Essay on social science ideology and international terrorism. Abstract on history on the topic: International terrorism read. The essence of global problems The origin of the concept



Teacher Samirkhanova Magira Maganovna

Terrorism, due to its inhumanity and cruelty, has become today one of the most acute and topical problems of global significance. The emergence of terrorism entails massive human casualties, destroys spiritual, material, cultural values ​​that have been recreated for centuries. It generates hatred and mistrust between social and national groups.

What is terrorism? I think there is no definite meaning for this word, because it is impossible to give a name to the phenomenon when many defenseless, innocent people are killed. When they don’t even look at how a crying child, standing and looking into the eyes of these people, begs not to kill his mother ... When planes, trains, residential buildings, offices, schools are seized with particular cruelty ...

School... Seizure of the school... Beslan... I think everyone knows about this tragedy. Well, what has humanity come to if they started killing children !?

September 1... Children go to school... And terror. It would seem that these are two completely opposite phenomena, but it was! How much these children had to go through, how much their parents had to go through. And what memories will accompany these children all their lives, when once again the country will celebrate the day of knowledge? This is just inhumane!

Also, many innocent people became victims of terrorists on September 11, 2002 in the United States. I think the events of September 11 forced us to change our understanding of the world in general. This day was experienced by the whole country, the whole world. The events of September 11 made us realize that we are all potential victims. Among those who died that day were people of various nationalities, whose only fault was that they were peaceful citizens of a free society. Terrorism has already become a global threat. The threat looms over everyone, it has become worldwide. The events of September 11 can be considered the declaration of world war. Nowadays, terror or at least some of its manifestations exist in every state. And each state is trying to fight or prevent it by creating various organizations to combat terrorism. But still every year a lot of people die from committed terrorist acts. This does not mean that the security agencies and authorities are not working well, it means that terrorism is very large-scale and has no borders. That is why it is very difficult to fight him. In various states, terrorism has its own form: for example, in Muslim countries it has the character of a liberation or "holy war", since sacred faith plays a big role for them. These people, the Arabs, for the sake of their liberation, which the government cannot provide, declared "jihad" - a holy war to the whole world.

Government various countries tries to prevent attempts to commit terrorist acts not by force, but more by compromise. For example, in the Chechen Republic, if a terrorist surrenders his weapon and surrenders to the authorities, and if he did not commit violent crimes, he was not sent to prison. This law is very effective as thousands of militants have surrendered to the authorities.

On October 18-19, a conference on the fight against terrorism was opened in Moscow, in which delegations of legislators from 28 countries took part. This means that countries united into one whole are participating in this struggle, which together, I think, will be able to defeat this world war. On the other hand, this means that modern terrorism appears in the form of international terrorism, which Act of terrorism have an international scope.

Let's try to understand why terror is needed, and who needs it, where the roots of terror come from, where its manifestations are, and what needs to be done to solve this global problem today. First of all, terrorism today is the most powerful weapon, a tool used against the authorities with the help of violence against peaceful, defenseless and, what is extremely important, people who are not related to the "addressee" of terror. The task of terror is to involve a large mass of people for whom either the goals of terror are so lofty that they justify any means, or they are so unscrupulous in means that they are ready to realize any abomination. They also lead their way through "lofty motives", when they usually involve young people, who, due to mental and moral immaturity, easily "bite" on radical national, social or religious ideas. It is most often involved through totalitarian, religious or ideological sects. by the most famous example is the Aum Shinrikyo sect. In these sects, suicide bombers are most often "released", who themselves die in terrorist acts, because for them to die in battle is entry into paradise, where they find peace. So suicide bombers on planes voluntarily crashed into skyscrapers in the United States on September 11th.

The terrorist international has now become a real threat to the normal development of international relations, the security of countries and regions, and no state can afford to ignore this problem or seriously count on its solution only on its own. The events of September 11, 2001 in America convincingly demonstrated that it is impossible to solve this problem through the efforts of one country, even such an economically powerful one as the United States.

Russia has experienced this type of violence relatively recently, but the President, Federal Assembly and the Government of Russia considers the fight against terrorism as one of the most important tasks, on the effectiveness of the solution of which national security, the stability of society and the state depend. Since the problem of terrorism is becoming more and more international in nature, it has become necessary to international cooperation in the fight against terrorism. Certain steps in this direction are already being taken. In particular, the Antiterrorist Center of the CIS countries has been established; On July 25, 1998, the Federal Law “On Combating Terrorism” was adopted in Russia both within the country and at the international level; Russia initiated the development in the UN of the International Convention on Acts of Nuclear Terrorism.

Interpol occupies a special place in the world community's fight against terrorism. One of the key tasks is to stop the financing of terrorism.

Summing up, I will note that the prevention of new wars, the fight against terrorism as a criminal act, require the unification of the efforts of the world community, the speedy "launching" of the adopted treaty acts aimed at reducing nuclear weapons, the fight against "combat" terrorism and its financing.

I really want to believe that the fight against terrorism will be successfully defeated. People will begin to live in peace, raise children and grandchildren, travel with the whole family on vacation, and begin to love and trust each other more.

A large number of people suffered from terrorists, and I think that the state and the people themselves will fight this problem, then a calm and peaceful life is not far off.

Today, terrorism is the main threat to everything international peace and its security, and these are the fundamental principles of the world order. This is a threat to different levels and for any people without a choice: no matter what country they live in, no matter what they do and what religion they are. Religion, culture and morality have become objects of terrorist attacks and their victims. The modern enemy is very diverse in the global sense of the word. The fight against it is carried out everywhere in all countries of the world and in different spheres of human activity.

Today you can hear on the news on TV and read in the media reports of a large number of terrorist manifestations: and the words “terrorists, terrorist attacks and terror” are constantly heard from the lips of politicians and journalists.Terrorist acts were in Budenovsk, Volgodonsk, Moscow, Tushino, Beslan , Grozny, North Ossetia, New York, Paris, Baghdad, and this list can be continued for a long time, the geography is different, it's obvious.What is terrorism?When we talk about it, we often mean different things. Therefore, in order to define this concept in the sense of a global problem, it is necessary to reveal the very essence of international terrorism as a phenomenon.

There are dozens of interpretations of this concept. "Terrorism" - this word comes from the Latin word "terror", which means horror and fear. In Russian literature, in the dictionary of V. Dahl, this means something like this explanation - this is intimidation by the death penalty, murders and other horrors. This definition is very valuable precisely because it points quite rightly to deterrence with the use of violent actions, which is the most important feature of international terrorism.

The components of this phenomenon include the following:
- the obligatory presence of a goal (political);
- violence is used purposefully;
- existing organizational structure;

The purpose of the impact of terrorist organizations can be both material objects (residential buildings, sports and entertainment venues), and some specific categories of citizens. They are usually defined by terrorists according to the principle that implies political activity, social status, national origin, religion. But also completely random people who, by chance, may find themselves in the zone of a terrorist act. The ultimate goal of terrorists may be economic power, constitutional order, governance, or territorial integrity and much more. In this, it seems to me, there is a difference between international terrorism and organized crime, since the essence of the second is the same - violence and cruelty towards the individual.

Today, international terrorism is a long-term factor in political life that threatens the security of various countries and citizens. As a result, these are huge moral, economic and political losses, exerting strong psychological pressure on a large number of people. And of course, the worst thing is the lives of completely random peaceful people.

Terrorist activity has become very multifaceted, its nature has become more complex, the scale and sophistication of terrorist acts have increased. This is a whole a complex system, in which a whole complex of different processes, such as ideological, criminal, military, economic, political, religious and nationalistic. On the whole, international terrorism is a response to delaying decisions on pressing political, ethnic and social problems.

International terrorism is today considered the plague of the twenty-first century in the world. Having passed into a new dimension, this process completely violated and went beyond all the rules and frameworks of human civilization. Therefore, the fight against it is so relevant, it is now the most important area in matters of protecting the rights of citizens in different countries of the world and is regulated by anti-terrorist laws.

Terrorism is a method used by some organized groups or political parties to achieve their goals. Terrorism is based on violence. A distinctive feature of terrorism is the use of violence against not the enemy, but peaceful people who are often unaware of the political confrontation. Terrorist acts, in particular, include hostage-taking, hijacking, organizing street explosions, and so on. The goal of terrorism is to hurt as many people as possible. For some reason, supporters of terrorism believe that this draws attention to their demands. In the 70s of the last century, the term "international terrorism" appeared. The United Nations defines international terrorism as: "the commission, organization, facilitating, financing or encouragement by agents or representatives of one state of acts against another state, or the connivance on their part of the commission of such acts, which are directed against persons or property and which, by their nature, are intended to cause fear at statesmen, groups of individuals or the population as a whole.
Terror in our time has become one of the most painful problems, both local and global.
Now it has become clear to everyone that terrorism exists not only in the North Caucasus, Indonesia, the Philippines and the Middle East. This phenomenon has spread all over the world, and now, even in the most developed countries, you cannot be sure that you will not be affected. Terror began to influence world economy and there is a serious question about the fight against this phenomenon.
In the modern world of high technologies and universal integration, it is impossible to fight terrorism by each country separately. We need a coalition of all countries interested in the destruction of this phenomenon. The blow must be delivered pointwise and immediately on all areas of terrorist activity, and this blow must consist not only of military measures, but also of economic and political ones. The question is not only to destroy the military units of the bandits, but also to cut off the financial support of these people, and it is also necessary to create conditions under which new terrorists will not appear, i.e. I want to say that this evil must be completely eradicated : both roots and shoots. The explanation for such radical measures is as follows: if you stop the activities of military units, but leave the financial sources of bandits, new people will appear who are ready to die because they pay for it. It is imperative to create new jobs in areas where terrorist cells are concentrated and in recruitment areas for mercenaries fighting in other states. If this is done, then such a number of personnel will not appear in extremist organizations, although there are fanatics who are fighting for no one knows what.
An important part of the struggle is the information war, the victory in which can bring a significant part of the success in the entire operation, and the defeat can nullify the successes in other areas.
For a successful struggle, a blow to crime is also necessary, because terrorists receive income from the sale of narcotic drugs and weapons.
For a successful fight against terrorism, it is necessary to destroy not only extremist organizations, but also crime, that is, to wage war against all world evil as a whole.

Every year, terrorist acts (acts of terrorism) become more organized and more cruel towards the civilian population. Terrorists use various kinds of explosives and materials in their acts, modern weapons and ammunition, etc. At the same time, terrorist organizations carefully hide their activities, and in connection with this, a system of firms, funds and banks functions as a cover.

Also, these organizations have their own training camps for new terrorists, underground medical bases for treatment and warehouses where they store weapons and ammunition, explosives, uniforms, medicines and other equipment.

I share the scientific approach that, despite a significant number of international legal acts (according to experts, there are 27 global and regional agreements) and international organizations and bodies responsible for coordinating the fight against international terrorism, a universal international legal act, which would unambiguously characterize this socially dangerous and complex socio-political phenomenon, define not only the concept, legally significant features, but also give an accurate legal description, assessment and legal responsibility for this type of crime, and also allowed for joint and effective action to combat terrorism.

Countering terrorism should become one of the most important tasks for international organizations and all interested states of the world community.

The main international legal acts against terrorism include:

  1. Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft (1970).
  2. United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Users international protection, including diplomatic agents (1973).
  3. European Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism (1977).
  4. UN Declaration "On Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism" (1994) and others.

It is generally recognized that the leading organization in the world, including the one coordinating the fight against international terrorism, is the UN. Problems of combating terrorism are regularly discussed at the General Assembly and the UN Security Council and appropriate resolutions are adopted. Within the UN from among specialized organizations the role of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) is best known, and a specialized Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) of the UN Security Council has also been created.

As evidenced by the facts, terrorist acts are committed in different countries of the world, both in underdeveloped countries - Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc., and in highly industrialized countries - the USA, France, Israel, etc.

Acts of terrorism are also committed in Russia, examples of which are the explosions in the Moscow metro on March 29, 2010, where 41 people were killed and 88 people were injured; On January 24, 2011, a suicide bomber detonated a bomb at Moscow's Domodedovo Airport, killing 37 and injuring 130 people.

On the present stage development Russian state, its society, as well as the world community as a whole, faces quite acute problems of preventing and combating terrorism, as well as improving the forms of international legal cooperation and interaction with other states.

In my opinion, the complex modern situation in the field of combating terrorism in Russia constantly requires, following the example of foreign countries (Turkey, Israel, France, etc.), tougher measures of civil and criminal liability, as well as a special procedure for conducting criminal proceedings against persons involved in terrorist activities

Terrorism is one of the most difficult problems for the world community today.

Terrorism has a global spread, which endangers the lives of many people, regardless of their country of residence, and only on the basis of international legal acts and decisions of international organizations, joint and coordinated actions of all interested states can help to cope with this complex socio-political and social dangerous phenomenon in the world, affecting the lives of every inhabitant of our planet.

At present, terrorism equally threatens public, national and international security and is a well-organized form of influence on the organs state power by international terrorist and extremist organizations in order to destabilize the system of government. It is impossible to cope with this kind of threat through one-time power actions. A long-term, coordinated strategy for international cooperation is needed.

Success in countering modern terrorism requires the joint efforts of the entire world community, coordination of actions at the global, regional and national levels.

Cooperation between states in the fight against international terrorism is based on the fundamental principles international law, which are enshrined in the declaration on the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and cooperation between states in accordance with the UN Charter.

International legal cooperation in the fight against terrorism is developing quite dynamically. However, its potential has not yet been exhausted and has a significant reserve. To improve the efficiency of anti-terrorist cooperation, it is necessary to continue improving the legal framework, to give it a truly universal character.

It is also important to expand the circle of participants in the existing international antiterrorist treaties. It is absolutely clear that the joint efforts of states and international organizations can give effective results in the fight against terrorism. And it is also very important to prevent the use of interference by one country in the internal affairs of another under the pretext of supporting terrorism by this country.

List of sources used

1. Volevodz A. G. Legal regulation new areas of international cooperation in the field of criminal justice. M., 2015.
2. Zhdanov Yu. N., Lagovskaya E. S. European criminal law. M., 2014.
3. Akkaeva Kh. A. New trends in legislation on extremism and terrorism in Russian Federation// Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art criticism. Questions of theory and practice. 2015. No. 10-2 (60). pp. 16-18.
4. Kanunnikova N. G. Foreign experience in countering international extremism and terrorism // Legal Science and Law Enforcement Practice. 2014. No. 3 (29). pp. 163-168.
5. Chumakova A. S., Buzinova A. A. On the issue of terrorism in modern conditions// Volga pedagogical search. 2013. No. 1 (3). pp. 137-139.

Essay on the topic “Terrorism as international problem modernity” updated: April 7, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Extract from the text

The relevance of the topic is that in the aggravated international conditions Russia continues its energetic and proactive, leadership participation in international antiterrorist cooperation, primarily at the UN, a number of other authoritative multilateral organizations, as well as in a bilateral format. The purpose of this work is to reveal terrorism as a global problem of our time, based on the goal set, the following tasks were defined: - To analyze Russia's role in the fight against international terrorism at the present stage.

International terrorism poses a threat to the security of individual states, as well as to the entire world community as a whole. Terrorism is aimed at undermining ordinary life, has a one-sided purposefulness, this is its main feature.

In our work devoted to the consideration of modern terrorism as a social phenomenon, we set the following goals: To study the possibilities of the theory of deviant behavior for the analysis of terrorism as a social phenomenon. Consider the history of the study of terrorism as a social phenomenon;

The growth in the spread of terrorist ideology in different countries is one of the important problems of the modern world. In this situation, such factors of the development of the modern world as globalization only increase the urgency of this problem and sharpen the problems associated with national security and the need to ensure tranquility and peace for the citizens of Europe and America. His main distinguishing feature is the blurring of the boundaries between international and domestic terrorism.

The global problems of mankind are connected not only with the pollution of nature, but also with the change of mankind as a structure of the human community. The purpose of this work is to study environmental safety as a global problem of our time, as well as the formation of an environmental outlook among the younger generation.

Hunger as a global problem of our time

Terrorism as a socio-political phenomenon

But as scientists rightly point out, the determining factor is the criminal law position, which a priori determines the concept of terrorism and responsibility for it. From here originate criminological studies of terrorism, criminal procedural, forensic and the like.

Theoretical aspects global problems modernity. The economic content of the global problems of our time. Humanism as a valuable basis for solving global problems of our time.

In addition, security issues include other problems - epidemics, HIV infection, criminogenic situations and crime, drug trafficking, prostitution, vandalism and other forms of violence, piracy, military complications and coups, terrorism, as well as consideration of all possible risks associated with tourists. , local residents, travel agencies and the tourism industry as a whole.

In the course of development, complex problems began to arise before mankind, which gradually acquired a planetary character and already affected the interests of not only individual states, but also all countries and peoples. By the 60s of the XX century, these problems became widely known, mankind realized

Terrorist acts have led to the need to create international system fight him. Terrorism as a global problem needs constant attention and research and therefore represents a wide field for research with their further practical application. - consider the concept and essence of terrorism as a type of political behavior;

List of information sources

1. Galkina E.V. Countering political extremism and terrorism: a new look / E.V. Galkina //Theory and practice of social development. - 2014. - No. 1. - S. 341−344.

2. Political Science: Textbook / Ed. A. S. Turgaeva, A. E. Khrenova. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014. - 560 p.
