Right cinnamon for weight loss. Cinnamon for weight loss: reviews, most effective recipes. Contraindications to use cinnamon for weight loss

Cinnamon is a good spice for baking and desserts, and its regular use will help to throw out a few superfluous kilos. For a positive effect, it is enough to add to different drinks or ordinary water. Eating can be regular or by mood, it does not matter. Spice also strengthens immunity and is generally good for health, so that the recipes are suitable not only for weight loss.

Influence on weight loss

This spice does not burn fats directly, no matter how much they say. But it accelerates the exchange of inventories, resulting in becoming one of the causes and weight loss incentives.

Cinnamon for weight loss:

  1. Improves / normalizes metabolism. Often the problem occurs when energy consumption is less than the costs. Theoretically, with a deficiency calorie, the weight should decline, but almost this may not happen. The problem lies just in slow motion metabolism with which the spice is fighting.
  2. Spice contributes to the cleansing of the body from slags and toxins. This indirectly also affects the acceleration of metabolism.
  3. Improving the functions of the liver and developing it insulin leads to normalization of blood sugar. The latter in excess not only does not affect health, but also deposited in the form of fat.
  4. Cinnamon is considered an antiseptic and antimicrobial product. This means that adding it to food and drinks will contribute to the strengthening of immunity. A healthy body is better coping with fats cleavage.

In addition to all this, the spice is just useful for the body. Its use favorably affects digestive and cardiovascular systems, improving their work. Also, cinnamon positively affects the concentration of attention, so it is good to use it while studying or mental work. And during menstruation using this spice you can get rid of pain.

How to use Cinnamon

Special prescriptions on how to take spice, no. Although there is a limit in the amount: daily to 1-6 g of spices, it is about 0.5-1 teaspoon.

You can use a spice by adding to a wide variety of dishes. But the greatest impact on the process of fat burning are drinks. They prepare smoothies, teas, cocktails, kefir, as well as a drink for slimming with cinnamon and ordinary water.

Buying cinnamon is better to choose wands. They contain most of all useful substances. Before drinking cinnamon to lose weight, you need to lose. It is best to do it on a small grater. In some drinks you just need to put a wand entirely or break it into pieces.

Cinnamon with honey

Both of these products are rich in the necessary trace elements. So in cinnamon there is a lot of vitamin C, E, B5 and B6, PP. Bee honey is rich in vitamins group B, as well as vitamin C and niacin (PP). Each of the listed elements plays a huge role in the structure of tissues in the body and their functioning. For example, the calcium contained in both products is important not only for the structure of bones, but also the work of the muscles. It participates in the processes of reduction of muscle fibers and its wealth in the body will save you from cramps.

The vast dignity of honey and that he has almost an infinite shelf life. Therefore, if you do not like this product very much, you should not worry that the jar bought for several drinks will have to throw out. It can be simply set on the shelf and use if necessary. Cinema with honey for weight loss, hearts, vessels, digestion, focus and appearance concentrations.

To make a drink made of cinnamon with honey for weight loss takes:

  • ½ liter boiling water;
  • cinnamon is one teaspoon;
  • honey is one teaspoon.

Put a spice in the container and pour boiling water immediately. Leave everything to brew for about 5-10 minutes. Depending on this, it turns out different strength of the drink. And then add bee honey to this liquid and mix well.

Cinnamon with honey for weight loss is drinking in a little over the whole day. This liquid is accepted 3-4 days in a row. This contributes to a more efficient effect of spices to the body. For a few days, it will improve the metabolism, activates fat burning and strengthen the immune system.

There is another option to eat these products. You can brew tea with cinnamon and honey for weight loss. This drink is done very simple. Prepare ordinary tea, and then add a spices and honey in there in the above quantity.

With tea

Another way to cook cinnamon is to add it to tea. You will need:

  • sheet tea - 2-3 teaspoons;
  • 500 ml of hot water;
  • cinnamon stick.

First make ordinary tea. Then add a spice stick to the liquid and wait another 5-10 minutes. If you add such tea with cinnamon for slimming a little honey, then the drink will help you to cope with hunger during a diet.

Cinnamon tea will be a good replacement to those who bought ordinary drinks and want a variety. The spice adds some spike drink and opens his taste from the new side.

This drink is very refreshing hot summer. You can additionally add several ice cubes to the cup with tea and 1-2 mint twigs.

With coffee

There are several options for cooking such a drink. The easiest, welding coffee and rub a little cinnamon in it. But there are other ways to prepare.

  1. For this recipe for coffee with cinnamon for weight loss, you will need a jam (it is the Turk). To prepare one portion, take 1-2 g of ground / grated spice (this is about ½ teaspoon) and 2-3 teaspoons of ground grains. Pour everything in the jazv, fill with cold water and put on fire.
  2. Take 10 g of ground coffee, 2-3 g grated spices, 5 g of grated ginger. All ingredients need to be poured into a jam and pour cold water. You need to cook everything on slow heat, not allowing liquid to boil. In such a coffee with cinnamon for weight loss, you can still add several peas of fragrant peppers.
  3. For the third version, you will need 10 g of ground coffee and cinnamon stick. All this is placed in the Turk and floats cold water. Cooking you need to do not allow boils on slow fire. So that the taste is saturated, before coffee is ready to skip it and let it stand for 2-3 minutes, and then return to the fire. Such manipulation can be spent 1-2 times.
  4. If you have a coffee maker, try cooking a drink in it. In the container, where the ground coffee is poured, put a branch of cinnamon. Also, like coffee, she gradually "give up" all the most useful. Such a recipe is suitable for geyser and drip coffee makers.

A cup of coffee with cinnamon for slimming perfectly in the morning. It is best to drink it before meals. And then you can mix the coffee thickness with a spoon of honey and use as a body scrub.

With kefir.

As a breakfast, you can cook kefir with cinnamon for weight loss. Equality products are well affected on the digestion and cleansing of the intestines from slags. In addition, the cocktail is well quenched with hunger, but there are only 40 kcal in one-percent drink.In addition to breakfast, kefir with cinnamon for weight loss can be drunk and for the night in 2-3 hours before bedtime.

The recipe beverage is simple. In a glass with kefir, pour out a few grams of grated spices. Mix a little and can drink.

With ginger and kefir

Another effective remedy is kefir with ginger and cinnamon for weight loss. Preparing as well as the previous drink, only in addition, pour several grams of grated root into the liquid. Drink a cocktail is better for breakfast.

Ginger and cinnamon for weight loss in combination with kefir and red pepper possess fat burning effect.. All ingredients are mixed and used in an hour before meals.

Cinnamon water

The simplest recipe is water with cinnamon for weight loss. It is done simply and suitable as a replacement of ordinary water. You can drink during the day, best on an empty stomach in the morning or before bedtime.

Suitable cinnamon water not only for diets. It will be good and before a complex exam, a challenging task at work, etc. Cinnamon improves focus well and even a little burtrite. You can immediately make a large mug of cinnamon water and drink gradually.

To make a drink, take 1-2 spices sticks. You can just put them entirely into the kettle, or divided into parts. After pouring a liter of boiling water. Now you need to give fluid in 10-15 minutes. For more effective influence (on the fat burning process) and simply improve the taste to add a few more lemones.

Such water can be taken with you to work, study or just a walk. Drink is delicious and when hot, and when cold. Therefore, in the cool time of the year it can be taken with him in a thermo-circle instead of coffee. By the way, this is an excellent tool for those who decided not only to lose weight, but also to abandon coffee.

With an apple

With strict limitation of calorie content of the diet, you can cook a refreshing tea with an apple and cinnamon. This recipe is perfect for getting rid of the feeling of hunger during a diet.

For apple-cinnamon tea, you will need:

  • cinnamon stick;
  • one middle apple;
  • 500 ml of hot water.

Cut the apple with small slices and put in the kettle. There you throw the cinnamon stick and fill it all with boiling water. Before use, give tea broken within 10-15 minutes.

A drink for losing weight apples with cinnamon improves metabolism and immunity, as well as rich in useful trace elements. He is delicious and something resembles a savory compote, to add him sweets to change a little recipe. In addition to the main ingredients, put another ½ tablespoon of honey in it and stir well.

In hot weather you can add several ice cubes or hold in the refrigerator. And apples remaining from cooking are suitable as a snack.


The effectiveness of wraps with cinnamon for weight loss is very doubtful. This procedure is warming, so the weight is lost due to water loss. The thrown kilograms are quite quickly returning back, so the result will eventually be insignificant, but you can always try.

It is possible to achieve at least some kind of effect only in a complex with exercise and balanced nutrition. But a purely cosmetic result will be stunning, the skin will become soft and silky, so that the meaning in conducting the procedure still makes sense.

With honey and cinnamon

According to the fans of this procedure, well contribute to the slimming of wrapping with honey and cinnamon. The recipe you need to take the ingredients in the ratio of 1: 3 or 1: 4. This ratio is not fundamental, so you can change it at your discretion. For example, 1 teaspoon of spices and mix it not from 3, and 2 or vice versa with 5 teaspoons of honey. The resulting mixture is applied to the problem zone. From above you need to wind up this part of the body of the food film and insulate.

The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. In the end, you need to sprinkle the film and wash off the mask with warm water.

As a result of such wraps, you can lose weight in a problem zone. Although it was already said that this is due to the removal of water from the body and the result will quickly return. But what exactly is that a favorable effect on the skin. With this procedure, you can get rid of problems with it and make it soft and silky.

With cinnamon and clay

To prepare this wrapping, you will need:

  • cosmetic clay - 1 bag;
  • cinnamon - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.

Clay must be divorced in warm water. As a result, it must be in thick as sour cream. To the resulting mixture you need to add cinnamon and oil. All ingredients are mixed again. Apply ready to the problem area. Top wrap the food film and warming up. After 30 minutes, turn the treated part of the body and wash with warm water.

In addition to the abilities to activate the process of weight loss, the spice is also rich in many microelements. Therefore, its use in any case is useful for the body. Even after your weight approaches the desired, you can continue to add cinnamon to drinks and dishes. In addition to all the usefulness, it still has an excellent taste and aroma.

Olya Likchev

Beauty - like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious :)

29 Mar. 2016


Sweet pies, cakes and cakes - since childhood I remember their fragrance: so smells of cinnamon. The spice is used mainly by cooking for confectionery products, because it gives piquancy and a special taste. Only recently, people have opened other properties of the spice and began to use cinnamon when weight loss. The instructions below will help you use a variety of recipes to lose weight.

Useful properties and contraindications of cinnamon

This is not just a dizzying warming aroma - cinnamon under diabetes mellitus reduces blood glucose levels, and with a cold without a temperature fights with its causative agent. Cinnamon benefits for women or men are noticeable, because it acts as:

  1. Antipyretic means.
  2. Antimicotic medicine.
  3. Antimicrobial means.
  4. Substances that improve concentration.
  5. Anti-inflammatory in the treatment of ulcers or gastritis.
  6. Reduced cholesterol levels of natural medicine.

The caloric content of the spice is 261 kcal per 100 g, but the recipes use a much smaller number, so it takes a small part of the diet. Therapeutic properties of cinnamon are contraindicated with medicine in some cases:

  • The first is to enter the child. Cinnamon in pregnancy at an early time causes harm, causing miscarriage due to stimulation of uterine reductions. In another period, you need consultation with your doctor.
  • With lactation, spice, on the contrary, include a nursing mom.

Other cases when causing cannot be used:

  1. Hyperoportability, diseases of the nervous system.
  2. Increased infections.
  3. Elevated blood pressure.
  4. Bleeding.
  5. Thrombocytopenia.

Cinnamon Recipes for Slimming

For maximum effect, the spice includes in everyday menu, seasoning dietary dishes or drinks. At the same time, both cinnamon powder stored for six months and wands whose shelf life is about a year. Below you will find many recipes - choosing any of them, you can lose weight, strengthen the immune system, and still cure some ailments.

Drinks with cinnamon

If you add sports and diet with cinnamon drinks, you can get a more efficient and fast result. Especially this option is suitable for fans of "getting" stress, because the spice is a soothing means. In addition, a cinnamon is useful for losing weight due to the ability:

  1. Rapid sugar processing rate, which limits the postponement of the new fat.
  2. Run the process of splitting existing fat.
  3. Normalize insulin production.
  4. Activate internal organs.


The inclusion of such a mix in the menu will help throw up to 1 kg per week, and with proper nutrition - up to 4-5 kg. Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss Prepare according to the instructions:

  1. Connect 250 ml of kefir and 0.5 h. Cinnamon.
  2. Optionally, add a pinch of red pepper.
  3. Use a cocktail before meals, about half an hour.

Tea with ginger and cinnamon

The combination of two products is considered the best for weight loss, because both seasonings are fat burning - with proper nutrition you can reset about 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bin 7 days. Tea is preparing like this:

  1. Take a few pieces of purified and crushed ginger root or pre-supervise 0.5 hours l in the ingredient in the form of a powder. Pour 1 tsp. Cinnamon.
  2. Place everything into the container along with the usual portion of black tea. Optionally, it is allowed to add carnation, vanillin or lemon.
  3. Fill boiling water.
  4. Hold 1 min. On a small fire.
  5. Drink ready-made emptyzy tea and a couple more times per day.


The base of the next fat burning agent is classic coffee or its substitute - chicory. If we deliver a strong drink with a useful spice, then go about 2 kg per week:

  1. Pour in Turku 1 tsp. Ground coffee, 0.25 h. l. Spices, sugar sand to your taste.
  2. Warm the mixture on fire so that the coffee aroma opens.
  3. Fill 150 ml of water, wait for the mixture.
  4. After boiling, immediately remove from the fire so that the small part of the beverage is cast into a mug.
  5. Put the Turku on fire again and repeat the previous procedure again.
  6. Use the drink in the morning, and at the lunch break.

Honey water

Hammer cinnamon for weight loss with the addition of honey improves the activity of the digestive system and eliminates 2-3 kg in one week. Take advantage of this recipe:

  1. Before bedtime, put 0.5 h in a glass. Cinnamon. Pour boiling water. Leave the infusion to stand the whole night under the lid.
  2. In the morning, remove the drink, and then add 1 tsp. Honey.
  3. On an empty stomach only half a cup, and leave the other half for the evening.


The next drink does not just make it possible to reset the extra kilograms, but also wakes the body in the morning, and in addition, the cinnamon milk is absorbed better. Cooking algorithm:

  1. In a glass of milk, pumped 1/3 h. spice.
  2. Stir carefully, boil.
  3. To improve taste, add 0.5 h. Honey, but only when the cocktail cools.
  4. For half an hour before meat, drink such a cocktail, but no more than 3 times per day.

Cinnamon with honey

Honey enriches the body with useful trace elements, and the spicy spice helps to lose weight, which gives the right to name this combination of the ingredients ideal. The use of them is possible in a variety of forms:

  1. Tea. In ordinary tea, it is better green, add 0.5 h. L. Cinnamine powder, and after cooling 1 tsp. Honey.
  2. Decoction. Dissolve 1 liter of cooled boiling water 1 tsp. Cinnamine powder, then 2 tbsp. l. Honey. Insist the collapse of half an hour. Take 0.5 tbsp. daily on an empty stomach.

Apple with cinnamon

On the diet it is not necessary to exclude desserts - just prepare them from useful products, for example, as follows:

  1. Cut the plates of 4 washed and purified apple, spread on the plate.
  2. Sprinkle with a fragrant spice.
  3. Add 3 walnuts, a few raisins and pour 1-2 hours l. Honey.
  4. Place in the oven, bake about half an eye in the form, half-filled with water.

Cottage cheese with cinnamon

Another ideal combination is low-fat cottage cheese with a pinch of spices. You just need to sprinkle with a sphere with a sour milk product and eat it for breakfast. If ordinary cottage cheese already bored - prepare the casserole:

  1. In the wipe cottage cheese, add 1 tsp. Cinnamon, 100 g of flour, 2 tbsp. l. Sour creams, 3 whipped eggs, hacked by vinegar 1 h. l soda. At your discretion, add salt with sugar.
  2. Take the oil to lubricate the dressing form. Put the mass there.
  3. Bake at 180 ° С 40 minutes.

Wraps for weight loss

A good approach to weight loss will be cosmetics with spices - anti-cellulite wraps. Folk recipes offer several options:

  1. Wrapping with pepper and cinnamon. Connect 3 tbsp. l. Cinnamine powder and red pepper. Drip 3-5 droplets of essential oil, add 4 tbsp. l. vegetable. Distribute over the problem areas, soda the washcloth. Wrapped by the film, you can go to rest for half an hour and even lie under the blanket. Then wash the remedy for cool water.
  2. Wrapping with honey and spice. Prepare a mixture by connecting 1 tsp. Cinnamon with 2 tbsp. l. Ground coffee. Cap to 3 drops of citrus essential oil. In a water bath, warm the composition. Then add 2 tbsp. l. Honey, lubricate distressed places, and after half an hour, rinse. Food film can not be wrapped. Course procedures - at least 10.
  3. Wrapping with clay and spice. Prepare a healing composition, collecting 100 g of white or blue clay with water. Add 3 tbsp. l. Cinnamon and at the request of any citrus essential oil. Equally distribute the composition at problem points to 0.5 cm thick. Wrap the food film. After half an hour, under the blanket, wash the mixture and smear the skin with a moisturizing cream. Alternative day of rest and wrapping day, take 10-15 sessions.

Fragrant seasonings that are traditionally used in cooking are also an excellent cosmetic agent. Unfortunately, while they are rarely applied, the secrets are not open to everyone. Perhaps the time came to get acquainted with the magic of spices, for example, with the usual and such mysterious cinnamon? There are several effective cinnamon recipes that help in a diligent overweight.

It can be a pleasant additive not only for buns and pies, but also to healing, therapeutic tea for weight loss. Interestingly, such a cinnamon for weight loss in tea has long been used by women of the East, who wanted to give her figure harness. Spice is a secret not only of beauty, but also health, it effectively uses traditional medicine.

Cinnamon is used in the treatment of diabetes. The fragrant spice successfully activates the fat burning process, this is due to the presence of substances that reduce blood glucose levels.

A sufficient teaspoon of seasonings add to tea to normalize the level of sugar, the action is designed for a whole day. But if you use sugar and fats at the same time with cinnamon, it cannot neutralize them. The seasoning is able to reduce appetite, and this also leads to weight loss.

A spice is used and in the treatment of colds, intestinal diseases. It successfully strengthens the immune system, so any dishes with it will be the prevention of colds, it must be taken into account those who care about their health and family health.

The discovery was the ability of cinnamon to strengthen the heart muscle. It can help in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and even save from heart attack.

But women are most interested in this spice as an excellent means for weight loss, which can normalize metabolic processes and lead to a visible reduction in weight.

Rules Application Spices

There are a number of rules for use:

  • It is recommended to use in the recipes cinnamon for weight loss is not ground, but in chopsticks. If the powder is bought, it should be from the proven manufacturer.
  • It is necessary to strictly stick to the dosage record specified in the recipe. In large quantities, the spice can harm the kidneys, especially sensitive to various products.
  • Drinks need to be prepared every time fresh. After a long time, cinnamon will lose their taste-aroma, and useful properties. Tea or coffee will not cause pleasure.
  • Be sure to introduce cinnamon into a diet for weight loss, you need to consult with your doctor.

Slim cinnamon

From the manifold of recipes for slimming with cinnamon you can always choose those that are easy to prepare in standard home conditions. You can buy spice in any grocery store, it is sold and ground, and in the form of solid sticks.

It is important only to bathe a fresh product with an expressive aroma and taste. Cinnamon is preparing tea for weight loss, it can be added to kefir or in coffee.

Tea is preparing for several recipes

There are a lot of recipes, here are some of them:

  1. You can prepare a decoction of one liter of water and a tablespoon spicy. Drinking such a drink is allowed after it cools up to room temperature. For more, it is recommended to add honey.
  2. You can also just brew tea, pour it into a cup of not to the edges, add half a teaspoon cinnamon and milk. It's not just useful, but also a very tasty drink.
  3. Effective is and such a recipe - add a spoon (tea) cinnamon and as many ground ginger to a cup with tea and honey, and a pinch of ground pepper (black). It is necessary to adhere to the rules for receiving such tea - it can be drinking it once a day, you need to drink immediately.

Effective action is used by cinnamon with honey on an empty stomach, thirty minutes before breakfast. Drink should be prepared in advance in minutes thirty to use.

You can make it in the evening and put in the refrigerator. Drink recipe - in the glass of water should be dissolved half a teaspoon seasoning and a teaspoon of honey.

Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss

The useful kefir will be very tasty if adding a little fragrant spice in it.

Nutritionists offer several options for such a drink:

  1. To 300 g kefir, you need to add 5 apples (overheaded), all mix well and knock everything down with a blender. Then the teaspoon of cinnamon is added.
  2. In a glass of kefir add on a teaspoon of oriental cinnamon and ground ginger (in the form of a powder).

Slimming with cinnamon coffee

Cinnamon in coffee perfectly replaces sugar, with her drink even it will be much more tastier and fragrant. Reducing the quantity of sugar in dishes and drinks is one of the conditions of weight loss, and the fragrant spice will only strengthen the effect.

Such miraculous coffee will reduce cravings to sweet, to confectionery desserts. With it, you can deal with hunger in breaks between meals by regime. Cook it easy.

You need to put cinnamon in the cup, add coffee, pour a luxurious mixture with boiling water and present.

The perfect combination of cinnamon and lemon

Cinnamon helps to fight swelling in the body, and lemon activates the normalization of metabolism. A cup of tea with spiced cinnamon and lemon, seasoned with both honey, will give true pleasure and remove extra grams. Such tea can be taken as a good addition to any diet, drinking one cup in the morning and one before bedtime.

Cooking. Cinnamon (half of a stick or ¼ teaspoon of powder) pour boiling water, wait until it cools up to 40º, only then add lemon lolk and a teaspoon of honey. It is impossible to add honey in boiling water, because it will lose all its healing properties in such a medium.

Cosmetics and Cinnamon Slimming Procedures

Cinnamon is made of aromatic oil, which can also be used in the fight for weight loss. In particular, several drops of such oil are added to the bath. After the aromatic font, the mood is improved and sexuality increases.

Often, weight problems are caused by the habit of eating stress, various psychological problems. With a harmonious mental state, which will give the aroma of cinnamon, there is no need and desire to open the refrigerator once again in search of something delicious.

Cinnamon is used for weight loss in the form of additives to cosmetic overturn. Obligations allow you to make the skin smooth, tender, reduce swelling, increase muscle tone. And also this is an effective means of combating cellulite.

It is important to remember that the heating wrapping with cinnamon cannot be made pregnant, those who suffer from vascular diseases, diabetes, thrombophlebitis.

Recipes mixtures for cosmetic wrapping

We present you a few recipes:

  • Cinnamon essential oil (2-3 drops) is mixed with olive oil (2-3 teaspoons). The mixture is heated in a water bath, applied to the skin area where problems exist. On top it is necessary to put a film and warm bedspread or blanket. Course - 15 procedures (every other day).
  • Honey (2 spoons) heats up in a water bath, a cinnamon is added (teaspoon), everything is mixed. Then this mixture should also be applied to the body, cover with a film, a warm blanket. It is washed off after half an hour.

The aroma of Eastern spice in itself gives pleasure. But she can also become an excellent ally in a striving for a young and luxurious appearance.

The article discusses cinnamon for weight loss. We tell about its effectiveness, let us recommend and recipes. Following our advice, you will learn how to do wrapping with cinnamon for weight loss.

Cinnamon for weight loss

The smell of cinnamon is familiar to everyone since childhood, when fragrant buns with cinnamon were flying behind both cheeks.

It has long been used in cooking, perfumery, cosmetics. But little knows that cinnamon is an excellent auxiliary instrument when weight loss. What is this product, what is its benefit and use? Let's deal with.

Cinnamon powder is a ground dried upper layer of the tree of a cicenter growing in tropical countries. What can he be useful in weight loss?

Overweight is often associated with an excess of sugar-coming in blood. The exceedable glycose rate is distributed to the hips, waist and abdomen zones, forming fat strata.

The use of spices leads to the activation of the processes at the molecular level, processing excess sugar into energy. Acceleration of metabolism controls the absorption of food received to the intestine, excluding overeating.

Useful properties of cinnamon for weight loss

The use of cinnamon spice is setting up the work of the internal organs. Tubils and fiber in the composition of the spices have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, the liver, remove slags and toxins from the body.

There are auxiliary pleasant properties of cinnamon for weight loss:

  • the aroma of spices affects the hormone of "joy." It is believed that for a good mood it is necessary to eat sweet. Cinnamon sticks will help not only raise the mood, but also do not add extra kilograms.
  • removes nervous tension, stress. Poor mood and depression is customary to "eat." Using cinnamon powder, you will not cause damage to your figure.
  • the content of the complex of useful elements, vitamins of groups A and B. Even the most gentle diet leads to a shortage of important vitamins in the body, and this spice contributes to improving immunity.
  • prevents the formation of new fat deposits.

How to apply cinnamon for weight loss

The daily rate of cinnamon powder consumption is 1 teaspoon. Despite the pleasant aroma, in its pure form, the spice is not used for everyone.

You can apply ground cinnamon for weight loss or cinnamon sticks - they equally affect weight loss.

There are many options for using cinnamon when weight loss: it is added to porridge, soups, low-calorie baking, fruit salads. It is often used as a sugar substitute. For example, a tasty and light dessert - baked cinnamon apples.

Prepare a drink for slimming with cinnamon. The easiest way is to pour cinnamon sticks boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. You can drink hot and cold.

Effectively make massages and wraps with cinnamon to reduce the volume of problem areas. They remove toxins from the body, remove the swelling, struggle with cellulite.

Regular cosmetic procedures for weight loss with cinnamon will add elasticity to skin cover on problem areas, improve the microcirculation of blood vessels.


Despite all the usefulness of spices, limit or eliminate it necessary:

  • people having allergies to separate cinnamon components;
  • pregnant women and lactation during the lactation. Cinnamon spice contributes to the reduction of the uterus, which can lead to poor consequences;
  • people suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis. Spice only will irritate the walls of the mucous membrane, lead to pains;
  • with inflammatory processes accompanied by increased temperature. The effect of this spice may aggravate the condition;
  • people suffering from elevated arterial pressure;
  • people having oncological diseases, benign tumors.

Before using the cinnamine mixture for weight loss, consult with a specialist in the presence of chronic diseases.

How to drink cinnamon for weight loss

With any diet, the rate of fluid consumption per day should be 1.5-2 liters. For this reason, the most effective way to reduce weight from the above-cinnamon drinks.

Before bringing recipes, tell me how to drink cinnamon for weight loss:

  • As a liquid part for cinnamon drinks, it is well suited: water, tea, kefir, milk, fruit cakes, smoothies.
  • As an additional fat burning ingredients, give preference to honey, ginger, fruit with low sugar.
  • Choose fresh drinks products.
  • Water for cooking should be room temperature. Boiling water reduces the impact of active ingredients on fat cells.
  • Prepare drinks are best immediately before use, over time, the useful spices properties are reduced.
  • The course of drinking beverages with cinnamon is 2-7 weeks depending on the state of health and the desired result.

Reduce body volumes, throw a few kilograms without harm to the body will help cinnamon for weight loss. Reviews of women who use spice indicate the first results after 10 days of use.

However, cinnamon is only an auxiliary instrument to combat overweight. The entire weight loss process is based on healthy nutrition and aerobic loads.

Cinnamon Recipes for Slimming

The word "diet" is often associated with a tasteless and scant diet. Even the most limited meals can be diversified by spices.

Recipes with cinnamon for weight loss include a wide range of useful and delicious ingredients. Low-calorie desserts, porridge, drinks can be generously twisted with cinnamon. For slimming recipes with her set. We give the simplest ones at home.

Baked apples with cinnamon


  • apple green sour - 4 pcs.;
  • cinnamon hammer - ¼ ch. l.;
  • honey - 4 bl.;
  • cold water - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method

Clear apples from the core, leave untouched. Inside each apple put on a teaspoon of honey, sprinkle on top of spice.

We drag the baking sheet with parchment paper, put apples on it, put 180 degrees in the oven. After 15 minutes, we pull out, splashing fruit water, and bring until readiness for another 15 minutes. Cool or hot in the form.

Perfect recipe for snack. The combination of apple and cinnamon accelerates blood circulation, which leads to enhanced fat burning.

Systematic use of apples has a positive effect on mental activity. With this dish, you can arrange unloading days.

Cinnamy cottage cheese


  • cottage cheese 1.8% - 300 grams;
  • protein - 2 pcs;
  • oat bran - 1 tbsp;
  • cinnamon hammer - 1.5 ch. l.;
  • pear green medium sizes - 1 pc;
  • bustyer - 5 gr;

Cooking method:

Turn on the oven for 180 degrees. Peel clean from the peel, core, cut into cubes. Cottage cheese with a mixer, in a separate pin the proteins "to white peaks".

Introduce the protein mixture into the curd mass, mix. Add bran, burst, cinnamon. Stir once again.

On the bottom of the silicone form for baking laying a pear, we sprinkle 0.5 ppm. Cinnamon. From above pour our dough. We put for 30-40 minutes in the oven. After shutdown, leave to stand in the oven for an hour so that the curd "did not blurt out."

The perfect recipe for breakfast or snack, combining all the necessary components. Cottage cheese fills the deficit of protein with a diet, a pear gives sweetness, cinnamon gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. Thermal processing does not affect the properties of the ingredients.

Cocoa with cinnamon


  • low fat milk - 250 ml;
  • cinnamon hammer - 0.5 ch. l.;
  • honey - 0.5 ch. l.;
  • cocoa - ¼ ChL

Cooking method:

Heat milk in the microwave for 2 minutes. Add Cinnamon, Cocoa, Honey. Mix well, let it brew for 5 minutes.

Use at the request of hot or cold. This recipe will be a useful alternative to purchased cocoa that so much like on a diet.

The combination of milk and cinnamon gently envelops the stomach walls, helping the digestion of the last meal, relieves the nervous voltage, relieves sleep. Hotels helps to cope with cold symptoms. In the cold - quench thirst and craving for sweet.

You can use cinnamon sticks. In this case, they should be placed in advance in a mug with milk, heat in the microwave, then add honey and cocoa.

In the process of diet, part of the vitamins that you got along with food disappear. You should not worry - in our arsenal there are a couple of cinnamon recipes for weight loss, which is filled with the vitamin balance of your body.

Berry Mix with Cinnamon


  • Raspberry fresh - 30 grams;
  • Blackberry fresh - 30 grams;
  • Strawberry Fresh - 30 grams;
  • Cold milk - 100 ml.;
  • Cinnamon powder - 0.5 ppm

Cooking method:

Beat berries blender in a bowl. Pour to the berry mass of milk, add cinnamon powder. Well prevent. Use instead of snack or lightweight breakfast.

Cinnamus Refreshing Citrus


  • Road temperature - 1 liter.
  • Middle Size Orange - 1 pc;
  • Grapefruit of medium sizes - 1 pc;
  • Lime - 1 pc;
  • Mint leaves - 10 pieces;
  • Molotai cinnamon - 0.5 ppm

Cooking method:

Fruits cut in half. One half cut into a semicircle, from the other - to squeeze juice in a jug. Pour juice with water, add mint, cinnamon powder, sliced \u200b\u200bfruit. Drink chilled drink.

Such a cocktail is beautifully quenched on a hot day. Cinnamon spice in combination with citrus fruits normalizes the water balance in the body, helps to remove reporting, removes extra liquid from the body.

Such a mix is \u200b\u200ban effective fat burner, since all ingredients have similar properties in terms of acceleration of metabolism.

There are other drinks, which includes cinnamon. One of them is kefir with cinnamon. Cocktail favorably affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, does not irritate the mucous membrane, reduces the appetite, improves the mood.

Another option is a cinnamon with honey for weight loss. With its help, you can not only reduce body weight, but also strengthen the immune system.

Tea with cinnamon for weight loss - recipe

Cinnamon tea is the easiest drink in every sense. For cooking, use high-quality sheet tea without additional flavors.


  • green leaf tea - 1 tbsp.;
  • hot water - 0.5 liters;
  • cinnamon sticks - 2 pieces;
  • freshly squeezed orange juice - 10 ml;
  • natural honey - 1 tsp.
  • mint leaves - 8 pcs.

Cooking method:

Pour tea leaves with water. We leave until complete cooling. Then we pour juice, add sticks, mint leaves and honey. All mix well, put on the night in the refrigerator. Drink throughout the day, half an hour before meals or an hour after.

Such tea with cinnamon for weight loss saves in the heat, normalizes the water balance in the body. Vitamin C and spice increases immunity, honey and mint give an unusual taste.

It is preferable to choose exactly green tea, as it has more pronounced diuretic actions than black. In addition, the charge of energy for all day is provided to you.

Coffee with cinnamon for weight loss

Drinking cinnamon use will become an excellent addition to lovers of this drink. It is enough to take a cup of coffee 150 ml and add 0.5 ppm to it. Cinnamon. An excellent fragrance will complement the taste, and the usefulness of the drink will increase in the stock edge.

Cinnamon powder, getting into the body, causes metabolic processes to go faster. As a result, the metabolism is gaining momentum, turning a part of the eating eating. At the same time, the activity of the brain increases, the overall tone and mood increases.

Cinnamon, thanks to its useful properties, has a high rating among the natural products used in the fight against overweight. The spice has colossal benefits for the body, contributing to a decrease in glucose and cholesterol in the blood, it has a positive effect on stabilization of insulin production. Cinnamon causes a decrease in appetite, which is very convenient wishing to lose weight, I. Used in a variety of recipes. How to drink cinnamon for slimming belly and sides? Let's deal with.

Cinnamon is a spice from core of cinnamon tree, familiar to us in the form of dried sticks or powder. The colorful taste of sweets, citrus and light bitterness, taking into account its benefit to human health made cinnamon popular in medicine, dietology, cosmetology and cooking. The spice is a few species: Ceylon, Cinnamon, Chinese, Malabar. In spices there is a whole vitamin complex: C, RR, A, Groups in and E, and minerals:, Potassium,.

Unique chemical composition:

  • Cinic acid aldehyde is used in medicine as an antiseptic, antibacterial agent, as an antioxidant stimulates the protective functions of the body and strengthens the immunity.
  • Organic compounds of aromatic series Eugenol affect the pathogenic microorganisms, have an anti-inflammatory effect and an anesthetic effect.
  • Tubils are necessary in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers.
  • Phenols reduce blood glucose levels, which is necessary for diabetics, accelerate fat burning processes.
  • Essential oils have a positive effect in the treatment of insomnia.

Cinnamon stabilizes insulin production, turns the entered glucose into energy than the extensions of the vessels and improves the work of the brain and heart, reduces blood pressure.

The spice helps in the fight against excessive bias in for weight loss, speeds up the process of learning food in the body. The properties of cinnamon and its chemical composition contribute and necessary for the natural discharge of excess weight. Spice is used in the therapy of fungal skin diseases. Slimming with cinnamon will fit into anything without exhaustive sports.


  1. Apply in the form of solid sticks, and not powders (fakes are possible);
  2. Choose a sweet, tart smell;
  3. Comply with the dosage in order not to harm the kidneys;
  4. Cooking should be done for a day, not the future, because cinnamon loses its taste and beneficial properties over time;
  5. Store in the hermetic packaging in the refrigerator to increase the shelf life;
  6. Use spice preferably without heat treatment, to save all useful properties;
  7. Fill the dishes of spice at the end of cooking;
  8. Go to a consultation to a nutritionist.

The use of spices is varied, you can add to, refueling and. Do delicious desserts, pies, buns. Well complement water with cinnamon baked apples or pears. All is known to Mulled wine, which heats and soul, and the body in rainy weather, and the taste of coffee beans with cinnamon is unforgettable.

  • We advise you to read:

With honey

Cinnamon's duo with honey is the benefit and delicacy that not only interfere with fat deposits accumulate, but also carry out the purification of the body from harmful and toxic substances. Cinnamon and reduces appetite, and honey with a large content of soluble carbohydrates, vitamins, micro and macroelements improve the digestion and absorption of nutrients, strengthens the body's protective functions.

To achieve a better effect, honey with cinnamon must be taken regularly in the morning in front of breakfast and in the evening after dinner.

Cinnamon Cinnamon Recipe: 4 grams of cinnamon pour into a cup of boiling water, the tincture will be ready for thirty minutes. During this time, the water temperature will fall and honey will not lose its useful properties when adding. Add one teaspoon of honey, mix well and divide into two parts that we take before breakfast and sleep. The drink is important to use fresh, so make it in the morning for the whole day. The main rule - drink it is needed room temperature, not warming up.

You can reset from 2 to 5 kilograms, and additional sports will make your results more noticeable. It is recommended every three months to intervals for 3 weeks.

  • We advise you to read:

With kefir.

Kefir with cinnamon is a wonderful cocktail that helps easily get rid of extra kilograms. Kefir is a natural low-calorie source drink, with a large content of vitamins and bacteria needed by our body.

Kefir drink satishes and improves the operation of the digestive system, softens the effect of cinnamon on the mucous membrane. Cinnamon accelerates the process of transformation of nutrients into energy, deservedly considered, improves immunity and mood - a great combination of taste and benefit.

With a cocktail without much difficulty, you can replace any meal. This drink is especially effective instead of dinner. Very popular and useful, apples and chipping cinnamon.

It is important not to exceed the daily rate of cinnamon: up to 0.5 teaspoon.

We take a glass of low-calorie kefira (single interest) and 4 grams of spices - these products will help not only normalize the work of the organs, but also improve the condition of your figure, plus, stabbing and poisons. The larger effect of slimming on the basis of kefir with cinnamon can be achieved by adding burning spices to a kefir drink: a pinch of red pepper and two grams of ground ginger.

With ginger

Another delicious recipe that will always be able to be in shape. - This is a combination of ginger and cinnamon, which will help withdraw poisonous, harmful substances from the body: four grams of ground ginger and 8 grams of honey, stir in 2-tablespoons of boiled water and stir with kefir and cinnamon. Very lightweight and delicious breakfast with large benefits: grate green apples and pour kefir with spice. Acid drink is worth choosing a low fatness percentage.

Ginger is a spice with essential oils, vitamins, micro and macroelements, amino acids. Thanks to its chemical composition, Ginger provides a person with a whole range of medical properties: anti-inflammatory, painkillers, toning, cleaning the body from toxins, is good prevention of cancer.

Combining these two spices, plus or light exercise, help achieve good results in weight loss. The tincture is done easily - in a cup of boiling water for four grams of cinnamon and ginger. Add honey when water will be 40 degrees, at the request of lemon juice or lemon slice. Such a tea ceremony before bedtime will benefit the body and figure.

With red pepper

Red pepper enhances the functioning of the digestive system, blood circulation, has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is useful for the heart. Connecting spices, you can achieve weighty results. The main components of the drink with a pepper for weight loss: in a glass of kefir cocktail four grams of ginger and cinnamon, red pepper on the tip of a knife, stir and give a broken 40 minutes. Burning cocktail drink twenty minutes before meals, in front of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Thanks to the red pepper in two weeks you will see visible results.

With laurel sheet

Another fat burning recipe is a bay leaf and cinnamon. Bay sheet - a popular spice with a significant content of vitamins and minerals. An indispensable in cleaning the body from toxins and slags, a powerful antiseptic, a good diuretic action (removes an extra liquid, removes the swelling), enhances the protective properties of the body.

Prepare a tincture of a laurel sheet and cinnamon is very simple: we take a liter of water, add cinnamon sticks and 5 laurels, bring to a boil, boiled on a quiet heat for 10 minutes. The time of the laurel sheet is 2 hours. Take a drink before breakfast for 100 milliliters for fifteen minutes before meals- Already within a month to decrease in the amount of up to 3 centimeters.

However, you should not overdo it in pursuit of a beautiful figure.


  • Children up to sixteen years;
  • and;
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • Patients with kidney problems and urethra;
  • In heart disease.

With lemon

About the benefits of lemon and a large content of vitamin C know everything. Lemon good prophylactic agent from sharp respiratory diseases. According to nutritionists, Lemon is also an excellent weight loss means, as citric acid is very useful for digestion and citrus reduces hunger.

Green tea with cinnamon for weight loss with lemon juice - the charge of cheerfulness, energy for the whole day.

Knowing about all the above-mentioned virtues of cinnamon, spice found application in cosmetology. Due to the essential component of the spice make aromatic oil. A couple of droplets in a bath aromatherapy to raise mood and sexual attractiveness.


New use of cinnamon, like additives for wrapping. Wrapping helps the skin to return its former shape, makes it tender, elastic and elastic, improves muscle tone, reduces swelling and contributes to the fight against fat deposits.

  • Read more about wraps can be read in.

Recipe mix

Recipe for the preparation of a mixture for wrapping with cinnamon Next:

We take one saucepan with water and put on fire, put a small saucepan or iron cup into it. We mix a few drops of cinnamon oil plus fifteen grams of olive oil. Heat and stir up to complete dissolution, and then rub on problem areas of the skin. Create a sauna effect from a food film and a warm scarf or scarf, keep up to complete absorption to the skin. The course of therapy is carried out at even numbers of the month.