What fruits from diarrhea. Diarrhea after stewed vegetables. What drugs can be taken with diarrhea

With the beginning of the warm season, from the end of the spring and throughout the summer on the shelves there are a variety of berries and fruits. Many want to diversify their diet at the expense of these fruits, but often after their use, diarrhea arises. There are several reasons for such a disorder, and it is not always that infection due to fruit getting into the body of dangerous bacteria. Intestinal disorders can arise as a result of allergies or pathologies of the digestive system, chronic or acute pancreatitis, colitis and other diseases. Let's talk more about such a delicate problem.

Many adults, considering themselves strong and healthy, often neglect the elementary hygienic rules, using fruits straight from the garden or berries with a bed. As a result, in a few hours the temperature rises, there is airs-like, diarrhea, and often nausea with vomiting. This is the result of getting along with fruits into the organism of dangerous microbes and the development of intestinal infection. Dangerous microbes are widespread in nature, and in the beds, they often fall together with organic nascular fertilizers, which summer residents are actively used to stimulate the growth and ripening of fruits. On the surface of fruit and berries, microbes capable of provocating infection can be maintained for a long time. After penetration into the body, the infection quickly and actively develops, leading to unpleasant symptoms. Usually, intestinal infection has a single character, there are less freaks inside the family. Another embodiment of hazardous bacteria to the body can be used for washing fruit of contaminated water from open reservoirs (ponds, rivers), without pre-processing, filtering or boiling. In this case, not only microbes, but also viruses that actively survive in warm water can be dangerous.

Intestinal infection is not only unpleasant with its manifestations, but also is dangerous with serious complications - dehydration, toxicosis, risk of convulsion. In weakened people, it can leak extremely difficult, which leads to hospitalization. If the diarrhea does not pass throughout 2 days, the state deteriorates sharply - you need a call to a doctor or ambulance.

Removing the effect of fruit

Diarrhea is possible not only due to infection, but also due to the active ingredients inside the fruits that have a weak action. Many fruits have a pronounced weak effect by the peristaltics due to the content of coarse tissue, pectins and fruit acids. The most famous in terms of drag diarrhea development, apricots (especially greenish), apples of acid varieties, grapes, pear with a skin, melon. With moderate consumption, these fruits make a stool softer, but if you use their empty stomach and in large quantities, combine with some kind of food, they give a rather pronounced diarrhea. Such an effect develops due to a large number of fruit acids - they irritate the intestinal walls, activating the peristaltics. In addition, they have a choleretic effect, and bile also has a weak effect. Therefore, fruits should be consumed after a while after meals, in moderate quantities.

Often, in the summer, food allergies are formed, associated with the active and abundant consumption of fruits. In adults, it usually provokes exotic fruits, but the reaction to quite familiar berries or fruits is quite likely. Most often, allergy is developing with excessive consumption of early fruits, which can be treated with chemicals - strawberries and a sweet cherry in mid-May, grapes in the middle of summer, early watermelons and melons. In this case, the allergens become fruits in combination with those chemicals that they fell.

It is possible to allergic to fruit in the presence of half aulinosis, then it is formed as a cross reaction by virtue of the similarity of fruit molecules on pollen molecules. Therefore, allergic with phenomena is needed a certain diet that excludes certain fruits. In the presence of skin, intestinal or other manifestations of allergies, with the use of certain fruits, you need a complete refusal of them at least for the current season. All other fruits that do not cause diarrhea can be easily eaten.

Chronic pancreatitis: Is it possible to fruits?

In the presence of acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of chronic from fresh fruits will have to abandon completely. They lead to a sharp stress of the gland, which forms pain syndrome, long-term diarrhea and malaise, all fruits are used only in thermally processed form - boiled, baked, steam. In addition, pancreatitis requires admission of enzyme preparations against the background of the use of fruits. If pancreatitis is in the remission stage, you can use fresh fruits in limited quantities and only without skin, not very sour.

Consumption of a large amount of fresh fruit can lead to the development of diarrhea due to exacerbation of gastritis or colitis. In the presence of gastritis with reduced acidity, the diarrhea is provoked due to the defective processing of food in the stomach, which is why pronounced irritation of fine and colon is formed. With this form of pathology, all the fruits are used with rubbed and thermally processed, additional enzyme preparations are accepted in particularly severe cases.

With a hyperacid gastritis, the situation is reverse, excess of hydrochloric acid irritates the stomach, and the fruit stimulates its additional education. In order to quickly get rid of acid, the stomach is actively promoting food into the intestines, the peristalistic is activated and diarrhea occurs.

With colitis fresh fruits enhance irritation and inflammation of the walls, which is activated by the secretion of water into the intestinal lumen and the reduction of its walls, expressed diarrhea develops. Often it is accompanied by strong spasms and pain in the stomach.

The fruits of grapes contain a lot of useful elements. These berries are attractive and tasty, so many artists, poets, writers and musicians were inspired by them. Today, a large number of grape varieties are grown. This sweet product refreshes, has an appetizing aroma, perfectly suitable for snacks. It makes delicious products: juices, wines, raisins. Berries cope with the treatment of anemia, liver diseases, urolithiasis, pathologies of the digestive tract, are struggling with overweight.

Health beneficial berries

Benefit for health

Useful grape qualities are as follows:

  • Due to the content of ascorbic acid, this fruit strengthens immunity;
  • Helps the work of the heart and tones the vessels;
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • Helps to expand the vessels, reducing pressure;
  • Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Helps cope with migraine. If you use berries in the morning every day, you can forget for a long time about pain in my head;
  • It is an excellent laxative means, so the use of grapes during constipation is common. Indeed, in these berries there is sugar, cellulose and acids of organic origin, so they are advised to facilitate the fattening of the carte masses;
  • Struggles with fatigue, enriches the body with energy, and useful antioxidants, which are present in its composition, strengthen the immune system;
  • Since grapes neutralize acidity, it reduces the percentage of uric acid, which has a positive effect on the work of the kidneys;
  • Helps in cancer prevention. The juice of these fruits is able to prevent the appearance of the disease and block the growth of cancer cells in the body, which is especially related to breast cancer;
  • Improves respiratory operation, facilitates asthma symptoms;
  • Manifests a diuretic, campphic, laxative and antibacterial effect.

Grape influence on gastrointestinal

Grapes positively affects the work of the intestine and the stomach, normalizing the chair in children and adults. With the help of grape juice, inflammation of the stomach is treated - this drink has bactericidal properties and reduces pain. Berries improve the intestinal function, quickly cleaning it, eliminate the problem of indigestion. All this helps speed up the metabolic processes.

However, this product has shown a special efficiency in the fight against constipation, since in berries are present:

  • Vitamins of group B - they normalize the composition of microflora and accelerate intestinal motility;
  • Organic natural acids - food with them is absorbed faster and more favorable;
  • Cellulose - this substance increases in volumes, falling into the intestines, absorbs particles of unprocessed heavy food and derives them from the body.

Gastroenterologists argue that grapes tones the digestive tract. For this reason, this product should be used in the case of chronic and protracted constipation when the chair is accompanied by painful symptoms.

Important! Grape helps to establish the function of the digestive tract in the early stages of pregnancy. It is known that in the first weeks of the nipping of the fetus, most mothers suffer from emptying problems, and they can not drink medical preparations. But at the same time, the volume of consuming grapes should be clarified by the gynecologist.

Despite the high content of sugars, grapes in moderate quantity can become an invaluable assistant for fond of weight loss. First of all, this is due to the fact that it is lusted, and does not attack. In addition, the grape contains a natural enzyme - lipase, helping to split and rather digest with fats.

This property made grapes a popular product for diets compiled for people with obesity. True, it is recommended to use this product only in small portions and should be monitored by calorie.

Can there be diarrhea from grapes and why?

The diarrhea from grapes is a very common phenomenon only if the product was used uncontrollably in a large volume. Any fruit is recommended to eat in moderate dosage. If a person begins after grapes, diarrhea begins to reduce the number of these berries in the diet, since they weakens.

Diarrhea after such food may appear in adults, and in children. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to find out which medicines to do to restore the intestinal microflora and the normalization of the chair. Often, the stomach ceases to hurt after canceling the use of berries, diarrhea passes in one or two days and does not need special therapy.

However, any violations in the body should be noticed on time. Do not have many grapes to people with gastritis or ulcerative disease, as it can provoke a protracted diarrhea. After juice or berries, eaten an empty stomach, can upset the stomach and the mucous membrane is inflamed, which also becomes the cause of diarrhea.

How is the grapes?

In order not to expose your body to illness, you need to eat the fruit and take into account the rules for their processing. It is recommended to choose only juicy and ripe grapes, since non-seated acid berries can lead to diarrhea.

It is better to buy fruit in the market, farm, and not in the store. This is due to the fact that fruits and vegetables offered in stores are supplied to the counter in any season of the year from different countries. And often in this grapes contain chemical additives, providing it for a long storage and attractive appearance.

In order not to provoke diarrhea when eating grapes, it is worth buying those varieties of this delicacy that are grown in our country, and only during their ripening. Local black and white grades will be useful and ripe for all 100 percent.

Before use in food, the fruits are necessarily washed, first under the crane, and then boiled water. This event helps to carefully clean the product from a large number of bacteria.

How to give grapes to children?

It is forbidden to give this fruit to the infants, since it leads to an increase in gas formation in the intestine, it becomes the cause of intestinal colic. Only starting from the three-year-old, the children's body is able to digest berries freely. At this age, the risk of diarrhea is already reduced. Younger than two years old are better not to introduce grapes in the menu - otherwise the digestive process will break.

Advice. If the child has congenital intestinal pathology, he is better not grapes together with bones.

There are recommendations for the time of use of the product. Some doctors are confident that it is better to eat in the morning, others advise after lunch. But the view is that on an empty stomach and at night this product is harmful, has not been disputed for a long time. It is best to use grapes separately from meals to make different products for properties not started to wander in the digestive system.

In juicy berries there is a large amount of water, so they complicate the work of the kidneys, especially in the dark.

When feeding a child, breasts are better not grapes, because any mother meal is reflected in the state of the child.

It is still worth remembering that grapes are slack, and if you use it in a unwashed form, the laxative property will increase. Do not risk it - before meal you need to wash the product.

Vintage and grape use is huge. It helps to treat asthma, improves blood composition, does not give to appear thrombam in vessels. Provides long work of the heart, saturates the body with energy, suppresses fatigue and even rejuvenates. The product helps perfectly with constipation therapy. But there is it necessary in limited quantities so that the fight against constipation does not turn into a protracted and heavy diarrhea.

Observing all the advice, you can get from the grapes only the benefit and not worry about the appearance of diarrhea.

Diarrhea is the intestinal problem, which are faced by all people. Liquid chair may appear in adults and babies in the most awkward moment. Get rid of the problem will help proper nutrition, compliance with a certain diet. Fruits in diarrhea for the most part are contraindicated. You can use omelets, cereal porridges, lean soups, broths, but in limited quantities. Proper nutrition will help get a quick, effective result, protect the body from various risks of deterioration.

Fruits: Is there or not?

What food can be used when diarrhea in food? Fruits - fruits saturated with the necessary elements and vitamins. Them, despite the beneficial properties, it is better to exclude from the menu at diarrhea. This applies not to all fruits. Fruits that do not have a laxative effect are allowed, but only after thermal processing (cooking, baking, extinguishing, sucking).

  • quince;
  • bananas;
  • persimmon;
  • apples.

When diarrhea is in the acute stage of development, these fruits are encouraged to eat baked. Otherwise, the fiber contained in fresh apples, pears, will strengthen, the participation of the liquid stool. After baking, the fruits can be wiped, turning into a puree, so as not to apply any damage to the mucous membrane. Also, apples, quince and pears can also be used to make cooks that will help strengthen liquid stools. True, people who have diarrhea should know how to drink such a kisel:

  • fruits from it are removed after readiness;
  • you can use it only after cooling;
  • they drink small sips, in small quantities.

These rules must be adhered to any dishes during diarrhea. So they will not harm the intestines, they will not exacerbate the situation.

Useful bananas and binding persimmon

Many doctors assure that PI diarrhea can eat exclusively persimmon. Sometimes it is permissible to add fresh bananas to the diet. There are several reasons for it:

  1. Contain a minimum of plant fiber, which does not affect the indulgence in the intestine. These fruits can be eating fresh.
  2. Have an excellent fixing action. Accordingly, they normalize the work of the intestine and the whole organism.
  3. And bananas, and persimmon are natural analgesics. Diarrhea is often accompanied by painful sensations that can be removed by these fruits. In this case, these foods do not have any side effects. Medicines, it happens, cause complications.
  4. These fruits have excellent antibacterial properties. Using them in food, causative agents of infection that caused a liquid chair, deprive the favorable microflora, gradually disappear.

Apples and pears

If diarrhea arose, such foods such as pears and apples will also have a positive result. True, they will have to carry out their heat treatment, always remove the skin with them. These fruits in the raw form are capable only provoking even more strong diarrhea. Namely in the roe fruit there is a large number of plant coarse fiber, which is practically not digested and only annoys the intestines.

More than 85% in pears, apples - water. They have a lot of useful trace elements required by the acids needed for the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Apples are very rich in pectin, which is considered an effective tool even in the fight against dysentery: strengthens the liquid stool, wins the destructive bacteria.

"Wild" pear is used to get rid of the diarrhea, but in the form of a decoction. It also has an antiseptic effect that removes inflammatory processes in the intestines. Tubil fasteners are contained in the "wild" pears fruits. Therefore, responding to a difficult question, which pears are better to eat with serious diarrhea, experienced and highly qualified specialists insist on such varieties.

The decoction of pears and oatmeal is considered to be one of the best funds from a liquid stool. Prepare it is quite simple:

  • you should take 3 large spoons of oatmeal and 0.5 tbsp. dried pears;
  • all this is boiled in 0.5 liters of water;
  • the resulting agent must be insisted 1 hour;
  • then everything is filtering.

With diarrhea, apples eat preferably in baked. They quickly and very effectively remove harmful toxins. With their help, the harmful microflora is destroyed, which provokes diarrhea. On harmful bacteria, tanning substances in apples are destructive. This is the most affordable means against diarrhea.

With diarrhea, apples are prepared according to a specific recipe:

  • several fruits must be gratened on a fine grater;
  • now the apple can be eating. During the day it is desirable to use no less kilogram of fruit in this form.

This tool is perfect for kids - safe, naturally.

Another option from diarrhea is baked apples without adding sugar. Several fruits purify from the core and the peel, put on the baking sheet and put in the oven for a few minutes. Only after can be eaten in moderate quantities.


Diarrhea - ailment, from which the pills are not saved. Grapes comes to the rescue. This is a kind of folk cure for diarrhea. Not only tasty berries, but also leaves, even the vines of this plant are effective.

You can cook a decoction of clouds, twigs, grape leaves. It is enough to pour them with water and boil for 10 minutes. After the remedy is fastened and becomes cold. This is not only a good remedy for diarrhea, but also a decoction that is suitable for the regulation of the entire intestinal work as a whole.

Grapes are one of the most useful products. It includes:

  • vitamins of group B, which normalize the functioning of the entire nervous system;
  • vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that helps improve the resistance of the body to various kinds of infections;
  • vitamin RR or anti-allergic agent;
  • carotene;
  • pectin substances that are attached;
  • the necessary amino acids;
  • glycine, cystin, which is involved in the exchange of substances, normalize it;
  • tannins;
  • solid oily oil.

Useful grapes can bring harm to health. It is important to moderately use these fragrant fruits. In small quantities they will be useful. Switching, the laxative effect is obtained.

It is necessary to clearly know which grape varieties lead to positive results when diarrhea. It is best to choose the grapes dark. He helps to cope with the problem.

It happens, drugs do not save from diarrhea. Then you can try grapes, apples, bananas, pears, persimmon - these fruit gifts of nature are better struggling with diarrhea. They naturally restore the body, they save it from pathogenic bacteria, which cause the appearance of a liquid chair.

Food mode after

After diarrhea, it is impossible to immediately return to former life and food! First time will still have to eat with caution to restore the gastrointestinal tract:

  • will have to get used to the caress, jisels;
  • locked puree, soups - the most gentle products at first after the completion of diarrhea;
  • proteins (fish, chicken, cottage cheese) are necessary for a person who survived the diarrhea;
  • dairy products with bifidobacteriums will help recover the body.

Only a week later, you can return to the usual food. Another 5-7 days is better to refrain from sharp, too fatty dishes. Otherwise, the liquid stool will return again.

Prevention measures will help to avoid diarrhea. These include hygiene of their own body, food. It is necessary to carefully follow the rules:

  1. Be sure to behed your hands before applying.
  2. Special tools need to wash vegetables and fruits.
  3. Products should be correctly subjected to culinary processing. You can avoid intestinal troubles.
  4. No need to consume suspicious products, raw water.

Want to be healthy? These rules must be respected daily, unquestioned. It is better to take care of health in advance than suffering. Diarrhea overall? It is better to be treated with natural gifts - healing fruits, berries.

Among vegetables and fruits there are many such stools, for example, cucumbers, beets and plums. The soft chair usually does not go into diarrhea and is normalized literally on the second day. If, against the background of receiving raw food, a diarrhea began, which is not visible to the end, then need to be alerted. Of course, the reason for the disorder of the digestion may be an acute intestinal infection caused by microbes in the stomach. But often raw vegetables and fruits provoke exacerbation of different chronic diseases. In this case, it is hoped for the fact that the "fruit" either "vegetable" diarrhea will pass by itself - this means to lose time and launch the disease.

The most often of the stool disorder after the use of raw fruits and vegetables appears in chronic colon inflammation - colitis. This unpleasant disease is found in many young women. Raw vegetables and fruits are almost entirely consisting of coarse fiber, and the inflamed mucous membrane is not ready for such loads. In this situation, even one cucumber with a garden is fraught with serious troubles the next morning.

And yet there is a way out. Once the intestine itself refuses to process the coarse fiber, it is necessary to help him. All vegetation food is a mixer before receiving a homogeneous mass and eat smallest portions.

Choosing berries and fruits, remember that not all of them possess a relaxing effect. Some, on the contrary, sharply reduce the bowel cuts - is a blueberry, cherry, pears and quince. And vitamins and other useful substances in them are no less than in other plant delicacies.

If these precautions do not stop the diarrhea, then you will have to go with raw fruits and vegetables on boiled. Just do not forget that when cooking, useful substances are moving into water. Therefore, do not pour it out - vegetable decoction is useful for cooking soups, or vegetable stew. And from fruits and berries are delicious compotes and fruit. But it is better to cook vegetables for a couple, so more vitamins are preserved in them.

An excessive intestinal activity can be loosen if there is a viscous food - kislets, mousses and jelly. In addition, they are appetizing and very tasty. I advise unsightly and unloved porridge to refresh the wicked switched berries. On the first way, mucous vegetable soups are suitable better.

It would be great to master and prepare such dishes, like a souffle and a casserole of vegetables and fruits. Well, and if it really wants a sweet, the intestines will not object to the small amount of jam, jam, jam, fruit homemade pasteil, marshmallow, baked apples and pears.

When you cope with diarrhea, you can no longer bother with all sorts of culinary delights. But to move to raw fruit should be gradually and carefully, starting with fresh-sided juices. And in no case do not eat vegetables, only finely chopped and gradually - 100-150 grams per day. You can not make salads from several vegetables and fruits - enter them in the menu one by one, watching the reaction of the patient's intestinal.

To restore the disturbed digestion, we will have to go to diet food for a while. No sharp dishes. Only porridge, and those on the water, and eliminate the swollen and pearl. Soups should be boiled on non-fat broths. Patch boiled meat and fish, refuse milk, replacing it with fermented with milk products. Forget about fresh baking and black bread. White bread replace crackers. By the way, in chronic colitis it is harmful to eat bread with bran and from flour of coarse grinding. Eggs boil the skey one or make an omelet one. Limit salt and sugar.

If you cannot normalize the chair using one diet, it fails, then you will have to take antibiotics. Only they destroy the intestinal microbes broken in the intestines. A white clay, starch and bismuth preparations will help minimize peristaltics and bloom. Soothing effect on the mucous membrane, decoctions and infusions from the Hypericum, chamomile, eucalyptus leaves and coys of alder are provided. Microclizms can be made with these herbs. Having not moderately swept the intestines helps warm heating and warming compresses with alcohol, vaseline oil and even just with warm water. It is also useful warm coniferous baths.

Colitis is always accompanied by dysbacteriosis, in which the guts are populated by putrid bacteria. That is why the woman suffering from the colitis is badly tolerates sweet fruits and berries - grapes, apricots, melons, bananas, dicks, pumpkin, beet. The fruit sugar contained in them is absorbed by the microbes, which begin to grow as trembling and reproducing hard, finally suppressing the normal intestinal flora. Rough vegetable fiber and in itself is digested for a long time, and here it begins to rot and wander, causing diarrhea, bloating and pain. Therefore, with dysbacteriosis, it is better to completely abandon sweet fruits.

When using raw vegetables and fruits, diarrhea is developing not only because of the aggravation of colitis, but in many other reasons. After all, the thick intestine is just the last link in the long chain of the digestion. And with diseases of the overlying organs, coarse vegetable fiber enters the intestine almost unchanged. Naturally, even a healthy intestine cannot cope with such a load.

For ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenum, and during gastritis with increased secretion, the acidity of the gastric juice is continuously high. Excess an acid obliges the stomach faster to push foods, so the stool of the yazuvengers is frequent and liquid. A currant, gooseberry, cranberries, cherry and apples also more increase acidity and can lead to indomitable diarrhea. But this is not the worst - aggressive acid literally corrosive the walls of the stomach, thereby causing the exacerbation of the disease.

However, people suffering from ulcers should not sit on the caress and breadcrumbs. Sweet fruits and vegetables - strawberry, raspberry, blueberries, sweet apples, bananas and carrots - not only fall to taste, but will reduce acidity and improve the chair. But in order to avoid diarrhea and exacerbation of ulcers, all raw products should be only under the "cover" of the acidity of anti-rich drugs.

Some, on the contrary, are tormented due to the lack of acid in the stomach. It happens when gastritis with reduced acidity and atrophically gastritis. Poor stomach, no matter how hard it tries, can not digest raw vegetables and fruits. Ultimately, the rude food enters the intestines undigested. You will facilitate the hard work of the stomach and intestines, if you are only rubbed vegetables and fruits. In severe cases, it is necessary to take gastric juice or hydrochloric acid that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Suffering ulcerative colitis, raw vegetables and fruits are completely contraindicated. Rough fiber enhances gas formation and intestinal cuts, which is fraught with diarrhea and even gap. But boiled rubbed fruits and vegetables are very safe.

The so-called irritable sink syndrome is usually observed in unbalanced women. Fortunately, with this disease, severe digestion disorders does not happen. That's just the intestines "darkened" what is forces. Therefore, raw vegetables and fruits often cause straight diarrhea straight. With this problem you can cope without drugs. Water fruits will help, slowing down the peristaltics, for example, blueberries and quince, viscosities of the Zverca and daisies, and still calming herbs - mother-in-law and Valerian.

In the intestines of food is digested by enzymes of intestinal juice. But there are people who do not produce individual enzymes. It is usually not enough substances that destroy sugars. In these cases, sweet fruits and berries inevitably cause aggravation of chronic colitis. This problem is solved quite hard, it is necessary to be carefully examined to identify the missing enzyme. And if he has no replacement among drugs, then many vegetables and fruits are better to abroad.

In chronic pancreatitute juice, raw vegetables and fruits are generally contraindicated. After all, it is they who force the pancreas to work on a complete coil, which is manifested by an endless diarrhea. Vegetables can be used only in the boiled form, "under the cover" of special drug-enzymes - Mesim Forte, Festal and Creon.

Allergic to vegetables or fruit is also often accompanied by digestion disorder. But at the same time, they certainly have and other signs of allergies - urticaria and shortness of breath. In order to further avoid allergic manifestations, it is necessary to be examined and find a true permit culprit. Statistics show that strawberry and citrus and citrus sick are most often patients. Perhaps you will have to refuse only from them, and the other summer houses and autumn will not be contraindicated.

Under diarrhea, the intestines are emptying over 3 times a day with the presence of liquid, casczyce or water consistency of feces. Raw fruits in diarrhea should be used with caution. They may aggravate the situation, the diarrhea is often only enhanced. To normalize the work of the GTS, the nutritional correction is needed, the use of preventive measures and is very desirable to examine the digestive organs.

Diarrhea is from fruit, if a person has allergies on them. Diarrhea after plant food occurs with the shortage of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract. Often, strong disorder becomes a consequence of unloading days when a person eats only raw vegetables, apples, pears, watermelons and so on. Children diarrhea occurs after the use of immature fruits and berries.

In other cases, diarrhea after fruit appears by coincidence. It is considered a sign of diseases, infection, intoxication or food poisoning.

Diarrhea due to intestinal infection

After cure during the first 90 days, the chair disorder may occur again and often.

Diarrhea due to the rest of the fruit

The laxative property has fresh fruits and berries rich in fiber. They stimulate the intestinal peristalsis and the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Removing effect provide:

  • dried fruits - figs, prunes, raisins, kuraga;
  • pears;
  • kiwi;
  • plums;
  • apples (except puree from fresh fruits);
  • apricots;
  • watermelon;
  • avocado;
  • peaches;
  • mature banana;
  • blueberry.

After the use of these berries, fruits and fruits of feces become soft, urge to the toilet are rapidly. But diarrhea appears in the case of overeating fruits, for example, during a banana diet.

Diarrhea due to allergies to fruit

Symptoms of allergies are itching, urticaria, diathesis or other skin reaction, shortness of breath, diarrhea after any product. Most often doctors identify the intolerance of citrus, bone, exotic fruits, as well as fruits or berries of red and orange. Allergenic food types are excluded from the diet or use only after heat treatment.

Diarrhea from fruits against disease

Pathology from the field of gastroenterology violate the functioning and secretion of the stomach, intestines or other organs of the digestive system. Because of these disorders, a chair disorder appears after consuming fresh fruits, vegetables, milk or other types of food.

Diarrhea is a symptom of development:

  • hypoacid and atrophic gastritis;
  • irritable intestinal syndrome;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • hyperacid gastritis (diarrhea appears after the use of acidic fruit, berries);
  • stomach cancer, rectum, other onco-scabers;
  • ulcerative disease;
  • pancreatitis;
  • colitis;
  • secretor deficiency or hypersection of organs and glands of the digestive system.

These diseases are also accompanied by pain in the abdomen and other signs of dyspepsia. Frequent chair disorder After the use of fruits will disappear, if a person begins to treat the main pathology.

The cause of noncommunicable chronic diarrhea is also:

  • constant intoxication when working with harmful substances;
  • the side effect of drugs with long-term drug treatment;
  • psychoneurotic disorders, emotional lability;
  • endocrine pathologies, hormonal failure.

A person needs to be examined, identify possible provoking factors and eliminate them. The detected pathology should be treated with medicines, and folk remedies will be used in addition to medicines and from the knowledge of the doctor.

What doctors treat intestinal disorders

With a strong diarrhea with a sharp deterioration of well-being, it is necessary to call an ambulance and fall into the infectious compartment. If there is a chronic diarrhea, it is necessary to be examined by a gastroenterologist, to do ultrasound of digestive organs, biochemical blood test, intragastric PH-metry. The doctor can also send to a proctologist. After the diagnosis, it is desirable to consult a nutritionist.

Principles of drinking fruit at diarrhea

In the period of diarrhea, it is impossible to use fresh fruits, berries or other fruits. They are allowed to boil, bake or cook for a couple, and then wipe, drink kissel. Thermally treated vegetables or fruits are well digested, the mucous gastrointestinal tract and contain enough useful substances. When the chair is normalized, gradually introduced in the menu puree fresh berries and fruits. It is necessary to start with a teaspoon of a puree from an apple or an unripe banana.

Provoking diarrhea fruit

It is not recommended that there is a puree from baked apples - it has a laxative effect. With diarrhea, it is impossible to use citrus, melon, gooseberry, cranberries, plums, cherries, cherries, prunes and other fruits with a similar effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Resolved with diarrhea fruits

With diarrhea, fruits with a binding property are allowed. They normalize the consistency of the chair and have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect. In the fresh form you can eat cherry berries or drinking non-concentrated juice, as well as kisins, jelly on the basis of blueberries, dogwood and other fruits.


Normalize the stool with diarrhea helps quince due to its composition. Eating its fruits in fresh and thermally processed form, drink juice (Fresh), cook or decoction. To reduce intestinal peristals, they make hot infusion from leaves in proportion of 5 g per 250 ml of boiling water.

Eating persimmon and bananas

In diarrhea, fresh mature persimmon is useful due to the presence of tannins (tannins), pectin, vitamins. The fruit relieves intestinal spasms, has an anti-inflammatory, fastening and antibacterial effect. If there are no contraindications, this fruit eats an empty stomach of 1 piece per day until the disorder will pass.

A child over 2 years old is given 1/4 of the persimmon with the condition that he has already used this fruit and tolerates it well.

If you can diarrrheate, there are non-seated bananas (with a green tail and lemon-colored leather without brown enclosures). They are eating no more than 150 g / day, having previously shredding in mashed potatoes.

Eating apples and pears

In diarrhea, it is advisable to use a puree from one fresh apple throughout the day on a teaspoon. It is fastened. Cashitz can be prepared from the "Dick" pear, Moscow, Siberian, other varieties with a tart taste. Their purees are also eating 1 teaspoon during the day. If after eating diarrhea is aggravated, fruits baked, boiled and wipe.

Eating grapes

In the case of diarrhea, you can eat grapes of dark varieties, but a day to 10 berries and without skin. In diarrhea it is better to use it for the jel. Rasal water is useful to people with a liquid chair. It helps to restore the intestinal microflora, get rid of infection.

How to remove diarrhea from fruit

When the diarrhea appears from the use of fruits, you can take activated coal and withstand strict fasting from 6 to 24 hours. During this period, it is necessary to drink warm unsweetened tea, herbal decoctions, mineral water without gas, recider. Then go to 5-time food use by small portions, observing the PEESN Diet No. 4. If a concomitant disease has revealed, the number of the healing table picks up a gastroenterologist.

It is necessary to use thermally processed and rubbed products. It is better to eat mucous soups, rice porridge, puddings, meat or fish soufflé, baked vegetables, fruit kisins, white crackers, boiled eggs. It is impossible to eat fry and bake a crust.

Often the reason for diarrhea is allergic. It is necessary to determine which fruit is a person hypersensitive, and eliminate the fruit from the diet. But it can be used after heat treatment. For the body, it is not safe, boiled, baked allergenic fruits, as well as jelly and kisins based on them.

Folk remedies

Good from diarrhea helps the infusion of the fetus of the diet. Dried pears wash, finely crumble, put in a saucepan, add 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, 500 ml of boiling water, closed tightly. An hour later, the liquid is separated and drinking to eating every four hours to 1/4 of the infusion.

Diarrhea useful rice decoction. One tablespoon of cereals boiled until prepared in 500 ml of water, cooled, wipe through the sieve and consumed 2-3 times / day.

Chair disorder normalizes regular drinking jieves from quince and wild pear. It is prepared according to the standard recipe, but the amount of sugar reduce at least 50%. The drink also has an enveloping property than the inflammation of the mucous gastrointestinal tract.

After the normalization of the chair, a gentle diet must be respected 14 days. During this period eating rubbed and finely chopped products. The menu is complemented by cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, compotes, gradually go to the food of the usual diet. Raw vegetable and fruit salads, fried and sharp dishes are allowed to eat 1-1.5 months after the diarrhea is eliminated.

Prevention of fruit diarrhea

The infectious diarrhea saves hygiene and compliance with power rules. It is advisable to wash your hands, especially a child. It is impossible to beat water while swimming in the water branch, use someone else's toothbrush.

Food should be fresh, high-quality, stored correctly.

Before use of fruits and raw vegetables, they are washed with a soft washcloth in a weak acetic solution, and the berries in the colander are rinsed under the crane. In nature it is better to drink boiled or mineral water. Do not also overeat.

To get rid of non-infectious diarrhea, you need to be treated to the identified pathology and eliminate provoking factors. You can not eat allergy fruits, abuse laxative preparations, work with harmful substances without personal protective equipment.


With the appearance of diarrhea, it is advisable to consult a gastroenterologist. It is necessary to comply with the diet and other recommendations of the doctor. Many fresh fruits in acute diarrhea cannot be used. They are beginning to be introduced into the diet a week after the normalization of the chair.