George Orwell Biography. George Orwell - Biography, Information, Personal Life George Orwell Biography Brief

british writer and publicist

short biography

George Orwell (eng. George Orwell, real name Eric Arthur Blair, eng. Eric Arthur Blair; June 25, 1903, Motihari, British India - January 21, 1950, London) - British writer and publicist. The most famous as the author of the cultivation anti-astope novel "1984" and the story "Cottage". Introduced into the political language the term Cold War, which was widely used in the future.

Eric Arthur Blair was born on June 25, 1903 in Motihari (India) in the family of an employee of the Opium Department of the British Colonial Administration of India - British special services engaged in the control over the production and storage of opium before its export to China. Position of his father - "Assistant Junior Deputy Commissioner of the Opium Department, a fifth class official" - Literary critic Terry Iglton called "As if created for the" Monti Paiton "show."

Initial education received at St. School Cyprian (Eastbourne), where he studied from 8 to 13 years. In 1917 he received a registered scholarship and until 1921 attended Iton College. From 1922 to 1927 he served in the colonial police in Burma, then spent a long time in the UK and Europe, living with random earnings, then began to write artistic prose and journalism. Already in Paris, he came with a solid intention to become a writer, who led them. The way of life Orwellovened V. Nedoshvin characterizes as "Bunny Skid Tolstovsky". The story of the story "Pounds in Paris and London" (1933), published under the pseudonym "George Orwell."

Already in 30 years he will write in verses: "I am in this time - someone else's".

In 1936 he married, and after six months together with his wife went to the Aragonian front of the Civil War in Spain. Fighting in the ranks of the militia, formed by the anti-Stalinist Communist Party, collided with the manifestations of the fractional struggle in the left-handed environment. He spent almost half a year in the war, until he was injured in the throat with a fascist sniper in Weske. Arriving from Spain to the UK left enemy Stalinism, joined the independent working party.

During World War II led the anti-fascist program on the BBC.


The first major product of Orwell (and the first work signed by this pseudonym) was the autobiographical story "Pounds of Lich in Paris and London", published in 1933. This story based on the real events of the author's life consists of two parts. The first part describes the life of the poor man in Paris, where he was interrupted by random earnings, mainly working in the washer of dishes in restaurants. The second part describes a homeless life in London and its surroundings.

The second work is a story "Days in Burma" (published in 1934) - also founded on autobiographical material: from 1922 to 1927, Orwell served in the colonial police in Burma. On the same colonial material they wrote the stories "As I shot an elephant" and "hanging".

During the Civil War in Spain, Orwell fought on the side of the Republicans in the ranks of the Poom, the party, which in June 1937 was announced outside the law for the "Fascist". About these events he wrote a documentary story "Memory of Catalonia" (English. Homage to Catalonia; 1936) and essay "Remembering the War in Spain" (1943, fully published in 1953).

In the story "Traffic courtyard" (1945), the writer showed the rebirth of revolutionary principles and programs. "Bottom courtyard" - parable, allegory for the 1917 revolution and subsequent events in Russia.

Roman-Antiutopia "1984" (1949) became a ideological continuation of the "cattle courtyard", in which Orwell depicted a possible future world society as a totalitarian hierarchical system, based on a sophisticated physical and spiritual enslavement, permeated with universal fear, hatred and infoation. In this book, the famous expression "Big Brother is watching you" (or, in the translation of Viktor Golyshev, "Senior Brother is looking at you"), and also introduced the terms "Two-minded" terms, "tinprest", Novoyaz, "True", "Speech,".

There was also plenty of essays and articles of a socio-critical and cultural nature.

In the UK, a full 20-Tomny essay of Orwell (Eng. The Complete Works of George Orwell) was published. The works of Orwell are translated into 60 languages.

Orwell attitude to the USSR

In the 1946 essay, "Why I write" Orwell pointed out: "Each line of serious work that I wrote since 1936 was directed, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it." According to the peers of Orwell, the British Polystover, Chief Editor of the New Statesman magazine, Kingsley Martin, Orwell looked at the USSR with bitterness, the eyes of the revolutionary, disappointed in the brainchild of the revolution, and believed that her, revolution, was betrayed, and the main traitor, the embodiment of the evil Orwell considered Stalin . At the same time, Orwell himself, in the eyes of Martin, was a fighter for the truth, licensed the world's Soviet totems, who worshiped other Western socialists.

British conservative politician, a member of the Parliament Christopher Hollis argues that he truly led to the eroen in indignation that as a result of the revolution in Russia and who followed the overall of the old ruling classes, accompanied by a bloody civil war and no less bloody terror, was not classless The society, as the Bolsheviks promised, and the new ruling class, much more ruthless and unprincipled than the previously displaced previous ones. These survivors - who brazenly appropriated the fruits of the revolution and became at the helm, - adds american conservative link journalist Gary Allen, Orwell called "semi-horn, semi-gangsters" (English "Half-Gramophones, Half-Gangsters). It was also greatly surprised by Orwell, so it is a "strong hand", to the despotism, which he observed among a significant part of the British socialists, especially those of which called themselves by Marxists, disagree with Orwell even in the definition of the one who is "Socialist "And who is not, - Orwell to the end of his days was convinced that the socialist is the one who seeks to overthrow the tyranny, and not its formation, - this is exactly what such epithets that Orwell referred to the Soviet Socialists, American Literary Archor, Honorary Professor University Perdy Richard Vurhis. Similar despotic trends in the Word, Vurhis calls "the cult of Russia" and adds that another part of British socialists, which was not subject to this "cult", also showed signs of gravity to tyranny, possibly more benevolent, virtuous and unlocked, but still tyranny. Orwell, thus, always stood between two lights, both pro-Soviet and indifferent to the achievements of the country of the victorious socialism.

Orwell was always angry with those Western authors who identified socialism with the Soviet Union, in particular, J. Bernard Shaw. On the contrary, Orwell continually argued that countries going to build genuine socialism should first be afraid of the Soviet Union, and not try to take an example from him, "said Professor of Political Sciences at the University of Stirling Stephen Ingl. The Soviet Union hated Orwell with all the films of the soul, the root of evil saw him in the system itself, where the animals came to power. Therefore, Orwell believed that the situation would not change, even if Lenin did not die suddenly, and Trotsky was not expelled from the country and remained in his post. What turn did not foresee even Orwell in the most brave forecasts, so it is the attacks of Germany in the USSR and the subsequent Alliance Stalin with Churchill. "This nasty killer is now on our side, and therefore cleaning and everything is suddenly forgotten," wrote Orwell in his military diary shortly after the German attack on the USSR. "I never thought that I would live up to those days when I would bring to talk" Glory to Stalin! ", So lived!" He wrote in half a year.

As the NEW Yorker's Literary Observer noted, Dwight McDonald, for his views on the Soviet Socialism, the Orwell was mercilessly criticized by the socialists of all the masters, and the Western Communists, so those in general, as from the chain, disappeared, displacing every article, who came out of the feather Orwell where the abbreviation "USSR" or the surname "Stalin" met at least once. Such was even "New Statesman" under the leadership of the on-mentioned Kingsley Martin, who refused to publish the reports of Orwell on the activities of the Communists during the Civil War in Spain, "said British writer, Ex-Chairman of the Oxford Discussion Club Brian Magi. In the dense ranks of compatriots - enemies of Orwell stood another British socialist, book publishing Viktor Holland. The latter publicly criticized Orwell, especially in 1937 - in the year of Big Terror, among other things, putting Orwell in the guilt and the fact that he called the Soviet party functionaries with semi-horn, semi-gangsters. Hollanets threw her a shadow for her comment on the very best of what gave the world of Orwell, - the teacher of the Rochester University, Dr. Stephen Malouni, is indignant. Hollanets was definitely in shock, heard about the "semi-gangster", in the state of which he wrote his preface, - summarizes the Literary Observer of the Weekly "Time" of Marta Duffy. A graduate of the MSU, the editor of the British government Russian-speaking collection "England", writes about the Golone's conjunct machine in this particular case. At the same time, the attention of Thomas, Hollanets does not particularly emphasize the attention of Thomas, the Hollanets does not say, namely, it does not say: the truth or in a wrongman wrote Orwell. Instead, he speaks of "strange rashness", admitted to the writer. Say, "To avoid", one cannot write such about the Soviet Union. In the 1930s, in the West to reward the Soviet officials with such epithets, there was indeed a counter-revolutionary, almost criminal, but alas, such was thinking of the British intelligentsia of those years - "Once Russia calls himself a socialist country, it became a priori right" - about it They thought - writes specifically about this episode British literary critic John Wayne. Oils in the fire poured the British club of the left book created by Holland, who supported Orwell and even published some of his works, as long as he returned from Spain, Orwell did not switch from British colonialism to Soviet communism. And when in 1937 it came to the press of the book, in no way affecting the topic of Marxism - "Road to Wigan Pier", Holland, in justifying that the club at all came to the publication, wrote the preface to the novel, which would be better not at all wrote. But the club itself, contrary to the extensions of his creator and the ideological inspirator, split shortly after the signing of the Molotov - Ribbentrop Covenant, partially turning into the literary reside of the Kremlin, acting in the British capital on an ongoing basis.

Orwell while working on the BBC (1941)

Orwell expected that the socialists will come to power in Britain in his understanding of this word, but this did not happen, and the rapid growth of the power of the Soviet Union, with an equally rapid deterioration in the health of the Orwell himself and the death of his wife, was imposed on that intolerable pain Future of the Free World.

After the German attack on the USSR, who did not expect Orwell himself, the balance of socialist sympathies for a while again moved to the side of Hollanet, but the British socialist intelligentsia, in his most, could not forgive such a step as the Molotov Pact - Ribbentrop. Collectivization, decking, indicative processes on the affairs of the people of the people, the cleaning of party series also made their job - Western socialists were gradually disappointed in the achievements of the country of the Soviets, "So the opinion of McDonald complements Brian Magi. McDonald's opinion confirms the modern British historian, browser London The Sunday Telegraph Noel Malcolm, adding that the works of Orwell did not go to any comparison with the soviet satellites, who came to his contemporary - the Christian socialist, subsequently by the head of the Society of British-Soviet friendship Hewlett Johnson, in the most England famous for nicknamed "Red Abbot". Both scientists are also solidarily in the fact that from this ideological confrontation, Orwell eventually came out the winner, but, alas, posthumously.

Graham Green writer, despite the fact that it was not the best relationship with Orwell himself, noted the difficulties faced by Orwell to the Military and post-war years, when the USSR was still an ally of the West. So, the official of the British Ministry of Information, he has fluently familiarized with the "livestock", asked Orewell with all seriousness: "You can't do the main villain any other animal?", I mean the inappropriate criticism of the USSR, which then actually saved British. from fascist occupation. And the first, insection publishing "1984" was no exception, it came out of no more than a thousand copies, as none of the Western Publishers decided to go into the open course of the announced course on friendship with the Soviet Union, the Eraselovsky Oceania was akin to Eurasia, She was always her allied. " Only after the statement of the fact that the Cold War is already in full swing, after the death of Orwell, the stamp of the novel began with millions of circulation. He was extolled, the book itself was praised as Satira at the Soviet system, silent the fact that she was Satira to the Western society to an even greater degree.

But the time has come when the Western allies again laughed with their yesterday's arms brothers again, and everyone who called for friendship from the USSR, or sharply sought themselves, or began to call for hostility from the USSR, and those from the typewriter who were still in Favoro and the Zenith of Fame and on the wave of success they dare to continue to demonstrate their support to the Soviet Union, also sharply fell into opal and obscurity. Here, everyone remembered the novel "1984," the literary critic, a member of the British Royal Literary Society Jeffrey Meyers, rightly notes. To say that the book became a bestseller - I don't care what to splash the water mug into the waterfall. No, she began to be called not otherwise as a "canonical anti-communist work", as a professor of history at the University of Bat Spa John Newsinger, "Righteous Manifesto of the Cold War" dubbed the book of an honorary professor of cultural studies at Sheffield University Fred Inglis, not to mention that It was translated on more than sixty languages \u200b\u200bof the world. When 1984 came, the book in the United States alone was divided into the sale of 50 thousand copies a day! Here you should come back a little back and say that in the same states, every fifth resident of which is now proud to say that at least once I read the novel "1984", from 1936 to 1946 there was no one to eat Orwell book, although he appealed to more than twenty publishers - they all politely refused, since the criticism of the Soviet system then Not encouraged. And only Harcourt and Breis took care of the case, but Orwell, who lived the last days, to see their works with released million circulations were not destined.

Attitude in the USSR to Orwell

The official attitude towards Orwell in the Soviet Union can be expressed by the words of the chairman of the foreign commission of the Union of Soviet writers Mikhail Yakovlevich Aplet, who signed the following biographical certificate attached to the work on Orwell, who was kept in the "UK materials" of the Union of Writers of the USSR:

George Orwell - English Writer, Trotskist. In 1936 he was in Spain in the ranks of the Poomov police<…> Orwell has a close connection with the American Trotsky magazine "Partizan Review". George Orwell is the author of the GnusNaya Book of the Soviet Union for the time from 1917 to 1944 - the Farm of Beasts.

Biographical reference from 26. V. 1947 signed by MICH. Apletin

Nevertheless, as the literary critic Arlena Viktorovich Blum notes, despite the official position of the compliment, there was an unofficial position, and the nomenclature publication of the "1984" novel, intended for official use, in the best Orwell traditions it was ranked under the copy, most likely without any changes , and began to go hand over the end of the 1960s. Friend and colleague J. Orwell on Tribune Tusco Fileel remembers a conversation with his Russian friend with whom he argued about who was addressed to the main warning of the novel. So, a familiar convinced Filela, and he was inclined to agree with her that Orwell wrote for Russians, and no Western man fell down the essence of "1984" so deep as a person from the Union. Very exactly, according to A. V. Blum, I noticed Sergey Kuznetsov: "There is something deeply symptomatic that the whole generation of Russian readers received the" 1984 "" for one night ". At this time, the novel of Orwell replaced the dream and At times, it became indistinguishable from him. " Naturally, it could not not attract the attention of state security and censorship.

Apart from the above certificate for official use and publication in the "literary newspaper", followed by a departmental scandal and the proceedings in the literary department, the first in Soviet journalism critical mention of J. Orwell as a writer came out in the second half of 1948 - when he had already completed the work over "1984", and it belongs to the scientific employee of the Institute of Russian Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR G. M. Lukanov and the graduate student of the Academy of Public Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU A. P. Belikik, where Orwell is called "British Gangster", which is "so cynical" that dares Cancel about the freedom of creativity and about the debt of the writer! The concept of "Freedom of Creativity" was acquired by Lukanov and especially Belika definitely negative sense, since the Leninist "one of the writers of non-partisan" was the favorite expression of the latter (in the sense - not consisting of WCPs (b)). Further, two Soviet critics were compared to Orwell with Kestler, having come to the conclusion that they converge in everything, but Orwell exceeds Kestlara biography - a solid policeman's experience - a rarity, "even on the black market of culture, where Orwells and Kesellers will be launched." An interesting point, a very worthy mapping in the context of the story of the novel "1984", that the authors of the first Soviet review of J. Orwell is already in very short time, namely, by the beginning of the 1950s, they got into opal, and Belika criticized the entire Soviet writer community And personally, Stalin, in connection with which he had to answer no longer for the criticism of writers, but at full-specific political charges (he was counted for Novorapovtsians, which was essentially a sentence). But, fortunately for them both, Stalin died suddenly, and both critics continued their professional careers and even had certain success in Khrushchev, especially Belik, who became a professor and entered the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

A little changed to the beginning of the 1960s. So, the Soviet publicist, in the recent past, the chairman of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Yuri Zhukov wrote in 1963 on the image of the Soviet people in the 1984 novel: "Drawing our society in the form of a certain barracks, and our people in the form of Unwashed robots, Orwell and others opposed them to the imaginary charms of the "free Western world", where all the possibilities for the creative heyday of human individuality are supposedly provided ... ".

Polish Defector, subsequently, the world-famous writer and the Nobel Laureate Cheslav Milos claimed that high-ranking appators of the Polish United Workers Party could easily reach Polish-speaking copies of "1984" and, according to him, they were simply admired how deeply and exactly Orwells described the morals reigning In both parties - both in external and in the inner. You can imagine how if the Soviet Politburo read "1984", drawing inspiration from it for new accomplishments in the field of strengthening total control, - Ironize Professor of Chicago University Richard Allen Posner.

Exploring the volumetric archives of documents previously intended for official use by Soviet censors and employees of state security bodies, A. V. Blum found many papers, including from criminal cases on dissent, where, among other things, J. Orwell and Roman "1984" are mentioned. In the archive of LenOblitglit, they were found, in particular, a request for UCH in the Leningrad region to the head of Lenoblit B. A. Markov with a list of books, among which was "1984" found during the search in certain unnamed dissidents. It was already 1978, and then, unlike previous years, the state security sent confiscated books on literary examination. Leningrad censorship after a week sent such an answer to the State Security Committee:

George Orwell's book "1984" - a fantastic novel on a political topic. The future of the world is drawn in the dark colors, the division of it into three great superpowers, one of which "Eurasia" is the Europe absorbed by Russia. A picture of the brutal and ruthless destruction of women and children during wars is drawn. The book in the USSR was not published, no proliferation.

This response of Soviet literary censorships at the end contained a conclusion: "All these books have been published abroad, designed to undermine and the weakening of the orders established in our country and their distribution in the Soviet Union should be regarded as an ideological sabotage," - a conclusion that it rightly notes A. V. Blum, did not leave any hopes.

Several decades have passed, 1984 came. Since 1984, in the Soviet Union itself, a course was taken to revise the prevailing, unequivocal attitude towards Orwell and the novel "1984", in order to "whitewash" Orwell in the eyes of Soviet readers, making it almost an ally in the fight against imperialism. And although the Soviet Union was understood by the Orwealla Eurasia, the Soviet Union was noted, it was never questioned, the work of Orwell was not so unambiguously as before and even try to put him on the service of current Soviet politics and ideology. The efforts of the best Soviet literary minds carried out work on the leveling of the reservoir of defeat reviews about the Orwell of their colleagues predecessors, often much less professional. As a result, there was significant progress on this field, but soon the case took an even more unexpected turnover - the Soviet Union collapsed, the censorship disappeared as a phenomenon, and the work done, for the most part, was not needed - the novel got into a wide reader audience, bypass which -Lo instance or intermediaries, as after the recently departed and the prefaces of the coming building.


V. Nedoshivin recalled that the famous domestic gunner V. A. Chalikova, for six months before his death, told him the "strange thing": "Honestly, I would not want us to be comprehended by Orwell to the bottom. This can only happen when society is convinced by: the alternative to which the ideological avant-garde of this society today offers, alternative to totalitarianism, it is also not humanist, it will not give a simple person what he wants ... "

Memoirs and documentary

  • Pounds of Lich in Paris and London (1933)
  • Road on the berth of Wigan (1937)
  • Catalonia's memory (1938)


  • Awake! YOUNG MEN OF ENGLAND (1914)
  • Balde (1929)
  • A Happy Vicar i Might Have Been (1935)
  • Ironic Poem About Prostitution (written before 1936)
  • Kitchener (1916)
  • The Lesser Evil. (1924)
  • A Little Poem. (1935)
  • Our Minds Are Married, But We Are Too Young (1918)
  • The Pagan. (1918)
  • Poem from Burma. (1922-1927)
  • Romance (1925)
  • Sometimes In The Middle Autumn Days (1933)
  • Suggesed by a toothpaste advertisement (1918-1919)
  • Summer-like for an instant (1933)

Publicistics, stories, articles

  • How I shot an elephant
  • Hanging execution
  • Memories of bookseller
  • Tolstoy and Shakespeare
  • Literature and Totalitarianism
  • Recalling the war in Spain
  • Suppression of literature
  • Reviewer recognition
  • Notes on nationalism
  • Why I write
  • Lion and Unicorn: Socialism and English Genius
  • British
  • Politics and English
  • LIR, Tolstoy and Jester
  • About the joy of childhood ...
  • Not counting black
  • Marrakesh
  • My country, right or left
  • Thoughts on the way
  • Borders of art and propaganda
  • Why socialists do not believe in happiness
  • Sour revenge
  • In defense of English cuisine
  • Cup of excellent tea
  • How the poor dying
  • Writers and Leviathan
  • In defense of P. G. Woodhouse



All animals are equal. But some are equal to others.

- "Barnyard"

People sacrifice their lives in the name of certain communities - for the sake of nation, the people, the uninterests, class - and comprehend that they stopped being personalities, only at the very moment, as the bullets witness. Feel at least a little deeper, and this devotion would have become the devotion to mankind himself, which is not an abstraction at all.

"On the wonderful new world" of Oldhos Huxley was an excellent cartoon, imprinted the hedonistic utopia, which seemed to be achievable, forcing people so willingly be deceived by their own conviction, as if the kingdom of God, in one way or another, should become reality on earth. But we should be left to the children of God, even if God from prayer people no longer exists.

Original text (eng.)


MR ALDOUS HUXLEY "S Brave New World Was a Good Caricature of the Hedonistic Utopia, The Kind of the Hedonistic Utopia and Even Imminent Before Seemed Possible and Even Imminent Beefore Hitler Appeared, But It Had No Relation to the Actual Future. What We Are Moving Towards AT This Moment Is Something More Like The Spanish Inquisition, And ProBably Far Worse, Thanks to the Radio and the Secret Police. There Is Very Little Chance of Escaping It Unless We Can Reinstate The Belief in Human Brotherhood Wort World 'to Give It Meaning. IT IS THIS THAT LEADS INNOCENT PEOPLE LIKE THEAT THE DEAN OF CANTERBURY TO IMAGINE THAT THEY HAVE DISCOVERED TRUE CHRISTIANITY IN SOVIET RUSSIA. NO DOUBT THEY ARE ONLY THE DUPES OF PROPAGANDA, BUT WHAT MAKES THEM SO WILLING TO BE DECEIVED IS THEIR KNOWEDGE THAT THE THAT THE Kingdom of Heaven Has Somehow Got to Be Brought On To the Surface of the Earth. We Have Not to Be The Children of the Prayer Book No Longer Exists.

- Essay "Thoughts on the way" J. Orwell (1943)

Everything turns out to be insignificant if you see the main thing: the struggle gradually acquires the consciousness of the people with the owners, with their paid liars, with their bunchies. The question is simply. Does people know worthy, truly humane life, which today can be provided, or this is not given it? Will ordinary people bend back to slums, or it will not be possible? I myself, maybe, without sufficient reasons, I believe that sooner or later, an ordinary person will win in his struggle, and I want it to happen not later, but before - say, in the next hundred years, and not in the next ten millennia. This is what was the real purpose of the war in Spain, this is what is the present purpose of the current war and possible wars of the future.

George Orwell - British writer and publicist. Known as the author of the cult anti-astope novel "1984" and the story "Cottage". Real name Eric Arthur Blair

Born June 25, 1903 In India in the town of Mochitari. His father at that time worked in India as a British employee in one department.

He studied at Sch. Cyprian, in 1917 he received a registered scholarship and until 1921 attended Iton College. From 1922 to 1927 he served in the colonial police in Burma, then spent a long time in the UK and Europe, living with random earnings, then began to write artistic prose and journalism.

In 1935 he took a pseudonym George Orwell. At the time of the civil war, he moved to Spain and fought on the side of the militia. He later described these events in the story "In honor of Catalonia" (1937).

In 1936 he married, and after six months together with his wife went to the Aragon Front of the Civil War in Spain

In 1945 his satirical story "Bottry Dvor" was published. She was devoted to the reincarnation of revolutionary views.

In addition, he wrote a lot of essays and articles on the subject of socio-critical development of society. During the Second World War, he worked as a BBC commentator and prepared a wide range of political and cultural and cultural gears. In Britain, he lived, mainly on the island of Jura with his wife Eil. Four had a adopted child. When Orwell's wife died in 1945, he married a re-in Sona Bronows - Helper Editor's Horizon Editor. This marriage lasted quite short.

George Orwell - the pseudonym of the famous English publicist and writer Eric Blair. Books of Orwell "Bottry Dvor" and "1984" conquered the whole world and are included in the lists of mandatory books to read. The author was the first to use the term Cold War, who was subsequently received a broad publication.

Brief biography George Orwell

The future famous writer was born in 1903 in India in the family of an employee of the Opium Department of the British Colony. He was educated at the School of St. Cyprian, in 1917 he was awarded the name of the scholarship and he studied in college until 1921. Upon completion of training until 1927 he served in the Birma police, after a long time lived in Europe and the UK. He lived with a free earnings, gradually wrote journalism and artistic prose. The firm intention to start writing was established before moving to Paris. In the city of the Writer led a kind of lifestyle, which V. Nedoshivin characterized as a "Tolstsky riot". Since 1935, he began publishing his works under the name of George Orwell.

In a year he got married, and after six months he went to the Aragle Front to Spain. Fucked in war before injuring the fascist sniper. During the Second World War, it became famous as a leading anti-fascist program on BBC. For a long time, fought with tuberculosis, died in 1950.

Creativity George Orwell

Orwell argued that the true prose should be transparent as glass and himself enjoyed this rule when writing books. Examples that he considered the main advantage of prose can be found in the essay and. He believed that the language slope and injustice in politics are interrelated. By his duty, the author called the defendance of the ideals of free socialism and the opposition to totalitarian trends, who threatened the era. In 1945, a book was published - direct satire of the Russian revolution and crash, born with her hope, with the help of parable the writer shows how animals become the owners of one farm. Another famous book is an antioticopia, in which the gunner outlines in all colors totalitarian society.

We advise you to get acquainted with the work of the writer in more detail on your own. The themes you are interested in at the time of Orwell remain relevant and understood. We offer to read Book Orwell online for free on our site.

George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair) is an outstanding English writer and publicist of the 20th century. His most famous works: Antiutopic novel "1984" and the story "Cottage". It is J. Orwell introduced into a political language the term "Cold War", which has been preserved to this day. Born on June 25, 1903 in India in the town of Mochitari. His father at that time worked in India as a British employee in one department. As a child, Eric Arthur studied at School of St. Cyprian, and from 1917 attended the Yaton College. For some time, the future writer worked as a police officer in Burma, and then moved to Europe, where he lived with random earnings.

In the late 1920s, he began writing prose and journalism. In 1935 he took a pseudonym George Orwell. At the time of the civil war, he moved to Spain and fought on the side of the militia. He later described these events in the story "In honor of Catalonia" (1937). In 1945 his satirical story "Bottry Dvor" was published. She was devoted to the reincarnation of revolutionary views. In it, he also narrated the subsequent events in the USSR. Later, he portrayed a possible future physical and spiritual enslavement, which became the plot of his main novel-novelopia "1984", which was published in 1949.

In addition, he wrote a lot of essays and articles on the subject of socio-critical development of society. During the Second World War, he worked as a BBC commentator and prepared a wide range of political and cultural and cultural gears. In Britain, he lived, mainly on the island of Jura with his wife Eil. Four had a adopted child. When Orwell's wife died in 1945, he married a re-in Sona Bronows - Helper Editor's Horizon Editor. This marriage lasted quite short. After a few months, J. Orwell died in the London hospital from tuberculosis. A year before the death was published the most important novel of his life "1984". Orwell was not January 21, 1950.