Kephyrously cheese diet. Cheese diet: basic recommendations, advantages, disadvantages. Pros and cons of the cheese diet

  • Efficiency:up to 7 kg per week
  • Terms:from 1 to 10 days
  • Product costs:from 200-250 rubles a day
  • General rules
  • Varieties of a cheese diet
  • Permitted products
  • Recipes of a cheese diet
  • Exit diet
  • Contraindications
  • Pros and cons of the cheese diet
  • Reviews and results
  • Price diet

General rules

The question of whether it is possible to have cheese on a diet quite often arises from lovers of this, of course, a tasty and nutritious dairy product and, unfortunately for them, the answer to it is most often negative. Because of its high fatty and caloric content, the cheese rarely fall into the field of vision of nutritionists and, as usual, are considered by them only as a secondary food product during compliance with the so-called belkovy Methods of weight loss. Some nutrition specialists, such attitude to cheese seemed absolutely unfair, as a result of which a cheese diet appeared to the light, proving that, with the right approach to making a menu, even such products could fully successfully deal with overweight.

This method of correction of body weight in principle can be attributed to highbelkov Diet, which themselves are characterized by high effectiveness in terms of weight loss and good tolerance regarding the maintenance of the nutritional mode. Using cheese with a diet as a basis of dietary nutrition, you can easily deliver your own body from excess weight and centimeters, on average, at the same time, up to 1 kilogram daily.

Types of cheese

Cheeses as such are the final product of the processing of minor livestock (cows, goats, buffalo, sheep, etc.) produced by its rolling and subsequent special processing of the dairy bunch. To date, there are more than 500 in the world (according to some data more than 700) types of cheese prepared using various techniques, which cause a variety of varieties and taste. With all this, the unified classification is still not invented, since manufacturers of cheeses in different countries are often manufactured by them in other ways, but under the names of the names.

In general, on the basis of the technology of cheese production, several basic types of cheese can be distinguished, namely:


Typical representatives - parmesan, Russian, Swiss, Uglich, Cheddar, Bukovinsky, Gaud, Dutch, Rader, Poshekhonsky, Emmental, Kostroma, Edam, Zvenigorodsky, etc. The production of these cheeses can take from 2 to 8 months. In the process, the manufacture of the crude mass is pressed for the purpose of complete removal of serum, after which it is formed in a classical form corresponding to a particular variety, and is covered on top of a polymer film, paraffin or wax. For some cheeses from this group, a preliminary heat treatment is characterized, when the proceeding process itself is performed under an elevated temperature of approximately 60 ° C. The primary product is most often a cow's milk.


Typical representatives - Smolensky, Camembert, Dorogoborovsky, Brie, Medinsky, Roquefort, Münster, snack, Limburger, etc. Such cheeses are manufactured for several weeks, and sometimes just just days. In this case, moisture from the cheese mass goes naturally without the use of any outdoor pressure. The heads of such cheeses are made in small, so to avoid self-resistance, which will negatively affect the quality and properties of this product. Often, certain types of mold are added to them, subsequently give cheese a kind of ammonium smell and forming the edible crust of natural origin around it. As an initial product, goat or sheep milk is sometimes used.


Typical representatives - Roquefort, Saint Agur, Gorgonzola, Ble de Bress, Furm d'amber, Ble de Kos, etc. The period of ripening these cheeses varies within 1-4 months. In the process of their manufacture in the cheese mass, special mold crops are introduced, which develop inside the cheese and eventually give it a specific acid-spicy flavor. The cheese heads are fully dressed up with a bluish inclusion or streaks of mold, because of which these cheeses received their name. The correct ripening procedure consists in the storage of such cheeses in the caves, grottoes, or, as a last resort, in raw cellars, as well as in piercing cheese heads with needles in order to deep penetration of mold. In production, the cow's milk is mainly used (the exception is Rochet, which is made from sheep milk).


Typical representatives - creamy, Mozarella, PH-SUIS, Gelendzhik, Tartar, Demi Union, etc. As can be seen from the name of the group, the manufacture of these cheeses is only a few days, as in principle, and their shelf life without vacuum packaging. The production process itself mainly proceeds naturally and lies in fermented fermentation with the addition of natural milk bacteria. In some cases, various spices, crushed nuts and / or herbs can be introduced into the raw mass. The consistency of such cheeses is usually curly or pasty. Classic preparation recipes are usually based on goat or sheep milk, and the real mozzarella is preparing buffalo milk.


Typical representatives - Brynza, Adygei, Feta, Chans, Suluguni, etc. are mainly manufactured for several days or pairs of weeks, with the exception of a fette, which for ripening is needed on average 3 months. The production process consists in pre-joint, subsequent annealing and further pressing (in some cases it is applied to rolling and layer-by-layer presses) with maintenance in brine until readiness. After that, such cheeses are simply dried or smoking. Suluguni at the time of manufacture is heated and therefore becomes fibrous. As the primary product most often use sheep milk.


Typical representatives - friendship, kiri, creamy, rabcol, amber, milk, etc. are a kind of secondary cheeses and are mainly prepared by melting their solid analogues with the addition of various fillers: cream, fruit syrups, sour cream, chocolate, spices, nuts, and t .. Different with convenient portion packaging and long-term storage. Perfectly suitable for cooking sandwiches and various salads.

Useful quality cheese

In fact, all existing cheeses are a tasty and very rich food product, whose beneficial effect on the human body is due to the substances in its composition. Of course, every grade of cheese, depending on the method used in the manufacture of milk, production methods, in microflora and the degree of maturation, has various qualities and a set of beneficial substances, but some of them are inherent in most of the representatives of this food product. First of all, the cheeses are highly appreciated for the milk protein, which in this product contains an average of 25%, as well as for a rich composition, vitamins (BUT, FROM, D., E. and groups IN), amino acids (including all indispensable) and minerals (mainly phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium). Of course, in parallel with them, there are many dairy fat (rounded 30%), however, it makes cheeses so attractive from a gastronomic point of view.

The degree of digestibility by the human body dissolved in the cheese of nutrients reaches 95-99% values. The nutritional value of this product is quite significant and depending on the protein and fat component most often hesitated in the region of 250-350 kcal per 100 g. Actually for this reason, the cheese can be satisfied faster and better than meat.

Since the cheeses are a dairy product of long maturation, they do not contain lactose, which is fully absorbed by the organism of many people and leads to various disorders of digestion ( vomot, owl of belly, diarrhea etc.). Unlike milk, cheese may be present in the diet actually every person.

Thanks calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamin D. Regular reception in the food of the cheese strengthens the entire skeletal system of a person (including teeth), contributes to the early restoration of bone tissue during injuries / fractures, and also serves as prevention of age pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, including osteoporosis.

Vitamins group B. positively affect the activity of the brain, the stability of the nervous system and the emotional background, and the person from depression and stress. They are needed for the immune system, normal metabizma, bleeding, skin cover and full-fledged visual perception. Together with them vitamins BUT, FROM and E. positively affect all the shell existing in the body, providing, thanks to antioxidant Activity healthy and attractive skin, hair and nails.

Incoming with cheeses to the body potassium and magnesium positively affect the work of the heart muscle, capable of normalizing the reduced arterial pressure, Level muscle fatigue, reduce the severity of convulsive phenomena if they are presented and generally reduce the risk of formation of pathology of cardiovascular genesis.

Thanks to not so long ago detected in cheese spermadine, the constant use of adequate amounts of this product improves the overall liver condition and even to some extent warns the development of malignant tumor This organ.

Choosing high-quality cheese

When choosing cheese in the store, first of all, it should be carefully examined by the factory packaging, which requires all information on this product, including its grade, fatness, full composition, production date, as well as conditions and storage terms. Remember that natural cheese is mainly produced from all of the 3 ingredients (milk, frustration, spices) and should not include any fillers or other components, except for it inherent (for example, mold). Indications for the "Cheese Product" suggests that the cheese as such is no longer, but is a low-quality gastronomic product with a variety of plant fats, thickeners, dyes and other potentially harmful substances.

Also carefully look at the primary paraffin or wax coating of cheese, which must be solid, smooth and uniform color. Any bloating or rough damage of such a coating may indicate a spoilement of the product, and the protruding white flare on the violation of the storage conditions.

The color gamut of natural cheese with rare exception can not be too bright or vice versa is too light. The quality product is obliged to possess dairy color with a slightly yellowish tint. The presence of uneven spotted color indicates non-fermented cheese, and bright yellow color on the use of dye.

We should not forget about the smell of cheese, which should cause a saturated and fresh milk in memory and in no case be an exaggeratedly acidic and / or sharp (the exception is molded cheeses).

If you can try to taste cheese, be sure to take advantage of it. The product creaking on the teeth most likely contains starch, and a sticky consistency may be a sign of a violation of manufacturing technology. The taste of natural cheese is characterized by bracking with a pleasant creamy tint.

Cheese with diet

When complying with the cheese diet, despite the overall high caloric content of this food product, to search for its menu the most dietary cheese will not have to have, since the mechanism of action of this method of weight loss is not built on the restriction of food intake, but on predominance in the diet of protein products to the detriment of carbohydrate food. Of course, low-fat varieties of cheese with a diet will be preferable, however, when the main dietary ingredient is selected, first and foremost pay attention to its quality and freshness, and not on the fat content.

By the way, the fat component in the cheese, which is indicated on its packaging or price tag in the percentage, most often does not correspond to its actual content, and more precisely, it is represented by the manufacturer based only from the dry mass of the product without taking into account its humidity that many people are misleading. For example, dietary cheese of the selection includes 27% fat in dry matter and at the same time contains more than 50% moisture in the total mass, which reduces its fat content more than twice. Thus, in fact, 100 grams of this chief cheese are only 12.7 grams of fat, which makes it one of the best candidates for dietary food.

In addition to this product, popular low-fat cheeses are represented by such varieties as: Mozarella (17-22%); Natura and Oltermanni (16-17%); Gaudette (7-15%); Feta Light (5-15%); Ricotta (8-13%); Gruynlander and fitness (5-10%); Chechil (5-10%); Granular cottage cheese (5%) and tofu (1.5-4%). Of course, due to their considerable value, it is not possible to eat such products for even a short cheese slimming and therefore, in general, it is possible to decide which cheese with a diet, it is possible to be individually. Boldly choose the basic dietary ingredient to your taste and the size of the wallet or prepare cheese at home (the recipe will be shown below).

General rules of the cheese diet

All varieties of the cheese diet should be held taking into account the general principles of compliance with the regime and diet, namely:

  • when choosing the base ingredient, the diet should be preferred by solid cheeses with low or medium fatty (fatty cheeses need to be consumed in a slightly smaller quantity);
  • on the day it is necessary to practice at least 5 meals, the total number of food in which should be small (it is better to eat more often than);
  • drinking mode must be abundant and include at least 2 liters recommended by this fluid power mode;
  • observe the menu of the selected type of diet should be punctually and clearly;
  • if possible, it is necessary to avoid late meals, and ideally abandon meals 4 hours before departing to sleep;
  • as a secondary food product, it is better to choose small-groove vegetables that will increase the efficiency of the diet in terms of weight loss;
  • solit the prepared food is permissible at a minimum, because the cheeses themselves contain salt;
  • it is preferable to conduct a cheese diet, because in hot weather cheeses as a source of proteins perfectly replace poorly digested meat;
  • the diet on the cheese should be combined with the physical exertion of the average intensity, which will increase its effectiveness;
  • the duration of cheese weight loss is best limited to the 7th days, since the long absence in the diet of a full-fledged carbohydrate component can adversely affect health;
  • only with fully favorable tolerance of the cheese diet, it is permissible to admit it for a maximum of 10 days;
  • after completing any version of the cheese diet, you need to practice smooth output from it;
  • you can resort to the help of cheese loss possible no more than 2 times in 12 months.

Varieties of a cheese diet

To date, the nutritionists have developed several options for losing weight on cheese, which belong to the so-called fast diet and continue from the 1st to 10 days.

Fasting day

To check its own moral mood and degree of tolerance of the cheese diet, a unloading day on the cheese, represented by three variations, from which you can choose more suitable for yourself. Each of them is respected exactly 24 hours and allows for a start to throw off 1-1.5 kilograms of the total body weight.

Diet for 3 days

The cheese diet for weight loss for 3 days also includes two varieties of a rather "hard" nutritional diet, one of which is supplemented with apples as a secondary food product, and the second, as it may be amazing, red wine. For 3 days of withstanding any of them, you can get rid of an average of 2-3 kilograms and at the same time quite efficiently clear intestines.

Diet for 7 days

Slimming on cheese for 7 days is characterized by a more advanced food diet, which besides cheese can include meat, vegetables, eggs and fruits. This variant of the diet in comparison with its 3-day analogue should be transferred already easier and not to cause sharp hungry attacks. The average effectiveness in terms of loss of body weight on such a diet is 6-7 kilograms, which is very significant for such a short term.

Diet for 10 days

A dietary diet of a 10-day variety of a cheese diet, also often called "Ten Cheeses", largely repeats the previous version, however, it differs from it with standing mode. Since such a period of a cheese diet is considered as permissible as possible, it should be practiced with a small break in the middle of the observance period, and in the case of deterioration of well-being to stop early. According to reviews for the full course of such weight loss, you can lose up to 10 kilograms, but it is possible to do this only to true cheese fans and the people of great will.

Permitted products

Own food diet should be selected based on the selected version of the cheese slimming that may include:

  • any cheeses (in priority solid and innocent grades);
  • vegetables with minimal carbohydrates;
  • fruits (mainly apples and citrus);
  • non-fat nuts;
  • high quality honey (minimum);
  • lean meat of poultry and animals;
  • fermented milk products;
  • lentil and green peas;
  • low-fat fish;
  • salt and seasonings (at a minimum).

In addition to filtered water, it is permissible to drink natural coffee and green / herbal tea.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, G. Fats, G. Carbohydrates, G. Calories, Kcal

Vegetables and greens

eggplant 1,2 0,1 4,5 24
green peas 5,0 0,2 13,8 73
zucchini 0,6 0,3 4,6 24
cabbage 1,8 0,1 4,7 27
kinza 2,1 0,5 1,9 23
green onion 1,3 0,0 4,6 19
leek 2,0 0,0 8,2 33
bulb onions 1,4 0,0 10,4 41
carrot 1,3 0,1 6,9 32
cucumbers 0,8 0,1 2,8 15
patchsons 0,6 0,1 4,3 19
pepper Salad 1,3 0,0 5,3 27
parsley 3,7 0,4 7,6 47
radish 1,2 0,1 3,4 19
salad 1,2 0,3 1,3 12
celery 0,9 0,1 2,1 12
asparagus 1,9 0,1 3,1 20
tomatoes 0,6 0,2 4,2 20
pumpkin 1,3 0,3 7,7 28
dill 2,5 0,5 6,3 38
zucchini 1,5 0,2 3,0 16
garlic 6,5 0,5 29,9 143
lentil 24,0 1,5 42,7 284
spinach 2,9 0,3 2,0 22


oranges 0,9 0,2 8,1 36
grapefruit 0,7 0,2 6,5 29
lemons 0,9 0,1 3,0 16
apples 0,4 0,4 9,8 47

Nuts and dried fruits

walnuts 15,2 65,2 7,0 654
pine nuts 11,6 61,0 19,3 673
cashew 25,7 54,1 13,2 643
almond 18,6 57,7 16,2 645

Raw materials and seasonings

honey 0,8 0,0 81,5 329

Milk products

kefir 1% 2,8 1,0 4,0 40
ryazhenka 1% 3,0 1,0 4,2 40
acidoofilin 1% 3,0 1,0 4,0 40
natural yogurt 2% 4,3 2,0 6,2 60

Cheeses and cottage cheese

adygei cheese 18,5 14,0 0,0 240
altai cheese 26,0 26,5 3,5 356
amber Cheese 31,0 10,0 10,0 220
cheese brie 21,0 23,0 0,0 291
cheese of Brynza (from cow's milk) 17,9 20,1 0,0 260
cheese of Brynza (from sheep milk) 14,6 25,5 0,0 298
cheese Gaud. 25,0 27,0 2,0 356
dutch cheese 26,0 26,8 0,0 352
cheese Dor Blue 21,0 30,0 0,0 354
green cheese 26,0 26,5 3,5 356
cheese source 31,0 0,7 0,3 133
cheese sausage smoked 23,0 19,0 0,0 271
cheese Kostroma 25,2 26,3 0,0 345
latvian cheese 23,3 24,1 0,0 316
cheese Maasdam 23,5 26,0 0,0 350
muskarpone cheese 4,8 41,5 4,8 412
moskovsky cheese 26,0 26,5 3,5 356
mozzarella cheese 18,0 24,0 0,0 240
parmesan cheese 33,0 28,0 0,0 392
cheese fused 16,8 11,2 23,8 257
cheese Poshekhonsky 26,0 26,5 0,0 350
cheese Baltinesi 24,6 25,2 0,0 332
ricotta cheese 11,0 13,0 3,0 174
rocfort cheese 20,0 28,0 0,0 337
russian cheese 24,1 29,5 0,3 363
blue cheese 20,0 29,0 0,0 340
sulguni cheese 20,0 24,0 0,0 290
syrne cheese 22,0 23,4 0,0 305
chees Feta 17,0 24,0 0,0 290
philadelphia cheese 5,4 24,0 3,2 253
cheese Chanakh. 19,5 22,0 0,0 285
cheese Cheddar 23,0 32,0 0,0 392
cheese Chechchil 19,5 22,8 1,9 313
cheese swiss 24,9 31,8 0,0 396
cheese Edam 24,0 26,0 0,0 330
emmental Cheese 28,8 29,7 0,1 380
amber cheese melted 7,0 27,3 4,0 289
yaroslavsky cheese 26,2 26,6 0,0 350
cottage cheese 0% (low fat) 16,5 0,0 1,3 71
cottage cheese 0.1% 16,7 0,1 2,0 76
cottage cheese 0.6% (unfavorable) 18,0 0,6 1,8 88
cottage cheese 1% 16,3 1,0 1,3 79
cottage cheese 1.8% (low-fat) 18,0 1,8 3,3 101
cottage cheese Tofu 8,1 4,2 0,6 73

Meat products

beef 18,9 19,4 0,0 187
veal 19,7 1,2 0,0 90
rabbit 21,0 8,0 0,0 156


hen 16,0 14,0 0,0 190
turkey 19,2 0,7 0,0 84


chicken eggs 12,7 10,9 0,7 157
quail eggs 11,9 13,1 0,6 168

Fish and seafood

flounder 16,5 1,8 0,0 83
karas. 17,7 1,8 0,0 87
mackerel 20,7 3,4 0,0 113
mintay 15,9 0,9 0,0 72
navaga 16,1 1,0 0,0 73
perch river 18,5 0,9 0,0 82
haddock 17,2 0,2 0,0 71
putassu 16,1 0,9 72
cod 17,7 0,7 78
hake 16,6 2,2 0,0 86
pike 18,4 0,8 82

Alcoholic beverages

wine red dry 0,2 0,0 0,3 68

Non-alcoholic beverages

mineral water 0,0 0,0 0,0
coffee black 0,2 0,0 0,3 2
green tea 0,0 0,0 0,0

Fully or partially limited products

Throughout all the variants of the cheese diet, it is recommended to refuse:

  • any food from fast food;
  • sugar and any sweets;
  • hot drinks (except recommended);
  • semi-finished products and sausages;
  • flour products and baking;
  • smoked and fried meat dishes;
  • pickles and conservation;
  • vegetables / fruit with high carbohydrates;
  • cereal maps;
  • factory sauces and marinades;
  • industrial nectars and sweet water.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, G. Fats, G. Carbohydrates, G. Calories, Kcal

Vegetables and greens

potatoes 2,0 0,4 18,1 80
beet 1,5 0,1 8,8 40
soy. 34,9 17,3 17,3 381
beans. 7,8 0,5 21,5 123


bananas 1,5 0,2 21,8 95
melon 0,6 0,3 7,4 33
mango 0,5 0,3 11,5 67
persimmon 0,5 0,3 15,3 66


grapes 0,6 0,2 16,8 65


white fresh mushrooms 3,7 1,7 1,1 34
fresh champignons 4,3 1,0 1,0 27
freight fresh 1,8 0,5 0,8 16
fresh foxes 1,6 1,1 2,2 20
fresh oyslands 2,5 0,5 6,2 34

Nuts and dried fruits

pears dried 2,3 0,6 62,6 249
raisins 2,9 0,6 66,0 264
figure dried 3,1 0,8 57,9 257
dried apricots 5,2 0,3 51,0 215
dried apricots 5,0 0,4 50,6 213
phenic 2,5 0,5 69,2 274
prunes 2,3 0,7 57,5 231
dried apples 2,2 0,1 59,0 231


potato chips 5,5 30,0 53,0 520
fruit chips 3,2 0,0 78,1 350
caramel popcorn 5,3 8,7 76,1 401
cheese popcorn 5,8 30,8 50,1 506

Cruises and porridge

buckwheat porridge 4,5 2,3 25,0 132
semolina 3,0 3,2 15,3 98
oatmeal 3,2 4,1 14,2 102
bulgur 12,3 1,3 57,6 342
millet porridge 4,7 1,1 26,1 135
fig 6,7 0,7 78,9 344
barley porridge 11,5 2,0 65,8 310

Flour and pasta

wheat flour 9,2 1,2 74,9 342
flour pancake 10,1 1,8 69,7 336
pasta 10,4 1,1 69,7 337
noodles 12,0 3,7 60,1 322
ravioli 15,5 8,0 29,7 245
spaghetti 10,4 1,1 71,5 344
paste 10,0 1,1 71,5 344
vareniki 7,6 2,3 18,7 155
fritters 6,3 7,3 51,4 294
pelmeni 11,9 12,4 29,0 275

Bakery products

baguette 7,5 2,9 51,4 262
baton 7,5 2,9 50,9 264
buns 7,2 6,2 51,0 317
pampushkushka 5,8 3,9 41,9 215
donut 5,6 13,0 38,8 296
bread 7,5 2,1 46,4 227


jam 0,3 0,2 63,0 263
ganash 4,9 34,5 52,5 542
jam 0,3 0,1 56,0 238
marshmallow 0,8 0,0 78,5 304
candy 4,3 19,8 67,5 453
paste 0,5 0,0 80,8 310
cookies 7,5 11,8 74,9 417
cake 3,8 22,6 47,0 397
jam 0,4 0,2 58,6 233
gingerbread 5,8 6,5 71,6 364
dough 7,9 1,4 50,6 234
halva 11,6 29,7 54,0 523

Ice cream

ice cream 3,7 6,9 22,1 189


cake 4,4 23,4 45,2 407


chocolate 5,4 35,3 56,5 544

Raw materials and seasonings

ketchup 1,8 1,0 22,2 93
mayonnaise 2,4 67,0 3,9 627
syrup 0,0 0,3 78,3 296
sugar 0,0 0,0 99,7 398

Milk products

condensed milk 7,2 8,5 56,0 320
cream 35% (fat) 2,5 35,0 3,0 337
sour cream 40% (fat) 2,4 40,0 2,6 381
yogurt fruit 3.2% 5,0 3,2 8,5 85

Meat products

pork 16,0 21,6 0,0 259
fat 2,4 89,0 0,0 797
mutton 15,6 16,3 0,0 209
bacon 23,0 45,0 0,0 500
ham 22,6 20,9 0,0 279
cutlets 16,6 20,0 11,8 282


sausage boiled 13,7 22,8 0,0 260
sausage in / smoked 28,2 27,5 0,0 360
sausage n / smoked 16,2 44,6 0,0 466
sausage with / dried 24,1 38,3 1,0 455
sausage with / smoked 9,9 63,2 0,3 608
saradelki 10,1 31,6 1,9 332
sausages 12,3 25,3 0,0 277
spicachk 10,0 33,0 0,0 337

Fish and seafood

fish smoked 26,8 9,9 0,0 196
marinovna fish 1,7 3,0 11,4 82
salted fish 19,2 2,0 0,0 190

Oils and fats

butter 0,5 82,5 0,8 748
fat animal 0,0 99,7 0,0 897
fat culinary 0,0 99,7 0,0 897

Alcoholic beverages

brandy 0,0 0,0 0,5 225
whiskey 0,0 0,0 0,4 235
vodka 0,0 0,0 0,1 235
gin 0,0 0,0 0,0 220
cognac 0,0 0,0 0,1 239
liquor 0,3 1,1 17,2 242
beer 0,3 0,0 4,6 42
champagne 0,2 0,0 5,0 88

Non-alcoholic beverages

cola 0,0 0,0 10,4 42
lemonade 0,0 0,0 6,4 26
mirinda 0,0 0,0 7,5 31
pepsi. 0,0 0,0 8,7 38
sprite 0,1 0,0 7,0 29
fan 0,0 0,0 11,7 48

Juices and compotes

pineapple nectar 0,1 0,0 12,9 54
orange nectar 0,3 0,0 10,1 43
cherry nectar 0,1 0,0 12,0 50
peach nectar 0,2 0,0 9,0 38
apple nectar 0,1 0,0 10,0 41

* Data indicated on 100 g of product

Menu of the cheese diet (power routine)

Fasting day

Choosing a version of the menu of a cheese unloading day, give preference to your favorite varieties of cheese that will help you calmly and even with pleasure to move these days.

Option first

The menu of the first variation of the unloading day imply 4 meals that approximately make products as follows:

  • for breakfast, eat 30 g Mozarella together with 2 green apples;
  • on early lunch, treat yourself 70 g of Adygei;
  • at the late lunch, you will use 100 g of Russian / Dutch and bite 1 apple;
  • for dinner, you can allow yourself only 1 apple.

Option two

The daily diet of the second variety of unloading day involves the use of 150 g of any cheese and 300 g of degreasing cottage cheese during the day. All this food must be divided into equivalent portions and eat for 5-6 meals.

Option Third

When choosing a third version of the unloading day, it is necessary to eat the same set of products 5 times a day. All meals should be similar to and include 70 g of any cheese, 50 ml of dry wine (better than red) and 1 wholegrain loaf.

Between the meals of all variations of the cheese unloading day, do not forget about abundant drink, which should be based on filtered water, herbal infusions (linden / chamomile) and green tea.

Diet for 3 days

Two varieties of losing weight on cheese lasting in 3 days in principle are extended dietary options for the first and third unloading days using predominantly the same products.

Option first

The daily menu should be formed approximately similarly:

  • first breakfast - 2 fresh / baked apples;
  • second breakfast - 30-50 g of beloved cheese;
  • lunch is a light vegetable salad (mainly from cabbage and cucumbers) and 50 g of cheese / grainy cheese;
  • afternooner - 30-50 g of beloved cheese;
  • dinner - 1 Fresh / Baked Apple and 50 g of any cheese.

Option two

The cheese-wine diet of the second variety of such 3 daily slimming by and large is intended for those who try to combine a diet on holidays. The menu of such a diet consists of all of their three products that are equal to portions must be used for 6-7 trapes per day.

One-day grocery kit will consist of:

  • 350 g of any cheese (better solid varieties);
  • 6-7 whole grain breads (by the number of trapes);
  • 350 ml of dry wine (preferably red).

When withsting these two options, the diet on the cheese is recommended for 20-30 minutes to all the trapes drink around 200 ml of warm water, and drink herbal / green tea during the day. Attacks of strong hunger to allow a glass of classic yogurt or kefir.

Diet for 7 days

The seven-day rate of cheese loss is considered optimal and includes all products from the list of permitted. On a day you need to practice at least 5 meals, trying to diversify your own menu at the permissible mode. Every day you need to drink a recommended volume (2 liters) of the allowed liquid (filtered water, high-quality coffee, herbal / green teas).

The one-day menu should be made in a similar way:

  • first breakfast - 30-40 g of beloved cheese and 1 raw vegetable;
  • the second breakfast is 100 g of boiled broccoli;
  • lunch - 100 g of boiled / steam innocent meat and 20 g of beloved cheese;
  • afternoon man - green apple;
  • dinner - 40-50 g of beloved cheese with 100 g of pea / lentils.

Diet for 10 days

The "Ten Cheese" diet menu, despite its name, does not necessarily include 10 different types of this product. Such a diet may well be based only on one favorite grade of cheese, which will not affect its effectiveness. The food and drinking mode of this diet nutrition in principle repeat the 7-day diet, but requires a break at the equator of its observance.

Make up each day of such a diet options should be approximately as follows:

  • 8:00 - 50 g of beloved cheese and high-quality coffee / tea;
  • 10:00 - one boiled screw / skey egg and 100 g of vegetable salad;
  • 12:00 - 50 grams of beloved cheese;
  • 14:00 - 200 g of boiled meat (chicken / beef) with 150 g of stewed vegetables;
  • 16:00 - 150 g of innocent cottage cheese or 100 g of boiled lentils / pea;
  • 18:00 - 200 ml of classic yogurt or innocent kefir.

After 5 days of the holding of such a menu, it is necessary to spend 1-2 days on a healthy diet, then continue the diet "Ten Cheeses" for another 5 days.

An example of a cheese diet menu for a week


First breakfast
  • 2 apples.
  • 50 g Mozarella.

Required ingredients:

  • any solid cheese - 200 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • cabbage colored and broccoli - 150 g;
  • classic yogurt - 250 ml;
  • parmesan - 20 g

Do not large cut all the vegetables and boil them about one and a half liters of water almost until readiness. At the end of the cooking process, pour all yogurt in vegetable broth and pre-grated solid cheese. Heat the soup to dissolve cheese and overload it with a blender. When feeding, decorate the dish from above with grated parmesan.

Required ingredients:

  • favorite solid cheese - 150 g;
  • cucumber and tomato - 1 pcs;
  • radish - 2 pcs.;
  • greens - to taste;
  • classic yogurt - 50 ml.

Cut the cheese with small cubes, and all the vegetables are different in the form and the magnitude of pieces in order to give the salad of an unusual and appetizing configuration. Get the salad yoghurt and decorate the greenery with a branch.

Required ingredients:

  • solid cheese - 15 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • safety milk - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - at a minimum.

Separate egg whites and diligently take them away with the helm. As much as possible, soda cheese and mix it with yolks of eggs and milk with the addition of a minimum salt. Connect this mixture with whipped proteins, mix everything together and pour into a heated non-stick tank for baking. For 20 minutes, prepare an omelet in the oven at 200 ° C.

Required ingredients:

  • green apples - 2 pcs.;
  • favorite solid cheese - 50 g;
  • spices - to taste.

Cut apple tops from the opposite tail and cut the seed box and a small space around her. Knife until the middle of the apples do several vertical cuts in them. Pass inward the cavity of the cavity is a little spices and with a slide fill it with grated cheese. Bake apples in the oven at 180 ° C approximately 15 minutes.

Required ingredients:

  • kefir 0% - 500 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk 0.5% - 1000 ml;
  • salt / Spices - to taste.

Beat the kefir with eggs and with all the cooked spices. Boil the milk, burn fire and non-stirring with a thin trickle, pour into it a kefir-egg mixture. Do not interfer, continue to boil all together until the moment of complete. Next, beat the resulting mass on the colander-shaped dense gauze and retain it to flow the serum. After that, roll the edge of the gauze, diligently squeeze the future cheese and place it under the gilt (for example, 2 liter can with water). After 3-4 hours, remove the oppression and put the cheese in the refrigerator.

Exit diet

The fully equipped menu of exit from the cheese diet is not provided, but immediately move to the previously familiar nutritional diet in no case. In order to avoid the return of the already lost body weight, it is necessary for even at least 7 days after the end of weight loss is powered by adhering to a dietary cheese diet, adding some carbohydrate food daily.

As a source of carbohydrates, first of all, it is necessary to prefer previously prohibited vegetables and fruits. In addition to them, at first, porridge should be used on water, as well as soups based on lean meat or fish. For another 2 weeks, it is necessary to continue to eat food often and small portions and do not forget about abundant drink.


To withstand any kind of cheese diet is prohibited at:

  • any pathologies from kidney;
  • pregnancy/lactation;
  • prices hypertension and other serious cardiovascular disorders;
  • chronic pages;
  • pronounced atherosclerosis and thromboflebit;
  • erosive-ulcers Diseases of the gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergies on any proteins;
  • violations metabizma;
  • endocrine pathologies (including diabetes
  • diseases liver;
  • in kindergarten and old age.

Pros and cons of the cheese diet

pros Minuses
  • All varieties of cheese loss are characterized by tangible efficacy in terms of loss of body weight.
  • Due to the sonship of the main ingredient, it should not be accompanied by sharp attacks of hunger.
  • The preparation of the dishes allowed on this diet will not take much time.
  • Three-day rimming options for cheese contribute purification of the intestine.
  • The practitioner helps to develop a habit of fractional nutrition.
  • Unbalanced nutrition for main macronutrients and disadvantages vitamins/minerals.
  • Increased risk of violations in the work of the kidneys due to predominantly protein nutrition.
  • Prolonged withstanding such a diet can cause constipation and unpleasant smell with breathing.
  • Compliance with the cheese diet longer than 7 days can lead to a violation of the main metabolic processes.
  • The required abundant drinking mode will be not acceptable for everyone.
  • A long deficit of carbohydrate food may adversely affect the general health status ( dizziness, nausea, headaches, weakness etc.).

To date, there is a huge variety of all sorts of diets. Of these, you can choose such a power system that is pleasant to use. If you do not like to eat rice, it is unlikely to get to lose weight, eating a hated dish. Another thing is a cheese diet for weight loss. She will certainly like it if you adore this wonderful product. And most importantly, this system is considered to be quite effective to get rid of excess weight.

Photo shutterstock

The benefits of a cheese diet

Cheese is a valuable dairy product. It contains vitamins A, B12 and B2, which protect the human body from colds. Also, these vitamins are useful for regulating growth, improvements. Rich cheese and minerals - zinc, calcium, phosphorus, as well as indispensable amino acids - tryptophan, methionine and lysine.

Noble mold, which is available in this product, is also useful for human health. Milk fats, which are made in the composition of cheese, are well absorbed by the human body. Milk protein contained in this product is an important "building material" for muscles. It is also very easily absorbed. Thanks to the presence of attractive substances in cheese, this product has a beneficial effect on digestion.

The cheese diet is especially recommended for women after 40 years, since cheese is rich in calcium and phosphorus needed to strengthen the bone system, as well as for hair health and nails. Such a diet is fully observed enough, as it is practically no feeling of hunger. One of its advantages is simplicity, simpleness, as well as the lack of need for strict counting of consumed calories and the preparation of complex dishes.

Features of the cheese diet

Cheese-based diet is one of the types of protein diets, and the principle of their action is largely similar. Due to the lack of carbohydrates, the human body begins to use fats and proteins as energy. The most effective diet on the cheese in combination with fitness, be it charging, minimal exercise, exercises with dumbbells.

The diet may include low-calorie varieties of cheese - ricotta, cheese, mozzarella, as well as solid varieties, for example, low-calorie FRIKO LIGHT. For such a diet should not choose sharp, too fat and salty cheeses, optimal fatty 10-12%.

The cheese diet can be observed 7 days, longer than this period nutritionists do not recommend nutrition. However, if you feel well and you do not have negative manifestations in the form of constipation, diarrhea, unpleasant smell of mouth, you can extend the diet up to 10 days. Four should be powered by small portions 6-7 times a day.

Use a diet on the cheese preferably in the summer when the meat is badly absorbed by the organism

Observe such a diet is desirable not more often than 2 times a year. After all, in a cheese diet, an insufficient amount of carbohydrates. That is why not everyone can withtate even 6-7 days on such a tasty diet.

Many people are interested in how many unnecessary kilograms can be reset during the weekly diet on cheese. Loss of excess weight is rapid - up to 1 kg per day. Thus, in 7 days you can reset up to 7 kg. Reviews of the results of the cheese diet are quite varied: there are positive, and negative. Typically, negative reviews come from those people who did not follow the principles and regime of this nutrition.

The gradual output from the diet on the cheese is important. If at its end you will pop up on food, all your weekly restrictions will be in vain. Add some carbohydrates to your diet daily. Their quantity must be increased gradually until your body enters the normal mode of operation.

Contraindications of diet on cheese

The main drawback of the cheese diet is the lack of vitamins that enter the human body together with vegetable food. Therefore, when this power supply is complied with pharmaceutical vitamins.

Deciding to sit on the cheese diet, first consult with the attending physician

Diet on cheese is contraindicated with:

  • allergies dairy products
  • diseases of kidneys
  • violation of metabolism
  • diseases of the digestive system
  • chronic constipation
  • heart diseases

Menu cheese diet for 1 week

1 day

  • Breakfast: 20 g of cheese, 1 cup of milk, 1 cucumber.
  • Second breakfast: basil, 4 tomatoes, 20 g cheese.
  • Lunch: 1 Cucumber, 40 g cheese.
  • Dinner: 100 g boiled chicken breast.
During the diet on the cheese it is very important to keep drinking mode. Every day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water

2 day

  • Breakfast: 2 Baked potatoes, 30 g cheese.
  • The second breakfast: the radish salad and the white cabbage, seasoned 1-2, C.L. Lemon juice.
  • Lunch: 1 cup of milk, 20 g cheese.
  • Dinner: 4 carrots, 20 g cheese.

3 day

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of black tea, 150 g of pea puree.
  • Second breakfast: 200 g fresh asparagus, 20 g cheese.
  • Lunch: 2 cucumber, 20 g cheese.
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled beans or lentils, 15 g of cheese.

4 day

  • Breakfast: 1 Sweet Bulgarian pepper, 20 g cheese.
  • Second breakfast: 100 g of raw or boiled broccoli.
  • Lunch: lettuce leaves, 40 g of grated cheese.
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled low-fat meat.

5 day

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of kefir, 2 tomatoes, 20 g cheese.
  • Second breakfast: 200 g stewed zucchini or eggplant.
  • Lunch: 2 cucumber, 40 g of grated cheese.
  • Dinner: 50 g celery, 100 g of boiled chicken.

6 day

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee or tea.
  • Second breakfast: 1 boiled egg.
  • Lunch: 100 g of low-fat boiled meat, 40 g of solid cheese.
  • Dinner: 100 g of degreased cottage cheese, 20 g of cheese, 1 cup of skim kefir.

7 day

  • Breakfast: 2 large apples or 1 cup of coffee and 1 melted cheese.
  • Second breakfast: 40 g cheese, 1 tomato, greens.
  • Lunch: 1 Cucumber, 150 g of low fatty cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: 40 g Cheese, 1 glass of white dry wine or 1 cup of fruit tea.

Cheese is a very tasty and useful product. It contains vitamins A, B12 and B2 - they are responsible for immunity, acute vision and the rise of the body's forces. The power system based on this product relates to protein and helps to significantly lose weight in a short period of time. The cheese diet is effective, and it is easy enough to carry out the calorie content of the product. It is worth choosing low-fat varieties of cheese, and the process of weight loss will go easy and nice.

Cheese is rich in calcium, zinc, phosphorus and a variety of useful amino acids affecting the cellular structure. It includes 27% protein and 50% fat, salt, calcium and other minerals. In addition, the milk protein contained in the product is digested better than meat, and it is not inferior to him by saturation.

Principle of action diet

Protein nutrition based on cheese supplies a sufficient amount of protein, limiting carbohydrate volume. Thus, the energy deficit that the latter previously provided is replenished with other reserves of the body having fat reserves. This principle is used on Duucan diet in the attack phase.

Cheese contains lecithin that affects the exchange of fats. This component is included in the structure of the cell membrane and is responsible for its permeability, therefore it is very important in human nutrition. In addition, lecithin normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood and contributes to the rapid splitting of fats.

Using a cheese slice at night, you can adjust and improve sleep, eliminating the problem with falling asleep.

Pluses of cheese food

  • Cheeses contain a large number of vitamins and minerals, the necessary organism.
  • This product is easily absorbed.
  • The diet on the cheese menu is quite efficient.
  • Dishes are ready to use and do not need a lot of time in the kitchen.
  • The principle of the technique is similar to fractional power, and this allows for a long time to remain well.

Cons of cheese techniques

The main disadvantages of the system include:

  • unbalance;
  • the effect of dairy products on the activities of the gastrointestinal organs;
  • impact on the work of the liver and kidneys (with a continuous consequence of the dietary table).

It is necessary to go out of such nutrition slowly, without sharp disruptions. Within a few days after the diet, enter bread and fruits in your diet, vegetables. Do not forget to use water in sufficient quantities to prevent the body's dehydration.

At the time of the exit, keep the principles of fractional nutrition, which will make it easier to adapt the stomach to everyday food. And sports and leaving procedures will help eliminate cosmetic shortcomings after weight loss, such as sagging skin or stretching.

Contraindications for diet

In a number of contraindications are the following:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies;
  • high pressure;
  • heart disease and vessels;
  • liver failure;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • chronic constipation;
  • allergy to milk protein.

Cheese with a diet is not suitable for every losing weight, as it affects the process of digestion. It contains milk protein, which is contraindicated by most allergies. The taste of this product is not pleasant, so cheese food is an individual choice.

In the presence of diseases before choosing the technique, consult with your doctor. It is possible to establish limitations on diet diet using cheese.

Choosing the main product

The efficiency of the method depends on the correctly selected basic product. In a cheese diet for weight loss, it is necessary to rely on calorie and fatty. For the best results, the latter should not exceed 12-15% at a volume of 250 kcal. At 100 g, low-fat varieties include:

  • soy tofu;
  • Ricotta;
  • Mozzarella;
  • Adygei;
  • Gaudette;
  • smoked sausage;
  • homemade cottage cheeses.

Such indicators may have good solid varieties of high price categories (Parmesan, Romano, Masdam, Pekorino, Gruyer, with mold), as well as soft unsalted (Ricotta, Feta, Sandwich, Smoked, Suluguni (pigtail).

Cheeses are made from cow, goat and sheep milk, present in the market and samples of vegetable ingredients (soy) and lactose-free species.

By the method of production The product is divided into:

  • reckless;
  • acid milk.

There is a cheese on a diet better in the summer, when the need for meat is significantly lower. It can easily replace the animal protein milk. At the same time, the body is experiencing the smallest stress.

Sample menu

On day

This unloading diet is applied one-day.

In the menu - up to 100 g. Cheese, divided into five parts. You can add apples for each meal and water or green tea.

For 3 days

In the cheese diet for 3 days, the principle of fractional nutrition is used:

For a week

The principle of nutrition is based on a three-day diet, but low-calorie products are added, such as boiled beef, rabbit and low-fat fish in the boiled form.

It is allowed to enter the rice for a pair, stewed vegetables. But the basic cheese remains, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir (evening). Natural yogurt of reduced fat is also present in the weekly diet.

Breakfast Apple, natural yogurt, green tea (here and everywhere - 1 mug).
Lunch Insurgent solid cheese - 2 slice, tea.
Dinner Soft homemade hypoallergenic cheese (20 g), tomato and greens.
Afternoon person 2 apples baked with honey and nut.
Dinner Non-fat cottage cheese, cucumber and boiled breast (100 g).
Breakfast Hot cheese sandwich, green tea.
Lunch Apple with cottage cheese and cinnamon.
Dinner Baked dietary meat, cucumber and tomato, cream cheese (20 g), sausage (20 g).
Afternoon person Milk with honey.
Dinner Carrot salad with two slices of cheese.
Breakfast Boiled egg with low-fat cottage cheese, green tea.
Lunch Apple baked and cheese slice.
Dinner Boiled or baked fish, 100 g of steed rice and cucumber.
Afternoon person Cottage cheese with honey and cinnamon (1 bowl), green tea.
Dinner Lean ramp (100 g) with a salad of cucumber, tomato and parmesan.
Breakfast Boiled egg, sweet pepper with cheese, green tea.
Lunch Natural yogurt (100 g), asparagus boiled with olive oil.
Dinner Beef boiled (100 g) with stew carrots, low-fat cheese (40 g).
Afternoon person Baked apple with honey and cottage cheese.
Dinner Eggplant, baked with rabbit (100 g), cheese soft diet (20 g).
Breakfast Cottage cheese grainy with greens and cucumber (50 g), green tea.
Lunch Mug of kefir with cinnamon and cottage cheese.
Dinner Boiled chicken (breast, 150 g) with tomato and Mozarella cheese.
Afternoon person Natural yogurt with honey (200 g).
Dinner Steam omelet with cheese and greens, a glass of kefir.
Breakfast Boiled egg with cottage cheese and greens.
Lunch Baked apple with cottage cheese, honey and nut.
Dinner 150 g. Boiled fish with rice, cucumber with cheese.
Afternoon person A glass of milk with a sliced \u200b\u200bof cheese.
Dinner Cottage cheese with tomato and chicken breast (100 g).
Breakfast Cheese (30 g) with young beans, tea green.
Lunch 2 mugs of milk with cinnamon.
Dinner Baked chicken breast (100 g) with a salad of cucumber, tomato, Mozarella cheese (30 g) and greenery.
Afternoon person A glass of kefir with an apple.
Dinner Broccoli (100 g), with parmesan cheese and greens.

During weight loss, it is necessary to drink 1.5-2 liters every day. Clean water.

Options for ration

Cheese with wine

Diet nutrition is not always boring and monotonous, and unloading days can be combined with festive events. In this you will help the wine-cheese system of nutrition, allowing you to prepress holidays with the benefit for the figure. Its duration does not exceed 2-3 days, and the effect is minus 1.5-2 kilograms.

It will take 500 g. Solid cheese and 300 g. Wine (Isabella, Cabernet, Muscat). These products are divided into five techniques and are used during the day. Agree, the kind of cheese canape with a glass of red will allow you not to think about a diet!

Grapes and its juice is a strong antioxidant. It is capable of cleaning the body and, in particular, the intestines from slags and toxins, which helps even in the fight against psoriasis.


A non-standard diet based on cheese and sausage should last no more than 10 days. This nutrition system is similar to the Kremlin, and the efficiency of weight loss is minus 1 kilogram per day.

Cheese-kefir technique

Kefir Slimming Slimming Slimming System, but effective, and in aggregate with cheese gives astounding results. The ration is simple, allows to lose 1-1.5 extra kilograms per day. Duration should not exceed 10 days.

It is necessary to use 100 g. Cottage cheese and 50 g. Cheese, a glass of kefir or coffee without sugar. Equal milk products are low-fat. During such nutrition, steady buckwheat is allowed.

Pluses of diet in a quick weight loss, improving the intestinal microflora, the work of the gastrointestinal organs.

Kephyrous and cheese food belongs to the monodulations, so it should not adhere to it for a long time, it can adversely affect the work of the kidneys and liver.

With vegetables

Vegetable diets are characterized by simplicity and ease, and in combination with fermented dairy products are low able to help in weight loss. Vegetables have a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements, they are antioxidants and have a leaning effect on the body.

A vegetable diet with cheese is calculated on average for 5 days, and its effectiveness reaches minus 5 kilograms per course. The diet is allowed to add bean products, baked potatoes. Drinking involves water, green and herbal tea, milk and kefir.

Breakfast always start with the base component (cheese, cottage cheese). The second breakfasts suggest the use of vegetables with greens. Lunch consists of a sour milk product and cucumber. Dinner also includes cheese or cottage cheese, but with other vegetables that have not previously used during the day. You can enter a boiled chicken breast with vegetables.

For longer than 10 days, adhere to such a diet with cheese is not recommended, to avoid metabolic disorders. To facilitate the preparation of the menu, the first and second five days are repeated.

Dietary dishes with cheese

The recipes below will help you lose weight, but at the same time not to limit the diet with tasteless food.

All castens are low-calorie and are preparing quite simple. Try!

Cheese soup with chicken

For its preparation, it will be necessary:

  • half-liter of water;
  • 100 g. Boiled breast;
  • 2 champignon;
  • 1 carrot and 1 onions;
  • 100 g. Cheese;
  • greens.


  1. With cooking soup broth do not use. I put carrots in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. At this time, fry onions, then add mushrooms to it and bring them to a golden color on medium heat for 5 minutes.
  2. We add a mushroom roar into the water with carrots, we welcome for another 2 minutes and turn off.
  3. Next, we need to crush the cooked vegetable broth with mushrooms in a blender, and only then add boiled breast, cheese and greens.

In such a dietary dish is not allowed to enter oil, cream or sour cream. Salt is contained in the cheese, so it is not necessary to add it.

Cheese soup with broccoli

For cooking Take vegetables:

  • broccoli;
  • a tomato;
  • carrot;
  • bell pepper;
  • a couple of champignons;
  • onions (it can be fused separately).

How to cook :

  1. I boil the ingredients in the water, drain the broth to another dishes, and vegetables with mushrooms are whipped by a blender.
  2. Then we connect the puree with the broth, add grated cheese and cook everything together for a couple more minutes.

When filing, we sprinkle a dish of a finely chopped greens.

The volume of the ingredients depends on how much portions are preparing a kushanye.

Salad with cheese

The dietary dish of vegetables and cheese is suitable for lunch and dinner. In addition, this is a light and simple delicacy can be served varied using a large selection of vegetables.

For the preparation of salad with cheese, it will be necessary:

  • cucumber;
  • a tomato;
  • radish;
  • any greens;
  • solid or soft cheese;
  • natural yogurt for refueling.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Vegetables and cheese are cut, mix and refilled by yogurt.
  2. The shape of cutting is different, it will become a fresh note in dietary nutrition.

Cheese is a delicious product that has a lot of useful substances in its composition: easily handed proteins; Potassium, zinc, phosphorus and calcium - provide active cell functioning; Vitamins A, B2 and B12, protecting the organism from colds; Triptofan, methionine, lysine - building materials. So, it is it that you can choose as the main ingredient of my diet.

Fundamental rules

Deciding to sit on the cheese diet, first of all, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the following important moments and requirements of such a highly efficient slimming program:

  1. Low-calorie cheese varieties should be selected. The latter includes Mozarella, Brynza and Ricotta. You can diverge the diet and solid grade cheeses, the main thing is that their fatness does not exceed 12%. You can also include in the menu of the cheeses with mold, only to reduce their dosage by 10-15%.
  2. Welcome if breakfast is at 8 am. The following meals should be carried out after 2-2.5 hours, that is, in general, there will be at least 5-6. Last meal - 2-3 hours before sleep. It is fractional food that provides the ability to feel no feeling of hunger and remain energetic.
  3. Be sure to comply with the drinking regime. Every day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of pure water. In addition to it, green tea is allowed, dry red wine (for one reception you can drink no more than 50 ml).
  4. Since the flow of carbohydrates is minimal, exhausting physical exertion is prohibited. It is enough to periodically walk, it is permissible to do yoga.
  5. As for the exit from the cheese diet, it must be gradual. This will allow the body to function normally without failures, which will provide a normal vital activity. Well, if thanks to such a power system you teach yourself to organize daily 3 main meals and a couple of snacks. This is a guarantee that lost excess weight will not return.

The cheese diet is contraindicated by persons suffering from diseases of the heart, kidney and digestive system, chronic constipation, as well as having allergic reactions after the use of dairy products. This system of weight loss and those who have a violated metabolism, pregnant and lactating breasts to women.

Cheese diet for 3 days

If necessary, get rid of 2-3 kilograms of excess weight, follow the diet below.

1 day

  • Breakfast: Apples baked in the oven with honey and nuts - no more than 2 pieces.
  • The second meal: 30 g of cheese, green tea.
  • Dinner: similar to breakfast.
  • Afternoon person: 20 g of cheese of solid varieties of low fatty.
  • Dinner: Two baked green apples plus tea.

15 minutes before each meal, you need to drink a glass of warm purified water.

2 day

  • Breakfast: 2 apples.
  • The second meal: 100 g Mozzarella, a mug of green tea.
  • Dinner: Salad of white cabbage without salt, refilled by olive oil.
  • Afternoon person: 2 Eggs, 50 g of low-calorie cheese "Friko Light", a glass of ragger of rosehip.
  • Dinner: 2 baked apples.

The use of purified or mineral water between these meals accelerates metabolic processes, which allows the body to get rid of fatty deposits.

3 day

  • Breakfast: 50 g of low-fat cheese of solid varieties, green tea.
  • The second meal: 2 apples.
  • Dinner: Salad of cucumbers, Bulgarian pepper and salad leaves (without salt), tea.
  • Afternoon person: 50 g ricotta.
  • Dinner: Apple, Glass of mineral water.

If there is a strong sense of hunger, you can allow you to pamper yourself with biocter or non-fat yogurt.

Cheese diet for a week

This option is suitable only if you are absolutely healthy. After a three-day cheese diet, it is necessary to continue to eat as described below:

4 day

  • Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, cup of black tea.
  • Dinner: 150 g of dietary cheese soup with broccoli.
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled lentils, 20 g Mozzarella.

Suitable light snacks between these meals are a glass of pumpkin smoothie, cooked from a skimmed kefir either yogurt, with the addition of a dessert spoon of honey and apple. You can also use a recipe from the video:

5 day

  • Breakfast: Salad of 2 tomatoes, basil and 20 g of solid cheese, glass of mineral water.
  • Dinner: Boiled chicken breast - 150 g, 100 g radishes.
  • Dinner: 200 g of stewed zucchini, 30 g ricotta.

6 day

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of kefir low fatty, salad of 2 tomatoes and cheese cubes (use 20 g of this dairy product).
  • Dinner: Dietary cheese soup with chicken, green tea.
  • Dinner: 4 boiled carrots of small size, 25 g of cheese, decoction of rosehip.

On this day, it is worth enriching the diet with stewed eggplants and hot sandwiches cooked from gray bread (well, if it is not allowed, for example, two-day) and solid cheese.

7 day

  • Breakfast: Peas puree (150 g), lime decoction.
  • Dinner: 2 Baked potatoes, egg, tea.
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled beans, 25 g of low-calorie cheese "FRIKO LIGHT".

Diversify the menu is allowed using boiled meat (150 g) and a glass of skimmed kefir.

It is important to organize 1-2 snacks between these main meals. Cut the feeling of hunger is allowed using a white-baked cabbage salad, refilled by a small amount of lemon juice and vegetable oil, and berry smoothies.

Wine-cheese diet: menu and results

Do not be surprised that using cheese and wine, you can also get rid of excess weight. Throughout the day, you should use:

  • 350 g of cheese;
  • 250 ml of red dry wine;
  • bread.

Adheres to such a menu is not worth longer than 2 days, otherwise you can harm your own health.

The result that will be on the scales is minus 1.5-2 kilograms from the initial weight. Good results can be achieved on a classic wine diet for weight loss.

Option of a cheese diet for 1 day

To unload the gastrointestinal tract, you can adhere to the menu from the cheese diet within one day:

  • Breakfast: 2 apples.
  • The second meal: 150 g Mozzarella or Brynza.
  • Dinner: 50 g of low-fat solid cheese and green apple.
  • Afternoon person: cup of kefir.
  • Dinner: Apple.

Perhaps for someone more suitable will be the day of unloading, throughout which it is allowed to eat 100 g of cheese and 300 g of cottage cheese. All this amount of food must be divided into 5-6 meals.

In each of the above options between the trapes, it is necessary to drink clean bottled or mineral water. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, it is also worth eating tea on herbs. You should give preference to chamomile, lip, mint.

After such a unloading day, it is possible to lose about 800-1000 grams.

Recipes of low-calorie dishes

Cheese is a food product suitable for the preparation of a variety of soups and salads. For this you can use the following recipes:

Dietary cheese soup with broccoli

One of the responsible moments is to choose a fresh and tasty cabbage on the market or in the supermarket. To do this, pay attention to the inflorescences of the Broccoli - they must be small and closed, and the stubble stem.


  • small carrots - 1 pc.;
  • broccoli - 80 g;
  • onions - half of the head;
  • hard cheese with fatty no more than 12% - 30 g;
  • bouillon from low-fat meat - 150 ml;
  • greens (parsley, dill).


  1. We prepare broth for 40-60 minutes using purified water and any non-fat meat - veal, rabbit, chicken breast without peel, pork clipping.
  2. The meat is removed, and in the amount of broth we need, we send broccoli, pre-breaking this vegetable for small inflorescences, and carrots cut into cubes purified.
  3. Cook them for 15 minutes, but not longer.
  4. Next, send crushed onions.
  5. After 5 minutes of the boil we send to it gratened on a large grater of cheese, mix and turn off the fire.
  6. We serve this delicious low-calorie dish, after sprinkling it from above the greens.

Recipe dishes are presented in video:

Dietary cheese soup with chicken

In this embodiment, the soup is no meat broth, but it turns out quite satisfying due to the use of boiled chicken breast.


  • water purified - 400 ml;
  • carrot - 1 root;
  • champignons - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • boiled chicken breast - 120 g;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • greens - half a beam.


  1. We put a saucepan with purified water for boiling.
  2. Clean the carrots from the inedible skin and, cutting it with cubes, we send this crushed vegetable to boil.
  3. Onions, cleaned, cut by half rings and put on a pan with vegetable oil. Here we send the champignon plates. For a shorter, they fry - somewhere for 5-7 minutes.
  4. When carrot cubes are chanting for 10 minutes, put roast champignons into the liquid with a bow and turn off the fire after 2 minutes.
  5. We turn this mass into a homogeneous puree. Immediately you need to send a little grained cheese in the soup and the boiled meat disassembled on the fibers.
  6. We mix it and on top of decorated with torn hands or chopped by the kitchen scissors.

At times you can not eat this volume - it should be divided into 3 portions. As you know, you do not need to overeat, otherwise the result will not be expected.

Butter, cream or sour cream in no way put in any of these dishes. We also do not use potatoes, if you wish, you can add dietary soup with low-calorie vegetables such as zucchini, tomatoes. Another important point: cheese is a fairly salty product, so the addition of salt is excluded.

Dietary salad with cheese

Salad is one of the favorite dishes for the weak floor, so it is worth noting another simple recipe.


  • cucumbers small - 2 pcs.;
  • greens (onions green, salad, basil or other);
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • yoghurt low-fat - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • redisse - 4 root;
  • cheese - 30 g


  1. Vegetables cut into small cubes.
  2. They add cheese to them (it turns out beautifully, if you cut it with stripes or small cubes, or grate on the fine grater) and your favorite greens. The parsley, dill and green onions are familiar to the majority.
  3. We refuel the contents of the salad bowl yogurt.

We offer to familiarize yourself with another useful low-calorie salad:

If you are not sure if a cheese diet is suitable for you, you can start with its one-day option. If the day passed successfully, it means that you can go to a 3-day or 7-day version.

Slim cheese: reviews about such a diet are rather ambiguous. People wonder: Is it possible, because cheese is pretty caloriene? Maybe! You can use it to reduce weight both yourself (in combination with cottage cheese) and in combination, for example, with sausage or wine. In this article we will consider the three most frequently used options.

This method of weight loss does not have a huge number of fans due to the fact that cheese itself has a rather high percentage of fatty. In the preparation of tables of food, nutritionists are carefully included in the diet of cheeses, however, due to their nutritional value, it should not be abandoned from their nutritional value.

Each nutrition has its own cheese diet for weight loss. Reviews of which they use their customers as a basis for the preparation of new diets. As a consequence there are somewhat different diets, the basis of which is the cheese. True, they are recommended mainly to healthy people.

The composition of cheese except fat includes proteins and calcium-phosphoric compounds, and in approximately equal ratios. For this reason, the cheese is recommended for healthy nutrition, especially children and the elderly.

Cheese almost contains ballast substances, and therefore, those who suffer from the intestinal stagnation, the cheese diet is contraindicated.

Video Review of the most popular varieties of cheese

Like any other diet, cheese has its pros and cons. From positive moments, you can note:

  1. availability used products
  2. no need to prepare them
  3. do not bother to count calories
  4. frequent meals, which does not allow you to feel a feeling of hunger throughout the day.

By cons of this diet can be attributed:

  1. not all loyally belong to milk-containing products (lactose intolerance, allergies)
  2. the diet is rather monotonous and balanced it can not be called
  3. can provoke exacerbations in people with a weakened gastrointestinal tract

Cheese diet for 3 days

Do not forget that the menu presented is quite approximately and you can adjust it to your liking.

Menu for 3 days

Number in order Breakfast First snack Dinner Second snack Dinner
1st day Cup of unsweetened coffee Cheese - 50g and boiled egg Cheese - 100g and boiled chicken breast - 200g Low-fat cottage cheese - 200g Cup of kefir or yogurt
2nd day Cup of green tea without sugar, cheese - 50g Boiled egg and bell pepper Baked meat (beef, turkey or rabbit) - 200g, cheese - 50g Cheese - 50g, two fresh cucumbers Cheese - 100g, cup of kefir
3rd day Degreased cottage cheese - 100-150g, one medium tomato Cheese - 50g, one egg Boiled fish - 150g, leaf greenery salad Green apple or pear Cheese - 50g, cup of kefira or yogurt

Wine-cheese diet

This diet is usually used to carry out unloading days, but can be used for 2-3 days. Slimming in this case can be 1-1.5 kg.

Products used for a wine-cheese diet (daily dose):

  • 350 grams of cheese of solid varieties or 500 grams of renewed cheeses (for example, Adygei)
  • 1 pack of dry bread
  • 0.5 liters of dry red wine

The principle of daily nutrition with such a diet is as follows:

The above-mentioned products should be divided into 5 equal parts and eat cheese with bread, drinking wine, at equal intervals.

Saw-sausage diet

This combination of products can be advised to use even for radical weight loss.

But a sausage diet? Reviews of which are so positive that its popularity runs in front of it requires consultation with a nutritionist, since it is the basis of it almost only proteins of animal origin.

In some diseases, such a diet can be dangerous.

Duration should not exceed 10 days, and the result can be minus 7 kg. The daily diet with such a diet looks roughly as follows:

  • cup of unsweetened coffee
  • cooked screwed egg
  • sausage of low-fat varieties - 200 g
  • degreased cottage cheese - 250 g
  • degreased kefir - 250 ml

Meals are starting at 8 am, each subsequent after 2 hours, complete a glass of kefir at 18.00.

Do not forget during a diet to use pure drinking water with a volume of at least 2 liters, you can drink a sewage green tea.