Ideology and terrorism essay. Essay. Extremism and terrorism as a threat to national security of Russia. Essence of global problems The origin of the concept

Today, terrorism is the main threat to the entire international world and its security, and this is the fundamental principles of the world order. This is a threat at different levels and for any people without a choice: in whatever country they do not live, whatever they do and what kind of religion they are. The objects of terrorist attacks and their victims of steel and the religion, and culture, and morality are also. The modern opponent is very many-sided in the global sense of the word. The fight against it is carried out everywhere in all countries of the world and in different fields of human activity.

Today you can hear in the news on TV and read in the media reports of a large number of terrorist manifestations: and the words "terrorists, terrorist attacks and terror" are constantly sounding with mouths of politicians and journalists. Terrorist acts were in Budenovsk, Volgodonsk, Moscow, Turkey, Beslan , Grozny, North Ossetia, New York, Paris, Baghdad, and this list can be continued for a long time, the geography is different, it is obvious. What is terrorism? Speaking about him, we often mean different things. Therefore, in order to determine this concept in the sense of a global problem, you need to reveal the very essence of international terrorism as phenomena.

There are several dozen interpretations of this concept. "Terrorism" - this word happened from the Latin word "Terror", which means horror and fear. In Russian literature, in the dictionary V. Dal, this means approximately such an explanation is the intimidation of the death penalty, murders and other horrors. This definition is very valuable because it is quite true indicating intimidation with the use of violent actions, which is the most important feature of international terrorism.

The components of this phenomenon include such:
- mandatory purpose (political);
- violence is applied purposefully;
- an existing organizational structure;

The purpose of the impact of terrorist organizations can be both material objects (residential buildings, sports and spectacular places) and some specific categories of citizens. They, as a rule, determine the terrorists on the principle that implies political activities, social status, national origin, religion. But also completely random people who will be the case of the case may be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe terrorist act. The ultimate goal of terrorists can be the economic power, the constitutional system, the procedure for management or territorial integrity and much more. In this, it seems to me, there is a difference between international terrorism and organized crime, since the essence of the second is the same - violence and cruelty in relation to personality.

Today, international terrorism is a long-term political factor that threatens the safety of different countries and citizens. As a result, these are huge moral, economic and political losses, the provision of strong psychological pressure on a large number of people. And of course, the worst thing is the lives of completely random peaceful people.

Terrorist activity has become very multifaceted, its character complicated, increased the scale and sophistication of terrorist acts. This is a whole complex system in which a whole complex of different processes, such as ideological, criminal, military, economic, political, religious and nationalist. In general, international terrorism is a response response to tightening solutions on crown political, ethnic and social problems.

International terrorism Today it is considered to be the twenty-first century in the world. Going to a new dimension, this process completely violated and out of all rules and framework of civilization of humanity. Therefore, the fight against it is so relevant, it is now the most important direction in the protection of the rights of citizens in different countries The world and regulated by anti-terrorist legislation.

Every year terrorist acts (acts of terrorism) become more organized and more cruel in relation to the civilian population. Terrorists use different kinds of explosives and materials in their acts of various kinds, modern weapon And ammunition, etc. In this case, terrorist organizations carefully hide their activities, and in this connection the system of firms, funds and banks as a cover is functioning.

Also, these organizations have their own camps for the preparation of new terrorists, underground medical bases for the passage of treatment and warehouses, where weapons and ammunition are stored, explosives, uniforms, medicines and other equipment.

I share a scientific approach that, despite a significant number of international legal acts (according to experts, there are 27 global and regional agreements) and international organizations and bodies engaged in coordinating the fight against international terrorism, universal international legal act, which would have been developed unequivocally characterized this socially dangerous and complex socio-political phenomenon, determined not only the concept, legally significant signs, but also gave the exact legal characteristic, assessment and legal responsibility to this type of crime, and also allowed joint and effective actions to combat terrorism.

Countering terrorism should be one of the most important tasks for international organizations and all interested states of the world community.

The main international legal acts directed against terrorism include:

  1. Convention on the fight against the illegal seizure of aircraft (1970).
  2. UN Convention "On Prevention and Punish Crimes against Persons Entering international Protection, including diplomatic agents (1973).
  3. European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism (1977).
  4. UN Declaration "On Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism" (1994) and others.

It is generally recognized that the leading organization in the world, including the coordinating struggle with international terrorism, is the UN. The UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council regularly discusses the problems of combating terrorism and relevant resolutions are accepted. Within the UN from among specialized organizations The most famous role of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), as well as a specialized counter-terrorism committee (CCC) of the UN Security Council was created.

As evidenced by the facts, terrorist acts are performed in different countries of the world, both in the underdeveloped countries - Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc., and in high-industrial countries - the United States, France, Israel, etc.

Acts of terrorism are carried out in Russia, the examples: explosions in the Moscow metro on March 29, 2010, where 41 people were killed and 88 people were injured; January 24, 2011 In the Moscow Airport Domodedovo, a suicide bomb blew up a bomb, and at the same time killed 37 and 130 people were injured.

On the modern stage The development of the Russian state, in front of its society, as in general, before the world community, the problems of prevention and struggle against terrorism, as well as improving the forms of international legal cooperation and interaction with other states.

In my opinion, a complex modern situation in the field of combating terrorism in Russia constantly requires, following the example of foreign countries (Turkey, Israel, France, etc.), tightening measures of civil and criminal liability, as well as a special procedure for conducting criminal proceedings against Persons involved in terrorist activities

Terrorism is currently one of the most difficult problems for the world community.

Terrorism has global distribution, which threatens the lives of many people, regardless of the country of residence, and only on the basis of international legal acts and solutions of international organizations, joint and coordinated actions of all interested countries can help cope with this complex socio-political and socially Dangerous phenomenon in the world affecting the lives of each of the inhabitants of our planet.

Currently, terrorism is equally threatened with public, national and international security and is a well-organized form of impact on organs. state power From international terrorist and extremist organizations to destabilize the management system. It is impossible to cope with this kind of threat through one-time strength shares. Need long-term, coordinated strategy international cooperation.

For success in confrontation, modern terrorism needs joint efforts of the entire world community, coordination of actions at the global, regional and national levels.

The cooperation of states in the fight against international terrorism is based on fundamental principles international lawwhich are enshrined in the Declaration on the principles of international law relating to friendly relations and cooperation between states in accordance with the UN Charter.

International legal cooperation to combat terrorism develops quite dynamically. However, its potential has not yet been exhausted and has a significant reserve. To improve the efficiency of anti-terrorism interaction, it is necessary to continue to improve the legal framework, to give it a truly universal nature.

It is also important to expand the circle of participants in existing international anti-terrorist contracts. It is clear that the joint efforts of states and international organizations can give effective results in the fight against terrorism. And it is also very important to prevent the use of the intervention of one country into the internal affairs of another under the pretext of supporting terrorism by this country.

List of sources used

1. Volvebodz A. G. Legal regulation new directions of international cooperation in the field of criminal justice. M., 2015.
2. Zhdanov Yu. N., Lagovskaya E. S. European Criminal Law. M., 2014.
3. Akkayeva H. A. New trends of legislation on extremism and terrorism in Russian Federation // Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice. 2015. № 10-2 (60). P. 16-18.
4. Kanunnikova N. G. Foreign experience of countering international extremism and terrorism // Legal science and law enforcement practice. 2014. № 3 (29). Pp. 163-168.
5. Chumakova A. S., Buzinova A. A. On the issue of terrorism in modern conditions // Volga Pedagogical Search. 2013. № 1 (3). P. 137-139.

Essay on the topic "Terrorism as an international problem of modernity" Updated: April 7, 2019 by the author: Scientific

Terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, in scale and intensity, in their inhumanity and cruelty turned into one of the most acute and topical problems of global significance. The manifestations of terrorism entail massive human sacrifices, spiritual, material, cultural values \u200b\u200bare destroyed, which cannot be recreated by centuries. He creates hatred and distrust between social and national groups. Terrorist acts led to the need to create international system Fighting him. For many people, groups and organizations, terrorism has become a way to solve problems: political, religious, national. Terrorism refers to those species of criminal violence, victims of which innocent people who do not have any attitude towards conflict can become. Terrorism as a global problem requires constant attention and study and therefore represents a wide field for research with their subsequent practical application.

The relevance of the chosen theme is dictated by our reality. The scale and cruelty of the manifestation of modern terrorism, the need to continuously combat it, only confirms the relevance of the work.

Already by the end of the twentieth century. International crime has acquired a global nature. International criminal organizations have strengthened their positions as a result of increased migration flows, greater openness of state borders, the development of information technologies that facilitate the coordination of criminal organizations and complicating control by the authorities and due to the unresolved problem of poverty, non-projection of legislation. different countries, weaknesses and corruption of individual governments.

The resolution of the World Conference on Organized Transnational Crime, held in Naples in 1994, indicates ten major threats emanating from international crime: sovereignty of states, society, individuals, national stability and state control, democratic values \u200b\u200band public institutions, national economy, Financial institutions, democratization and privatization, development, global modes and codes of behavior.

In the chxi century This species acquires a special relevance. international crimeas world terrorism. In all, this problem was spoken after the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 in the United States.

Among the many reasons that generate world terrorism should be mentioned by the formation of the "unipolar" world in the last decade of the twentieth century, where the USA began to be taken as the dominant power and, accordingly, to impose responsibility for them for uneven economic development other countries. Globalization, carrying Western values, also contributes to the growth of nationalist sentiment, causing rejection from supporters of traditional views. The phenomenon of world terrorism today is also associated with the phenomenon of "asymmetric wars", where, on the one hand, there is a continuation of the globalization policy by military means, on the other - resistance in the form of terrorist acts leading to the death of civilians. Modern world is oversaturated with various types of weapons mass lesion (nuclear, chemical, biological), so the possibility of such weapons in the hands of terrorists is a threat to a global scale.

Chapter 1. Global problems of modernity

1.1. Essence of global problems The origin of the concept

The concept of "global problems of modernity" was widespread since the late 60s - early 70s, taking a prominent place in the scientific and political lexicon and firmly entrusted with the mass consciousness. Often it is used both as a fashionable term applied to events and phenomena that do not belong to the category of global. This happens if they identify "its" and "global" (for example, having in mind the social problems of any individual country, refer to them global).

In philosophy, this task is solved by the allocation of the corresponding criteria for which one or another problem is defined as global and thereby separated from the set of others that are not available.

Etymologically the term "global" comes from Lat. Globus - globe. Hence the problems that affect the interests and humanity in general, and every individual person in different points Planets, i.e. Those who wear universal character are customary called global. They have a significant impact on the development of individual countries and regions, being a powerful objective factor in global economic and social development. Their decision implies the unification of the efforts of the absolute majority of states and organizations at the international level, while their nonressence threatens with catastrophic consequences for the future of all mankind.

Problems of various levels

Since global problems affect not only the world as a whole, but also appear at the level of its regions, and even from delight countries, in the scientific literature, along with the recognition of their universal importance, their difference from the problems of private, local, regional, the essence of which other , and the sphere of influence is significantly already. Considering the problems of various levels as a specific expression of philosophical categories "General", "special" and "single", they usually interpret in such a way that private problems act as a single, local and regional as special, and global as universal. Such an approach sets the main criterion that underlies the allocation of these problems. It is referred to as geographical, as it expresses a spatial scale, or, in other words, the territory on which certain problems occur.

From here, private issues are referred to as those relating to some particular field of state activities, individual settlements or small natural objects.

This is usually various problems resulting from all sorts of accidents, breakdowns, local social conflicts, etc.

The concept of "local" refers to the problems of a higher order when it comes to individual countries or significant territories of the largest of them. We are talking, as a rule, about strong earthquakes, largest floods or, for example, civil war in a small state.

Regional problems already affect the already circle of topical issues that arise within the framework of individual continents, large socio-economic areas of the world, or in sufficiently large states. Examples of this kind can be the Chernobyl tragedy with all its consequences or climatic changes to sufficiently large areas covering a number of states. "Catastrophe of the century" was, for example, drought in 1968 in the Sahel zone, which covered 18 states of the African continent, when more than 250 thousand people died from hunger, about 18 million cattle epidemics, the epidemics of dangerous diseases arose, and the territory of this huge region was almost All turned into a desert.

In socio-political and scientific terminology, the concept of "national problems" is often used, which reflects certain difficulties, the care of a state or a national community. Depending on the scale, they can be interpreted as problems of a regional or local level.

Finally, global problems cover the whole globe; Moreover, not only the one part of it, where people directly live, but the rest of its surface, subsoil, atmosphere and even the outer space entering the sphere of human activity.

Thus, when it comes to global problems, refers to the planet as a whole, and the region is accepted for the largest unit of its division. Moreover, the number of regions and their scope are determined by the nature of the problems under consideration. For example, when studying the problem of economic retardation in a global scale is usually limited to dividing the entire planet into two regions - developed and developing countries. When considering the same demographic, energy or commodity problems, the number of regions, as a rule, increases and each time is determined by the specific objectives of the study.

It is important to note that any problem only can be considered global when it is relevant regarding any region of the planet, i.e. manifests itself in each of them. Otherwise, we will talk about the problems of one or more regions (or even more small scale).

It follows from this that all global problems have at the same time and regional importance, but not all problems found at the regional level are global. Obviously, the last number will be slightly less. As for the other levels, global problems may not have a direct local or private manifestation or may affect a slight degree. For example, in Antarctica or other corners of the planet remote on a sufficiently large distance from the main centers and sources of environmental pollution, the condition of air or water basins can be satisfactory, and the anthropogenic effect on the natural environment is practically not felt. Nevertheless, this does not question the planetary nature of the environmental problem, the degree of acuity of which depends on the unevenness of the anthropogenic effect on the natural environment. In turn, not all are local, and even more so private problems are related to global, for their number is incommensurable.

The above reasoning allows not only in scientific, but also in the practical plan to deliver between global and regional problems, since all global problems relate to a single system that does not change on their scale - to the planet as a whole. Hence, their number for this system at a certain historical stage is quite definite. At the same time, the number of problems of other levels is not amenable to strict accounting, for the borders of both regions and various areas are taken conditionally depending on the purposes and objectives of the study.

Criteria for globality

For a more strict determination of the actual global problems in science and philosophy, in addition to the already named "geographical" criterion, additional criteria are introduced, characterizing them on the other side - by their quality, essential features that they possess and only they. Among these features, it is all the fact that global problems in their essence affect the interests of not only individuals, but also the fate of all mankind.

Secondly, for their overcoming, targeted, concerted actions and the combination of efforts at least most of the world's population are required.

Thirdly, these problems are an objective factor in global development and cannot be ignored by anyone.

Fourth, unresolved global problems can lead in the future to serious, possibly irreparable consequences for all mankind and their habitat.

In addition to the marked criteria, it is often indicated by a number of features of global problems. Unlike regional, and even more less local and private, they are more inert, they have less mobility. They are improved and for a long time formed before they begin to meet all the above-mentioned criteria of globality, and as decisions can (theoretically) lose their relevance on a global scale, moving to a lower level. But the matter is so difficult that the short history of their existence still does not know such examples.

Another fundamental feature of global problems is that they are all in such a complex interdependence that the decision of one of them suggests at least accounting for other problems on it.

1.2. The role of philosophy in solving global problems

The relationship of science and philosophy

In solving difficult and complex tasks to help a person always came science. Much of the fact that once seemed insurmountable, leaving the limits of human capabilities, was overcome with its help. Naturally, therefore, that the first mentions and warnings about the danger on the part of global problems forced people to draw gaze to science, and scientists think about the ways to solve these problems.

The unusual and novelty of the current situation is that if any specific problems can be investigated both in a separate science and several operating in the complex, the global problems in general, which are a complex system covering humans, society and nature in their numerous relationships and interdependencies, individual sciences are not under power. The framework of specific disciplines is too narrow to see one private problem - the object of their research in the context of other global problems. Therefore, regardless of which specific tasks, one or another discipline solves, a prerequisite is always a philosophical view of processes and phenomena, they are associated, i.e. On the whole situation as a whole, including the results obtained, ultimately results.

Any private sciences at a certain stage, one way or another, need a philosophical understanding of the subject of its research. Without such a wide, overlooking the specific discipline of a holistic view on its subject and facing humanity, there would also be aware of the latest advances in other areas of knowledge, neither fundamental discoveries or the development of science itself are impossible.

This, therefore, is, on the one hand, about the philosophical solution of the issues, and on the other, that philosophy stimulates the interaction of a wide range of sciences, in the process of which their interdisciplinary association occupies an important place.

Philosophy plays a significant role in solving global problems, although there is an opinion that she (philosophy) is studying too general issuesrather distracted from the daily life and practice of people. However, this is not entirely correct, or rather, a superficial judgment of philosophy, for it is well known that summarizing theories, if we consider them in a wider term, often turn out to be much more practical than many specific areas of knowledge. Of course, it is impossible to say that philosophy certainly also directly affects the adoption of political and other decisions, although this moment should not be excluded at all. But still, its main function is to form a worldview and thereby have an indirect influence on the process of developing practical solutions. Its task is not to directly consider natural-scientific or technical aspects of global problems, but to ensure the ideological, methodological, cultural, ethical basis of the relevant decisions on the part of other sciences.

Relying on the achievement of specific disciplines in this area, the philosophical study is distracted by private and considers global problems only to the extent that they determine each other. In other words, the philosophical approach involves consideration of global problems in their unity, integrity and relationships in terms of their public importance and social conditionality. Such a study suggests, first of all, identifying the essence of global problems, since the establishment of their true nature and genesis largely predetermines the paths of their further scientific and practical solution.

Features of the philosophical approach

Having highlighting the specifics of philosophical comprehension of global problems, we note the most important, inherent in this form of knowledge, resulting from the basic functions of philosophy.

First, philosophy, forming the worldview, sets certain value settings, which largely determine the direction of human activity. Thus, its ideological and axiological function is implemented.

Secondly, the absence of a holistic idea of complex systemsstudied by various sciences is a serious obstacle to the interaction of various disciplines. In this regard, the methodological function of philosophy, generalizing theories that arise in its depths, are fundamentally necessary, because they contribute to the integration of scientific knowledge.

Thirdly, philosophy makes it possible in a historical context to explain public phenomena and processes, it formulates the most general laws of development of society and nature and therefore a study of global problems aims to understand them as a natural phenomenon organically related to public progress. The emergence of global problems, thus, is considered not as an accident or manifestation of blind Fatum, which is pre-conducting humanity to death, but as a result of an objective process of contradictory development of human history.

Fourth, with philosophical positions it seems possible to see the general trend of the development of global problems, the dynamics of their interaction and the interactiveness in which they are.

Fifth, philosophy performs the cultural function by the fact that it makes it possible to develop the culture of theoretical thinking. The study of the history of philosophy of various nations allows you to get acquainted with their culture, in the separation of which none of the problems facing this people cannot be solved.

Sixth, the result of a holistic vision of a natural-historical process and a dialectical approach to its interpretation is the possibility of a clearer orientation in a rapidly growing stream of scientific information on global problems.

On-seventh, philosophy puts questions about the meaning of the life of a person, death and immortality that in the face of the threat from global problems is of particular importance and relevance.

And, finally, another important methodological function of philosophy is the development of it a number of categories: "Nature", "Society", "Civilization", "Public Progress", "Scientific and Technical Revolution" and others who have a direct connection with modern relevant The problems of humanity and playing a big role in understanding and understanding the objective trends of world development.

Specifying the actual philosophical approach to the study of the global problems of modernity, consider now from these positions themselves.

Output: Now, in the 7th century, humanity is closely faced with the most acute global problems that threaten the existence of civilization and even life on our planet. The term "global" itself leads its origin from the Latin word "Globus", that is, the earth, the earth's ball, and from the late 60s of the 20th century, he received widespread dissemination to designate the most important and urgent generallylanet problems of the modern era affecting humanity as a whole . This combination of such acute life problems, on the decisions of which the further social progress of mankind depends and which themselves, in turn, can only be resolved thanks to this progress.

Philosophy plays a significant role in solving global problems and the philosophical approach involves consideration of global problems in their unity, integrity and relationships from the point of view of their social significance and social conditionality. Such a study aims primarily to identify the essence of global problems, as the establishment of their true nature and genesis largely predetermines the paths of their further scientific and practical solution.

Chapter 2. Terrorism and struggle with it.

2.1. Terrorism - the global problem of modernity

This transformation is due to the following reasons:

First, terrorism, unfortunately, is gaining more widely distributed on a planetary scale. It manifests itself as in the regions of traditional international conflict (for example, the Middle East, South Asia) and the most developed and prosperous states (in particular, the United States and Western Europe).

Secondly, terrorism is a major threat to the safety of individual states and the entire world community as a whole. Every year, hundreds of terrorist acts are performed in the world, and the mournful account of their victims is thousands of killed and crippled people;

Thirdly, to combat terrorism, the efforts of one great power or even a group of highly developed states is not enough. Overcoming terrorism as an exacerbating global problem requires the collective efforts of most states and peoples on our planet, the entire world community.

Fourth, the connection of modern phenomenon of terrorism with other relevant global problems is becoming more apparent and visual. Currently, terrorism problem should be considered as an important element of the entire complex of universal, global problems.

Consider in more detail the most important of them.

First of all, it should be paid to the fact that the problem of terrorism is associated with the main spheres of the life of the world community and societies of individual countries: policies, national relations, religion, ecology, criminal communities, etc. This connection was reflected in the existence of various types of terrorism, which include: political, nationalist, religious, criminal and environmental terrorism.

Members of the political terror groups put their task to achieve political, social or economic changes within one or another state, as well as undermining interstate relations, international law and order. Nationalist (or as it is also called national, ethnic or separatist) terrorism pursues the purpose of the decision national Questionthat B. lately It becomes more and more the nature of the separatist aspirations in various polyethnic states.

The religious type of terrorism is due to the attempts of armed groups professing one or another religion to fight against the state where a different religion or a different religious direction is dominated. Criminal terrorism is formed on the basis of any criminal business (drug business, illegal turnover of weapons, smuggling, etc.) in order to create chaos and tensions in the context of which, most likely to receive super-profits. Ecological terrorism is implemented by groupings protruding with the help of violent methods at all against scientific and technological progress, pollution ambient, killing animals and building nuclear facilities.

Another distinctive feature of the global problem of terrorism is a significant impact on it of international criminal communities, certain political forces and some states. This influence undoubtedly leads to the exacerbation of the problem under consideration.

IN modern world There are manifestations of state terrorism related to attempts to eliminate heads of foreign countries and other political figures; with shares aimed at overthrowing the governments of foreign countries; Creation of panic among the population of foreign states, etc.

Terrorism is today an integral part of the process of distributing transnational criminal organizations supported by corrupt government officials and politicians. Thus, in gaining broad fame, the work of English scientists "Global Transformation" is noted: "There are negative forms of international organizations, such as terrorist and criminal organizations. Despite the conflict between smugglers and the authorities lasting many centuries, last years The growth of transnational criminal organizations is associated with drug trafficking (now according to expert estimates, its annual turnover is over 300 billion dollars) and the widespread proliferation of organized crime. The solution to these problems has become one of the most important tasks for governments and police forces around the world. "

More than one specific feature of the global problem of terrorism is its difficult predictability. In many cases, mentally unbalanced people become subjects of terrorism, excessively ambitious politicians. Terrorism is often considered as a way to achieve goals on the world arena and in international relations that cannot be implemented by any other methods. In modern conditions, the form of terrorist activity is becoming increasingly complicated, and included in an increasing contradiction with universal values \u200b\u200band logic of world development.

Thus, the problem of terrorism represents a real planetary scale a threat to the global community. This problem It has its own specificity that distinguishes it from other universal difficulties. However, the problem of terrorism is closely interconnected with most global problems of modern international relations. It can be considered as one of the most relevant global problems of our days.

In these conditions, the global problem of terrorism cannot only be considered as an independent phenomenon. It began to turn into an important part of a more general military-political global problem related to the fundamental issues of war and the world, on the decision of which the further existence of human civilization depends.

2.2. Possible methods to overcome the main problem of modernity

Humanism as a value basis for solving the problem of terrorism

The solution of the global problem of modernity - terrorism is general

In philosophical literature there are various
Interpretation of the concept of "humanism". Historically, the humanism most often understood the system of value attitudes aimed at meeting the needs of a person. In this sense, the concept of "humanism" coincided according to his meaning with the concept of "humanity", "humanity".
Humanism as a certain system of value orientations and installations brought to a logical end receives the value of the public ideal. With this approach, a person is considered as the highest goal of social development, during which the creation of the necessary conditions for the complete realization of all its potencies, achieve harmony in the socio-economic and spiritual sphere of life, the highest flourishing of a particular human personality. In other words, the highest goal
humanity is obviously in achieving full
The implementation of the principles of humanism as the celebration of the human start. Humanism in this sense should not be understood unilaterally, only as a complete realization of the human principle in the spiritual sphere, moral and moral relations. Humanistic origin is inextricably linked
With all the spheres of people's lives, including with social production, and with a system of production relations, since without satisfying the material needs of society and a person, and some of the spiritual and moral development of the individual can be speeches.

Along with these approaches, in modern philosophical literature, it is most often emphasized that the realization of the principles of humanism means the manifestation of a universal start. Humanism, in accordance with such an approach, is defined as a system of ideas and values \u200b\u200bthat approve the universal significance of human existence in general and a separate person in particular. Universal in this approach is considered as something significant for some limited circle of people ( social Group, class, party, state or coalition of states), but as what matters for all mankind. These may be certain specific values \u200b\u200band material objects, from a sufficient number of which the existence of humanity depends. Or vice versa,
excess such objects, lack of due control over
They constitute a threat to humanity. Thus, the global problems of modernity - awareness of the tragic prospects of humanity in the face of a nuclear threat, the threats of hungry death and the environmental catastrophe - forcing humanity to overcome the narrow horizon of local, particular, relative values \u200b\u200band contact the search for the values \u200b\u200bof universal. To this, humanity encourages not only the desire for survival, the instinct of self-preservation, but also the deep need
man in organic communication with other people who
It became now more conscious and more urgent, which is expressed in such a very little studied phenomenon as an increase in planetary consciousness. At an invariably higher level, while maintaining the wealth of individual self-expression, humanity seems to turn to times when the representative of the genus, tribes, communities seemed to be seen in the individual, and the representative of the entire human race. This circle of universal value is a consequence of historical necessity, it is landed and promotes only the external association of people in the struggle for survival. However, along with this value, the term "universal values" has a wider nature. Universal values \u200b\u200bare treated as transcendental values.

Transcendental values Meet as limit, historically not localized. They in one degree or another belong to all nations, but not everyone is expressed in the same way. This expression depends on the degree of metaphysicality of the mentality of the people, its aspiration to something is absolute, transcendental, which includes an unclear item and requiring special respect, pitue. These values \u200b\u200bare due to the peculiarities of the cultural and historical development of a country, its religious traditions, a type of civilization. So, for example, a detrimental metaphysicity found in the minds of Russians found its expression
In the universal sense, the messianic idea designed to combine the broken branches of universal progress. Hence the attraction of the idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism, stirred by the consciousness of the Russian people, and, in fact, overgrowing the whole public life Russia.

Transcendental values \u200b\u200bhave a deep inner, hidden from an appearance meaning, which, as a rule, is not captured, for his comprehension implies the ascent to the origins of the fundamental tradition, which preserves its spiritual content. Then values
appear not just as external moral rules,
And as objects of direct internal experience, that is, they are based on
It turns out ultimately, the idea of \u200b\u200bGod as the embodiment of good, love, beauty, truth and justice. God is a scale, through which human affairs is evaluated.

Aspiration of man to some other, higher activity There is an important and indestructible psychological need that gives impetus to activity, the development of creativity, without which no great accomplishments are possible. "The greatest beauty that is achieved in this world - wrote
N. A. Berdyaev, - is not connected with the fact that humanity puts themselves purely earthly goals in this reality, but in what it
put a goal outside this world . That gust that mankind in the world was different, in this world embodied in
the only possible, high beauty for it, which
Always has a symbolic nature, not realistic. "

Universal values \u200b\u200bare an ideal, symbol, sample, regulatory idea and in such a capacity they have the right to hold the appropriate place in our consciousness, in the worldview. In this sense, universal values \u200b\u200bare not just invention, an empty dream, behind them is the experience of mankind, its potency and aspiration. The modern era not only highlighted the important role of universal values, but also showed their contradictions and dynamics, and in different interrelated plans. It is about contradictions in the very nature of universal values, about contradictions between them and specific historical
Environmental phenomena in the system of these values.

The concept of universal values \u200b\u200bas a regulatory idea, ideal, the sample is opposed to the idea that these values, as such, contradictory by nature and cannot be different, since the same thing is all-in-law. The same scale is applied to various, including mutually exclusive phenomena. Thus, further the highest motivations in the name of good, the benefits may turn evil for many people and everything
societies when they are equally the same measure
They apply to those who are simply deaf to them, but use a call for good to egoistic purposes, for damage to specific people and the whole society.

And yet the inconsistency of universal values \u200b\u200bdid not lead in history to failure to submit them as a solid, consistent ideal, that is, to recognizing them relative characterRelativization. In
this did not happen because the relativization of values \u200b\u200balways resisted various religions. In religious interpretation, universal values \u200b\u200bare comprehended as values \u200b\u200bthat have divine nature. It cleared them from internal contradictions, although in
A certain extent focused on the existence of a contradiction between them and earthly reality.

Consolidation of international forces

The worldview of people is manifested not only in what they know about the world, but also in how they interpret this information, what conclusions do, as they do. Therefore, speaking of the urgent need to all the world and immediately solve global problems, it is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that having certain successes in theory and some practical results, humanity has not yet stopped negative trends in world development. There is also no proper consolidation of international forces, their coordinated, purposeful and, most importantly, effective actions that would be adequately designating danger. Why and what prevents this? Is the coherence of actions in such a heterogeneous and controversial world, which he began on the outcome of the second millennium? And if possible, on what basis? These are the main questions that the social thought continues today and, not least, philosophy.

Historic experience shows that the rapprochement of various nations the best way It happens where their interests coincide, and the better they are conscious, the feeling the result of integration. On this basis, various difficulties are confidently overcome, trade is successfully developed, the economic, political, cultural ties, inconceivable without understanding and consistency in actions.

Usually the greatest difficulties that have to overcome on this path are associated with ideological conservatism, well-minded, traditions. They have a property to change, but it happens for a very long time, with great difficulty and, as a rule, under pressure from external or internal circumstances. External, for example, are: exacerbation of the environmental crisis, the consequences of the "demographic explosion", the danger of war and other global problems that we have already noted have significantly changed not only the living conditions of people, but have already influenced their consciousness. Internal associated with interest, subjective, personal beginning of a person, which was reflected in well-known expression "if the geometric axioms affected the interests of people, they would have been refuted." This circumstance must necessarily be taken into account if they try to understand why the acuity of environmental problems is not reduced in cases where there are necessary conditions and sufficient grounds for this.

Output: Recently, the problem of terrorism has become one of the most acute global problems of modernity.

The problem of terrorism is inherent in many common features characteristic of other universal difficulties, such as the planetary scale of manifestation; big sharpness; negative dynamism when the negative impact on the vital activity of mankind increases; The need for an emergency solution, etc. At the same time, the global problem of terrorism has a specific feature characteristic of it.

The cause of all mankind. Humanity should develop effective forms of cooperation, which would allow all countries to act together, despite the differences in socio-political, religious, ethnic and other ideological orientations. And for this it should rely on certain basic value orientations. Many modern philosophers rightly believe that such basic orientations may be the values \u200b\u200bof humanism.


As a result of the work performed, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Now, in the XXI century, humanity came closely with the most acute global problems that threaten the existence of civilization and even life on our planet. The term "global" itself leads its origin from the Latin word "Globus", that is, the earth, the earth's ball, and from the late 60s of the 20th century, he received widespread dissemination to designate the most important and urgent generallylanet problems of the modern era affecting humanity as a whole .

Philosophy plays a significant role in solving global problems and the philosophical approach involves consideration of global problems in their unity, integrity and relationships from the point of view of their social significance and social conditionality.

Recently, the problem of terrorism has become one of the most acute global problems of modernity.

The problem of terrorism is inherent in many common features characteristic of other universal difficulties, such as the planetary scale of manifestation; big sharpness; negative dynamism when the negative impact on the vital activity of mankind increases; The need for an emergency solution, etc. At the same time, the global problem of terrorism has a specific feature characteristic of it.

The solution of the global problem of terrorism is a common
The cause of all mankind. Humanity should develop effective forms of cooperation, which would allow all countries to act together, despite the differences in socio-political, religious, ethnic and other ideological orientations. And for this it should rely on certain basic value orientations. Many modern philosophers rightly believe that such basic orientations may be the values \u200b\u200bof humanism.


1. Held D., McGrew A., Goldblatt D., Perraton J. Global Transformations. Politics, Economics and Culture. Oxford, 2009. P. 58.

2. Berdyaev N. A. The meaning of history. - M.: Thought, 1990. - P. 157-158.

3. Batin, I.V. Philosophy: Tutorial for universities. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2004.- 576c.

4. Gavrilin Yu.V., Smirnov L.V. Modern terrorism: essence, typology, problems of opposition. Tutorial. - M.: Book World, 2003. - 66 p.

5. Kikel P.V. Philosophy. - M.: Asar, 2008. - 429 c.

6. Kostin, A. I. Ecopolithology and globalide. - M.: Aspect-press, 2009. - 170 p.

7. Nikitaev V.V. The body of terror. To the problem of terrorism theory // Polyground. - 2010, №3. - p.63.

8. Sosnin V.A., Nestik T.A. Modern terrorism. Socio-psychological analysis. - M.: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2008. -240 p.

9. Social diseases of modernity // "Bulletin of Russian Society" - 2009, No. 4. - P. 66.

10. Turaev V.A. Global problems of modernity: a tutorial for universities. - M.: Europe, 2005. - 269 p.

    Benefits and compensation for harmful working conditions

    Life safety abstract

    Characteristic of natural emergencies

    Life safety abstract

    Analysis of hazardous and harmful production factors section of the graduation work

    Terrorism is a method that use some organized groups or political parties to achieve their goals. Terrorism is based on violence. A distinctive feature of terrorism is the use of violence against non-enemy, but peaceful people who often and do not suspect a political confrontation. TO terrorist actsIn particular, includes the seizure of hostages, the hijacking of aircraft, the organization of explosions on the street and so on. The purpose of terrorism is to suffer as many people as possible. For some reason, supporters of terrorism believe that it attracts attention to their requirements. In the 70s of the last century, the term "international terrorism" appeared. The UN defines international terrorism as follows: "Complement, organization, facilitation, financing or encouraging by agents or representatives of one state of acts against another state or connivance on their part of the commission of such acts that are directed against persons or property and which in their nature have a goal to cause fear W. public figures, groups of persons or population as a whole. "Terror in our time has become one of the most painful problems of both local and global scale. Now everyone has become clear that terrorism exists not only in the North Caucasus, Indonesia, Philippines and the Middle East. This The phenomenon spread throughout the world, and now, being even in the most developed countries, it is impossible to be sure that it will not affect you. Terror began to influence the global economy and there is a serious question about the fight against this phenomenon. In the modern world of high technology and universal integration It is impossible to fight terrorism of each country separately. Need a coalition of all countries interested in the destruction of this phenomenon. The blow should be caused by point and immediately in all areas of terrorists, and this blow must consist not only from military measures, but also economic, political. The question consists not only to destroy military units of bandits, but also in the overlapping of financial sign The current of these people, and it is also necessary to create conditions under which new terrorists will not appear, i.e. I want to say that you need to eradicate this evil completely: and roots, and shoots. Explanation of such radical measures Next: if you stop the activities of military units, but to leave financial sources of bandits - new people will appear, ready to die because they pay for it. Be sure to create new jobs in the areas of concentration of the cells of terrorists and the territories of a set of mercenaries, fighting in other states. If this is done, then in the Extremist Organizations, such a number of personnel will not appear, although there are fanatics that are unknown for what. An important part of the struggle is the information war, the victory in which can bring a significant part of success in the entire operation, and the defeat can be reduced to no success in other directions. For a successful struggle, a blow and crime is needed, because terrorists have income from the sale of narcotic drugs and weapons. To successfully combat terrorism, it is necessary to destroy not only the organization of an extremist sense, but also crime, i.e., lead war against the whole world evil in general

    Forces of international terrorism attack Europe, the forces of international terrorism attacked Russia ... Amazing lies in their scale! There is no unified international terrorist organization and never existed. There are separate terrorist organizations, each of which has its own ideology. In some cases, this ideology has religious grounds, in others is expressed by the doctrines of the national liberation struggle, thirdly - various social exercises (anarchist, trotskyist, mauist orientation). But the ideology that puts on the terrorist attacks is preferred not to talk.

    In our de-chicting time, the issue of the issue of which ideological alternatives are possible that the existing system of life is perceived by a greater threat than terrorism itself. Meanwhile, without deconstruction of the ideological motivators of terrorism, it is impossible to resist him.

    Blurness of the ideological essence of the category "International terrorism"

    Terrorism is currently not only an expression of political realities, but also an informational phenomenon. It is determined today in the list of global threats as one of the main challenges facing humanity.

    Terrorism is positioned as an opponent recognized by the international community of national states, including Russia. War in Chechnya was characterized precisely as an attack on the Russian Federation of forces of international terrorism. International terrorism is the only opponent of Russia in the National Security Strategy. The topic of threats of international terrorism is in fact the main problem motive and in the US National Security Strategies. All this information discourse looks like an attempt to retouch the true nature of the challenges considered under the terrorist marker. Terrorism itself cannot be defined as an opponent because it is not a subject. Terrorism is a tactic to which various ideological forces can appear. And what is the ideology of terrorism prefer not to say, because in this case, not fully desired for the beneficiaries of modern world and national systems questions will be raised.

    The president of Russia was aggression on the basis of Russia, the president of Russia was aggression on the basis of the forces of international terrorism. The words about this aggression were held, in particular, in the Presidential Messals to the Federal Assembly.

    2002: "We managed to solve the most important efforts to solve strategic task - eliminate the most dangerous center of international terrorism in Afghanistan. Stip his negative impact on the situation in other regions of the world, eliminate the threat from there from there.

    After September 11 last year, many, very many in the world realized that " cold War"Ended. They realized that now - other threats, another war is coming - war with international terrorism. His danger is obvious, it does not require new evidence. I want to note: it fully applies to Russia. "

    2004: "Russia turned out to be one of the first countries faced with a large-scale threat of international terrorism. As we all know, not so long ago it threatened the very territorial integrity of the Russian Federation. After the famous terrible tragedies that occurred as a result of terrorist attacks, the world has developed an anti-terrorist coalition. It has developed at our active participation, in collaboration with the United States of America, with other countries and in the situation with Afghanistan showed its high capacity in the fight against the threat of terror.

    Russia values \u200b\u200bthe formed antiterrorist community, values \u200b\u200bthem as a tool for coordinating interstate efforts to combat this evil. Moreover, successful cooperation within the framework of the coalition and on the basis of international law can be a good example of the consolidation of civilized states in the fight against community threats. "

    2005 year: "The integrity of the country was violated by the terrorist intervention and the following Khasavyurt surrender."

    So, they attacked us, and who attacked - undesirable to pronounce - "Some forces are dark". In the Russian case, as in the case of terrorist attacks in Western countries, it would have to analyze the phenomenology of the currents of modern Islam and deal with the ideological jihad. But this is not Russian, nor the Western expert community is ready. Meanwhile, without such an analysis, Islamist trends using terror tactics will only increase.

    And such an analysis should lead to the conclusion that Islam is the traditional and jihadist versions of Islam contradict each other. The category of jihad traditional Islam itself cannot be expanded under modern terrorist practice. The idea of \u200b\u200bstruggle is contained in any of the religions and cannot but be contained. Any of religions is built on hard dichotomy of good and evil. And struggling with evil - moral imperative for any believer. Jihad just expresses this philosophy of struggle. Exist different kinds Jihad, assuming, among other things, the fight against criminals, fighting its own bad thoughts. Between terrorism and the struggle with their own bad thoughts, of course, the abyss. Jihadists produced a fundamental substitution. The imperative of the struggle against evil was replaced by actually the imperative genocide - the physical destruction of others. This is the direct substitution of Islam, which has nothing to do with the Great Religion.

    All traditional religions as one of the basic values \u200b\u200bargue human life. Religious terrorism seemingly acting on behalf of religion. But the very fact of deprivation of a person's life enters into a contradiction with the original religious value foundation. It is significant that the spiritual authorities of all the leading traditional religions condemn today terrorism. Terrorist acts can not be interpreted in this sense as the struggle of the religious world against the world of secular. So he wants to imagine the forces interested in the production of conflict. In reality, terrorism contradicts both religious and humanistic secular systems of value coordinates.

    The history of terrorism in the context of the development of the information society and the prospects for global political transformation

    In a sense, the story of terrorism relates to the history of mankind. However, in the ancient and medieval era, it was mainly represented in the form of Tiranomachy. The genesis of modern terrorism is associated with the advent of the inflation of the information society.

    Although in the Middle Ages, and the attack antihily not only had a personalized direction, but also intended the excitative function, i.e. He served as a form of campaign or frightening message. Moreover, there was a mythological layer of the sacralized Pantheon of the terrorist heroes. Judith and Brut, Zelotov and Assassins, Robin Hood are variations of the terrorist canvas of the archaic periods of history. The terrorist is perceived as a cultural figure, even ritual in that culture or countercultitution, for the sake of the ideas of which he went to the terrorist attack. Thinking by double standards is expressed in the fact that "someone else's" terrorism is presented as evil when as "its" is estimated as a feat. In the first case, the terrorist is determined by a criminal and a gangster, in the second - rebel, underground, guerrilla. It is impossible to overcome this axiological dichotomy. The occurrence of it as a mass phenomenon is dated last quarter of the XIX century. Since its inception, he was articulated within three ideological areas: anarchic terrorism (USA and Western Europe), socialist terrorism (Russia), ethno-confessional terrorism (Ireland, Poland, India, Middle East).

    It is impossible to say that the terrorism of centenary limitations was substantially different and was aimed at specific figures of power. Indeed, the Social terrorist attacks were, mainly personalized orientation. But the terrorist attacks in the performance of anarchists or maximets were directed against the "bourgeois society" as a whole, which was expressed, for example, in the explosions of public institutions, throwing the bombs of the cafe, "agricultural" and "factory" terror.

    The terrorist attack in the conditions of the information society is focused on public resonance. In the absence of information, it turns out to be deprived of meaning. Consequently, the creation of an informational vacuum around the activities of terrorist groups is an effective way to combat terrorism. But the principles of publicity and freedom of the media are the cornerstone of the organization civil societyTherefore, for their restriction, even if in order to prevent a terrorist threat, it would be necessary to abandon the existing ideological model.

    There is an other known since ancient times a universal way to prevent terrorist attacks - constitutional. Also in ancient times At the conclusion of the world, the hostage practices were widely used, which was the most significant factor holding the peoples from attacks on each other. The hostage served as an effective restraining mechanism for the local population in the colonization policy of Tsarist Russia on national outskirts. But positioning in accordance with the marker of "civilization" did not allow the representatives of their own intelligentsia in hostages, and as a result, Russian empireSuccessfully prevented the development of national terrorism, the terrorist wave of the social revolution was swept. By the way, the Bolsheviks were not bent to use the procedure for hosting. Thus, in 1922, the execution of a sentence for suicide schools was postponed with the reservation that the execution of the accused will take place if the party of the socialist revolutionaries will further use the terrorist methods of struggle against Soviet power.

    The threat of death to frighten the terrorist. According to the long-standing look, the intensive motive of the terrorist attack is suicidal psychopathology. The terrorist is looking for death, and the prospect of Eshafot for him is welcome. But, sacrificing himself, the terrorist will not always go to the sacrifice of their comrades or relatives who are hostage. However, the practice of hosting, naturally, is also incompatible with the concept of "human rights". Accordingly, the promotion of terrorism theme logically brings to the conclusion of the need to ensure that the system of rights and freedoms of man is coagulated. In the future, global trends, the designated benchmarks can be defined as the projection of the new fascization of the world.

    Terrorism as a manifestation of a new civilization war

    Negative axiology of terrorism by ideological attitudes of the winning or dominant party. But often terrorism was the only way to defend its rights and dignity when the legitimate path turns out to be ineffective.

    The Armenian Genocide would be not marked by the world community by and large, if not Dashnak terror. "In the end, who speaks today about the destruction of Armenians?" - asked by A.Gitler's rhetorical question after time, in justifying the possibility of genocide against Jews. However, the loud political killings by Dashnaki persons involved in the genocide forced the world community to recognize the existence of an Armenian issue. Of course, terror is impossible, being on humanistic positions, recognize an acceptable tool. But politically as a method, it often turns out to be almost the only possible way to convey its position.

    In the wars of interstate, as you know, winners and defeated. To defeat the same in civilizational wars is in principle it is impossible. The force of action is equal to the strength of opposition. The metaphor of the "civilizational pendulum" can be used to transfer this formula of Isaac Newton to the language of humanities. The greater the amplitude of the pendulum movement in one direction, the more significant will then be his movement to another. The suppression of civilization identity in the first phase will inevitably lead in the second phase to civilizational rejection. Constridar in relation to the civilization aggressor is inevitable.

    The "civilization pendulum" movement brightly illustrates the history of the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean. Persian Aggression to the West - Hiking of Alexander Macedonian to the East - Parthian offensive on the West - Roman offensive to the East - the invasion of the Gunnov to the West - Byzantine Imperial Restoration of power in the East - Arabices to the West - Crusades to the East - Ottoman Aggression to West - Western Colonial Aggression to the East. Modern terrorist attack of Europe, the spread of anti-parish jihadism is another phase of this pendulum movement. Stop the flow of a bloody pendulum can only be refused to practice civilizational aggression.

    It is impossible to justify the practice of terrorism on humanistic positions. But this does not mean that its genesis should not be explained. Explanatory analysis objectively leads to the conclusion of the responsibility of Western Neocrity. Did you really exist understanding that aggression is military and informational to anything else as the spread of the extremist ideology of an irreconcilable struggle - jihadism, the strategies of the "war without borders", the tactics of an individual terror could not lead? The logic of opposition to the superior forces of the enemy was to lead to such an outcome.

    The prophecies were the words of Muammar Gaddafi, who overthrew the "broad coalition" of forces and which a few months before their death, referring to the Western community, warned: "The disregard of Libya's stability will result in the collapse of peace in the world, through instability in the Mediterranean. In the event that our power in Libya should stop, millions of Africans are illegally in Italy, in France ... Europe will become black at the very short time. This is our strength blocks illegal immigration. This is due to us reigns stability in the Mediterranean, the entire length of 2 thousand kilometers along the Libyan coast. We prevent immigration, contain the development and promotion of Al Caida ... Thus, if stability in Libya is broken, it will immediately have bad consequences for Europe and for the Mediterranean. Everyone will be in danger! ".

    And what could such actions could lead to the publication of cartoons against Mohammed and Islamic shrine. Incident with caricatures "Charlie Hebdo" was not in this respect exceptional case, while in a series of anti-Islamic manifestations. How to evaluate this kind of action as the expression of freedom of opinions, or conscious provocation?

    And here is another example lying in dualism between the right to freedom and provocation. In 2003, after overthrowing in Iraq, Saddam Hussein regime, the new authorities are one of the first steps to decriminalize homosexual relations. For Islamic country, the step is unprecedented! As Muslims will perceive this legislative novel, it was obvious. The birth of ISIS of this kind of steps was programmable. The clarifications of modern political figures are characteristic, and there are no idea from the Arsenal of the Religious Wars of the Middle Ages. The twelfth of September 2011, the day after the resonant terrorist attack on the US, George Bush spoke about the new war against terrorism, using the phraseology "Crusade". For the countries of Islam, after that it became actually everything is clear. Subsequently, the American president acknowledged that words about " cross campaign"Were inappropriate. But the stounter took place. Yes, and the subsequent rhetoric sounded completely in the spirit of the initiator's appeals of the first crusade of Pope Urban II.

    "And we," says the American president under the style of Messianic sermons for the fifth anniversary of the events of September 11, - let's go ahead with confidence in our national spirit, in the justice of our goals, and with the faith of God, who made all of us free ... Now we are at the earliest stage of battle between tyranny and freedom. Despite the curious violence, many still ask the question: do the peoples of the Middle East want freedom? For 60 years, these doubts have determined our policies in this region. And then in the clear September morning, it became obvious to us that the peace was seen, which we saw in the Middle East turned out to be only a mirage. The years of attempts to achieve stability turned out to be wasted. And we changed our policy ".

    Amazing recognition is done - they want or do not want the peoples of the region of freedom in its American reading it does not matter - the policy of pacification is over, the policy of another kind of policy begins. And what is the policy opposite to pacification (and you can only pacify the one who you consider the immanent enemy) clearly is the policy of suppression.

    Russia, if it is serious, takes on the role of the confessed in the Middle East of the lawlessness, should finally determine who is ideologically managed. Terrorism is not an ideology, but a means of fighting a struggle to which completely different organizations can resort. To say that we are fighting terrorism - not to say anything. To say what we are struggling with ISIL is also not enough, because the Igilovsk organization has a completely definite ideology. But to determine the essence of hostile ideology to be afraid and do not want. Being afraid of the conflict will come out in this case, beyond the script of the "little victorious war", they do not want - because, saying the ideology of the enemy, it will be necessary to declare the ideology of its own and rebuilding the entire prevailing system of life support. To do - sooner or later it will have to do any.

    Informational promotion themes of world terrorist threat

    Calling a terrorist threat seemingly more than obvious. The terrorist attacks directly undermine the current management system, the life of society is chaw composed, cause a state of panic. But is not the rise of the frequency of terrorist attacks by the consequence of the corresponding information promotion? The verification of this assumption was carried out by comparing the dynamics of terrorist attacks with the dynamics of mentioning the problem of terrorism in the headlines of the world's leading newspapers. As a result, it was found that warming up the topic of terrorist threat began to be previously increased the number of terrorist attacks. The creation of appropriate information issues in the media reached as a response to real terrorism. The result was an articulated dilemma - freedom of private life - in exchange for security.

    International terrorism is currently not only a real threat, but also a special kind of scarecrow. The map of the terrorist threat over the world is actively playing.

    Content analysis of the media, detecting the frequency of the operated topics to make enough accurate forecasts for political processes today. The experiment conducted was to establish a chronological sequence between the phenomenon and its information promotion. According to the general logic, an event at first occurs, and only then its informational distribution. If the information originally appears, it means it is it that causes the phenomenon. What was discovered? Initially, the rise of publication activity on terrorism, and only then the increase in the dynamics of terrorist acts. This suggests that it is the media and program such actions. Information wars technology is obvious. Remembering the aphorism of Jean Bodrieryar, in a room where there is a TV, sooner or later there will be a murder.

    The dynamics of terrorist attacks in the world, as the calculations showed, does not increase. But at the same time the topic of terrorism, as an informational reason, does not cease to unwind. Consequently, the information promotion pursues not the goal of combating terrorist threat, but some other non-advertisable strategic guidelines.

    The Western World is presented as the main victim of aggression by international terrorism. In fact, the geography of the distribution of the number of terrorist attacks and their victims on various regions of the world is completely different.

    Consequently, the information promotion of the topic of international terrorism has a project focused. Resonance reports about terrorist attacks, not even the attacks themselves, turned out to be politically in demand. The point here is not in the terrorists themselves - the puppets of someone else's geopolitical game, but in the worst of the appropriate information stamp.

    Double game and global manageability problem by international terrorism

    The experience of studying the history of terrorism allows you to state the presence of the continued connection of terrorists with representatives of power structures and law enforcement agencies. Russian terrorist organizations of the beginning of the 20th century were flooded by provocateurs, and acted under the Cap of Police Department. "Azef Case" only the top of this iceberg. The killings of Plev, Sergey Alexandrovich Romanova, Stolypin took place at least with the connivance of the guard. Now there is no doubt that a significant part of the terrorist attacks of the Stalinist era was initiated by the NKVD. So, if in a historical retrospective terrorism hardly did not always turn out to be directed by the authorities, then why this kind of pattern cannot be applicable to the modern era? It is known that al-Keda was originally an American project, and Osama Ben Laden fought with the support of Americans against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan. The possibility of communication of international terrorism with a global benefits in this logic cannot be recognized by something fundamentally impossible.

    Search for someone profitable ... The terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in the United States was a catalyst for the growth of patriotic discourse. The consequence of the terrorist attack was attempting by J. Bush-junior consolidating American nation against an external enemy. The Federal Law "On Cohesion and Strengthening America, adopted in October 2001, by providing appropriate funds required to curb and prevent terrorism," which gave the government wide powers in supervision for citizens and restriction of freedoms, received the informal name "Patriotic Act". After sixteen years, the action of the law was not canceled. The geopolitical consequence of the September 11 terrorist attack became american expansion In Iraq and Afghanistan. In both cases, evidence of the connection of terrorists with the relevant states was nothing. But the overall information context - the attack on the USA terrorists legitimized in the mass perception the possibility of invading with a response to other countries and even participation in the "Cross Trek", proclaimed by J. Bush-younger.

    Terrorism and the threat of new fascia

    The creation of any civilizational system involves the design of the enemy's image. If there is no real enemy, it can be taken artificially. There is no doubt that we are on the threshold of approval of a new global management system.

    International terrorism is positioned as the main enemy of the modern globalized world. In reproduction of the topic of a global terrorist threat and a specific mechanism for the implementation of political globalization is concluded. However, the construction of the global totalitarian system hinders the ideological recurrence of the era of the modernization - "human rights". Through the scan of the topic of international terrorism, mass social consciousness is prepared for the perception of the involution of civil liberties. The Company is already ready to recognize the appropriate formula: "Human rights - in exchange for security."