Training program for a set of muscular. Training program for an increase in force. Basic exercises: Basic Rules

Directed on the growth of power parameters in one movement. It means that the athlete trains its ability to raise greater weight in one approach. Of course, it will also grow other power indicators, but first of all the weight on the rod will grow in one repetition.

What is it for? The fact is that there is a golden bodybuilding rule - two muscles are always stronger than one. Muscular fibers are divided into quick and slow. Slow muscle fibers are trained by volumetric workouts for mass, but quick muscle fibers are best trained in power programs. Accordingly, if you download all muscle quality, then, in the end, the result will be higher than if you swing only alone muscular fibers.

The training program for power is badly pumping slow muscle fibers, which give the main muscle mass, but in the mass you will add anyway. It is impossible to increase strength without increasing the mass, while you not only increase your potential, developing fast muscle fibers, but also lifting the power indicators, you can make it easier to progress, exercising under the training program for a mass recruitment program.

During the training of power indicators, you will often have to work with submaximal weights, so you need the load microperiodization. The essence of this process is that you are not constantly moving forward, but do it with waves. Those. You must alternate light, medium and heavy workouts. If you will neglect this, you will earn the overtraining and, or stop progressing, or your strengths will start sliding down at all.

The need for microperiodization occurs because the body simply does not have time to recover. But, if you are saturated with weight less than weight exceeding your own twice, then you can do without microcreenization, constantly giving yourself heavy workouts. True, only if you are hung out and not very tired in everyday life. The training program for strength requires self-dedication, forget about alcohol! An excellent solution will be a Creatine Course, this sports additive will be very effective for this program.

Before you start a training program, you must perform the "penetration". The essence lies in the fact that you are warm up, then put some weight on the bar, with which you can approximately make 2-3 repetitions, but do only 1, after which you begin to increase the weight of the barbell with each approach until you can perform an approach. The maximum weight with which you could do the exercise is your maximum weight from which you will consider interest.

I day - Legs and breasts
Squats with a bar of 90% - 7 approaches: 5; five; five; four; 3; 2; one
Pym lying 70% - 5 approaches 5 repetitions

You need to know the following:

  • If your biceps size is 35 cm, and you want to start building muscles, then forget about working on the press.
  • The list of best exercises to increase the volume of muscles is very short, and you must perform them in each workout, since the technique is a key point in achieving the result.
  • The range of 5-10 repetitions is extremely effective for building muscle, and the experience of the athletes of the last century confirms it.

So get ready for what you will fast Pick up muscle mass. I have a program that will help you with this, but first several recommendations.

1. Working on the increase in the mass, forget about everything else

The guys with the amount of hand at 35 cm sometimes ask me about the program for the mass, but at the same time they want to work on the press, to do Cardio, etc. When your biceps is 40-45 cm in grip, only then you can do all this.

2. Increase the time of stay under load

You must give the body a power load and hold it within a few minutes (not dropping the bar on the floor or the power frame). My program is based on this approach.

3. Clear high and regularly

You must stop worrying about each consumed calorie, in nutrition there should be a permanent calorie surplus to force the body to gain weight. In the first year of college, I scored 18 kg in 4 months, eating a few sandwiches before dinner. Also, a prerequisite is post-train.

4. Rest and recover completely

I understand that each of you have a lot of things to do after training. However, if you do not sleep for 8 or more hours at night, it is negative to reflect on the restoration and growth of muscle fibers. Many famous bodybuilders prefer a long day dream to gain a mass. Remember that the body grows during rest.

5. Perform a small amount of exercises

Good muscle growth programs include only a few exercises. It is best for me to build muscles when I perform about 7-8 exercises.

6. Perform a small number of repetitions.

Although people usually increase new muscle fibers in a small repetition range (1-5) with large working scales, but for many such an approach may be difficult. While you can not lift 180 kg in the bench press, snew with 200 kg and laying 270 kg in the stroke, perform 5-10 repetitions. It will very well affect the growth of the muscles.

7. Never make less than 10 repetitions in squats

Many people ignore this advice (mainly Powed), but for most it is reasonable. Each time you make squats, perform 10 repetitions. This provides the necessary time under load, and also stimulates the work of the whole body (and incites appetite!).

8. Determine the necessary time to rest

Many newbies ask such a question: "How long should you rest between approaches?". There is no unambiguous answer to it. An advanced athlete may need a year to recover from a record, and another newcomer has been full of strength after a few seconds and is ready for the next approach. I think that for rest and restoring the forces between approaches, it is enough to rest for about 3 minutes in squats and bend lying, and 90 seconds in all other exercises. Again, these figures can vary in individual cases.

9. Do not train before refusal

Always end the approach with feeling that another 1-2 repetitions could do. We all love frames from the movie "Sharing Iron" where forced repetitions are demonstrated, but for most guys who want to gain muscle mass, while early starting such a practice. It is better to perform 1-2 additional approaches than to postpone in one.

10. Take care of yourself

This is the old board for those for the cold pore of the year, wear warm clothes so that the body does not spend the resources for heating. Park closer. Save forces and energy on everything. Sit more. Remember that such a routine is not for life, but for a short period of time until you dial.

Training to increase muscle mass

This program is based on the old and well-proven training concept. It involves the daily repetition of the same exercises, but in each workout you focus on certain parts of the body. For example, you focus on squats in the program "C", but still continue to do exercises from the programs "A" and "B".

There are several good reasons for this approach. First, the technique is the key to muscle growth. You do not increase a lot of body weight if you constantly remind yourself of the wrong position of the elbow when performing the press lying. In addition, you can be injured. Secondly, the list of better exercises for the massset is very short, and you must often perform them. Everything is very simple. Enjoy!

Muscle growth exercises

Lifting and dumbbells

Take the dumbbells in your hands, stand straight and slightly bend the legs in the knees. Bend your hands by bringing the dumbbells to the shoulders (lifting on the biceps). From this position, lift the dumbbells up above your head (bench). This is one repetition. Return your hands to the original position and repeat the movement. Make 10 repetitions.


You will make squats on each workout. There is no more efficient exercise for muscle buildup. You must learn to perform it correctly.

Range traction on straight legs

This is the only "toning" exercise in the entire program. Take a light bar and slightly bend the legs in the knees. Lower the weight to the level of the legs, and then raise back. Try to include the hip biceps, and not the bottom of the back. If you are not clear how to perform this exercises, give up it. It is toning (after squats), and not training.


In addition to tightening perfectly work out the widest muscles of the back, they are also the best exercise for abdominal muscles. I have not yet met a man who would be able to make 20 and more pull-ups, and he would not have a beautiful press.

Traction exercise for muscles back in simulators

In recent years, I changed the attitude towards the simulators. The classic rod rod in the slope is a great exercise if you do it right. But with this just have many problems. If your room has a good simulator who does not load the lower back, please use it.

Rush lying

Performing the bench press with dumbbells, you can wash perfectly to ride the breast muscles, front deltoid and load triceps without risk to get injuries (if you select the right working weight).


I always considered the bending of the hands with a bar as expensive to an increase in the overall level of force. I once saw how one guy raised a 100 kg to the biceps weighing 100 kg, not rounding the back and not rejecting the elbows back. He had truly huge hands.

"Farmer walk"

If you have enough strength to take the weight of half the mass of your body into each hand, and bring it a certain distance, then you will understand that it is possible to pump absolutely all muscle groups of the body.

Training program for a lot 3 times a week

Training "A"

The exercise Approaches Repeat
A. Lifting and dumbbells 5 5
B. Squate with a barbell

Each approach increase the working weight

2 10
S. Traction on straight legs 1 20
D. Chest thrust in the simulator or block

Try to keep the voltage in the positive phase. Work is most intensively.

5 5
E. Tighting

Make so many approaches as needed to perform 25 repetitions. If you are too easy, use extra weight.

F. Rush Lyja 3 5
G. Rod rise to biceps

Gradually increase weight with each approach

3 5
N. Farmer walk

Perform 1 approach with heavy dumbbells. Try to end the approach at the rack with dumbbells.


Training "B"

The exercise Approaches Repeat
A. Lifting and dumbbells

Try to cut rest time

3 5
B. Squate with a barbell

In the second approach, increase the working weight. This is a training for training "C"

2 10
S. Traction on straight legs 1 20
D. Block to Breast

Work less intensively than in training "A"

3 5
E. Tighting

Make so much approaches as needed to perform 15 repetitions. If you are too easy, use burden

F. Rush Lyja

Before performing 5 prescribed approaches, make a pair of warm-up repetitions. All approaches must be relatively heavy.

5 5
G. Rod rise to biceps

You must feel burning and muscle and pamping

3 10
N. Farmer walk

Go from the rack with dumbbells as far as possible, lower the dumbbells on the floor, relax, and then return back.


Training "C"

The exercise Approaches Repeat
A. Lifting and dumbbells

Try to cut rest time

3 5
B. Squate with a barbell

Increase weight with each approach. The last approach should be the hardest.

5 10
S. Traction on straight legs 1 20
D. Traction Block to Breast

Try to keep the voltage in the positive phase. Work as intense as possible.

2 5
E. Tighting

Make such a number of approaches as needed to perform 12 repetitions. But it is advisable to make them in one approach. If you feel that you can significantly more, use extra weight.

F. Rush Lyja

Try to finish the last approach with feeling that you could make a couple of repetitions

5 5
G. Rod rise to biceps

2 approaches from 5 repetitions + 1 approach from 10 repetitions. Excellent combination - first work for strength, and then on pamping

2/1 5/10
N. Farmer walk

Try every week to increase the working weight. Lay out the most. Go through a large distance, stop, pass and try to go a little further. Do not forget that you need to do the way back.


After 6 weeks of staying on the diet and perform these workouts, you will see results. Before you start following the program, make a photo "before", and after it is completed "after". The growth of muscle body weight depends on many factor, but I have seen how much this program is more effective than those that I often come across the Internet.

In this article, you will learn how to build muscle mass with a different body constitution. You will be able to determine your type of physique and choose the workout program under your structure and the power plan for a successful increase in muscle volume.


This type of physique has usually high growth with a narrow skeleton. Long muscles have a small amount of muscle fibers. Athletes of this type are severely gaining mass. Successful athletes-ectomorphs have a very aesthetic physique from the point of view of bodybuilding. Such athletes are characterized by rapid metabolism. In the absence of physical exertion, the ectomorphs cannot increase the mass, because All excessive energy from consumed food is simply dissipated in the form of heat, therefore ectomorphs are not inclined to the formation of subcutaneous fat.

Training program

Each training in the gym in Ektomorphs (Hardgeener) should include basic exercises with free weight. Such exercises activate large muscle groups, increase the level of testosterone - all this gives powerful gives impetus to the growth of the entire muscle skeleton. It follows from more than three times a week. Ektomorphs require a full-fledged rest after each workout.

Only after complete recovery can be returned to the hall. Keep energy balance is the main task of an athlete with the asthenic type of physique. It is necessary to make sure to consume more calories than is burned in the hall. The duration of training is not more than 1 hour, ideally - about 45 minutes for which three exercises need to do with four main approaches.

Monday (biceps + chest)

Pour lying - 4x8;

Pour on an inclined bench 4x8;

Lifting to biceps (dumbbells / rod - alternate in different training days) - 4x10.

Wednesday (legs)

Squats with a bar of 4x8;

Rise on socks 3x 20;

Romanian traction 4x 12 times.

Friday (triceps + spin)

Range traction - 4x12;

Tightening with a wide grip - 4 to the maximum of repetition

Narrow grip - 4x12;

Monday (shoulders + legs)

Hollow feet 4x15;

Army bench press 4x12;

Rod rod to chin - 3x12.

It is important to remember that Hardgenener should limit soy physical activity outside the gym - a different race of sport, where to spend a large amount of energy.

Large energy losses from training should be compensated by abundant consumption of proper food. It is advisable to divide food meals for 6-7 times. The total percentage of carbohydrates should be at least 60-70%, the remaining substances are proteins and fats.

An example of a daily ration

Breakfast 1 (6:30)

  • oatmeal 100g;
  • olive oil h. Spoon.
  • milk 250 ml;
  • raisin 60 g;

Breakfast 2 (09:30)

  • chicken breasts 150 g;
  • buckwheat 100 g;
  • olive oil Art. the spoon.

Lunch (before training) 13.00-14.00

  • macaroni 100 g;
  • chicken breasts, veal, pork (not abuse) 150 g;

Food before training (for 1 or 1.5 hours)

  • bread a few pieces.
  • honey 2st. Supplements;
  • cottage cheese 150 g;

Food after training

  • chicken breasts - 100 g
  • rice (suitable any porridge) - 70 g;

Dinner 21:00

  • milk 500g.
  • muesli 100g.

Pay attention to the presence of low-fat meat, sometimes pork, fish, soups. Hardgeener ideally should not feel feelings of hunger, so there should always be an energy bar, apples, nuts, driers, etc., should always be at hand.

Among the effective sports additives to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract, (ectomorphs should have a lot) you can select the heiner - a carbohydrate mixture, which can be taken before and after training. This product will saturate the body by the main construction materials.

Prospects for further growth.

Hardgeeners are doomed to the search for the eternal golden middle - they constantly need to follow and improve their nutrition and training program to add in weight. Exercises, as well as a product consumption program - you need to gradually change and improve.

Mesomorphs and muscle growth

This type is characterized by wide and thick bones and the middle level of subcutaneous fat, and the muscle corset consists of a large amount of muscle fibers. Mesomorphs are ideal for bodybuilding classes, because Quite quickly gains weight with balanced nutrition. Their metabolism allows you to absorb a large amount of protein that directly goes to the construction of muscles.

Mass exercise program

Training in mesomorph should undergo on the principle of constant change in the types of exercises and their intensity, the main exercises should be complemented by high-quality insulating approaches to individual muscles. Intense weeks of training must alternate with lightweight. Aerobic exercises should be limited to 2-3 times a week not more than 20-30 minutes for training.


Rods are lying 4x6-10;

Rods at the inclined bench 3x8-10;

Exploration of dumbbells on a bench with a horizontal bias 3x10-12;

Tightening the head (wide grip) on the turnstile 3x8-12;

Traction in the tilt of the T-shaped rod 4x8-12.

Lifting legs on the crossbar of 4khmax.


Shragi with dumbbells 3x10-14;

The rise of the curved grid on the Scott Bench 3x10-12;

Raising dumbbells on biceps 3x10-12;

Lift to the biceps bar stand 4x8-12;

Breeding dumbbells standing 3x10-12;

Rods of the barbell above the head sitting 4x8-12.


French bench press 4x8-10;

Lifting dumbbells because of the head standing or sitting 3x12-14;

Hyperextenia with hydration 4x12-14;

Twisting on the inclined bench 3khmax;

Reverse twisting 3khmax.


Squats with a bar 4x10-12;

Rises on socks 4x14-16.

Muscle growth

Frequently separated food should consist of 5-7 meals. It should be diverse, because the mesomorph is quite easily gaining muscle mass and burns fat. The mesomorph menu includes both carbohydrates and proteins in a 60/40 ratio. This ratio may vary depending on the results of workouts. If it is actively increasing both muscle mass and fatty layers - it is necessary to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and compensate for it by an increase in protein consumption. Protein cocktails - how to anyone else, help the mesomorph to increase muscle mass.

Approaches in nutrition can be diverse. Some athletes eat everything in a row and actively gain a mass. At a certain point, when the masses are sufficient - they begin the drying process to reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat.

Non-fat meat, fruits, vegetables, cereals, fish are indispensable products for any athlete, including mesomorph. Therefore, adhere to a strict diet, as other athletes with a different type of physique, do not need - the diet should be simply balanced.

Prospects for further growth

Mesomorphs have the most outstanding capabilities for a set of muscle mass. Most successful competing athletes are representatives of this type. A wide skeleton is adapted for a significant increase in the volume of the muscular corset. The phased change in the training program and the power supply system is the key to achieving significant results.


This type is people with a tendency to a set of excess weight. The speed of their metabolism is slow enough, which in case of insufficient physical activity affects the rapid increase in the number of subcutaneous fat.

Training program

Endomorph training should be aimed at burning more calories and to accelerate their own metabolism. Power workouts alternate with aerobic (running, swimming, running sports).

Monday (strength exercises)

  • Running -15 min;
  • Rods are lying 4x10;
  • Cries with a bar 4x10;
  • Dead traction 4x8;
  • Running 15min.

Tuesday (insulating exercises)

  • Running 15 min;
  • Army press 3x12;
  • Rod for biceps 3x12;
  • Top block in front of them with a narrow grip of 3x12;
  • Traction of the upper block in front of it3x15;
  • Shragi 3x12.

Wednesday (reinforced cardio)

  • Running 15min;
  • Push bar 1x10, 1x8, 2x5;
  • Jerk rod 1x10, 1x8, 2x5;
  • Running 20 min.

Friday (power)

  • Cries with a bar 4x10;
  • Dumbbell dumbbells lying 4x12;
  • Rods are lying in a narrow grip of 4x12;
  • Rod rod in the slope on the back 4x12.


Endomorphs must limit the consumption of simple carbohydrates and compensate for this by increased protein intake. The power circuit should be at least six. Compared to mesomorphs, endomorphs should consume less carbohydrates. The menu should include vegetable salads, low-fat cottage cheese, apples (fruit without significant sugar content), fish fish, fermented milk products. Special attention should be paid to the consumption of fish, as the source of omega-3 unsaturated fats, which contribute to the fat burning process in the body.

In the days of training, you need to increase the consumption of carbohydrates, and in the days of rest - increase protein consumption. For this, protein cocktails are perfect. Some endomorphs practiced the following fairly efficient supply scheme: separate consumption of carbohydrates and proteins. 70% of carbohydrates is used until noon. The protein begins to be used to the rest of the day on the growing scheme. Excellent sports nutrition products are fat burners, which are saturated with useful non-fat acids, will not be superfluous to any trainee endomorph.

Prospects for further growth

The success of the endomorph is very dependent on the proper power supply and the availability of aerobic workouts. It is important to understand that as soon as the workouts stop, the metabolism begins to slow down, which leads to a sterely set of adipose tissue due to the specificity of the metabolism of this type of people. You need to be prepared for what you have to think about the organization of self-discipline in order not to miss training. Endomorphs need to train longer and more often than ectomorphs. Stubborn workouts that will drive the tenth sweat from endomorph - take advantage of it in the presence of proper nutrition.

What needs to be done in order to have a beautiful and of course, the first thing you need to develop a foundation, from which it will later and will be molded the figure of your dream. For the mass - the basis with which each bodybuilder should start. There is no point to immediately begin to dry - after all, in order to make the muscles with beautiful and relief, they must be met for a start.

must be carried out in compliance with several conditions. It:
  1. Clear schedule.
  2. Compliance
  3. Sufficient time to relax.

It is worth remembering that if you intend to deal seriously, non-compliance with even one of these rules can delay you on the way to your goal. Consider each other.


The training program for mass implies a clearly established schedule of classes. It should contain days of training and recreation, as well as the exercise system for each classes. Bodybuilders are most popular with a schedule, which includes three workouts per week. This option is ideal for newcomers and mid-level athletes. With such a method of training, the muscles have time to fully recover to the next lesson. Training on the mass (3 days) allows you to evenly distribute all the main

For bodybuilders, a higher level is possible to use four or five-day split. Such frequent workouts are necessary in order to carefully work out each group of muscles.


In order for the muscle training for the mass brings the fruit, you need to start correctly eat. And this is not only excluding alcohol, fast food and other harmful food. For bodybuilder, the right nutrition has a slightly different value than for an ordinary person.

Do not talk about what is needed correctly and often - at least 6 times a day. In addition, with a set of mass, it is important to drink a large amount of water, especially in training.

Sports nutrition

In the world of bodybuilding there is a huge number of all kinds of food and additives. For a more efficient set of mass during training, the following types are best used:

  • Heiners.
  • Proteins.
  • Amino acids.

Amino acids are also suitable for people of all types. They accelerate the growth and restoration of the muscles after workout.


The training program for the mass will not bring a sense without sufficient time to restore. The same muscle group should not train more often once a week - overtraining will contribute to the fact that classes will bring more harm than good. If there are symptoms such as loss of appetite, sensation of pain or weight loss, you need to suspend training for a while.

Any fitness room provides a huge selection of all sorts of simulators and exercises. But for a set of mass, not all of them are equally useful. Of course, each of them will play well on your body in its own way, but still it is worth paying the focus of basic exercises. It includes those exercises that use several muscle groups at once. These include:

  • Lyzh's bench.
  • Deadlift.
  • Cap with a barbell.

Despite the schedule for which you do, these exercises must necessarily be included in the program.

Rush Lözia

It is the easiest, but at the same time one of the most effective exercises. It can be performed in two ways - a wide or narrow grip, but only the first option will be disassembled in this article.

In the first case, the main load falls on the breast muscles, the front delta and triceps are also involved. The width of the grip is determined individually for each person. It should be known that the wider grip, the smaller the path of the rod from the top point to the chest, and the stronger the breast muscles are involved. But it is not necessary to take too wide, select the optimal position from which you can do this exercise the set number of times. Despite all the seeming simplicity, there are several nuances in performance.

First, this is the number of approaches and repetitions. For muscle buildup, the optimal option is to hold 3-4 approaches of 6-8 repetitions. It is important to increase the weight from the approach to approach. With the right selection of weight, the latest repetitions must be performed with a small help of those who are sick.

Secondly, when performing a leather press, you can adjust the position of the bench. So, if the legs are above the chest level, the lower beam of the chest muscles will be activated. If, on the contrary, the chest will be above the level of the legs, then the upper beam is activated.

With a prerequisite for the performance of Lözia, the bar is that the rod should touch the chest at its lower point. Only after that you can start squeezing it into its original position. It is also necessary that the feet and buttocks are tightly pressed and did not move during the exercise.


No training program for the mass can be considered so without becoming a traction. This exercise is the most complex of the Arsenal Bodybuilder. When it is fulfilled, absolutely all muscle groups are involved, but it works only if the technique is properly observed.

Many start-up athletes do not use this exercise in their classes due to the fact that allegedly can be injured. However, every exercise to some extent is dangerous, and you have more chances to get injured without becoming becoming. If you do not chase over maximal weights, comply with the technique and use the fixing belt, the risk to damage the back is minimized.

When performing this exercise, many errors are often performed. And they make not only newcomers, but also experienced athletes. For example, it is important to know that the milling traction must be executed from the lower position. That is, you do not need to put a bar for any rack before starting the exercise.

The first rise from the floor is important to conduct, cycling the hodges for a push - raising the bar, using just back, you can easily get injured.

Another common mistake is that many do not consider it necessary to lower the barrel to the floor. Remember - it is also important how to touch the breasts when performing the leather bench.


It is the main exercise for pumping the bottom of the body. It allows you to increase the strengths and promotes the rapid set of muscle mass.

The main mistake of all newcomers is that they just squat down. When performing this exercise, it is necessary to allocate the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks back and breed a little toward the knees. This reduces the load on the lumbar department and makes the exercise more efficient and safe. It is also worth using a fixing belt.

Another common mistake, mainly among beginners, is the position of the grid. It is necessary to put a barbell only on otherwise you can easily earn an injury of cervical vertebrae.

For different people, grip is configured individually. But mainly keeping hands needed in position a little wider shoulders. This may be a problem for high-level bodybuilders with a developed shoulder area or for people with sedentary joints.

At home, the process of setting the mass will be much more complicated and long. Nevertheless, it is mostly necessary to do in the hall, but do not despair, if it is impossible. Despite the fact that the progress from domestic training will require more time, it is compensated by the fact that you do not need to go anywhere and spend extra money at the gym. But it will also require much more motivation - at home you will be much easier to give yourself an overlook. If there are no problems with this, then some exercises for home training will be listed below.

Home training for a mass set is different from classes in the hall, but still you can notice some similarity. For example, the bench press can be replaced by conventional pushups. The vulture in this case will be replaced with your own weight.

Pressing can be performed in several ways:

  1. Classic floor pushups. They will develop breast muscles and slightly use triceps.
  2. Push-ups on supports. Hands are put on some racks (for example, stools), legs should also be supplied to some support. In this exercise it is important to achieve maximum amplitude of repetitions. It works in more detail in the chest muscles.
  3. Handing standing. This exercise is performed standing on the hands, the legs are clouded onto the wall. These pushups work shoulder muscles.
  4. Push ups in a narrow stop. Palms should be put, almost touching each other. This exercise works well for the triceps.

Several types of exercises can be distinguished, which will help to work out the lower part of the body at home:

  1. Squats. Classic squats will help to pump up the quadriceps of the legs, and will also use biceps and buttocks slightly. Performing squats, it is important to watch the knees look at the same side as socks.
  2. Fallen. Excellent exercise that can be performed in the gym, and at home. It can be performed both using dumbbells and using only its own weight. It works out the entire bottom of the body - ranging from the buttocks, ending with the eggs.

If you have a horizontal bar at home, then you can additionally develop the muscles of the hands and backs. Conventional pull-ups are well developed by the shoulder area and muscles of the biceps and triceps of the hand. The wider grip when performing, the more the widest muscles of the back and the blades region will be involved.

You can then perform the main load will receive biceps of hands.

If you have ever wondered: "How to become stronger?", After reading the article, you will learn how to achieve it. You can independently make up your training program. The article raises the frequency of training, the optimal holiday time between approaches and exercises. Explains the method of periodization of loads, as well as a way to select the right working weight. In addition, you will learn how to avoid random injuries.

Frequency training

For the development of power qualities, in each workout you will have to work with great weights, as a result, you will need more time to relax and restore. It is believed that the larger the athlet weight, the less he should do. In case of power, the central nervous system (CNS) is significantly loaded and if the muscles are enough for several days to restore, then in order to avoid the state of overtraining, you will have to increase the rest time. Some athletes do not attach training for a weekly cycle, but are engaged in two or three days. You need to choose the frequency of the training so that you would come to every new occupation with a slight feeling of "attack", but not fatigue or pain.

Selection of exercises for power progress

To raise a heavy item from the floor, the hands of the hands are not enough, you will need to connect your back and legs. From the example it is clear that it is impossible to become strong applying only "single-storey" exercises, like rod lifts on biceps. For power progress, you should focus on movements, when performing which, many muscle groups are involved. The most important exercises for the development of force - a rainfall, squatting with a barbell on the shoulders and bench press, they are "multi-sowing". They were nicknamed by the "base". They should become the basis of your program. To eliminate weak points and filling the muscles with blood, use auxiliary exercises. Depending on the muscular group, you can use: slopes with a barbell, hyperextension, bench kicks - for legs; Pressing from the floor and on the bars, the bench - for the upper shoulder belt, the thrust in the block simulator, pull-ups - for the back.

How much make hikes and repetitions

In the "Base" should be performed from three to six working approaches. The weight of the bar must gradually increase with each new network. In training for strength, in the main exercises, the number of repetitions should not exceed 8. In the auxiliary exercises, the number of repetitions can be increased to 10-15, since their main task is to download a large amount of blood in the training groups of muscles.

How to determine the working weight

Select the necessary working weight can be only using the sample. Dedote a few workouts to determine your maximum maximum (PM). To do this, after the warm-up, make an approach with such a weight that you can raise (shake) about 10 times, then rest and try to master a little more larger weight on the maximum number of repetitions. So gradually take the rod until you can handle it only once. This will be your PM. You can still take advantage of the formula: (weight of the rod * 0.0333 * count. Repetitions) + weight of the rod \u003d 1 pm, where 0.0333 is a correction coefficient. For example, you shook 100 kg 8 times, then, according to the formula, your approximate PM will be: (100 * 0.0333 * 8) + 100 \u003d 126 kg.

Rest between approaches

In case of force with burden over 80% of PM, used mainly stocks of creatine phosphate (CRF) contained in our muscles. Considering the foregoing, rest between the sets should be from 2 to 6 minutes. During this time, part of the CRF in muscle fibers will be restored and one more approach will be performed. Whatever, the rest between the exercises was not delayed, they should alternate them, for example, after the squat to switch to tightening or dumping dumbbells.

Exercise speed

With training for strength, you must work in an explosive manner. That is, go down with a barbell (on the critic), slowly and controlled, as if "stretching", then shoot up as a spring. The same applies to the yield of lying and craft, it accounts for about 2-3 seconds, up to 1 second.

Load cycling

It is impossible on each training session to linearly increase weight on the rod, this will over time will lead to the state of overtraining. For power progress, load should be cyclized. Options for periodization of workouts There is a huge amount. But their essence comes down to alternate heavy workouts with medium and light. You can, for example, in the first week, combine lightweight, with a hard press, and on the second - squats will be heavy, and the press is light. Periodization in a microcycle in the case of the press of the rod standing may look like this: Monday is 60 kg per repetitions, Wednesday - 80 * 6, Friday - 40 * 12. In this case, the intensity of the training (weight of the rod * the number of repetitions / the number of approaches) is preserved.

How to insure against injuries

While working in basic exercises, always ask a friend or trainer to use you. Also, never neglect the use of belt, knee pads and cruise bands. Always keep track of implementation technique, with strict observance, the risk is very low. Do not forget to warm up well before working approaches, as well as use warming ointments before training.

An example of a power program

And in conclusion, a specific example of a training program for the development of force. It is suitable for novice athletes. Interest is calculated from your PM. The macrocycle consists of 12 classes, choose the frequency of workouts for well-being, but no more than 4 times a week.

  1. Captured - 70% * 5, 75% * 5, 80% * 5 hyperextenia 5 approaches * 15 times twisting 5P. * 12P.
  2. Pour lying - 60% * 8, 70% * 8, 75% * 6, 80% * 6 dumbbells lying 3p. * 10p. Push-ups on the bars 5p. * 12p.
  3. Ranged traction - 70% * 4, 75% * 4, 80% * 4 pull-ups 3p. * 10p. Top block to chest 4p. * 15p.
  4. Captured - 80% * 3, 85% * 3, 90% * 3 slopes with a rod 3p. * 10p. Twisting 5p. * 12p.
  5. Rush lying - 65% * 6, 75% * 6, 80% * 4, 85% * 4 Pulleover with dumbbell 3p. * 15p. Extension on triceps in a block simulator 3p. * 10p.
  6. Ranged traction - 75% * 2, 80% * 2, 85% * 2 rod rods on straight legs 5p. * 12p. The horizontal block 3p. * 10p.
  7. Captured - 85% * 3, 90% * 2, 95% * 1 hyperextenia 5P. * 15p. Twisting 5p. * 12p.
  8. Pour lying - 70% * 5, 80% * 3, 90% * 2, 95% * 1 dumbbells lying 3p. * 10p. Push-ups on the bars 5p. * 15p.
  9. Range traction - 80% * 3, 90% * 2, 95% * 1 tightening 4P. * 10p. Top. Block to chest 4p. * 12p.
  10. Squats with a barbell on the chest - 50% * 5p. * 5p. Hyperextension 3P. * 15p.
  11. Right under the tilt - 50% * 4p. * 8p. Pullover with dumbbell 3p. * 15p.
  12. Tightening 3P. * 10p.

Top. Block to chest 4p. * 12p. Next, the cycle is repeated again, but to PM add 5 or 10 kg, and we calculate new percentages. The program does not indicate the warm-up approaches. The warm-up may look like this: 30% * 10, 45% * 8, 55% * 5, 65% * 3. Interest is calculated only for basic movements, the weight in the auxiliary exercises choose in well-being. Compliance with all of the above recommendations will certainly give you an impetus to the growth of power indicators.