Causes of irritated intestines. An irritable bowel syndrome (SRK): Symptoms and treatment. The main symptoms of the disease include

An irritable intestine syndrome (CPC) is a functional pathology that manifests pain and discomfort in the abdomen in combination with a violation of defecation. Such symptoms should appear at least once a week for three months in a row with a total duration of complaints of at least 6 months so that the doctor diagnoses the SRC.

The term "functional" in the description of the disease means that it does not have any pronounced changes in the structure or status of the organ that could be clearly fixed. Recent scientific studies show that the irritable intestinal syndrome accompany microscopic cracks in the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. True, the equipment that usually has a gastroenterologist does not capable of seeing these tiny changes - endoscopic examination detects larger damage. And the disease, meanwhile, is and it causes people to change the usual way of life, reduce social activity.

From 10 to 15% of people suffer from 10 to 15%, and the incidence is approximately the same in both developed countries and in the third world countries. The disease often begins in adolescence, but they treat the doctor's patients usually many years after it started: the middle age of those who applied - 30-50 years old.

Causes of irritable intestinal syndrome

The main reason of the SRK is the "subtle spiritual organization", simply speaking, increased sensitivity to stress. According to statistics, 75-100% of patients are diagnosed with concomitant disturbing or depressive disorders.

Nevertheless, this is not a purely psychological disorder. In the microscopic level in the intestinal wall, an increase in the number of pain receptors is revealed, an increased content of biologically active substances (inflammation mediators), lymphocytes and other cells characteristic of the inflammatory process are accumulated in the intercellular space. Constant inflammation signals are transmitted to the central nervous system, which leads to an increase in visceral (associated internal organs) of sensitivity.

Starting factors for the development of the CRC can be:

  • strong stress;
  • changing power mode, including due to travel to other regions;
  • intestinal infection;
  • operation on internal organs;
  • receiving antibiotics.

But whatever the starting factor, the reason for the irritable bowel syndrome in any case is one - the increased sensitivity of the intestine wall.

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Stress - one of the launchers of the SRK

Complaints of patients suffering from SRK can be divided into 3 groups:

  • intestinal symptoms;
  • symptoms related to other gastrointestinal tract;
  • nogosentherological symptoms.

Intestinal symptoms of irritable intestines

The main complaint of such patients is pain. Usually in the iliac region (above the pelvic bones), to the left more often than on the right. The character of pain can be completely different - from a light, expressing in discomfort, to the acute "quinge". Appears after meals, passes after visiting the toilet or outrage of gases, reception of spasmolitics. A characteristic feature of pain at the SRK - they are never night. Rather, the pain may arise at night, but only if the patient woke up and can not fall asleep. Women often notice that pain is enhanced during menstruation.

Owl of bellyit may be accompanied by increased gas formation or arise "in itself", then attempts to cause relief gases from facilitating.

Violation of the chair: constipation, diarrhea or their alternation.Diarrhea usually appears shortly after breakfast: in a short time the patient is forced to visit the toilet 2-4 times. The first time the chair can be decorated, then becomes liquid. When constillation, the chair is delayed for 1-2 days, decorated in the form of a "sheep's feces" or "pencil". Possible "trim" chair: the first masses are very dense, painful, replaced with liquid.

Violation of the act of defecationin the form of so-called imperative urges - a sudden very strong desire to visit the toilet, forcing all the current affairs. Another possible symptom is a sense of incomplete intestinal emptying. , forcing "Looking" in the toilet.

Symptoms of irritable intestinal syndrome related to other trades:nausea, heartburn.

Non-gerogenometer symptoms of SRK:

  • headaches;
  • pains in the lower back, joint-muscular pain, fibromyalgia;
  • student urination, night urine, sense of insufficient emptying of the bladder;
  • night sleep violation;
  • in women - soreness during sexual intercourse.

In addition, such patients already mentioned, such patients may have anxiety disorders, depression, panic attacks, obsessive states and other psychological symptoms.

Diagnosis of irritable intestinal syndrome

Bloating, feeling of belly stretching - frequent symptom of SRK

In general, the diagnosis of CRC is reduced to a thorough collection of anamnesis (a detailed poll of the patient) and checking the conformity of symptoms Roman criteria:

  1. the emergence of symptoms at least 6 months before the diagnosis;
  2. recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort\u003e 3 days a month during the previous 3 months;
  3. multime two of the following signs:

○ improvement after defecation,

○ Communication with a change in the frequency of the chair

○ Communication with a change in the shape of the chair.

Another characteristic sign of SRK: Patients have many complaints, they are alarmed and feeling hard if death is hardly, but their physical condition is quite satisfactory. There are no exhaustion and signs of insufficient absorption of nutrients (anemia, electrolyte balance disorders, etc.).

Laboratory surveys are prescribed in order to eliminate organic intestinal pathology. In the most concise embodiment, this is a clinical blood test, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, feces analysis and on hidden blood.

All this is necessary to eliminate such diseases as the intestinal cancer or ovaries, inflammatory diseases of the intestines and the organs of the small pelvis ("gynecological inflammation); intolerance to gluten, lactose; Insufficiency of the function of the pancreas, endocrine diseases.

Treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome

SRK - Causes, Syptoms, Treatment, Dietary Table

The diet is selected individually: the patient is recommended to keep a diary of food and fix the well-being, gradually excluding products from the diet, worsening the state. We need to take food regularly, avoiding fast snacks. If the SRC is accompanied by diarrhea, a gluten-free or non-libauric diet can be effective. When constipation is recommended to increase the amount of fiber: add porridge from whole cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet (millet), brown rice), bran, vegetables and fruits.

All this is subject to good product tolerance.

To normalize the function of the nervous system, moderate physical exertion (walks, swimming, yoga, pilates) are recommended.

From drug therapy prescribed:

  • gastroenteroprotectors (Rebamipid) - to restore the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate inflammation;
  • antispasmodics - to reduce pain;
  • drugs for normalization of the motorbate of the digestive tract (ITOMED);
  • laxatives based on lactulose (in the case of constipation);
  • probiotics - to normalize the microflora state, the balance of which is often disturbed at the CPC (it should be noted that prebiotics are included in Russian recommendations, but absent in international);
  • tricyclical antidepressants or selective inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure - to reduce pain sensitivity and stabilization of the nervous system.

Prediction and prevention

The irritable bowel syndrome significantly reduces the quality of life of patients. To such an extent that some think about suicide, just to complete their torments. This is the data of one of the latest studies dedicated to the SRC. Until recently, doctors did not guarantee the recovery of patients with the aimed intestine. Rather, even so - the probability of recovery was extremely low.

But in the area of \u200b\u200bstudying diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a breakthrough was made. Scientists have found that the cause of most painful states is damage to the mucous membrane (micro and macro). This phenomenon is called an increased intestinal permeability or a "leaky intestinal". In Russia, only began to speak about it, while world medicine has long been holding damage to the intestinal barrier.

The tool that restores the normal structure of the mucous membrane on all three levels is also found - it is a rebamipide. Those. The reason is known, the drug is open. This means that the CRC is no longer an incurable disease. But there is no specific prophylaxis of the syndrome, so it is important to take care of your health to each person - it is not necessary to eat, do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol and move more.

An irritable bowel syndrome: Global Perspective. Practical recommendations of the World Gastroenterological Organization. 2015.

Russian Gastroenterological Association. Association of Coloproktologists of Russia. An irritable bowel syndrome in adults. Clinical recommendations. 2016.

Meteorism, spasms and abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation - common disorders of the digestive system, which doctors are called the syndrome of an irritable intestine (CRC).

The condition does not carry a danger to life, and does not lead to the development of serious pathologies, which include peptic colitis, Crohn's disease or colorectal cancer. But the CRC may be a long-term problem that adversely affects the quality of life, and often leads to depression.

Causes of syndrome

The exact cause of disorder is unknown. It is believed that its development is associated with a number of factors, including:

  • Violation of intestinal motility. The muscular layer of the organ provides abbreviations, peristaltics and rhythmic segmentation, thanks to which the food moves through the digestive tract and enters the colon. When the engine disorder, the irritable intestine syndrome arises: the enhancement of peristaltic movements causes meteorism, the bloating and diarrhea, and weak contractions slow down the passage of food, which leads to a hard dry chair.
  • Intestinal infections. In 30% of cases, SRCs are caused by acute viral or bacterial contamination of the stomach and intestines, which contribute to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The formation and release of these specific proteins causes an increased permeability of the body, leading to the bacterial translocation of commensals through the epithelial barrier. They are freely moving to the inner media of the body, provoke damage to local tissues, causing chronic intestinal disorders.
  • Increased excitability of the nervous system. It is proved that pathology is more often developing against the background of psycho-emotional disorder, when a person is in a state of stress for a long time. At the same time, there is a vicious circle: the CPC is the result of psychotrambulating events, and the symptoms of the syndrome under consideration further aggravate the depressive state of the patient.
  • Disorders of the hormonal background. In women, signs of the disease occur more often than men. This is explained by an episodic increase in the level of prostaglandin E in the blood in the last and first days of the monthly cycle. There are also presence of SRC symptoms Pregnant women and ladies upon the occurrence of Klimaks.
  • No power control. An irritable bowel syndrome often develops in people who use high-calorie, acute and oily food. Among the drinks that are able to cause a similar disorder - alcohol, soda, strong tea or coffee. Many patients note the deterioration of the condition against the background of the reception of dairy products, citrus, legumes, cereals and fiber.
  • Genetic predisposition. The existence of such problems in the family increases the risk of developing the SRC in the younger generation.

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

The manifestations of the SRK in adults and children are similar to the signs of digestive disorder. Therefore, only a doctor on the basis of the results of a comprehensive examination is capable of differentiating the disease. The most common symptoms of the status:

  • The pain, convulsions or bloating of the peritoneum, which, as a rule, are eased during the emptying or intestinal motion.
  • , meteorism.
  • Diarrhea or constipation, sometimes alternating.
  • Mucus in wheel masses.

Most people have symptoms of an irritable intestine periodically subside, become pronounced, or disappear for a while. Other victims have serious signs:

  • Weight loss.
  • Diarrhea at night.
  • Rectal bleeding.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Inexplicable vomiting.
  • Difficult to swallowing.
  • A constant pain that is not facilitated by passing gases or intestinal motion.


Video: irritable bowel syndrome: symptoms and treatment

The appearance of suspicious symptoms is a reason to appeal to a family doctor or therapist. Perhaps you will need to consult a gastroenterologist who will determine the exact reason for the ailments and will select the right drugs for treatment.

An irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed by excluding other disorders of the digestive system, which can cause similar symptoms. To determine the duration and frequency of manifestations, the clinical history of the disease and the physical condition of the victim is taken. To talk about the syndrome of the irritable intestine, the doctor can only when the duration of the preservation of symptoms is at least six months, and they arise at least three times in a month.

To eliminate other serious pathologies, a comprehensive examination is carried out:

  • Blood test (general and biochemistry).
  • Cales Coprogram.
  • RectorOnoscopy or irrigoscopy.
  • CT scan.
  • Intestinal biopsy.

Diet and lifestyle change as the method of treatment of syndrome

The first step towards facilitating the patient's state is the correction of the power mode. The exception from the daily menu of certain products allows to reduce the severity of the signs of the SRK, and in some cases even get rid of the problem. To determine these "food stimuli", it is recommended to conduct a diary of the food.

Products that facilitate the condition:

  • Dishes with reduced fat content.
  • Cereals, cereals and cereals.
  • Equal milk products (swarzask, kefir, ryazhenka).
  • Pure water.
  • Probiotics (with Lactobacillus Acidophilus and) and prebiotics.

If the PCPs predominate with the patient, the patient is assigned a diet with an increased tissue content. Recommended daily consumption of dietary fiber is 20-35 grams. In the absence of a laxative effect, it is necessary to increase their amount in the diet gradually so as not to provoke the enhanced formation of intestinal gases.

Video: Home Doctor: An irritable intestinal syndrome

Products that cannot be used with syndrome:

  • Local, including milk and cheese (symptoms of lactose intolerance can be similar to the manifestations of the SRC).
  • Certain vegetables that increase gas formation (for example, color, white or Brussels cabbage, broccoli, beans).
  • Fat or fried dishes.
  • Alcohol, caffeine or soda.
  • Products with high sugar content.
  • Artificial sweeteners.
  • Chewing gum.
  • Nuts.

Low-level diet FODMAPS substances

With the syndrome under consideration, a diet, limited by fermented monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAP), can be used. These short-chain carbohydrates are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and are rapidly fermented by bacteria that produce gas and cause SRC symptoms.

The FODMAP substances belong to the group:

  • Lactose (source - cow, goat and breast maternal milk).
  • Fructose (honey, fruit, corn syrup).
  • Fructines (onions, garlic and wheat).
  • Galactans (beans, beans, lentils).
  • Polyols (mushrooms, some vegetables and fruits, sweeteners and medicines).

Changing lifestyle

In addition to the correction of the power mode, improve the condition and facilitate the symptoms of the irritable intestine will allow the method of the following habits:

  • There are smaller portions, but more often, up to 6-8 times a day.
  • Refuse smoking.
  • Regular sports (yoga, tai chi, swimming, walking).
  • Avoid the use of caffeine.
  • Use stress management methods.
  • Develop attentiveness.
  • Practice meditation.
  • Keep pain when it appears.
  • Take probiotics (bifiform, Subalin, Linex).
  • Fucking, sleep should last at least 8 hours.
  • Avoid laxatives, if the opposite is not provided by the doctor.

Medical treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome

Video: irritable bowel syndrome. Disease of young women

When dietary constraints and changes in lifestyle do not bring relief, the doctor prescribes medicinal therapy with the use of laxative and anti-tiaric drugs, antidepressants, spasmolitics and antibiotics.

SRK with diarrhea

  • Contact funds, such as Loperamide (Imodium), attapulgit, diphenoxylate, atropine (lobs) will be useful if one of the main signs of the digestive disorder is a weak stool.
  • Rifaximine type antibiotics are used in the case when the treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome is aimed at fighting diarrhea and pure cutting.
  • Sequestrants of bile acids necessary to eliminate excess bile from the intestine. Among such drugs, cholestyramine, a bears.
  • Sorbents for removing toxic compounds - enterosgel, sorbex, filter.
  • Olhi leather-based vegetable beams, cherry, walnut sheet, pomegranate fruits, cherries, blueberry berries, coast root.

SRK with constipation

  • Neckless laxatives - polyethylene glycol 3350 (Miraxx), Bisakodil (Dulcolaks) and metamocil (based on the husk seed husks). They help relieve constipation and regularly support feces. Preparations with hay (Senadex, Senadexin) can be taken briefly. Prescription laxatives are also appointed, such as lactulose.
  • Two drugs specially used to treat CRC with constipation is Lubiproston and Linaklotid. They are used to facilitate abdominal pain, when driving and impaired intestinal motor.
  • Antidepressants of the SSIRS group - fluoxetine, sertalin, paroxetine, cytalopram and escitalopram. Such means are beneficial for constipation, but are able to exacerbate the condition of patients with diarrhea.
  • Vegetable wrames based on the yarrow, the root of licorice, the crust of the crash.

What medicines take pain and spasms?

  • Antispasmodic agents, such as methoclopramide, dicyclomin and historical, reduce the severity of painful discomfort and convulsion.
  • Plenochiters - Espumizan, Maalox, Pelsan - are designed to destroy gas bubbles in the intestines, which are a provocateur of painful sensations.
  • Antidepressants - amitriptyline, doxypin, desipramine, northriptyline and imipramine help with belly pains, but due to side effects are usually reserved for heavy cases.
  • Funds on a vegetable basis - anise drops, valerian root, pharmacy chamomile, peppermint, dill or fenhel seeds.

Therapeutic gymnastics in CRK

Make the intestines to work correctly help regular outdoor workouts. It is the free flow of oxygen into the body soothes the nervous system that coordinates the work of the digestive tract. Therefore, psychological relaxation in the natural environment contributes to a decrease in SRC symptoms. Achieve the therapeutic effect will allow cycling, walking, as well as yoga classes for 30-60 minutes 3-5 times a week.

The syndrome of the irritable intestine does not have a clear clinical picture and is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The main direction of therapy with such a diagnosis is the elimination of unpleasant manifestations, depending on which drugs of several pharmacological groups can be used.

Causes and symptoms of irritable intestines

The choice of medicines depends on the clinical picture of the disease and the etiological factor to which it is necessary to influence. As a rule, it is stress or psycho-emotional failures, since organic violations in patients with CPCs were not detected.

The aggravation of symptoms often occurs after nervous overvoltage or use of harmful food (fat, caffeine-containing, carbonated drinks, alcohol, sharp seasonings). Hormonal drops are stimulated by motorcy, so the problem is intensified in women during menstruation.

The causes of the irritable bowel syndrome are as follows:

  • Increased activity of nerves or smooth muscles. Mechanical impact or pathological innervation of receptors leads to increased abbreviations and peristaltics of the digestive tract.
  • Dysbacteriosis (more often after a long reception of antibacterial drugs).
  • Infectious process. The irritation of the mucosa arises due to the activation of pathogenic microflora in the intestine. Viruses with bacteria can cause long-term disorders in the operation of the digestive tract.

Patients have complaints:

  • Pain or discomfort. Unpleasant sensations are localized in different parts of the abdomen. They can be complemented by spasms and colic, which periodically appear and disappear. The duration of attacks is individual. Facilitation occurs after emptying or leaving gases.
  • Change stools. Some patients are concerned with constipation, others - diarrhea. When disorders in feces, impurities of mucus or poorly digested food can be detected. Lubricated defecation is manifested by a more solid consistency of the chair and rare campaigns to the toilet.
  • Failures in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. A person worries belching, heartburn, back pain, fatigue, irritability, nausea.
  • Frequent urges. There is a desire to go to the toilet after each eating eating or several times in the morning.

Depending on the severity of pathology, the signs of an irritable intestine may occasionally or accompany a person constantly.

Video: irritable intestinal syndrome

Comprehensive treatment

The ISRC Therapy includes several directions, which separately, with such a diagnosis, do not give results.

  • Using medication. With the help of drugs, you can restore the microflora, reduce inflammation, stop pain. If the cause of the disease is not serious, then drugs are used by a short course to facilitate the patient's condition.
  • Lifestyle correction. It is necessary to properly panicing your day so that it is time for your own hobbies and pleasures. Caring for yourself will help reduce the negative impact of stress and level its consequences. It is also important that there were full sleep, rest, outdoor walks, emotional support for friends or a conversation with a psychologist.
  • Transition to proper nutrition. Most of the problems of the gastrointestinal tract can be solved using a diet. Products should contribute to health promotion, and also positively act on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, enveloping it and shooting irritation.

Treatment of antispasmodic drugs

CPC's therapy is complex, therefore, the diagrams include medicines of different pharmacological groups. The painkillers eliminate the main complaint with which the patient appeals to the doctor. However, in the syndrome of an irritable intestine, not simple analgesics are more often used, and antispasmodic drugs, since discomfort delivers increased tone of smooth muscles.

  • Dicyclomin. Eliminates muscle spasm, does not change the rate of production of gastric juice. Duration of action - up to 4 hours. The lack of the drug is not suitable for long-term use, as it is addictive and side effects from the nervous system.
  • Dietetel. Active Component - Broenius Bromide. Shows selective action. The mechanism lies in blocking calcium ions in the smooth muscles of the digestive tract.
  • But-shp. Tablets can be used in pains of neurogenic or muscle origin. The result is manifested on the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, the urinary system.
  • Duspatalin. Active substance - furniture. Allowed to use from 10 years. Eliminates disorders in the intestine of organic genesis.
  • Trime. Preparation with a unique action. It is assigned to restore the physiological activity of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. In atony, the intestine increases the tone of fibers, with hyperkinetic states acts as a spasmolitic.

If a person comes out, and the intestine motorcy is broken, the doctor may prescribe the Mothilium - a means based on the substance of the domperidone. It acts on peripheral receptors and speeds up the evacuation of the contents of the stomach.

Preparations from diarrhea

Used if the SRC is accompanied by diarrhea. Frequent or liquid feces worsen the quality of the patient's life and are dangerous with dehydration, which can lead to hospitalization.

  • Loperamide. The active ingredient, on the basis of which the drugs produce many pharmaceutical firms. It contributes to the release of mediators, which slow down the contractile ability of the intestine. In addition, after receiving the tablet, the tone of an anal sphincter increases, which helps to restrain the wheel masses and the urge to defecation.
  • Imodium. It is the original drug based on the active substance Loperamide. Produced in capsules, ordinary and chewing pills. The latter, like sublingual form, act faster. Allowed to apply from 4 years of age.
  • Smacks. This medicine against irritated intestinal syndrome helps to eliminate the diarrhea with another mechanism. Powder needs to dissolve in water, and then take inside. After that, the drug acts as enterosorbent, absorbing toxins, waste products and, fixing the carte masses.


Timely emptiness is very important to preserve the health of the intestine and its normal functioning. When the SRC is accompanied by constipation, the use of laxatives must be mandatory.

  • Senadexin and analogues. Senna extract is used as an active substance. The laxative activity of this component is manifested due to irritation of nervous endings on the intestinal mucosa. The drug is taken overnight, the desired result is achieved in the morning. Medicines are popular because of an inexpensive price, however, with prolonged use, addiction arises, and the receptors are weaker react to stimulation.
  • Dofalak. Produced in the form of syrup. Contains lactulose - a compound that is not absorbed in the intestine. All drugs based on this component are considered safe laxatives; They are allowed to different categories of patients, including pregnant and young children.
  • Norgalaks. It is a gel that is concluded in a disposable tub-cannula. Contributes to the softening of the carts, their increase in volume, as well as more easy to promote.


It turns out to be effective in infectious etiology of the SRC. Due to the destructive effect on the pathogenic flora, decrease the meteorism and painful sensations. The drugs of this group should only be treated by the doctor, as they are prescription. The basic condition of the result is the reception of funds strictly on the designated scheme.

To cure an intestinal infection, drugs based on the active substance of nifuroxazide use. This is an antimicrobial drug that is not absorbed into systemic bloodstream and exhibits a wide range of action.


Used in the psychogenic etiology of the disease. Preparations help slow down the time for the advancement of the intestinal masses, which reduces the manifestation of diarrhea. Another positive effect is to reduce pain and discomfort.


Nature is intended so that the good and pathogenic intestinal microflora is in a constant balance, having the opportunity to influence each other's activity. With a decrease in the number of useful bacteria, the growth of those increases that cause an inflammatory process and the disease. It is possible to restore the correct ratio using probiotics preparations.

  • Linex. Contains several types of bacteria that have positively affect the operation of the stomach and intestines. Used for the prevention or treatment of microflora imbalances, which appears both independently and as a result of certain diseases.
  • Acipol. Probiotic Russian production. Produced in the form of capsules and powder. Contains lactobacilles with a nutrient medium for active growth of useful microflora. Increases the overall immunological reactivity of the body. Permitted from 3 months of age.
  • Enterozermina. Contains Bacillus Clausii disputes, which depress the activities of harmful microflora and participate in the synthesis of some vitamins, including groups V. The drug restores disorders that arose after chemotherapy or the use of antibiotics.

Video: irritable bowel syndrome. Treatment

Diet during treatment

Correctional diet is drawn up with symptoms. Patients with constipation are recommended to increase the amount of dietary fibers, liquid dishes, fresh fruits and vegetables in the daily diet. People with signs of disorder are useful to kislets, strong tea, crackers, viscous mucous porridges (semolina, rice).

List of power rules in irritable intestinal syndrome:

  • You need to eat at least 5 times a day. It is advisable not to do too short or long intervals.
  • It is recommended to exclude alcohol, sharp foods, carbonated drinks, as they are mechanically irritated by the mucosa of the digestive tract and worsen the work of the organs.
  • To reduce gas formation or bloating, you should take on a tablespoon of flax or oats seed.
  • To mitigate the chair and facilitate defecation, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of clean water. When SRK, which is accompanied by diarrhea, the liquid helps to prevent dehydration.
  • Fat food, smoked, pickles are excluded. Meat and vegetables are recommended to prepare with baking or extinguishing.

Video: Healthy food for intestines

Danger of self-medication

Symptoms of the disease are a consequence of the root cause, which in different patients is different. By self-medication, it will only be possible to eliminate discomfort that worries man. Without impact on the etiological factor, the following aggravation will come very soon.

In addition, the reception of drugs without appointing a doctor masks the symptoms of the disease and makes it difficult to diagnose. The pathological process at this time will progress, which will lead to the formation of an ulcers on the mucosa or other complications.

Conclusion of the doctor

An incorrect lifestyle can provoke a lot of diseases. Minimum that every person is able to do:

  • Eat right.
  • Reduce the number of stress.
  • Find a vacation time.
  • Do sport.

Syndrome of an irritable intestine, in most cases, is psychogenic and successfully treated at home with the patient's responsible approach and understanding the problem.

Physiological reasons that can cause irritable bowel syndrome are not installed. Conducted laboratory, histological and x-ray studies were unable to identify structural disorders in the SRC.

Most often, both short-term and constant nutrition disorders lead to the formation of irritable intestinal syndrome.

  • irrational use of oily, heavy food;
  • abuse of caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks;
  • overeating;
  • consumption of products capable of causing gas formation or digestive disorders (raw and low-headed fish, legumes);
  • lack of the desired amount of fiber in the diet.

An irritable bowel syndrome during pregnancy is manifested due to a change in the blood supply to the entire digestive tract and at that pressure, which has a growing uterus. Pregnant women can provoke SRCs, abusing various sweets, fruits, vegetables that contribute to the emergence of gases.

Causes in children

Children are often subject to CRC due to intestinal intestinal processing to process "adult" heavy food. A unbalanced diet aggravates the situation. The lack of food fibers in it, the abundance of coarse fiber, a large amount of fried dishes can not only increase the symptoms in the patient, but also give impetus to the development of SRK in healthy. Due to the increased sensitivity of the colon in children to some kind of fruits (apples, pears, breathe, plums, consumption of them in large quantities can provoke the development of irritable intestinal syndrome.

In addition to food, the children of younger and infant age are subject to irritable bowel syndrome due to neurogenic disorders, which depend on the internal regulation of the digestive organ. It is not uncommon and various changes in the process of intestinal motility. In addition, during ultrasound studies, children often detects spicularity of the colon and the deviation of the channel transit.

Causes of SRK in adults

In addition to irrational nutrition, the following factors can lead to the irritable intestine syndrome:

  • stress, nervous disorders, emotional instability, experiences;
  • improper nutrition;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • fiber deficiency in the diet;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • various diseases affecting the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The leading place in the list of reasons of the CPC after irrational nutrition and diseases of the internal organs occupies stress and emotional stress. The etiology of the irritable intestinal syndrome directly depends on psychological health, since various disorders (panic, irritability) provoke enhanced reproduction of substances responsible for the digestive speed. At the same time, the heavier stress or psychological trauma, the stronger the symptoms of the SRC will be shown.

Symptoms and signs

Violations in the intestine can be temporary, caused by unbalanced nutrition or food poisoning, or a permanent character, indicating serious diseases. Such symptoms can talk about irritable intestinal syndrome, which in medicine is considered a fairly serious diagnosis. You can distinguish temporary signs of instability of the digestive system from the SRK in the following symptoms.

Basic symptoms

CRK can manifest itself in the form:

  • chalk problems (diarrhea, constipation, gods exhibit);
  • discomfort, spasms and pain in the abdominal area of \u200b\u200bvarious dislocations (in one or several places at the same time), decreasing after defecation and increasing after meals;
  • the abdominal oily (stomach increases in size during the day in the evening);
  • the appearance of mucus in the cartoons.

Other signs of SRK

In addition to abdominal symptoms of the disease, the CRC can manifest themselves in extractive signs. Among them:

  • frequent headaches;
  • high fatigue, decay of forces;
  • sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • lack or deterioration of appetite;
  • a slight increase in temperature (within the subfebrile - up to 37.5);
  • signs of arrhythmias, rapid pulse;
  • the appearance of the sensation of lack of air or choking;
  • loss of body weight amid falling appetite or in the psychological reasons for the development of the SRC;
  • disturbation of skin and its nutrition (manifests in the form of peeling, dryness, forming redness, pigment spots, changing the color of the epidermis).

What should alert

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome may also testify also to many other heavy diseases hiding under the mask of the SRK. You can distinguish them from this disease according to the following, not characteristic of it:

  • the disease began in old age - the CRC was previously the manifestation of childhood or at a young age;
  • permanent sharp pains - irritable bowel syndrome are chronic, more often pain of a stupid, nocturing character, quiet after emptying. Constant and long-term pain speaks of another disease;
  • the increase in the severity of the disease;
  • night symptoms - with CPCs most often, unpleasant sensations and calling for defecation are manifested in Morning and daytime hours;
  • a sharp decline in body weight, if the loss of appetite does not contribute;
  • bleeding from the anal hole;
  • diarrhea with acute pain;
  • seals in the anus;
  • the appearance of a large amount of fat in feces, not related to nutrition (steatherea);
  • elevated body temperature, fever or long subfebilitation (up to 37.5 degrees);
  • lactose intolerance, gluten or fructose;
  • signs of dehydration;
  • anemia;
  • edema of the abdomen;
  • oncological and inflammatory bowel diseases in relatives.

Such symptoms should not be disregarded because they indicate more serious illnesses than SRC. Their ignoring, self-medication attempts can lead to the fact that the diagnosis will be put on a launched stage, which represents a serious danger to the patient.


Unpleasant signs in the pathology of the irritable intestinal syndrome are manifested in the complex or separately. The disease can take one of the following forms:

  • SRK with a pronounced diarrhea or disorder of defecation towards the relaxation (infrequent liquid chair);
  • irritable bowel syndrome with the formation of constipation;
  • SRK without changing the chair, but with pronounced painful sensations, spasms, swollen or the formation of gases in the intestine;
  • the CRC disease with a variable chair (when, depending on some conditions, diarrhea is replaced by constipation and vice versa).

The first version of the irritable bowel syndrome is most common, it is characterized by the manifestation of pronounced urges to defecation almost immediately after eating. The amount of defecation needs in this case increases much. It is also possible to form urges with emotional stresses, stress, experiences or excitation. With this SRK, they are preceded by an acute unpleasant feeling at the bottom of the abdomen and side sectors, which completely disappears after relief.

The second version of the CPC is manifested in the form of constipation of up to 2-3 days, in which there is a thread inside the abdomen, intestinal colic or noving pain. At the SRC, the appetite decreases, the heartburn appears, an unpleasant taste in the language, the feeling of small nausea may occur (more often without urges to vomiting). The chair becomes dense, may have a mix of mucus.

In the third embodiment, the irritable bowel syndrome flows without a pronounced violation of the chair, it remains normal or slightly increases the number of urges, but the shape and density of the feces do not change. At the same time, unpleasant signs of CPCs are concerned with the patient. It may be pain and cuts in the area of \u200b\u200bNiza belly and sides, bloating in the abdominal area, the extension of gases.

The fourth version of the development of the SRC includes all possible signs. Chair disorders alternate depending on various factors, while spastic, sting, sharp or novice pain in the abdomen, meteorism, mucus formation. Also such patients are often concerned about the alarming feeling of the need to visit the toilet again immediately after a fear.


An irritable bowel syndrome refers to the discharge of functional disorders. Special types of research for diagnosis does not exist, since the disease does not affect the internal organs of a person and does not provoke the development of pathologies. If he suspected his doctor appoints differential diagnosis to exclude other ailments, which are characteristic of the same symptoms. If other pathologies are detected not, the diagnosis is made and the symptomatic treatment of the SRC is prescribed.

A suspicion of a doctor for the presence of a SRC may arise if the patient complains of:

  • bloating, frequent outbreak of gases;
  • the feeling of pain and the abdomen below and the belly sides, which precede the urges to the alarms (with a normal chair) and disappear after it;
  • the appearance of unpleasant and painful sensations in the intestines accompanying constipation or diarrhea;
  • changes in defecation (sense of intestinal content after emptying, increase the number of visits to the toilet per day, sharp urge to defecation, when it is impossible to endure others);
  • the presence of impurities visible, mucus in feces;

The disease is characterized by a periodic change of chronic and acute state, so to install an accurate diagnosis, the doctor needs to be aware that:

  • the manifestation of these changes occurs due to some events in the patient's life;
  • symptoms are manifested against the background of stressful situations, depression, excitation;
  • pain and cue for defecation occur when eating or immediately after it;
  • there is another symptoms associated with other bodies and systems;
  • there is an unpleasant feeling when palpation of the abdomen.

If there are one or more complaints described, the doctor may assign the following tests:

  • general blood analysis. It is done to identify deviations from the norm, which makes it possible to notice the increase in the number of leukocytes as a sign of inflammation, as well as anemia, as an indicator of possible hidden bleeding;
  • blood chemistry. Determines some diseases of internal organs (liver, pancreas and D.R. in order to exclude their exceptions from the list of possible reasons);
  • blood on celiac. Allows you to eliminate the serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to the functional disorders in it and entailing the development of long-term diarrhea, which is also characteristic of the CRC.
  • hidden blood analysis on hidden blood. Determine the presence or absence of hidden intestinal bleeding;
  • microscopic Cala and Coprology Research. Receives various changes in feces, allows you to determine the presence of an inflammatory or infectious process. Thus, the underlying disease is found;
  • abdominal ultrasound and intestinal ultrasound allows you to identify many severe internal organs, including some neoplasms;
  • colonoscopy and RectorOnoscopy (instrumental research). Prescribed when tumor suspected, inflammatory bowel diseases, developmental abnormalities, diverticulus;
  • CT, MRI. Studies are prescribed when there are suspicion of intestinal obstruction, acute appendicitis, the presence of hick stones or oncology.

If none of other possible diagnoses is confirmed, the patient is diagnosed with SRC and treatment is assigned.


Therapy of the SRK, especially drug, is carried out under the supervision of the doctor. It depends on each specific case and is based on separate symptoms manifested in the patient, since the course of the disease in patients can be different. Regular treatment of symptoms of irritated intestines, medical preparations, prebiotics, and therapeutic physical education can completely put "on the feet" and rid from the disease.

Symptomatic treatment

Treatment of SRK drugs is a method that is appointed by a doctor to eliminate the main symptoms (swollen, pain, stool violations and D.R). A diagram of drugs with various properties is usually assigned.

  • Spasmolytics. Muscle spasms are removed, thereby reducing the intensity of the majority of the disease during irritable intestinal syndrome. Most often doctors prescribe mebelverin, Duspatolin, Niaspam, as well as Sparex. Dosage and the number of applications are prescribed to patients individually. The composition of such antispasmodic drugs often includes oil of peppermint, which can cause side effects in the form of heartburn, as well as sensations of burning in the anal area. Treatment of SRC during pregnancy data is not allowed.
  • Laxative means. Allow you to quickly eliminate constipation and reduce the density of the carts during the CPC. Such preparations increase the amount of fluid, diluting the bowel content to a soft state. It should be used with a large amount of water, as in most drugs of this action contains fiber, swelling in feces. It is not recommended to use laxatives before bedtime. An irritable intestine syndrome may be treated with drugs: Duffalk, Frutolaks, Guttalaks, Regulax and others.
  • Anti-diagracial means. This type of drugs is suitable for the treatment of Diarmeni, they have an impact on the intestinal peristaltics, which makes it possible to increase the time between the urges to the act of defecation. They contribute to the sealing of the structure of the feces, bringing it to a normal volume, smoothly leading to normal. Most of the anti-infection drugs have side effects (intestinal muscle spasms, dizziness, bloating, drowsiness and others) and are contraindicated pregnant. You can cure the SRC with diarrhea with the help of drugs: trime, loperamide, immodium and others.

Fighting with stress

If the reasons for the occurrence or exacerbation of SRC symptoms are stress, psychological overvoltage, fatigue, or depression, then, along with symptomatic treatment, the following drug groups are appointed, designed to reduce the impact of the psychological factor on the body:

  • Antidepressants. Appointed if the connection was revealed between the exacerbation of the CPC (irritable intestinal syndrome) and stressful situations, unrest and other emotional changes.
  • Sedatives. Apply for short-term struggle with acute rinic attacks, anxiety, as well as exception.

In addition to drugs, we can cope with various types of emotional instability and weakening, leading to the exacerbation of the SRC, the following types of psychological treatment can:

  • psychotherapy;
  • hypnosis;
  • cognitive behavioral therapy;
  • other Psychological Methods (Meditation, Relaxation Therapy)

These treatment methods give the greatest effect in combination with some other methods of treatment of the SRC (diet, symptomatic treatment, folk remedies)


The motto of a patient with irritable intestinal syndrome is the right, rational nutrition and mobile lifestyle. Portions should be small, and food intakes are divided by 5 times. Harmful food is completely excluded, prebiotics are added to the power. When symptoms of bloating and gas formation appear, it should be removed from the diet cabbage, legumes, apples, grapes and other gas-forming products. In the case of lactose intolerance, the use of milk and food containing it is limited.

The treatment of constipation is carried out using the introduction of food fiber, fiber and products containing them into the diet. In diarrhea, the CPC to the power is necessarily added rice, completely prohibited raw fruits and vegetables. The menu must present:

  • diluted cranberry juices, compotes, tea;
  • bouillons from a bird;
  • pasta;
  • boiled or baked vegetables: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes;
  • porridge, first dishes.

Alternative treatment

Symptomatic treatment of the SRC can be carried out with irritable means. Folk methods allow you to reduce most of the signs of the disease.

With nausea, vomiting and intestinal colic cuts out fresh potato juice. Remove the inflammation of the walls in the SRK, relax the tense muscles of the intestine will help the decoction of the mixture of peppermint, chamomile, hydratistis, altea, dioskorey. Cabbage juice is universal when heartburn, vomit, pain in the stomach and constipation.

From pain in the intestine, meteorism, the swolley in the SRC help:

  • broth of pepper mint;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • a decoction of a mixture of mint sheet, cortex crazy, chamomile colors;
  • infusion of seeds of cumin, mint, valerian, fennel and chamomile;
  • broth of flowers Calendula, Linden, Vasilka, Birch Sheets, Sage;
  • infusion of leaf of wormwood, dill and yarrow seeds.

When constipation will be helped:

  • decoction of seeds of the plantain;
  • mood from flax seeds;
  • broth of prunes and kuragi.

From diarrhea, with SRCs will help:

  • massage with a mixture of oils of peppermint, geranium, tea tree, sandal and almond;
  • decoration from the plantain, nettle leaves, dryers, sage and hormour;
  • infusion of peel and internal partitions of ripe grenade;
  • fresh carrot juice with flesh;
  • thick rice decoction.

When stress, use herbal infusions or a mixture of herbs:

  • valerian root;
  • herbal herb;
  • st. John's wort;
  • oregano;
  • pepper mint leaves;
  • a series;
  • chamomile medicine;
  • melissa;
  • Blooming Sally;
  • elecampane.

Treatment of SRK in children

The diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome in young children is significantly difficult, since patients still cannot formulate their complaints. Significantly complicates the situation in childhood by hematuric syndrome in the diseases of the intestine, so the treatment of SRC symptoms cannot be distributed.

Parents should alert such signs:

  • the child has become a capricious, restless, often crying;
  • increased the time spent on the pot;
  • there were problems with a chair (the child pokes with crying or can not at all, the visits to the pot, diarrhea appeared).

With suspected suspicions, surveys are prescribed, after which, if no other deviations were revealed, the patient's nutrition is adjusted. If the child is on breastfeeding, the diet is assigned to the mother, on artificially, a different, more suitable mixture with prebiotics is fitted.

Drug therapy is prescribed strictly by a specialist, depending on the reaction of the body for drugs and in strictly dosed form. In such cases, the drugs of lines, bififorms, and the norma are often used. When constipation - children's laxatives, Duhalak and others. The diet is introduced compotes with prunes and dried. In particularly severe cases, when a fekful plug was formed at the outlet of the intestine, mulk murbs or children's glycerin candles can be appointed.


In the absence of proper treatment and control, irritable bowel syndrome develops into a chronic state, delivering more inconvenience. However, even a long flow does not lead to the development of other processes or the formation of tumors. SRK is good to treat, the forecast is very favorable. If you have a sick desire for healing, complete cure is possible. However, in this case, it is impossible to limit the reception of drugs for the treatment of SRK, it will be necessary to completely reconsider its power and change lifestyle.


An irritable bowel syndrome is an ailment who is sick according to statistics about 20% of the population. However, this figure takes into account only those who applied for the treatment of patients. VDC may be subject to almost any person who does not follow their nutrition. Therefore, even with the absence of burdened heredity, stress and diseases of the intestine or endocrine system, preventive measures must be carried out:

  • avoid stress, attend psychological trainings aimed at reducing susceptibility to it;
  • revise the power regimen in favor of proper, not burdened with fatty, sharp, sweet dishes. Restrict the reception of caffery-containing products, legumes. Use fervent products with prebiotics, as well as rich in food fibers;
  • add dosage physical activity in your daily schedule. Children need to do a special gymnastics appointed;
  • refuse the irrational use of drugs for the treatment of diarrhea or constipation.

In violation of the message of two different systems operating in the human body, the state of irritable intestinal syndrome occurs. It is characterized as the lack of normal intestinal motility conjugate with psychological tension in the human brain.

Irritation is expressed by the slowdown in the intestinal motor activity, exacerbation of its sensitivity. Similar symptoms are similar to other diseases. Therefore, when discomfort is important, it is important to correctly diagnose the disease, as well as assign a course of therapy. In this case, the symptoms of the syndrome will be eliminated without unnecessary monetary and time costs. In addition, a person without medical care is mistaken in diagnosis and treats other disease.

The irritable bowel syndrome is defined as a group of symptoms, which refers to the inflammatory process inside the intestine. The motor function of the thick or small intestine is broken, in the subsequent patient feels problems that prevent the usual way of life. An uncomfortable condition in the domestic organ may disturb the patient for a month. They manifest themselves in the form of frequent constipation or diarrhea. Also, the patient suffers from meteorism, mucous feces, abdominal pain, difficulty in committing a defecation.

The pathology of the irritable intestine most often suffer from young people over 20 years old. In almost 40% of cases, the age of sick is equal to 35 years. At the same time, more than half of the patients appeal to the doctor. Of these, only 30% go immediately to the gastroenterologist, bypassing the therapist.

Pathological deviation inside the intestines arises against the background of stressful states, with an elevated level of excitability of the nervous system. Most often, the consequences of the nerve excitations of a woman and a girl at the moments of jumps of an emotional background. Due to the irritation of the intestine in the patient there is a vicious circle: stresses cause an irritable bowel syndrome, leading the patient, again, to nervous voltage, depression is already from the symptoms of diarrhea or constipation.

The emergence of signs of syndrome

The intestinal irritation is manifested as a disorder of the lower separation of the gastrointestinal tract. Syndrome does not protrude as a separate and independent disease. If signs of the syndrome began to appear too often, the reasons for their occurrence should be sought in violations of the functions of the digestive system.

The recurrence of irritable intestinal syndrome indicates incorrectly produced treatment, the absence of eliminated causes of symptoms.

Factors affecting the development of syndrome, but do not cause it appearance:

  • constant stressful situations;
  • violence against a patient of a physical or sexual nature;
  • intestinal bacteria or infectious infection;
  • heredity;
  • violation of intestinal motor activity.

An irritable bowel syndrome appears mainly in young people aged 22 to 40 years. In the last decade, cases of the appearance of symptoms in adolescents and children increased. This syndrome occurs in many cases in women. If there are adverse sensations, when changing the structure of the chair should be told with the doctor therapist and, it is possible to pass the necessary surveys.


In total, three groups of major symptoms are distinguished, indicating an irritable state of the intestine.

  1. A group of symptoms that are based on abdominal pain, meteorism.
  2. A group characterized by frequent constipation.
  3. A group having characteristic features of a liquid chair, frequent urges to the intestinal emptying.

These symptom groups may occur both separately and in combination with each other. Also, they can be replaced over time.

Sidrome has its own characteristics of the flow over time. For example, symptoms can develop gradually, especially not attracting the patient's attention. It may be mesmer pain, non-critical constipation time, slightly liquid stools. Also, there may be sharp shifts of symptoms that are accompanied by a general deterioration of the patient's health, an increase in stress.

In adults people, the sidront of the irritable intestine is manifested as follows:

  • a feeling of spasms, painful feelings in the stomach. The sick person characterizes discomfort by an indefinite location of the source. After emptying the intestine, pain pass.
  • constipation. The patient complains about the difficulty of the act of defecation and the chair is less than three times in the week.
  • diarrhea. Signs of liquid stools, sudden urges for defecation. In this case, the patient accompanies strong dehydration of the body.
  • bloating, belly swelling;
  • the feeling of the intestines of the intestines by the catal masses even after the defecation;
  • mucus on wheel masses.

These symptoms are manifested in a patient, both individually and together. Also characterized by sharp shifts of symptoms. For example, diarrhea develops in a few days to complex constipation and vice versa. The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can accompany a person for three months.

The mental source of symptoms explains the concomitant headaches, the feelings of weakness, heart pain, insomnia, difficulty in urination. An irritable bowel syndrome has many similarities with such diseases as a ulcerative colitis or crown disease. An important effect on the patient will be a complete diagnosis of a doctor and determine the accurate diagnosis.

The symptoms of the irritable intestine can be considered a change in stool and discomfort if it lasts for three days in the last six months. Inconvenience, pain usually disappear after the commission of defecation.

Varieties of syndrome proceedings

There are only four most common options for irritable intestinal syndrome:

The symptoms of the irritable intestine are manifested in people during the period of stressful situations or after dense meals. In women - immediately before the start of menstruation.

SRK arises for reasons associated with nerve overvoltages and mental disorders. In this regard, some doctors for the sake of humor call the pathology of the "irritable head syndromes".

Diagnosing syndrome

A physician to accurately establish a diagnosis of SRC should know how long the symptoms of the disease. Thus, three categories of diagnostic criteria were revealed:

  • discomfort of the digestive system and inside the intestine lasts for six months;
  • in the last three months;
  • in the last month.

Discomfort is manifested in the form of pains that pass after the intestinal emptying. When, together with painful sensations, it appears by changing the structure and shape of the carte.

Special attention should be paid to the symptoms of irritable intestines in the following cases:

The above features are important to know, since they indicate the presence of a patient more serious complications, diseases than irritation of the intestine. A person needs an urgent appeal to the doctor and, possibly, stationary treatment.

Based on the statistical data, almost one hundred percent of the irritable intestines suffered by the pathology safely get rid of the problem and no longer appeal to doctors. But there are still ten percent of people who get in themselves, do not try to follow the advice of doctors, the more only worsening their state of health.

Since the symptoms of irritation syndrome are not pronounced, the doctors are primarily looking at what symptoms are subject to other digestive diseases. Therefore, the following actions are performed for diagnostics:

In special cases, the patient may be appointed studies of the abdomen using a computer tomogram or a nuclear magnetic resonance apparatus. Such procedures are appointed with suspicions of intestinal cancer, appendicitis or formation of wheelchains.

Options for treating syndrome

Since the syndrome has various symptoms in its manifestation, the treatment should be carried out only by course therapy using various methods of impact.

The variety of treatment options include:

  • diet nutrition;
  • changing the style of life on a healthier and calm;
  • medication treatment;
  • psychotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • relaxing massage courses for belly;
  • medical exercise.

A patient who has an irritable intestine syndrome is important to change its own style, rhythm of life. Elimination from everyday worries of stressful situations, normalization of the sleep and recreation mode, more frequent finding outdoor air.

Also, changing the mode and diet acts as an important aspect in eliminating discomfort and disorders in the digestive system.

For example, in the event of a patient, diarrhea or diarrhea symptoms are best eliminated from drinking coffee, fruits, alcoholic beverages, bakery products, garlic, beans.

If the patient has symptoms of increased gas formation, he should limit the use of not only legumes, but also cabbage, carbonated beverages.

In the case of symptoms of constipation and with the difficulty of a defecation, the number of fruits and vegetables should be increased. It is also recommended to drink clean water in large quantities, not less than two liters per day. The exception in nutrition during the constipation is food, after which the patient has a uncomfortable condition and severity.

Medicia treatment

Depending on which SRC symptoms were identified during the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes this or that treatment with pills. The complex of drugs during syndrome may include the following:

Variants of negotiation treatment

Identification of the syndrome of the irritable intestine symptoms and treatment in the event of a damage to the nervous system. In this position, the patient is recommended not to simply eliminate the irritable moments, voltages and excitement from his life by changing the situation or admission of special pills, but also to work on increasing stress resistance. A patient with SRC will be useful to do yoga, respiratory gymnastics or meditation.

The right mode and movement is the answer to the question of how to treat the irritable bowel syndrome.

So that the state of the intestines and the symptoms do not deteriorate the diseased person should be better sleeping and physical activity. The prevention of constipation is the habit of cleaning the body from the wheelchair after receiving breakfast, in the morning. Also, it launches the work of the internal organs, drunk on an empty stomach in the morning a glass of pure water. As a physical activity, the exercises "Bicycle" and "Scissors" performing in the morning, after awakening, act as physical activity that contributes to improving the intestinal work.

Since precisely stress and nervous condition act as the main reasons for the appearance of syndrome, the doctors recommend raising the level of stress resistance through daily training. When practicing yoga, respiratory gymnastics, meditation, tai-chi, there are techniques that help people cope with difficulties in life. After that, all the troubles will not affect health. Strengthening the nervous system occurs through special training with relaxing methods. But the morning light gymnastics for the intestinal workshop from daily rituals should not be eliminated.

Homemade treatment

For a long time, in the event of an irritable intestinal syndrome, treatment with folk remedies was the main one who used people to eliminate discomfort. People not even understand the causes, symptoms of the disease used certain recipes as effective treatment of disorders inside the abdomen.

These include the following recipes:

  1. Peppermint oil. Aromatherapy using this ingredient has a soothing effect on the intestines, eliminates belly spasms. You can use as a decoction of dry mint or in the form of drops for aromalamps.
  2. To relax the nervous system, it is customary to make tea, decoctions of daisy flowers, oak bark, mint. From the painful inconvenience, the addition of Anisa, Fennel, Tsinda, Coriander root or dill mint is perfectly helping.
  3. Things from the yarrow, the crust of the crash or licorice root use as a means against signs of constipation or difficulty defecation.
  4. The crushed root of the laptic or serpentine, as well as a dry plantain, blueberry, sage, the walnut shell will excellently help to thicken the roaring masses with diarrhea or diarrhea. To do this, you can mix in equal proportions or all the ingredients or separately, pour hot boiled water. Take, infused tea you need three times a day.

Preventive measures

A person who has an irritable bowel syndrome must understand that when it is necessary, only the correct power mode should be observed. This means that food meals must be permanent, it is 5 times a day, small portions. Food must comply with the concept of balance, utility. Fully excludes sharp, fatty products, fast food, smoked, excessive amount of alcohol, coffee, soda.