How to sit on calories. Counting calories: where to start? The most detailed Calorie Calculation Guide! Algorithm for calculating calories for weight loss

Calories - a conditional unit of energy obtained from food and spent on certain actions. A person consumes food, and the body processes it into energy that ensures the functioning of all organism systems.

In addition to movements and mental work, energy is needed to maintain such important processes as breathing, pulse, heartbeat, thermal exchange (maintenance of body temperature).

Each product used has its own chemical composition. However, all foods have the same substances in their composition, only in different ratios.

Components of any product are:

  • water;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • trace elements;
  • vitamins.

Water, as a rule, occupies most of the composition of the product, except: flour, croup and other bulk products, which are subsequently saturated with water in one way or another. The rest of the product is proteins, fats and carbohydrates in different ratios, it is they and supply the body with energy.

Macro and trace elements, as well as vitamins, make up an insignificant part of the product. When splitting 1 gram of fat, about 9 kilocalories are allocated. When cleavage of proteins and carbohydrates - 4.

These numbers are approximate.

In various products, the composition of fats is different, their energy value may differ for minor values, the same applies to proteins and carbohydrates.

In a state of rest, the body is on average spending from 1,300 to 1900 kokaloriy per day, even if just sleeping or lying on the sofa.

Calories are spent when walking, when talking or reading, and even during meals, because to chew food, and then digest her, you need energy.

Calculation of daily calories for man

Calculate your daily rate is simple enough. To do this, you just need to multiply your weight in kilograms in 24, so you get the calorie consumption rate for your body at rest (on the necessary processes mentioned above).

Depending on the daily activity, it is necessary to multiply this figure to the coefficient. When sitting lifestyle and weak loads, it is 1.2, with medium loads, sufficient mobility and physical work - 1.5, with heavy loads or workouts - 1.8. Thus, it is possible to get a value equal to the daily calorie norm.

The daily rate is exactly the optimal amount in which the body will feel comfortable, while not to gain and not reduce weight. It is easy to guess that more calories consumed will certainly be deposited in the body's reserve on the "black day", less will cause the body to print reserves of the Black Day and take part of the missing energy from fat in the body.

If you dramatically reduce the number of calories consumed, then the body will consume reserves not only from fat, but also from the muscles, because the muscles are protein, but the protein is also energy. Therefore, to reset the excess weight and comfortable weight loss can reduce the norms of no more than 500 calories per day.

Eating less than 1200 kilocalories is not recommended, it damages health and is permissible only for short-term discharge days or hunger strikes, to which the body is prepared in advance.

Why do you need to consider calories

Every day, in an ordinary life, a person can consume a huge amount of extra calories, even if it doesn't eat so much and all because the calorie products are different. All sorts of snacks that are not considered to be food are swallowed and forgotten.

In addition, calories can be "useful" and "harmful." Sooner or later, the question arises about weight reduction through a diet. All diets work according to the same principle - a decrease in the total calorie consumed, and products are selected in such a way that the body gets all useful elements and vitamins.

But all diets have a significant drawback, as a rule, in each of them there is such a product that is difficult to find or it is expensive, or just something is not like. So why make yourself force yourself?

After all, the purpose of the diet is to control the absorption of calories for weight loss. Calculating calories, you can eat everything that is like, only in limited quantities.

And even if a person has already lost weight with a strict diet, the former food habits will very quickly return it to the "former form", so to be slight and healthy for nutrition should be monitored, correct in quality and in the amount of food is a way of life, and not Temporary diet.

Correct calorie counting: what will be needed for this

On the packaging of each product, the energy value of the product per 100 grams is indicated. Less frequently on 1 portion (bars, chips, cookies, all packs and piece, which has weight less than 100 grams).

Therefore, you need to teach yourself to pay attention to the label, the composition and energy value of the product. After that, simply multiply the amount of energy-eaten value.

For example, the milk with bidity of 2.5% has the energy value of 54 kilocaloria. You drank a glass of 250 grams of milk. We multiply 54 by 2.5 and we get 135 kilocalories.

The calculation of the calories of finished dishes is somewhat more complicated due to the various composition of the products, but is calculated by folding the calorie content of all components with regard to the amount. It is quite laborious.

You can use online calculators, special programs for calorie counting, and it is possible - ready-made tables where the calculation of the energy value of certain dishes is already produced.
However, their values \u200b\u200bare approximate, since accurate dishes are distinguished.
Calorie Table Some dishes per 100 grams for calorie counting:

Name of dishes Energy value per 100 grams of dishes
Fried eggs / with tomatoes / ham 231 / 211 / 269
Omelet / with cheese and ham / mushrooms 184 / 203 / 144
Pancakes with condensed milk / cottage cheese / meat / mushrooms 213 / 197 / 184 / 218
Oil / cheese and oil sandwich 385 / 310
Sandwich with sausage boiled / smoked 259 / 324
Red caviar sandwich / salmon 338 / 181
Oatmeal on milk 195
Porridge rice on milk 215
Milk porridge 223
Cheesemands / Curd with raisins 119 / 209
Buckwheat with milk 209
Lunch / dinner
Chicken soup with noodles 68
Pumpkin soup 49
Mushroom soup 54
Bob soup 70
Borsch on meat broth / boulevard 132 / 105
Chicken Boosh / Chicken 127 / 103
Borsch lean / soup 60 / 33
Solyanka meat 168
Beef boiled / fried 164 / 234
Boiled pork / fried 329 / 370
Muffle boiled / fried 202 / 310
Boiled / fried chicken 170 / 210
Boiled Fish / Fried 121 / 159
Pilaf from chicken 222
Pilaf from lamb 278
Pelmeni 271
Dumplings with cottage cheese 191
Dumplings with potatoes 178
Goulash from pork 238
Beef Goulash 157
Homemade Cutlets (Pork Beef) 223
The Kiev's cutlets 311
Chicken cutlets 158
Fish cutlets 127
Stew vegetable 56
Pasta Falls 251
Fish brenova 140
Chicken Grill 180
Salmon for a couple 196
Liver fried with onion 188
Fried potatoes 143
Stuffed pepper 184
Meatballs with rice 217
Doves 221
Mashed potatoes 130
Makaroni boiled 114
Stewed cabbage 99
Vegetable stew 122
Boiled Potatoes / Fried / Baked 74 /199 / 104
Caulded cabbage fried 121
French fries 311
Vegetable vegetable salad / sour cream 90 / 58
Olivier with mayonnaise 324
Salad of leaf vegetables 34
Caesar salad 302
Greek salad 188
Chicken / meat roll 228 / 167
Herring under the fur coat 208
Herring with butter 280
Vegetable vinaigrette / with fish 77 / 120
Beet salad with garlic and cheese 265
Boiled language 156
Jelly 180
Coffee with milk / cappuccino / latte 58 / 105 / 164
Tea with honey 84
Milk cocktail 121
Berry mix 71
Fresh Orange / Pineapple / Carrot 123 / 68 / 68
Banana cocktail 110
Mokacchino 226
Hot chocolate 239
Flour products and desserts
Bread white 230
Rye bread 200
Buns with raisins
Buns with jacket
Batters with liver / meat / potatoes / cabbage / egg
Cupcake with raisins 286
Fruit salad 110
Cookies 400
Biscuit 258
Cake Eclair with Oil Cream 419
Whipped cream 205

In order to monitor the amount of calorie consumed, you will need:

  1. Notebook or notepad - to keep your food diary. There are all the dishes eaten, foods, sweets, drinks and water.
    And also in the diary, deviations from the total normal load should be noted, for example, a general cleaning of the house, or a forced walking on a distance of a few kilometers due to problems with transport, or, on the contrary, holiday home because of poor well-being.
    This will make it possible to adjust the diet depending on the body's energy consumption.
  2. Kitchen electronic scales - such scales have accuracy of 1 grams, they easily use and they are quite a bit, however, you will always know the weight of the dish and control its calorie content.
  3. Memo calorie products - for the first time the necessary thing, over time, the need to use it will go away to the 2nd plan, since you will already navigate yourself. This may be a calorie table printing or mobile application for calorie counting.
  4. Calculator - always should be at hand, so as not to score head by calculations.
  5. Patience and perseverance - you will need to overcome the initial difficulties and not to quit the work started, you need to tune in to serious work on yourself.

Consumption of kilocalorius in everyday life

Each person spends this or that quantity of the cywloalories for the most simple actions. Below is a table in which you can see the counting consumption of cyocalorium when performing certain actions.

Values \u200b\u200bare given by 1 kg of human weight, as already mentioned earlier, full of people spend more energy.

Adult energy consumption for certain actions in kilocalories in 1 hour:

Name of action Consumption of kilocalories by 1 kilogram of weight
Sleep 0,9
Leisure lying 1,1
Book reading 1,8
Walking a walking step 2,7
Walking fast 3,2
Walking in the city 4,3
Jogging 6,9
Run fast 10,7
Jumping on the rope 8.8
Swimming 6,6
Tennis game 8,3
Game of chess 2,8
Gymnastics 6,5
Washing dishes / washing manually 2,2
Room cleaning with vacuum cleaner 3,1
Work in the garden 5,4
Riding behind the wheel 2
Bicycling 5,7
Horse riding 3,4
Skiing / skiing 7,4 / 11,2
Work at the computer 1,9

As it turned out, the calculation of calories for weight loss is not such a complex occupation, but the benefit of this, of course, the useful habit of colossal - slightness, ease, good health and healthy complexion, excellent mood and pride for himself.

What are the counting cyocaloria say

The best method of smooth slimming for me. Dropped 4 kilograms per month. Observe easily, I define the approximate caloric content of the products already on the eye. The main thing is all that I want no buckwheat without salt.

-Well, 48 years

I dropped the weight to the desired indicator and is already in the form for a year. Calories still consider. This is the most effective way to follow the figure. You just need to not forget to take into account everything that was eaten the day to navigate how much you can.

-Valentine, 63 years old

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Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle Always were relevant, but lately they have gained very high popularity. A competently built diet for every day is impossible without calorie counting.

If you need to lose weight, then the calorie counting in the complex with exercise is the most effective way to do it.

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What to consider calories and in what cases it helps to lose weight

Calories must be considered to understand how much food is eaten. Each person needs a certain number of calories per day. This number is calculated by several methods and is called day (daily) calorie value. This norm also takes into account the physical activity that increases the calorie consumption per day.

  • If you observe the daily calorie rate, the weight will be stable.
  • With a decrease in caloric content by 20% of the norm, there will be a comfortable weight loss.
  • With exceeding the daily norm - the weight will grow.

Nutritionists and coaches say that successful weight loss on 80% depends on the correct power - link to the proper power section-- and only on 20% From exercise.

It is necessary to remember that weight loss will only happen when calorie deficiency!

Try to calculate calories for weight loss

There are several main questions in calorie counting theory: how to consider the main exchange and daily need for calories, which and when there is, what proportions in food are observed.

The most accurate result gives muffin Jaore, Created almost 25 years ago:

P \u003d 9.99 * Weight(kg) + 6.25 * Growth(cm) - 4.92 * age (in years) + constant (Miscellaneous for men and women)

Constant for women -161, for men +5.

This formula will show the level of the main exchange - how many calories per day need the body for normal functioning. To calculate the daily caloric content, the resulting indicator is multiplied by the coefficient (1.2 - for a minimum of physical exertion, 1.275 - for sports 1-3 times a week, 1.55 - for training 3-5 times a week).

Below the level of the main exchange is extremely harmful - the body will burn the muscles, the metabolism will slow down, the fat will stand in the place of burned muscles and lose weight.

The most rational is considered proportions in food - 20/30/50 ,

  • 20% of the diet should be fats;
  • 30% - proteins;
  • 50% - carbohydrates.

This proportion can be corrected slightly depending on the individual characteristics. But it is necessary to remember that the consumption of protein should be at least 1 gram per kilogram of weight, fats - at least 30 grams.

One gram of proteins is approximately 4 kcal, the same with carbohydrates. One gram of fat is 9 kcal.

To burn fat kilograms, you need to create deficit Calories in 9000., with proper slimming the norm is considered to be 1-2 kilograms per week. If the weight is small or the percentage of fat in the body is close to normal, the weight loss should be at a speed of 1-2 kilograms per month. With a faster slimming, muscle consumption occurs, which is very harmful.

How to pick up the diet

Counting calories allows you to eat almost any food. The main goal is to meet the daily caloric rate. It is recommended to adhere to the above proportion of protein-fat-carbohydrates - 20/30/50 .

It is better to use useful products with minimal processing.

Spring sources serve: any meat, especially chicken, rabbit and turkey, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, nuts, eggs, fish and seafood, soy and legumes.

The best fat is fish, so in the diet you need to introduce fatty fish or take fish oil in which it contains Omega-3 - link--.

Carbohydrates are better to use complex, their sources are fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals. From simple carbohydrates - baking, carbonated water and sugar - it is advisable to refuse.

The protein must be present With each meal, the protein helps stabilize blood sugar levels and maintains muscles. Carbohydrates are better to use in the first half of the day and do not eat them overnight.

The last meal must be a few hours before sleep. Before bedtime, if you want to eat, you can drink kefir or eat a boiled piece of boiled chicken breast.

Typical beginner errors

You can highlight basic mistakes Beginners when counting calories for weight loss.

The most common - sharp decline in calories. For example, I went to 2500 Call, and after the calculation learned its norm in 1500 kcal. It is strictly forbidden to reduce the daily caloric content of the diet immediately per 1000 kcal - It is harmful to the body and metabolism.

It is advisable to calculate the average calorie content of the usual diet for a week, and then every week take away From this figure 100-200 kcal And at such a pace to reach the calculated rate of daily calorie. Another week or two to eat in accordance with the daily norm, and then you can already reduce it by 20% and begin to lose weight.

Second bug of beginners - Measurement of calorie "On the eye". At the very beginning, it is strongly recommended to measure the whole food and weigh.

For this, high-quality kitchen scales are suitable. From the finished food catering still have to refuse, the caloric content of such food is very difficult to calculate correctly.

Better in the morning prepare myself go for a day and take it with you to work in Lunch boxes. In the future, it will be possible to move away from such a strict mode - the experience will prompt that in about what quantity it is necessary to eat to lose weight or at least not gain weight.

For example, to eat 100 grams of milk chocolate - approximately 600 kcal (depending on the variety). The average calorie of the diet of the adult is 1500-2000 kcal. That is, you can eat chocolate and lose weight.

For a day, you can eat 3 chocolate tiles and do not gain excess weight (if you do not eat anything other than milk chocolate). But will it be useful to organism? Obviously no!

Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only the number of calories eaten, but also useful food. If the body does not have enough vitamins and trace elements, the metabolism will slow down, the general state of health will deteriorate.

As a result, the efficiency of weight loss will decrease and it will be necessary to still reduce the calorie content of the diet. And this is a vicious circle. Therefore, it is better to eat from the very beginning correctly and count calories.

Each person needs food that satures the body with energy value and allows internal organs to work in full-fledged mode. However, as any other thing, there are some restrictions in nutrition. Many girls prefer to calculate the eaten kilocaloria to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe energy value. Specialists in the field of dietology advise adhere to the formula that we will consider below. Let's talk about everything in order.

Efficiency of calorie calculation

To lose weight, it is necessary to use less calories than the body will be able to recycle.

  1. As a result of the calculation of energy value, you do not injure yourself with grueling diets. Ultimately, extra kilograms are melted in our eyes, and you still use your favorite dishes (in moderate quantities).
  2. The calorie calculation technique for weight loss does not affect a distinctive way at the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the weight goes slowly, after which it does not return.
  3. Counting Calories ensures that you start to eat right. Since harmful food contains much more energy value, saturation passes faster. However, carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood for 1 hour, as a result of which hunger begins. You will learn how to make a menu balanced, excluding "Forbidden Fruits".

Calorie calculation technique

  1. To calculate the energy value, you need to purchase kitchen scales (preferably electronic, and not mechanical). Also need a calculator, because it is quite difficult to fold or take away the numbers in the mind.
  2. Prepare a notebook and the handle in advance, download the product calorie table on the Internet. If possible, ask the coach or find information about how many calories burns one or another type of physical exercise.
  3. Counting calories begins with weighing consumed for breakfast, lunch, dinner and food snacks. If you eat, for example, an apple, it must be weighed as an independent product.
  4. In cases where chicken and vegetables were cooked for lunch, each ingredient dishes is weighed separately from the rest. Of course, the occupation is tedious and uninteresting, besides, not all girls have a similar opportunity. However, another calorie calculation option does not exist.
  5. After a certain period, you will learn to determine the energy value of food, which is called, "on the eye". The need to use scales and calculator will disappear, but at the initial stage without them you can not cope.
  6. Before starting calculations, it is important to assimilate that for burning half a fat fat you will need to spend about 3450 kcal. To achieve the desired result, reduce the calorie food gradually.
  7. Excel from the individual body structure, metabolic speeds and the presence / absence of physical exertion. For example, if you wish to reset 0.5 kg. For 7 days, do not eat about 400 kcal daily. If the goal is set - reset 1 kg. For a week, create a deficit of 800 kcal.
  8. To proceed to manipulations, it is necessary to evaluate the permissible number of cyloalories that you can use per day. After that, get a notebook and start our daily records with regard to eaten products and their value indicators.

  1. Let us give an example: you bought two packs of cottage cheese for 100 grams., Each package is written the number of kilocalories that are taken to these 100 grams. Fold two numbers, write in a notebook.
  2. Suppose you eat cottage cheese with peaches or strawberries. Weigh berries or fruits separately, find out the calorie coming per 100 grams. If you have turned 50 gr. Berries, divide the number to 2, record the result in the notebook.
  3. Agudition two numbers, the general value circle into the circle. Take similar manipulations with every eaten food throughout the day. The total value should not exceed the amount allowed by daily use specifically for your body.

How to calculate the spent calories

Before proceeding to calculations, determine the basal metabolism (BM). Under it implies the amount of calories consumed by the body at rest. You can use an online calculator for these purposes to either take advantage of the formula below.


  1. To realize the second option in reality, find out your height, weight and age. After that, proceed to manipulations. Multiply weight (kg.) By 9.6, and growth (in see) by 1.8. Fold the numbers received and add 655 to them. Next multiply age by 4.7, take this value from the first amount.
  2. After that, act taking into account the existing physical exertion. In the case of a sedentary way of life, multiply the calculated number 1.2. If you have workouts about 1-3 times a week, but you work sitting, multiplication occurs at 1.3.
  3. If you consider yourself to sports people leading a healthy lifestyle (workouts pass 3-5 times a week), multiply by 1.5. People who train daily must multiply a number by 1.7. If we talk about professional athletes, the general value is multiplied by 1.9.

You are a 28-year-old girl, weighing 66 kg., Rising 168 cm. We visit the simulator room 5 times a week. Try to calculate basal metabolism as follows.

  • Multiply weight: 66 * 9,6 \u003d 633.6
  • Multiply height: 168 * 1.8 \u003d 302.4
  • We fold indicators: 633,6 + 302,4 \u003d 936
  • I add to the rates 655: 936 + 655 \u003d 1591
  • Multipient age: 28 * 4.7 \u003d 131.6
  • We take age from the first amount: 1591-131.6 \u003d 1459,4 * 1,5 \u003d 2,189kkal

After you counted the norm (basal metabolism), it is necessary to constitute a daily menu, taking into account the permissible amount of calories. It is impossible to fall below the declared number, because a sharp slowdown of metabolism will begin. First you will lose weight, and then get 2 times more weight.

In order for calorie counting successfully, and you have dropped extra kilograms, follow the effective advice. They are aimed at relieving weight loss, saving the emotional balance and a quick achievement of the result.

  1. Take the habit from the first day of the calorie counting of the food diary. All indicators must be fixed, you should not rely on the approximate count. Otherwise, the risk of weight gain will appear, all efforts will be in vain.
  2. Technical progress imposes its mark on society. Download the application on your smartphone called "Calorie counting". From now on, you can keep in electronic form, being at work, visiting at home.
  3. Purchase kitchen scales, preferably electronic. Your counts must be up to the tenths. Otherwise, you can hide or aback.
  4. All products are weighed exclusively in the raw form. In case you forgot to conduct data to manipulate, specify the calorie content of ready-made food. It is important to understand that the energetic value of boiled and raw buckwheat will be varied.
  5. Make a daily diet in advance, if possible, sign the menu for a week and go to the store. Do not count on a corporate dining room, take a meal in containers (with already calculated calorie).
  6. In the process of diet planning, leave the "stock" of about 170 kcal. Such a corridor is necessary for situations, if you suddenly change the dish with a sharply or take a greater calorie ingredient for cooking it.
  7. If you decide to prepare a complicated dish (pizza, soup, casserole, etc.), do not look for energy value on the Internet. Slow out all incoming components, weigh them and sum up the calorie content of each ingredient. Such a step will achieve a more accurate result.
  8. Do not eat in restaurants, cafes and other catering establishments. Of course, in the modern world it is quite difficult to adhere to this recommendation. However, if you are accustomed to wear with you, the process will pass faster. Even if the establishment of the establishment is the caloric content of food, it is only approximate.
  9. If in one day you exceed the amount of calories, allowable to daily use, do not arrange a unloading day. Otherwise, the metabolism will be disturbed, which will result in a weight gain. If you do not give rest to the breakdown, take time for exercise.
  10. So that weight loss is successful, take the habit of playing sports. You can purchase a subscription to a gym, visit the Yoga, Pilates or Straching section. Particularly active dance, without, rock climbing, etc.
  11. Make a daily menu so that fish, meat, seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, eggs, cottage cheese, kefir present in it. You can eat pasta from solid varieties of wheat, bran, cereal, wholegrain bread.

It is important to understand that the calorie count requires self-discipline, especially this concerns the first month of weight loss. As a rule, enough for 2-3 months for the full development of the usual dishes. During this period you will learn "on the eye" to determine the amount in grams and calorie food.

Video: How to count calories

It is no secret that people with excessive body have to be harder in this life. They are experiencing many problems in the social sphere, they do not want to take to work. Personal life also suffers, it is difficult for them to create their families.

About the health of such people is a separate topic. Thick people are confirmed by cardiovascular diseases, they often develop diabetes, the endocrine system suffers. The skeleton suffers from excess weight, the bones are deformed under the influence of excess weight. Life expectancy also decreases.

But the word of the diet will have a soul thrill, because it means that you have to experience hunger. It does not want this to anyone, everyone would like to leave their usual food and at the same time lose weight. And it turns out that this is possible, the calorie counting diet proves that it is possible to reset extra kilograms easily. Before you know how to lose weight on this diet, you need to get acquainted with how to count calories.

Calorie counting efficiency

So, we consider calories and lose weight - a great idea, since you have the opportunity to eat any dish favorite you, but in moderate quantity. As a result, you do not feel any hunger, and extra kilograms leave irretrievably.

The calorie counting diet is designed for a long time to expel overhead of the body from the body. After such a diet, the weight will not return in an instant.

The daily diet will consist of healthier products, as in harmful food contains an incredible amount of calories. Consuming it you after a short time you feel hunger. Therefore, you hardly want to endure such inconveniences. You will subcatherately include less calorie in the menu, but more nutritious dishes.

What do you need for a diet

You will have to weigh a lot of food, so you will need to purchase kitchen scales (choose electronic scales for convenience). Calculate calories in the mind, but it is better to do this with the help of a calculator, so it is necessary to take care of the acquisition of this attribute.

Before you know how to count calories to lose weight, you need to know how much one or another product weighs. Each ingredient of the same dish is weighed separately. We'll have to somehow come to terms with it, even if it seems not entirely convenient. This inconvenience is compensated later by loss of unnecessary kilograms. After some time of practice, you can intuitively determine how many calories are contained in a particular dish. But first will have to work hard.

You must have a caloric table of certain products before your eyes. You also need to find information on how many kilocaloria is burned by one or another physical activity. All counts are better to record in the notebook.

Do not immediately cut a large amount of calories to burn fat. Take into account your body structure, age, metabolism, lifestyle before starting to trim calories. In order for at least half a kilogram of weight in one week, you need to notice at least 400 calories per day. If I want the weight to go faster, then cut a little more calorie.

Before starting the observance of a diet, you should know how to count calories for weight loss. Start a special notebook and put the record there with food, which you ate during the day.

The energy value of any product is calculated by simple mathematical calculations. The calorie content of any product that is available on the shelves of our stores is indicated on the package. But there usually indicates the energy value per hundred grams. For example, you purchased any milk product and are going to use it with some of the fruit. Record the calorie content of the dairy product specified on the package.

Then put the fruits on the scales that you want to eat and find out how much calories will contain 100 grams. If you take fruit less than 100 grams, for example, 50, then you just need to divide the obtained value to two. Enter this entry into your notebook and proceed to summation. When folding all the values, then the resulting digit and will mean the number of calories that your dish will have.

How many calories need to be consumed to lose weight

This value is influenced by basal metabolism to determine in advance. When a person does not move, he still exists a certain amount of calories. This is what you need to find out.

For this, you must know your height for sure and multiply 1.8 to the figure. Then measure body weight and multiply the value by 9.6. Those numbers that you get folded, add to them a value of 655. For further calculations, the number of your age multiply by 4.7. Now deduct from this figure that you received earlier.

But that's not all. Then take into account your physical activity during the day. If you sit all day in one place, then the digit you received earlier multiplied by 1.2. With sedentary work, but with some physical workouts (for example, 2-3 times a week) in the gym you need to multiply by 1.3.

When a person trains a lot, every other day, the digit of multiplication will rise to 1.5. With strong physical exertion, multiply by 1.7. People who work in professional sports are multiplied by 1.9.

Example of calculating calorie norm

You are 32 years old, your weight is 70 kg, you are fitting 5 times a week. You do the following calculations:

  1. weight 70 multiplied by 9.6, get 672;
  2. height 168 multiplied by 9.6, get 633.6;
  3. folding 672 + 633.6 get 1305.6;
  4. to 1305.6 add 655 and it turns out 1960.6;
  5. age 32 multiplies with 4.7 \u003d 150.4;
  6. take away from the 1960 digit 150.4 and get 1809.6;
  7. multiply by 1.3 and get 2352.48.

As a result, you received your calorie norm. This is your basal metabolism, too low, which is not recommended to avoid problems with the metabolism. If you drop it twice, the weight loss will give good results, but the weight can then come back with other superfluous kilograms.

In order for the fight against overweight to be the most efficient, follow the councils of experts. They will help you facilitate the process of weight relief, keep your peace of mind and quickly achieve results.

  1. Get the food diary immediately as soon as you started using this method. Write only accurate value, and your guesses. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to achieve the desired result, since your exemplary count may be incorrect.
  2. Use technical progress for your own purposes. Download the application that will help you in the width of calories when you are not at home, but somewhere else.
  3. Weigh the products correctly, trying to be accurate to gram, it is quite important. With incorrect count, your weight can stand still, since you miss something.
  4. Calorie dishes varies depending on whether you use raw products or past heat treatment. The plate of invisible rice or buckwheat will have another amount of calories than cooked.
  5. Think forever, what you cook for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, a few days ahead. Go to the store with a ready-made list. Take me a food with calculated calories to work, do not go to the canteens.
  6. To correctly calculate the calorie content of the dish, in which several ingredients, you will have to know the weight of each ingredient. In the end, it is necessary to summarize the total number of calories.
  7. Avoid dinner in public catering, as it will be difficult for you to calculate calorie. And even if their calorie is indicated, this indicator may be incorrect.
  8. You should not worry too much if you eat more calories on one day than you. Many the next day significantly cut the number of calories and suffer hunger. This can be done in any case, since the exchange processes in the body can be disturbed. Just add a little more physical activity, it will bring more benefits to the body.
  9. Sports helps in a diet. Therefore, it is worth buying a subscription to the gym or do at home on your own. Yoga, Pilates, Dancing will also help reduce weight.
  10. The daily menu must be balanced. It must be present all the products needed by the body: fish, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, whole grain porridge, bran bread. Boldly turn on pasta menu if they are made and flour solid varieties.

Choose the right food

Reduce the consumption of fatty products, as it significantly increases calorie content. The smaller the fat you consume, the less your body requires food. And it helps to reduce calorie.

Limit yourself in the consumption of sugar. This product wakes up appetite and makes us eat more and more each time. 20 grams of sugar per day - this is enough to ensure all the needs of the body.

Eat more fiber, as it fits perfectly and learns slowly. In porridge, vegetables and fruits there are many dietary fibers, which are delayed in the stomach for a long time, the person will not be hunger. It is enough to eat quite a bit porridge to get satisfied and feel vigorous.

What is the positive property of the calorie counting diet

Arrival than learn the benefits of this diet, find out about its disadvantages. You will have to go with a notebook everywhere everywhere, write a lot to count calories for weight loss. But this also has its own plus. You can give up a piece of cake just because it is difficult to calculate its calorie. As a result of a scrupulous counting, you will find a beautiful figure and well-being.

Calculating calories, you will understand how excess weight accumulates. And your heredity or notorious broad bone is not to blame for this, the biggest enemy is overeating. The body is simply not necessary then the number of calories, which you loaded it daily. As soon as you reduce them, the body begins to spend energy from fat stocks.

With such a diet, you can afford and a piece of cake, but it will mean that you have to limit yourself in another food. Therefore, subconsciously wants to choose products with a smaller content of calories, which means go to a healthier food. You will watch product interchangeability to consume healthier and mane calorie. At the same time, a person remains the possibility of choice - and this is quite important.

After some time, the calorie counting is addictive and becomes the norm to control its nutrition. And this can not do not benefit.

Obesity today is the problem of world importance. Several decades such a problem did not exist at all, but today in many countries is overweight can be compared with the epidemic. Moreover, children with overpressure of body appear, therefore their health is in danger from the working childhood. Therefore, the global health community recommends that this issue is more serious and not allowed weight exceeding.

Proper nutrition is of paramount importance in maintaining optimal weight, followed by physical exertion. Calculation Counting will effectively help you fight extra kilograms, which means to improve your health, well-being. At the same time, it is not necessary to limit yourself to starvation and abandon your favorite food - all the food is simply cut in quantity. In all our troubles, overeating is to blame. The weight gain due to some disease also takes place, but only in rare cases. The calorie counting diet gives you a chance to solve not only a problem with overweight, but also to lead a full life, work fruitfully and have your own family.

Hello everyone! For a long time it did not come here. Materials accumulated a bunch, there was no time to disassemble. But finally I learned how to remove the opposite flashing strip below LJ, the joy is indescribable.

Today I will tell you about how to solve one of the very common among urban inhabitants of problems - to lose weight. They write about it a lot, and it always seemed to me that it was very difficult, and supplies grueling sports workouts, starvation and other incredible efforts of will. In practice, everything turned out to be much easier. Of course, if the deadlines are not very compressed.

The calorie calculation technique is widely known and used by many. With its help, I dropped 10 kg in the fall. Then she scored in winter, but the weight remained at the level achieved. Yesterday received a letter from a colleague, which told about this method, she also helped her. Inspired to tell also in the blog.

Likbez.From food we get, in particular, the energy that is measured in calories. This energy is spent by the body for different useful activity. If it goes more than it is spent, then the body is extensive energy in the form of fat, suddenly it will be useful. If these reserves become too much, then their weight begins to interfere with movements, loads the body with redundant work, depleting the resource of internal organs, and looks like an excess weight, not very beautiful. In general, weight needs to be maintained. I note that this statement is correct for people of any sex, age, nationality - overweight is bad for health and it is better to remove it. For this, the reverse process is used: if energy goes less than is spent, the body uses its fat reserves, and they are gradually burned.

The easiest way to use this method is using applications.For smartphones, for example, there is a free calorie counter (occasionally shows advertising). There are similar, there are Calorie Calculators online, the darkness of them. It is possible without applications, everything on the leaves is considered.

In order to lose weight for autumn for 10 kg, I did not need to specially play sports. Hiking several times a week, about half an hour - hour (including to the metro and back), raising the stairs, and not on the elevator. Even mental work still spends some kind of energy. With the sport, the result would be better. But if you play sports, and then throw, saving the same meal mode, it leads to an increase in weight. So it is better to deal with sports "in life", and not under the temporary project of weight loss. With age, the metabolism slows down, and say, after 40 it may be needed more time on the same result.

If you wish, you can make a calculation and physical activity (if you need higher accuracy).
The calorie content of the diet must be multiplied by the activity coefficient.
1.2 - Slopable training sections a week.
1.37 - Sluggy workouts 2-3 times a week.
1.45 - active workouts 3-4 times a week.
1.55 - Intensive workouts 5 times a week.
1.65 - Intensive workouts every day.
1.725 - Intensive workouts up to 2 times a day.
1.9 - Professional athlete level with super-heavy workouts.
What happened after multiplication is a daytime calorie rate to maintain itself in a stable weight.

To reset 100 grams of weight, it is necessary to burn fat for about 771.6 kcal (caloric content of 1 g of fat in food 9 calories, and calorie content of 1 g of human fat is considered for 7,716 calories). Horse hour burns 200-300 calories. 1 Clothing size ~ about 5 kg. A large amount of clothing can be worn even a loses of two sizes (for example, sweatshirts, shoes), but something in the wardrobe will still be changed.

It is recommended when a weight loss pace is no more than 2-4 kg / month (~ 100 g per day). If you lose weight faster, then the risk is then not to keep a new weight, and in addition, with too cut slimming, there may be negative effects, well, for example, a person may look ugly with pumped cheeks. Therefore, it is important to do this not a couple of weeks before the beach is released, but in advance.

The question of which is the weight is optimal, discussion. The well-known formula "Growth Minus 110, kg" is very approximate. For me personally, this is the weight in which it is comfortable, including when quickly walking or running. And at which you like your image in the mirror and in the photos.

If you look close to calorie products, it is easy to notice that most of the main dishes are not very calorie, and say meat or porridge difficult to eat more recommended calorie quantities. On the contrary, sugar and fats for it exist to store energy. For example, my calculated base diet is approximately as a half kilo rice porridge (~ 6 plates). Even if there is this porridge on a big plate in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, it will not be thrown even on the basic diet. On the other hand, the same diet is approximately equal to three chocolates or four pieces of bread. And if in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening to eat on the sandwich, then together with the rest of the food it is easy to go beyond the limits of the calculated diet. Therefore, it is necessary to direct the focus on the exact accounting of sweet, flour, ohm, nuts, control the snacks - most calories there. To meet the regulatory caloric content of the diet, the consumption of these calorie products will need to be reduced. This does not mean that they certainly need to be excluded, simply reduce the number per day (and if they exclude them, then the calories will not need).

If the standard has already been recruited, and I also want something tasty, it is better to lean on non-caloric drinks - green tea with different fruit flavors, for example. The technique can be combined to increase efficiency with others - separate meals (at least do not mix carbohydrate and protein food into one reception), not after 6 pm, the calorie is only before dinner, to divide food into a few small portions a day ... Of course, Calorie counting does not cancel the fact that the food must contain vitamins and other necessary components.

Sleeping is of great importance - you need to fall out (in moderation). In case of inclipping, the weight can be closed completely incomprehensible from: Probably it is associated with the digestive process. Stresses themselves spend energy, but many people have a tendency to "eat" them, in touching, as a result of which they often contribute to weight gain than decrease.

Slimming on such a technique is softer and without much effort, although not very fast. The main negative point is for women - as with any weight loss, first of all, the volume of the chest is reduced, and only then everything else. But the overall improvement of well-being, improving performance, enthusiastic compliments of others about the more slender figure are compensated. In addition, with the help of exercise, massage can be actively influenced by those zones whose weight loss want to speed up.

Have a nice health! Add me in friends.