Diarrhea at the cat after castration. Diarrhea cats, what to treat? Veterinarian tips at cat diarrhea after castration what to do

What is sterilization? This is the removal of animal breeding organs. The main feline organs producing eggs are ovaries. The ovarian removal operation is considered simple, accompanied by a cut on the abdomen, with the use of anesthesia and takes from 10 to 15 minutes, after which the care of the cat after sterilization should be carried out by its owner.

Extremely rare complications after sterilizing the cat or cat castration. How much time the cat after sterilization is moving away from anesthesia and how to act if the favorite still had a bump in place of the seam, the constipation began or diarrhea, swollen the dairy glands or a cat no longer eats, or drinks a little water, or he slept all the time and rose Body temperature?

If such a state continues during the day, a mandatory consultation of a veterinary doctor is required. If you are worried about how to care for a cat after sterilization, then complying with certain recommendations, you will help her quickly recover from the operation and anesthesia, return to a healthy, happy life.

Sometimes after surgery, the animal falls out the internal organs in the subcutaneous bag, which is the hernia. With the discrepancy between the internal seams, the bump appears in different sizes. During a careful study of the seams of an animal, you can observe the following: A whole thread, which was properly sewn, intact external seams, and there is still a bump, which is a certain bullet and inflammatory symptoms.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of the bump becomes the rapid absorption of the material, which the seams were performed, that is, the thread disappears, but the wound does not heal. Also, the bump may appear if the operating veterinarian does not comply with the appliances of the seams. When the hernia appears, it becomes necessary to carry out another operation. In some animals, the bump appears as a result of their excessive activity or when trying to remove the poporn.

In any case, if the bump appeared or seam, it is necessary to ensure proper care of the cat after sterilization, take dressings, put on a comfortable popone, prevent diarrhea and urgently show Murka to the veterinarian.

What if she is sluggish and sleeping?

Restoration of the cat after general anesthesia, which is always used during sterilization, lasts about 12-18 hours. Cat behavior after sterilization and maybe such: Murka becomes sluggish and apathetic, does not eat, suffer from nausea and vomiting, as well as excessive drowsiness. Some animals can be in such a state until the seams are removed.

The veterinarian conducting the operation should answer all your questions related to how the cat behaves after sterilization and how to care for it. Your favorite needs rest. Leave it in a quiet place where it can relax in silence and rest. Do not let her and other pets, let her sleep and restores her strength. Even if your purr, as a rule, is friendly, gentle and not picky in food, in the postoperative period, it will temporarily be aggressive or on the contrary is sluggish.

If your cat is depressed, sluggish, sleeps a lot, eats little and drinks, often trembles or her tears, and a whow of two weeks after sterilization, it is necessary to refer to the veterinarian. Often the owners notice that during this period Murka trembles. The petomician has a lot of temperature, so it really needs a warm place. Your main task is to warmly warm the cat or cat, then the body temperature is normalized and the trembling will stop.

If the cat does not eat and do not drink after sterilization?

After the anesthesia and the operation itself, the owners often arises the question: how to feed a sterilized cat? If the favorite does not eat, he does not ask for drinking in the first day after sterilization and anesthesia, worrying or especially forcing it is not necessary to eat. If she does not eat and does not drink more than three days, it is considered to be a complication and a doctor consultation is required. In this case, veterinarians recommend intravenous nutrition or feeding with a liquid bouffering of a syringe or pipette.

At this time, Murki, taste preferences are very often changed, it does not eat favorite delicacies. For example, if after the operation, the animal does not eat fish, no need to worry. It is also worth producing special vitamins for sterilized cats, but how much they need them, the doctor will say. There is a list of some recommendations on how to feed the cat after sterilization:

  • It is necessary to appreciate how much your cat is drinking fresh water, to provide it with access to water at any time.
  • If Murku River after the first meal, do not panic - so it moves away from anesthesia, you need to cancel feeding.
  • No need to give a favorite to a lot of food, even if she is very asked.
  • It is necessary semi-liquid nutrition without provoking constipation.

Is it worthwhile to wear a special popphone?

All Murcs are different, so it is impossible to predict their reaction to superimposed seams. Some animals do not even notice their seams, and most of their owners often voiced that the cat raging the seams. The owner must protect the seams as much as possible from the cat itself, as it is capable of infecting them by various bacteria contained in its saliva.

To do this, use a special popone, which should fit well and not hang out on the body of the pet. If there was a walker, his character varies, and you can't handle the seams and make dressings yourself, be sure to contact the specialists. You can remove the popone only after the complete healing of the seams.

Why does a cat scream or even yell?

To yell in the postoperative period, Murki begin in the event of an incomplete operation if the ovary of the adult cat tied. Thus, the favorite again yells, shows his character, begins to ask and want a cat. If the cat screams or yell after sterilization, it is better to completely operate the animal and reduce its sexual attraction.

In rare cases, when an animal aggressively yells or shouts, it speaks of severe pain. It can also yell from experienced nausea. Either the favorite screams or yells to attract master attention. If Murka has a lot of yells for a long time, it is necessary to bring it into a vetclinic to make sure that everything is fine with it.

Veterinarian tips when the dairy glands increased

The most common type of postoperative complications are modified dairy glands. If they are swollen immediately after the operation, then a false pregnancy began in the cat. If your favorite is swollen gland, it began this process before the operation, and the removal of the ovaries did not stop their increase.

  • Reduce the likelihood of stressful situations after which the glands are increasing.
  • For the normal functioning of the glands, it is necessary to correctly correct the nutrition of the cat, minimize dairy products and products with a high carbohydrate content.
  • Increased glands can be passed independently, however, there is a possibility of mastitis.

Consequences after sterilization of the cat

When the body temperature of the cat rises above 39 ° C, this is considered to be complicated.

The main thing is to remember that the high temperature in the first hours after anesthesia and the next three days are the phenomenon spread. If it does not fall on the fourth day, it is better to get advice from doctors as soon as possible.

Sometimes the body temperature of the animal decreases. At this time you need to try all available ways to warm your favorite: you can transfer it to a warm place, cover the plaid and put the heating. If it is not active, does not eat, goes badly in the toilet, you should urgently turn to the branches.

Constipation or diarrhea

After sterilization, the animals often change stools, constipation or diarrhea appears. Some cats after surgery and anesthesia becomes problematic to go to the toilet, they develop constipation or diarrhea, causing severe pain. The constipation is accompanied by such symptoms: the cat does not eat, does not go to the toilet and does not cake, it shouted plaintively, and her tail trembles, and the seams can also be damaged. If constipation appeared, then you need to take the laxatives appointed by the doctor and adjust the power. At home, it is possible to relieve constipation in a cat using one tablespoon of Vaseline.

Diarrhea occurs when applied during the operation of drugs of toxic effects. If the Pitom has diarrhea, she pokes liquid or only the character of the chair is changing, it is better to limit food consumption and drink, give a cat recommended by the veterinarian Medical preparation. In order for diarrhea to retreep you can prepare a rice decoction yourself.

Castion cat

Rehabilitation after castration cat lasts about two days. If in the usual time the cat walks and goes to the toilet on the street, then after the operation it will correctly leave the cat at home, even if he is very asking. In the first hours after castration, the cat's nutrition will be limited. On the second day they depart, after which you can process the seams, renew meals, try to bring to the toilet to the street. It is necessary to monitor whether the cat started constipation or diarrhea, and as an animal chair affects its seams. If the cat has a whow or seam, he stopped going to the toilet, diarrhea or constipation appeared, you need to draw dressings, as well as change the nature of feeding.

The owner needs to handle seams, ensure the correct removal of the seams, control the behavior of the cat after sterilization, to see how it walks, establish a balanced nutrition and ensure maximum physical activity, in order to subsequently your pets do not look like a ball.

The reasons for the liquid chair in the representatives of the feline family after the transferred operation can, among other things, depend on the actions of the master of the pet. Sometimes after castration, the cat diarrhea appears due to improper feeding. And there is diarrhea at the cat after castration, as a reaction to the drugs used during the procedure.

Each cat owner, which recently suffered a castration procedure, at least in the very first days should be carefully watching their pet. The reaction to the animal procedure is found in the most different. Most often you can see the feline problems with the toilet. For example, diarrhea.

If he does not bother the animal and does not repeat more than 5-6 times a day, then it is not worried about the whole. Most likely, it was thus responded to the cat's body to the medical drugs used by a specialist during surgery. Some of them are quite irritating the gastrointestinal tract of the animal and cause a long liquid stool. It can be saved from one to four days. The main thing is, during this period, protect your pet from dehydration dangerous for him. It will be enough to ensure that it is always clean fresh water in its drinker. It is not necessary to boil it at all. If you drink the cat refuses, it became sluggish and sleepy, less frequently visits the "small" tray, it will be necessary to pour the animal water, for example, with a syringe. At least the most minimal doses. It is also best to show it an experienced specialist.

Any operation (and just visiting the veterinary clinic) is a strong stress for each representative of the Feline family. And he can react to him with diarrhea. In this case, you should leave the cat alone and try to provide him with a quiet habitual situation. For example, some time do not call home guests.

The cause of the diarrhea appeared after castration in the cat can be the incorrectly organized feed change. Usually, a specialist after the operation has recommended the owner to begin to translate an animal to a special product for neutered and sterilized pets. If the owner at the same time simply embroods the new food in the cat's bowl (even the best and better), then diarrhea cannot be avoided.

It is very important that the translation is carried out slowly and gradually. First of all, it will be necessary to choose the product of the same consistency as it was before. If the cat is usually fed with special canned food, then let the novel be wet. In the first three days after the operation, food intake must remain the same. After this time, you can start adding a new one to the old food. But gradually. For example, for the first portion there will be 10 percent of the special product for castrated animals. With such a competent approach to the change of the feed of diarrhea, the representative of the feline family is likely to be completely avoided. Of course, it is impossible and in this case, forget about a sufficient amount of clean water for a cat. It will also help a smooth soft transition to a new product. It is quite possible to use conventional water from under the tap.

But to refuse specialized feed for "castrators" should not be. It is such products that are able to provide an animal organism after surgery everything necessary for its normal growth and development. It is not for the usual feed.

Noticing his fluffy favorite diarrhea after the operation, it is important to correctly establish its cause. This will help to quickly cope with the problem that appeared or simply help the animal's body to overcome it in the shortest possible time.

Diarrhea at the cat and cat (or speaking by scientific language - diarrhea) - the phenomenon is very common. Nevertheless, this fact does not mean that you can leave the question as it is and the problem "herself will dispel." Often the cause of diarrhea may truly serious causes. What to do and how to treat a cat from diarrhea at home? About this as well as about each possible cause of diarrhea separately we will talk today in our article.

If you really do not notice this deviation at the pet as a constipation is quite difficult, then the strong diarrhea of \u200b\u200bthe cat will definitely not be ignored. Recognize diarrhea easily. Animal often (up to 10 times per day) empties the intestines. In this case, the consistency of the carts can vary quite hard:

  • Cashitz-shaped;
  • Watery;
  • Liquid.

The color scheme, like the smell of feces, is as very diverse. Representatives of the feline family are pretty legible in food. Therefore, diarrhea in the cat can not be called an ordinary phenomenon, and the owner should be referred to a pet state with special attention.

The most understandable symptom of diarrhea in a cat is a frequent liquid chair. In addition, additional symptomatic manifestations of disorder may be present:

  • Swelling for defecation;
  • Flatulence;
  • Mucus and (or) blood in feces.

In some cases, secondary symptoms may be observed, sort of:

  • Reducing appetite;
  • Weight loss;
  • Dehydration;
  • Fever;
  • Lethargy;
  • Vomiting.

If the cat diarrhea has an uncharacteristic color, such as red or black, then this may be a sign of a serious illness. In this case, it is desirable to refer to a veterinary doctor follows as quickly as possible. After all, the life of a beloved pet depends on the delay.

But in order not to panic the fence with the symptoms and the reasons for their appearance in more detail. Indeed, in most cases, everything ends quite safely.

Duration of symptoms

Diarrhea in cats may arise suddenly and just as unexpectedly end. She can also disturb the animal for months, practically not stopping or manifesting from time to time. A single attack of diarrhea is not a reason for anxiety, but if diarrhea has a cat for more than two days, it already signals a more significant problem.

Conditionally diarrhea in cats are divided into three groups from the point of view of the duration and degree of "nestness" of the situation:

  1. Acute (if a few days).
  2. Chronic (if diarrhea has a durable cat - more than a week).
  3. Intermittent (if a month).

If the cause of the disorder served incorrect meals, feeding with bad quality feed, etc., can be limited to symptomatic treatment. If the cat has a short, not complicated diarrhea, then a hungry diet in one or two days is the most acceptable measure of treatment. It is also desirable to reduce the amount of water in the first hours after the appearance of the symptoms of the disorder. Ensure the cat rest also will not be superfluous.

Diarrhea in cats, lasting week and more - is a signal to the fact that the pet must be examined and treated in a veterinary clinic. With long-term disorder, the cat's body is dehydrated, which only aggravates the condition of the animal. Therefore, he is extremely slow to slow.

If the cat has diarrhea without complications

What if the cat is only diarrhea and there are no other gagging symptoms? In addition to the miracle invasions and food poisoning, the cat can be caused by the infectious disease, pathology of internal organs and other changes associated with the normal performance of the body. It is also worth considering that cats are individual creatures and identical symptoms in different animals do not mean the mandatory presence of similar disease. Therefore, to clarify the reasons and the development of effective treatment, you need to contact a specialist.

Why can a cat be diarrhea? The problem may occur in different cases:

  • Intestinal disease;
  • Infection;
  • Psycho-emotional disorder;
  • Food allergy;
  • Invasive disease;
  • Improper nutrition;
  • Overeating;
  • Poisoning.

How to treat a cat from diarrhea at home? If the well-being of the cat in order and diarrhea does not affect her appetite and playful mood, then a diet change or a unloading day is a good opportunity to solve the problem without treating medicine. It should be borne in mind that even if the symptoms of liquid secretions are one-time character - it is still a reason to control the feeding of the animal.

If diarrhea does not stop several days, and worse, feces acquire the unusual smell and the color is a reason to rush to the veterinarian. Many feline diseases develop rapidly, and the delay can be fatal for a pet.

If the cat diarrhea water

Most often, abundant watery allocations in cats sign about a minor, one-time problem. But it may also be a sign of the initial development of any disease. If the cat diarrhea lasts a long time, then it is better to cause a veterinarian to the house or visit the specialized clinic. If at the moment this is not possible, it will be necessary to comply with certain recommendations:

  • If a pet has only diarrhea, without vomiting, then it is necessary to drink it with clean boiled water. This will prevent the body's dehydration;
  • Nutrition should be cut or not to give a cat at all for a day;

At this time, the animal is best suited to easily digestible food.

If the cat has diarrhea and vomiting

What if the cat has diarrhea and vomiting? Most often it is a sign that the digestive system of the animal struggles with the negative impact of external factors.

Sunny or thermal impact can also provoke vomito selection by a pet. Quite often vomiting and diarrhea in cats is a consequence of the negligence of their owners. When feeding an animal, some cat owners give them human food, which is not always compatible with the digestive system of small creation.


What to treat a cat if she has diarrhea and vomiting? It is important to give an animal first aid and follow the following recommendations:

  1. Water in a blue should be changed, and the dishes itself are thoroughly wash.
  2. You should refrain from feeding a cat for a while, but not more than 48 hours.
  3. While the animal is forced to go to the store and acquire special canned food for cats with gastrointestinal diseases. The difference of this feed is that it does not irritate the stomach, and it also contributes to the adsorption of toxins and the formation of a carriage mass.
  4. While a feline chair will not come back to normal. In addition to special canned foods, you can give pets drugs recommended during a liquid chair.
  5. If all of the above recommendations did not make a favorable effect on the cat's body and diarrhea with vomiting, everything is also tormented by a pet, then you need to carry an animal to the veterinarian.

If the cat has diarrhea with blood and (or) with mucus

Also often diarrhea in a cat with blood and mucus can be the cause of the development of colitis (inflammatory disease of the colon) in a cat. Colutes may appear in connection with many factors, therefore the best thing that the master can make for a pet in this case is to take it to the doctor.


In some cases, changing the diet of the animal is enough to restore the wellness of the intestine to the proper level. If the owner decides that the cat needs a diet, then smoked and sweet foods are excluded from the diet. The same fate is waiting for milk. Porridge, especially oat and rice, are well suited for diet.

In advanced cases, the veterinarian may prescribe drugs of antibacterial and anti-virus type of action. These include special serums and immunostimulants. Still the cat is treated:

  • Disinfecting enema;
  • Enzymes that improve the work of the digestive system;
  • Antimicrobial preparations of a wide spectrum.

If the cat has a black and (or) red diarrhea

Under normal conditions, the color of the cat near the cat or cat can vary from brown to a light brownish shade. But if the cat has liquid black feces, which are also called "Melena", then this is a signal of a possible problem. What to do in this case? First we understand possible reasons and analyze additional symptoms

The reason for changing the color of the wheel masses lies in the following:

  • Animal gets iron-containing vitamin supplements;
  • The diet of the pet consists of raw meat or blood flour;
  • Cat is given iron preparations.

If the cat feels good and just know that it eats foods that can paint feces, then everything is in order. But the pet accurately needs a speedy inspection if the following additional symptoms are obvious:

  • Failure to eat, lethargy;
  • Vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Temperature.

Red diarrhea in a cat is an extra disturbing symptom. As a rule, this means that there is blood in feces. And this is a direct sign of bleeding in one of the departments of the gastrointestinal tract. In all the above symptoms, the most reasonable help is an appeal to a specialist. After all, black feces, as a symptom of the disease, accompanies the following diseases.

  • Glice invasion.
  • Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.
  • Traumatic gastritis, colitis.
  • Tumors of the stomach and the thin intestinal department.
  • Ulcerative enterocolitis, ulcerative gastritis.

In this situation, home treatment can only aggravate the situation and lead to the death of a pet, so the treatment of cats with possible signs of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract is carried out under the control of veterinary doctors and only after analyzes.

If the cat has a yellow diarrhea

When the stomach operates in a normal rhythm, then the required amount of bile containing yellow bilirubin is received. In the process of digestion, bilirubin turns into a sterkobilin of a standard, brown color inherent in the facal masses of a healthy animal.

In principle, the yellow diarrhea in the cat is normal, since in diarrhea all digestive processes are accelerated, and bilirubin comes out of the body in non-recycled, yellow form. However, if the color of diarrhea is strongly yellow, even orange, this is a clear sign of jaundice.


First of all, the yellow color diarrhea from the cat signals a bad digestibility of food. Therefore, before being taken for the treatment of an animal, its diet should be analyzed. If in the last days the cat consumed a lot of milk, raw seafood, liver, too fatty meat, then it is possible in them. The best treatment is a change in the diet of a pet. It is best to hold the cat on a half-starved diet or not to feed it at all. If simple methods do not bring results, you may have to carry a cat to the vet to give the tests. So appreciate the work of the liver will work best.

If the cat has a white diarrhea

As already known, bilirubin contained in bile affects the color of the carts. And if it is too much, then the animal feces acquire a yellowish tint. And on the contrary, the lack of bilirubin causes the opposite effect - white diarrhea in cats. The main reason for such a phenomenon is the blockage of biliary tract and problems with the formation of bile in the liver.

Violation of the liver work of this kind is rarely manifested in connection with a slight ailment. Most likely, the pet is deep, chronic ailment. And even if the white diarrhea of \u200b\u200bthe cat is noticed only for the first time - this is the reason for carrying a pet for receiving a doctor.

If the cat has a green diarrhea

The diarrrhea of \u200b\u200bthe green color in cats testifies to grinding and fermentation processes in the intestine. As a rule, it happens if the cat was knocked out with a large number of grinding microorganisms.

The green diarrhea in the cat is also dangerous in the fact that in the process of rotting the product, toxic substances are distinguished. As a result, the animal receives the strongest poisoning of the body. This adversely affects not only her health and chair, but also at the work of all organs. Therefore, if diarrhea goes several days, you should drive a pet to the clinic. Quite often, the treatment of green diarrhea in cats is accompanied by taking antibiotics and droppers. And only veterinarian can assign correct drugs. Yes, and not every owner of the animal is able to independently put the dropper to his pet.

Cat treatment from diarrhea at home

Next, we will tell about the basic rules of the therapy of the assistant - than to treat a domestic cat from diarrhea. If the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorder appear to panic and worry from thoughts on severe Pettroy disease, early. If the cat is vaccinated, does not come into contact with other cats, especially homeless, then, most likely the cause of diarrhea in a banal intestinal disorder. And in some cases, the reason is not at all in the disease, but because of the nerves. In this case, the main thing is to correctly assess the situation.

Of course, not always the treatment of a cat from diarrhea at home, care and proper nutrition is a way out of any established situation. In some cases, medical intervention is required and, as a rule, first is the reception of drugs. Moreover, some "human" drugs deserve consideration.

List of drugs (tablets) from diarrhea in cats

We prepared for you a list of the most popular drugs from diarrhea in cats with comments for each to make it easier for you to navigate. Immediately make a reservation, these are the most popular folk remedies, not all of them we recommend to use. Moreover, if the diarrhea at the pet is coming with complications, then the best option will be primarily to show his doctor, and only then to rinse with pills. So, what to give a cat from diarrhea?


The preparation has a wide antimicrobial effect. Bacteria poorly develop resistance to it, which only adds pluses into a piggy bank of this drug.

Indications for use:

  • Hepatitis;
  • Enteritis;
  • Coccidiosis;
  • Balantiosis;
  • Salmonellosis;
  • Colibacteriosis and others.

The treatment diagram depends on a number of factors and most often is individual. The course of therapy is developing the therapist and only after the cat will pass all the necessary analyzes, indicating the cause of the appearance of diarrhea. Reception of the drug is as follows: Daily dose of medication should be stirred with food into three parts and feed the pet every part every four hours.


The drug is good in that he treats the infectious diarrhea in cats. And due to the fact that it reduces the risk of developing a bacterial infection, it can be used in viral diarrhea. Acquire enterofuril best in the form of a suspension for children. So it will be easier to give a cat, and digested the drug better.


This is an antimicrobial drug. Well manifests itself in the treatment of salmonellosis and dysentery. It is also prescribed during gastroenteritis and colitis caused by the stamps of intestinal sticks. This is a reliable assistant for a veterinary doctor - an old, proven remedy used for various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in cats. It is necessary to give phthalazole with cats with diarrhea: ¼ pills crowed, mix with water and through the syringe to drink an animal. In water there may be small powder crystals - this is normal. It is worth knowing that the drug is not desirable to give pets for diseases of the kidneys and liver, as well as during pregnancy.


The drug shows a significant effect when combating gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, such as - spirochetes, rickettsia and other large viruses.

Attention! Levomycetin does not cause side effects only if strictly follow the instructions for use. If you ignore this fact, then in the treatment of diarrhea in cats, the following side effects arise:

  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • Liver damage;
  • Skin rash;
  • Intestinal meteorism;
  • Hyperemia;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Diarrhea.

It is also worth considering the individual tolerability of the cat to the drug and it is better not to give it to pregnant animals, pets with fungal diseases, kidney and liver diseases.

Activated Coal and Smacks

Enterosorbents, in whose number includes activated carbon, contribute to the withdrawal of toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. Cats give it if diarrhea lasts long. In another case, drug treatment methods are used.

It is useful to give a cat to the smect when diarrhea, but caution should be exercised. It is impossible to poison her, but the pet is given to the medicine only during diarrhea, otherwise it can provoke constipation.

Indeed, a lot of "human" drugs can be used to one way or another for the treatment of a domestic pet. But to apply them yourself, without a veterinarian board, it is still undesirable. And best of all for the treatment of diarrhea, use drugs for animals. Also, under certain conditions, it is possible to refer to non-traditional (folk) methods of treatment. But a specialist, of course, more reliable.

Nutrition cats for diarrhea

At that moment, when it was noted that the cat began the diarrhea, you can not feed a day at all. At the same time, the water should be given in an unlimited quantity. Also, with diarrhea, any dairy products and products containing a large amount of carbohydrates and starch should be excluded from the dilation. In a day, the animal can be started to make a gram. But it should be borne in mind that the portion of food should be less than the standard number of feed at least twice. In the diet of the pet should include only easily digestible food with low fat content.

It is necessary to feed the cat with diarrhea several times a day. If at this time it was prescribed to receive medication - this is an additional opportunity to give the drug to the animal together with food. Recommended products include:

  • Boiled rice;
  • Boiled chicken meat;
  • Egg boiled yolk.

If the cat always fed ready-made food, it is better to buy special canned food for animals that do not irritate the digestive tract. Return the familiar food into the diet of the animal only after the pet is fully corrected.

Have questions? You can ask them to a regular veterinarian of our website in the comment box below, which will answer them as soon as possible.

Hello! My cat is 17 years old. I became bad, there was a liquid dark diarrhea. Showed veterinarian. It was decided by a doctor not to injure and not prick a cat. It was decided that it is old age ... There is one raw chicken liver, drinks, sleeps. The tray goes 5 times a day. I tried to climb sulfadimetoxin to eat - did not eat. Can something be done?

sphinx 7 months. For two weeks, a liquid chair, goes 1 time in 1.2 days in the tray. Color brown, without blood, discharge. proglogonen for 3 months before. Homemade, does not go to the street. I feed Royal Konin for kittens. I cook chicken, chicken, chicken or heart stomach (not all together in different ways) on the broth add buckwheat or rice, carrot, meat cut finely, such a porridge is obtained. or boiled fish. (basic diet) Dry food additionally not a lot. On the Cat Grass window. I give meat sticks. The cat is not watching the cat, cheerful, playful. What to do with a liquid chair?

Good afternoon, the cat is 4 years old, Briton, the diet did not change, eats dry proplan for neutered cats and wet Felix. The second day he has diarrhoids, the color of yellow, goes to the toilet 4-5 times, the urine color is normal, the state as usual, the playful, the nose is cold and wet, the appetite dropped, but not much, yesterday I fed only dry food, today removed all Food, left only water. Tell me what to do, how to treat?

Hello! The cat diarrhea has more than 2 weeks, walks 1-2 times a day, Cashecececoid chair. I sucked the probiotic, did not pone for three days, then everything began again. In general, active, good appetite. I feed the boiled chicken, loves pork meat, minced meat. Dairy products love too, but now I do not give. Not anthemogonil.

Hello! At the cat diarrhea near 4 days, after it goes to the toilet, "goes on the ass". After the first day of diarrhea and driving, he tried his drops on the withers (which it was impossible to predict during diarrhea, he learned later). Diarrhea and ride did not end so far. He eats well, drinks a lot, behavior has not changed, quite active. What to do? Is it possible to give activated coal and how much? Or just change food? Sirius feed, bought for the first time, eats it for 3 weeks, diarrhea began only 4 days ago

Good evening! On the night of the cat began diarrhea. In the morning I started to give the smect 2 times yielded 2.5 mil grams. The chair was less likely, but acquired an unpleasant smell and cascisative consistency. Cat has no food. I give Parsheets Gourme and Sanebel dry food. It's good appetite. Additionally, I give water from the syringe. Can enter an antibiotic or while to give the smect. And how many days? And when to start beat the alarm and lead to the hospital? And can I cope with such symptoms at home?

Dasha, hello!
Annual injections and worms take drugs. 17 years old Cot British. About two months later diarrhea and cat weakness, lost weight, sorry. The nose is more often cold and wet. They gave food all the time Pro Plan for sterilized cats. Began diarrhea, began to feed with other feeds Mealfeel 7+ and canned Pro Plan. But nothing changes, the feces became slightly and then with periodicity. It is a feeling that the cat is not fought (eats and immediately goes to the toilet). The veterinarian did the ultrasound did not reveal anything, the internal organs in order (only slightly increased gas formation and everything).
Help, tell me what can be done.

Good day. The cat is 5 years old, without breed, homely (on the street was never), the vaccinations did not do, the anthelogon was given 3 months ago (drops on the withers). He eats dry food and canned food (one company), weight of 4.5 kg. At night, she squeezed strangely (half normal, and at the end of the pulling mass, stained all), and the day today diarrhea (dark cashem with a sharp smell), he sleeps all day, in principle, he is a lover sleeping, but the spout is cold and wet. I think tomorrow go to the aetherinar, what tests need to pass what to do, tell me, please ...

Marina 23:09 | 02 Mar. 2019.

Hello! Tell me, please, how to properly give the smect when diarrhea cat 11 years and weighing 11 kg.? Diarrhea it happens extremely rarely, feeding dry grandorf for neutered cats and do not give anything more. Diarrhea began yesterday suddenly and it seems to be no reason for any reason. So, as usual in such situations, he has a liquid chair only 1-2 times, it will take roam the drug mezim-forte on 1/2 tab.2 times a day during meals and all at once passes. This time it did not pass. In the WC during this time, she already went 6d times. Today I was already planted for a smile (I sing through the syringe) and I don't feed it at all, just I don't know how to make the smedulet, everywhere they write differently and not quite understandably. I do not want to give less or more by ignorance, I'm afraid that it will not help or there will be constipation. The chair is now liquid casket, kefir consistency, light brown, without mucus and blood. I am interested in how many smects (in grams or what part of the bag) for how much water you need to dilute and how many times a day EE can be given. Thank you.

Elena 21:39 | 01 Mar. 2019.

The cat has a week ago, a stool suddenly changed, it became liquid, yellow, doubts not often 1-2 times a day. There were no changes in the nutrition. It became an apathetic, sad, mostly lies, pisses past tray, watering transparent, there is no blood. Cat for 14 years, never was sick. On the street never went out. Eats high-quality feed, dry and wet (Purin, Sheba, Gurmet, raw meat) The doctor has never been. Please advise what to do.

Volcha 18:52 | 05 Feb. 2019.

Hello! Kittenka (7 months) diarrhea, up to three times a day of yellow with a sharp smell, started waging booty, fall on the hind paws, when trying to jump on the sofa. Paws rear drive around. The holder of the month ago there was a diagnosis , Cortexin. Now again the same picture. In this, he also eats, drinks and plays, the truth is not worn as usual in the apartment, as the pelvis puts when walking. We do not know what to think ((

From diarrhea in pussy, a well-handed human phthalazole helped. Givered 12 days in a row (intestinal sticks live at least 7 days) on a quarter of a tablet for an adult 2 times a day on an empty stomach. Then the syringe without a needle poured so much water in the mouth. In parallel, for reliability of 5 days in a row, 2-4 hours 1 time per day gave a quarter of Levomycetin (antibiotic. Caution). Tylosin injections prescribed by veterinarians did not help us. Thanks to someone who left feedback on phthalazole!

Hello, a cat is 6 months old, the last few days of diarrhea, with bubbles and apparently meteorism, goes to the toilet with loud sounds, the blood appeared in diarrhea, the appetite is good, the behavior did not change, can drink more, doctors we don't have a hotness, Help please, what to do?

Hello! My cat is 5 years old. This is a pet, with vaccinations. Third week periodically liquid chair. I can not understand the reasons. Eats food dry and liquid. We gave her to the feline board, when it was necessary to leave. But she was separate from other cats. Can you please tell me what to do. Thank you in advance.

    Hello! What? The worms were driving upon returning from the guesthouse? Measured temperature? How long have vaccinations been made and what kind of vaccine? Are you sure the cat was isolated from other animals or is it from the words of the owners? I doubt that they followed the rules of strict disinfection when servicing all animals. Most likely, after servicing and feeding other pets, they approached yours, without changing the hands thoroughly or change the workwear. Therefore, boldly note the thoughts that your four-legged friend could pick up anything. Elementary on things were transferred to infection. Therefore, answer my questions to make it easier to look for a solution to the problem

    Good evening. Cat eats food liquid tsu Royal and Royal Canin Dry. Feline sausages is her favorite food. Periodically feed the boiled chicken meat. For the whole of this period, she was all in order with a chair. We did a cat in the fall, before we needed to leave. There for each cat a separate room is fenced with grids. They can be taught with other cats at will. But there was clean, when we drove her there. And when they took, it was also fine with a chair. But I had to take it the second time there, for not the foreseen situation and when it was taken, then problems with the chair began. The temperature did not merry and the worms did not chase. At the expense of the vaccine I can not say, this is a veterinarian here in German.

    please \u003d) I hope the pet will recover and nothing serious with him. But do not hope for a miracle and self-esteem. Watch, and if something is alarmed, then running in the clinic. Happy holidays of you and your favorite

    Hello. Thank you so much! Merry Christmas! Yes, it's better a cat. They drove to the doctor, she was given to the paste, every day he squeezes himself twice a day. But she does not want her to take, everything broke out. I began to give boiled meat and canceled cat sausages. Changed dry food. I watch everything is fine. See what's next. Not that the other will have to take a doctor. Thank you very much for the advice.

    Hello! And you with the holiday! What past you were registered there that the animal was tearing? You can choose an analogue of the drug so that the animal does not have such a reaction. What was diagnosed after inspection? Measko, see not fat. During the problems of the gastrointestinal tract it is impossible to be fat, it will provoke either vomiting or diarrhea. If only often there was no vomit.

Hello Dasha. My cat is 14 years old. During the month, periodically was diarrhea (not constantly), on domestic food. In addition, it began to wipe it out. In the vet, the inflammation of the intestines was diagnosed with the inflammation of the intestines (to the touch, without other procedures), prescribed Tilosin-50 injections for 5 days and lactobifadol. They said it hurts so that he gives to her feet, from there and weakness when jumping to the sofa. After the appointed - the chair began to improve, but the legs seem to be sprawling. They said that the injection was oil and the root, everything will pass. But there was a week after the end of the injections, and the legs did not become better. With fast walking, you will be sprawling as a wet floor in different directions, after lying, the tips of the paws are impressed and not immediately extensible, it looks terrific. There is no painful reaction for goodbye. What could it be?

    Hello! And the colole in both paws or in one? Both paws fell? Did not try to massage the area where the poles? It can really remain sealing inside the muscles, due to which painful sensations (not all "bodies" after injections are quickly absorbed). Did not chrome after injections? Before the treatment of diarrhea, there was no such paws? Regarding diarrhea, ask standard questions: degelminting? What exactly feed? Vitamins do not give any? Try to touch the paw when it is still fitted (does not fit the muscle, whether there is no strong voltage, like during a seizure)

    Hello. Collars in both paws, not chromas. The legs were not massaged. Immediately after the first injection began to lick. All injections did in the clinic. Degelmintization was made about a month before diarrhea, maybe a little less. Usually home food. But when she bored (did not eat homework) bought food in the form of pate or jelly, cream soups, she has no fangs on the one hand. After the last time when they bought such feed, diarrhea began. Recently, vitamins did not give. It seems on one there is a seal. To date, the paws do not go back, but he seams on the paw with a seal.

    Hello! No need to change the diet. Or natural food + vitamins and dietial sides, or industrial feed. Due to a sharp change of diet, digestion disorder may occur. Try several times a day to stroke your paws in the injection places, as if overclocking these seals. Oil injections are very slowly leaving, and these seals squeeze the nerve endings. If you have once been done in the buttocks, the shutters, then you imagine how unpleasant it is. Only in humans the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks is more than the cat, and the volume of intramuscularly introduced is almost the same, so it is more painful with an animal. Only a person who myself makes a iodine mesh, the cabbage sheets applies that the "bump" can be cleaned faster. Try it yet to attach a rainfront to the injection site, it can be easier. A couple of days and should significantly improve the condition of the cat

Hello! I have such a situation. Cat gave birth to firstborn 09.10.18. After childbirth and to date, periodically cats liquid stools, without mucus, brown. Cat feels fine, playful, feeds his four kittens. But, the problem is that in addition to the tray, she shits everywhere, even when she feeds the kittens, she arbitrarily leaving a chair, it seems that she does not feel that he shit. Tried to change feed, n

Hello! After the course of treatment of the urogenital system and kidney (Baitril, traumatin, cantarent, but-shpa) now drink a canofron, changing feed on Hills movie, second day we drink lines 1/2 capsules 2 times a day (prescribed veterinarian) because . Cal began to have a sour smell, 2 days in a row at the cat (12.5 years) liquid chair. Going to the toilet 3 times a day: the morning feces are normal and a lot, day and evening feces Cashitz-like yellow and black smell. Cat is not projected. I plan a cat's day not to feed, but it is possible to give lines and renal powder for kidney (eat every day to maintain the kidneys) I ask the Council!

Hello!) They took a kitten from the factory, 2 months her age. Began diarrhea about a week ago. The first couple of days was the normal stool, then diarrhea. Then she went to the toilet liquid, sometimes with mucus. Called the vet, said to feed the fortiflora then to hill. But today diarrhea is almost water. So panic, maybe it's still worth taking other measures? She certainly behaves cheerfully, playing, eats well. I try not to feed a little now.

Good day. Cat is 12 years old, suffer diarrhea for 3 months. We treat trichopol, smell ... we take to veterinarians, there is no diagnosis ... the beast is terribly suffering. I stopped going to the toilet, it shows where it will find. Bed ... How can you consult where to bring? Analyzes have passed a ton, the treatment of different ... feed - hypoallergenic. Cat is only worse ((

Maria 22:31 | 09 Sep. 2018.

Hello, took the cat from the farm. He drove into the clinic made all the necessary manipulations, from time to time the cat had a cat. Euthent natural food. Recently began to displacing, decided to translate it to dry food. As a result, eats dry food and dons. What to do? Anthelmil a couple of days ago

    Dasha - Veterinarian 11:32 | 10 Sep. 2018.

    Hello! First, what exactly feed feed? Secondly, age, vaccination, inspection results at the veterinarian (what exactly did the doctor did)? An animal has a liquid chair or really diarrhea (empty the intestine more than 5 times a day and not on the tray, but where "will" fit ")? Perhaps the reaction to a sharp change of diet. The simplest thing is: 12 hours of hungry diet (no more), but drink free access and large quantity (instead of water you can pour chamomile decoction or veter 1: 1). Give probiotics and prebiotics to restore microflora (the cheapest options: bifidumbacterin, lines, nuxomics, but the best fortiflora, and it is not cheap). Animal Translate (gradually!) On the feed of the medicinal line for animals with a sick gastrointestinal tract

    Kristina 22:47 | 27 Sep. 2018.

    Good afternoon, we have a similar problem: the cat poured and seed the ears partly (((((((((((How to be a chicken squirrel (((how to be all the feed from the addition of chicken? And I have another one and the preparation trichapol 7 days and I was on the stern Royal Konin hypoallergenic. Dietary, 3 weeks of Elena later refused for trihapol, gave Fortiflora, bought the Italian food with a pumpkin apple and beef and he had diarrhea (((((tell me how to be with feeds weighs 5 years and when the chair was singing on the dietary

    Dasha - veterinarian 00:11 | 28 Sep. 2018.

    Hello! Try the Hills D / D (in its composition 1 of the species of protein and 1 type of carbohydrate, while the protein is split so much that it does not cause allergies). Week 3 on it, then smoothly go to Hills z / d. If the reaction begins on the latter, then you can switch to D / D again. It is suitable for lifelong feeding. Only need to go no sharply, because It can provoke diarrhea.

int 11:47 | 04 Sep. 2018.

Hello! Our cat has a serious wound. After injections, the antibiotics began diarrhea. Assigned to us by the smect of 1 / 2chl 2 p / d, bifidumbacterin 1/4 2r / d, the antibiotic was changed to the metronidazole, rice decoction. They themselves were given filter. Nothing helps. Already 6 days it lasts. The chair is one or two or three times a day, the sound of a straight fountain is grooming, apparently, with gases, liquid, sometimes odorless, sometimes with impurities of mucus. The color is like dry food, such a feeling that the feed is simply splashing. Dry food twice a day. Previously, the beef was given, now we do not give. Advise that you can still try. Antibiotics do not give from yesterday.

Hello. My cat recently died, but the reasons are not clear to me. Two days before our departure, he began diarrhea. He walked not often, but the chair was liquid and yellow. With a specific smell. We thought it was from the disorder, due to the fact that we would soon leave. We live on the first floor and left it in the yard, the yard from all sides is surrounded by high-rise buildings. The month passed, the woman we hired so that she came once in 2 days fed him and cleaned the toilet from him, wrote that he looked fine and led himself as usual. But when she came, he was already lying in the courtyard. There was no blood anywhere. Feed for two days was not touched. And the neighbors recently complained that he was constantly meowing and did not sleep. Previously, he also screamed a lot in the yard, but this time much more. On the day of his death, the woman was knocking on all apartments to ask what happened. Nobody opened her. And yet, all the neighbors constantly open windows, and on this day they were closed. She thinks one of them poisoned him. I think everything is to blame. Otherwise why would they all hide. Probably consumed. I do not know what to think ..

Hello! Nursing cat, reverses for about a month. Gave Enterfuril, diarrhea stopped as soon as they stopped giving capsules, the problem appeared again. From the cat is not a pleasant smell, as well as from the tray. The cat was not vaccinated, triggered after receiving the capsules. Cat eats well, drinks too. I lost weight, but after all, just a month ago Kamiim Whiskas. They drove to the veterinarian, did not really say anything, they prescribed only incomprehensible injections of Evinton and Tilozin.

Cote for almost a year, weight 3 kg. The week is pushing (liquid chair), but at the same time it behaves as usual. Playful, walks walk, no temperature. In general, no painful symptoms. Sadila on a diet, so he demands. Suitable to the locker and paws indicates meowowk. Water is really drinking a little more than usual, but he is at all a water, the more hot. Food eats dry, I take a weight, but he is almost half a year on him, I did not change anything. He likes, eats with pleasure. I sin on vitamins, he was strongly lens. Gave a pair of pills every time he ate according to the instructions. Well, the grass eats, maybe it affected. Tell me what to do, beat the alarm and run to the vet or put on a diet again, despite his demands?

Hello. Please tell me what to do? Kitty, 7 months, 5 kg. 2 times liquid chair. In the evening, casicia. In the morning with mucus. Do not eat. Sleep. 2 days ago was at the cottage walked on the train for about 15 minutes, then the grass, rightly blade one.

Hello! Kitten 2 months diarrhea is the third day. Came of Whiskas for kittens. Water in general refuses. Before that, we found it on the street hungry, depleted, weak. For three days, became active cheerful, but the chair does not become better. The veterinarian examined him on the first day, he said that he just needed to eat and sleep and he would restore. Also anthelnogonny (we give the third day). Your appetite is good.

Good day! I have a home Côte-british, drove for 3 weeks to grandmother to the country, respectively he had free access to the wildlife. Before his little vacation, I was kicked by the feed Meal Feel. At the cottage it happened that he eaten Whiskas. Brought him home, began to eat old food, the appetite is good, just sleeps a lot. After 4 days after arrival, diarrhea began (yesterday) the color is ordinary, the average. What do you advise?
Thank you!

Hello, we have a kitty. Person-exotes, already the third day liquid cascidular stool of yellow color, eats feed firms Royal Canin, Gurshem, Perfect Fit Liquid, does not eat one and the same, refuses to give food one company, dry food eats perfect fite And Grandfof. At the same time, a cat is active, playful, good appetite, drinks water, no other complaints. Before that, the "Incidents" ate a piece of sausage of the boar, I think it provoked it (a cat in the street does not happen, progressive and grafted. Givered the wind 1.1, but no changes. Tell me how to be ((


Cat for 15 years. For almost a month, you suffer a cat with a change of dry feed, and she is us.
At first, with the usual translated it at 12+, it began to eat it exactly 2 times more. Return it to the old and it is accompanied by a liquid chair.
The week was filled with smell, then acipol was added to the smeduct.
While drinking medicines, she is better, although not to the end.
As soon as you stop giving, it's bad again.
Advise what else to pass the cat.
Feed - Dry Royal Canin, was and return to a sensible with sensitive digestion.

Hello! In three of my cats (all of them eight) almost simultaneously began diarrhea, the second day went. Behave as usual: playful, good appetite. Live in the apartment, never leaving accommodation. Everything, except for one cat (eating canned edel cat), eat dry food Happy Cat for sterilized cats. What measures to do is best? Diarrhea began at first at the cat who eats canned food. Thanks in advance.

Hello. In the Persian cat, the second day of vomiting and diarrhea. Before the disease ate only raw meat (beef), it does not go to the street. Do not eat anything, drinking water, sluggish. What a medicine can be given in which dosage (cat 3-4 kg, 15 years old).

Svetlana 11:21 | Feb 22 2018.

Good day! Please tell me, I noticed that my kitty has a three-day liquid chair. It goes to the toilet twice a day, but not formed by the feces, Cashecual. Cat active, good appetite. 19 days ago they sterled her, everything moved well. I feed her dry stern Shesir and sometimes we give wet food of the pieces (before sterling it all went too, and everything was fine).

Katerina 16:54 | 01 Feb. 2018.

Hello! Such a problem arose in our feline family. For a long time I fed a cat and a Cat canned Sheba. The cat began to cough, translated both on the dry food of the RK hypoallegenic. The cat helped, but the cat became liquid into the toilet walk. Not often, twice a day maximum. On the first day there was vomiting, now passed. For a week now, we suffer, in feces there are a couple of blood drops and the cat after the toilet on the ass fenced and goes on the floor. True, he did so before. We are not very good for veterinarians. I'm afraid to handle. Help how to help the cat?

Hello. A week ago, the cat was taken from the shelter, 2 years old, neutered. And all this time he has diarrhea.
In general, the first thing that rushed into the eye in the shelter is very slender compared to photos. According to the shelter workers, he lost in the last six months, but at the same time absolutely healthy. According to the passport, Glothyhonili in the fall, graft (truth was until the summer), in the shelter ate the ordinary drying of the Royal Kanin for Castratov. At home on the first day they gave him wet Proplan (Delicate) and dry RK for picky. With this, our epic began with a toilet. At first, I thought about stress and change feed, and the volunteers calmed us down that in the first days everyone had. But time went, and the cat did not become better. At first, they decided that the case in an unusual wet feed, left only drying (it was our mistake), specially took Sensible Royal Canin (for cats with sensitive digestion) - it did not become better. For 3 days began to give an enterosgel. The problem is that he is still dying and give it a medicine in the form of tablets or through a syringe - an absolutely impossible task. So the medicine was loose in the wet feed sauce and gave it so. On the 4th day, he spilled with us, abandoned the drying, began to fed with boiled chickens and RK Gastro, add to the food Hilak Forte. It seems to be improved. Almost a day did not go to the toilet, then it was not to the end of the formed stool, but at least not a liquid. And yesterday they returned to the diet instead of the RC wet Proplan Delicate - and again on the old one. It has already managed to go around 6. There is still a cat at home, it eats the same proplan, there are no problems with the chair. Mind do not apply what to do now. In the shelter, he fed to dry RK and somehow lived, and in the neighboring avoir there were really sick cats, which were sitting on Gastro ... And we have such problems. Overhast of this day, there was an absolutely healthy cat, played, did not rush, the appetite is good ... but alerted that today he began to show aggression towards a cat, to which it was absolutely noted - maybe something began to hurt ... We continue to give Hilak and enterosgel. But if we want to try to smell, you should refuse from the latter? Then there is an interesting scheme of treatment with curly and enterofuril, but there is again Proplan and we are just scary to give it. Is it possible to replace it on the dry food of the RK Gastro? Plus, we already have an RK Sensible, is there any difference? Now we want to return to the proven (hopefully) scheme - RK Gastro and Chicken (+ Rice), but I can not imagine how much it will delay and than feed further ...
Over the last hour, he has already ran to the toilet twice, although from the night feed him only with chicken and that was a big break ... Hands are descended. Still still to the vet, but he is still very wild, it is afraid of us, just scary to imagine what stress he will have. Nevertheless, he had to be healthy, at least we tell us so volunteers ... Can there be such problems from changing feed and stress? Or did he get to infect at home something? After all, the shelf life of the vaccinations has passed as a couple of months, and our cat is just unauthorized ... but it's all right with her.

Good day! My old cat (20 years old) also ripped digestion. Noticed a muddy yellow-brown color of urine. Immediately the next day collected urine analysis, passed to the laboratory. In the analysis, a protein was found 0.1 g / l, leukocytes 3-5, platelets: fresh - 2-3, dismortion 60-80 (it may not correctly rewrote, not parsing) of bacteria +. Lucky in the clinic, passed all tests (biochemistry, cl.) Made an ultrasound of kidneys and blades. Kidneys on ultrasound bad, conclusion: signs of difous changes in the kidneys. Urochea: Conductors are not determined, fine alone sand is determined. Analyzes are all within the norm (including urea and creatinine)
The doctor prescribed an antibiotic and prednisone. Urine even before taking drugs came to normal, the color is yellow, transparent. Began to give antibiotics of Sininoks 50 mg 2 times a day. The cat began in two days of vomiting, at night or in the morning, and after 4 days the diarrhea began. It seems to be going, the driver is very little and goes, but apparently wants to eat (they still changed the feed, switched to Royal Kanin Renal). Again, the clinic was taken to the clinic, they put a dropper, and stoles along the withers with gray, prescribed phospholyugel 1 ml 2 times a day and enterofuril 2 ml 2 times a day, and Forti Florial 1 P per day. All for 7 days. Now there are no diarrhea and vomiting! I give medicine. The cat comes to the kitchen asks for it, but the eating refuses, very lost in four days. I already did not buy any feed! I lick and leaves. Do not want to drink! After I give medicines from the syringe very stressful, it lies not.
We don't want to carry again to the hospital, he screams so there (not a terrible touching). I am worried that he generally eats very little, for a teaspoon for times (and then if ..) ... this morning I went to the toilet not completely decorated, a little liquid. But not black without blood and without a stencil smell.
Can somehow adjust the treatment? The doctor does not put a diagnosis. Says the cat old, there was a lot of reasons: maybe there was diarrhea and vomiting on the antibiotic, maybe the problems with housing and communal services, maybe the new food did not go (but we used to eat it), or stress!
From the experiences herself with him with 3 kg lost weight ... Please advise, maybe there is something to improve the appetite and improve digestion?!

Good evening! There were a doctor, they said that most workers were most likely. Assigned in injections: Verakol, Laersil and Evinton, Enterosgel, Carsyl, Carisi inside. Anthelnogon, then, as he recovers, feed rice and beef and everything is still. Drip did not begin, he eats well, he does not want to drink, but I cook him a fluid rice, and so I sing him with a syringe, I give her herbs and I give it to the rice, he does not refuse ... I just now think if I can translate it to usually ? Hold him on beef to keep all the time. Before the illness, he eating wheat porridge with a liver, a little carrot added in porridge, in the summer of a tomato ....on, by the way, he loves tomatoes for some reason ...

    Hello! You can translate, do not worry \u003d) You correctly said that first stop the diarrhea, then only drive worms. When the animal is weakened, the antihelminty will cause more harm than good. Therefore, we are treated for a start. It is already good that they diagnosed. You see, the drugs have coincided, some others are appointed, because the areas of work, the range in pharmacies and preferences are different from all doctors \u003d) and without precise diagnosis it is hard to work hard. But you recover, and if possible, unsubscribe how your pet began to feel

    Good evening, thank you that you are interested in my cat .... With a call to him all the drugs, it was better as soon as I stop, and the state worsens ... I have now only Verakol, I can't buy anything else .... Neither Laersil, nor Evinton ... today did not make Laarsil and Evinton and again the chair is fluid, and the beginning was to form ... in vet. There are no pharmacies in our city, our doctor is only Laarsil, so I have to go to him without anything .... Money went to treat my pet .... So I want to give him a tritel, but I'm afraid, suddenly everyone will come off. And the doctor only said to pierce it only 3 days, I see that I don't try it ... Tomorrow I will call the doctor, somehow I already have something uncomfortable to call, bother .... And Tab. And enterosgel continue to give ... Dasha, I myself, I myself, I know, I love these drugs very much, I read about Laersilee and Evinton, very very interesting, and just the case seemed to see them in the work, so there are no drugs .... In order to order in Tab. via the Internet, refused ...

    Hello! Nothing terrible, interest, ask. And we have such owners who call 15 times in a day and ask, and is it right? \u003d) If you are friends with homeopathy, you can make the analogues of these drugs, maybe they can buy them in your city. In different countries (and even in various fields and regions) there are a wide variety of drugs, but with the same action. And the simplest excluded? Maybe he has such a diarrhea due to the fact that he picked up the simplest? Antibiotics were not prescribed to exclude the secondary layering of infection on a weakened organism?

    Good evening! Dasha, thanks. What suggested if giardiasis, then you can metronidazole? What dose? I still thought to connect and Furazolidon, and Fluconazole (maybe some kind of candidiasis) ... that I don't know, probably there will be a lot of things ... 2 days ago a chair was formed completely, there was no diarrhea at all ... I was so happy, I thought I wait for 2 days and I'll give him a tritel, and in the morning, everything was disappeared again and again she shook ... As if she didn't get into treatment ... Something I am not coming .... And the appetite is preserved and adds in weight, but it still needs to eat loudly. ... with the new year you, good luck and performing planned plans, health to you and your patients!

    Hello! Thanks for congratulations and wishes. You, too, with the coming \u003d) Cote can be metronidazole, and Furazolidon. But you need to know exactly what with a cat. If we talk about the dosage, then metronidazole 250 mg, then by 10 kg somewhere 1/4 tablets required. Give 2 times a day about 10-12 days. You can Ciprinol, Macropen, Serrat, Carsyl, Mesim, as Ribotan Immunomodulators or Immunophan. But it was not bad to eliminate the rota-coronaviruses, which also provoke a strong prolonged diarrhea. And the antihelminty is to pick up, which acts on the simplest. And in general, if it is really the simplest, the fight against them oh how long. But in feces you would notice streaks of blood and mucus.

    Good evening! There is no blood intake at all, and there was a lot of mucus, now quite a bit, and a viral infection ... I didn't think about it at all ... How much you suggest me, and I am very grateful to you ... Then it was possible to pierce the enhistol with lymphomyoism ... but at first The diseases, diarrhea is watery, malicious, dirty green, oh as I remember ..... When and antibiotics did not work in full force .... Yes, our dock said that you can add sulfadimimetoxin 1 \\ 4 tab. 2 times 5 days ....

    Well, antibiotics worked on a secondary infection, the pathogenic microflora was suppressed, which could fall into a viral infection. More often, animals are not dying due to a viral infection, namely because of the layered secondary bacterial. Ribotan / immunophane to help as immunomodulators (0.3-0.4 ml 1 time in 2-3 days by 4-5 injection courses). Sulfadimetoxyn add. Verekol has already ended? With such a long-term course of treatment, the liver with the pancreas would not help prevent. By the way, and inflammation of the pancreas excluded? Sometimes pancreatitis gives a strong diarrhea, but here is not green and flicker, of course ... This type of diarrhea usually goes with infection, with a partial detachment of the mucous membrane.

    Good evening, it becomes better, but there is a complete recovery ... The liver was supported by Karsil and the pancreas and the pancreas was, then Pancreatin ... While everyone was canceled, the chair was formed, but the paws pressed ... Apparently, the tummy sobs, from time to time ... appetite is saved. I will take another immunophan, we had in a pharmacy, Veracola left for 1-2 injections and could extend more Carsil?

    Hello! Suppose probiotics / prebiotics to restore the intestine microflora after such a long diarrhea. Vitamins, minerals to maintain immunity (ideally a and e in an oil solution for the speedy reduction of mucous membranes). There are special complex vitamins that can be given in water or food unnoticed for pet. The problem is that chronic diseases are extremely difficult to treat (they are sluggishly current, and the body will relax or weaken the pet, again arise). At the expense of Carsila - look at the number of days that you were given and the maximum course of treatment in the instructions. If there are days in stock, then apply. At the expense of Veracola - as it will end, take a break, look at the general condition. If diarrhea does not begin, the therapy will be aimed at restoring animal forces and maintain it. If everything returns to the beginning, then you need to pick up a new treatment scheme. But I hope that the pet went on amendment. Drink now what?

    Good evening! Carsil gave 20 days ... I now analyzed the treatment, you write: formazin -6 days + leftomycetin, then amoxicillin, from the 1st day of the Entero-merozermina disease -4D, then-yogurt in capsules, smecta, lactovit forte in caps -20 days + Enterol, Carsil-20 days, carisim -10 days, then pancreatin -5 days, Entherrosegel 125g left all the packaging, days 25, parallel to Laersin -6days, Evinton -4 day (no longer managed to buy), and Veracol for a long time - maybe the injection 15 , traumel -3 injections, puzzles of herbs -romashka, oak. Bark, Olhi's nozzle, now finishing sulfadimimetoxy ... I gave the grass for a long time, can you still serve 10 days? Olhu, for example ... Vecolak I have not done for 3 days, until everything quietly ... .. I will definitely buy ... If I take the Aevit in a pharmacy in a caps, you can? How does he dose? Or a and e oil. P-r separately better? Again, tell me, just, what dose? Imunofane has not yet managed to buy ... Name, pozh, what kind of cats are complex vitamins ... Processed methylene. Sinky, immediately got sterling, stopped chatting ... it does not bother him at all ... the appetite is preserved .... In the menu only rice porridge and boiled chicken (muffin, I tried to give a piece of stalking gray bread, and it sent again .... Wheels only With chicken .... He is asking for bread, can you can boiled fish? I wanted to add a little carrot a little bit in the rice, but I was afraid ... And now, while I write to you asking for a walk, it is necessary .... What looks like that, gaining weight, still ...

    Olga, hello, I read your correspondence and terrify, just a execution over the cat. I understand that from good motivations, but the poor cat, passing all these tests, clearly acquired a bunch of inner sores.
    I have two cats. If you cling to one, every other day they are bare. So, I write you a scheme for the future so that your cat does not suffer so much, because it is clearly not the last time. We need a smect, enterofuril children's suspension, dry food proplan delicate for kittens and proplan fithiflora powder.
    The first two in the pharmacy, the second in the pet store.
    Smacks fastens, enterofuril kills all the intestinal bacteria, is effective 100%.
    Give in the morning in the morning (dilute Paul Packer in a teaspoon, dial into the syringe and pour).
    After two hours, we give enterfuril in the syringe 5ml., Feed the cat.
    In the evening we give Enterfuril.
    A diagram to repeat two to three days depending on the fluid of diarrhea.
    From the fourth day, give Enterfuril in the morning and in the evening of 5ml with an interval at 12 o'clock.
    It is not necessary to burn the cat hunger, otherwise you will lose it at all.
    This dry food is designed for such cases, it can be given constantly how much how to eat, it does not irritate the intestine, and it has lactobacteria to normalize digestion.
    Buy chicken thighs, boil them until ready, add rice, boil until ready, leaving a pair of broth centimeters, grind in a blender to porridge, and feed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Do not feed the first two days during the day, remove the whole feed until the evening. From the third day, dry food constantly put, and puffy also twice a day and so five days.
    The photos are live bacteria of different etiologies, simply not replace in such disorders. We add them to the whole food: roll in porridge, and on top of dry food. A day 0.5-1 bag. They do not smell and taste for cats tasty, so there is no problem with the reception at all.
    Treat the cat for five days, and watch the formation of feces, if everything is steadily, then enterofuril give another three days in the morning, the fortiflora give five more days all the time.
    If everything is normalized, all cancel, except for dry feed, give it on.
    In addition to porridge, you can give a boiled fish, egg yolk.
    Everything, after 10 days your cat is healthy and the liver is not killed.
    My both are just recently treated, feel great and very grateful, do not take offense, they understand that they are becoming easier.
    So be healthy, restore the cat flora and immunity of five days, and then anthelmint, otherwise it will peer again.

    Good evening, thank you very much for the advice, Nifuroxazid I could buy, but I don't know ... I do not know, we have a small town and vet. Pharmacies are weak, but asked by this feed. Be sure ... Dashanka advised himself at first a good food, so I did not find it ... Thank you, girls, for good tips, for support. Your treatment regimen is also definitely reproducing

    Try to search for neighboring cities, may arrange under the order. My friend goes to the regional city for food for the cat (the holistic-class was looking for precisely in my advice). In our city, the city is also not a particularly rich choice of good feed (about the plan, Hills, Royal Kanin, Purina can still be found, and so the shelves are swept off Wischas, Friscas and other rubbish). Girlfriend takes a 10kg bag at once (gives about $ 60-70 for it). She has enough months for 5-6, the cat looks awesome (especially if compared when she fed him with wet food from Viskala, Friskaas). Filty, brilliant, pleased, and Naaaglo became. So think over the options with delivery or order of high-quality feed (anyway the course is at least 4-6 months)

    Hello! I am very glad that you went to the amendment that we gain weight, and eat with appetite, and diarrhea ceased, and the worms finally expressed. If you can not find Dronal, look for Milbemax. There is no in your city, ask for friends in neighboring cities (for sure, someone goes). Maybe you can issue an order in a veterinary pharmacy to bring brought. Still, think about castration of the impatience, so that it was not rushing to the street, and the weight will be even better to dial, there will be no march.

    i cured my crisp of God with propolis. (On an empty stomach, early by userving) the one that in the pharmacy for 20 re (one two drops for one kilo animal) of the divorced by a driver of course. Plus, every fireman gave a few days of sulfadimetoxin (one eighth for kittens. It's from the simplest) .. Doctors paid a bunch of money and did not help anything. Not a verticle, nor kakieto others (I no longer remember) from the Vericulture at all we cried so much, it was very greyhound .. I couldn't have a number of number five, but we didn't have it in Metaptec .. But I read what it was made of propolis ... I tried a lot .. and these two products helped. Verokol did not help. Plus stopped giving rice with a chicken breast and bought simple cheap chicken ventricles .. there is also there, too, there is a good ..proo long diarrhea that did not pass for months, forgot .. But this is our case ..

    I asked you about the preparations, thought Heel lays also versions ... And actually I am very tired and sorry for me so my animal, there would be such an animal hospital ... .. I see that he needs observing Doctor and me too, well, Well .... In such a country, we live that people suffer as, and animals and suppressed ... ..

    There are clinics with a stationary round-the-clock arrival, but you yourself understand that the cost of staying there is a pet (plus medicines, care) is not small (and for the course of treatment the amount will be decent). And far from all major cities there is an opportunity to leave your four-legged friend under the constant supervision of a veterinary specialist. Unfortunately, even the hospital is not a guarantee of the recovery of the animal. After all, the diagnosis in veterinary medicine is worse than for people (there is no such number of laboratories and equipment).

Good evening! Tomorrow I'm going to vet. the clinic for the doctor, nothing has changed, it was worth it to feed him a little bit, diarrhea and all the same, there is no temperature on the touch, the appetite is strong, he really wants to eat ... I don't give it a complete portion of him, I managed to buy only Verapol, the rest I give on your recommendation (chamomile, regider, glucose ....). I'm going to Nikopol, probably, no one can help me in our city ... Yes, it came from the street, he drew a walk, it was not 3 weeks .... so that there can be anything, you are right ... left, weight was 5 kg, but came -kg 1.5 ......

my cat is replaced for 10 days, the treatment began with 1 day (I was at the vet. The doctor), prescribed formazin (if I am not mistaken) in injections, lactobacilli and half-starving existence and leftomycetin 0.25 1 \\ 4 Table 3 times a day and enterosgel , Vroodiba began to improve, and then the condition began to worsen, diarrhea strengthened ...... I called the Word, he said, do not feed it and increase the dose of lactobacilli, and add enterol ... ..o yesterday I do everything ... .. Yester today gave a little boiled rice With a decoction and again everything was thrown from him, well, what should I do? I'm already very tired of him and in despair already .... 10 days I struggle with his illness .... Might such a clinic giving worms? Can it be possible to give anthelnogon?

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Very often, the owners notice diarrhea at the cat after castration. Such a situation is due to the fact that after the operation for the deprivation of the cat's ability to fertilize in the body of the production of estrogen hormone. Animal slows down the metabolism. This, in turn, leads to an increased appetite and obesity. The stomach cannot cope with the constant flow of dietary masses and gives a failure.

When to contact the veterinarian?

Diarrhea in a cat after sterilization may occur against the background of infectious and inflammatory diseases, which made themselves to know due to the reduction of immunity. Also, the cause of diarrhea may be the reception of antibacterial drugs. Diarrhea at the cat after castration causes stress. Animals, like people, are prone to fright and experiences. Once in an unfamiliar atmosphere without owners, the pet is experiencing a strong emotional shock. The result of this may be not only diarrhea, but also nervous breakdowns. An animal becomes irritable and aggressive. To return the confidence of the pet, the owner has to make a lot of effort and patience.

If the diarrhea at the cat after castration lasts for 12 hours do not take anything. An alarm need to beat if the liquid chair lasts more than a day and is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • constant moans and meowing pets;
  • blood impurities and mucus in feces;
  • temperature increase;
  • vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • apathy;
  • pallor of nose and gums;
  • sharp odor from feces.

Diarrhea at the cat after castration, which is accompanied by the vomiting and the above symptoms, may indicate a viral peritonitis, a feline of plague, the obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, histoplasmosis, salmonella and a number of other severe diseases. It is possible to eliminate them only with potent drugs. A qualified doctor must be appointed to designate the therapy scheme. Animal treatment at home in these situations may end to death.

How to help pets with diarrhea?

For full digestion, there should be a normal microflora in the intestines. Quite often in the postoperative period of veterinarians are prescribed antibiotics to prevent the attachment of a bacterial infection. Antibiotics violate the balance of useful bacteria in the intestine, and as a result of the dysbacteriosis, a liquid stool has a cat after sterilization. As a result, the cat consumes food, but it cannot digest it normally. In such situations, it is recommended to give an inlet for pollia to 50 ml of water. It is forbidden to assign drugs to independently, and even more so use other medicines intended for human therapy.

If a cat has a liquid chair after sterilization, you need to pay special attention to the animal nutrition. In the first three days after the procedure it is necessary to give pets non-fat chicken broths. They will thorough hunger and a positive way to appear on its digestive system. Gradually, it is necessary to add "normal" food to the broths. It should be excluded for some time dry food, because they are inclined to irritate the stomach, as well as fish, it provokes urolithiasis from cats.

If the diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, let's pure potatoes, puree of chicken breast or crushed chicken liver. The decoction of rice will help strengthen the carte masses and reduce the intestinal peristalsis. Stop diary at the cat after castration will help chamomile infusion, as well as fresh quail egg. Cats, who are known for their picky attitude towards food, are unlikely to share these folk medicines. That is why the owner must give decoction and water if the sick pet refuses to consume it, with the help of a syringe.

Sterilization of cats is the right solution, because thanks to this procedure it becomes on the streets much less stray animals. Many owners are afraid to castrate their pets, as they are experiencing over the postoperative period. If you carefully adhere to the recommendations of the doctor, then there will be no side effects to have an operation, and the diarrhea of \u200b\u200ba cat during sterilization will be held after 12 hours.