What to give from diarrhea one and a half year old child. A child has diarrhea: what to give first of all (pills, drugs, folk remedies) and what is he dangerous? Indications for the appointment of drugs from diarrhea

Diarrhea is a frequent watery chair. As a rule, diarrhea in children up to a year and older is the result of a stomach infection and usually lasts only a few days.

But the concept of "diarrhea of \u200b\u200ba one-year-old child" refers to a state that lasts more than seven days. With her, children have a watery chair from 2 to 10 times per day, the feces may contain pieces of undigested food.


First, think about what is fine for your child. For some children, several flakes are characterized in the day, other stools are missing for several days - and this is normal. Random one-time chalp relief is not the reason for excitement. But if the nature of the bowelian bowel feces is suddenly changing, that is, he is more than usual than, and more loose, more watery stool comes out - then it is most likely, diarrhea.

Although a serious attack of diarrhea may seem anxious, be sure that most cases do not represent a serious threat to health while your baby does not appear signs of dehydration.

If the child is generally healthy and gets a lot of fluids, diarrhea in most cases pass in a couple of days.

List of possible causes long. Diarrhea is caused by viruses or bacterial infection.

When the baby has symptoms of bacterial infection, sign up for reception to the doctor. He will conduct an inspection and, perhaps, will recommend to pass the feces on the flora;

Talk to your doctor about alternatives and rehabilitation means of the intestinal flora, but do not stop giving a child any prescribed drugs without consultation with a specialist;

  • eating a large number of juices. A large volume of dried juice (especially fruit juice containing sorbitol and high fructose levels) or an impressive amount of sweetened beverages can upset the abdomen of the child and provoke the softening of the chair. Reducing the amount of juice should solve the problem in a week or a little more. Pediatricians are recommended to give a baby not more than one small glass (about 150 - 200 ml) juice per day;
  • . When the child has food allergies, this means that the immune system of its body thus reacts to normal harmless food proteins. Easy or more heavy reaction is manifested either immediately or in a couple of hours. Cow's milk at the same time - the most common food allergen. Other allergy products are peanuts, eggs, soy, nuts, wheat, shellfish and fish. Symptoms of food allergies include diarrhea, bloating, pain in the stomach and stool with blood admixture. In severe cases, allergies cause vomiting, urticule, rash, edema and difficult breathing.

    If you assume that the child has food allergies, talk to the pediatrician;

  • food intolerance. Unlike allergy to food, intolerance (sometimes called food sensitivity) is an anomalous reaction that is not related to the immune system. One example is lactose intolerance. If the baby does not tolerate lactose, it means that in its body there is not enough lactase - the enzyme for digesting lactose.

    Lactose is sugar in cow's milk and milk products. When undigested lactose is delayed in the intestine, it causes diarrhea, abdominal spasms, bloating and gases. In addition, if the baby has a heavy case of diarrhea, it may temporarily have problems with the production of lactase, and as a result, the symptoms of lactose intolerance during the week or two arise;

  • poisoning. Kids are admored and always want to try something new. This often leads to the fact that they are trying such inedible substances as chemicals, plants or medicines.

    If your child swallowed such a subject, the development of diarrhea and vomiting is possible. You need to urgently go with the baby to the hospital or cause urgent help. Other symptoms of poisoning: problems with breathing, loss of consciousness, pain spasms and lethargy;

  • functional diarrhea. When a child pokes several times a day and a chair with a liquid, badly smells and contains undigested food or mucus, it can be a state called functional diarrhea. There is no concrete cause, except for the possible introduction of new products or other changes in the diet.
  • If you do not pay due attention, it is dangerous for the child's life. You must immediately contact a specialist if the kid is sluggish or has a long diarrhea, strong abdominal pain or blood streaks.

    However, you can reduce the severity of the symptoms with a lot of diarrhea at home.

    Here is what can be done at home:

    Dehydration is the main complication of diarrhea. To prevent it, you must offer crumbling fluid, which include broth and water. If the baby is chest, it needs to be done often.

    2. Increase fat consumption. Studies show that children who eat mostly products with a slight content of fats are more susceptible to the development of diarrhea. This kind of diet is suitable for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but it is important for children to use fat in more quantities than recommended for adults. The kids are required that the fats are from 30 to 40 percent of the general color of their daily diode. Fat components they can get from whole milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and other dairy products.

    3. Minimize the consumption of fruit juices and beverages. There are children who drink a lot of fruit juices and drinks for quenching thirst. These kids are at risk of diarrhea. Juices and sweet drinks contain sugars that the body in large quantities will not be able to digest.

    These sugars accumulate in a thick intestine, where the water accumulation causes, thereby provoking the watery chair. In addition, fruit juices and drinks are high calorie. Therefore, if a child prefers these drinks, its stomach is filled during the meal, which leads to a smaller consumption of vegetables and fats rich in fiber.

    4. Increase the fiber consumption. The diet with a slight content of fiber leads to a functional diarrhea in children aged 1 to 5 years. Increasing the fiber in the diet of the child will help stabilize the chair and prevent his relaxation in the form of watery detergents. However, do not overdo the fiber, since too much their number will lead to constipation.

    Encourage the child eating fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains that are replete with fiber and help prevent diarrhea.

    5. Fenugreek seeds. The seeds of the fenugreek contain a large amount of adhesive matter, which is considered a very useful natural medicine from the diarrhea of \u200b\u200bthe child. Fenugreek seeds have the ability to strengthen the chair. Thus, it significantly reduces the discomfort and the severity of diarrhea. Offer a child 1 teaspoon of seeds.

    This agent is not suitable if the child has acute infectious diarrhea.

    6. Apple vinegar. It has antibacterial properties, which will help in the treatment of diarrhea caused by bacteria. The pectin content in this product is useful for removing spasms. Dilute 2 - 3 tablespoons of apple vinegar in a glass of water and offer a child up to two times a day.

    7. Blueberry. Anthocianoside in blueberries has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It also comes with a large amount of soluble fiber, which is useful to facilitate diarrhea symptoms.

    8. Potatoes. Boiled potatoes are useful for restoring lost nutrients. It also provides comfort when disorders of the stomach.

    9. White rice. This is another great food option that helps facilitate diarrhea in children in 3 years and younger. The starch content is very large in the white rice, so it is very easy to digest. You can also use simple boiled white rice, but spices or sauces should be avoided.

    Remember, if the child under 3 years has diarrhea, fever, spasms in the abdomen, pain, nausea and vomiting, then he has an infection that requires medical intervention. Therefore, consult your pediatrician to avoid complications.

    If dietary changes and home resources do not work, the pediatrician will recommend more serious drugs and treatment methods.


    Usually it leaves four to five days. The doctor and instructions for drugs will prompt how to correctly calculate the dosage for children from year.

    Electrolytic solutions

    As mentioned earlier, if the child has diarrhea, there is simply necessary. The doctor will tell how to fill the lost fluids and salts. These means in the form of a finished solution or sowing salts for the preparation of liquid for oral rehydration can be purchased at the local pharmacy.

    When the child vomiting and he is not able to drink anything, the doctor will prescribe intravenous administration of therapeutic solutions.


    These substances, when entering the digestive tract, absorb and deactivate poisonous and toxic elements, which are then outlined naturally. Medicaseous drugs, such as polysorb, are sometimes recommended by doctors, but this medicine from diarrhea should be given only if the doctor is approved.

    If the diarrhea of \u200b\u200bthe child is caused by a different disease or a state, for example, inflammatory bowel disease, then it is the treatment of a major illness in priority.

    Diarrhea is a symptom of the underlying disease and will decrease as this state is treated.


    The pediatrician will recommend giving probiotics. These are useful microorganisms inhabiting in the gastrointestinal tract. Studies have shown that probiotics reduce the duration of diarrhea and do not have side effects. Yogurts and children's bifidine are an excellent choice in the treatment of diarrhea from a child.

    Do not give your child any anti-diagram preparations without recommendation from the doctor. These tools may be unsafe for the baby.

    Diarrhea leaves with time and usually does not require special treatment, if not related to infection.

    Diet with diarrhea

    Instead of feeding the child three times a day in large portions, divide the food for six to eight small dishes during the day.

    What can you eat a child with diarrhea?

    The diet should enter the following products:

    • bananas;
    • white rice;
    • toasts;
    • baked fish, chicken, beef or turkey;
    • pasta;
    • corn flakes and oats;
    • vegetables such as carrots, mushrooms, asparagus, purified zucchini, beets, green beans and zucchini;
    • baked potato;
    • boiled eggs;
    • pancakes and waffles made of white refined flour.

    Let the baby eats dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese. However, from time to time they may worsen diarrhea. If this happens, do not let these products for several days.

    Just know than feeding a child when he has diarrhea, not enough. You also need to know about the products that need to be excluded.

    Some products enhance diarrhea symptoms, and their Should be avoided:

    • fried and fatty products;
    • recycled meat products, such as sausages and sausages;
    • donuts;
    • cakes;
    • apple juice;
    • carbonated drinks with caffeine;
    • vegetables and fruits that lead to meteorism and gases (broccoli, pepper, peas, beans, prunes, corn and green leaf vegetables);
    • concentrated fruit juices.

    If you see blood, mucus in a child's chair, pay attention to the shiny bold or very unpleasant odors, it indicates serious problems, such as cystic fibrosis or the presence of helminths. In general, when noting that crumbs are abnormal for several days, consult a doctor.

    List of features and symptoms that cause anxiety and require immediate medical care.

    1. Bloody diarrhea.
    2. The child refuses meals and drinks.
    3. Permanent diarrhea.
    4. Often repeating vomiting.
    5. Signs of dehydration (dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness, rare urination - less than every six o'clock, bloody chair, temperature from 38 ˚σ and higher).
    6. Stomach pain that often occurs or very strong.
    7. Changes in behavior, including loss of consciousness or reduced sensitivity.

    Whenever you are concerned about and feel that you need to contact the doctor or call urgent help, this is your choice as a parent. Trust your instincts, they will tell you what to do. Never be too careless.

    If your baby is really sick, manifest an increased care for him so that the child felt that everything was fine. For kids, when they have vomiting or diarrhea, it is a terrible moment, because children do not know what happens to them.

    Diarrhea at the child is one of the most common ailments. Diarrhea A kind of violation in the work of a small organism. The diarrhea is accompanied by spasms and pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, bloating. In the chair may be placed mucus, yellow and even blood. If the child does not know how to talk, he behaves restlessly, twirls with legs and constantly crying.

    Why diarrhea occurs

    Most often, diarrhea has one of the following reasons:

    • incorrect food habits - simultaneous use of products that are not combined with each other, or eating, too heavy for the children's stomach;
    • food poisoning is the use of poor quality and non-peaks;
    • allergy or individual intolerance to one of the ingredients of the eaten dish;
    • psycho-emotional stress;
    • overeating;
    • reception of drugs, especially antibiotics;
    • non-compliance with hygiene.

    Diarrhea in a child can be caused by the diseases that have emerged:

    Breastfall diarrhea can be caused by other reasons:

    • teething of dairy teeth;
    • formation of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • fermented or lactose failure;
    • first lure, or introduction to the diet of the new product;
    • inappropriate composition of the mixture for artificial feeding;
    • the reaction to maternal milk with excessive content of fat or other components in non-compliance with a woman's special diet.

    At the same time, the protective functions of the intestines in the children's body are not yet formed finally, the reaction to any viruses, bacteria, new products will be more intense than in an adult patient.

    How to determine the cause of diarrhea in a child

    The first thing to do with the appearance of diarrhea at the child is to establish its cause. It is better to attract a specialist for this purpose. From a medical point of view under diarrhea in a child, I mean any student emptying of the intestines (more often than two times a day), accompanied by the relaxation of the chair. For the establishment of diarrhea use a visual assessment of the carts:

    1. Watery chair - symptom of intestinal infection, reactions to cow's milk or overeating. The diarrhea is extremely dangerous for children under the age of 12 months, as it leads to the rapid loss of moisture in the body.
    2. White diarrhea is the norm for babies on breastfeeding. But at the older age, diarrhea can be one of the symptoms of hepatitis.
    3. Greenish colorful colors speaks about the presence of infectious infection. Additional signs of diarrhea - vomiting, temperature rise, general weakness, as well as an unpleasant sharp odor of the chair. If in addition to the green colors (as an option, orange), the cavities have a flaky consistency, probabiled salmonellosis.
    4. Blood diarrhea - symptom of bacterial infection. If there are not only red streaks in the feces, but also greenish bunches are symptoms of dysentery.
    5. The yellow diarrhea is very light shade can be a sign of hepatitis.
    6. Black diarrhea is normal for the first days of the child's life. In the future, it indicates incorrect nutrition, bleeding, as well as the abuse of bismuth-containing drugs.
    7. Finy consistency - a sign of lactose insufficiency, dysbacteriosis and celiac disease in infants. If the symptom is observed at the older child, he speaks about acute intoxication.

    In the laboratory, diagnostics will be more accurate. Depending on the intended disease, the doctor will appoint blood tests and feces, will make x-ray or abdominal ultrasound. After research, he will be able to decide what to give a child from diarrhea to achieve a quick and effective result.

    List of effective children's drugs

    Preparations from diarrhea for children should be not only effective, but also safe. In order to prevent or minimize the harm from the use of drugs, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage recommended by the doctor and the reception mode. The type of medication is determined taking into account the reasons that caused their ailments.

    Antiviral, antimicrobial drugs

    This group of medicines is appropriate with intestinal infections. Most effective preparations of diarrhea for a child:

    Nifuroxazid - antimicrobial preparation of a wide range of action, can be given newborns;

    • Enterol - means not only destroying bacteria, but also improving immunity is permitted from one year old;
    • Phthalazole - inexpensive pills from several bacteria groups, allowed from two months;
      drug from diarrhea bacterial origin, as well as food poisoning, can be given to children from year;
    • Viferon - antiviral drug with antipyretic effect.

    Rehydration drugs

    This group of drugs is aimed at eliminating diarrhea, but to prevent the dehydration caused by it. The usual reception of fluid (water, tea, juices, compote) is not enough, since with diarrhea from the body, not only moisture is displayed, but also salt. The water-salt balance is restored by one of the drugs:

    • Regider - bags with finished saline. The contents of the package can be diluted with water, berry messel, infusion of rosehip;
    • Glucosolyan - powder packed in small sachets. The contents of one portion are dissolved in a liter of water and give a child during the day. And the drug is produced in the form of Sallan tablets, which are bred in 100 ml of water.

    The volume of fluid to be given to the baby to drink is calculated taking into account its age and weight:

    • 1-4 months, weight up to 6 kg - 0.2-0.5 l;
    • 4-12 months, up to 10 kg - 0.5-0.7 l;
    • 1-2 years, 10-12 kg - 0.8-1.0 l;
    • 2-5 years, 12-19 kg - 0.9-1.4 l.

    The child is 6-7 years old, give 1.5 liters of water-salt solution. If there is no pharmacy preparations at hand, it is possible to replace them with a solution prepared by hand.

    Antipyretic drugs

    If the diarrhea in the child is accompanied by a high temperature, the baby gives antipyretic drugs. Among the dosage forms are relevant powders, capsules, pills and suspensions. Suppositories (candles) in this case will be ineffective due to violation of intestinal functions.

    The baby is prescribed one of the drugs:

    • Cefecon;
    • Paracetomol;
    • Naz;
    • Nooofen;
    • Nimulide.

    The temperature is shot down only if it exceeds 38 degrees or accompanied by convulsions.


    Diarrhea in a child can be one of the symptoms of intoxication of the body. This means that the poisoning substances or microorganisms that produce toxins were introduced inside. To link them and bring out to the outside, the baby gives one of the enterosorbents absorbing the poisons like a sponge.

    Almost all sorbents have a neutral or sweet taste, so children take them quite willingly. This type of medicine practically does not have contraindications, but individual preparations contain additives (for example, sweeteners and flavors) that are not suitable for everyone. The most common sorbents that can give a child with diarrhea:

    Smekt - Until the year, the contents of one package are divided by 3-4 receptions and drink during the day. Since 2 years old, give 1-2 packages, and from 3 years the dosage increases to 2-3 bags per day.

    Activated coal is assigned to kids over 12 months. Affordable, but not the most effective means of diarrhea for children. The drug must be given in large volumes (50 mg / kg of body weight), and the child to accept such a quantity is difficult. Alternatively, you can wrap the pills into powder and dilute in water, but the liquid will be quite unpleasant to taste.

    Enterosgel is a sorbent who is prescribed to children since birth. The drug is produced in the form of a pasty mass, which is enough to be powered by water. Kids up to the year are given on a teaspoon, no more often than three times a day; Children from 5 to 14 years old - on a tablespoon, with the same frequency.

    Polysorb - an effective drug during acute intoxication. Produced in the form of a powder, which is bred by water to obtain a suspension. Children up to 10 kg give 0.5 teaspoons per day, from 11 to 30 kg - on a complete spoon, from 31 to 40 - 2 teaspoons.


    This group of drugs are prescribed on the third day after the start of diarrhea, to normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Therapy lasts an average week. Preparations are used:

    • Pangrol 400;
    • Mezim Forte;

    All three trade names combine drugs based on pancreatin affecting the activity of the pancreas. After the course passed, the patient improves nutrient suction processes in the intestine.


    Antibiotics The child has the right to appoint only a doctor if there is a bacterial infection. No matter how strong these drugs are, in other cases they will be ineffective, and only harm will apply. For the treatment of children uses such medicines:

    • Levomycetin - affects several groups of pathogenic microorganisms;
    • Furazolidon - the drug is prescribed at Salmonelles;
    • Intetrix is \u200b\u200bappropriate in dysentery;
    • Ampicillin - the drug is used in the treatment of botulism;
    • Metronidazole - has a wide range of action.


    This group of drugs is necessary to consolidate the result and restoration of intestinal microflora. The child is given one of the following drugs:

    What is dangerous diarrhea at the child

    Diarrhea not only causes uncomfortable sensations. Diarrhea is fraught with more serious health problems:

    • rapid loss of moisture in the body;
    • development of dysbacteriosis;
    • the appearance of convulsion;
    • dermatitis;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • anemia;
    • hypovitaminosis;
    • exhaustion and even fatal outcome.

    Remember that the doctor's challenge is required in the following cases:

    • blood clots were found in the chair - this may indicate the presence of internal bleeding;
    • diarrhea is accompanied by a temperature above 38 degrees, vomiting, other alarming symptoms;
    • diarrhea lasts more than 2 days and does not stop after the reception of medicines;
    • the intestinal emptying frequency exceeds 6 times a day;
    • the child fell ill under the age of the year.


    Unfortunately, completely protect the child from viruses and infections is impossible. But the risk of diarrhea will decrease if prevention measures are observed:

    • monitor the hygiene of children's dishes - it should always be not only clean, but also dry, since water contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria;
    • breast milk is undesirable to overflow from one container to another - this can also provoke microbes from entering, so modern breasts are usually already equipped with a bottle;
    • mother saliva is not a disinfectant - this is a common, but coarse delusion, so do not lick children's dishes, a spoon, a bevel;
    • comply with medical recommendations regarding the introduction of lures;
    • giving a child only pure, fresh, bottled water;
    • select a mixture for artificial feeding, focusing on the instructions of the physicians;
    • as the baby adults, it is necessary to teach it to comply with the rules of personal hygiene;
    • demanding to relate to the freshness and quality of consumed products;
    • limit the amount of fried and marinated dishes;
    • take measures to strengthen child immunity;
    • when preparing home dishes to follow the sanitary norms of food processing.

    The psychological situation, reigning in the house, is important. The absence of stress and reasons for concern will have invaluable benefit to the health of the baby.

    The bowel disorder in the kids is always a big problem due to the danger of rapid development of dehydration, which is why it is important to timely and correctly choose a cure for diarrhea for children of different ages.

    Without the help of a pediatrician, do not do with the disease of the newborn, infant and child up to the year: only the doctor can establish the cause of diarrhea and appoint proper treatment.

    Treat diarrhea in young children is dangerous. However, to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich drugs exist for this, you need to all parents.

    Diarrhea in children - the phenomenon is extremely common, which occupies second place after ARVI in the structure of children's morbidity.

    It should be understood that diarrhea is not an independent disease: it is a symptom of some kind of disadvantage in a digestive system or a whole organism (from the reaction in teething to the organic intestinal pathology).

    The pathology speaks when the chair is increased for more than 3 times a day, the change in its color, the consistency and the appearance of foreign impurities (mucus, blood, pus), and the overall health of the child is usually disturbed. A newborn or infants on natural feeding is allowed a frequent chair to 6-7 or more times a day of different color and consistency.

    If at the same time the child is active, well eats and adds in weight, it is not worth worrying. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor to clarify the causes of diarrhea and treatment.

    The reasons for the appearance of a liquid chair in children can be different, for example:

    In 90 out of 100 cases, diarrhea in children can be treated at home if parents will carefully comply with the recommendations of the doctor for evaporation, the observance of the diet and receiving the prescribed medication.

    Only 10% of patients need urgent hospitalization in the hospital.

    In what situations need immediate medical care so that there is no complications from diarrhea:

    • the child does not drink at all or the parents can not fall out - this is especially dangerous in a newborn and infant age under the age, because the deadly for the child is a loss of 10% of body weight (about 300-350 gr. for a newborn, 500-700 gr. for infant and baby of the first year of life);
    • in Kale, there is a blood admixture;
    • diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, high temperatures, chills, rash and headache;

    • found and (or) signs of dehydration - dryness of the oral mucosa, language, lips, lack of urination over the last 6 or more hours, eye springs (springs in newborn or children up to year).

    In all other cases, you need to call a doctor to the house, pass the necessary assays to clarify the diagnosis and strictly follow the recommendations.

    All diarrhea treatment regardless of the cause is reduced to the following basic rules:

    1. Stop removing fluid and electrolytes - you need to strictly perform the dropping mode. Baby without teeth is better to drink from a pipette or from a spoon, a older child from a cup with a tube, while drinking should be fractional, small portions - a spoon or a sip every 5-7 minutes. Otherwise, the saline solution will provoke a vomor reaction. For optimal suction, the temperature of the solution must correspond to the body temperature of the child.
    2. To give the child a drug from a group of sorbents to neutralize toxins, viruses, bacteria that did not have time to attach to the intestinal vilisms, and bringing out them.
    3. Treat from infectious diarrhea with antibacterial agents in a dose to appoint a doctor.
    4. Observe the gentle power mode during the acute period, followed by a slow and gradual return of the usual diet.

    Facilities for dropping

    Restoration of liquid and electrolytes, lost as a result of diarrhea and (or) vomiting, should begin as soon as possible, even before the doctor's arrival.

    To do this, use a pharmacy preparation for oral rehydration or home cooking. It will help to cope with loss of liquid and salts, to avoid dehydration and restore the child's strength after diarrhea for 4-5 days, sometimes even without the use of an additional drug. Any drug for oral rehydration contains glucose, sodium salts, potassium, is usually produced as a powder, which dissolves in the desired amount of water according to the instructions.

    Children apply the following means:

    • REGIDROON - This drug contains sodium salts (citrate and chloride) and potassium, dextrose. The bag is dissolved in 1 liter of boiled chilled water. You can keep the finished solution during the day in the refrigerator, it is necessary to heat it before use to the body temperature to achieve maximum absorption into the cells.
    • Gastracier - the composition is sodium bicarbonate and chloride, glucose, potassium chloride and pharmaceutical chamomile extract. The sachet of this medication is dissolved in a glass of hot boiled water, cooled to drink to the body temperature.
    • Glucosolyan - the remedy is sold in two bags (in the first glucose, in the second - sodium hydrocarbonate, potassium and sodium chloride), they are dissolved in a liter of boiled water.
    • Citroglyukosolyan - the drug is available in bags containing different amounts of salts, and dissolves in the amount of water, which is indicated in the instructions for each package.
    • Oral - contains hydrocarbonate and sodium chloride, potassium chloride, glucose. For a newborn or premature child, this drug must be divorced 2 times with boiled water due to the large sodium content.

    • Hydrait forte is identical to the composition of the regider. For the preparation of the solution, it is necessary 1 bag of medicine to dilute in one glass of water or tea.

    At home, you can prepare a similar drug according to the following recipe: in 1 liter of pure drinking water to dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of soda and cook salt.

    All salt tools are suitable for replenishing the liquid in any pathological conditions (high temperature for ORVI or teething, diarrhea and vomiting of different etiology). The dose and duration of use are determined by the child by the child's age and its condition.

    Babies up to a year are usually prescribed from 50 to 100 ml per kg of weight during the first 6 hours of the disease, then approximately 10 ml per kg after each liquid defecation. Babies older than 3 years are recommended 500 ml for 6 hours, then about 100 ml after another liquid flowing.

    This group of drugs is known for a long time, starting with activated carbon, which was extremely widespread in the last century.

    I did not lose my value and nowadays as a good assistant for children and adults when swollen and diarrhea, in food poisoning and intoxication. In recent decades, modern analogues of activated carbon appeared, which have a greater force of adsorbing action. They are effective with respect to bacterial, viral, fungal toxins, poisons received from outside or formed inside the body, as well as allergens, radioisotopes and heavy metals salts.

    All new generation sorbents have the following therapeutic properties:

    1. The adsorbing effect is the binding and neutralization of viruses, bacteria, allergens, toxic and toxic substances of any origin in the lumen of the intestine, prevent their suction to the bloodstream.
    2. The disinfecting effect is the removal of toxins and poisons to the outside, the purification of the body and the restoration of normal physiological processes.
    3. Anti-Diameter Action - the cessation of the destructive effect of microbes on the sisnye walls, contributes to the normalization of the reverse absorption process of the fluid. The effectiveness of the treatment of diarrhea of \u200b\u200bany origin (with teething, infection, poisoning, stubble) has been proven.
    4. RESTORING ACTION - Many modern sorbents have in their composition prebiotics (or probiotics), which are beneficial affecting the growth of normal intestinal microflora and local immunity.

    Children most often apply the following means:

    1. Smekt (Neosmectin Analogues, Diosmectin Analogues) - a drug of natural origin from bloating and acute diarrhea in children of any age. Available in powder in bags for one-time application, doses are prescribed by age - from 1 bag per day for infant to 3 pieces per day for a child older than 3 years. Powder can be dissolved in 50 ml of warm water or baby nutrition, drinking strictly between meals. A course of treatment from 3 (with teething and light chalk disorder) up to 7 days (as part of a comprehensive treatment of intestinal infection).
    2. Enterosgel is a silicon-containing organic matter, produced in the form of a gel, has no age limit. A dose for infant - half of the tea spoon per day for several testes between feeding, children from a year to 5 years old are prescribed half a tablespoons for three receptions, schoolchildren are given on a tablespoon to 3 times a day.
    3. Polysorb is a very effective domestic drug for the treatment of diarrhea, allergies, poisoning. The powder is divorced at a quarter of a glass of water in a dose, depending on the body's mass of the child (indicated in the instructions).
    4. Filter - enterosorbent a new generation from hydrolysis lignin, produced in tablets, kids up to a year and older is prescribed at a dose according to the instructions for the drug.

    Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment

    Most of the cases of diarrhea in children do not require the appointment of antibiotics, for example, when teething, viral infection, overeating. Only a doctor can determine the need to apply such funds. Absolute indications for the purpose of antibiotics are heavy intestinal infections (dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera).

    These diseases proceed with a significant violation of the overall health of the child (high temperature, abdominal pain, diarrhea with blood and mucus in feces). Depending on the age and state of the baby, antibiotics are prescribed for treatment at home or in the hospital.

    Main preparations:

    • Furazolidon is an antimicrobial agent from the Nirofuran group, used in dysentery, giardiasis and other infections with a notightest flow in children over 3 years old, tablets are accepted after meals;
    • Enterofuril (Ersphuril) is a modern analogue of furazolidone, produced in capsules and syrup (for children from the month of life);
    • Stopadair - a drug from diarrhea from the same group recommended for children from 7 years;
    • Enterol - antimicrobial powder and capsules of biological origin, created on the basis of useful microorganisms, can be used with therapeutic and preventive purpose when diarrhea unclear etiology (from teeth, errors in nutrition, infection) from birth;
    • Rifaximin (Alpha Normix) - an antibiotic with a wide range of impact on pathogenic microbes, is used in the form of tablets or suspension in children from 2 years in a dosage of 20 mg per kg of weight per day.

    All antibiotics should be appointed by a doctor, to treat the child independently unacceptably, especially those old and popular in the people, such as Levomycetin, Tetracycline and others.

    Probiotics and other means

    Biopreparations relate to extremely popular and widely used means. They normalize their own intestinal microflora and digestion, stimulate protective mechanisms, improve metabolic processes.

    Probiotics are prescribed as monotherapy in intestinal disorders of noncommunicable etiology, and also included in the complex treatment of infections, poisoning and inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases.

    Preventive courses with these means are carried out from often those who are pretty children prone to diarrhea during the ARVI, with teething and so on. Modern biological products can be taken not only after, but also during treatment with antibacterial agents.

    These include:

    • Hilak forte - drops based on biosynthetic lactic acid, they contribute to the restoration of the microbial balance and are prescribed to children from birth;
    • Linex - capsules contain lacto and bifidobacteria, enterococci, lactose and additional substances, for infant 5 capsules per day, kids up to 12 years old - 3 capsules per day, adults up to 6 capsules per day for 3 receptions for a long time depending on states;
    • Bifiform - as part of a bifidobacterium capsules, enterococci, group vitamins, daily dose 2-3 capsules for children over 2 years old;
    • Acipol - the drug is intended for the treatment of diarrhea in kids from 3 months.

    To other means used in a liquid chair, it is possible to include drugs affecting the intestinal motorcycle. This includes Imodium and its analogues - Loperamide, Lopedium, Diar.

    They increase the tone of the anal sphincter, slow down the peristaltics, reduce the number of urges for defecation. However, these means can be harmful if applied incorrectly.

    They are not suitable for infant and small child, it is not necessary to get involved in them without consulting a doctor in order to avoid complications by the type of intestine. Appreciation is justified with abundant waterfront diarrhea noncommunicable etiology in school children and adults.

    What can I do

    Diarrhea treatment implies greater responsibility for parents.

    To avoid unwanted consequences, all the recommendations of the doctor should be observed.

    Cautions and prohibitions:

    • it is forbidden to give an obtomalistic to the baby painkillers with diarrhea of \u200b\u200bunclear etiology, in this case it is worth turning to the doctor faster;
    • it is impossible to use the same means that adults (antibiotics, folk recipes) were sometimes treated;
    • do not put a hot or ice warmer on the belly without consultation with your doctor;
    • it is impossible to force a child in the absence of appetite and continuing diarrhea, the choice should be made in favor of falling out and light vegetarian food;
    • it is impossible not to eat a baby from fear of re-vomiting, it is necessary to do it by small portions for several hours in a row.

    Diarrhea in children is quite often for different reasons (infection, teething, etc.), while not to panic, you need to learn how to assess the situation, prevent dehydration of the body, if necessary, to seek help.

    Diarrhea is the most frequent disorder of digestion at the child. This is a liquid, watery chair, repeating at least 3 times a day. In addition to the failed work of a young children's body, the reasons of the state are infections and serious intestinal disease. Each parent must closely monitor the baby. If you have additional symptoms urgently consult a doctor.

    Proper power supply and efficient drug treatment - a guarantee of rapid health care.

    Preparations: action and efficiency

    The drugs used in diarrhea affect the body in a certain way. There are:

    • Knitting;
    • Antidiare;
    • Antimicrobials;
    • Immunostimulating;
    • Improving the intestinal flora;
    • Normalizing electrolyte balance.

    There is no universal means with a combination of listed features, it is necessary to pick up the drug individually, depending on the cause that caused diarrhea.

    Effective treatment is considered when not only the symptom of diarrheans will disappear, but also other manifestations of the disease.

    Properties and release form

    Preparations from diarrhea are produced in different forms, not all children are suitable tablets due to a number of reasons. It is required to take into account the composition and duration of the drug.

    Indications for the use of drugs:

    • Liquid stools more than 3 times a day;
    • Meteorism and abdominal pain;
    • Reduction or absence of appetite in the presence of the symptoms described above;
    • Nausea and vomiting;
    • Sweating, weakness in the presence of other symptoms.

    Causes and Solution:

    Side Effects and Contraindications

    In order not to harm the child, you will certainly learn the instructions and possible side effects and contraindications:

    These drugs can cause dyspeptic disorders, allergies, pain.

    The instruction relies to study for each individual drug.

    Diet and mode

    A small patient is important from the first day of the disease to ensure proper care and designate a gentle diet, provide bed regime. With diarrhea, it is necessary to follow the prescriptions of the doctor.

    • The main diet for children on breastfeeding is water and mother's milk. Power must be frequent.
    • If a child gets baby food, it is better to give a nursery mixture every 2 hours with small portions. 5 days later, when the sharp period passes, it is permissible to return to the usual mode.
    • From 6 months, when the diet was introduced into the diet, the rice and buckwheat cereals prepared on the water are allowed.
    • When the meat broth is allowed, chicken yolk and poultry meat.
    • For children after a year, it is necessary to introduce an additional 2 eating with small portions.
    • Exclude vegetables, fruits, dairy and bakery products from use.

    Antibiotics and antiviral tools

    These groups of drugs are used to treat the underlying disease, i.e. For the treatment of bacterial and viral infections. When appointing a long course, any antibiotic is accepted under the cover of probiotics. With a serious course of bacterial diarrhea, it is desirable to prescribe antibiotics injections, this eliminates the loss of drugs during vomit and diarrhea. Drugs are prescribed individually and depend on the type of pathogen and the severity of the disease.


    A group of means capable of binding toxins, poisonous substances and allergens.

    Like any drugs, enterosorbents have a number of contraindications, you need to consult with your doctor.


    From the disorder of the stomach with a violation of microflora, probiotics containing beneficial bacteria are well suited.

    • Biofiform - tablets and powder for the manufacture of oil mortar, allowed in infants. Helps to raise the immune kid. The 3-year patient is allowed to take tablets.
    • Drops hilak forte. From 2 years you can drink up to 30 drops, older children up to 50 drops 3 p / d.
    • Bifidumbacterin. Release: Candles, powder, capsules. Persons from 3 years and adults can be prescribed candles. Capsules are applied upon reaching 4 years.
    • Linex. Breasts allowed 1 capsule per day, from year to twelve to 3 capsules.

    Restoration of the Water-Salt Balance

    Due to the risk of dehydration, the lost water is supplied. In severe cases, intravenous administration of drugs is carried out.

    • Regidron. Take a bag of substances dissolved in warm water you need during the day.
    • Hydrait forte. The same composition with a regiment. Divorced in water, warm tea.
    • Gastracier. Powder with chamomile extract, glucose, potassium chloride, bicarbonate, sodium salts.

    Restore the body's water balance is permissible independently: mix 1 l. Warm water, 2 tbsp. Sugar, 1 tsp. Salt, soda. If the child refuses to drink - disappeared with small sips until the lost volume of fluid is restored.

    Other drugs:

    • Loperamide is a means that slows down the intestinal movement is characterized by a decrease in the number of urges. Assigned from 6 years.
    • Enterfuril is an analogue of furazolidone, in the form of a syrup and capsules. It is allowed against diarrhea with a monthly kid.
    • Enterol - suitable in diarrhea of \u200b\u200bunknown nature.

    The dose is selected individually.

    Rules for the use of drugs

    1. It is forbidden to apply drugs used in adults.
    2. Requires requirements according to instructions for use.
    3. Do not treat the child with warm compresses and analgesics without appointing a doctor.
    4. Probiotics apply an hour after antibiotics.
    5. Sorbents - 40-60 min after reception of the main treatment.
    6. Reception of anti-stage means - an hour before meals. The course of use is short. The frequency and character of the chair did not change - consult a doctor.
    7. Dilute the substance on 1 reception, otherwise the effect is reduced.
    8. Proper combination of drugs with food.
    9. Compliance with personal hygiene of the child.

    Diarrhea in childhood is very often found, especially in preschool age. Digestion disorder can be caused by food errors, infections or diseases of internal organs. For the effective treatment of diarrhea in children, it is important to correctly determine the cause.

    A child is born with a non-refined digestive system: intestinal loops are not decorated, enzymes are less generated. For this reason, food passes the gastrointestinal tract faster. The formation process is completed on average by 3-5 years, so the norm of the chair changes depending on age.

    Liquid stool is an absolute norm for children under six months, which are breastfeeding. The first 2-3 months of the life of the infants empty the intestines after each feeding (6-10 times a day), the consistency of the feces is liquid.

    As the child develops, the intestines are populated with beneficial bacteria, organs that distinguish between digestive enzymes are developing, so the amount of feces increases, and the density of the feces increases.

    For kids, in the nutrition of which the mixtures dominate, the norm of the chair is different: the feces are more formed, the amount of feces does not exceed 3.

    After the introduction of the attachment (at 4-6 months), the children's chair changes. Kids go to a large up to 2 times a day, the consistency of the feces depends on the used products.

    After a year, most children go to normal food, so diarrhea they call watery feces more often 5-7 times a day with a sharp odor. Depending on the cause that caused diarrhea, the color, odor and the consistency of the carts may vary.

    Diarrhea classification in children

    There are several types of diarrhea in children:

    1. Infectious.

    Digestion disorder caused by viruses and bacteria in the body of viruses and bacteria (dysentery, intestinal flu, salmonellosis).

    1. Toxic.

    Diarrhea caused by poisoning by chemicals: mercury, arsenic, household chemicals.

    1. Alimentary.

    Disruption of digestion is associated with nutritional features, it may be caused by the intolerance to some kind of product.

    1. Disps.

    Ponoz is a symptom of enzyme failure in the pathologies of the pancreas, the small intestine or the liver.

    1. Medical.

    Diarrhea is evolving after a long reception of drugs (more often than antibiotics) due to disorders of the intestinal microflora.

    1. Neurogenic.

    Ponomes occur after experienced fright or stress due to disruption of the nervous regulation of intestinal peristals.

    Any type of diarrhea can be sharp - it arises suddenly, the symptoms develop rapidly.

    Chronic diarrhea arises due to an intestine irritation, a liquid chair does not stop several weeks. Violation can be caused by the disease of the digestive system or lactose intolerance.

    In the children's intestine, the mucosa is thin, toxins are easily penetrated into the circulatory system, so it is often a diarrhea is accompanied by a vomiting and high temperatures. Such a state leads to intensive loss of fluid, especially if the age of the child is less than 3 years. Rapid dehydration is very dangerous, it disrupts the work of the whole organism and can lead to a fatal outcome.

    Causes of chronic diarrhea

    Chronic diarrhea, which lasts a few weeks or months with periodic exacerbations is a symptom of a common disease or pathology of the digestive tract:

    • Celiac disease - gluten intolerance.

    Violation occurs very rarely, diarrhea begins after the use of gluten products. This vegetable protein is contained in wheat, rye, oats. The disease is accompanied by constant diarrhea, strong gas formation.

    • Dysbacteriosis.

    Disruption of the balance between useful and harmful bacteria in the intestine. Developed due to taking antibiotics.

    • Lactase insufficiency.

    Manifested by diarrhea after the use of dairy products. It occurs due to the lack of an enzyme body, splitting milk sugar.

    • Non-infectious intestinal diseases (crown disease, duodenitis, irritable intestinal syndrome) cause inflammation of the mucous membrane, reinforce the peristaltics, so food comes very quickly.

    Chronic diarrhea leads to a violation of the absorption of nutrients, a decrease in the intellect and the lag in development (mental and physical). Such a state requires urgent medical treatment.

    In the case of celiac disease, it is necessary to fully observe a gluten-free diet.

    Causes of acute diarrhea

    Most often in children there are acute diarrhea. The violation of the chair can be caused by the most diverse reasons:

    • Features.

    The intestinal microflora and the immune system of children is very unstable, so diarrhea can appear after the use of new products. Such symptoms are often observed with the introduction of lures.

    In infants, diarrhea may arise due to the product eaten by the mother.

    • Medicines.

    Diarrhea can be a side effect of some drugs: choleretic, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics. Diarrhea arises due to the development of dysbacteriosis, long-term treatment or dosing disorders.

    • Infections that are not associated with the gastrointestinal tract: angina, otitis, rhinitis.

    These diseases are accompanied by the formation of mucus in the nasophal, which flows into the stomach and changes the consistency of the feces. In children, before a year, diarrhea often arises against the background of teething.

    • Food and chemical poisoning.

    One of the most common causes of diarrhea in children. Toxic substances fall into the body when using non-bank or low-quality products.

    • Intestinal infections caused by bacterium and viruses (dysentery, rotovirus, salmonellosis, staphylococcus).

    Such diseases are subject to children visiting kindergarten and school. Infection occurs when contacting the carrier and non-compliance with personal hygiene.

    Dr. Komarovsky's comment on the fact that diarrhea itself is not diagonosis, but arises due to any disease.

    Related signs of diarrhea

    Ponoz rarely occurs as an independent phenomenon, it is usually accompanied by other symptoms:

    • nausea and vomiting;
    • flatulence;
    • abdominal pain, usually grapple-shaped;
    • the appearance of mucus, blood or undigested food in feces.

    Increased temperature and vomiting accompanying diarrhea - a sign of the penetration into the body of a child of the pathological organism. Symptoms appear in 8-12 hours after the start of diarrhea.

    With each defecation and attack of vomiting, the child loses from 100 to 300 ml of liquid, the moisture evaporates through the skin, which leads to rapid dehydration.

    Signs of dehydration:

    • weakness, sometimes loss of consciousness;
    • convulsions;
    • rare urination, urine of a saturated yellow color;
    • disappearance of shine in the eyes;
    • dry oral cavity and lips;
    • frequent heartbeat;
    • reduced arterial pressure.

    Frequent defecates cause irritation of the rectum and anal hole, rash and redness may appear around it.

    All the colors of the mucus: from white to black

    With infectious diarrhea, mucus appears in feces, the smell of it becomes very sharp. The reason for the diarrhea can be judged by the color of feces:

    • Red

    With the bleeding of the lower and middle intestinal department.

    • Green

    For diarrhea caused by bacterial or viral infection, the child will have a green chair.

    • The black

    Such a color is characteristic of gastric bleeding.

    • Bright yellow

    If the child has a yellow feces, then it speaks of dyspeptic disorders.

    • White

    In enzyme failure, white feces appears.

    • Cal with blood

    The appearance of blood in cartoons is a very dangerous symptom that occurs during the intestinal damage.

    How can you treat diarrhea

    Diarrhea in a child is not always a sign of infection or poisoning. If there is no temperature, the baby is active, there are no suspicious inclusions in feces, you can treat at home.

    Without professional assistance, do not do if:

    • the temperature sharply increased;
    • studies began;
    • the child is very weak;
    • in Kale, there is blood, foam;
    • the feces acquired an atypical color;
    • diarrhea does not stop more than a day.

    Children before the year deserve special attention. Due to low weight, they very quickly lose fluid, dehydration develops very quickly.

    If such signs occur, it is necessary to contact the infectious compartment. After examining the child and the study of the feces is assigned treatment. In suspected of a bacteriological or viral nature of diarrhea, a laboratory study of the feces is carried out.

    Treatment in the hospital lasts several days and depends on the age, state of the child and the type of infection.

    Prefigure: What to do to stop diarrhea?

    Alimentary diarrhea can be stopped at home. To do this, it is enough to exclude an irritating factor - any food. Usually in a few hours, the liquid chair disappears.

    It happens that against the background of disorder appetite remains at the same level and the child asks to eat. You can offer him Sukharik or fresh cookies with a weakly brewed tea.

    • fermented milk products;
    • fresh fruits, vegetables and juice of them;
    • solid food.

    The biggest danger with a long-term diarrhea is dehydration. To fill the lost fluid, it is necessary to give to drink after each defecation clean water, fastening tea (weak-lined without lemon), compote from dried fruits.

    If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, the amount of fluid should not exceed 20 ml, but it takes to drink every 10-15 minutes.

    Breasts do not stop breastfeeding. It should be remembered that the mother's milk will not be able to refund the fluid lost by the body, so there should be 5 ml of water in the mouth of a child.

    In anticipation of ambulance, you can give an absorbent agent (smect or activated carbon). These drugs are not absorbed into the blood, so harmless even for kids.

    Medicines and preparations for children with diarrhea

    Dyason medication therapy in children consists of several directions:

    • Restoration of the water-salt balance.

    To do this, use reciprons or glucosalan. The drug in the form of a powder is bred in warm water and give small sips after 5-10 minutes.

    • Remove toxins.

    Absorbents will cope with this task: activated carbon (in powder, tablets or in the form of gel), cutter, enterosgel. These means absorb not only toxins, but also molecules of other medicines, so it is necessary to observe the interval of 1.5-2 hours between different drugs.

    • For antibacterial exposure, levomecitin, entursing, furosalidone is used.
    • Restoration of microflora is carried out with probiotics and prebiotics: Linex, enterol, BibiForm.
    • Normalization of peristalsis.

    For diarrhea, accompanied by an uncontrolled bowel abbreviation prescribed Loperamide or Imodium.

    If the diarrhea is caused by the productivity of helminths in a complex with symptomatic treatment, anti-shine drugs are prescribed (neosol, pyronetel).

    The form, shape and dosage of medicines at diarrhea in children determines the pediatrician. It is strictly forbidden to use medicines intended for adults.

    Folk medicine funds at home

    In addition to the main treatment, you can use proven recipes of unofficial medicine:

    Rice rice to fasten the chair

    2 tablespoons of cereals are washed once and fall asleep in hot water (approximately half-liters).

    Cook on slow fire 35-45 minutes. The cooled decoction is peathed to homogeneity and give a child for 1-2 tablespoons several times per hour.

    Decoration from Cherryukha

    The handful of dry berries is poured with 2 glasses of boiling water and tomatin on the water bath of half an hour. After cooling, the liquid is filled and give a child to 20 ml after 2 hours. Toddles up to 3 years have a sufficient teaspoon.

    Oak bark

    Solves several problems at once: makes feces tightly, eliminate the process of inflammation on the mucous membrane and destroys some microbes. Prepare it simply: the bark of oak is poured with boiling water in proportion 1: 2 and heated in a water bath for 20 minutes. The cooled fluid need to drink 50 ml 4-5 times a day.

    Decoction of rose hips

    Contains a lot of vitamins, it is recommended to drink instead of tea in signs of dehydration. Prepare the tool is very simple: a handful of rose hips is poured with a liter of water and boil for 7-10 minutes. Capacity with decoction leaves for an hour under a warm blanket.

    Tea from Romashki.

    It has anti-inflammatory and painkillers. His reception with diarrhea soothes the inflamed mucosa and eliminates discomfort. The plant can be added to ordinary tea or brewing separately (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water).

    Despite the complete naturalness, the listed means can have an undesirable effect, so before using the chamomile, you must consult your attending physician.

    Nutrition and diet during treatment

    The first day of the occurrence of diarrhea is desirable to make "hungry", since any food has an irritating effect. As a last resort, it is allowed to give a savory Sukharik or cookies.

    From the second day, in the diet, you can enter porridge on water (oatmeal or rice), stealing dietary meat, vegetable broths, degreased cottage cheese, welded by screwing eggs, omelet. All food must be prepared without adding spices.

    With the usual diarrhea, such a diet is observed no more than a week if diarrhea is caused by infection extend to complete recovery.

    To prevent diarrhea, children need to strictly comply with the rules of hygiene, expose meat and fish dishes to heat treatment, wash vegetables and fruits with soap.