How Sonya justifies Raskolnikov. Essay on the theme “Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova in the novel by FM Dostoevsky“ Crime and Punishment ”. Heroes of "Crime and Punishment"

In 1865 F. M. Dostoevsky began work on the novel "Crime and Punishment" and finished writing it in 1866. At the center of the work is a crime, "ideological" "murder.

The main characters of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova, were brought together by fate at a critical moment in their lives. Raskolnikov committed a crime, and Sonya was forced to go outside and sell her body. Their souls have not yet become callous, they are naked for pain - their own and that of others. Raskolnikov hoped that Sonya would support him, that she would take on the burden of him and agree with him in everything, but she did not agree. "" Quiet, weak "" Sonya breaks Raskolnikov's cunning theories with the elementary logic of life. The meek Sonya, living according to the Gospel commandments, helps Raskolnikov to take the path of repentance, abandon the "theory", and reunite with people and life.

For the first time, Raskolnikov heard about the fate of Sonya from her father during a meeting with him in one of the taverns. Marmeladov said that when Sonya was fourteen years old, her mother dies, and he married Katerina Ivanovna, who did not favor Sonya, since she herself had three small children. "" As you can imagine, Sonya did not receive education. " My father tried to study geography and history with her, but he himself was not strong in these subjects and, therefore, did not teach Sonya anything. After Marmeladov's dismissal from service and his family's long wanderings around the country, he finally found a job, but he was again kicked out, now due to drunkenness, and his family was in a hopeless situation. Seeing how Katerina Ivanovna and her small children were suffering, Sonya decided to sacrifice herself for the good of the family and "" was forced to take the yellow ticket. "

Marmeladov's confession convinces that Sonya "stepped over" "to save her sisters from starvation, the consumptive stepmother Katerina Ivanovna and the drunken father.

Six months before the murder, Raskolnikov published his article in the newspaper, where he expressed his principle of dividing people. The main idea of \u200b\u200bhis article is that "" people, according to the law of nature, are generally divided into two categories: lower (ordinary) ... and actually people, that is, those who have the gift or talent to say a new word in their midst. " Considering himself to the "highest category", Raskolnikov, to test his theory, commits the brutal murder of an old woman-lender, thereby stepping over his natural kindness and disinterestedness. Let's remember, at least, how he saves a drunk girl from abuse; when Raskolnikov commits kind and sincere deeds that delight his mother and sister, he acts freely and uninhibited. Raskolnikov "stepped over" "himself, his principles, only in order to test his theory.

After the murder, Raskolnikov goes to Sonya, considering her to be a person who will understand him, because she has committed no less grave sin than he. But meetings with her convinced him that Sonya was not at all what he imagined, she reveals herself to him as a loving person, with a sensitive and responsive soul, capable of compassion. Her Life is built according to the laws of self-sacrifice. She wants, first of all, to be better herself. In the name of love for people, Sonya chooses the path of violence against herself, for the sake of saving others she goes to shame and humiliation. She resigns herself and suffers.

Raskolnikov cannot come to terms with the fact that his theory is not correct, trying to prove his innocence to Sonya, he asks her an insidious question: which is better - a scoundrel "" to live and do abominations "" or an honest person to die? "But I can't know God's providence ... - Sonya answers. - And who put me here as a judge: who should live, who won't live? "" Despite all Raskolnikov's attempts to convince Sonya of her own righteousness, she firmly stands her ground: sacrificing herself for the good of others is one thing, to deprive in the name of the same good of life others are quite another matter. Sonya does not want to solve the questions that Raskolnikov puts before her, she lives only by faith in God. It is "" in a departure from God "" that Sonya sees the reason for Raskolnikov's crime: "" You departed from God, and God defeated you, betrayed the devil! "" The Christian religion helped Sonya to keep a pure soul in shame and humiliation; only faith in God gives strength to this fragile and defenseless creature. "" What would I be without God? She whispered quickly, energetically.

Raskolnikov found it strange that Sonya was not like him: despite the fact that she had committed a grave sin, she did not alienate herself from the world, as Raskolnikov did. He is annoyed and embittered by this, but still he is attracted by the kindness and mercy radiated by Sonya. In conversations with her, Raskolnikov becomes more and more frank, and, in the end, he confesses to Sonya that he had committed murder. The confession scene is very intense. Sonya's first reaction to the confession was fear and horror, because she was in the same room with the killer. But Sonya forgave Raskolnikov, realizing that only she could now understand him. Faith in God and philanthropy do not allow Sonya to leave Raskolnikov to the mercy of fate. "" Sonya threw herself on his neck, hugged him and squeezed him tightly with her arms. " After that, Raskolnikov names the reasons that prompted him to murder.

The first reason turned out to be banal: "" Well, yes, to rob "". Raskolnikov calls this reason so that Sonya does not pester him with questions. But she understands that a person like Raskolnikov could not do this for the sake of money, even if "" he wanted to help his mother. " Gradually, Raskolnikov reveals himself to Sonya. At first he says that "" he wanted to become Napoleon, that's why he killed "", but Raskolnikov himself understands that this is not the reason why he killed. "" This is all nonsense, almost one chatter! "" The next reason: "" ... I decided, having taken possession of the old woman's money, to use it for my first years, without tormenting my mother, to support myself at the university ... "" - is also not true. “Oh, this is not that, not that!” - exclaims Sonya. Finally, after a long search in his soul for an answer to the question of murder, Raskolnikov names the true motive for the murder: "" Not to help my mother, I killed - nonsense! Not for this I killed in order to get funds and power, to become a benefactor of mankind ... I had to find out then, and quickly find out if I was a louse, like everyone else, or a human? "" Having divided people into two categories, Raskolnikov naturally finds himself in front of the question - to what category of people does he himself belong: "" Am I a trembling creature or have the right ... "". Raskolnikov "" wanted to dare and ... killed "".

The only way out in this situation Sonya sees Raskolnikov's public repentance. But, even having come to Sennaya Square, he does not feel relief and cannot admit that he does not belong to the highest category and his theory is not correct. "" I killed the man, but the principle did not. "" Raskolnikov can put up with life in hard labor, but with the fact that he is ordinary - no. On Sennaya Square, Raskolnikov was mistaken for a drunkard, because people felt his insincerity and internal disagreement with their actions. After that, Raskolnikov goes to the office to confess to the murder ...

Sonya follows Raskolnikov to hard labor. There, visiting him every day, she wins the respect and love of convicts, they affectionately call her "" You are our mother ... gentle, sickly. "" And Raskolnikov, on the contrary, is not accepted, intuitively feeling that Raskolnikov still refers to himself as "" the highest category "", despising them: "" You are a master! "" - they said to him. Only Sonya still loves Raskolnikov.

During his illness, Raskolnikov sees a dream about a "pestilence", which revealed the essence of his idea. In this dream, all people fall ill with an unknown disease and begin to live according to Raskolnikov's theory: everyone begins to feel like a master and does not put someone else's life into anything, "" people killed each other in some senseless rage. "" After that, on the river bank. , there is a tacit declaration of love for Sonya, now Raskolnikov realizes that no theories any longer have a place in his life. Raskolnikov holds the Gospel given by Sonya under his pillow, until he dares to reveal it, and thinks: "" Can her convictions not now be my convictions? Her feelings, her aspirations, at least ... "", now Raskolnikov realized that only "" he will atone for all suffering with infinite love, "" everything has changed, everything should be different. It seemed to him that even the convicts looked at him differently. "" He even spoke to them himself, and they answered him kindly ... ""

From the very beginning of the story, Raskolnikov behaves strangely: he is suspicious and anxious. The reader gradually penetrates into the sinister plan of Rodion Romanovich. It turns out that Raskolnikov is a "monomaniac", that is, a person obsessed with a single idea. His thoughts are reduced to one thing: by all means, he must test in practice his theory of dividing people into two "categories" - "higher" and "trembling creatures." Raskolnikov describes this theory in a newspaper article "On Crime". According to the article, the "higher" are endowed with the right to transcend moral laws and in the name of a great goal to sacrifice any number of "trembling creatures." The latter Raskolnikov considers only material for reproducing his own kind. It is these "simple" people who need, according to Rodion Romanovich, biblical commandments and morality. The "higher" are the "new legislators" for the gray mass. For Raskolnikov, the main example of such a "legislator" is Napoleon Bonaparte. Rodion Romanovich himself is forced to begin his path of "higher" with actions of a completely different scale.

We first learn about Sonya and her life circumstances from the story of the former titular adviser Marmeladov, her father, addressed to Raskolnikov. Alcoholic Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov vegetates with his wife Katerina Ivanovna and three small children - his wife and children are starving, Marmeladov is drinking. Sonya - his daughter from his first marriage - lives in a rented apartment "on a yellow ticket." Marmeladov explains to Raskolnikov that she decided to go for such a job, unable to withstand the constant reproaches of a consumptive stepmother, who called Sonya a parasite who "eats and drinks and uses warmth." In fact, this is a meek and unrequited girl. With all her might she tries to help the seriously ill Katerina Ivanovna, her starving half-sisters and brother, and even her unlucky father. Marmeladov tells how he found and lost his job, drank a new uniform, bought with his daughter's money, and then went to ask her for a "hangover." Sonya did not reproach him for anything: "I took out thirty kopecks, with my own hands, the last, everything that was, I saw it myself ... She said nothing, just looked at me in silence."

Raskolnikov and Sonya are on the same disastrous level of life.

"The future Napoleon" lives in the attic in a wretched closet, which the author describes in the following words: a slightly tall person felt creepy in her, and it all seemed that you were about to hit your head on the ceiling. " Rodion Romanovich has reached the extreme line of poverty, but in this position he fancies a strange greatness: “It was more difficult to sink down and get loose; but it was even pleasant to Raskolnikov in his present state of mind. "

Rodion Romanovich considers murder to be a simple way out of a difficult financial situation. However, in this decision to turn into a bloody criminal, the main role is by no means money, but Raskolnikov's insane idea. First of all, he seeks to test his theory and make sure that he is not a “trembling creature”. This requires

"Step over" the corpse and reject universal human moral laws.

The evil old woman-usurper Alena Ivanovna was chosen as the victim of this moral experiment. Raskolnikov considers her a "louse", which, according to his theory, he can crush without any pity. But, having killed Alena Ivanovna and her half-sister Lizaveta, Rodion Romanovich suddenly discovers that he can no longer communicate normally with people. It begins to seem to him that everyone around him knows about his act and is sophisticatedly mocking him. In the novel with a subtle psychologism, it is shown how, under the influence of this erroneous belief, Raskolnikov begins to play along with his "accusers." For example, he deliberately starts a conversation about the murder of an old money-lender with Zametov, the clerk of the police office.

At the same time, Raskolnikov is still able from time to time to be distracted from his rich inner life and pay attention to what is happening around him. So, he becomes a witness of an accident with Semyon Marmeladov - a drunk official gets run over by a horse. In the scene of the confession of Marmeladov, crushed and living out his last minutes, the author gives the first description of Sophia Semyonovna: "Sonya was small in stature, about eighteen years old, thin, but rather pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes." Upon learning of the incident, she resorts to her father in her "work clothes": "her outfit was penny, but decorated in a street style, to the taste and rules prevailing in her special world, with a bright and shamefully outstanding purpose." Marmeladov dies in her arms. But even after that, Sonya sends her younger sister Polenka to catch up with Raskolnikov, who donated his last money for the funeral, in order to find out his name and address. Later, she visits the "benefactor" and invites him to her father's funeral.

This peaceful event is not complete without a scandal: Sonya is unfairly accused of theft. Despite the successful outcome of the case, Katerina Ivanovna and her children are deprived of their homes - they are kicked out of the rented apartment. Now all four are doomed to perish soon.

Realizing this, Raskolnikov invites Sonya to say what she would do if she had the power to take the life of Luzhin, who had slandered her, beforehand. But Sofya Semyonovna does not want to answer this question - she chooses obedience to fate: “Why, I cannot know God's providence ... And why are you asking, what cannot be asked? Why such empty questions? How can it happen that this depends on my decision? And who put me here as a judge: who should live, who will not live? "

Despite beliefs alien to him, Raskolnikov feels a kindred spirit in Sonia, because they are both outcasts. He seeks her sympathy, because he realizes that his theory was untenable. Now Rodion Romanovich indulges in the perverse pleasure of self-abasement. However, unlike the ideological killer, Sonya is "a daughter that she betrayed herself to her stepmother and consumption, to strangers and minors." She has a clear moral guideline - the biblical wisdom of cleansing suffering. When Raskolnikov tells Marmeladova about his crime, she pities him and, relying on the biblical parable of the resurrection of Lazarus, convinces him to repent of what he had done. Sonia intends to share with Raskolnikov the vicissitudes of a convict life: she considers herself guilty of violating the biblical commandments and agrees to "suffer" in order to be cleansed.

An important feature for the characterization of both characters: convicts who served their sentences with Raskolnikov feel a burning hatred for him and at the same time love Sonia who visits him very much. Rodion Romanovich is told that "to walk with an ax"

- not a lordly business; they call him an atheist and even want to kill him. Sonya, following her once and for all established concepts, does not look down on anyone, she treats all people with respect - and the convicts reciprocate her.

The logical conclusion from the relationship of this pair of the central characters of the novel: without Sonya's life ideals, Raskolnikov's path could only end in suicide. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky offers the reader not only crime and punishment embodied in the protagonist. Sonya's life leads to repentance and purification. Thanks to this “continuation of the path”, the writer managed to create an integral, logically complete system of images. Looking at what is happening from two significantly different points of view gives the action additional volume and credibility. The great Russian writer managed not only to breathe life into his heroes, but also to lead them to a successful resolution of the most difficult conflicts. This artistic completeness puts the novel

"Crime and Punishment" is on a par with the greatest novels of world literature.

Essay on the theme “Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova in the novel by FM Dostoevsky“ Crime and Punishment ” updated: November 14, 2019 by the author: Scientific Articles.Ru

The motives behind the crime by Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova.
In the novel \\ "Crime and Punishment \\" FM Dostoevsky touches upon the deep social problems of society in the XIX century, tries to solve important moral and philosophical questions. From the first pages of the work, we find ourselves in the terrible world of Petersburg life: disadvantaged commoners exist in constant need, are forced to endure humiliation. And next to it, wealthy businessmen enjoy life, taking advantage of the labor and suffering of others. In such an atmosphere, crime is felt everywhere, in everyone you can see a criminal who, in one way or another, crossed the line of legality and morality.

What drives these people to commit crimes? If we look closely at each of the characters, we will see how different \\ "criminals \\" are.

Luzhin and Svidrigailov are criminals, crime is their very nature. They take pleasure in bullying and deceiving people. Such heroes as Rodion Rakolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova evoke completely different feelings. they can be attributed to criminals, those who have violated the norms of morality, but the motives of their criminal acts are very different.

For two years Rodion Raskolnikov studied at St. Petersburg University, interrupted by cheap lessons and the liquid support of his mother who lived in the provinces. Soon he got tired of it, he could not stand it, \\ "got angry \\", dropped out of school, \\ "like a spider huddled in his kennel \\". The hero lived on stinging money, which he sometimes received from the pawnbroker for the last valuables at monstrous interest.

The hero thought about how to live on. A sense of pride did not allow this talented, intelligent person to put up with the miserable conditions of existence, with the \\ "pantry \\", which looked more like a wardrobe than a room. A question arises in his thoughts: can a humane person suffering for suppressed humanity allow himself to kill at least one "wretched" creature for the sake of getting rid of the suffering and difficulties of many noble, honest people?

The main character is trying to find the answer to this question in the theory \\ "either I am a trembling creature, or I have the right \\". Raskolnikov is sure that he belongs to the \\ "supermen \\" who are allowed to all who can commit a crime in the name of a noble goal. But by this he divided people into \\ "higher \\" and \\ "below \\" grade, appropriated to himself and others \\ "above \\" the right to judge, execute, transgress human and divine laws.

Rodion Raskolnikov is trying to solve his own problems at the expense of other people. In this he differs from Sonya Marmeladova, who all her life lives according to God's commandments and the laws of conscience. Sonia is a very holistic inner world, she lives in harmony with herself thanks to her faith in God. his faith is not passive, the girl constantly proves it with her actions. It was her faith in God that made her go on the "yellow ticket" instead of killing herself. And Sonya could only choose between these two paths, for life did not give her any other opportunity. The heroine decided to save this life, and with it the life of her family.

Sonya also crosses the laws of morality, takes the path of selling her own body. The girl is forced to go to such a terrible act in order to feed her sick stepmother and her young children. Sonya embodies a bright beginning in the novel, she understands that she is sinful, feels her guilt before God and herself, her conscience.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsacrifice raises the image of Sonya to the symbol of human suffering. It is a great love for her neighbor, for all people that helps Dostoevsky's heroine to maintain moral purity and dignity in the dirt into which his life pushed him. Unlike Rodion, Sonya never divided people into \\ "worthy \\" and \\ "unworthy \\" into \\ "higher \\" and \\ "lower \\". She is able to discern the soul in every person, is able to justify any crime, because even in criminals, Sonya sees a person in a murderer. That is why she justifies Katerina Ivanovna, the drinking father, and Raskolnikov himself.

Although the views of the characters are slightly different, there is something that brings them together - a dead end, a dead end, into which their lives are pushed, forcing them to commit crimes against morality and conscience, against themselves. The society has put the heroes in front of the choice of such paths, which in different ways, but inevitably lead to moral decline.

In his works, F.M.Dostoevsky developed a special type of philosophical, psychologically profound realism, based on an intensified study of the most complex and contradictory aspects of life, on the ability to reliably reveal in the pictures of social life and the moral face of heroes the deep problems and contradictions of the entire era. Analyzing the disease of the mind and heart of an individualist, an intellectual, a criminal or a suicide, the writer in the complex, \\ "fantastic \\" facts of the spiritual life of the heroes shows the entire historical life of mankind.

The main problem in the novel "Crime and Punishment" is indifference, loss of humanity and morality in society. The image of St. Petersburg, the image of contemporary reality to the author becomes the embodiment of this crisis of humanity. It becomes impossible to live in the world, and that is why Dostoevsky's heroes try to find a way out of this terrible situation. Everyone finds their way out: it can be an escape from life, a loss of moral foundations to make life easier, sacrificing oneself to preserve the remnants of humanity and goodness, or an attempt to put oneself above people and circumstances. It is clear that no path leads a person to happiness. Perhaps that is why the writer sends Sonya and Rodion to Siberia, to another world that does not look like St. Petersburg. It is only in this world that Raskolnikov, with new, bright, ideas, feels like a human being, and Sonya enjoys the honor and respect of the people around her.

In the soul of Raskolnikov, there is a difficult internal struggle. And on his way, just at this time, Sonya Marmeladova comes across.

And so, to this Sonya Raskolnikov came to repent, - he thought that she, as also "overstepping" the conventions of life, was close to him in spirit, that she was his companion in trouble. He flattered himself with the thought that she, too, was angry with people because she was their sacrifice, and, like him, was a sinner "most of all because she killed and betrayed herself in vain." what,blinded by conceit, he could still look at himself as "A vain sacrifice."

He knelt in front of Sonya and said: “I didn’t bow to you, I bowed to all human suffering”. His "pride" is still heard in these words. After all, he considers himself to be equally worthy of admiration. He came to "anger" Sonya against human injustice - and in this indignation of the "sister in spirit" to find relief for his rebellious soul.

But he met in her a strong man who led him along. Sonya brought him closer to God, she read the Gospel to him, - she, a simple girl, told him, an educated person that there is no yardstick by which a person can judge another human,and no one has the right to despise his neighbor. she told this proud man that he was "the most unfortunate" in the world - that he above oneself done great evil; she showed him the way of salvation:

"Go now, this minute, stand at the crossroads, bow, kiss first the earth that you have defiled, and then bow to the whole world, on all four sides and tell everyone out loud: I have killed."

She brings Raskolnikov to the realization that the main motive for the murder was his pride. He was not concerned about the happiness of people: he only wanted to prove to himself that he was a strong man, that he was not “a louse like everyone else”, not a “trembling creature” - and “has the right to step over”.

Raskolnikov gradually embarks on the path that Sonya showed him. And from the moment of the first sincere repentance in hard labor, he begins to return to that fellowship with people, from which he broke away, obeying his pride.

What happened to him was that with the heroes of Tolstoy - Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky, he only paid a greater price for his mistakes. Repentance itself is characteristic - it is purely in the "popular spirit" - therein lies a high meaning: Dostoevsky, like Tolstoy, calls this criminal intellectual to a simple - the people's truth, to "

Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova are the protagonists of the famous novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Their relationship plays a key role in the piece.

Rodion Raskolnikov is a young man, a former student. He is smart and educated, but his humiliating financial situation made him withdrawn and sullen. Pride, pride and poverty gave rise to the theory in Rodion's head, according to which all people are divided into two categories: ordinary and those who have the right.

The reasoning about whether he is a "trembling creature" or "entitled to" pushed him to a serious crime - to murder. The personality of the hero is very contradictory: he can be called a sinner (the murder of an old woman-lender and her sister) and at the same time noble (helping the Marmeladov family).

Sonya Marmeladova is a young girl living on the “yellow ticket”. The family's poverty and dire living conditions forced her to engage in these immoral activities. Sonya sacrificed herself for the sake of her younger brothers and sisters, a drunken father and a sick stepmother. But despite all the difficulties that befell her fate, the girl retained the purity and beauty of her soul. She is very religious, believes in God and reads the Gospel. In prayer, Sonya found peace.

Marmeladova had a strong influence on Raskolnikov. It was to her that he confessed his brutal crime, but the girl did not condemn the hero, because she always experiences the pain of people with them: “She suddenly took him by both hands and bowed her head to her shoulder. This short gesture even struck Raskolnikov with bewilderment, it was even strange: how? not the slightest disgust, not the slightest disgust for him, not the slightest shudder in her hand. Sonya did not leave Rodion, she decided to save his soul. It was she who convinced the hero to confess what he had done.

Sonya Marmeladova and Rodion Raskolnikov, on the one hand, are kindred spirits, and on the other, complete opposites. The heroes are similar in that both are poor and sinful, both "overstepped": she is a harlot, he is a murderer. But at the same time, this pair is noticeably different from each other. Sonya has a pure soul, she is kind and strong, and she got into such a terrible situation through no fault of her own. Raskolnikov is a desperate person who himself drove himself into a difficult situation.

Sonya's love for Rodion was so strong that she followed him to Siberia to hard labor. The heroine did her best to help Raskolnikov find himself. The girl brought him closer to God, read the Gospel to him and opened her eyes, she told him that a person cannot judge another, and that no one has the right to despise his neighbor.

Did Raskolnikov find his salvation in Sonia? Yes, and we learn about this in the epilogue of the novel. She managed to revive Rodion to life, and he started everything from scratch. Thanks to Marmeladova, the hero realized the absurdity of his theory. In this girl, he saw not a "trembling creature", not a humble victim of circumstances, but a person whose self-sacrifice is aimed at saving others, at making the world better and kinder.