What is useful to eat during menstruation. Do's and don'ts during your period. Nutrition and nutrients

Healthy hair and strong nails, at the same time improving memory and becoming several times happier - this is a well-known fact. But did you know that sometimes food works just as well as medicine. In particular, in the case of menstrual cramps, during which you are used to grabbing at "Noshpa" and "Nurofen", but certainly not to run to the refrigerator.

We tell you what foods need to be added to the diet during this period, and which, on the contrary, should be abandoned for a while.

It is impossible

Carbonated drinks


Leafy vegetables

During menstruation, iron levels in the blood can drop, so foods that contain this element in large quantities should definitely be on your menu. But instead of ordering your own cheeseburger, go down to the supermarket and fill your basket with kale, spinach, and Swiss chard.


Calcium intake reduces feelings of depression and anxiety. Vitamin D regulates an enzyme that converts tryptophan to serotonin, improving mood. And working together, calcium and vitamin D can prevent the symptoms of PMS. Foods high in calcium can also relieve cramps and pain by acting as a muscle relaxant. Look for the magic combination in this case in oranges, lemons and limes.


They are one of the best nutritional ways to boost your mood thanks to their high dose of vitamin B6. They are also rich in potassium and magnesium, which can help reduce water retention and bloating, while also regulating the digestive system, which is malfunctioning at this time of the month.


Often, menstruation causes an irresistible craving for sweets, and experts advise to satisfy it not with a box of sweets, but with fruits. The best options are those rich in water and natural sugars - watermelons, melons, plums and berries.


Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can relieve pain and cramps, relax muscles and neutralize the source of pain. If for some reason you don't eat fish, you can also get a healthy dose of omega-3s from nuts and flax seeds.

Dark chocolate

Is an excellent source of magnesium, which not only improves mood by increasing serotonin levels, but also helps to keep it at optimal levels. However, for all this to be true, the chocolate bar must contain 60% cocoa or more.

Many women are familiar with the feeling of discomfort during menstruation. This is due to the general condition of the body, sleep disorder is observed, irritability appears, and on top of that, pain in the lower abdomen also torments. Not many girls know that proper nutrition during menstruation can solve a number of problems.

Next, let's just talk about what to eat during menstruation, as well as what to eat so as not to get better during critical days. By the way, you have already used it in our separate material on this important topic.

What to eat during menstruation so that your stomach does not hurt

When answering the question of what to eat during menstruation, so that your stomach does not hurt, several factors must be taken into account:

  • during menstruation, pain may occur due to muscle contractions, depending on the intensity of the contractions, and the pain will be stronger or weaker;
  • pain can occur due to hormonal imbalance or nervous strain;
  • also, the cause of pain during menstruation can be a number of unpleasant diseases of the genital organs.

If everything is in order with health, then you can relieve pain during menstruation with the help of a special diet. I would like to note that many girls are tormented by the question of what to eat during menstruation, but not many are ready to change their usual diet.

Of vegetables, red cabbage can help best. it will not only have an analgesic effect, but also have a positive effect on the fertility of the body.

Fatty acids can also help with muscle pain, which are abundant in seafood and fish, especially salmon.

You should not neglect the drinking regime. Pulling pain can occur due to fluid retention in the body. Your body needs more fluid during your period.than usual, therefore, it is recommended to drink more.

Interesting! Decoctions of yarrow, lemon balm, chamomile and tansy also have an anesthetic and calming effect.

What to eat so that there is less blood

It is not easy to figure out what to eat during menstruation so that there is less blood, because it depends on a lot. If abundant discharge for a girl is a common thing, and not a pathology, then you can resort to the following diet. To reduce the amount of blood, you need to increase the level of iron in the body. After all, iron deficiency is common with menstruation, especially heavy menstruation. Eating more apples, shellfish, seaweed, and buckwheat is recommended.

Proper nutrition and fasting days also able to reduce bleeding. It is recommended to completely abandon meat and dairy products, fried, fatty, smoked and pickled foods. Various herbal decoctions are also helpful. For example, a decoction of nettle, mountaineer and shepherd's purse. You can also make tea with raspberries and peppermint leaves.

What to eat with menstruation so as not to get better

It is difficult for girls during their periods to keep themselves within limits. healthy eating... I constantly want something sweet, then salty, then all together and at once and in unlimited quantities. Therefore, in order not to get a couple of extra pounds after menstruation, you need to control your diet.

Any girl can decide what to eat during menstruation so as not to gain weight. Since every girl knows her preferences and her own figure features. We will also tell you separately.

Of the main recommendations for this period, it can be noted: replace sweets with dried fruits. Raisins, dried apricots, and walnuts not only serve as an excellent snack, but also help restore iron levels. It is better to replace pork with chicken or fish, and use vegetables as a side dish. Don't indulge your body.

Menstruation is indeed an emotionally difficult period. But with proper nutrition, many of the problems associated with menstruation can be avoided. We hope our recommendations will help you. If necessary, it is possible quickly and easily.

During menstruation, women often experience discomfort. The reason for this is that many people are poorly informed about what to do during menstruation and what not.

Let's start with the main points of restrictions:

If you have your period, can you go in for sports? For some female athletes, menstruation is a serious hindrance. They even take birth control pills to keep their periods from getting in the way with intense exercise.

However, a number of experts believe that during physical exertion, pain decreases, and the quality of training does not deteriorate. Therefore, if physical discomfort is not a hindrance for you while doing sports, you can safely go to the gym or fitness. The main thing is to know the measure and observe safety precautions during training on simulators.

If you have your period, can you have sex?If your menstrual blood, tampons, and sanitary napkins aren't getting in the way of you and your partner, then yes. However, the possible risks must also be taken into account. Also, many women become more temperamental during the first few days of menstruation due to changes in hormonal background.

Many women also report that their periods end earlier than if they had not had sex. This is because the muscle contractions of the uterus during orgasm allow menstruation to pass faster. In addition, hormones released into the bloodstream during sex (such as oxytocin) help relieve menstrual pain, depression, and irritability associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

But there are also risks. A woman can get pregnant at any point in her cycle, even during her period! While this is less likely than at other times, it is quite possible. It is important that you continue to use at least one contraceptive method (preferably a condom) if you wish to avoid pregnancy. It will also serve as protection against infection in a woman's genital tract.

If you have your period, can you shower and swim? Yes! During your period, you can and should take a bath or shower, and you can swim as well. If you are using a tampon, remove it before taking a bath or shower. If you want to swim during your period, use a new tampon before entering the water.

Is it possible to take tests during menstruation?Not recommended, especially for urinalysis. After all, during collection, particles of menstrual blood can get into the urine. You can donate blood, but the doctor should be warned about the presence of menstruation, because during menstruation, the indicators can change, and this, in turn, will lead to inaccurate results.

Can I go to church during my period? It all depends on religion. Most christian churches today you can go to church during your period. However, in the Orthodox Church during menstruation, women are not allowed to receive communion, and in some places they are not allowed to attend church at all.

If you have your period, you can do a lot, but you need to do everything in moderation and carefully.

Can menstruation be triggered? A normal menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. Menstruation lasts 2 to 8 days. A woman may have a question: "Is it possible to cause menstruation" to control the process. For example, they don't want their period to fall on an important event, such as a wedding.

Can menstruation be caused, and how to do it? There are several methods:

  • Birth control pills are in a simple way regulate the menstrual cycle and make menstruation easier. The pills contain artificial hormones that regulate the body's natural levels of estrogen and progesterone and also lower androgen levels. Birth control pills are usually prescribed for women under the age of 35.
  • Herbs that help induce menstruation. Parsley and ginger stimulate the onset of periods if they are delayed due to hormonal imbalances or stress. You should drink at least two cups of parsley or ginger tea. Keep in mind that parsley tea is a safer option. Another option is to consume primrose oil.
  • Vitamin C will help solve the "can cause menstruation" puzzle: high doses of vitamin C can cause menstruation. However, some women experience negative side effects... In order to limit them, vitamin C should be taken with plenty of water.
  • Can you induce your period with food? Certain fruits such as pineapple, papaya, and mango can cause menstruation. You may find that drinking about 500 grams of papaya juice in two doses is enough to trigger the menstrual period you want. If you are not allergic to honey, this is a great alternative to induce your period. Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in warm water and drink immediately.

Menstruation makes adjustments to a woman's usual life. Someone is tormented by ailments, pains in the lower abdomen, some are angry with the whole world and Mother Nature for thwarted plans. It is worth noting that, indeed, during menstruation, a woman should avoid certain actions and procedures.

Physiology of menstruation

Our great-grandmothers considered menstruation to be a kind of renewal and purification of a woman. Nowadays, science quite logically explains menstruation by fluctuating hormones and rejection of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus). It flakes off, exposing the blood vessels - hence the release of blood.

The period of her period is when a woman is weaker than usual. That is why she needs to avoid certain actions. After all, even minor restrictions on physical activity will allow her to be in excellent shape even on critical days. What should be limited and what should be completely abandoned?

Limit physical activity

Soreness on critical days can increase, and the volume of secretions can increase if you exercise at your usual pace. During your period, refrain from exercising in the gym, do not lift weights, do not carry bags of groceries, and give up general cleaning of the house. If you are a professional athlete and you cannot refuse to train, inform the trainer about your condition and reduce the intensity of the loads, change strength exercises to lightweight ones, and intense running to walking.

Give up water and thermal treatments

In the first days of menstruation, gynecologists do not recommend visit the pool , sauna or russian bath ... There are several reasons for this, first of all, during menstruation, the cervix opens slightly, which means that an infection can enter it with water. This can lead to acute inflammation of the uterus (endometritis) or appendages. Also, do not take a bath, it is better to take a warm shower.

In addition, exposure to thermal procedures during critical days can increase blood flow to the pelvic area, which will provoke bleeding, and as a result - malaise and dizziness.

Make love with a condom

The question of whether it is possible to have sex during menstruation has been discussed for a long time, and there is still no consensus on this issue. Arguments in favor of having sex several are given - sensations intensify or change, there is no stiffness due to fear of pregnancy, increased secretion of mucus and lubrication, which reduces dryness and discomfort during intercourse.

Other women say that sex life causes discomfort or even pain. In addition, many women dislike themselves discharge and the smell they produce.

Many are not ready to make love because of the danger of infection. Menstrual blood is completely sterile from the uterine cavity, but it is a medium for the development of infections. And the so-called smegma, rich in microbes, accumulates on the head of the partner's penis. Therefore, such intercourse can be dangerous by the development of inflammatory processes in the small pelvis.

If you really want intimacy, you should be puzzled by the purchase of condoms, and after intimate contact, you need to take a shower and thoroughly wash the genitals with the usual hygiene product .

Limit procedures and manipulations

What not to do during your period

During menstruation, there is a decrease in blood clotting and changes in hormonal levels , as a result of which the risk of complications, adverse reactions and long-term rehabilitation increases. Therefore, during menstruation, doctors do not perform planned operations, especially abdominal, do not remove teeth and do not perform procedures. Even a blood and urine test during your period can show distorted results.

In addition to medicine, there are restrictions on the implementation of rehabilitation methods and physiotherapy. Baths and showers, thermal procedures, therapeutic exercises, and sometimes massage are canceled. Cosmetologists also warn patients about the increased risk of complications that may arise during cosmetic tattooing procedures, Botox injections and other drugs.

During menstruation, it is worth abandoning deep chemical peels of the skin of the face - since a strong reaction can occur due to hormonal imbalance. Lifting procedures and tightening of the skin with threads are also not recommended for menstruation.

How to take medication and eat during your period

Stop taking medications

What not to do during your period

Make dietary adjustments

Many people believe that during menstruation, it is necessary to limit the intake of certain foods or dishes, for example, spicy or salty. However, such foods will not cause swelling or negative phenomena in the intestines if you are healthy. Therefore, food remains habitual, but it is worth giving up alcohol, it increases pain and malaise. There are no restrictions on fluid intake.

It is always worth remembering that during menstruation, the body experiences increased stress, especially deficiencies in protein, iron, calcium and folic acid. They take part in the renewal of blood and its clotting, therefore, it is necessary eat well .

Fasting or severe dietary restrictions can lead to increased pain, nausea, dizziness, and increased abdominal pain.


Menstruation is a female physiological process. The separation of the endometrium from the walls of the uterus leads to strong discomfort. In order not to harm your health, you need to know what not to do with your period.

During the period of heavy blood loss that a woman encounters during menstruation, the area of \u200b\u200bher uterus and vagina is very vulnerable. Therefore, it is important to adhere to certain restrictions.

Sports activities

The cause of increased bleeding is severe physical exercise, therefore, during this period, they must be abandoned. contribute to an increase in blood flow to the pelvic organs, with the result that there is a risk of increased discomfort. Therefore, during menstruation, you can not engage in active sports.

Physical activity during the menstrual period will provoke severe fatigue and a feeling of drowsiness. In some cases, the consequences can be more serious. For example, a woman who is actively involved in sports on the days of her period may lose consciousness.

If you cannot completely abandon sports, the level of activity during this period should be reduced as much as possible. Let's talk about what else you can't do during your period.

Sexual contact

Also prohibited. There are several explanations for this:

  1. Sexual contact during your menstrual period can lead to infection internal organs... This applies not only to women, but also to men. Menstrual flow that gets on the penis can provoke inflammation of the genitourinary system. The female uterus these days is not protected by the mucous membrane.
  2. Sex can increase bleeding, which can negatively affect women's well-being.
  3. According to some gynecologists, sexual intercourse during menstruation leads to the fertilization of the egg. However, this is a moot point. Other experts believe that the chances of getting pregnant during your period are minimal.
  4. Sex during the menstrual period provokes uterine bleeding. One of its symptoms is the discharge of large blood clots from the vagina.

Hot tubs and saunas

The ban on baths, hot baths and is associated with the risk of infection in the vaginal cavity. Sterility must be observed in everything. Using a tampon is not an option.

Bathing in a hot bath or going to a bath (sauna) can cause increased bleeding, resulting in dizziness and increased discomfort in the woman.

To reduce the risk of pathogenic bacteria entering the cervix, the temperature should be low. You need to take a warm bath, or better - a shower.

Alcoholic drinks

Many women drink alcohol to reduce pain. It is not right. Excessive drinking, especially on critical days, harms the body.

The negative effect of alcohol is due to the expansion of blood vessels, which provokes an increase in hemorrhage. When there is more menstrual flow, the woman's well-being worsens.

Operative intervention

During critical days, many women experience a change in hormonal levels, as a result of which blood clotting decreases. For this reason, it is recommended to abandon planned activities, visits to dental clinics and other actions related to surgical intervention.

Also, during this period, it is undesirable to take a urine test, since menstrual blood gets into the liquid, and this distorts the result.

Why do you need monthly

Many girls don't know. However, menstruation is an important physiological process that prepares the uterus for a new cycle. If the fertilization of the egg does not occur, then the release of blood helps to cleanse the body.

For many women, the process of menstruation is quite painful, but it is necessary for reproduction.

During menstruation, certain actions are contraindicated. Failure to follow simple rules leads to problems related to women's health. Do not forget that on critical days the risk of genital infection increases.

On critical days, most girls face the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • vaginal bleeding.

The presence of menstrual blood indicates that a woman's egg can be fertilized. With menstruation, the uterine endometrium is separated, resulting in bleeding. This process ensures the creation of favorable conditions for future implantation. So you should take care of yourself and be patient with unpleasant sensations these days.