How many calories in 2 chicken eggs. Calorie eggs, composition and beneficial properties for the body. Magnification by weight and permissible storage

Eggs can be called one of the most popular and affordable products. What and to whom are they useful, what properties do and why are it so important? Not everyone knows the answers to these questions.

Composition and nutritional value

Eggs are considered a product with high nutritional value. They are included in the diet for weight loss and a set of muscle mass, have a multitude of useful properties and at the same time are not high-calorie, especially if we separate the yolk from the protein. The calorie content of the middle egg is 79 kcal.

In itself, the egg consists of two parts - protein and yolk. Each of them has a different chemical composition, calorie content and contains its set of elements needed by our body.

The so-called protein got its name due to the fact that it is almost entirely consisting of water and high-quality proteins with a full amino acid set. The remaining few percent are represented by vitamins, enzymes, lipids and carbohydrates. The protein is about 60% of the entire mass of the egg and contains 46-50 kcal. It is well absorbed by the body and has a positive effect on his work.

More than half of all proteins in the composition of the egg protein occupies an ovalbumin or albumin eggs - a spare element necessary for the normal development of the embryo. No less important components are proteins of conalbumin and lysozyme that have antibacterial effects.

In addition to proteins, the egg protein includes enzymes, carbohydrates, most group vitamins, trace elements and macroelements.

The calorie content of the yolk is much higher than the calorie content of the protein. Like the protein, it has in its composition of proteins, vitamins and other necessary elements, but most of them are lipids - almost 5G masses will be useful. Huge foodstorms are fatty acids, such as Linolen, Palmitic, Stearinovaya and others.

Boiled boiled and skey caloric eggs are almost no different from raw, but, unlike them, much better absorbed. The energy value of fried glazing is slightly higher - about 100 kcal, and with frying on vegetable oil it increases to 120-130 kcal. Omelet calorie content from one egg is approximately 150 kcal. But egg powder is considered the most caloric egg product, or dry melange: its energy value per 100 grams is as much as 500-550 kcal.

Miscellaneous Egg Caloric Table

Products (100g) proteins fat. carbohydrates calories
A raw egg 12,8 11,5 0,7 157
Soft-boiled egg 12,9 11,5 0,8 159
Hard boiled egg 13 11,6 0,8 160
Egg powder 45 47 4,5 542
Omelet 9,5 15,4 1,9 184
Fried egg 12,8 20,8 0,9 243
Raw protein 82,5 1,7 7,1 44
Raw Yolk. 51 52,3 4,7 352

Chemical composition of eggs in the table

Element Number of
Calcium 54 mg
Magnesium 13 mg
Potassium 139 mg
Phosphorus 190 mg.
Sodium 134 mg
Sulfur 175 mg
Chlorine 136 mg
Copper 82 μg
Manganese 0.03 μg
Zinc 1.1 mg
Iron 2.5 mg
Iodine 21 μg
Chromium 4 μg
Fluorine 54 μg
Selenium 31.6 μg

Calorie quail eggs

Quail egg caloric and superior chicken. Its approximate digit - 168 kcal. Of course, from the calculation per 100 g of the product, because the quail egg itself is much less chicken. Its mass is 10 g, and the energy value of 16-17 kcal, respectively.


The mass of an ostrich egg exceeds a mass of chicken 20-30 times, but calorie, on the contrary, below - 118 kcal. The average egg weighs 1200 g, and its energy value is estimated at 1,400 kcal.


The goose egg is three or four times more chicken, and its calorie content is 300-400 kcal. Energy value of a goose egg per 100 g of product - 185 kcal


Turkey eggs are closest to chicken by their mass and properties. The weight of the middle eggs - 70-80. Energy value, based on the calculation by 100 g, is estimated at 171 kcal, and the caloric content of one egg is equal to 130 kcal. As part of the turkey eggs, proteins are less than in chicken, and lipids, on the contrary, more, so they are not considered dietary.

Useful properties of YIITS

In the benefits of eggs, it does not have to doubt, so they are obliged to be in the menu of anyone who follows their nutrition and health. Their composition contains all the necessary person a set of replaceable and essential amino acids, vitamins, as well as fats, of which our body draws energy and "building material", including for hormone synthesis.

Among the beneficial properties of eggs can be distinguished by several basic:

  • Positively affect the immune system due to vitamins
  • Help struggle with gastrointestinal problems
  • Reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and oncologies
  • Improve vision, are good cataract prevention
  • Increase bone strength due to high content of vitamin D
  • Are of great importance in the construction of the muscles, especially since the proteins of eggs are absorbed better meat or dairy products
  • Improve the work of the men's sexual system
  • Stimulate brain work, strengthen memory

Boiled eggs do not lose their properties, so there are their best in this form. Regarding their benefits and security in the raw form of the opinion of experts disagree, but most are still recommended to expose the eggs to heat treatment.

Harm and contraindications

Just like any other product, eggs have a number of contraindications.

  • Individual intolerance . Of course, people with allergies on eggs will have to abandon them. Adults and especially children with increased sensitivity should also be careful - the Ovomukoid contained in the egg protein often causes an allergic reaction. However, the kids for five to six years allergies often passes independently.
  • Cholesterol . Egg yolks contain cholesterol, and it must be considered primarily to people prone to cardiovascular diseases. To avoid threats to health, it is recommended to use no more than two eggs per day or separate yolk from the protein. The latter is safe even in large quantities.
  • Salmonella. It should be borne in mind that in the eggs, especially home, the bacterium of Salmonella can be discovered. It is able to cause serious gastrointestinal diseases, so you need to observe a few simple rules - before cooking eggs with soap and cook longer than ten minutes.

Eggs in dietary nutrition

  • The eggs can be safely called a dietary product. First, one egg contains as much as 5-6 g of protein, despite enough low calorie content.
  • Eggs are well saturated even in small volumes, thus eliminating from small snacks in the interruptions between food.
  • Compared with the main part of dietary products, eggs have another advantage - low cost.

In addition, eggs are a source not only proteins, but also fats. This is important because the lipids are saturated with the body not worse than proteins, but the feeling of satiety will help reduce the portions of food and to part with overweight. It is impossible to refuse fats at all, even on a diet, in no case: the body needs a balanced nutrition to work normally.

Upon respecting a diet with a low-calorie diet, it is necessary to separate proteins from yolks and the number of calories in the same ochettium significantly decrease.

Some so strongly seek to lose weight, they acquire many health problems due to starvations and monodulations. After such a strike on the body, it requires restoration, such that will not return the weight to the former numbers. Eggs are suitable for this, it is impossible better.

Consumption rate per day

The daily rate of Eggs is depends on many factors: the age of a person, his state of health, lifestyle.

A healthy adult person without risk to harm health can be eaten by 3-5 whole chicken eggs per week. But one protein can safely eat several times more, since yolk is considered the main source of cholesterol.

Children eggs should be given with caution - they often cause allergies. Until a year, it is better to refrain from the introduction of eggs into the diet, and you can only try their baby in the form of proteins. If the allergic reaction did not follow, then the yolk either does not cause harm. A small child will be enough 2 eggs per week.

People engaged in sports, the weekly norm can be exceeded. Physical exertion requires a lot of protein, so you can eat up to 15 eggs per week.

Elderly, especially suffering from cardiovascular diseases, egg consumption must be minimized. The norm in this case should be not more than 1-2 chicken eggs per week.

How to choose better

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the eggs themselves. They must be clean, without cracks and do not differ too different from each other by weight and size. The shell of fresh egg will look like a matte, and the egg itself should not be too light.
  • According to quality standards, each egg should stand stamp with marking. This will make it possible to understand what category it applies, and what is its maximum shelf life.

The letter "D" as the first sign in the marking says that the egg is dietary and is stored no more than a week. The letter "C" - a table egg - means that the shelf life of such eggs is 25 days.

The second markings are determined by the product category. The sign "B" is the highest category, "O" - the selected egg, "1", "2" and "3" - 1, 2, and 3 categories, respectively.

  • Already purchased eggs can be additionally checked at home. It is necessary to omit the egg into a strong hydrochloric solution; If it is not freight, then immediately pops up to the surface.
  • You can check the quality of the egg, breaking it. The protein of fresh egg should not have stains and inclusions.
  • If the boiled egg is closed with difficulty, it says about its freshness.

Dietary recipes YIITS

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How many calories in one egg? This question, torments many, because we are all used to breakfast in the morning just an egg. But along with the fact that the opinions of experts differ in the methods of eating eggs, then they all affirm the great benefits for the human body unanimously and uncompromisingly. In essence, the egg is a very useful food product and is distinguished by an excellent energy value.

As for the diet of a person, the eggs in it for many people are an indispensable product. Of these, both everyday and festive dishes, spending the minimum of time and effort. For those who are bothering calorie Eggs, I should learn more in more detail when and what eggs is useful, and in what cases from the egg dish it is better to refuse.

To say exactly what calorie 1. Chicken eggs It is impossible, since this indicator directly depends on the size of the product, as well as on the method of its preparation.

Raw egg

If we consider eggT. calorie The raw product per 100 grams of weight is approximately 158-160 kcal. Considering that the average weight of the egg is from 40 to 70 grams, you can easily calculate its calorie content, which fluctuates within 63-110 kcal.

As for the quail eggs, they are less than 5 times in size. It has been established that 168 kcal per 100 grams of weight is their calorie. According to calculations, it turns out that in one egg whose weight is about 10-13 grams containing only 17-22 calories.

Boiled egg

If we talk about the benefits of eggs for the human body, then the use of their raw form provides a painful value. To find out what calorie of one boiled egg It should be considered that, in its energy value, yolks and protein differ significantly.

The caloric content of the whole egg in the boiled form is approximately the same as raw. At the same time, the protein contains only 17 kcal, and in the yolk - 50-55 kcal. It should also be noted that the protein is rich in the group belonging to the group in vitamins and amino acids, and the amount of fats in it is minimal. The yolk contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, microelements (zinc, manganese, calcium, iron), group vitamins B, E and A. In addition, there is still cholesterol in yolks, so it is simultaneous use with other fats of animal origin undesirable.

The number of calories also depends on what state is welded to the egg. For those who prefer to eat a welded schozy egg, you should know that calorie 1 piece. It is up to 70 kcal, but at the same time they do not lose their benefits for the body. In the cooked correct product, the yolk should be semi-liquid and you need to use it hot.

And if you boil around it, it will be less calorie and contains only 50 kcal. In this form, the product is ideal for the fact that with the help of the diet menu wants to get rid of excess weight. Only cooking the egg should be immediately before using it.

Egg fried

For many people, the fastest and easy-to-cook breakfast is the scrambled eggs. Undoubtedly, such a dish has excellent taste, but even in the flawlessness of taste, the question of calorie remains quite relevant.

If you just fry on a dry pan egg chicken calorie It reaches up to 110 calories, and when to add some oil in the opposition, the amount of calories increases even more. Therefore, when calculating calories, it is necessary to consider how many calories are contained in the oil used for frying oil. In some cases, such a caloric dish may exceed 170 units.

For people who prefer to eat low-calorie food, but at the same time they do not want to exclude scrambled eggs from the menu, then the feederness can be much reduced to fry only some proteins. Fats There are no fully and capacity of carbohydrates is minimal.

A rather common breakfast dish is omelet. Preparing very simple. For this you need to beat carefully eggs with milk to a homogeneous consistency. The frying pan is pre-heat, pour a little sunflower oil to the bottom and pour the cooked mass. If you cook an omelet of two eggs, then it will reach it up to 118 kcal. When used to prepare only proteins, the number of calories of the finished dish will decrease to 85.

Often, other products are also added to the omelet to the omelet, which also largely in its ratio.

If, for example, an omelet is prepared with cheese and tomatoes, the number of calories of the finished dish reaches up to 342.

Speaking about the omelet it should be noted that such a breakfast is considered very useful, it fills the body with the necessary energy for the whole day.

What kind of body brings an egg?

The composition of the eggs contains a huge amount of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the human body. These include more than 12 different vitamins, in particular E, D, H, Holin, and almost all positions from Group V. Among the most valuable macroelements should be noted sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, potassium and others. The complex of trace elements consists of iron, chromium, manganese, fluorine, copper, zinc, selenium. With such enriched and useful composition calorie Eggs For example 1 PC. No harm does not cause the body, provided it is used correctly in moderate quantity.

Regular use of eggs is approved by nutritionists for the following reasons:

  • in the egg, an easily durable channel is suitable for valuable amino acids. Not everyone knows that, eating on the day one egg, the body receives 15% of the daily protein rate at once. Such a product property is very highly appreciated by athletes who are needed to strengthen the body and restoring muscles after severe physical exertion;
  • the effect of the vitamin and mineral complex, which is enriched with an egg, is aimed at improving the immunity and the saturation of the body necessary for normal livelihoods;
  • a large amount of leucitin contributes to the removal of excess cholesterol and prevents obesity.

You can use an egg not only as an independent dish, but it is also often combined with a variety of porridge, with fresh vegetables and fruits, with greens.

The presence in the diet of this product accelerates the cure of many diseases:

  • many patients doctors advise to include eggs in the menu for the prevention of cancer pathologies;
  • calorie 1 boiled egg low, and a rich vitamin composition, in particular Vitamin C, significantly slows down the process of aging of the body, and the hormone contained in the product is noticeably increases the effect of rejuvenation;
  • phosphorus and vitamin D, in the amount of which the egg is inferior only to fish fat, strengthen bone tissues and have a positive effect on the health of the teeth;
  • amino acids, lutein and sulfur increases quality vision and contribute to the speedy treatment of eye diseases;
  • vitamin E normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.

For a person, chicken eggs are considered a very useful product, and different ways of their preparation allow you to diversify the menus and fill it with delicious and useful dishes.

Digestibility of the product

Depending on the method of cooking eggs, the digestibility of them in each case is different. If you pay attention to the opinions of specialists, then boiled eggs are considered more useful, others insist on consulting them in the raw form.

Each of the opinions is considered correct in its own way. The body is well aware of the product in both cases, only with some differences:

  • having low calorieness The organism is well designed boar or fried egg. In the process of splitting the product in this form in the body, the split fats enzymes are synthesized. For this reason, it is a boiled egg after training consumes many athletes;
  • raw eggs enrich the body with the necessary substances with the necessary substances, but only in cases where other products are missing. If there is no deficiency of minerals and vitamins at the time of eating eggs in the body, it is simply not digested in the stomach and is excreted from the body.

Interesting! Regular use of eggs in raw form women increases the ability to get pregnant, to carry out and give birth to a healthy baby.

How many eggs can you eat?

Each can eat each other with the exception of those who have individual intolerance to the product. But how many eggs can be a person depends on some features:

  • people who have increased cholesterol, you can eat no more than 3 pcs. in Week;
  • one egg can eat daily people who have no cholesterol levels;
  • children can be included in the diet egg from 8-12 months, but it is necessary to start at once a week;
  • the number of eggs to children from 4-6 year old is up to 5 pieces per week.

This is an approximate dosage. The main thing is to pay attention to, it is not to form an oversupplication of nutrients, as it is also dangerous as avitaminosis.

Dish with egg: calorie

Based on eggs, you can prepare a variety of dishes depending on the preferences and tastes of a person.

Scrambled eggs

This is one of the easiest in cooking dishes. Only for frying it is best to use a special frying pan with a ceramic coating. This will eliminate the need to add oil. If a calorie boiled egg Determined only by its weight, then in 1 PC. In the fried form, nutrition depends on the components added.

The feed-made eggs prepared on vegetable oil per 100 grams is 240 kilocalories.

Croutons with egg

In this case, calorie content depends on the nutrition of bread and the oil used. Crowns with white bread egg in 100 grams contain approximately 190 kcal.

Not only delicious, but also very useful is this cake. If you cook according to the recipe: 1 yolk and 5 whole eggs, flour, low-fat sour cream, baking powder and butter, then quite high is its calorie. Approximately 285 calories accounted for 100 g of finished cake.

How to calculate calorie?

The egg itself consists of a shell (12%), protein (56%) and yolk (32%). To install how many calories are contained in the boiled product, it should be at first to boil, after that, after about 5 minutes to lower in cold water. After removing the shell weighing the product using kitchen scales for this. Learning the weight of the product, you can calculate its feederness using the calorie table or use the online calculator.

The eggs contain many useful nutrients. However, the energy value of the egg may vary depending on whether you eat the whole egg or only its protein.

This article discusses in detail, what is the caloric content of the boiled egg and its protein, as well as revealed, useful than the proteins of whole eggs or not.

Egg protein is a transparent dense liquid surrounding a bright egg yolk.
In the fertilized egg, the protein serves as a layer that protects the growing chicken from harmful bacteria. Also protein supplies energy substances for its growth.

Proteins are about 10% consist of water and 10% from protein. Thus, if you remove from the egg yolk and leave only protein, the energy value of your egg will change significantly.

The table shown below shows how many calories in one egg, as well as the difference in nutrients between the protein of a large egg and a whole major egg.

Egg white Whole egg
Calories 16 71
Proteins 4G. 6g
Fat. 0G. 5g
Cholesterol 0G. 211 mg.
Vitamin A 0% RSNP 8% RSNP
Vitamin B12. 0% RSNP 52% RSNP.
Vitamin B2. 6% RSNP 12% RSNP
Vitamin B5. 1% RSNP 35% RSNP.
Vitamin D. 0% RSNP 21% RSNP
Folate 0% RSNP 29% RSNP
Selenium 9% RSNP. 90% RSNP.

As you can see, the protein contains fewer calories and microelements than in one boiled egg, but the proteins and fats in it are also less.

Conclusion: the caloric content of one eggs is more calorie content only its protein. At the same time, the protein is less protein, cholesterol, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Low-calorie, but rich in protein

In addition, this high quality protein, that is, it contains all 9 necessary amino acids in the quantities necessary for our body for the best functioning.

Thanks to the protein, the use of egg proteins will be useful for health. The protein holds back appetite, so after the protein eaten you will longer feel satiety.

It is very important to maintain and set the muscle mass to receive enough protein with food, especially if your goal is weight loss.

Based on the fact that whole eggs give a little more protein and quite a lot of extra calories, rather than egg whites, the protein can become an excellent choice for those who want to lose weight.

Conclusion: the protein of a large egg contains 4g protein and only 17 calories (less caloric content of boiled eggs or eggs fried), which makes it a good product for people who are trying to lose weight.

In the egg whites there are few fats and no cholesterol

Previously, the eggs were considered a rather controversial product due to the content of saturated fats and cholesterol.
Nevertheless, all cholesterol and fats in the egg are in its yolk, and proteins, on the contrary, almost completely consist of protein.

For many years, because of this it was assumed that the squirrels of eggs are more useful than whole eggs. Now, however, studies have shown that cholesterol in eggs does not represent problems for most people. Only for a small number of so-called "hyper reactive" people use cholesterol slightly raises its content in the blood.

These people have genes, for example, the ApoE4 gene, which predisposes them to an elevated level of cholesterol. For such people with high cholesterol, the best option will be just egg protein.
In addition, because there are almost no fats in egg proteins, they are significantly less calories than whole eggs. They are well suited to those who try to reduce the calorie content of the diet and reduce the weight.

Conclusion: there are few cholesterol and fats in proteins, so they can be used to reduce the use of cholesterol and weight loss.

Eating risks of egg proteins

In general, proteins are a fairly safe product, but still there are some risks.


Despite the fact that for most eggs do not pose a danger, allergic to them may occur.
Most often, an allergic response to eggs is observed in children who grow it to the five-year-old age. Allergies to eggs are caused by the fact that the immune system incorrectly determines some proteins in the egg as harmful to humans. Light symptoms may include rash, edema, runny nose, itching and leaky eyes. There are cases of gastric disorders, nausea and vomiting.

In rare cases, eggs can cause a strong allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock. It is manifested by such symptoms as a strong edema throat and face and blood pressure jump, which together can be fatal.

Salmonellia infection

Raw egg squirrels create a threat to infection of Salmonella bacteria ( Salmonella). Salmonella may be in the very egg or in its shell, although modern practices growing and cleaning minimize this risk.

The preparation of egg proteins to a solid state also significantly reduces the likelihood of this problem.

Reducing the absorption of biotin

Raw eggs can reduce the suction of a complex substance - biotin - which is contained in various products. This is a water-soluble vitamin, which plays an important role in the development of energy. In the raw proteins there is a protein called Avidin, which binds to biotin and stops its absorption.

Theoretically, it can become a real problem, but in fact it is necessary to eat a huge amount of raw proteins so that this is the deficit of biotin.

In addition, Avidin in the boiled boiled or skey egg or in a fried egg does not give such a strong effect.

Conclusion: Some risks in the use of raw proteins are, among them allergies, food infection and biotin deficiency. For most people, however, these risks are small enough.

What is: proteins or whole eggs?

Proteins are rich in protein, but low-calorie, contain little fats and cholesterol, which helps in weight reduction.

Proteins can also be useful to those who need to consume a lot of protein, but also monitor calorie dishes, such as bodybuilders and athletes.

Compared with whole eggs, however, proteins are inferior in the content of other nutrients. In the whole eggs there are many vitamins, minerals, additional proteins and useful fats.

And despite the fact that in the eggs a lot of cholesterol, recent studies have not found the relationship between the consumption of eggs and the risk of obtaining heart disease. The same tests found out that, eating one egg per day, you can even reduce the likelihood of stroke.

Moreover, nutrients found in eggs were mentioned as one of the causes of egg utility.

Yolks are rich in two important antioxidants: lutein and zeaxantine, which prevent impairment of vision and cataract. They also contain choline, which most people do not receive in sufficient quantities.

If there are whole eggs, they will help keep a feeling of satiety, and you will eat less calories.
In fact, studies have shown that breakfast fried or boiled eggs can be beneficial to reduce weight, reduce the indicators of BMI and the waist circle.

At the same time, if you are sitting on a very strict low-calorie diet, you have family heart disease and elevated cholesterol, egg proteins may become a healthier choice for you a healthier choice.

Outcome: Proteins contain fewer calories, as to how many calories in the egg, however, there are less useful nutrients that are contained in the yolk.


Egg proteins - high-finished and low-calorie product.

For most people, however, a little reasons to choose a protein, not a whole egg, since protein and yolk together provide a much larger amount of useful elements.

Taking into account the above, people who need to restrict cholesterol and losing a more useful option without a yolk.

Scientific declared articles from experts on Authority Nutrition.

Product number Proteins Carbohydrates Fat. Point Calories
For additional items, see the branded product section
Whole raw egg 1 cup (4.86 large eggs) (243.0 g) 30,6 1,9 24,2 9 347,5
1 PC. very large (56.0 g) 7 0,4 5,6 2,5 80,1
1 PC. huge (63.0 g) 7,9 0,5 6,3 2,5 90,1
1 large (50.0 g) 6,3 0,4 5 2 71,5
1 average (44.0 g) 5,5 0,3 4,4 2 62,9
1 small (38.0 g) 4,8 0,3 3,8 1,5 54,3
Protein of raw egg 1 cup (243.0 g) 26,5 1,8 0,4 3 126,4
1 large (33.0 g) 3,6 0,2 0,1 0,5 17,2
Yolk of raw egg 1 cup (243.0 g) 38,5 8,7 64,5 21,5 782,5
1 large (17.0 g) 2,7 0,6 4,5 1,5 54,7
1/2 pound (227.0 g) 35,2 2,6 58,1 19 687,8
Yolk eggs frozen with sugar 1/2 pound (227.0 g) 31,3 24,5 51,6 18,5 696,9
Whole fried egg 1 large (46.0 g) 6,3 0,4 7 2,5 90,2
Whole boiled egg 1 cup (136.0 g) 17,1 1,5 14,4 5,5 210,8
1 tbsp. (8.5 g) 1,1 0,1 0,9 0,5 13,2
1 PC. Large (50.0 g) 6,3 0,6 5,3 2 77,5
Omelet from one whole egg 1st.L. (15.0 g) 1,6 0,1 1,8 1 23,6
1 large (61.0 g) 6,5 0,4 7,3 3 95,8
Phashot Egg 1 large (50.0 g) 6,3 0,4 5 2 71
Soft-boiled egg 1 cup (220.0 g) 24,4 4,8 26,9 10 367,4
1 tbsp. (13.7 g) 1,5 0,3 1,7 1 22,9
1 large (61.0 g) 6,8 1,3 7,4 3 101,9
Dry whole egg 1 small cup (85.0 g) 40,2 4,2 34,8 13 504,9
1 tbsp. (5.0 g) 2,4 0,2 2 1 29,7
Stabilized whole Dry Egg with Low Glucose 1 small cup (85.0 g) 40,9 2 37,4 14 522,8
1 tbsp. (5.0 g) 2,4 0,1 2,2 1 30,8
Squelf eggs with low glucose flakes 1/2 pound (227.0 g) 174,6 9,5 0,1 16 796,8
Eggs Square Dry Powder with Low Glucose Content 1Golly cup (107.0 g) 88,2 4,8 0 8,5 402,3
1 tbsp. (14.0 g) 11,5 0,6 0 1,5 52,6
Dry Yolk. 1 small cup (67.0 g) 22,9 2,4 37,4 12,5 446,2
1 tbsp. (4.0 g) 1,4 0,1 2,2 1 26,6
Duck egg whole raw 1 PC. (70.0 g) 9 1 9,6 3,5 129,5
Goose egg whole raw 1 PC. (144.0 g) 20 1,9 19,1 7 266,4
Quail egg whole raw 1 PC. (9.0 g) 1,2 0 1 0,5 14,2
Journey egg whole raw 1 PC. (79.0 g) 10,8 0,9 9,4 3,5 135,1
Frozen egg substitute 1 yaashka (240.0 g) 27,1 7,7 26,7 10 384
1/4 cups (60.0 g) 6,8 1,9 6,7 2,5 96
Liquid egg substitute 1 cup (251.0 g) 30,1 1,6 8,3 5 210,8
1 tbsp. (16.0 g) 1,9 0,1 0,5 0,5 13,4
11/2 Liquid Oz (47.0 g) 5,6 0,3 1,6 1 39,5
Eggs substitute, powder 1/3 ounce (9.9 g) 5,5 2,2 1,3 1 44
3/4 ounce (20.0 g) 11,1 4,4 2,6 2 88,8
Eggs frozen frozen with salt 1/2 pounds (227.0 g) 31,8 3,6 52,2 17 622
Whole raw frozen egg 1 PC. 100 g (100.0 g) 12 1,1 10,2 4 148
Frozen egg society 1 PC. 100 g (100.0 g) 9,8 1,1 0 1 47
Dry protein 1 PC. 100 g (100.0 g) 81,1 7,8 0 8 382
Egg Skump, Frozen 1 PC. 100 g (100.0 g) 13,1 7,5 5,6 3,5 131

How many vitamins and protein contain in one egg?

Eggs are considered a dietary product, but cholesterol located in the egg and his yolk can threaten the health of some people. An egg protein that does not contain cholesterol is an alternative for those who are particularly sensitive to it. There are also few calories in proteins, in 1 piece - only 17! Eating proteins provides the body as protein and vitamins necessary to maintain body health.


The main, reultering substance in the egg protein is protein. The protein of one large egg contains 3.6 g of protein, and almost 85% calories - from the protein. Like other animals of protein sources, egg protein contains all the necessary amino acids that should enter the body from food. These amino acids are used to develop new proteins in cells and tissues, and some amino acids are needed to support the functioning of the nervous system. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, the protein of one egg gives approximately 5% of the daily necessary dose of protein (based on the daily rate of 2000 kilocalorius).


The egg contains riboflavin, or vitamin B-2. Riboflavin is needed for healthy metabolism: this nutrient helps split food and allows cells to produce energy. Riboflafin activates enzymes protecting from hyperperoxides - class of chemicals that generate toxic and destructive cells free radicals. A sufficient consumption of vitamin B-2 activates enzymes in the liver, so that its cells can effectively relieve the body from toxins. An egg protein gives 0.15 mg of riboflavina, which, according to the Linus Pauling Institute, is 14% and 12% of the daily necessity for women and men, respectively.

Other vitamins

Eating eggs in food will also provide you with other necessary vitamins in small quantities. The proteins are quite a bit of Vitamins B-3, B-5 \u200b\u200band B-6, and a non-existent amount of vitamins B-1, B-9 and B-12. Together with Riboflavin, these vitamins maintain metabolism and saturate fabrics. Also in proteins there are a little choline, important for the nervous system of the nutrient. Nevertheless, the egg whites do not make a large contribution to the organism of these vitamins.

The use of egg whites in cooking

Put the proteins into a pair with other useful and delicious products. Try to start your day with baked egg whites - with a spoon, get the inside of the tomato, fill it with egg squirrel and finely chopped vegetables and bang until the eggs are ready. You can also combine egg whites with your favorite vegetables and make a useful omelet-fritat. Adding to the egg whites of other products raises the total nutritional value of your lunch - for example, tomatoes, spinach and many other vegetables contain vitamins C and A, substances that are not in proteins.

Eggs - a frequent guest on the tables of many people. They are added to a huge number of dishes, they are used in themselves. Cook and fry eggs can be the most diverse ways. Eating eggs are not only birds, but also some types of reptiles, for example, turtles. Thanks to the availability and taste, people prefer to rummage in chicken. Much less often use quail eggs, and duck, turkey, ostrich or goose eaten extremely rarely.

The product is distributed and popular, but also unique. It is absorbed in the human body almost completely (by 97%). The structure of eggs is such that only one part falls on the protein, and the rest is yolk. The latter contains proteins, fats, cholesterol. White color during the preparation of the protein is only 10% actually from the protein itself, and the rest is water.

In cheese chicken egg 158 kcal
per 100 gr
In one medium cheese egg 70 kcal
In one boiled egg 50-70 kcal
In the egg skeyku70 kcal
In the egg voltage50 kcal
In one fried egg
on vegetable oil
125 kcal
In quail egg16-17 kcal
In the cheese of ostrich egg118 kcal
per 100 gr

One hundred grams of the product accounts for about 158 \u200b\u200bkcal. Here it is necessary to take into account that the eggs are purchased and used in food, therefore, it is necessary to navigate on the size, the method of preparation, type. The middle egg has calorie content 70, large - 80, and very large - 90 kcal. These indicators are valid exclusively for raw products, during cooking energy value changes.

Fried egg encloses 125 kcal. This applies to the product that is fried using vegetable oil. If it is welded, the caloric content will be less than less, that is, 70, and boiled twisting - 50 kcal. It should be borne in mind that calories in protein are three times less than in the yolk.

The quail egg is characterized by small size and mass, which varies from 10 to 12 grams. Since it is possible to buy this product quite high product. Nowadays, it is possible in almost every supermarket, the question of its energy value becomes relevant. 16-17 kcal was confident in one egg.

Determined by the useful substances included in the product. The eggs contain minerals required by the human body, as well as amino acids and vitamins. His nutritional and value, the product is obliged to maintain the following substances:

  • active provitamin A;
  • vitamin D, the concentration of which is inferior only to the well-known fishing fat for a person;
  • vitamins E and group B, and, along with B1 and B2, yolk rich in choline (B4);
  • calcium, iodine, copper, phosphorus, iron;
  • cholesterol, which does not pose a threat to health, as it is balastinated by lecithin;
  • polyunsaturated fats that cholesterol contained in eggs are not harmful in the eggs.

Thus, it turns out that both cholesterol and fats that enter the body together with the eggs are absolutely safe. In addition, the product provides a person about 96% of mineral substances, as well as useful vitamins.

Everyone who wants to gain harmony and the adherent dietary nutrition of a person is invariably interested in the question as to which this product compatible with the process of weight loss. This issue should listen to the tips of nutritionists. Many specialists recommend to eat a week from 2 to 3 eggs. On low-car diets, this quantity can be enlarged.

The inclusion of eggs in the diet helps to lose weight and maintain the immune system. Boiled twisting, they are present in most popular dietary programs. Among them, such as Protasov, Atkins, in groups of blood, Kremlin and, of course, protein.

Are there contraindications?

There are eggs it is impossible to those who suffer from individual intolerance to one of the components of the yolk or protein, as well as cholecystitis. The product often causes allergic reactions. It is possible to begin to give egg yolks even to the infants from the seven-month age.

To answer this question, it is necessary to determine whether the usual canteens or diet eggs will be used. To distinguish both of these products from each other allows the skill to read marking. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the letter "D" is placed on a dietary egg, whose shelf life does not exceed the weeks, but "C" - on the table, for the implementation of which about 25 days is given.

The weight of the egg is affixed by the second marking sign as they increase the numbers 1.2 and 3. Selected, having a lot of 65 and to 75 g, on the shell, have the letter "O", the highest grade with weight of more than 75 g - the letter "B". However, the acquiring product must necessarily pay close attention when the egg was "released". If the product is packed into the container, it must be opened to check the integrity.

The quality of either the taste of eggs, as many people mistakenly believe, does not depend on the color. It varies from pure white and to light brown.

Quantitative Eggs

The average person, if you turn to the generally accepted standard of nutrition, the order of three hundred eggs should consume annually. It is about five and up to six pieces per week. Suffering from elevated cholesterol levels this amount must be reduced twice.

Yolks in the children's diet are introduced at the age of seven months. Two-three-year-old children are permissible to give two or three yolks per week, a similar amount of eggs can be consumed from four to six years.

Speaking about the number of eggs, it is necessary to remember that they are part of the baking, mayonnaise and other food, including home cooking.

The uniqueness of eggs is that they can prepare absolutely differently, which invariably affects calorieness, and for taste. Holding diet food This product is recommended to include an exclusively welded schoze in the diet, since it is precisely in such a form of eggs that have minimal calorie content.

Eggs are prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. Boar sick and skidding.In the first case, the eggs are boiled from 2 and to 3, and in the second - from 7 to 8 minutes.
  2. Fried. The scrambled eggs prepares in a frying pan using a small amount of vegetable oil with the addition of salt, ground black pepper. It can be fused on both sides or with one, getting a wonderful glazity. If the eggs have a pretty shake, then from ordinary scrambled eggs, a bolt will turn out.
  3. Omelet. A light and popular dish that is prepared from whipped with milk eggs. It is solid and pepper to taste, and then fry in a skillet. To make a dish tastier, Bulgarian fresh pepper, tomatoes, cheese, ham are added to it. "Stuffing" is selected in their preferences.
  4. Pashota.These are the testicles that boil purified, that is, without a shell. This method of cooking was invented by the French.

Pick up the recipe that will have to taste, will not be difficult.


For proper nutrition, eggs are an indispensable product, which is recommended to use both adults and young children. They do not differ in high calorieness, but have an excellent taste, and also contain a strengthening heart muscle and vitamin E vessels, as well as vitamin D and a lot of phosphorus, which are beneficial to bone tissue.

Table of calorie vehicles

It is hardly in the world there is a person who has not tried some dishes from eggs. This is one of the most common foods. You can eat eggs of all types of birds and even some reptiles (turtles).

Usually people use chicken eggsMore raid - quail, completely in exceptional cases - goose, duck, ostrich and turkey.

Eggs are not only useful, but also a unique product. Egg uses Human organism by 97%. The third part of the egg is yolk. It includes proteins, fats, cholesterol. The rest of the part occupies a protein consisting on 90 percent of water And ten percent of the protein.

Calorie Yaitz

Calorie directly depends from the size of YIITS, in one hundred grams of the product contain 158 Kokaloriy. In one medium cheese, the egg contains 70 kilocalories. In the egg of a large size - 80 kilocalories, and in a very large - 90 kilocalories.

The calorie content of cooked eggs is different. In the fried egg - 125 kilocalories, calculating that it is cooked on vegetable oil. Calorie eggs welded by screwing - 50 kokalorius, and the skeyka is 70 kcal. The yolk is contained three times more calories than in protein.

Calorie quail eggs (This product becomes quite popular and often sold in supermarkets) - 16-17 Cylolarius. Its mass is about 10 - 12 grams.

Useful material

  1. the content of active vitamin BUT,
  2. the content of vitamin D. (for comparison in the amount of vitamin D eggs, only fish fat) is inferior),
  3. in the eggs include group vitamins B1, B2, E,
  4. in a yolk, large quantities contain vitamin choline,
  5. eggs recorded 96% Useful minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, iron),
  6. cholesterol, which is part of the yolk, harmless to health, since balanced lecithin,
  7. fats that are contained in the yolk are polyunsaturated by nature, therefore it does not harm health.

Eating eggs with diet

Many nutritionists advise the eggs during a diet. Recommended to use 2 - 3 boiled eggs per week. If you are sitting on, you can use more eggs.

Eggs contribute to weight loss and maintain the work of the human immune system. Boiled eggs drive used in many popular diets: a diet in blood groups, Protasov diet, Kremlin diet, Atkins diet.


Eggs are contraindicated in cases where you have Allergy, cholecystitis or increased intolerance to some component of protein or yolk. Egg yolks are allowed to eat even breast kids from the sevenway age.

How to choose eggs

In this question, it is necessary to decide which eggs you need - dining or dietary. According to the labeling of the letter " D.»The dietary egg is indicated, it must be implemented for seven days. Letter " FROM»Denote dining eggs that should be sold in 25 days.

The second markings sign indicates the weight of the eggs: 1, 2, 3 - depending on weight, letter " ABOUT"- Selected eggs, weighing from 65 grams to 75 and" IN"- Higher grade, eggs above 75 grams in weight.

Choosing eggs, look at the shelf life, the date of release of eggs. Be sure to open the container with the product and make sure that there are no cracked or broken eggs.

Eggs, often, differ in color (from white to light brown), but it does not does not affect their quality or taste.

Quantitative Eggs

According to generally accepted nutrition standards, the average person needs to eat 300 eggs per year. People who suffer increased cholesterol in blood, it is recommended to use 2-3 eggs per week, the rest can be eaten 5-6 Yaitz.

Little children introduce yolks already from the seven-month age. To kid 2 - 3 years You can eat from 2 to 3 yolks per week, The child is 4 - 6 years old, it is recommended to use 3 eggs per week.

When drawing up your menu, it is worth considering that eggs are contained in many products: mayonnaise, baking and others.

Recipes from Yaitz

Eggs can be used in different ways. The diet uses eggs welded by hard, as this is the lowest calorie product. There are several popular and delicious dishes from this product.

  • Boiled hard boiled eggs - Boil eggs for 7 to 8 minutes.
  • Boiled scrambled eggs - Boil eggs for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Fried eggs - Fry an egg on a frying pan, on a small amount of vegetable oil, add salt, black ground pepper to taste. The egg can not be turned over - you will get a wonderful glazing, you can turn over and fry from two sides, and you can stab in the pan, then the scrambled eggs - the bolt.
  • Omelet - Popular, easy to prepare a dish. To make it cooking, boil the eggs with milk, add salt and pepper and fry in a frying pan. In omelet, you can add ham, tomatoes, fresh bell peppers, sausages, and even cheese. It all depends on your imagination.
  • Eggs Pashota - Eggs welded in water without shell. This is an original French dish that many people like.

Let's summarize ...

In its composition, eggs represent unique and indispensable productIt is recommended to use both children and adults. They are tasty and helpful, in addition to this also low-calorie.

This is a nutrient storehouse. Vitamin E strengthens our heart with vessels, vitamin D. and phosphorus Beneficially affect bone tissue.

Eggs are useful for pregnant women, as they contain choline and lecithin, which correctly develop the brain of the child. Egg yolk contains lutein - a strong antioxidant. In addition to the whole thing, the eggs are useful to eat people suffering from eye diseases, they are useful to eat them at Cataract.

Eggs are used even in skin care and hair. They nourish the skin, struggling with dandruff and hair loss. There is no hair mask, which would not enter eggs.