Intestinal virus without diarrhea and vomiting. Intestinal infections. What pathogens can cause acute intestinal infection

The symptoms of gastroenteritis and dehydration come to the fore.

What is Rotavirus

Rotavirus is a microscopic virion that consists of a nucleus and membranes, causing acute intestinal symptoms. There are seven types, they are common everywhere, resistant to the external environment and various physical influences. As a rule, the incidence of this infection increases in winter and autumn, primarily due to a seasonal decrease in immunity.

You can get infected both from a sick person with a full-fledged clinical picture, and from a carrier of bacteria. Very often, kindergarten staff act as carriers of the infection, which to some extent explains the outbreaks of the disease in collectives. To a large extent, young children under five years of age are susceptible to the disease.

Rotavirus without diarrhea

Bacteria carriers are dangerous to society because they do not know about their disease. The clinical picture in their case is more than blurred, there are no vivid manifestations typical of an infection. Adults are more susceptible to this condition. Although a person is unaware of the carrier of the infection, he infects the people around him. This is especially dangerous for kindergarten workers, food blocks, large-scale enterprises.

In this case, the absence of classic diarrhea is more than possible. The following symptoms of the disease come to the fore:

  • general malaise;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • weakness, lethargy, fatigue;
  • subfebrile temperature;
  • decreased appetite;
  • single vomiting.

A variant of the latent period of the development of rotavirus infection is also possible, at this time the disease is gaining momentum, and the small intestine at this point is not yet involved in the pathological process.

How does the disease progress

Intestinal flu has a classic clinical picture that is difficult to confuse with anything. The following symptoms of infection are characteristic:

  • loose stools, watery in consistency, frothy;
  • possible impurities in the form of mucus;
  • some people have rice-like feces, white;
  • defecation frequency from three to twenty times a day;
  • accompanied by pain, rumbling, urging;
  • the act of defecation brings relief;
  • profuse or single vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • febrile body temperature;
  • headache;
  • lethargy, weakness, fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • dehydration that gets worse
  • refusal to eat, a significant decrease in appetite.

Depending on the intensity of the course of the disease, the feces become discolored, in some situations reaching a white color. Diarrhea of ​​a debilitating nature, there are imperative urges. Involvement in the pathological process of the upper respiratory tract is often found. This is manifested by the appearance of a runny nose, sore throat, and a feeling of perspiration.

Compared to the flu, these symptoms do not progress and remain in the background. Vomiting with rotavirus infection can be single or repeated up to ten times a day. You can stop vomiting only with medicines.

Features of the course of the disease in children

Babies have their own specific disease. In their case, the disease is mild, and the symptoms are moderate. Clinical manifestations are usually not pronounced. Lethargy, refusal of breast or mixture, pallor, tearfulness, lethargy are noted.

Older children are more susceptible to severe disease. The infection begins acutely and suddenly, the child begins to vomit, and loose stools appear. The disease is manifested by significant intoxication, weakness, adynamia, apathy. The skin becomes marbled, there is a bluish tint, excessive pallor. Loss of consciousness, episodes of seizures, significant dehydration are possible.

Failure to seek medical attention in a timely manner can lead to the death of the child. But at the same time, the presence of rotavirus infection in a child is not a reason for panic.

Preventive actions

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to observe basic hygiene rules, wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating. It is necessary to avoid contact with sick people, bacteria carriers. It is mandatory to boil water, its compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards against infection. If preventive measures are not followed, you can become infected again, since the immunity is short-lived.

At the moment, there are vaccines that prevent the onset of the disease. These include:

Like any vaccination, it again has a number of contraindications. First of all, these include allergic reactions and a sensitive reaction to components. In addition, contraindications include malformations of the gastrointestinal tract. Children who have a history of intussusception should also not be vaccinated.

Treatment of the disease

How to stop diarrhea? Therapeutic measures are based on drug treatment. To restore normal water balance and electrolytes, drugs such as Rehydron, Smecta, Enterol, Linex, Polysorb are prescribed. For adults, it is possible to use activated carbon in a dosage of one tablet per ten kilograms of weight.

In the complex therapy scheme, it is important to focus on sorbents, Polysorb is popular today. Polysorb is one of the few drugs that has a wide spectrum of action, stopping diarrhea with vomiting. It can be used from an early age and is easy to use and can be drunk by a child.

Polysorb is justified for most intestinal infections, including rotavirus, relieving symptoms by reducing their manifestation. Polysorb is diluted in a small amount of water and drunk as a suspension.

The use of antiviral drugs in conjunction with immunomodulators against rotavirus infection is justified. Of the interferons, Viferon with vitamins is the most effective. It is important to adhere to dietary recommendations, the exclusion of dairy products and milk. With debilitating vomiting, antiemetic drugs are prescribed.

Folk recipes

Herbal medicine and traditional medicine in this case is not effective. In addition, the likelihood of complications developing at lightning speed is too high, especially in young children. In this case, the use of folk recipes as the main therapy is unacceptable.

In combination with drug treatment of the disease, they use:

  • decoction of barley and pear;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • rye crackers;
  • gooseberry berries.

You can prepare a solution based on sugar, soda and salt. The components must be dissolved in a liter of water. After that, solder the child in fractional portions throughout the day. Thus, the electrolyte and water balance is partially restored.


It is impossible to stop infectious diseases in the population. But following specific and non-specific prevention, the prevalence of infectious diseases is significantly reduced. Re-infection is possible. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a pediatrician or infectious disease doctor.

In this situation, it is better not to resort to traditional methods of treatment, but to limit yourself to classical therapeutic regimens for infection. The disease is most severe in children under the age of four years, newborns and adults are subject to fewer complications. Most often, intestinal symptoms come to the fore, sometimes the upper respiratory tract is involved, but symptoms do not progress compared to the flu.

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Rotavirus infection without fever

Rotavirus infection can cause symptoms in children without fever.

The first symptoms appear after the penetration of the pathogen into the body - for 2-3 days. In the incubation period of the disease, there are no clinical signs of pathology.

Rotavirus infection is an acute infectious viral disease. Infection occurs mainly through the fecal-oral route. Diseases are called dirty hand diseases. Less commonly, the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, which gave the name - intestinal flu.

In children from 1-2 months to a year, an acute viral intestinal infection is extremely acute. In a one-month-old baby, the symptoms of dehydration develop at lightning speed. In children from 2-3 years of age and older, the disease recurs and has no pronounced severity. If the baby attends a preschool institution, it is likely that healthy children who are in contact with the patient will become infected. If there is a sick person in a group of children or adults, the carrier, the people around them, get sick with rotavirus.

The disease in children after a year and older often debuts with respiratory symptoms and is atypical. Hence the interest in accompanying intestinal infection with a rise in temperature and other clinical symptoms.

Signs of the disease

Rotavirus infection is called gastric or intestinal flu. The disease debuted with clinical symptoms resembling an acute respiratory viral infection. Parents believe that the baby has caught a cold and are beginning to treat him for respiratory tract infection. It is necessary to prevent the child from symptoms of damage to the digestive system.

Flow without temperature

Sometimes the disease proceeds without a high fever. The clinical variant is atypical for rotavirus infection and is misleading in the diagnosis.

When an infection develops without a fever

Rotavirus without fever happens:

  1. If the infection is atypical. The symptoms are erased, resembling another disease.
  2. A child with a weakened immune system: with an intestinal infection, there is no pronounced protective reaction of the body.
  3. The disease occurs in adult patients without fever.
  4. If the child has previously had a rotavirus infection: it is easier to tolerate again. Often the baby does not have a temperature.

Known Symptoms

Rotavirus infection enters the child's body, reaches the intestinal lumen, begins to invade and multiply. The incubation period proceeds without fever and other clinical symptoms.

Rotavirus gastroenteritis symptoms:

  1. Diarrhea. Changes in stool character. At first, the stool has a mushy consistency, then it becomes liquid. The changes are due to the localization of the rotavirus in the intestinal epithelial cells. In the intestine, absorption processes are disrupted, a lot of fluid enters there. Pathogens are quickly flushed out of the body. The frequency of diarrhea is 5 to 15 times a day. In severe forms of the disease, diarrhea is repeated up to 50 times a day. Small mucous, foamy impurities are present. The appearance of an admixture of blood in the stool indicates a secondary bacterial infection.
  2. Nausea, frequent vomiting. Against the background of nausea in children, appetite decreases, until a complete refusal of food. Vomits on an empty stomach, after eating. Vomiting is especially frequent on the first day. Repeated urge leads to the development of dehydration.
  3. Abdominal pain and rumbling are common in young children. The amount of gases in the intestine increases, the epithelial cells of the intestine are affected.
  4. Signs of dehydration. Repeated vomiting and diarrhea lead to symptoms of dehydration. The younger the child, the more rapidly the clinical picture develops. In newborns, the symptoms of exicosis develop in minutes. Clinically, dehydration manifests itself in dry lips, mucous membranes, sagging skin, sharpened facial features, pallor of the skin. The pulse is fast, weak filling. The volume of urine excreted is significantly reduced. Hospitalization of the child, parenteral therapy is required. Treatment is with saline solutions.

Asymptomatic course

In childhood, the asymptomatic course of rotavirus infection does not happen. The disease debuts with clinical signs of respiratory catarrhal phenomena. This is why rotavirus infection is called intestinal flu.

Rotavirus does not occur without diarrhea. In mild cases, the stool changes: it acquires a mushy character and a grayish color.

Adults with sufficiently strong immunity act as carriers of the virus and do not feel the signs of the development of the disease. Mild course - the disease is carried on the legs without diarrhea and vomiting, accompanied by minor abdominal pain, nausea. The course of the disease without vomiting and diarrhea leads to the infection of loved ones and colleagues.

Features of infection without fever in adults

Rotavirus infection is rare in adults. It was believed that the disease is the prerogative of childhood.

In adults, the body temperature does not rise during infection, the general signs of intoxication are poorly expressed.

On palpation, patients show pain in the epigastric region, around the navel. Rumbling and transfusion in the right iliac region is characteristic. The liver and spleen during rotavirus infection do not change size, are painless on palpation. Abdominal pain is mild or absent.

During sigmoidoscopy - severe hyperemia, swelling of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon.

In the acute period with rotavirus, changes in urine are observed: impurities of blood and protein appear in the urine. The amount of residual nitrogen in the urine increases. On the first day, leukocytosis appears. Later, it is replaced by leukopenia. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is unchanged.

Duration of the course of infection without temperature

The duration of the disease in the absence of temperature depends on the stage of detection and the intensity of treatment.

The average duration of the course of the disease is from 2 to 7 days. The recovery period after an intestinal infection is 10 to 15 days. They follow a diet and restore the intestinal microflora.

In adults and older children, there are no complications from rotavirus infection. There is a complication with an untimely start of therapeutic measures and severe immunodeficiency.

If vomiting and diarrhea are severe, severe dehydration develops. Often, with non-modern treatment, a secondary bacterial infection joins; this leads to a worsening of the condition.

Children do not have an asymptomatic course of rotavirus infection; as additional symptoms, sore throat and cough develop and symptoms of intoxication - headache and general malaise.

A competent pediatrician or infectious disease doctor has the right to prescribe treatment. Treatment is pathogenetic and symptomatic. It is not recommended to treat yourself on your own: this entails unpleasant consequences.


Rotavirus without diarrhea

Girls say after the disease rotavirus in a child, the rate is 37.3-5. In the hospital. They give an injection of an antibiotic. it

Girls say after the disease rotavirus in a child, the rate is 37.3-5. In the hospital. They give an injection of an antibiotic. This is the norm that the pace is kept? Diarrhea, vomiting, no. Reb is awake.


Situation: son (1.8) fell asleep yesterday as usual, at 10 pm. At half past midnight, I woke up groaning. Poo. Everything is fine, I went to wash and put it to bed. After 5 minutes, I pumped up again, a little upset. After 10 minutes for the third time, the stool is mushy, f.

Crazy weekdays ..

Eh, after this rotavirus, we will not return to the usual rhythm. Julia always slept all night, now she wakes up 150 times a night, 2 sips of water / milk and then sleep. Everything seemed to go away for her, even the diarrhea was on the mend, but after 2 normal days.

Girls, I had one of the twins for a couple of days already had a refusal to drink from any kind of bottles and sippy cups, chewed nipples, last night I ate 160 ml instead of 200 and this morning 90 instead of 200 and immediately passed it so that I have never had this - real adult diarrhea with some kind of white foam. Doesn't take a pacifier either. He kicked his legs all night and slept on his stomach. The second one is okay so far. Could it be diarrhea from the teeth? Or think about rotavirus.

Can't determine the cause of diarrhea

The youngest daughter had diarrhea for about a month or so. A couple of days was accompanied by a temperature, and then the temperature returned to normal, and the diarrhea was for another 2 weeks. Then a few days of calm and diarrhea again and so on. I give smecta - an improvement, I don't give it - everything comes back again. I no longer know how to help and what is the reason. Here everything is at the same time: the older has a rotavirus (perhaps the younger also started because of this), the younger had teeth during this time (4 at once).

Rotovirus / God forbid, it won't be needed /

How happy parents are when their child begins to use the pot on his own! And how worried it is when a child runs to the potty twenty times a day and complains of abdominal pain. This could be a sign of rotavirus infection, a disease that almost all children under 3 years of age face.

Could this be a rotavirus?

We went to the garden on Monday, and there are 7 people there. The rest are sick with rotavirus. And these are either already or still. We are not afraid, we have been ill with it several times. As a result, on Tuesday afternoon, they took the vomiting. The evening lay with a rag, vomiting was stopped with papaverine. At night kipferon. Smecta. They gave me a fractional drink. Everything as usual. There was no diarrhea or fever. Runs and eats in the morning. I was already beginning to get scared that it was not a fact that it was a company, but vomiting was connected with something terrible, as my husband ran with diarrhea. I calmed down.

Enterofuril with vomiting

Girls, tell me please, is there any point in giving Enterofuril for rotavirus, if there is no diarrhea, but only vomiting? It's just that the instructions say that he is from diarrhea. Child 1.10, vomits every 2 hours, does not eat, I give smecta and Regidron.

37.7 almost no symptoms

On weekends everything is fine, healthy child, walking and so on. Today we went to the garden, in the morning the matinee was a little sleepy. In the afternoon I took it, lethargic, apathetic. At home, mild diarrhea, temperature 37.7. Is sleeping now. What is it? Intestinal flu? Rotavirus? Before going to bed, except for the temperature, there was nothing, no cough, no runny nose. in one of the groups in the garden there is quarantine for chickenpox, but there seems to be no rash, and diarrhea is not in the cash register. Maybe someone has had something like this lately?


I don't know or not (the doctor said he was), but the child (4 years old) had diarrhea for three days (Sunday and Monday up to 7 times, Tuesday already once). Well, plus the nose is leaking and the eyes are watering. All would be fine and it would seem that they got off with a slight fright, but last night he became very lethargic, fell asleep unusual for himself, watching cartoons. At the same time, the shilopop child is rare, but here he lay calmly. Today the situation repeats itself, lays, walks, walks, and lays down again .. No temperature, complains sometimes.

Mom got sick.

Girls, I don't know what's wrong with me. At 7 am I woke up with nausea. In the period from 7 to 12 vomited 5 times. Mostly bile. No diarrhea. After the coal I fell asleep, I felt better. The only thing is direct weakness. Half an hour ago, a temperature of 38.3 appeared. I drank nurofen. Is it a rotavirus? Flu? The ultimate infection? Departure?

Rotavirus 🙁

I already realized that my son and I caught exactly the rotavirus. He only had vomiting for 1 day, diarrhea was constant for 2 days, and today the first day I collapsed. But he has no fever, and I have 39. Of course, I am in a fog, I want to sleep all the time and I have no strength. Question: do I need to bring down the temperature? Or let the body fight itself? Vomiting and diarrhea are terrible, I can't eat.

Diarrhea and vomiting after antibiotics

Girls, hello, we are 11 months old. We lay in the hospital, treated bronchitis, and injected us with antibiotics for 9 days (yesterday we were discharged and in the evening diarrhea began, and today it continues, I gave him water to drink, porridge, but vomited everything. The doctor came and said to drink probiotic Acidolak and Panzinorm and that's it. I want to give him Smectu. Who had this? What did they do? How long did it all last? I was already worn out. There was rotavirus, thank you all for the comments, you were right. We went to the reception, we were prescribed smecta, enterol and.


The child is 9 months old. We lay in the infectious diseases ward. It seems like the chair has returned to normal there. And at home, for 2 days, diarrhea again. We are on IV. I give the mixture less, but it does not help. Is it possible to feed a child with rotavirus with purchased puree, well, there are vegetable, fruit, fish, meat. It is clear that everything is milk-free. I give purchased dairy-free porridges. But is it possible to puree? Who knows?? Or who fed what?

Diarrhea and vomiting

Daughter 8 months. Yesterday I started having diarrhea in the evening and vomited at night. Temperature 37. Yesterday we ate broccoli puree. Maybe they were poisoned. Or could it be a rotavirus? We are waiting for the doctor, we drink smecta and rehydron.


maybe without vomiting and diarrhea? On Thursday, she took Julia with a temperature of 38 from the garden, on Friday she reached 40, on Saturday up to 37.5. Nothing else came out. She gave novirin and sealed it off, thought about the virus. Katya has nothing pah-pah-pah. Today the m / s called from the garden, said the floor of the group with rotaviru, got sick on Friday and Thursday. And she said that there could be a rotavirus without rate and diarrhea. Maybe? that year they were sick with rotavirus at the same time, i.e. this is not the first.

Doesn't eat solid food

After rotavirus ((I'm in a panic already. On Wednesday there was vomiting, on Thursday diarrhea. On Thursday I ate a little potatoes, on Friday one cookie, today I nibbled an apple. Girls, my daughter only eats her breast. She even refuses mashed potatoes, and this is her favorite food. What to do, how to feed normal food? There are no signs of illness anymore .. I lost 1 kg over these days ((

Rotavirus - lactose intolerance and hv

They fell ill with rotavirus (a state of moderate severity), as a result, lactose intolerance began, they recommended feeding with a lactose-free mixture, does not eat and in which one, the child requires a breast, I give a breast - diarrhea, I do not understand what to do and what to feed ?! Who will tell you what? We are 9 months old, I apologize for writing to a group from 1 to 3.


Do girls who have babies (we are 6 months old) get rotavirus? How long did it take to recover? Despite the vaccinations, the bead got sick with rotavirus. Vomiting and recurrent diarrhea (6-8 times per day, specifically so liquid) have been bothering me for 6 days. Overall, she is doing well. Cheerful, agile. Plays. But at night he yells. no appetite. Difficult to feed. I was in the hospital. But since I live in Finland, we did not receive adequate assistance. Except that we sat there for 5 hours and they confirmed to us that they had rotavirus and were told.


The baby in the morning, did not even have time to wake up, vomited 2 times. Pace. no. Diarrhea too. No more vomiting. I ate badly, although in the morning it is always like that. Now not very active, sleepy, but we did not sleep half the night. Girls, can I give cottage cheese? If there was a rotavirus, would there already be more symptoms? We got up at 8, I will feed at about 12.

Rotavirus and medications

There is a 1.7 child with rotavirus. Diarrhea 5 day. Of the medicines prescribed for us, he takes only bifidobacteria and enterofuril somehow. And smecto in any way !! From a drinking cup, from a spoon, from a syringe, we hold it together - it will still spit out or vomit. The story is the same with polysorb. The child is cheerful, active as before the illness. We have an active GW. Maybe her, this smecta? But the diarrhea does not stop me. We follow the diet.

Go to the hospital or wait?

Hi all! I am writing for the sake of collective opinion. The child has diarrhea, went to the toilet 3 times today. The chair is the same as she had with rotavirus. No vomiting, the pace was a week ago (sinned in the throat, but I already doubt it). To give us medications is a mission impossible. He drinks water, smecta with grief in half for 1 tsp, no rehydration ((I'm afraid that there will be dehydration, we already lay with this rubbish in the hospital, 5 days under droppers, dehydration was terrible, but then it was.

Rotavirus, what is it?

Girls, did anyone have children with rotavirus? How long does diarrhea last? How did you recover? Was the temperature?

How long did it take for you to become infected with rotavirus after contact with a sick person?

This is the question. Here's the thing. My husband suddenly started vomiting yesterday, diarrhea and fever. The child was in the kindergarten. After kindergarten, I immediately gave the child to my grandmother out of harm's way. Today a day has passed since my husband fell ill, everything is fine with me, my husband felt a little better. So I think if he got poisoned or caught rotavirus. When can you pick up a child and not be afraid of infection, in the event that it is still rotavirus?

How many days will there be diarrhea with rotavirus?

Mothers of children who have recovered, how was it? My daughter is 1.2 years old, 1 day was vomiting, now is the third day, these two days are diarrhea up to 10 times a day, water with poop flakes, bright yellow, we lie in infection, we drink off, we drink smecta, linex, that there is no effect (although it can early, 1 day only we drink them), yesterday my daughter hung like a rag and slept all the time, today she seemed to be oklematsya, played, smiled. Maybe you can dump home, I think, but what to expect? How many days will you still have to vilify and drink?

Diarrhea with some water with rotavirus!

Need to fasten with smecta? Or let the infection come out? What to give a child 1.2g?

What is vomiting with rotavirus?

Daughter vomits from one in the morning, first with abundant food, then with mucus, now there is nothing to vomit, but the urge goes on and on, a little slime comes out. Is that true with rotavirus? And diarrhea begins ((((

Just the limit

brought rotavirus from the hospital. Kostya is under 40, has diarrhea and vomiting. Nastya 38 diarrhea. I'll turn gray.

Red spots on the background of intestinal infection

The doctor will only be there tomorrow, but for now I'm wondering what it might be. Suddenly someone came across. The disease began with vomiting (looking at night), diarrhea in the morning, then a temperature under 39.

Rotavirus in children and adults

Good day! My daughter has a rotavirus infection for all the symptoms, she fell ill on Sunday, and it’s already much better. Actually, the question is not about her. My husband and I had a simultaneous temperature rise: I have 37.3, he has 37.8, weakness. I have no intestinal disorders, my husband had a change in stool in the morning, but not diarrhea. My husband's appetite is reduced, my appetite is normal. The question is: can rotavirus in adults manifest itself only by temperature? Because if we got infected from our daughter, then that's nothing. A.

Rotavirus again?

In a little more than 3 years, my daughter has 4 times. The tests were never taken. Before that, my daughter had gone without diarrhea and fever. All together this time. On Sunday morning I vomited 3 times. By the evening it was 39.5. By the morning the temperature was already normal. Vomited once a day. And also began to fart with kakami. On Tuesday, loose stools. And then she farted with some liquid. On Wednesday she vomited again. We went to the doctor. He's a rotavirus. Today I started to fart with undigested.

Terrible rotavirus

Hello everyone. I have son. He is 1.3 months old. We contracted rotavirus a week ago. Disturbing that diarrhea does not resemble. I give him florin forte. I sing with a rehydron. I'm on a diet. What else to treat. Can anyone come across this help. No temperature.

Rotavirus or just diarrhea?

Good day to all! I took it from the kindergarten and sent yesterday a seemingly healthy child to grandma. We are 3 years 4 months. Yesterday they barely made it home - they wanted to poop. Poop was thin, but not water. At night, the temperature rose to 38, and it began. Pooped 7 times a night, at first there were at least some, and now only water. He drinks a lot, the temperature is now 37 and 5, while my mother says that she has not pooped since 10 in the morning. No vomiting. But he lies exhausted, refuses to eat.

Vomiting after eating (((

Girls, tell me what it can be. In the morning, the child vomited a little, but he somehow coughed and I thought maybe it just happened because of the cough. But recently we had lunch and vomiting again! There is no diarrhea, no fever, a week ago you had a rotavirus, so I think you may not have been cured? Although then we did not have vomiting, only diarrhea and high fever. Who faced this infection, tell me is it possible?


At night, the senior bed ran about 5-6 times, in the morning we went to the doctor, they put it on - rotavirus, the throat is red. To treat - rehydron, smecta, cerucal. We already had rotavirus 2 years ago, but then there was also diarrhea. And now there is no diarrhea, so he has not gone to the pot for several days, we have such a problem with stool, there are constipation. Maybe rotavirus without diarrhea and is it possible to give smecta in our case?

Is it a rotavirus?

For a week and a half, my daughter had loose stools, last Wednesday she had a stomach ache and had diarrhea, and until today, liquid clay-like stools (2-4 times a day) and a cough, no fever, good appetite, active, cheerful, drank smecto for 4 days - sense zero, poop for tests passed (coprogram, rotavirus, salmonellosis and even dysbiosis (the funny thing)), the answer will be on Monday. It's just that for a week and a half, the situation does not change either towards improvement or towards deterioration, and it already bothers me, we are on sick leave, on Monday to the doctor.

I can’t take it anymore :(

Girls, how to stop diarrhea. We are 1.6g. Immediately I will write the DOCTOR CAUSED - this is an intestinal infection of the type of rotavirus (the elder son has been ill, he will bring him from the garden and I will follow and here is a small one), but! diarrhea is already the 4th day 15 times a day and is straight watery: (from the treatment: I drank enerofuril 5 days enterol 3rd day I put candles on Kippferon we drink a little bit of rehydron no dehydration - drinks, pees, cries with tears, mouth The doctor confirmed it as the second day only everything is on the water - because of.

May 15

Rain all day. Didn't even come out even once. The small one got a rotavirus from somewhere (he has diarrhea for the 3rd day, well, it does not happen to anyone, but today there was a fountain of vomiting ((no pace. I am not treating anything. But yesterday we did this.

Poisoning or rotavirus recurring?

Good evening girls! The child on the night from Sunday to Monday vomited three times without fever, on Monday morning once and this morning once. THERE WAS NO TEMPERATURE Yesterday, the stool was normal, now after sleeping 2 times diarrhea - liquid yellow stool with a pungent odor. Temperature 37! In January it was similar - according to the tests, there was a rotavirus, there were the same symptoms, but the temperature rose to 39. My sister only vomited once from Sunday to Monday. She started giving enterofuril.

April 15

The cookie is 1 month and 4 days today. Were at the pediatrician. Weight 4170 and height almost 55 cm. Nice increase! Everything else is fine too. But my daughter got sick today - I suspect rotavirus. Nausea, diarrhea and, most importantly, temperature 38 and 4. Our Cookie.

How long have we not been sick?

hello rotavirus at Dirvota-diarrhea ((without temppryam on Saturday it suddenly puffed up when the guests were) )

Rotavirus! How long does diarrhea last?

The son (9 months old) was diagnosed with Rotavirus on Thursday: it all started with vomiting, then the temperature rose to 39.3 degrees, feeling unwell, etc. But there was no diarrhea, there was loose stools, but only 2 times a day. Today is the 4th day of illness, there is no vomiting, no temperature, the child is in a good mood, BUT there is a lot of loose stools, during the night there were about 5 times. Is this normal? Or may the symptoms still return? I read that loose stools may persist for several days, but it bothers me that in the beginning.

Diarrhea does not go away ((after rotavirus

Help the girls, our son fell ill with rotavirus for 11 months. He got it from his eldest daughter. Today is the 7th day of illness - there is no vomiting, no fever, only with some nightmares. Every hour we are bright green sooo liquid, almost like green water. There are 12 times a day (of various volumes). They were treated with enterofuril, enterol, I try to give smecta, does not like it, does not drink rehydron, they gave us a dropper in the hospital, I already brewed pomegranate crusts, they say a good remedy, that on the forehead or on the forehead to us! We drink bifidumbacterin, we eat titu, we drink.

rotavirus pediashur

girls, I'll turn gray soon. Today is the 6th day. does not eat anything. The temperature has subsided, there is still diarrhea. What to do? Not stuffed with food? Who gave the pediashur? And is it possible with rotavirus?

My Masik fell ill (((

We have rotavirus. High fever and diarrhea. The main thing is not to get into infectious diseases. Set up resolutely, we will unsolder.


Intestinal flu (rotavirus infection) causes and symptoms of the disease, treatment and prevention in adults and children, as well as during pregnancy. Features of nutrition (diet) with intestinal flu

rotaviruses under the microscope

The disease usually begins acutely, but a prodromal period (lasting up to 2 days) can also be observed during this period: malaise, general weakness, headache, increased fatigue, loss of appetite, discomfort and rumbling in the abdomen. There may also be moderate manifestations of the disease from the upper respiratory tract: nasal congestion, sore throat, mild cough.

  1. do not give the child a large amount of liquid to drink - this can lead to vomiting and the effect of such treatment will be negative

The fight against fever must also be justified, as in the treatment of ordinary flu. If the child's temperature is 38 and below, then it is not worth bringing it down with chemicals. Rotavirus dies at high body temperature, plus the production of interferons is activated, which also remove the virus from the body. You can shoot down at a temperature above 38.5, you can lower it if its poor tolerance is noted. To reduce the temperature, you can use both physical methods of lowering the temperature (rubbing the body with vodka), and chemical (taking paracetamol and other specific drugs, in children it is preferable to use candles).

For prophylaxis, a standard set of sanitary procedures is used to prevent infection from entering the body (isolation of the sick, washing hands regularly throughout the day and especially before meals, eating proven and high-quality products, especially dairy products that have not expired, use high-quality drinking water , preferably boiled, thorough washing of vegetables and fruits used for food, perhaps even soaking in a 3% solution of acetic acid for 10 minutes, followed by rinsing in running water if the rotavirus epidemiological situation in the region is unfavorable). Sanitary control by regulatory authorities over the state of catering outlets and products in stores and markets is a matter of course.

  • Flu virus
  • Symptoms
  • Prophylaxis
  • Vaccination
  • Treatment
  • Medicines
  • Operating Islands
  • Complications
    • Sinusitis
    • Pneumonia
    • Runny nose
  • Spreading
  • Influenza in Russia
  • Influenza in Ukraine
  • Influenza in Belarus
  • Copyright
  • Flu delusions
  • Types of flu
    • Swine flu
    • Bird flu
    • Vegetable flu
    • Goat flu
    • Intestinal flu
    • Other
  • NOT flu
  • Question answer
  • Flu humor

Has anyone in your family had the flu in years?

“Wash your hands before eating” is not an advertising slogan or an empty phrase, but the norm of life. Ignoring it, eating unwashed fruits or spoiled canned food, a person deliberately exposes himself to the danger of contracting an intestinal infection. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are the mildest manifestations, at worst - many days "rest" in the hospital or death. This article will tell you how it manifests itself intestinal infection in adults, treatment and signs... A list of antibiotics and folk remedies to combat it will be given.

First, it is worth deciding what is meant by "intestinal infection". Indeed, in fact, it is not one contagious disease, but a group. Several points unite them:

  1. All of them have a negative effect on the alimentary tract.
  2. Infection occurs by infection, the pathogen gets inside with food.

Food poisoning refers to mild diseases, the list is closed by botulism, cholera, typhoid fever, which can lead to mass death of people. The following infectious agents are distinguished:

  • viruses (famous enteroviruses, rotaviruses);
  • toxins (botulism);
  • bacteria that cause cholera, salmonellosis and other diseases.

The actual question that must be considered is how intestinal infection manifests itself in adults. The first period is asymptomatic, after the pathogens enter the disease, the incubation period begins, which lasts from 4 hours to 2 days.

The following symptoms of intestinal infection can be observed in adults (without fever):

The symptoms of intestinal infection in adults with fever are the same, only the process is more severe. This is due to the fact that the increased temperature indicates the inflammatory processes accompanying the course of the disease. Another unpleasant consequence that is observed with intestinal infection is partial or complete dehydration. This most often occurs with vomiting or frequent, loose stools. Dehydration leads to kidney failure, other complications, and even shock. It all depends on age and health. Healthy adult men and women are less prone to dehydration than the younger generation or people in old age.

Acute intestinal infection in adults treatment

The symptoms of intestinal infection mentioned above manifest themselves differently in each case. For some, everything goes in a mild form, accompanied only by nausea. Others, in more severe cases, have a combination of several symptoms that indicate the presence of an acute intestinal infection. Treatment in adults, as well as in children, should be started immediately, without postponing indefinitely.

At the first stage, an accurate diagnosis is required, since the same symptoms are found in a number of other diseases:

  • poisoning with non-food products - paints, chemicals, medicines;
  • acute appendicitis (nausea, fever, abdominal pain);
  • pneumonia;
  • ectopic pregnancy (acute pain, blood in the feces).

Making diagnoses on your own is fraught with health. The best way to find out is to see a doctor, for example, a therapist, even better an infectious disease specialist. It is also recommended to conduct a series of tests to find out the true cause of the disease. With a sharp deterioration in the condition, an emergency call is required. If the disease is flowing smoothly, the reason for it has been clarified, the pills are prescribed, you can start treatment. It should include the following components:

  1. Fight germs.
  2. Fight microbial poisons.
  3. Prevention of dehydration.
  4. Restoration of intestinal microflora.
  5. Compliance with a diet.

Compliance with all doctor's prescriptions, taking medications, maintaining a water regime and dietary nutrition will help you quickly get back on track with minimal losses.

In the people, such an infection is called intestinal flu. The main cause of the disease is called rotaviruses, which enter the stomach from outside. At the same time, bacteria must pass the stomach, get to the small intestine. Further, they are introduced into the walls of the mucous membrane, which affects the enhancement of the motor activity of this organ.

The incubation period in adults lasts about five days, depending on the condition. But the first reasons begin to appear much earlier than the bacteria cause irritation of the mucous membrane. sometimes they pass easily. When treating with high-quality medicines, you can start to the usual rhythm of life in a few days. In severe cases, the case ends with a hospital ward and a very long recovery period.

Intestinal infection is well treated at home, does not require complex medical procedures, the main thing is an integrated approach, including stopping the action of microbes, neutralizing existing toxins. In terms of efficiency, the leading positions are occupied by:

The fight against toxins takes place in different ways, because the body also seeks to get rid of them as soon as possible, hence vomiting and diarrhea. Experts advise to do gastric lavage (in the absence of vomiting), intestinal lavage, using an ordinary enema, available at everyone's home. The water-salt balance is easily restored when using rehydron solution, you need to drink often, but little by little. The restoration of microflora is a matter of modern, widely advertised - "Linex", "Lactobacterin". By the way, according to doctors, lactobacilli have a positive effect on internal organs.

At the moment, as doctors admit, there are no effective remedies for the treatment of rotavirus infection. Therefore, many sick people are in no hurry to go to doctors, they are looking for methods of treatment with folk remedies in adults. You can use natural absorbents, restore water balance with the help of herbal teas, ordinary dried fruit compote, diet.

Patients with fever should not rely on their own strength and medicinal plants. In this case, assistance should be provided in full and in a medical institution. The same applies to cases when severe vomiting begins, blood impurities in the feces.

Antibiotics for intestinal infections in adults list of the best

Doctors unanimously say that antibiotics for infections in adults should be prescribed only by specialists. There can be no question of self-treatment, in many countries they are sold only by prescription. The question of which antibiotics of intestinal infection in adults are effective cannot be answered either. Everyone has a different flow, the list of antibiotics is quite long - Rifaximin, Bankomycin, Neomycin, Ramoplanin, Cefix, all of them have a wide spectrum of action.

Rotavirus intestinal infection diet in adults

Often filling in the search engine with the phrase "antibiotics for intestinal infections in adults, the list", the patient forgets that only an integrated approach is needed. In addition to antibiotics, rehydration (restoration of water balance) should be carried out. Smecta helps well, protecting the digestive system, removing toxins. The use of antiviral and enzyme preparations is possible.

In addition, diet in adults is included in the full treatment of rotavirus infection as one of the mandatory stages. Medical specialists call the list of foods that should be excluded from the diet during treatment:

  • dairy;
  • fried;
  • high in salt and pepper;
  • fruits (except fruit compotes without sugar).

The diet should be the strictest; cereals boiled in water with a minimum salt content, without oil are recommended. The best option is rice porridge on the water. Since rice during cooking produces mucus that envelops the walls of the digestive tract, preventing bacteria from entering and reproducing.

Do you understand what an intestinal infection is in adults, treatment and symptoms are beyond doubt? Do you understand how to treat intestinal infection in adults at home? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

Is an infectious disease

The child's body does not know many bacteria that live everywhere: the baby is born "sterile", he has a minimum set of bacteria for the full functioning of the body.

During the first days - with mother's milk, through the air and in other ways, the baby "absorbs" a new habitat - along with numerous bacteria, many of which are necessary for his life.

But in our environment there are unfavorable organisms: the world around and the human body is filled with hostile viruses and microbes that cause disorders.

Unfamiliar with the aggressive effect, the child's body is unable to overcome the infection with the help of immunity, which is still poorly developed in the child: he receives immunity with mother's milk, which contains many antibodies to diseases and infections.

The causative agents of intestinal infections enter the external environment from the organism of carriers - animals and humans.

After leaving, they live mainly in human waste, in water bodies, soil, and other places possible for the transmission of a virus or bacteria by the fecal-oral route (through dirty hands, dishes, bathing in a dirty pond, etc.).

Therefore, the prevention of intestinal infections in children consists of personal hygiene and isolation of the patient.

An intestinal infection usually enters the body through the mouth. People who neglect hand, dish or food hygiene often pay dearly for their negligence.


There are more than thirty varieties of intestinal infections in the world. Let's consider the known types.

  • Bacterial;
  • Viral;
  • Protozoan.


Bacterial infections enter the body through dirty hands, unwashed vegetables, fruits, and unboiled liquid. Infections are divided into serogroups (a group of bacteria with a common antigen). Tinctorial properties differ between gram-positive (staphylococcus) and gram-negative (salmonella) bacteria. An appropriate antibiotic is prescribed depending on the bacteria that caused the infection.

The following common bacterial diseases are distinguished.

How to feed your baby

Symptoms, treatment in adults and children are similar. Children's gastrointestinal infections are more pronounced.

The reasons for the infection of a child are the use of dairy products of undesirable quality, unboiled water, unwashed vegetables, fruits, a sick adult. A child of the first and second year of life pulls everything into his mouth, therefore he picks up the infection faster.

Frequent intestinal diseases in infants are rotavirus and enterovirus infections, dysentery, salmonellosis. If a child falls ill in kindergarten, the spread of infection occurs as soon as possible, the infectiousness of children is high.

Regardless of the type of pathogenic microorganism, signs of intestinal infection are characterized by an increase in body temperature (up to 39 degrees), diarrhea, and vomiting. The baby begins to chill.

Intestinal infections lead to dehydration in every second history. Intoxication manifests itself in intense thirst, decrease, cessation of urination, dry mouth.

The child does not play, does not show appetite, sleeps. In severe forms, the fontanelle sinks, the skin becomes gray, the child dramatically loses weight.

First aid is to call a doctor, hospitalization of the child - dehydration is dangerous for children. Examples of the consequences of intoxication are cerebral edema, convulsions, death.

With mild forms of the course of the disease, it is possible to treat the infection in a child at home. Clean water, detoxification preparations (Rehydron) are suitable for infected children. The liquid is dispensed in small portions so as not to cause a second attack of vomiting. Doctors believe: an enema will help to improve the patient's condition.

It is difficult to distinguish diarrhea in an infant from a normal bowel movement. Loose stools are the physiological norm for an infant. You can talk about diarrhea if:

  • feces contain a lot of water;
  • the structure is heterogeneous, there are flakes or lumps;
  • uncharacteristic smell;
  • increased one-time amount of feces.

The cause of diarrhea in infants can be:

  • colds;
  • teething;
  • poisoning with foods that mom ate;
  • rejection of complementary foods;
  • enzyme deficiency.

Very loose stools in a baby are dangerous due to rapid dehydration, especially if the temperature rises and the baby begins to vomit.

Self-treatment of diarrhea in a small child is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible. In anticipation of her arrival, the baby needs to be breastfed or given warm water.

Intestinal infection in children, the symptoms of its manifestation differ in two types:

  • bacterial intestinal infection;
  • viral intestinal infection.

The first type is less common and more severe. But the intestinal viral infection in children affects the child's body most often.

Most often, the so-called "epidemics" among the people, that is, mini-epidemics of such diseases, occur in the winter cold season.

The doctor is able to determine the severity of the disease. Dangerous disease or common "fatigue" - you will find out after medical tests.

Signs of an intestinal infection in a child will be alerted by the fact that he has a small supply of trace elements and, with severe diarrhea, it goes on for hours. Replenish the loss of fluid with mineral water, or another drink that is at hand. There is a way to make sure that there is enough fluid in the body - this is to look at the color of the urine - if it is light, then there is no threat of dehydration.

The causative agents of bacterial intestinal infections, depending on their type, can enter the body in different ways - some spread through water, others through vegetables, and others through meat or eggs. Remember what low-quality product the child ate - this information will be very useful to the doctor.

Acute intestinal infection in children, the symptoms of its manifestation for clarity are given in a tabular form.

Bacterial Viral
  • Dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • staphylococcus;
  • typhoid fever;
  • cholera.
  • Rotavirus;
  • norovirus, etc.
The rapid development of the disease, the main and first sign - highly dehydrated diarrhea that is life threatening, as there is a rapid loss of fluids and salts by the body.

Additionally, fever, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite are possible.

Typical symptoms of intestinal upset are vomiting, diarrhea, fever.

One or more symptoms are present.

Attacks of vomiting / diarrhea are repeated after 1-2 hours, abdominal pain.

Rotavirus infection has several names: intestinal flu, stomach flu, rotavirus enteritis. Under powerful magnification, the pathogen virus looks like a wheel.

Rotavirus infection in children is expressed by the following symptoms:

  1. High body temperature, up to 38-39 degrees.
  2. Attacks of nausea.
  3. Diarrhea, characterized by loose green stools.
  4. Vomiting reflex.

With rotavirus, you need to feed your baby properly. Diet and simplified nutrition is a necessary treatment for the disease.

During the period of exacerbation, the baby's gastrointestinal tract is weakened, exhausted by constant painful bowel movements, so the food should be easily digestible. Rice and some vegetables have strengthening properties.

Fermented milk products should be discarded, they contribute to the growth of bacteria.

If the baby is breastfeeding, it should not be stopped. Pediatricians advise putting the baby to the breast more often.

This does not contribute to increased urge, on the contrary, breast milk makes bowel movements easier. In some cases, intestinal flu causes lactose intolerance and breast milk is not absorbed in the baby's stomach.

The smaller the child, the more difficult and terrible his illnesses are. Even the most common runny nose can lead to weight loss and poor overall well-being.

Diarrhea with an intestinal infection in a child is a serious phenomenon that requires immediate medical intervention. The child does not eat, which means that weight loss is taking place and the gastrointestinal tract remains empty.

Which, in turn, can lead to adhesions. It is not easy to give a baby to drink, you have to drink either from a spoon or from a syringe without a needle.

As a last resort, in order to avoid dehydration, and, as a result, death, a dropper is prescribed. After all, prolonged dehydration depletes the internal organs, blood circulation is disturbed, and the respiratory system suffers.

It is better to give a child to drink with saline solutions, which better help with dehydration of the child's body.

How to treat intestinal infection in children at home? Whatever the severity of OCI, there are several important rules that all parents should be aware of. It is important to monitor the general condition of the child, monitor the frequency of urination and the color of urine.

Symptoms, signs and course (how does rotavirus infection manifest in children, adolescents, adults?)

Botulism - food poisoning that is stored in the absence of oxygen and at the same time received insufficient heat treatment (canned food). This type of intoxication is accompanied by symptoms:

  • a sharp deterioration in vision;
  • muscle weakness;
  • "noise in ears;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • optical illusion ("bifurcation" of objects).

Signs of food poisoning appear instantly. At the first signs of botulism (even in the absence of fever, vomiting, diarrhea), it is important to take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible, otherwise respiratory paralysis is possible. In the absence of complications, the patient is discharged after 2 weeks. In case of damage to the nervous system, treatment is carried out for many years.

Intestinal infection symptoms

The main symptom of an intestinal infection is diarrhea, and it is its appearance that should serve as a signal to seek help from doctors in order to prevent severe dehydration of the body. This is especially true for babies in the first 2 years of life, when the discharge of abundant loose stools more than 5-6 times a day inevitably leads to dehydration, urgent fluid replacement is required.

When infected with an intestinal infection, you need to navigate the situation. If there is continuous vomiting and diarrhea, then you can give Smecta and provide an abundant drink every 15-20 minutes to replenish fluid in the body.

The listed signs require immediate medical attention. A severe form of intestinal infection can lead to the development of cardiovascular failure and death.

Rotavirus is more difficult in a child with a weakened immune system, but after a disease, stable immunity is developed. The main thing is to prevent dehydration and consult a doctor if you have not been able to achieve improvements on your own at home within a day after the onset of diarrhea.

As a first aid for intestinal infection, you should not immediately resort to medications (Levomycetin, Phthalazol). It is not known what kind of pathogen caused diarrhea, and with a viral infection, antibiotics are generally useless. These drugs also do not affect the spread of intestinal invasions.

It is almost impossible to fight the infection at home, therefore, at the first symptoms of an intestinal infection with diarrhea, you need to call an ambulance, and not wait until she rolls a feast, expressed in rumbling, gurgling and bubbling in the stomach.

This disease is often accompanied by vomiting, high fever and dizziness. The danger lies in dehydration. Prolonged diarrhea and vomiting deplete the body, removing all trace elements and nutrients from it.

Intestinal infection causing bloody diarrhea

Diarrhea or diarrhea is not fatal if medical attention is provided promptly. The main danger is that dehydration can be eliminated by constantly giving the patient water. It is desirable not with plain water, but with a solution of "Regidron".

If there is a temperature, it must be brought down. That is, to provide symptomatic treatment.

But do not do this until the reading on the mercury thermometer rises to 38.5 degrees.

It is almost impossible to fight the infection at home, therefore, at the first symptoms of an intestinal infection with diarrhea, you need to call an ambulance, and not wait until she rolls a feast in her stomach.

Diarrhea or diarrhea is not fatal if medical attention is provided promptly. The main danger is that dehydration can be eliminated by constantly giving the patient water. It is desirable not with plain water, but with a solution of "Regidron".

If there is a temperature, it must be brought down. That is, to provide symptomatic treatment.

But do not do this until the reading on the mercury thermometer rises to 38.5 degrees.

Before these indicators, it is pointless to help the body, it fights itself, using antibodies that destroy the threat. An intestinal infection that causes bloody diarrhea is a disease that should not be started.

If bloody streaks or clots appear in the feces, this means that the body suffers terrible losses, which can have sad consequences.

The disease begins acutely and develops rapidly. In a day, you can already see a clear picture.

Initially, the temperature rises, usually no higher than 39 ° C. It subsides in 3-7 days.

In half of the patients, vomiting appears on the same day, which can last up to 3 days.

Usually, diarrhea joins in a day - abundant watery yellow stools, sometimes with an admixture of mucus. Stool frequency - up to 15-20 times a day. In young children, stools may be normal in frequency and consistency, but are unusually light. Some patients begin to experience problems with stool only a week after the onset of the disease.

About a third of patients complain of cramping pains in the upper abdomen. They can last up to 1 week.

A common symptom is rumbling on the right side of the abdomen, which occurs in more than half of the cases.

Laboratory diagnostic methods (tests for rotavirus infection)

Due to the similarity of the nature of diarrhea with rotavirus infection with other intestinal diseases, the diagnosis must be confirmed using laboratory tests. Laboratory diagnostic methods allow you to assess the general condition of the patient, confirm (

) the presence of rotavirus in the patient's body, as well as timely identify possible complications that may develop against the background of rotavirus infection.

All studies are best done before starting treatment, because the use of antibiotics or antiviral drugs can distort the data obtained and complicate the diagnosis, thereby reducing the effectiveness of treatment measures.

For research can use:

  • feces;
  • vomit;
  • urine;
  • blood;
  • saliva and other tissues.

General blood analysis

General blood analysis (

) is not very informative, since in this analysis there is no characteristic parameter that allows confirming or refuting the presence of rotavirus infection. At the same time, some data may indicate the presence of a virus in the body. Moreover, this analysis is performed for absolutely all patients hospitalized with diarrhea or vomiting, as it allows timely identification of the development of possible complications (

With rotavirus infection in the KLA, you can observe:

  • Leukocytosis ( an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood). Leukocytes are blood cells that perform a protective function in the human body. When the virus enters the body, active production of leukocytes begins, and therefore their number increases at the onset of the disease. At the same time, leukocytosis is observed in almost any infectious pathology.
  • Leukopenia ( a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood). Short-term leukopenia develops at the height of the disease due to the increased effect of the virus and the weakening of the body. At the same time, it is worth noting that leukopenia is typical for many viral diseases, and not only for rotavirus infection.
  • Lymphocytosis ( an increase in the level of lymphocytes in the blood). Lymphocytes are a type of blood cell that also has a protective function. When the virus enters the body, lymphocytes are activated, producing antibodies against viral particles, which helps to destroy the virus.
  • Increased hematocrit. Hematocrit is the percentage between blood cells and its fluid. Normally, the hematocrit in a man is 40 - 48%, and in a woman - 36 - 46% ( due to fewer blood cells in the body). With rotavirus infection, the patient has intense diarrhea and vomiting, which are accompanied by the loss of fluid from the body. If these losses are not replenished, the proportion of cellular elements in the blood will increase, as a result of which the hematocrit will also increase. This is dangerous because the blood in this case will become more viscous, it will be more difficult for it to pass through small blood vessels and deliver oxygen to the tissues. At the same time, the heart muscle will have to work much harder to push the viscous blood through the blood vessels. All this can lead to disruption of the functions of many organs and systems ( including brain, heart, liver, kidney and so on).
  • Reduction of ESR ( erythrocyte sedimentation rate). ESR is a laboratory indicator that also allows you to assess the degree of dehydration of the body. To determine the ESR, the blood taken from the patient is placed in a test tube and the time during which the heavier red blood cells ( erythrocytes) will settle to its bottom. The fact is that blood cells have the ability to repel each other. Consequently, the more of them there are in the test tube, the stronger they will be repelled and the slower they will settle to its bottom. Normally, ESR for men is 2-10 mm per hour, and for women - 2-15 mm per hour. At the same time, with dehydration ( against the background of diarrhea and vomiting) the concentration of red blood cells in the blood can increase significantly, as a result of which the ESR will also increase.

Analysis of urine

This analysis will also not allow an accurate diagnosis. Some people with rotavirus infection may have single blood cells, single leukocytes, or protein in their urine. At the same time, these changes can occur in a large number of other diseases, as well as in an absolutely healthy person if he incorrectly takes urine for analysis.

To get the most accurate results, a urine test should be taken in the morning. In the evening on the eve of the test, you need to carry out a hygienic toilet of the genitals.

It is also necessary to avoid foods that can change the color of urine (beets, carrots). A small amount (about 50 ml) of urine should be skipped at the very beginning of urination.

Then, without interrupting urination, about 50-100 ml of urine should be collected in a previously prepared sterile container, tightly closed with a lid and taken to the laboratory for research.

Stool analysis (coprogram)

What to look for: according to medical practice, preventive examinations are carried out, for example, before visiting kindergarten - for the detection of intestinal microbes.

Treatment methods

Intestinal infection symptoms and treatment in children includes a set of measures:

  • health food;
  • pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy;
  • etiotropic therapy.

Health food

How to feed a child with an intestinal infection is the first question that mothers are asked to doctors. Further prognosis depends on nutrition.

Intestinal infection and symptoms in children under one year old include a number of features - breast milk and lactose mixtures are not digested, and gradual dehydration occurs.

First of all, provide your child with enough clean drinking water - a couple of glasses a day.

They drink with a syringe without a needle: they draw water into the syringe, and one drop at a time, without unnecessary effort, the child voluntarily swallows a little water. Make small visits of a few grams - the baby will not drink a lot at once.

The food will consist exclusively of a lactose-free mixture - this is a reliable option to quickly and easily cope with the disease, since the virus that causes children's intestinal infections multiplies in the lactose environment.

After the third day of illness, if there is no improvement, start using a mixture with a high content of protein to restore the strength of the body. Intestinal infection in children under one year old is completely controlled only by a doctor.

To avoid the consequences of an intestinal infection, you need to see a doctor to start treatment. Therapy for diarrhea in patients of different age groups is the same, with the exception of infants fed with breast milk.

Treatment for diarrhea with rotavirus infection is complex and aimed at getting rid of specific symptoms. There are no specific medicines for rotavirus. If a virus is detected in the analyzes, the doctor's prescriptions are observed - it will be possible to stop the effect of diarrhea on the body. Treatment consists of medication and herbal medicine.


The duration of diarrhea is influenced by the therapy begun.

Early treatment for rotavirus infection helps to choose the right medicines, shorten the most difficult period and timely prophylaxis in the team and family.

When choosing a treatment, attention is paid to the age of the child, the severity of the course of the disease and the existing symptoms. Older children and mild forms are treated at home. In other cases, hospitalization is indicated.

Since the disease has several manifestations, the approach to it should be complex. There is no specific drug for rotavirus, therefore, individual symptoms are treated.

First of all, they restore the level of fluid in the body. To do this, in mild cases and in the absence of vomiting, give an abundant drink - every 20 minutes, a tablespoon.

You need to drink different liquids - water, fruit drink, jelly, rice broth. For very young children, for whom a large loss of water is extremely dangerous, it is better to give special drugs that restore the loss of fluid and substances.

In some cases, drugs are used that increase immunity or depress viruses.

Drug therapy

You can cure diarrhea in a child at home with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor.

First of all, it is necessary to restore the water-salt balance of the body. For this, a drug called "Regidron" is used. It is diluted in boiled water and given in 1-2 teaspoons every 10 minutes. For a day, a vomiting child weighing 10 kg should drink at least half a liter of electrolyte solution.

To remove toxins from the body, it is imperative to use sorbents. For children, activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel are suitable.

Treatment of an intestinal infection should involve an integrated approach. In addition to stopping harmful microbes, the patient needs to neutralize toxins and restore water balance.

Complications of diarrhea

Long-term diarrhea is dangerous for any child, especially if it is accompanied by vomiting.

The contraction of the muscles of the stomach occurs from irritation of its mucous membrane with toxic substances. When a baby is sick, his body is cleansed.

Vomiting and diarrhea lead to rapid dehydration. It can be determined by changing the behavior and appearance of the child:

  • the eyes become deeper, the sclera dry out, dark circles appear;
  • the child becomes lethargic, he gets sleepy;
  • urination occurs less often or is completely absent, while urine is dark with a pungent odor;
  • the skin, lips and mucous membranes in the mouth dry out;
  • fontanelle sinks (a clear sign of dehydration in children under one year old).

The body can react to the loss of fluid with an increase in temperature.

Attention! If the child has vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, fever and all signs of dehydration, it is necessary to restore the water-salt balance with the help of droppers. This can only be done in a hospital.

Loss of appetite and weight loss are considered dangerous signs.

Prevention measures

Prevention of intestinal infections in children is to eliminate the causes and factors that can cause AEI.

Like any intestinal infection, rotavirus is spread through dirty hands. That is why, for the purpose of prevention, you should strictly follow the rules of hygiene - wash your hands after using the toilet, outside and before eating.

Bearing in mind the ability of rotavirus to stay in water for a long time, we need to be more careful about the water that we eat and with which we wash. It will be useful to boil any water used for children during an epidemic as a safety net.

When one of the family members falls ill with rotavirus, one must follow the general rules of prevention: isolate the patient, provide him with separate dishes, bedding, and a towel.

Vaccines are actively used as a specific prophylaxis against rotavirus infection in Europe and the USA. They contain attenuated strains of viruses and are administered by mouth. Two vaccines are currently in use - RotaTeq (Merck) and Rotarix (GlaxoSmithKline).

Enterovirus infection

Nutrition for intestinal infection

How to feed a baby with an intestinal infection? You need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • type of culinary treatment: only boiled or steamed food;
  • consistency: in grated, crushed form;
  • protein foods, dairy products are shown;
  • fatty, carbohydrate, salty, spicy foods are excluded or limited;
  • eating only warm;
  • increasing the frequency of reception: up to 6 times.

An increase in body temperature with an intestinal infection is a normal protective reaction of the body. After the penetration of the pathogen into the gastrointestinal tract, an inflammatory process begins on the mucous membranes and digestion is disturbed. A complex chemical chain leads to heat - an immune response to kill germs. For example, the temperature often jumps with rotavirus infection, enterovirus, salmonellosis or other serious illnesses, although elevated thermometer readings can accompany any intestinal infection.

The cause of an infectious disease is the penetration of a pathogen into the human body through the mouth or respiratory system. Together with water, food, as well as with kisses and through dirty hands, a person receives the following pathogens:

Typical foods through which a person gets an infection are cakes, pastries, canned food, insufficiently heat-treated meat and fish, eggs, milk, mayonnaise, puddings, and raw water. A typical situation: a carrier of an infection in a supermarket or in the kitchen sneezed on a product or transferred germs by hand, after which they began to multiply. It is not so important whether the product was then stored in the refrigerator: pathogens do not die from the cold. Then someone bought the dish and ate the substance teeming with pathogens and toxins.

We present for review the types of pathogens and products that carry them most often:

  • Staphylococcus aureus - mayonnaise, custard, puddings, cakes;
  • Bacillus cereus - rice;
  • shigella, campylobacter, vibrio cholerae, colibacillus - water;
  • salmonella - poultry meat, eggs;
  • yersinia - meat, milk;
  • parahemolytic vibrio - seafood.

A number of intestinal infections are transmitted not only by fecal-oral and household routes, but also by airborne droplets. This applies to viruses, the most common of which are rotavirus and enterovirus. Sometimes there are even outbreaks of these infections. You can get infected by simply talking to a person or standing next to him in transport. A person who has recovered from the virus remains a carrier for 2-4 weeks after recovery, although outwardly he looks healthy. In comparison, a bacterial infection remains in a person for 2-4 days after recovery.

An infectious disease is caused by both pathogenic microorganisms (cholera, typhus, botulism) and opportunistic (for example, staphylococcus aureus). In the second case, it is necessary for a large amount of the conditioned pathogen to enter the intestine from the outside, because its own staphylococcus, which normally lives in the intestines in small numbers, does not cause disturbances.

The type of pathogen is not so important for the treatment. almost all intestinal infections are treated in the same way, with the exception of bacterial ones. However, bacterial bacteria are easily recognized by the clinical picture, so tests for the type of pathogen are not even taken. As a result, 70% of cases of intestinal infections remain unrecognized, because it is irrelevant.

One of the classification signs of a particular infection is the mucous membrane of which organ has become inflamed:

  • stomach (gastritis);
  • stomach and duodenum (gastroduodenitis);
  • small intestine (enteritis);
  • large intestine (colitis);
  • small and large intestine (enterocolitis).

An intestinal infection causes the following symptoms:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • cramps, diarrhea;
  • high temperature;
  • headache;
  • weakness, intoxication.

All signs, as well as individual ones, can be present at the same time. The main symptom is considered to be abdominal pain and diarrhea, without which no poisoning goes away.

What is the temperature with an intestinal infection

The temperature during intestinal infection can be normal, subfebrile (37-38 degrees), febrile (38-39 degrees) or pyretic (39-41 degrees). It depends on the type and amount of the pathogen, as well as the characteristics of the immune system. Let's consider the factors in order.

Microbe type... Some pathogens like to penetrate the cells of the epithelium (surface layer) of the intestine and eat them away. As a result, the inflammatory process develops. This is how viruses, salmonella, campylobacter, shigella, yersinia, some strains of E. coli, parahemolytic vibrio act.

Other microbes colonize the intestines and destroy the beneficial microflora there. At the same time, they release toxins that cause inflammation and death of intestinal cells. This is how many strains of Escherichia coli, Clostridia and Vibrio cholerae behave.

A third type of pathogen, such as Staphylococcus aureus, multiplies and releases toxic substances while still in the food. Eating an infected product, a person immediately receives a lot of toxins, which also cause inflammation. In the end, the result is the same.

Depending on how many microbes and toxins have entered the intestines, and how strong they are, a reaction in the form of an increase in temperature may follow. An obligatory symptom of poisoning is abdominal pain and diarrhea. The rest of the symptoms - nausea, vomiting, fever, body aches, headache - are called infectious-toxic syndrome by doctors, which does not always manifest itself. The set of symptoms depends on the type and strength of the pathogen. With any type of pathogen, the infectious-toxic syndrome, as a rule, manifests itself first, and only then gastrointestinal reactions follow.

Immunity... Since fever is the immune response to inflammation and toxins released by pathogens, the presence and magnitude of temperature depends on how well the immune system is working. If she is weakened, she will not be able to give the answer in the form of fever. If the immunity, on the contrary, is too strong, then the disease will be extinguished even without temperature. In any case, moderate fever in case of poisoning cannot be called a negative symptom, because it helps to fight the pathogen.

Intestinal infection without fever

An intestinal infection almost always proceeds with a rise in temperature. The patient may not notice this, because some people have occasional horse racing. Also, the temperature sometimes rises only at the onset of the disease. Alarming sign - when the thermometer column first stopped at one elevated mark, the indicator remained stable for a while, and then went up sharply. This indicates the development of complications.

But an intestinal infection can proceed without fever. This happens with a very strong or, conversely, weak immunity or a small number of pathogens that have entered the intestines. In itself, the presence or absence of temperature does not mean anything.

Let us consider separately the following case - rotavirus infection without fever. It is also popularly called stomach flu, because the disease is easily confused with respiratory. In this case, the first symptom is always an increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees. Only a few hours later the patient is "covered" with gastrointestinal manifestations. Also, a characteristic sign of rotavirus infection is the presence of respiratory manifestations (runny nose, sore throat), although they do not accompany the pathology in 100% of cases.

Rotavirus infection without fever and even without other symptoms is possible when:

  • the incubation period lasts (2-3 days);
  • the patient has a weakened immune system;
  • in adults with strong immunity, the disease does not even get a chance to cause diarrhea, let alone fever;
  • the disease is atypical;
  • the person had previously been ill with rotavirus, so the new infection is erased.

Acute rotavirus infection usually occurs only in children who have not yet met with it. In babies under one year old, it can cause rapid dehydration and death. Older children tolerate rotavirus more persistently, but also acutely. For adults, an erased course of the disease is characteristic.

Treatment of intestinal infection with and without fever

Specific treatment for most types of intestinal infections is not carried out, because the body copes with them on its own. The patient's task is to maintain the body in a stable state until it defeats the pathogen. For this you need:

  1. diet (excluded spicy, salty, sour, sweet, pickled, coffee, meat, fish);
  2. replenishment of the loss of fluid and salts (the drug "Regidron" is well suited, which solves both problems at once. In severe cases and with constant vomiting, droppers are used);
  3. intestinal lavage with an enema (for inflammation of the large intestine, when there is no stool, or if you want to help the body expel germs faster);
  4. sorbents (black or white activated carbon, Polyphepan, Enterosgel, etc.);
  5. herbal medicine (optional): herbs that help to cope with intestinal infection - St. John's wort, yarrow, chamomile, centaury, etc.

In 90% of cases, the disease lasts from 2 to 5 days, and then goes away on its own only due to immunity. The main thing that needs to be paid attention to during this period is rehydration, that is, the restoration of the water-salt balance in the body. It is dehydration, and not the infection directly, that in most cases threatens a person's life.

In 10% of cases of intestinal infections, antibiotics and intravenous fluids are required. In particular, this is indicated in cholera or when there is an admixture of blood in the stool.

Treatment of poisoning with or without fever is identical, with the only difference that the temperature indicator must be monitored. Heat promotes fluid loss. Considering that this also happens with diarrhea and vomiting, an increased temperature in case of poisoning must be brought down, starting from 37.5-38 degrees, and not from 38.5, as with ARVI. This is done with antipyretic drugs. If the temperature does not go astray or has reached 40 degrees, then it is recommended to call an ambulance: hospitalization may be required.

Intestinal infections almost never flow into a chronic form, because the disease either ends in full recovery or death. Digestive disorders (diarrhea, flatulence, indigestion, etc.) within a month or three after the illness are not considered chronization. These are residual phenomena caused by the destruction of cells in the mucous membranes: it takes time to restore the epithelium.

Each parent cares about the health of their baby. However, children tend to get sick, in the period up to three years, most children suffer ailments such as chickenpox, rubella, roseola, rotavirus, and so on. After the received diseases, the baby develops strong immunity. This is what allows him to protect himself in the future. This article will tell you about the symptoms and treatment of rotavirus in children. You will find out the features of the course of the disease in different cases, and you will also be able to get acquainted with the main methods of correction. It is also worth mentioning how the symptoms of rotavirus manifest in children without fever. You will learn about preventive measures below.


Symptoms in a child with this disease begin to appear approximately 1-3 days after infection. Before that, the so-called incubation period takes place, which does not give any signs of the development of pathology.

It is worth noting that if a child (1 year old) has rotavirus, then his parents are also doomed to carry this infection. If the baby is already old enough and attends kindergarten, then, most likely, in a few days other children will get sick the same way.

Doctors note: if there is at least one infected person in the team, then almost all persons in contact with him will inevitably be infected.

Signs of illness in children

These drugs include the following: "Summamed", "Tetracycline", "Azithromycin", "Flemoxin" and others. Be sure to consider the age of the child, as some medications are prohibited until a certain point.

Use of beneficial bacteria

When treating rotavirus, be sure to give your child beneficial bacteria. Most drugs combine all the necessary groups of lactic acid fungi. You can also purchase separately. These drugs must be given alternately. Be sure to read the instructions before starting treatment.

Products containing beneficial bacteria include the following drugs: "Acipol", "Lactobacterin", "Bifidumbacterin", "Bactisubtil", "Linex" and many others. It is worth noting that some of the medicines are available in the form of a soluble powder. This method is very convenient for young children in the first two years of life. If the child is able to swallow the capsule on his own, then it is worth giving preference to the tablet form of the drugs.

Drinking plenty of fluids

If the baby is infected with rotavirus, then he needs to be given more water. Do not force liters of liquid into your baby. This can worsen the nausea and cause vomiting. Thus, you will get the opposite effect.

Try to give your baby a few sips of liquid every hour. To restore the salt balance, you can use drugs such as "Regidron". It is also permissible to prepare saline solution yourself. To do this, take one teaspoon of salt and add it to a liter of clean water. This composition will help the body absorb fluids better and prevent dehydration.

You should not give your baby fermented milk products in the hope that they will restore the intestinal microflora. Such a diet will only lead to increased fermentation and the formation of gas in the stomach and intestines.


When a rotavirus infection occurs, it is worth adhering to a certain diet. Eliminate all raw vegetables and fruits from your child's diet. Avoid eating bread and sweets. It is strictly forbidden to drink carbonated drinks.

Dairy dishes should be excluded from the diet of the crumbs. The only exceptions are those children who are breastfed. Prepare for your baby Don't add sugar and butter to the dish. With severe diarrhea, you can drink. It will strengthen the intestines and reduce its motility.

If a child asks for food and does not suffer from a lack of appetite, then you need to feed him in small portions. At the same time, give preference to low-fat broths without adding frying and a lot of vegetables.

Preventive actions

Currently, there are two ways to prevent this disease. These are classic hygiene practices and vaccine administration.

If you decide to get vaccinated against this ailment, then you should think about it immediately after the birth of the baby. After six months of the baby's life, it is impractical to vaccinate. It is worth noting that after such prevention, complications and side effects almost never occur. Manipulation is performed by instilling a live vaccine into the child's mouth.

If you have not carried out prophylaxis in the form of vaccination in a timely manner, then you should simply follow the precautions. When doing this, try to wash your hands more often. Do not eat unpeeled vegetables and fruits. The collected greens must be doused with boiling water before serving. If an infected person appears in the team, then you should protect yourself from him. For prophylaxis, immunomodulating drugs can be used. However, without observing hygiene procedures, they will be powerless.

If a family member is infected, it is worth giving him a separate towel and cutlery. As practice shows, no matter how carefully preventive measures are taken, people in contact with the patient will soon also get sick.

If you get sick or at school, then most often quarantine is introduced for several weeks. At the same time, the rest of the children are carefully examined for the possibility of infection. Prophylactic agents are prescribed in the form of sorbents and immunomodulators with antiviral action.

Summing up the article and a small conclusion

After the transferred pathology, a persistent immunity to a certain strain of the virus is formed in a person. If a secondary infection occurs, then the disease progresses much easier. Most easily pathology with severe symptoms occurs in children. However, babies are always at risk. Hospitalization may be necessary if dehydration occurs.

Never give pain relievers if your toddler complains of abdominal discomfort. Such a correction can cause a blurred clinical picture. In this case, the doctor will be quite difficult to diagnose. If you have symptoms of pathology, then be sure to call a doctor. The kid should be examined by a competent specialist. The doctor will also prescribe the correct treatment. In some cases, additional diagnostics in the form of analyzes may be required.

Newborn babies who are breastfeeding may defecate several times a day. This is absolutely the norm. That is why parents should closely monitor the health of the baby and be able to distinguish pathology from the usual state. Rotavirus should always be treated. In this case, in each case, their own medicines are used. When carrying out a correction, the main task is to replenish fluid in the body and eliminate toxins.

Do not use folk correction recipes. Consult a healthcare professional for the correct advice. Be patient and help your little one. In the process of illness, the baby is much harder than his parents. Take preventive measures and be healthy!