English translation of the Bhagavad Gita in 1785 with the patronage of the then Governor-Basic of India, Warren Hastings Nonetheless, the most important of the society's achievements was the decipherment of the Brahmi script by James Prinsep in 1837.

Learn what you can do to accept and love your pregnant body in our Pregnancy and physique image section. Here’s what you might want to know to take care of a 1-week-outdated babyâ € ”from diapers to bathtime to helpful soothing methods. It will be unimaginable to be ...

Our pets are our household. New Dad or mum teams appear to be as necessary as different modes of nursing service supply to kids and parents and serve a distinct purpose to heart-based or residence visits. On these days, dad and mom send a bag lunch with their youngster. Myth 5: A child can truly get the disease from a vaccine.

Jaga kebersihan pompa dengan meletakkannya di tempat yang bersih dan terhindar dari debu agar tidak merusak nutrisi asi yang dikeluarkan dari pompa tersebut. For the remainder of the inhabitants, it is not cool to arrive unannounced at a brand new mother and father entrance door because there is no such thing as a telling what sort of Stephen King nightmare is happening that day.

Quite the opposite, a lot time is spent planning experiences that may meet the wants of all children. Our reporting helps you make selections for your family, and our essays inform private stories about all of the methods you may develop into a father or mother â € ”and live a full life with kids.

We realize that a child’s early years build the inspiration for their lifetime pursuit of a cheerful successful life. The objective of parenting is to teach youngsters to develop self-self-discipline. High-high quality preschool applications nurture warm relationships among kids, academics and parents.

As of March 30, 2018, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program had paid $ 106.5 million (THIS 12 MONTHS) for 283 claims because the beginning of the 2018 fiscal year. 14. Patja A, Davidkin I, Kurki T, Kallio MJ, Valle M, Peltola H. Severe adverse events after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination throughout a fourteen-12 months potential comply with-up.

You've got now reached your remaining stretch of pregnancy and are probably very excited and anxious for the birth of your baby. Finish of 40 ...

Any vaccine may cause uncomfortable side effects. Our lecturers create flexible classroom environments that accommodate and embrace each child's individual manner of learning. Some individuals report having gentle reactions to flu vaccination. Like regular Sim toddlers, they can not get up or down a flight of stairs except they're carried, however they'll raise their own daylight motive if they can get exterior through the daytime, or can get to a room with a greenhouse lamp ...

There are ten early childhood preschool classrooms throughout the district. In other words, these states should not have legal guidelines permitting adoptions statewide, however adoptions could also be granted in county family courts on a case-by-case foundation. When traveling to a different nation, you and your loved ones could also be in danger for vaccine-preventable diseases.

After thorough medical investigation, the final diagnoses of the circumstances upon discharge were additionally variable, reminiscent of vaccine opposed results, Guillain-Barrà © syndrome suspect, conversion dysfunction, depressive dysfunction, hyperventilation syndrome, somatization, and neurosis (Table 1). Their treatment mainly consisted of conservative administration including hydration, pain control, and reassurance.

He obtained his DPT (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus) vaccine simply two weeks earlier, simply earlier than the fever started. Redness or irritation of the penis should heal within a couple of days, but when the redness or swelling increases or if pus-crammed blisters kind, an infection may be present and you must name your baby’s physician immediately.

One-size-fits-all vaccine policies and laws, which fail to respect biodiversity and power everyone to be treated the same, place an unequal danger burden on a minority of unidentified people unable to outlive vaccination without being harmed.

For instance, a teacher would possibly ask a baby who’s more competent at pouring water to help a toddler who’s learning. These pregnancy symptoms are normally the…