Thiamine description. Thiamin (vitamin B1) - what is it? Animal products

Thiamine adenosine triphosphate

Thiamine adenosine triphosphate (ATPT), or thiaminylated adenosine triphosphate, has recently been found in Escherichia coli, where it accumulates as a result of carbon starvation. In E. coli, ATPT can account for up to 20% of total thiamine. In addition, it is present in smaller quantities in yeast, roots of higher plants and animal tissues.

Adenosine thiamine diphosphate

Adenosine thiamine diphosphate (ATPP), or thiaminylated ADP, exists in small amounts in the liver of vertebrates, but its role is still unknown.

Thiamine deficiency

Thiamine derivatives and thiamine-dependent enzymes are present in all cells of the body, and thus, a deficiency affects all organ systems. The nervous system is particularly susceptible to thiamine deficiency due to its dependence on oxidative metabolism. Thiamine deficiency is usually subacute and can lead to metabolic coma and death. A lack of thiamine can be caused by malnutrition, a diet high in thiaminase-rich foods (raw freshwater fish, raw shellfish, ferns) and / or foods high in anti-thiamine factors (tea, coffee, catechu nuts), severe eating disorders associated with chronic diseases such as alcoholism, gastrointestinal disorders, HIV, AIDS and frequent vomiting ... It is assumed that many people with diabetes suffer from thiamine deficiency, which may be associated with some possible complications. Thiamine deficiency syndromes include beriberi, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, and optic neuropathy. Thiamine can also be used to treat memory loss in Alzheimer's and alcoholic brain disease.

Alzheimer's disease

Thiamine deficiency can have detrimental effects on the cholinergic system. In Alzheimer's disease, thiamine-dependent enzymes can be altered; therefore, pharmacological doses of thiamine (3 to 8 g / day orally) may have a mild beneficial effect in Alzheimer-type dementia. Fursultiamine (TTFD), a thiamine derivative, has a moderate beneficial effect in patients with Alzheimer's disease, as an alternative treatment for high doses of thiamine hydrochloride. The mechanism and etiology of the effects of thiamine on Alzheimer's disease are still not clear, and the evidence for its effectiveness has not yet been fully confirmed.

Take it

Beriberi is a neurological and cardiovascular disease. The three main forms of the disease are dry beriberi, wet beriberi, and infant beriberi.
Dry beriberi is characterized mainly by peripheral neuropathy, that is, a symmetrical impairment of sensory, motor, and reflex functions, affecting the distal rather than proximal segments of the limbs and causing soreness of the calf muscles.
However, it has recently been recognized that peripheral neuropathy (tingling or numbness in the limbs) associated with thiamine deficiency may also present with axonal neuropathy (partial paralysis or loss of sensation). Peripheral neuropathy may present with subacute axonal motor neuropathy mimicking Guillain-Barré syndrome; or as subacute sensory ataxia.
Wet beriberi has been associated with confusion, muscle atrophy, edema, tachycardia, cardiomegaly, and congestive heart failure in addition to peripheral neuropathy.
Infant beriberi occurs in babies who are breastfeeding if the mother has a thiamine deficiency (which may not appear externally). The disorder in infants can present with cardiac, aphonic, or pseudominingitis forms. Babies with heart beriberi often cry loudly and shrilly, and vomiting and tachycardia are also observed. Convulsions are not uncommon, and if thiamine is not quickly introduced into the child's body, death can occur. After the introduction of thiamine, improvement is observed, as a rule, within 24 hours. Improvement in peripheral neuropathy may require several months of treatment with thiamine.

Alcoholic brain disease

Nerve and other supporting cells (such as glial cells) in the nervous system require thiamine. Examples of neurological disorders associated with alcohol abuse include Wernicke encephalopathy (EV, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome) and Korsakoff psychosis (alcoholic amnestic syndrome), as well as cognitive impairment of varying degrees. Wernicke encephalopathy is the most common manifestation of thiamine deficiency in Western society, although it can also occur in patients with malnutrition and other causes, such as gastrointestinal illness, HIV-AIDS infections, overuse of parenteral glucose, or overeating without adequate amounts of B -vitamin supplements. This striking neuropsychiatric disorder is characterized by paralysis of eye movements, impaired standing and walking, and a marked deterioration in mental function.

Optic neuropathy

With thiamine deficiency, optic neuropathy can also be observed, characterized by bilateral vision loss, centrocecal scotoma, and color disturbances. Ophthalmic analysis usually shows bilateral papilledema in the acute phase and bilateral optic nerve atrophy.

Alcoholics are deficient in thiamine for the following reasons:
Inadequate intake of nutrients: Alcoholics tend to consume less thiamine than recommended.
Decreased absorption of thiamine from the gastrointestinal tract: The active transport of thiamine into enterocytes is distorted by acute exposure to alcohol.
Liver stores of thiamine are reduced due to hepatic steatosis or fibrosis.
Thiamine use disorder: Due to chronic alcohol consumption, the level required for thiamine to bind to enzymes that use thiamine in the cell is also insufficient. Inefficient use of thiamine, which reaches the cell, further exacerbates the deficiency.
Ethanol by itself inhibits the transport of thiamine in the gastrointestinal tract and blocks the phosphorylation of thiamine as its cofactor (TDF).
It is believed that Korsakoff syndrome (deterioration of brain function) occurs in patients initially diagnosed with EV. It is an amnestic-confabulatory syndrome characterized by retrograde and anterograde amnesia, impaired conceptual functions, and decreased spontaneity and initiative. With improved nutrition and cessation of alcohol consumption, some of the disorders associated with thiamine deficiency, in particular, poor brain function, are eliminated, but in more severe cases, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome leaves irreversible damage.

Thiamine deficiency in poultry

Since most of the food used in poultry feed contains enough vitamins to meet their needs, this “commercial” diet does not cause vitamin deficiency in poultry. So, at least, it was thought in the 1960s. Elderly chickens show signs of vitamin deficiency 3 weeks after starting a deficiency diet. In young chicks, these signs may begin to appear as early as 2 weeks of age. In young chicks, the disease begins suddenly. Anorexia and unsteady gait are observed. Later, musculoskeletal disorders appear, starting with visible paralysis of the flexors of the fingers. The characteristic position is called "gazing at the stars", when the body of the chicken "rests on the hocks and head in the opisthotonus". The body's response to the introduction of the vitamin is quite quick, improvement occurs within a few hours. Differential diagnosis includes riboflavin deficiency and avian encephalomyelitis. With riboflavin deficiency, tucked fingers are a characteristic symptom. Muscle tremor is typical of infectious encephalomyelitis. A therapeutic diagnosis can only be made after the affected birds have been treated with thiamine. If no response is observed within a few hours, thiamine deficiency can be ruled out.

Thiamine deficiency in ruminants

Polyencephalomalacia (PEM) is the most common thiamine deficiency disorder in young ruminants and non-ruminants. Symptoms of PEM include profuse but transient diarrhea, lethargy, circular motion, stargazing or opisthotonus (convulsive stretching of the head by the neck), and muscle tremors. The most common cause is feeding animals a diet high in carbohydrates, which leads to the proliferation of thiaminase-producing bacteria, dietary intake of thiaminase (eg from ferns) or inhibition of thiamine absorption with high sulfur intake is also possible. Another cause of TEM is an infection with Clostridium Sporogenes, or Bacillus aneurinolyticus. These bacteria produce thiaminases, which cause severe thiamine deficiency in affected animals.

Idiopathic paralytic disease in wild birds, fish and mammals

V recent times Thiamine deficiency has been identified as a cause of paralytic disease affecting wild birds in the Baltic Sea region since 1982. With this disease, birds have difficulty maintaining their wings in a folded position along the body during rest, they lose the ability to fly and voice, paralysis of the wings and legs and death are also possible. The disease affects primarily birds weighing 0.5-1 kg, such as the herring gull (Larus argentatus), the common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) and the common eider (Somateria mollissima). The researchers note: "Due to the fact that the studied species occupy a wide range of ecological niches and positions in the food web, we do not deny the possibility that other classes of animals may also suffer from thiamine deficiency." In the counties of Bleking and Skone (southern Sweden), from the early 2000s began mass death birds, especially the herring gull. More recently, species of other classes have also been affected. Per last years in the famous river Mörrumsån, the mortality of salmon (Salmo salar) has increased. The mammal Eurasian Elk (Alces аlces) also suffers in unusually large numbers. The analysis revealed that thiamine deficiency is a common cause of these disasters. In April 2012, the Bleking District Governing Body considered the situation so alarming that it asked the Swedish government for a more thorough investigation.

Analysis and diagnostic testing

A positive diagnosis of thiamine deficiency can be established by measuring the activity of the enzyme transketolase in erythrocytes (quantitative analysis of the activation of erythrocyte transketolase). Thiamine and its phosphate derivatives can also be found directly in the bloodstream, tissues, food products, animal feed and pharmaceuticals, after conversion of thiamine to its fluorescent derivative thiochrome (thiochromic analysis) and separation by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In recent years, an increasing number of capillary electrophoresis methods and methods of capillary enzymatic reactions have emerged as potential alternative methods determination and monitoring of thiamine in samples. The normal concentration of thiamine in EDTA blood (blood with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is about 20-100 μg / L.

Genetic diseases

Genetic diseases associated with impaired thiamine transport are rare but serious. Thiamine-dependent megaloblastic anemia (TZMA) with diabetes mellitus and sensorineural hearing loss are autosomal recessive disorders caused by mutations in the SLC19A2 gene, a high affinity thiamine transporter. Patients with TZMA do not show signs of systemic thiamine deficiency, since redundancy is assumed in the thiamine transport system. This led to the discovery of a second high affinity thiamine transporter, SLC19A3. Lee's disease (subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy) is an inherited disorder that affects mainly children in the early years of life and is invariably fatal. The pathological similarities between Lee disease and EV leads to the assumption that they are caused by some defect in the metabolism of thiamine. The most consistent was the information about anomalies in the activation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Other disorders that have included putative roles for thiamine are subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy, paraneoplastic syndrome, and Nigerian seasonal ataxia. In addition, several inherited disorders of TDP-dependent enzymes have been reported that may respond to thiamine treatment.


Thiamine was the first water-soluble vitamin to be described. His discovery gave rise to a number of other discoveries and to the emergence of the very concept of "vitamins". In 1884, Kanehiro Takaki (1849-1920), the chief surgeon of the Japanese navy, dismissed the then prevailing microbial theory of vitamin deficiency and suggested that the disease might be related to dietary deficiencies. Improving the diet of sailors on a warship, he found that replacing white rice(which formed the basis of their diet) barley, meat, milk, bread, vegetables, caused almost complete elimination of vitamin deficiency during a 9-month sea voyage. However, since Takaki added a wide variety of foods to their diet, it was incorrectly concluded that increased nitrogen intake was beneficial, as vitamins were unknown at the time. In addition, the representatives of the Navy could not be convinced of the need for such an expensive program of dietary improvement, especially since many men continued to die of vitamin deficiency even during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-5. However, in 1905, after the anti-vitamin factor (removed from white rice by processing) and brown barley rice was found in rice bran, Takaki was rewarded with the title of baron, after which he received the nickname "Barley Baron". In 1897, Christian Eikmann (1858-1930), a military doctor in the Dutch East Indies, discovered that birds eating cooked polished rice began to develop paralysis, which could be cured by stopping feeding the birds with polished rice. He argued that beriberi develops due to a nerve "poison" in the endosperm of rice, and the outer layers of grain give the body protection. His assistant, Gerrit Gridgins (1865-1944), in 1901 correctly interpreted the connection between excessive consumption of polished rice and vitamin deficiency. He concluded that the outer layers of the rice grain contain necessary for the body nutrients that are removed by grinding. In 1929, Eikman was ultimately awarded Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine, because his observations led to the discovery of vitamins. The name of these compounds was given by Kazimir Funk. In 1911, Casimir Funk isolated an antineuritic substance from rice bran, which he called "vitamins" (assuming that they contain an amino group). In 1926, Dutch chemists, Barend Konrad Petrus Jansen (1884-1962) and his closest collaborator Frederic Willem Donath (1889-1957), were able to isolate and crystallize an active substance, the structure of which was determined in 1934 by Runnels Robert Williams (1886-1965) , a chemist from the USA. The same group synthesized thiamine ("sulfur-containing vitamin") in 1936. Thiamin was originally named "aneurin" (a vitamin to fight neuritis). Sir Rudolph Peters of Oxford presented pigeons whose diet was devoid of thiamine as a model for understanding how thiamine deficiency can lead to the physiological symptoms of beriberi. Indeed, feeding pigeons with polished rice results in an easily recognizable contraction of the neck and head muscles called opisthotonus. In the absence of treatment, the animal died after a few days. The introduction of thiamine at the stage of opisthotonus leads to a complete cure of the animals within 30 minutes. Since no morphological changes were observed in pigeon brains before and after treatment with thiamine, Peters introduced the concept of "biochemical damage". When Lochman and Schuster (1937) showed that a diphosphorylated thiamine derivative (thiamine diphosphate, TDP) is a cofactor necessary for the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate (a reaction now known as pyruvate-catalyzed dehydrogenase), it seemed that the mechanism of action of thiamine in cellular metabolism was elucidated. This view now seems oversimplified: pyruvate dehydrogenase is only one of several enzymes required by thiamine diphosphate as a cofactor, and other thiamine phosphate derivatives have since been discovered that may also affect the symptoms seen in thiamine deficiency. ... Finally, the mechanism by which the thiamine fragment of TDP manifests its function as a coenzyme when proton substituted at position 2 on the thiazole ring was discovered by Ronald Breslow in 1958.


Research in this area is mainly concerned with the mechanisms by which thiamine deficiency leads to neuronal death in relation to Wernicke-Korsakoff psychosis. Another important topic focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in TDF catalysis. The study focused on understanding the possible non-cofactorial roles of other derivatives such as TTF and ATP.

Thiamine deficiency and selective neuronal death

Experimentally induced beriberi polyneuropathy in chickens may be good example to study this form of neuropathy taking into account diagnosis and treatment. Studies using rats have found an association between thiamine deficiency and colon carcinogenesis. Rats have also been used in the study of Wernicke's encephalopathy. Thiamine-deprived rats are a classic model of systemic oxidative stress used in Alzheimer's disease research.

Catalytic mechanisms of thiamine diphosphate-dependent enzymes

Many works are devoted to understanding the relationship between TDP and TDP-dependent enzymes in catalysis.

Non-cofactorial roles of thiamine derivatives

Most cells of many organisms, including bacteria, fungi, plants and animals, contain thiamine compounds other than TDF. Among these compounds are thiamine triphosphate (TTP) and adenosine thiamine triphosphate (ATP), which have non-cofactor roles, although it is currently not known exactly to what extent they affect disease symptoms.

New thiamine derivatives

New thiamine phosphate derivatives are still being discovered, highlighting the complexity of thiamine metabolism. Thiamine derivatives with improved pharmacokinetics may be effective in alleviating the symptoms of thiamine deficiency and other thiamine-related diseases such as impaired glucose metabolism in diabetes. These compounds include allithiamine, prosultiamine, fursultiamine, benfotiamine, and others.

Persistent carbenes

The production of furoin from furfural is catalyzed by thiamine via a relatively stable carbene (an organic molecule containing unbound electron valence pairs at a carbon center). This reaction, studied in 1957 by R. Breslow, was the first evidence for the existence of persistent carbenes.

Probably everyone knows about the benefits of B vitamins. Today we will separately talk about such an element as B1 - a vitamin necessary for metabolism and hematopoiesis, a unique trace element that is very important for the normal functioning of the nervous system, good functioning of the brain and the whole organism in general. Doctors also call it thiamine.

What is B1 (vitamin) for

First of all, he is involved in the metabolism. Its main function is to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in all tissues of the body. By the way, this important nuance, which the creators of vitamin complexes for weight loss pay attention to. The lack of any element, and even more so B1 (vitamin of activity and youth), entails a slowdown in metabolism. It is thanks to B1 that each cell begins to actively develop the energy necessary for life and the implementation of specific functions. Since all tissues and organs are filled with energy, the body lives a full life, muscles, brain and nervous system work equally well, therefore, we all have time and do not get too tired.

Many may argue that this is not entirely true, because energy enters the body from fats and carbohydrates. What does B1 (vitamin) have to do with it? The fact is that the cells of the body cannot use fats and carbohydrates in pure form, for them only the ATP molecule is important. That is, fats and carbohydrates must be transformed into adenosine triphosphoric acid, otherwise, with an abundance of nutrients, the cell will remain hungry. This is the great mission of an element like B1. Vitamin starts the processes that convert fats and carbohydrates into a form in which the cell can assimilate them.

First of all, with a deficiency of thiamine, the cells of the nervous system suffer, because they require a constant supply of energy and do not have the slightest reserve of it. The costs are colossal, the energy ensures the rapid transmission of impulses along the nerve fibers.

Assimilation of thiamine

It is with food that we must get vitamin B1. What this element contains, we will analyze in more detail a little later, and now we will consider how its assimilation takes place. Thiamine is absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestine. This process is saturable, that is, the amount of the vitamin that can be absorbed into the blood is limited. This is why an overdose of B1 is almost impossible. Only 10 mg of this element can enter the bloodstream from the small intestine per day, the rest will be excreted in the feces. Of course, this only applies to the natural intake of vitamin from food. Injection, on the other hand, delivers substances directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

Often, a deficiency of such an essential trace element as thiamine (vitamin B1) is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, colitis and other ailments characterized by a violation of the structure of organs. In this case, the absorption of the vitamin may be difficult, and against the background of a completely adequate nutrition, it is necessary to additionally prescribe injections.

What happens after this element enters the bloodstream? Thiamine is carried to all tissues and organs, after which it performs its physiological functions. First of all, it enters the brain and nervous system, according to the residual principle, vitamin B1 is distributed between the cells of the skin and hair. After thiamine has completed its function, it is subject to destruction in the liver and excreted from the body along with urine. This cycle takes place in our body vitamin B1.

Lack of B1 in the body

We definitely need to monitor the content of vitamin B1 in everyday food and introduce additional sources of this element into the diet. Why is it so important? Because they do not accumulate in the body, and for the normal functioning of our body, their daily intake is necessary. I would like to draw the attention of girls who practice fasting, combining it with the intake of a vitamin complex, that vitamin B1 itself is only a catalyst for the transformation of fats into energy. Thus, if you have not eaten anything, but drank only a vitamin complex, your cells will still remain hungry, which will affect your health.

How is vitamin B1 deficiency manifested? We can observe two options - hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency. In the first case, the patient will notice a decrease in mental activity, a deterioration in the activity of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. A severe and long-term deficiency of this element leads to serious diseases, which are called beriberi and

What negative consequences do we see if a person does not receive vitamin B1 for a long time? Thiamine deficiency leads to impaired carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Carbohydrates are not processed into the ATP molecule, and therefore, products of incomplete processing of carbohydrates accumulate in the blood, and this is lactic acid and pyruvate. These metabolites penetrate the cells of the brain and spinal cord and disrupt their work, since they are highly toxic substances. Due to the deficiency of ATP molecules, constipation, atrophy and neurological disorders progress. In children, due to a lack of energy, which should have come from carbohydrates, proteins begin to be consumed, which entails a developmental delay.

B1 hypovitaminosis syndromes

Those who have already experienced the consequences of micronutrient deficiencies know how essential vitamin B1 is. Patient reviews confirm that they attributed their condition to dozens of different diseases and tried to treat them, but everything turned out to be much easier. So, you can observe several symptoms at the same time or only one of them. These are irritability and insomnia, fatigue and inability to concentrate, depression and poor memory.

Physiological changes manifest themselves in the form of chills when the room is warm enough, deterioration in coordination of movement, sluggish appetite, shortness of breath, even with insignificant physical activity... In addition, you may notice a drop in blood pressure and severe swelling in your hands and feet.

If the patient has a chronic thiamine deficiency, persistent headache, poor memory and shortness of breath may be observed. In addition, the person is betrayed by a staggering gait and general weakness.

Products - sources of thiamine

So, we have already figured out that B1 is extremely important for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. It is he who improves blood circulation and helps cell renewal, provides a person with vital energy and increases mental abilities, this is especially important in childhood. The school period is already a big test for the child, and if his diet is not provided with everything he needs, this can affect his academic performance. in the largest amount, so that it is exactly enough to provide the body with precious energy?

Herbal products

No wonder nutritionists say that vegetables should be on the table every day. Potatoes, carrots, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli are good sources of B1. But they are not alone. Legumes are a terrific source. These are beans, peas and lentils. Ideally, these foods should be on the table a little every day. Let's not forget bakery products made from wholemeal flour with the addition of bran. Nuts are indispensable sources of B1, including peanuts, which are considered to be nuts, although they are classified as legumes. In summer, you need to eat more greens, because the leaves of parsley and spinach are also high in thiamine. In winter, dried fruits, in particular raisins and prunes, seeds and cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, will help us out.

This is a fairly large range of products, they are available and can be on your table every day. So, we have listed only plant foods, let's move on to food of animal origin.

Animal products

If you want to be healthy and beautiful, every day you need to combine vegetables and meat, fish and cereals, fruits and dairy products... Only in this way will you get a complete diet that will provide you with everything you need. So, which animal foods are high in vitamin B1? This is primarily red meat, that is, pork and beef. White meat (chicken) despite popularity among programs healthy eating, contains little that is useful besides protein. In second place are offal: liver, kidneys and heart - so the liver can take its rightful place on the table. Next, you should specify fish, eggs (yolk) and milk.

It should be noted that if you set out to lead healthy image life and optimize the diet, then you need to exclude drinks such as tea, coffee and alcohol, as they can destroy the vitamins of group B. To the maximum, you should reduce sugar, and also quit smoking. Then all vitamin B1 taken from food will be used for the good of the body.

Consumption rate

For an adult, an average of 1.1 mg of thiamine is needed per day. For men, this dose is slightly higher - 1.2 mg. Pregnant and lactating women are supposed to consume about 1.4 mg per day. It is clear that it is possible to accurately measure the amount of thiamine only when using vitamin complexes. But you can be sure that by optimizing your diet, introducing a sufficient amount of meat and fish products, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits, you will be provided with everything you need. Moreover, an overdose of vitamin B1 is impossible by eating foods containing it. After all, the body will take only as much as it needs.

Medical applications

Sometimes doctors additionally prescribe the intake of such a substance, as they say that thiamine should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor and on the basis of the tests performed. The doctor can choose any form of the drug at his discretion - injections or pills. An indication for use can be not only vitamin deficiency, because thiamine is used in the composition complex therapy in the treatment of many diseases (neuropathy, anemia, encephalopathy, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, neuritis, neuralgia and many others).

Often skin ailments and severe intoxication are the reason for the doctor to prescribe B1 (vitamin). The instruction confirms that it is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body in case of poisoning and treatment for alcohol addiction.

Vitamin B1 for skin and face

Of course, getting enough thiamine in your body is a must for your skin and hair to look amazing. Today there are many recipes for masks in which injection solution is added.It should be noted that such use does not have any therapeutic effect. If there is a problem inside the body, then vitamins B1 should be taken internally. A hair mask with the addition of thiamine can only support the appearance of the curls, but nothing more.


Vitamin B1 is a vital trace mineral and care must be taken to ensure that the body is not deficient in it. First of all, you need to optimize your diet, include in it healthy foods rich in various useful substances, including vitamin B1. If it is impossible to comply with this rule (busy work schedule, business trips), you can eliminate the lack of trace elements with the help of a vitamin-mineral complex, but it should be appointed exclusively by a doctor.


Thiamin (Thiaminum)


Vitamin B1, refers to water-soluble vitamins. In the human body, as a result of phosphorylation processes, it turns into cocarboxylase, which is a coenzyme of many enzymatic reactions.
Vitamin B1 plays an important role in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, as well as in the processes of nerve stimulation in synapses.
After oral administration, it is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.
Before absorption, thiamine is released from the bound state digestive enzymes... After 15 minutes, thiamine is determined in the blood, and after 30 minutes - in other tissues.
In the blood, the content of thiamine is relatively low, while in the plasma is found mainly free thiamine, in erythrocytes and leukocytes - its phosphorus esters.
The distribution in the body is quite wide.
A relative predominance of thiamine content in the myocardium, skeletal muscles, nervous tissue, and liver was noted, which is apparently associated with an increased consumption of thiamine by these structures. Half of the total amount of thiamine is found in striated muscles (including the myocardium) and about 40% in internal organs.
The most active of thiamine phosphate esters is thiamine diphosphate.
This compound has coenzyme activity and plays a major role in the participation of thiamine in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
It is excreted through the intestines and kidneys.

Indications for

Hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency in various forms of neuritis (nerve inflammation);
- radiculitis, neuralgia (pain spreading along the nerve);
- peripheral paresis (decrease in strength and / or range of motion) and paralysis (absence of voluntary movements due to impaired muscle nervous regulation) of various origins;
- Meniere's disease (a disease of the inner ear, characterized by recurrent dizziness, nausea, vomiting);
- Korsakov's psychosis ( chronic alcoholism characterized by a memory disorder, a disease of the peripheral nervous system, social personality disorders);
- poliomyelitis (acute infection characterized by impaired movement) and encephalomyelitis (combined inflammation of the brain and spinal cord);
- Wernicke's disease (a disease of the vessels of the brain, manifested by a mental disorder, movement coordination disorder, visual impairment);
- peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
- intestinal atony (loss of tone);
- myocardial dystrophy (a disease of the heart muscle associated with a violation of its nutrition);
- violations of the coronary (through the vessels of the heart) blood circulation in patients with angina pectoris;
- thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease);
- endarteritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the arteries);
- neurogenic dermatoses (skin diseases due to changes in the activity of the nervous system);
- shingles ( viral disease central and peripheral nervous system with the appearance of blisters of a rash along the sensory nerves);
- psoriasis;
- eczema;
- poisoning (carbon disulfide, tetraethylene lead, mercury, methyl alcohol, arsenic, etc.).

Mode of application:

V medicinal purposes thiamine chloride and thiamine bromide are administered orally (after meals) and parenterally (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract).
Doses for oral administration of thiamine chloride are 0.01 g (10 mg) for adults 1-3 (up to 5) times a day.
Children under the age of 3 years are prescribed 0.005 g (5 mg) every other day; 3-8 years - 0.005 g 3 times a day every other day; over 8 years old - 0.01 g 1-3 times a day.
The course of treatment is usually 30 days.
Thiamine bromide, due to its higher relative molecular weight (435.2), is used in somewhat higher doses than thiamine chloride (relative molecular weight 337.27); 0.001 g (1 mg) of thiamine chloride corresponds in activity to 0.00129 g (1.29 mg) of thiamine bromide.

In case of malabsorption in the intestine and if it is necessary to quickly create high concentrations of vitamin Bi in the blood, thiamine chloride or thiamine bromide is parenterally administered.
Usually injected intramuscularly for adults at 0.025-0.05 g of thiamine chloride (1 ml of 2.5% or 5% solution) or 0.03-0.06 g of thiamine bromide (1 ml of 3% or 6% solution) 1 time per day every day; children are injected with 0.0125 g (0.5 ml of a 2.5% solution) of thiamine chloride or 0.015 g (0.5 ml of a 3% solution) of thiamine bromide.
The course of treatment is 10-30 injections.
The daily requirement for vitamin Bi is about 2 mg for an adult; with hard physical labor, the need for vitamin increases slightly.
Daily doses for children: from the age of 6 months. up to 1 year - 0.5 mg; from 1 to 1.5 years - 0.8 mg; from 1.5 to 2 years - 0.9 mg; from 3 to 4 years - 1.1 mg; from 5 to 6 years old - 1.2 mg; from 7 to 10 years - 1.4 mg; from 11 to 13 years old - 1.7 mg; for boys 14-17 years old - 1.9 mg; for girls 14-17 years old - 1.7 mg.
S / c (and sometimes i / m) thiamine injections are painful due to the low pH of the solutions.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions: urticaria, pruritus, Quincke's edema; in isolated cases - anaphylactic shock.
Other: sweating, tachycardia.


Hypersensitivity to thiamine;
- history of allergic diseases (formerly).
Allergic reactions to thiamine administration more often occur in persons predisposed to allergies.

other medicinal

Gross formula

C 12 H 17 ClN 4 OS

Pharmacological group of the substance Thiamine

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS code



pharmachologic effect- immunostimulating, antioxidant, metabolic, ganglion blocking, replenishing vitamin B 1 deficiency.

Phosphorylated, forming thiamine pyrophosphate, which realizes the numerous effects of thiamine. After oral administration, it is absorbed mainly in the duodenum and small intestine... It is quickly and completely absorbed by intramuscular injection. It is distributed over all tissues. Approximately 1 mg is metabolized daily. The daily requirement for vitamin B 1 for adult men is from 1.2 to 2.1 mg; for the elderly - 1.2-1.4 mg; for women - 1.1-1.5 mg with the addition of 0.4 mg for pregnant women and 0.6 mg for lactating women; for children, depending on age, 0.3-1.5 mg. In the form of thiamine pyrophosphate, as a coenzyme of numerous decarboxylases, it participates in the metabolism of pyruvate, alpha-ketoglutarate and plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Protects cell membranes from the toxic effects of peroxidation products.

Use of the substance Thiamine

Hypovitaminosis and vitamin B 1 deficiency (including in patients on tube feeding, on hemodialysis, suffering from malabsorption syndrome), reduced intake of vitamin into the body - impaired absorption in the intestine, starvation, chronic alcoholism, severe liver dysfunction, thyrotoxicosis, increased need for vitamin - pregnancy, lactation, period of intensive growth; neuritis, sciatica, neuralgia, peripheral paresis or paralysis, intestinal atony, myocardial dystrophy, dermatoses, lichen, psoriasis, eczema, intoxication.



Side effects of Thiamin

Allergic reactions - Quincke's edema, urticaria, pruritus.


Weakens the effect of depolarizing muscle relaxants (ditilin, etc.). Pyridoxine inhibits the conversion of thiamine into thiamine pyrophosphate, increases allergy. Pharmaceutically incompatible (in one syringe) with penicillin, streptomycin, nicotinic acid.

Route of administration

Inside, parenterally.

Interaction with other active ingredients

Trade names

Name The value of the Vyshkovsky Index ®

Thiamine(Vitamin B1) is a water-soluble vitamin that our bodies need to maintain proper energy levels, healthy cognitive function, and a healthy metabolism.

What happens to the body when thiamine is deficient? Thiamine is present in all cells in our body. Consequently, its deficiency will affect all organ systems, especially the cells of the nervous system and the heart. Inappropriate intake of thiamine can lead to cardiovascular complications, cognitive impairment, general weakness, nerve damage, muscle weakness, and a weakened body's ability to resist oxidative stress.

Individuals at increased risk of thiamine deficiency include alcoholics, people with anorexia, liver damage or disease, and those with too few calories or too many processed and refined foods.

Thiamin (vitamin B1) is a water-soluble vitamin that is used by almost every cell in our body. It is especially important for maintaining proper energy levels and metabolic health. Technically, thiamine is a sulfur-containing derivative of thiazole and pyrimidine. It is used in combination with other B vitamins (making up the "B vitamin complex") to regulate important functions of the cardiovascular, endocrine and digestive systems.

The human body is unable to produce thiamine on its own, therefore, in order to avoid deficiency, we need to obtain it from food. What diseases are caused by thiamine deficiency? Thiamine deficiency can cause a condition such as beriberi (vitamin deficiency B1), which has been observed for millennia in some undernourished populations. Beriberi can lead to wasting of muscle tissue and serious cardiovascular problems, including enlarged heart muscle.

Symptoms and dangers of thiamine deficiency

What are the symptoms of low thiamine levels? The clinical symptoms of thiamine deficiency (or beriberi) include: ()

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Poor appetite
  • Colitis
  • Persistent digestive problems such as diarrhea
  • Nerve damage
  • A burning sensation in the legs (especially severe at night)
  • Nerve inflammation (neuritis)
  • Fatigue and loss of energy
  • Impairment of short-term memory
  • Confusion of consciousness
  • Irritability
  • Muscle weakness, muscle wasting, spasms, leg pain and swelling
  • Mental health changes such as apathy or depression
  • Cardiovascular reactions, such as enlargement of the heart muscle

What happens if the body lacks thiamine? Low thiamine levels negatively affect the brain, heart and other tissues and organs. Normally, a high concentration of thiamine is characteristic of skeletal muscles, as well as the heart, liver, kidneys and brain. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to degeneration of peripheral nerves and parts of the brain, including the thalamus and cerebellum. In addition, a deficiency can lead to decreased blood flow, increased swelling, and expansion of the heart cavities.

The beneficial properties of thiamine

Why is thiamine good for the body? Below are the main benefits of vitamin B1 / thiamine:

Supports a Healthy Metabolism

Thiamine is essential for the creation of ATP, the main energy-carrying molecule in the mitochondria of cells. It promotes the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose, which is the preferred energy source for maintaining a stable metabolism. In addition, thiamine helps break down fats and proteins. ()

It is known that the coenzyme form of thiamine is involved in two main metabolic reactions of the body: decarboxylation and the formation of transketolase. After the body receives food containing thiamine, it transports it into the blood and plasma, after which the vitamin is used by cells for energy conversion.

In addition, thiamine plays an important role in the production of red blood cells, which are used for constant energy. Since thiamine and other B vitamins naturally increase energy levels and are necessary for the production of ATP from food, supplements with a complex of B vitamins are often called "energy" or food for "healthy metabolism". Oral thiamine supplements are also sometimes prescribed for patients who need to correct metabolic disorders associated with genetic diseases.

Prevents nerve damage

When our bodies don't get enough "fuel" for the nervous system to function properly, it can damage the nerves, which in turn can lead to stiffness of movement, as well as problems with learning and remembering information. Thiamine is essential for the conversion of carbohydrates in food, the main role of which is to provide our body, especially the brain and nervous system, with energy. Thiamine is especially required for a system of enzymatic reactions called oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, aimed at oxidizing sugar obtained from food. ()

In addition, thiamine contributes to the proper development of the myelin sheaths that surround the nerves and protect them from damage and death.

Supports Cardiovascular Health

Adequate intake of thiamine is important for the production of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. It is used to transmit messages between nerves and muscles. One of the main muscles that depend on these signals is our heart.

To maintain proper heart function and a healthy heart rate, nerves and muscles must be able to use bodily energy to transmit important signals to each other. Recent research has shown that thiamine may be beneficial in combating cardiovascular disease as it helps maintain healthy ventricular function and helps relieve heart failure. ()

Strengthens the immune system

Thiamine helps maintain muscle tone in the walls of the digestive tract, which is where most of our immune system resides. Healthy digestion is important for thiamine absorption because a healthy gastrointestinal tract allows the body to more efficiently extract nutrients from food, which it then uses to strengthen immunity and fight various diseases. Thiamine promotes the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for the complete digestion of food particles and the absorption of all essential nutrients. ()

Helps in the treatment of alcoholism

Thiamine helps reduce the risk of developing a special brain disorder called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Symptoms of this condition include involuntary muscle twitching, nerve damage, severe lethargy, and difficulty walking. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is associated with low thiamine levels and is typically seen in alcoholics, especially those with poor dietary intake of alcohol. ()

Alcohol has a negative effect on the body's ability to absorb thiamine from food.

It is estimated that 30 to 80 percent of alcoholics suffer from thiamine deficiency. High doses of thiamine have been shown to help reduce alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Prevents brain damage

Thiamine helps close the brain-body gap. It helps to combat brain impairment such as cerebellar ataxia. Also, doctors sometimes prescribe large doses of thiamine to prevent memory impairments that are often seen in people with a deficiency of this vitamin, including those who are experiencing alcohol withdrawal or have come out of coma. () In addition, an increased intake of thiamine is associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease. ()

Increases learning

Thiamin is an essential vitamin for improving concentration and energy, fighting chronic stress, and possibly preventing memory loss. Researchers have linked thiamine deficiency to learning disabilities and information retention. A study conducted by British specialists showed that thiamine promoted quick reaction and mental clarity in subjects undergoing specialized tests. ()

Helps Maintain a Positive Mood

Thiamine enhances the body's ability to withstand stress. This is one of the reasons why B vitamins are often called "anti-stress" vitamins. Lack of energy leads to bad mood and poor motivation. We need thiamine to improve mood, fight depression and anxiety. And all this is due to its positive effects on the brain. ()

Thiamine prevents inflammation and helps maintain proper decision-making function in the brain. Nervous system health is important for dealing with stress and anxiety, and for boosting mood.

Helps Prevent Vision Problems

Several studies have shown that thiamine helps prevent vision problems such as cataracts and glaucoma. This is due to its ability to influence the transmission of signals from nerves and muscles, which is of great importance in the transmission of information from the eyes to the brain. ()

Supplements and their dosage

How much thiamine do we need every day? The RDA is 1.2 milligrams for adult men and 1.1 milligrams for women. ()

To prevent deficiency, you should consume at least 0.33 milligrams of thiamine for every 1,000 calories you eat.

As with any supplement, choose natural sources of thiamine. Studies have shown that thiamine deficiency is not very common, so the average person does not need additional thiamine supplements.

As a rule, vitamin B1 is included in supplements with a complex of vitamins B. The most complex supplements contain vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin / niacinamide), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and other vitamins that promote energy production through efficient absorption of food.

If you do decide to take a thiamine supplement, choose only high quality products made from natural sources. Below is the recommended daily allowance for vitamin B1 (thiamine) for different categories:

  • Infants: 0-6 months - 0.2 mg 7-12 months - 0.3 mg
  • Children: 1-3 years old - 0.5 mg; 4-8 years - 0.6 mg; 9-13 years old - 0.9 mg
  • Adult men: 1.2 mg
  • Adult females: 1.1 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women: 1.4-1.5 mg

In severe deficiencies, the dosage of thiamine is usually up to 300 mg per day. However, this dose can only be taken in certain cases and with a doctor's prescription. High doses of thiamine are given to people with a deficiency of this substance in order to prevent possible complications. For the treatment of neuropathy, up to 10–30 mg per day can be prescribed, for the treatment of edema and cardiovascular complications, 100 mg per day intravenously can be prescribed, and 50 to 100 mg per day intravenously for persons with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

Side effects

Is vitamin B1 overdose possible? Is thiamine dangerous in large quantities?

To date, there have been very few confirmed cases of serious side effects associated with thiamine supplementation. Consuming an excess amount at one time is not a concern as this vitamin is water-soluble and it is believed that only a small amount of such a large dose will be absorbed by the body.