Glutathione is an antioxidant. Glutathione functions. Improves memory in Alzheimer's patients

Glutathione is a complex molecular compound, a tripeptide composed of amino acid residues. Refers to a group of peptides - molecules that are responsible for regulating the physiological processes of the body.

Glutathione (or l-glutathione) is one of the most important and complex molecules in the human body, a basic tool for protecting cells from damage. The complexity of the molecule is that the body cannot accept it from the outside. It is able to bring real benefits only when it is produced inside our body.

Functions of glutathione in the human body

Glutathione has antioxidant properties, it neutralizes the damaging effects of free radicals. Let's see how this happens.

Free radicals are defective molecules that are extremely dangerous for chemical processes and body cells. In their structure, there is one unpaired electron, which makes the molecule unnecessarily active, easily entering into chemical reactions, including undesirable properties. Such molecules constantly attack the body, trying to take an electron from other compounds. In this case, the molecular chain breaks, the structure of the substance and the sequence of reactions are disrupted. Molecules that have lost an electron become free radicals themselves, and the number of attacks increases. In chemistry, the process of losing an electron is called oxidation or oxidative reaction, and the defective molecule itself is called oxidized.

As a result of a chain reaction, cells are damaged, intercellular impulses are disrupted, and some cell functions are lost, which leads to a serious weakening of immunity and premature aging of tissues. If a free radical breaks the DNA chain, there is a risk of cancer and mutations.

Normally, some free radicals are always present in the body. In a limited number, they are useful, since they destroy weak and defective links in molecules and foreign elements. The defense system of a healthy body is able to regulate the presence of free radicals. However, under the influence of bad habits, poor-quality food, polluted ecology, the load on the immune system increases. At a critical moment, the multiplication of free radicals gets out of the control of immunity, more and more molecules are oxidized and an avalanche-like process of destruction begins.

Unlike other molecular structures, oxidized glutathione (glutathione peroxidase) is able to quickly restore a lost electron. It acts as a "decoy" for a free radical, during an attack it easily gives up its electron, preventing damage to the cell and its contents. Then, due to a special cellular enzyme (NADPH oxidase), glutathione passes from the oxidized to the reduced form.

Glutathione test

By the ratio of oxidized and reduced glutathione molecules in cells, one can judge the extent of oxidative reactions in the body. A blood test for gluutathione content helps determine the body's predisposition to serious diseases and its ability to resist toxic reactions.

Other beneficial properties

In addition to the antioxidant (i.e., antioxidant) action, glutathione has a number of other beneficial properties for human health:

  • Takes part in the restoration of other antioxidants;
  • Through chemical reactions, it increases the absorption of certain drugs and vitamins;
  • Forms stable bonds with toxic compounds, literally sticks to them, neutralizing the harmful effects and promoting their harmless elimination from the body;
  • Participates in the synthesis of leukotrienes (chemical compounds that ensure the transmission of nerve impulses between cells);
  • Protects white blood cells (blood cells responsible for killing bacteria and viruses) and maintains them in the right amount.
  • Relieves liver cells from the accumulation of toxic substances filtered out during the breakdown of fats and blood purification;
  • Launches the mechanism of cell self-destruction (apoptosis) in cancerous tumors.

Causes and consequences of a lack of glutathione in the body

L-glutathione is a non-essential substance that is produced inside the body. Glutathione is synthesized with the participation of cysteine, glutamine and glycine (amino acids that make up proteins). With a lack of these substances, the production of glutathione decreases. Also, its deficiency is caused by natural age-related changes: starting from the age of 20, the production of glutathione decreases by an average of 1% per year.

But the main reason for the lack of glutathione is modern living conditions: artificial additives in food, aggressive ecology, the presence of harmful compounds in household chemicals, the use of chemicals in agriculture and other negative factors. All this causes a colossal amount of toxins to enter the body, to which human immunity simply does not have time to respond.

How is glutathione deficiency manifested?

The symptoms of glutathione deficiency are as varied as its functions. We can say that all negative processes in the body are associated with its deficiency and weakening of the protective forces, including:

  • Early signs of aging;
  • Depressed mental state, decreased overall tone, apathy, drowsiness;
  • Chronic infectious diseases;
  • Autoimmune disorders (allergies and food intolerances, type 1 diabetes, lack of hormones, psoriasis, vitiligo and others);
  • Chronic kidney and liver damage;
  • Benign and malignant formations.

In addition, on the basis of glutathione, a special enzyme is produced - glutathione transferase, which deactivates the breakdown products of organic compounds in the body.

According to doctors, in any serious chronic disease, there is an excessively small amount of glutathione in the cells.

How to Replenish Glutathione?

The main difficulty in replenishing glutathione is that its biological activity is high only if it is synthesized inside the cell. Molecules that enter the body intravenously (injections, droppers) or orally (in the form of a food supplement) are several times less digestible. The only way to increase glutathione levels is to take medications and foods that contain the raw materials for glutathione production.

Natural sources of peptide replenishment.

Substances that promote the synthesis of glutathioneTriggered reactionsNatural sources of obtaining the substance
Alpha lipoic acidThey are able to penetrate into the cell and reduce the oxidized glutathione molecule.Legumes, dairy and meat products, herbs, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts.
Vitamin CFruits and berries, white cabbage, tomatoes, radishes.
Vitamin EVegetable oils, walnuts, olives, spinach, papaya, almonds, bell peppers.
SeleniumIn the process of breaking down selenium in the body, cysteine \u200b\u200bis formed - the starting amino acid for the production of glutathione.Oats, refined rice, sunflower seeds, walnuts, beef, eggs and poultry, tuna.
Flavoprotein glutathione reductaseAn enzyme that allows you to reduce the glutathione molecule after oxidation.Raw vegetables and fruits, spices (turmeric, cinnamon, cumin).
SulfurSulfur atoms are part of the amino acids that synthesize glutathione.Powdered milk, chicken and quail eggs, wheat, walnuts, cottage cheese, legumes.
Vitamin B6Participate in the production of glutathione, triggering a biochemical reaction inside the cell.Cereals, legumes, nuts, wheat bran.
Vitamin B12Fish, seafood, milk, eggs, cattle liver.
Folic acidGreens, vegetables, cod liver, sprouted grains of cereals, nuts, citrus fruits, pork and beef liver, tomatoes.
Proteins proteinsWhen broken down, serve as a source of amino acids necessary for the production of glutamineMeat, milk, fish, eggs. It is found in some plants, but animal protein is better absorbed. Also, the digestibility of protein is affected by animal feed: the most effective protein is obtained from milk and meat of cows raised in environmentally friendly conditions. The more artificial additives in the feed mixture, the lower the quality of the product.

A complete and healthy diet will certainly increase the level of glutathione in the blood and tissue cells, but does not guarantee sufficient production. The quality of the products leaves much to be desired, some of the substances are destroyed during cooking, the daily routine does not allow eating right.

An alternative to food can be food supplements of natural origin containing glutathione complex and drugs.

  • Acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bis a broad-spectrum agent for enhancing immunity;
  • Whey protein - a food supplement based on a protein mixture; it is more often used to increase muscle mass, improve metabolism during weight loss, but can be recommended in case of a lack of protein foods;
  • Food additives labeled MSM contain dimethyl sulfone (aka sulfur);
  • Vitamin complexes containing useful microelements and vitamins B6, B12, C, E;
  • Special nutritional mixtures containing glutathione complex (cysteine, worms, glutamine);
  • Lipoic acid in dosage forms (may be called vitamin N or thioctic acid);
  • Milk thistle (or milk thistle) formulations contain unique plant flavonoids that repair damaged glutathione.

In addition, physical activity affects the production of glutathione. Clinical studies have shown that daily exercise can help maintain levels within the normal range.

Buying Glutathione on iHerb

Non-Medicinal Glutathione Boosting Forms Available On iHerb

Name, brandCompositionApproximate price, depends on the dollar exchange rate
Twinlab, L-GlutathioneL-Glutathione 100 mg.1000 RUB
Thorne Research, Glutathione-SRGlutathione (Reduced) 175 mg.2400 RUB
Acetyl Glutathione, NutricologyS-acetyl-L-glutathione (MJ923)About 3700 rubles.
Healthy Origins ReducedGlutathione produced by artificial fermentation L-Glutathione Reduced as N- (N-L-gamma-Glutamyl-L-cysteinyl) glycine, 250 mg.1400 RUB
RESURGEN inhalation sprayComponents for the synthesis of glutathione within the bodyRUB 3000
LypriCel GSHLiposomal glutathione3500 rbl
Reconstituted Glutathione Formula, 250 mg.1700 RUB

When choosing a drug, it is important to remember that reduced (ready-made) glutathione is poorly absorbed in the body. Amino acid formulations are considered more effective, they allow the synthesis of glutathione within the body, while maintaining its functions.

Before using any drug, you need to consult a doctor. Taking glutathione-containing preparations is carried out only according to the instructions.

Glutathione is a simple substance naturally produced in our body. It consists of amino acids or proteins: and.

Glutathione also contains sulfur-containing groups, which, due to the fact that sulfur is a very sticky substance with a strong odor, work in a similar way to sticky paper for catching flies. The stickiness allows this group to "trap" compounds harmful to the body, including toxins, heavy metals and free radicals.

Glutathione removes chemical compounds from the liver that are foreign to the bodysuch as pollutants and impurities, as well as drugs.

Our body processes glutathione. However, in cases where there are too many toxins or other harmful compounds in the body, the processing of glutathione becomes impossible. Consequently, your body becomes more susceptible to various diseases, your physical condition can deteriorate significantly.

Also, the level of glutathione in the body may be too low. This condition is called glutathione deficiency. It increases the risk of oxidative stress.

Lack of this substance also increases the likelihood of developing diseases such as Parkinson's disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Maintaining optimal levels of glutathione in the body is important to stay healthy. is he plays a huge role in breaking down nutrients, protecting the body and regulating immune responses.

1. Has anti-aging effect

Glutathione helps get rid of free radicals that can damage our bodies a lot. are highly active compounds that destroy cells. They form when molecules lose or gain an electron. Over time, the accumulation of free radicals damages many cellular components such as proteins, cell membrane and DNA. All this leads to the fact that you look older than your age.

Another important fact: Menopause leads to decreased levels of glutathione. For many women, this is comparable to a tragedy, since this is the time when the aging process becomes most evident.

Adequate levels of glutathione in the body can slow down the aging process. Glutathione is a knight who fights for your youth and beauty.

2. Fights oxidative stress

Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals that damage cells, DNA, and cell membranes manage to break through your body's defenses. And this condition carries with it a number of adverse consequences. If you do nothing, oxidative stress can lead to many different diseases, as well as accelerate the aging process.

Glutathione reduces oxidative stress and reduces the amount of reactive oxygen species in the body. All this protects DNA cells from possible damage.

In addition, by reducing oxidative stress, glutathione protects you from cancer and a wide range of other diseases and conditions.

3. Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is the body's response to irritation or damage to vascular tissue. The damaged area usually becomes hot to the touch, reddens or darkens, and swells and swells significantly. In addition, this condition may be accompanied by an infection.

Glutathione acts as an anti-inflammatory agent by preventing the production of inflammatory cytokines.

Cytokines are composed of several substances produced by cells in the immune system. They transmit signals between cells of the immune system, and also create immune cells that fight against certain threats that have managed to enter your body. Hence, cytokines help initiate the immune system's response.

However, in some cases, there may be too many cytokines, leading to serious health problems. Glutathione stops this increased production.

At normal levels, glutathione protects the body against a number of lung diseases caused by excessive inflammation.

4. Prevents stress and depression

Stress is the body's response to any stress. The stressor can be anything from major life changes to exercise and homework.

Depression is a serious affective disorder that affects your thinking, feelings, and / or the way you handle everyday tasks. And we are talking here about simple and familiar activities, such as work, sleep, raising children or eating.

With unhealthy glutathione levels, the body is unable to effectively resist the invasion of toxins, viruses and bacteria that can lead to serious illness, including mental illness.

In addition, low levels of glutathione in brain cells cause interruptions in the functioning of neurons, which is also the cause of many mental disorders.

Healthy levels of glutathione in the body can not only prevent depressive disorders, but also reduce stress. (,)

5. Limits damage to nerve cells

Neurodegeneration is a condition where nerve cells lose their structure and ability to function. Over time, damage to these cells becomes more and more, which leads to a gradual loss of cognitive function, for example, the ability to remember information and make decisions.

Glutathione limits nerve cell damage. Brain cells consume about 20 percent of the oxygen used by the body. However, they make up only 2 percent of the total body weight. Reactive oxygen species are continuously formed in the body as a result of oxidative metabolism.

Reactive oxygen species is a metabolic product that is formed from two parts of cells: mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. When combined, they destroy human cells and bacteria.

Glutathione eliminates the toxic effects of reactive oxygen species, thus limiting nerve cell damage. ()

6. Reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's disease

Oxidative stress in the nervous system is partially responsible for Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease is a progressive disease that affects the part of the nervous system that is responsible for movement.

The disease develops slowly and sometimes begins with mild tremors in the hands.
Parkinson's disease usually results in stiff and slow movements. In addition, it is associated with the loss of dopaminergic neurons located in one of the parts of the brain - the substantia nigra.

Patients with preclinical Parkinson's disease have low levels of glutathione in the substantia nigra.

7.Improves memory in Alzheimer's patients

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease that destroys brain function and memory. In the early stages, the disease may be barely noticeable.

Over time, it leads to the fact that a person forgets people and important events and undergoes serious changes (). As the disease progresses, brain cells die. The first symptoms of this disorder are forgetfulness and mild confusion.

To a certain extent, Alzheimer's is caused by oxidative stress as well as the accumulation of TDP-43, a DNA-binding protein, in the nervous system.

Both of these factors can reduce glutathione levels. Antioxidants will help slow down Alzheimer's disease, especially the most powerful of them - vitamin E. And increasing the level of glutathione in the body has a positive effect on patients with this disorder and helps to improve memory.

8. Helps get rid of infection

Treatment depends on the type of infection. In viral infections, abnormal amounts of oxidative stress in the cells are possible due to the following two factors. The first factor is the amount of inflammation in the body. The second is low glutathione levels.

Low glutathione levels also have a strong effect on diseases such as cystic fibrosis, COPD, and the flu.

For example, low glutathione levels reduce immunity.... Weak immunity leads to a greater risk of infection, which can worsen the disease and increase the likelihood of death.

Tuberculosis can also be associated with low glutathione levels.

In addition, lowering antioxidants decreases the function of macrophagocytes, which are used to fight infections. Increased levels of glutathione and cysteine \u200b\u200bare important for increasing microbial activity. ()

9. Helps with respiratory problems

Respiratory diseases are diseases that target the structure of the lungs, including the airways. This is not one disease, but a whole series of different disorders, which are characterized by an increase in the number of inflammatory cells.

Respiratory diseases include chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung damage.

According to research, low glutathione levels increase inflammation in the lungs, leading to asthma - respiratory tract disease. The results of the same studies showed that increasing glutathione levels decreased inflammation and, consequently, improved asthma symptoms.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung disease caused by oxidative damage to the lung tissue. Inflammation of the lung tissue causes symptoms such as coughing and difficulty breathing.

By using dietary glutathione supplements, tissue damage and oxidative damage to the lungs can be reduced. They also reduce the risk of developing COPD. (,)

10. Helps Fight Cancer

Cancer can occur in any organ. It occurs when cells begin to grow uncontrollably, displacing healthy cells. All this leads to the fact that the body has to work many times more actively than usual.

Cancer is a common name for many types of diseases that manifest themselves as a tumor - formation. For example, cancer can develop to the blood, rectum, or lungs.

Glutathione is an important factor in the life and death of cancer cells. Deficiency or decreased levels of glutathione can lead to increased cellular damage caused by oxidative stress. Such damage contributes to the development of cancer. Increased Glutathione Levels Reduce Throat and Oral Cancer Risk.

Another important point regarding glutathione and cancer: antioxidants play a large role in the repair of cells damaged by anti-cancer drugs.

Balancing your glutathione levels is important to fight cancer.

Some chemotherapy drugs can increase glutathione levels and protect against tumor growth. ()

11. Helps with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Obstructive sleep apnea is a common medical condition that stops breathing during sleep.

The rhythm may remain constant, but the breathing becomes shallow. Respiratory pauses can last from a few seconds to several minutes and occur up to 30 times per hour.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a chronic condition that leads to restless sleep.

Typically, this condition is associated with high levels of oxidative stress and low levels of glutathione.

Studies looking at glutathione levels and sleep quality have shown that increased glutathione levels improve sleep quality in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. ()

12. Makes kids smarter

Pregnancy is the period during which a fetus develops in the uterus. Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks or 9 months and is counted from the last menstrual period until delivery.

Low glutathione levels during pregnancy can negatively affect fetal brain development.

In addition, if the level of reactive oxygen species in the baby's body is high, it can lead to premature birth.

Adequate glutathione levels reduce reactive oxygen species in the fetus, which helps prevent premature birth and ensure normal brain development in the baby. ()

13. Reduces complications from diabetes

Type 2 diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels are too high, also called blood glucose. Insulin is needed to maintain normal blood sugar levels in these cases.

Both high sugar and type 2 diabetes reduce glutathione levels in the body, leading to a build-up of free radicals.

If blood sugar levels remain high for a long time, complications such as an increased risk of heart disease, kidney damage, and skin problems can occur.

Another complication after diabetes is nerve damage. Glutathione supplementation can reduce and even prevent these complications. ()

14. Helps Fight Liver Damage

The liver is the largest internal organ located on the upper right side of the abdominal region. The liver protects tissues from damage by flushing harmful toxins out of the bloodstream.

In addition, it repairs damaged tissues. The damage can result from alcohol abuse, a medical condition, or an inherited disorder.

Scarring of the liver can interfere with normal liver function. Symptoms of liver damage include an enlarged abdomen, nausea, jaundice, and vomiting. One of the reasons for this condition is oxidative stress.

Glutathione reduces oxidative stress, thus helping to maintain liver health.

Reduced glutathione supplementation helps with alcoholic fatty liver disease. Prevention of alcoholic fatty degeneration of the liver prevents the development of cirrhosis and liver cancer.

15. Prevents kidney disease

The kidneys are the filter that removes all waste from the blood. They also regulate blood pressure, water-salt balance, and red blood cell production.

When the kidneys are unable to function normally, as a result of which harmful substances accumulate in the blood, kidney failure develops.
Kidney failure symptoms include shortness of breath and abnormal heart rhythm. This disease is caused by oxidative stress.

A study of 20 hemodialysis patients due to long-term renal failure found that glutathione supplementation improved kidney function. ()

16. Glutathione is the enemy of acne

Acne is a condition that affects hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Small holes in the skin - pores - are connected to the sebaceous glands located under the skin, which produce an oily substance called sebum.

Sometimes sebum, hair, and dead skin cells become clogged in your pores, resulting in acne on your face or body. Acne is indicative of high levels of oxidative stress as well as low levels of glutathione.

Acne can occur whenever there is a decrease in antioxidant activity, such as a decrease in glutathione levels.

Increasing glutathione levels reduces oxidative stress and prevents acne. ()

17. Glutathione controls cell death

Cells in the body die when they get old, wear out, or become damaged. This is necessary for the proper functioning of our body. The cells are programmed to die after about 4 months.

Depletion of glutathione stores leads to the death of cellular pathways. For example, S-glutathionylation is vital for protein modulation and the onset of cell death.

Cells that lack glutathione can be damaged. Especially often, such damage can occur due to arachidonic acid.

Arachidonic acid is an omega-6 unsaturated fatty acid that the body needs to function properly. Thus, glutathione levels must remain normal to avoid early cell death. ()

18. Glutathione for radiant skin

Skin health can be damaged by overexposure to the sun, beauty products and unhealthy lifestyles. Such damage manifests itself in the form of dark spots and dullness of the skin.

Glutathione is a natural way to lighten skin.

Studies have shown that increasing glutathione levels make the skin appear more radiant and luminous. This is because glutathione stimulates the production of various types of melanin. ()

19. Helps in the treatment of glaucoma and cataracts

Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve, causing permanent and progressive loss of vision. Ultimately, glaucoma can lead to complete blindness.

Cataracts occur when too much protein builds up on the lens, making it cloudy. Both cataracts and glaucoma lead to the gradual loss of vision. Both of these conditions are caused by oxidative stress in the optic nerve.

Increasing glutathione levels can help reduce oxidative stress. ()

20. Helps in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects joint health. In addition, the disorder affects the lungs, eyes, skin, heart, and blood vessels in various ways. In rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system mistakenly attacks the tissues, which can lead to deformation and erosion of the joints.

For example, as chronic inflammatory disease progresses, the hands may become deformed.

Research has shown that antioxidant mechanisms may be impaired in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

The reason for this is a significant decrease in glutathione levels. In rheumatoid arthritis, levels of oxidative stress are usually very high. In order to correct this situation, it is necessary to increase the level of glutathione.

In this way, taking glutathione will increase the amount of antioxidants in the body and help manage the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. ()

Instructions for use

Side effects

Glutathione is also available in inhaled form. If you have asthma, then refrain from this intake of glutathioneas it can make asthma symptoms worse.

Side-effect studies were conducted in 38 subjects, aged 21 to 62 years. For four weeks, they received 1000 mg of glutathione per day. Certain side effects have been identified, which, however, were limited to loose stools, weight gain, and increased gas production. (,)

Another study involved patients with cystic fibrosis. Their intake of glutathione resulted in side effects such as diarrhea, tightness, and fever. No such side effects were observed in subjects without cystic fibrosis.

Glutathione can be both good and bad for patients with chronic inflammation.
Glutathione improves immune system function. In addition, it promotes the growth of T-lymphocytes.

However, research shows that the absence of glutathione also reduces the inflammatory response.

Glutathione dosage

With age, the amount of glutathione produced by the body decreases.

A decrease in glutathione levels leads to symptoms of various diseases. ()

Glutathione can be taken by inhalation, intravenous, oral, and sublingual. Oral glutathione is less effective than intravenous glutathione.


  1. Glutathione is naturally produced in the liver.
  2. Sometimes it may take more than your body can produce.
  3. Some diseases, such as Parkinson's disease or kidney disease, are associated with low levels of this antioxidant.
  4. Low glutathione levels can interfere with normal processes such as skin health.
  5. Taking supplements while pregnant or breastfeeding can be dangerous.
  6. Take vitamins C and E to help your body process the glutathione that your liver has already made.

Anna Streltsova

21.05.2018 21.01.2019
Good afternoon! I am a nutritionist and editor-in-chief of the site. My practice is in Riga, and the lecture can be heard in the city of Jelgava. An excellent team of professionals is working on our articles.

    Glutathione is a coenzyme of peroxidase - an enzyme that destroys organic peroxides without the formation of free radicals, thereby inhibiting the process of lipid peroxidation.

    Glutathione is involved in the work of glutathione transferase, an enzyme that gradually oxidizes the superoxide oxygen radical.

    Glutathione is a free radical scavenger.

    Participates in the oxidation of toxic products of peroxidation (acetaldehyde, etc.).

    Glutathione is a cysteine \u200b\u200breserve for the cell.

    Takes part in the transfer of amino acids across the cell membrane using the GGTP enzyme.

    Participates in the reduction of oxidized proteins, lipids, nucleic acids.

    It is involved in the implementation of the processes of neutralizing toxins in the liver.

The oxidized form of glutathione is reduced by the action of glutathione reductase. The coenzyme of this enzyme is NADPH. This reaction requires the presence of vitamin C.

In case of violation of the glutathione antioxidant system, the likelihood of the development of a tumor process, mutations increases, the aging of the body accelerates, and the sensitivity to radio radiation increases.


Vitamin C

Transdez amination

Exchange of individual amino acids

Vitamin C.

Role in metabolism

1. Supports metals with variable valence in a reduced state

a) Cu 2t ■ Cu + maintains activity

VitC catalase and SOD

b) Fe 3+ »Fe 2+

2. Is a cofactor of a number of metal-containing hydroxylases

a) Cu + - containing adrenal hydroxylase

Dopamine Norepinephrine

VitC y dehydroascorbate

b) Fe ~ + -dependent hydroxylase

Hair dryer: -<*Тир

c) Fe 2+ -acKOp6a-r-dependent hydroxylase of connective tissue:

Liz ** Oxylysin Boost

About\u003e. Procollagen strength hydroxyproline

3. VitC is a donor e for 111 tissue respiration complex.

Biochemicaland e violationsatinsufficiencyVitC

    Decreased activity of RT- and Fe 2+ -containing hemoproteins

    Increase FLOOR speed

    Decreased synthesis of pressor amines

    Decreased synthesis of tyrosine and its derivatives

    Weakening collagen strength

Laboratory d diagnostics

a) Acceleration of lipid peroxidation of membranes and lipoproteins with accumulation of malonic dialdehyde.

b) Decrease in the level of norepinephrine and its metabolite vanilyl mandelic acid.

THPA synthesis

Aromatic amino acids

para-aminobenzoate + 6-8 glu + pteridine\u003e .FK

FC THFK (FH4), while


Role in metabolism

1. Participates in the transfer of one-carbon residues:

a) N 5, N 10 \u003d CH-FH 4 -purine synthesis

b) N 10 -CHO-FH) - synthesis of purines

c) Conversion of homocysteine \u200b\u200bto methionine (together with B 12), N-CH3-FH 4 is formed

2. Undergoes partial oxidation during the synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides from ribonucleotides

ssdilate synthetase UMF eIMP

To maintain the FH4 level in this reaction, it is necessary to restore NADPH 2 NADP +

folate reductase

With the introduction of inhibitors of folate reductase (metatrexate and aminopterin), cell division slows down due to a lack of c! TMP.

Biochemical manifestations of folate deficiency

    Disruption of the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides and a decrease in the rate of synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins,

    Increased need for mezzanine,

    Accumulation of CH 3 B 12 -intermediate acceptor of methyl groups in the body, transferring them to FHt.

Laboratory diagnostics

a) Development of a kind of macrocytic anemia

b) Accumulation of formiminoglutamate: the transferred FHi group -CH \u003d NH binds to glutamate.

Pharmacological group: peptides; antioxidants
IUPAC name: (2S) -2-amino-4-1R-1-carboxymethyl carbamoyl-2-sulfanylethyl carbamoyl butanoic acid
Other names: γ-L-glutamyl-L-cysteine \u200b\u200bglycine
(2S) - 2-amino-5-2R-1- (carboxymethylamino) -1-oxo-3-sulfanidepropan-2-yl amino-5-oxopentanoic acid
Molecular Formula: C 10 H 17 N 3 O 6 S
Molar mass: 307.32 g mol-1
Melting point: 195 ° C; 383 ° F; 468 C
Solubility in water: easily soluble
Solubility in methanol, diethyl ether: insoluble

Glutathione is an important antioxidant in plants, animals, fungi and some bacteria and archaea. Glutathione prevents reactive oxygen species (free radicals and peroxides) from damaging important cellular components. Glutathione is a tripeptide with a gamma peptide bond between the side chain glutamate carboxyl group and an amino group (attached via a normal peptide bond with). Thiol groups are reducing agents that exist in animal cells at a concentration of about 5 mm. Glutathione reduces the formation of disulfide bonds in cytoplasmic proteins by serving as an electron donor. During this process, glutathione is converted to its oxidized form, glutathione disulfide (GSSG), also called L - (-) - glutathione. After oxidation, glutathione can be reduced again by glutathione reductase using NADPH as an electron donor. The ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione in cells is often used as a measure of cellular toxicity. A metabolic by-product, el-cysteine, can increase glutathione levels in the body, but using it to increase glutathione levels is ineffective and costly.

short information

Glutathione (γ-L-Glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine) is a small molecule containing (peptide), which contains one molecule of L-glutamic acid, L-cysteine, as well as Glycine in each individual molecule. This molecule is an absolutely natural component of the dietary supplements we use, and plays the role of the main antioxidant in the human body. The action of glutathione is highly dependent on the integrity of the "glutathione system", which contains enzymes that synthesize glutathione within the cell, as well as specially designed enzymes that use glutathione as a catalyst for all antioxidant effects. The glutathione supplement is designed to preserve the already existing supply of glutathione in the cells and thus maintain the efficient functioning of the entire system. Contrary to current theory, glutathione itself does not have a dedicated niche for it in the nutritional supplement system, and when it proves to be appropriate, it is most likely the most expensive and ineffective method to achieve one or another desired goal. All of this is ultimately due to the small number of pharmacokinetic aspects that make glutathione supplements inactive:

    1) Glutathione is a tripeptide of three amino acids, and although this particular tripeptide may resist hydrolysis, it is still mostly absorbed in the intestines.

    2) There is a possibility that glutathione can be absorbed through the intestines in its original form, but this substance in its pure form simply cannot enter the cell; glutathione must be pre-synthesized from (two molecules bound together) before use.

  1. Inflammation and immunology

    Virological interaction

    Macrophages in a human body infected with HIV have a higher concentration of GSSG (relative to reduced glutathione) than macrophages in uninfected people. This is believed to be due to the decreased expression of glutamine cysteine \u200b\u200bligase (GCLC) observed in macrophages in people with HIV infection. Macrophages isolated from HIV-infected patients on continuous antiretroviral therapy were incubated with microbacterium tuberculosis and 5-10μM glutathione, which led to an increase in reduced glutathione (53-93% in HIV + and 80-83% in the HIV control group). ), which coincided with N-acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bby only 10 mM. The difference in the content of the active substance persisted in the assessment of lipid peroxidation (through the analysis of malondialdehyde) and in a decrease in the intracellular growth of tuberculosis microbacteria.

    5interactions with oxidation


    Superoxide (O2-) is produced when one electron is removed by an oxygen (O2) molecule or subsequently produced by a by-product of metabolic reactions. Superoxide is a free radical with which both N-acetylcysteine \u200b\u200band glutathione can come into direct and non-enzymatic contact, although the rate constants of such reactions are weak (and thus these antioxidants are of low potency). Superoxide formation is a common first step in oxidant production, since the O2 oxidant can easily cross membranes (by analogy with H2O2, but not O2 -), and since O2 is ubiquitously required for metabolic reactions. Enzymes that use glutathione to exert enzymatic and antioxidant properties (peroxidases and S-transferases) do not seem to have potent antioxidant effects on the radical, and endogenous rejection of the necrotic site from viable tissues from O2 is usually processed by superoxide dismutases (SOD ), which are converted to superoxide hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Superoxide is one of the main free radicals that can have an oxidative effect in the cell, and is usually processed by the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which converts it to hydrogen peroxide as the concentration of glutathione decreases; glutathione and its enzymes do not have a particular antioxidant potential directly in superoxide reduction.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    The superoxide radical is converted to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by superoxide dismutase (SOD), and once this happens, the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx) is able to reduce it to H2O through the use of two glutathione tripeptides (and the subsequent formation of GSSG). H2O2 can also be obtained as a by-product of aerobic metabolic reactions. An antioxidant enzyme called catalase (a heme-containing enzyme) also removes H2O2 by decomposing it into water and oxygen. Catalase and GPx work together, so H2O2 can inactivate catalase at high concentrations, and it appears that catalase can be protected from inactivation by glutathione peroxidase. Glutathione, using the GPx enzyme, plays, along with catalase, a role in the reduction of potential oxidant compounds known as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). These enzymes can convert hydrogen peroxide back to water (or water or oxygen, in the case of catalase).


    The hydroxyl radical (OH, the neutral form of hydroxide has the formula OH) is a powerful radical produced by the reaction of O2 and iron through the "Fenton reaction" (the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with iron ions, which is used to destroy many organic substances). Unlike О2 and Н2О2, which are moderate and reversible oxidants, OH is an irreversible modifier of protein structures. It is believed that hydroxyl radicals mediate many negative reactions associated with increased concentration of H2O2 in cells, such as, for example, DNA damage.

    Peripheral organ system


    Inflammatory bowel diseases, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are characterized by an increase in oxidative stress and a concomitant decrease in the level of oxidative protection provided, for example, by the concentration of glutathione. In the gastrointestinal tissue, glutathione is the main non-enzymatic antioxidant. And, since the measures used to preserve this substance are usually also applied to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in animals with the same diseases, glutathione has thus been recognized as a therapeutic agent. In rats, injection of glutathione (200 mg / kg) one hour before the induction of colitis via trinitrobenzene sulphate acid (TNBS) appears to be protective compared to saline. After injection of 50 mg / kg glutathione in the form of injections daily, for eight weeks after the induction of colitis, there is an almost complete removal of lipid peroxidation and inflammation itself. Studies in people treated with mesalamine have used an additional 800 mg of N-acetylcysteine \u200b\u200b(which can restore glutathione levels), or a placebo. The protective effect of the combination therapy was mild and did not reach statistical significance.

    Male genital organs

    Male infertility is a condition characterized by excessive oxidative stress, therefore a possible therapeutic role for antioxidants in general has been suggested. In particular, a deficiency in glutathione peroxidase (due to a deficiency) appears to lead to defects in motility and morphology, by acting on the midsection of the sperm (the section between its head and tail). The therapeutic effect of glutathione was confirmed in one study using 600 mg of glutathione as an intramuscular injection, which in turn improved sperm motility. This particular finding (improved mobility) was also noted in a laboratory study when N-acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bwas used by infertile men for three months at a dose of 600 mg daily. Glutathione injections can improve male fertility by improving sperm morphology and motility. This effect has also been noted in preliminary studies using an oral N-acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bsupplement; no research has been done to date using glutathione supplements.

    Longevity and life extension


    The content of glutathione in cells decreases with aging, even in the absence of diseases, which leads to an increase in oxidative processes in the body. At least in aging rats, the reason for this seems to be a decrease in synthetic power in the second stage of glutathione anabolism (catalyzed by glutathione synthetase). However, there are no changes in the metabolism of γ-glutamyl transpeptidase or reduction of the substance as an antioxidant using glutathione reductase, although this mechanism has not been studied in humans. It was found, however, that the rate of synthesis of glutathione (fractional and absolute) in the elderly is lower compared to the control level in young people. This decrease may be associated with a decrease in the turnover of protein throughout the body (a change in the composition of BJU occurs with aging of the body), which would reduce the pools and, necessary for the synthesis of glutathione. Indeed, erythrocyte glutathione levels, as well as its constituent L-cysteine \u200b\u200band glycine (not glutamate), have been reported in lower amounts in older people than in young people. With the use of dietary supplements N-acetylcysteine \u200b\u200b(100 mg / kg L-cysteine) and (100 mg / kg), a 94.6% recovery in glutathione concentration was noted within two weeks, relative to the level of glutathione synthesis that is observed in youth. Inadequate dietary protein intake can also result in decreased glutathione levels. However, both a decrease in glutathione synthesis and a change in its composition can also be caused in healthy adults by limiting the level of protein consumed in food or only sulfur-containing amino acids found in dietary protein. Glutathione levels appear to be reduced in older adults compared to youth, even if there are no obvious disease states. By eating the precursors of glutathione (s), glutathione levels can be restored in those people whose glutathione levels recovered fairly quickly in their younger years.

    Other medical conditions


    Glutathione metabolism has been studied in people with autism. Autism is associated with an increase in oxidative metabolites such as malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced mineral chelates such as seruloplasm and transferrin (leading to the production of more free minerals known to contribute to oxidative stress). All this suggests that, in general, the state of the body of children with autism is more pro-oxidative than antioxidant. Plasma levels of glutathione and its reduced form are low in autistic children compared with the control group, and the level of oxidized glutathione is higher. No changes were found in glutathione reductase activity in autistic children and in the control group, although glutathione peroxidase has different indicators (suppression and increase - both indicators were recorded). The GSSG: GSH ratio (usually indicative of glutathione reductase activity) also increases, suggesting greater oxidation in autistic patients compared to controls. Autism in general is a condition characterized by excessive oxidative stress compared to controls. Since glutathione is the main constituent of the antioxidant system in the body, antioxidant disorders throughout the body extend to the glutathione system, which has been shown to be less active in children with autism relative to the control group. One study in autistic children was conducted using either nutritional supplements (50-200 mg fat-soluble glutathione per approximately 13 kg body weight twice daily in increasing doses) or transdermal supplementation (135-405 mg in three divided doses in increasing doses ). The study noted slight increases in total glutathione in both treatments and an increase in reduced blood glutathione in the supplement group; since the study measured the baseline severity of autism, these measurements were not repeated after illness.

    5interactions with nutrients

    Alpha lipoidic acid

    Alpha lipoidic acid (ALA) is a thiol-containing antioxidant that is produced in the mitochondria from octanoic acid, used as a REDOX antioxidant (in oxidized and reduced forms) and a mitochondrial enzymatic cofactor. Although it shares similarities with glutathione in that it contains a sulfur-containing antioxidant unlike glutathione, alpha lipoid acid can provide intact absorption from the intestines and can be effectively used by the body as a dietary supplement. ALA appears to play a role in glutathione synthesis. Glutathione cannot be transferred between intact cells; instead, L-cystine is transported between cells to provide L-cysteine \u200b\u200bfor glutathione synthesis. Since L-cystine is a product of oxidative activity (two oxidized molecules are bonded to each other), ALA can combine L-cystine molecules into two and thereby increase the level of glutathione synthesis, releasing its precursor, which is a substrate necessary for the synthesis step , which limits the reaction rate in the general synthesis of glutathione. In addition, GSSG (the oxidized form of glutathione) can be directly converted back to rGSH by lowering the level of alpha-lipoic acid, which in turn becomes its oxidized form (dihydrolipoic acid). This general supportive role of alpha lipoic acid in glutathione activity has been noted in various cellular studies and seems to be possible even in vivo in rats with 16 mg / kg ALA in the body. Alpha Lipoic Acid can reduce the amount of oxidized glutathione, thereby increasing the efficiency and preserving the action of glutathione in the cell.