How to stop diarrhea in the elderly. Everything about diarrhea in the elderly. Menu options for the day

Diarrhea is a common phenomenon. Arises for various reasons. Sometimes, is a sign of a serious illness, but more often arises as a manifestation of digestion disorder.

Are there any unlike treatment methods? How to get rid of diarrhea at home? Answers are written below.

Causes and species

The diarrhea is called a state in which the patient has a frequent liquid chair (from 4 to 15 times a day).

This pathological condition is accompanied by strong spasms and stomach pains, spontaneous defecation can happen.

It is dangerous diarrhea with sharp dehydration of the body. Especially in children.

So far, dehydration on the background of diarrhea is a frequent cause of child mortality.

There are sharp and chronic diarrhea. A sharp state can last about 10 days.

Chronic diarrhea can cause:

  • Disorders in the work of the stomach, gall, liver or pancreas;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • celiac disease (glutennertopathy);
  • irrational nutrition;
  • disorders of the small intestine;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • tolstoy intestinal diseases;
  • endocrine disorders (for example, diabetes);
  • problems with intestinal vessels;
  • humoricallyactive tumors.

In addition, nervous voltages, stress can provoke diarrhea.

With diarrhea from the body, there is a lot of fluid with each defecation, the absorption of vitamins and trace elements is worse.

The acute course of the disease is accompanied by vomiting, lifting body temperature. Dehydration, avitaminosis, body exhaustion can develop.

The main symptom of diarrhea is a frequent abundant chair of a liquid consistency.

If there is no temperature, and the patient's condition is satisfactory, you can try to cope with the problem without medical care.

Be sure to contact the doctors, if:

An ordinary diarrhea takes place for 2-3 days. Moreover, the improvement occurs already after the first days.

To select the most efficient tactics of diarrhea treatment, it is necessary to establish its cause.

First aid

If diarrhea at the kid - appeal to the doctor necessarily.

A person with diarrhea on the first day should be refrained from food. And the liquids use as much as possible.

Often, small portions. This will help withdraw toxins and prevent dehydration.

For drinking, solutions are best suited for oral rehydration, that is, to normalize the water-salt balance of the body.

Until complete recovery, it should be abandoned from oily, spicy, acute and fried food, alcohol, fresh fruits and vegetables, fatty milk products, sweets, dies.

Compliance with diet is very important to restore the intestinal functions. To stick to the gentle power mode takes about a week after improvement.

Useful to eat boiled rice, rubbed soups with low-fat meat, stewed apples, bananas, crackers, steam vegetables, oatmeal.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of diarrhea in adults use folk methods. This is due to the fact that the irritated intestine reacts poorly to medicines.

Many recipes. We give the most popular.

  • Blueberry fruits Soaking day in a glass of warm water, necessarily boiled. There will be enough 1 tablespoon with a slide dried blueberry.
    To drink through the day gradually.
  • Cook millet until readiness.
    There should be a little more cup porridge without salt.
    Eat the millet need for 2 receptions.
    The effect comes immediately.
  • Bonding property has perevidated carrots.
    Grate on a shallow grater, add to the soup at the very beginning to quit longer.
    You can separate the carrots separately to the state of the porridge.
    Use several tablespoons up to four times a day.
  • You can prepare an effective tool from chicken stomach.
    For this ventricle thoroughly rinse with boiling water and remove yellow films.
    Rinse them and dry in the sun.
    Grind in flour.
    Eat the teaspoon of powder, drinking water.
  • Popular decoction internal walnuts partitions.
    Several spoons of crushed partitions per liter of water.
    Cook for 20 minutes.
    Drink a little on an empty stomach every morning.
    You can prepare the tincture of partitions on vodka.
    For this, a table spoon of powder is insist in a glass of vodka.
    Take 5-7 drops three times a day.
  • Decoction rice. To stop the diarrhea, enough, for example, an older person or a child, give a drink water in which rice was welded.
  • Oak bark It helps with acute diarrhea and chronic.
    Handful of bark for 1.5-2 glasses of water.
    Boil on a small fire While the amount of liquid will not decrease by half.
    Take on a tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Good helps strong black tea.
    It is also well brewed with dried drinking cherry, seeds cumin.or leaves sage.
  • Blackberry tea. Blackhead branches brew in boiling water (5 table beds per liter).
    Drink like tea.
    Improvement usually occurs in a few days.
  • Well stops diarrhea green or black tea.
    A small amount of dry tea to eat and drink water.
  • In 50 ml vodka add salt, About half a teaspoon.
    To drink at once.

Folk methods should be carefully used to people with allergic reactions.

For children, reduce the amount of funds taken.

Before use - consult with a doctor.

Do not deal with the airplane of young children. Do not apply for the treatment of alcohol infusions.

You can not use a large number of these funds.

With caution to take folk remedies with pregnant women and during lactation. It is advisable to pre-receive medical advice.

If folk remedies do not bring relief. After the first day, the number of defecates per day does not decrease.

Be sure to consult a doctor. Diarrhea may be a manifestation of serious diseases. Such as, dysentery, cholera.

Preventive measures

To reduce the likelihood of diarrhea follows:

Diarrhea is the reaction of the body on bacteria, some viruses, gastrointestinal diseases, power disorders.

it the condition is dangerous dehydration.

If you fail to fill the loss of fluid at home, you should seek medical help.


In folk medicine, many methods of treating diarrhea. Many of them give a quick effect. It is important to individually pick up the agent. Carefully apply to people suffering from allergies. For prevention of diarrhea, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene.

Want to know a few folk recipes for treating diarrhea in older, adults and children? Then see the proposed video.

Lying patients - this category of patients is special not only in terms of care, nutrition and organizing increased living standards. Such people are subject to numerous risks from different sides, whether it is the formation of legs and contractures, or digestive impairment, as well as an increased possibility of infection with various microorganisms. Absolutely everything concerns such patients, differs from the care and treatment of other patients. The development of diarrhea can greatly worsen the condition of the body and in isolated cases to become a fatal outcome for a person.

What can cause diarrhea in a lying patient

Any violation of the state can lead to difficult consequences. The emergence of diarrhea can be expected if a person is in a medical institution and receives antibiotic therapy. In this case, the normal suffers (even if the drugs are introduced intravenously or intramuscularly, and, it would seem to be afraid of the digestive tract), in all other cases, diarrhea is a complication that can talk about pathological processes in the body.

As an independent disease or pathology - the diarrhea cannot occur. It is important to understand that diarrhea is a symptom that is capable of developing for a number of reasons:

  • Reception of drugs that adversely affect the state of the natural intestinal microflora and cause diarrhea;
  • Feeding only with special protein mixtures that do not contain dietary fibers for the formation of a solid stool;
  • Food with mixtures, which were in a divided state longer than the last time (the shelf life of the diluted mixture is not more than 6 hours in the refrigerator);
  • The one-step reception of a large amount of nutrient mixture causes an intestines to be reloaded by a protein.

All these reasons for diarrhea near the patient can cause a strong disorder that will torment the patient for several days.

Symptomatic picture of diarrhea

Initially, when diarrhea just started, the patient's chair will become more liquid until it becomes the consistency of the mucus. Such a symptom will mean that there are no carts and normal microflora left in the intestine, and coarse fibrous food that a person can eat can damage

Diarrhea at the lying patient after starting not immediately. Initially, strong gas formation and bloating will begin, which will be very disturbed by the patient. Then, after a few hours (maybe days), the frequency of feed masses will begin to increase each day, until it becomes an uncontrollable character, which is a characteristic feature of diarrhea. The patient can stop feeling the disheaval of the feces and just start "go under him." Most often, no other symptomatic picture of diarrhea has no observed patient.

The effects of diarrhea in a lying patient

The consequences of all dyspeptic phenomena, whether or diarrhea is dehydration. During such processes, the organism is lost by the colossal volumes of fluid. This can lead to a violation of the work of the heart, reduced arterial pressure, strong fatigue. However, the most severe consequences of diarrhea are disturbances of consciousness and convulsions.

Features of the flow of diarrhea

No matter how unexpectedly, it was not - diarrhea near the patient proceeds with an increased psychological response to what is happening. The situation in itself, when the underlying patient is directly dependent on prying, from their care for sick and help - the development of diarrhea affects the psychological state of a person.

It is not uncommon among such patients - the conviction of their guilt and anger that they cannot stop this process. In such a situation, they often refuse to eat food and medicines, which is unacceptable, as diarrhea cannot pass by itself. At the same time, it is extremely important to explain why the lying patient diarrhea, which caused and what consequences can be expected by a person if they refuse food and drugs.

Important!! A large loss of fluid in diarrhea and the presence of an infectious process in a weakened organism is possible such an outcome as psychosis. Therefore, it is imperative to comply with the recommendations of the doctor, and if the patient is at home, then immediately inform the district doctor to receive recommendations - how to stop diarrhea from a lying patient and normalize a psychological state.

Treatment of diarrhea in patients after stroke

How to treat diarrhea at a lying patient? Only a doctor can be assigned adequate drug therapy, so it should not be delayed to appeal to specialists. To stop diarrhea at a lying patient, it is important to appoint such medicines as enterol, loperamide, polyfepan, smecta and other anti-stage drugs - this is the first thing to do any doctor.

First of all, it is necessary to reduce the number of carte masses, ensure that they become more dense. At the same time, drugs containing a normal intestinal microflora are prescribed to restore the lack of useful bacteria. These are the most basic methods of treating diarrhea. If the family wants to use folk remedies in addition to the main treatment, follow the therapy with the attending physician.

The use of folk agents in the treatment of diarrhea

Many plant components are capable of binding cavities and prevent diarrhea. Most importantly, it is to observe the measure, combine with drugs and not to replace drugs, but to use as an addition to the main therapy.

Means How to apply
Rice decoction Strong rice strongly, strain his liquid and drink in the day in small portions
Pomegranate crusts Running in one glass of water 3 tablespoons of finely chopped crusts, pecking for 15 minutes. 4-5 beam tablespoons dissolve in a glass of water and take to meals
Decoration from Cherryukha Fresh berries or bark brewed in boiling water within 20-30 minutes. Such a decoction of drinks throughout the day 100 ml, between eating food
Infusion of partitions in walnut kernels Take 100 grams of partitions and 3-4 days insist on alcohol in a closed dark tank. After infusion, be sure to strain and take during diarrhea no more than one teaspoon on a glass of water

What may be complications for diarrhea

The article has already mentioned the possibility of bleeding and dehydration in diarrhea. But this is not all complications. Lying patients are often susceptible to the risk of education laying out. If diarrhea develops in a lying patient, when the sacrum is available on the sacrum, the likelihood is extremely high, which will occur infection of the wound by the carte masses. It will aggravate the process of tissue granulation, as well as additional antibiotic therapy may be required to combat infection, which can lead to repeated diarrhea.

In the event that the patient does not have breakdown, but there is a frequent liquid chair and there is pollution of the skin of the skin, skin irritation and the formation of macerations will not wait long. In order for this not happening, it is required not only to comply with the purity of the skin and ensure that the skin remains clean and dry. It is important to use special creams and lotions that form a protective film on the skin that performs the barrier function and provides care for the upper layer of the epidermis.


Diarrhea is the pathological condition of the body at which frequent defecations with a liquid chair occur, accompanied by pain and spasms.

In the elderly, many processes occurring in the body slow down. From the gastrointestinal tract, this is expressed by a decrease in the level of enzymes and the deterioration of hydrolysis of nutrients. Changes in the oral cavity, when not all the teeth are already preserved, leads to the fact that food is not sufficiently chewed. The amount of flavoring bulbs is reduced, which leads to a weakening of taste sensitivity, especially with respect to the sweet. The secretion of saliva is reduced and this is the cause of dry mouth. The process of swallowing is disturbed due to weakness and muscle strength. Changes in the pancreas occur. It decreases its secretory function. The liver decreases in size and the amount of bile produced decreases. The mucous membrane is thinned in the small intestine, which disrupts the separation of enzymes necessary for the absorption of fats and milk.

The elderly people love sweets, and the process of suction of carbohydrates is already disturbed, so the digestion disorder arises - diarrhea. Often, the cause of diarrhea is the use of antibiotics.

Diarrhea in an elderly person for a long time

When an elderly person has a long diarrhea, first of all, it is necessary to exclude a hiding cork and pseudomambranous colitis. It is possible that it is a symptom of Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. They are characterized by abundant diarrhea and loss of body weight.

Diseases of the endocrine system can also manifest itself a diarrhea that continues for a long time. Similar symptoms are observed in diabetes mellitus, and when Addison's disease. Diarrhea with blood impurities may indicate an infectious colitis or a malignant tumor. You can only diagnose these diseases by passing a special medical examination.

Diarrhea in the elderly: treatment

The appointment of treatment with diarrhea to the old man requires a very careful medical examination and an individual approach to each patient. The main danger lies in the dehydration of the body, so the shortage of fluid must be filled as soon as possible. Helps abundant drinking solution to drink every two hours throughout the day.

Many drugs can give serious side effects, so the doctor prescribes activated carbon, which is powered by a sufficient amount of fluid.

Well helps rice decoction. In half a liter of boiling water, add one and a half teaspoons of rice and boil on a small fire for forty minutes. Then you need to cool and strain. Take during the day on one quadruple glass with breaks in two or three hours.

Diet with diarrhea in the elderly

In the first day during diarrhea, it is necessary to refrain from making food. Then use only easily digestible food, which will not cause fermentation and will not give a relaxing effect. It can be mashed potatoes and rubbed porridges. Instead of bread, eat crackers and galley. Good affect digestion Baked apples. After a couple of days you can move to meat dishes, but only cooked for a couple. These can be bits, chicken cutlets, meatballs. Soups must be either vegetable, or on low-fat meat broth. Raw vegetables, fruits and milk need to be eliminated, as well as spices, fried and fatty products. And cottage cheese and kefir can be introduced into the diet gradually and small portions. Drink compotes, kisins and fastening tea. Include a natural-based yogurt diet with bifidobacterium content.

The causes of diarrhea in old age can be the most different from the simple stomach disorder to a very dangerous disease. With age, unfortunately, people are faced with such unpleasant phenomena more and more. Few people know what treatment from diarrhea for older people is worth using.

Causes and symptoms of diarrhea

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a very specific phenomenon. It is not a disease, but only a symptom. It is always manifested not in time and unexpectedly.

Dimony is considered to be cauldropic release of liquid species. Determine the reason for the appearance of diarrhea in an adult is very easy: for this you need to put it immediately to the hospital for the examination. It is not always possible to notice, but before the occurrence of diarrhea, the body tries to warn a person about possible danger.

The first signs are manifested as follows:

  • Unpleasant sounds in stomach or bloating.
  • Pain.
  • Chair is more liquid than usual.
  • I always want to drink.
  • Nausea.
  • Fatigue.
  • Water acquired a dark color.
  • Gone appetite.

In addition to diarrhea, other unwanted concomitant signs of one or another disease. Namely:

  • Slow pain in the abdomen.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Vomiting.

Most often, older people and children receive the greatest damage at diarrhea. This is because the body is weak and is at risk, dehydration occurs.

Causes of diarrhea in older people

Depending on whether the patient receives medical care or not, diarrhea may not stop within a few days. Frequency of feces - 4 -5 times a day. If more serious signs occur during diarrhea: adding blood secretions or mucus in the total mass of defecations, sharp character pain in the stomach, too high body temperature, should immediately access the doctor.

Older people find themselves in the risk zone of diarrhea with such an age, as the Crohn disease or ulcerative colitis. With it, older people begin to lose body weight and are often strained with a liquid chair.

With the deaths of the endocrine system, diarrhea may also appear. Sugar diabetes and Addison's disease can also cause diarrhea. If there is blood in the cartoons, the suspicion may fall on a malignant tumor or infectious colitis.

One of the most frequent reasons will, of course, the intolerance of some foods and an allergic reaction. In addition to the use of drugs, a sudden diarrhea may also occur, as well as in chronic pancreatitis and after various intestinal operations.

It is less likely to have a diarrhea with a lack of zinc in the body, Uremia, during the disorders of the nervous system.

For diarrhea, the elderly has a sufficient time, it is necessary to carefully explore the problem. Only with a thorough examination of the laboratory type and diagnostic tests can be understood what happened in the body.

Since the organism of the elderly person is pretty worn, the approach is required to each patient individually. The greatest danger in diarrhea in the elderly is too sharp dehydration of the body. All the forces at the beginning of treatment should be put on the fact that the organism in an elderly person began to receive as much liquid as possible.

A safe way to treat diarrhea in the elderly until the reasons for its occurrence will be the use of EM-Kourung capsules. The drug has a reductional effect in dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchopulmonary pathology, under anemia, immunodeficiency states associated with viral, bacterial and oncological diseases.

Under the influence of the EM Curong capsules, digestion normalizes; Suction and metabolism of iron, calcium; Suction of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, triglycerides, amino acids, dipeptides, sugars, bile salts. The synthesis of vitamins is improved, the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract is restored.

More about the benefits of the drug Em-Kurung for any person look at the video.

Among the elderly, one of the common pathologies of the digestive tract are violations of the chair in the form of constipation, which happens more often, or diarrhea - which arise less often, but tolerated is no less hard. Often, the challenges of the chair accompany the abdominal pain, disorders of appetite, weight loss. For the treatment of these states in old age, special drugs are required due to the specific causes of development related to age-related changes. Is it easy to use pills to combat constipation or diarrhea, what means are suitable?

In the elderly, due to largerness, constipation often arises, which violates her usual well-being and causes discomfort. To combat constipation, various preparations of laxative action are applicable, but their appointments are engaged in doctors to which older people with such a problem are reluctant. Often, at the old age, the constipation has a persistent character, there are no chairs for several days, abdominal pain arise, disorders of appetite, and sometimes serious surgical complications. To eliminate discomfort, the elderly independently, without the recommendation of the doctor, use the medicine-acquired drugs acquired in the pharmacy, often causing it harm the body due to the development of side effects from taking tablets. It is important that the elderly people realize that constipation is a problem of a complex nature, provoked by irrational nutrition, a shortage of fluid and a sedentary lifestyle. The reception of the drugs of the laxative action does not treat constipation, but only frees the intestine from the accumulated carts, which leads to repetition and aggravation of the problem. Taking these medications appropriate only in cases where other means (power changes, an increase in fluid consumption) do not lead to a state facilitation.

Tablets of laxative action: species and mechanism of action

Today, four groups of tablets that affect the digestive tract may be applied in old ages, lead to facilitating the state. First of all, these are drugs that soften the feces and help his disbelief. They are created on the basis of various components that hold moisture in the colon area, which leads to the discharge of the carte masses and the discharge of the chair. Such pills or powders are used most often.

Tablets that have an irritant effect in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intestinal wall can be used. The basis of their action is irritation by chemicals of the intestinal walls to activate the peristaltics. Also use funds with the ability to absorb liquid and swell in the intestine, which increases the volume of feces and stimulates their elimination. Many of the drugs form a cumulative effect, so their action is delayed within 2-3 days. Additionally stimulate the chair preparations prebiotics, which improve the digestion of food, help the growth of the useful microbial intestine flora. However, any pills that help with constipation, elderly patients should select a doctor, only he can take into account all possible contraindications and side effects.

A non-discontinuity of intestinal functions in old age is diarrhea, which during its long-term flow can lead to serious consequences - dehydration, loss of electrolytes and vitamins, cause aggravation of chronic pathologies. Diarrhea in old age, in contrast to the young, less often provokes poisoning or intestinal infections. The most common cause is the violation of enzymatic activity due to age, which disrupts the full splitting and suction of food components. As a result, food residues fall in untapped form in a thick intestine, where they are actively split by microbial flora with the formation of annoying and toxic metabolic products. This leads to an increase in the peristaltic, irritation and inflammation of the intestinal wall, and in the end, diarrhea is formed. Another reason can be a decrease in the activity of taste receptors, which leads to the perversion of food habits with an abrasiveness in the nutrition of sweet, sharp, salted products. It annoys the intestinal wall, provoking diarrhea.

Causes of diarrhea and abdominal pain in old age

Against the background of admission in the old age of antibiotics or some drugs, abdominal pain arise and diarrhea as a side reaction to drugs. Problems with teeth, chewing and processing its saliva in the oral cavity also threaten the development of abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea. Some metabolic diseases, endocrine disorders, such as diabetes mellitus or Addison disease can lead to intestinal spasms and abdominal pain, which provokes diarrhea. It can be long, leading to the depletion and loss of nutrients, anemia and hypovitaminosis. It is often developing abdominal pain, strong diarrhea and malaise against the background of stress, nervous overvoltage or experiences. Any diarrhea options require a doctor appeal to determine the true cause of diarrhea, as well as assign adequate treatment, the drugs that will be safe in old age.

Naturally, the most proper treatment of diarrhea is the elimination of the reason that caused it. But in the acute period there are also necessary actions that must be carried out to prevent dehydration and loss of salts and nutritional components. Reception of fluid is necessary - it may be fastening tea with lemon and sugar, as well as mineral water without gas. If the diarrhea is strong, it is necessary to disappear an elderly person with special solutions for oral rehydration - oralitis, glucosolyan and others. To eliminate toxins or medicines from the intestines or drugs that could have a side effect, you can take a suit or polysorb to bind the remains of toxins or drugs.

It is important not to abandon the background of diarrhea from nutrition, but eliminate all annoying and weak products from the diet. Power should be light, calorie, semisolite, so that it is easier to digest and assimilated the intestine.