Classroom hours dedicated to the fight against terrorism. Class hour “Day of solidarity in the fight against terrorism. always find out where the back-up exits are located

"Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism"

Target: to form students' understanding of terrorism.

Tasks: focus the attention of students on the need to exercise vigilance in order to prevent the commission of terrorist acts; to promote the formation of tolerance and prevention of interethnic strife and intolerance; to contribute to the formation of a feeling of mercy for the victims of terrorist acts (for example, Beslan).

Equipment: a multimedia projector, screen, computer or interactive whiteboard.

Class hour progress:

1. Introductory conversation.

September 3rd. Among all the September holidays, this is a tragic date. September 3 is one of the memorable dates in Russia, which is called the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism.

This date is associated with the tragic events in the city of Beslan on September 1-3, 2004, where, as a result of a terrorist attack at a school, terrorists held people for three days, half of whom died.

Today, at the classroom hour, you will learn what terrorism is, who terrorists are, learn more about the tragedy at the Beslan school, and get acquainted with the rules of behavior in such situations.

The topic of the class hour is "terrorism is a threat to society."

2. Acquaintance with the word "terrorism", "terrorists".

but) introduction of concepts.

The word "terror" in Latin means "horror".

Terrorists are cruel people who, by any means, want to intimidate us, to instill fear in us.

Many joyful events happen in the life of every person. But, unfortunately, sometimes it also happens that we need someone's help and protection. Being at home or at school, you know who to turn to in difficult times - these are our parents, teachers, friends. But, being alone with a huge city, no one is immune from various dangers. The big city can meet us unfriendly: threats can lie in wait everywhere - in public transport, cinema, theater, just on the street.

Terrorists can pose a special threat to us, because they are evil and cunning people, although outwardly they may look quite ordinary. It is very difficult to distinguish them from the crowd. Terrorist criminals are trying by any means to disturb the peace in our lives. They are capable of organizing explosions and murders. Terrorists don't care who they commit their crimes against. They don't care who they kill - children, adults, old people. They do not consider themselves criminals.

. But there is no need to be afraid of terrorists. Special units, governments of all states are fighting them. The whole world, people of all nationalities, countries and continents are against terrorism today.

Whose help can we count on in this case? Who can protect us?

b) who protects us.

People of different professions are ready to protect us and come to our aid.

The task of the scouts is to determine whether any atrocity is being prepared or not, and from whom the danger is emanating.

Border guards will not let terrorists into our country, the police will arrest criminals, and rescuers and doctors will help those who are in trouble.

All of them are professionals, they work quickly and accurately. They are one team. But in order for this team to perform well-coordinated work and act as one mechanism, a special organization has been created - the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC), to which all those who fight the common evil - terrorism, are subordinate.

The people working on the National Anti-Terrorism Committee have little free time and practically no days off. They chose this difficult profession so that we could live a calm, familiar life for us: go to school, to work, meet friends, travel ...

But, if the terrorists still manage to carry out their dirty plans, for example, to take children hostage at school or blow up a residential building, the NAC becomes a single team, where everyone knows what exactly he needs to do in an emergency and how to help people in trouble. ...

3. The tragedy in Beslan.

As I said, the date of September 3 is associated with the tragedy in the city of Beslan. Beslan is the name of a city in the Republic North Ossetia, in which a terrible tragedy occurred on September 1, 2004, which claimed the lives of hundreds of children and adults.Find out what happened there?

During the solemn ruler on the occasion ofOn September 1, terrorists broke into the territory of school # 1. INthis was attended by895 students and 59 school employees, and how many parents werewho came to accompany their children to school,unknown.

On September 1, 2004, a group of armed masked men drove up to the building of school No. 1 in on several cars and directly from school ruler, which took place in the courtyard, took 1128 people hostage - children and their parents - and drove them into the school gym. At the same time, one man, who tried to resist, was immediately shot by terrorists.

Opening indiscriminate firing into the air, the terrorists ordered everyone present to enter the school building, but most - mostly high school students and adults - were able to simply run away. Those who could not do it - students elementary grades and their parents and some of the teachers -the bandits drove into the gym.

For 3 days, the terrorists held more than a thousand people in the school building - children, their parents and school employees. For more than 50 hours, the prisoners spent in the school building, the terrorists refused to provide them with water, food and necessary medicines.

The result of the terrorist act was more than 350 dead - children, local residents, employees of the FSB of the RF. The rest of the hostages, in addition to the injuries received during the storming of the school building, experienced a severe psychological shock. 31 terrorists were killed, one was detained and subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment.

The school building after the liberation operation, and as a result of the detonation of the terrorists' explosives, was almost completely destroyed.

A year after this tragic event at the Beslan memorial cemetery, where the victims of the terrorist attack are buried, the opening of the "Tree of Sorrow" monument took place.

In memory of the children who died in Beslan, Mikhail Mikhailov wrote this song.

Listen to it carefully and tell me what words are repeated most often?(watching a video clip)

Mom ah want to drink, mom ah want to live.

4. Rules " What you need to do to avoid becoming a victim of terror "

Rules "If you are taken hostage."

But if such a situation happens, you should know that you are not alone. Remember: experienced people are already rushing to your aid. Do not try to escape, to escape on your own - terrorists can react aggressively. Try to calm down and wait for release.

    Set yourself up for a long wait. It takes time for the specialists to free you. They do not waste a minute, but they must foresee everything.

    Try to mentally distract yourself from what is happening: remember the contents of books, feature films, cartoons, solve problems in your mind.

    Try not to annoy the terrorists: don't shout, don't cry, don't be indignant. Also do not demand immediate release - that is impossible.

    Do not enter into disputes with terrorists, fulfill all their requirements. Remember: this is a necessary measure, you save yourself and those around you.

5. Outcome.

There is no need to be afraid of terrorists, because our fear only makes them stronger! But you must be attentive and vigilant! Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones!Remember, life is one, and its like computer game, you will not start again!

Be careful; pay attention to strangers; do not hesitate, if something seems suspicious to you, inform your elders about it.

Do not touch orphan bags, packages, parcels; do not pick up any things, even valuable: a booby trap can be disguised as a toy, a pen, mobile phone etc.

Report suspicious items to the nearest police station or patrol officers.

Watch out for ownerless premises, attics, basements.

If possible, avoid large crowds where the likelihood of a terrorist attack increases.

Move less.

Remember that everything necessary and possible is being done for your release.

Memo 1. How to avoid becoming a victim of a terrorist attack?

Be careful; pay attention to strangers; do not hesitate, if something seems suspicious to you, inform your elders about it.

Do not touch orphan bags, packages, parcels; do not pick up any things, even valuable ones: a booby-trap can be disguised as a toy, pen, mobile phone, etc.

Report suspicious items to the nearest police station or patrol officers.

Watch out for ownerless premises, attics, basements.

If possible, avoid large crowds where the likelihood of a terrorist attack increases.

Memo 2. How to behave while being held hostage?

Remember the main thing - the goal is to stay alive.

Pull yourself together as quickly as possible, suppress panic in yourself with all your might and try to calm down. Prepare for mental, physical, and emotional challenges.

Under no circumstances should they allow actions that could provoke the attackers to use weapons and lead to human casualties.

To endure hardship, insults and humiliation without challenge or objection.

Save and maintain strength.

Do not take any action, ask permission.

Move less.

Remember that everything necessary and possible is being done for your release.

    On September 1, 2004, when children with their parents came to school on Knowledge Day, not expecting trouble and rejoicing in the new school year, the militants entered school No. 1 in Beslan and took students, their parents and teachers hostage. The terrorists refused to negotiate, mined several rooms of the captured school, and also put a sniper on the roof of the building. In order to prevent a possible assault, the militants put children taken hostage in the windows, and began to threaten to shoot hostages for each killed and wounded bandit. Federal special forces and local residents began to protect children and began fighting against terrorists.

    The criminals held 1,128 people in the school building for three whole days. The result of this terrorist act was the death of 343 people, which made up about 1% of the city's population, more than 700 were injured. Among the dead were not only hostages and civilians, but also military personnel. Half of those killed were minors. The particular tragedy of this terrorist attack lies in the fact that mainly children and women were killed.

  • Terrorism is a scary word

  • It's pain, despair, fear

  • Terrorism is the death of a living!

  • These are screams on children's lips.

  • This is the death of innocent people

  • Old people, women, children!

  • This is a vile evil deed

  • Brutal, cruel people.

  • Terrorism is a sore on the heart

  • The pain of all the peoples of the Earth.

  • We commemorate all those who died

  • Today in the lesson should.

  • Killed during terrorist attacks,

  • Children killed in Beslan;

  • Blown up on planes

  • Soldiers killed in Chechnya

  • Shot to death in grappling

  • On all continents of the Earth.

  • Whose blood was spilled innocently

  • Whose lives have been taken away from us.

  • Let's light the funeral candles

  • Let us be quiet for a minute.

  • Their souls from heaven will see us,

  • We will preserve their memory.

  • It is better not to be taken hostage;

  • never accept packages and bags from strangers, do not leave your luggage unattended;

  • pay attention to suspicious people, objects, any suspicious little things;

  • always find out where the backup exits from the premises are;

  • if there is an explosion, fire, earthquake, never use the elevator;

  • try not to panic no matter what happens.

Crowd behavior

  • Terrorists often choose crowded places for attacks. In addition to the actual damaging factor of a terrorist act, people are killed and injured as a result of the crush that arose as a result of panic. Therefore, you must remember the following rules of conduct in a crowd:

  • Avoid large crowds.

  • Don't join the crowd, no matter how much you want to look at the events taking place.

  • If you find yourself in a crowd, let it carry you, but try to get out of it.

  • Inhale deeply and spread the arms bent at the elbows slightly to the sides so that the chest is not compressed.

  • Try to stay away from tall and large people, people with bulky objects and large bags.

  • Try to stay on your feet by any means.

  • Don't keep your hands in your pockets.

  • While moving, raise your legs as high as possible, put your foot on a full foot, do not mince, do not rise on tiptoes.

  • If the crush has become threatening, immediately, without hesitation, free yourself from any burden, especially from a bag with a long belt and a scarf.

  • If you drop something, never bend over to pick it up.

  • If you fall, try to get to your feet as quickly as possible. In this case, do not lean on your hands (they will be crushed or broken). Try to stand on your soles or socks for a moment. Having found support, "surface", sharply pushing off the ground with your feet.

  • If you can't stand up, curl up in a ball, protect your head with your forearms, and cover the back of your head with your palms.

  • Once in a crowded room, determine in advance which places are most dangerous in case of an emergency (passages between sectors in the stadium, glass doors and partitions in concert halls, etc.), pay attention to emergency and emergency exits, mentally make your way to him.

  • The easiest way to hide from the crowd is in the corners of the hall or near the walls, but it is more difficult to get from there to the exit.

  • If you panic, try to remain calm and able to assess the situation soberly.

  • Do not join the protesters "for the sake of interest." First, find out if the rally is sanctioned, what the speakers are campaigning for.

  • Do not join unregistered organizations. Participation in the activities of such organizations may result in criminal penalties.

  • During riots, try not to get into the crowd, both participants and spectators. You can fall under the actions of special forces soldiers.

With the threat of a terrorist attack

  • Always control the situation around you, especially when you are at transport facilities, cultural, entertainment, sports and shopping centers.

  • If you find forgotten things, without touching them, inform the driver, employees of the facility, the security service, and the police. Do not try to look inside a suspicious package, box, or other item.

  • Do not pick up orphan things, no matter how attractive they look. They may contain explosive devices (in beer cans, cell phones, etc.). Do not kick objects lying on the ground in the street.

  • If suddenly the activation of the security forces and law enforcement agencies began, do not show curiosity, go the other way, but do not run, so that you are not mistaken for an enemy.

  • In the event of an explosion or the start of shooting, immediately fall to the ground, preferably under cover (curb, stall, car, etc.). Cover your head with your hands for more safety.

Taking hostage

  • Unfortunately, none of us is immune from a situation where we can be held hostage by terrorists. It should be remembered that:

  • Only at the moment of taking hostages is there a real opportunity to escape from the scene.

  • Tune in psychologically that they will not immediately release you, but remember that they will definitely release you.

  • In no case should you shout, express your indignation.

  • If the assault has begun, you must fall to the floor and cover your head with your hands. At the same time, try to take a position away from windows and doorways.

  • Stay away from terrorists, because snipers will shoot at them during the assault.

  • You should not take up arms so that you are not confused with terrorists.

  • Do not try to resist terrorists on your own.

  • If a bomb has been hung on you, you need to make it clear to the intelligence officers with a voice or a wave of your hand without panic.

  • Record in memory all the events that accompany the capture. This information will be very important for law enforcement.

  • To develop compassion and compassion for victims of terrorism in schoolchildren;
  • To induce the denial of terrorism as a phenomenon;
  • Learn to identify the reasons for the appearance of this phenomenon;
  • Make people aware of the importance of their own participation in the country's security and their own security;
  • Teach how to use the safety checklist.
  • To teach to realize the importance of learning the lessons of history for our own and national future.


  • chalk board, interactive board (or other multimedia equipment)
  • class time presentation
  • water bottles, flowers, candle, sign “Beslan” (creating the effect of a monument)
  • leaflets on the students' tables, written words on the board “terror”, “terrorism”, “terrorist”.

Event progress:

1. Introductory part.

1. Assistant teacher or well-trained student:

My name is Masha Urmanova. I was born in 1995.

After the line, terrorists attacked us and took us hostage. The militants were dressed in black and their faces were hidden by masks.

The bandits drove the children, parents and teachers taken hostage into the school gym. The terrorists were wearing shahids' belts, they were armed with grenade launchers and small arms.

2. Classroom teacher: On September 1, at about 9:00 Moscow time, a group of armed men seized school N1 in the city of Beslan in North Ossetia, located in the Right-Bank district of the city, 30 km from Vladikavkaz.

The school was seized by 17 terrorists, including men and women, equipped with suicide belts.

The seizure of the schoolchildren took place immediately after the ceremonial assembly, when the students entered the premises.

September 3 13:31 Terrorists detonated explosive devices previously installed in the seized school at the time of evacuation of the bodies of the dead by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the operational headquarters said. The school roof collapsed. The militants are shooting indiscriminately at people and buildings.

The terrorists started shooting schoolchildren even before the start of the military operation. This was stated by one of the former hostages.

The freed hostage said that the first explosion at the school was due to the scotch tape that came off. The explosive devices were taped to the walls of the gym. On one of them, the scotch could not stand it, the bomb came off, fell to the ground and exploded, followed by a whole series of explosions and a special forces attack.
There were 1181 hostages at the Beslan school. This was announced by a representative of the Ministry of Public Education of North Ossetia.

Masha Urmanova is among the 323 victims.

The hostage girl's diary:
Kristina Dzagoeva, a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl from Beslan, spent 52 hours in a school seized by terrorists. Together with her, her mother Lyudmila and her younger sister were taken hostage.

(The diary resembles the diary of another girl - Tanya Savicheva, a Leningrad blockade woman)

2. Thematic part.

1. Viewing the video clip "Beslan" by Mikhail Mikhailov.

Appendix 1 (for a video, please contact the author).

Class teacher: Let's light a candle and watch a video dedicated to the memory of those killed in that terrible tragedy.

Announcement of the class hour topic (after watching):

Today, September 3, is designated in the Russian calendar as the day of solidarity in the fight against terrorism.

The Russian people will never forget what a terrible tragedy happened in North Ossetia, namely in Beslan on September 1, 2004. Now the Russian calendar has one more black date. But this date will be one of the blackest because on this holiday, children died in a sacred place - at school. Innocent children who are the dearest thing in this scary world... They died from shameful bullets in the backs of half-humans, half-wolves. But they need to remember that they will always have control over them, and Russia has more than once and successfully defended its Motherland from other people's scum who laid eyes on the Glorious Land and the Great People.

We remember ... - this is the theme of our class hour.

4. The class teacher reads out the statements of children from the Internet, which address the residents of the city of Beslan: [from Christina]

    Days, months, years pass .. but we will never forget this tragedy. And today I remember those terrible days 2004, and the heart shrinks ..

    We remember, be with us.
    Volgograd, Russia

    A year later ... 08/31/2005

    Today is August 31 - tomorrow I go to school - to the line. How it will all look, I do not know ... it seems joy - September 1, but in my thoughts I remember Beslan, and I don't want to come. I don’t know how to rejoice, even a year after the tragedy, I have never known these children, and if this is the main thing, I know that I will not forget Beslan ... I know, I will not forget: it’s hard to say, but I am speaking. And even though I am confused in words, do not give out everything that is in my soul. And there are people, fortunately, who will understand me, and also never forget. August 29 went to Mamaev Kurgan, in the Church of All Saints, the priest blessed the children for a new academic year... How many times I remembered Beslan, so those children, even if some were in the church a year ago, their father blessed them, why did it happen ... but now it's too late, grief and tears remained ...

    In memory of all those who died in Beslan,
    For the repose of the souls of the dead
    For the health of the survivors

    Forever with you, 9th grade student, Volgograd, Russia

5. Demonstration of the icon of the Martyrs of Bethlehem and comments from the class teacher:

The terrible tragedy in the city of Beslan became a new starting point in the 1000-year history of Russia, which has never heard anything like it. Neither Batu, nor the Poles, nor Napoleon, nor even the Nazis specifically and exclusively attacked children. Throughout history, it is impossible to draw an analogy to this senseless and terrible massacre, when several hundred children's lives were terminated in one hour. The only story that is comparable to the Beslan tragedy is a story that took place two thousand years ago also in a small town - Bethlehem: the beating of the Bethlehem babies by Herod.

Written in St. Petersburg icon Bethlehem martyrs delivered to North Ossetia by representatives of the clergy and the Ossetian diaspora of St. Petersburg.

3. Vocabulary work.

6. Class teacher: Guys, you've heard the story of the Beslan tragedy. On the pieces of paper in front of you, write what associations the words “terror”, “terrorism”, “terrorist” evoke in you (the words are written on the board in advance).

Discussion of the written.

7. Demonstration of the meaning of words from explanatory and etymological dictionaries.

4. In memory of those who defended.

Class teacher: participants and victims of terrorist acts are not only civilians, but also special forces soldiers. Their goal is to protect civilians from terrorists, often at the cost of their lives.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia, more than ten special forces soldiers died during the hostage rescue operation at school number 1 in the North Ossetian city of Beslan.

8. An excerpt from a video about special forces (video "Tragedy in Beslan")

And we pay tribute and honor to their courage and self-sacrifice.

5. Work on the protection of life and health.

  • How can we protect ourselves and our loved ones from possible terror? What is in our power? What do we need to know?
  • Working with safety checklists
  • You have memos on your tables (stick them in your diaries at home).

    6. History and statistics.

    11. Over the past few years, our country has gone through a lot, including attacks by terrorists.

    Let's remember the statistics of terrorist attacks over the past 13 years.

    State budget educational institution

    gymnasium "Marem"

    Class hour:

    Magas 2014

    Date of the event: ____ 09/03/2014 .____

    Venue: ___ assembly hall ____

    Time: ___ 10h. 50m-11h 30m.

    Class: _9a, b, c.

    Teacher: _Khashieva T.A. , teacher of the Russian language, class leader of the 9th grade__

    Responsible for conducting: __Geliskhanova F.Yu., Deputy Director for BP ___

    Number of students: _80h

    Invited persons: Inspector of PDN Plieva Kh.S., Deputy of the Parliament of the Republic of Ingushetia, Chairman of the Council of Afghanistan Veterans Adam Ruslanovich Agiev.

    Target: to form students' understanding of terrorism and its consequences


    1. To focus the attention of students on the need to exercise vigilance in order to prevent the commission of terrorist acts.

    2. To promote the formation of tolerance and prevention of interethnic hatred and intolerance.

    3. To contribute to the formation of a sense of mercy for the victims of terrorist attacks (on the example of recent terrorist events).

    4. To acquaint students with the basic rules of conduct in a terrorist attack (memo to each student).

    Equipment: computer, projector, screen.

    The course of the class hour.

    1. Introductory conversation.

    The theme of our class hour is "September 3 - Day of Solidarity in the Fight Against Terrorism!" This date is associated with the tragic events in the city of Beslan on September 1-3, 2004, where, as a result of a terrorist attack at a school, terrorists held people for three days, half of whom died. Until recently, our republic was also hot spot on the map of Russia. You and I have seen all the horror, all the tragedy associated with terrorist acts with my own eyes. Remember the tragedy in the Nazran police department on August 17, 2009 under the leadership of the famous terrorist S. Buryatsky, how many young lives this explosion took (about 25 people). These are not only dozens of those who died, but also dozens of mothers who were left without sons, dozens of wives who were left without husbands and hundreds of young children who were left without fathers.

    Terrorist attack in the village of Sagopshi, Malgobek district, on May 24, 2014, where a law enforcement officer, I. Korigov, was killed, how many innocent people died (8 people). But today, thanks to the leadership of our republic, thanks to the competent policy and decisive actions of our head, Yunus-Bek Bamatgireevich Yevkurov, the situation in our republic has acquired a peaceful character.

    Today, at the classroom hour, we will once again talk about what terrorism is, who are terrorists, we will talk about the tragedy in the city of Volgograd that occurred in last days 2013, get acquainted with the rules of conduct in such situations. We invited the inspector of PDN in Magas, Plieva Kh.S., deputy of the parliament of the Republic of Ingushetia, chairman of the Council of Afghanistan Veterans, Adam Ruslanovich Agiev.

    2. Definition of the concepts of "terrorism", "terrorists".

    The word "terror" in Latin means "horror". Terrorists are extremely cruel people who want to intimidate us by any means, people who take hostages, organize explosions in crowded places, and use weapons.

    Terrorism is a serious crime when an organized group of people strives to achieve their goal through violence. Innocent people, including children, often become victims of terrorism. Terror is intimidation, suppression of opponents, physical violence, up to the physical destruction of people by committing acts of violence (murder, arson, explosions, hostage-taking).

    The concept of "terrorism", "terrorist", appeared in France at the end of the 18th century. This is what the Jacobins called themselves, and always with a positive connotation. However, during the Great French revolution the word "terrorism" has become synonymous with the criminal. Until very recently, the term “terrorism” already meant a range of different shades of violence.

    Dictionaries define the concept of "terrorism" as violent actions of criminals with the aim of undermining the existing government, complication international relations, political and economic extortion from states. This is the systematic use or threat of using violence against civilians as blackmail of existing authorities in order to achieve certain political, social or economic goals.

    Terrorism is global in scale, "vicious" by nature, ruthless to enemies and seeks to control all spheres of life and thought.

    Terror is a phenomenon that directly or indirectly affects each of us. Massive violence in last years has become, unfortunately, an integral part of our social life. Historians claim that terrorism has reigned on Earth for at least two thousand years. Despite its rich experience, terrorism has never posed such a serious threat to the population and entire states.

    The current international situation can hardly be called stable. And one of the reasons for this is the scale of terrorism, which today is acquiring a truly worldwide character. There are currently about a hundred terrorist organizations around the world.

    Significant changes in the forms of terrorism and in the practice of combating it have taken place in our country as well. Russia is faced with egregious facts of its manifestation, both on its own territory and in the near abroad.

    Types of modern terrorism:




    A terrorist act does not know in advance its specific victims, for it is directed primarily against the state. Its task is to subordinate the state, its organs, the entire public, to make them fulfill the demands of the terrorists and the persons and organizations behind them.

    The rampant terrorism - today is not only Russian, but already the most acute international problem.

    Over the past decade, the largest terrorist attacks in our country have been the explosions of residential buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk, the explosion during the parade in Kaspiysk on May 9, the seizure of the theater on Dubrovka during the performance of "Nord-Ost". September 2004. For two days, teachers, students, and their parents - more than 1200 people in total - were held in the gym of school # 1 in Beslan (Republic of North Ossetia). The result of the terrorist act was more than 350 dead - children, local residents, employees of the FSB of the RF. The rest of the hostages (more than 560 people), in addition to the injuries received during the storming of the school building, experienced a severe psychological shock. 31 terrorists were killed, one was detained and subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment. These are terrible pages of history ...

    Two explosions occurred in Volgograd at the end last year: December 29 in the station building and December 30 - in a trolleybus. 34 people died, more than 70 were injured. Most of the victims continue the course of treatment.

    In a buiding railway station in Volgograd after the explosion, according to updated data, 18 people were killed, dozens were injured. There are children among the victims. The explosion occurred near the frames of metal detectors at the entrance to the Volgograd-1 railway station, in the inspection zone, at about 12.45. One of the policemen noticed a suspicious woman at the entrance and went to meet her, after which the terrorist committed a self-detonation. The explosive power was at least 10 kg in TNT equivalent. The bomb was packed with submunitions. Four train station security personnel were killed as they searched the entrance to the building. With reference to the drivers of the station minibuses, it is reported that the blast wave of people was thrown out of the station windows. The central entrance to the building was torn apart by an explosion, glass was broken practically along the entire facade. According to eyewitnesses of the events, the explosion was very strong. One of them, Svetlana Demchenko, in an interview with ITAR-TASS said that there was a lot of smoke, and she heard the moans of the wounded and screams.
    “I was blinded and I fell,” she said. “My friend and I came to meet friends. We went through a metal frame and approached the transporter on which the luggage was being examined. When we stood near the scoreboard, there was an explosion from behind, there was a strong flash, and my friend and I fell to the floor. "

    The explosion of a trolleybus in Volgograd occurred on Monday, December 30, at 08:23 local time. The trolleybus was heading to the center from the sleeping area. The people were packed, the locals went to work and study. As the wounded eyewitnesses say, at about half past nine in the morning, a sharp bang was heard, similar to the sound of a bursting firecracker. According to the latest data, the explosion of a trolleybus in Volgograd killed 16 people, another 27 are considered injured. There was nothing left of the "torn up" trolleybus.

    The Governor Volgograd region Sergei Bozhenov took measures to stabilize the situation and minimize the consequences of the terrorist attack. The streets of Volgograd will now be patrolled by Cossack squads. Their task is to help the police in organizing transport security and in crowded places.

    After the second terrorist attack in Volgograd, Vladimir Putin instructed the National Terrorist Committee (NAC) to strengthen security throughout Russia and intensify the work of anti-terrorist commissions.

    According to preliminary information, a suicide bomber committed an explosion in a trolleybus early in the morning on December 30, two circumstances indicate this: the very nature of the explosion and body fragments found at the scene of the tragedy.

    Thus, in recent months, there have been 3 terrorist attacks in Volgograd. Most recently, in October, there was an explosion in a bus, which was also staged by a suicide bomber, a native of Dagestan, 30-year-old Naida Akhiyalova. Then seven people died - six passengers of the bus and Akhiyalova herself. In total, 28 people were injured as a result of that explosion, 12 of them were minors, including a one-year-old child.

    3. Speech by the guests.

    Speaker: Deputy of the Parliament of the Republic of Ingushetia, Chairman of the Council of Afghanistan Veterans Adam Ruslanovich Agiev.

    The conversation is continued by the inspector of the PDN of Magas Plieva Kh.S.

    After the guests' speech, the children, interested in a rich conversation, actively asked various questions and received competent, full-fledged answers.

    4. Lesson summary.

    Thus, we can conclude that terrorism not only in Russia, but also in the world is caused by social contradictions. The international situation today is turbulent. Terrorism is gaining momentum.

    Why are we gathered here? Why was September 3 declared the day of the fight against terrorism? Guys, I think this was done so that you and me and all people on the planet unite in the fight against this evil.

    The most important prerequisite effective fight with terrorism, along with the measures of the law enforcement agencies of the special services, is the ability of citizens, including you, school students, to resist terrorist attacks, to behave correctly in the face of this danger. (memo to each student)

    I disagree with what you are saying, but I will sacrifice my life defending your right to speak your own mind.



    1. To promote understanding of the meaning of this day in the calendar of memorable dates in Russia.

    2. To form the need to be involved in the events taking place in the country and the world, to be not indifferent to what is happening around.

    3. To foster patriotism and tolerance, the ability to understand current events and adequately assess them.

    Form of carrying out: discussion club.

    Preparatory work

    1. Pick up materials on the topic.

    2. Prepare a dictionary of the topic.

    Information hour progress

    I. Main part

    The presenters come out.

    Lead 1. Let's turn to the facts.

    Lead 2... Volgodonsk and Budennovsk.

    Lead 1... Moscow: Guryanov Street, Pushkinskaya Square, Kashirskoye Highway, Rizhskaya and Avtozavodskaya metro stations, Tushino airfield, National Hotel, Dubrovka.

    Lead 2... Buinaksk and Beslan.

    Lead 1... Kislovodsk and Mineral water in the Stavropol Territory.

    Lead 2... These cities are located in different places on the map of our Motherland, but the concept of "terror, terrorism" connects them.

    Lead 1... Terror in our understanding is pain and death, victims and criminals.

    Lead 2. Terrorists are those people, although it is difficult to call them people who consider terror to be the meaning of their lives.

    The pupil and the pupil come out.

    Student. Brief help. Terror - from the Latin word "fear" - the use of force or the threat of its use for political purposes. Terror is one of the forms of political repression and one of the methods of political struggle.

    Schoolgirl(shows on the map). The victims of the terror were Americans and British, Spaniards and Africans, Russians and Ossetians, Arabs and Israelis.

    Student... Terrorists are people without nationality. Their weapon is genocide.

    Schoolgirl... Brief help. Genocide - from the Greek "clan, tribe" and Latin "I kill" - actions committed with the intention to destroy in whole or in part any national, ethnic, racial, religious group

    Classroom teacher... In the course of the bloody terrorist acts that we have just listed, people died - young men and women, children and old people, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers. They became victims of those who, with the help of violence and murder, want to prove that peace, equality of peoples and tolerance for each other are impossible on earth. In memory of the victims of the terror, I declare a minute of silence.

    The student and the student light two candles on the table.

    Student. Brief help. Tolerance, or tolerance, is the desire and ability to establish and maintain community with people who differ in some respects from the prevailing type or do not adhere to generally accepted opinions.

    Schoolgirl... The Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism, which is celebrated on September 3, coincides with the tragic events that took place on September 1-3, 2004 in the city of Beslan.

    Student... These days, the militants captured one of the city's schools. As a result of the terrorist attack at school No. 1 in the city of Beslan, more than 300 people were killed, including more than 180 children.

    Lead 1... Here is the testimony of a child, a boy of three. His name is Gleb. His words were recorded by psychologists who came to Beslan after the tragedy from all over Russia to help people get out of the state of shock.

    Student(is reading). “I was walking with my grandmother ... The uncles were shooting there. I have seen. I saw it myself ... I saw it ... And there was thunder. Uncles in military clothes ... My grandmother and I were ... there. They were not allowed to drink. Bad soldiers shouted and fired. The window was smashed with thunder ... Grandma gave me through the window to my aunt. The soldiers were saving us ... ”Pauses. Plays with cars - rolls. Then he returns to his memories: “The bad uncles made us sit down. Shoot! Shouted! There was thunder ... Then the grandmother ran. Auntie ran ... We were thirsty ... It was hot ... We were not allowed to drink. The bad ones did it ... And they didn’t let me write ”.

    Lead 2... Mourning rallies are held every year across Russia on September 3. People remember those who became victims of terrorist acts, and those who, saving their lives, died while fulfilling their military and human duty.

    Schoolgirl... Memorial candles are burning throughout Russia. In Budennovsk, the victims of Shamil Basayev's gang are remembered, in the Stavropol Territory - the passengers of the Kislovodsk-Mineralnye Vody train who died in a bomb explosion, in Moscow thousands of people bring flowers to where terrorists left their bloody trail on the streets and metro stations, in Beslan they launch balloons into the sky, which symbolize the lives of children taken away by the bandits.

    Student. This poem sounds like a requiem for all those killed at the hands of terrorists.

    Reality ceased to be

    Overgrown with news ...

    The city, becoming a memorial,

    With the formidable name Beslan,

    Will permanently close access

    This leap year

    Moving away from the churchyard,

    Will gradually come to life.

    Will smile again

    Lamps of living apartments ...

    Rehabilitation courses

    Do not create for the whole world ...

    Here's a beautiful picture

    So that, while hurrying,

    Mother for the fact of the birth of a son

    I would curse myself.

    The point is to hide faces in masks,

    If faces are made of shit?

    By the way, there are also hospitals

    And maternity hospitals.

    Without freedom - as in a wildlife reserve.

    Without weapons - stranded ...

    Seek the death penalty

    If this is an end in itself?

    Automatic knock on the door

    Makes you fly ...

    The best friend in the world

    There will be a teddy bear.

    A faded postage stamp

    Sorrow for many years

    The most correct gift -

    Mineral water.

    The curtains are open, the evening is gray

    New town. Warm house...

    The world's strongest faith

    There will be a candle outside the window.

    D. Suvorov

    Schoolgirl. These candles also burn in those cities and villages where there were no terrorist attacks, but their echoes flew here too.

    Student... In Serpukhov, on this day, they remember Roman Katasonov, a native of the city. Hereditary serviceman, paratrooper, he was awarded medals for participation in hostilities in Chechnya.

    Schoolgirl... He was awarded the Order of Courage. He was awarded this state award of Russia for his participation in the operation to free people who were taken hostage during the performance "Nord-Ost".

    Student. Roman voluntarily went to Beslan after learning about the seizure of the school. During the assault, covering the hostages, he was mortally wounded.

    Schoolgirl... Roman Katasonov was posthumously awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. A memorial museum named after him was opened at school No. 9 in Serpukhov. Every year in Serpukhov, in memory of his fellow countryman, a judo tournament "Sport against Terror" is held.

    Student. There were and are thousands of people like Roman Katasonov. Russians and Ossetians, Chechens and Ukrainians - representatives of different nationalities - threw themselves under the tanks, tying themselves with grenades to save the lives of women and children, the elderly.

    Classroom teacher. You see: on the one hand, there are terrorists who, in order to achieve their insidious goals, are ready to destroy anyone who gets in their way. On the other hand, there are those who are ready to make any sacrifices to save people.

    Do you think the actions of both can be justified?

    What are the causes of terrorism?

    How can you resist it?

    Students work in groups and answer questions. They form their answers in the form of political posters.

    Classroom teacher. Thank you for your responses. And now I want to introduce you to a document that must be read carefully.

    Leaders of Nazi Germany on the principles of dealing with the population of the eastern territories.

    1. It will be a war of annihilation ...

    2. In this war, the treatment of the enemy in accordance with the norms of humanity and international law unacceptable ...

    3. This is not only about the defeat of the state with the center in Moscow ... The point is to crush the Russians as a people, to disunite them ...

    4. The aim of my Eastern policy is to populate this territory with one hundred million people of the Germanic race ...

    5. Solution to the problem: either the complete destruction of the Russian people, or the Germanization of its part ...

    6. It is important that the population on Russian territory consists of people of the semi-European type ...

    7. This mass of racially inferior and dumb people needs guidance ...

    8. No vaccinations, no hygiene, only vodka and tobacco! It would be nice to teach them sign language ...

    9. The principled line for us is absolutely clear - this people should not be given culture ...

    10. Enough for children in schools to remember road signs so that they can learn to count, but only up to 25, so that they know how to sign their last name. They don't need anything else ...

    Discussion of the document. Conversation on questions.


    How long does the document refer to?

    How does it relate to the problem we are discussing?

    What political term does the document refer to?

    What do the actions of political leaders expressing their views in this document have in common with the policies of terrorists?

    How did you feel while reading this document?

    When you hear such statements about people of other nationalities, what do you feel?

    Have you used statements of this kind against people of other nationalities?

    Student. And I, in turn, want to give a brief summary.

    Fascism - from the Italian "bundle, bundle, unification" - political regime dictatorial type, characterized by nationalism and intolerance towards other peoples and cultures. In more narrow sense- the regime that existed in Italy in 1920-1940. under the dictator B. Mussolini.

    Schoolgirl... Nazism - from the name of the National Socialist Party of Germany - is the ideology and practice of the Hitlerite regime in Germany in 1933-1945. The main idea of ​​Nazism is totalitarian terrorist methods of power, as well as the official division of all nations according to the degree of their “usefulness”. Military aggression and genocide became the means of realizing the ideas of Nazism.

    Student... Chauvinism is a policy of aggressive nationalism, national exclusivity and superiority.

    Classroom teacher... As you can see, fascism, Nazism and chauvinism are twins, although these doctrines were born in different countries Europe. What do you think unites them and how can you fight them?

    Students prepare answers by working in groups.

    Lead 1. I would like to cite excerpts from an article by Novye Izvestia devoted to the problem of terrorism.

    On the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism, September 3, a memorial rally was held in Saratov at the obelisk "To the Courage and Heroism of the Interior Ministry Officers Who Died in the Line of Duty".

    The meeting was attended by the governor of the region, members of the regional government, deputies, representatives of religious confessions, political parties and public organizations... As the press service of the governor notes, appeals of all those present were dedicated to the memory of those killed in Beslan.

    “None of the best goals can be realized at the cost of people's lives. We must be ready for an adequate response to the challenges and threats of terrorists. It is necessary to eradicate terrorism and the prerequisites for its creation. Education, culture, tolerance will help in solving these state problems, ”the press service quotes the words of the governor.

    In addition, the Governor assured the public that the Government Russian Federation and the regional authorities intend to make every effort to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. On this day, representatives of the Union of Veterans of Local Wars, clerics of various confessions expressed words of contempt for modern terror and sorrow: “Today, remembering the victims of Beslan, we are united in our intention to resist terrorism with all our might and prevent the growth of this criminal madness.

    Vigilance and responsibility of each of us constitute the arsenal of the anti-terrorist coalition.

    We must remember that any person, regardless of their position, may suddenly become involved in a tragedy. It is important to remember that terrorism should not only and not so much be fought but prevented from occurring. Not for the sake of beautiful words, we are talking about the need to respect cultural and confessional characteristics, the right to preserve their own identity for all peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation.

    Only tolerance and mutual respect will prevent the growth of the social base of terrorism, deprive criminals of hope for support in society. "

    Classroom teacher. Do you agree with the content of the article? Now let's turn to the definition of the term "tolerance" in different nations... Does it exist in different languages ​​of the world?

    Lead 1... French: Tolerance is an attitude in which it is assumed that others themselves can think or act differently from yourself.

    Lead 2... Arabic: Tasamul - forgiveness, indulgence, gentleness, mercy, compassion, benevolence, patience, affection for others.

    Lead 1. English language: Tolerance - willingness to be tolerant, indulgence.

    Lead 2... Chinese: Kuan rong - to allow, accept, be generous towards others.

    Classroom teacher. As you can see, each nation has its own interpretation of the word "tolerance", but it boils down to a single essence - understanding and tolerance between people. And now I propose to turn to the statements of prominent people in the world on the issue of tolerance.

    Students work in four groups. Each group discusses one statement and prepares a “recipe” for tolerance for adults and children, which is written on a sheet of whatman paper.

    First statement ... “Another world, where there will be a choice between war or peace, memory or oblivion, hope or grief, gray or all the colors of the rainbow, is possible” (Subcoman - Dante Marcoe).

    Second statement. “First, a person kills something in himself, then he begins to kill others” (Wilhelm Reich).

    Third statement. "If you, emperors, presidents, generals, judges and everyone scientists, we need troops, fleets, prisons, gallows, guillotines - arrange all this yourself, leave us alone, because we do not need any of this and we do not want to participate in all these useless for us and, most importantly, bad deeds " (Lev Tolstoy).

    The fourth statement. “I do not agree with what you are saying, but I will sacrifice my life, defending your right to express your own opinion” (Voltaire).

    Discussion of "recipes" for tolerance.

    II. Summarizing. Determining the topic of the next information hour