What is a particle not in Russian. How to find out the particle in the sentence. Forming or semantic are no particles


In the class of particles, constant service (insignificant) words are combined, which:

  • express the most diverse subjective-modal characteristics: infirmity, subjunctivity, conventions, desirability, as well as evaluations of messages or individual parts;
  • participate in the expression of the purpose of the message (questionality), as well as in the expression of approval or denial;
  • characterize the action or condition by its flow in time, by completeness or incompleteness, performance or non-response of its implementation.

Listed particle functions are grouped:

  • in the function of formation
  • in the function of a variety of communication features of the message.

Common to all these functions is that in all cases they are present

  • the value of the relationship
  • relationships (standing) actions, states or a whole message to reality,
  • relationship relations to the reported,

moreover, both of these types of relationships are very often combined in the value of one particle.

The meaning of the particle as a separate word is the relation that is expressed by it in the proposal.

Particle discharges [ | ]

In accordance with the above functions, the following main discharge of particles are distinguished:

  1. forming (subjunctive) particles (Let, let, let's, yes, come, would, b, it happened):
    • forming forms of words;
    • the degrees of comparison of adjectives and the shortcomings;
  2. negative particles (No, no, not at all, not, not, by no means);
  3. particles characterizing a sign (action or condition) for its time flow, on completeness or incompleteness, performance or not effectiveness of implementation;
  4. modal particles:
    • questionage particles (whether, really, is it);
    • indexing particles (here, won);
    • specifying particles (exactly, just, right, exactly in-point);
    • outline and restrictive particles (only, only, exclusively, almost that, unique);
    • exclamation particles (what for, as);
    • amplifying particles (even, neither, because, all, all);
    • mitigation requirements -You ( feed-ka, puff) -to (milk escaped); Also for this purpose, the word is used. (mark-up-s)originating from the abbreviated circulation of "sir";
    • doubt (hardly, hardly);
    • peaceful particles (Let, let, come on (those).

Essentially, that modal (estimated, expressive) values \u200b\u200bare present in one form or in particles of negative, questionative, characterizing the effect on its flow or performance in replica particles.

Classification of particles by origin[ | ]

Pervious [ | ]

The simplest (for several exceptions) are the simplest (for several exceptions), one-step particles, in the present language, which have no living word-forming links and formal relations with the words of other classes.

Inquired[ | ]

All other particles are not primitive.

Classification of particles in composition[ | ]

Simple [ | ]

Simples are called particles consisting of one word. Print particles include all the primary particles, as well as particles, in varying degrees of livelihoods with unions, placed words, adverbs, verbs or pretexts. In addition to the primary particles, the simple particles include:, good, more, more, literally, it happens, it happened, it was, because, in (simple), at all, won, that's, it seems, everything, where, looked, Yes (not in the form of form will be laid. Skl.), Come on (those), even, give (those), really, unique, if, also, know, and, or, exactly, how, what, where, okay, whether, better, in no way (simple, I will ask.), nothing, nothing, but, however, it is finally, it is simple, right, let, let it, unless, decisively, exactly, most, yourself, rather As if, quite, thanks (in meaning well), so, there, too,, just, for sure, even though, what is purely (simple), that, so that, eq, it is.

As already mentioned, all these particles have close external and internal ties with other classes of words: in them in varying degrees there are elements of values

  • impoverished (literally, good, in (simple), at all, won, here, where, indeed, the only thing, it is exactly how, where, well, nothing, nothing, finally, positively, just, straight, strongly, perfectly, quite, so, there is good),
  • locomotive words (everything, everything, what, it's the most, to you, what is it),
  • verbs (happened, it was, let's (those), give (those), see (those), knew
  • unions (a, the benefit, because, yes, even, if, and, or, or, but, however, let, let, unless, exactly, as if, too, just, for sure, even though, so that to)
  • comparatives (more, more, better, rather: Rather, die, what will agree; rather holidays!),
  • prepositions (like: Like someone calls?),
  • interjections (ek, thank you: they are, what heat! Will you not find places. Thank you in the cellar Sosked Little. N. Uspensky).

Sometimes in the same word, the proximity and interlacing of the values \u200b\u200bof the particle and the union, particles and adverbs, particles and verb, particles and pronouns, particles and interjections are so close that the opposition of such values \u200b\u200bas owned by the words of different classes is illegal, and the word should qualify as "particle-union", "particle-adverb," \u200b\u200bparticle-pronoun, etc.;

Compound [ | ]

Particles formed from two (less often - more) words:

  • two particles
  • particles and Union,
  • particles and pretext
  • particles and isolated from their class of verb shape or adverb.

Composite particles can be absent - their components in the proposal cannot be divided by other words, or disjointed: their components in the proposal can be separated in other words. Inside the composite particles, particles-phraseological generals are distinguished: these are several service words (or service words and isolated from their classes of impossible, forms of plans or verbs), the living relationship between which in modern language is missing; Such particles may also be disjointed or absent.

Dissected [ | ]

Their components in the proposal can be separated in other words. Dissected particles:

That would be a rain!; Here it would be a rain!); So (here is your friend!; here you are the result!; did you believe him? So believe after that people!); So (here is so orders!; it's so orders!; here we have the garden so the garden!; here it has developed so much!); Almost no (almost late; hardly he did not break his head); Hardly not (he hardly licked in life for the first time); How not (how not to understand!; how can I not know the way!); No matter how if the rain did not go); If only (only rain would not be!); Not enough (simple) (I began to call the bell to the bell, did not cut a little. Costs; from fear I didn't even fall on the ground. Lesk.); Let them (let them sang!); Rather, would rather be spring!; Spring would rather!); so and (so it can rest; so he did not recognize me); If only it would be (just wondered!) Only and (only and conversation, that about the trip; only about the trip and conversation); at least (at least it would not have grumbled!); a little (was) not (I did not break a little leg); Like anyone (he is now not a big boss).

Particles are always dismembered

Isn't it (if we do not rest?), Not (do not spend the night here!).

Frameological particles:

No, no and (yes) (no, no yes, it will visit; there is no grandfather and remember); What kind of news?; what is yours!); What of (what) (what am I from his promises!; now from what he returned?).

From composite particles, a variety grouping around the simple particle should be distinguished, easily arising and easily disintegrating complexes, characteristic primarily for modal particles; eg:

just - so, well, so, already ... as - yes, how, how, how, yes, how, well, how; like - It seems, it seems like, it seems, it seems like;

Unchecked [ | ]

their components in the proposal cannot be divided by in other words.

And then (- are not afraid? - And then I'm afraid !; can be empty? - And then suddenly will not be allowed); Without that (a person he is already silent, and then he closed at all. Fields.; there is no time to wait, no longer late); It was b (simple) (it was not to stay, and go home!); unlikely; Just-going (time is just an hour); yet; Look and (talk) (waited, waiting, look and fell asleep); far from (not sure about success; far from beauty); Divi would (simple) (DIVI would know the matter, otherwise it is unacceptable!); To what (how good is the forest! What are you tired!); Would be; If (if it were not for war!); Still (you don't touch you. - Still you would touch!; It's good! - It would be not good!); And there is (simple) (- did not recognize, it can be seen? - did not recognize and eat. Bazhov; - Look, guys, peak! - peak and there is. Fad.); And so (do not be angry, I'm so repent; why he has money, he has a lot and so); And that (on the rink and then they are not allowed; I saw a long time ago, and then a glimpse; talk to him. - And then I'll talk); As it is (simple) (everything is as it is, you said correctly. Bazhov; - frozen? - as it is frozen); how; Just (I came just in time; I'm afraid of service: Just under responsibility you will fall. Turg.); How so (- Farewell. - How do you forgive?); somehow; Where as (where as fun!); All right; To which (for which heter, and it was wrong); no no; unlikely; Not at all (by no means beautiful); simply (he simply laughs above us); so (also did not appear?); So (- I have a tobacco all. - So all?); Whether not (or not life!); That's something (then I'm glad!; then I watch it recumbent); There's the same (there is from the mixtured: I said something: he began to laugh. Mushroom.; a boy, but arms back); And and (made themselves. - Also themselves?; This is a disease. - Correct the disease!); To coat and (while they were going, to hug and rain went); Well (- Let's go? - What, let's go; I agree that g); What (call, what?; help or something!; Are you deaf?);

Frameological particles (particles-phrases)[ | ]

Solving several official words (or service words and isolated from their classes of impossible, forms of plans or verbs), the living relationship between which in modern language is missing; Such particles may also be disjointed or absent.

Then - not otherwise - (not differently as a thunderstorm will gather in the evening) no to - there is no - (what a fur coat called! No to think: somewhere Barinov Schuba? Necr.); Whether Ivan Ilyich was foolishly ordered; whether we are with you. L. Tolstoy); Togo - Looks (Togo and Looks will die; it will be forgotten), Togo and wait - (simple) (the stove of that and wait falls. P. Bazhov); Togo and look - (Togo and see what) (after all, too much lyry; in addition, what will leake the neck! N. Gogol); exactly the same; That neither is that there is neither (simple) (this is his favorite song).

Service. It is designed to denote various emotional and semantic shades. Also, with its help, completely new words are formed, their forms.

All particles in Russian are divided into two big discharges:

1) those that express the shades of a variety of meanings and emotions (modal);

2) Forming and word forming.

Such a division is based on what value and what role this part of speech is performed in the proposal.

Modal particles in Russian

Depending on the shades expressed by them and emotions, the particles in turn are divided into such groups:

1) Intelligent: Let, well, it's, and well, let's, come on;

2) negative and affirmative: no, yes, not, for sure, by no means;

3) Exclamation and estimated particles: Well, I would still, what, you, how, what are you;

4) Questionally: And what, really, is it, whether;

5) Amplifying particles: Yes, and, and, even;

6) Sustaining at least, after all, still;

7) Comparative: as if, as if, exactly, as if;

8) excretory-restrictive particles: only, unique, only, exclusively, almost;

9) clarifying: just, precisely, exactly, for sure;

10) Indicative: So, won and, that's, it is, then.

Forming and word-forming particles in Russian

As the latter advocate:

1) The particles are none if they are used as consoles for the formation of the names of adjectives, nouns, the shorter, as well as pronouns (uncertain and negative): not true, someone, nothing, etc.;

2) particles -libe, and without, it is, kone- They are used as affixes. Approached with their help uncertain pronouns and adverbs: something, somewhere, in some way and others.

Forming particle -. With its help, the ignition of the verb can be changed to the subjunctive: would help, would have won.

Particles in Russian. Classification by origin

In Russian, some particles originate from a variety of speech parts, others - no. On this basis and the following classification is performed on:

1. Derivatives. They can come from the mock: barely, right, only, etc.; From the verbs: come on, let, hang and others; from pronouns: -shid, everything, it, that, et al; from alliances: and, yes, and, a, whether, - et al.

2. Unproductive particles. Their origin is not associated with any other parts of speech: - how, is, that's, etc.

Particles in Russian. Spelling "not" pouted with words

The unstressed particle is not used when they intend to express denial. It is written in a punch with words only in the following cases:

a) if it serves as a prefix for nouns, adolescent and adjectives: nonlaskova, sad, failure;

b) if the word without it does not occur: ridiculous, nonfall, sludge;

c) if the forms of uncertain and negative pronouns are impossible: no one, someone, nothing, some;

d) If there are no dependent words with full of the part: a non-trimming sun, a defective error.

Particles in Russian. Spelling "Nor" with the words

This unstressed particle is used to express the gain. It is written in a punch with words in cases when it acts as consoles:

a) in negative ads: in no way, nowhere, nowhere, nor at all, whitewhere else;

b) in negative pronsections (in their impossible forms): I did not have the opportunity to spend anyone on the road.

General properties of particles

In the class of particles, unnemedly unnewnable (official) words are combined, which

  • express the most diverse subjective-modal characteristics: infirmity, subjunctivity, conventions, desirability, as well as evaluations of messages or individual parts;
  • participate in the expression of the purpose of the message (questionality), as well as in the expression of approval or denial;
  • characterize the action or condition by its flow in time, by completeness or incompleteness, performance or non-response of its implementation.

Listed particle functions are grouped:

  • in the function of formation
  • in the function of a variety of communication features of the message.

Common to all these functions is that in all cases they are present

  • the value of the relationship
  • relationships (standing) actions, states or a whole message to reality,
  • relationship relations to the reported,

moreover, both of these types of relationships are very often combined in the value of one particle.

The meaning of the particle as a separate word is the relation that is expressed by it in the proposal.

Particle discharges

In accordance with the above functions, the following main discharge of particles are distinguished:

  1. forming particles (Let, let, let's, yes, come, would, b, it happened):
    • forming forms of words;
    • the degrees of comparison of adjectives and the shortcomings;
  2. negative particles (not, nor, not at all, not, by no means);
  3. particles characterizing a sign (action or condition) for its time flow, on completeness or incompleteness, performance or not effectiveness of implementation;
  4. modal particles:
    • questionage particles (whether, really, is it);
    • indexing particles (here, won);
    • specifying particles (exactly, just,);
    • outline and restrictive particles (only, only, exclusively, almost that, unique);
    • exclamation particles (what for, as);
    • amplifying particles (even, neither, because, after all);
    • mitigation requirements (- feed-ka, puff) -to (milk escaped); Also for this purpose, the word is used. (mark-up-s)originating from the abbreviated circulation of "sir";
    • doubt (hardly, hardly);
    • peaceful particles (let be).

Essentially, that modal (estimated, expressive) values \u200b\u200bare present in one form or in particles of negative, questionative, characterizing the effect on its flow or performance, in replica particles.

Classification of particles by origin


The simplest (for several exceptions) are the simplest (for several exceptions), one-step particles, in the present language, which have no living word-forming links and formal relations with the words of other classes.


All other particles are undeveloped.

Classification of particles in composition


Simples are called particles consisting of one word. Print particles include all the primary particles, as well as particles, in varying degrees of livelihoods with unions, placed words, adverbs, verbs or pretexts. In addition to the primary particles, it includes: union (part of speech) | A, the benefit, more, more, literally, happens, it happened, it was, because, in (simple), at all, won, so, it seems, everything , in total, where, look, yes (not in the form of the form will be launched. Skl.), Come on (those), even give (those), really, unique, if, more, know, and, or, exactly how, where, okay, whether (particle) | Lee, better, in no way (simple., I need.), nothing, nothing, however, is finally, it is simple (simple), positively, just, straight, let, let it, is it , decisively, exactly, the most, itself, rather, as if, at all, thanks (in the meaning well), so, there, too,, just, for sure, even though, what is purely (simple), what, so that , ek, it is. (But, contrary to the problem, in their composition is not included!) Not a negative particle of not true, disadvantage, misfortune, impossible

As already mentioned, all these particles have close external and internal ties with other classes of words: in them in varying degrees there are elements of values

  • impoverished (literally, good, in (simple), at all, won, here, where, indeed, the only thing, more, exactly how, where, okay, nothing, nothing, is completely positive, just, straight, decisively, perfectly, quite, so, there is good),
  • locomotive words (everything, everything, what, it's the most, to you, what is it),
  • verbs (it happens, it was, let's (those), give (those), see (those), know),
  • unions (a, the benefit, because, yes, even, if, and, or, or, but, however, let, let, unless, exactly, as if, too, just, for sure, even though, so that to)
  • comparatives (more, more, better, rather: Rather, die than agree; rather, holidays!),
  • prepositions (like: Like someone calls?),
  • interjections (ek, thank you: they are, what heat! Will you not find places. Thank you in the cellar Sosked Little. N. Uspensky).

Sometimes in the same word, the proximity and interlacing of the values \u200b\u200bof the particle and the union, particles and adverbs, particles and verb, particles and pronouns, particles and interjections are so close that the opposition of such values \u200b\u200bas owned by the words of different classes is illegal, and the word should qualify as "particle-union", "particle-adverb," \u200b\u200bparticle-pronoun, etc.;


Particles formed from two (less often - more) words:

  • two particles
  • particles and Union,
  • particles and pretext
  • particles and isolated from their class of verb shape or adverb.

Composite particles can be absent - their components in the proposal cannot be divided by other words, or disjointed: their components in the proposal can be separated in other words. Inside the composite particles, particles-phraseological generals are distinguished: these are several service words (or service words and isolated from their classes of impossible, forms of plans or verbs), the living relationship between which in modern language is missing; Such particles may also be disjointed or absent.


Their components in the proposal can be divided by other words. Dissected particles:

That would be a rain!; Here it would be a rain!); So (here is your friend!; here you are the result!; did you believe him? So believe after that people!); That's the way (here is so orders!); This is so orders!; Here we have a garden so garden!; So he has developed so much!); Almost no (almost late; hardly he did not break his head); Hardly not (he hardly licked in life for the first time); How not (how not to understand!; how can I not know the way!); No matter how if the rain did not go); If only (only rain would not be!); Not enough (simple) (I began to call the bell to the bell, did not cut a little. Costs; from fear I didn't even fall on the ground. Lesk.); Let them (let them sang!); Rather, would rather be spring!; Spring would rather!); so and (so it can rest; so he did not recognize me); If only it would be (just wondered!) Only and (only and conversation, that about the trip; only about the trip and conversation); at least (at least it would not have grumbled!); a little (was) not (I did not break a little leg); Like anyone (he is now not a big boss).

Particles are always dismembered

Isn't it (if we do not rest?), Not (do not spend the night here!).

Frameological particles:

No, no and (yes) (no, no yes, it will visit; there is no grandfather and remember); What kind of news?; what is yours!); What of (what) (what am I from his promises!; now from what he returned?).

From composite particles, a variety grouping around the simple particle should be distinguished, easily arising and easily disintegrating complexes, characteristic primarily for modal particles; eg:

just - so, well, so, already ... as - yes, how, how, how, yes, how, well, how; like - It seems, it seems like, it seems, it seems like;

Not dissected

their components in the proposal cannot be divided by in other words.

And then (- are not afraid? - And then I'm afraid !; can be empty? - And then suddenly will not be allowed); Without that (a person he is already silent, and then he closed at all. Fields.; there is no time to wait, no longer late); It was b (simple) (it was not to stay, and go home!); unlikely; Just-going (time is just an hour); yet; Look and (talk) (waited, waiting, look and fell asleep); far from (not sure about success; far from beauty); Divi would (simple) (DIVI would know the matter, otherwise it is unacceptable!); To what (how good is the forest! What are you tired!); Would be; If (if it were not for war!); Still (you don't touch you. - Would you touch!; it's good enough! - It would not be good!); And there is (simple) (- did not recognize, it can be seen? - did not recognize and eat. Bazhov; - Look, guys, peak! - peak and there is. Fad.); And so (do not be angry, I'm so repent; why he has money, he has a lot and so); And that (on the rink and then they are not allowed; I saw a long time ago, and then a glimpse; talk to him. - And then I'll talk); As it is (simple) (everything is as it is, you said correctly. Bazhov; - frozen? - as it is frozen); how; Just (I came just in time; I'm afraid of service: Just under responsibility you will fall. Turg.); How so (- Farewell. - How do you forgive?); somehow; Where as (where as fun!); All right; To which (for which heter, and it was wrong); no no; unlikely; Not at all (by no means beautiful); simply (he simply laughs above us); so (also did not appear?); So (- I have a tobacco all. - So all?); Whether not (or not life!); That's something (then I'm glad!; then I watch it recumbent); There's the same (there is from the mixtured: I said something: he began to laugh. Mushroom.; a boy, but arms back); And and (made themselves. - Also themselves?; This is a disease. - Correct the disease!); To coat and (while they were going, to hug and rain went); Well (- Let's go? - What, let's go; I agree that g); What (call, what?; help or something!; Are you deaf?);

Frameological particles (particles-phrases)

Solving several official words (or service words and isolated from their classes of impossible, forms of plans or verbs), the living relationship between which in modern language is missing; Such particles may also be disjointed or absent.

Not otherwise - no other way - (not otherwise, as a thunderstorm, there will be no thunderstorm in the evening to be - there is no - (what a fur coat! No to think: somewhere Barinov Schuba? Necr.); Whether it is a matter (Ivan Ilyich is stupid; Whether we are with you. L. Tolstoy); Togo - Togo - Looks (Togo and Looks, it will be forgotten; it will be forgotten), Togo and wait - (simple) (the stove of that and wait falls. P. Bazhov) ; that is - that and see - (in addition and see what) (after all, too much lyry; in addition, and see what breaks the neck! N. Gogol); exactly in exactly; that neither is that neither there (simple. ) (This is his favorite song).

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Among the particles should be separated. Examples of them in Russian are quite numerous. The difficulty is that they can perform several functions, also particles are often transmitted in the wonder how these particles are represented in Russian, the examples will help this.


What is a particle? This is a special service part of speech, which is designed to transmit additional semantic or emotional shades of both the entire proposal as a whole and a specific word. They also have another important feature: participate in the formation of word forms.

We will analyze two sentences in which particles are used. Examples are as follows:

  • Only she can help me fulfill this hard work.
  • Let them quickly finish with this task and go to the next.

If in the first sentence of a particle only Enhances the pronoun she is, gives the Word to the value of the selection, exclusivity, then in the second particle let beperforms a completely different function - participates in the formation of an imperative ignition: let it end, let them go.

Syntactic role

As well as other service words (prepositions and unions), the particles do not bear the syntactic burden, to allocate them as a member of the sentence erroneously. The only exception is their forming role. In this case, the particle is indicated with the member of the sentence to which it is adjacent.

  • Weren't we met yesterday in the bus yesterday? (Supplement does not include a particle not.)
  • Let the lights sparkle brighter. (Leaving in the imperative ignition let it sparkle turns on a particle lose.)

Compare with proposals where there are not examples:

  • Do you have to doubt on class today? (Questionage of particle not does not bear the syntactic load.)
  • How beautiful the sea at dawn! (Exclamation particle like Not a member of the sentence.)

Main functions

We will understand, in the formation of what forms is used this part of speech (particle). Examples will help this.

  1. The imperative leap of the verb. These are particles: let (let him go), come on, yes. (Come on Hurry up to their duties . Yescelebration will start! )
  2. Conditional challenge of verb. A particle is used here would (b). (If a would bejust return everything back. Came B.you managed to manage would bemuch faster.)
  3. In order to form a comparison of the name of the adjective or adverb, particles are also used. Examples: Higher, less deep, most beautiful; More interestingly, less wide.
  4. A number of linguists allocate some (there are examples of them in this paragraph) as participating in the formation of uncertain proncesses: then, or, something,(Someone, somewhere, someone). However, the classic science still allocates them as suffixes and consoles (CD).

Transmitted values

Much more diverse examples will help to prove that with the help of these official words, various emotional and semantic shades can be transferred.

Several groups of such particles are distinguished:

  1. Questionative. Is it really, whether) Indicate the question. ( Reallyso it's hard to perform a simple order? Noti said that I would come after dinner? You Liestood behind that tree?)
  2. Exclamation. How that for Speak about admiration or indignation. ( howwonderful come home after the working day! What the Beautiful morning! What thedisobedient child! howyou can so terribly cooking soup!)
  3. Indexing. Here, won Used when it is necessary to attract the attention of the listener to any particular subject. ( Herethis house. He is over a thousand years old. Wonlook, wedge cranes.)
  4. Amplifying: even, after all, after all, then. They are used to emotionally strengthen a specific word. ( Evena small child knows what you need to wash your hands after the street. After alli warned that here you can make a mistake. Stillyou are irreparable romantic. Anya. Samewent to the forest through the chapher. To me -todo not know how hard it is to learn and work!)
  5. Clarifying: exactly exactly exactly - Used to designate specific items and phenomena. (It was for surethat dress that yesterday hung on the shop window. Exactly I'm trying to convey to you. JustPaul and should know it.)
  6. Moving doubt: unlikely, hardly. (Unlikelythere is a person who can help us. Hardlyhe will cope with such a complex test.)
  7. Negative particles: no, n.. Examples of their use will describe in more detail below. Here we just say that denial they are transmitted in different ways.

Denial with the help of not

Most difficulties cause precisely negative particles. The difficulty lies in the fact that they are used in various speech situations. So, particle not It is used when it is necessary to transfer the denying proposal as a whole. ( Notspeak with me in such a tone! I notcan notgo to this meeting . )

Another thing is a particle n.. It is designed to strengthen the already existing negation. In other words, it is always used in conjunction with not, giving it an additional value. By the way, instead of a particle not Maybe there is no equal word. (In the sky not t n.cloud n.puffy. I will not go n.to the store n.to visit - I want to stay at home.) Word notwhich is a surehead may descend, it can be easily restored from context. (In the House n.soul. Wed: no house n. souls.)

Particle n. Can take and amplifying. (Where to n.i will look - everywhere rejoice in the first sun.) In such cases, the official word is used in the apparent proposals together with for example, who, what, from where.

The spelling is not

When to write not, and when n.? The answer is simple: try "throw out" the controversial particle from the offer. If the meaning does not change - you need to use n., otherwise - not. (What book I n.i read, everywhere I meet the heroes, similar to your loved ones.) If you remove the proposals to remain the same, it will not suffer grammatically.

(Who not I was preparing for exams, I passed them very badly.) If you remove the particle, the sense of the proposal will change to the opposite. It is necessary to consume not.

It should also be remembered that in exclamation deals together with a particle only always written not. (Where he is only not I was looking for a loss - everything is useless!)

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"Particles in Russian"


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Morphological signs

A particle is a service part of speech serving to express various semantic shades of any member of the offer or proposal as a whole, as well as for the formation of ignition. The particle makes additional semantic shades in the offer and serves to form the forms of the word. Immutable part of speech. The particle is not a member of the sentence.

Morphological signs: Forming, negative, modal. Forming serve to form a conditional and imperative lifestyle. These include: Yes, come on, let's, would (b), let it be. Negative serve to express denial, increasing denial or give the proposal a positive value at double denial. These include: not, nor. Modal serve to express various semantic shades and feelings in the sentence. These include: Is it really, whether, as, how, only, only, already, etc.

Fodal particles make the following semantic shades:

1) Question: Is it really, for example: did you prepare a past material for today's lesson? Didn't you make the right choice by continuing education?

2) Note: Here, vo, for example: here is the necessary tools for practical classes;

3) Clarification: It is precisely, for example: it is this specialist who will be in demand for work in our company;

4) allocation, restriction: only, only, exclusively, for example: only those who passed will be admitted to exams. The medical worker should be extremely kind, responsive, merciful person;

5) Exclamation: What kind of, for example: how nice to see the teacher of the successes of his students!

6) Doubt: It is unlikely that, for example, for example, you can hardly handle the task if you don't make efforts;

7) Strengthening: Even, because, the whole, for example: how many times the main terms were repeated;

8) mitigation, requirement: - ka, for example: repeat this topic again.

Also, the particles are a class of words expressing diverse relations implemented in the act of speech or text, namely: the relation to the participants of the speech act (speaking, listening), as well as relations between them; the relation to reality (in terms of its reality, unreality; reliability, inaccuracy); The relationship between statements and their components. Expressing these relationships, particles implement their meanings. In some values, the particles are presented semantic components that modify the content side of the reported (only, in total, it was not, nor).

Particles, in addition, serve to form morphological and syntactic chances (would, let, let it). In the "grammar of the modern Russian literary language", particles are classified on another basis - according to functions. Three main discharge are distinguished: syntactic (would, let, yes, let's, etc.), subjectively modal (after all, even, whether, is it really, etc.) and negative (non-nor) particles. Among the subjective modal particles differ from the value of the amplifying (- it, even, because, here, the same), excretory (only, only only), etc. In "Russian grammar", the main discharge of particles are also allocated by functions. The characterization of the sign (action or state) in terms of its flow, on the completeness or incompleteness of the implementation, performance or not effectiveness (it was, it happens, etc.). The particles in this grammar are also classified in the structure: they are divided into primary and not primitive, on simple (A, benefit, more, etc.) and composite; Composite particles are divided into dismembered (here, here and, like this) and not dismembered (good, if, still, etc.); Inside the composite particles, particles-phrases are distinguished (no-no and; which is from the fact that other). Thus, the question of the classes of particles and the principles of their allocation is solved in different ways. In the study of particles, both lexical units in their system detects a large number of intersecting subclasses related to the most different relationships.

Different classifications that accept the classification unit can be applied to particles such as the classification unit (for example, in the classification suggested below). The most adequate linguistic reality are those classifications that reflect the semantic properties of particles. However, the analysis of the semantics of the particle is impossible without taking into account the specifics of their functioning. According to the main classification attribute, the semantic particles are divided into eleven discharges. Modal particles expressing different types of subjective relations. With the help of such particles, the values \u200b\u200bassociated with the two types of modality are expressed: reality / irreality and reliability / inaccuracy.

With the values \u200b\u200bof "Opportunity", "desirability", "necessity" associated with the opposition reality / irreality, relate to particles of the private values \u200b\u200bof waiting (simply, and, it is, nevertheless; for example, you agreed!), Surprise (Well, look, like), prompting, promotion, requirements, wishes (come on, well, so that, and then, let, if, when, well, it would be, for example, I have alive!; so that good Meet!), reminders / remember (tea, also, eg, take candy! - I do not see candies!; remember her: she also sang a song!), Assumptions (perhaps, like, exactly, like , for sure, in no way; for example, as if someone entered?), fears (unequal); With the opposition of reliability / inaccuracy, private confirmation values \u200b\u200bare associated with (yes, exactly), assumptions (let, well, well), doubts, distrust [yes, no, right, unless; For example: I will find you a book! Yes, you will find! (in the meaning "you will not find"); I'll stay. No, in fact? (in the meaning "I can not believe")]. Emotional-expressive particles expressing various emotional characteristics (threat, surprise, discontent, annoyance, irony, mockery): Well, hang, you are simple, straight. These words (except simply, straight) some researchers belong to interjections as the words serving the sphere of emotions. They come closer with particles when they function as a modal component of the proposal.

Additive particles expressing semantics associated with the social sphere. This semantics can be reduced to top / lower / equal oppression; Your / alien. This category includes particles: -Yo, -C (obsolete). In the values \u200b\u200bof the particle, a sign categorical / non-iconicity is detected, which displays modal values \u200b\u200binto the sphere. Contextual particles that serve to identify copyright behavior to attract attention to one or another components of statements or text. Contextual particles are associated with the organization of speech activities (already, and yes, no, here, won; for example, yes, one more news; yes, I almost forgot, you have a letter), with a different kind of clarifications regarding the elected expressions, fills "Void" in speech (or that, namely), and with instructions on the transfer of someone else's speech (mol, de, they say, allegedly). Quantitative particles, expressing the quantitative characteristics of the component of the propositional content from the point of view of the speaker (only, only, so).

Negative particles specialized in denial expression (no, no). The phase particle (was), which modifies the propositional semantics of the verb predicate, expressing the fact that the action began or was supposed, but was not accomplished or was interrupted. Separational particles expressing the meaning of inconsistency or compliance of the estimated, expected and valid (only, even even, as well as, and).

Identification particles [same, and; For example, he was born here, he lives all his life here; I have the same book (as the one that on the storefront)], which serve to express anaphoric relations in the text (of the relationship of kaperity or equalshexity). Graduation particles expressing the rise of the attribute (even). Replica particles and capable of functioning in a dialogue as a replicating component (yes, good, okay). Semantic classification covers the whole class of words, but does not reflect all the properties of this class. The second classification feature is the features of the part of the particle: some of them can function in a relatively closed statement (already, eq, only there, to you), others - to bring out a statement into a wider text, being non-union indicators of communication in the text (as if, and, . Well, only, even, it is). Particles can also be classified according to correlation with the type of speech act: the question - is it really, whether; motive - let, give, well, so that, and then; Approval - all other particles. This classification covers not the entire class -An-ry words in this respect are neutral, undefined, not labeled (only even, total). Particles, being with words having a wide variety of parameters, can simultaneously enter several classifications. Thus, the particles are even excretory, textual, not marked in terms of the mention of the speech act; EC particles - emotionally expressive, functions in isolated statements and in approval; particles is a modal, textual, questionative (relative to the speech act).

Separate writing of particles

Particles would (b), and (g), whether (l) are written separately: I would have read, if used, here, however, however, however, it is unlikely, hardly.

Note. The rule does not apply to those cases where the specified particles are part of the word: so that, too, too, is it, or others.

Defisc Writing of particles

The particles (suffixes) are written through the hyphen, - as, kone- (koy-), (- a dialect), -libe, -cu, -s, -the, -tho, -to: you de, she -Do, on-ka, nat, look, see, in some way, what, anyone, any, from somewhere, yes, well, shy, look somewhere, somewhere , Once, something. Note. A particle -e (collapse) is used when transmitting someone else's speech, as well as in the meaning of the verb, says (they say) and in the meaning of particles they say, they say; Wed: And since I will see de, that the execution of him is Mala, I'll hang all the judges around the table (kr.). "My countryman turned to the commander to the commander: so," let's leave, they say, the case is expensive, they say, since a local resident, to feed the courtyard (TV.). The particle they say (collapse) was formed by merging two words: de and say.